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Last active May 9, 2019 18:43
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FOAM API Example - Leaflet
license: mit

FOAM API Example - Leaflet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<title>FOAM API Example - Leaflet</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
body { margin:0; padding:0; }
#map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }
<div id='map'></div>
//see this in action:
//get bounding box:
let mapBounds = [
[39.580819,-105.154953], //Southwest corner
[39.941857,-104.646835] //Northeast corner
//create a Leaflet map, assign it to map div, fit it to maxBounds
let map ='map').fitBounds(mapBounds);
//add basemap
//check out more basemaps here:
let tiles = L.tileLayer('https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}', {
attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a> &mdash; Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
subdomains: 'abcd',
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 18,
ext: 'png'
let url = '' + mapBounds[0][1] + '&swLat=' + mapBounds[0][0] + '&nwLon=' + mapBounds[1][1] + '&nwLat=' + mapBounds[1][0];
.then((response) => {
let beacons =;
//for each beacon in the response from FOAM api
for (beacon in beacons) {
//decode the beaconGeoHash value to lat, lon
let decodedLatLng = Geohash.decode(beacons[beacon].geohash);
//use decoded lat/lon to create Markers for map
let latlng = L.latLng({ lat:, lng: decodedLatLng.lon });
let marker = L.marker(latlng).addTo(map);
(error) => {
let status = error.response.status
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