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tgk /
Last active November 20, 2022 10:18
Plot swap

Plotswap November 2022

This is an attempt at sharing plotting files and try our hands on files from other eager plot enthusiasts out there!

The (suggested) format is pretty simple: below is the list of participants in order. Each participant picks a file from the next name after their own on the list and plots it. The participants are also free to do some of the other plots, but this format ensures that everyone both tries their hand on plotting work by someone else and has one of their own works plotted.

Once a plot is done please post it on Mastodon and tag the other participants. Use the hashtag #plotswap (thanks!)

Each partiticipant can list (up to) three pieces we can pick from under their name. We will stick with SVGs for now as that seems to be the common format we all use.

;; virtual fields map to multimethods that implement helpers
(sql/load :rental_ads 42 :car :user :picture_url)
;; => "https://..."
;; multimethods can look at meta information for maps
(meta rental-ad)
;; => {:table :rental_ads}
tgk / sql.clj
Created June 26, 2020 08:51
Alternative to load-object
;; alternative strategy for navigating maps
(def rental-ad {:id 42, :car_id 56, :name_and_model "Peugeot 208"})
(follow rental-ad :name_and_model)
;; => "Peugeot 208"
(follow rental-ad :car)
;; => {:user_id 3, :car_type_id 5}
tgk / aarhus_0001.clj
Created January 9, 2017 15:30
Notes from the first aarhus.clj meetup and dojo
;; Purpose of aarhus.clj and these meetups
;;; To get better
;;; To meet other Clojure peeps in Aarhus/East Jutland
;; Intro round
;;; Name, interests, experience with Clojure?
;; Agenda
;; Me talking (< 30m)
tgk / pruttemaskine.ino
Created October 23, 2016 17:58
Fart machine for Rosalina - source
void fart(int pitch) {
int duration = random(300, 1000);
tone(8, pitch, duration);
int fartPitch() {
tgk / spec_test.clj
Created September 12, 2016 12:33
A very small script for running spec tests. I have a lein alias for running the main function and that works quite well.
(ns spec-test
(:require [clojure.pprint]
[ :refer (refresh)]))
(defn run-analysis
(let [results (clojure.spec.test/check)
failures (remove (comp true? :result :clojure.spec.test.check/ret) results)]
tgk / gist:ff513c551981cff34dcaa0e833fcb62a
Created May 17, 2016 13:59
Tilfældigheder og trommer
## Tilfældigheder
## Vi kan printe ting ud til skærmen med "puts"
# puts "Hejsa"
## Det kan vi bruge til at undersøge funktioner
## "rand" giver os et tilfældigt kommatal mellem 0 og 1:
# puts rand
tgk / data.tsv
Created July 21, 2014 08:26
Adapted line chart
date close
1-May-12 0.114
27-Apr-12 0.12
tgk / quilt_proposal.edn
Created May 14, 2014 20:55
An attempt at understanding Quilt
;; These notes describe the snapshots of a shared state between
;; pariticipants in a system co-ordinated using CRDT methods, hopefully
;; matching the Quilt notes from @cemerick at
;; The ambition is to built systems where network failures, replays
;; etc. can be safely ignored (instead of just being ignored).
;; Maintaining the "timestamps" for the append only database is the only
;; thing I feel I don't grok. There are some notes at the end of the
;; gist. Hoping for feedback or pointers!