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Last active May 27, 2016 17:13
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2016-06-01 Setting Up Your Dataverse Development Environment

2016-06-01 Setting Up Your Dataverse Development Environment

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# Setting Up Your Dataverse Development Environment</title>
<img src="dataverse-logo.png" width="500px"/></br>
<img src="philipdurbin.jpg" width="60" align="left" style="border:5px solid transparent" />
Philip Durbin ([@philipdurbin](
.right[<img src="iqss-logo.png" width="100" align="left" style="border:5px solid transparent" />]
# Pick Your Poison
- Leonid's installer (recommended)
- Phil's Homebrew scripts
- Bill's Ansible playbook
- Akio's Windows scripts
.center[<img src="poison.jpg" width="300"/>]
See also [#2443 Developer-machine friendly setup script](
# Dev Guide (
.center[<img src="devguide.png" width="700"/>]
# Requirements
- Mac or Linux (or Windows + Vagrant)
- Java 8
- Glassfish 4.1 (not 4.1.1, see [issue #2628](
- PostgreSQL 9.x
- Solr 4.6.0
- jq
- Netbeans 8.1 (install Glassfish 4.1 separately)
- GitHub account is out of date ([issue #2863](, but the correct branch ("develop") will be checked out when you clone.
# Questions?
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