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James Curley jalapic

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weight feed
179 horsebean
160 horsebean
136 horsebean
227 horsebean
217 horsebean
168 horsebean
108 horsebean
124 horsebean
143 horsebean
1,1,0.05,NA,1436,"Pub Beer","American Pale Lager",408,12,NA,409,"10 Barrel Brewing Company","Bend","OR","Pub Beer (10 Barrel Brewing Company)"
2,2,0.066,NA,2265,"Devil's Cup","American Pale Ale (APA)",177,12,"American Pale Ale (APA)",178,"18th Street Brewery","Gary","IN","Devil's Cup (18th Street Brewery)"
3,3,0.071,NA,2264,"Rise of the Phoenix","American IPA",177,12,"American IPA",178,"18th Street Brewery","Gary","IN","Rise of the Phoenix (18th Street Brewery)"
4,4,0.09,NA,2263,"Sinister","American Double / Imperial IPA",177,12,"American Double / Imperial IPA",178,"18th Street Brewery","Gary","IN","Sinister (18th Street Brewery)"
5,5,0.075,NA,2262,"Sex and Candy","American IPA",177,12,"American IPA",178,"18th Street Brewery","Gary","IN","Sex and Candy (18th Street Brewery)"
6,6,0.077,NA,2261,"Black Exodus","Oatmeal Stout",177,12,NA,178,"18th Street Brewery","Gary","IN","Black Exodus (18th S
jalapic / endangered.csv
Created September 1, 2023 01:07
Endangered Animal Data
Species Country Value
Mammals Australia 41
Mammals Austria 6
Mammals Belgium 2
Mammals Canada 11
Mammals Czech Republic 1
Mammals Denmark 2
Mammals Finland 4
Mammals France 4
Mammals Germany 10
Group id1 id2 value
1 A A 0
1 A B 15
1 A C 11
1 A D 8
1 B A 3
1 B B 0
1 B C 4
1 B D 2
1 C A 0
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"A685067",2014-08-14 18:45:00,"Lucy","blue","white","Female","domestic shorthair"
"A678580",2014-06-29 17:45:00,"Frida","white","black","Female","domestic shorthair"
"A675405",2014-03-28 14:55:00,"Stella Luna","black","white","Female","domestic mediumhair"
"A684460",2014-08-13 15:04:00,"Elsa","brown",NA,"Female","domestic shorthair"
"A686497",2014-08-31 15:45:00,"Chester","black",NA,"Male","domestic shorthair"
"A687965",2014-10-31 18:29:00,"Oliver","orange",NA,"Male","domestic shorthair"
"A668547",2013-12-16 13:59:00,"Preston","black","white","Male","domestic mediumhair"
"A682393",2014-07-03 12:12:00,"Bumble","seal",NA,"Female","siamese"
"A617061",2014-09-04 09:57:00,"Pumpkin","orange",NA,"Male","domestic mediumhair"
type sat_fat polysat_fat monosat_fat protein carb chol fiber kcal
blue 18.669 0.8 7.778 21.4 2.34 75 0 353
brick 18.764 0.784 8.598 23.24 2.79 94 0 371
brie 17.41 0.826 8.013 20.75 0.45 100 0 334
camembert 15.259 0.724 7.023 19.8 0.46 72 0 300
caraway 18.584 0.83 8.275 25.18 3.06 93 0 376
cheddar 21.092 0.942 9.391 24.9 1.28 105 0 403
cheshire 19.475 0.87 8.671 23.37 4.78 103 0 387
colby 20.218 0.953 9.28 23.76 2.57 95 0 394
cottage,crmd,lrg or sml curd 1.718 0.123 0.778 11.12 3.38 17 0 98
Date Season home visitor FT hgoal vgoal division tier totgoal goaldif result
2020-09-12 2020 Crystal Palace Southampton 1-0 1 0 1 1 1 1 H
2020-09-12 2020 Fulham Arsenal 0-3 0 3 1 1 3 -3 A
2020-09-12 2020 Liverpool Leeds United 4-3 4 3 1 1 7 1 H
2020-09-12 2020 West Ham United Newcastle United 0-2 0 2 1 1 2 -2 A
2020-09-13 2020 Tottenham Hotspur Everton 0-1 0 1 1 1 1 -1 A
2020-09-13 2020 West Bromwich Albion Leicester City 0-3 0 3 1 1 3 -3 A
2020-09-14 2020 Brighton & Hove Albion Chelsea 1-3 1 3 1 1 4 -2 A
2020-09-14 2020 Sheffield United Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-2 0 2 1 1 2 -2 A
2020-09-19 2020 Arsenal West Ham United 2-1 2 1 1 1 3 1 H
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 9.
"819539","1307 HILLSIDE AVENUE","Remove dead 21 inch Live Oak in the ROW.","Oak",21
"757396","6201 GLEN MEADOW DRIVE","Remove Arizona Ash in Front Yard at 6201 Glen Meadow.","Arizona Ash",28
"785768","2614 DELWOOD PLACE","remove fallen post oak backyard","Oak",28
"733765","1109 FLANAGAN COVE","Remove 25"" Hackberry","Hackberry",25
"768887","1000 WISTERIA CIRCLE","Full of cavities and in decline, fall hazard","Arizona Ash",35
"773451","11776 JOLLYVILLE ROAD","Cedar elm in parking lot is hollow at the base creating a hazardous situation. The tree is also suffering from girdling roots, canopy decline, an unbalanced crown, borer damage, and mistletoe infection. Tree is recommended for removal due to void beneath tree and lower stem decay.","Cedar Elm",23
"746882","3801-1/2 EMMA BROWNING AVENUE","Remove dead tree / species unknown","Hackberry",12
"718921","2912 CHERRY LANE","URGENT! Remove protected sized cedar elm that is currently leaning and is a hazard. Tree i
jalapic / deadsix.txt
Created September 9, 2019 21:30
Dead Sixes v0.1
### Making half box/half point plot
# somewhat hackish solution to:
# based mostly on copy/pasting from ggplot2 geom_violin source: