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Last active January 2, 2016 10:28
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Save nitaku/8289840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fractal treemap of Kyupapa (321 leaves)
from __future__ import print_function
from itertools import izip
import csv
import json
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
import shapely.wkt
from fiona import collection
from shapely.geometry import mapping
import re
import os
# yield the leaves of the tree, also computing each leaf path
def leafify(node, path=()):
if 'c' not in node:
node['path'] = path + (node,)
yield node
for c in node['c']:
for l in leafify(c, path + (node,)):
yield l
def gosperify(tree_path, hexes_path, output_regions_dir_path, depth_filename):
leaves_done = 0
layers = {}
depth_levels = {}
print('Reading the tree...')
with open(tree_path, 'rb') as tree_file:
tree = json.loads(
print('Reading hexes...')
# iterate over the hexes taken from the file
with open(hexes_path, 'rb') as hexes_file:
hexes_reader = csv.reader(hexes_file, delimiter=';', quotechar='#')
for leaf, hexes_row in izip(leafify(tree), hexes_reader):
path = leaf['path']
hex = shapely.wkt.loads(hexes_row[0])
for depth in xrange(len(path)):
# add the hex to its political regions
ancestor_or_self = path[depth]
if depth not in layers:
layers[depth] = {}
if id(ancestor_or_self) not in layers[depth]:
layers[depth][id(ancestor_or_self)] = {
'geometry': hex,
'node': ancestor_or_self
layers[depth][id(ancestor_or_self)]['geometry'] = layers[depth][id(ancestor_or_self)]['geometry'].union(hex)
# add the hex to all the depth levels with d <= depth
if depth not in depth_levels:
depth_levels[depth] = hex
depth_levels[depth] = depth_levels[depth].union(hex)
# logging
leaves_done += 1
print('%d leaves done' % leaves_done, end='\r')
print('Writing political regions...')
schema = {'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'label': 'str'}}
if not os.path.exists(output_regions_dir_path):
for depth, regions in layers.items():
with collection(output_regions_dir_path+'/'+str(depth)+'.json', 'w', 'GeoJSON', schema) as output:
for _, region_obj in regions.items():
'properties': {
'label': region_obj['node']['l']
'geometry': mapping(region_obj['geometry'])
print('Writing depth_levels...')
schema = {'geometry': 'Polygon', 'properties': {'depth': 'int'}}
with collection(depth_filename, 'w', 'GeoJSON', schema) as output:
for depth, region in depth_levels.items():
'properties': {
'depth': depth
'geometry': mapping(region)
concat = (a) -> a.reduce ((a,o) -> a.concat(o)), []
window.main = () ->
### "globals" ###
vis = null
width = 960
height = 500
svg ='body').append('svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
### ZOOM and PAN ###
### create container elements ###
container = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform','translate(470, 136)')[1, 49]).on('zoom', (() -> vis.attr('transform', "translate(#{d3.event.translate})scale(#{d3.event.scale})"))))
vis = container.append('g')
### create a rectangular overlay to catch events ###
### WARNING rect size is huge but not infinite. this is a dirty hack ###
.attr('class', 'overlay')
.attr('x', -500000)
.attr('y', -500000)
.attr('width', 1000000)
.attr('height', 1000000)
### END ZOOM and PAN ###
### custom projection to make hexagons appear regular (y axis is also flipped) ###
radius = 6
dx = radius * 2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 3)
dy = radius * 1.5
path_generator = d3.geo.path()
.projection d3.geo.transform({
point: (x,y) -> * dx / 2, -(y - (2 - (y & 1)) / 3) * dy / 2)
### depth scale ###
whiteness = 0.6
whiten = (color) -> d3.interpolateHcl(color, d3.hcl(undefined,0,100))(whiteness)
colorify = d3.scale.quantize()
# .range(['#59A80F','#9ED54C','#C4ED68','#E2FF9E','#F0F2DD','#F8CA8C','#E9A189','#D47384','#AC437B','#8C286E'])
# .range(['#FFFCF6','#FFF7DB','#FFF4C2','#FEECAE','#F8CA8C','#F0A848','#C07860','#A86060','#784860','#604860'])
### legend ###
legend = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(30,20)')
scale = [colorify.domain()[0]..colorify.domain()[1]]
categories = legend.selectAll('.category')
.attr('class', 'category')
.attr('transform', (d,i) -> "translate(0,#{i*22})")
.attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', 22).attr('height', 22)
.attr('fill', (d) -> colorify(d))
.attr('y', 11)
.attr('dx', -4)
.attr('dy', '0.35em')
.text((d) -> d)
### load topoJSON data ###
d3.json 'regions_depth.topo.json', (error, data) ->
### write the name of the land ###
title = svg.append('text')
.attr('class', 'title')
.text(topojson.feature(data, data.objects['0']).features[0].properties.label)
.attr('transform', 'translate(80,40)')
### define the level zero region (the land) ###
defs = svg.append('defs')
.datum(topojson.feature(data, data.objects['0']).features[0])
.attr('id', 'land')
.attr('d', path_generator)
### faux land glow (using filters takes too much resources) ###
.attr('class', 'land-glow-outer')
.attr('xlink:href', '#land')
.attr('class', 'land-glow-inner')
.attr('xlink:href', '#land')
### draw the depth levels ###
.data(topojson.feature(data, data.objects.depth).features)
.attr('class', 'contour')
.attr('d', path_generator)
.attr('fill', (d) -> colorify(
### draw the land border ###
.attr('class', 'land-fill')
.attr('xlink:href', '#land')
### draw the political boundaries ###
for depth in [1..2]
.datum(topojson.mesh(data, data.objects[depth], ((a,b) -> a isnt b)))
.attr('d', path_generator)
.attr('class', 'boundary')
.style('stroke-width', "#{1.8/depth}px")
### draw the other labels ###
.data(concat((topojson.feature(data, data.objects[depth]) -> {feature: d, depth: depth}) for depth in [2..1])))
.attr('class', 'label')
.attr('transform', ((d) ->
centroid = path_generator.centroid(d.feature)
area = path_generator.area(d.feature)
return "translate(#{centroid[0]},#{centroid[1]}) scale(#{10/d.depth})"
.text((d) ->
#land {
fill: none;
.land-glow-outer {
stroke: #eeeeee;
stroke-width: 16px;
.land-glow-inner {
stroke: #dddddd;
stroke-width: 8px;
.land-fill {
stroke: #444444;
stroke-width: 2px;
.contour {
stroke: none;
.category text {
text-anchor: end;
fill: #444444;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
pointer-events: none;
text-shadow: -1px 0 white, 0 1px white, 1px 0 white, 0 -1px white;
.boundary {
stroke: #444444;
fill: none;
pointer-events: none;
@font-face {
font-family: "Lacuna";
src: url("lacuna.ttf");
.label {
text-transform: capitalize;
text-anchor: middle;
font-size: 2.5px;
fill: #444444;
pointer-events: none;
font-family: "Lacuna";
text-shadow: -2px 0 white, 0 2px white, 2px 0 white, 0 -2px white, -1px -1px white, 1px -1px white, 1px 1px white, -1px 1px white;
.title {
text-transform: capitalize;
text-anchor: start;
font-size: 24pt;
fill: #444444;
pointer-events: none;
font-family: "Lacuna";
text-shadow: -1px 0 white, 0 1px white, 1px 0 white, 0 -1px white;
.overlay {
fill: transparent;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Fractal treemap - Kyupapa (321)</title>
<link type="text/css" href="index.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="index.js"></script>
<body onload="main()">
(function() {
var concat;
concat = function(a) {
return a.reduce((function(a, o) {
return a.concat(o);
}), []);
window.main = function() {
/* "globals"
var categories, colorify, container, dx, dy, height, legend, path_generator, radius, scale, svg, vis, whiten, whiteness, width, _i, _ref, _ref2, _results;
vis = null;
width = 960;
height = 500;
svg ='body').append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
/* ZOOM and PAN
/* create container elements
container = svg.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(470, 136)');[1, 49]).on('zoom', (function() {
return vis.attr('transform', "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
vis = container.append('g');
/* create a rectangular overlay to catch events
/* WARNING rect size is huge but not infinite. this is a dirty hack
vis.append('rect').attr('class', 'overlay').attr('x', -500000).attr('y', -500000).attr('width', 1000000).attr('height', 1000000);
/* custom projection to make hexagons appear regular (y axis is also flipped)
radius = 6;
dx = radius * 2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 3);
dy = radius * 1.5;
path_generator = d3.geo.path().projection(d3.geo.transform({
point: function(x, y) {
return * dx / 2, -(y - (2 - (y & 1)) / 3) * dy / 2);
/* depth scale
whiteness = 0.6;
whiten = function(color) {
return d3.interpolateHcl(color, d3.hcl(void 0, 0, 100))(whiteness);
colorify = d3.scale.quantize().domain([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]).range(['#396353', '#0DB14B', '#6DC067', '#ABD69B', '#DAEAC1', '#DFCCE4', '#C7B2D6', '#9474B4', '#754098', '#504971'].map(whiten));
/* legend
legend = svg.append('g').attr('id', 'legend').attr('transform', 'translate(30,20)');
scale = (function() {
_results = [];
for (var _i = _ref = colorify.domain()[0], _ref2 = colorify.domain()[1]; _ref <= _ref2 ? _i <= _ref2 : _i >= _ref2; _ref <= _ref2 ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
return _results;
categories = legend.selectAll('.category').data(scale).enter().append('g').attr('class', 'category').attr('transform', function(d, i) {
return "translate(0," + (i * 22) + ")";
categories.append('rect').attr('x', 0).attr('y', 0).attr('width', 22).attr('height', 22).attr('fill', function(d) {
return colorify(d);
categories.append('text').attr('y', 11).attr('dx', -4).attr('dy', '0.35em').text(function(d) {
return d;
/* load topoJSON data
return d3.json('regions_depth.topo.json', function(error, data) {
/* write the name of the land
var defs, depth, title;
title = svg.append('text').attr('class', 'title').text(topojson.feature(data, data.objects['0']).features[0].properties.label).attr('transform', 'translate(80,40)');
/* define the level zero region (the land)
defs = svg.append('defs');
defs.append('path').datum(topojson.feature(data, data.objects['0']).features[0]).attr('id', 'land').attr('d', path_generator);
/* faux land glow (using filters takes too much resources)
vis.append('use').attr('class', 'land-glow-outer').attr('xlink:href', '#land');
vis.append('use').attr('class', 'land-glow-inner').attr('xlink:href', '#land');
/* draw the depth levels
vis.selectAll('.contour').data(topojson.feature(data, data.objects.depth).features).enter().append('path').attr('class', 'contour').attr('d', path_generator).attr('fill', function(d) {
return colorify(;
/* draw the land border
vis.append('use').attr('class', 'land-fill').attr('xlink:href', '#land');
/* draw the political boundaries
for (depth = 1; depth <= 2; depth++) {
vis.append('path').datum(topojson.mesh(data, data.objects[depth], (function(a, b) {
return a !== b;
}))).attr('d', path_generator).attr('class', 'boundary').style('stroke-width', "" + (1.8 / depth) + "px");
/* draw the other labels
return vis.selectAll('.label').data(concat((function() {
var _results2;
_results2 = [];
for (depth = 2; depth >= 1; depth--) {
_results2.push(topojson.feature(data, data.objects[depth]) {
return {
feature: d,
depth: depth
return _results2;
})())).enter().append('text').attr('class', 'label').attr('dy', '0.35em').attr('transform', (function(d) {
var area, centroid;
centroid = path_generator.centroid(d.feature);
area = path_generator.area(d.feature);
return "translate(" + centroid[0] + "," + centroid[1] + ") scale(" + (10 / d.depth) + ")";
})).text(function(d) {
@mixin halo($color)
text-shadow: -1px 0 $color, 0 1px $color, 1px 0 $color, 0 -1px $color
@mixin halo_double($color)
text-shadow: -2px 0 $color, 0 2px $color, 2px 0 $color, 0 -2px $color, -1px -1px $color, 1px -1px $color, 1px 1px $color, -1px 1px $color
fill: none
stroke: #EEE
stroke-width: 16px
stroke: #DDD
stroke-width: 8px
stroke: #444
stroke-width: 2px
stroke: none
.category text
text-anchor: end
fill: #444
font-family: sans-serif
font-weight: bold
font-size: 14px
pointer-events: none
@include halo(white)
stroke: #444
fill: none
// avoid blinking when hovering regions
pointer-events: none
font-family: 'Lacuna'
src: url('lacuna.ttf')
text-transform: capitalize
text-anchor: middle
font-size: 2.5px
fill: #444
pointer-events: none
font-family: 'Lacuna'
@include halo_double(white)
text-transform: capitalize
text-anchor: start
font-size: 24pt
fill: #444
pointer-events: none
font-family: 'Lacuna'
@include halo(white)
// zoom and pan
fill: transparent
{"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"l": "fokata"}, {"c": [{"l": "pasizoma"}, {"l": "arfusiopa"}], "l": "pafle"}, {"c": [{"l": "piibotri"}, {"l": "anflebugolu"}, {"l": "kyana"}, {"l": "koflenopi"}, {"c": [{"l": "aressibi"}], "l": "kyasu"}, {"l": "busifoko"}], "l": "sipa"}, {"l": "esse"}, {"l": "kanapakyu"}], "l": "kasuleno"}, {"c": [{"l": "sefle"}, {"l": "oo"}], "l": "boes"}, {"l": "mabu"}, {"l": "subuisu"}], "l": "sebu"}, {"l": "noketrike"}], "l": "gokafu"}, {"l": "zoosulu"}], "l": "gofunelu"}, {"c": [{"l": "luflenonopa"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "fugonoango"}], "l": "esflesulupe"}, {"l": "lufo"}], "l": "pakasubono"}, {"c": [{"l": "kabutazo"}, {"l": "iboilui"}, {"l": "kyasufo"}, {"l": "futafufo"}, {"c": [{"l": "fletrikonape"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "nokyanapa"}, {"c": [{"l": "komasuanne"}, {"l": "learbimano"}, {"l": "keflo"}, {"l": "flekekezo"}], "l": "tabu"}, {"l": "annoluarfo"}, {"l": "arseluflo"}, {"l": "taisi"}, {"l": "pifuanpa"}, {"c": [{"l": "tapi"}, {"l": "luopa"}], "l": "flepearnai"}], "l": "trisebibobi"}, {"c": [{"l": "estri"}, {"l": "fubifle"}, {"l": "nafubu"}, {"l": "nopale"}, {"c": [{"l": "napi"}, {"l": "zoflenafo"}], "l": "okyukyu"}, {"l": "kyukebole"}, {"l": "tase"}], "l": "pamasesi"}, {"l": "koespi"}, {"l": "tanepaflean"}, {"l": "notritai"}, {"l": "osi"}], "l": "artrikepa"}, {"l": "nakefotale"}, {"l": "kyapa"}], "l": "bumalu"}, {"l": "buanmago"}], "l": "koboarma"}, {"c": [{"l": "sigofumatri"}, {"c": [{"l": "lusike"}, {"l": "fogo"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "flepiespibu"}, {"l": "okaarzosi"}, {"l": "floanta"}, {"c": [{"l": "kataan"}, {"l": "zonoluta"}, {"l": "anbu"}, {"l": "nosina"}], "l": "sekyubupe"}, {"l": "omabu"}, {"l": "esma"}, {"l": "nofumaflo"}], "l": "nobu"}], "l": "kyaflofupina"}], "l": "nesibo"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"l": "flomaflepi"}, {"l": "butaflean"}, {"l": "trisibimafo"}, {"l": "lekakafu"}], "l": "arsegotako"}, {"l": "mabubotrise"}, {"c": [{"l": "seno"}, {"l": "fuan"}, {"c": [{"l": "anlebies"}, {"l": "fobule"}, {"l": "arbifoneno"}, {"l": "pekyatribule"}], "l": "manakaluflo"}, {"l": "peflolebiko"}, {"l": "kyuan"}], "l": "sikale"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "pesuzofu"}, {"l": "goigo"}, {"l": "segoikeno"}, {"l": "peibigo"}, {"l": "keesgoeses"}, {"l": "nole"}], "l": "suifose"}, {"c": [{"l": "fokoesar"}, {"l": "nakyu"}, {"l": "buo"}, {"l": "sigotrise"}, {"l": "kana"}, {"l": "boanflefo"}], "l": "trinose"}], "l": "senesupe"}], "l": "tritaesfle"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"l": "flolu"}, {"l": "flelunearne"}, {"l": "kokaise"}, {"l": "lupaflo"}, {"l": "bufufono"}], "l": "trikyusefle"}, {"l": "koflo"}, {"l": "masesepepi"}, {"l": "kose"}], "l": "sumapifo"}], "l": "paluar"}], "l": "esfukezobi"}, {"c": [{"l": "ibi"}, {"l": "zobi"}, {"c": [{"l": "anpebufloi"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "nenope"}, {"l": "subuneno"}, {"l": "nabuzo"}, {"l": "arisitripe"}, {"l": "flear"}, {"l": "neke"}, {"l": "lese"}], "l": "piesanle"}, {"c": [{"l": "konake"}], "l": "buko"}, {"c": [{"l": "kyupebina"}, {"l": "selene"}], "l": "kyutatrio"}, {"l": "fosi"}, {"l": "keo"}], "l": "ifleanse"}, {"l": "anma"}, {"l": "estri"}], "l": "itrika"}, {"c": [{"l": "kyupikoesse"}, {"c": [{"l": "talukyaka"}], "l": "sepabule"}], "l": "peimakaes"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "takakyuflo"}, {"c": [{"l": "pakyu"}, {"l": "kago"}, {"l": "floflokyanezo"}, {"l": "arpaigo"}, {"l": "nefle"}], "l": "arsu"}, {"c": [{"l": "near"}], "l": "osesu"}, {"l": "bieskyaka"}, {"l": "flokapitano"}, {"l": "fupaflofletri"}], "l": "nasi"}, {"l": "zosubuke"}, {"l": "kesipian"}, {"l": "fuzo"}, {"c": [{"l": "sufoopibi"}], "l": "biipa"}], "l": "zoes"}], "l": "suseo"}], "l": "fuzotrisilu"}, {"c": [{"l": "keseotries"}, {"l": "petafopasi"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"c": [{"l": "piose"}, {"l": "luko"}, {"l": "imaes"}, {"l": "anpego"}], "l": "esna"}, {"c": [{"l": "futri"}, {"l": "keoarkya"}, {"l": "bobimape"}, {"l": "paanfoitri"}], "l": "pekotrisu"}, {"l": "nalugonesi"}, {"l": "pao"}, {"l": "bisugogo"}, {"c": [{"l": "ipaar"}, {"c": [{"l": "fleke"}, {"l": "siflo"}], "l": "makya"}, {"l": "mamakaoma"}, {"l": "obu"}, {"l": "noopalena"}], "l": "suoneflole"}], "l": "okya"}, {"c": [{"l": "bunakolui"}, {"l": "lukeole"}, {"l": "fosinaflo"}], "l": "pikobi"}, {"l": "sule"}, {"l": "zopitrii"}, {"l": "okeke"}, {"l": "bubi"}, {"c": [{"l": "noarkyuna"}, {"l": "kako"}, {"c": [{"c": [{"l": "bisukyubopi"}, {"l": "sukya"}, {"l": "naesar"}, {"l": "kyuo"}, {"l": "otrika"}, {"l": "flepa"}], "l": "kyafoflekya"}, {"l": "kyunozo"}, {"c": [{"l": "tanekata"}, {"l": "trinoarar"}, {"l": "koluo"}, {"l": "ianle"}, {"l": "kyusu"}, {"l": "nenama"}], "l": "ifuar"}, {"c": [{"l": "legonomasi"}, {"l": "kyubosu"}, {"l": "leanifle"}], "l": "anpakyaneflo"}, {"c": [{"l": "zofosetri"}, {"l": "nokesusi"}, {"l": "kyuzo"}, {"l": "lenoanne"}, {"l": "senafle"}, {"l": "noeszopi"}], "l": "tamabi"}], "l": "gokyasugona"}, {"c": [{"l": "bigosi"}, {"c": [{"l": "sunotabuo"}, {"l": "peika"}], "l": "osemakyu"}], "l": "kyakear"}, {"c": [{"l": "bunao"}, {"c": [{"l": "koseko"}, {"l": "sunefusu"}, {"l": "nearoan"}], "l": "kyasi"}], "l": "fleflofle"}, 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