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Last active December 20, 2015 00:39
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Sizing up the PaaS Industry
// All known pricing data.
var prices = {
paas: {
nodejitsu: {
hourly: {
'Micro': 0.0125,
'Small': 0.015,
'Regular': 0.013,
'Large': 0.0125
monthly: {
'Micro': 9.0,
'Small': 33.0,
'Regular': 50.0,
'Large': 90.0
comparison: {
hourly: {
'AppFog': 0.0033,
'CloudFoundry': 0.0075,
'Nodejitsu': 0.0125,
'Modulus': 0.0129,
'OpenShift': 0.02,
'Heroku': 0.025,
'AppHarbor': 0.034,
'dotCloud': 0.048
monthly: {
'AppFog': 20.0,
'CloudFoundry': 21.6,
'Nodejitsu': 9.0,
'Modulus': 14.40,
'OpenShift': 20.0,
'Heroku': 36.0,
'AppHarbor': 49.0,
'dotCloud': 34.56
'comparison-large-app': {
hourly: {
'Nodejitsu': 0.125,
'CloudFoundry': 0.150,
'AppFog': 0.1389,
'Modulus': (0.02 * 10),
'OpenShift': 0.3077,
'Heroku': (0.05 * 9).toFixed(4),
'dotCloud': (0.048 * 10).toFixed(4),
'AppHarbor': 0.6847
monthly: {
'Nodejitsu': 90.00,
'CloudFoundry': 108.00,
'AppFog': 100.00,
'Modulus': 144.00,
'OpenShift': 221.60,
'Heroku': 324.00,
'dotCloud': 345.60,
'AppHarbor': 439.00
// Store all charts for later use
var charts = {};
// ### function tooltipContent (key, x, y, e, graph)
// Formats the tooltip based on the correct (full) y-value.
function tooltipContent(key, x, y, e, graph) {
return '<h3>' + key + '</h3>' +
'<p>' + e.point.value + ' on ' + x + '</p>';
// ### function namedSeries (options)
// Generates a named series of that
// conforms to the conventions of nvd3.js
function namedSeries(options) {
return [{
values: Object.keys(
.map(function (key) {
return {
label: key
// ### function createPricingSparkChart(options)
// Creates a new nvd3 chart (defaulting to `discreteBarChart`)
// for the specified `options` as a "spark chart" (i.e. small)
function createPricingSparkChart(options) { += '-spark';
options.staggerLabels = true;
options.tooltips = false;
options.showValues = false;
delete options.xAxis;
// ### function createPricingChart(options)
// Creates a new nvd3 chart (defaulting to `discreteBarChart`)
// for the specified `options`.
function createPricingChart(options) {
options.type = options.type || 'discreteBarChart';
if (typeof options.tooltips === 'undefined') { options.tooltips = true }
if (typeof options.showValues === 'undefined') { options.showValues = true }
nv.addGraph(function () {
var chart = nv.models[options.type]()
.x(function (d) { return d.label })
.y(function (d) { return d.value });
if (options.onChart) {
chart = options.onChart(chart, options);
if (options.xAxis && options.xAxis.label) {
var svg ='#' + + ' figure svg');
if (!options.staggerLabels) {
// Select xAxis ticks for label styling.
var xTicks ='g.nv-wrap.nv-discreteBarWithAxes')
.select('.nv-x.nv-axis > g');
.selectAll('g > text')
.style('font', 'normal 14px "Arvo", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif')
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,2)');'g > text.nv-axislabel')
.style('font', 'normal 20px "Arvo", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif')
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.style('text-decoration', 'underline');
charts[] = chart;
return chart;
if (!/-spark$/.test( {
Object.keys(options).reduce(function (copy, key) {
copy[key] = options[key];
return copy;
}, {})
// Create a chart for Nodejitsu Individual Plans
name: 'Nodejitsu Individual Plans',
id: 'individual-plans',
xAxis: { label: 'Plan' },
data: prices.paas.nodejitsu.hourly,
onChart: function (chart, options) {
return chart.staggerLabels(options.staggerLabels || false)
// Create a chart for all Platform-as-a-Service providers.
name: 'Pricing Comparison',
id: 'pricing-comparison',
xAxis: { label: 'PaaS Provider' },
data: prices.paas.comparison.hourly,
onChart: function (chart, options) {
return chart.staggerLabels(options.staggerLabels || false)
// Create a chart for all Platform-as-a-Service providers.
name: 'Pricing Comparison (complex hosting)',
id: 'pricing-comparison-multiple-apps',
xAxis: { label: 'PaaS Provider' },
data: prices.paas['comparison-large-app'].hourly,
onChart: function (chart, options) {
return chart.staggerLabels(options.staggerLabels || false)
// Setup click handlers
$(function () {
$('.selection a').each(function (i, el) {
var anchor = $(el); () {
if (anchor.hasClass('shown')) { return; }
var state = {
shown: anchor.hasClass('shown'),
state.from = state.time === 'hourly'
? 'monthly'
: 'hourly';
$('#' + state.chart + ' .selection .shown').first().removeClass('shown');
var svg ='#' + state.chart + ' figure svg');
svg.datum(namedSeries({ data: prices.paas[state.series][state.time] }))
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Platform-as-a-Service Pricing Comparison</title>
<meta name="description" content="Platform-as-a-Service Pricing Comparison">
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<div style="width:900px;margin: 0 auto; text-align: left">
<p>When we <a href="">announced new pricing for our Individual Plans earlier this month</a>, we made a claim that <strong>even with these changes Nodejitsu is still the cheapest Platform-as-a-Service on the market today.</strong> This post aims to support that claim with the only thing that really matters: <em>data</em>.</p>
<p>Best viewed at <a href=""></a></p>
<section id="sparks">
<div id="pricing-comparison-spark">
PaaS Pricing Comparison
<div id="individual-plans-spark">
Nodejitsu Plans
<div id="pricing-comparison-multiple-apps-spark">
Large App Pricing Comparison
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<section id="pricing-comparison">
Platform-as-a-Service Pricing Comparison.
<span class="selection">
<a data-chart="pricing-comparison" data-series="comparison" data-time="hourly" class="shown">Hourly</a>
<a data-chart="pricing-comparison" data-series="comparison" data-time="monthly">Monthly</a>
<section id="individual-plans">
Nodejitsu Individual Plan Pricing Comparison.
<span class="selection">
<a data-chart="individual-plans" data-series="nodejitsu" data-time="hourly" class="shown">Hourly</a>
<a data-chart="individual-plans" data-series="nodejitsu" data-time="monthly">Monthly</a>
<section id="pricing-comparison-multiple-apps">
Platform-as-a-Service Pricing Comparison (complex app)
<span class="selection narrow">
<a data-chart="pricing-comparison-multiple-apps" data-series="comparison-large-app" data-time="hourly" class="shown">Hourly</a>
<a data-chart="pricing-comparison-multiple-apps" data-series="comparison-large-app" data-time="monthly">Monthly</a>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="comparison.js"></script>
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// All known pricing data.
var prices = {
paas: {
nodejitsu: {
hourly: {
'Micro': 0.0125,
'Small': 0.015,
'Regular': 0.013,
'Large': 0.0125
monthly: {
'Micro': 9.0,
'Small': 33.0,
'Regular': 50.0,
'Large': 90.0
comparison: {
hourly: {
'AppFog': 0.0033,
'CloudFoundry': 0.0075,
'Nodejitsu': 0.0125,
'Modulus': 0.0129,
'OpenShift': 0.02,
'Heroku': 0.025,
'AppHarbor': 0.034,
'dotCloud': 0.048
monthly: {
'AppFog': 20.0,
'CloudFoundry': 21.6,
'Nodejitsu': 9.0,
'Modulus': 14.40,
'OpenShift': 20.0,
'Heroku': 36.0,
'AppHarbor': 49.0,
'dotCloud': 34.56
'comparison-large-app': {
hourly: {
'Nodejitsu': 0.125,
'CloudFoundry': 0.150,
'AppFog': 0.1389,
'Modulus': (0.02 * 10),
'OpenShift': 0.3077,
'Heroku': (0.05 * 9).toFixed(4),
'dotCloud': (0.048 * 10).toFixed(4),
'AppHarbor': 0.6847
monthly: {
'Nodejitsu': 90.00,
'CloudFoundry': 108.00,
'AppFog': 100.00,
'Modulus': 144.00,
'OpenShift': 221.60,
'Heroku': 324.00,
'dotCloud': 345.60,
'AppHarbor': 439.00
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