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Created June 13, 2014 22:26
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A basic setup showing how to draw arc paths on a map with D3.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
font: 12px sans-serif;
/* For centering */
svg {
margin: 0 auto;
display: inherit;
.states path {
stroke-width: 1px;
stroke: white;
fill: #DBDBDB;
cursor: pointer;
/* .states path:hover, path.highlighted {
fill: tomato;
.arcs path {
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke: tomato;
pointer-events: none;
fill: none;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// This is an array of source/target pairs.
// Each location array is in the order of longitude and then latitude.
// You often see these as lat/lng but since we need this to be in math format we do them in lng/lat, which is x/y.
// You could also nest this data and change what object you bind your data to save space. There's no single correct way.
// Do what is best for your data and for your deadlines.
var arcdata = [
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-106.503961875, 33.051502817366334]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-97.27544625, 34.29490081496779]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-92.793024375, 34.837711658059135]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-100.3076728125, 41.85852354782116]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-104.6143134375, 43.18636214435451]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-106.152399375, 45.57291634897]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-105.5811103125, 42.3800618087319]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-74.610651328125, 42.160561343227656]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-78.148248984375, 40.20112201100485]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-81.795709921875, 39.89836713516883]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-91.738336875, 42.1320516230261]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-93.902643515625, 39.89836713516886]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-146.68645699218752, 62.84587613514389]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-151.03704292968752, 62.3197734579205]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-150.50969917968752, 68.0575087745829]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-155.58278180000002, 19.896766200000002]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-155.41249371406252, 19.355435189875685]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-156.22204876777346, 20.77817385333129]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-156.08334637519533, 20.781383752662176]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-119.41793240000001, 36.77826099999999]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-111.73848904062501, 34.311442605956636]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-118.62691677500001, 39.80409417718468]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-115.56173122812501, 44.531552843807575]
sourceLocation: [-99.5606025, 41.068178502813595],
targetLocation: [-107.13521755625001, 43.90164233696157]
// Map dimensions (in pixels)
var width = 600,
height = 349;
// Map projection
var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa()
.translate([width/2,height/2]) //translate to center the map in view
// Generate paths based on projection
var path = d3.geo.path()
// Create an SVG
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
// Group for the states
// SVG drawing order is based strictly on the order in the DOM
// So you can't use something like z-index to make an element appear above or below another object
// We have to draw the states group first so that it appears below the arcs
// Change the order of these two variables if you want to see how it would look incorrect.
var states = svg.append("g")
// Group for the arcs
var arcs = svg.append("g")
// Keeps track of currently zoomed feature
var centered;
// Load the basemap data
d3.json("us-states.topojson",function(error,geodata) {
if (error) return console.log(error); //unknown error, check the console
//Create a path for each map feature in the data
.data(topojson.feature(geodata,geodata.objects.states).features) //generate features from TopoJSON
// Create a path for each source/target pair.
.attr('d', function(d) {
return lngLatToArc(d, 'sourceLocation', 'targetLocation', 15); // A bend of 5 looks nice and subtle, but this will depend on the length of your arcs and the visual look your visualization requires. Higher number equals less bend.
// This function takes an object, the key names where it will find an array of lng/lat pairs, e.g. `[-74, 40]`
// And a bend parameter for how much bend you want in your arcs, the higher the number, the less bend.
function lngLatToArc(d, sourceName, targetName, bend){
// If no bend is supplied, then do the plain square root
bend = bend || 1;
// `d[sourceName]` and `d[targetname]` are arrays of `[lng, lat]`
// Note, people often put these in lat then lng, but mathematically we want x then y which is `lng,lat`
var sourceLngLat = d[sourceName],
targetLngLat = d[targetName];
if (targetLngLat && sourceLngLat) {
var sourceXY = projection( sourceLngLat ),
targetXY = projection( targetLngLat );
// Uncomment this for testing, useful to see if you have any null lng/lat values
// if (!targetXY) console.log(d, targetLngLat, targetXY)
var sourceX = sourceXY[0],
sourceY = sourceXY[1];
var targetX = targetXY[0],
targetY = targetXY[1];
var dx = targetX - sourceX,
dy = targetY - sourceY,
dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)*bend;
// To avoid a whirlpool effect, make the bend direction consistent regardless of whether the source is east or west of the target
var west_of_source = (targetX - sourceX) < 0;
if (west_of_source) return "M" + targetX + "," + targetY + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + sourceX + "," + sourceY;
return "M" + sourceX + "," + sourceY + "A" + dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " + targetX + "," + targetY;
} else {
return "M0,0,l0,0z";
// Zoom to feature on click
// This is optional but if you use, you get it for free.
function clicked(d,i) {
//Add any other onClick events here
var x, y, k;
if (d && centered !== d) {
// Compute the new map center and scale to zoom to
var centroid = path.centroid(d);
var b = path.bounds(d);
x = centroid[0];
y = centroid[1];
k = .8 / Math.max((b[1][0] - b[0][0]) / width, (b[1][1] - b[0][1]) / height);
centered = d
} else {
x = width / 2;
y = height / 2;
k = 1;
centered = null;
// Highlight the new feature
.classed("highlighted",function(d) {
return d === centered;
.style("stroke-width", 1 / k + "px"); // Keep the border width constant
//Zoom and re-center the whole map container
//Comment `.transition()` and `.duration()` to eliminate gradual zoom
.attr("transform","translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")scale(" + k + ")translate(" + -x + "," + -y + ")");
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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