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Created October 24, 2017 00:05
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  • Save DeeEighch/a8c2e694c513dc573d81ea8f2aa24f19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DeeEighch/a8c2e694c513dc573d81ea8f2aa24f19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# download the svn dump'ed repo
# unzip
gunzip repo.svndump.gz
# create the repo
svnadmin create /tmp/testgc
# restore it
svnadmin load /tmp/testgc/ < repo.svndump
# launch a local svn daemon
svnserve --foreground -d
# in another terminal, clone your repo now using git svn (optionally create a authors file for correctly mapping to git usernames)
git svn --stdlayout -A authors.txt clone svn://localhost/tmp/testgc/
# go into the cloned repo
cd testgc/
# add the upstream github repo
git remote add origin
#push it
git push --set-upstream origin master
#till now, we only have the trunk / master branch
# get atlassians svn-migration-scripts.jar from
# run the scripts and expect the suggested actions
java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git
# if you like what you see (usually you do..), perform the actions
java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar clean-git --force
# after this i had a branch structure like this:
git branch -a
# * master
# remotes/origin/0.2_nate
# remotes/origin/0.4_gblaszczyk
# remotes/origin/jsf-1.2-spring-2
# remotes/origin/jsf-1.2-spring-3
# remotes/origin/jsf-2.0-spring-2
# remotes/origin/jsf-2.0-spring-3
# remotes/origin/master
# remotes/origin/site
# remotes/origin/site@17
# remotes/origin/tags/0.1
# remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-1.2-spring-2
# remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-1.2-spring-3
# remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-2.0_spring-2
# remotes/origin/tags/0.3_jsf-2.0_spring-3
# remotes/origin/tags/0.5
# remotes/origin/trunk
# checkout each branch (except tags and trunk) and push it
for i in `git branch -r | grep -v 'tags\|trunk' `; do git checkout ${i/origin\// }; git push; done
# push the branches
git push --all origin
# checkout each tag and create a tag with the same name
for i in `git branch -r | grep 'tags'`; do git checkout $i; git tag ${i/origin\/tags\// }; done
# push the tags git push --tags origin
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