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Last active June 16, 2020 02:00
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  • Save idhowardgj94/92601651c6063ae6842f1b1c79c6fbea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save idhowardgj94/92601651c6063ae6842f1b1c79c6fbea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
type CPS = (x: number, cb: (x) => void) => number
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// toCPS: function (id) {
// return obj(a, id)
// },
// bind: function (f) {
// return f(this.toCPS(id))
// }
const fromCPS = (cps: CPS, next = undefined) => (a?:number) => {
const obj: CPS = cps;
return {
next: next,
toCPS: function (id: any): number {
// take previous return value
if(this.a !== undefined) {
a = this.a
// invoke next op
if( !== undefined) {
const self = this
// store last id (callback function)
// bind this to solve this undefined problem
return obj(a,
} else {
return obj(a, id)
store: function(id: any) {
this.last = id
take: function(x: number) {
this.a = x;
return this.toCPS(this.last)
bind: function (f: (a?: number) => any): any {
if( === undefined) { = f()
} else {
return this
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
const b = f1(a)
let result = f1(a)
console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
type CPS = (x: number, cb: (x) => void) => number
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// toCPS: function (id) {
// return obj(a, id)
// },
// bind: function (f) {
// return f(this.toCPS(id))
// }
const fromCPS = (cps: CPS, next = undefined) => (a?:number) => {
const obj: CPS = cps;
const fList = [];
return {
next: next,
toCPS: function (id: any): number {
// take previous return value
if(this.a !== undefined) {
a = this.a
// invoke next op
if( !== undefined) {
const self = this
// store last id (callback function)
// bind this to solve this undefined problem
return obj(a,
} else {
return obj(a, id)
store: function(id: any) {
this.last = id
take: function(x: number) {
this.a = x;
return this.toCPS(this.last)
bind: function (f: (a?: number) => any): any {
if( === undefined) { = f()
} else {
return this
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
const b = f1(a)
let result = f1(a)
console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
type CPS = (x: number, cb: (x) => void) => number
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// toCPS: function (id) {
// return obj(a, id)
// },
// bind: function (f) {
// return f(this.toCPS(id))
// }
const fromCPS = (cps: CPS, next = undefined) => (a?:number) => {
const obj: CPS = cps;
const fList = [];
return {
next: next,
toCPS: function (id): number {
if(this.a !== undefined) {
a = this.a
if( !== undefined) {
console.log('inisde if', obj)
} else {
return obj(a, id)
take: function(x: number) {
this.a = x
return this
bind: function (f: (a?: number) => any): any {
if( === undefined) { = f()
} else {
return this
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
const b = f1(a)
// b.bind(f3).toCPS(console.log)
// let result = f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
// console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
const fromCPS = (cps) => a => {
const obj = cps;
const f = []
return {
toCPS: function (id) {
return obj(a, id)
bind: function (f) {
return f(this.toCPS(id))
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
let result = f1(a)
console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// 可以拆成
// handler2 = c => cps3(c, id);
// handler1 = b => cps2(b, handler2);
// cps1(a, handler1)
// 但是builder的順序是
// cps1(a, handler1)
// handler1 = b => cps2(b, handler2);
// handler2 = c => cps3(c, id);
// 執行順序與建立順序反過來就很反直覺
// 問題在於要如何遞補缺少的handler參數
type CB<T> = {
(a: T, cb: (any) => any): void;
type CBO<T> = {
obj: CB<T>;
prev: CBO<T> | undefined;
next?: CBO<T>;
toCPS(id: CB<T>): any;
bind<B extends any>(f: (a?: T) => CBO<T>): CBO<T>;
const id = x => x
const a:number = 1
const cps1: CB<number> = (x: number, cb: (any) => any) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2: CB<number> = (x: number, cb: (any) => any) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3: CB<number> = (x: number, cb: (any) => any) => cb(x * x)
const fromCPS = <T, >(cps: CB<T>, prev?: CBO<T>) => (a?:T): CBO<T> => {
return {
obj: cps,
next: undefined,
toCPS: function (id: CB<T>): any {
return this.prev != undefined ? this.prev.toCPS(x => this.obj(x, id)) : this.obj(a, id)
bind: function <B>(f: (a: T) => CBO<B>): CBO<B> {
// m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b,
// bind: <B>(a => CPS<B>) => CPS<B>
return fromCPS<B>(f().obj, this)()
return fromCPS<B>((x: B, cb: (any) => any) => cb(x))()
const f1 = fromCPS<number>(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS<number>(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS<number>(cps3)
let result = f1(a)
console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
const fromCPS = (cps) => a => {
const obj = cps;
const fList = [];
return {
toCPS: function (id, count = 0) {
if(fList.length > 0 && count < fList.length) {
return fList[count](obj(a, id)).concat(fList).toCPS(id, count+1)
} else {
return obj(a, id)
return obj(a, id)
bind: function (f) {
// f(this.toCPS(id))
return {...this}
concat: function (fs) {
return {...this}
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
let result = f1(a)
console.log("result" , result)
// Import stylesheets
import './style.css';
// Write TypeScript code!
const appDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('app');
appDiv.innerHTML = `<h1>TypeScript Starter</h1>`;
// const id = x => x
// const a = 1
// create a Box which turns this
// const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
// const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
// const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
// cps1(a, b => (
// cps2(b, c => (
// cps3(c, id)
// ))
// ))
// // to this
// const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
// const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
// const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
// f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
// .bind(f3)
// .toCPS(id)
const id = x => x
const a = 1
const cps1 = (x, cb) => cb(x + 1)
const cps2 = (x, cb) => cb(x * 2)
const cps3 = (x, cb) => cb(x * x)
const fromCPS = (cps, ...binds) => a => {
const obj = cps;
const cpsList = binds;
return {
toCPS: (id, count = undefined) => {
if(count === undefined && cpsList === undefined) {
return obj(a, id)
bind: (f) => {
return fromCPS(cps, [...cpsList, f])
const f1 = fromCPS(cps1)
const f2 = fromCPS(cps2)
const f3 = fromCPS(cps3)
let result = f1(a)
// .bind(f2)
console.log("result" , result)
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