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Last active November 3, 2019 21:00
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Ball in the Chamber
height: 440
<script async src=></script>
<script defer src=sketch.js></script>
* Ball in the Chamber (v1.0.2)
* GoToLoop (2017-Nov-13)
* issues-passing-an-instance-of-one-class-into-another-class-in-p5-js#Item_7
'use strict';
const BALLS = 4, balls = Array(BALLS).fill(),
CHAMBERS = 8, chambers = Array(CHAMBERS).fill(),
BG = 0o350;
let bg;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 440);
bg = color(BG);
balls[0] = new Ball(50, 50, 4, 2);
balls[1] = new Ball(50, 80, 3, 5);
balls[2] = new Ball(100, 150, 4, 5);
balls[3] = new Ball(300, 300, 6, 2);
chambers[0] = new Chamber(1, 1, 'red');
chambers[1] = new Chamber(599, 1, 'lightgreen');
chambers[2] = new Chamber(1, 399, 'blue');
chambers[3] = new Chamber(599, 399, 'pink');
chambers[4] = new Chamber(300, 1, 'yellow');
chambers[5] = new Chamber(300, 399, 'cyan');
chambers[6] = new Chamber(1, 199, 'orange');
chambers[7] = new Chamber(599, 199, 'magenta');
function draw() {
for (const b of balls) {
for (const c of chambers) if (b.colliding(c)) {
b.c = c.c;
for (const c of chambers) c.display();
class Ball {
static get DIM() {
delete this.DIM;
return this.DIM = 25;
static get RAD() {
delete this.RAD;
return this.RAD = this.DIM >> 1;
static get BOLD() {
delete this.BOLD;
return this.BOLD = 2;
static get STROKE() {
delete this.STROKE;
return this.STROKE = color(0);
static get INIT_FILL() {
delete this.INIT_FILL;
return this.INIT_FILL = color(0xff);
constructor(x, y, vx, vy) {
this.x = x, this.y = y, this.vx = vx, this.vy = vy;
this.c = Ball.INIT_FILL;
script() {
return this.update().display();
update() {
const { RAD } = Ball;
if ((this.x += this.vx) > width - RAD | this.x < RAD) this.vx *= -1;
if ((this.y += this.vy) > height - RAD | this.y < RAD) this.vy *= -1;
return this;
display() {
fill(this.c).ellipse(this.x, this.y, Ball.DIM);
return this;
colliding(c) {
const { RAD } = c.constructor;
return sq(c.x + RAD - this.x) + sq(c.y + RAD - this.y) < sq(RAD + Ball.RAD);
class Chamber {
static get DIM() {
delete this.DIM;
return this.DIM = 40;
static get RAD() {
delete this.RAD;
return this.RAD = this.DIM >> 1;
static get BOLD() {
delete this.BOLD;
return this.BOLD = 2;
static get STROKE() {
delete this.STROKE;
return this.STROKE = color(0);
constructor(x, y, c) {
this.x = x, this.y = y, this.c = color(c);
display() {
fill(this.c).rect(this.x, this.y, Chamber.DIM, Chamber.DIM);
return this;
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