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Created December 5, 2010 03:07
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Energy Flow Diagrams, 1949-2009

This Sankey diagram was created using the layout created by Brian Staats ( -- thanks Brian!

It is based on the Lawrence Livermore National Labs energy flow charts,

My version currently has a couple of bugs:

  1. My friend helped get it working in its current incarnation by adding in a check to see "if (vis == null)". He said it has to do with the fact that I'm using "getVal" for each value every time the slider moves and "updateDisplay" is called. This isn't done on the two other time-series JQuery examples I've been following, but I can't figure out how to change mine. Any suggestions? Here are those two examples:

  1. I'm not sure how to make it so that I can color each line individually. Really I need to code each flow with a specific color, since multiple flows might need the same color. You can see what I mean on the reference chart:

Smaller issues:

  1. 1949 is messed up -- not sure why.

  2. There is a buildup of labels in the upper-left corner of the chart.

  3. Some of the flow lines are wrong, but I've been stuck on these other issues.

Other things I'm hoping to add: Rollover highlighting and numbers, maybe the ability to remove data sets with check boxes, maybe conversions to other units, probably the US use in relation to the rest of the world (see

Thanks for any help!


var comm = [{"year":"1949","coal":"1,554,118","natGas":"359,992","petroleum":"736,198","hydro":"0","geotherm":"0","solar":"0","biomass":"19,986","elec":"200,104"},
var elec = [{"year":"1949","coal":"1,995,055","natGas":"569,375","petroleum":"414,632","nuclear":"0","hydro":"1,349,185","geotherm":"0","solar":"0","wind":"0","biomass":"5,803","netImports":"5,420"},
var ind = [{"year":"1949","coal":"5,433,101","coalImports":"-6,671","natGas":"3,188,492","petroleum":"3,467,786","hydro":"75,537","geotherm":"0","biomass":"468,287","elec":"418,280"},
<title>Sankey Diagram</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Sankey.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="comm.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="elec.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ind.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="res.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="trans.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.ui.mouse.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.ui.slider.js"></script>
<!-- This is the javascript initialization for the slider, run when the page loads
see for more info
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">
$(function() {
min: 1949,
max: 2009,
step: 1,
slide: function(event, ui) {
//myYear = ui.value;
//alert ("value: " + ui.value);
//alert ("myYear: " + myYear);
// set everything back to value after refreshing
// sets year's value to slider's value
<div id="container">
<h1>Pick a year to see where our power came from and where it went</h1>
<!-- Step 1: Call The Slider -->
<div id="slider"></div>
<!-- Step 2: Write Input Field -->
<label for="year">Year:</label>
<input type="text" id="year" style="border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;" />
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">
// For now it's just for 2009, but can be put into a function
//function whatever(myYear) {}
var myYear = year.value;
var vis;
// This function is from Dan Bluestein (aka getMyAwesomeValue)
// Takes in a year, a table (category), and a column in "quotes"
// NOTE: This usage simulates an "associative array" --
// Returns a scaled integer
function getVal(myYear, category, column) {
// defines and sets val equal to e.g. for 1949 -> elec[0]["natGas"]
var val = category[myYear-1949][column];
// str_replace (string replace) to replace commas with nothing
var valNoCommas = val.replace(/,/g,'');
// then parseInt on return value of that (wrap it around other function call)
var valInteger = parseInt(valNoCommas);
// scale it down by 600,000
var valScaled = valInteger / 600000
return valScaled;
function updateDisplay(myYear) {
//alert ("myYear: " + myYear);
var a = getVal(myYear,res,"solar"); // resSolar;
var b = getVal(myYear,elec,"solar"); // elecSolar;
var c = getVal(myYear,elec,"nuclear"); // elecNuclear;
// hydro
var d = getVal(myYear,elec,"hydro"); // elecHydro;
var e = getVal(myYear,ind,"hydro"); // indHydro;
var f = getVal(myYear,comm,"hydro"); // commHydro;
// wind
var g = getVal(myYear,elec,"wind"); // elecWind;
// geothermal
var h = getVal(myYear,elec,"geotherm"); // elecGeotherm;
var i = getVal(myYear,res,"geotherm"); // resGeotherm;
var j = getVal(myYear,comm,"geotherm"); // commGeotherm;
var k = getVal(myYear,ind,"geotherm"); // indGeotherm;
// natural gas
var l = getVal(myYear,trans,"natGas"); // transNatGas;
var m = getVal(myYear,ind,"natGas"); // indNatGas;
var n = getVal(myYear,comm,"natGas"); // commNatGas;
var o = getVal(myYear,elec,"natGas"); // elecNatGas;
var p = getVal(myYear,res,"natGas"); // resNatGas;
// coal
var q = getVal(myYear,elec,"coal"); // elecCoal;
var r = getVal(myYear,res,"coal"); // resCoal;
var s = getVal(myYear,comm,"coal"); // commCoal;
var t = getVal(myYear,ind,"coal"); // indCoal;
// biomass
var u = getVal(myYear,elec,"biomass"); // elecBiomass;
var v = getVal(myYear,res,"biomass"); // resBiomass;
var w = getVal(myYear,comm,"biomass"); // commBiomass;
var x = getVal(myYear,ind,"biomass"); // indBiomass;
var y = getVal(myYear,trans,"biomass"); // transBiomass;
// petroleum
var z = getVal(myYear,elec,"petroleum"); // elecPetroleum;
var aa = getVal(myYear,res,"petroleum"); // resPetroleum;
var bb = getVal(myYear,comm,"petroleum"); // commPetroleum;
var cc = getVal(myYear,ind,"petroleum"); // indPetroleum;
var dd = getVal(myYear,trans,"petroleum"); // transPetroleum;
// electricity
var ff = getVal(myYear,trans,"elec") // transElec;
var gg = getVal(myYear,ind,"elec") // indElec;
var hh = getVal(myYear,comm,"elec") // commElec;
var ii = getVal(myYear,res,"elec") // resElec;
var nn = getVal(myYear,elec,"netImports"); // elecImport;
var ee = ii + hh + gg + ff - nn;
// resElec + commElec + indElec + transElec - elecImport;
// total inputs
var resIn = ii + a + i + p + r + v + aa;
// resElec + resSolar + resGeotherm + resNatGas + resCoal + resBiomass + resPetroleum;
// ii + a + i + p + r + v + aa;
var commIn = hh + f + j + n + s + w + bb;
// commElec + commHydro + commGeotherm + commNatGas + commCoal + commBiomass + commPetroleum;
// hh + f + j + n + s + w + bb;
var indIn = gg + e + k + m + t + x + cc;
// indElec + indHydro + indGeotherm + indNatGas + indCoal + indBiomass + indPetroleum;
// gg + e + k + m + t + x + cc;
var transIn = ff + l + y + dd;
// transElec + transNatGas + transBiomass + transPetroleum;
// ff + l + y + dd;
// partial outputs
var jj = 0.8 * resIn; // 80% efficient residential
var kk = 0.8 * commIn; // 80% efficient commercial
var ll = 0.8 * indIn; // 80% efficient industry
var mm = 0.25 * transIn; // 25% efficient transporatation
var oo = b + c + d + g + h + o + q + u + z - nn - ff - gg - hh - ii;
// elecSolar + elecNuclear + elecHydro + elecWind + elecGeotherm + elecNatGas + elecCoal + elecBiomass + elecPetroleum
// - elecImport - transElec - indElec - commElec - resElec;
var pp = 0.2 * resIn;
var qq = 0.2 * commIn;
var rr = 0.2 * indIn;
var ss = 0.75 * transIn;
var graph = {
{nodeName:"0 Solar"},
{nodeName:"1 Nuclear"},
{nodeName:"2 Hydro"},
{nodeName:"3 Wind"},
{nodeName:"4 Geothermal"},
{nodeName:"5 Natural Gas"},
{nodeName:"6 Coal"},
{nodeName:"7 Biomass"},
{nodeName:"8 Petroleum"},
{nodeName:"9 Electricity Generation"},
{nodeName:"10 Residential"},
{nodeName:"11 Commercial"},
{nodeName:"12 Industrial"},
{nodeName:"13 Transportation"},
{nodeName:"14 Rejected Energy"},
{nodeName:"15 Energy Services"},
// these set up the overall structure of the graph
// there might be a better way than this -- these will be ghosts
{flow:[0,9,10,14], value:0},
{flow:[0,9,10,15], value:0},
{flow:[0,9,11,15], value:0},
{flow:[0,9,12,14], value:0},
{flow:[0,9,13,15], value:0},
// sources to 9 electrical
{flow:[0,9], value:b}, // 0 solar
{flow:[1,9], value:c}, // 1 nuclear
{flow:[2,9], value:d}, // 2 hydro
{flow:[3,9], value:g}, // 3 wind
{flow:[4,9], value:h}, // 4 geothermal
{flow:[5,9], value:o}, // 5 natural gas
{flow:[6,9], value:q}, // 6 coal
{flow:[7,9], value:u}, // 7 biomass
{flow:[8,9], value:z}, // 8 petroleum
// sources to 10 residential
{flow:[0,10], value:a}, // 0 solar
{flow:[4,10], value:i}, // 4 geothermal
{flow:[5,10], value:p}, // 5 natural gas
{flow:[7,10], value:v}, // 7 biomass
{flow:[8,10], value:aa}, // 8 petroleum
{flow:[9,10], value:ii}, // 9 electricity
// sources to 11 commercial
{flow:[4,11], value:j}, // 4 geothermal
{flow:[5,11], value:n}, // 5 natural gas
{flow:[7,11], value:w}, // 7 biomass
{flow:[8,11], value:bb}, // 8 petroleum
{flow:[9,11], value:gg}, // 9 electricity
// sources to 12 industrial
{flow:[2,12], value:e}, // 2 hydro
{flow:[5,12], value:m}, // 5 natural gas
{flow:[6,12], value:t}, // 6 coal
{flow:[7,12], value:x}, // 7 biomass
{flow:[8,12], value:cc}, // 8 petroleum
// sources to 13 transportation
{flow:[5,13], value:l}, // 5 natural gas
{flow:[7,13], value:y}, // 7 biomass
{flow:[8,13], value:dd}, // 8 petroleum
// 9 electricity to sectors
{flow:[9,10], value:ii}, // to 10 residential
{flow:[9,11], value:hh}, // to 11 commercial
{flow:[9,12], value:gg}, // to 12 industrial
{flow:[9,13], value:ff}, // to 13 transportation
// sectors to 14 rejected
{flow:[9,14], value:oo}, // 9 electricity
{flow:[10,14], value:pp}, // 10 residential
{flow:[11,14], value:qq}, // 11 commercial
{flow:[12,14], value:rr}, // 12 industrial
{flow:[13,14], value:ss}, // 13 transporation
// sectors to 15 useful
{flow:[10,15], value:jj}, // 10 residential
{flow:[11,15], value:kk}, // 11 commercial
{flow:[12,15], value:ll}, // 12 industrial
{flow:[13,15], value:mm} // 13 transportation
var h = 400,
w = 600;
if ( vis == null ) {
vis = new pv.Panel()
var layout = vis.add(pv.Panel)
.flow(graph.links); // SPECIAL FIELD: link
layout.label.add(pv.Label) // SPECIAL FIELD: label
.textAlign(function(d) d.depth==0 ? 'right' : d.depth==1 ? 'left' : 'center');
var res = [{"year":"1949","coal":"1,271,551","natGas":"1,027,283","petroleum":"1,111,771","geotherm":"0","solar":"0","biomass":"1,055,186","elec":"227,894"},
* Constructs a new, empty Sankey layout. Layouts are not typically constructed
* directly; instead, they are added to an existing panel via
* {@link pv.Mark#add}.
* @class Implements a layout for Sankey diagrams. An Sankey diagram is a directed weighted
* network visualization where typically the nodes are ordered into groups/levels and hidden
* to simply revel the weighted links between them.
*<p>A typical definition of a Sankey diagram is a directional flow chart where the width of
* the streams is proportional to the quantity of flow, and where the flows can be combined,
* split and traced through a series of events or stages. (source: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Blog
*<p>There are several ways to layout a Sankey diagram. This particular implementation
* maps flows between nodes as define for each link. Example below:
** var graph = {
* nodes:[
* {nodeName:"n0"},
* {nodeName:"n1"},
* {nodeName:"n2"},
* {nodeName:"n3"}
* ],
* links:[
* {flow:[0,1], value:5},
* {flow:[0,2], value:5},
* {flow:[0,3], value:5}
* ]
* };
*This simple graph has a single source node with three outFlows going to 3 sink nodes.
* Nodes are ordered from left to right as defined by the flows in the links.
* <ul>
* <li>Implement orientation for top and bottom (currently only left and right)
* <li>Line drawing priority: thinner lines need to be drawn last (on top)
* <li>????
* </ul>For more details on how this layout is structured and can be customized,
* see {@link pv.Layout.Network}.
* @extends pv.Layout.Network
pv.Layout.Sankey = function() {; // Network diagram, p) { return p.linkValue; });
var that = this,
buildImplied = that.buildImplied;
this.buildImplied = function(s) {
curve = s.curve;, s);
function curveX(src,tar,level){
switch (level) {
case 0: return src.x;
case 1: return src.x+((src.x-tar.x)*-curve);
case 2: return tar.x-((tar.x-src.x)*curve);
case 3: return tar.x;
function curveY(fnode,lnode,link,level){
var links = level<2 ? 'outLinks' : 'inLinks';
fnode = link.targetNode;
lnode = link.sourceNode;
var prevWidths = pv.sum(fnode[links].slice(0,fnode[links].indexOf(link)),function(d){return d.value});
return fnode.y - that.size( fnode.maxWidth/2 ) + that.size( prevWidths+link.value/2 );
function curveLink(link, level){
var curvedlink = pv.extend(link)
src = curvedlink.sourceNode,
tar = curvedlink.targetNode;
curvedlink.x = curveX(src,tar,level);
curvedlink.y = curveY(src,tar,link,level);
return curvedlink;
}; {
link.linkValue = that.size(link.value);
return [curveLink(link,0),
.interpolate(function() { return interpolate ? interpolate : "monotone"; });
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype = pv.extend(pv.Layout.Network)
.property("orient", String) // left, right, TODO: top, bottom
.property("center", Boolean) // true, false TODO: center negates widths, account for widths
.property('order', String) // null, ascending, descending
.property('spacing', Number) // spacingin between nodes in data scale (not pixels)
.property('curve', Number) // line curve
.property("flow", function(v) {
return {
if (isNaN(d.linkValue)) d.linkValue = isNaN(d.value) ? 1 : d.value;
return d;
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.defaults = new pv.Layout.Sankey()
/** @private */
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.$scaletype = undefined;
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.$scale = undefined;
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.scale = function(f) {
this.$scaletype = f;
return this;
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.applyscale = function(min,max,rmin,rmax) {
return this.$scaletype.apply(this, [min,max]).range(rmin,rmax);
return null;
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.size = function(value) {
return this.$scale(value);
return value;
pv.Layout.Sankey.node = function(n){
var node = new pv.Dom.Node(n);
node.nodeName = node.nodeValue.nodeName;
node.inValue = node.outValue = node.maxWidth = 0;
node.inLinks = [],
node.outLinks = [],
node.parentNodes = [];
return node;
pv.Layout.Sankey.nodes = function(){
return, function(n,i){ return pv.Layout.Sankey.node(n) });
pv.Layout.Sankey.mergeLinks = function(links){
var merged = [],
nest = pv.nest(links)
.key(function(d){return d.source})
for(var source in nest){
for(var target in nest[source]){
merged.push( {source: parseInt(source), target: parseInt(target),
value: pv.sum(nest[source][target], function(d){ return d.value; }) } );
return merged;
/** @private Compute the implied links. (Links are null by default.) */
pv.Layout.Sankey.prototype.buildImplied = function(s){
var that = this,
maxdepth = 0,
maxBreadths = [],
maxWidths = [],
groups = {},
orderedGroups = {},
links = [],
filter = (s.filter) ? s.filter[0] : [],
nodes = s.nodes =;
if(link.flow.length > maxdepth) maxdepth = link.flow.length;
// create all links
links.push( { source:link.flow[i-1], target:f, value: link.value } )
// determine groups
groups[i] = [nodes[f]];
if(groups[i].indexOf(nodes[f])==-1) groups[i].push(nodes[f]);
s.links = pv.Layout.Sankey.mergeLinks(links);
l.sourceNode = nodes[parseInt(l.source)];
l.targetNode = nodes[parseInt(];
if(l.sourceNode.outLinks.indexOf(l)==-1) l.sourceNode.outValue += l.value; l.sourceNode.outLinks.push(l);
if(l.targetNode.inLinks.indexOf(l)==-1) l.targetNode.inValue += l.value; l.targetNode.inLinks.push(l);
l.sourceNode.maxWidth = pv.max([l.sourceNode.maxWidth, l.sourceNode.outValue, l.sourceNode.inValue]);
l.targetNode.maxWidth = pv.max([l.targetNode.maxWidth, l.targetNode.outValue, l.targetNode.inValue]);
for(var g in groups){
var orderedNodes = [];[g], function(n,i){
n.outLinks.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.reverseOrder(a.value, b.value)} );
n.inLinks.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.reverseOrder(a.value, b.value)} );
}else if(s.order=='descending'){
n.outLinks.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.naturalOrder(a.value, b.value)} );
n.inLinks.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.naturalOrder(a.value, b.value)} );
// sort nodes
orderedNodes.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.reverseOrder(a.maxWidth, b.maxWidth)} );
}else if(s.order=='descending'){
orderedNodes.sort(function(a, b){ return pv.naturalOrder(a.maxWidth, b.maxWidth)} );
orderedGroups[g] = orderedNodes;
groups = orderedGroups;
if (, s)) return;
s.scales = {};
for(var g in groups){
var maxWidth = 0, maxBreadth = 0;[g], function(n){
n.depth = g==0 ? 0 : g * (1/(maxdepth-1));
n.breadth = 1/groups[g].length;
maxWidth += n.maxWidth+s.spacing;
maxBreadth = Math.max(maxBreadth, groups[g].length);
n.siblingIndex = groups[g].indexOf(n);
s.scales[g] = that.applyscale(0, maxWidth,0, s.height)
s.groups = groups;
that.$scale = that.applyscale(0, pv.max(maxWidths),0,s.height), s);
pv.Layout.Sankey.NodeLink = {
/** @private */
buildImplied: function(s) {
var that = this,
orient = s.orient,
center =,
space = that.size(s.spacing),
w = s.width,
h = s.height;
function x(n) {
switch (orient) {
case "left": return n.depth * w;
case "right": return w - n.depth * w;
// case "top": return n.breadth * w;
// case "bottom": return w - n.breadth * w;
function y(prevWidth,width) {
switch (orient) {
case "left": return prevWidth + width / 2;
case "right": return prevWidth + width / 2;
// case "top": return n.depth * h;
// case "bottom": return h - n.depth * h;
for(var g in s.groups){
var prevWidth = 0;
var scale = s.scales[g];[g], function(n){
var width = (scale) ? scale(n.maxWidth) : n.maxWidth;
n.x = x(n);
n.y = y(prevWidth,width);
if(center) n.y = (h * n.breadth * (n.siblingIndex + 0.5) );
prevWidth = n.y + width / 2 + space ;
var trans = [{"year":"1949","coal":"1,727,246","natGas":"","petroleum":"6,152,335","biomass":"0","elec":"22,114"},
Copy link

This diagram is based on the Lawrence Livermore National Labs energy flow charts, The time-series idea came before I discovered a 1973 publication that explored this very idea using fold-outs in a printed book (download it from This version has a couple of bugs:

  1. 1949, the first year, is messed up.
  2. there is a buildup of labels in the upper-left corner of the chart
  3. some of the lines are wrong
  4. I can't figure out how to change the colors of the many different lines, that is, to code each one as in the examples linked to above.

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