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Created August 14, 2023 17:34
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// Load plugins
autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer"), // CSS vendor prefixes
cssnano = require("cssnano"), // Minify CSS
postcss = require("gulp-postcss"), // PostCSS
concat = require("gulp-concat"), // Combine files
gulp = require("gulp"),
gulpSass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass')), // Compile Sass
inlineImage = require("gulp-inline-image"), // Allow for base64 icons via inline-image()
rename = require("gulp-rename"), // Rename files
size = require('gulp-size'),
terser = require("gulp-terser"); // Minify JS
// Commonly used paths
var paths = {
output: "dist/",
js: {
input: [ // Items are in load order.
stylesMain: {
watch: "scss/**",
input: "scss/main.scss",
output: "dist/"
* buildCSS
* Process and minify SCSS files
* Gulp command: gulp buildCSS
function buildCSS() {
// mainStream contains all CSS
var mainStream = gulp.src(paths.stylesMain.input)
.pipe(gulpSass().on("error", gulpSass.logError)) // Compile Sass into CSS
.pipe(inlineImage()) // Convert SVGs using inline-image() into Base64
.pipe(postcss([autoprefixer(), cssnano()]))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: ".min" }))
.pipe(size({ showFiles: true })) // Print the size of the minified CSS file
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output)); // This file is included in mindbody.libraries.yml
return mainStream;
* buildJS()
* Build main script
* Gulp command: gulp buildJS
function buildJS() {
return gulp.src(paths.js.input) // Pull in the various paths.
.pipe(terser()).on("error", console.error)
.pipe(gulp.dest("dist/")) // This file is included in mindbody.libraries.yml
* watch()
* Gulp command: gulp watch
function watch() {
// Run CSS tasks when changes are detected
// Run JS tasks when changes are detected
* Exports
* Exports to expose functions
* Can be used to run them individually
exports.buildCSS = buildCSS;
exports.buildJS = buildJS; = watch;
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