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Last active May 7, 2024 08:13
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Type-erased Swift Task that cancels itself on deinit
/// A type-erased task that you can store in a collection
/// to allow you to cancel at a later date.
/// Upon deinit of the task, the task will be cancelled
/// automatically. Similar to Combine's AnyCancellable.
final class AnyTask {
/// Call this cancellation block to cancel the task manually.
let cancel: () -> Void
/// Checks whether the task is cancelled.
var isCancelled: Bool { isCancelledBlock() }
private let isCancelledBlock: () -> Bool
deinit {
// On deinit, if the task is not cancelled then cancel it
if !isCancelled { cancel() }
/// Constructs an AnyTask from the provided Task.
/// The provided task is held strongly until AnyTask is
/// deinitted.
/// - Parameter task: The task to construct with.
init<S, E>(_ task: Task<S, E>) {
cancel = task.cancel
isCancelledBlock = { task.isCancelled }
extension Task {
var eraseToAnyTask: AnyTask { .init(self) }
extension Array where Element == Task<Void, Never> {
var erased: [AnyTask] { map(\.eraseToAnyTask) }
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That’s nice! But means there’s a dependency on Combine which is a system library and not a language library right?

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Yes, that’s correct!

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