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Last active April 17, 2017 09:25
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// Version 1.1.0. Copyright 2017 Mike Bostock.
!function(t,r){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?r(exports,require("d3-array")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports","d3-array"],r):r(t.d3=t.d3||{},t.d3)}(this,function(t,r){"use strict";function n(t,r){for(var n=r[0],i=r[1],a=-1,o=0,h=t.length,f=h-1;o<h;f=o++){var u=t[o],c=u[0],d=u[1],l=t[f],s=l[0],g=l[1];if(e(u,l,r))return 0;d>i!=g>i&&n<(s-c)*(i-d)/(g-d)+c&&(a=-a)}return a}function e(t,r,n){var e;return i(t,r,n)&&a(t[e=+(t[0]===r[0])],n[e],r[e])}function i(t,r,n){return(r[0]-t[0])*(n[1]-t[1])==(n[0]-t[0])*(r[1]-t[1])}function a(t,r,n){return t<=r&&r<=n||n<=r&&r<=t}function o(t,r,n){for(var e=t.width,i=t.height,a=1+(n<<1),o=0;o<i;++o)for(var h=0,f=0;h<e+n;++h)h<e&&([h+o*e]),h>=n&&(h>=a&&([h-a+o*e]),[h-n+o*e]=f/Math.min(h+1,e-1+a-h,a))}function h(t,r,n){for(var e=t.width,i=t.height,a=1+(n<<1),o=0;o<e;++o)for(var h=0,f=0;h<i+n;++h)h<i&&([o+h*e]),h>=n&&(h>=a&&([o+(h-a)*e]),[o+(h-n)*e]=f/Math.min(h+1,i-1+a-h,a))}function f(t){return t[0]}function u(t){return t[1]}var c=Array.prototype,d=c.slice,l=function(t,r){return t-r},s=function(t){for(var r=0,n=t.length,e=t[n-1][1]*t[0][0]-t[n-1][0]*t[0][1];++r<n;)e+=t[r-1][1]*t[r][0]-t[r-1][0]*t[r][1];return e},g=function(t){return function(){return t}},v=function(t,r){for(var e,i=-1,a=r.length;++i<a;)if(e=n(t,r[i]))return e;return 0},w=function(){},p=[[],[[[1,1.5],[.5,1]]],[[[1.5,1],[1,1.5]]],[[[1.5,1],[.5,1]]],[[[1,.5],[1.5,1]]],[[[1,.5],[.5,1]],[[1,1.5],[1.5,1]]],[[[1,.5],[1,1.5]]],[[[1,.5],[.5,1]]],[[[.5,1],[1,.5]]],[[[1,1.5],[1,.5]]],[[[.5,1],[1,1.5]],[[1.5,1],[1,.5]]],[[[1.5,1],[1,.5]]],[[[.5,1],[1.5,1]]],[[[1,1.5],[1.5,1]]],[[[.5,1],[1,1.5]]],[]],y=function(){function t(t){var e=h(t);if(Array.isArray(e))e=e.slice().sort(l);else{var i=r.extent(t),a=i[0],o=i[1];e=r.tickStep(a,o,e),e=r.range(Math.floor(a/e)*e,Math.floor(o/e)*e,e)}return{var e=[],i=[];return n(t,r,function(n){f(n,t,r),s(n)>0?e.push([n]):i.push(n)}),i.forEach(function(t){for(var r,n=0,i=e.length;n<i;++n)if(v((r=e[n])[0],t))return void r.push(t)}),e}).map(function(t,r){return{type:"MultiPolygon",value:e[r],coordinates:t}})}function n(t,r,n){function i(t){var r,i,a=[t[0][0]+h,t[0][1]+f],o=[t[1][0]+h,t[1][1]+f],u=e(a),c=e(o);(r=g[u])?(i=s[c])?(delete g[r.end],delete s[i.start],r===i?(r.ring.push(o),n(r.ring)):s[r.start]=g[i.end]={start:r.start,end:i.end,ring:r.ring.concat(i.ring)}):(delete g[r.end],r.ring.push(o),g[r.end=c]=r):(r=s[c])?(i=g[u])?(delete s[r.start],delete g[i.end],r===i?(r.ring.push(o),n(r.ring)):s[i.start]=g[r.end]={start:i.start,end:r.end,ring:i.ring.concat(r.ring)}):(delete s[r.start],r.ring.unshift(a),s[r.start=u]=r):s[u]=g[c]={start:u,end:c,ring:[a,o]}}var h,f,u,c,d,l,s=new Array,g=new Array;for(h=f=-1,c=t[0]>=r,p[c<<1].forEach(i);++h<a-1;)u=c,c=t[h+1]>=r,p[u|c<<1].forEach(i);for(p[c<<0].forEach(i);++f<o-1;){for(h=-1,c=t[f*a+a]>=r,d=t[f*a]>=r,p[c<<1|d<<2].forEach(i);++h<a-1;)u=c,c=t[f*a+a+h+1]>=r,l=d,d=t[f*a+h+1]>=r,p[u|c<<1|d<<2|l<<3].forEach(i);p[c|d<<3].forEach(i)}for(h=-1,d=t[f*a]>=r,p[d<<2].forEach(i);++h<a-1;)l=d,d=t[f*a+h+1]>=r,p[d<<2|l<<3].forEach(i);p[d<<3].forEach(i)}function e(t){return 2*t[0]+t[1]*(a+1)*4}function i(t,r,n){t.forEach(function(t){var e,i=t[0],h=t[1],f=0|i,u=0|h,c=r[u*a+f];i>0&&i<a&&f===i&&(e=r[u*a+f-1],t[0]=i+(n-e)/(c-e)-.5),h>0&&h<o&&u===h&&(e=r[(u-1)*a+f],t[1]=h+(n-e)/(c-e)-.5)})}var a=1,o=1,h=r.thresholdSturges,f=i;return t.size=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return[a,o];var n=Math.ceil(r[0]),e=Math.ceil(r[1]);if(!(n>0&&e>0))throw new Error("invalid size");return a=n,o=e,t},t.thresholds=function(r){return arguments.length?(h="function"==typeof r?r:g(Array.isArray(r)?,t):h},t.smooth=function(r){return arguments.length?(f=r?i:w,t):f===i},t},M=function(){function t(t){var e=new Float32Array(A*m),i=new Float32Array(A*m);t.forEach(function(t,r,n){var i=l(t,r,n)+E>>M,a=s(t,r,n)+E>>M;i>=0&&i<A&&a>=0&&a<m&&++e[i+a*A]}),o({width:A,height:m,data:e},{width:A,height:m,data:i},p>>M),h({width:A,height:m,data:i},{width:A,height:m,data:e},p>>M),o({width:A,height:m,data:e},{width:A,height:m,data:i},p>>M),h({width:A,height:m,data:i},{width:A,height:m,data:e},p>>M),o({width:A,height:m,data:e},{width:A,height:m,data:i},p>>M),h({width:A,height:m,data:i},{width:A,height:m,data:e},p>>M);var a=z(e);if(!Array.isArray(a)){var f=r.max(e);a=r.tickStep(0,f,a),a=r.range(0,Math.floor(f/a)*a,a),a.shift()}return y().thresholds(a).size([A,m])(e).map(n)}function n(t){return t.value*=Math.pow(2,-2*M),t.coordinates.forEach(e),t}function e(t){t.forEach(i)}function i(t){t.forEach(a)}function a(t){t[0]=t[0]*Math.pow(2,M)-E,t[1]=t[1]*Math.pow(2,M)-E}function c(){return E=3*p,A=v+2*E>>M,m=w+2*E>>M,t}var l=f,s=u,v=960,w=500,p=20,M=2,E=3*p,A=v+2*E>>M,m=w+2*E>>M,z=g(20);return t.x=function(r){return arguments.length?(l="function"==typeof r?r:g(+r),t):l},t.y=function(r){return arguments.length?(s="function"==typeof r?r:g(+r),t):s},t.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[v,w];var r=Math.ceil(t[0]),n=Math.ceil(t[1]);if(!(r>=0||r>=0))throw new Error("invalid size");return v=r,w=n,c()},t.cellSize=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return 1<<M;if(!((t=+t)>=1))throw new Error("invalid cell size");return M=Math.floor(Math.log(t)/Math.LN2),c()},t.thresholds=function(r){return arguments.length?(z="function"==typeof r?r:g(Array.isArray(r)?,t):z},t.bandwidth=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(p*(p+1));if(!((t=+t)>=0))throw new Error("invalid bandwidth");return p=Math.round((Math.sqrt(4*t*t+1)-1)/2),c()},t};t.contours=y,t.contourDensity=M,Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
#map {
width: 960px;
height: 960px;
.land:hover {
<svg id="map"></svg>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="d3-contour.v1.min.js"></script>
<script src="kodama.js"></script>
"use strict";
var w = 1500;
var h = 1500;
var format = d3.format(".4f");
var svg ="#map")
.attr("viewBox", "0 0 1500 1500")
var g = svg.append("g")
var zoomed = function() {
g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);
.scaleExtent([1 / 2, 12])
.on("zoom", zoomed));
var aedLayer = g.append("g");
var landLayer = g.append("g");
var tooltipFormat = function(d, i){
return {
.defer(d3.json, 'takasaki.geojson')
.defer(d3.json, 'aed.geojson')
.await(function(error, land, aed){
var projection = d3.geoMercator()
.fitExtent([[0,0], [w, h]], land);
d.geometry.coordinates[0] = +format(d.geometry.coordinates[0]);
d.geometry.coordinates[1] = +format(d.geometry.coordinates[1]);
var xy = projection(d.geometry.coordinates);
d._x = +format(xy[0]);
d._y = +format(xy[1]);
var geoPath = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);
var land = landLayer.selectAll(".land")
.attr("d", geoPath)
.attr("class", "land")
.attr("fill-opacity", 0.2)
.attr("stroke", "black")
var contours = d3.contourDensity()
.x(function(d){ return d._x ;})
.y(function(d){ return d._y ;})
var aedContours = aedLayer.append("g")
.attr("d", d3.geoPath())
.attr("fill", function(d){ return "blue" ;})
.attr("fill-opacity", 0.2)
.attr("stroke", "none")
var point = aedLayer.append("g")
.attr("cx", function(d){ return d._x ;})
.attr("cy", function(d){ return d._y ;})
.attr("r", 1)
* kodama.js (v2.0.0)
* Copyright (c) 2015 Scott Southworth & Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
* file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF
* ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* @authors Scott Southworth @DarkMarmot
;(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['d3'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = function(d3) {
d3.kodama = factory(d3);
return d3.kodama;
} else {
root.d3.kodama = root.d3.bamboo = factory(root.d3);
}(this, function (d3) {
if(d3.kodama) return d3.kodama;
var kodama = {};
var validOptions = ['gravity','theme','distance','style','target','by',
'fadeInDuration', 'fadeOutDuration', 'holdDuration'];
var initialized = false;
var bodyNode = null; //'body').node();
var baseSel = null;
var tipSel = null;
var holderSel = null;
var fadingState = "none";
var gravityDefs = {
northwest: [-1, -1],
topleft: [-1, -1],
upperleft: [-1, -1],
northeast: [1, -1],
topright: [1, -1],
upperright: [1, -1],
southwest: [-1, 1],
bottomleft: [-1, 1],
lowerleft: [-1, 1],
southeast: [1, 1],
bottomright: [1, 1],
lowerright: [1, 1],
north: [0, -1],
top: [0, -1],
south: [0, 1],
bottom: [0, -1],
west: [-1, 0],
left: [-1, 0],
right: [1, 0],
east: [1, 0],
center: [0, 0]
function resolveGravity(name) {
name = name.split('-').join();
return gravityDefs[name];
var themesByName = {};
var offsetSwitch = [0, 0];
var offsetKey = "0:0";
var tipDisplayData = null;
var activated = false; // to display after delay
var lastSourceDataShown;
var lastFormatFuncShown;
var defaultTarget = null;
var defaultHoldDuration = 0;
var defaultFadeInDuration = 0;
var defaultFadeOutDuration = 500;
var defaultThemeName = 'kodama';
var defaultGravityDirection = 'top';
var defaultByDirection = 'top';
//resolveGravity removes '-' from user input, ex: 'lower-right' --> 'lowerright'
var defaultGravity = resolveGravity(defaultGravityDirection);
var defaultBy = resolveGravity(defaultByDirection);
var defaultDistance = 25;
var defaultTheme = themesByName[defaultThemeName] = {
frame: {
padding: '4px',
background: 'linear-gradient(to top, rgb(16, 74, 105) 0%, rgb(14, 96, 125) 90%)',
'font-family': '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
'border': '1px solid rgb(57, 208, 204)',
color: 'rgb(245,240,220)',
'border-radius': '4px',
'font-size': '12px',
'box-shadow': '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,20,40,.5)'
title: {'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '4px'},
item_title: {'text-align': 'right', 'color': 'rgb(220,200,120)'},
item_value: {'padding': '1px 2px 1px 10px', 'color': 'rgb(234, 224, 184)'}
//lets you pass an object with multiple styles to d3 using .call()
var multiStyles = function (styles) {
return function(selection) {
for (var property in styles) {, styles[property]);
kodama.init = function(node){
bodyNode = node || document.body;
// handles activity, delay into being transitions
baseSel =
.style('position', 'absolute')
.style('left', 0)
.style('top', 0)
.style('visibility', 'hidden')
.style('pointer-events', 'none')
.attr('name', 'kodama');
// handles mouse position placement and fade out transitions
tipSel = baseSel
.attr('name', 'kodamaTip')
.call(multiStyles({'position': 'relative', 'pointer-events': 'none', 'z-index': 9999}))
.style('opacity', 0);
// handles screen gravity offset placement and transitions
holderSel = tipSel.append('div').style('position', 'relative');
if(document.readyState === 'loading'){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ kodama.init(); });
} else {
kodama.holdDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultHoldDuration;
defaultHoldDuration = duration;
return kodama;
kodama.fadeInDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultFadeInDuration;
defaultFadeInDuration = duration;
return kodama;
kodama.fadeOutDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultFadeOutDuration;
defaultFadeOutDuration = duration;
return kodama;
kodama.distance = function(distance){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultDistance;
defaultDistance = distance || 25;
return kodama;
kodama.gravity = function(direction){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultGravityDirection;
defaultGravityDirection = direction || 'top';
defaultGravity = resolveGravity(defaultGravityDirection);
return kodama;
kodama.theme = function(name){
if(arguments.length === 0) return defaultThemeName;
defaultThemeName = name;
defaultTheme = themesByName[defaultThemeName];
return kodama;
kodama.themeRegistry = function(name, config){
if(arguments.length === 1) return themesByName[name];
themesByName[name] = config;
return kodama;
kodama.themeRegistry('white_wolf', {
frame: {
padding: '5px',
background: 'linear-gradient(to top, rgba(220, 230, 240, .6) 0%, rgba(235, 240, 245, .9) 90%, rgba(230, 235, 240, .8) 100%)',
'font-family': '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
'border': '1px solid rgb(220, 230, 250)',
'border-radius': '6px',
'font-size': '14px',
'box-shadow': '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,20,70,.5)'
title: {'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '4px', color: 'rgb(115,130,140)', 'font-size': '15px','text-shadow': '0 -1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5)'},
item_title: {'text-align': 'right', 'color': 'rgb(80,100,110)','font-size': '14px','text-shadow': '0 -1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5)'},
item_value: {'padding': '1px 2px 1px 10px', 'color': 'rgb(90, 95, 85)','font-size': '14px','text-shadow': '0 -1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5)'}
// returns a function/object with a config api and accepting a d3 selection to wire handlers
kodama.tooltip = function() {
var _offsets = {};
var _options = undefined;
var _sourceKey = undefined;
var _sourceData = undefined;
var _formatFunc = null;
var _distance = defaultDistance;
//user input gravity direction
var _gravityDirection = defaultGravityDirection;
//resolved gravity direction
var _gravity = defaultGravity;
var _byDirection = defaultByDirection;
var _by = defaultBy;
var _theme = defaultTheme;
var _holdDuration = defaultHoldDuration;
var _fadeInDuration = defaultFadeInDuration;
var _fadeOutDuration = defaultFadeOutDuration;
var _target = defaultTarget;
var attrs = {};
var styles = {};
var _tooltip = function _tooltip(selection) {
.on('mouseover.tooltip', function (d, i) {, i);
.on('mousedown.tooltip', function () {
.on('mouseup.tooltip', function () {
.on('mousemove.tooltip', function () {
.on('mouseout.tooltip', function () {
_tooltip._build = function _build() {
//at this point has been activated... so the tooltip is redrawn on any mouse event on an element
if (!tipDisplayData) {
} else {
// .attr(attrs)
.each(function (d) {
var sel =;
if (d.title) {
if (d.items) {
var tbody = sel.append('table').append('tbody');
.each(function (item) {
var tr =;
var titleCell = tr.append('td');
var valueCell = tr.append('td');
titleCell.html(item.title + ':').style(_theme.item_title);
var xOff = holderSel.node().clientWidth / 2;
var yOff = holderSel.node().clientHeight / 2;
/*if there's a new offset, reposition tooltip by resetting _offsets...
when _tooltip._update(true) is called it sets justRebuilt to true, which
activates repositioning */
for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
var k = i + ":" + j;
_offsets[k] = {left: i * (xOff + _distance) + 'px', top: j * (yOff + _distance) + 'px'};
_tooltip._update = function _update(justRebuilt) {
if (!tipDisplayData) return;
function getTargetPos(target, by){
if(!target) return d3.mouse(bodyNode);
var bounds = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var xOff = bounds.width / 2;
var yOff = bounds.height / 2;
return [bounds.left + (by[0] + 1) * xOff, + (by[1] + 1) * yOff];
//var bounds = _target ? _target.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
var pos = getTargetPos(_target, _by); //bounds ? [bounds.left,] : d3.mouse(bodyNode);
var x = pos[0];
var y = pos[1];
var bw = bodyNode.clientWidth;
var bh = bodyNode.clientHeight;
var tw = tipSel.node().clientWidth;
var th = tipSel.node().clientHeight;
var bestKey = null;
var bestDiff = 5;
var xkMax = (x > bw - tw) ? -1 : (x > bw - tw - _distance * 2 ? 0 : 1);
var ykMax = (y > bh - th) ? -1 : (y > bh - th - _distance * 2 ? 0 : 1);
var xkMin = (x < tw) ? 1 : (x < tw + _distance * 2 ? 0 : -1);
var ykMin = (y < th) ? 1 : (y < th + _distance * 2 ? 0 : -1);
for(var xk = xkMin; xk <= xkMax; xk++){
for(var yk = ykMin; yk <= ykMax; yk++){
if(xk === 0 && yk === 0 && _gravity[0] !== 0 && _gravity[1] !== 0) continue; // skip center unless specified
var diff = Math.abs(xk - _gravity[0]) + Math.abs(yk - _gravity[1]);
if(diff < bestDiff) {
bestKey = [xk, yk];
bestDiff = diff;
bestKey = bestKey || [0, 0];
var left = x - tw / 2;
var top = y - th / 2;{
left: left + 'px',
top: top + 'px'
var k = bestKey[0] + ':' + bestKey[1];
var moved = Math.max(Math.abs(offsetSwitch[0] - x), Math.abs(offsetSwitch[1] - y));
//delayed reposition of tooltip if new offset
if (justRebuilt || (k !== offsetKey && moved > _distance)) {
offsetKey = k;
offsetSwitch = pos;
var offsetStyle = _offsets[k];
// deprecated
_tooltip.attr = function (_x) {
if (!arguments.length) return attrs;
attrs = _x;
return this;
// deprecated = _tooltip.css = function (_x) {
if (!arguments.length) return styles;
styles = _x;
return this;
_tooltip.fadeIn = function(){
if(fadingState === 'in') {
fadingState = 'in';
var progress ='opacity') / 1.0;
var duration = (1.0 - progress) * _fadeInDuration;
tipSel.interrupt().transition().duration(duration).style('opacity', 1);
_tooltip.fadeOut = function(){
if(fadingState === 'out') {
fadingState = 'out';
var progress ='opacity') / 1.0;
var duration = progress * _fadeOutDuration;
tipSel.transition().delay(50).duration(duration).style('opacity', 0);
_tooltip.activate = function(){
activated = true;
_tooltip.deactivate = function(){
lastSourceDataShown = null;
activated = false;
_tooltip.activateAfter = function(){
if(!activated) {
.on('start', _tooltip.activate)
} else {
_tooltip.theme = function(name){
if(arguments.length === 0) return _theme;
_theme = themesByName[name];
return this;
}; = function(target){
if(arguments.length === 0) return _target;
var node = target;
while(node && node.length > 0){
node = node[0];
_target = node;
return this;
_tooltip.holdDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return _holdDuration;
_holdDuration = duration;
return this;
_tooltip.fadeInDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return _fadeInDuration;
_fadeInDuration = duration;
return this;
_tooltip.fadeOutDuration = function(duration){
if(arguments.length === 0) return _fadeOutDuration;
_fadeOutDuration = duration;
return this;
_tooltip.distance = function (distance) {
if(arguments.length === 0) return _distance;
_distance = distance;
return this;
_tooltip.gravity = function (direction) {
if(arguments.length === 0) return _gravity;
_gravityDirection = direction;
_gravity = resolveGravity(_gravityDirection);
return this;
}; = function (direction) {
if(arguments.length === 0) return _by;
_byDirection = direction;
_by = resolveGravity(_byDirection);
return this;
_tooltip.options = function(options) {
if(arguments.length === 0) return _options;
if(!options) return this;
if(options.theme){ // if a theme is specified
if(_theme.options){ // apply any options in the theme as defaults if not specified in the options argument
for(var prop2 in _theme.options){
options[prop2] = _theme.options[prop2];
for(var prop in options){
if(validOptions.indexOf(prop)===-1) continue;
_options = options;
return this;
_tooltip.format = _tooltip.prep = = function(formatFunc) {
_formatFunc = formatFunc;
return this;
// is called for all mouse events on each selection (in & out) = function(sourceData, sourceKey){
_sourceData = sourceData;
_sourceKey = sourceKey;
//if new sourceData or new format
if(_sourceData !== lastSourceDataShown || _formatFunc !== lastFormatFuncShown){
lastFormatFuncShown = _formatFunc;
lastSourceDataShown = _sourceData;
tipDisplayData = (_formatFunc && _sourceData) ? _formatFunc(_sourceData, _sourceKey) : _sourceData;
return _tooltip;
var selector = typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && jQuery !== null ? jQuery : null;
selector = selector || (typeof Zepto !== 'undefined' && Zepto !== null ? Zepto : null);
if(selector) {
selector.fn.kodama = $.fn.kodama_tooltip = $.fn.bamboo = $.fn.kodama || function(tooltipData){
var self = this;
var els = self.toArray();
var arr = d3.range(els.length).map(function(){return tooltipData;});
return this;
return kodama;
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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