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Last active November 22, 2021 18:55
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Custom brew configuration besides Thoughtbots brew setup
fancy_echo "Install and prepare Mac App Store command line interface"
brew install mas
#mas signin --dialog #signin does not anymore work since OSX 10.13, signin to App Store manually / through GUI before executing the script
fancy_echo "Installing apps ..."
brew update --force #
brew bundle --file=- <<EOF
### Brew setup / config
#tap "homebrew/services" #installed through laptop from thoughtbot
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
#tap "caskroom/cask" #installed through laptop from thoughtbot
tap "caskroom/versions" #might be useful in future
### System
#@see install newest bash version due to outdated OSX default bash version,
brew "bash-completion2"
brew "bash"
brew "zsh-syntax-highlighting"
brew "zsh-autosuggestions"
brew "zsh-history-substring-search"
brew "z"
brew "bat"
brew "screen"
#@see add gtar for better compatibility,
brew "gnu-tar"
cask fig
# Quick Look plugins
# @see
cask 'qlcolorcode'
cask 'qlstephen'
cask 'qlmarkdown'
cask 'quicklook-json'
cask 'qlesize'
cask 'qlvideo'
cask 'webpquicklook'
### Git
#brew "git" #installed through laptop from thoughtbot
brew "git-extras"
brew "git-flow"
brew "tig"
brew "github/gh/gh"
brew "github-desktop"
#cask "sourcetree"
cask "tower"
cask "kaleidoscope"
#cask "gitkraken"
### Webserver / REST tools / HTTP clients
brew "httpd", restart_service: true
brew "httpie"
#cask "paw"
cask "postman"
cask "charles"
cask "insomnia"
cask "insomnia-designer"
cask "graphiql"
cask "prisma"
### Database / Tools
brew 'mysql@5.7', restart_service: true, link: true, conflicts_with: ['mysql']
cask "sequel-pro"
# postgre client #cask "postico"
### Virtualization
cask "docker"
brew "dive"
cask "kitematic"
# Font tools.
tap "bramstein/webfonttools"
brew "sfnt2woff"
brew "sfnt2woff-zopfli"
brew "woff2"
# Image tools
#brew "imagemagick --with-libheif --with-librsvg --with-webp"
### Programming langugages
## PHP
#brew "php", restart_service: true
## Ruby, installed through Thoughtbot via asdf
#brew "rbenv"
## Node, installed through Thoughtbot via asdf
#brew "yarn", args: ['without-node']
### Terminal
cask "iterm2"
#cask "hyper"
### Editors
cask "visual-studio-code"
#cask "sublime-text"
#cask "atom"
#cask "brackets"
#cask "textmate"
### Infrastructure @see
cask "duet"
#cask "idisplay"
### Browsers
cask "firefox"
cask "firefox-developer-edition"
cask "google-chrome"
cask "opera"
cask "brave-browser"
cask "microsoft-edge"
# cask "browserstacklocal"
### UI / UX
cask "sketch"
cask "figma"
cask "framer"
cask "imageoptim"
brew "imageoptim-cli"
cask "imagealpha"
mas "Pixelmator", id: 407963104
cask "Sip"
# Fonts
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-inconsolata"
cask "font-fira-mono-for-powerline"
cask "font-menlo-for-powerline"
cask "font-meslo-for-powerline"
cask "font-source-code-pro"
cask "font-hack-nerd-font"
### Security
#cask "avast-security"
#cask "buttercup"
mas "1Password 7", id: 1333542190
cask "1password-cli"
#brew "nss"
### Productivity
cask "spectacle"
#spectacle alternatives to check out
#cask "sizeup"
#mas "BetterSnapTool", id: 417375580
# could not install the lastest alfred version v3 ... manually installed it from the site @see
cask "alfred"
### Connections / Files
brew "wget"
brew "curl"
cask "cryptomator"
cask "cyberduck"
brew "duck"
#cask "transmit" #legacy ftp client
cask "tunnelblick"
cask "dropbox"
cask "google-drive-file-stream"
### Mgmt
cask "harvest"
cask "notion"
# todoist and bear failed to install through mas and cask ... manually installed them @see and
cask "todoist"
cask "bear"
### Information Architecture (IA)
# mindnode-pro not available through brew
cask "monodraw"
cask "miro-formerly-realtimeboard"
### Research
cask "zotero"
### Collaboration
cask "craftmanager"
cask "marvel"
cask "abstract"
### Communication
#cask "skype"
cask "slack"
cask "zoomus"
#cask "whatsapp"
### Media
cask "spotify"
brew "youtube-dl"
### Misc
cask "grandperspective"
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