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Last active February 19, 2024 12:31
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World Map with heat color Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
/* CSS goes here. */
.subunit {
fill: none;
stroke: #FFF;
stroke-width: 1px;
text.subunit-label {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 300;
text-anchor: middle;
fill: #000;
.subunit-label {
display: none;
.graticule {
fill: none;
stroke: #aaa;
stroke-opacity: .5;
stroke-width: .5px;
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
/* JavaScript goes here. */
// globals used in graph
var mapdata = {};
var palette = ['#009933','#669900','#99cc00','#cccc00','#c7dc09','#edf933','#ffcc00', '#ff9933', '#ff6600','#ff5050'];
var width = 960, height = 960;
var minDocCount = 0, quantiles = {};
// projection definitions
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
.scale((width + 1) / 2 / Math.PI)
.translate([width/2, height/2])
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
var graticule = d3.geo.graticule();
// SVG related definitions
var svg ='body').append('svg')
.attr({'width': width, 'height': height})
var filter = svg.append('defs')
.attr({'x':0, 'y':0, 'width':1, 'height':1, 'id':'gray-background'});
.attr('flood-color', '#f2f2f2')
.attr('result', 'COLOR');
.attr('operator', 'dilate')
.attr('radius', '.9')
.attr('in', 'SourceAlpha')
.attr('result', 'MORPHED');
.attr('in', 'SourceGraphic')
.attr('in2', 'MORPHED')
.attr('result', 'COMP1');
.attr('in', 'COMP1')
.attr('in2', 'COLOR');
.attr("class", "graticule")
.attr("d", path);
d3.json('mockelasticdata.json', function(error, mockdata) {
if (error) return console.error(error);
mapdata = mockdata;
function draw(data) {
// var localstoreWorldData = localStorage.getItem('worldmapData');
// if (localstoreWorldData && localstoreWorldData.length) {
// localstoreWorldData = JSON.parse(localstoreWorldData);
// console.log('localstoreWorldData',localstoreWorldData);
// if (localstoreWorldData) {
// processWorldD(localstoreWorldData, data);
// //no need proceed further
// return;
// }
// }
d3.json('world.json', function(error, world) {
if (error) return console.error(error);
processWorldD(world, data);
//localStorage.setItem('worldmapData', JSON.stringify(world));
function processWorldD(world, data) {
for(var idx=0; idx < data.aggregations.world_map.buckets.length; idx++) {
var cCode = data.aggregations.world_map.buckets[idx].key.toUpperCase();
var doc_count = data.aggregations.world_map.buckets[idx].doc_count;
for(var wdx=0; wdx < world.objects.subunits.geometries.length; wdx++) {
var cName = world.objects.subunits.geometries[wdx].id.toUpperCase();
if (cCode === cName) {
world.objects.subunits.geometries[wdx].properties.doc_count = doc_count;
var subunits = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.subunits);
subunits.features = subunits.features.filter(function(d){ return !== "ATA"; });
minDocCount = d3.min(subunits.features, function(d){ return; });
var doc_counts ={ return; });
doc_counts = doc_counts.filter(function(d){ return d; }).sort(d3.ascending);
quantiles['0.95'] = d3.quantile(doc_counts, '0.95');
var countries = svg.selectAll('path.subunit')
countries.insert('path', '.graticule')
.attr('class', function(d) { return 'subunit ca'; })
.style('fill', heatColor)
.attr('d', path)
.on('click', coutryclicked);
.attr('class', function(d){ return 'subunit-label la'[ \.#']+/g,''); })
//.attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate('+ path.centroid(d) +')'; })
.attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate('+(width-(5*','+(15)+')'; })
.attr('dy', '.35em')
.attr('filter', 'url(#gray-background)')
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('dy', 5)
.text(function(d) { return; })
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('dy', 20)
.text(function(d) { return ? : ''; });
function mouseoverLegend(datum, index) {
d3.selectAll(''[ \.#']+/g,''))
.style('display', 'inline-block');
.style('fill', '#cc6699');
function mouseoutLegend(datum, index) {
d3.selectAll(''[ \.#']+/g,''))
.style('display', 'none');
.style('fill', heatColor(datum));
function coutryclicked(datum, index) {
//filter event for this country should be applied here
console.log('coutryclicked datum', datum);
function heatColor(d) {
if (quantiles['0.95'] === 0 && minDocCount === 0) return '#F0F0F0';
if (! return '#F0F0F0';
if ( > quantiles['0.95']) return palette[(palette.length - 1)];
if (quantiles['0.95'] == minDocCount) return palette[(palette.length-1)];
var diffDocCount = quantiles['0.95'] - minDocCount;
var paletteInterval = diffDocCount / palette.length;
var diffDocCountDatum = quantiles['0.95'] -;
var diffDatumDiffDoc = diffDocCount - diffDocCountDatum;
var approxIdx = diffDatumDiffDoc / paletteInterval;
if (!approxIdx || Math.floor(approxIdx) === 0) approxIdx = 0;
else approxIdx = Math.floor(approxIdx) - 1;
return palette[approxIdx];
"took": 492,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 3,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 30111166,
"max_score": 0,
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"world_map": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "USA",
"doc_count": 4231922
"key": "CAN",
"doc_count": 817866
"key": "GBR",
"doc_count": 213736
"key": "MOZ",
"doc_count": 76607
"key": "TUR",
"doc_count": 72724
"key": "KEN",
"doc_count": 64413
"key": "BEL",
"doc_count": 54416
"key": "FRA",
"doc_count": 50738
"key": "NLD",
"doc_count": 42092
"key": "ZAF",
"doc_count": 33714
"key": "AUS",
"doc_count": 29904
"key": "ARG",
"doc_count": 23539
"key": "SWE",
"doc_count": 23145
"key": "ESP",
"doc_count": 22365
"key": "HKG",
"doc_count": 14383
"key": "BRA",
"doc_count": 14097
"key": "COL",
"doc_count": 13908
"key": "DEU",
"doc_count": 5985
"key": "MEX",
"doc_count": 5396
"key": "TTO",
"doc_count": 5138
"key": "CHN",
"doc_count": 3478
"key": "CHL",
"doc_count": 3450
"key": "KAZ",
"doc_count": 2666
"key": "PER",
"doc_count": 2005
"key": "IRN",
"doc_count": 1586
"key": "BGR",
"doc_count": 1552
"key": "POL",
"doc_count": 1539
"key": "UKR",
"doc_count": 1444
"key": "SGP",
"doc_count": 1386
"key": "JPN",
"doc_count": 1371
"key": "CZE",
"doc_count": 1295
"key": "IND",
"doc_count": 1126
"key": "ITA",
"doc_count": 1077
"key": "JAM",
"doc_count": 1014
"key": "ROU",
"doc_count": 1011
"key": "RUS",
"doc_count": 980
"key": "EU",
"doc_count": 979
"key": "SRB",
"doc_count": 957
"key": "ECU",
"doc_count": 851
"key": "ISR",
"doc_count": 848
"key": "KOR",
"doc_count": 835
"key": "ARE",
"doc_count": 631
"key": "NCL",
"doc_count": 598
"key": "PRT",
"doc_count": 487
"key": "GRC",
"doc_count": 423
"key": "URY",
"doc_count": 416
"key": "BLR",
"doc_count": 392
"key": "HUN",
"doc_count": 368
"key": "HRV",
"doc_count": 355
"key": "GTM",
"doc_count": 312
"key": "BOL",
"doc_count": 308
"key": "THA",
"doc_count": 294
"key": "CHE",
"doc_count": 291
"key": "AUT",
"doc_count": 284
"key": "MDA",
"doc_count": 249
"key": "VNM",
"doc_count": 236
"key": "VEN",
"doc_count": 228
"key": "NGA",
"doc_count": 216
"key": "IRL",
"doc_count": 190
"key": "PSE",
"doc_count": 188
"key": "NOR",
"doc_count": 184
"key": "AFG",
"doc_count": 181
"key": "LVA",
"doc_count": 177
"key": "CRI",
"doc_count": 175
"key": "MAR",
"doc_count": 172
"key": "SEN",
"doc_count": 162
"key": "RWA",
"doc_count": 156
"key": "GEO",
"doc_count": 151
"key": "KGZ",
"doc_count": 149
"key": "BWA",
"doc_count": 146
"key": "PHL",
"doc_count": 144
"key": "SDN",
"doc_count": 137
"key": "GLP",
"doc_count": 98
"key": "DOM",
"doc_count": 93
"key": "ALB",
"doc_count": 90
"key": "MNE",
"doc_count": 88
"key": "ARM",
"doc_count": 83
"key": "DNK",
"doc_count": 80
"key": "UZB",
"doc_count": 69
"key": "NZL",
"doc_count": 56
"key": "LBN",
"doc_count": 52
"key": "TUN",
"doc_count": 28
"key": "GHA",
"doc_count": 27
"key": "ZWE",
"doc_count": 24
"key": "DZA",
"doc_count": 23
"key": "JEY",
"doc_count": 18
"key": "TWN",
"doc_count": 12
"key": "GRD",
"doc_count": 7
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