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Last active October 25, 2015 06:00
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Who's giving Trump money?

State-wise Contributions by Individual Donors to Donald Trump's campaign

State Amount
TX 141861
CA 128439
FL 124300
MA 121155
NY 71921
CO 34771
GA 33347
TN 31178
AZ 26059
LA 23810
SC 23448
PA 22729
IL 22711
OH 20967
WA 20928
NV 18484
VA 18136
NJ 17351
AL 17068
MS 13299
IA 12973
WI 12685
NC 12621
OK 11515
MD 11377
MI 11167
CT 10321
HI 9521
NH 7855
IN 7486
KS 7303
KY 6836
MN 6373
MO 5542
NE 5255
OR 4892
MT 4700
AR 4610
RI 4383
ID 4219
AK 3324
WV 3178
SD 2950
DC 2930
UT 2587
NM 2389
ND 2249
ME 1300
DE 799
WY 775
(blank) 500
VI 250
VT 250
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1> State-wise Contributions by Individual Donors <br>
to Donald Trump's campaign </h1>
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