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Last active September 22, 2017 03:22
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Pulsing Equations
height: 500
<script async src=></script>
<script defer src=></script>
<script defer src=sketch.js></script>
* Pulsing Equations (v3.0.2)
* by _vk (2014/Sep)
* mod GoToLoop (2017/Sep/21)
* some-simple-pulse-equations-using-trig-#Item_10
"use strict";
const EQUATIONS = Object.freeze([
"sin(pow(8.0, sin(t)))",
"sin(t - PI*tan(t)*.01)",
"pow(sin(t*PI), 12.0)",
"sin(tan(t)*pow(sin(t), 10.0))",
"cos(sin(t*3.0) + t*3.0)",
"pow(abs(sin(t*2.0))*.6, sin(t*2.0)) * .6"
const TXT = 'Press any button for next equation',
FNT = 'DejaVu Sans',
FPS = 60, OFFSET = 20, OPACITY = 50,
vals = { size: 200, step: .5, spd: .15, amp: 5 };
let idx = 0, equation = EQUATIONS[idx], x = 0, txtW;
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500).mouseClicked(keyTyped);
txtW = OFFSET + textWidth(TXT);
function draw() {
fill(0, OPACITY).noStroke();
rect(0, 0, width, height - 150);
fill(0).rect(0, height - 50, width, height);
fill(220).ellipse(35, height - 37, 20);
text(nf(idx+1, 2), 26, height - 32);
text(TXT, width - txtW, height - 12);
text(equation, 54, height - 32);
const diam = evalEquation(equation, millis()*vals.spd, vals.size);
fill(0xff).ellipse(width>>1, (height>>1) - 100, diam);
stroke(0xd0, 0, 0).point(x, height - 100 + diam/vals.amp);
stroke(80, 0, 0).line(0, height - 100, width, height - 100);
if ((x += vals.step) > width || x < 0) {
x = x > width? 0 : width
rect(0, height - 150, width, height);
function keyTyped() {
fill(x = 0).noStroke();
rect(0, height - 250, width, height);
equation = EQUATIONS[idx = (idx+1) % EQUATIONS.length];
function evalEquation(expression, theta, mult) {
const t = theta * DEG_TO_RAD;
return mult * eval(expression);
function createGUI() {
const gui = new dat.GUI;
gui.add(vals, 'size', height>>2, height>>1, 1); // 200
gui.add(vals, 'step', -3, 3, .01); // .5
gui.add(vals, 'spd', -2, 2, .01); // .15
gui.add(vals, 'amp', -20, 20, .1); // 5
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