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Last active January 5, 2016 21:46
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Association Network Demo

An association graph of correlated values found with BigML's association rules (in collaboration with Geoff Webb) on the UCI mushroom dataset.

Move the slider to increase or decrease the number of rules used to build the graph. The highest quality rules (as defined by leverage) are included first. As the number of rules increase, the "min leverage" will drop indicating that weaker associations are being displayed.

Compare to the BigML dataset and tree model representing the same data.

Mushroom bits

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D3.js Slider
Inspired by jQuery UI Slider
Copyright (c) 2013, Bjorn Sandvik -
BSD license:
d3.slider = function module() {
"use strict";
// Public variables width default settings
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max = 100,
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dispatch = d3.dispatch("slide"),
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tickFormat = d3.format(".0"),
function slider(selection) {
selection.each(function() {
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function moveHandle(pos) {
var newValue = stepValue(scale.invert(pos / sliderLength));
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.duration((typeof animate === "number") ? animate : 250);
} else {, newPos);
// Calculate nearest step value
function stepValue(val) {
var valModStep = (val - scale.domain()[0]) % step,
alignValue = val - valModStep;
if (Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step) {
alignValue += (valModStep > 0) ? step : -step;
return alignValue;
function onClickHorizontal() {
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function onDragHorizontal() {
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function onDragVertical() {
moveHandle(sliderLength - Math.max(0, Math.min(sliderLength, d3.event.y)));
function stopPropagation() {
// Getter/setter functions
slider.min = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return min;
min = _;
return slider;
slider.max = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return max;
max = _;
return slider;
slider.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return step;
step = _;
return slider;
slider.animate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return animate;
animate = _;
return slider;
slider.orientation = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return orientation;
orientation = _;
return slider;
slider.axis = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return axis;
axis = _;
return slider;
slider.margin = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return margin;
margin = _;
return slider;
slider.value = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return value;
value = _;
return slider;
slider.scale = function(_) {
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scale = _;
return slider;
d3.rebind(slider, dispatch, "on");
return slider;
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Show Labels
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d3.json("mushrooms.json", function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
var model = data.model;
var itemDescriptions = itemDescriber(model);
var nodes = [],
links = [],
bilinks = [],
finalNodes = [];
var colorMode = "all";
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document.getElementById("color-select").selectedIndex = 1;
var showLabels = false;
document.getElementById("label-check").checked = showLabels;"#label-check")
function change() {
showLabels = this.checked;
var scores = {return a.leverage;});
var maxScore = Math.max.apply(null, scores);
var minScore = Math.min.apply(null, scores);
var force = d3.layout.force()
.linkStrength(function(d) {
return 4 * Math.pow(scaleScore(d.score), 2);
.charge(function() {return -9000 / finalNodes.length;} )
.size([width, height])
.on("tick", tick);
var itemCount = model.items.length;
var linkMap = {};
var activeItemMap = {};
var intItemMap = {};
var ruleLimit = Math.min(40, model.rules.length - 1);
var currentMinScore = 0;
var node = svg.selectAll(".node"),
link = svg.selectAll(".link");
.max(model.rules.length - 1)
.on("slide", function(evt, value) {
ruleLimit = value;
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// returns a score from 0.5 to 1
function scaleScore(score) {
var diff = maxScore - minScore;
if (diff == 0) diff = 1;
return 0.5 + (0.5 * (score - minScore) / diff);
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var oldNodes = nodes.slice(0);
activeItemMap = {};
intItemMap = {};
nodes.length = 0;
finalNodes.length = 0;
bilinks.length = 0;
currentMinScore = model.rules[ruleLimit - 1].leverage.toFixed(3);
for (var ruleId = 0; ruleId < ruleLimit; ruleId++) {
var rule = model.rules[ruleId];
var items = rule.lhs.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
for (var j = i+1; j < items.length; j++) {
var item1 = Math.min(items[i], items[j]);
var item2 = Math.max(items[i], items[j]);
if (!(item1 in activeItemMap)) {
activeItemMap[item1] = nodes.length;
var item;
if (item1 in oldItemMap) {
item = oldNodes[oldItemMap[item1]];
} else {
item = {itemId: item1,
fieldId: model.items[item1].field_id,
description: itemDescriptions(item1)};
if (!(item2 in activeItemMap)) {
activeItemMap[item2] = nodes.length;
var item;
if (item2 in oldItemMap) {
item = oldNodes[oldItemMap[item2]];
} else {
item = {itemId: item2,
fieldId: model.items[item2].field_id,
description: itemDescriptions(item2)};
var hash = hashItems(item1, item2);
if (!(hash in linkMap)) {
linkMap[hash] = {source: nodes[activeItemMap[item1]],
target: nodes[activeItemMap[item2]],
score: rule.leverage};
for (n in nodes) {finalNodes.push(nodes[n]);};
for(key in linkMap) {
if(linkMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var l = linkMap[key];
var k = l.source.itemId + (10000 *;
var fnode;
if (k in oldIntItemMap) {
fnode = oldIntItemMap[k];
} else {
fnode = {itemId: k};
intItemMap[k] = fnode;
links.push({source: l.source, target: fnode, score: l.score});
links.push({source: fnode, target:, score: l.score});
bilinks.push([l.source, fnode,, l.score]);
}"#slider-info").text("Rules: " + ruleLimit // bilinks.length
+ " --- Min Leverage: " + currentMinScore);
function hashItems(item1, item2) {
return Math.min(item1, item2) + Math.max(item1, item2) * itemCount;
function color(d) {
if (colorMode == "all") {
return colorScale(d.fieldId);
} else if (colorMode == d.fieldId) {
return "#FFD733";
return "#777777";
function updateColor() {
.data(nodes, function(d) { return d.itemId; })
.attr("class", "node").style("fill", color);
function start() {
link =,
function(d) {return d[0].itemId + "-" + d[2].itemId; });
link.enter().insert("path", ".node")
.attr("class", "link");
node =, function(d) { return d.itemId; });
ngs = node.enter().append("g").attr("class", "node");
.on("mouseover", function(d){
if (showLabels) return"visibility", "hidden");
return"visibility", "visible");
.on("mousemove", function(){
return"top", (d3.event.pageY-10)+"px")
.style("left", (d3.event.pageX+10)+"px");
.on("mouseout", function() {
return"visibility", "hidden");
ngs.append("text").text(function (d) {return d.description;})
.attr("font-size", 14)
.attr("x", 10)
.attr("y", 5);;
d3.selectAll(".node circle")
.attr("r", function () {return 20 / Math.log(2 + nodes.length);});
function (d) {
var c = 220 - 60 * Math.pow(scaleScore(d[3]), 2);
return d3.rgb(c, c, c);
function (d) {
var base = 10 * Math.pow(scaleScore(d[3]), 2);
return base / Math.log(2 + nodes.length);
function tick() {
node.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
link.attr("d", function(d) {
return "M" + d[0].x + "," + d[0].y
+ "S" + d[1].x + "," + d[1].y
+ " " + d[2].x + "," + d[2].y;
function description(item, fieldsMap, hasComplements) {
var field = fieldsMap[item.field_id];
var itemDesc;
var start = 'bin_start' in item ? item.bin_start : item.segment_start;
var end = 'bin_end' in item ? item.bin_end : item.segment_end;
var itemName = == null ? "missing" :;
if (field.optype == "numeric" && (start != null || end != null)) {
var prv, nxt;
if (item.complement) {
prv = end;
nxt = start;
} else {
prv = start;
nxt = end;
if (prv != null && nxt != null && prv < nxt) {
itemDesc = prv.toString() + " < " + + " <= " + nxt;
} else if (prv != null && nxt != null) {
itemDesc = + " > " + prv + " or <= " + nxt;
} else if (prv != null) {
itemDesc = + " > " + prv;
} else {
itemDesc = + " <= " + nxt;
} else if (Object.keys(fieldsMap).length == 1 && !hasComplements) {
itemDesc = itemName;
} else if (field.optype == "categorical" || field.optype == "numeric") {
var op = item.complement ? "!=" : "=";
itemDesc = + " " + op + " " + itemName;
} else if (field.optype == "text") {
var op = item.complement ? "excludes" : "includes";
itemDesc = + " " + op + " " + itemName;
return itemDesc;
/* Given an arules model, returns a function that will convert an item
index to an item description. */
function itemDescriber(model) {
var items = model.items;
var fields = model.fields;
var fieldsMap = {};
for (i in fields) {
var field = fields[i];
fieldsMap[ == null ? i :] = field;
var hasComplements = false;
for (i in items) {
if (items[i].complement) {
hasComplements = true;
var indexToDesc = {};
for (i in items) {
indexToDesc[i] = description(items[i], fieldsMap, hasComplements);
return function(index) {return indexToDesc[index]};
"model" : {
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"id" : "000000"
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"optype" : "categorical",
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"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Convex", 3656 ], [ "Flat", 3152 ], [ "Knobbed", 828 ], [ "Bell", 452 ], [ "Sunken", 32 ], [ "Conical", 4 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 1,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000001"
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"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Cap surface",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 2,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Scaly", 3244 ], [ "Smooth", 2556 ], [ "Fibrous", 2320 ], [ "Grooved", 4 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 2,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000002"
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"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Cap color",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 3,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Brown", 2284 ], [ "Gray", 1840 ], [ "Red", 1500 ], [ "Yellow", 1072 ], [ "White", 1040 ], [ "Buff", 168 ], [ "Pink", 144 ], [ "Cinnamon", 44 ], [ "Green", 16 ], [ "Purple", 16 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 3,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000003"
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"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Bruises?",
"optype" : "categorical",
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"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "No", 4748 ], [ "Yes", 3376 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 4,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000004"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Odor",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 5,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "No", 3528 ], [ "Foul", 2160 ], [ "Fishy", 576 ], [ "Spicy", 576 ], [ "Almond", 400 ], [ "Anise", 400 ], [ "Pungent", 256 ], [ "Creosote", 192 ], [ "Musty", 36 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 5,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000005"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Gill attachment",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 6,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Free", 7914 ], [ "Attached", 210 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 6,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000006"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Gill spacing",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 7,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Close", 6812 ], [ "Crowded", 1312 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 7,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000007"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Gill size",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 8,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Broad", 5612 ], [ "Narrow", 2512 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 8,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000008"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Gill color",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 9,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Buff", 1728 ], [ "Ping", 1492 ], [ "White", 1202 ], [ "Brown", 1048 ], [ "Gray", 752 ], [ "Chocolate", 732 ], [ "Purple", 492 ], [ "Black", 408 ], [ "Red", 96 ], [ "Yellow", 86 ], [ "Orange", 64 ], [ "Green", 24 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 9,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000009"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk shape",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 10,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Tapering", 4608 ], [ "Enlarging", 3516 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 10,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000a"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk root",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 11,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Bulbous base", 3776 ], [ "Missing base", 2480 ], [ "Equal base", 1120 ], [ "Club base", 556 ], [ "Rooted base", 192 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 11,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000b"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk surface above ring",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 12,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Smooth", 5176 ], [ "Silky", 2372 ], [ "Fibrous", 552 ], [ "Scaly", 24 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 12,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000c"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk surface below ring",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 13,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Smooth", 4936 ], [ "Silky", 2304 ], [ "Fibrous", 600 ], [ "Scaly", 284 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 13,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000d"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk color above ring",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 14,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "White", 4464 ], [ "Pink", 1872 ], [ "Gray", 576 ], [ "Brown", 448 ], [ "Buff", 432 ], [ "Orange", 192 ], [ "Red", 96 ], [ "Cinnamon", 36 ], [ "Yellow", 8 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 14,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000e"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Stalk color below ring",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 15,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "White", 4384 ], [ "Pink", 1872 ], [ "Gray", 576 ], [ "Brown", 512 ], [ "Buff", 432 ], [ "Orange", 192 ], [ "Red", 96 ], [ "Cinnamon", 36 ], [ "Yellow", 24 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 15,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "00000f"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Veil color",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 17,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "White", 7924 ], [ "Brown", 96 ], [ "Orange", 96 ], [ "Yellow", 8 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 16,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000011"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Ring number",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 18,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "One", 7488 ], [ "Two", 600 ], [ "No", 36 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 17,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000012"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Ring type",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 19,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Pendant", 3968 ], [ "Evanescent", 2776 ], [ "Large", 1296 ], [ "Flaring", 48 ], [ "No ring type", 36 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 18,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000013"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Spore print color",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 20,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "White", 2388 ], [ "Brown", 1968 ], [ "Black", 1872 ], [ "Chocolate", 1632 ], [ "Green", 72 ], [ "Buff", 48 ], [ "Orange", 48 ], [ "Purple", 48 ], [ "Yellow", 48 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 19,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000014"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Population",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 21,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Several", 4040 ], [ "Solitary", 1712 ], [ "Scattered", 1248 ], [ "Numerous", 400 ], [ "Abundant", 384 ], [ "Clustered", 340 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 20,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000015"
}, {
"datatype" : "string",
"name" : "Habitat",
"optype" : "categorical",
"column_number" : 22,
"summary" : {
"missing_count" : 0,
"categories" : [ [ "Woods", 3148 ], [ "Grasses", 2148 ], [ "Paths", 1144 ], [ "Leaves", 832 ], [ "Urban areas", 368 ], [ "Meadows", 292 ], [ "Waste", 192 ] ]
"preferred" : true,
"order" : 21,
"term_analysis" : {
"enabled" : true
"id" : "000016"
} ],
"min_strength" : 0,
"min_support" : 578.6940432849474,
"type" : "unsupervised",
"max_lhs" : 1,
"k" : 200,
"search_strategy" : "leverage",
"at-max-depth?" : false,
"input_fields" : [ "000000", "000001", "000002", "000003", "000004", "000005", "000006", "000007", "000008", "000009", "00000a", "00000b", "00000c", "00000d", "00000e", "00000f", "000011", "000012", "000013", "000014", "000015", "000016" ],
"row-count" : 8124,
"kind" : "arules",
"min_leverage" : 0.0660529881373424,
"alpha" : 0.05,
"min_coverage" : 578.6940432849474,
"items" : [ {
"field_id" : "000000",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "No",
"description" : "Edible? = No",
"count" : 3916
}, {
"field_id" : "000000",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Yes",
"description" : "Edible? = Yes",
"count" : 4208
}, {
"field_id" : "000001",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Knobbed",
"description" : "Cap shape = Knobbed",
"count" : 828
}, {
"field_id" : "000002",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Fibrous",
"description" : "Cap surface = Fibrous",
"count" : 2320
}, {
"field_id" : "000003",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Gray",
"description" : "Cap color = Gray",
"count" : 1840
}, {
"field_id" : "000003",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Red",
"description" : "Cap color = Red",
"count" : 1500
}, {
"field_id" : "000003",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Yellow",
"description" : "Cap color = Yellow",
"count" : 1072
}, {
"field_id" : "000004",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Yes",
"description" : "Bruises? = Yes",
"count" : 3376
}, {
"field_id" : "000004",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "No",
"description" : "Bruises? = No",
"count" : 4748
}, {
"field_id" : "000005",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "No",
"description" : "Odor = No",
"count" : 3528
}, {
"field_id" : "000005",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Foul",
"description" : "Odor = Foul",
"count" : 2160
}, {
"field_id" : "000007",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Crowded",
"description" : "Gill spacing = Crowded",
"count" : 1312
}, {
"field_id" : "000008",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Narrow",
"description" : "Gill size = Narrow",
"count" : 2512
}, {
"field_id" : "000008",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Broad",
"description" : "Gill size = Broad",
"count" : 5612
}, {
"field_id" : "000009",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Buff",
"description" : "Gill color = Buff",
"count" : 1728
}, {
"field_id" : "00000a",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Enlarging",
"description" : "Stalk shape = Enlarging",
"count" : 3516
}, {
"field_id" : "00000a",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Tapering",
"description" : "Stalk shape = Tapering",
"count" : 4608
}, {
"field_id" : "00000b",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Equal base",
"description" : "Stalk root = Equal base",
"count" : 1120
}, {
"field_id" : "00000b",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Bulbous base",
"description" : "Stalk root = Bulbous base",
"count" : 3776
}, {
"field_id" : "00000b",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Missing base",
"description" : "Stalk root = Missing base",
"count" : 2480
}, {
"field_id" : "00000c",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Smooth",
"description" : "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth",
"count" : 5176
}, {
"field_id" : "00000c",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Silky",
"description" : "Stalk surface above ring = Silky",
"count" : 2372
}, {
"field_id" : "00000d",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Smooth",
"description" : "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth",
"count" : 4936
}, {
"field_id" : "00000d",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Silky",
"description" : "Stalk surface below ring = Silky",
"count" : 2304
}, {
"field_id" : "00000e",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "White",
"description" : "Stalk color above ring = White",
"count" : 4464
}, {
"field_id" : "00000f",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "White",
"description" : "Stalk color below ring = White",
"count" : 4384
}, {
"field_id" : "000013",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Pendant",
"description" : "Ring type = Pendant",
"count" : 3968
}, {
"field_id" : "000013",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Evanescent",
"description" : "Ring type = Evanescent",
"count" : 2776
}, {
"field_id" : "000013",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Large",
"description" : "Ring type = Large",
"count" : 1296
}, {
"field_id" : "000014",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Black",
"description" : "Spore print color = Black",
"count" : 1872
}, {
"field_id" : "000014",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Brown",
"description" : "Spore print color = Brown",
"count" : 1968
}, {
"field_id" : "000014",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Chocolate",
"description" : "Spore print color = Chocolate",
"count" : 1632
}, {
"field_id" : "000014",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "White",
"description" : "Spore print color = White",
"count" : 2388
}, {
"field_id" : "000015",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Scattered",
"description" : "Population = Scattered",
"count" : 1248
}, {
"field_id" : "000015",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Several",
"description" : "Population = Several",
"count" : 4040
}, {
"field_id" : "000015",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Solitary",
"description" : "Population = Solitary",
"count" : 1712
}, {
"field_id" : "000016",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Grasses",
"description" : "Habitat = Grasses",
"count" : 2148
}, {
"field_id" : "000016",
"complement" : false,
"name" : "Woods",
"description" : "Habitat = Woods",
"count" : 3148
} ],
"rules" : [ {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.19456,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 3408,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.80989,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.19456,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 3408,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.96599,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.18895,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 3184,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.80242,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.18895,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 3184,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.94313,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.18599,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 2240,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.90323,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.18599,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 2240,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.93802,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.15018,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.15018,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.72362,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.14777,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.14777,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.69677,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.14693,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.6879,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.14693,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.14673,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 2008,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.84087,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.14673,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 2008,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.72334,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.14157,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.97059,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.14157,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.73333,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.14002,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.14002,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.62248,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.13982,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5176,
"support" : 3664,
"lhs" : [ 20 ],
"strength" : 0.70788,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5176,
"leverage" : 0.13982,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 3664,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.92339,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 20 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.13876,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 1800,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 0.75885,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.13876,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 1800,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 0.78125,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.13772,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 2160,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.55158,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.13772,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 2160,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4464,
"leverage" : 0.13676,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4384,
"support" : 3520,
"lhs" : [ 25 ],
"strength" : 0.80292,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 24 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4384,
"leverage" : 0.13676,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4464,
"support" : 3520,
"lhs" : [ 24 ],
"strength" : 0.78853,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 25 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.13596,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 1952,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.7871,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.13596,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 1952,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.70317,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.13499,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 3152,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.74905,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.13499,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 3152,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.79435,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.13363,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 1824,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.76382,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.13363,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 1824,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.72611,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.13351,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 2228,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 0.93929,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.13351,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 2228,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.56895,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.13307,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5176,
"support" : 3232,
"lhs" : [ 20 ],
"strength" : 0.62442,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5176,
"leverage" : 0.13307,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 3232,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.95735,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 20 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4936,
"leverage" : 0.13061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 3472,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.875,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 22 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.13061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4936,
"support" : 3472,
"lhs" : [ 22 ],
"strength" : 0.7034,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.12917,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 2160,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.55158,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.12917,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 2160,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 0.9375,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.12816,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 1808,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.72903,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.12816,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 1808,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.71975,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.12748,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.12748,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.79412,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.12471,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 2224,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.88535,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5612,
"leverage" : 0.12471,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 3920,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.93156,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 13 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.12471,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 2224,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.56793,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.12471,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5612,
"support" : 3920,
"lhs" : [ 13 ],
"strength" : 0.6985,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5176,
"leverage" : 0.12446,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4936,
"support" : 4156,
"lhs" : [ 22 ],
"strength" : 0.84198,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 20 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4936,
"leverage" : 0.12446,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5176,
"support" : 4156,
"lhs" : [ 20 ],
"strength" : 0.80294,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 22 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.1235,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 3292,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.69334,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.1235,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 2752,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.65399,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.1235,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 2752,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.81517,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.1235,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 3292,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.84065,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3148,
"leverage" : 0.12221,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Woods" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 2456,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.65042,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 37 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.12221,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3148,
"support" : 2456,
"lhs" : [ 37 ],
"strength" : 0.78018,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Woods" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4936,
"leverage" : 0.12171,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 3040,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.90047,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 22 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.12171,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4936,
"support" : 3040,
"lhs" : [ 22 ],
"strength" : 0.61588,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.12133,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2372,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.49958,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.12133,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 2372,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.11957,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.73333,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.11957,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 0.6875,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.11836,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2584,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.54423,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.11836,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 2584,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.93084,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5176,
"leverage" : 0.11804,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 3640,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.86502,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 20 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.11804,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5176,
"support" : 3640,
"lhs" : [ 20 ],
"strength" : 0.70325,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.11788,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 1816,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.65418,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.11788,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 1816,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.72293,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.11785,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 2304,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.11785,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2304,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.48526,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.11735,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 0.66779,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.11735,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.73333,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.11711,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.6,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.11711,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.11704,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 2200,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.54455,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.11704,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 2200,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.8758,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.11428,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.11428,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 0.5625,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4608,
"leverage" : 0.11342,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2776,
"support" : 2496,
"lhs" : [ 27 ],
"strength" : 0.89914,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"rhs" : [ 16 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2776,
"leverage" : 0.11342,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Evanescent" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4608,
"support" : 2496,
"lhs" : [ 16 ],
"strength" : 0.54167,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"rhs" : [ 27 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.11295,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.11295,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 0.54637,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.11086,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 2848,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.70495,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.11086,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 2848,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.72727,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.11017,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.11017,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.44127,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.10693,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.42772,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.10693,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.10474,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5612,
"support" : 3288,
"lhs" : [ 13 ],
"strength" : 0.58589,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5612,
"leverage" : 0.10474,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 3288,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.93197,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 13 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4936,
"leverage" : 0.1038,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 3400,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.80798,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 22 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.1038,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4936,
"support" : 3400,
"lhs" : [ 22 ],
"strength" : 0.68882,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.10322,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2288,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.48189,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.10322,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 2288,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.92258,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2304,
"leverage" : 0.10256,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.79412,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 23 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.10256,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2304,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 23 ],
"strength" : 0.5625,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.10161,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.97059,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.10161,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.41949,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5612,
"leverage" : 0.10137,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 3432,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.9089,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 13 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.10137,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5612,
"support" : 3432,
"lhs" : [ 13 ],
"strength" : 0.61155,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2372,
"leverage" : 0.10087,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.79412,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 21 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.10087,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2372,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 21 ],
"strength" : 0.54637,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Silky" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.09814,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.40449,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.09814,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.97059,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.09359,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2156,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.45409,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.09359,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 2156,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.90285,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.09211,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1712,
"support" : 1544,
"lhs" : [ 35 ],
"strength" : 0.90187,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Solitary" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1712,
"leverage" : 0.09211,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Solitary" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1544,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.4089,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 35 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4608,
"leverage" : 0.09206,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 16 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.09206,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4608,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 16 ],
"strength" : 0.375,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.09049,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3516,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 15 ],
"strength" : 0.3686,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3516,
"leverage" : 0.09049,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 15 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.08967,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4936,
"support" : 2872,
"lhs" : [ 22 ],
"strength" : 0.58185,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4936,
"leverage" : 0.08967,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface below ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 2872,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.81406,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 22 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.0892,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1968,
"support" : 1744,
"lhs" : [ 30 ],
"strength" : 0.88618,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1968,
"leverage" : 0.0892,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 1744,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.41445,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 30 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.08839,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.08839,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 1728,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.36394,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2148,
"leverage" : 0.08729,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1312,
"support" : 1056,
"lhs" : [ 11 ],
"strength" : 0.80488,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"rhs" : [ 36 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1312,
"leverage" : 0.08729,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2148,
"support" : 1056,
"lhs" : [ 36 ],
"strength" : 0.49162,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"rhs" : [ 11 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.08725,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 2432,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.6129,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.08725,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 2432,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.68934,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.08538,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.08538,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.34322,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5612,
"leverage" : 0.08418,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 3016,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.89336,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 13 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2512,
"leverage" : 0.08418,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 2152,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.45324,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 12 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.08418,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5612,
"support" : 3016,
"lhs" : [ 13 ],
"strength" : 0.53742,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.08418,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2512,
"support" : 2152,
"lhs" : [ 12 ],
"strength" : 0.85669,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Narrow" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1872,
"leverage" : 0.0835,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4208,
"support" : 1648,
"lhs" : [ 1 ],
"strength" : 0.39163,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 29 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4208,
"leverage" : 0.0835,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1872,
"support" : 1648,
"lhs" : [ 29 ],
"strength" : 0.88034,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"rhs" : [ 1 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.08275,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5176,
"support" : 2920,
"lhs" : [ 20 ],
"strength" : 0.56414,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5176,
"leverage" : 0.08275,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk surface above ring = Smooth" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 2920,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.82766,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 20 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.08263,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.33095,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.08263,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.08135,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 1812,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.75879,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.08135,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 1812,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.46272,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.08061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 2224,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.58898,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.08061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 2224,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.65877,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.07961,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 1880,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.46535,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.07961,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 1880,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.75806,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3516,
"leverage" : 0.07849,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1632,
"support" : 1344,
"lhs" : [ 31 ],
"strength" : 0.82353,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"rhs" : [ 15 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1632,
"leverage" : 0.07849,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Chocolate" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3516,
"support" : 1344,
"lhs" : [ 15 ],
"strength" : 0.38225,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"rhs" : [ 31 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.07834,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 1824,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.76382,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.07834,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 1824,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.45149,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1968,
"leverage" : 0.07666,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.39919,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 30 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.07666,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1968,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 30 ],
"strength" : 0.80488,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3148,
"leverage" : 0.07563,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Woods" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4608,
"support" : 2400,
"lhs" : [ 16 ],
"strength" : 0.52083,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"rhs" : [ 37 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4608,
"leverage" : 0.07563,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3148,
"support" : 2400,
"lhs" : [ 37 ],
"strength" : 0.76239,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Woods" ],
"rhs" : [ 16 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.07504,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1872,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.86667,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.07504,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 1872,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.39427,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2320,
"leverage" : 0.07406,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap surface = Fibrous" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1680,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.44492,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 3 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.07406,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2320,
"support" : 1680,
"lhs" : [ 3 ],
"strength" : 0.72414,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap surface = Fibrous" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1120,
"leverage" : 0.07384,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Equal base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2148,
"support" : 896,
"lhs" : [ 36 ],
"strength" : 0.41713,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"rhs" : [ 17 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2148,
"leverage" : 0.07384,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1120,
"support" : 896,
"lhs" : [ 17 ],
"strength" : 0.8,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Equal base" ],
"rhs" : [ 36 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4608,
"leverage" : 0.07252,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1500,
"support" : 1440,
"lhs" : [ 5 ],
"strength" : 0.96,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Red" ],
"rhs" : [ 16 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1500,
"leverage" : 0.07252,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Red" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4608,
"support" : 1440,
"lhs" : [ 16 ],
"strength" : 0.3125,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"rhs" : [ 5 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.07234,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 2432,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.6129,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.07234,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 2432,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.64407,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1120,
"leverage" : 0.07227,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Equal base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1312,
"support" : 768,
"lhs" : [ 11 ],
"strength" : 0.58537,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"rhs" : [ 17 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1312,
"leverage" : 0.07227,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1120,
"support" : 768,
"lhs" : [ 17 ],
"strength" : 0.68571,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Equal base" ],
"rhs" : [ 11 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4464,
"leverage" : 0.07177,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1312,
"support" : 1304,
"lhs" : [ 11 ],
"strength" : 0.9939,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"rhs" : [ 24 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1312,
"leverage" : 0.07177,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4464,
"support" : 1304,
"lhs" : [ 24 ],
"strength" : 0.29211,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 11 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2160,
"leverage" : 0.0714,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.41949,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 10 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.0714,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2160,
"support" : 1584,
"lhs" : [ 10 ],
"strength" : 0.73333,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = Foul" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.07126,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 5612,
"support" : 3320,
"lhs" : [ 13 ],
"strength" : 0.59159,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 5612,
"leverage" : 0.07126,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill size = Broad" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 3320,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.83669,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 13 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4384,
"leverage" : 0.07072,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1248,
"support" : 1248,
"lhs" : [ 33 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Scattered" ],
"rhs" : [ 25 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1248,
"leverage" : 0.07072,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Scattered" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4384,
"support" : 1248,
"lhs" : [ 25 ],
"strength" : 0.28467,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 33 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.07068,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1968,
"support" : 1392,
"lhs" : [ 30 ],
"strength" : 0.70732,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1968,
"leverage" : 0.07068,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Brown" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 1392,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.41232,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 30 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3968,
"leverage" : 0.07061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1872,
"support" : 1488,
"lhs" : [ 29 ],
"strength" : 0.79487,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"rhs" : [ 26 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1872,
"leverage" : 0.07061,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3968,
"support" : 1488,
"lhs" : [ 26 ],
"strength" : 0.375,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Pendant" ],
"rhs" : [ 29 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.06968,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1872,
"support" : 1344,
"lhs" : [ 29 ],
"strength" : 0.71795,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1872,
"leverage" : 0.06968,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = Black" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 1344,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.3981,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 29 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3376,
"leverage" : 0.06966,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 2032,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.57596,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 7 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.06966,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3376,
"support" : 2032,
"lhs" : [ 7 ],
"strength" : 0.6019,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = Yes" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3916,
"leverage" : 0.06949,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 1760,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.70968,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 0 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.06949,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3916,
"support" : 1760,
"lhs" : [ 0 ],
"strength" : 0.44944,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Edible? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4464,
"leverage" : 0.06921,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1248,
"support" : 1248,
"lhs" : [ 33 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Scattered" ],
"rhs" : [ 24 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1248,
"leverage" : 0.06921,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Scattered" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4464,
"support" : 1248,
"lhs" : [ 24 ],
"strength" : 0.27957,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color above ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 33 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1072,
"leverage" : 0.06894,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Yellow" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3516,
"support" : 1024,
"lhs" : [ 15 ],
"strength" : 0.29124,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"rhs" : [ 6 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3516,
"leverage" : 0.06894,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Enlarging" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1072,
"support" : 1024,
"lhs" : [ 6 ],
"strength" : 0.95522,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Yellow" ],
"rhs" : [ 15 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2148,
"leverage" : 0.06855,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4384,
"support" : 1716,
"lhs" : [ 25 ],
"strength" : 0.39142,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 36 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4384,
"leverage" : 0.06855,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2148,
"support" : 1716,
"lhs" : [ 36 ],
"strength" : 0.79888,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Habitat = Grasses" ],
"rhs" : [ 25 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1312,
"leverage" : 0.06773,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3528,
"support" : 1120,
"lhs" : [ 9 ],
"strength" : 0.31746,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 11 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3528,
"leverage" : 0.06773,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Odor = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1312,
"support" : 1120,
"lhs" : [ 11 ],
"strength" : 0.85366,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"rhs" : [ 9 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1312,
"leverage" : 0.06745,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4384,
"support" : 1256,
"lhs" : [ 25 ],
"strength" : 0.2865,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 11 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4384,
"leverage" : 0.06745,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk color below ring = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1312,
"support" : 1256,
"lhs" : [ 11 ],
"strength" : 0.95732,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill spacing = Crowded" ],
"rhs" : [ 25 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1728,
"leverage" : 0.06708,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1500,
"support" : 864,
"lhs" : [ 5 ],
"strength" : 0.576,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Red" ],
"rhs" : [ 14 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1500,
"leverage" : 0.06708,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Red" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1728,
"support" : 864,
"lhs" : [ 14 ],
"strength" : 0.5,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Gill color = Buff" ],
"rhs" : [ 5 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4040,
"leverage" : 0.06653,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4608,
"support" : 2832,
"lhs" : [ 16 ],
"strength" : 0.61458,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"rhs" : [ 34 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4608,
"leverage" : 0.06653,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk shape = Tapering" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4040,
"support" : 2832,
"lhs" : [ 34 ],
"strength" : 0.70099,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Population = Several" ],
"rhs" : [ 16 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 828,
"leverage" : 0.06638,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap shape = Knobbed" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2480,
"support" : 792,
"lhs" : [ 19 ],
"strength" : 0.31935,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"rhs" : [ 2 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2480,
"leverage" : 0.06638,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Missing base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 828,
"support" : 792,
"lhs" : [ 2 ],
"strength" : 0.95652,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap shape = Knobbed" ],
"rhs" : [ 19 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 4748,
"leverage" : 0.06629,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1296,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 28 ],
"strength" : 1,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"rhs" : [ 8 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1296,
"leverage" : 0.06629,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Ring type = Large" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 4748,
"support" : 1296,
"lhs" : [ 8 ],
"strength" : 0.27296,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Bruises? = No" ],
"rhs" : [ 28 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 3776,
"leverage" : 0.06607,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 1840,
"support" : 1392,
"lhs" : [ 4 ],
"strength" : 0.75652,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Gray" ],
"rhs" : [ 18 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 1840,
"leverage" : 0.06607,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap color = Gray" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 3776,
"support" : 1392,
"lhs" : [ 18 ],
"strength" : 0.36864,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Stalk root = Bulbous base" ],
"rhs" : [ 4 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 2388,
"leverage" : 0.06605,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 828,
"support" : 780,
"lhs" : [ 2 ],
"strength" : 0.94203,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Cap shape = Knobbed" ],
"rhs" : [ 32 ]
}, {
"rhs_cover" : 828,
"leverage" : 0.06605,
"rhs_desc" : [ "Cap shape = Knobbed" ],
"p_value" : 0.0,
"lhs_cover" : 2388,
"support" : 780,
"lhs" : [ 32 ],
"strength" : 0.32663,
"lhs_desc" : [ "Spore print color = White" ],
"rhs" : [ 2 ]
} ],
"discretization_size" : 5
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