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Created June 12, 2020 16:46
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import math
class Stats:
def __init__(self, dataset):
self.dataset = dataset
self.data_length = len(dataset)
self.mean = sum(dataset) / self.data_length
self.variance = None
self.SD = None
self.CV = None
self.k = None
self.current_result = None
def curr_res(self, result):
self.current_result = result
def get_variance(self, exception=None):
if self.dataset:
variances = [ (i - self.mean) ** 2 for i in self.dataset ]
total_sum_squares = round(sum(variances), 2)
division_exception = -1 if exception == None else 0
variance = round(total_sum_squares / (self.data_length - division_exception ),2)
self.variance = variance
return self
def get_standard_devi(self):
if self.variance:
SD = round(math.sqrt(self.variance), 2)
self.SD = SD
return self
def get_CV(self, unit_num):
CV = (self.SD * unit_num) / self.mean
self.CV = CV
return self
def get_K(self, extra_set):
lower_bound, upper_bound = extra_set
if not self.SD:
SD = self.standard_devi(self.variance(self.dataset))
self.k = (lower_bound - self.mean) / SD
self.k = (lower_bound - self.mean) / self.SD
return self
data = [12,14,11,18,10.5,11.3,12,14,11,9]
my_stat = Stats(data)
my_stat \
.get_variance() \
.get_standard_devi() \
.get_CV(5) \
.get_K((12.36, 15.35))
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