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Created June 27, 2011 05:30
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Groovy SPARQL Example
import groovy.sparql.Sparql
// Can also take a Jena model as an argument
def sparql = new Sparql("")
def query = """
SELECT ?abstract
sparql.eachRow query { row ->
println row.abstract
* Also accept a map of binding parameters
* Entries of URI type can be used in Subject/Predicate slots in the triple
* Types of String are turned into Literals, so if you want literal URIs, use Strings
def predicate = new URI("")
sparql.eachRow( query, [ uri:new URI(""), predicate:predicate], { row ->
println row.abstract
* Also the map can accept an object, and find subject/predicate/object fields
class GroovyWiki {
def subject = new URI("")
def predicate = new URI("")
def obj = new GroovyWiki()
def map = [groovy:obj]
// note the form of the variables in the query is:
// mapEntry name plus Subject, Predicate, or Object(not shown)
query = """
SELECT ?abstract
?groovySubject ?groovyPredicate ?abstract
sparql = new Sparql("")
sparql.eachRow( query, map, { row ->
println row.abstract
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