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Last active December 17, 2015 08:19
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Save andrewxhill/5579335 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Color World: Collect data from Google Form and insert into CartoDB

Steps for building a google form + cartodb table to collect data

Figure out what data you want to collect. I'm going to collect

  • What color people like (color)
  • Where they are located (location)

Create a table to store the results

  • Create blank table with columns for color and location

Create a form to collect data

  • select Create new Form
  • create form
  • store results in a new spreadsheet

Go to the new spreadsheet

  • Tools
  • Script editor
  • Create a script for => Spreadsheet

Edit script

  • rename to CartoDBColors
  • use the attached set of functions
  • add trigger on onFormSubmit for 'on form submit'

Share your form with the world!

  • enjoy data collection straight into CartoDB :)
#color_world {
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   marker-opacity: 0.5;
   marker-width: 33;
   marker-line-width: 0;
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[zoom < 4] {marker-width: 60;
[zoom < 3] {marker-width: 66;
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[named_color='indianred']{ marker-fill: #B0171F;}
[named_color='darkblue']{ marker-fill: #00008B;}
[named_color='mediumaquamarine']{ marker-fill: #66CDAA;}
[named_color='mediumblue']{ marker-fill: #0000CD;}
[named_color='yellowgreen']{ marker-fill: #9ACD32;}
[named_color='aliceblue']{ marker-fill: #F0F8FF;}
[named_color='antiquewhite']{ marker-fill: #FAEBD7;}
[named_color='aqua']{ marker-fill: #00FFFF;}
[named_color='aquamarine']{ marker-fill: #7FFFD4;}
[named_color='azure']{ marker-fill: #F0FFFF;}
[named_color='banana']{ marker-fill: #E3CF57;}
[named_color='beet']{ marker-fill: #8E388E;}
[named_color='beige']{ marker-fill: #F5F5DC;}
[named_color='bisque']{ marker-fill: #FFE4C4;}
[named_color='black']{ marker-fill: #000000;}
[named_color='blanchedalmond']{ marker-fill: #FFEBCD;}
[named_color='blue']{ marker-fill: #0000FF;}
[named_color='blueviolet']{ marker-fill: #8A2BE2;}
[named_color='brick']{ marker-fill: #9C661F;}
[named_color='brightgray']{ marker-fill: #C5C1AA;}
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[named_color='burntsienna']{ marker-fill: #8A360F;}
[named_color='burntumber']{ marker-fill: #8A3324;}
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[named_color='cadmiumyellow']{ marker-fill: #FF9912;}
[named_color='carrot']{ marker-fill: #ED9121;}
[named_color='chartreuse']{ marker-fill: #7FFF00;}
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[named_color='emeraldgreen']{ marker-fill: #00C957;}
[named_color='firebrick']{ marker-fill: #B22222;}
[named_color='flesh']{ marker-fill: #FF7D40;}
[named_color='floralwhite']{ marker-fill: #FFFAF0;}
[named_color='forestgreen']{ marker-fill: #228B22;}
[named_color='fuchsia']{ marker-fill: #FF00FF;}
[named_color='gainsboro']{ marker-fill: #DCDCDC;}
[named_color='ghostwhite']{ marker-fill: #F8F8FF;}
[named_color='gold']{ marker-fill: #FFD700;}
[named_color='goldenrod']{ marker-fill: #DAA520;}
[named_color='gray']{ marker-fill: #808080;}
[named_color='green']{ marker-fill: #008000;}
[named_color='greenyellow']{ marker-fill: #ADFF2F;}
[named_color='honeydew']{ marker-fill: #F0FFF0;}
[named_color='hotpink']{ marker-fill: #FF69B4;}
[named_color='indianred']{ marker-fill: #CD5C5C;}
[named_color='indigo']{ marker-fill: #4B0082;}
[named_color='ivory']{ marker-fill: #FFFFF0;}
[named_color='ivoryblack']{ marker-fill: #292421;}
[named_color='khaki']{ marker-fill: #FFF68F;}
[named_color='khaki']{ marker-fill: #F0E68C;}
[named_color='lavender']{ marker-fill: #E6E6FA;}
[named_color='lavenderblush']{ marker-fill: #FFF0F5;}
[named_color='lawngreen']{ marker-fill: #7CFC00;}
[named_color='lemonchiffon']{ marker-fill: #FFFACD;}
[named_color='lightblue']{ marker-fill: #ADD8E6;}
[named_color='lightcoral']{ marker-fill: #F08080;}
[named_color='lightcyan']{ marker-fill: #E0FFFF;}
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[named_color='lightgoldenrodyellow']{ marker-fill: #FAFAD2;}
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[named_color='lightgreen']{ marker-fill: #90EE90;}
[named_color='lightgrey']{ marker-fill: #D3D3D3;}
[named_color='lightpink']{ marker-fill: #FFB6C1;}
[named_color='lightsalmon']{ marker-fill: #FFA07A;}
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[named_color='lightskyblue']{ marker-fill: #87CEFA;}
[named_color='lightslateblue']{ marker-fill: #8470FF;}
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[named_color='limegreen']{ marker-fill: #32CD32;}
[named_color='linen']{ marker-fill: #FAF0E6;}
[named_color='magenta']{ marker-fill: #EE00EE;}
[named_color='manganeseblue']{ marker-fill: #03A89E;}
[named_color='maroon']{ marker-fill: #FF34B3;}
[named_color='mediumorchid']{ marker-fill: #BA55D3;}
[named_color='mediumpurple']{ marker-fill: #9370DB;}
[named_color='mediumseagreen']{ marker-fill: #3CB371;}
[named_color='mediumslateblue']{ marker-fill: #7B68EE;}
[named_color='mediumspringgreen']{ marker-fill: #00FA9A;}
[named_color='mediumturquoise']{ marker-fill: #48D1CC;}
[named_color='mediumvioletred']{ marker-fill: #C71585;}
[named_color='melon']{ marker-fill: #E3A869;}
[named_color='midnightblue']{ marker-fill: #191970;}
[named_color='mint']{ marker-fill: #BDFCC9;}
[named_color='mintcream']{ marker-fill: #F5FFFA;}
[named_color='mistyrose']{ marker-fill: #FFE4E1;}
[named_color='moccasin']{ marker-fill: #FFE4B5;}
[named_color='navajowhite']{ marker-fill: #FFDEAD;}
[named_color='navy']{ marker-fill: #000080;}
[named_color='oldlace']{ marker-fill: #FDF5E6;}
[named_color='olive']{ marker-fill: #808000;}
[named_color='olivedrab']{ marker-fill: #6B8E23;}
[named_color='orange']{ marker-fill: #FFA500;}
[named_color='orangered']{ marker-fill: #FF4500;}
[named_color='orchid']{ marker-fill: #DA70D6;}
[named_color='palegoldenrod']{ marker-fill: #EEE8AA;}
[named_color='palegreen']{ marker-fill: #98FB98;}
[named_color='paleturquoise']{ marker-fill: #BBFFFF;}
[named_color='palevioletred']{ marker-fill: #DB7093;}
[named_color='papayawhip']{ marker-fill: #FFEFD5;}
[named_color='peachpuff']{ marker-fill: #FFDAB9;}
[named_color='peacock']{ marker-fill: #33A1C9;}
[named_color='peru']{ marker-fill: #CD853F;}
[named_color='pink']{ marker-fill: #FFC0CB;}
[named_color='plum']{ marker-fill: #FFBBFF;}
[named_color='powderblue']{ marker-fill: #B0E0E6;}
[named_color='purple']{ marker-fill: #800080;}
[named_color='raspberry']{ marker-fill: #872657;}
[named_color='rawsienna']{ marker-fill: #C76114;}
[named_color='red']{ marker-fill: #FF0000;}
[named_color='rosybrown']{ marker-fill: #BC8F8F;}
[named_color='royalblue']{ marker-fill: #4169E1;}
[named_color='saddlebrown']{ marker-fill: #8B4513;}
[named_color='salmon']{ marker-fill: #FF8C69;}
[named_color='sandybrown']{ marker-fill: #F4A460;}
[named_color='sapgreen']{ marker-fill: #308014;}
[named_color='seagreen']{ marker-fill: #54FF9F;}
[named_color='sepia']{ marker-fill: #5E2612;}
[named_color='sienna']{ marker-fill: #A0522D;}
[named_color='silver']{ marker-fill: #C0C0C0;}
[named_color='skyblue']{ marker-fill: #87CEFF;}
[named_color='slateblue']{ marker-fill: #6A5ACD;}
[named_color='slateblue']{ marker-fill: #7171C6;}
[named_color='slategray']{ marker-fill: #708090;}
[named_color='smoke']{ marker-fill: #F5F5F5;}
[named_color='snow']{ marker-fill: #FFFAFA;}
[named_color='springgreen']{ marker-fill: #00FF7F;}
[named_color='steelblue']{ marker-fill: #4682B4;}
[named_color='tan']{ marker-fill: #D2B48C;}
[named_color='teal']{ marker-fill: #008080;}
[named_color='teal']{ marker-fill: #388E8E;}
[named_color='thistle']{ marker-fill: #D8BFD8;}
[named_color='tomato']{ marker-fill: #FF6347;}
[named_color='turquoise']{ marker-fill: #40E0D0;}
[named_color='turquoiseblue']{ marker-fill: #00C78C;}
[named_color='violet']{ marker-fill: #EE82EE;}
[named_color='violetred']{ marker-fill: #FF3E96;}
[named_color='warmgrey']{ marker-fill: #808069;}
[named_color='wheat']{ marker-fill: #F5DEB3;}
[named_color='white']{ marker-fill: #FFFFFF;}
[named_color='yellow']{ marker-fill: #FFFF00;}
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>CartoDB map of Colors</title>
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<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="map" id="map"></div>
<div class="sidepanel">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="context subheader">
<p>Map created by <a href="">andrewxhill</a></p>
<h1>Rank Colors</h1>
<div id="graph"></div>
<div class="context footer">
<p>Create your maps with ease using <a href="">CartoDB</a></p></p>
<!--Change the URL below in order to change the map that is being shown.
Go to your map in CartoDB, click on share, and copy the URL undert the API section
Check the cartodb.js documentation for more info>
<script type="text/javascript">
cartodb.createVis('map', '');
var formatPercent = d3.format(".1%");
var margin = {top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 30},
width = $("#graph").width() - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var data_query = "SELECT named_color, count, hex FROM (SELECT distinct named_color, count(*) as count FROM color_world GROUP BY named_color) a, named_colors WHERE named_color = color ORDER BY count DESC";
var data_host = ""
var api_route = "api/v2/sql?q="
d3.json(data_host + api_route + encodeURIComponent(data_query), function(error, results) {
var histogram = results.rows;
var n = d3.sum(histogram, function(d) { return d.count; });
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.range([0, height]);
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, histogram[0].count])
.range([width, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var svg ="#graph").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
y.domain([0, d3.max(histogram, function(d) { return d.count; })]);
var bar = svg.insert("g", ".axis")
.attr("class", "bar")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + x(d.x) + ",0)"; });
var barw = Math.floor(height/histogram.length);
.attr("class", "a")
.attr("y", function(d,i) { return i*barw; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.count); })
.attr("fill", function(d) { return d.hex; })
.attr("height", barw-2)
.attr("width", function(d) { return width - x(d.count); });
* Read values coming from the form
function onFormSubmission(e) {
* Use Google services to get coordinates from a locality string
//Georeference the submission
var loc = geocode(e.namedValues.location);
* Use our own function to post to our table
* Geocode using Google's services
function geocode(address) {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+escape(address)+"&sensor=false");
var respObj=Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText());
var loc = {lat:NaN,lng:NaN};
try {
loc = respObj.results[0].geometry.location
} catch(e) {
Logger.log("Error geocoding: "+address);
return loc;
* Insert color into CartoDB
function postToCartoDB(location,color,latitude,longitude) {
Logger.log("posting to CartoDB");
* Keep your key private!
var cartodb_host = ""; //Your CartoDB domain
var cartodb_api_key = "#######"; //Your CartoDB API KEY
* Insert NULL as the_geom if no location is provided
var loc = "";
if (latitude && longitude) {
loc = "CDB_LatLng("+latitude+","+longitude+")";
} else {
* Remove all single quotes
location = location.replace("'","''");
color = color.replace("'","''");
* Here is the INSERT statement
var query = "INSERT INTO color_world(location,named_color,the_geom) VALUES('"+location+"','"+color.replace(/'/g, "''")+"',"+loc+")";
Logger.log("SQL: "+query);
* Assemble the POST parameters
var options = {
"method" : "post",
"payload" : {q:query,api_key:cartodb_api_key}
* Ship It
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://"+cartodb_host+"/api/v1/sql", options);
var respObj=Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText());
Logger.log("CDB call result: "+response.getContentText());
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