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Last active December 15, 2015 08:59
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Save ashenfad/5235191 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BigML Tree - Iris Data

A sunburst visualization of a BigML decision tree built on the iris dataset.

The initial center circle represents the root of the tree. Each outer circle contains the children of the inner circle's nodes. The number of training instances captured by a node determine its arc length (or its size in radians).

Clicking on a node will zoom in to the subtree. After zooming in, selecting the new center point will zoom out one level.

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.node-info {
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.node-info td {
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<div id="color-controls">
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="prediction" checked \>
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="confidence"\>
<label id="cnf">Confidence</label>
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="split"\>
<label>Split Field</label>
<div id="hover-info"></div>
<div id="summary-info"></div>
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function find_minmax(node, attr) {
if (node.children) {
minmaxs = (n) { return find_minmax(n, attr); });
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d3.json("iris-model.json", function(error, root) {
var model = root.model;
var model_type = model.model_fields[root.objective_field].optype == "categorical" ?
"classification" : "regression";
var minmaxs = {};
if (model_type == "classification") {
minmaxs.confidence = find_minmax(model.root, "confidence");
} else {
// Hacky label switch for regression trees
document.getElementById("cnf").innerHTML = "Expected Error";
minmaxs.expected_error = find_minmax(model.root, "confidence");
minmaxs.output = find_minmax(model.root, "output");
var scale_pred = model_type == "classification" ?
d3.scale.category10() :
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var scale_conf = model_type == "classification" ?
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var scale_split = d3.scale.category20b();
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{"prediction": function(d) { return hover_adjust(d, scale_pred(d.output)); },
"confidence": function(d) { return hover_adjust(d, scale_conf(d.confidence)); },
"split": function(d) { return hover_adjust(d, scale_split(d.predicate.field)); } };
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function mouseover(d) {
var split = d.predicate;
var split_msg = split.field ? model.model_fields[split.field].name + " " +
split.operator + " " + split.value
: "Tree Root";
var conf_msg = {"classification": "Confidence", "regression": "Expected Error"};
var hover ="#hover-info");
hover.append("div").attr("class", "split-predicate").text(split_msg);
tbody = hover.append("table").attr("class", "node-info").append("tbody");
var output = model_type == "classification" ? d.output : parseFloat(d.output.toFixed(3));
table_add(tbody, "Prediction", output);
table_add(tbody, conf_msg[model_type], parseFloat(d.confidence.toFixed(3)));
table_add(tbody, "Count", d.count);
mark_hover(d, true);
if (!click_in_progress) {"fill", color_fn);
var summ_doc ="#summary-info");
var summaries = summarize(d);
for (id in summaries) {
if (!summaries.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; }
var name = model.model_fields[id].name;
var msg = name;
fs = summaries[id];
if (isNum(fs.min)) {
msg = parseFloat(fs.min.toFixed(3)) + " < " + msg;
if (isNum(fs.max)) {
msg += " <= " + parseFloat(fs.max.toFixed(3));
if (fs.eq) {
msg += " = " + fs.eq;
} else if (fs.not_eq) {
msg += " !=";
var first = true;
for (category in fs.not_eq) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
msg += "|";
if (!fs.not_eq.hasOwnProperty(category)) { continue; }
msg += " " + category;
msg = msg;
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if (d.parent) { mark_hover(d.parent, val); };
d.hover = val;
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function isNum(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function summarize (node) {
var pred = node.predicate;
if (node.parent) {
var summary = summarize(node.parent);
switch(pred.operator) {
case "<=":
if (summary[pred.field]) {
var old_max = summary[pred.field].max;
max = isNum(old_max) ? Math.min(pred.value, old_max) : pred.value;
summary[pred.field].max = max;
} else {
summary[pred.field] = {"max": pred.value};
case ">":
if (summary[pred.field]) {
var old_min = summary[pred.field].min;
min = isNum(old_min) ? Math.max(pred.value, old_min) : pred.value;
summary[pred.field].min = min;
} else {
summary[pred.field] = {"min": pred.value};
case "=":
summary[pred.field] = {"eq": pred.value};
case "!=":
if (!summary[pred.field]) {
summary[pred.field] = {};
if (!summary[pred.field].not_eq) {
summary[pred.field].not_eq = {};
summary[pred.field].not_eq[pred.value] = true;
return summary;
} else {
return {};
function table_add (table, field, val) {
var row = table.append("tr");
return row;
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0.43587, "variance": 0.18998, "counts": [[2, 1], [2.2, 3], [2.3, 4], [2.4, 3], [2.5, 8], [2.6, 5], [2.7, 9], [2.8, 14], [2.9, 10], [3, 26], [3.1, 11], [3.2, 13], [3.3, 6], [3.4, 12], [3.5, 6], [3.6, 4], [3.7, 3], [3.8, 6], [3.9, 2], [4, 1], [4.1, 1], [4.2, 1], [4.4, 1]], "population": 150, "mean": 3.05733}, "column_number": 1, "order": 1}}, "model_fields": {"000004": {"optype": "categorical", "name": "species", "datatype": "string", "preferred": true, "column_number": 4, "order": 4}, "000002": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "petal length", "datatype": "double", "preferred": true, "column_number": 2, "order": 2}, "000003": {"optype": "numeric", "name": "petal width", "datatype": "double", "preferred": true, "column_number": 3, "order": 3}}, "support_threshold": 0, "split_criterion": "Information gain mix", "root": {"count": 150, "confidence": 0.26289, "predicate": true, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 50], ["Iris-setosa", 50], ["Iris-virginica", 50]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "children": [{"count": 50, "output": "Iris-setosa", "confidence": 0.92865, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000002", "value": 2.45}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-setosa", 50]]}}, {"count": 100, "confidence": 0.40383, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000002", "value": 2.45}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 50], ["Iris-virginica", 50]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "children": [{"count": 48, "output": "Iris-virginica", "confidence": 0.86024, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000003", "value": 1.65}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 2], ["Iris-virginica", 46]]}}, {"count": 52, "confidence": 0.81826, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000003", "value": 1.65}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 4], ["Iris-versicolor", 48]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "children": [{"count": 47, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "confidence": 0.92444, "predicate": {"operator": "<=", "field": "000002", "value": 4.95}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 47]]}}, {"count": 5, "output": "Iris-virginica", "confidence": 0.37553, "predicate": {"operator": ">", "field": "000002", "value": 4.95}, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1], ["Iris-virginica", 4]]}}]}]}]}, "depth_threshold": 20}, "replacement": false}
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