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Connor Gramazio connorgr

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This interactive demo shows how changing the size and percent arguments affects just noticeable difference intervals for CIELAB L* (lightness), a* (redness-to-greenness), and b* (blueness-to-yellowness) color channels. It builds on the d3-jnd library, which extends D3 and was developed by Connor Gramazio using empirical work by Maureen Stone, Daniel Albers Szafir, and Vidya Setlur.

connorgr /
Created May 19, 2016 15:29
Convert an XLSX file to a LaTeX table
A simple script for creating LaTeX tables from XLSX files. The script assumes
that the LaTeX document includes booktabs and tabularx packages.
To install pyexcel_xlsx, run ``pip install pyexcel-xlsx``.
import argparse
from pyexcel_xlsx import get_data
connorgr /
Created February 20, 2016 22:34
fibonacci coloring
connorgr / gist:0a10b8ef5d99e62c8cac
Created April 6, 2015 22:25
Matlab continuous color scales
var matlab = {