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Last active January 20, 2018 02:50
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Using WMS Capabilities to get layer center (OK only if layer center is not the CRS center but really the layer data center...)
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<title>WMS Capabilities Parsing</title>
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var parser = new ol.format.WMSCapabilities();
fetch('').then(function(response) {
return response.text();
}).then(function(text) {
var result =;
var extent = result.Capability.Layer.Layer.find(l => l.Name === 'topp:states').EX_GeographicBoundingBox;
var extent_3857 = ol.proj.transform(extent, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857')
var layers = [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
new ol.layer.Image({
source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
url: '',
params: {'LAYERS': 'topp:states'},
ratio: 1,
serverType: 'geoserver'
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: layers,
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.extent.getCenter(extent_3857),
zoom: 4
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