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Last active November 9, 2016 21:49
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d3Kit - Reusable <svg> chart
license: mit

Bubble chart created with d3Kit v3. Click on the circles to see info

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href='style.css' rel='stylesheet' />
<button id="data-btn">Change data</button>
<button id="resize-btn">Resize</button>
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id="info"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/babel" src="MyChart.js"></script>
<script type="text/babel" src='main.js'></script>
// Generate random data
function generateBubbles() {
const array = [];
for(let i=0;i<100;i++){
x: Math.random()*100,
y: Math.random()*100,
r: Math.random()*5+3
return array;
const bubbles = generateBubbles();
const info = document.querySelector('#info');
// Use the bubble chart
const chart = new MyChart('#chart', {
margin: { top: 20 },
initialWidth: 300,
initialHeight: 300,
// handle bubbleClick event
.on('bubbleClick', d => { info.innerHTML = (JSON.stringify(d)); })
width: '100%',
height: 400
}, true);
// Buttons
.addEventListener('click', () => {;
let i = 1;
.addEventListener('click', () => {
chart.dimension([200 * i, 200 * i]);
i = i===1 ? 2 : 1;
const { scaleLinear, scaleOrdinal, schemeCategory10 } = d3;
const { axisLeft, axisBottom } = d3;
const { extent } = d3;
const { SvgChart, helper } = d3Kit;
class MyChart extends SvgChart {
static getDefaultOptions() {
return helper.deepExtend(
margin: {top: 60, right: 60, bottom: 60, left: 60},
initialWidth: 800,
initialHeight: 460
* Define the names of custom events that can be dispatched from this chart
* @return {Array[String]} event names
static getCustomEventNames() {
return ['bubbleClick'];
constructor(selector, options) {
super(selector, options);
// create <g> layers
this.layers.create(['content', 'x-axis', 'y-axis']);
// add custom variables
this.xScale = scaleLinear();
this.yScale = scaleLinear();
this.color = scaleOrdinal(schemeCategory10);
this.xAxis = axisBottom().scale(this.xScale);
this.yAxis = axisLeft().scale(this.yScale);
// add basic event listeners
this.visualize = this.visualize.bind(this);
this.on('resize.default', this.visualize);
this.on('data.default', this.visualize);
// You can define a new function for this class.
visualize() {
const data =;
this.xScale.domain(extent(data, d => d.x))
.range([0, this.getInnerWidth()]);
this.yScale.domain(extent(data, d => d.y))
.range([this.getInnerHeight(), 0]);
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${this.getInnerHeight()})`)
const selection = this.layers.get('content').selectAll('circle')
const sEnter = selection.enter().append('circle')
.attr('cx', d => this.xScale(d.x))
.attr('cy', d => this.yScale(d.y))
.on('click', (...args) => {
this.dispatcher.apply('bubbleClick', this, args);
.attr('cx', d => this.xScale(d.x))
.attr('cy', d => this.yScale(d.y))
.attr('r', d => d.r)
.style('fill', (d,i) => this.color(i));
window.MyChart = MyChart;
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