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Last active December 22, 2015 18:18
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No one uses older versions of Internet Explorer by choice

While doing my occasional SeatGeek google analytics review to see if we can drop IE 8 yet, I came across some pretty interesting data. Older versions of IE show a much stronger dropoff in usage over the weekend. This fits the narrative that these old versions tend to hang around for awhile in corporate deployments quite nicely, I just never expected the effect to be so stark.


  • IE 8 is the last version to support Windows XP. My guess is that's why we get more traffic from IE 8 than from IE 9.
  • The "Desirability Coefficient" is a ratio of the daily weekend usage to the daily weekday usage.
  • Safari's pattern looks a lot like IE 10: little visually perceptible weekend dropoff. Chrome and firefox both show a bit of weekend dropoff, but nowhere near as much as either IE 8 or IE 9.

Think this is interesting?

We're hiring a Frontend Developer at SeatGeek to work with awesome web technologies (ie. the kind found in IE > 9)!

date IE 8 IE 9 IE 10
8/9/13 0.718101301 0.466371436 0.964710767
8/10/13 0.280929975 0.276086355 0.802795461
8/11/13 0.259064489 0.263492942 0.783697758
8/12/13 0.700941046 0.487683366 0.9119845
8/13/13 0.695820648 0.468585663 0.848325491
8/14/13 0.654442292 0.447688901 0.855798505
8/15/13 0.691253806 0.474674785 0.90063659
8/16/13 0.658732355 0.441738168 0.870744534
8/17/13 0.266537503 0.273872128 0.792554664
8/18/13 0.254220869 0.264323277 0.847218378
8/19/13 0.792693053 0.528923332 0.998477719
8/20/13 0.714779961 0.487406587 0.856213673
8/21/13 0.673124827 0.44782729 0.859535012
8/22/13 0.691115417 0.477857736 0.913230003
8/23/13 0.649460282 0.466924993 0.882646001
8/24/13 0.289648492 0.282175477 0.885413784
8/25/13 0.25574315 0.286188763 0.884168281
8/26/13 0.786050374 0.538057016 0.987960144
8/27/13 0.714641572 0.49183504 0.893717133
8/28/13 0.693329643 0.484500415 0.874342652
8/29/13 0.743149737 0.510655965 0.956269029
8/30/13 0.660254636 0.453639635 0.927899253
8/31/13 0.269582065 0.28508165 0.932189316
9/1/13 0.233877664 0.266675893 0.793384999
9/2/13 0.278162192 0.288956546 0.825214503
9/3/13 0.645170219 0.439523941 0.811929145
9/4/13 0.653335179 0.455023526 0.795322447
9/5/13 0.64004982 0.452532521 0.843481871
9/6/13 0.757127041 0.553418212 0.995433158
9/7/13 0.291032383 0.317049543 1
9/8/13 0.237199004 0.279684473 0.986022696
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