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SumNeuron / heatmap.js
Last active January 10, 2018 18:42
StackOverflow Help Request: Heatmap with Lasso and Dendogram
NOTE: This code has the assumption that either the chart being produced with have
a dendrogram and labels (e.g. next to the cells in a heat map) OR that the chart
will have visible axes and labels along the axes. Thus in the config
config.percentElementsTake.axes.x != 0
config.percentElementsTake.dendogram.x = 0
and vis versa
SumNeuron / mxnet-log
Created September 17, 2017 07:57
ran make clean and did clean install
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
myhost:Downloads sumner$ git clone --recursive mxnet --branch master
Cloning into 'mxnet'...
remote: Counting objects: 48148, done.
remote: Total 48148 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 48147
Receiving objects: 100% (48148/48148), 20.79 MiB | 708.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (30674/30674), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule 'cub' ( registered for path 'cub'
Submodule 'dlpack' ( registered for path 'dlpack'
Submodule 'dmlc-core' ( registered for path 'dmlc-core'
SumNeuron / fan.js
Last active May 28, 2017 11:08
SVG Graphics Card
var fan ="svg").select("g")
var fan_box = fan.node().getBBox()
fan.attr("transform", "rotate(1)")
d3.interval(spin_fan, 20)
var fan_rotation = 1
function spin_fan() {
fan_rotation += 5
fan.attr("transform", "rotate(" + fan_rotation + " " + (fan_box.x + fan_box.width / 2) + " " + (fan_box.y + fan_box.height / 2) + ")")
SumNeuron / .block
Last active April 30, 2017 19:55
D3 (v4) Robust, Responsive, Reusable Scatter Plot
license: mit
SumNeuron / box_and_whiskers.json
Last active April 30, 2017 13:07
D3 (v4) Flexible and Responsive Box and Whisker Chart
"dataset_a": [
{"data":"a", "min": 1, "Q1": 1.5, "Q2": 2, "Q3": 4, "max":6},
{"data":"b", "min": 2, "Q1": 2.2, "Q2": 2.7, "Q3": 3, "max":4},
{"data":"c", "min": 5, "Q1": 5.5, "Q2": 7, "Q3": 7.3, "max":8},
{"data":"d", "min": 6, "Q1": 6.5, "Q2": 7, "Q3": 8, "max":10}
"dataset_b": [
{"data":"a", "min": 5, "Q1": 5.5, "Q2": 7, "Q3": 7.3, "max":8},
{"data":"b", "min": 6, "Q1": 6.5, "Q2": 7, "Q3": 8, "max":10}
SumNeuron / bar-chart.js
Last active April 25, 2017 22:02
A flexible D3 Bar Chart (v4) with variant amounts of data and svg radial buttons
// //
// //
// //
// //
var hyperParameters = {
"fonts": {