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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Bar Chart Composed of Images ("In One Chart")

What This Shows

A bar chart of Twitter images from Tweets that contain the phrase "in one [chart|graph]". The images themselves make up the areas of the bar chart. Because the Twitter Search API only indexes tweets from the previous seven days, the data is relatively uninteresting for a bar chart.Thus, this visualization is more a proof-of-concept and a unique talking piece for the increased prevalence of the phrase "in one chart". I wrote a short bit on this visualization here.

What's Under the Hood

For this visualization, I wanted to group unique charts/graphs on the day they were first published. I used the following pipeline to determined the tweets that first published unique charts/graphs:

  1. Get all tweets that contained the phrase "in one chart" or "in one graph". (6788 tweets to start)
  2. Then, get tweets that had a picture attached. (4716 tweets left)
  3. Then, group tweets by the image url. Find the earliest tweet from those groups. (204 tweets left)
  4. Then, compare tweets to one another to determine if any of the images were simply re-uploads of existing images. (153 tweets to end)

I did not know that step3 would yield such a reduction in the search space. I learned there is good reason for serious tweeters to not simply click retweet, but instead copy-paste the tweet of interest and fire it off themselves (i.e., manually retweet). Good thing, too, else the somewhat costly image comparison in step4 might have barred its fangs.

To avoid recomputation, each tweet that has gone through the pipeline is marked to state whether or not it is a unique-earliest-tweet. Thus, on successive runs of the pipeline, steps 1-3 only have to run on the new tweets. Step 4 is computationally lessened as well, but not to same degree because each new image must be compared to older images.

What Remains

For image comparison, I use a root-means-squared metric between the two image's PIL.Image.histogram(). Histographic comparison, at least in my implementation, is not robust to cropping or small annotations; those types of edits rarely justify uniqueness.

The slow loading of images is ugly. A loading screen would be nicer.

Interactivity. I've tried my hand at embedding corresponding Tweets upon mouseover() for the images with some success. Uncomment out the .on(mouseover) line and you will get that interactivity with the embedded Tweet off to the side. Unfortunately, you can only view the tweet because once you move your cursor you inevitably mouseover() some other tweet along the way. A better way to embed the tweet is with a tooltip. I struggled in attempting that in large part due to the asynchrnous nature of embedding tweets. Current d3-tooltip libraries are unsuited for that. jQuery lacks support for svgs for this purpose, and I would much prefer a d3 native solution over other external libraries.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.axis {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #000;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.x.axis path {
display: none;
<script src=""></script>
var margin = {top: 40, right: 20, bottom: 100, left: 40},
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([0, width], .1);
var y = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangeRoundBands([height, 0], .1);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
var embed_tweets ="body").append("g")
.attr("id", 'embed_container');
d3.json("inonechart2.json", function(error, data) {
// cleaning data. d3.json() does not have any accessor methods (e.g. type(d))
var data_keys = Object.keys(data),
dates = [],
date_strs = [];
for (var i = data_keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
dates[i] = convertDateToUTC(new Date(data_keys[i]))
dates.sort(function(a,b) { return a.getTime() - b.getTime(); });
date_strs = { return jsdateToKey(d); } );
var y_domain = [],
sizes = { return data[d].length; });
max_size = d3.max(sizes);
while(max_size--) y_domain[max_size] = max_size;
// flatten out data
var temp_data = [];
for (var i = data_keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (var j = data[data_keys[i]].length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var doc = data[data_keys[i]][j];
doc['data_key'] = data_keys[i];
doc['created_at'] = convertDateToUTC(new Date(Date.parse(doc['created_at'])));
data = temp_data;
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
.text(function(d) { return d.substring(5,d.length).replace('-', '/'); });
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text("Charts that day");
.attr("class", "twitter-pic")
.attr("xlink:href", function(d) { return[0].media_url_https; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.data_key); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return height - (sizes[data_keys.indexOf(d.data_key)]-- * y.rangeBand()); })
.attr("width", x.rangeBand())
.attr("height", y.rangeBand());
//.on('mouseover', function(d) { mouseOver(d); })
function mouseOver(d) {
var iframe = d3.selectAll('iframe')
twttr.ready(function() {
twttr.widgets.createTweet(d.id_str, document.getElementById('embed_container'), {'align': 'right', 'width': '300' });
function convertDateToUTC(date) {
// call this only once per date. successive calls will result in (n_calls - 1) too many offsets
return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds());
function jsdateToKey(date) {
// note that this does not call UTC versions of the getters. do any conversinos before calling this
return date.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + pad(date.getMonth()+1, 2) + '-' + pad(date.getDate(), 2);
function pad(n, width, z) {
z = z || '0';
n = n + '';
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
<script>window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
t = window.twttr || {};
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
t._e = [];
t.ready = function(f) {
return t;
}(document, "script", "twitter-wjs"));</script>
{"2015-02-24": [{"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p><a href=\"\">#Measles</a> in one graph <a href=\"\">#vaccineswork</a> <a href=\"\">#outbreaks</a> WASTE $$ <a href=\"\">#death</a>, <a href=\"\">#blindness</a>, &amp; brain swelling PREVENTABLE <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Invisible Threat (@InvisThreat) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Invisible Threat", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 339, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "large": {"h": 617, "resize": "fit", "w": 618}, "medium": {"h": 599, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "570355276718563332", "indices": [109, 131], "type": "photo", "id": 570355276718563332, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 22:51:10 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570355279688110080"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The increase in college apps per student--remarkable--in one chart. <a href=\"\">#highered</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; IECA (@IECA) <a href=\"\">February 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "LusherCollegeCounsel", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 31719273, "source_status_id_str": "563692918876418048", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "31719273", "source_status_id": 563692918876418048, "id_str": "563692918125244416", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 182, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "large": {"h": 529, "resize": "fit", "w": 987}, "medium": {"h": 321, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "indices": [88, 110], "type": "photo", "id": 563692918125244416, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 16:33:55 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570260342023917570"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The NYC tech boom in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Bloomberg Business (@business) <a href=\"\">February 23, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Daniel Andrew", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 34713362, "source_status_id_str": "569663128193118208", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "34713362", "source_status_id": 569663128193118208, "id_str": "569663127793717248", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 717, "resize": "fit", "w": 1024}, "small": {"h": 238, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "medium": {"h": 420, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "indices": [68, 90], "type": "photo", "id": 569663127793717248, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 07:51:04 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570128765256204288"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p><a href=\"\">#News</a> - How Happiness Influences Our Health, In One Chart - <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Breaking_News (@Press2Today) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Breaking_News", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 680, "resize": "fit", "w": 64}, "large": {"h": 2048, "resize": "fit", "w": 194}, "medium": {"h": 1200, "resize": "fit", "w": 113}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "570213295568883713", "indices": [83, 105], "type": "photo", "id": 570213295568883713, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 13:26:58 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570213295736676353"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Who&#39;s In The Office? The American Workday In One Graph <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Kirk Wellum (@kwellum) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Kirk Wellum", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 553, "w": 671, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 280, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 494, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570194193886412800", "indices": [78, 100], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570194193886412800, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 12:11:04 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570194193949323266"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Romney&#39;s Spending Dominance In One Chart - <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; TopTrendingToday (@TopTrendingNow) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "TopTrendingToday", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 226, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 236, "w": 355, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 236, "w": 355, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570371200540499968", "indices": [66, 88], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570371200540499968, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 23:54:25 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570371200586682368"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>If I could only show one graph on the economic history of the world it would be this one.&#10;&#10;<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Max Roser (@MaxCRoser) <a href=\"\">January 26, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Rub\u00e9n Fern\u00e1ndez Vela", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 610659001, "source_status_id_str": "559806509547544578", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "610659001", "source_status_id": 559806509547544578, "id_str": "559806509400723458", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 263, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 793, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 465, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [139, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 559806509400723458, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 11:03:43 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570177244716539904"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Can you summarize the NBA season in one chart? We&#39;ve given it a shot: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; FiveThirtyEight (@FiveThirtyEight) <a href=\"\">February 22, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Trevor Zaucha", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 2303751216, "source_status_id_str": "569311133972062208", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "2303751216", "source_status_id": 569311133972062208, "id_str": "569160223223734272", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 406, "w": 520, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 265, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 406, "w": 520, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [114, 136], "type": "photo", "id": 569160223223734272, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 19:42:52 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570307892471050240"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The difficulty of making an accurate 10-year budget forecast in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Nick Timiraos (@NickTimiraos) <a href=\"\">February 23, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "David J. Bermejo", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 59603406, "source_status_id_str": "569983550168141824", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "59603406", "source_status_id": 569983550168141824, "id_str": "569983548179095552", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 226, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 369, "w": 553, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 369, "w": 553, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [115, 137], "type": "photo", "id": 569983548179095552, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 06:19:24 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570105695498051584"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Here\u2019s Twitter\u2019s Slowing User Growth In One Chart via <a href=\"\">@socialnerdia</a> <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Chilango Ventures (@ChilangoVC) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Chilango Ventures", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 155, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 366, "w": 800, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 274, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570300306799464448", "indices": [91, 113], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570300306799464448, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 19:12:43 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570300308057927680"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>How to tell if your experience of sexual assault is valid in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) <a href=\"\">February 7, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "TR Perri", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 14511951, "source_status_id_str": "564030845045182465", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "14511951", "source_status_id": 564030845045182465, "id_str": "564030844982276096", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 512, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 170, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 300, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [114, 136], "type": "photo", "id": 564030844982276096, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 15:51:31 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570249672364822528"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>All the reasons to buy a thing, in one chart. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Shep McAllister (@shepmcallister) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Shep McAllister", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 1000, "w": 1000, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 340, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 600, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570305805393616896", "indices": [46, 68], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570305805393616896, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 19:34:34 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570305805792235520"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>\u201c<a href=\"\">@ezraklein</a>: The spending cuts in Ryan\u2019s budget, in one chart: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a>\u201d</p>&mdash; larryirving (@larry_irving) <a href=\"\">April 10, 2014</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Eclubdigitalproject ", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 18622869, "source_status_id_str": "454300152438616064", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "18622869", "source_status_id": 454300152438616064, "id_str": "454300152304377856", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 254, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 767, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 449, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [104, 126], "type": "photo", "id": 454300152304377856, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 23:10:20 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570360103615930368"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Why dynamic scoring is important, in one chart: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Jason Russell (@JRussellMI) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Jason Russell", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 208, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 380, "w": 620, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 367, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570281245881430016", "indices": [71, 93], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570281245881430016, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 19:25:19 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570303476942516224"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The power of market share on risk, in one chart. <a href=\"\">#infosec</a> <a href=\"\">#hpsr</a> More at <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Rob Roy (@rrinva) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Rob Roy", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 200, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 568, "w": 960, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 354, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570248463058751490", "indices": [95, 117], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570248463058751490, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 15:46:43 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570248463943741440"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Old? Young? Well-educated? In one graph <a href=\"\">@TobinGrant</a> shows how mark division in U.S. religion <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Religion NewsService (@RNS) <a href=\"\">February 17, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Chomba_TC", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 27741349, "source_status_id_str": "567769978889334784", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "27741349", "source_status_id": 567769978889334784, "id_str": "567679740857700354", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 340, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 618, "w": 618, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 600, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [125, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 567679740857700354, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 22:53:27 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570355857352888322"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>[!!!] 4Minute on YinYueTai Vchart top: 4 songs in one chart(include Sohyun song with hit maker) <a href=\"\">#\ubbf8\uccd0</a> by <a href=\"\">#\ud3ec\ubbf8\ub2db</a> 4mfraffle <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; nguyen bao chau (@4Nia_Baochau96) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "nguyen bao chau", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 564, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 187, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 330, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570161048457650176", "indices": [118, 140], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570161048457650176, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 09:59:22 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570161051968212993"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Europe on her knees to please the Kremlin invading Ukraine...explained in one chart about Russian Gas dependency. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Jeff Gauvin", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 749, "w": 687, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 370, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 654, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570209825893658624", "indices": [114, 136], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570209825893658624, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 13:13:12 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570209831249952768"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>NJ considers a cash balance pension plan. Who already has one in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; NASRA (@PensionDialog) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "NASRA", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 169, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 511, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 299, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570339718488940545", "indices": [98, 120], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570339718488940545, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 21:49:20 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570339718816083969"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>How America\u2019s electorate is becoming less white, in just one chart: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Fusion (@ThisIsFusion) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Fusion", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 375, "w": 620, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 205, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 362, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570316164112515072", "indices": [91, 113], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570316164112515072, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 20:15:44 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570316164280258561"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The myth that there are more black men in prison than in college, debunked in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; deray mckesson (@deray) <a href=\"\">February 15, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Darriah Johnson", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 29417304, "source_status_id_str": "567109919166320640", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "29417304", "source_status_id": 567109919166320640, "id_str": "567109914263175168", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 594, "w": 719, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 280, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 495, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [122, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 567109914263175168, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 15:53:12 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570250097914712064"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The Gender Wage Gap Is A Chasm For Women Of Color, In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#PatriciaArquette</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; UltraViolet (@UltraViolet) <a href=\"\">February 23, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Alex Smith", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 410249471, "source_status_id_str": "569869362443612162", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "410249471", "source_status_id": 569869362443612162, "id_str": "569869361792303104", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 613, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 347, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 613, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [122, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 569869361792303104, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 05:46:02 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570097297431891968"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>How Happiness Influences Our Health, In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a> via <a href=\"\">@HealthyLiving</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Rachel Christu (@RchristuSF) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Rachel Christu ", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 252, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 441, "w": 593, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 441, "w": 593, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570256049099264000", "indices": [92, 114], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570256049099264000, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 16:16:54 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570256060163821568"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p><a href=\"\"></a> How Happiness Influences Our Health, In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Zop.Org (@zoporg) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Zop.Org", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 512, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 170, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 300, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570218176019111936", "indices": [73, 95], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570218176019111936, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 13:46:21 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570218176094609408"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Everything you need to know about cyberterrorism in one chart <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Eli Dourado (@elidourado) <a href=\"\">May 6, 2014</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Ken kinna", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 851361, "source_status_id_str": "463677884079820800", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "851361", "source_status_id": 463677884079820800, "id_str": "463677883949776896", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 156, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 472, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 277, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [78, 100], "type": "photo", "id": 463677883949776896, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 19:39:00 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570306922626355202"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Via <a href=\"\">@aaronwiener</a>, the last decade+ of DC demographics in one chart: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; This Square Beat (@squarelyrooted) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "This Square Beat", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 341, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 636, "w": 634, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 601, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570266324863045632", "indices": [92, 114], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570266324863045632, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 16:57:41 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570266325475569664"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The moral case against ring-fencing pensioner benefits in one graph.&#10;<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Jim Pickard", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 185, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 558, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 327, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570126023414689792", "indices": [92, 114], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570126023414689792, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Feb 24 07:40:11 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570126023527964672"}], "2015-02-25": [{"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p><a href=\"\"></a> How To Tell If You&#39;re On A Date -- In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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Chris Mooney (@chriscmooney) <a href=\"\">January 22, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Winston Lu", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 49164309, "source_status_id_str": "558294450095783938", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "49164309", "source_status_id": 558294450095783938, "id_str": "558294442864418816", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 1025, "w": 923, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 377, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 666, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [97, 119], "type": "photo", "id": 558294442864418816, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Feb 25 06:18:58 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570467972600483840"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The fatal cultural gap in one graph. Others will never accept or understand why Greece can&#39;t collect its taxes. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Geoffrey Smith (@Geoffreytsmith) <a href=\"\">February 25, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Geoffrey Smith", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 2048, "w": 1003, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 680, "w": 333, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 1200, "w": 588, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570630921617051648", "indices": [112, 134], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570630921617051648, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Feb 25 17:06:28 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570630921738706944"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The devastating impact of the anti-vaccine movement in one graph. (via <a href=\"\">@washingtonpost</a>) <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Rachel Zarrell (@rachelzarrell) <a href=\"\">January 22, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "maryhippychick", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 14653034, "source_status_id_str": "558359017480003586", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "14653034", "source_status_id": 558359017480003586, "id_str": "558358887619768322", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 663, "w": 635, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 354, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 626, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [107, 129], "type": "photo", "id": 558358887619768322, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Feb 25 10:22:55 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570529364913360896"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Neo-Keynesian <a href=\"\">#MoneySupply</a> expansion and asset <a href=\"\">#inflation</a> in one chart&#10;<a href=\"\">#gold</a> <a href=\"\">#ZIRP</a> <a href=\"\">#NIRP</a> <a href=\"\">#BrettonWoods</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Canadian Investor (@isave2invest) <a href=\"\">February 25, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Canadian Investor", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 449, "w": 750, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 203, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 359, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570595825472004096", "indices": [103, 125], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570595825472004096, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Feb 25 14:47:00 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570595825870630912"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>How To Tell If You&#39;re On A Date -- In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Totally Smashing (@totallysmashing) <a href=\"\">February 25, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Totally Smashing", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 440, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 1325, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 776, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "570649393201676288", "indices": [71, 93], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 570649393201676288, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Feb 25 18:19:52 +0000 2015", "id_str": "570649393507889152"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The 2012 presidential election, in one graph: <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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World Economic Forum (@Davos) <a href=\"\">February 27, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "World Economic Forum", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 607, "resize": "fit", "w": 1024}, "small": {"h": 201, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "medium": {"h": 356, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "571195549837369345", "indices": [81, 103], "type": "photo", "id": 571195549837369345, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Feb 27 06:30:06 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571195549950615552"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The Mavericks\u2019 roster overhaul in one chart. <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; SB Nation NBA (@SBNationNBA) <a href=\"\">February 27, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "SB Nation NBA", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 262, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "large": {"h": 612, "resize": "fit", "w": 792}, "medium": {"h": 463, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "571329261489029121", "indices": [68, 90], "type": "photo", "id": 571329261489029121, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Feb 27 15:45:14 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571335256655007745"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>The only two (OK, three) kinds of people, in one chart: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Brow Beat (@browbeat) <a href=\"\">February 27, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Brow Beat", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 421, "resize": "fit", "w": 590}, "small": {"h": 242, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "medium": {"h": 421, "resize": "fit", "w": 590}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "571363119986913280", "indices": [79, 101], "type": "photo", "id": 571363119986913280, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Feb 27 17:35:58 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571363120683229185"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>\ud83d\ude33 \u201c<a href=\"\">@HealthyLiving</a>: All the ways your phone is messing up your life, in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a>\u201d</p>&mdash; Ver\u00f3nica Vel\u00e1zquez Z (@verovelz) <a href=\"\">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Adriana Cano", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 23674342, "source_status_id_str": "552011691924656128", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "23674342", "source_status_id": 552011691924656128, "id_str": "552011691844988928", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 512, "resize": "fit", "w": 1024}, "small": {"h": 170, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "medium": {"h": 300, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "indices": [118, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 552011691844988928, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Feb 27 23:08:19 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571446760482025472"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>A tale of two deflations, in one chart | FT Alphaville <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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Tom Baxter (@tombaxter) <a href=\"\">September 4, 2014</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Tamara", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 51958185, "source_status_id_str": "506632745733222400", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "51958185", "source_status_id": 506632745733222400, "id_str": "506632745548648448", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 457, "resize": "fit", "w": 704}, "small": {"h": 220, "resize": "fit", "w": 340}, "medium": {"h": 389, "resize": "fit", "w": 600}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "resize": "crop", "w": 150}}, "indices": [107, 129], "type": "photo", "id": 506632745548648448, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Sun Mar 01 07:28:03 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571934912846041091"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>130 years of facial hair trends, in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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A. 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Robert Went (@went1955) <a href=\"\">December 18, 2014</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Edwin Gardner", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 124506375, "source_status_id_str": "545674479352168449", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "124506375", "source_status_id": 545674479352168449, "id_str": "545674472653856768", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 438, "w": 709, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 210, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 370, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [105, 127], "type": "photo", "id": 545674472653856768, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Tue Mar 03 13:03:48 +0000 2015", "id_str": "572744179996106752"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>.<a href=\"\">@facebook</a> now drives\u2014wait for it\u20141/4 of all web traffic. 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Real Music (@iAmMusicxx) <a href=\"\">March 4, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Real Music", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 764, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 253, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 447, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "573266667125383168", "indices": [112, 134], "type": "photo", "id": 573266667125383168, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Wed Mar 04 23:39:59 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573266671521042432"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p><a href=\"\">#Inequality</a> in one chart &gt; <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">@JohnHCochrane</a> <a href=\"\">@BrankoMilan</a> <a href=\"\">@andrewtghill</a> <a href=\"\">@ftalpha</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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jeroen blokland (@jsblokland) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "jeroen blokland", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 566637308, "source_status_id_str": "573754025134407680", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "566637308", "source_status_id": 573754025134407680, "id_str": "573754024240922624", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 448, "w": 710, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 214, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 378, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [64, 86], "type": "photo", "id": 573754024240922624, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 10:09:28 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573787471902871553"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>What Apple replacing AT&amp;T does to the Dow explained in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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<a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Ophir Gottlieb (@OphirGottlieb) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Ophir Gottlieb", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 253, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 725, "w": 974, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 446, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "573937809473474561", "indices": [112, 134], "type": "photo", "id": 573937809473474561, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 20:06:51 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573937809960013824"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>A scale of 1 to sf \u201c<a href=\"\">@voxdotcom</a>: The most liberal and conservative big cities in America: <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a>\u201d</p>&mdash; Dustin Moskovitz (@moskov) <a href=\"\">August 10, 2014</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "TOP 10", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 2347049341, "source_status_id_str": "498525438277218304", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "2347049341", "source_status_id": 498525438277218304, "id_str": "498525438088445953", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 875, "w": 608, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 489, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 863, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [124, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 498525438088445953, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 08:17:10 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573759213135994880"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Finally!! Growing Pain is no 2 in Daum Chart. At least they reached the top 10 in one chart. &#10;(Cr. Topaz) <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Chanty in disguise. (@_haengel) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Chanty in disguise.", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 297, "w": 1004, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 100, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 177, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "573789160407957504", "indices": [106, 128], "type": "photo", "id": 573789160407957504, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 10:16:11 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573789163478192128"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\" data-conversation=\"none\"><p>\u201c<a href=\"\">@ZackRutstein</a>: Why I hate everyone at Penn State in one graph <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a>\u201dReally pop is 2x the next genre</p>&mdash; Ian (@IHATH_dat_dank) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Ian", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 409119132, "source_status_id_str": "512574632021733376", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "409119132", "source_status_id": 512574632021733376, "id_str": "512574630888882176", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 239, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 455, "w": 646, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 422, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [86, 108], "type": "photo", "id": 512574630888882176, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 08:32:01 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573762948566499328"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>All conference tourney dates and times in one chart (via <a href=\"\">@fancred</a>) <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Derek (@MidweztMarauder) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Derek ", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 249, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 550, "w": 750, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 439, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "573867533041733632", "indices": [67, 89], "type": "photo", "id": 573867533041733632, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 15:28:25 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573867738667597824"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>&quot;Failed&quot; Stimulus and &quot;Job Killing&quot; Obamacare in One Chart <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Comeback Decade (@comebackdecade) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Comeback Decade", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 513, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 600, "w": 397, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 600, "w": 397, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "display_url": "", "id_str": "573864737106067456", "indices": [59, 81], "type": "photo", "id": 573864737106067456, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 15:16:30 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573864737756176384"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\" data-conversation=\"none\"><p>obamacare destroys the us economy, in one chart <a href=\"\"></a> via <a href=\"\">@ddiamond</a></p>&mdash; Oliver Willis (@owillis) <a href=\"\">March 6, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Oliver Willis", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 16868756, "source_status_id_str": "573842496876363777", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "16868756", "source_status_id": 573842496876363777, "id_str": "573842494770790401", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 657, "w": 798, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 279, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 493, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [48, 70], "type": "photo", "id": 573842494770790401, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Fri Mar 06 13:50:35 +0000 2015", "id_str": "573843116039536640"}], "2015-02-28": [{"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>How Happiness Influences Our Health, In One Chart <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; 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assists; dribbles; key passes) in one chart. Find your hero people :) <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; erdi (@erMESSIdi) <a href=\"\">February 18, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "nacho s", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"source_user_id": 1281591470, "source_status_id_str": "568112111051800578", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "source_user_id_str": "1281591470", "source_status_id": 568112111051800578, "id_str": "568112100841906177", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 203, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 533, "w": 890, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 358, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "indices": [118, 140], "type": "photo", "id": 568112100841906177, "media_url": ""}], "created_at": "Sat Feb 28 21:45:19 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571788259497512960"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Childhood lead exposure &amp; violence in one graph. <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; BoxerDave (@BoxerDave) <a href=\"\">February 28, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "BoxerDave", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"large": {"h": 760, "w": 615, "resize": "fit"}, "small": {"h": 420, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 741, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "571677142293065728", "indices": [53, 75], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 571677142293065728, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Sat Feb 28 14:23:46 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571677142364377088"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>Who&#39;s In The Office? The American Workday In One Graph <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\">#Productivity</a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Jon Ferrara (@Jon_Ferrara) <a href=\"\">February 28, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Jon Ferrara", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 170, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 512, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 300, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "571639765604425728", "indices": [92, 114], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 571639765604425728, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Sat Feb 28 11:55:15 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571639765700886528"}, {"embed": {"provider_url": "", "url": "", "html": "<blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p>RT mateagold: The plummeting campaign finance enforcement at the FEC, in one chart, by Pos\u2026 <a href=\"\"></a> <a href=\"\"></a></p>&mdash; Oscar MacDonald (@OscarMacDonald) <a href=\"\">February 28, 2015</a></blockquote>\n", "author_name": "Oscar MacDonald", "height": null, "width": 550, "version": "1.0", "author_url": "", "provider_name": "Twitter", "cache_age": "3153600000", "type": "rich"}, "media": [{"expanded_url": "", "sizes": {"small": {"h": 255, "w": 340, "resize": "fit"}, "large": {"h": 768, "w": 1024, "resize": "fit"}, "medium": {"h": 450, "w": 600, "resize": "fit"}, "thumb": {"h": 150, "w": 150, "resize": "crop"}}, "url": "", "media_url_https": "", "id_str": "571469755502235648", "indices": [115, 137], "media_url": "", "type": "photo", "id": 571469755502235648, "display_url": ""}], "created_at": "Sat Feb 28 00:39:41 +0000 2015", "id_str": "571469755623849984"}]}
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