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Last active June 27, 2017 18:08
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ReGL circle animation with blending
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const regl = createREGL();
const doc = document.body;
const docWidth = window.innerWidth;
const docHeight = window.innerHeight;
const aspectRatio = docHeight / docWidth;
const colCount = 50;
const colWidth = docWidth / colCount;
const rowCount = parseInt(colCount * aspectRatio);
const rowHeight = docHeight / rowCount;
const circleCount = rowCount * colCount;
const maxRadius = Math.min(colWidth, rowHeight) / 2;
const minScale = 1e-6; // use small number to avoid reaching zero
const maxScale = 2.00;
const remapSin = (i) => 0.5 + Math.sin(i) * 0.5;
const remapCos = (i) => 0.5 + Math.cos(i) * 0.5;
const palette = chroma.brewer.PuBu.slice(5, 10);
const paletteGL = => chroma(c).gl()); // gl mode uses [r,g,b] vector w normalised values
const randomScale = (i) => minScale + ((maxScale - minScale) * remapCos(i));
const randomColor = (i) => paletteGL[Math.floor(palette.length * remapSin(i))];
const getGridPoints = (cols, rows, colWidth, rowHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight) => {
let count = cols * rows;
let points = new Float32Array(count * 2);
let col, row;
let xPos, yPos, xIndex, yIndex;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
col = i % cols;
row = parseInt(i / cols);
xPos = (col * colWidth) + (colWidth / 2);
yPos = (row * rowHeight) + (rowHeight / 2);
xIndex = (2 * i);
yIndex = xIndex + 1;
points[xIndex] = (2 * xPos / gridWidth) - 1; // convert to (-1, 1) GL coord space
points[yIndex] = (2 * yPos / gridHeight) - 1; // convert to (-1, 1) GL coord space
return points;
const getAnimStates = (count, done) => {
const colors = new Float32Array(count * 3);
const scales = new Float32Array(count);
let r, g, b;
let rIndex, gIndex, bIndex;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
[r, g, b] = randomColor(i * done);
rIndex = (3 * i);
gIndex = rIndex + 1;
bIndex = rIndex + 2;
colors[rIndex] = r;
colors[gIndex] = g;
colors[bIndex] = b;
scales[i] = randomScale(i * done);
return { colors, scales };
// build inputs for our animation:
const centroids = getGridPoints(colCount, rowCount, colWidth, rowHeight, docWidth, docHeight);
// create a series of animation states for each circle
const numStates = 50;
const allStates = [];
while (allStates.length < numStates) {
allStates.push(getAnimStates(circleCount, allStates.length));
// regl command featuring shaders that will draw supplied points
const drawPoints = regl({
precision highp float;
uniform float progress; // interpolation progress (from 0.0 to 1.0)
uniform float maxRadius; // max radius to draw (n.b. point is square of 2*r x 2*r)
attribute vec2 point; // position at which to draw
attribute float scaleA; // scale factor A
attribute float scaleB; // scale factor B
attribute vec3 colorA; // color A
attribute vec3 colorB; // color B
varying vec3 rgb; // interpolated color
varying float scale; // interpolated scale
void main () {
rgb = mix(colorA, colorB, progress);
scale = mix(scaleA, scaleB, progress);
gl_PointSize = maxRadius * 2. * scale;
gl_Position = vec4(point, 0, 1);
precision highp float;
varying vec3 rgb;
varying float scale;
void main () {
// determine normalized distance from center of point
float point_dist = length(gl_PointCoord * 2. - 1.);
// calc scale at which to start fading out the circle
float min_dist = 0.95; //scale * 0.90;
// calc scale at which we find the edge of the circle
float max_dist = 1.00;//scale;
float alpha = 1. - smoothstep(min_dist, max_dist, point_dist);
gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, alpha * 0.85);
// using textbook example from
depth: {
enable: false
blend: {
enable: true,
func: {
srcRGB: 'src alpha',
srcAlpha: 'src color',
dstRGB: 'one',
dstAlpha: 'one',
// src: 'one',
// dst: 'one'
equation: 'add',
color: [0, 0, 0, 0]
attributes: {
point: centroids,
colorA: regl.prop('currColors'),
colorB: regl.prop('nextColors'),
scaleA: regl.prop('currScales'),
scaleB: regl.prop('nextScales'),
uniforms: {
maxRadius: maxRadius,
progress: regl.prop('progress')
count: circleCount,
primitive: 'points'
// render loop
const fps = 60;
const tweenTime = 3;
const tweenFrames = fps * tweenTime;
let state = 0;
regl.frame(({ tick }) => {
color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
depth: 1
// increment frame counter until we reach the desired loop point
let frame = tick % tweenFrames;
// increment state counter once we've looped back around
if (frame === 0) {
state = ++state % numStates;
// track progress as proportion of frames completed
let progress = frame / tweenFrames;
// determine current and next state
let currState = allStates[state];
let nextState = allStates[(state + 1) % numStates];
currColors: currState.colors,
currScales: currState.scales,
nextColors: nextState.colors,
nextScales: nextState.scales,
progress: progress
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