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Last active January 23, 2020 21:43
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5000 movie database... just playing around
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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let margin = { top: 20, right: 40, bottom: 20, left: 40 },
width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom,
padding = 20, fill = 'black';
let svg ='body').append('svg')
.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${})`);
d3.csv('tmdb_5000_movies.csv', (d) => {
return {
budget: +d.budget,
popularity: +d.popularity,
revenue: +d.revenue,
runtime: +d.runtime,
vote_average: +d.vote_average,
vote_count: +d.vote_count,
release_date: new Date(d.release_date),
title: d.title
.then((data) => {
let scatter = new scatterPlot(svg, data, width / 2 - padding, height / 2 - padding, 'budget', 'popularity');
let bar = new barPlot(svg, data, width / 2 - padding, height / 2 - padding, 'Average Vote', 'Vote Count', { left: width / 2 + padding, top: 0 })
let time = timePlot(svg, data, width, height / 2 - padding, 'Date', 'Run Time', { left: 0, top: height / 2 + padding })
time.updateArr.push({ plot: bar, func: bar.updateData });
bar.updateArr.push({ plot: scatter, func: scatter.update });
function timePlot(elem, data, width, height, x_label, y_label, translate) {
this.updateArr = [];
let g = elem.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${translate.left}, ${})`);
data = data.sort((a, b) => d3.descending(a.release_date, b.release_date))
let x = d3.scaleTime()
.domain(d3.extent(data, d => d.release_date))
.range([0, width])
let xAxis = g.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${height})`)
let y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data, d => d.runtime)])
.range([height, 0]);
let yAxis = g.append('g')
// line config
let lineData = => ({ date: new Date(d.release_date.getFullYear(), 0, 1)}))
.filter((date, i, self) => self.findIndex(d => === === i);
lineData.forEach(ld => {
ld.value = data.filter(d => d.release_date.getFullYear() ===;
// console.log('lineData', lineData);
let lineY = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(lineData, d => d.value))
.range([height, 0]);
let lineYAxis = g.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${width}, 0)`)
let line = d3.line()
.x(d => x(
.y(d => lineY(d.value));
let linePath = g.append('path')
.attr('d', line)
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('stroke', 'white');
let circles = g.selectAll('circle.time')
.attr('class', 'time')
.attr('cx', x(x.domain[0]))
.attr('cy', y(y.domain().reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0) / 2))
.attr('fill', fill)
.delay((d, i) => i + 2)
.attr('cx', d => x(d.release_date))
.attr('cy', d => y(d.runtime))
.attr('r', 1);
addLabels(g, x_label, y_label, width, height, 'white');
let brushed = () => {
let selection = d3.event.selection;
if (selection === null) {
// console.log('no selection')
} else {
const [mins, maxes] = selection;
const x0 = x.invert(mins[0]),
y1 = y.invert(mins[1]),
x1 = x.invert(maxes[0]),
y0 = y.invert(maxes[1]);
circles.attr('stroke', 'none');
let brushedData = circles
.filter(d => {
let xScaleBool = d.release_date > x0 && d.release_date < x1;
let yScaleBool = d.runtime > y0 && d.runtime < y1;
return xScaleBool && yScaleBool;
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('stroke', 'white').data();
// console.log('brushedData', brushedData)
this.updateArr.forEach(d => {
// console.log('d', d), brushedData)
let brushEnd = () => {
let selection = d3.event.selection;
if (selection === null) {
circles.attr('stroke', 'none')
this.updateArr.forEach(d => {
// console.log('d',,
let brush = g.append('g')
.attr('class', 'brush')
.on('brush', brushed)
.on('end', brushEnd)
return this;
timePlot.prototype.brushed = function () {
return this;
function barPlot(elem, data, width, height, x_label, y_label, translate) {
// console.log('transform', translate)
this.ogData = data;
this.height = height; = this.formatData(data)
this.updateArr = [];
this.g = elem.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${translate.left}, ${})`);
this.x = d3.scaleBand()
.domain([ Set(, b) => a.key - b.key).map(d => d.key))])
.rangeRound([0, width]);
this.xAxis = this.g.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${this.height})`)
this.y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(, d => d.value))
.range([this.height, 0])
this.yAxis = this.g.append('g')
this.bars = this.g.selectAll('')
.classed('bar', true)
.attr('x', d => this.x(d.key))
.attr('width', this.x.bandwidth())
.attr('y', this.height)
.attr('height', 0)
.attr('y', d => this.y(d.value))
.attr('height', d => this.height - this.y(d.value))
.attr('fill', fill);
this.clickBars = this.g.selectAll('rect.clickable')
.classed('clickable', true)
.attr('x', d => this.x(d.key))
.attr('width', this.x.bandwidth())
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('height', this.height)
.style('opacity', 0)
this.clickBars.on('mouseover', () => {'opacity', .2)
this.clickBars.on('mouseout', () => {'opacity', 0)
this.clickBars.on('click', () => {
const clickElem =;
this.bars.attr('stroke', 'none');
let updateData = [];
// console.log('dataclicked', clickElem.attr('data-clicked'))
if (clickElem.attr('data-clicked') === 'true') {
clickElem.attr('data-clicked', false);
} else {
this.clickBars.attr('data-clicked', false);
clickElem.attr('data-clicked', true);
let barData = this.bars.filter(d => d.key ===[0].key).attr('stroke', 'white').data();
updateData = this.ogData.filter(d => Math.floor(d.vote_average) === barData[0].key);
this.updateArr.forEach(d => {, updateData);
addLabels(this.g, 'Average Vote', 'Vote Count', width, this.height, 'white');
// // axis labels
// let xLabel = svg.append('text')
// .text('Average Vote')
// .attr('fill', 'seagreen')
// .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
// .attr('x', width - margin.right)
// .attr('y', height - margin.bottom)
// let yLabel = svg.append('text')
// .text('Vote Count')
// .attr('fill', 'seagreen')
// .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
// .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)')
// .attr('x',
// .attr('y', margin.right)
return this;
barPlot.prototype.formatData = function (newData) {
return [ Set( => Math.floor(d.vote_average)))]
.map(d => {
return {
key: d,
value: newData.filter(g => g.vote_average === d).length,
barPlot.prototype.updateData = function (newData) { = this.formatData(newData);,b) => a.key - b.key));
.attr('x', d => this.x(d.key))
.attr('y', d => this.y(d.value))
.attr('height', d => this.height - this.y(d.value))
function scatterPlot(elem, data, width, height, x_label, y_label, translate) {
this.g = elem.append('g')
.attr('transform', translate); = data.sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(a[x_label], b[x_label]))
// x things
this.x =
// d3.scalePow()
// .exponent(0.2)
.domain(d3.extent(, d => d[x_label]))
.range([0, width]);
this.xAxis = this.g.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${height})`)
// y things
this.y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(, d => d[y_label]))
.range([height, 0]);
this.yAxis = this.g.append('g')
this.circles = this.g.selectAll('')
.attr('class', 'movie')
.attr('r', 1)
.attr('cx', width / 2)
.attr('cy', this.y(this.y.domain()[1]))
.attr('fill', fill)
.delay((d, i) => i + 2)
.attr('cx', d => this.x(d[x_label]))
.attr('cy', d => this.y(d[y_label]));
addLabels(this.g, x_label, y_label, width, height, 'white');
// // axis labels
// let xLabel = g.append('text')
// .text(x_label)
// .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
// .attr('x', width - margin.right)
// .attr('y', height - margin.bottom)
// let yLabel = g.append('text')
// .text(y_label)
// .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
// .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)')
// .attr('x',
// .attr('y', margin.right)
scatterPlot.prototype.update = function(newData) {
// console.log('data', newData);
this.circles.attr('stroke', 'none');
newData.forEach(d => {
this.circles.filter(f => f === d).attr('stroke', 'white');
function addLabels(elem, x_label, y_label, width, height, fill = 'black') {
// axis labels
let xLabel = elem.append('text')
.attr('fill', fill)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('x', width - margin.right/2)
.attr('y', height - margin.bottom)
let yLabel = elem.append('text')
.attr('fill', fill)
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)')
.attr('y', margin.right/2)
.attr('transform', `translate(${-margin.left}, ${})`)
.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
.attr('fill', '#777')
.attr('stroke-width', 3);
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
237000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,19995,"[{""id"": 1463, ""name"": ""culture clash""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3386, ""name"": ""space war""}, {""id"": 3388, ""name"": ""space colony""}, {""id"": 3679, ""name"": ""society""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 9840, ""name"": ""romance""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10148, ""name"": ""tribe""}, {""id"": 10158, ""name"": ""alien planet""}, {""id"": 10987, ""name"": ""cgi""}, {""id"": 11399, ""name"": ""marine""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 14720, ""name"": ""love affair""}, {""id"": 165431, ""name"": ""anti war""}, {""id"": 193554, ""name"": ""power relations""}, {""id"": 206690, ""name"": ""mind and soul""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Avatar,"In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission, but becomes torn between following orders and protecting an alien civilization.",150.437577,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Lightstorm Entertainment"", ""id"": 574}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2009-12-10,2787965087,162,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Enter the World of Pandora.,Avatar,7.2,11800
300000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,285,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 726, ""name"": ""drug abuse""}, {""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1319, ""name"": ""east india trading company""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 2660, ""name"": ""strong woman""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 5740, ""name"": ""alliance""}, {""id"": 5941, ""name"": ""calypso""}, {""id"": 6155, ""name"": ""afterlife""}, {""id"": 6211, ""name"": ""fighter""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}, {""id"": 157186, ""name"": ""swashbuckler""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End,"Captain Barbossa, long believed to be dead, has come back to life and is headed to the edge of the Earth with Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann. But nothing is quite as it seems.",139.082615,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Second Mate Productions"", ""id"": 19936}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-05-19,961000000,169,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"At the end of the world, the adventure begins.",Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End,6.9,4500
245000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,206647,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 14555, ""name"": ""mi6""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}, {""id"": 158431, ""name"": ""united kingdom""}]",en,Spectre,"A cryptic message from Bond’s past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.",107.376788,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Danjaq"", ""id"": 10761}, {""name"": ""B24"", ""id"": 69434}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-10-26,880674609,148,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,A Plan No One Escapes,Spectre,6.3,4466
250000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,49026,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1437, ""name"": ""burglar""}, {""id"": 3051, ""name"": ""hostage drama""}, {""id"": 3562, ""name"": ""time bomb""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9665, ""name"": ""cover-up""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9990, ""name"": ""villainess""}, {""id"": 10044, ""name"": ""tragic hero""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 14796, ""name"": ""destruction""}, {""id"": 18933, ""name"": ""catwoman""}, {""id"": 156082, ""name"": ""cat burglar""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 173272, ""name"": ""flood""}, {""id"": 179093, ""name"": ""criminal underworld""}, {""id"": 230775, ""name"": ""batman""}]",en,The Dark Knight Rises,"Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent's crimes to protect the late attorney's reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years later, Batman encounters the mysterious Selina Kyle and the villainous Bane, a new terrorist leader who overwhelms Gotham's finest. The Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.",112.31295,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-07-16,1084939099,165,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Legend Ends,The Dark Knight Rises,7.6,9106
260000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,49529,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 1456, ""name"": ""medallion""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10028, ""name"": ""steampunk""}, {""id"": 10539, ""name"": ""martian""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 161511, ""name"": ""edgar rice burroughs""}, {""id"": 163252, ""name"": ""alien race""}, {""id"": 179102, ""name"": ""superhuman strength""}, {""id"": 190320, ""name"": ""mars civilization""}, {""id"": 195446, ""name"": ""sword and planet""}, {""id"": 207928, ""name"": ""19th century""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,John Carter,"John Carter is a war-weary, former military captain who's inexplicably transported to the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars) and reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It's a world on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands.",43.926995,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-03-07,284139100,132,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Lost in our world, found in another.",John Carter,6.1,2124
258000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,559,"[{""id"": 851, ""name"": ""dual identity""}, {""id"": 1453, ""name"": ""amnesia""}, {""id"": 1965, ""name"": ""sandstorm""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 3446, ""name"": ""forgiveness""}, {""id"": 3986, ""name"": ""spider""}, {""id"": 4391, ""name"": ""wretch""}, {""id"": 4959, ""name"": ""death of a friend""}, {""id"": 5776, ""name"": ""egomania""}, {""id"": 5789, ""name"": ""sand""}, {""id"": 5857, ""name"": ""narcism""}, {""id"": 6062, ""name"": ""hostility""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}]",en,Spider-Man 3,"The seemingly invincible Spider-Man goes up against an all-new crop of villain – including the shape-shifting Sandman. While Spider-Man’s superpowers are altered by an alien organism, his alter ego, Peter Parker, deals with nemesis Eddie Brock and also gets caught up in a love triangle.",115.699814,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Laura Ziskin Productions"", ""id"": 326}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-05-01,890871626,139,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,The battle within.,Spider-Man 3,5.9,3576
260000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,38757,"[{""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 33787, ""name"": ""tower""}, {""id"": 155658, ""name"": ""blonde woman""}, {""id"": 162219, ""name"": ""selfishness""}, {""id"": 163545, ""name"": ""healing power""}, {""id"": 179411, ""name"": ""based on fairy tale""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 215258, ""name"": ""healing gift""}, {""id"": 234183, ""name"": ""animal sidekick""}]",en,Tangled,"When the kingdom's most wanted-and most charming-bandit Flynn Rider hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel, a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs.",48.681969,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-11-24,591794936,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,They're taking adventure to new lengths.,Tangled,7.4,3330
280000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,99861,"[{""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10629, ""name"": ""vision""}, {""id"": 155030, ""name"": ""superhero team""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Avengers: Age of Ultron,"When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.",134.279229,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}, {""name"": ""Prime Focus"", ""id"": 15357}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-04-22,1405403694,141,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A New Age Has Come.,Avengers: Age of Ultron,7.3,6767
250000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,767,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 3884, ""name"": ""school of witchcraft""}, {""id"": 6333, ""name"": ""wizardry""}, {""id"": 10164, ""name"": ""apparition""}, {""id"": 10791, ""name"": ""teenage crush""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,"As Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as 'Property of the Half-Blood Prince', and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past.",98.885637,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-07-07,933959197,153,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Dark Secrets Revealed,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,7.4,5293
250000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,209112,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 195242, ""name"": ""clark kent""}, {""id"": 195243, ""name"": ""bruce wayne""}, {""id"": 229266, ""name"": ""dc extended universe""}]",en,Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,"Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.",155.790452,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}, {""name"": ""Cruel & Unusual Films"", ""id"": 9995}, {""name"": ""RatPac-Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 41624}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-03-23,873260194,151,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Justice or revenge,Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,5.7,7004
270000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,1452,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 8872, ""name"": ""invulnerability""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 163420, ""name"": ""kryptonite""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 179102, ""name"": ""superhuman strength""}, {""id"": 202526, ""name"": ""lex luthor""}]",en,Superman Returns,"Superman returns to discover his 5-year absence has allowed Lex Luthor to walk free, and that those he was closest too felt abandoned and have moved on. Luthor plots his ultimate revenge that could see millions killed and change the face of the planet forever, as well as ridding himself of the Man of Steel.",57.925623,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-06-28,391081192,154,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,,Superman Returns,5.4,1400
200000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,10764,"[{""id"": 627, ""name"": ""killing""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}]",en,Quantum of Solace,"Quantum of Solace continues the adventures of James Bond after Casino Royale. Betrayed by Vesper, the woman he loved, 007 fights the urge to make his latest mission personal. Pursuing his determination to uncover the truth, Bond and M interrogate Mr. White, who reveals that the organization that blackmailed Vesper is far more complex and dangerous than anyone had imagined.",107.928811,"[{""name"": ""Eon Productions"", ""id"": 7576}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-10-30,586090727,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,"For love, for hate, for justice, for revenge.",Quantum of Solace,6.1,2965
200000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,58,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 663, ""name"": ""fortune teller""}, {""id"": 910, ""name"": ""bondage""}, {""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 1316, ""name"": ""captain""}, {""id"": 1317, ""name"": ""card game""}, {""id"": 1319, ""name"": ""east india trading company""}, {""id"": 1461, ""name"": ""compass""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}, {""id"": 157186, ""name"": ""swashbuckler""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,"Captain Jack Sparrow works his way out of a blood debt with the ghostly Davey Jones, he also attempts to avoid eternal damnation.",145.847379,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Second Mate Productions"", ""id"": 19936}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JM"", ""name"": ""Jamaica""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""BS"", ""name"": ""Bahamas""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DM"", ""name"": ""Dominica""}]",2006-06-20,1065659812,151,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""tr"", ""name"": ""T\u00fcrk\u00e7e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""el"", ""name"": ""\u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Jack is back!,Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest,7.0,5246
255000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}]",,57201,"[{""id"": 1556, ""name"": ""texas""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 5385, ""name"": ""survivor""}, {""id"": 5901, ""name"": ""texas ranger""}, {""id"": 9104, ""name"": ""partner""}, {""id"": 9503, ""name"": ""outlaw""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 10909, ""name"": ""lawyer""}, {""id"": 13008, ""name"": ""train""}, {""id"": 178867, ""name"": ""lone ranger""}, {""id"": 179419, ""name"": ""comanche""}, {""id"": 222787, ""name"": ""the lone ranger""}, {""id"": 228232, ""name"": ""tonto""}]",en,The Lone Ranger,"The Texas Rangers chase down a gang of outlaws led by Butch Cavendish, but the gang ambushes the Rangers, seemingly killing them all. One survivor is found, however, by an American Indian named Tonto, who nurses him back to health. The Ranger, donning a mask and riding a white stallion named Silver, teams up with Tonto to bring the unscrupulous gang and others of that ilk to justice.",49.046956,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Infinitum Nihil"", ""id"": 2691}, {""name"": ""Silver Bullet Productions (II)"", ""id"": 37380}, {""name"": ""Blind Wink Productions"", ""id"": 37381}, {""name"": ""Classic Media"", ""id"": 37382}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-03,89289910,149,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Never Take Off the Mask,The Lone Ranger,5.9,2311
225000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,49521,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 161184, ""name"": ""reboot""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 229266, ""name"": ""dc extended universe""}]",en,Man of Steel,"A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.",99.398009,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}, {""name"": ""Cruel and Unusual Films"", ""id"": 78685}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-06-12,662845518,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You will believe that a man can fly.,Man of Steel,6.5,6359
225000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,2454,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 855, ""name"": ""fictional place""}, {""id"": 1155, ""name"": ""brother sister relationship""}, {""id"": 2043, ""name"": ""lion""}, {""id"": 3714, ""name"": ""human being""}, {""id"": 4391, ""name"": ""wretch""}, {""id"": 4820, ""name"": ""leap in time""}, {""id"": 5144, ""name"": ""matter of life and death""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 6464, ""name"": ""uncle""}, {""id"": 166930, ""name"": ""narnia""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}]",en,The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,"One year after their incredible adventures in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan Pevensie return to Narnia to aid a young prince whose life has been threatened by the evil King Miraz. Now, with the help of a colorful cast of new characters, including Trufflehunter the badger and Nikabrik the dwarf, the Pevensie clan embarks on an incredible quest to ensure that Narnia is returned to its rightful heir.",53.978602,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney"", ""id"": 5888}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}, {""name"": ""Stillking Films"", ""id"": 11345}, {""name"": ""Ozumi Films"", ""id"": 11440}, {""name"": ""Propeler"", ""id"": 11441}, {""name"": ""Silverbell Films"", ""id"": 11442}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""PL"", ""name"": ""Poland""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""SI"", ""name"": ""Slovenia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-05-15,419651413,150,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Hope has a new face.,The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,6.3,1630
220000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,24428,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 5539, ""name"": ""shield""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 155030, ""name"": ""superhero team""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}]",en,The Avengers,"When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!",144.448633,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-04-25,1519557910,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Some assembly required.,The Avengers,7.4,11776
380000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,1865,"[{""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 1316, ""name"": ""captain""}, {""id"": 1860, ""name"": ""mutiny""}, {""id"": 1938, ""name"": ""sword""}, {""id"": 2569, ""name"": ""prime minister""}, {""id"": 3180, ""name"": ""sailing""}, {""id"": 3625, ""name"": ""silver""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4235, ""name"": ""duke""}, {""id"": 5938, ""name"": ""mermaid""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 157186, ""name"": ""swashbuckler""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,"Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.",135.413856,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-05-14,1045713802,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Live Forever Or Die Trying.,Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,6.4,4948
225000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,41154,"[{""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 5455, ""name"": ""time machine""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 174915, ""name"": ""fictional government agency""}, {""id"": 185668, ""name"": ""seeing the future""}, {""id"": 208756, ""name"": ""changing history""}]",en,Men in Black 3,"Agents J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) are time. J has seen some inexplicable things in his 15 years with the Men in Black, but nothing, not even aliens, perplexes him as much as his wry, reticent partner. But when K's life and the fate of the planet are put at stake, Agent J will have to travel back in time to put things right. J discovers that there are secrets to the universe that K never told him - secrets that will reveal themselves as he teams up with the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) to save his partner, the agency, and the future of humankind.",52.035179,"[{""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Media Magik Entertainment"", ""id"": 5627}, {""name"": ""Imagenation Abu Dhabi FZ"", ""id"": 6736}, {""name"": ""Hemisphere Media Capital"", ""id"": 9169}, {""name"": ""Parkes/MacDonald Productions"", ""id"": 11084}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-05-23,624026776,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,They are back... in time.,Men in Black 3,6.2,4160
250000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,122917,"[{""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 604, ""name"": ""dwarves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 609, ""name"": ""middle-earth (tolkien)""}, {""id"": 611, ""name"": ""hobbit""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 167982, ""name"": ""unlikely friendship""}, {""id"": 188270, ""name"": ""epic battle""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,"Immediately after the events of The Desolation of Smaug, Bilbo and the dwarves try to defend Erebor's mountain of treasure from others who claim it: the men of the ruined Laketown and the elves of Mirkwood. Meanwhile an army of Orcs led by Azog the Defiler is marching on Erebor, fueled by the rise of the dark lord Sauron. Dwarves, elves and men must unite, and the hope for Middle-Earth falls into Bilbo's hands.",120.965743,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Pictures"", ""id"": 174}, {""name"": ""3Foot7"", ""id"": 7413}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-12-10,956019788,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Witness the defining chapter of the Middle-Earth saga,The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,7.1,4760
215000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,1930,"[{""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 8803, ""name"": ""serum""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 156855, ""name"": ""scientific experiment""}, {""id"": 158124, ""name"": ""spider bite""}, {""id"": 158456, ""name"": ""masked vigilante""}, {""id"": 161184, ""name"": ""reboot""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 163561, ""name"": ""genetic engineering""}, {""id"": 171556, ""name"": ""social outcast""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Amazing Spider-Man,"Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.",89.866276,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Laura Ziskin Productions"", ""id"": 326}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-27,752215857,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The untold story begins.,The Amazing Spider-Man,6.5,6586
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,20662,"[{""id"": 4147, ""name"": ""robin hood""}, {""id"": 4393, ""name"": ""archer""}, {""id"": 10466, ""name"": ""knight""}, {""id"": 11525, ""name"": ""sherwood forest""}, {""id"": 18101, ""name"": ""bow and arrow""}, {""id"": 41406, ""name"": ""middle ages""}, {""id"": 161257, ""name"": ""medieval""}, {""id"": 186686, ""name"": ""king of england""}]",en,Robin Hood,"When soldier Robin happens upon the dying Robert of Loxley, he promises to return the man's sword to his family in Nottingham. There, he assumes Robert's identity; romances his widow, Marion; and draws the ire of the town's sheriff and King John's henchman, Godfrey.",37.668301,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-05-12,310669540,140,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.",Robin Hood,6.2,1398
250000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,57158,"[{""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 604, ""name"": ""dwarves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 611, ""name"": ""hobbit""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,"The Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf have successfully escaped the Misty Mountains, and Bilbo has gained the One Ring. They all continue their journey to get their gold back from the Dragon, Smaug.",94.370564,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Pictures"", ""id"": 174}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-12-11,958400000,161,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Beyond darkness... beyond desolation... lies the greatest danger of all.,The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,7.6,4524
180000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,2268,"[{""id"": 392, ""name"": ""england""}, {""id"": 1461, ""name"": ""compass""}, {""id"": 1706, ""name"": ""experiment""}, {""id"": 2596, ""name"": ""lordship""}, {""id"": 6464, ""name"": ""uncle""}, {""id"": 6678, ""name"": ""polar bear""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Golden Compass,"After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.",42.990906,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Depth of Field"", ""id"": 1473}, {""name"": ""Scholastic Productions"", ""id"": 1938}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-12-04,372234864,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""is"", ""name"": ""\u00cdslenska""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,There are worlds beyond our own - the compass will show the way.,The Golden Compass,5.8,1303
207000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,254,"[{""id"": 774, ""name"": ""film business""}, {""id"": 776, ""name"": ""screenplay""}, {""id"": 837, ""name"": ""show business""}, {""id"": 886, ""name"": ""film making""}, {""id"": 887, ""name"": ""film producer""}, {""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 1551, ""name"": ""indigenous""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}]",en,King Kong,"In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with the leading lady.",61.22601,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Big Primate Pictures"", ""id"": 68}, {""name"": ""MFPV Film"", ""id"": 69}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2005-12-14,550000000,187,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The eighth wonder of the world.,King Kong,6.6,2337
200000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,597,"[{""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 2984, ""name"": ""iceberg""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4210, ""name"": ""panic""}, {""id"": 4388, ""name"": ""titanic""}, {""id"": 4953, ""name"": ""ocean liner""}, {""id"": 6917, ""name"": ""epic""}, {""id"": 7579, ""name"": ""rich woman - poor man""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 10703, ""name"": ""tragic love""}, {""id"": 14514, ""name"": ""class differences""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 165086, ""name"": ""star crossed lovers""}, {""id"": 182615, ""name"": ""steerage""}, {""id"": 182621, ""name"": ""salvage""}, {""id"": 182625, ""name"": ""rich snob""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 210184, ""name"": ""1910s""}]",en,Titanic,"84 years later, a 101-year-old woman named Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy Calvert, Brock Lovett, Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancé, Caledon Hockley. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.",100.025899,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Lightstorm Entertainment"", ""id"": 574}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-11-18,1845034188,194,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sv"", ""name"": ""svenska""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Nothing on Earth could come between them.,Titanic,7.5,7562
250000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,271110,"[{""id"": 393, ""name"": ""civil war""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Captain America: Civil War,"Following the events of Age of Ultron, the collective governments of the world pass an act designed to regulate all superhuman activity. This polarizes opinion amongst the Avengers, causing two factions to side with Iron Man or Captain America, which causes an epic battle between former allies.",198.372395,"[{""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 3036}, {""name"": ""Vita-Ray Dutch Productions (III)"", ""id"": 84424}, {""name"": ""Deluxe Digital Studios"", ""id"": 84425}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-04-27,1153304495,147,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ro"", ""name"": ""Rom\u00e2n\u0103""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Divided We Fall,Captain America: Civil War,7.1,7241
209000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,44833,"[{""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 4410, ""name"": ""u.s. navy""}, {""id"": 11265, ""name"": ""mind reading""}, {""id"": 12354, ""name"": ""hong kong""}, {""id"": 13042, ""name"": ""soccer""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 14946, ""name"": ""fictional war""}, {""id"": 160855, ""name"": ""naval""}, {""id"": 160856, ""name"": ""armada""}, {""id"": 160860, ""name"": ""battleship""}, {""id"": 160861, ""name"": ""naval combat""}, {""id"": 160865, ""name"": ""jds myoko""}, {""id"": 160866, ""name"": ""lost communication""}, {""id"": 160868, ""name"": ""taser""}, {""id"": 160873, ""name"": ""buoy""}, {""id"": 160875, ""name"": ""communications expert""}, {""id"": 160876, ""name"": ""joint chiefs of staff""}, {""id"": 160879, ""name"": ""crash landing""}, {""id"": 160880, ""name"": ""jet fighter pilot""}, {""id"": 160881, ""name"": ""navy lieutenant""}, {""id"": 160884, ""name"": ""permission to marry""}, {""id"": 160885, ""name"": ""uss john paul jones""}, {""id"": 160887, ""name"": ""based on board game""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 227328, ""name"": ""mighty mo""}, {""id"": 227329, ""name"": ""uss missouri""}]",en,Battleship,"When mankind beams a radio signal into space, a reply comes from ‘Planet G’, in the form of several alien crafts that splash down in the waters off Hawaii. Lieutenant Alex Hopper is a weapons officer assigned to the USS John Paul Jones, part of an international naval coalition which becomes the world's last hope for survival as they engage the hostile alien force of unimaginable strength. While taking on the invaders, Hopper must also try to live up to the potential his brother, and his fiancée's father, Admiral Shane, expect of him.",64.928382,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Hasbro"", ""id"": 2598}, {""name"": ""Bluegrass Films"", ""id"": 13778}, {""name"": ""Film 44"", ""id"": 20153}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-04-11,303025485,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,The Battle for Earth Begins at Sea,Battleship,5.5,2114
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,135397,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 1718, ""name"": ""dna""}, {""id"": 1720, ""name"": ""tyrannosaurus rex""}, {""id"": 1766, ""name"": ""velociraptor""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 155582, ""name"": ""amusement park""}, {""id"": 158130, ""name"": ""animal attack""}, {""id"": 158340, ""name"": ""theme park""}, {""id"": 178010, ""name"": ""jurassic park""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 223059, ""name"": ""animal horror""}]",en,Jurassic World,"Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond.",418.708552,"[{""name"": ""Universal Studios"", ""id"": 13}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Fuji Television Network"", ""id"": 3341}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-06-09,1513528810,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The park is open.,Jurassic World,6.5,8662
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,37724,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 9740, ""name"": ""sociopath""}, {""id"": 15127, ""name"": ""killer""}, {""id"": 15478, ""name"": ""art gallery""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}, {""id"": 156345, ""name"": ""istanbul turkey""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 159932, ""name"": ""uzi""}, {""id"": 163841, ""name"": ""booby trap""}, {""id"": 185071, ""name"": ""impersonating a police officer""}, {""id"": 185077, ""name"": ""macao""}]",en,Skyfall,"When Bond's latest assignment goes gravely wrong and agents around the world are exposed, MI6 is attacked forcing M to relocate the agency. These events cause her authority and position to be challenged by Gareth Mallory, the new Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee. With MI6 now compromised from both inside and out, M is left with one ally she can trust: Bond. 007 takes to the shadows - aided only by field agent, Eve - following a trail to the mysterious Silva, whose lethal and hidden motives have yet to reveal themselves.",93.004993,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-10-25,1108561013,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Think on your sins.,Skyfall,6.9,7604
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,558,"[{""id"": 851, ""name"": ""dual identity""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 5983, ""name"": ""pizza boy""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 13005, ""name"": ""doctor""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 14991, ""name"": ""tentacle""}, {""id"": 34079, ""name"": ""death""}, {""id"": 163074, ""name"": ""super villain""}]",en,Spider-Man 2,"Peter Parker is going through a major identity crisis. Burned out from being Spider-Man, he decides to shelve his superhero alter ego, which leaves the city suffering in the wake of carnage left by the evil Doc Ock. In the meantime, Parker still can't act on his feelings for Mary Jane Watson, a girl he's loved since childhood.",35.149586,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Laura Ziskin Productions"", ""id"": 326}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-06-25,783766341,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,There's a hero in all of us.,Spider-Man 2,6.7,4321
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,68721,"[{""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 5597, ""name"": ""war on terror""}, {""id"": 6335, ""name"": ""tennessee""}, {""id"": 8613, ""name"": ""malibu""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 12555, ""name"": ""tony stark""}, {""id"": 173776, ""name"": ""iron man""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 188721, ""name"": ""mandarin""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 209748, ""name"": ""war machine""}, {""id"": 209822, ""name"": ""iron patriot""}, {""id"": 209823, ""name"": ""extremis""}]",en,Iron Man 3,"When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.",77.68208,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-04-18,1215439994,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Unleash the power behind the armor.,Iron Man 3,6.8,8806
200000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,12155,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 855, ""name"": ""fictional place""}, {""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 2486, ""name"": ""fantasy""}, {""id"": 12552, ""name"": ""alice in wonderland""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Alice in Wonderland,"Alice, an unpretentious and individual 19-year-old, is betrothed to a dunce of an English nobleman. At her engagement party, she escapes the crowd to consider whether to go through with the marriage and falls down a hole in the garden after spotting an unusual rabbit. Arriving in a strange and surreal place called 'Underland,' she finds herself in a world that resembles the nightmares she had as a child, filled with talking animals, villainous queens and knights, and frumious bandersnatches. Alice realizes that she is there for a reason – to conquer the horrific Jabberwocky and restore the rightful queen to her throne.",78.530105,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Team Todd"", ""id"": 598}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}, {""name"": ""Zanuck Company, The"", ""id"": 20004}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-03-03,1025491110,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You're invited to a very important date.,Alice in Wonderland,6.4,4645
210000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36668,"[{""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 161271, ""name"": ""beast""}, {""id"": 161893, ""name"": ""cyclops""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,X-Men: The Last Stand,"When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men and The Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.",3.857526,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Major Studio Partners"", ""id"": 445}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""thinkfilm"", ""id"": 12247}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}, {""name"": ""X3 Canada Productions"", ""id"": 79028}, {""name"": ""X3US Productions"", ""id"": 79029}, {""name"": ""XM3 Service"", ""id"": 79030}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-05-24,459359555,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Take a Stand,X-Men: The Last Stand,6.3,3525
200000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,62211,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 5984, ""name"": ""dormitory""}, {""id"": 6186, ""name"": ""games""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 13160, ""name"": ""university""}, {""id"": 163303, ""name"": ""scary""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Monsters University,A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University — when they weren't necessarily the best of friends.,89.186492,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-06-20,743559607,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,School never looked this scary.,Monsters University,7.0,3528
150000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,8373,"[{""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 1670, ""name"": ""sun""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 8264, ""name"": ""symbol""}, {""id"": 9854, ""name"": ""artifact""}, {""id"": 10607, ""name"": ""transformers""}, {""id"": 11117, ""name"": ""tank""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,"Sam Witwicky leaves the Autobots behind for a normal life. But when his mind is filled with cryptic symbols, the Decepticons target him and he is dragged back into the Transformers' war.",21.939663,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Platinum Dunes"", ""id"": 2481}, {""name"": ""Hasbro Studios"", ""id"": 22826}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-06-19,836297228,150,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Revenge is coming.,Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,6.0,3138
210000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,91314,"[{""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10607, ""name"": ""transformers""}, {""id"": 10891, ""name"": ""giant robot""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 166594, ""name"": ""transforming robot""}]",en,Transformers: Age of Extinction,"As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of ""Transformers: Dark of the Moon,"" Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control - all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his cross-hairs.",116.840296,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Platinum Dunes"", ""id"": 2481}, {""name"": ""China Movie Channel"", ""id"": 11413}, {""name"": ""Hasbro Studios"", ""id"": 22826}, {""name"": ""Ian Bryce Productions"", ""id"": 38833}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-06-25,1091405097,165,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This is not war. It's extinction.,Transformers: Age of Extinction,5.8,3095
200000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,68728,"[{""id"": 291, ""name"": ""circus""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3929, ""name"": ""hope""}, {""id"": 4662, ""name"": ""illusion""}, {""id"": 44451, ""name"": ""lost""}, {""id"": 172365, ""name"": ""magic trick""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Oz: The Great and Powerful,"Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus illusionist and con-artist, is whisked from Kansas to the Land of Oz where the inhabitants assume he's the great wizard of prophecy, there to save Oz from the clutches of evil.",46.985445,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-03-07,491868548,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"In Oz, nothing is what it seems",Oz: The Great and Powerful,5.7,3530
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,102382,"[{""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 13040, ""name"": ""electrocution""}, {""id"": 33977, ""name"": ""medical experiment""}, {""id"": 41594, ""name"": ""electricity""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}]",en,The Amazing Spider-Man 2,"For Peter Parker, life is busy. Between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen Stacy, high school graduation cannot come quickly enough. Peter has not forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen’s father to protect her by staying away, but that is a promise he cannot keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro, emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn, returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.",89.270217,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}, {""name"": ""Avi Arad Productions"", ""id"": 31828}, {""name"": ""Matt Tolmach Productions"", ""id"": 53462}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-04-16,705717432,142,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,No more secrets.,The Amazing Spider-Man 2,6.5,4179
170000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,20526,"[{""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 4286, ""name"": ""computer program""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 12965, ""name"": ""duel""}, {""id"": 14735, ""name"": ""motorcycle""}, {""id"": 185351, ""name"": ""neon light""}, {""id"": 236778, ""name"": ""autocracy""}]",en,TRON: Legacy,"Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy and daring son of Kevin Flynn, investigates his father's disappearance and is pulled into The Grid. With the help of a mysterious program named Quorra, Sam quests to stop evil dictator Clu from crossing into the real world.",73.79505,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""LivePlanet"", ""id"": 7161}, {""name"": ""Prana Studios"", ""id"": 18713}, {""name"": ""Sean Bailey Productions"", ""id"": 23791}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}, {""name"": ""Kontsept Film Company"", ""id"": 76067}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-12-10,400062763,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Game Has Changed.,TRON: Legacy,6.3,2841
200000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,49013,"[{""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10267, ""name"": ""comedy""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Cars 2,Star race car Lightning McQueen and his pal Mater head overseas to compete in the World Grand Prix race. But the road to the championship becomes rocky as Mater gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own: international espionage.,49.98659,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-06-11,559852396,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Ka-ciao!,Cars 2,5.8,2033
200000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,44912,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 15250, ""name"": ""alien infection""}, {""id"": 15252, ""name"": ""magical object""}, {""id"": 15254, ""name"": ""protector""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 202540, ""name"": ""origin""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Green Lantern,"For centuries, a small but powerful force of warriors called the Green Lantern Corps has sworn to keep intergalactic order. Each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of the first human ever recruited.",51.872839,"[{""name"": ""De Line Pictures"", ""id"": 2609}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-06-16,219851172,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"In our darkest hour, there will be light.",Green Lantern,5.1,2487
200000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,10193,"[{""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 3616, ""name"": ""college""}, {""id"": 4290, ""name"": ""toy""}, {""id"": 5462, ""name"": ""barbie""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 33794, ""name"": ""day care""}, {""id"": 158162, ""name"": ""teddy bear""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187065, ""name"": ""toy comes to life""}, {""id"": 209386, ""name"": ""personification""}, {""id"": 209387, ""name"": ""inanimate objects coming to life""}, {""id"": 224516, ""name"": ""toy story""}]",en,Toy Story 3,"Woody, Buzz, and the rest of Andy's toys haven't been played with in years. With Andy about to go to college, the gang find themselves accidentally left at a nefarious day care center. The toys must band together to escape and return home to Andy.",59.995418,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-16,1066969703,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,No toy gets left behind.,Toy Story 3,7.6,4597
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,534,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 530, ""name"": ""prophecy""}, {""id"": 582, ""name"": ""san francisco""}, {""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 1373, ""name"": ""killer robot""}, {""id"": 1420, ""name"": ""gas station""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 6112, ""name"": ""firearm""}, {""id"": 11159, ""name"": ""wartime""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}]",en,Terminator Salvation,"All grown up in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor must lead the resistance of humans against the increasingly dominating militaristic robots. But when Marcus Wright appears, his existence confuses the mission as Connor tries to determine whether Wright has come from the future or the past -- and whether he's friend or foe.",71.862892,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""The Halcyon Company"", ""id"": 4021}, {""name"": ""Wonderland Sound and Vision"", ""id"": 4022}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-05-20,371353001,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,The End Begins.,Terminator Salvation,5.9,2463
190000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,168259,"[{""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 3428, ""name"": ""speed""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 40870, ""name"": ""race""}, {""id"": 205399, ""name"": ""muscle car""}]",en,Furious 7,Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.,102.322217,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Fuji Television Network"", ""id"": 3341}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""One Race Films"", ""id"": 7154}, {""name"": ""China Film Co."", ""id"": 40890}, {""name"": ""Qu\u00e9bec Production Services Tax Credit"", ""id"": 86352}, {""name"": ""Media Rights Capital (MRC)"", ""id"": 86655}, {""name"": ""Abu Dhabi Film Commission"", ""id"": 87857}, {""name"": ""Colorado Office of Film, Television & Media"", ""id"": 87858}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-04-01,1506249360,137,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Vengeance Hits Home,Furious 7,7.3,4176
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,72190,"[{""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 12377, ""name"": ""zombie""}, {""id"": 160381, ""name"": ""nuclear weapons""}, {""id"": 180635, ""name"": ""multiple perspectives""}, {""id"": 186565, ""name"": ""zombie apocalypse""}]",en,World War Z,"Life for former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane and his family seems content. Suddenly, the world is plagued by a mysterious infection turning whole human populations into rampaging mindless zombies. After barely escaping the chaos, Lane is persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this disease. What follows is a perilous trek around the world where Lane must brave horrific dangers and long odds to find answers before human civilization falls.",81.834855,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""GK Films"", ""id"": 3281}, {""name"": ""Skydance Productions"", ""id"": 6277}, {""name"": ""Hemisphere Media Capital"", ""id"": 9169}, {""name"": ""Apparatus Productions"", ""id"": 11956}, {""name"": ""Latina Pictures"", ""id"": 19108}, {""name"": ""2DUX\u00b2"", ""id"": 23644}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MT"", ""name"": ""Malta""}]",2013-06-20,531865000,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Remember Philly!,World War Z,6.7,5560
250000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,127585,"[{""id"": 1228, ""name"": ""1970s""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 14527, ""name"": ""storm""}, {""id"": 161271, ""name"": ""beast""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 206736, ""name"": ""changing the past or future""}]",en,X-Men: Days of Future Past,The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.,118.078691,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Down Productions"", ""id"": 37336}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-05-15,747862775,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"To save the future, they must alter the past",X-Men: Days of Future Past,7.5,6032
190000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,54138,"[{""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 179569, ""name"": ""terrorist bombing""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Star Trek Into Darkness,"When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.",78.291018,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Skydance Productions"", ""id"": 6277}, {""name"": ""Bad Robot"", ""id"": 11461}, {""name"": ""Kurtzman/Orci"", ""id"": 12536}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-05-05,467365246,132,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Earth Will Fall,Star Trek Into Darkness,7.4,4418
195000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,81005,"[{""id"": 179411, ""name"": ""based on fairy tale""}, {""id"": 189099, ""name"": ""giant""}]",en,Jack the Giant Slayer,"The story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend–and gets the chance to become a legend himself.",43.349855,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Big Kid Pictures"", ""id"": 8406}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-02-27,197687603,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Prepare for a giant adventure,Jack the Giant Slayer,5.5,2598
105000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,64682,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1326, ""name"": ""infidelity""}, {""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 3929, ""name"": ""hope""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,The Great Gatsby,"An adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Long Island-set novel, where Midwesterner Nick Carraway is lured into the lavish world of his neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Soon enough, however, Carraway will see through the cracks of Gatsby's nouveau riche existence, where obsession, madness, and tragedy await.",61.196071,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Bazmark Films"", ""id"": 240}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""A&E Television Networks"", ""id"": 11858}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}, {""name"": ""Spectrum Films"", ""id"": 14604}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2013-05-10,351040419,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope... I come to the admission that it has a limit.,The Great Gatsby,7.3,3769
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,9543,"[{""id"": 1241, ""name"": ""persia""}, {""id"": 1965, ""name"": ""sandstorm""}, {""id"": 12653, ""name"": ""brother against brother""}, {""id"": 12654, ""name"": ""armageddon""}, {""id"": 12655, ""name"": ""regent""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}]",en,Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,"A rogue prince reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious princess and together, they race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time – gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.",62.169881,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-05-19,335154643,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Defy the Future,Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,6.2,2317
180000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,68726,"[{""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 10891, ""name"": ""giant robot""}, {""id"": 11100, ""name"": ""giant monster""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Pacific Rim,"When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed-up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.",56.523205,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Disney Double Dare You (DDY)"", ""id"": 19750}, {""name"": ""Indochina Productions"", ""id"": 19751}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}]",2013-07-11,407602906,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"To Fight Monsters, We Created Monsters",Pacific Rim,6.7,4794
195000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,38356,"[{""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 3088, ""name"": ""bodyguard""}, {""id"": 10158, ""name"": ""alien planet""}, {""id"": 10244, ""name"": ""based on cartoon""}, {""id"": 10607, ""name"": ""transformers""}, {""id"": 10891, ""name"": ""giant robot""}, {""id"": 15246, ""name"": ""sabotage""}, {""id"": 15247, ""name"": ""word domination""}, {""id"": 15248, ""name"": ""commando""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Transformers: Dark of the Moon,"Sam Witwicky takes his first tenuous steps into adulthood while remaining a reluctant human ally of Autobot-leader Optimus Prime. The film centers around the space race between the USSR and the USA, suggesting there was a hidden Transformers role in it all that remains one of the planet's most dangerous secrets.",28.529607,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Indochina Productions"", ""id"": 19751}, {""name"": ""Hasbro Studios"", ""id"": 22826}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-06-28,1123746996,154,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The invasion we always feared. An enemy we never expected.,Transformers: Dark of the Moon,6.1,3299
185000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,217,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 1294, ""name"": ""whip""}, {""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 1547, ""name"": ""mexico city""}, {""id"": 2650, ""name"": ""leather jacket""}, {""id"": 4276, ""name"": ""machinegun""}, {""id"": 4939, ""name"": ""alien phenomenons""}, {""id"": 5566, ""name"": ""maya civilization""}, {""id"": 5967, ""name"": ""peru""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 9830, ""name"": ""nuclear explosion""}, {""id"": 18524, ""name"": ""refrigerator""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}, {""id"": 176731, ""name"": ""indiana jones""}, {""id"": 184134, ""name"": ""archeology\u00a0""}]",en,Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,"Set during the Cold War, the Soviets – led by sword-wielding Irina Spalko – are in search of a crystal skull which has supernatural powers related to a mystical Lost City of Gold. After being captured and then escaping from them, Indy is coerced to head to Peru at the behest of a young man whose friend – and Indy's colleague – Professor Oxley has been captured for his knowledge of the skull's whereabouts.",75.674458,"[{""name"": ""Lucasfilm"", ""id"": 1}, {""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-05-21,786636033,122,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,The adventure continues . . .,Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,5.7,2495
175000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,105864,"[{""id"": 1720, ""name"": ""tyrannosaurus rex""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 12026, ""name"": ""alternate history""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 13073, ""name"": ""fear""}, {""id"": 14527, ""name"": ""storm""}, {""id"": 18330, ""name"": ""nature""}, {""id"": 187864, ""name"": ""human""}, {""id"": 189092, ""name"": ""journey""}]",en,The Good Dinosaur,An epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend.,51.692953,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-11-14,331926147,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Little Arms With Big Attitude,The Good Dinosaur,6.6,1736
185000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,62177,"[{""id"": 388, ""name"": ""scotland""}, {""id"": 526, ""name"": ""rebel""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 4393, ""name"": ""archer""}, {""id"": 4896, ""name"": ""wish""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 14753, ""name"": ""scot""}, {""id"": 15161, ""name"": ""rebellious daughter""}, {""id"": 41538, ""name"": ""turns into animal""}, {""id"": 53995, ""name"": ""archery""}, {""id"": 162715, ""name"": ""ruins""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 181181, ""name"": ""peace offering""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 189098, ""name"": ""courage""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Brave,"Brave is set in the mystical Scottish Highlands, where Mérida is the princess of a kingdom ruled by King Fergus and Queen Elinor. An unruly daughter and an accomplished archer, Mérida one day defies a sacred custom of the land and inadvertently brings turmoil to the kingdom. In an attempt to set things right, Mérida seeks out an eccentric old Wise Woman and is granted an ill-fated wish. Also figuring into Mérida’s quest — and serving as comic relief — are the kingdom’s three lords: the enormous Lord MacGuffin, the surly Lord Macintosh, and the disagreeable Lord Dingwall.",125.114374,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-21,538983207,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Change your fate.,Brave,6.7,4641
185000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,188927,"[{""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9743, ""name"": ""stranded""}, {""id"": 158449, ""name"": ""hatred""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}]",en,Star Trek Beyond,"The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.",65.352913,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Bad Robot"", ""id"": 11461}, {""name"": ""Perfect Storm Entertainment"", ""id"": 34530}, {""name"": ""Alibaba Pictures Group"", ""id"": 69484}, {""name"": ""Skydance Media"", ""id"": 82819}, {""name"": ""Sneaky Shark"", ""id"": 83644}, {""name"": ""Huahua Media"", ""id"": 83645}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-07-07,343471816,122,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,Star Trek Beyond,6.6,2568
180000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10681,"[{""id"": 9799, ""name"": ""romantic comedy""}]",en,WALL·E,"WALL·E is the last robot left on an Earth that has been overrun with garbage and all humans have fled to outer space. For 700 years he has continued to try and clean up the mess, but has developed some rather interesting human-like qualities. When a ship arrives with a sleek new type of robot, WALL·E thinks he's finally found a friend and stows away on the ship when it leaves.",66.390712,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}, {""name"": ""FortyFour Studios"", ""id"": 93408}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-22,521311860,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,An adventure beyond the ordinar-E.,WALL·E,7.8,6296
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,5174,"[{""id"": 1704, ""name"": ""ambassador""}]",en,Rush Hour 3,"After an attempted assassination on Ambassador Han, Inspector Lee and Detective Carter are back in action as they head to Paris to protect a French woman with knowledge of the Triads' secret leaders. Lee also holds secret meetings with a United Nations authority, but his personal struggles with a Chinese criminal mastermind named Kenji, which reveals that it's Lee's",22.57178,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-08-08,258022233,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,The Rush Is On!,Rush Hour 3,6.1,783
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,14161,"[{""id"": 2163, ""name"": ""civilization""}, {""id"": 5096, ""name"": ""natural disaster""}, {""id"": 10150, ""name"": ""end of the world""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 14796, ""name"": ""destruction""}, {""id"": 163398, ""name"": ""volcanic eruption""}, {""id"": 208090, ""name"": ""mayan""}, {""id"": 230910, ""name"": ""ark""}, {""id"": 232318, ""name"": ""solar""}, {""id"": 232339, ""name"": ""destruction of mankind""}]",en,2012,"Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed. Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build ""arks"" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.",45.274225,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""The Mark Gordon Company"", ""id"": 1557}, {""name"": ""Farewell Productions"", ""id"": 10905}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-10-10,769653595,158,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""hi"", ""name"": ""\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""bo"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,We Were Warned.,2012,5.6,4903
200000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,17979,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 8250, ""name"": ""victorian england""}, {""id"": 10594, ""name"": ""money""}, {""id"": 33965, ""name"": ""christmas eve""}, {""id"": 33966, ""name"": ""scrooge""}, {""id"": 161174, ""name"": ""christmas carol""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}, {""id"": 170457, ""name"": ""lesson""}, {""id"": 180975, ""name"": ""charles dickens""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}]",en,A Christmas Carol,"Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.",39.744242,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney"", ""id"": 5888}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-11-04,325233863,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Season's Greedings,A Christmas Carol,6.6,1095
176000003,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,76757,"[{""id"": 306, ""name"": ""jupiter""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 212760, ""name"": ""interspecies romance""}]",en,Jupiter Ascending,"In a universe where human genetic material is the most precious commodity, an impoverished young Earth woman becomes the key to strategic maneuvers and internal strife within a powerful dynasty…",85.36908,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Anarchos Productions"", ""id"": 450}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-02-04,183987723,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Expand your universe.,Jupiter Ascending,5.2,2768
180000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,258489,"[{""id"": 409, ""name"": ""africa""}, {""id"": 5650, ""name"": ""feral child""}, {""id"": 7347, ""name"": ""tarzan""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}, {""id"": 158130, ""name"": ""animal attack""}]",en,The Legend of Tarzan,"Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment.",42.741719,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Dark Horse Entertainment"", ""id"": 552}, {""name"": ""Jerry Weintraub Productions"", ""id"": 2596}, {""name"": ""RatPac-Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 41624}, {""name"": ""Beagle Pug Films"", ""id"": 46339}, {""name"": ""Riche Productions"", ""id"": 86565}, {""name"": ""Village Roadshow Films North America"", ""id"": 86566}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-06-29,356743061,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Human. Nature.,The Legend of Tarzan,5.5,2430
180000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,411,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1155, ""name"": ""brother sister relationship""}, {""id"": 1430, ""name"": ""self sacrifice""}, {""id"": 1442, ""name"": ""winter""}, {""id"": 1990, ""name"": ""cupboard""}, {""id"": 2042, ""name"": ""beaver""}, {""id"": 2043, ""name"": ""lion""}, {""id"": 6187, ""name"": ""fairy-tale figure""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 166930, ""name"": ""narnia""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe","Siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. There, the they discover a charming, once peaceful kingdom that has been plunged into eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Aided by the wise and magnificent lion, Aslan, the children lead Narnia into a spectacular, climactic battle to be free of the Witch's glacial powers forever.",67.391328,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney"", ""id"": 5888}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-12-07,748806957,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,Evil Has Reigned For 100 Years...,"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe",6.7,2629
178000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,246655,"[{""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 4769, ""name"": ""supernatural powers""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 155030, ""name"": ""superhero team""}, {""id"": 176217, ""name"": ""world domination""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 208289, ""name"": ""1980s""}]",en,X-Men: Apocalypse,"After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.",139.272042,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Kinberg Genre"", ""id"": 78091}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-05-18,543934787,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Only the strong will survive,X-Men: Apocalypse,6.4,4721
185000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,155,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 3151, ""name"": ""scarecrow""}, {""id"": 4426, ""name"": ""sadism""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9537, ""name"": ""joker""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10044, ""name"": ""tragic hero""}, {""id"": 10291, ""name"": ""organized crime""}, {""id"": 18023, ""name"": ""criminal mastermind""}, {""id"": 33518, ""name"": ""district attorney""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 163074, ""name"": ""super villain""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 230775, ""name"": ""batman""}]",en,The Dark Knight,"Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker.",187.322927,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-07-16,1004558444,152,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Why So Serious?,The Dark Knight,8.2,12002
175000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,14160,"[{""id"": 965, ""name"": ""age difference""}, {""id"": 1291, ""name"": ""central and south america""}, {""id"": 9903, ""name"": ""balloon""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 175715, ""name"": ""floating in the air""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 221536, ""name"": ""exploring""}]",en,Up,"Carl Fredricksen spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest. But at age 78, life seems to have passed him by, until a twist of fate (and a persistent 8-year old Wilderness Explorer named Russell) gives him a new lease on life.",92.201962,"[{""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-05-13,735099082,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,Up,7.7,6870
175000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,15512,"[{""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10891, ""name"": ""giant robot""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Monsters vs Aliens,"When Susan Murphy is unwittingly clobbered by a meteor full of outer space gunk on her wedding day, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches. The military jumps into action and captures Susan, secreting her away to a covert government compound. She is renamed Ginormica and placed in confinement with a ragtag group of Monsters...",36.167578,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-03-19,381509870,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"When aliens attack, monsters fight back.",Monsters vs Aliens,6.0,1423
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,1726,"[{""id"": 539, ""name"": ""middle east""}, {""id"": 6163, ""name"": ""arms dealer""}, {""id"": 8613, ""name"": ""malibu""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 12555, ""name"": ""tony stark""}, {""id"": 173776, ""name"": ""iron man""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 208630, ""name"": ""counter terrorism""}, {""id"": 209756, ""name"": ""agent coulson""}]",en,Iron Man,"After being held captive in an Afghan cave, billionaire engineer Tony Stark creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil.",120.725053,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-04-30,585174222,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fa"", ""name"": ""\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ur"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,Heroes aren't born. They're built.,Iron Man,7.4,8776
170000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,44826,"[{""id"": 295, ""name"": ""library""}, {""id"": 1507, ""name"": ""clock""}, {""id"": 2793, ""name"": ""film director""}, {""id"": 2849, ""name"": ""key""}, {""id"": 4290, ""name"": ""toy""}, {""id"": 5202, ""name"": ""boy""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 14545, ""name"": ""automaton""}, {""id"": 18028, ""name"": ""hiding""}, {""id"": 33490, ""name"": ""filmmaking""}, {""id"": 41372, ""name"": ""leg brace""}, {""id"": 156149, ""name"": ""doberman""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Hugo,"Hugo is an orphan boy living in the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. He learned to fix clocks and other gadgets from his father and uncle which he puts to use keeping the train station clocks running. The only thing that he has left that connects him to his dead father is an automaton (mechanical man) that doesn't work without a special key which Hugo needs to find to unlock the secret he believes it contains. On his adventures, he meets with a shopkeeper, George Melies, who works in the train station and his adventure-seeking god-daughter. Hugo finds that they have a surprising connection to his father and the automaton, and he discovers it unlocks some memories the old man has buried inside regarding his past.",32.319043,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Infinitum Nihil"", ""id"": 2691}, {""name"": ""GK Films"", ""id"": 3281}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2011-11-22,185770160,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One of the most legendary directors of our time takes you on an extraordinary adventure.,Hugo,7.0,2141
170000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}]",,8487,"[{""id"": 10028, ""name"": ""steampunk""}, {""id"": 10988, ""name"": ""based on tv series""}, {""id"": 163671, ""name"": ""steam locomotive""}, {""id"": 171636, ""name"": ""drag""}]",en,Wild Wild West,Legless Southern inventor Dr. Arliss Loveless plans to rekindle the Civil War by assassinating President U.S. Grant. Only two men can stop him: gunfighter James West and master-of-disguise and inventor Artemus Gordon. The two must team up to thwart Loveless' plans.,40.748915,"[{""name"": ""Todman, Simon, LeMasters Productions"", ""id"": 2507}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Peters Entertainment"", ""id"": 16774}, {""name"": ""Sonnenfeld Josephson Worldwide Entertainment"", ""id"": 57088}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-06-29,222104681,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's a whole new west.,Wild Wild West,5.1,1020
145000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,1735,[],en,The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor,"Archaeologist Rick O'Connell travels to China, pitting him against an emperor from the 2,000-year-old Han dynasty who's returned from the dead to pursue a quest for world domination. This time, O'Connell enlists the help of his wife and son to quash the so-called 'Dragon Emperor' and his abuse of supernatural power.",60.034162,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""China Film Co-Production Corporation"", ""id"": 2269}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Alphaville Films"", ""id"": 11462}, {""name"": ""Sommers Company, The"", ""id"": 19643}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-07-01,401128639,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sa"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,A New Evil Awakens.,The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor,5.2,1387
175000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,297761,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 1296, ""name"": ""shared universe""}, {""id"": 2095, ""name"": ""anti hero""}, {""id"": 3269, ""name"": ""secret mission""}, {""id"": 3289, ""name"": ""villain""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 194404, ""name"": ""supervillain""}, {""id"": 229266, ""name"": ""dc extended universe""}]",en,Suicide Squad,"From DC Comics comes the Suicide Squad, an antihero team of incarcerated supervillains who act as deniable assets for the United States government, undertaking high-risk black ops missions in exchange for commuted prison sentences.",90.23792,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-08-02,745000000,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Worst Heroes Ever,Suicide Squad,5.9,7458
175000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,2698,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1850, ""name"": ""daily life""}, {""id"": 2587, ""name"": ""married couple""}, {""id"": 3848, ""name"": ""support""}, {""id"": 5905, ""name"": ""father""}, {""id"": 6038, ""name"": ""marriage""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 6603, ""name"": ""baustelle""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 18330, ""name"": ""nature""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 210450, ""name"": ""noah's ark""}]",en,Evan Almighty,God contacts Congressman Evan Baxter and tells him to build an ark in preparation for a great flood.,27.082182,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Shady Acres Entertainment"", ""id"": 159}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Playtone"", ""id"": 4171}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-09,173000000,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A comedy of biblical proportions,Evan Almighty,5.3,1151
178000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,137113,"[{""id"": 563, ""name"": ""deja vu""}, {""id"": 1521, ""name"": ""time warp""}, {""id"": 2062, ""name"": ""restart""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 11109, ""name"": ""military officer""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 204318, ""name"": ""exoskeleton""}]",en,Edge of Tomorrow,"Major Bill Cage is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously demoted and dropped into combat. Cage is killed within minutes, managing to take an alpha alien down with him. He awakens back at the beginning of the same day and is forced to fight and die again... and again - as physical contact with the alien has thrown him into a time loop.",79.456485,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Viz Media"", ""id"": 6687}, {""name"": ""Province of British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit"", ""id"": 12200}, {""name"": ""3 Arts Entertainment"", ""id"": 36390}, {""name"": ""RatPac-Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 41624}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-05-27,370541256,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Live, Die, Repeat",Edge of Tomorrow,7.6,4858
175000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,9804,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 331, ""name"": ""tattoo""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 34161, ""name"": ""doomsday""}]",en,Waterworld,"In a futuristic world where the polar ice caps have melted and made Earth a liquid planet, a beautiful barmaid rescues a mutant seafarer from a floating island prison. They escape, along with her young charge, Enola, and sail off aboard his ship. But the trio soon becomes the target of a menacing pirate who covets the map to 'Dryland' – which is tattooed on Enola's back.",44.640292,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Gordon Company"", ""id"": 1073}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Licht/Mueller Film Corporation"", ""id"": 6092}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-07-28,264218220,135,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Beyond the horizon lies the secret to a new beginning.,Waterworld,5.9,992
175000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,14869,"[{""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 3467, ""name"": ""warhead""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}, {""id"": 8570, ""name"": ""president""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10563, ""name"": ""attack""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 155551, ""name"": ""lasers""}, {""id"": 156075, ""name"": ""evil""}, {""id"": 191574, ""name"": ""cobra""}]",en,G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,"From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. JOE team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.",32.852443,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Hasbro"", ""id"": 2598}, {""name"": ""Kontsept Film Company"", ""id"": 76067}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-08-04,302469017,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""gd"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,"When all else fails, they don't.",G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,5.6,1962
175000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,150540,"[{""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 6513, ""name"": ""cartoon""}, {""id"": 7942, ""name"": ""imaginary friend""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 18253, ""name"": ""moving""}, {""id"": 161155, ""name"": ""kids""}, {""id"": 163227, ""name"": ""unicorn""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 211269, ""name"": ""emotions""}]",en,Inside Out,"Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.",128.655964,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-06-09,857611174,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Meet the little voices inside your head.,Inside Out,8.0,6560
175000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,278927,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1585, ""name"": ""snake""}, {""id"": 1994, ""name"": ""wolf""}, {""id"": 2857, ""name"": ""elephant""}, {""id"": 4809, ""name"": ""tiger""}, {""id"": 5650, ""name"": ""feral child""}, {""id"": 8775, ""name"": ""panther""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 167625, ""name"": ""talking to animals""}]",en,The Jungle Book,"After a threat from the tiger Shere Khan forces him to flee the jungle, a man-cub named Mowgli embarks on a journey of self discovery with the help of panther, Bagheera, and free spirited bear, Baloo.",94.199316,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 3036}, {""name"": ""Fairview Entertainment"", ""id"": 7297}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-04-07,966550600,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,The Jungle Book,6.7,2892
200000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,10138,"[{""id"": 8613, ""name"": ""malibu""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}]",en,Iron Man 2,"With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark faces pressure from the government, the press and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, with Pepper Potts and James 'Rhodey' Rhodes at his side, must forge new alliances – and confront powerful enemies.",77.300194,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-04-28,623933331,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,"It's not the armor that makes the hero, but the man inside.",Iron Man 2,6.6,6849
170000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,58595,"[{""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4978, ""name"": ""immortality""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 15184, ""name"": ""woman""}, {""id"": 161302, ""name"": ""eternal youth""}, {""id"": 169341, ""name"": ""snow white""}, {""id"": 169343, ""name"": ""evil queen""}, {""id"": 173003, ""name"": ""evil stepmother""}, {""id"": 181976, ""name"": ""imprisoned""}, {""id"": 199814, ""name"": ""sorceress""}]",en,Snow White and the Huntsman,"After the Evil Queen marries the King, she performs a violent coup in which the King is murdered and his daughter, Snow White, is taken captive. Almost a decade later, a grown Snow White is still in the clutches of the Queen. In order to obtain immortality, The Evil Queen needs the heart of Snow White. After Snow escapes the castle, the Queen sends the Huntsman to find her in the Dark Forest.",77.178973,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-05-30,396600000,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Fairytale is Over,Snow White and the Huntsman,5.8,3118
180000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,102651,"[{""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 3289, ""name"": ""villain""}, {""id"": 7430, ""name"": ""sleeping beauty""}, {""id"": 177895, ""name"": ""dark fantasy""}, {""id"": 179411, ""name"": ""based on fairy tale""}, {""id"": 186846, ""name"": ""adaptation""}, {""id"": 186847, ""name"": ""retelling""}, {""id"": 186849, ""name"": ""literary adaptation""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Maleficent,"The untold story of Disney's most iconic villain from the 1959 classic 'Sleeping Beauty'. A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal – an act that begins to turn her heart into stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces an epic battle with the invading King's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom - and to Maleficent's true happiness as well.",110.620647,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 3036}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-05-28,758539785,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Don't believe the fairy tale.,Maleficent,7.0,4496
170000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,119450,"[{""id"": 3077, ""name"": ""leader""}, {""id"": 4090, ""name"": ""colony""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9720, ""name"": ""woods""}, {""id"": 14759, ""name"": ""ape""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15149, ""name"": ""monkey""}, {""id"": 158025, ""name"": ""medical research""}, {""id"": 158130, ""name"": ""animal attack""}, {""id"": 188959, ""name"": ""plague""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,"A group of scientists in San Francisco struggle to stay alive in the aftermath of a plague that is wiping out humanity, while Caesar tries to maintain dominance over his community of intelligent apes.",243.791743,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Chernin Entertainment"", ""id"": 7076}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-06-26,710644566,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One last chance for peace.,Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,7.3,4410
27000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,79698,[],en,The Lovers,"The Lovers is an epic romance time travel adventure film. Helmed by Roland Joffé from a story by Ajey Jhankar, the film is a sweeping tale of an impossible love set against the backdrop of the first Anglo-Maratha war across two time periods and continents and centred around four characters — a British officer in 18th century colonial India, the Indian woman he falls deeply in love with, an American present-day marine biologist and his wife.",2.418535,"[{""name"": ""Corsan"", ""id"": 7299}, {""name"": ""Bliss Media"", ""id"": 8186}, {""name"": ""Limelight International Media Entertainment"", ""id"": 8187}, {""name"": ""Neelmudra Entertainment"", ""id"": 8188}, {""name"": ""Aristos Films"", ""id"": 76098}, {""name"": ""Singularity Productions"", ""id"": 76099}, {""name"": ""Wildkite"", ""id"": 76100}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""BE"", ""name"": ""Belgium""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}]",2015-02-13,0,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Love is longer than life.,The Lovers,4.8,34
175000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,64686,"[{""id"": 233, ""name"": ""japan""}, {""id"": 236, ""name"": ""suicide""}, {""id"": 1462, ""name"": ""samurai""}, {""id"": 9672, ""name"": ""based on true story""}, {""id"": 18098, ""name"": ""samurai sword""}, {""id"": 155198, ""name"": ""ronin""}, {""id"": 155242, ""name"": ""shogun""}, {""id"": 183528, ""name"": ""half breed""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,47 Ronin,"Based on the original 1941 movie from Japan, and from ancient Japan’s most enduring tale, the epic 3D fantasy-adventure 47 Ronin is born. Keanu Reeves leads the cast as Kai, an outcast who joins Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada), the leader of the 47 outcast samurai. Together they seek vengeance upon the treacherous overlord who killed their master and banished their kind. To restore honor to their homeland, the warriors embark upon a quest that challenges them with a series of trials that would destroy ordinary warriors.",41.796339,"[{""name"": ""Mid Atlantic Films"", ""id"": 2735}, {""name"": ""Stuber Productions"", ""id"": 4403}, {""name"": ""Universal"", ""id"": 6292}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""H2F Entertainment"", ""id"": 20851}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-12-06,150962475,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,For courage. For loyalty. For honor.,47 Ronin,5.9,1326
170000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,100402,"[{""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 5539, ""name"": ""shield""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 173775, ""name"": ""captain america""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 209817, ""name"": ""political thriller""}]",en,Captain America: The Winter Soldier,"After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.",72.225265,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-03-20,714766572,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,In heroes we trust.,Captain America: The Winter Soldier,7.6,5764
165000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10192,"[{""id"": 189111, ""name"": ""ogre""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Shrek Forever After,"A bored and domesticated Shrek pacts with deal-maker Rumpelstiltskin to get back to feeling like a real ogre again, but when he's duped and sent to a twisted version of Far Far Away—where Rumpelstiltskin is king, ogres are hunted, and he and Fiona have never met—he sets out to restore his world and reclaim his true love.",44.041186,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-05-16,752600867,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It ain't Ogre... Til it's Ogre,Shrek Forever After,6.0,1959
190000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,158852,"[{""id"": 1436, ""name"": ""inventor""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 40850, ""name"": ""destiny""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 173276, ""name"": ""dreamer""}, {""id"": 214714, ""name"": ""futuristic car""}, {""id"": 214715, ""name"": ""futuristic city""}]",en,Tomorrowland,"Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as ""Tomorrowland.""",130.311355,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Babieka"", ""id"": 20656}, {""name"": ""A113"", ""id"": 59778}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-05-19,209154322,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Imagine a world where nothing is impossible.,Tomorrowland,6.2,2846
165000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,177572,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 2276, ""name"": ""talent""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 12446, ""name"": ""another dimension""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 33353, ""name"": ""boy genius""}, {""id"": 41509, ""name"": ""hate""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 198423, ""name"": ""moral dilemma""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 213104, ""name"": ""teen superheroes""}, {""id"": 215235, ""name"": ""dead brother""}]",en,Big Hero 6,"The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes.",203.73459,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-10-24,652105443,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,From the creators of Wreck-it Ralph and Frozen,Big Hero 6,7.8,6135
165000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,82690,"[{""id"": 825, ""name"": ""support group""}, {""id"": 3977, ""name"": ""product placement""}, {""id"": 6733, ""name"": ""bullying""}, {""id"": 10039, ""name"": ""racing""}, {""id"": 10547, ""name"": ""arcade""}, {""id"": 11124, ""name"": ""medal""}, {""id"": 155023, ""name"": ""self esteem""}, {""id"": 158023, ""name"": ""curiosity""}, {""id"": 162936, ""name"": ""precocious child""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 185859, ""name"": ""first person shooter""}, {""id"": 185861, ""name"": ""glitch""}, {""id"": 185863, ""name"": ""carefree""}, {""id"": 185867, ""name"": ""video gamer""}, {""id"": 185868, ""name"": ""q*bert""}, {""id"": 185876, ""name"": ""interrupted wedding""}, {""id"": 185880, ""name"": ""social reject""}]",en,Wreck-It Ralph,"Wreck-It Ralph is the 9-foot-tall, 643-pound villain of an arcade video game named Fix-It Felix Jr., in which the game's titular hero fixes buildings that Ralph destroys. Wanting to prove he can be a good guy and not just a villain, Ralph escapes his game and lands in Hero's Duty, a first-person shooter where he helps the game's hero battle against alien invaders. He later enters Sugar Rush, a kart racing game set on tracks made of candies, cookies and other sweets. There, Ralph meets Vanellope von Schweetz who has learned that her game is faced with a dire threat that could affect the entire arcade, and one that Ralph may have inadvertently started.",62.341073,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-11-01,471222889,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story of a regular guy just looking for a little wreck-ognition.,Wreck-It Ralph,7.1,4570
165000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,5255,"[{""id"": 1991, ""name"": ""santa claus""}, {""id"": 5801, ""name"": ""nerd""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 9989, ""name"": ""gift""}, {""id"": 9995, ""name"": ""bell""}, {""id"": 33678, ""name"": ""beard""}, {""id"": 34154, ""name"": ""north pole""}, {""id"": 41312, ""name"": ""chute""}, {""id"": 41314, ""name"": ""trestle""}, {""id"": 48711, ""name"": ""ticket""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}]",en,The Polar Express,"When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.",47.323228,"[{""name"": ""Golden Mean"", ""id"": 1867}, {""name"": ""Playtone"", ""id"": 4171}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-11-10,305875730,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This holiday season... believe.,The Polar Express,6.4,1474
165000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,47933,"[{""id"": 12026, ""name"": ""alternate history""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}]",en,Independence Day: Resurgence,"We always knew they were coming back. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction.",48.775723,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Stereo D"", ""id"": 86561}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-06-22,389681935,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,We had twenty years to prepare. So did they.,Independence Day: Resurgence,4.9,2491
165000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10191,"[{""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 1318, ""name"": ""blacksmith""}, {""id"": 1395, ""name"": ""arena""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 3752, ""name"": ""night""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 5331, ""name"": ""village""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 5895, ""name"": ""viking""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 6253, ""name"": ""ignorance""}, {""id"": 8044, ""name"": ""flight""}, {""id"": 9109, ""name"": ""nest""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 18543, ""name"": ""combat""}, {""id"": 172784, ""name"": ""well""}, {""id"": 192913, ""name"": ""warrior""}]",en,How to Train Your Dragon,"As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his warrior father",67.263269,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}, {""name"": ""Vertigo Entertainment"", ""id"": 829}, {""name"": ""Mad Hatter Entertainment"", ""id"": 20154}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-03-05,494878759,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One adventure will change two worlds,How to Train Your Dragon,7.5,4227
200000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,296,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 312, ""name"": ""man vs machine""}, {""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 1373, ""name"": ""killer robot""}, {""id"": 1381, ""name"": ""sun glasses""}, {""id"": 2650, ""name"": ""leather jacket""}, {""id"": 2651, ""name"": ""nanotechnology""}, {""id"": 2732, ""name"": ""rocket launcher""}, {""id"": 2733, ""name"": ""firemen""}, {""id"": 2735, ""name"": ""veterinarian""}, {""id"": 2736, ""name"": ""fire engine""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 15106, ""name"": ""psychiatrist""}]",en,Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,"It's been 10 years since John Connor saved Earth from Judgment Day, and he's now living under the radar, steering clear of using anything Skynet can trace. That is, until he encounters T-X, a robotic assassin ordered to finish what T-1000 started. Good thing Connor's former nemesis, the Terminator, is back to aid the now-adult Connor … just like he promised.",69.405188,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Intermedia Films"", ""id"": 763}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""C-2 Pictures"", ""id"": 7340}, {""name"": ""IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 19116}, {""name"": ""Mostow/Lieberman Productions"", ""id"": 23636}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-07-02,435000000,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Machines Will Rise.,Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,5.9,2143
170000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,118340,"[{""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 12405, ""name"": ""outer space""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 175428, ""name"": ""adventurer""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}]",en,Guardians of the Galaxy,"Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.",481.098624,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""Bulletproof Cupid"", ""id"": 54850}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-07-30,773328629,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,All heroes start somewhere.,Guardians of the Galaxy,7.9,9742
165000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,157336,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 641, ""name"": ""single parent""}, {""id"": 1432, ""name"": ""nasa""}, {""id"": 1963, ""name"": ""expedition""}, {""id"": 3417, ""name"": ""wormhole""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 4337, ""name"": ""famine""}, {""id"": 4380, ""name"": ""black hole""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 4776, ""name"": ""race against time""}, {""id"": 8056, ""name"": ""quantum mechanics""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10235, ""name"": ""family relationships""}, {""id"": 13127, ""name"": ""farmhouse""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15300, ""name"": ""father daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 33479, ""name"": ""single father""}, {""id"": 154846, ""name"": ""farmer""}, {""id"": 156039, ""name"": ""space station""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 160331, ""name"": ""astrophysics""}, {""id"": 162630, ""name"": ""zero gravity""}, {""id"": 189098, ""name"": ""courage""}, {""id"": 208757, ""name"": ""time paradox""}, {""id"": 214349, ""name"": ""relativity""}]",en,Interstellar,Interstellar chronicles the adventures of a group of explorers who make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.,724.247784,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}, {""name"": ""Lynda Obst Productions"", ""id"": 13769}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2014-11-05,675120017,169,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.,Interstellar,8.1,10867
160000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,27205,"[{""id"": 1014, ""name"": ""loss of lover""}, {""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 2116, ""name"": ""sleep""}, {""id"": 2117, ""name"": ""subconsciousness""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 11436, ""name"": ""redemption""}, {""id"": 160137, ""name"": ""female hero""}]",en,Inception,"Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: ""inception"", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.",167.58371,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-14,825532764,148,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Your mind is the scene of the crime.,Inception,8.1,13752
15000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,315011,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 7671, ""name"": ""godzilla""}, {""id"": 11100, ""name"": ""giant monster""}, {""id"": 14796, ""name"": ""destruction""}, {""id"": 161791, ""name"": ""kaiju""}, {""id"": 235525, ""name"": ""toyko""}]",ja,シン・ゴジラ,"From the mind behind Evangelion comes a hit larger than life. When a massive, gilled monster emerges from the deep and tears through the city, the government scrambles to save its citizens. A rag-tag team of volunteers cuts through a web of red tape to uncover the monster's weakness and its mysterious ties to a foreign superpower. But time is not on their side - the greatest catastrophe to ever befall the world is about to evolve right before their very eyes.",9.476999,"[{""name"": ""Cine Bazar"", ""id"": 5896}, {""name"": ""Toho Pictures"", ""id"": 49301}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}]",2016-07-29,77000000,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,A god incarnate. A city doomed.,Shin Godzilla,6.5,143
250000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,49051,"[{""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 604, ""name"": ""dwarves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 609, ""name"": ""middle-earth (tolkien)""}, {""id"": 611, ""name"": ""hobbit""}, {""id"": 1262, ""name"": ""mountains""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 189092, ""name"": ""journey""}, {""id"": 189093, ""name"": ""ring""}, {""id"": 189094, ""name"": ""goblin""}, {""id"": 189098, ""name"": ""courage""}, {""id"": 189099, ""name"": ""giant""}, {""id"": 189102, ""name"": ""tunnel""}, {""id"": 189103, ""name"": ""underground lake""}, {""id"": 189108, ""name"": ""buried treasure""}, {""id"": 189114, ""name"": ""climbing a tree""}, {""id"": 189115, ""name"": ""invisibility""}, {""id"": 189119, ""name"": ""ancient""}, {""id"": 191739, ""name"": ""gnomes""}]",en,The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,"Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit enjoying his quiet life, is swept into an epic quest by Gandalf the Grey and thirteen dwarves who seek to reclaim their mountain home from Smaug, the dragon.",108.849621,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Pictures"", ""id"": 174}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-11-26,1021103568,169,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,From the smallest beginnings come the greatest legends.,The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,7.0,8297
38000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9799,"[{""id"": 542, ""name"": ""street gang""}, {""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 8574, ""name"": ""auto-tuning""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 159953, ""name"": ""automobile racing""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Fast and the Furious,"Domenic Toretto is a Los Angeles street racer suspected of masterminding a series of big-rig hijackings. When undercover cop Brian O'Conner infiltrates Toretto's iconoclastic crew, he falls for Toretto's sister and must choose a side: the gang or the LAPD.",6.909942,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Ardustry Entertainment"", ""id"": 26281}, {""name"": ""Mediastream Film GmbH & Co. Productions KG"", ""id"": 26282}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-22,207283925,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Live life 1/4 mile at a time.,The Fast and the Furious,6.6,3428
150000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,4922,"[{""id"": 2913, ""name"": ""diary""}, {""id"": 3588, ""name"": ""navy""}, {""id"": 3739, ""name"": ""funeral""}, {""id"": 4262, ""name"": ""tea""}, {""id"": 9935, ""name"": ""travel""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}]",en,The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,"Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with bizarre consequences.",60.269279,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-11-24,333932083,166,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Life isn't measured in minutes, but in moments.",The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,7.3,3292
160000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,49538,"[{""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 1960, ""name"": ""mine""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 12995, ""name"": ""historical fiction""}, {""id"": 18139, ""name"": ""nuclear war""}, {""id"": 181558, ""name"": ""cuban missile crisis""}, {""id"": 208731, ""name"": ""world war iii""}, {""id"": 208992, ""name"": ""1960s""}]",en,X-Men: First Class,"Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were arch-enemies, they were closest of friends, working together with other mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known.",3.195174,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-05-24,353624124,132,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Witness the moment that will change our world.,X-Men: First Class,7.1,5181
160000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,131634,"[{""id"": 2020, ""name"": ""revolution""}, {""id"": 2660, ""name"": ""strong woman""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 157376, ""name"": ""game of death""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2,"With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow in the final showdown. Teamed with a group of her closest friends – including Gale, Finnick, and Peeta – Katniss goes off on a mission with the unit from District 13 as they risk their lives to stage an assassination attempt on President Snow who has become increasingly obsessed with destroying her. The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that await Katniss will challenge her more than any arena she faced in The Hunger Games.",127.284427,"[{""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Color Force"", ""id"": 5420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-11-18,653428261,137,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The fire will burn forever.,The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2,6.6,3984
150000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,27022,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 657, ""name"": ""fire""}, {""id"": 1994, ""name"": ""wolf""}, {""id"": 2098, ""name"": ""fountain""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3096, ""name"": ""book""}, {""id"": 3098, ""name"": ""castle""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 4488, ""name"": ""apprentice""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 8504, ""name"": ""merlin""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10821, ""name"": ""sorcerer""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 193201, ""name"": ""apprendista""}, {""id"": 222347, ""name"": ""morgana""}]",en,The Sorcerer's Apprentice,"Balthazar Blake is a master sorcerer in modern-day Manhattan trying to defend the city from his arch-nemesis, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar can't do it alone, so he recruits Dave Stutler, a seemingly average guy who demonstrates hidden potential, as his reluctant protégé. The sorcerer gives his unwilling accomplice a crash course in the art and science of magic, and together, these unlikely partners work to stop the forces of darkness.",35.580815,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Saturn Films"", ""id"": 831}, {""name"": ""Broken Road Productions"", ""id"": 8000}, {""name"": ""Junction Entertainment"", ""id"": 19097}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-13,215283742,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's The Coolest Job Ever.,The Sorcerer's Apprentice,5.8,1470
160000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,503,"[{""id"": 613, ""name"": ""new year's eve""}, {""id"": 657, ""name"": ""fire""}, {""id"": 793, ""name"": ""drowning""}, {""id"": 843, ""name"": ""cataclysm""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 1913, ""name"": ""atlantic ocean""}, {""id"": 2283, ""name"": ""ball""}, {""id"": 2488, ""name"": ""self-abandonment""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 2581, ""name"": ""giant wave""}, {""id"": 2583, ""name"": ""blackout""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 9457, ""name"": ""single""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 155530, ""name"": ""capsized ship""}]",en,Poseidon,"A packed cruise ship traveling the Atlantic is hit and overturned by a massive wave, compelling the passengers to begin a dramatic fight for their lives.",21.133748,"[{""name"": ""Virtual Studios"", ""id"": 449}, {""name"": ""Next Entertainment"", ""id"": 1633}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Irwin Allen Productions"", ""id"": 14024}, {""name"": ""Radiant Productions"", ""id"": 18990}, {""name"": ""Synthesis Entertainment"", ""id"": 19943}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-05-12,181674817,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Mayday,Poseidon,5.5,583
170000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,241259,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1507, ""name"": ""clock""}, {""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 12552, ""name"": ""alice in wonderland""}, {""id"": 177895, ""name"": ""dark fantasy""}, {""id"": 203699, ""name"": ""mad hatter""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Alice Through the Looking Glass,"In the sequel to Tim Burton's ""Alice in Wonderland"", Alice Kingsleigh returns to Underland and faces a new adventure in saving the Mad Hatter.",56.268916,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Team Todd"", ""id"": 598}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}, {""name"": ""Legend3D"", ""id"": 37455}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-05-25,299370084,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's time for a little madness.,Alice Through the Looking Glass,6.5,1725
160000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,810,"[{""id"": 502, ""name"": ""ambush""}, {""id"": 1647, ""name"": ""sadness""}, {""id"": 1674, ""name"": ""stage""}, {""id"": 2019, ""name"": ""liberation of prisoners""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 3071, ""name"": ""prince""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4144, ""name"": ""donkey""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 4326, ""name"": ""theatre play""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 4541, ""name"": ""conciliation""}, {""id"": 4988, ""name"": ""tricks""}, {""id"": 5515, ""name"": ""heir to the throne""}, {""id"": 6093, ""name"": ""assault""}, {""id"": 6271, ""name"": ""boarding school""}, {""id"": 6285, ""name"": ""coup d'etat""}, {""id"": 10508, ""name"": ""teacher""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 13001, ""name"": ""cowardliness""}, {""id"": 13149, ""name"": ""pregnancy""}, {""id"": 156702, ""name"": ""capture""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Shrek the Third,"The King of Far Far Away has died and Shrek and Fiona are to become King &amp; Queen. However, Shrek wants to return to his cozy swamp and live in peace and quiet, so when he finds out there is another heir to the throne, they set off to bring him back to rule the kingdom.",42.986467,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-05-17,798958165,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Who's ready for Thirds?,Shrek the Third,6.0,2278
160000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,68735,"[{""id"": 282, ""name"": ""video game""}, {""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10821, ""name"": ""sorcerer""}, {""id"": 14946, ""name"": ""fictional war""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 189113, ""name"": ""fictional language""}, {""id"": 211674, ""name"": ""muscles""}, {""id"": 228295, ""name"": ""orc""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,Warcraft,"The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people, and their home.",63.148529,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Blizzard Entertainment"", ""id"": 16028}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-05-25,433677183,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Two worlds. One home.,Warcraft,6.3,2268
155000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,87101,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 1373, ""name"": ""killer robot""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 161151, ""name"": ""fiction""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Terminator Genisys,"The year is 2029. John Connor, leader of the resistance continues the war against the machines. At the Los Angeles offensive, John's fears of the unknown future begin to emerge when TECOM spies reveal a new plot by SkyNet that will attack him from both fronts; past and future, and will ultimately change warfare forever.",202.042635,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Annapurna Pictures"", ""id"": 13184}, {""name"": ""Skydance Media"", ""id"": 82819}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-06-23,440603537,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Reset the future,Terminator Genisys,5.8,3631
155000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,10140,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 13084, ""name"": ""king""}, {""id"": 166930, ""name"": ""narnia""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 182768, ""name"": ""knife held to throat""}, {""id"": 182772, ""name"": ""snowing""}, {""id"": 207372, ""name"": ""quest""}]",en,The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,"This time around Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world.",49.661984,"[{""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-08-13,415686217,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Return to magic. Return to hope. Return to Narnia.,The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,6.2,1514
140000000,"[{""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,676,"[{""id"": 428, ""name"": ""nurse""}, {""id"": 1627, ""name"": ""patriotism""}, {""id"": 1668, ""name"": ""hawaii""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 3203, ""name"": ""pilot""}, {""id"": 3365, ""name"": ""pearl harbor""}, {""id"": 3366, ""name"": ""u.s. air force""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 155565, ""name"": ""pin-up""}]",en,Pearl Harbor,"The lifelong friendship between Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker is put to the ultimate test when the two ace fighter pilots become entangled in a love triangle with beautiful Naval nurse Evelyn Johnson. But the rivalry between the friends-turned-foes is immediately put on hold when they find themselves at the center of Japan's devastating attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.",34.20669,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-05-21,449220945,183,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,It takes a moment to change history. It takes love to change lives.,Pearl Harbor,6.6,1791
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,1858,"[{""id"": 2535, ""name"": ""destroy""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10542, ""name"": ""based on toy""}, {""id"": 10607, ""name"": ""transformers""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 188178, ""name"": ""teenage hero""}]",en,Transformers,"Young teenager, Sam Witwicky becomes involved in the ancient struggle between two extraterrestrial factions of transforming robots – the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. Sam holds the clue to unimaginable power and the Decepticons will stop at nothing to retrieve it.",25.468493,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Platinum Dunes"", ""id"": 2481}, {""name"": ""thinkfilm"", ""id"": 12247}, {""name"": ""SprocketHeads"", ""id"": 20011}, {""name"": ""Hasbro Studios"", ""id"": 22826}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-27,709709780,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Their war. Our world.,Transformers,6.6,4040
155000000,"[{""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,1966,"[{""id"": 347, ""name"": ""aristotle""}, {""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 1200, ""name"": ""greece""}, {""id"": 1241, ""name"": ""persia""}, {""id"": 2857, ""name"": ""elephant""}, {""id"": 3072, ""name"": ""campaign""}, {""id"": 5127, ""name"": ""alexander the great""}, {""id"": 10180, ""name"": ""homosexuality""}, {""id"": 10198, ""name"": ""gay relationship""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}]",en,Alexander,"Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians, he leads his army across the then known world, venturing farther than any westerner had ever gone, all the way to India.",39.019229,"[{""name"": ""France 3 Cin\u00e9ma"", ""id"": 591}, {""name"": ""Intermedia Films"", ""id"": 763}, {""name"": ""Path\u00e9 Renn Productions"", ""id"": 866}, {""name"": ""Egmond Film & Television"", ""id"": 4588}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Pacifica Film"", ""id"": 10926}, {""name"": ""IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 19116}, {""name"": ""WR Universal Group"", ""id"": 54997}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""NL"", ""name"": ""Netherlands""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-11-21,167298192,175,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The greatest legend of all was real.,Alexander,5.6,927
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,675,"[{""id"": 530, ""name"": ""prophecy""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 1014, ""name"": ""loss of lover""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2630, ""name"": ""cutting the cord""}, {""id"": 3650, ""name"": ""child hero""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 3873, ""name"": ""sorcerer's apprentice""}, {""id"": 3884, ""name"": ""school of witchcraft""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 4959, ""name"": ""death of a friend""}, {""id"": 5147, ""name"": ""sorcery""}, {""id"": 221387, ""name"": ""occultism""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,"Returning for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts, Harry is stunned to find that his warnings about the return of Lord Voldemort have been ignored. Left with no choice, Harry takes matters into his own hands, training a small group of students – dubbed 'Dumbledore's Army' – to defend themselves against the dark arts.",78.144395,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-28,938212738,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Evil Must Be Confronted.,Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,7.4,5494
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,674,"[{""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 3873, ""name"": ""sorcerer's apprentice""}, {""id"": 3884, ""name"": ""school of witchcraft""}, {""id"": 4238, ""name"": ""chosen one""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 6271, ""name"": ""boarding school""}, {""id"": 10629, ""name"": ""vision""}, {""id"": 12380, ""name"": ""tournament""}, {""id"": 13130, ""name"": ""teenager""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 188178, ""name"": ""teenage hero""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,"Harry starts his fourth year at Hogwarts, competes in the treacherous Triwizard Tournament and faces the evil Lord Voldemort. Ron and Hermione help Harry manage the pressure – but Voldemort lurks, awaiting his chance to destroy Harry and all that he stands for.",101.250416,"[{""name"": ""Patalex IV Productions Limited"", ""id"": 462}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-11-05,895921036,157,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Dark And Difficult Times Lie Ahead.,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,7.5,5608
150000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,8960,"[{""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 567, ""name"": ""alcohol""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 3691, ""name"": ""forbidden love""}, {""id"": 4663, ""name"": ""lovers""}, {""id"": 5608, ""name"": ""affection""}, {""id"": 5920, ""name"": ""advertising expert""}, {""id"": 7464, ""name"": ""alcoholism""}, {""id"": 8872, ""name"": ""invulnerability""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 11794, ""name"": ""pokies""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Hancock,"Hancock is a down-and-out superhero who's forced to employ a PR expert to help repair his image when the public grows weary of all the damage he's inflicted during his lifesaving heroics. The agent's idea of imprisoning the antihero to make the world miss him proves successful, but will Hancock stick to his new sense of purpose or slip back into old habits?",56.758411,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Weed Road Pictures"", ""id"": 433}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Overbrook Entertainment"", ""id"": 12485}, {""name"": ""Blue Light"", ""id"": 28064}, {""name"": ""GH Three"", ""id"": 41756}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-07-01,624029371,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,Bad Behavior. Bad Attitude. Real Hero.,Hancock,6.2,2961
150000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,6479,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 4190, ""name"": ""lost civilisation""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5144, ""name"": ""matter of life and death""}, {""id"": 6511, ""name"": ""alone""}, {""id"": 6997, ""name"": ""helplessness""}, {""id"": 188957, ""name"": ""virus""}, {""id"": 188973, ""name"": ""pandemic""}]",en,I Am Legend,"Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone.",70.867401,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Weed Road Pictures"", ""id"": 433}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}, {""name"": ""Overbrook Entertainment"", ""id"": 12485}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-12-14,585349010,101,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The last man on Earth is not alone,I Am Legend,6.9,4853
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,118,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 715, ""name"": ""chocolate""}, {""id"": 730, ""name"": ""factory worker""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 970, ""name"": ""parents kids relationship""}, {""id"": 985, ""name"": ""candy""}, {""id"": 987, ""name"": ""overweight child""}, {""id"": 1158, ""name"": ""grandfather grandson relationship""}, {""id"": 10508, ""name"": ""teacher""}]",en,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,"A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.",53.905592,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""The Zanuck Company"", ""id"": 80}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Plan B Entertainment"", ""id"": 45778}, {""name"": ""Theobald Film Productions"", ""id"": 55512}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-07-13,474968763,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Willy Wonka is semi-sweet and nuts.,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,6.7,3624
150000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,2062,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 996, ""name"": ""expensive restaurant""}, {""id"": 1261, ""name"": ""river""}, {""id"": 1650, ""name"": ""cook""}, {""id"": 2161, ""name"": ""mouse""}, {""id"": 2246, ""name"": ""confidence""}, {""id"": 2405, ""name"": ""roof""}, {""id"": 2872, ""name"": ""window""}, {""id"": 2982, ""name"": ""leaving one's family""}, {""id"": 3640, ""name"": ""work""}, {""id"": 3910, ""name"": ""restaurant critic""}, {""id"": 3914, ""name"": ""kitchen""}, {""id"": 6074, ""name"": ""spice""}, {""id"": 6148, ""name"": ""court""}, {""id"": 6808, ""name"": ""cookbook""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 18293, ""name"": ""chef""}, {""id"": 189359, ""name"": ""rat""}]",en,Ratatouille,"A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down.",65.677399,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-22,623722818,111,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He's dying to become a chef.,Ratatouille,7.5,4369
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,272,"[{""id"": 486, ""name"": ""himalaya""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 3679, ""name"": ""society""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 10044, ""name"": ""tragic hero""}, {""id"": 10278, ""name"": ""ninja""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 14536, ""name"": ""crime""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 173719, ""name"": ""haunted by the past""}, {""id"": 179095, ""name"": ""evil doctor""}, {""id"": 187710, ""name"": ""escapade""}, {""id"": 206694, ""name"": ""master villain""}, {""id"": 206700, ""name"": ""fighting crime""}, {""id"": 206709, ""name"": ""unfulfillment""}, {""id"": 206715, ""name"": ""love and romance""}, {""id"": 206716, ""name"": ""unfulfilled love""}]",en,Batman Begins,"Driven by tragedy, billionaire Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to uncovering and defeating the corruption that plagues his home, Gotham City. Unable to work within the system, he instead creates a new identity, a symbol of fear for the criminal underworld - The Batman.",115.040024,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}, {""name"": ""Patalex III Productions Limited"", ""id"": 19231}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-06-10,374218673,140,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ur"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Evil fears the knight.,Batman Begins,7.5,7359
150000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,10527,"[{""id"": 409, ""name"": ""africa""}, {""id"": 931, ""name"": ""jealousy""}, {""id"": 1691, ""name"": ""dance""}, {""id"": 1899, ""name"": ""hunger""}, {""id"": 2043, ""name"": ""lion""}, {""id"": 2172, ""name"": ""zoo""}, {""id"": 2509, ""name"": ""hippopotamus""}, {""id"": 2552, ""name"": ""chimp""}, {""id"": 3028, ""name"": ""penguin""}, {""id"": 3347, ""name"": ""volcano""}, {""id"": 3645, ""name"": ""madagascar""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 7639, ""name"": ""zebra""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 15097, ""name"": ""shark""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa,"Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice, the penguins and the chimps are back and still marooned on Madagascar. In the face of this obstacle, the New Yorkers have hatched a plan so crazy it just might work. With military precision, the penguins have repaired an old crashed plane... sort of.",44.141021,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-10-30,603900354,89,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,Still together. Still lost!,Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa,6.2,1810
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,18360,"[{""id"": 2598, ""name"": ""museum""}, {""id"": 5648, ""name"": ""theodore roosevelt""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 194476, ""name"": ""amelia earhart""}, {""id"": 209642, ""name"": ""smithsonian""}]",en,Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian,"Hapless museum night watchman Larry Daley must help his living, breathing exhibit friends out of a pickle now that they've been transferred to the archives at the Smithsonian Institution. Larry's (mis)adventures this time include close encounters with Amelia Earhart, Abe Lincoln and Ivan the Terrible.",81.781591,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""21 Laps Entertainment"", ""id"": 2575}, {""name"": ""Museum Canada Productions"", ""id"": 10224}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}]",2009-05-20,413106170,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,When the lights go off the battle is on.,Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian,5.9,1971
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2080,"[{""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 2792, ""name"": ""boxer""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,X-Men Origins: Wolverine,"After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming Wolverine.",5.954334,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Seed Productions"", ""id"": 9076}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-04-28,373062864,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Witness the Origin.,X-Men Origins: Wolverine,6.2,4021
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,605,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 312, ""name"": ""man vs machine""}, {""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 490, ""name"": ""philosophy""}, {""id"": 663, ""name"": ""fortune teller""}, {""id"": 780, ""name"": ""kung fu""}, {""id"": 1001, ""name"": ""underground world""}, {""id"": 1373, ""name"": ""killer robot""}, {""id"": 1530, ""name"": ""temple""}, {""id"": 1552, ""name"": ""subway""}, {""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 1670, ""name"": ""sun""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 2725, ""name"": ""sunlight""}, {""id"": 2812, ""name"": ""computer virus""}, {""id"": 2849, ""name"": ""key""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3219, ""name"": ""precognition""}, {""id"": 3222, ""name"": ""super computer""}, {""id"": 3223, ""name"": ""machine town""}, {""id"": 3225, ""name"": ""ying yang""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4563, ""name"": ""virtual reality""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 6193, ""name"": ""world religion""}, {""id"": 6256, ""name"": ""truth""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 12190, ""name"": ""cyberpunk""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 220232, ""name"": ""yin yang""}, {""id"": 221385, ""name"": ""gnosticism""}]",en,The Matrix Revolutions,The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the machines as Neo fights to end the war at another front while also opposing the rogue Agent Smith.,73.313918,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2003-11-05,424988211,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Everything that has a beginning has an end.,The Matrix Revolutions,6.4,3096
150000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,109445,"[{""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 10115, ""name"": ""snowman""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10385, ""name"": ""reindeer""}, {""id"": 10541, ""name"": ""curse""}, {""id"": 10794, ""name"": ""snow""}, {""id"": 11173, ""name"": ""troll""}, {""id"": 155801, ""name"": ""mountain climber""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Frozen,"Young princess Anna of Arendelle dreams about finding true love at her sister Elsa’s coronation. Fate takes her on a dangerous journey in an attempt to end the eternal winter that has fallen over the kingdom. She's accompanied by ice delivery man Kristoff, his reindeer Sven, and snowman Olaf. On an adventure where she will find out what friendship, courage, family, and true love really means.",165.125366,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-11-27,1274219009,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Only the act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.,Frozen,7.3,5295
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,604,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 312, ""name"": ""man vs machine""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 780, ""name"": ""kung fu""}, {""id"": 1001, ""name"": ""underground world""}, {""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 2812, ""name"": ""computer virus""}, {""id"": 2849, ""name"": ""key""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3217, ""name"": ""plato""}, {""id"": 3219, ""name"": ""precognition""}, {""id"": 3221, ""name"": ""rave""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4563, ""name"": ""virtual reality""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 6193, ""name"": ""world religion""}, {""id"": 6256, ""name"": ""truth""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 12190, ""name"": ""cyberpunk""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 221385, ""name"": ""gnosticism""}]",en,The Matrix Reloaded,"Six months after the events depicted in The Matrix, Neo has proved to be a good omen for the free humans, as more and more humans are being freed from the matrix and brought to Zion, the one and only stronghold of the Resistance. Neo himself has discovered his superpowers including super speed, ability to see the codes of the things inside the matrix and a certain degree of pre-cognition. But a nasty piece of news hits the human resistance: 250,000 machine sentinels are digging to Zion and would reach them in 72 hours. As Zion prepares for the ultimate war, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are advised by the Oracle to find the Keymaker who would help them reach the Source. Meanwhile Neo's recurrent dreams depicting Trinity's death have got him worried and as if it was not enough, Agent Smith has somehow escaped deletion, has become more powerful than before and has fixed Neo as his next target.",70.78591,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Heineken Branded Entertainment"", ""id"": 375}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-05-15,738599701,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Free your mind.,The Matrix Reloaded,6.7,3443
170000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,76338,"[{""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 171783, ""name"": ""hostile takeover""}, {""id"": 179101, ""name"": ""norse mythology""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 209818, ""name"": ""asgard""}]",en,Thor: The Dark World,"Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos… but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.",99.499595,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-10-29,644571402,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Delve into the darkness,Thor: The Dark World,6.8,4755
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,76341,"[{""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5657, ""name"": ""australia""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 155499, ""name"": ""convoy""}, {""id"": 190954, ""name"": ""peak oil""}, {""id"": 212516, ""name"": ""dark future""}]",en,Mad Max: Fury Road,"An apocalyptic story set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and most everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There's Max, a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos. And Furiosa, a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland.",434.278564,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Kennedy Miller Productions"", ""id"": 2537}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-05-13,378858340,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,What a Lovely Day.,Mad Max: Fury Road,7.2,9427
150000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,13448,"[{""id"": 588, ""name"": ""rome""}, {""id"": 716, ""name"": ""vatican""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1715, ""name"": ""symbolism""}, {""id"": 5950, ""name"": ""christian""}, {""id"": 5960, ""name"": ""illuminati""}, {""id"": 8056, ""name"": ""quantum mechanics""}, {""id"": 9675, ""name"": ""prequel""}, {""id"": 9676, ""name"": ""anti matter""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 14780, ""name"": ""investigator""}, {""id"": 161207, ""name"": ""catholicism""}, {""id"": 234169, ""name"": ""cern""}]",en,Angels & Demons,"Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon investigates a mysterious symbol seared into the chest of a murdered physicist. He discovers evidence of the unimaginable, the rebirth of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati, the most powerful underground organization ever to walk the earth.",67.447636,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Panorama Films"", ""id"": 5561}, {""name"": ""Skylark Productions"", ""id"": 8253}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-05-13,356613439,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,,Angels & Demons,6.5,2129
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,10195,"[{""id"": 1508, ""name"": ""new mexico""}, {""id"": 5149, ""name"": ""banishment""}, {""id"": 5539, ""name"": ""shield""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9366, ""name"": ""hammer""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 11436, ""name"": ""redemption""}, {""id"": 179101, ""name"": ""norse mythology""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 209818, ""name"": ""asgard""}, {""id"": 232926, ""name"": ""odin""}, {""id"": 232932, ""name"": ""heimdall""}]",en,Thor,"Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.",86.493424,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-04-21,449326618,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Two worlds. One hero.,Thor,6.6,6525
150000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,13053,"[{""id"": 1939, ""name"": ""hamster""}, {""id"": 9963, ""name"": ""kids and family""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 158378, ""name"": ""cat vs dog""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 213873, ""name"": ""dog cat friendship""}, {""id"": 230873, ""name"": ""animal lead""}, {""id"": 232802, ""name"": ""girl dog relationship""}]",en,Bolt,"Bolt is the star of the biggest show in Hollywood. The only problem is, he thinks it's real. After he's accidentally shipped to New York City and separated from Penny, his beloved co-star and owner, Bolt must harness all his ""super powers"" to find a way home.",41.845878,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-11-21,309979994,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Fully Awesome. Ridonculous. Let It Begin.,Bolt,6.3,1750
150000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,19585,"[{""id"": 156904, ""name"": ""dyr""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,G-Force,"A team of trained secret agent animals, guinea pigs Darwin, Juarez, Blaster, mole Speckles, and fly Mooch takes on a mission for the US government to stop evil Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. But the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Can they escape to defeat the villain and save the world?",26.710398,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Whamaphram Productions"", ""id"": 3639}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-07-21,292817841,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The world needs bigger heroes,G-Force,5.1,510
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,57165,"[{""id"": 1449, ""name"": ""underworld""}, {""id"": 2033, ""name"": ""hades""}, {""id"": 2035, ""name"": ""mythology""}, {""id"": 2036, ""name"": ""greek mythology""}, {""id"": 8985, ""name"": ""zeus""}, {""id"": 161170, ""name"": ""perseus""}, {""id"": 161172, ""name"": ""gods""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 162862, ""name"": ""based on greek myth""}, {""id"": 166457, ""name"": ""ares""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Wrath of the Titans,"A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus-the demigod son of Zeus-is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.",44.927635,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Thunder Road Pictures"", ""id"": 3528}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Cott Productions"", ""id"": 24175}, {""name"": ""Furia de Titanes II, A.I.E."", ""id"": 24176}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-03-27,301000000,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Feel the Wrath,Wrath of the Titans,5.5,1431
150000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,62213,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2883, ""name"": ""imprisonment""}, {""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 10541, ""name"": ""curse""}, {""id"": 11860, ""name"": ""fish out of water""}, {""id"": 15375, ""name"": ""chains""}, {""id"": 33505, ""name"": ""gothic""}, {""id"": 41410, ""name"": ""madness""}, {""id"": 155733, ""name"": ""old house""}, {""id"": 160269, ""name"": ""lost love""}, {""id"": 160274, ""name"": ""angry mob""}, {""id"": 160279, ""name"": ""18th century""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}, {""id"": 190941, ""name"": ""hidden room""}, {""id"": 193263, ""name"": ""old mansion""}]",en,Dark Shadows,Vampire Barnabas Collins is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate and family have fallen into ruin.,50.306728,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Infinitum Nihil"", ""id"": 2691}, {""name"": ""GK Films"", ""id"": 3281}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Dan Curtis Productions"", ""id"": 9228}, {""name"": ""Zanuck Company, The"", ""id"": 20004}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-05-08,245527149,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every Family Has Its Demons,Dark Shadows,5.7,2320
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,177677,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 1201, ""name"": ""austria""}, {""id"": 3289, ""name"": ""villain""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 160852, ""name"": ""vienna opera""}, {""id"": 233055, ""name"": ""vienna""}]",en,Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation,"Ethan and team take on their most impossible mission yet, eradicating the Syndicate - an International rogue organization as highly skilled as they are, committed to destroying the IMF.",114.522237,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Skydance Productions"", ""id"": 6277}, {""name"": ""China Movie Channel"", ""id"": 11413}, {""name"": ""Bad Robot"", ""id"": 11461}, {""name"": ""TC Productions"", ""id"": 21777}, {""name"": ""Alibaba Pictures Group"", ""id"": 69484}, {""name"": ""Odin"", ""id"": 69485}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-07-23,682330139,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sv"", ""name"": ""svenska""}]",Released,Desperate Times. Desperate Measures.,Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation,7.1,3224
150000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,7978,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 8250, ""name"": ""victorian england""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 11004, ""name"": ""rural setting""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}]",en,The Wolfman,"Lawrence Talbot, an American man on a visit to Victorian London to make amends with his estranged father, gets bitten by a werewolf and, after a moonlight transformation, leaves him with a savage hunger for flesh.",21.214571,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Stuber Productions"", ""id"": 4403}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-02-11,0,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,When the moon is full the legend comes to life,The Wolfman,5.5,549
150000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,5559,"[{""id"": 730, ""name"": ""factory worker""}, {""id"": 1488, ""name"": ""tennis""}, {""id"": 2382, ""name"": ""flower""}, {""id"": 2778, ""name"": ""florist""}, {""id"": 2779, ""name"": ""flower shop""}, {""id"": 3203, ""name"": ""pilot""}, {""id"": 3616, ""name"": ""college""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4247, ""name"": ""beehive""}, {""id"": 6148, ""name"": ""court""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Bee Movie,"Barry B. Benson, a bee who has just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue us.",29.332905,"[{""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}, {""name"": ""Columbus 81 Productions"", ""id"": 1903}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-10-28,287594577,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Born to bee wild.,Bee Movie,5.7,1171
150000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,49444,"[{""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 3929, ""name"": ""hope""}, {""id"": 7379, ""name"": ""fleet""}, {""id"": 8531, ""name"": ""panda""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Kung Fu Panda 2,"Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five - Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey. But Po’s new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. It is up to Po and The Furious Five to journey across China to face this threat and vanquish it. But how can Po stop a weapon that can stop kung fu? He must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.",51.247321,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-05-25,665692281,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Prepare for the Year of Awesomeness!,Kung Fu Panda 2,6.7,1880
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,10196,"[{""id"": 657, ""name"": ""fire""}, {""id"": 1445, ""name"": ""ice""}, {""id"": 2770, ""name"": ""war ship""}, {""id"": 3071, ""name"": ""prince""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 5331, ""name"": ""village""}, {""id"": 5638, ""name"": ""arrest""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10563, ""name"": ""attack""}, {""id"": 13002, ""name"": ""avatar""}, {""id"": 13152, ""name"": ""air""}, {""id"": 13153, ""name"": ""spirit""}, {""id"": 13154, ""name"": ""world""}, {""id"": 13155, ""name"": ""domination""}, {""id"": 13156, ""name"": ""cheering""}]",en,The Last Airbender,"The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.",33.769336,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)"", ""id"": 8805}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-30,318502923,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Four nations, one destiny",The Last Airbender,4.7,1151
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,956,"[{""id"": 220, ""name"": ""berlin""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 716, ""name"": ""vatican""}, {""id"": 833, ""name"": ""white house""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1653, ""name"": ""explosive""}, {""id"": 1880, ""name"": ""mobile phone""}, {""id"": 1969, ""name"": ""map""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2546, ""name"": ""mask""}, {""id"": 2676, ""name"": ""honeymoon""}, {""id"": 2682, ""name"": ""shanghai""}, {""id"": 3181, ""name"": ""pretended murder""}, {""id"": 3269, ""name"": ""secret mission""}, {""id"": 3344, ""name"": ""letter""}, {""id"": 3739, ""name"": ""funeral""}, {""id"": 3877, ""name"": ""covered investigation""}, {""id"": 4277, ""name"": ""to shoot dead""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 4697, ""name"": ""video""}, {""id"": 4698, ""name"": ""stamp""}, {""id"": 4699, ""name"": ""hard drive""}, {""id"": 4700, ""name"": ""e-mail""}, {""id"": 4701, ""name"": ""decipherment""}, {""id"": 4702, ""name"": ""suitcase""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}, {""id"": 12965, ""name"": ""duel""}, {""id"": 18118, ""name"": ""disguise""}, {""id"": 33648, ""name"": ""celebration""}, {""id"": 46958, ""name"": ""good and bad""}, {""id"": 191881, ""name"": ""research laboratory""}, {""id"": 222423, ""name"": ""blast""}]",en,Mission: Impossible III,"Retired from active duty to train new IMF agents, Ethan Hunt is called back into action to confront sadistic arms dealer, Owen Davian. Hunt must try to protect his girlfriend while working with his new team to complete the mission.",63.079003,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}, {""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""MI 3 Film"", ""id"": 658}, {""name"": ""China Film Co-Production Corporation"", ""id"": 2269}, {""name"": ""China Film Group Corporation (CFGC)"", ""id"": 14714}, {""name"": ""The Fourth Production Company Film Group"", ""id"": 22102}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-05-03,397850012,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cs"", ""name"": ""\u010cesk\u00fd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}]",Released,The Mission Begins 05:05:06.,Mission: Impossible III,6.5,2028
150000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,117251,"[{""id"": 840, ""name"": ""usa president""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 41249, ""name"": ""secret service""}, {""id"": 192099, ""name"": ""the white house""}]",en,White House Down,"Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation's government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save the president, his daughter, and the country.",39.004588,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""Iron Horse Entertainment (II)"", ""id"": 34981}, {""name"": ""Mythology Entertainment (II)"", ""id"": 34982}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-06-27,205366737,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It will start like any other day.,White House Down,6.4,1891
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,50321,"[{""id"": 5202, ""name"": ""boy""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10539, ""name"": ""martian""}, {""id"": 12553, ""name"": ""alien abduction""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 15101, ""name"": ""based on children's book""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Mars Needs Moms,"When Martians suddenly abduct his mom, mischievous Milo rushes to the rescue and discovers why all moms are so special.",12.362599,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-03-09,38992758,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Mom needs a little space.,Mars Needs Moms,5.5,199
149000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,11619,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 1449, ""name"": ""underworld""}, {""id"": 1571, ""name"": ""return""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4456, ""name"": ""frog""}, {""id"": 5490, ""name"": ""girlfriend""}, {""id"": 9345, ""name"": ""rubin""}]",en,Flushed Away,"London high-society mouse, Roddy is flushed down the toilet by Sid, a common sewer rat. Hang on for a madcap adventure deep in the sewer bowels of Ratropolis, where Roddy meets the resourceful Rita, the rodent-hating Toad and his faithful thugs, Spike and Whitey.",22.550135,"[{""name"": ""Aardman Animations"", ""id"": 297}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-10-22,64459316,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Someone's Going Down,Flushed Away,6.0,874
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,266647,"[{""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4332, ""name"": ""peter pan""}, {""id"": 5938, ""name"": ""mermaid""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}]",en,Pan,"Living a bleak existence at a London orphanage, 12-year-old Peter finds himself whisked away to the fantastical world of Neverland. Adventure awaits as he meets new friend James Hook and the warrior Tiger Lily. They must band together to save Neverland from the ruthless pirate Blackbeard. Along the way, the rebellious and mischievous boy discovers his true destiny, becoming the hero forever known as Peter Pan.",48.03528,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""Berlanti Productions"", ""id"": 27711}, {""name"": ""RatPac-Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 41624}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-09-24,128388320,111,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every legend has a beginning.,Pan,5.9,954
145000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,82703,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2393, ""name"": ""adoption""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 5202, ""name"": ""boy""}, {""id"": 5561, ""name"": ""child prodigy""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9825, ""name"": ""growing up""}, {""id"": 10103, ""name"": ""children""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 11478, ""name"": ""talking dog""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 157303, ""name"": ""first love""}, {""id"": 157894, ""name"": ""ancient egypt""}, {""id"": 176056, ""name"": ""time traveler""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 190100, ""name"": ""new school""}, {""id"": 193213, ""name"": ""george washington""}, {""id"": 195506, ""name"": ""gags""}, {""id"": 199093, ""name"": ""trouble""}, {""id"": 208757, ""name"": ""time paradox""}, {""id"": 228041, ""name"": ""prodigy""}]",en,Mr. Peabody & Sherman,"A young boy and his dog, who happens to have a genius-level IQ, spring into action when their time-travel machine is stolen and moments in history begin to be changed.",38.73494,"[{""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}, {""name"": ""Classic Media Productions"", ""id"": 73951}, {""name"": ""Bullwinkle Studios"", ""id"": 73952}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-02-07,272912430,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He's Leaving His Mark On History,Mr. Peabody & Sherman,6.7,843
175000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,652,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 596, ""name"": ""adultery""}, {""id"": 2035, ""name"": ""mythology""}, {""id"": 3258, ""name"": ""beauty""}, {""id"": 3265, ""name"": ""trojan war""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 4372, ""name"": ""wall""}, {""id"": 4373, ""name"": ""fraud""}, {""id"": 6062, ""name"": ""hostility""}, {""id"": 6917, ""name"": ""epic""}, {""id"": 9725, ""name"": ""sword fight""}, {""id"": 10141, ""name"": ""battlefield""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 158553, ""name"": ""pyre""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 189601, ""name"": ""trojan horse""}, {""id"": 235615, ""name"": ""trojan""}, {""id"": 235616, ""name"": ""bronze age""}, {""id"": 235617, ""name"": ""sparta greece""}, {""id"": 235618, ""name"": ""helen of troy""}, {""id"": 235619, ""name"": ""homer's iliad""}]",en,Troy,"In year 1250 B.C. during the late Bronze age, two emerging nations begin to clash. Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans.",66.803149,"[{""name"": ""Plan B Entertainment"", ""id"": 81}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Nimar Studios"", ""id"": 7636}, {""name"": ""Radiant Productions"", ""id"": 18990}, {""name"": ""Helena Productions"", ""id"": 19107}, {""name"": ""Latina Pictures"", ""id"": 19108}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MT"", ""name"": ""Malta""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2004-05-13,497409852,163,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,For passion. For honor. For destiny. For victory. For love.,Troy,6.9,2759
145000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,80321,"[{""id"": 3645, ""name"": ""madagascar""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted,"Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still trying to get back to the Big Apple and their beloved Central Park zoo, but first they need to find the penguins. When they travel to Monte Carlo, they attract the attention of Animal Control after gate crashing a party and are joined by the penguins, King Julian and Co., and the monkeys. How do a lion, zebra, hippo, giraffe, four penguins, two monkeys, three lemurs travel through Europe without attracting attention and get back to New York? They join a traveling circus. Their attempts to get back to New York are consistently hampered by the Captain of Animal Control who wants to make Alex part of her collection. Once they make it back to New York Marty, Alex, Gloria and Melman realize that they want to be part of the traveling circus.",44.989192,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-06,746921274,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,"Six years ago, they disappeared without a trace. Next summer, they finally resurface.",Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted,6.4,1808
140000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36669,"[{""id"": 3290, ""name"": ""laser""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}, {""id"": 208633, ""name"": ""secret service agent""}, {""id"": 234365, ""name"": ""space based weapon""}]",en,Die Another Day,"Bond takes on a North Korean leader who undergoes DNA replacement procedures that allow him to assume different identities. American agent, Jinx Johnson assists Bond in his attempt to thwart the villain's plans to exploit a satellite that is powered by solar energy.",54.159392,"[{""name"": ""Eon Productions"", ""id"": 7576}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-11-17,431971116,133,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ko"", ""name"": ""\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4/\uc870\uc120\ub9d0""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""is"", ""name"": ""\u00cdslenska""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,He’s never been cooler.,Die Another Day,5.8,1092
144000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,43074,"[{""id"": 5248, ""name"": ""female friendship""}, {""id"": 15040, ""name"": ""ghost hunting""}, {""id"": 161184, ""name"": ""reboot""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}]",en,Ghostbusters,"Following a ghost invasion of Manhattan, paranormal enthusiasts Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, and subway worker Patty Tolan band together to stop the otherworldly threat.",66.21806,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Montecito Picture Company, The"", ""id"": 4607}, {""name"": ""LStar Capital"", ""id"": 34034}, {""name"": ""Feigco Entertainment"", ""id"": 61791}, {""name"": ""Pascal Pictures"", ""id"": 84041}, {""name"": ""Ghostcorps"", ""id"": 84042}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-07-14,229147509,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Who You Gonna Call?,Ghostbusters,5.3,2142
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,95,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 843, ""name"": ""cataclysm""}, {""id"": 1423, ""name"": ""asteroid""}, {""id"": 1430, ""name"": ""self sacrifice""}, {""id"": 1432, ""name"": ""nasa""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 164889, ""name"": ""eiffel tower paris""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 199076, ""name"": ""disaster movie""}, {""id"": 211487, ""name"": ""space centre""}]",en,Armageddon,"When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.",58.485967,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Valhalla Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 11533}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-07-01,553799566,151,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,The Earth's Darkest Day Will Be Man's Finest Hour,Armageddon,6.4,2482
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,608,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1381, ""name"": ""sun glasses""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 2173, ""name"": ""illegal immigration""}, {""id"": 2428, ""name"": ""deportation""}, {""id"": 2547, ""name"": ""new identity""}, {""id"": 3243, ""name"": ""flying saucer""}, {""id"": 3760, ""name"": ""light""}, {""id"": 6112, ""name"": ""firearm""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 174915, ""name"": ""fictional government agency""}]",en,Men in Black II,"Kay and Jay reunite to provide our best, last and only line of defense against a sinister seductress who levels the toughest challenge yet to the MIB's untarnished mission statement – protecting Earth from the scum of the universe. It's been four years since the alien-seeking agents averted an intergalactic disaster of epic proportions. Now it's a race against the clock as Jay must convince Kay – who not only has absolutely no memory of his time spent with the MIB, but is also the only living person left with the expertise to save the galaxy – to reunite with the MIB before the earth submits to ultimate destruction.",91.332849,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Parkes+MacDonald Image Nation"", ""id"": 49325}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-07-03,441818803,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Same Planet. New Scum.,Men in Black II,6.0,3114
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,2310,"[{""id"": 509, ""name"": ""denmark""}, {""id"": 2037, ""name"": ""nordic mythology""}, {""id"": 2251, ""name"": ""lie""}, {""id"": 3932, ""name"": ""pride and vanity""}, {""id"": 4615, ""name"": ""folk hero""}, {""id"": 5035, ""name"": ""human weakness""}, {""id"": 5895, ""name"": ""viking""}, {""id"": 7368, ""name"": ""alienation""}, {""id"": 7411, ""name"": ""festival hall""}, {""id"": 7412, ""name"": ""sin""}, {""id"": 9920, ""name"": ""royalty""}, {""id"": 10541, ""name"": ""curse""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 161919, ""name"": ""adult animation""}, {""id"": 196544, ""name"": ""motion capture""}]",en,Beowulf,"6th-century Scandinavian warrior, Beowulf embarks on a mission to slay the manlike ogre Grendel, a descendant of Cain.",35.601665,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Shangri-La Entertainment"", ""id"": 2265}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}, {""name"": ""Paramount Animation"", ""id"": 24955}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-11-05,195735876,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Evil breeds pain.,Beowulf,5.5,841
145000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,140300,"[{""id"": 478, ""name"": ""china""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 780, ""name"": ""kung fu""}, {""id"": 5331, ""name"": ""village""}, {""id"": 8531, ""name"": ""panda""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 15036, ""name"": ""ancient china""}, {""id"": 184656, ""name"": ""wuxia""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Kung Fu Panda 3,"Continuing his ""legendary adventures of awesomeness"", Po must face two hugely epic, but different threats: one supernatural and the other a little closer to his home.",56.747978,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}, {""name"": ""China Film Co."", ""id"": 40890}, {""name"": ""Oriental DreamWorks"", ""id"": 76266}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-01-23,521170825,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Grab destiny by the rice dumplings.,Kung Fu Panda 3,6.7,1603
145000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,56292,"[{""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 17992, ""name"": ""broken arm""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 156767, ""name"": ""nuclear threat""}]",en,Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol,"In the 4th installment of the Mission Impossible series, Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his team are racing against time to track down a dangerous terrorist named Hendricks (Nyqvist), who has gained access to Russian nuclear launch codes and is planning a strike on the United States. An attempt to stop him ends in an explosion causing severe destruction to the Kremlin and the IMF to be implicated in the bombing, forcing the President to disavow them. No longer being aided by the government, Ethan and his team chase Hendricks around the globe, although they might still be too late to stop a disaster.",77.77477,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Skydance Productions"", ""id"": 6277}, {""name"": ""Bad Robot"", ""id"": 11461}, {""name"": ""TC Productions"", ""id"": 21777}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}, {""name"": ""Kontsept Film Company"", ""id"": 76067}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AE"", ""name"": ""United Arab Emirates""}]",2011-12-07,694713380,133,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sv"", ""name"": ""svenska""}]",Released,No Plan. No Backup. No Choice.,Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol,6.8,3972
145000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,81188,"[{""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 1991, ""name"": ""santa claus""}, {""id"": 3030, ""name"": ""nightmare""}, {""id"": 9923, ""name"": ""easter bunny""}, {""id"": 33597, ""name"": ""tooth fairy""}, {""id"": 41581, ""name"": ""jack frost""}, {""id"": 41584, ""name"": ""sandman""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Rise of the Guardians,"When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world.",61.788035,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-11-21,306941670,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You better believe.,Rise of the Guardians,7.1,1922
100000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,7552,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1333, ""name"": ""desperation""}, {""id"": 1621, ""name"": ""robber""}, {""id"": 3607, ""name"": ""hold-up robbery""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10532, ""name"": ""suburbia""}, {""id"": 14549, ""name"": ""loss of job""}, {""id"": 33740, ""name"": ""humiliation""}, {""id"": 156052, ""name"": ""unemployment""}, {""id"": 157296, ""name"": ""bankruptcy""}, {""id"": 160510, ""name"": ""travel agent""}, {""id"": 211295, ""name"": ""riches to rags""}, {""id"": 227863, ""name"": ""bearer bonds""}, {""id"": 227864, ""name"": ""comeuppance""}]",en,Fun with Dick and Jane,"After Dick Harper loses his job at Globodyne in an Enron-esque collapse, he and his wife, Jane, turn to crime in order to handle the massive debt they now face. Two intelligent people, Dick and Jane actually get pretty good at robbing people and even enjoy it -- but they have second thoughts when they're reminded that crime can hurt innocent people. When the couple hears that Globodyne boss Jack McCallister actually swindled the company, they plot revenge.",25.159168,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""JC 23 Entertainment"", ""id"": 76714}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-12-21,202026112,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Giving big businesses a run for their money!,Fun with Dick and Jane,5.9,627
140000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,616,"[{""id"": 233, ""name"": ""japan""}, {""id"": 1327, ""name"": ""war crimes""}, {""id"": 1335, ""name"": ""sense of guilt""}, {""id"": 1400, ""name"": ""swordplay""}, {""id"": 1402, ""name"": ""general""}, {""id"": 1462, ""name"": ""samurai""}, {""id"": 1543, ""name"": ""war veteran""}, {""id"": 1908, ""name"": ""katana""}, {""id"": 1938, ""name"": ""sword""}, {""id"": 2001, ""name"": ""arms deal""}, {""id"": 2156, ""name"": ""homeland""}, {""id"": 2280, ""name"": ""emperor""}, {""id"": 2568, ""name"": ""language barrier""}, {""id"": 2796, ""name"": ""self-discovery""}, {""id"": 2802, ""name"": ""mountain village""}, {""id"": 2905, ""name"": ""foreign legion""}, {""id"": 3070, ""name"": ""mercenary""}, {""id"": 3072, ""name"": ""campaign""}, {""id"": 3073, ""name"": ""commercial agreement""}, {""id"": 3074, ""name"": ""insurgence""}, {""id"": 3077, ""name"": ""leader""}, {""id"": 3078, ""name"": ""war strategy""}, {""id"": 3080, ""name"": ""gettysburg""}, {""id"": 4549, ""name"": ""loss of husband""}, {""id"": 10089, ""name"": ""slaughter""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 33457, ""name"": ""alcoholic""}, {""id"": 33564, ""name"": ""u.s. soldier""}, {""id"": 170007, ""name"": ""japanese army""}, {""id"": 207928, ""name"": ""19th century""}, {""id"": 220492, ""name"": ""war trauma""}]",en,The Last Samurai,"Nathan Algren is an American hired to instruct the Japanese army in the ways of modern warfare, which finds him learning to respect the samurai and the honorable principles that rule them. Pressed to destroy the samurai's way of life in the name of modernization and open trade, Algren decides to become an ultimate warrior himself and to fight for their right to exist.",52.341226,"[{""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Radar Pictures"", ""id"": 14718}, {""name"": ""Bedford Falls Company, The"", ""id"": 20634}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}]",2003-12-05,456758981,154,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,"In the face of an enemy, in the heart of one man, lies the soul of a warrior.",The Last Samurai,7.3,1895
140000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,147441,"[{""id"": 488, ""name"": ""moses""}, {""id"": 3036, ""name"": ""bible""}, {""id"": 157894, ""name"": ""ancient egypt""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 211105, ""name"": ""ramses""}]",en,Exodus: Gods and Kings,"The defiant leader Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues.",101.599427,"[{""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Chernin Entertainment"", ""id"": 7076}, {""name"": ""Babieka"", ""id"": 20656}, {""name"": ""Volcano Films"", ""id"": 52184}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-12-03,268031828,150,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Once brothers, now enemies.",Exodus: Gods and Kings,5.6,1921
150000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,13475,"[{""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 3822, ""name"": ""teleportation""}, {""id"": 4040, ""name"": ""space mission""}, {""id"": 4300, ""name"": ""parachute""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 4380, ""name"": ""black hole""}, {""id"": 5100, ""name"": ""supernova""}, {""id"": 9675, ""name"": ""prequel""}, {""id"": 9684, ""name"": ""warp speed""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 9686, ""name"": ""warp engine""}, {""id"": 12388, ""name"": ""romulans""}, {""id"": 12405, ""name"": ""outer space""}, {""id"": 155212, ""name"": ""vulcan""}, {""id"": 156282, ""name"": ""alternate reality""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 161184, ""name"": ""reboot""}]",en,Star Trek,"The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk, is a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock, a Vulcan, was raised in a logic-based society that rejects all emotion. As fiery instinct clashes with calm reason, their unlikely but powerful partnership is the only thing capable of leading their crew through unimaginable danger, boldly going where no one has gone before. The human adventure has begun again.",73.616808,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Bad Robot"", ""id"": 11461}, {""name"": ""MavroCine Pictures GmbH & Co. KG"", ""id"": 23419}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-05-06,385680446,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The future begins.,Star Trek,7.4,4518
139000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,557,"[{""id"": 1014, ""name"": ""loss of lover""}, {""id"": 3986, ""name"": ""spider""}, {""id"": 4543, ""name"": ""thanksgiving""}, {""id"": 5812, ""name"": ""bad boss""}, {""id"": 6062, ""name"": ""hostility""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 11794, ""name"": ""pokies""}, {""id"": 156075, ""name"": ""evil""}, {""id"": 169887, ""name"": ""reference to superman""}, {""id"": 189094, ""name"": ""goblin""}]",en,Spider-Man,"After being bitten by a genetically altered spider, nerdy high school student Peter Parker is endowed with amazing powers.",82.502566,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-05-01,821708551,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,With great power comes great responsibility.,Spider-Man,6.8,5265
145000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,82702,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1157, ""name"": ""wife husband relationship""}, {""id"": 2858, ""name"": ""sacrifice""}, {""id"": 5895, ""name"": ""viking""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 157499, ""name"": ""mother son relationship""}, {""id"": 175421, ""name"": ""death of husband""}, {""id"": 192913, ""name"": ""warrior""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,How to Train Your Dragon 2,"The thrilling second chapter of the epic How To Train Your Dragon trilogy brings back the fantastical world of Hiccup and Toothless five years later. While Astrid, Snotlout and the rest of the gang are challenging each other to dragon races (the island's new favorite contact sport), the now inseparable pair journey through the skies, charting unmapped territories and exploring new worlds. When one of their adventures leads to the discovery of a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace.",100.21391,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}, {""name"": ""Mad Hatter Entertainment"", ""id"": 20154}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-06-12,609123048,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The training is over.,How to Train Your Dragon 2,7.6,3106
140000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,205584,"[{""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 1449, ""name"": ""underworld""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 2035, ""name"": ""mythology""}, {""id"": 2906, ""name"": ""nile""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 9727, ""name"": ""thief""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 18034, ""name"": ""desert""}, {""id"": 161172, ""name"": ""gods""}, {""id"": 163338, ""name"": ""egyptian mythology""}, {""id"": 185638, ""name"": ""egyptian""}, {""id"": 227686, ""name"": ""myth""}]",en,Gods of Egypt,A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.,56.257249,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Mystery Clock Cinema"", ""id"": 908}, {""name"": ""Thunder Road Pictures"", ""id"": 3528}, {""name"": ""TIK Films"", ""id"": 72441}, {""name"": ""Pyramania"", ""id"": 88715}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-02-25,150680864,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The battle for eternity begins,Gods of Egypt,5.3,1277
135000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,10048,"[{""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 4410, ""name"": ""u.s. navy""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Stealth,"Deeply ensconced in a top-secret military program, three pilots struggle to bring an artificial intelligence program under control ... before it initiates the next world war.",17.88953,"[{""name"": ""Laura Ziskin Productions"", ""id"": 326}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Phoenix Pictures"", ""id"": 11317}, {""name"": ""AFG Talons Productions"", ""id"": 19523}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-07-28,76932943,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ko"", ""name"": ""\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4/\uc870\uc120\ub9d0""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Fear The Sky,Stealth,4.9,331
130000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,13183,"[{""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1583, ""name"": ""mass murder""}, {""id"": 4948, ""name"": ""retirement""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 18139, ""name"": ""nuclear war""}, {""id"": 34161, ""name"": ""doomsday""}, {""id"": 157938, ""name"": ""soviet""}, {""id"": 158456, ""name"": ""masked vigilante""}, {""id"": 173995, ""name"": ""doomsday clock""}, {""id"": 174008, ""name"": ""red square""}, {""id"": 174016, ""name"": ""death of superhero""}, {""id"": 174019, ""name"": ""american president""}, {""id"": 208289, ""name"": ""1980s""}]",en,Watchmen,"In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger.",64.798873,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Lawrence Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 840}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Cruel and Unusual Films"", ""id"": 78685}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-03-05,185258983,163,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Justice is coming to all of us. No matter what we do.,Watchmen,7.0,2811
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,944,"[{""id"": 167377, ""name"": ""lapd""}, {""id"": 167381, ""name"": ""house on fire""}, {""id"": 188944, ""name"": ""revolver""}]",en,Lethal Weapon 4,"In the combustible action franchise's final installment, maverick detectives Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh square off against Asian mobster Wah Sing Ku, who's up to his neck in slave trading and counterfeit currency. With help from gumshoe Leo Getz and smart-aleck rookie cop Lee Butters, Riggs and Murtaugh aim to take down Ku and his gang.",24.855701,"[{""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Donner/Shuler-Donner Productions"", ""id"": 5739}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-07-10,285444603,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,The faces you love. The action you expect.,Lethal Weapon 4,6.3,767
137000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,1927,"[{""id"": 387, ""name"": ""california""}, {""id"": 582, ""name"": ""san francisco""}, {""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 1402, ""name"": ""general""}, {""id"": 1419, ""name"": ""gun""}, {""id"": 1718, ""name"": ""dna""}, {""id"": 2766, ""name"": ""mutation""}, {""id"": 2800, ""name"": ""psychology""}, {""id"": 3695, ""name"": ""berkeley""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 4456, ""name"": ""frog""}, {""id"": 8570, ""name"": ""president""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 12393, ""name"": ""golden gate bridge""}, {""id"": 13005, ""name"": ""doctor""}, {""id"": 13073, ""name"": ""fear""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 18034, ""name"": ""desert""}, {""id"": 18047, ""name"": ""anger""}, {""id"": 46951, ""name"": ""mirror""}, {""id"": 157344, ""name"": ""phone""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}, {""id"": 163207, ""name"": ""cell""}, {""id"": 179100, ""name"": ""hulk""}, {""id"": 179102, ""name"": ""superhuman strength""}, {""id"": 184987, ""name"": ""repressed memory""}, {""id"": 222797, ""name"": ""repression""}]",en,Hulk,"Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers massive radiation exposure in his laboratory that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.",34.981698,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Good Machine"", ""id"": 10565}, {""name"": ""Valhalla Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 11533}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-06-19,245360480,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Unleash the hero within,Hulk,5.3,1533
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,72559,"[{""id"": 321, ""name"": ""terror""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 2534, ""name"": ""missile""}, {""id"": 3467, ""name"": ""warhead""}, {""id"": 8570, ""name"": ""president""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 18420, ""name"": ""surveillance""}, {""id"": 191574, ""name"": ""cobra""}]",en,G.I. Joe: Retaliation,"Framed for crimes against the country, the G.I. Joe team is terminated by Presidential order. This forces the G.I. Joes into not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence.",59.325589,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Hasbro"", ""id"": 2598}, {""name"": ""Skydance Productions"", ""id"": 6277}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Saints LA"", ""id"": 19719}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-03-26,371876278,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,G.I. Joe: Retaliation,5.4,3025
130000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,7364,"[{""id"": 168297, ""name"": ""tyrant""}, {""id"": 168302, ""name"": ""ironclad ship""}]",en,Sahara,"Scouring the ocean depths for treasure-laden shipwrecks is business as usual for a thrill-seeking underwater adventurer and his wisecracking buddy. But when these two cross paths with a beautiful doctor, they find themselves on the ultimate treasure hunt.",21.605568,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Bristol Bay Productions"", ""id"": 2233}, {""name"": ""Baldwin Entertainment Group"", ""id"": 2234}, {""name"": ""Desertlands Entertainment"", ""id"": 2235}, {""name"": ""Mace Neufeld Productions"", ""id"": 2767}, {""name"": ""Kanzaman"", ""id"": 4169}, {""name"": ""J.K. Livin Productions"", ""id"": 12124}, {""name"": ""Moguletta"", ""id"": 12125}, {""name"": ""Sahara Productions"", ""id"": 12126}, {""name"": ""Babelsberg Film"", ""id"": 19481}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-04-06,119269486,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,Dirk Pitt. Adventure has a new name.,Sahara,5.7,434
137000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,2114,"[{""id"": 3994, ""name"": ""battle assignment""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 12413, ""name"": ""downfall""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}]",en,Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,"Led by a strange dream, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the spirits within.",26.074908,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Square USA"", ""id"": 4164}, {""name"": ""Chris Lee Productions"", ""id"": 20033}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-07-02,85131830,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Unleash a new reality,Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,5.9,433
140000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,1771,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 279, ""name"": ""usa""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2652, ""name"": ""nazis""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 11064, ""name"": ""nazi germany""}, {""id"": 15060, ""name"": ""period drama""}, {""id"": 41523, ""name"": ""brooklyn new york city""}, {""id"": 173775, ""name"": ""captain america""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Captain America: The First Avenger,"Predominantly set during World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination.",74.506246,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-07-22,370569774,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""no"", ""name"": ""Norsk""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,When patriots become heroes,Captain America: The First Avenger,6.6,7047
135000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36643,"[{""id"": 6731, ""name"": ""british""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10590, ""name"": ""oil""}, {""id"": 41185, ""name"": ""heiress""}, {""id"": 41188, ""name"": ""bilbao spain""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}]",en,The World Is Not Enough,"Greed, revenge, world dominance and high-tech terrorism – it's all in a day's work for Bond, who's on a mission to a protect beautiful oil heiress from a notorious terrorist. In a race against time that culminates in a dramatic submarine showdown, Bond works to defuse the international power struggle that has the world's oil supply hanging in the balance.",39.604363,"[{""name"": ""Eon Productions"", ""id"": 7576}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-11-08,361832400,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,As the countdown begins for the new millennium there is still one number you can always count on.,The World Is Not Enough,6.0,862
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,8619,"[{""id"": 182662, ""name"": ""naturalist""}, {""id"": 182664, ""name"": ""frigate""}, {""id"": 182671, ""name"": ""self surgery""}, {""id"": 182677, ""name"": ""sea battle""}, {""id"": 182681, ""name"": ""weevil""}]",en,Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World,"After an abrupt and violent encounter with a French warship inflicts severe damage upon his ship, a captain of the British Royal Navy begins a chase over two oceans to capture or destroy the enemy, though he must weigh his commitment to duty and ferocious pursuit of glory against the safety of his devoted crew, including the ship's thoughtful surgeon, his best friend.",36.973031,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Samuel Goldwyn Films"", ""id"": 9118}, {""name"": ""Miramax"", ""id"": 53009}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-11-14,212011111,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The courage to do the impossible lies in the hearts of men.,Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World,6.9,790
120000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,50620,"[{""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 9840, ""name"": ""romance""}, {""id"": 9990, ""name"": ""villainess""}, {""id"": 160184, ""name"": ""super strength""}, {""id"": 185616, ""name"": ""imprinting""}, {""id"": 185628, ""name"": ""cross breed""}, {""id"": 185629, ""name"": ""bloodsucker""}, {""id"": 185632, ""name"": ""grudge""}, {""id"": 185633, ""name"": ""vampire vs vampire""}, {""id"": 185644, ""name"": ""chief of police""}, {""id"": 185645, ""name"": ""dhampir""}, {""id"": 185648, ""name"": ""forks washington""}, {""id"": 185653, ""name"": ""wolf pack""}, {""id"": 185655, ""name"": ""misinformation""}, {""id"": 185668, ""name"": ""seeing the future""}, {""id"": 231407, ""name"": ""fang vamp""}]",en,The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2,"After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.",99.687084,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Temple Hill Entertainment"", ""id"": 12292}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-11-13,829000000,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The epic finale that will live forever,The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2,6.1,2553
130000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,65759,"[{""id"": 3028, ""name"": ""penguin""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Happy Feet Two,"Mumble the penguin has a problem: his son Erik, who is reluctant to dance, encounters The Mighty Sven, a penguin who can fly! Things get worse for Mumble when the world is shaken by powerful forces, causing him to brings together the penguin nations and their allies to set things right.",17.7735,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Dr D Studios"", ""id"": 28381}, {""name"": ""Kennedy Miller Mitchell"", ""id"": 28382}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2011-11-17,150406466,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every step counts.,Happy Feet Two,5.8,373
150000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,1724,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 1809, ""name"": ""rio de janeiro""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 10718, ""name"": ""fugitive""}, {""id"": 10834, ""name"": ""super soldier""}, {""id"": 12555, ""name"": ""tony stark""}, {""id"": 160977, ""name"": ""virginia""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}, {""id"": 179100, ""name"": ""hulk""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 200918, ""name"": ""angry""}, {""id"": 202816, ""name"": ""bruce banner""}]",en,The Incredible Hulk,"Scientist Bruce Banner scours the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with a new, deadly foe.",62.898336,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}, {""name"": ""Valhalla Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 11533}, {""name"": ""MVL Incredible Productions"", ""id"": 25121}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-12,163712074,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You'll like him when he's angry.,The Incredible Hulk,6.1,3021
140000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,267935,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 392, ""name"": ""england""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 12663, ""name"": ""little girl""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 14895, ""name"": ""cannibal""}, {""id"": 189099, ""name"": ""giant""}, {""id"": 227364, ""name"": ""evil brother""}]",en,The BFG,"The BFG is no ordinary bone-crunching giant. He is far too nice and jumbly. It's lucky for Sophie that he is. Had she been carried off in the middle of the night by the Bloodbottler, or any of the other giants—rather than the BFG—she would have soon become breakfast. When Sophie hears that the giants are flush-bunking off to England to swollomp a few nice little chiddlers, she decides she must stop them once and for all. And the BFG is going to help her!",44.19092,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Reliance Entertainment"", ""id"": 7294}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-06-01,183345589,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The world is more giant than you can imagine.,The BFG,6.0,1000
135000000,"[{""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,281957,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 570, ""name"": ""rape""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1262, ""name"": ""mountains""}, {""id"": 1442, ""name"": ""winter""}, {""id"": 2522, ""name"": ""grizzly bear""}, {""id"": 3593, ""name"": ""wilderness""}, {""id"": 9454, ""name"": ""frontier""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10322, ""name"": ""native american""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 10794, ""name"": ""snow""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 157164, ""name"": ""animal death""}, {""id"": 158175, ""name"": ""bear attack""}, {""id"": 159138, ""name"": ""death of son""}, {""id"": 185722, ""name"": ""based on true events""}, {""id"": 194976, ""name"": ""fur trapper""}]",en,The Revenant,"In the 1820s, a frontiersman, Hugh Glass, sets out on a path of vengeance against those who left him for dead after a bear mauling.",100.635882,"[{""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Appian Way"", ""id"": 562}, {""name"": ""CatchPlay"", ""id"": 8870}, {""name"": ""Anonymous Content"", ""id"": 10039}, {""name"": ""New Regency Pictures"", ""id"": 10104}, {""name"": ""Hong Kong Alpha Motion Pictures Co."", ""id"": 13796}, {""name"": ""RatPac Entertainment"", ""id"": 28732}, {""name"": ""M Productions"", ""id"": 52660}, {""name"": ""Monarchy Enterprises S.a.r.l."", ""id"": 77845}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HK"", ""name"": ""Hong Kong""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""TW"", ""name"": ""Taiwan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-12-25,532950503,156,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,"(n. One who has returned, as if from the dead.)",The Revenant,7.3,6396
135000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,77950,"[{""id"": 240, ""name"": ""underdog""}, {""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 3428, ""name"": ""speed""}, {""id"": 3720, ""name"": ""power""}, {""id"": 4455, ""name"": ""snail""}, {""id"": 6525, ""name"": ""fast""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 33637, ""name"": ""superpower""}, {""id"": 167986, ""name"": ""racer""}]",en,Turbo,The tale of an ordinary garden snail who dreams of winning the Indy 500.,44.765377,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-11,282570682,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,SLO NO MO,Turbo,6.1,1074
135000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,44896,"[{""id"": 798, ""name"": ""sheriff""}, {""id"": 1197, ""name"": ""nevada""}, {""id"": 2551, ""name"": ""pet""}, {""id"": 12764, ""name"": ""rango""}, {""id"": 14569, ""name"": ""chameleon""}, {""id"": 14570, ""name"": ""las vegas""}, {""id"": 14571, ""name"": ""cactus""}, {""id"": 14585, ""name"": ""terrarium""}, {""id"": 14586, ""name"": ""construction site""}, {""id"": 14587, ""name"": ""armadillo""}, {""id"": 14588, ""name"": ""disillusionment""}]",en,Rango,"When Rango, a lost family pet, accidentally winds up in the gritty, gun-slinging town of Dirt, the less-than-courageous lizard suddenly finds he stands out. Welcomed as the last hope the town has been waiting for, new Sheriff Rango is forced to play his new role to the hilt.",29.91353,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""GK Films"", ""id"": 3281}, {""name"": ""Blind Wink"", ""id"": 10262}, {""name"": ""Paramount Animation"", ""id"": 24955}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-03-02,245724603,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Heroes come in all different colors.,Rango,6.6,2051
132000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,270946,"[{""id"": 3028, ""name"": ""penguin""}, {""id"": 3645, ""name"": ""madagascar""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Penguins of Madagascar,"Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it.",84.366984,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-11-22,373552094,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Movie Event That Will Blow Their Cover,Penguins of Madagascar,6.5,1346
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,2503,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 744, ""name"": ""madrid""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1295, ""name"": ""europe""}, {""id"": 3246, ""name"": ""prosecution""}, {""id"": 3851, ""name"": ""dangerous""}, {""id"": 3864, ""name"": ""false identity""}, {""id"": 4087, ""name"": ""revelation""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}, {""id"": 6110, ""name"": ""weapon""}, {""id"": 6710, ""name"": ""interpol""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11134, ""name"": ""espionage""}, {""id"": 14735, ""name"": ""motorcycle""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14967, ""name"": ""foot chase""}, {""id"": 18269, ""name"": ""moskow""}, {""id"": 164148, ""name"": ""dark past""}, {""id"": 185702, ""name"": ""langley virginia""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}, {""id"": 226521, ""name"": ""chase on the roof""}, {""id"": 226522, ""name"": ""security leak""}]",en,The Bourne Ultimatum,"Bourne is brought out of hiding once again by reporter Simon Ross who is trying to unveil Operation Blackbriar, an upgrade to Project Treadstone, in a series of newspaper columns. Information from the reporter stirs a new set of memories, and Bourne must finally uncover his dark past while dodging The Company's best efforts to eradicate him.",45.381501,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""The Kennedy/Marshall Company"", ""id"": 862}, {""name"": ""Ludlum Entertainment"", ""id"": 11347}, {""name"": ""Motion Picture BETA Produktionsgesellschaft"", ""id"": 11348}, {""name"": ""Bourne Again"", ""id"": 11349}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-08-03,442824138,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Remember everything. Forgive nothing.,The Bourne Ultimatum,7.3,2888
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,9502,"[{""id"": 478, ""name"": ""china""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 780, ""name"": ""kung fu""}, {""id"": 1310, ""name"": ""mentor""}, {""id"": 1585, ""name"": ""snake""}, {""id"": 1946, ""name"": ""restaurant""}, {""id"": 1998, ""name"": ""shop""}, {""id"": 2660, ""name"": ""strong woman""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 4809, ""name"": ""tiger""}, {""id"": 6362, ""name"": ""turtle""}, {""id"": 8531, ""name"": ""panda""}, {""id"": 9362, ""name"": ""sensei""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 14955, ""name"": ""fighting""}, {""id"": 15036, ""name"": ""ancient china""}, {""id"": 15149, ""name"": ""monkey""}, {""id"": 33401, ""name"": ""master""}, {""id"": 40850, ""name"": ""destiny""}, {""id"": 156075, ""name"": ""evil""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 185319, ""name"": ""monkey warrior""}, {""id"": 193046, ""name"": ""noodle""}]",en,Kung Fu Panda,"When the Valley of Peace is threatened, lazy Po the panda discovers his destiny as the ""chosen one"" and trains to become a kung fu hero, but transforming the unsleek slacker into a brave warrior won't be easy. It's up to Master Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- to give it a try.",84.689648,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-04,631744560,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Prepare for awesomeness.,Kung Fu Panda,6.9,3145
130000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,102899,"[{""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180547, ""name"": ""marvel cinematic universe""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Ant-Man,"Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, master thief Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Doctor Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.",120.09361,"[{""name"": ""Marvel Studios"", ""id"": 420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-07-14,519311965,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Heroes don't get any bigger.,Ant-Man,7.0,5880
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,101299,"[{""id"": 271, ""name"": ""competition""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1310, ""name"": ""mentor""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1382, ""name"": ""factory""}, {""id"": 2136, ""name"": ""television""}, {""id"": 2903, ""name"": ""propaganda""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5740, ""name"": ""alliance""}, {""id"": 6186, ""name"": ""games""}, {""id"": 8570, ""name"": ""president""}, {""id"": 8862, ""name"": ""uprising""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 11196, ""name"": ""rebellion""}, {""id"": 11221, ""name"": ""blood""}, {""id"": 11322, ""name"": ""female protagonist""}, {""id"": 12380, ""name"": ""tournament""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 15017, ""name"": ""danger""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 171956, ""name"": ""winner""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,"Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a ""Victor's Tour"" of the districts. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever.",76.310119,"[{""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Color Force"", ""id"": 5420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-11-15,847423452,146,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every revolution begins with a spark.,The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,7.4,6495
135000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,228161,"[{""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 197194, ""name"": ""alien friendship""}, {""id"": 235972, ""name"": ""awful leader""}, {""id"": 235974, ""name"": ""taking resposibility""}]",en,Home,"When Earth is taken over by the overly-confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to call home, all humans are promptly relocated, while all Boov get busy reorganizing the planet. But when one resourceful girl, Tip, manages to avoid capture, she finds herself the accidental accomplice of a banished Boov named Oh. The two fugitives realize there’s a lot more at stake than intergalactic relations as they embark on the road trip of a lifetime.",63.473086,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-03-18,368871007,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Worlds Collide,Home,6.8,1519
132000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,74,"[{""id"": 447, ""name"": ""post traumatic stress disorder""}, {""id"": 586, ""name"": ""new jersey""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 207569, ""name"": ""human subjugation""}]",en,War of the Worlds,"Ray Ferrier is a divorced dockworker and less-than-perfect father. Soon after his ex-wife and her new husband drop of his teenage son and young daughter for a rare weekend visit, a strange and powerful lightning storm touches down.",48.572726,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-06-28,591739379,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,They're already here.,War of the Worlds,6.2,2322
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,8961,"[{""id"": 416, ""name"": ""miami""}, {""id"": 529, ""name"": ""ku klux klan""}, {""id"": 701, ""name"": ""cuba""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 1941, ""name"": ""ecstasy""}, {""id"": 7963, ""name"": ""guant\u00e1namo""}, {""id"": 10089, ""name"": ""slaughter""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 12371, ""name"": ""gunfight""}, {""id"": 12648, ""name"": ""bromance""}, {""id"": 13142, ""name"": ""gangster""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14967, ""name"": ""foot chase""}, {""id"": 15271, ""name"": ""interrogation""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 18026, ""name"": ""drug lord""}, {""id"": 18067, ""name"": ""exploding house""}, {""id"": 155799, ""name"": ""narcotics cop""}, {""id"": 156117, ""name"": ""illegal drugs""}, {""id"": 156805, ""name"": ""dea agent""}, {""id"": 167316, ""name"": ""buddy cop""}, {""id"": 179093, ""name"": ""criminal underworld""}, {""id"": 219404, ""name"": ""action hero""}, {""id"": 226380, ""name"": ""haitian gang""}, {""id"": 226381, ""name"": ""minefield""}]",en,Bad Boys II,"Out-of-control, trash-talking buddy cops Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey of the Miami Narcotics Task Force reunite, and bullets fly, cars crash and laughs explode as they pursue a whacked-out drug lord from the streets of Miami to the barrios of Cuba. But the real fireworks result when Marcus discovers that playboy Mike is secretly romancing Marcus’ sexy sister.",38.068736,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 10288}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-07-18,273339556,147,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,"If you can't stand the heat, get out of Miami.",Bad Boys II,6.3,1564
130000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,417859,"[{""id"": 4414, ""name"": ""adventure""}, {""id"": 6187, ""name"": ""fairy-tale figure""}]",en,Puss in Boots,"Long before he even met Shrek, the notorious fighter, lover and outlaw Puss in Boots becomes a hero when he sets off on an adventure with the tough and street smart Kitty Softpaws and the mastermind Humpty Dumpty to save his town. This is the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend... The Boots.",20.678787,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks"", ""id"": 7}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-10-28,554987477,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Live for danger. Fight for justice. Pray for mercy.,Puss in Boots,6.4,451
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,27576,"[{""id"": 441, ""name"": ""assassination""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}, {""id"": 2111, ""name"": ""soviet union""}, {""id"": 3637, ""name"": ""double agent""}, {""id"": 4776, ""name"": ""race against time""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11134, ""name"": ""espionage""}, {""id"": 11322, ""name"": ""female protagonist""}, {""id"": 12366, ""name"": ""hitwoman""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 190654, ""name"": ""russian spy""}, {""id"": 190981, ""name"": ""intelligence officer""}, {""id"": 208314, ""name"": ""action heroine""}]",en,Salt,"As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Salt goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture. Salt's efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: ""Who is Salt?""",48.829437,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Wintergreen Productions"", ""id"": 11845}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-21,293329073,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ko"", ""name"": ""\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4/\uc870\uc120\ub9d0""}]",Released,Who is Salt?,Salt,6.2,2093
125000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,86834,"[{""id"": 3036, ""name"": ""bible""}, {""id"": 9649, ""name"": ""god""}, {""id"": 195790, ""name"": ""noah""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Noah,A man who suffers visions of an apocalyptic deluge takes measures to protect his family from the coming flood.,46.115758,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Protozoa Pictures"", ""id"": 7503}, {""name"": ""Disruption Entertainment"", ""id"": 10256}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-03-20,362637473,139,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The end of the world is just the beginning.,Noah,5.6,2350
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,17578,"[{""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 1316, ""name"": ""captain""}, {""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 3423, ""name"": ""liquor""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 10733, ""name"": ""sunken treasure""}, {""id"": 11121, ""name"": ""plot""}, {""id"": 12193, ""name"": ""reporter""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 210313, ""name"": ""action""}]",en,The Adventures of Tintin,"Intrepid young reporter, Tintin and his loyal dog, Snowy are thrust into a world of high adventure when they discover a ship carrying an explosive secret. As Tintin is drawn into a centuries-old mystery, Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine suspects him of stealing a priceless treasure. Tintin and Snowy, with the help of salty, cantankerous Captain Haddock and bumbling detectives, Thompson &amp; Thomson, travel half the world, one step ahead of their enemies as Tintin endeavors to find The Unicorn, a sunken ship that may hold a vast fortune, but also an ancient curse.",89.938296,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Hemisphere Media Capital"", ""id"": 9169}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-10-25,371940071,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"This year, discover how far adventure will take you.",The Adventures of Tintin,6.7,2061
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,673,"[{""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2630, ""name"": ""cutting the cord""}, {""id"": 3650, ""name"": ""child hero""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 3873, ""name"": ""sorcerer's apprentice""}, {""id"": 3884, ""name"": ""school of witchcraft""}, {""id"": 3904, ""name"": ""griffon""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}, {""id"": 33783, ""name"": ""dark""}, {""id"": 33784, ""name"": ""muggle""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,"Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts for another magic-filled year. Harry comes face to face with danger yet again, this time in the form of escaped convict, Sirius Black – and turns to sympathetic Professor Lupin for help.",79.679601,"[{""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Heyday films"", ""id"": 437}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-05-31,789804554,141,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Something wicked this way comes.,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,7.7,5877
130000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,6972,"[{""id"": 440, ""name"": ""missionary""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2752, ""name"": ""ranch""}, {""id"": 5657, ""name"": ""australia""}, {""id"": 6731, ""name"": ""british""}, {""id"": 7856, ""name"": ""racist""}, {""id"": 9656, ""name"": ""cattle drive""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 221178, ""name"": ""stampede""}, {""id"": 229066, ""name"": ""waltzing matilda""}, {""id"": 229067, ""name"": ""trampled to death""}]",en,Australia,"Set in northern Australia before World War II, an English aristocrat who inherits a sprawling ranch reluctantly pacts with a stock-man in order to protect her new property from a takeover plot. As the pair drive 2,000 head of cattle over unforgiving landscape, they experience the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by Japanese forces firsthand.",28.840997,"[{""name"": ""Bazmark Films"", ""id"": 240}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""ScreenWest"", ""id"": 7888}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2008-11-18,49554002,165,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,Welcome to Australia!,Australia,6.3,694
130000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,82700,"[{""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}]",en,After Earth,"One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai. When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.",42.840582,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}, {""name"": ""Overbrook Entertainment"", ""id"": 12485}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-05-30,243843127,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Danger is real, fear is a choice",After Earth,5.0,2532
127500000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10567,"[{""id"": 843, ""name"": ""cataclysm""}, {""id"": 1423, ""name"": ""asteroid""}, {""id"": 3077, ""name"": ""leader""}, {""id"": 4803, ""name"": ""comet""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10506, ""name"": ""prehistoric""}, {""id"": 10789, ""name"": ""prehistoric egg""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 161186, ""name"": ""nesting grounds""}, {""id"": 166958, ""name"": ""prehistoric creature""}, {""id"": 178645, ""name"": ""prehistoric adventure""}, {""id"": 181033, ""name"": ""lemur""}, {""id"": 183414, ""name"": ""prehistoric times""}]",en,Dinosaur,An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary after a meteorite shower destroys his family home.,26.548594,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-05-19,354248063,82,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You have never seen anything like this.,Dinosaur,6.2,542
127000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,181533,"[{""id"": 1406, ""name"": ""night watchman""}, {""id"": 2598, ""name"": ""museum""}, {""id"": 5647, ""name"": ""natural history""}, {""id"": 9682, ""name"": ""history""}, {""id"": 209642, ""name"": ""smithsonian""}]",en,Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,"When the magic powers of The Tablet of Ahkmenrah begin to die out, Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.",115.597753,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""21 Laps Entertainment"", ""id"": 2575}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-12-17,349424282,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One Final Night to Save the Day.,Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,6.1,1851
130000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,38055,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 248, ""name"": ""date""}, {""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1357, ""name"": ""fish""}, {""id"": 1419, ""name"": ""gun""}, {""id"": 1718, ""name"": ""dna""}, {""id"": 1919, ""name"": ""mayor""}, {""id"": 2095, ""name"": ""anti hero""}, {""id"": 2217, ""name"": ""rain""}, {""id"": 2598, ""name"": ""museum""}, {""id"": 4127, ""name"": ""one-sided love""}, {""id"": 8803, ""name"": ""serum""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 12193, ""name"": ""reporter""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 219826, ""name"": ""stronger villain""}]",en,Megamind,"Bumbling supervillain Megamind finally defeats his nemesis, the superhero Metro Man. But without a hero, he loses all purpose and must find new meaning to his life.",68.757242,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-10-28,321887208,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,His brain is off the chain.,Megamind,6.7,1918
125000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,671,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 1441, ""name"": ""christmas party""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2630, ""name"": ""cutting the cord""}, {""id"": 3335, ""name"": ""halloween""}, {""id"": 3650, ""name"": ""child hero""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 4238, ""name"": ""chosen one""}, {""id"": 4456, ""name"": ""frog""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,"Harry Potter has lived under the stairs at his aunt and uncle's house his whole life. But on his 11th birthday, he learns he's a powerful wizard -- with a place waiting for him at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he learns to harness his newfound powers with the help of the school's kindly headmaster, Harry uncovers the truth about his parents' deaths -- and about the villain who's to blame.",109.984351,"[{""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-11-16,976475550,152,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Let the Magic Begin.,Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,7.5,7006
130000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,49524,"[{""id"": 1321, ""name"": ""gold""}, {""id"": 4668, ""name"": ""police operation""}, {""id"": 9104, ""name"": ""partner""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 10327, ""name"": ""undead""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}, {""id"": 207199, ""name"": ""police department""}]",en,R.I.P.D.,A recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department and tries to find the man who murdered him. Based on the comic by Peter M. Lenkov.,39.448066,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Dark Horse Entertainment"", ""id"": 552}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-18,61648500,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,To protect and serve the living,R.I.P.D.,5.4,1260
140000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,22,"[{""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1318, ""name"": ""blacksmith""}, {""id"": 1319, ""name"": ""east india trading company""}, {""id"": 1321, ""name"": ""gold""}, {""id"": 1459, ""name"": ""marriage proposal""}, {""id"": 1860, ""name"": ""mutiny""}, {""id"": 3266, ""name"": ""jamaica""}, {""id"": 4062, ""name"": ""skeleton""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 5744, ""name"": ""governor""}, {""id"": 11086, ""name"": ""wooden eye""}, {""id"": 11087, ""name"": ""gold coin""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}, {""id"": 33457, ""name"": ""alcoholic""}, {""id"": 157186, ""name"": ""swashbuckler""}, {""id"": 167861, ""name"": ""caribbean""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 185200, ""name"": ""pirate ship""}, {""id"": 235625, ""name"": ""capuchin monkey""}, {""id"": 235626, ""name"": ""tortuga""}]",en,Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,"Jack Sparrow, a freewheeling 17th-century pirate who roams the Caribbean Sea, butts heads with a rival pirate bent on pillaging the village of Port Royal. When the governor's daughter is kidnapped, Sparrow decides to help the girl's love save her. But their seafaring mission is hardly simple.",271.972889,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-07-09,655011224,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Prepare to be blown out of the water.,Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,7.5,6985
125000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,131631,"[{""id"": 836, ""name"": ""resistance""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 11322, ""name"": ""female protagonist""}, {""id"": 18101, ""name"": ""bow and arrow""}, {""id"": 18249, ""name"": ""game""}, {""id"": 162484, ""name"": ""future war""}, {""id"": 162845, ""name"": ""revolt""}, {""id"": 165299, ""name"": ""class prejudice""}, {""id"": 207569, ""name"": ""human subjugation""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1,Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.,206.227151,"[{""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Color Force"", ""id"": 5420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-11-18,752100229,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Fire burns brighter in the darkness,The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1,6.6,5584
125000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,591,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 113, ""name"": ""holy grail""}, {""id"": 186, ""name"": ""christianity""}, {""id"": 345, ""name"": ""monk""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1222, ""name"": ""zurich""}, {""id"": 2908, ""name"": ""secret society""}, {""id"": 2966, ""name"": ""louvre""}, {""id"": 2969, ""name"": ""curator""}, {""id"": 2970, ""name"": ""symbologist""}, {""id"": 2975, ""name"": ""opus dei""}, {""id"": 2976, ""name"": ""heresy""}, {""id"": 2978, ""name"": ""mona lisa""}, {""id"": 4008, ""name"": ""freemason""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 11855, ""name"": ""pentagram""}, {""id"": 156081, ""name"": ""tomb""}, {""id"": 161207, ""name"": ""catholicism""}, {""id"": 161507, ""name"": ""cryptologist""}, {""id"": 161508, ""name"": ""iconography""}, {""id"": 163531, ""name"": ""albino""}, {""id"": 173162, ""name"": ""sect""}]",en,The Da Vinci Code,"When the curator of the Louvre is found murdered in the famed museum's hallowed halls, Harvard professor, Robert Langdon and cryptographer, Sophie Neve must untangle a deadly web of deceit involving the works of Leonardo da Vinci.",45.313197,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Skylark Productions"", ""id"": 8253}, {""name"": ""Government of Malta"", ""id"": 19927}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MT"", ""name"": ""Malta""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2006-05-17,767820459,149,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Seek the truth.,The Da Vinci Code,6.5,2704
103000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,172385,"[{""id"": 2646, ""name"": ""bird""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}, {""id"": 33928, ""name"": ""audition""}, {""id"": 166103, ""name"": ""amazon rainforest""}, {""id"": 198270, ""name"": ""parrots""}]",en,Rio 2,"It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they're hurtled from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beak-to-beak with the vengeful Nigel, and meets the most fearsome adversary of all: his father-in-law.",42.40024,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-03-19,500188435,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,"He's villainous, she's venomous.",Rio 2,6.3,978
110000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36658,"[{""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}]",en,X2,"Professor Charles Xavier and his team of genetically gifted superheroes face a rising tide of anti-mutant sentiment led by Col. William Stryker. Storm, Wolverine and Jean Grey must join their usual nemeses – Magneto and Mystique – to unhinge Stryker's scheme to exterminate all mutants.",2.871739,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}, {""name"": ""XM2 Productions"", ""id"": 79026}, {""name"": ""XF2 Canada Productions"", ""id"": 79027}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-04-24,407711549,133,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,The time has come for those who are different to stand united.,X2,6.8,3506
125000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,51497,"[{""id"": 1161, ""name"": ""brazil""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 6089, ""name"": ""freedom""}, {""id"": 9777, ""name"": ""escape from prison""}, {""id"": 9844, ""name"": ""car crash""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 10291, ""name"": ""organized crime""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 10594, ""name"": ""money""}, {""id"": 10718, ""name"": ""fugitive""}, {""id"": 11148, ""name"": ""police chase""}, {""id"": 12414, ""name"": ""escaped convict""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 159953, ""name"": ""automobile racing""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Fast Five,"Former cop Brian O'Conner partners with ex-con Dom Toretto on the opposite side of the law. Since Brian and Mia Toretto broke Dom out of custody, they've blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom.",7.255718,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""One Race Productions"", ""id"": 1225}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-04-20,626137675,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,Get the Fifth Gear.,Fast Five,7.1,2438
125000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,58574,"[{""id"": 1752, ""name"": ""detective inspector""}, {""id"": 10028, ""name"": ""steampunk""}, {""id"": 18023, ""name"": ""criminal mastermind""}]",en,Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows,"There is a new criminal mastermind at large (Professor Moriarty) and not only is he Holmes’ intellectual equal, but his capacity for evil and lack of conscience may give him an advantage over the detective.",81.499621,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Lin Pictures"", ""id"": 2723}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Wigram Productions"", ""id"": 23202}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-11-22,334615000,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The game is afoot.,Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows,7.0,3886
125000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,18823,"[{""id"": 2033, ""name"": ""hades""}, {""id"": 2035, ""name"": ""mythology""}, {""id"": 2036, ""name"": ""greek mythology""}, {""id"": 8985, ""name"": ""zeus""}, {""id"": 10863, ""name"": ""medusa""}, {""id"": 11624, ""name"": ""mythological beast""}, {""id"": 33696, ""name"": ""sea monster""}, {""id"": 161170, ""name"": ""perseus""}, {""id"": 161171, ""name"": ""kraken""}, {""id"": 161172, ""name"": ""gods""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 162862, ""name"": ""based on greek myth""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Clash of the Titans,"Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus is helpless to save his family from Hades, vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus and unleash hell on earth. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, Perseus and his warriors will only survive if Perseus accepts his power as a god, defies fate and creates his own destiny.",47.686442,"[{""name"": ""The Zanuck Company"", ""id"": 80}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Thunder Road Pictures"", ""id"": 3528}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-04-01,232713139,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Titans will clash.,Clash of the Titans,5.6,2233
65000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,861,"[{""id"": 560, ""name"": ""oxygen""}, {""id"": 769, ""name"": ""falsely accused""}, {""id"": 836, ""name"": ""resistance""}, {""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 848, ""name"": ""double life""}, {""id"": 1475, ""name"": ""telepathy""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 3249, ""name"": ""hologram""}, {""id"": 3388, ""name"": ""space colony""}, {""id"": 3864, ""name"": ""false identity""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 12190, ""name"": ""cyberpunk""}, {""id"": 187008, ""name"": ""false memory""}, {""id"": 187046, ""name"": ""implanted memory""}]",en,Total Recall,"Construction worker Douglas Quaid discovers a memory chip in his brain during a virtual-reality trip. He also finds that his past has been invented to conceal a plot of planetary domination. Soon, he's off to Mars to find out who he is and who planted the chip.",43.129703,"[{""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}, {""name"": ""Carolco Pictures"", ""id"": 14723}, {""name"": ""Carolco International N.V."", ""id"": 80461}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1990-06-01,261317921,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"They stole his mind, now he wants it back.",Total Recall,7.1,1710
160000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,1911,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 1964, ""name"": ""cave""}, {""id"": 1975, ""name"": ""arabian""}, {""id"": 5475, ""name"": ""scandinavia""}, {""id"": 5894, ""name"": ""bagdad""}, {""id"": 5895, ""name"": ""viking""}, {""id"": 5939, ""name"": ""iraq""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}]",en,The 13th Warrior,"In AD 922, Arab courtier, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan accompanies a party of Vikings to the barbaric North to combat a terror that slaughters Vikings and devours their flesh.",27.220157,"[{""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-08-27,61698899,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""no"", ""name"": ""Norsk""}]",Released,Prey for the living.,The 13th Warrior,6.4,510
130000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,49040,"[{""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1994, ""name"": ""wolf""}, {""id"": 5729, ""name"": ""maryland""}, {""id"": 11767, ""name"": ""suicide by gunshot""}, {""id"": 15219, ""name"": ""rooftop""}, {""id"": 18067, ""name"": ""exploding house""}, {""id"": 18254, ""name"": ""laptop""}, {""id"": 181620, ""name"": ""tracking device""}, {""id"": 181623, ""name"": ""fake id""}, {""id"": 181628, ""name"": ""seoul south korea""}, {""id"": 181632, ""name"": ""pharmaceutical lab""}, {""id"": 181635, ""name"": ""government conspiracy""}, {""id"": 181637, ""name"": ""roof chase""}, {""id"": 181641, ""name"": ""manila philippines""}, {""id"": 181644, ""name"": ""hunted""}, {""id"": 181648, ""name"": ""false passport""}, {""id"": 181650, ""name"": ""alberta canada""}, {""id"": 181651, ""name"": ""lieutenant general""}]",en,The Bourne Legacy,"New CIA operative, Aaron Cross experiences life-or-death stakes that have been triggered by the previous actions of Jason Bourne.",90.33681,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Captivate Entertainment"", ""id"": 25716}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-08-08,276572938,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,There Was Never Just One,The Bourne Legacy,6.0,2651
125000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,415,"[{""id"": 848, ""name"": ""double life""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 851, ""name"": ""dual identity""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 855, ""name"": ""fictional place""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 10452, ""name"": ""credit card""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}]",en,Batman & Robin,"Along with crime-fighting partner Robin and new recruit Batgirl, Batman battles the dual threat of frosty genius Mr. Freeze and homicidal horticulturalist Poison Ivy. Freeze plans to put Gotham City on ice, while Ivy tries to drive a wedge between the dynamic duo.",50.073575,"[{""name"": ""PolyGram Filmed Entertainment"", ""id"": 1382}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-06-20,238207122,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Strength. Courage. Honor. And loyalty.,Batman & Robin,4.2,1418
123000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,8871,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 1441, ""name"": ""christmas party""}, {""id"": 1605, ""name"": ""new love""}, {""id"": 1991, ""name"": ""santa claus""}, {""id"": 5331, ""name"": ""village""}, {""id"": 9963, ""name"": ""kids and family""}]",en,How the Grinch Stole Christmas,"Inside a snowflake exists the magical land of Whoville. In Whoville, live the Whos, an almost mutated sort of Munchkin-like people. All the Whos love Christmas, yet just outside of their beloved Whoville lives the Grinch. The Grinch is a nasty creature that hates Christmas, and plots to steal it away from the Whos, whom he equally abhors. Yet a small child, Cindy Lou Who, decides to try befriending the Grinch.",45.419668,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-17,345141403,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He puts the mean in green.,How the Grinch Stole Christmas,6.2,1386
125000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,435,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 295, ""name"": ""library""}, {""id"": 843, ""name"": ""cataclysm""}, {""id"": 2210, ""name"": ""climate change""}, {""id"": 2212, ""name"": ""greenhouse effect""}, {""id"": 2213, ""name"": ""tornado""}, {""id"": 2214, ""name"": ""twister""}, {""id"": 2215, ""name"": ""hurricane""}, {""id"": 2216, ""name"": ""hail""}, {""id"": 2218, ""name"": ""temperature drop""}, {""id"": 2219, ""name"": ""ice age""}, {""id"": 2220, ""name"": ""polar zone""}, {""id"": 2221, ""name"": ""meteorology""}, {""id"": 2222, ""name"": ""gulfstream""}, {""id"": 2223, ""name"": ""barrier ice""}, {""id"": 2224, ""name"": ""ice melting""}, {""id"": 2225, ""name"": ""third world""}, {""id"": 2226, ""name"": ""exodus""}, {""id"": 2227, ""name"": ""evacuation""}, {""id"": 3693, ""name"": ""climate""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}, {""id"": 10794, ""name"": ""snow""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 34161, ""name"": ""doomsday""}, {""id"": 157160, ""name"": ""antarctic""}, {""id"": 199076, ""name"": ""disaster movie""}]",en,The Day After Tomorrow,"After years of increases in the greenhouse effect, havoc is wreaked globally in the form of catastrophic hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of a new Ice Age. Paleoclimatologist, Jack Hall tries to warn the world while also shepherding to safety his son, trapped in New York after the city is overwhelmed by the start of the new big freeze.",41.380094,"[{""name"": ""Lions Gate Films"", ""id"": 35}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""Mark Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 11362}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-05-26,544272402,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Where will you be?,The Day After Tomorrow,6.2,2392
125000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,955,"[{""id"": 321, ""name"": ""terror""}, {""id"": 514, ""name"": ""spain""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1418, ""name"": ""skyscraper""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 2695, ""name"": ""ex-lover""}, {""id"": 3269, ""name"": ""secret mission""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 12965, ""name"": ""duel""}, {""id"": 14675, ""name"": ""lethal virus""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 18031, ""name"": ""rescue team""}, {""id"": 33705, ""name"": ""agent""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 191881, ""name"": ""research laboratory""}]",en,Mission: Impossible II,"With computer genius Luther Stickell at his side and a beautiful thief on his mind, agent Ethan Hunt races across Australia and Spain to stop a former IMF agent from unleashing a genetically engineered biological weapon called Chimera. This mission, should Hunt choose to accept it, plunges him into the center of an international crisis of terrifying magnitude.",54.931334,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}, {""name"": ""Munich Film Partners & Company (MFP) MI2 Productions"", ""id"": 51199}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-05-24,546388105,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Expect the impossible again.,Mission: Impossible II,5.9,1928
120000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,2133,"[{""id"": 3366, ""name"": ""u.s. air force""}, {""id"": 13046, ""name"": ""grocery""}, {""id"": 168663, ""name"": ""jamaican""}, {""id"": 168669, ""name"": ""meteorologist""}, {""id"": 168672, ""name"": ""rescue boat""}, {""id"": 168673, ""name"": ""marina""}, {""id"": 168676, ""name"": ""city hall""}, {""id"": 168678, ""name"": ""the flemish cap""}, {""id"": 168679, ""name"": ""male camaraderie""}, {""id"": 168683, ""name"": ""storm at sea""}]",en,The Perfect Storm,"In October 1991, a confluence of weather conditions combined to form a killer storm in the North Atlantic. Caught in the storm was the sword-fishing boat Andrea Gail. Magnificent foreshadowing and anticipation fill this true-life drama while minute details of the fishing boats, their gear and the weather are juxtaposed with the sea adventure.",25.752118,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Baltimore Spring Creek Productions"", ""id"": 16061}, {""name"": ""Radiant Productions"", ""id"": 18990}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-03-15,325756637,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The storm is coming.,The Perfect Storm,6.2,597
130000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1979,"[{""id"": 657, ""name"": ""fire""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1671, ""name"": ""surfboard""}, {""id"": 2546, ""name"": ""mask""}, {""id"": 3376, ""name"": ""satellite""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 6506, ""name"": ""resurrection""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 12405, ""name"": ""outer space""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15271, ""name"": ""interrogation""}, {""id"": 33456, ""name"": ""double cross""}, {""id"": 160117, ""name"": ""fantastic four""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}, {""id"": 175975, ""name"": ""earth in peril""}, {""id"": 179102, ""name"": ""superhuman strength""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 189115, ""name"": ""invisibility""}, {""id"": 202541, ""name"": ""silver surfer""}, {""id"": 222915, ""name"": ""forcefield""}, {""id"": 227591, ""name"": ""elasticity""}, {""id"": 227595, ""name"": ""absorbing power""}]",en,4: Rise of the Silver Surfer,"The Fantastic Four return to the big screen as a new and all powerful enemy threatens the Earth. The seemingly unstoppable 'Silver Surfer', but all is not what it seems and there are old and new enemies that pose a greater threat than the intrepid superheroes realize.",60.810723,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Constantin Film Produktion"", ""id"": 5755}, {""name"": ""Bernd Eichinger Productions"", ""id"": 10881}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-13,289047763,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Discover the secret of the Surfer.,Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer,5.4,2589
120000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,87827,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 4096, ""name"": ""hindu""}, {""id"": 4809, ""name"": ""tiger""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 12971, ""name"": ""zookeeper""}, {""id"": 18068, ""name"": ""teenage boy""}, {""id"": 158022, ""name"": ""cargo ship""}, {""id"": 163000, ""name"": ""lifeboat""}, {""id"": 163014, ""name"": ""injured animal""}]",en,Life of Pi,"The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.",51.328145,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""Haishang Films"", ""id"": 13480}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""TW"", ""name"": ""Taiwan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2012-11-20,609016565,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""hi"", ""name"": ""\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ta"", ""name"": ""\u0ba4\u0bae\u0bbf\u0bb4\u0bcd""}]",Released,Believe The Unbelievable,Life of Pi,7.2,5797
110000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,1250,"[{""id"": 2870, ""name"": ""mephisto""}, {""id"": 3684, ""name"": ""religion and supernatural""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4084, ""name"": ""devil's son""}, {""id"": 5280, ""name"": ""ghost world""}, {""id"": 5452, ""name"": ""stunts""}, {""id"": 5454, ""name"": ""flame""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}]",en,Ghost Rider,"In order to save his dying father, young stunt cyclist, Johnny Blaze sells his soul to Mephistopheles and sadly parts from the pure-hearted, Roxanne Simpson, the love of his life. Years later, Johnny's path crosses again with Roxanne, now a go-getting reporter, and also with Mephistopheles, who offers to release Johnny's soul if Johnny becomes the fabled, fiery 'Ghost Rider'.",46.834704,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Michael De Luca Productions"", ""id"": 11370}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}, {""name"": ""Crystal Sky Pictures"", ""id"": 20241}, {""name"": ""GH One"", ""id"": 20475}, {""name"": ""Vengeance Productions Pty. Ltd."", ""id"": 20476}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2007-02-16,228738393,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Hell Is About To Be Unleashed,Ghost Rider,5.2,1712
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,324668,"[{""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1453, ""name"": ""amnesia""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}]",en,Jason Bourne,The most dangerous former operative of the CIA is drawn out of hiding to uncover hidden truths about his past.,62.641286,"[{""name"": ""The Kennedy/Marshall Company"", ""id"": 862}, {""name"": ""Captivate Entertainment"", ""id"": 25716}, {""name"": ""Pearl Street Films"", ""id"": 29313}, {""name"": ""Double Negative"", ""id"": 31922}, {""name"": ""Perfect World (Beijing) Pictures Co."", ""id"": 83871}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}]",2016-07-27,415484914,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You know his name,Jason Bourne,5.9,2341
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,9471,"[{""id"": 642, ""name"": ""robbery""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}]",en,Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle,"The Angels are charged with finding a pair of missing rings that are encoded with the personal information of members of the Witness Protection Program. As informants are killed, the ladies target a rogue agent who might be responsible.",33.616115,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Wonderland Sound and Vision"", ""id"": 4022}, {""name"": ""Tall Trees Productions"", ""id"": 10239}, {""name"": ""Flower Films (II)"", ""id"": 19813}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-06-27,259175788,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,This summer the Angels are back.,Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle,5.2,914
130000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,70981,"[{""id"": 803, ""name"": ""android""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 15285, ""name"": ""spin off""}, {""id"": 163402, ""name"": ""creation""}, {""id"": 168835, ""name"": ""emergency surgery""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 181895, ""name"": ""stasis""}, {""id"": 181900, ""name"": ""archeological dig""}, {""id"": 181905, ""name"": ""god complex""}, {""id"": 181908, ""name"": ""cave drawing""}, {""id"": 233300, ""name"": ""genetic mutation""}, {""id"": 236312, ""name"": ""origins of life""}]",en,Prometheus,"A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.",68.889395,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Brandywine Productions"", ""id"": 19747}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-05-30,403170142,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""gd"", ""name"": """"}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Search for Our Beginning Could Lead to Our End.,Prometheus,6.3,5080
120000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,10996,"[{""id"": 2161, ""name"": ""mouse""}, {""id"": 2639, ""name"": ""falcon""}, {""id"": 2646, ""name"": ""bird""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}]",en,Stuart Little 2,"Stuart, an adorable white mouse, still lives happily with his adoptive family, the Littles, on the east side of Manhattan's Central Park. More crazy mouse adventures are in store as Stuart, his human brother, George, and their mischievous cat, Snowbell, set out to rescue a friend.",27.990284,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Entertainment"", ""id"": 5752}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-07-19,169956806,78,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A Little Goes A Long Way,Stuart Little 2,5.4,613
115000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,68724,"[{""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 156039, ""name"": ""space station""}, {""id"": 179823, ""name"": ""class conflict""}]",en,Elysium,"In the year 2159, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes (Jodie Foster), a hard line government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max (Matt Damon) is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.",67.33767,"[{""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}, {""name"": ""Media Rights Capital"", ""id"": 2531}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)"", ""id"": 7431}, {""name"": ""QED International"", ""id"": 11029}, {""name"": ""Alpha Core"", ""id"": 18209}, {""name"": ""Genre Films"", ""id"": 28788}, {""name"": ""Simon Kinberg Productions"", ""id"": 31076}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-08-07,286140700,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He can save us all.,Elysium,6.4,3439
105000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2789,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5144, ""name"": ""matter of life and death""}, {""id"": 12405, ""name"": ""outer space""}, {""id"": 221654, ""name"": ""intergalactic travel""}]",en,The Chronicles of Riddick,"After years of outrunning ruthless bounty hunters, escaped convict Riddick suddenly finds himself caught between opposing forces in a fight for the future of the human race. Now, waging incredible battles on fantastic and deadly worlds, this lone, reluctant hero will emerge as humanity's champion - and the last hope for a universe on the edge of annihilation.",27.835436,"[{""name"": ""One Race Films"", ""id"": 7154}, {""name"": ""Radar Pictures"", ""id"": 14718}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-06-11,115772733,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,All the power in the universe can't change destiny,The Chronicles of Riddick,6.3,1570
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,97020,"[{""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 18021, ""name"": ""detroit""}]",en,RoboCop,"In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Overseas, their drones have been used by the military for years, but have been forbidden for law enforcement in America. Now OmniCorp wants to bring their controversial technology to the home front, and they see a golden opportunity to do it. When Alex Murphy – a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit – is critically injured, OmniCorp sees their chance to build a part-man, part-robot police officer. OmniCorp envisions a RoboCop in every city and even more billions for their shareholders, but they never counted on one thing: there is still a man inside the machine.",66.757869,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Strike Entertainment"", ""id"": 655}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-01-30,242688965,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,We've got the future under control.,RoboCop,5.7,2342
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,7459,"[{""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 963, ""name"": ""loss of brother""}, {""id"": 2552, ""name"": ""chimp""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Speed Racer,"Speed Racer is the tale of a young and brilliant racing driver. When corruption in the racing leagues costs his brother his life, he must team up with the police and the mysterious Racer X to bring an end to the corruption and criminal activities. Inspired by the cartoon series.",17.060695,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Anarchos Productions"", ""id"": 450}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Velocity Productions"", ""id"": 12170}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-05-09,93945766,135,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Go!,Speed Racer,5.7,354
120000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,42888,"[{""id"": 128, ""name"": ""love triangle""}, {""id"": 1480, ""name"": ""baseball""}, {""id"": 10456, ""name"": ""athlete""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,How Do You Know,"After being cut from the USA softball team and feeling a bit past her prime, Lisa finds herself evaluating her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate guy in crisis competes with her current, baseball-playing beau.",11.137655,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Gracie Films"", ""id"": 18}, {""name"": ""Road Rebel"", ""id"": 2648}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-12-17,48668907,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,How do you know it's love?,How Do You Know,4.9,223
117000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,37834,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 822, ""name"": ""airport""}, {""id"": 1420, ""name"": ""gas station""}, {""id"": 2101, ""name"": ""garage""}, {""id"": 3203, ""name"": ""pilot""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 6399, ""name"": ""rope""}, {""id"": 9778, ""name"": ""exploding building""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 33352, ""name"": ""police car""}, {""id"": 33353, ""name"": ""boy genius""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Knight and Day,"A fugitive couple goes on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one – even themselves – are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs. trust.",44.906918,"[{""name"": ""Tree Line Films"", ""id"": 84}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Pink Machine"", ""id"": 21845}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-15,261930431,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Every Hit Man Deserves a Second Shot!,Knight and Day,5.9,1547
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,75612,"[{""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 11930, ""name"": ""drone""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 186497, ""name"": ""human vs alien""}]",en,Oblivion,"Jack Harper is one of the last few drone repairmen stationed on Earth. Part of a massive operation to extract vital resources after decades of war with a terrifying threat known as the Scavs, Jack’s mission is nearly complete. His existence is brought crashing down when he rescues a beautiful stranger from a downed spacecraft. Her arrival triggers a chain of events that forces him to question everything he knows and puts the fate of humanity in his hands.",67.698004,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Chernin Entertainment"", ""id"": 7076}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Monolith Pictures (III)"", ""id"": 19647}, {""name"": ""Radical Studios"", ""id"": 19648}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-04-10,286168572,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Earth is a memory worth fighting for,Oblivion,6.4,4800
113000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,1895,"[{""id"": 797, ""name"": ""showdown""}, {""id"": 10013, ""name"": ""death star""}, {""id"": 10629, ""name"": ""vision""}, {""id"": 11491, ""name"": ""cult figure""}, {""id"": 158449, ""name"": ""hatred""}, {""id"": 160840, ""name"": ""dream sequence""}, {""id"": 160946, ""name"": ""expectant mother""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 163272, ""name"": ""chancel""}, {""id"": 163277, ""name"": ""childbirth""}, {""id"": 163295, ""name"": ""galactic war""}]",en,Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith,"Years after the onset of the Clone Wars, the noble Jedi Knights lead a massive clone army into a galaxy-wide battle against the Separatists. When the sinister Sith unveil a thousand-year-old plot to rule the galaxy, the Republic crumbles and from its ashes rises the evil Galactic Empire. Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker is seduced by the dark side of the Force to become the Emperor's new apprentice – Darth Vader. The Jedi are decimated, as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Yoda are forced into hiding. The only hope for the galaxy are Anakin's own offspring – the twin children born in secrecy who will grow up to become heroes.",44.108427,"[{""name"": ""Lucasfilm"", ""id"": 1}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-05-17,850000000,140,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The saga is complete.,Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith,7.1,4116
120000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,1894,"[{""id"": 1399, ""name"": ""senate""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 10013, ""name"": ""death star""}, {""id"": 10527, ""name"": ""jedi""}, {""id"": 11491, ""name"": ""cult figure""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14922, ""name"": ""kendo""}, {""id"": 18069, ""name"": ""laser gun""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 163239, ""name"": ""spaceport""}, {""id"": 163242, ""name"": ""teenage rebellion""}, {""id"": 163248, ""name"": ""good becoming evil""}, {""id"": 163252, ""name"": ""alien race""}, {""id"": 163255, ""name"": ""mechanical hand""}, {""id"": 198710, ""name"": ""yoda""}]",en,Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones,"Ten years after the invasion of Naboo, the galaxy is on the brink of civil war. Under the leadership of a renegade Jedi named Count Dooku, thousands of solar systems threaten to break away from the Galactic Republic. When an assassination attempt is made on Senator Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, twenty-year-old Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker is assigned to protect her. In the course of his mission, Anakin discovers his love for Padmé as well as his own darker side. Soon, Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan Kenobi are drawn into the heart of the Separatist movement and the beginning of the Clone Wars.",43.987061,"[{""name"": ""Lucasfilm"", ""id"": 1}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-05-15,649398328,142,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger. Nor Hatred. Nor Love.,Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones,6.4,3992
115000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,585,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 3256, ""name"": ""infant""}, {""id"": 6107, ""name"": ""energy supply""}, {""id"": 6129, ""name"": ""company""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 12011, ""name"": ""hijinks""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}, {""id"": 13124, ""name"": ""scream""}, {""id"": 167106, ""name"": ""conveyor belt""}, {""id"": 204006, ""name"": ""energy company""}, {""id"": 225061, ""name"": ""friend""}]",en,"Monsters, Inc.","James Sullivan and Mike Wazowski are monsters, they earn their living scaring children and are the best in the business... even though they're more afraid of the children than they are of them. When a child accidentally enters their world, James and Mike suddenly find that kids are not to be afraid of and they uncover a conspiracy that could threaten all children across the world.",106.815545,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-11-01,562816256,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,We Scare Because We Care.,"Monsters, Inc.",7.5,5996
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,76170,"[{""id"": 233, ""name"": ""japan""}, {""id"": 1462, ""name"": ""samurai""}, {""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 2504, ""name"": ""world war i""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Wolverine,"Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.",15.953444,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-23,415440673,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"When he's most vulnerable, he's most dangerous.",The Wolverine,6.3,4053
115000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,1893,"[{""id"": 530, ""name"": ""prophecy""}, {""id"": 1399, ""name"": ""senate""}, {""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 2063, ""name"": ""taskmaster""}, {""id"": 4270, ""name"": ""galaxy""}, {""id"": 4488, ""name"": ""apprentice""}, {""id"": 6128, ""name"": ""taxes""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}]",en,Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace,"Anakin Skywalker, a young slave strong with the Force, is discovered on Tatooine. Meanwhile, the evil Sith have returned, enacting their plot for revenge against the Jedi.",54.035265,"[{""name"": ""Lucasfilm"", ""id"": 1}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-05-19,924317558,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every generation has a legend. Every journey has a first step. Every saga has a beginning.,Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace,6.3,4432
135000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,49519,"[{""id"": 4428, ""name"": ""stone age""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 5905, ""name"": ""father""}, {""id"": 10506, ""name"": ""prehistoric""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 15300, ""name"": ""father daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 159955, ""name"": ""cavemen""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Croods,"The Croods is a prehistoric comedy adventure that follows the world's first family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures -- and their outlook is changed forever.",64.183321,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-03-20,585178928,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Meet the first modern family.,The Croods,6.8,2399
97250400,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,2395,"[{""id"": 271, ""name"": ""competition""}, {""id"": 1200, ""name"": ""greece""}, {""id"": 1396, ""name"": ""colosseum""}, {""id"": 2070, ""name"": ""olympic games""}, {""id"": 2280, ""name"": ""emperor""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 3035, ""name"": ""roman""}, {""id"": 5276, ""name"": ""wild boar""}, {""id"": 6088, ""name"": ""governance""}, {""id"": 6716, ""name"": ""galier""}]",fr,Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques,"Astérix and Obélix have to win the Olympic Games in order to help their friend Alafolix marry Princess Irina (portrayed by supermodel Vanessa Hessler). Brutus (Benoît Poelvoorde) uses every trick in the book to have his own team win the game, and get rid of his father Julius Caesar (Alain Delon) in the process.",20.344364,"[{""name"": ""Constantin Film"", ""id"": 47}, {""name"": ""TF1 Films Productions"", ""id"": 356}, {""name"": ""Path\u00e9 Renn Productions"", ""id"": 866}, {""name"": ""La Petite Reine"", ""id"": 1992}, {""name"": ""Tri Pictures"", ""id"": 1994}, {""name"": ""Sorolla Films"", ""id"": 1995}, {""name"": ""Novo RPI"", ""id"": 1996}, {""name"": ""Canal+"", ""id"": 5358}, {""name"": ""uFilm"", ""id"": 8676}, {""name"": ""Canal+ Espa\u00f1a"", ""id"": 9335}, {""name"": ""Le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement F\u00e9d\u00e9ral de Belgique"", ""id"": 11921}, {""name"": ""Les Editions Albert Ren\u00e9"", ""id"": 20409}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""BE"", ""name"": ""Belgium""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}]",2008-01-13,132900000,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,,Asterix at the Olympic Games,5.0,471
115000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,12100,"[{""id"": 233, ""name"": ""japan""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 4305, ""name"": ""radio transmission""}, {""id"": 4405, ""name"": ""marine corps""}, {""id"": 4595, ""name"": ""u.s. army""}, {""id"": 4950, ""name"": ""code""}, {""id"": 9524, ""name"": ""navajo""}, {""id"": 9525, ""name"": ""pacific war""}]",en,Windtalkers,"Joe Enders is a gung-ho Marine assigned to protect a ""windtalker"" - one of several Navajo Indians who were used to relay messages during World War II because their spoken language was indecipherable to Japanese code breakers.",18.714197,"[{""name"": ""Lion Rock Productions"", ""id"": 2812}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-06-14,77628265,134,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""nv"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,Honor Was Their Code.,Windtalkers,5.8,341
115000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,290595,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 169341, ""name"": ""snow white""}, {""id"": 211392, ""name"": ""huntsman""}]",en,The Huntsman: Winter's War,"As two evil sisters prepare to conquer the land, two renegades—Eric the Huntsman, who aided Snow White in defeating Ravenna in Snowwhite and the Huntsman, and his forbidden lover, Sara—set out to stop them.",60.467984,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Perfect World Pictures"", ""id"": 10338}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-04-06,164602163,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story before Snow White,The Huntsman: Winter's War,6.0,1523
125000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,98566,"[{""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 2766, ""name"": ""mutation""}, {""id"": 4580, ""name"": ""van""}, {""id"": 6362, ""name"": ""turtle""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10278, ""name"": ""ninja""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 41412, ""name"": ""sewer""}, {""id"": 161184, ""name"": ""reboot""}, {""id"": 198781, ""name"": ""science experiment""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,The city needs heroes. Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April and her wise-cracking cameraman Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder's diabolical plan.,143.350376,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""Platinum Dunes"", ""id"": 2481}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-08-07,477200000,101,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Mysterious. Dangerous. Reptilious. You've never seen heroes like this.,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,5.8,2636
105000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,49047,"[{""id"": 4040, ""name"": ""space mission""}, {""id"": 6203, ""name"": ""loss""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 191586, ""name"": ""trapped in space""}]",en,Gravity,"Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first Shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky in command of his last flight before retiring. But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The Shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone-tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness of space. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to Earth and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. But the only way home may be to go further out into the terrifying expanse of space.",110.153618,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Heyday Films"", ""id"": 7364}, {""name"": ""Esperanto Filmoj"", ""id"": 7470}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-09-27,716392705,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Don't Let Go,Gravity,7.3,5751
116000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9619,"[{""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1415, ""name"": ""small town""}, {""id"": 1919, ""name"": ""mayor""}, {""id"": 2227, ""name"": ""evacuation""}, {""id"": 2669, ""name"": ""motel""}, {""id"": 2859, ""name"": ""lava""}, {""id"": 3347, ""name"": ""volcano""}, {""id"": 3623, ""name"": ""cabin""}, {""id"": 4663, ""name"": ""lovers""}, {""id"": 5096, ""name"": ""natural disaster""}, {""id"": 6281, ""name"": ""partnership""}, {""id"": 7051, ""name"": ""volcanologist""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 158272, ""name"": ""seismograph""}, {""id"": 163398, ""name"": ""volcanic eruption""}, {""id"": 164658, ""name"": ""rowboat""}, {""id"": 188351, ""name"": ""catastrophe""}, {""id"": 208580, ""name"": ""acid""}, {""id"": 211215, ""name"": ""county fair""}, {""id"": 215861, ""name"": ""abandoned mine""}, {""id"": 220844, ""name"": ""volcanic ash""}]",en,Dante's Peak,"Volcanologist Harry Dalton comes to the sleepy town of Dante's Peak to investigate the recent rumblings of the dormant volcano the burg is named for. Before long, his worst fears are realized when a massive eruption hits, and immediately, Harry, the mayor and the townspeople find themselves fighting for their lives amid a catastrophic nightmare.",16.90444,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Pacific Western"", ""id"": 1280}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-02-07,178127760,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The pressure is building...,Dante's Peak,5.7,428
135000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,308531,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 6362, ""name"": ""turtle""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10278, ""name"": ""ninja""}, {""id"": 189359, ""name"": ""rat""}]",en,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows,"After supervillain Shredder escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman and two dimwitted henchmen, Bebop and Rocksteady, to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the world. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang.",39.873791,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""Platinum Dunes"", ""id"": 2481}, {""name"": ""5150 Action"", ""id"": 47354}, {""name"": ""Gama Entertainment Partners"", ""id"": 77208}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HK"", ""name"": ""Hong Kong""}]",2016-06-01,245623848,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Raise some shell.,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows,5.8,963
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,166424,"[{""id"": 3822, ""name"": ""teleportation""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 5086, ""name"": ""telekinesis""}, {""id"": 7939, ""name"": ""portal""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 155030, ""name"": ""superhero team""}, {""id"": 160117, ""name"": ""fantastic four""}, {""id"": 191564, ""name"": ""body horror""}, {""id"": 205731, ""name"": ""invisible woman""}]",en,Fantastic Four,"Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.",38.126095,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Marv Films"", ""id"": 5374}, {""name"": ""Marvel Entertainment"", ""id"": 7505}, {""name"": ""Constantin Film."", ""id"": 9078}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Genre Films"", ""id"": 28788}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-08-05,167977596,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Change is coming.,Fantastic Four,4.4,2278
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,1593,"[{""id"": 2598, ""name"": ""museum""}, {""id"": 4062, ""name"": ""skeleton""}, {""id"": 4225, ""name"": ""night shift""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 5146, ""name"": ""genghis khan""}, {""id"": 5566, ""name"": ""maya civilization""}, {""id"": 5647, ""name"": ""natural history""}, {""id"": 5648, ""name"": ""theodore roosevelt""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 15101, ""name"": ""based on children's book""}, {""id"": 15252, ""name"": ""magical object""}, {""id"": 41180, ""name"": ""security guard""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209387, ""name"": ""inanimate objects coming to life""}]",en,Night at the Museum,"Chaos reigns at the natural history museum when night watchman Larry Daley accidentally stirs up an ancient curse, awakening Attila the Hun, an army of gladiators, a Tyrannosaurus rex and other exhibits. Larry tries desperately to keep the museum under control, but he's fighting a losing battle until President Teddy Roosevelt comes to the rescue.",48.780039,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""21 Laps Entertainment"", ""id"": 2575}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2006-10-20,574480841,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""he"", ""name"": ""\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05b0\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea""}]",Released,Where History Comes To Life,Night at the Museum,6.3,2862
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,254128,"[{""id"": 387, ""name"": ""california""}, {""id"": 3521, ""name"": ""earthquake""}, {""id"": 188351, ""name"": ""catastrophe""}, {""id"": 189411, ""name"": ""disaster film""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 213895, ""name"": ""san andreas""}, {""id"": 213896, ""name"": ""san andreas california""}, {""id"": 222529, ""name"": ""rescue operation""}]",en,San Andreas,"In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey across the state in order to rescue his estranged daughter.",100.412364,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Flynn Picture Company"", ""id"": 34081}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2015-05-27,470490832,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"A rescue pilot survived an earthquake, this is what happens next",San Andreas,6.0,2968
110000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,714,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 392, ""name"": ""england""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 478, ""name"": ""china""}, {""id"": 1774, ""name"": ""news broadcast""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2136, ""name"": ""television""}, {""id"": 2534, ""name"": ""missile""}, {""id"": 2954, ""name"": ""manipulation of the media""}, {""id"": 3272, ""name"": ""secret intelligence service""}, {""id"": 3531, ""name"": ""special car""}, {""id"": 3586, ""name"": ""tv station""}, {""id"": 3587, ""name"": ""media tycoon""}, {""id"": 3588, ""name"": ""navy""}, {""id"": 14735, ""name"": ""motorcycle""}, {""id"": 41249, ""name"": ""secret service""}, {""id"": 164713, ""name"": ""hamburg germany""}]",en,Tomorrow Never Dies,A deranged media mogul is staging international incidents to pit the world's superpowers against each other. Now 007 must take on this evil mastermind in an adrenaline-charged battle to end his reign of terror and prevent global pandemonium.,42.887121,"[{""name"": ""Eon Productions"", ""id"": 7576}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-12-11,333011068,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""da"", ""name"": ""Dansk""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}]",Released,Yesterday is a memory. Today is history. Tomorrow is in the hands of one man.,Tomorrow Never Dies,6.0,925
110000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,2024,"[{""id"": 526, ""name"": ""rebel""}, {""id"": 531, ""name"": ""southern usa""}, {""id"": 697, ""name"": ""loss of son""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 1402, ""name"": ""general""}, {""id"": 1465, ""name"": ""loss of family""}, {""id"": 2983, ""name"": ""passion""}, {""id"": 3074, ""name"": ""insurgence""}, {""id"": 4653, ""name"": ""french""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 5992, ""name"": ""south carolina""}, {""id"": 6731, ""name"": ""british""}, {""id"": 9672, ""name"": ""based on true story""}, {""id"": 10292, ""name"": ""gore""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}]",en,The Patriot,"After proving himself on the field of battle in the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, preferring the simple life of a farmer. But when his son Gabriel enlists in the army to defend their new nation, America, against the British, Benjamin reluctantly returns to his old life to protect his son.",23.657284,"[{""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Company Medien KG"", ""id"": 9269}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-06-28,215294342,165,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Some things are worth fighting for.,The Patriot,6.8,1099
110000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,163,"[{""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 159480, ""name"": ""faberg\u00e9 egg""}, {""id"": 159488, ""name"": ""dutch eastindian company""}, {""id"": 159490, ""name"": ""second""}, {""id"": 159491, ""name"": ""part""}, {""id"": 159496, ""name"": ""golden egg""}, {""id"": 159497, ""name"": ""goon""}]",en,Ocean's Twelve,"Danny Ocean reunites with his old flame and the rest of his merry band of thieves in carrying out three huge heists in Rome, Paris and Amsterdam – but a Europol agent is hot on their heels.",76.840712,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Section Eight"", ""id"": 129}, {""name"": ""Jerry Weintraub Productions"", ""id"": 2596}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""WV Films III"", ""id"": 12202}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-12-09,362744280,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""nl"", ""name"": ""Nederlands""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Twelve is the new eleven.,Ocean's Twelve,6.4,2124
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,787,"[{""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1376, ""name"": ""assault rifle""}, {""id"": 1419, ""name"": ""gun""}, {""id"": 2587, ""name"": ""married couple""}, {""id"": 2708, ""name"": ""hitman""}, {""id"": 4049, ""name"": ""decoy""}, {""id"": 5809, ""name"": ""marriage crisis""}, {""id"": 6038, ""name"": ""marriage""}, {""id"": 8438, ""name"": ""job""}, {""id"": 10061, ""name"": ""dysfunctional marriage""}, {""id"": 12371, ""name"": ""gunfight""}, {""id"": 14677, ""name"": ""bullet wound""}]",en,Mr. & Mrs. Smith,"After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stuck in a huge rut. Unbeknownst to each other, they are both coolly lethal, highly-paid assassins working for rival organisations. When they discover they're each other's next target, their secret lives collide in a spicy, explosive mix of wicked comedy, pent-up passion, nonstop action and high-tech weaponry.",44.635452,"[{""name"": ""Weed Road Pictures"", ""id"": 433}, {""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Epsilon Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 1171}, {""name"": ""New Regency Pictures"", ""id"": 10104}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-06-07,478207520,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Smart and sexy.,Mr. & Mrs. Smith,6.5,2965
110000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,262500,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2020, ""name"": ""revolution""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 162988, ""name"": ""dystopic future""}, {""id"": 206298, ""name"": ""young adult""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 211389, ""name"": ""divergent""}]",en,Insurgent,Beatrice Prior must confront her inner demons and continue her fight against a powerful alliance which threatens to tear her society apart.,103.718387,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Mandeville Films"", ""id"": 10227}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}, {""name"": ""NeoReel"", ""id"": 24097}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-03-18,295238201,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One Choice Can Destroy You,Insurgent,6.2,3829
116000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,2567,"[{""id"": 2336, ""name"": ""ladykiller""}, {""id"": 3203, ""name"": ""pilot""}, {""id"": 5565, ""name"": ""biography""}, {""id"": 9094, ""name"": ""womanizer""}, {""id"": 10168, ""name"": ""aviation""}, {""id"": 10352, ""name"": ""phobia""}, {""id"": 33483, ""name"": ""u.s. congress""}, {""id"": 221446, ""name"": ""flying boat""}, {""id"": 229078, ""name"": ""test flight""}]",en,The Aviator,"A biopic depicting the life of filmmaker and aviation pioneer Howard Hughes from 1927 to 1947, during which time he became a successful film producer and an aviation magnate, while simultaneously growing more unstable due to severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.",45.616098,"[{""name"": ""Miramax Films"", ""id"": 14}, {""name"": ""Appian Way"", ""id"": 562}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Cappa Productions"", ""id"": 691}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Initial Entertainment Group (IEG)"", ""id"": 7380}, {""name"": ""IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 19116}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-12-17,102000000,170,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"For some men, the sky was the limit. For him, it was just the beginning.",The Aviator,7.0,1489
112000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,38745,"[{""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 3691, ""name"": ""forbidden love""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 154794, ""name"": ""royal court""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Gulliver's Travels,"Travel writer Lemuel Gulliver takes an assignment in Bermuda, but ends up on the island of Liliput, where he towers over its tiny citizens.",22.845143,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-12-25,237382724,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Something big is going down.,Gulliver's Travels,4.9,621
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,40805,"[{""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 2016, ""name"": ""vandalism""}, {""id"": 2334, ""name"": ""nightclub""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 4728, ""name"": ""knife""}, {""id"": 8508, ""name"": ""party""}, {""id"": 9639, ""name"": ""playboy""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 11060, ""name"": ""trap""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15482, ""name"": ""kato""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 15484, ""name"": ""meth lab""}]",en,The Green Hornet,"Britt Reid (Seth Rogen), the heir to the largest newspaper fortune in Los Angeles, is a spoiled playboy who has been, thus far, happy to lead an aimless life. After his father (Tom Wilkinson) dies, Britt meets Kato (Jay Chou), a resourceful company employee. Realizing that they have the talent and resources to make something of their lives, Britt and Kato join forces as costumed crime-fighters to bring down the city's most-powerful criminal, Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz).",31.703608,"[{""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Entertainment"", ""id"": 5752}, {""name"": ""Reliance BIG Entertainment"", ""id"": 6733}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-01-12,227817248,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Breaking the Law to Protect It.,The Green Hornet,5.5,1251
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,53182,"[{""id"": 18712, ""name"": ""based on graphic novel""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 182677, ""name"": ""sea battle""}, {""id"": 188955, ""name"": ""hand to hand combat""}, {""id"": 190999, ""name"": ""minions""}, {""id"": 195862, ""name"": ""naval warfare""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,300: Rise of an Empire,"Based on Frank Miller's latest graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster ""300,"" this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield--on the sea--as Greek general Themistokles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. ""300: Rise of an Empire"" pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemesia, the vengeful commander of the Persian navy.",71.510596,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Hollywood Gang Productions"", ""id"": 2994}, {""name"": ""Atmosphere Entertainment MM"", ""id"": 2995}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Nimar Studios"", ""id"": 7636}, {""name"": ""Cruel and Unusual Films"", ""id"": 78685}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-03-05,337580051,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Seize your glory!,300: Rise of an Empire,6.1,2397
110000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,41513,"[{""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 15072, ""name"": ""smurf""}, {""id"": 15073, ""name"": ""blue""}, {""id"": 15074, ""name"": ""vortex""}, {""id"": 15075, ""name"": ""mischief""}, {""id"": 15076, ""name"": ""cat and mouse""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Smurfs,"When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours -- in fact, smack dab in the middle of Central Park. Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down.",36.65422,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}, {""name"": ""Kerner Entertainment Company"", ""id"": 7311}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-07-29,563749323,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Smurf Happens.,The Smurfs,5.5,1179
110000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,13700,"[{""id"": 4932, ""name"": ""farm""}, {""id"": 5543, ""name"": ""cow""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}]",en,Home on the Range,"When a greedy outlaw schemes to take possession of the ""Patch Of Heaven"" dairy farm, three determined cows, a karate-kicking stallion and a colorful corral of critters join forces to save their home. The stakes are sky-high as this unlikely animal alliance risk their hides and match wits with a mysterious band of bad guys.",19.625972,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-04-02,103951461,76,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Bust a Moo,Home on the Range,5.7,389
110000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,262504,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2020, ""name"": ""revolution""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 162988, ""name"": ""dystopic future""}, {""id"": 206298, ""name"": ""young adult""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Allegiant,Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.,86.105615,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Mandeville Films"", ""id"": 10227}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-03-09,179246868,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Break the boundaries of your world,Allegiant,5.9,1998
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,39254,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 166802, ""name"": ""prizefighting""}, {""id"": 180574, ""name"": ""father son reunion""}, {""id"": 202314, ""name"": ""robot fighting""}]",en,Real Steel,"In the near-future, Charlie Kenton is a washed-up fighter who retired from the ring when robots took over the sport. After Charlie's robot is trashed, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son Max to rebuild and train an unlikely contender.",37.195046,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""21 Laps Entertainment"", ""id"": 2575}, {""name"": ""Reliance Entertainment"", ""id"": 7294}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}, {""name"": ""Angry Films"", ""id"": 12087}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}, {""name"": ""Kontsept Film Company"", ""id"": 76067}, {""name"": ""Wardour Street Pictures"", ""id"": 76069}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-09-28,299268508,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"If you get one shot, make it real.",Real Steel,6.6,2692
105000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,77931,"[{""id"": 10244, ""name"": ""based on cartoon""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 15072, ""name"": ""smurf""}]",en,The Smurfs 2,"The evil wizard Gargamel creates a couple of mischievous Smurf-like creatures called the Naughties that he hopes will let him harness the all-powerful, magical Smurf-essence. But when he discovers that only a real Smurf can give him what he wants, and only a secret spell that Smurfette knows can turn the Naughties into real Smurfs, Gargamel kidnaps Smurfette and brings her to Paris, where he has been winning the adoration of millions as the world¹s greatest sorcerer. It's up to Papa, Clumsy, Grouchy, and Vanity to return to our world, reunite with their human friends Patrick and Grace Winslow, and rescue her! Will Smurfette, who has always felt different from the other Smurfs, find a new connection with the Naughties Vexy and Hackus or will the Smurfs convince her that their love for her is True Blue?",32.473628,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}, {""name"": ""Kerner Entertainment Company"", ""id"": 7311}, {""name"": ""Hemisphere Media Capital"", ""id"": 9169}, {""name"": ""NeoReel"", ""id"": 24097}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-30,347434178,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Get ready to get naughty!,The Smurfs 2,5.5,695
160000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1639,"[{""id"": 1422, ""name"": ""boat""}, {""id"": 2799, ""name"": ""cruise""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 33461, ""name"": ""diamond""}, {""id"": 228194, ""name"": ""collision course""}]",en,Speed 2: Cruise Control,Sandra Bullock and Jason Patric star as a young couple whose dream cruise turns to terror when a lunatic computer genius (Willem Dafoe) sets a new course for destruction.,23.336875,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Blue Tulip Productions"", ""id"": 35304}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-06-13,164508066,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,"As the stakes get higher, the ride gets even faster.",Speed 2: Cruise Control,4.1,434
110000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,80274,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 3010, ""name"": ""intolerance""}, {""id"": 4238, ""name"": ""chosen one""}, {""id"": 5561, ""name"": ""child prodigy""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 10568, ""name"": ""science fiction""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 171803, ""name"": ""military school""}, {""id"": 207444, ""name"": ""morality tale""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Ender's Game,"Based on the classic novel by Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game is the story of the Earth's most gifted children training to defend their homeplanet in the space wars of the future.",45.94834,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Chartoff Productions"", ""id"": 3200}, {""name"": ""Odd Lot Entertainment"", ""id"": 3263}, {""name"": ""K/O Paper Products"", ""id"": 7296}, {""name"": ""Digital Domain"", ""id"": 31825}, {""name"": ""Taleswapper"", ""id"": 31826}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-10-23,125537191,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This is not a game.,Ender's Game,6.6,2303
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1571,"[{""id"": 279, ""name"": ""usa""}, {""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 2157, ""name"": ""hacker""}, {""id"": 3376, ""name"": ""satellite""}, {""id"": 3543, ""name"": ""transport of prisoners""}, {""id"": 3612, ""name"": ""traffic jam""}, {""id"": 5572, ""name"": ""fistfight""}, {""id"": 8440, ""name"": ""ex-cop""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15156, ""name"": ""cell phone""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 33352, ""name"": ""police car""}, {""id"": 33553, ""name"": ""walkie talkie""}, {""id"": 165340, ""name"": ""based on article""}, {""id"": 218122, ""name"": ""cyber terrorism""}, {""id"": 219404, ""name"": ""action hero""}, {""id"": 226846, ""name"": ""power plant""}]",en,Live Free or Die Hard,"John McClane is back and badder than ever, and this time he's working for Homeland Security. He calls on the services of a young hacker in his bid to stop a ring of Internet terrorists intent on taking control of America's computer infrastructure.",48.93337,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Cheyenne Enterprises"", ""id"": 890}, {""name"": ""Wintergreen Productions"", ""id"": 11845}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-20,383531464,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,The old school cop is back!,Live Free or Die Hard,6.4,2089
93000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,120,"[{""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 604, ""name"": ""dwarves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 609, ""name"": ""middle-earth (tolkien)""}, {""id"": 611, ""name"": ""hobbit""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1262, ""name"": ""mountains""}, {""id"": 2407, ""name"": ""fireworks""}, {""id"": 3098, ""name"": ""castle""}, {""id"": 3347, ""name"": ""volcano""}, {""id"": 4587, ""name"": ""password""}, {""id"": 4959, ""name"": ""death of a friend""}, {""id"": 6464, ""name"": ""uncle""}, {""id"": 46951, ""name"": ""mirror""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,"Young hobbit Frodo Baggins, after inheriting a mysterious ring from his uncle Bilbo, must leave his home in order to keep it from falling into the hands of its evil creator. Along the way, a fellowship is formed to protect the ringbearer and make sure that the ring arrives at its final destination: Mt. Doom, the only place where it can be destroyed.",138.049577,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""The Saul Zaentz Company"", ""id"": 5237}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-18,871368364,178,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One ring to rule them all,The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,8.0,8705
110000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,10204,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 385, ""name"": ""jules verne""}, {""id"": 582, ""name"": ""san francisco""}, {""id"": 1847, ""name"": ""istanbul""}, {""id"": 3497, ""name"": ""hot air balloon""}, {""id"": 5973, ""name"": ""journey round the world""}]",en,Around the World in 80 Days,"A bet pits a British inventor, a Chinese thief and a French artist on a worldwide adventure that they can circle the globe in 80 days.",22.643776,"[{""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}, {""name"": ""Babelsberg Film"", ""id"": 19481}, {""name"": ""Mostow/Lieberman Productions"", ""id"": 23636}, {""name"": ""80 Days Productions"", ""id"": 53413}, {""name"": ""Spanknyce Films"", ""id"": 53414}, {""name"": ""Fitzwilliam Productions"", ""id"": 53416}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IE"", ""name"": ""Ireland""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-06-16,72178895,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""hi"", ""name"": ""\u0939\u093f\u0928\u094d\u0926\u0940""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""tr"", ""name"": ""T\u00fcrk\u00e7e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}]",Released,Let your imagination soar.,Around the World in 80 Days,5.7,672
107000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,8489,"[{""id"": 279, ""name"": ""usa""}, {""id"": 396, ""name"": ""transporter""}, {""id"": 2792, ""name"": ""boxer""}, {""id"": 5565, ""name"": ""biography""}, {""id"": 12562, ""name"": ""muhammad""}]",en,Ali,"In 1964, a brash new pro boxer, fresh from his olympic gold medal victory, explodes on to the scene; Cassius Clay. Bold and outspoken, he cuts an entirely new image for African Americans in sport with his proud public self confidence and his unapologetic belief that he is the greatest boxer of all time. Yet at the top of his game, both Ali's personal and professional lives face the ultimate test.",18.866672,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-11,87713825,157,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.,Ali,6.7,447
0,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10588,"[{""id"": 977, ""name"": ""cat""}, {""id"": 1155, ""name"": ""brother sister relationship""}, {""id"": 3925, ""name"": ""boredom""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 6669, ""name"": ""step father""}, {""id"": 15101, ""name"": ""based on children's book""}]",en,The Cat in the Hat,"Conrad and Sally Walden are home alone with their pet fish. It is raining outside, and there is nothing to do. Until The Cat in the Hat walks in the front door. He introduces them to their imagination, and at first it's all fun and games, until things get out of hand, and The Cat must go, go, go, before their parents get back.",18.251129,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-11-21,0,82,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Don't mess with the hat.,The Cat in the Hat,4.9,366
120000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2048,"[{""id"": 236, ""name"": ""suicide""}, {""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 312, ""name"": ""man vs machine""}, {""id"": 520, ""name"": ""chicago""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3703, ""name"": ""law""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 220903, ""name"": ""humanoid robot""}]",en,"I, Robot","In 2035, where robots are common-place and abide by the three laws of robotics, a techno-phobic cop investigates an apparent suicide. Suspecting that a robot may be responsible for the death, his investigation leads him to believe that humanity may be in danger.",95.914473,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Laurence Mark Productions"", ""id"": 415}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Overbrook Entertainment"", ""id"": 12485}, {""name"": ""Mediastream Vierte Film GmbH & Co. Vermarktungs KG"", ""id"": 19354}, {""name"": ""Canlaws Productions"", ""id"": 19355}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2004-07-15,347234916,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Laws are made to be broken.,"I, Robot",6.7,3793
130000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,1495,"[{""id"": 2868, ""name"": ""crusade""}, {""id"": 6917, ""name"": ""epic""}, {""id"": 10466, ""name"": ""knight""}, {""id"": 10491, ""name"": ""swordsman""}, {""id"": 14656, ""name"": ""order of the templars""}, {""id"": 14989, ""name"": ""religious""}, {""id"": 208681, ""name"": ""knight templars""}, {""id"": 222337, ""name"": ""saladin""}, {""id"": 222340, ""name"": ""king richard""}]",en,Kingdom of Heaven,"After his wife dies, a blacksmith named Balian is thrust into royalty, political intrigue and bloody holy wars during the Crusades.",44.490453,"[{""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Kanzaman"", ""id"": 4169}, {""name"": ""Dune Films"", ""id"": 19477}, {""name"": ""BK"", ""id"": 19478}, {""name"": ""KOH"", ""id"": 19479}, {""name"": ""Reino del Cielo"", ""id"": 19480}, {""name"": ""Inside Track 3"", ""id"": 19482}, {""name"": ""Calle Cruzada"", ""id"": 19483}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MA"", ""name"": ""Morocco""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-05-03,211643158,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}]",Released,"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Safeguard the helpless, and do no wrong",Kingdom of Heaven,6.6,1157
133000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,10137,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 977, ""name"": ""cat""}, {""id"": 2161, ""name"": ""mouse""}, {""id"": 2393, ""name"": ""adoption""}, {""id"": 6783, ""name"": ""orphanage""}, {""id"": 7714, ""name"": ""step brother""}, {""id"": 9963, ""name"": ""kids and family""}, {""id"": 10064, ""name"": ""new york city twin towers""}, {""id"": 13142, ""name"": ""gangster""}]",en,Stuart Little,"The adventures of a heroic and debonair stalwart mouse named Stuart Little with human qualities, who faces some comic misadventures while searching for his lost bird friend and living with a human family as their child.",30.475297,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Global Medien KG"", ""id"": 5555}, {""name"": ""Franklin/Waterman Productions"", ""id"": 58331}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-12-17,300135367,84,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Little Family Just Got Bigger,Stuart Little,5.8,959
105000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}]",,10198,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 3392, ""name"": ""voodoo""}, {""id"": 5091, ""name"": ""kiss""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 155180, ""name"": ""cajun""}, {""id"": 178902, ""name"": ""firefly""}, {""id"": 179411, ""name"": ""based on fairy tale""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 181329, ""name"": ""big dreams""}, {""id"": 192995, ""name"": ""frog prince""}, {""id"": 197935, ""name"": ""charlatan""}]",en,The Princess and the Frog,"A waitress, desperate to fulfill her dreams as a restaurant owner, is set on a journey to turn a frog prince back into a human being, but she has to do face the same problem after she kisses him.",62.479574,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Animation Studios"", ""id"": 6125}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-08,267045765,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every Love Story Begins With a Kiss...,The Princess and the Frog,6.7,1247
108000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,286217,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 1432, ""name"": ""nasa""}, {""id"": 1533, ""name"": ""isolation""}, {""id"": 4003, ""name"": ""botanist""}, {""id"": 9743, ""name"": ""stranded""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 10160, ""name"": ""engineering""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 156810, ""name"": ""science""}, {""id"": 168603, ""name"": ""deep space explorer""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 196367, ""name"": ""battle for survival""}]",en,The Martian,"During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.",167.93287,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Mid Atlantic Films"", ""id"": 2735}, {""name"": ""International Traders"", ""id"": 6408}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Genre Films"", ""id"": 28788}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-09-30,630161890,141,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Bring Him Home,The Martian,7.6,7268
126000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,1635,"[{""id"": 402, ""name"": ""clone""}, {""id"": 741, ""name"": ""transplantation""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6017, ""name"": ""genetics""}, {""id"": 6089, ""name"": ""freedom""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 11628, ""name"": ""cloning""}, {""id"": 188959, ""name"": ""plague""}]",en,The Island,"In 2019, Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly ""Utopian"" but contained facility. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully-controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to The Island — reportedly the last uncontaminated location on the planet. But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.",37.68056,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Parkes/MacDonald Productions"", ""id"": 11084}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-07-20,162949164,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Your time will come...,The Island,6.5,1770
90000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,24113,"[{""id"": 2301, ""name"": ""architect""}, {""id"": 3457, ""name"": ""cellist""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 190816, ""name"": ""anniversary""}]",en,Town & Country,"Porter Stoddard is a well-known New York architect who is at a crossroads... a nexus where twists and turns lead to myriad missteps some with his wife Ellie, others with longtime friends Mona and her husband Griffin. Deciding which direction to take often leads to unexpected encounters with hilarious consequences.",1.004579,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}]",[],2001-04-27,10372291,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There's no such thing as a small affair.,Town & Country,3.7,16
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9679,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 703, ""name"": ""detective""}, {""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 915, ""name"": ""car thief""}, {""id"": 1936, ""name"": ""blackmail""}, {""id"": 5301, ""name"": ""brother""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 10291, ""name"": ""organized crime""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11148, ""name"": ""police chase""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15100, ""name"": ""lock pick""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 41158, ""name"": ""stakeout""}, {""id"": 156117, ""name"": ""illegal drugs""}, {""id"": 161636, ""name"": ""car movie""}, {""id"": 162842, ""name"": ""stolen cars""}, {""id"": 226581, ""name"": ""ford mustang""}, {""id"": 227900, ""name"": ""blacklight""}]",en,Gone in Sixty Seconds,"Upon learning that he has to come out of retirement to steal 50 cars in one night to save his brother Kip's life, former car thief Randall ""Memphis"" Raines enlists help from a few ""boost happy"" pals to accomplish a seemingly impossible feat. From countless car chases to relentless cops, the high-octane excitement builds as Randall swerves around more than a few roadblocks to keep Kip alive.",52.995628,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-06-09,237202299,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Ice Cold, Hot Wired.",Gone in Sixty Seconds,6.1,1485
103000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,98,"[{""id"": 588, ""name"": ""rome""}, {""id"": 1394, ""name"": ""gladiator""}, {""id"": 1395, ""name"": ""arena""}, {""id"": 1399, ""name"": ""senate""}, {""id"": 1405, ""name"": ""roman empire""}, {""id"": 2280, ""name"": ""emperor""}, {""id"": 2831, ""name"": ""slavery""}, {""id"": 10141, ""name"": ""battlefield""}, {""id"": 11221, ""name"": ""blood""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 15300, ""name"": ""father daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 18543, ""name"": ""combat""}, {""id"": 157499, ""name"": ""mother son relationship""}, {""id"": 160840, ""name"": ""dream sequence""}, {""id"": 179780, ""name"": ""chariot""}, {""id"": 192230, ""name"": ""philosopher""}, {""id"": 235791, ""name"": ""barbarian horde""}, {""id"": 235792, ""name"": ""2nd century""}, {""id"": 235793, ""name"": ""successor""}]",en,Gladiator,"In the year 180, the death of emperor Marcus Aurelius throws the Roman Empire into chaos. Maximus is one of the Roman army's most capable and trusted generals and a key advisor to the emperor. As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maximus is set to be executed. He escapes, but is captured by slave traders. Renamed Spaniard and forced to become a gladiator, Maximus must battle to the death with other men for the amusement of paying audiences. His battle skills serve him well, and he becomes one of the most famous and admired men to fight in the Colosseum. Determined to avenge himself against the man who took away his freedom and laid waste to his family, Maximus believes that he can use his fame and skill in the ring to avenge the loss of his family and former glory. As the gladiator begins to challenge his rule, Commodus decides to put his own fighting mettle to the test by squaring off with Maximus in a battle to the death.",95.301296,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}, {""name"": ""Mill Film"", ""id"": 21904}, {""name"": ""C & L"", ""id"": 21905}, {""name"": ""Dawliz"", ""id"": 21906}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-05-01,457640427,155,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A Hero Will Rise.,Gladiator,7.9,5439
102000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,180,"[{""id"": 476, ""name"": ""self-fulfilling prophecy""}, {""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 2620, ""name"": ""evidence""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3249, ""name"": ""hologram""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 207268, ""name"": ""neo-noir""}, {""id"": 236189, ""name"": ""future noir""}]",en,Minority Report,"John Anderton is a top 'Precrime' cop in the late-21st century, when technology can predict crimes before they're committed. But Anderton becomes the quarry when another investigator targets him for a murder charge.",65.948959,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Blue Tulip Productions"", ""id"": 766}, {""name"": ""Ronald Shusett/Gary Goldman"", ""id"": 26265}, {""name"": ""Digital Image Associates"", ""id"": 76068}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-06-20,358372926,145,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sv"", ""name"": ""svenska""}]",Released,The system is perfect until it comes after you.,Minority Report,7.1,2608
100000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,672,"[{""id"": 391, ""name"": ""flying car""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2630, ""name"": ""cutting the cord""}, {""id"": 3650, ""name"": ""child hero""}, {""id"": 3872, ""name"": ""broom""}, {""id"": 3873, ""name"": ""sorcerer's apprentice""}, {""id"": 3884, ""name"": ""school of witchcraft""}, {""id"": 3891, ""name"": ""giant snake""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,"Ignoring threats to his life, Harry returns to Hogwarts to investigate – aided by Ron and Hermione – a mysterious series of attacks.",132.397737,"[{""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Heyday films"", ""id"": 437}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-11-13,876688482,161,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Hogwarts is back in session.,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,7.4,5815
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36557,"[{""id"": 131, ""name"": ""italy""}, {""id"": 383, ""name"": ""poker""}, {""id"": 585, ""name"": ""casino""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 3515, ""name"": ""banker""}, {""id"": 10594, ""name"": ""money""}, {""id"": 10609, ""name"": ""free running""}, {""id"": 13006, ""name"": ""torture""}, {""id"": 156095, ""name"": ""british secret service""}, {""id"": 206125, ""name"": ""montenegro""}]",en,Casino Royale,"Le Chiffre, a banker to the world's terrorists, is scheduled to participate in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro, where he intends to use his winnings to establish his financial grip on the terrorist market. M sends Bond – on his maiden mission as a 00 Agent – to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. With the help of Vesper Lynd and Felix Leiter, Bond enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career.",88.935165,"[{""name"": ""Eon Productions"", ""id"": 7576}, {""name"": ""Stillking Films"", ""id"": 11345}, {""name"": ""Babelsberg Film"", ""id"": 19481}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2006-11-14,599045960,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Everyone has a past. Every legend has a beginning.,Casino Royale,7.3,3855
100000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,869,"[{""id"": 690, ""name"": ""gorilla""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 1828, ""name"": ""space suit""}, {""id"": 2020, ""name"": ""revolution""}, {""id"": 2552, ""name"": ""chimp""}, {""id"": 2831, ""name"": ""slavery""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 10158, ""name"": ""alien planet""}, {""id"": 14759, ""name"": ""ape""}, {""id"": 207569, ""name"": ""human subjugation""}]",en,Planet of the Apes,"After a spectacular crash-landing on an uncharted planet, brash astronaut Leo Davidson finds himself trapped in a savage world where talking apes dominate the human race. Desperate to find a way home, Leo must evade the invincible gorilla army led by Ruthless General Thade.",51.188633,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Zanuck Company, The"", ""id"": 20004}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-07-25,362211740,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You'll be sorry you were ever born human,Planet of the Apes,5.6,1243
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,280,"[{""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 1366, ""name"": ""shotgun""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 11426, ""name"": ""moral ambiguity""}, {""id"": 11857, ""name"": ""mental institution""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14946, ""name"": ""fictional war""}, {""id"": 160131, ""name"": ""morphing""}, {""id"": 160381, ""name"": ""nuclear weapons""}, {""id"": 162532, ""name"": ""shape shifter""}, {""id"": 175468, ""name"": ""savior""}, {""id"": 175472, ""name"": ""catch phrase""}]",en,Terminator 2: Judgment Day,"Nearly 10 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted for termination by a cyborg from the future. Now her son, John, the future leader of the resistance, is the target for a newer, more deadly terminator. Once again, the resistance has managed to send a protector back to attempt to save John and his mother Sarah.",101.74155,"[{""name"": ""Lightstorm Entertainment"", ""id"": 574}, {""name"": ""Pacific Western"", ""id"": 1280}, {""name"": ""Canal+"", ""id"": 5358}, {""name"": ""Carolco Pictures"", ""id"": 14723}, {""name"": ""T2 Productions"", ""id"": 61409}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1991-07-01,520000000,137,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,It's nothing personal.,Terminator 2: Judgment Day,7.7,4185
80000000,"[{""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,11322,"[{""id"": 1388, ""name"": ""cinema""}, {""id"": 2430, ""name"": ""hiding place""}, {""id"": 4276, ""name"": ""machinegun""}, {""id"": 9774, ""name"": ""prison guard""}, {""id"": 9777, ""name"": ""escape from prison""}, {""id"": 155443, ""name"": ""dillinger""}]",en,Public Enemies,"Depression-era bank robber John Dillinger's charm and audacity endear him to much of America's downtrodden public, but he's also a thorn in the side of J. Edgar Hoover and the fledgling FBI. Desperate to capture the elusive outlaw, Hoover makes Dillinger his first Public Enemy Number One and assigns his top agent, Melvin Purvis, the task of bringing him in dead or alive.",33.691694,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Appian Way"", ""id"": 562}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Tribeca Productions"", ""id"": 11391}, {""name"": ""Misher Films"", ""id"": 11581}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-07-01,214104620,140,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,America's Most Wanted.,Public Enemies,6.5,1344
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,4982,"[{""id"": 240, ""name"": ""underdog""}, {""id"": 577, ""name"": ""black people""}, {""id"": 2149, ""name"": ""drug traffic""}, {""id"": 3391, ""name"": ""drug smuggle""}, {""id"": 3679, ""name"": ""society""}, {""id"": 3734, ""name"": ""ambition""}, {""id"": 6974, ""name"": ""rise and fall""}, {""id"": 8015, ""name"": ""cop""}, {""id"": 11733, ""name"": ""drug dealing""}, {""id"": 11734, ""name"": ""police corruption""}, {""id"": 13142, ""name"": ""gangster""}, {""id"": 14536, ""name"": ""crime""}, {""id"": 15167, ""name"": ""police detective""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 163081, ""name"": ""law enforcement""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 193305, ""name"": ""dishonesty""}, {""id"": 206701, ""name"": ""criminal heroes""}]",en,American Gangster,"Following the death of his employer and mentor, Bumpy Johnson, Frank Lucas establishes himself as the number one importer of heroin in the Harlem district of Manhattan. He does so by buying heroin directly from the source in South East Asia and he comes up with a unique way of importing the drugs into the United States. Based on a true story.",42.361215,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Film Rites"", ""id"": 8083}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-11-02,266465037,157,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There are two sides to the American dream,American Gangster,7.4,1502
115000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,36955,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1196, ""name"": ""florida""}, {""id"": 1419, ""name"": ""gun""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 2284, ""name"": ""horseback riding""}, {""id"": 3546, ""name"": ""florida keys""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 161520, ""name"": ""terrorist plot""}, {""id"": 167444, ""name"": ""top secret""}, {""id"": 167451, ""name"": ""woman with glasses""}, {""id"": 167455, ""name"": ""hit with a telephone""}, {""id"": 167461, ""name"": ""truth serum""}, {""id"": 167466, ""name"": ""mushroom cloud""}, {""id"": 167467, ""name"": ""jackhammer""}, {""id"": 217421, ""name"": ""key west""}]",en,True Lies,"Harry Tasker is a secret agent for the United States Government. For years, he has kept his job from his wife, but is forced to reveal his identity and try to stop nuclear terrorists when he and his wife are kidnapped by them.",38.729418,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Lightstorm Entertainment"", ""id"": 574}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1994-07-14,378882411,141,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,"When he said I do, he never said what he did.",True Lies,6.8,1116
100000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,18487,"[{""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 155735, ""name"": ""new york subway""}, {""id"": 177489, ""name"": ""subway train""}, {""id"": 177493, ""name"": ""stock market""}, {""id"": 177501, ""name"": ""motorcycle crash""}, {""id"": 177502, ""name"": ""subway tunnel""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3,"Armed men hijack a New York City subway train, holding the passengers hostage in return for a ransom, and turning an ordinary day's work for dispatcher Walter Garber into a face-off with the mastermind behind the crime.",40.597856,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Escape Artists"", ""id"": 1423}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-06-11,150166126,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,I can't get it out of my head. I'm gonna die today.,The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3,6.2,954
100000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,39451,"[{""id"": 428, ""name"": ""nurse""}, {""id"": 977, ""name"": ""cat""}, {""id"": 4604, ""name"": ""father-in-law""}, {""id"": 5569, ""name"": ""vomit""}, {""id"": 9963, ""name"": ""kids and family""}, {""id"": 10425, ""name"": ""viagra""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Little Fockers,"It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get in with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, Jack's suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam's entire clan descends for the twins' birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he's fully capable as the man of the house.",32.389353,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Everyman Pictures"", ""id"": 2242}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Dreamworks Pictures"", ""id"": 7852}, {""name"": ""Tribeca Productions"", ""id"": 11391}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-12-21,310650585,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Kids bring everyone closer, right?",Little Fockers,5.4,1060
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,27581,"[{""id"": 2398, ""name"": ""narration""}, {""id"": 167529, ""name"": ""ceo""}, {""id"": 167531, ""name"": ""fire truck""}, {""id"": 167536, ""name"": ""shot in the shoulder""}, {""id"": 167538, ""name"": ""zip line""}, {""id"": 167541, ""name"": ""buddy comedy""}, {""id"": 167542, ""name"": ""carjacking""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Other Guys,"NYPD detectives Christopher Danson (Johnson) and P.K. Highsmith (Jackson) are the baddest and most beloved cops in New York City. They don't get tattoos, other men get tattoos of them. Two desks over and one back, sit detectives Allen Gamble (Ferrell) and Terry Hoitz (Wahlberg). You've seen them in the background of photos of Danson and Highsmith, out of focus and eyes closed. They're not heroes, they're ""the other guys."" But every cop has his or her day and soon Gamble and Hoitz stumble into a seemingly innocuous case no other detective wants to touch that could turn into NYC's biggest crime. It's the opportunity of their lives, but do these guys have the right stuff?",24.399642,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Gary Sanchez Productions"", ""id"": 4740}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-08-06,170432927,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,When the cops are busy... Our only hope is...,The Other Guys,6.1,1383
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9268,"[{""id"": 236, ""name"": ""suicide""}, {""id"": 502, ""name"": ""ambush""}, {""id"": 797, ""name"": ""showdown""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2547, ""name"": ""new identity""}, {""id"": 2708, ""name"": ""hitman""}, {""id"": 3581, ""name"": ""witness""}, {""id"": 4009, ""name"": ""witness protection""}, {""id"": 6163, ""name"": ""arms dealer""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 10202, ""name"": ""treason""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 11207, ""name"": ""u.s. marshal""}, {""id"": 12371, ""name"": ""gunfight""}, {""id"": 13008, ""name"": ""train""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15246, ""name"": ""sabotage""}, {""id"": 156334, ""name"": ""corporate crime""}, {""id"": 176802, ""name"": ""rogue agent""}, {""id"": 191600, ""name"": ""assassination attempt""}, {""id"": 228607, ""name"": ""x-ray vision""}, {""id"": 228610, ""name"": ""railgun""}]",en,Eraser,"U.S. Marshall John Kruger erases the identities of people enrolled in the Witness Protection Program. His current assignment is to protect Lee Cullen, who's uncovered evidence that the weapons manufacturer she works for has been selling to terrorist groups. When Kruger discovers that there's a corrupt agent within the program, he must guard his own life while trying to protect Lee's.",24.507987,"[{""name"": ""Kopelson Entertainment"", ""id"": 824}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-06-21,242295562,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He will erase your past to protect your future.,Eraser,5.6,543
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}]",,68718,"[{""id"": 801, ""name"": ""bounty hunter""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 3136, ""name"": ""plantation""}, {""id"": 3679, ""name"": ""society""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 12425, ""name"": ""racism""}, {""id"": 15017, ""name"": ""danger""}, {""id"": 33780, ""name"": ""dentist""}, {""id"": 160324, ""name"": ""django""}, {""id"": 163129, ""name"": ""dual role""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187376, ""name"": ""odd couple""}, {""id"": 188772, ""name"": ""black slave""}, {""id"": 202703, ""name"": ""deadly""}, {""id"": 206687, ""name"": ""chases and races""}, {""id"": 207928, ""name"": ""19th century""}]",en,Django Unchained,"With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner.",82.121691,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""The Weinstein Company"", ""id"": 308}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-12-25,425368238,165,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,"Life, liberty and the pursuit of vengeance.",Django Unchained,7.8,10099
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10545,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 934, ""name"": ""judge""}, {""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 1691, ""name"": ""dance""}, {""id"": 1938, ""name"": ""sword""}, {""id"": 2422, ""name"": ""mockery""}, {""id"": 2544, ""name"": ""ugliness""}, {""id"": 2638, ""name"": ""cathedral""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 5090, ""name"": ""fool""}, {""id"": 9995, ""name"": ""bell""}, {""id"": 11001, ""name"": ""religion""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 158787, ""name"": ""army captain""}, {""id"": 160213, ""name"": ""festival""}, {""id"": 160274, ""name"": ""angry mob""}, {""id"": 177894, ""name"": ""witch hunt""}, {""id"": 213097, ""name"": ""15th century""}]",en,The Hunchback of Notre Dame,"When Quasi defies the evil Frollo and ventures out to the Festival of Fools, the cruel crowd jeers him. Rescued by fellow outcast the gypsy Esmeralda, Quasi soon finds himself battling to save the people and the city he loves.",46.727941,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-06-21,100138851,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,The Hunchback of Notre Dame,6.8,1129
100000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,11688,"[{""id"": 1291, ""name"": ""central and south america""}, {""id"": 1421, ""name"": ""birthday""}, {""id"": 2280, ""name"": ""emperor""}, {""id"": 3998, ""name"": ""palace""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 9360, ""name"": ""berater""}, {""id"": 207745, ""name"": ""llama""}]",en,The Emperor's New Groove,"Kuzco is a self-centered emperor who summons Pacha from a village and to tell him that his home will be destroyed to make room for Kuzco's new summer home. Kuzco's advisor, Yzma, tries to poison Kuzco and accidentally turns him into a llama, who accidentally ends up in Pacha's village. Pacha offers to help Kuzco if he doesn't destroy his house, and so they form an unlikely partnership.",51.113717,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-12-09,169327687,78,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's All About.....ME!,The Emperor's New Groove,7.2,1490
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,76163,"[{""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 9791, ""name"": ""number in title""}, {""id"": 12617, ""name"": ""airplane crash""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 33678, ""name"": ""beard""}, {""id"": 159753, ""name"": ""ensemble cast""}, {""id"": 162085, ""name"": ""loss of friend""}, {""id"": 162487, ""name"": ""wisecrack humor""}, {""id"": 179305, ""name"": ""airport lounge""}, {""id"": 179321, ""name"": ""asian woman""}]",en,The Expendables 2,"Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.",53.732892,"[{""name"": ""Nu Image Films"", ""id"": 925}, {""name"": ""Millennium Films"", ""id"": 10254}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-08-08,312573423,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Back for War.,The Expendables 2,6.1,2896
100000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,2059,"[{""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}, {""id"": 184134, ""name"": ""archeology\u00a0""}]",en,National Treasure,"Modern treasure hunters, led by archaeologist Ben Gates, search for a chest of riches rumored to have been stashed away by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin during the Revolutionary War. The chest's whereabouts may lie in secret clues embedded in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and Gates is in a race to find the gold before his enemies do.",58.849256,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Saturn Films"", ""id"": 831}, {""name"": ""Junction Entertainment"", ""id"": 19097}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-11-19,347451894,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,The greatest adventure history has ever revealed.,National Treasure,6.4,1926
100000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,2486,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 5457, ""name"": ""mythical creature""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 188178, ""name"": ""teenage hero""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Eragon,"In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a dragon's egg -- a discovery that leads him on a predestined journey where he realized he's the one person who can defend his home against an evil king.",30.863434,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Major Studio Partners"", ""id"": 445}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Mid Atlantic Films"", ""id"": 2735}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HU"", ""name"": ""Hungary""}]",2006-12-14,249288105,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"As darkness falls, the last dragon will choose its rider.",Eragon,4.9,967
100000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,16523,"[{""id"": 170173, ""name"": ""children's book""}, {""id"": 170667, ""name"": ""igloo""}, {""id"": 170669, ""name"": ""wolf costume""}, {""id"": 170677, ""name"": ""swallowed whole""}, {""id"": 170678, ""name"": ""hit with a rock""}, {""id"": 170682, ""name"": ""lying""}, {""id"": 170688, ""name"": ""falling down a hill""}, {""id"": 170703, ""name"": ""snowball fight""}, {""id"": 207597, ""name"": ""children's perspectives""}]",en,Where the Wild Things Are,"Max imagines running away from his mom and sailing to a far-off land where large talking beasts -- Ira, Carol, Douglas, the Bull, Judith and Alexander -- crown him as their king, play rumpus, build forts and discover secret hideaways.",31.586215,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Playtone"", ""id"": 4171}, {""name"": ""Wild Things Productions"", ""id"": 5289}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-10-16,100086793,101,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There's one in all of us.,Where the Wild Things Are,6.4,572
100000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,116711,"[{""id"": 2486, ""name"": ""fantasy""}, {""id"": 159075, ""name"": ""miniature people""}]",en,Epic,A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world -- and ours.,36.711378,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-05-15,268426634,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Discover a world beyond your imagination,Epic,6.4,1121
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,37710,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 612, ""name"": ""hotel""}, {""id"": 3864, ""name"": ""false identity""}, {""id"": 4654, ""name"": ""undercover agent""}, {""id"": 9840, ""name"": ""romance""}]",en,The Tourist,"American tourist Frank (Johnny Depp) meets mysterious British woman Elsie (Angelina Jolie) on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye. Remake of the 2005 French film ""Anthony Zimmer"", written and directed by Jérôme Salle.",41.426678,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Peninsula Films"", ""id"": 682}, {""name"": ""StudioCanal"", ""id"": 694}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Releasing"", ""id"": 3045}, {""name"": ""GK Films"", ""id"": 3281}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA)"", ""id"": 14577}, {""name"": ""Italian Tax Credit"", ""id"": 21212}, {""name"": ""Birnbaum/Barber"", ""id"": 23731}, {""name"": ""Cineroma SRL"", ""id"": 23732}, {""name"": ""French Tax Credit"", ""id"": 23733}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}]",2010-12-08,278731369,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,It all started when he met a woman,The Tourist,6.0,1699
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,9946,"[{""id"": 186, ""name"": ""christianity""}, {""id"": 572, ""name"": ""sex""}, {""id"": 613, ""name"": ""new year's eve""}, {""id"": 1499, ""name"": ""pastor""}, {""id"": 2483, ""name"": ""nudity""}, {""id"": 2870, ""name"": ""mephisto""}, {""id"": 3030, ""name"": ""nightmare""}, {""id"": 3036, ""name"": ""bible""}, {""id"": 5545, ""name"": ""satanist""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 8440, ""name"": ""ex-cop""}, {""id"": 8685, ""name"": ""anti-christ""}, {""id"": 8686, ""name"": ""millenium""}, {""id"": 8778, ""name"": ""atheist""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10093, ""name"": ""priest""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}, {""id"": 13008, ""name"": ""train""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14765, ""name"": ""church""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14999, ""name"": ""devil""}, {""id"": 172382, ""name"": ""woman in jeopardy""}, {""id"": 181375, ""name"": ""satanic""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}, {""id"": 199978, ""name"": ""stigmata""}]",en,End of Days,"On December 28th, 1999, the citizens of New York City are getting ready for the turn of the millennium. However, the Devil decides to crash the party by coming to the city, inhabiting a man's body, and searching for his chosen bride, a 20-year-old woman named Christine York. The world will end, and the only hope lies within an atheist called Jericho Cane.",20.652943,"[{""name"": ""Beacon Communications"", ""id"": 919}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-11-24,211989043,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}]",Released,Prepare for the end.,End of Days,5.5,482
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,1372,"[{""id"": 526, ""name"": ""rebel""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 917, ""name"": ""journalism""}, {""id"": 1465, ""name"": ""loss of family""}, {""id"": 2831, ""name"": ""slavery""}, {""id"": 3070, ""name"": ""mercenary""}, {""id"": 3379, ""name"": ""diamond mine""}, {""id"": 5417, ""name"": ""sierra leone""}, {""id"": 5419, ""name"": ""bootlegger""}, {""id"": 5420, ""name"": ""fisherman""}, {""id"": 5422, ""name"": ""special unit""}, {""id"": 6212, ""name"": ""smuggling""}, {""id"": 33617, ""name"": ""genocide in rwanda""}, {""id"": 158455, ""name"": ""oppression""}]",en,Blood Diamond,"An ex-mercenary turned smuggler. A Mende fisherman. Amid the explosive civil war overtaking 1999 Sierra Leone, these men join for two desperate missions: recovering a rare pink diamond of immense value and rescuing the fisherman's son conscripted as a child soldier into the brutal rebel forces ripping a swath of torture and bloodshed countrywide.",52.792678,"[{""name"": ""Bedford Falls Productions"", ""id"": 348}, {""name"": ""Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG."", ""id"": 430}, {""name"": ""Virtual Studios"", ""id"": 449}, {""name"": ""Spring Creek Productions"", ""id"": 705}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Initial Entertainment Group (IEG)"", ""id"": 7380}, {""name"": ""Liberty Pictures"", ""id"": 20938}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-12-07,170877916,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""af"", ""name"": ""Afrikaans""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It will cost you everything.,Blood Diamond,7.3,2281
100000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,106646,"[{""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 572, ""name"": ""sex""}, {""id"": 738, ""name"": ""sexuality""}, {""id"": 974, ""name"": ""bank""}, {""id"": 3923, ""name"": ""humor""}, {""id"": 5565, ""name"": ""biography""}, {""id"": 5636, ""name"": ""wall street""}, {""id"": 5809, ""name"": ""marriage crisis""}, {""id"": 6974, ""name"": ""rise and fall""}, {""id"": 10631, ""name"": ""stockbroker""}, {""id"": 14964, ""name"": ""drug""}, {""id"": 179018, ""name"": ""stock broker""}]",en,The Wolf of Wall Street,"A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.",95.007934,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Appian Way"", ""id"": 562}, {""name"": ""EMJAG Productions"", ""id"": 14654}, {""name"": ""Red Granite Pictures"", ""id"": 19177}, {""name"": ""Sikelia Productions"", ""id"": 23243}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-12-25,392000694,180,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,EARN. SPEND. PARTY.,The Wolf of Wall Street,7.9,6571
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,414,"[{""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 3259, ""name"": ""rose""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 9104, ""name"": ""partner""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 10486, ""name"": ""robin""}, {""id"": 10525, ""name"": ""broken neck""}, {""id"": 11268, ""name"": ""psychologist""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15009, ""name"": ""criminal""}, {""id"": 33518, ""name"": ""district attorney""}, {""id"": 33626, ""name"": ""millionaire""}, {""id"": 33981, ""name"": ""falling down stairs""}, {""id"": 34156, ""name"": ""tied up""}, {""id"": 156116, ""name"": ""tommy gun""}, {""id"": 157166, ""name"": ""beretta""}, {""id"": 157583, ""name"": ""knocked out""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 170383, ""name"": ""disfigurement""}, {""id"": 170652, ""name"": ""father figure""}]",en,Batman Forever,"The Dark Knight of Gotham City confronts a dastardly duo: Two-Face and the Riddler. Formerly District Attorney Harvey Dent, Two-Face believes Batman caused the courtroom accident which left him disfigured on one side. And Edward Nygma, computer-genius and former employee of millionaire Bruce Wayne, is out to get the philanthropist; as The Riddler. Former circus acrobat Dick Grayson, his family killed by Two-Face, becomes Wayne's ward and Batman's new partner Robin.",48.205606,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Polygram Filmed Entertainment"", ""id"": 31080}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-05-31,336529144,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Courage now, truth always...",Batman Forever,5.2,1498
105000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,563,"[{""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 1423, ""name"": ""asteroid""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2900, ""name"": ""buenos aires""}, {""id"": 2902, ""name"": ""space battle""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 8201, ""name"": ""satire""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 161247, ""name"": ""drill instructor""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}]",en,Starship Troopers,"Set in the future, the story follows a young soldier named Johnny Rico and his exploits in the Mobile Infantry. Rico's military career progresses from recruit to non-commissioned officer and finally to officer against the backdrop of an interstellar war between mankind and an arachnoid species known as ""the Bugs"".",58.782359,"[{""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Big Bug Pictures"", ""id"": 23434}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-11-06,121214377,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The only good bug is a dead bug.,Starship Troopers,6.7,1560
102000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,83542,"[{""id"": 402, ""name"": ""clone""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 159753, ""name"": ""ensemble cast""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 184584, ""name"": ""century""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 214548, ""name"": ""1930s""}]",en,Cloud Atlas,"A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave through the story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis.",73.872343,"[{""name"": ""Anarchos Productions"", ""id"": 450}, {""name"": ""X-Filme Creative Pool"", ""id"": 1972}, {""name"": ""Ascension Pictures"", ""id"": 7829}, {""name"": ""ARD Degeto Film"", ""id"": 10947}, {""name"": ""Cloud Atlas Productions"", ""id"": 11080}, {""name"": ""Five Drops"", ""id"": 11082}, {""name"": ""Media Asia Group"", ""id"": 11083}, {""name"": ""Dreams of Dragon Picture"", ""id"": 19621}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HK"", ""name"": ""Hong Kong""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""SG"", ""name"": ""Singapore""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-10-26,130482868,172,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Everything is Connected,Cloud Atlas,6.6,2977
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,41216,"[{""id"": 3905, ""name"": ""owl""}]",en,Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole,"Soren, a young barn owl, is kidnapped by owls of St. Aggie's, ostensibly an orphanage, where owlets are brainwashed into becoming soldiers. He and his new friends escape to the island of Ga'Hoole, to assist its noble, wise owls who fight the army being created by the wicked rulers of St. Aggie's. The film is based on the first three books in the series.",37.321848,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Animal Logic"", ""id"": 8089}, {""name"": ""Cruel and Unusual Films"", ""id"": 78685}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-10,140073390,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,On his way to finding a legend...he will become one.,Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole,6.5,703
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,314,"[{""id"": 418, ""name"": ""white russian""}, {""id"": 572, ""name"": ""sex""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 3258, ""name"": ""beauty""}, {""id"": 4411, ""name"": ""sexism""}, {""id"": 6496, ""name"": ""basketball""}, {""id"": 10843, ""name"": ""superheroine""}, {""id"": 11322, ""name"": ""female protagonist""}, {""id"": 11738, ""name"": ""evil corporation""}, {""id"": 18933, ""name"": ""catwoman""}, {""id"": 180734, ""name"": ""masked superhero""}, {""id"": 236969, ""name"": ""cat lady""}]",en,Catwoman,"Liquidated after discovering a corporate conspiracy, mild-mannered graphic artist Patience Phillips washes up on an island, where she's resurrected and endowed with the prowess of a cat -- and she's eager to use her new skills ... as a vigilante. Before you can say ""cat and mouse,"" handsome gumshoe Tom Lone is on her tail.",32.271938,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""DiNovi Pictures"", ""id"": 813}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Frantic Films"", ""id"": 52945}, {""name"": ""Maple Shade Films"", ""id"": 52946}, {""name"": ""Catwoman Films"", ""id"": 52947}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-07-22,82102379,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,CATch her in IMAX,Catwoman,4.2,808
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,184315,"[{""id"": 3070, ""name"": ""mercenary""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 187301, ""name"": ""hercules""}, {""id"": 192913, ""name"": ""warrior""}, {""id"": 209482, ""name"": ""sagen""}]",en,Hercules,"Fourteen hundred years ago, a tormented soul walked the earth that was neither man nor god. Hercules was the powerful son of the god king Zeus, for this he received nothing but suffering his entire life. After twelve arduous labors and the loss of his family, this dark, world-weary soul turned his back on the gods finding his only solace in bloody battle. Over the years he warmed to the company of six similar souls, their only bond being their love of fighting and presence of death. These men and woman never question where they go to fight or why or whom, just how much they will be paid. Now the King of Thrace has hired these mercenaries to train his men to become the greatest army of all time. It is time for this bunch of lost souls to finally have their eyes opened to how far they have fallen when they must train an army to become as ruthless and blood thirsty as their reputation has become.",76.842247,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Radical Studios"", ""id"": 19648}, {""name"": ""Flynn Picture Company"", ""id"": 34081}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-07-23,243400000,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Before he was a legend, he was a man.",Hercules,5.6,1680
140000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9016,"[{""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 1860, ""name"": ""mutiny""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 1969, ""name"": ""map""}, {""id"": 4418, ""name"": ""pirate gang""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 9736, ""name"": ""little boy""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10594, ""name"": ""money""}, {""id"": 11088, ""name"": ""treasure map""}, {""id"": 13194, ""name"": ""planet""}, {""id"": 156316, ""name"": ""troubled teen""}, {""id"": 196483, ""name"": ""space pirate""}]",en,Treasure Planet,"When space galleon cabin boy Jim Hawkins discovers a map to an intergalactic ""loot of a thousand worlds,"" a cyborg cook named John Silver teaches him to battle supernovas and space storms. But, soon, Jim realizes Silver is a pirate intent on mutiny!",38.924136,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-11-26,109578115,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Find your place in the universe.,Treasure Planet,7.2,948
100000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,18162,"[{""id"": 4862, ""name"": ""alien life-form""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 177280, ""name"": ""primate""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Land of the Lost,"On his latest expedition, Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a space-time vortex alongside his research assistant and a redneck survivalist. In this alternate universe, the trio make friends with a primate named Chaka, their only ally in a world full of dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures.",19.38841,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Mosaic Media Group"", ""id"": 748}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Sid & Marty Krofft Pictures"", ""id"": 11916}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-06-05,68688831,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Right place. Wrong time.,Land of the Lost,5.3,381
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,138103,"[{""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 6163, ""name"": ""arms dealer""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 11107, ""name"": ""rescue mission""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 157424, ""name"": ""sledgehammer""}, {""id"": 188944, ""name"": ""revolver""}]",en,The Expendables 3,"Barney, Christmas and the rest of the team comes face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks, who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill… or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables -- but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.",61.025639,"[{""name"": ""Davis-Films"", ""id"": 342}, {""name"": ""Nu Image Films"", ""id"": 925}, {""name"": ""LionsGate"", ""id"": 7571}, {""name"": ""Millennium Films"", ""id"": 10254}, {""name"": ""Ex3 Productions"", ""id"": 28384}, {""name"": ""Fipex Holding"", ""id"": 40822}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-08-04,206172544,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,New team. New attitude. New mission.,The Expendables 3,6.1,1795
105000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,257088,"[{""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 4654, ""name"": ""undercover agent""}, {""id"": 12189, ""name"": ""extreme sports""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Point Break,"A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sports. A remake of the 1991 film, ""Point Break"".",33.507289,"[{""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Alcon Entertainment"", ""id"": 1088}, {""name"": ""DMG Entertainment"", ""id"": 10289}, {""name"": ""Ehman Productions"", ""id"": 70993}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}]",2015-12-03,133718711,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The only law that matters is gravity,Point Break,5.5,783
84000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,10214,"[{""id"": 1009, ""name"": ""baby""}, {""id"": 2546, ""name"": ""mask""}, {""id"": 5895, ""name"": ""viking""}]",en,Son of the Mask,"Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son ""born of the mask"", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.",17.815595,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Path\u00e9 Distribution"", ""id"": 3012}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-02-18,0,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Who's next?,Son of the Mask,3.6,338
100000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,205775,"[{""id"": 236, ""name"": ""suicide""}, {""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 1899, ""name"": ""hunger""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 4676, ""name"": ""whale""}, {""id"": 9672, ""name"": ""based on true story""}, {""id"": 9743, ""name"": ""stranded""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 33829, ""name"": ""whaling""}, {""id"": 34079, ""name"": ""death""}, {""id"": 41393, ""name"": ""new england""}, {""id"": 179578, ""name"": ""lost at sea""}, {""id"": 185722, ""name"": ""based on true events""}, {""id"": 187318, ""name"": ""whaling ship""}, {""id"": 188266, ""name"": ""starvation""}, {""id"": 207928, ""name"": ""19th century""}, {""id"": 208048, ""name"": ""cannibalism""}, {""id"": 219785, ""name"": ""reference to moby dick""}, {""id"": 223211, ""name"": ""whale oil""}, {""id"": 223212, ""name"": ""nantucket""}]",en,In the Heart of the Sea,"In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by something no one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance. The real-life maritime disaster would inspire Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.  But that told only half the story.  “Heart of the Sea” reveals the encounter’s harrowing aftermath, as the ship’s surviving crew is pushed to their limits and forced to do the unthinkable to stay alive.  Braving storms, starvation, panic and despair, the men will call into question their deepest beliefs, from the value of their lives to the morality of their trade, as their captain searches for direction on the open sea and his first mate still seeks to bring the great whale down.",50.767332,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Spring Creek Productions"", ""id"": 705}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Roth Films"", ""id"": 16314}, {""name"": ""K. JAM Media"", ""id"": 17888}, {""name"": ""Cott Productions"", ""id"": 24175}, {""name"": ""Surf Film"", ""id"": 34401}, {""name"": ""Enelmar Productions, A.I.E."", ""id"": 63571}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-11-20,93820758,122,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Based on the incredible true story that inspired Moby Dick,In the Heart of the Sea,6.5,1276
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,11692,"[{""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 585, ""name"": ""casino""}, {""id"": 1010, ""name"": ""bar""}, {""id"": 2334, ""name"": ""nightclub""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 6220, ""name"": ""mafia boss""}, {""id"": 18069, ""name"": ""laser gun""}]",en,The Adventures of Pluto Nash,"The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.",12.092241,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Castle Rock Entertainment"", ""id"": 97}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-08-15,7103973,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Action's future has arrived...,The Adventures of Pluto Nash,4.4,142
100000000,"[{""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,22972,"[{""id"": 41177, ""name"": ""weapon of mass destruction""}, {""id"": 41178, ""name"": ""baghdad""}, {""id"": 41179, ""name"": ""iraqi\u00a0""}]",en,Green Zone,"During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his team of Army inspectors were dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that threatens to invert the purpose of their mission.",30.254021,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""StudioCanal"", ""id"": 694}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Working Title Films"", ""id"": 10163}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2010-03-11,94882889,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller is done following orders,Green Zone,6.4,717
99000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,227973,"[{""id"": 11825, ""name"": ""based on comic strip""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 210469, ""name"": ""charlie brown""}, {""id"": 221015, ""name"": ""snoopy""}]",en,The Peanuts Movie,"Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest back home.",34.308098,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-11-05,246233113,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story of an underdog. And his dog.,The Peanuts Movie,6.5,604
10000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,29193,"[{""id"": 811, ""name"": ""dialogue""}, {""id"": 2246, ""name"": ""confidence""}, {""id"": 3338, ""name"": ""invention""}, {""id"": 10183, ""name"": ""independent film""}]",en,The Spanish Prisoner,An employee of a corporation with a lucrative secret process is tempted to betray it. But there's more to it than that.,3.091077,"[{""name"": ""Jean Doumanian Productions"", ""id"": 16280}, {""name"": ""Sweetland Films"", ""id"": 21716}, {""name"": ""Magnolia Films"", ""id"": 65514}, {""name"": ""Jasmine Productions Inc."", ""id"": 65515}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-09-08,13835130,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's the oldest con in the book.,The Spanish Prisoner,7.1,73
98000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,1734,"[{""id"": 5153, ""name"": ""son""}, {""id"": 157894, ""name"": ""ancient egypt""}, {""id"": 163306, ""name"": ""bracelet""}]",en,The Mummy Returns,"Rick and Evelyn O'Connell, along with their 8 year old son Alex, discover the key to the legendary Scorpion King's might, the fabled Bracelet of Anubis. Unfortunately, a newly resurrected Imhotep has designs on the bracelet as well, and isn't above kidnapping its new bearer, Alex, to gain control of Anubis' otherworldly army.",41.862983,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Alphaville Films"", ""id"": 11462}, {""name"": ""Imhotep Productions"", ""id"": 20242}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-04-28,433013274,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,The most powerful force on earth is about to be unleashed by the two people who should know better.,The Mummy Returns,6.0,2206
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,3131,"[{""id"": 657, ""name"": ""fire""}, {""id"": 1857, ""name"": ""irish-american""}, {""id"": 2356, ""name"": ""immigrant""}, {""id"": 2987, ""name"": ""gang war""}, {""id"": 3430, ""name"": ""pickpocket""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 3882, ""name"": ""gang of thieves""}, {""id"": 4452, ""name"": ""butcher""}, {""id"": 4931, ""name"": ""pig""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10726, ""name"": ""gang""}]",en,Gangs of New York,"It's 1863. America was born in the streets. Amsterdam Vallon returns to the Five Points of America to seek vengeance against the psychotic gangland kingpin, Bill the Butcher, who murdered his father years earlier. With an eager pickpocket by his side and a whole new army, Vallon fights his way to seek vengeance on the Butcher and restore peace in the area.",46.160048,"[{""name"": ""Miramax Films"", ""id"": 14}, {""name"": ""Initial Entertainment Group (IEG)"", ""id"": 7380}, {""name"": ""Alberto Grimaldi Productions"", ""id"": 7381}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}]",2002-12-14,193772504,167,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ga"", ""name"": ""Gaeilge""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,America was born in the streets.,Gangs of New York,7.1,1910
94000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,76758,"[{""id"": 173251, ""name"": ""forced prostitution""}, {""id"": 173254, ""name"": ""child rape""}]",zh,金陵十三釵,"A Westerner finds refuge with a group of women in a church during Japan's rape of Nanking in 1937. Posing as a priest, he attempts to lead the women to safety.",12.516546,"[{""name"": ""Beijing New Picture Film Co. Ltd."", ""id"": 724}, {""name"": ""EDKO Film"", ""id"": 12205}, {""name"": ""New Picture Company"", ""id"": 49512}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HK"", ""name"": ""Hong Kong""}]",2011-12-15,95311434,145,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,The Flowers of War,7.1,187
85000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,9408,"[{""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 1477, ""name"": ""world cup""}, {""id"": 1524, ""name"": ""surfer""}, {""id"": 1669, ""name"": ""wave""}, {""id"": 1671, ""name"": ""surfboard""}, {""id"": 2581, ""name"": ""giant wave""}, {""id"": 5378, ""name"": ""world champion""}, {""id"": 5614, ""name"": ""idol""}, {""id"": 11800, ""name"": ""mockumentary""}]",en,Surf's Up,"Cody is a surfing penguin from Shiverpool who dreams of making it big and being like his idol Big Z. On his journey he discovers his talents are not all he thinks they are and he must learn to accept that their is more to surfing than fame and fortune. Surf's Up is a 2007 American computer-animated mockumentary film produced by Sony Pictures Animation and distributed by Columbia Pictures and ImageWorks Studios. It stars the voices of Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Heder among others.",23.230851,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-08,149044513,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"In the coldest place on Earth, he's the hottest thing around.",Surf's Up,5.9,601
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9890,"[{""id"": 803, ""name"": ""android""}, {""id"": 3451, ""name"": ""housewife""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}]",en,The Stepford Wives,"What does it take to become a Stepford wife, a woman perfect beyond belief? Ask the Stepford husbands, who've created this high-tech, terrifying little town.",19.224754,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""De Line Pictures"", ""id"": 2609}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Pictures"", ""id"": 7293}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-06-10,102000000,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The wives of Stepford have a secret.,The Stepford Wives,5.4,334
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,855,"[{""id"": 1968, ""name"": ""prisoners of war""}, {""id"": 2820, ""name"": ""wound""}, {""id"": 4265, ""name"": ""somalia""}, {""id"": 4267, ""name"": ""warlord""}, {""id"": 4337, ""name"": ""famine""}, {""id"": 10174, ""name"": ""delta force""}, {""id"": 222529, ""name"": ""rescue operation""}]",en,Black Hawk Down,"When U.S. Rangers and an elite Delta Force team attempt to kidnap two underlings of a Somali warlord, their Black Hawk helicopters are shot down, and the Americans suffer heavy casualties, facing intense fighting from the militia on the ground.",44.455166,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Revolution Studios"", ""id"": 497}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-28,172989651,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""so"", ""name"": ""Somali""}]",Released,Leave No Man Behind.,Black Hawk Down,7.2,1811
0,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,77953,"[{""id"": 6078, ""name"": ""politics""}, {""id"": 6083, ""name"": ""politician""}, {""id"": 6085, ""name"": ""election campaign""}, {""id"": 181654, ""name"": ""\u00a0north carolinam""}, {""id"": 181655, ""name"": ""congressman""}, {""id"": 181656, ""name"": ""political candidate""}, {""id"": 181657, ""name"": ""moustache""}, {""id"": 181659, ""name"": ""political corruption""}, {""id"": 181668, ""name"": ""campaign manager""}, {""id"": 181682, ""name"": ""campaign finance""}]",en,The Campaign,Two rival politicians compete to win an election to represent their small North Carolina congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.,16.460356,"[{""name"": ""Everyman Pictures"", ""id"": 2242}, {""name"": ""Gary Sanchez Productions"", ""id"": 4740}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Location Gourmet"", ""id"": 36431}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-08-09,104907746,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,May The Best Loser Win.,The Campaign,5.6,578
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,18,"[{""id"": 402, ""name"": ""clone""}, {""id"": 444, ""name"": ""taxi""}, {""id"": 679, ""name"": ""cyborg""}, {""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 3622, ""name"": ""stowaway""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 4776, ""name"": ""race against time""}, {""id"": 6163, ""name"": ""arms dealer""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10093, ""name"": ""priest""}, {""id"": 10150, ""name"": ""end of the world""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11148, ""name"": ""police chase""}, {""id"": 11290, ""name"": ""cab driver""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}, {""id"": 164920, ""name"": ""opera singer""}, {""id"": 169593, ""name"": ""resort hotel""}, {""id"": 172718, ""name"": ""ancient astronaut""}, {""id"": 223344, ""name"": ""archeologist""}, {""id"": 229863, ""name"": ""ancient evil""}, {""id"": 234630, ""name"": ""cruise liner""}]",en,The Fifth Element,"In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.",109.528572,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Gaumont"", ""id"": 9}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",1997-05-07,263920180,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""sv"", ""name"": ""svenska""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,There is no future without it.,The Fifth Element,7.3,3885
100000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,37786,[],en,Sex and the City 2,"Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda are all married now, but they're still up for a little fun in the sun. When Samantha gets the chance to visit one of the most extravagant vacation destinations on the planet and offers to bring them all along, they surmise that a women-only retreat may be the perfect excuse to eschew their responsibilities and remember what life was like before they decided to settle down.",18.325897,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Home Box Office (HBO)"", ""id"": 3268}, {""name"": ""HBO Films"", ""id"": 7429}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-05-26,288347692,146,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,Carrie on.,Sex and the City 2,5.4,426
95000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10501,"[{""id"": 1321, ""name"": ""gold""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 9725, ""name"": ""sword fight""}]",en,The Road to El Dorado,"After a failed swindle, two con-men end up with a map to El Dorado, the fabled ""city of gold,"" and an unintended trip to the New World. Much to their surprise, the map does lead the pair to the mythical city, where the startled inhabitants promptly begin to worship them as gods. The only question is, do they take the worshipful natives for all they're worth, or is there a bit more to El Dorado than riches?",37.054554,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-03-31,76432727,89,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,They came for the gold... they stayed for the adventure.,The Road to El Dorado,7.0,858
95000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,57800,"[{""id"": 183413, ""name"": ""blue footed booby""}, {""id"": 183414, ""name"": ""prehistoric times""}, {""id"": 183415, ""name"": ""melting ice""}, {""id"": 183418, ""name"": ""badger""}, {""id"": 183421, ""name"": ""elephant seal""}, {""id"": 183422, ""name"": ""floating ice""}, {""id"": 183425, ""name"": ""land bridge""}, {""id"": 193193, ""name"": ""era""}, {""id"": 193194, ""name"": ""glaciale""}, {""id"": 193196, ""name"": ""deriva""}]",en,Ice Age: Continental Drift,"Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as they explore a new world.",65.229868,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-26,877244782,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure after their continent is set adrift.",Ice Age: Continental Drift,6.2,2672
95000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,150689,"[{""id"": 995, ""name"": ""cinderella""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 3071, ""name"": ""prince""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 9920, ""name"": ""royalty""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 158438, ""name"": ""lost shoe""}, {""id"": 173003, ""name"": ""evil stepmother""}, {""id"": 186847, ""name"": ""retelling""}]",en,Cinderella,"When her father unexpectedly passes away, young Ella finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and her daughters. Never one to give up hope, Ella's fortunes begin to change after meeting a dashing stranger in the woods.",101.187052,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Genre Films"", ""id"": 28788}, {""name"": ""Beagle Pug Films"", ""id"": 46339}, {""name"": ""Allison Shearmur Productions"", ""id"": 47706}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-03-12,543514353,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Midnight is just the beginning.,Cinderella,6.7,2374
65000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,7980,"[{""id"": 570, ""name"": ""rape""}, {""id"": 1228, ""name"": ""1970s""}, {""id"": 2620, ""name"": ""evidence""}, {""id"": 3352, ""name"": ""tree""}, {""id"": 6155, ""name"": ""afterlife""}, {""id"": 6381, ""name"": ""loss of daughter""}, {""id"": 10714, ""name"": ""serial killer""}, {""id"": 13092, ""name"": ""corpse""}, {""id"": 14576, ""name"": ""pedophile""}, {""id"": 18425, ""name"": ""teenage love""}, {""id"": 172291, ""name"": ""grieving""}, {""id"": 184988, ""name"": ""childhood sexual abuse""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Lovely Bones,"After being brutally murdered, 14-year-old Susie Salmon watches from heaven over her grief-stricken family -- and her killer. As she observes their daily lives, she must balance her thirst for revenge with her desire for her family to heal.",29.257137,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Key Creatives"", ""id"": 2300}, {""name"": ""Film4"", ""id"": 9349}, {""name"": ""Goldcrest Pictures"", ""id"": 11843}, {""name"": ""New Zealand Large Budget Screen Production Grant"", ""id"": 12248}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-26,93525586,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story of a life and everything that came after...,The Lovely Bones,6.6,1065
94000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,12,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 10026, ""name"": ""harbor""}, {""id"": 14785, ""name"": ""underwater""}, {""id"": 33759, ""name"": ""fish tank""}, {""id"": 33760, ""name"": ""great barrier reef""}, {""id"": 156948, ""name"": ""missing child""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 180557, ""name"": ""short term memory loss""}, {""id"": 180568, ""name"": ""clownfish""}, {""id"": 180574, ""name"": ""father son reunion""}, {""id"": 181068, ""name"": ""protective father""}]",en,Finding Nemo,"Nemo, an adventurous young clownfish, is unexpectedly taken from his Great Barrier Reef home to a dentist's office aquarium. It's up to his worrisome father Marlin and a friendly but forgetful fish Dory to bring Nemo home -- meeting vegetarian sharks, surfer dude turtles, hypnotic jellyfish, hungry seagulls, and more along the way.",85.688789,"[{""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-05-30,940335536,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean, they're looking for one.",Finding Nemo,7.6,6122
94000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,122,"[{""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 609, ""name"": ""middle-earth (tolkien)""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 3301, ""name"": ""suspicion""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 9812, ""name"": ""honor""}, {""id"": 11173, ""name"": ""troll""}, {""id"": 14707, ""name"": ""brutality""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}, {""id"": 173700, ""name"": ""end of trilogy""}, {""id"": 207372, ""name"": ""quest""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,"Aragorn is revealed as the heir to the ancient kings as he, Gandalf and the other members of the broken fellowship struggle to save Gondor from Sauron's forces. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam bring the ring closer to the heart of Mordor, the dark lord's realm.",123.630332,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-12-01,1118888979,201,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The eye of the enemy is moving.,The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,8.1,8064
79000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,121,"[{""id"": 603, ""name"": ""elves""}, {""id"": 606, ""name"": ""orcs""}, {""id"": 609, ""name"": ""middle-earth (tolkien)""}, {""id"": 611, ""name"": ""hobbit""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1653, ""name"": ""explosive""}, {""id"": 1964, ""name"": ""cave""}, {""id"": 4268, ""name"": ""fort""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10563, ""name"": ""attack""}, {""id"": 33788, ""name"": ""guide""}, {""id"": 177912, ""name"": ""wizard""}, {""id"": 189093, ""name"": ""ring""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,"Frodo and Sam are trekking to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power while Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn search for the orc-captured Merry and Pippin. All along, nefarious wizard Saruman awaits the Fellowship members at the Orthanc Tower in Isengard.",106.914973,"[{""name"": ""WingNut Films"", ""id"": 11}, {""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""The Saul Zaentz Company"", ""id"": 5237}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-12-18,926287400,179,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,A New Power Is Rising.,The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,8.0,7487
95000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,68737,"[{""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 4238, ""name"": ""chosen one""}, {""id"": 177895, ""name"": ""dark fantasy""}, {""id"": 177900, ""name"": ""witch hunter""}, {""id"": 177901, ""name"": ""evil witch""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,Seventh Son,"John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected the country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward. Will he survive the training to become the spook that so many others couldn't?",63.628459,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Thunder Road Pictures"", ""id"": 3528}, {""name"": ""Outlaw Sinema"", ""id"": 13444}, {""name"": ""Moving Picture Company (MPC)"", ""id"": 20478}, {""name"": ""Pendle Mountain Productions"", ""id"": 40112}, {""name"": ""China Film Co."", ""id"": 40890}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2014-12-12,114178613,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"When darkness falls, the son will rise. When the son falls, the dark knight will rise.",Seventh Son,5.2,957
115000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1995,"[{""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 1529, ""name"": ""buddhist monk""}, {""id"": 5295, ""name"": ""planetary configuration""}, {""id"": 5959, ""name"": ""angkor wat""}, {""id"": 5960, ""name"": ""illuminati""}, {""id"": 5961, ""name"": ""william blake""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 184134, ""name"": ""archeology\u00a0""}]",en,Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,"English aristocrat Lara Croft is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in the middle of a battle with a secret society. The shapely archaeologist moonlights as a tomb raider to recover lost antiquities and meets her match in the evil Powell, who's in search of a powerful relic.",41.498631,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Toho-Towa"", ""id"": 657}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""Lawrence Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 840}, {""name"": ""British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)"", ""id"": 3324}, {""name"": ""Marubeni"", ""id"": 4650}, {""name"": ""Eidos Interactive"", ""id"": 19105}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-11,274703340,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Born into Wealth. Groomed by the Elite. Trained for Combat.,Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,5.7,2192
100000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,157353,"[{""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 2651, ""name"": ""nanotechnology""}, {""id"": 2812, ""name"": ""computer virus""}, {""id"": 3222, ""name"": ""super computer""}, {""id"": 6506, ""name"": ""resurrection""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9678, ""name"": ""mind control""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 193013, ""name"": ""extremist""}, {""id"": 198423, ""name"": ""moral dilemma""}, {""id"": 199320, ""name"": ""computer scientist""}, {""id"": 205852, ""name"": ""mind transfer""}, {""id"": 205853, ""name"": ""quantum computer""}, {""id"": 205854, ""name"": ""mind uploading""}]",en,Transcendence,"Two leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.",58.991388,"[{""name"": ""Alcon Entertainment"", ""id"": 1088}, {""name"": ""Syncopy"", ""id"": 9996}, {""name"": ""DMG Entertainment"", ""id"": 10289}, {""name"": ""Straight Up Films"", ""id"": 13403}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-04-16,103039258,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Yesterday, Dr. Will Caster was only human...",Transcendence,5.9,2295
93000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,331,"[{""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1718, ""name"": ""dna""}, {""id"": 1719, ""name"": ""paleontology""}, {""id"": 1720, ""name"": ""tyrannosaurus rex""}, {""id"": 1766, ""name"": ""velociraptor""}, {""id"": 1770, ""name"": ""spinosaurus""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 178010, ""name"": ""jurassic park""}]",en,Jurassic Park III,"In need of funds for research, Dr. Alan Grant accepts a large sum of money to accompany Paul and Amanda Kirby on an aerial tour of the infamous Isla Sorna. It isn't long before all hell breaks loose and the stranded wayfarers must fight for survival as a host of new -- and even more deadly -- dinosaurs try to make snacks of them.",1.859364,"[{""name"": ""Universal Studios"", ""id"": 13}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-07-18,368780809,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,"This time, it's not just a walk in the park!",Jurassic Park III,5.7,2077
93000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,61791,"[{""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2172, ""name"": ""zoo""}, {""id"": 4392, ""name"": ""cage""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 12393, ""name"": ""golden gate bridge""}, {""id"": 14759, ""name"": ""ape""}, {""id"": 15149, ""name"": ""monkey""}, {""id"": 158025, ""name"": ""medical research""}, {""id"": 158101, ""name"": ""alzheimer's disease""}]",en,Rise of the Planet of the Apes,"Scientist Will Rodman is determined to find a cure for Alzheimer's, the disease which has slowly consumed his father. Will feels certain he is close to a breakthrough and tests his latest serum on apes, noticing dramatic increases in intelligence and brain activity in the primate subjects – especially Caesar, his pet chimpanzee.",138.433168,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""Chernin Entertainment"", ""id"": 7076}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-08-03,482860185,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Evolution Becomes Revolution.,Rise of the Planet of the Apes,7.0,4347
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,8204,"[{""id"": 1155, ""name"": ""brother sister relationship""}, {""id"": 10235, ""name"": ""family relationships""}, {""id"": 14768, ""name"": ""single mother""}, {""id"": 156282, ""name"": ""alternate reality""}, {""id"": 160980, ""name"": ""mother child relationship""}, {""id"": 180724, ""name"": ""hidden truth""}, {""id"": 189094, ""name"": ""goblin""}, {""id"": 195269, ""name"": ""magical creature""}, {""id"": 223448, ""name"": ""fairies""}]",en,The Spiderwick Chronicles,"Upon moving into the run-down Spiderwick Estate with their mother, twin brothers Jared and Simon Grace, along with their sister Mallory, find themselves pulled into an alternate world full of faeries and other creatures.",21.436682,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""The Kennedy/Marshall Company"", ""id"": 862}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-02-14,162839667,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Their World Is Closer Than You Think.,The Spiderwick Chronicles,6.3,572
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,47964,"[{""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 2139, ""name"": ""russia""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 18074, ""name"": ""courthouse""}, {""id"": 186447, ""name"": ""rogue""}, {""id"": 186450, ""name"": ""moscow""}]",en,A Good Day to Die Hard,"Iconoclastic, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane, finds himself for the first time on foreign soil after traveling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack - unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes.",65.402595,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Mid Atlantic Films"", ""id"": 2735}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""Temple Hill Entertainment"", ""id"": 12292}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Giant Pictures"", ""id"": 34396}, {""name"": ""Origo Film Group"", ""id"": 34397}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-02-06,304654182,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Russia,A Good Day to Die Hard,5.2,3493
145000000,"[{""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,10733,"[{""id"": 1556, ""name"": ""texas""}, {""id"": 3776, ""name"": ""officer""}, {""id"": 8862, ""name"": ""uprising""}, {""id"": 155466, ""name"": ""alamo""}, {""id"": 163127, ""name"": ""mexican""}]",en,The Alamo,"Based on the 1836 standoff between a group of Texan and Tejano men, led by Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, and Mexican dictator Santa Anna's forces at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas.",10.660441,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-04-07,25819961,137,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,You will never forget,The Alamo,5.8,106
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,9806,"[{""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 4391, ""name"": ""wretch""}, {""id"": 4769, ""name"": ""supernatural powers""}, {""id"": 6110, ""name"": ""weapon""}, {""id"": 7335, ""name"": ""lawsuit""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}]",en,The Incredibles,"Bob Parr has given up his superhero days to log in time as an insurance adjuster and raise his three children with his formerly heroic wife in suburbia. But when he receives a mysterious assignment, it's time to get back into costume.",77.817571,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-11-05,631442092,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"No gut, no glory",The Incredibles,7.4,5152
98000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,1408,"[{""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 1969, ""name"": ""map""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 5470, ""name"": ""scalp""}, {""id"": 12988, ""name"": ""pirate""}]",en,Cutthroat Island,"Morgan Adams and her slave, William Shaw, are on a quest to recover the three portions of a treasure map. Unfortunately, the final portion is held by her murderous uncle, Dawg. Her crew is skeptical of her leadership abilities, so she must complete her quest before they mutiny against her. This is made yet more difficult by the efforts of the British crown to end her pirate raids.",7.029308,"[{""name"": ""Le Studio Canal+"", ""id"": 183}, {""name"": ""Laurence Mark Productions"", ""id"": 415}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Carolco Pictures"", ""id"": 14723}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-12-22,10017322,119,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}]",Released,The Course Has Been Set. There Is No Turning Back. Prepare Your Weapons. Summon Your Courage. Discover the Adventure of a Lifetime!,Cutthroat Island,5.7,136
95000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,32657,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 2036, ""name"": ""greek mythology""}, {""id"": 9649, ""name"": ""god""}, {""id"": 44365, ""name"": ""poseidon \u00a0""}, {""id"": 68838, ""name"": ""lightning bolt""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief,"Accident prone teenager, Percy discovers he's actually a demi-God, the son of Poseidon, and he is needed when Zeus' lightning is stolen. Percy must master his new found skills in order to prevent a war between the Gods that could devastate the entire world.",61.121717,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""TCF Vancouver Productions"", ""id"": 28431}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-02-01,226497209,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Worlds Collide,Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief,6.0,2010
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,607,"[{""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1381, ""name"": ""sun glasses""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 2173, ""name"": ""illegal immigration""}, {""id"": 2428, ""name"": ""deportation""}, {""id"": 2547, ""name"": ""new identity""}, {""id"": 3240, ""name"": ""giant cockroach""}, {""id"": 3242, ""name"": ""cannon""}, {""id"": 3243, ""name"": ""flying saucer""}, {""id"": 4751, ""name"": ""stay permit""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 174915, ""name"": ""fictional government agency""}]",en,Men in Black,"Men in Black follows the exploits of agents Kay and Jay, members of a top-secret organization established to monitor and police alien activity on Earth. The two Men in Black find themselves in the middle of the deadly plot by an intergalactic terrorist who has arrived on Earth to assassinate two ambassadors from opposing galaxies. In order to prevent worlds from colliding, the MiB must track down the terrorist and prevent the destruction of Earth. It's just another typical day for the Men in Black.",104.121555,"[{""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Parkes+MacDonald Image Nation"", ""id"": 49325}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-07-02,589390539,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Protecting the Earth from the scum of the universe.,Men in Black,6.9,4412
90000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,863,"[{""id"": 2598, ""name"": ""museum""}, {""id"": 3246, ""name"": ""prosecution""}, {""id"": 3394, ""name"": ""identity crisis""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4294, ""name"": ""flea market""}, {""id"": 4295, ""name"": ""collector""}, {""id"": 4298, ""name"": ""teamwork""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 18031, ""name"": ""rescue team""}, {""id"": 175343, ""name"": ""garage sale""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187065, ""name"": ""toy comes to life""}, {""id"": 209386, ""name"": ""personification""}, {""id"": 209387, ""name"": ""inanimate objects coming to life""}]",en,Toy Story 2,"Andy heads off to Cowboy Camp, leaving his toys to their own devices. Things shift into high gear when an obsessive toy collector named Al McWhiggen, owner of Al's Toy Barn kidnaps Woody. Andy's toys mount a daring rescue mission, Buzz Lightyear meets his match and Woody has to decide where he and his heart truly belong.",73.575118,"[{""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-10-30,497366869,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The toys are back!,Toy Story 2,7.3,3806
100000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,44048,"[{""id"": 163228, ""name"": ""runaway train""}]",en,Unstoppable,"A runaway train, transporting deadly, toxic chemicals, is barreling down on Stanton, Pennsylvania, and only two men can stop it: a veteran engineer and a young conductor. Thousands of lives hang in the balance as these ordinary heroes attempt to chase down one million tons of hurtling steel and prevent an epic disaster.",37.698465,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Firm Films"", ""id"": 1838}, {""name"": ""Prospect Park"", ""id"": 19776}, {""name"": ""Millbrook Farm Productions"", ""id"": 19777}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-11-04,167805466,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"1,000,000 Tons. 100,000 Lives. 100 Minutes.",Unstoppable,6.3,1165
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,5175,"[{""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Rush Hour 2,"It's vacation time for Carter as he finds himself alongside Lee in Hong Kong wishing for more excitement. While Carter wants to party and meet the ladies, Lee is out to track down a Triad gang lord who may be responsible for killing two men at the American Embassy. Things get complicated as the pair stumble onto a counterfeiting plot. The boys are soon up to their necks in fist fights and life-threatening situations. A trip back to the U.S. may provide the answers about the bombing, the counterfeiting, and the true allegiance of sexy customs agent Isabella.",35.814765,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-08-03,347325802,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Get ready for a second Rush!,Rush Hour 2,6.4,1054
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,2655,"[{""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 3358, ""name"": ""haunted house""}, {""id"": 10112, ""name"": ""ouija board""}, {""id"": 10224, ""name"": ""haunting""}, {""id"": 11169, ""name"": ""missing girl""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}]",en,What Lies Beneath,"When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherworldly spirit is trying to contact her. All the while, her husband tries to reassure her by telling her it's all in her head. But as Claire investigates, she discovers that the man she loves might know more than he's letting on.",15.835672,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-07-21,155464351,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He was the perfect husband until his one mistake followed them home.,What Lies Beneath,6.3,488
100000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,22794,"[{""id"": 3694, ""name"": ""weather""}, {""id"": 10637, ""name"": ""food""}, {""id"": 156810, ""name"": ""science""}]",en,Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,"Inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that makes clouds rain food, enabling the down-and-out citizens of Chewandswallow to feed themselves. But when the falling food reaches gargantuan proportions, Flint must scramble to avert disaster. Can he regain control of the machine and put an end to the wild weather before the town is destroyed?",46.781182,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-09-17,242988466,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Prepare to get served.,Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs,6.5,1747
90000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,8355,"[{""id"": 2219, ""name"": ""ice age""}, {""id"": 3450, ""name"": ""bridge""}, {""id"": 6255, ""name"": ""insanity""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 17985, ""name"": ""birth""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs,"Times are changing for Manny the moody mammoth, Sid the motor mouthed sloth and Diego the crafty saber-toothed tiger. Life heats up for our heroes when they meet some new and none-too-friendly neighbors – the mighty dinosaurs.",69.457898,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-06-29,886686817,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You Won't Believe Your Ice!,Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs,6.5,2271
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,116745,"[{""id"": 486, ""name"": ""himalaya""}, {""id"": 1003, ""name"": ""photographer""}, {""id"": 4620, ""name"": ""magazine""}, {""id"": 5746, ""name"": ""iceland""}, {""id"": 5779, ""name"": ""daydream""}, {""id"": 13094, ""name"": ""photograph""}, {""id"": 15097, ""name"": ""shark""}, {""id"": 18326, ""name"": ""fired from the job""}, {""id"": 33355, ""name"": ""skateboard""}, {""id"": 173276, ""name"": ""dreamer""}, {""id"": 182195, ""name"": ""online dating""}, {""id"": 188841, ""name"": ""daydreaming""}]",en,The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing.,43.348022,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Media"", ""id"": 290}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Samuel Goldwyn Films"", ""id"": 9118}, {""name"": ""Big Screen Productions"", ""id"": 10893}, {""name"": ""Red Hour Films"", ""id"": 12178}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}, {""name"": ""Down Productions"", ""id"": 37336}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-12-18,188133322,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Stop Dreaming, Start Living",The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,7.0,3144
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,4327,"[{""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 5248, ""name"": ""female friendship""}, {""id"": 33626, ""name"": ""millionaire""}, {""id"": 33705, ""name"": ""agent""}]",en,Charlie's Angels,"Aspects of this take on the 1970s hit TV series are similar to the original show :Angels Dylan, Natalie and Alex still work for Charlie and interface with Bosley. They still flip their hair, stop traffic with a smile and kick butt. The differences are the unsubtle humor, the martial arts training and the high-tech premise: This time, they're hot on the trail of stolen software.",40.20395,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-02,264105545,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fi"", ""name"": ""suomi""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}]",Released,Get Some Action,Charlie's Angels,5.6,1232
90000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,1422,"[{""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1680, ""name"": ""boston""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 10391, ""name"": ""mafia""}, {""id"": 11199, ""name"": ""undercover cop""}, {""id"": 11578, ""name"": ""mobster""}, {""id"": 14617, ""name"": ""mole""}, {""id"": 177235, ""name"": ""state police""}, {""id"": 177258, ""name"": ""police training""}, {""id"": 177259, ""name"": ""realtor""}]",en,The Departed,"To take down South Boston's Irish Mafia, the police send in one of their own to infiltrate the underworld, not realizing the syndicate has done likewise. While an undercover cop curries favor with the mob kingpin, a career criminal rises through the police ranks. But both sides soon discover there's a mole among them.",63.429157,"[{""name"": ""Vertigo Entertainment"", ""id"": 829}, {""name"": ""Media Asia Films"", ""id"": 5552}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Initial Entertainment Group (IEG)"", ""id"": 7380}, {""name"": ""Plan B Entertainment"", ""id"": 45778}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""HK"", ""name"": ""Hong Kong""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-10-05,289847354,151,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}]",Released,Lies. Betrayal. Sacrifice. How far will you take it?,The Departed,7.9,4339
90000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,10674,"[{""id"": 2156, ""name"": ""homeland""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 5719, ""name"": ""cricket""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 12554, ""name"": ""dragon""}, {""id"": 157904, ""name"": ""luck""}]",en,Mulan,"A tomboyish girl disguises herself as a young man so she can fight with the Imperial Chinese Army against the invading Huns. With help from wise-cracking dragon Mushu, Mulan just might save her country -- and win the heart of handsome Captain Li Shang.",67.427755,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-06-18,304320254,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,"This time, the princess saves the prince.",Mulan,7.6,2008
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,7446,"[{""id"": 886, ""name"": ""film making""}, {""id"": 8201, ""name"": ""satire""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}, {""id"": 162262, ""name"": ""movie star""}, {""id"": 167475, ""name"": ""southeast asia""}, {""id"": 167477, ""name"": ""land mine""}, {""id"": 167486, ""name"": ""shackles""}, {""id"": 167492, ""name"": ""war filmmaking""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 184816, ""name"": ""blackface""}, {""id"": 224875, ""name"": ""method acting""}]",en,Tropic Thunder,"Vietnam veteran 'Four Leaf' Tayback's memoir, Tropic Thunder, is being made into a film, but Director Damien Cockburn can’t control the cast of prima donnas. Behind schedule and over budget, Cockburn is ordered by a studio executive to get filming back on track, or risk its cancellation. On Tayback's advice, Cockburn drops the actors into the middle of the jungle to film the remaining scenes but, unbeknownst to the actors and production, the group have been dropped in the middle of the Golden Triangle, the home of heroin-producing gangs.",43.192048,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Goldcrest Pictures"", ""id"": 11843}, {""name"": ""Red Hour Films"", ""id"": 12178}, {""name"": ""Internationale Filmproduktion Stella-del-Sud Second"", ""id"": 12379}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2008-08-09,188072649,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,The movie they think they're making... isn't a movie anymore.,Tropic Thunder,6.5,1667
90000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,65754,"[{""id"": 570, ""name"": ""rape""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 917, ""name"": ""journalism""}, {""id"": 2157, ""name"": ""hacker""}, {""id"": 2652, ""name"": ""nazis""}, {""id"": 4470, ""name"": ""punk""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10371, ""name"": ""antisocial personality disorder""}, {""id"": 10714, ""name"": ""serial killer""}, {""id"": 10941, ""name"": ""disappearance""}, {""id"": 12361, ""name"": ""hacking""}, {""id"": 155555, ""name"": ""computer hacker""}, {""id"": 156386, ""name"": ""bible quote""}, {""id"": 197952, ""name"": ""scandinavian""}, {""id"": 207691, ""name"": ""abuse""}]",en,The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,"This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, as he investigates the disappearance of a weary patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander. As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover immense corruption beyond anything they have ever imagined.",47.651083,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Scott Rudin Productions"", ""id"": 258}, {""name"": ""Film Rites"", ""id"": 8083}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Yellow Bird"", ""id"": 33817}, {""name"": ""Ground Control"", ""id"": 47479}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NO"", ""name"": ""Norway""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""SE"", ""name"": ""Sweden""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-12-14,232617430,158,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Evil shall with evil be expelled.,The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,7.2,2434
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1572,"[{""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 444, ""name"": ""taxi""}, {""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 642, ""name"": ""robbery""}, {""id"": 703, ""name"": ""detective""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1321, ""name"": ""gold""}, {""id"": 1552, ""name"": ""subway""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 5572, ""name"": ""fistfight""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 177309, ""name"": ""simon says""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}, {""id"": 188329, ""name"": ""dump truck""}, {""id"": 192707, ""name"": ""aqueduct""}, {""id"": 219404, ""name"": ""action hero""}, {""id"": 226838, ""name"": ""federal reserve bank""}]",en,Die Hard: With a Vengeance,"New York detective John McClane is back and kicking bad-guy butt in the third installment of this action-packed series, which finds him teaming with civilian Zeus Carver to prevent the loss of innocent lives. McClane thought he'd seen it all, until a genius named Simon engages McClane, his new ""partner"" -- and his beloved city -- in a deadly game that demands their concentration.",51.881077,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Cinergi Pictures Entertainment"", ""id"": 1504}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-05-19,366101666,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ro"", ""name"": ""Rom\u00e2n\u0103""}]",Released,Think fast. Look alive. Die hard.,Die Hard: With a Vengeance,6.9,2066
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,10528,"[{""id"": 703, ""name"": ""detective""}, {""id"": 770, ""name"": ""scotland yard""}, {""id"": 1909, ""name"": ""coffin""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 5638, ""name"": ""arrest""}, {""id"": 9104, ""name"": ""partner""}, {""id"": 9401, ""name"": ""sherlock holmes""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10028, ""name"": ""steampunk""}, {""id"": 11855, ""name"": ""pentagram""}, {""id"": 33514, ""name"": ""clue""}]",en,Sherlock Holmes,"Eccentric consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson battle to bring down a new nemesis and unravel a deadly plot that could destroy England.",57.834787,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Internationale Filmproduktion Blackbird Dritte"", ""id"": 19855}, {""name"": ""Wigram Productions"", ""id"": 23202}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-23,524028679,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Nothing escapes him.,Sherlock Holmes,7.0,5766
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,271969,"[{""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 232766, ""name"": ""vengeance""}]",en,Ben-Hur,A falsely accused nobleman survives years of slavery to take vengeance on his best friend who betrayed him.,29.608322,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Sean Daniel Company"", ""id"": 19857}, {""name"": ""LightWorkers Media"", ""id"": 23920}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-08-17,94061311,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,First to finish. Last to die.,Ben-Hur,5.3,621
120000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,10865,"[{""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 2768, ""name"": ""atlantis""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 14785, ""name"": ""underwater""}, {""id"": 33696, ""name"": ""sea monster""}]",en,Atlantis: The Lost Empire,"The world's most highly qualified crew of archaeologists and explorers is led by historian Milo Thatch as they board the incredible 1,000-foot submarine Ulysses and head deep into the mysteries of the sea.",51.548589,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-02,186053725,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Atlantis is waiting...,Atlantis: The Lost Empire,6.7,1224
0,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,258509,"[{""id"": 10986, ""name"": ""chipmunk""}, {""id"": 10987, ""name"": ""cgi""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip,"Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in New York City - and dump them. They have three days to get to him and stop the proposal.",27.867368,"[{""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Bagdasarian Productions"", ""id"": 10930}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-12-17,233755553,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Fast & furry-ous,Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip,5.8,428
75000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,2253,"[{""id"": 220, ""name"": ""berlin""}, {""id"": 236, ""name"": ""suicide""}, {""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 441, ""name"": ""assassination""}, {""id"": 836, ""name"": ""resistance""}, {""id"": 1157, ""name"": ""wife husband relationship""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 3063, ""name"": ""adolf hitler""}, {""id"": 4812, ""name"": ""plan""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 10202, ""name"": ""treason""}, {""id"": 10786, ""name"": ""colonel""}, {""id"": 11109, ""name"": ""military officer""}, {""id"": 11121, ""name"": ""plot""}, {""id"": 11122, ""name"": ""german officer""}, {""id"": 11123, ""name"": ""piano wire""}, {""id"": 11124, ""name"": ""medal""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}]",en,Valkyrie,"Wounded in Africa during World War II, Nazi Col. Claus von Stauffenberg returns to his native Germany and joins the Resistance in a daring plan to create a shadow government and assassinate Adolf Hitler. When events unfold so that he becomes a central player, he finds himself tasked with both leading the coup and personally killing the Führer.",38.832842,"[{""name"": ""United Artists"", ""id"": 60}, {""name"": ""Achte Babelsberg Film"", ""id"": 6100}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-12-25,200276000,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,Many saw evil. They dared to stop it.,Valkyrie,6.7,1173
90000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,10661,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 536, ""name"": ""israel""}, {""id"": 539, ""name"": ""middle east""}, {""id"": 928, ""name"": ""hairdresser""}, {""id"": 2336, ""name"": ""ladykiller""}, {""id"": 3037, ""name"": ""mossad""}, {""id"": 3038, ""name"": ""israeli""}, {""id"": 3039, ""name"": ""palestinian""}, {""id"": 3188, ""name"": ""heart-throb""}, {""id"": 5907, ""name"": ""middle east conflict""}, {""id"": 6785, ""name"": ""hairstyle""}, {""id"": 8932, ""name"": ""hacky sack""}]",en,You Don't Mess with the Zohan,An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do anything -- including faking his own death and going head-to-head with an Arab cab driver -- to make his dreams come true.,40.597344,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Releasing"", ""id"": 3045}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-05,201596308,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""he"", ""name"": ""\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05b0\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea""}]",Released,Lather. Rinse. Save the world.,You Don't Mess with the Zohan,5.5,1048
88000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,257344,"[{""id"": 282, ""name"": ""video game""}, {""id"": 5801, ""name"": ""nerd""}, {""id"": 192962, ""name"": ""alien attack""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 220855, ""name"": ""pixels""}]",en,Pixels,Video game experts are recruited by the military to fight 1980s-era video game characters who've attacked New York.,140.849495,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-07-16,243637091,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Game On.,Pixels,5.6,2513
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,644,"[{""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 530, ""name"": ""prophecy""}, {""id"": 549, ""name"": ""prostitute""}, {""id"": 803, ""name"": ""android""}, {""id"": 936, ""name"": ""loss of mother""}, {""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 2219, ""name"": ""ice age""}, {""id"": 2393, ""name"": ""adoption""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 3244, ""name"": ""pinocchio""}, {""id"": 3246, ""name"": ""prosecution""}, {""id"": 3248, ""name"": ""gigolo""}, {""id"": 3249, ""name"": ""hologram""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 40850, ""name"": ""destiny""}, {""id"": 156702, ""name"": ""capture""}, {""id"": 161891, ""name"": ""doppelganger""}]",en,A.I. Artificial Intelligence,"A robotic boy, the first programmed to love, David is adopted as a test case by a Cybertronics employee and his wife. Though he gradually becomes their child, a series of unexpected circumstances make this life impossible for David. Without final acceptance by humans or machines, David embarks on a journey to discover where he truly belongs, uncovering a world in which the line between robot and machine is both vast and profoundly thin.",34.035114,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Stanley Kubrick Productions"", ""id"": 385}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-29,235926552,146,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall. He has brown hair. His love is real. But he is not.",A.I. Artificial Intelligence,6.8,1974
90000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,10756,"[{""id"": 352, ""name"": ""secret passage""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2918, ""name"": ""estate agent""}, {""id"": 3358, ""name"": ""haunted house""}, {""id"": 14724, ""name"": ""family vacation""}, {""id"": 162846, ""name"": ""ghost""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,The Haunted Mansion,"Workaholic Jim Evers and his wife/business partner, Sara get a call one night from mansion owner, Edward Gracey wants to sell his house. Once the Evers family arrive at the mansion a butler takes them to dine with Gracey. Gracey takes one look at Sara and he thinks she's his lost lover.",16.302378,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Gunn Films"", ""id"": 3538}, {""name"": ""Doom Buggy Productions"", ""id"": 47122}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-11-25,182290266,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Check your pulse at the door... if you have one.,The Haunted Mansion,5.2,466
90000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,686,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1432, ""name"": ""nasa""}, {""id"": 1508, ""name"": ""new mexico""}, {""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 2846, ""name"": ""prime number""}, {""id"": 3412, ""name"": ""star""}, {""id"": 3416, ""name"": ""radio wave""}, {""id"": 3417, ""name"": ""wormhole""}, {""id"": 3419, ""name"": ""fanatic""}, {""id"": 10706, ""name"": ""spirituality""}, {""id"": 11001, ""name"": ""religion""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15246, ""name"": ""sabotage""}, {""id"": 159961, ""name"": ""ham radio""}, {""id"": 160515, ""name"": ""alien contact""}, {""id"": 162356, ""name"": ""mechanical engineering""}, {""id"": 162357, ""name"": ""observatory""}, {""id"": 226028, ""name"": ""eccentric man""}, {""id"": 226240, ""name"": ""radio telescope""}]",en,Contact,"Contact is a science fiction film about an encounter with alien intelligence. Based on the novel by Carl Sagan the film starred Jodie Foster as the one chosen scientist who must make some difficult decisions between her beliefs, the truth, and reality.",55.249434,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""South Side Amusement Company"", ""id"": 43910}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-07-11,171120329,150,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.",Contact,7.2,1308
95000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9383,"[{""id"": 627, ""name"": ""killing""}, {""id"": 4005, ""name"": ""human experimentation""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 160130, ""name"": ""invisible man""}, {""id"": 198781, ""name"": ""science experiment""}]",en,Hollow Man,"Cocky researcher, Sebastian Caine is working on a project to make living creatures invisible and he's so confident he's found the right formula that he tests it on himself and soon begins to vanish. The only problem is – no-one can determine how to make him visible again. Caine's predicament eventually drives him mad, with terrifying results.",28.200874,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Company Medien KG"", ""id"": 9269}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-08-04,190213455,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,What would you do if you knew you couldn't be seen?,Hollow Man,5.6,634
80000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,179,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 407, ""name"": ""dictator""}, {""id"": 409, ""name"": ""africa""}, {""id"": 434, ""name"": ""destruction of a civilization""}, {""id"": 441, ""name"": ""assassination""}, {""id"": 836, ""name"": ""resistance""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 15053, ""name"": ""united nations""}, {""id"": 15155, ""name"": ""witness to murder""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 174375, ""name"": ""resistance fighter""}]",en,The Interpreter,"After Silvia Broome, an interpreter at United Nations headquarters, overhears plans of an assassination, an American Secret Service agent is sent to investigate.",18.69984,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""StudioCanal"", ""id"": 694}, {""name"": ""Mirage Enterprises"", ""id"": 932}, {""name"": ""Working Title Films"", ""id"": 10163}, {""name"": ""Misher Films"", ""id"": 11581}, {""name"": ""Motion Picture JOTA Produktions"", ""id"": 20194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-04-08,162944923,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,The truth needs no translation.,The Interpreter,6.2,392
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",!/home,76285,"[{""id"": 351, ""name"": ""poison""}, {""id"": 2034, ""name"": ""hermes""}, {""id"": 14667, ""name"": ""poseidon""}, {""id"": 180548, ""name"": ""demigod""}, {""id"": 180909, ""name"": ""golden fleece""}, {""id"": 180912, ""name"": ""olympus""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 221835, ""name"": ""kronos""}, {""id"": 221836, ""name"": ""overthrow olympus""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters,"In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.",40.262261,"[{""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""TSG Entertainment"", ""id"": 22213}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-08-07,174578751,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Where There Are Gods, There Are Monsters.",Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters,5.9,1648
95000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1996,"[{""id"": 483, ""name"": ""riddle""}, {""id"": 1454, ""name"": ""treasure""}, {""id"": 1456, ""name"": ""medallion""}, {""id"": 3510, ""name"": ""kenia""}, {""id"": 5127, ""name"": ""alexander the great""}, {""id"": 5962, ""name"": ""pandora's box""}, {""id"": 5964, ""name"": ""chinese mafia""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 12354, ""name"": ""hong kong""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 184134, ""name"": ""archeology\u00a0""}]",en,Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life,"Lara Croft ventures to an underwater temple in search of the mythological Pandora's Box but, after securing it, it is promptly stolen by the villainous leader of a Chinese crime syndicate. Lara must recover the box before the syndicate's evil mastermind uses it to construct a weapon of catastrophic capabilities.",56.811056,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Toho-Towa"", ""id"": 657}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""Lawrence Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 840}, {""name"": ""British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)"", ""id"": 3324}, {""name"": ""October Pictures"", ""id"": 14362}, {""name"": ""Eidos Interactive"", ""id"": 19105}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2003-07-21,156505388,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Adventuress Lara Croft goes on a quest to save the mythical Pandora's Box,Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life,5.5,1418
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,291805,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 478, ""name"": ""china""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2908, ""name"": ""secret society""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 228519, ""name"": ""macau china""}, {""id"": 236458, ""name"": ""magician""}]",en,Now You See Me 2,"One year after outwitting the FBI and winning the public’s adulation with their mind-bending spectacles, the Four Horsemen resurface only to find themselves face to face with a new enemy who enlists them to pull off their most dangerous heist yet.",51.535701,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""K/O Paper Products"", ""id"": 7296}, {""name"": ""TIK Films"", ""id"": 72441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-06-02,334901337,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,You Haven't Seen Anything Yet,Now You See Me 2,6.7,3235
68000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,10003,"[{""id"": 220, ""name"": ""berlin""}, {""id"": 2139, ""name"": ""russia""}, {""id"": 5138, ""name"": ""gas""}, {""id"": 6168, ""name"": ""master thief""}, {""id"": 186946, ""name"": ""the saint""}]",en,The Saint,"Ivan Tretiak, Russian Mafia boss who wants to create an oil crisis in Moscow and seize power as a result sends Simon Templar, great international criminal, to England to get a secret formula for cold fusion from U.S. scientist Emma Russell. Templar falls in love with Emma and they try to outwit Tretiak and his guerrillas, hiding from them in Moscow",20.913852,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Mace Neufeld Productions"", ""id"": 2767}, {""name"": ""Rysher Entertainment"", ""id"": 11661}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-04-03,118063304,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Never reveal your name. Never turn your back. Never surrender your heart.,The Saint,5.9,302
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1535,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 478, ""name"": ""china""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}]",en,Spy Game,"Veteran spy Nathan Muir is on the verge of retiring from the CIA when he learns that his one-time protégé and close friend, Tom Bishop, is a political prisoner sentenced to die in Beijing. Although their friendship has been marred by bad blood and resentment, Muir agrees to take on the most dangerous mission of his career and rescue Bishop.",27.166757,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Metropolitan Filmexport"", ""id"": 656}, {""name"": ""Toho-Towa"", ""id"": 657}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Productions"", ""id"": 780}, {""name"": ""Beacon Communications"", ""id"": 919}, {""name"": ""Kalima Productions GmbH & Co. KG"", ""id"": 7385}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-11-18,143049560,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""cn"", ""name"": ""\u5e7f\u5dde\u8bdd / \u5ee3\u5dde\u8a71""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,It's not how you play the game. It's how the game plays you.,Spy Game,6.8,579
90000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2067,"[{""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 3801, ""name"": ""space travel""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 11440, ""name"": ""long take""}, {""id"": 12405, ""name"": ""outer space""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 157444, ""name"": ""dismemberment""}, {""id"": 160515, ""name"": ""alien contact""}, {""id"": 191586, ""name"": ""trapped in space""}]",en,Mission to Mars,"When contact is lost with the crew of the first Mars expedition, a rescue mission is launched to discover their fate.",16.058284,"[{""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""The Jacobson Company"", ""id"": 3638}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Red Horizon Productions"", ""id"": 22103}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-03-10,60874615,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Let There Be Life.,Mission to Mars,5.7,369
90000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,46195,"[{""id"": 1161, ""name"": ""brazil""}, {""id"": 2551, ""name"": ""pet""}, {""id"": 2646, ""name"": ""bird""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 7453, ""name"": ""canary""}, {""id"": 12649, ""name"": ""samba""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 236475, ""name"": ""rio 1""}, {""id"": 236476, ""name"": ""r\u00edo 1""}]",en,Rio,"Captured by smugglers when he was just a hatchling, a macaw named Blu never learned to fly and lives a happily domesticated life in Minnesota with his human friend, Linda. Blu is thought to be the last of his kind, but when word comes that Jewel, a lone female, lives in Rio de Janeiro, Blu and Linda go to meet her. Animal smugglers kidnap Blu and Jewel, but the pair soon escape and begin a perilous adventure back to freedom -- and Linda.",46.200042,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-04-03,484635760,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,1 out of every 8 Americans is afraid of flying. Most of them don't have feathers.,Rio,6.5,2166
100000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2277,"[{""id"": 803, ""name"": ""android""}, {""id"": 3249, ""name"": ""hologram""}, {""id"": 6089, ""name"": ""freedom""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}]",en,Bicentennial Man,"Richard Martin buys a gift, a new NDR-114 robot. The product is named Andrew by the youngest of the family's children. ""Bicentennial Man"" follows the life and times of Andrew, a robot purchased as a household appliance programmed to perform menial tasks. As Andrew begins to experience emotions and creative thought, the Martin family soon discovers they don't have an ordinary robot.",24.939295,"[{""name"": ""Laurence Mark Productions"", ""id"": 415}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Radiant Productions"", ""id"": 18990}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-12-17,93700000,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One robot's 200 year journey to become an ordinary man.,Bicentennial Man,6.9,963
90000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,10357,"[{""id"": 1552, ""name"": ""subway""}, {""id"": 2859, ""name"": ""lava""}, {""id"": 3347, ""name"": ""volcano""}, {""id"": 7051, ""name"": ""volcanologist""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}]",en,Volcano,"An earthquake shatters a peaceful Los Angeles morning and opens a fissure deep into the earth, causing lava to start bubbling up. As a volcano begins forming in the La Brea Tar Pits, the director of the city's emergency management service, Mike Roark, working with geologist Amy Barnes, must then use every resource in the city to try and stop the volcano from consuming Los Angeles.",19.836124,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-04-25,0,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The coast is toast,Volcano,5.2,376
90000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,4477,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 2142, ""name"": ""anonymity""}, {""id"": 7005, ""name"": ""northern ireland""}]",en,The Devil's Own,"Frankie McGuire, one of the IRA's deadliest assassins, draws an American family into the crossfire of terrorism. But when he is sent to the U.S. to buy weapons, Frankie is housed with the family of Tom O'Meara, a New York cop who knows nothing about Frankie's real identity. Their surprising friendship, and Tom's growing suspicions, forces Frankie to choose between the promise of peace or a lifetime of murder.",15.350451,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-03-12,140807547,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"They come from different worlds. They fight for different causes. Now, two men from opposite sides of the law are about to go to war.",The Devil's Own,5.9,290
100000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,8665,"[{""id"": 339, ""name"": ""submarine""}, {""id"": 2111, ""name"": ""soviet union""}, {""id"": 4607, ""name"": ""core melt""}, {""id"": 6790, ""name"": ""north atlantic""}, {""id"": 155652, ""name"": ""nuclear""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,K-19: The Widowmaker,"When Russia's first nuclear submarine malfunctions on its maiden voyage, the crew must race to save the ship and prevent a nuclear disaster.",15.625949,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Intermedia Films"", ""id"": 763}, {""name"": ""National Geographic Society"", ""id"": 2471}, {""name"": ""New Regency Pictures"", ""id"": 10104}, {""name"": ""Palomar Pictures (II)"", ""id"": 11371}, {""name"": ""First Light Production"", ""id"": 20344}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-07-19,35168966,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Fate has found its hero.,K-19: The Widowmaker,6.1,264
20000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,9387,"[{""id"": 1394, ""name"": ""gladiator""}, {""id"": 1522, ""name"": ""repayment""}, {""id"": 4798, ""name"": ""despot""}, {""id"": 14665, ""name"": ""barbarian""}, {""id"": 234213, ""name"": ""sword and sorcery""}]",en,Conan the Barbarian,"A film adaptation of the classic sword and sorcery hero, Conan the Barbarian. A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon King Osric, who wants the trio of warriors to help rescue his daughter who has joined Doom in the hills.",31.802807,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Dino De Laurentiis Company"", ""id"": 10308}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1982-04-02,79114085,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Thief. Warrior. Gladiator. King.,Conan the Barbarian,6.6,650
88000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,921,"[{""id"": 396, ""name"": ""transporter""}, {""id"": 1199, ""name"": ""netherlands""}, {""id"": 1477, ""name"": ""world cup""}, {""id"": 1952, ""name"": ""socially deprived family""}, {""id"": 2783, ""name"": ""family's daily life""}, {""id"": 2792, ""name"": ""boxer""}, {""id"": 4487, ""name"": ""boxing match""}, {""id"": 4610, ""name"": ""comeback""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 4614, ""name"": ""heavy weight""}, {""id"": 4615, ""name"": ""folk hero""}, {""id"": 5565, ""name"": ""biography""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 6066, ""name"": ""defeat""}, {""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}]",en,Cinderella Man,"The true story of boxer, Jim Braddock who, in the 1920’s after his retirement, has a surprise comeback in order to get him and his family out of a socially poor state.",24.100863,"[{""name"": ""Miramax Films"", ""id"": 14}, {""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Parkway Pictures (I)"", ""id"": 631}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-06-02,108539911,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One man's extraordinary fight to save the family he loved.,Cinderella Man,7.3,616
90000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,49852,[],en,The Nutcracker: The Untold Story,"Set in 1920's Vienna, this a tale of a little girl, whose godfather gives her a special doll one Christmas Eve.",3.593349,"[{""name"": ""Vnesheconombank"", ""id"": 24013}, {""name"": ""Nutcracker Holdings"", ""id"": 24014}, {""name"": ""HCC Media Group"", ""id"": 24015}, {""name"": ""Russian Roulette Ltd."", ""id"": 24016}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""HU"", ""name"": ""Hungary""}]",2010-11-24,16178959,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""da"", ""name"": ""Dansk""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,The Nutcracker: The Untold Story,5.4,50
87000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,4464,"[{""id"": 643, ""name"": ""horse race""}, {""id"": 2355, ""name"": ""american dream""}, {""id"": 3525, ""name"": ""racehorse""}, {""id"": 5571, ""name"": ""great depression""}]",en,Seabiscuit,True story of the undersized Depression-era racehorse whose victories lifted not only the spirits of the team behind it but also those of their nation.,14.824166,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""The Kennedy/Marshall Company"", ""id"": 862}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Pictures"", ""id"": 7293}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-07-22,148336445,141,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The hopes of a nation rode on a long shot.,Seabiscuit,6.7,216
92000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,664,"[{""id"": 1157, ""name"": ""wife husband relationship""}, {""id"": 2213, ""name"": ""tornado""}, {""id"": 2214, ""name"": ""twister""}, {""id"": 2493, ""name"": ""oklahoma""}, {""id"": 3337, ""name"": ""metereologist""}, {""id"": 3338, ""name"": ""invention""}, {""id"": 3693, ""name"": ""climate""}, {""id"": 3875, ""name"": ""barn""}, {""id"": 5096, ""name"": ""natural disaster""}, {""id"": 5543, ""name"": ""cow""}, {""id"": 9276, ""name"": ""truck""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 12335, ""name"": ""aunt niece relationship""}, {""id"": 12336, ""name"": ""storm chaser""}, {""id"": 15160, ""name"": ""divorce""}]",en,Twister,"TV weatherman Bill Harding is trying to get his tornado-hunter wife, Jo, to sign divorce papers so he can marry his girlfriend Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the form of a series of intense storms sweeping across Oklahoma, has other plans. Soon the three have joined the team of stormchasers as they attempt to insert a revolutionary measuring device into the very heart of several extremely violent tornados.",32.079995,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Constant c Productions"", ""id"": 23370}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-05-10,494471524,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Dark Side of Nature.,Twister,6.1,950
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,8358,"[{""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1252, ""name"": ""suicide attempt""}, {""id"": 5605, ""name"": ""volleyball""}, {""id"": 9957, ""name"": ""loneliness""}, {""id"": 12617, ""name"": ""airplane crash""}, {""id"": 155746, ""name"": ""deserted island""}, {""id"": 157524, ""name"": ""tropical island""}, {""id"": 170319, ""name"": ""survival skills""}]",en,Cast Away,"Chuck, a top international manager for FedEx, and Kelly, a Ph.D. student, are in love and heading towards marriage. Then Chuck's plane to Malaysia ditches at sea during a terrible storm. He's the only survivor, and he washes up on a tiny island with nothing but some flotsam and jetsam from the aircraft's cargo.",57.739713,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Playtone"", ""id"": 4171}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-12-22,429632142,143,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"At the edge of the world, his journey begins.",Cast Away,7.5,3218
100000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,9836,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 1357, ""name"": ""fish""}, {""id"": 2172, ""name"": ""zoo""}, {""id"": 3028, ""name"": ""penguin""}, {""id"": 4345, ""name"": ""tap dancing""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9986, ""name"": ""crush""}, {""id"": 10794, ""name"": ""snow""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 12990, ""name"": ""singing""}, {""id"": 14728, ""name"": ""antarctica""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Happy Feet,"Into the world of the Emperor Penguins, who find their soul mates through song, a penguin is born who cannot sing. But he can tap dance something fierce!",37.272385,"[{""name"": ""Kennedy Miller Productions"", ""id"": 2537}, {""name"": ""Animal Logic"", ""id"": 8089}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2006-11-16,384335608,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,WARNING: May Cause Toe-Tapping.,Happy Feet,5.9,1410
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,2502,"[{""id"": 220, ""name"": ""berlin""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1453, ""name"": ""amnesia""}, {""id"": 1589, ""name"": ""sniper""}, {""id"": 2251, ""name"": ""lie""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11134, ""name"": ""espionage""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 14967, ""name"": ""foot chase""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 18067, ""name"": ""exploding house""}, {""id"": 18520, ""name"": ""though guy""}, {""id"": 18522, ""name"": ""one against many""}, {""id"": 33779, ""name"": ""rail car""}, {""id"": 164148, ""name"": ""dark past""}, {""id"": 186450, ""name"": ""moscow""}, {""id"": 188955, ""name"": ""hand to hand combat""}]",en,The Bourne Supremacy,"When a CIA operation to purchase classified Russian documents is blown by a rival agent, who then shows up in the sleepy seaside village where Bourne and Marie have been living. The pair run for their lives and Bourne, who promised retaliation should anyone from his former life attempt contact, is forced to once again take up his life as a trained assassin to survive.",53.213931,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""The Kennedy/Marshall Company"", ""id"": 862}, {""name"": ""Hypnotic"", ""id"": 7384}, {""name"": ""Motion Picture THETA Produktionsgesellschaft"", ""id"": 11346}, {""name"": ""Ludlum Entertainment"", ""id"": 11347}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-07-23,288500217,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,They should have left him alone.,The Bourne Supremacy,7.2,2825
85000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9772,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 833, ""name"": ""white house""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 1954, ""name"": ""ultimatum""}, {""id"": 7188, ""name"": ""hostage-taking""}, {""id"": 8986, ""name"": ""air force one""}, {""id"": 10237, ""name"": ""aerial combat""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 12371, ""name"": ""gunfight""}, {""id"": 15089, ""name"": ""fighter plane""}, {""id"": 41249, ""name"": ""secret service""}, {""id"": 174019, ""name"": ""american president""}, {""id"": 188955, ""name"": ""hand to hand combat""}, {""id"": 200808, ""name"": ""negotiation""}, {""id"": 207901, ""name"": ""political prisoner""}, {""id"": 226150, ""name"": ""airplane hijack""}]",en,Air Force One,"Russian terrorists conspire to hijack the aircraft with the president and his family on board. The commander in chief finds himself facing an impossible predicament: give in to the terrorists and sacrifice his family, or risk everything to uphold his principles - and the integrity of the nation.",36.38795,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Beacon Communications"", ""id"": 919}, {""name"": ""Radiant Productions"", ""id"": 18990}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-07-25,315156409,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,The fate of a nation rests on the courage of one man.,Air Force One,6.2,840
85000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,161,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 3430, ""name"": ""pickpocket""}, {""id"": 3688, ""name"": ""strip club""}, {""id"": 10453, ""name"": ""con artist""}, {""id"": 10530, ""name"": ""atlantic city""}, {""id"": 11362, ""name"": ""cockney accent""}, {""id"": 14570, ""name"": ""las vegas""}, {""id"": 159355, ""name"": ""card dealer""}, {""id"": 159358, ""name"": ""explosives expert""}, {""id"": 159362, ""name"": ""black and white scene""}, {""id"": 159369, ""name"": ""male""}, {""id"": 159370, ""name"": ""salt lake city utah""}]",en,Ocean's Eleven,"Less than 24 hours into his parole, charismatic thief Danny Ocean is already rolling out his next plan: In one night, Danny's hand-picked crew of specialists will attempt to steal more than $150 million from three Las Vegas casinos. But to score the cash, Danny risks his chances of reconciling with ex-wife, Tess.",60.929352,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Section Eight"", ""id"": 129}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Jerry Weintraub Productions"", ""id"": 2596}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""WV Films II"", ""id"": 24939}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-07,450717150,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Are you in or out?,Ocean's Eleven,7.2,3783
75000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,52451,"[{""id"": 9791, ""name"": ""number in title""}, {""id"": 12995, ""name"": ""historical fiction""}, {""id"": 14577, ""name"": ""musketeer""}, {""id"": 207941, ""name"": ""17th century""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,The Three Musketeers,The hot-headed young D'Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war.,36.605246,"[{""name"": ""Impact Pictures"", ""id"": 248}, {""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Nouvelles \u00c9ditions de Films (NEF)"", ""id"": 753}, {""name"": ""New Legacy"", ""id"": 939}, {""name"": ""Constantin Film Produktion"", ""id"": 5755}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2011-08-31,132274484,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every legend has a new beginning.,The Three Musketeers,5.6,924
85000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,76492,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2904, ""name"": ""mummy""}, {""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 3633, ""name"": ""dracula""}, {""id"": 4062, ""name"": ""skeleton""}, {""id"": 5891, ""name"": ""backpacker""}, {""id"": 6737, ""name"": ""frankenstein""}, {""id"": 11155, ""name"": ""wolfman""}, {""id"": 12377, ""name"": ""zombie""}, {""id"": 160130, ""name"": ""invisible man""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179860, ""name"": ""\u00a0nosferatu""}, {""id"": 181068, ""name"": ""protective father""}, {""id"": 231407, ""name"": ""fang vamp""}]",en,Hotel Transylvania,"Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count's teen-aged daughter.",56.257411,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-09-20,358375603,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Where monsters go to get away from it all,Hotel Transylvania,6.8,2566
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,4523,"[{""id"": 351, ""name"": ""poison""}, {""id"": 2011, ""name"": ""queen""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 7376, ""name"": ""princess""}, {""id"": 7939, ""name"": ""portal""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}, {""id"": 177901, ""name"": ""evil witch""}, {""id"": 193521, ""name"": ""part animation""}]",en,Enchanted,"The beautiful princess Giselle is banished by an evil queen from her magical, musical animated land and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn't operate on a ""happily ever after"" basis, Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall in love with a charmingly flawed divorce lawyer who has come to her aid - even though she is already promised to a perfect fairy tale prince back home - she has to wonder: Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?",29.21998,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Josephson Entertainment"", ""id"": 1894}, {""name"": ""Andalasia Productions"", ""id"": 8908}, {""name"": ""Right Coast Productions"", ""id"": 8909}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-11-20,340487652,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This fairytale princess is about to meet a real Prince Charming,Enchanted,6.6,1449
85000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,59961,"[{""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 41668, ""name"": ""safe house""}, {""id"": 176802, ""name"": ""rogue agent""}, {""id"": 176806, ""name"": ""cape town south africa""}, {""id"": 176809, ""name"": ""soccer stadium""}]",en,Safe House,"A dangerous CIA renegade resurfaces after a decade on the run. When the safe house he's remanded to is attacked by mercenaries, a rookie operative escapes with him. Now, the unlikely allies must stay alive long enough to uncover who wants them dead.",34.773106,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Bluegrass Films"", ""id"": 13778}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-02-09,208076205,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""af"", ""name"": ""Afrikaans""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,No one is safe,Safe House,6.3,1345
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10481,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 3398, ""name"": ""release from prison""}, {""id"": 5424, ""name"": ""women's prison""}, {""id"": 6491, ""name"": ""society for the prevention of cruelty to animals""}, {""id"": 8841, ""name"": ""puppy""}, {""id"": 8905, ""name"": ""pelz""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 158369, ""name"": ""dalmatian""}]",en,102 Dalmatians,"Get ready for a howling good time as an all new assortment of irresistible animal heroes are unleashed in this great family tail! In an unlikely alliance, the outrageous Waddlesworth... a parrot who thinks he's a Rottweiler... teams up with Oddball... an un-marked Dalmation puppy eager to earn her spots! Together they embark on a laugh-packed quest to outwit the ever-scheming Cruella De Vil",9.895061,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Cruella Productions"", ""id"": 10472}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-10-07,183611771,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Meet Two Unlikely Heroes With A Bone To Pick.,102 Dalmatians,5.1,313
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,59108,"[{""id"": 1418, ""name"": ""skyscraper""}, {""id"": 4543, ""name"": ""thanksgiving""}, {""id"": 12547, ""name"": ""billionaire""}, {""id"": 15275, ""name"": ""parade""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 33632, ""name"": ""apartment""}, {""id"": 156640, ""name"": ""high rise""}, {""id"": 158750, ""name"": ""female agent""}, {""id"": 159325, ""name"": ""ponzi scheme""}, {""id"": 159330, ""name"": ""empty safe""}, {""id"": 159333, ""name"": ""caper comedy""}, {""id"": 159334, ""name"": ""planning""}, {""id"": 159339, ""name"": ""safecracker""}, {""id"": 159341, ""name"": ""recruiting""}, {""id"": 159343, ""name"": ""heist movie""}, {""id"": 159346, ""name"": ""deceit""}, {""id"": 159350, ""name"": ""lobby""}]",en,Tower Heist,"A luxury condo manager leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Street swindler who defrauded them. With only days until the billionaire gets away with the perfect crime, the unlikely crew of amateur thieves enlists the help of petty crook Slide to steal the $20 million they’re sure is hidden in the penthouse.",36.743324,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Image Entertainment"", ""id"": 3086}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Rat Entertainment"", ""id"": 12007}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-11-02,152930623,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Ordinary guys. An extraordinary robbery.,Tower Heist,5.8,932
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,1581,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 886, ""name"": ""film making""}, {""id"": 1441, ""name"": ""christmas party""}, {""id"": 1655, ""name"": ""country house""}, {""id"": 5854, ""name"": ""room exchange""}, {""id"": 6581, ""name"": ""surrey""}, {""id"": 9799, ""name"": ""romantic comedy""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 171366, ""name"": ""multiple storylines""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}]",en,The Holiday,"Two women, one (Cameron Diaz) from America and one (Kate Winslet) from Britain, swap homes at Christmastime after bad breakups with their boyfriends. Each woman finds romance with a local man (Jude Law, Jack Black) but realizes that the imminent return home may end the relationship.",44.967453,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Waverly Films"", ""id"": 735}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-12-08,194168700,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's Christmas Eve and we are going to go celebrate being young and being alive.,The Holiday,6.7,1225
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9798,"[{""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 769, ""name"": ""falsely accused""}, {""id"": 1284, ""name"": ""identity""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 1936, ""name"": ""blackmail""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2980, ""name"": ""wiretap""}, {""id"": 3376, ""name"": ""satellite""}, {""id"": 3635, ""name"": ""national security agency (nsa)""}, {""id"": 6078, ""name"": ""politics""}, {""id"": 9778, ""name"": ""exploding building""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10092, ""name"": ""mystery""}, {""id"": 10391, ""name"": ""mafia""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 10909, ""name"": ""lawyer""}, {""id"": 14536, ""name"": ""crime""}, {""id"": 18419, ""name"": ""privacy""}, {""id"": 18420, ""name"": ""surveillance""}, {""id"": 158938, ""name"": ""baltimore maryland""}, {""id"": 227411, ""name"": ""secret hideout""}]",en,Enemy of the State,"Hotshot Washington lawyer, Robert Dean becomes a victim of high-tech identity theft when a hacker slips an incriminating video into his pocket. Soon, a rogue National Security agent sets out to recover the tape – and destroy Dean.",41.207568,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""No Such Productions"", ""id"": 79209}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-11-20,250649836,132,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's not paranoia if they're really after you.,Enemy of the State,6.7,1240
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,22897,"[{""id"": 3687, ""name"": ""graduation""}, {""id"": 5982, ""name"": ""ex husband""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,It's Complicated,"Ten years after their divorce, Jane and Jake Adler unite for their son's college graduation and unexpectedly end up sleeping together. But Jake is married, and Jane is embarking on a new romance with her architect. Now, she has to sort out her life – just when she thought she had it all figured out.",16.479851,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Scott Rudin Productions"", ""id"": 258}, {""name"": ""Waverly Films"", ""id"": 735}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-23,219103655,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,First comes marriage. Then comes divorce. And then...,It's Complicated,6.2,360
85000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,298,"[{""id"": 585, ""name"": ""casino""}, {""id"": 9727, ""name"": ""thief""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 14570, ""name"": ""las vegas""}, {""id"": 159772, ""name"": ""pretending to be rich""}, {""id"": 159783, ""name"": ""labor strike""}]",en,Ocean's Thirteen,"Danny Ocean's team of criminals are back and composing a plan more personal than ever. When ruthless casino owner Willy Bank doublecrosses Reuben Tishkoff, causing a heart attack, Danny Ocean vows that he and his team will do anything to bring down Willy Bank along with everything he's got. Even if it means asking for help from an enemy.",42.069993,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Section Eight"", ""id"": 129}, {""name"": ""Jerry Weintraub Productions"", ""id"": 2596}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-06-07,311312624,122,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one.,Ocean's Thirteen,6.5,1999
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,7484,"[{""id"": 414, ""name"": ""hunter""}, {""id"": 1262, ""name"": ""mountains""}, {""id"": 2101, ""name"": ""garage""}, {""id"": 2522, ""name"": ""grizzly bear""}, {""id"": 3208, ""name"": ""bunny""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 7946, ""name"": ""deer""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 158279, ""name"": ""hunt""}]",en,Open Season,"Boog, a domesticated 900lb. Grizzly bear finds himself stranded in the woods 3 days before Open Season. Forced to rely on Elliot, a fast-talking mule deer, the two form an unlikely friendship and must quickly rally other forest animals if they are to form a rag-tag army against the hunters.",26.61951,"[{""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-09-29,197309027,83,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One Fur All & All Fur One,Open Season,6.1,656
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,157350,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 14751, ""name"": ""youth""}, {""id"": 162988, ""name"": ""dystopic future""}, {""id"": 180492, ""name"": ""caste system""}, {""id"": 211389, ""name"": ""divergent""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,Divergent,"In a world divided into factions based on personality types, Tris learns that she's been classified as Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late.",80.316463,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-03-14,288747895,139,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,What makes you different makes you dangerous.,Divergent,6.9,4663
68000000,"[{""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,853,"[{""id"": 1442, ""name"": ""winter""}, {""id"": 1589, ""name"": ""sniper""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 4264, ""name"": ""stalingrad""}]",en,Enemy at the Gates,Enemy at the Gates is a war film from Jean-Jacques Annaud from 2001 that takes place during the battle of Stalingard in World War II between the Russians and the Germans.,41.273567,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Swanford Films"", ""id"": 549}, {""name"": ""Mandalay Pictures"", ""id"": 551}, {""name"": ""Little Bird"", ""id"": 11358}, {""name"": ""KC Medien"", ""id"": 22182}, {""name"": ""Reperage"", ""id"": 24136}, {""name"": ""DOS"", ""id"": 24137}, {""name"": ""MP Film Management"", ""id"": 24138}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IE"", ""name"": ""Ireland""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2001-03-13,96976270,131,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Some Men Are Born To Be Heroes.,Enemy at the Gates,7.2,999
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,10159,"[{""id"": 414, ""name"": ""hunter""}, {""id"": 800, ""name"": ""bounty""}, {""id"": 801, ""name"": ""bounty hunter""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 5968, ""name"": ""amazon""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 10787, ""name"": ""jungle""}]",en,The Rundown,"When Travis, the mouthy son of a criminal, disappears in the Amazon in search of a treasured artifact, his father sends in Beck, who becomes Travis's rival for the affections of Mariana, a mysterious Brazilian woman. With his steely disposition, Beck is a man of few words -- but it takes him all the discipline he can muster to work with Travis to nab a tyrant who's after the same treasure.",24.107835,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Strike Entertainment"", ""id"": 655}, {""name"": ""WWE Studios"", ""id"": 10339}, {""name"": ""Misher Films"", ""id"": 11581}, {""name"": ""IM3 Entertainment"", ""id"": 90249}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-09-26,80916492,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,cut to the chase,The Rundown,6.4,514
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,9593,"[{""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 9732, ""name"": ""movie in movie""}, {""id"": 11931, ""name"": ""spoof""}, {""id"": 15252, ""name"": ""magical object""}, {""id"": 15284, ""name"": ""cartoon cat""}, {""id"": 48711, ""name"": ""ticket""}, {""id"": 160612, ""name"": ""self-referential""}, {""id"": 161849, ""name"": ""projectionist""}, {""id"": 161868, ""name"": ""child's point of view""}]",en,Last Action Hero,"Danny is obsessed with a fictional movie character action hero Jack Slater. When a magical ticket transports him into Jack's latest adventure, Danny finds himself in a world where movie magic and reality collide. Now it's up to Danny to save the life of his hero and new friend.",32.044191,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Oak Productions"", ""id"": 55528}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1993-06-18,137298489,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This isn't the movies anymore.,Last Action Hero,6.1,712
85000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,1904,"[{""id"": 233, ""name"": ""japan""}, {""id"": 549, ""name"": ""prostitute""}, {""id"": 1156, ""name"": ""sister sister relationship""}, {""id"": 1411, ""name"": ""brothel""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 4342, ""name"": ""geisha""}]",en,Memoirs of a Geisha,"A sweeping romantic epic set in Japan in the years before World War II, a penniless Japanese child is torn from her family to work as a maid in a geisha house.",16.595874,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Productions"", ""id"": 780}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-12-06,162242962,145,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,"My world is as forbidden as it is fragile; without its mysteries, it cannot survive.",Memoirs of a Geisha,7.3,652
85000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9615,"[{""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 1926, ""name"": ""car journey""}, {""id"": 3296, ""name"": ""car mechanic""}, {""id"": 3796, ""name"": ""auto""}, {""id"": 6996, ""name"": ""car garage""}, {""id"": 8574, ""name"": ""auto-tuning""}, {""id"": 10931, ""name"": ""drifting""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 159953, ""name"": ""automobile racing""}]",en,The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift,"In order to avoid a jail sentence, Sean Boswell heads to Tokyo to live with his military father. In a low-rent section of the city, Shaun gets caught up in the underground world of drift racing",8.282876,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-06-03,158468292,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,"On the streets of Tokyo, speed needs no translation...",The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift,6.1,1705
0,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,51052,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 1991, ""name"": ""santa claus""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}]",en,Arthur Christmas,"Each Christmas, Santa and his vast army of highly trained elves produce gifts and distribute them around the world in one night. However, when one of 600 million children to receive a gift from Santa on Christmas Eve is missed, it is deemed ‘acceptable’ to all but one – Arthur. Arthur Claus is Santa’s misfit son who executes an unauthorized rookie mission to get the last present half way around the globe before dawn on Christmas morning.",19.83683,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Aardman Animations"", ""id"": 297}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-02-22,0,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Ever wonder how 2 Billion presents get delivered all in 1 night?,Arthur Christmas,6.7,333
90000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,297,"[{""id"": 314, ""name"": ""life and death""}, {""id"": 699, ""name"": ""love at first sight""}, {""id"": 978, ""name"": ""broken engagement""}, {""id"": 2407, ""name"": ""fireworks""}, {""id"": 3684, ""name"": ""religion and supernatural""}, {""id"": 10791, ""name"": ""teenage crush""}, {""id"": 10855, ""name"": ""fate""}, {""id"": 13005, ""name"": ""doctor""}, {""id"": 33626, ""name"": ""millionaire""}]",en,Meet Joe Black,"When the grim reaper comes to collect the soul of megamogul Bill Parrish, he arrives with a proposition: Host him for a ""vacation"" among the living in trade for a few more days of existence. Parrish agrees, and using the pseudonym Joe Black, Death begins taking part in Parrish's daily agenda and falls in love with the man's daughter. Yet when Black's holiday is over, so is Parrish's life.",36.069611,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""City Light Films"", ""id"": 136}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-11-12,142940100,178,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Sooner or later everyone does.,Meet Joe Black,6.9,1147
85000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,9884,"[{""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 2148, ""name"": ""colombia""}, {""id"": 2733, ""name"": ""firemen""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 41019, ""name"": ""car explosion""}, {""id"": 206544, ""name"": ""bomb attack""}]",en,Collateral Damage,Firefighter Gordon Brewer is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing credited to Claudio 'The Wolf' Perrini.,18.827753,"[{""name"": ""David Foster Productions"", ""id"": 496}, {""name"": ""Bel Air Entertainment"", ""id"": 788}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Hacienda Productions"", ""id"": 43717}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-02-06,78382433,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,What would you do if you lost everything?,Collateral Damage,5.5,427
0,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}]",,16858,"[{""id"": 837, ""name"": ""show business""}, {""id"": 886, ""name"": ""film making""}, {""id"": 4345, ""name"": ""tap dancing""}, {""id"": 9732, ""name"": ""movie in movie""}, {""id"": 15160, ""name"": ""divorce""}, {""id"": 18298, ""name"": ""tv show in film""}, {""id"": 33731, ""name"": ""stand-up comedian""}, {""id"": 156028, ""name"": ""broadway""}, {""id"": 156507, ""name"": ""rainstorm""}, {""id"": 157959, ""name"": ""surgery""}, {""id"": 160840, ""name"": ""dream sequence""}, {""id"": 165399, ""name"": ""editing""}, {""id"": 165402, ""name"": ""semi autobiographical""}, {""id"": 165407, ""name"": ""restroom""}, {""id"": 165419, ""name"": ""screening room""}, {""id"": 165420, ""name"": ""amphetamine""}, {""id"": 165423, ""name"": ""prescription drug abuse""}]",en,All That Jazz,"Bob Fosse's semi-autobiographical film celebrates show business stripped of glitz or giddy illusions. Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider) is at the top of the heap, one of the most successful directors and choreographers in musical theatre. But he can feel his world slowly collapsing around him--his obsession with work has almost destroyed his personal life, and only his bottles of pills keep him going.",5.159407,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1979-12-20,37823676,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,All that work. All that glitter. All that pain. All that love. All that crazy rhythm. All that jazz.,All That Jazz,7.3,85
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,62764,"[{""id"": 2013, ""name"": ""attempted murder""}, {""id"": 3205, ""name"": ""fairy tale""}, {""id"": 4252, ""name"": ""black magic""}, {""id"": 7325, ""name"": ""cockroach""}, {""id"": 9990, ""name"": ""villainess""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 15206, ""name"": ""woman fights man""}, {""id"": 15320, ""name"": ""insecurity""}, {""id"": 46951, ""name"": ""mirror""}, {""id"": 169339, ""name"": ""snow kingdom""}, {""id"": 169341, ""name"": ""snow white""}, {""id"": 169343, ""name"": ""evil queen""}, {""id"": 169350, ""name"": ""enchantress""}, {""id"": 169356, ""name"": ""gala""}, {""id"": 169358, ""name"": ""financial problem""}, {""id"": 169362, ""name"": ""pendant""}, {""id"": 169366, ""name"": ""half naked man""}, {""id"": 169367, ""name"": ""returning money""}, {""id"": 169378, ""name"": ""evil plot""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Mirror Mirror,"After she spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince. There's just one problem - he's in love with a beautiful princess, Snow White. Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil...",48.126297,"[{""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Misher Films"", ""id"": 11581}, {""name"": ""Yucaipa Films"", ""id"": 12005}, {""name"": ""Goldmann Pictures"", ""id"": 12006}, {""name"": ""Rat Entertainment"", ""id"": 12007}, {""name"": ""Misha Films"", ""id"": 12008}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-03-15,183018522,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Snow White legend comes alive.,Mirror Mirror,5.5,1114
60000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,22538,"[{""id"": 170335, ""name"": ""whipping""}, {""id"": 175297, ""name"": ""hipster""}, {""id"": 175301, ""name"": ""underage girlfriend""}, {""id"": 175309, ""name"": ""animated flashback""}, {""id"": 175314, ""name"": ""character's point of view camera shot""}, {""id"": 175316, ""name"": ""unconsciousness""}, {""id"": 175321, ""name"": ""girl fight""}, {""id"": 175322, ""name"": ""vegan""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,"Scott Pilgrim is a film adaptation of the critically acclaimed, award-winning series of graphic novels of the same name by Canadian cartoonist Bryan Lee O’Malley. Scott Pilgrim is a 23 year old Canadian slacker and wannabe rockstar who falls in love with an American delivery girl, Ramona V. Flowers, and must defeat her seven ""evil exes"" to be able to date her.",38.885195,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Marc Platt Productions"", ""id"": 2527}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}]",2010-07-27,47664559,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Get the hot girl. Defeat her evil exes. Hit love where it hurts.,Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,7.2,2126
60000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9341,"[{""id"": 5178, ""name"": ""magnetic field""}, {""id"": 187033, ""name"": ""center of the earth""}, {""id"": 189411, ""name"": ""disaster film""}]",en,The Core,"Geophysicist Dr. Josh Keyes discovers that an unknown force has caused the earth's inner core to stop rotating. With the planet's magnetic field rapidly deteriorating, our atmosphere literally starts to come apart at the seams with catastrophic consequences. To resolve the crisis, Keyes, along with a team of the world's most gifted scientists, travel into the earth's core. Their mission: detonate a device that will reactivate the core.",29.211255,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""David Foster Productions"", ""id"": 496}, {""name"": ""Horsepower Films"", ""id"": 2199}, {""name"": ""LivePlanet"", ""id"": 7161}, {""name"": ""Core Productions"", ""id"": 12213}, {""name"": ""Munich Film Partners New Century & Company (MFP) Core Productions"", ""id"": 12214}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2003-03-28,74208267,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Earth has a deadline.,The Core,5.4,516
84000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,12107,"[{""id"": 9181, ""name"": ""alter ego""}, {""id"": 10125, ""name"": ""mad scientist""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 160450, ""name"": ""dean""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 191881, ""name"": ""research laboratory""}]",en,Nutty Professor II: The Klumps,"The hilarity begins when professor Sherman Klump finds romance with fellow DNA specialist, Denise Gaines, and discovers a brilliant formula that reverses aging. But Sherman's thin and obnoxious alter ego, Buddy Love, wants out...and a big piece of the action. And when Buddy gets loose, things get seriously nutty.",17.783361,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-07-27,123307945,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Klumps are back!,Nutty Professor II: The Klumps,4.7,332
84000000,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,9637,"[{""id"": 1735, ""name"": ""amateur detective""}, {""id"": 3392, ""name"": ""voodoo""}, {""id"": 10793, ""name"": ""resort""}, {""id"": 223067, ""name"": ""crime solving""}]",en,Scooby-Doo,"The Mystery Inc. gang have gone their separate ways and have been apart for two years, until they each receive an invitation to Spooky Island. Not knowing that the others have also been invited, they show up and discover an amusement park that affects young visitors in very strange ways.",31.435539,"[{""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Mosaic Media Group"", ""id"": 748}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-06-14,275650703,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Get a Clue,Scooby-Doo,5.4,820
50000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,49049,"[{""id"": 279, ""name"": ""usa""}, {""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 934, ""name"": ""judge""}, {""id"": 1761, ""name"": ""metropolis""}, {""id"": 3703, ""name"": ""law""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5822, ""name"": ""executive case""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9685, ""name"": ""futuristic""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10292, ""name"": ""gore""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 12371, ""name"": ""gunfight""}, {""id"": 13142, ""name"": ""gangster""}, {""id"": 14687, ""name"": ""extreme violence""}, {""id"": 14742, ""name"": ""psychic""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15009, ""name"": ""criminal""}, {""id"": 15108, ""name"": ""justice""}, {""id"": 18026, ""name"": ""drug lord""}, {""id"": 18712, ""name"": ""based on graphic novel""}, {""id"": 162988, ""name"": ""dystopic future""}, {""id"": 162993, ""name"": ""dark humor""}, {""id"": 162994, ""name"": ""expert marksman""}, {""id"": 185434, ""name"": ""rookie""}, {""id"": 203165, ""name"": ""dredd""}, {""id"": 236590, ""name"": ""2000 ad""}]",en,Dredd,"In the future, America is a dystopian wasteland. The latest scourge is Ma-Ma, a prostitute-turned-drug pusher with a dangerous new drug and aims to take over the city. The only possibility of stopping her is an elite group of urban police called Judges, who combine the duties of judge, jury and executioner to deliver a brutal brand of swift justice. But even the top-ranking Judge, Dredd, discovers that taking down Ma-Ma isn’t as easy as it seems in this explosive adaptation of the hugely popular comic series.",57.673932,"[{""name"": ""DNA Films"", ""id"": 284}, {""name"": ""Reliance BIG Entertainment"", ""id"": 6733}, {""name"": ""IM Global"", ""id"": 7437}, {""name"": ""Rena Film"", ""id"": 46506}, {""name"": ""Peach Trees"", ""id"": 46507}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""ZA"", ""name"": ""South Africa""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}]",2012-09-07,41037742,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Judgement is coming,Dredd,6.6,1940
82500000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,9339,"[{""id"": 802, ""name"": ""regret""}, {""id"": 1022, ""name"": ""workaholic""}, {""id"": 1786, ""name"": ""heart attack""}, {""id"": 2301, ""name"": ""architect""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 8506, ""name"": ""remote control""}, {""id"": 10103, ""name"": ""children""}, {""id"": 11390, ""name"": ""liposuction""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 34004, ""name"": ""second chance""}, {""id"": 156282, ""name"": ""alternate reality""}, {""id"": 162225, ""name"": ""fatherhood""}, {""id"": 175536, ""name"": ""obese""}]",en,Click,A workaholic architect finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices.,41.176631,"[{""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Revolution Studios"", ""id"": 497}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-06-22,237681299,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}]",Released,What If You Had A Remote... That Controlled Your Universe?,Click,6.0,2104
8000000,"[{""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,16281,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 3335, ""name"": ""halloween""}, {""id"": 5404, ""name"": ""meteor""}, {""id"": 7172, ""name"": ""buried alive""}, {""id"": 7325, ""name"": ""cockroach""}, {""id"": 9706, ""name"": ""anthology""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10292, ""name"": ""gore""}, {""id"": 11321, ""name"": ""animated sequence""}, {""id"": 12377, ""name"": ""zombie""}, {""id"": 157351, ""name"": ""living dead""}]",en,Creepshow,"Inspired by the E.C. comics of the 1950s, George A.Romero and Stephen King bring five tales of terror to the screen.",13.661289,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Creepshow Films Inc."", ""id"": 14179}, {""name"": ""Laurel Entertainment Inc."", ""id"": 14180}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1982-11-12,21028755,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,The Most Fun You'll Ever Have... BEING SCARED!,Creepshow,6.7,226
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,39691,"[{""id"": 13006, ""name"": ""torture""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Cats & Dogs 2 : The Revenge of Kitty Galore,The ongoing war between the canine and feline species is put on hold when they join forces to thwart a rogue cat spy with her own sinister plans for conquest.,11.77398,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2010-07-30,112483764,82,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,Just like real spies... only furrier.,Cats & Dogs 2 : The Revenge of Kitty Galore,4.9,119
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,8247,"[{""id"": 704, ""name"": ""adolescence""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1452, ""name"": ""loss of child""}, {""id"": 1721, ""name"": ""fight""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 3822, ""name"": ""teleportation""}, {""id"": 4769, ""name"": ""supernatural powers""}, {""id"": 4820, ""name"": ""leap in time""}, {""id"": 4986, ""name"": ""enemy""}, {""id"": 6170, ""name"": ""motherly love""}]",en,Jumper,"David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth. When he discovers others like himself, David is thrust into a dangerous and bloodthirsty war while being hunted by a sinister and determined group of zealots who have sworn to destroy all Jumpers. Now, David’s extraordinary gift may be his only hope for survival!",21.218,"[{""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Hypnotic"", ""id"": 7384}, {""name"": ""New Regency Pictures"", ""id"": 10104}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-02-10,222231186,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,anywhere is possible.,Jumper,5.9,1799
85000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,11253,"[{""id"": 2096, ""name"": ""auction""}, {""id"": 7005, ""name"": ""northern ireland""}, {""id"": 9403, ""name"": ""resignation""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 11196, ""name"": ""rebellion""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 18096, ""name"": ""spear""}, {""id"": 18149, ""name"": ""cut arm""}, {""id"": 33933, ""name"": ""split screen""}, {""id"": 155030, ""name"": ""superhero team""}, {""id"": 157789, ""name"": ""arm ripped off""}, {""id"": 163074, ""name"": ""super villain""}, {""id"": 174203, ""name"": ""remorse""}, {""id"": 174209, ""name"": ""self exile""}, {""id"": 174222, ""name"": ""vanishing figure""}, {""id"": 226774, ""name"": ""father son conflict""}]",en,Hellboy II: The Golden Army,"In this continuation to the adventure of the demon superhero, an evil elf breaks an ancient pact between humans and creatures, as he declares war against humanity. He is on a mission to release The Golden Army, a deadly group of fighting machines that can destroy the human race. As Hell on Earth is ready to erupt, Hellboy and his crew set out to defeat the evil prince.",58.57976,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Dark Horse Entertainment"", ""id"": 552}, {""name"": ""Lawrence Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 840}, {""name"": ""Mid Atlantic Films"", ""id"": 2735}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Internationale Filmproduktion Eagle"", ""id"": 21498}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-07-11,160388063,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Saving the world is a hell of a job.,Hellboy II: The Golden Army,6.5,1527
65000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1949,"[{""id"": 387, ""name"": ""california""}, {""id"": 582, ""name"": ""san francisco""}, {""id"": 627, ""name"": ""killing""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 918, ""name"": ""newspaper""}, {""id"": 1583, ""name"": ""mass murder""}, {""id"": 3152, ""name"": ""planned murder""}, {""id"": 4123, ""name"": ""embassy""}, {""id"": 4399, ""name"": ""victim""}, {""id"": 4923, ""name"": ""threat to death""}, {""id"": 4942, ""name"": ""victim of murder""}, {""id"": 4950, ""name"": ""code""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 10714, ""name"": ""serial killer""}, {""id"": 12193, ""name"": ""reporter""}]",en,Zodiac,"The true story of the investigation of 'The Zodiac Killer', a serial killer who terrified the San Francisco Bay Area, taunting police with his ciphers and letters. The case becomes an obsession for four men as their lives and careers are built and destroyed by the endless trail of clues.",51.970905,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Phoenix Pictures"", ""id"": 11317}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-03-02,84785914,157,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There's more than one way to lose your life to a killer.,Zodiac,7.3,2023
82000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,8452,"[{""id"": 402, ""name"": ""clone""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 11628, ""name"": ""cloning""}, {""id"": 18069, ""name"": ""laser gun""}, {""id"": 162988, ""name"": ""dystopic future""}, {""id"": 187046, ""name"": ""implanted memory""}, {""id"": 196376, ""name"": ""sci-fi thriller""}]",en,The 6th Day,Futuristic action about a man who meets a clone of himself and stumbles into a grand conspiracy about clones taking over the world.,18.447479,"[{""name"": ""Phoenix Pictures"", ""id"": 11317}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-17,96085477,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Are You Who You Think You Are,The 6th Day,5.7,595
80000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,310,"[{""id"": 186, ""name"": ""christianity""}, {""id"": 305, ""name"": ""moon""}, {""id"": 457, ""name"": ""responsability""}, {""id"": 488, ""name"": ""moses""}, {""id"": 542, ""name"": ""street gang""}, {""id"": 725, ""name"": ""lovesickness""}, {""id"": 917, ""name"": ""journalism""}, {""id"": 1605, ""name"": ""new love""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 6157, ""name"": ""prayer""}, {""id"": 9649, ""name"": ""god""}, {""id"": 9844, ""name"": ""car crash""}]",en,Bruce Almighty,"Bruce Nolan toils as a ""human interest"" television reporter in Buffalo, N.Y. Despite his high ratings and the love of his beautiful girlfriend, Grace, Bruce remains unfulfilled. At the end of the worst day in his life, he angrily ridicules God -- and the Almighty responds, endowing Bruce with all of His divine powers.",109.684788,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Shady Acres Entertainment"", ""id"": 159}, {""name"": ""Pit Bull Productions"", ""id"": 160}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-05-23,484572835,101,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,In Bruce we trust,Bruce Almighty,6.4,3012
80000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,27578,"[{""id"": 331, ""name"": ""tattoo""}, {""id"": 779, ""name"": ""martial arts""}, {""id"": 1589, ""name"": ""sniper""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 3070, ""name"": ""mercenary""}, {""id"": 3450, ""name"": ""bridge""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 14765, ""name"": ""church""}, {""id"": 14964, ""name"": ""drug""}, {""id"": 40884, ""name"": ""blade""}, {""id"": 159753, ""name"": ""ensemble cast""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Expendables,"Barney Ross leads a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, a martial arts expert, heavy weapons specialist, demolitionist, and a loose-cannon sniper. When the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the dictator of a small South American island, Barney and Lee visit the remote locale to scout out their opposition and discover the true nature of the conflict engulfing the city.",77.580661,"[{""name"": ""Millennium Films"", ""id"": 10254}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-08-03,274470394,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Choose Your Weapon.,The Expendables,6.0,2926
80000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,954,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 2001, ""name"": ""arms deal""}, {""id"": 2112, ""name"": ""headquarter""}, {""id"": 3268, ""name"": ""secret base""}, {""id"": 3269, ""name"": ""secret mission""}, {""id"": 3530, ""name"": ""prague""}, {""id"": 4123, ""name"": ""embassy""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 4683, ""name"": ""tgv""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10988, ""name"": ""based on tv series""}, {""id"": 11134, ""name"": ""espionage""}, {""id"": 33705, ""name"": ""agent""}]",en,Mission: Impossible,"When Ethan Hunt, the leader of a crack espionage team whose perilous operation has gone awry with no explanation, discovers that a mole has penetrated the CIA, he's surprised to learn that he's the No. 1 suspect. To clear his name, Hunt now must ferret out the real double agent and, in the process, even the score.",75.290998,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Cruise/Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 44}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-05-22,457696359,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""cs"", ""name"": ""\u010cesk\u00fd""}]",Released,Expect the Impossible.,Mission: Impossible,6.7,2631
75000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,70160,"[{""id"": 3298, ""name"": ""hallucination""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 11322, ""name"": ""female protagonist""}, {""id"": 18101, ""name"": ""bow and arrow""}, {""id"": 18106, ""name"": ""knife throwing""}, {""id"": 18109, ""name"": ""knife fight""}, {""id"": 18249, ""name"": ""game""}, {""id"": 53995, ""name"": ""archery""}, {""id"": 164092, ""name"": ""blindness""}, {""id"": 179751, ""name"": ""glamour""}, {""id"": 179776, ""name"": ""roasted pig""}, {""id"": 179778, ""name"": ""sponsor""}, {""id"": 179780, ""name"": ""chariot""}, {""id"": 179781, ""name"": ""fictional tv show""}, {""id"": 179803, ""name"": ""mine explosion""}, {""id"": 223438, ""name"": ""based on young adult novel""}]",en,The Hunger Games,"Every year in the ruins of what was once North America, the nation of Panem forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Part twisted entertainment, part government intimidation tactic, the Hunger Games are a nationally televised event in which “Tributes” must fight with one another until one survivor remains. Pitted against highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives, Katniss is forced to rely upon her sharp instincts as well as the mentorship of drunken former victor Haymitch Abernathy. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. The world will be watching.",68.550698,"[{""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Color Force"", ""id"": 5420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-03-12,691210692,142,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.,The Hunger Games,6.9,9455
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,45243,"[{""id"": 1381, ""name"": ""sun glasses""}, {""id"": 6710, ""name"": ""interpol""}, {""id"": 11199, ""name"": ""undercover cop""}, {""id"": 11461, ""name"": ""hangover""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,The Hangover Part II,"The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a mellow pre-wedding brunch. However, nothing goes as planned and Bangkok is the perfect setting for another adventure with the rowdy group.",58.040149,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Living Films"", ""id"": 2877}, {""name"": ""Green Hat Films"", ""id"": 3527}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-05-25,254455986,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,The Wolfpack Is Back,The Hangover Part II,6.2,3739
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,364,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 417, ""name"": ""corruption""}, {""id"": 848, ""name"": ""double life""}, {""id"": 849, ""name"": ""dc comics""}, {""id"": 853, ""name"": ""crime fighter""}, {""id"": 3298, ""name"": ""hallucination""}, {""id"": 5570, ""name"": ""christmas tree""}, {""id"": 6969, ""name"": ""gotham city""}, {""id"": 7002, ""name"": ""vigilante""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15002, ""name"": ""dark hero""}, {""id"": 15481, ""name"": ""fictional city""}, {""id"": 163074, ""name"": ""super villain""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}, {""id"": 173861, ""name"": ""deformed""}, {""id"": 173866, ""name"": ""bird cage""}, {""id"": 173867, ""name"": ""evil circus""}, {""id"": 214644, ""name"": ""christmas holiday""}]",en,Batman Returns,"Having defeated the Joker, Batman now faces the Penguin - a warped and deformed individual who is intent on being accepted into Gotham society. Crooked businessman Max Schreck is coerced into helping him become Mayor of Gotham and they both attempt to expose Batman in a different light. Selina Kyle, Max's secretary, is thrown from the top of a building and is transformed into Catwoman - a mysterious figure who has the same personality disorder as Batman. Batman must attempt to clear his name, all the time deciding just what must be done with the Catwoman.",59.113174,"[{""name"": ""PolyGram Filmed Entertainment"", ""id"": 1382}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1992-06-19,280000000,126,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"The Bat, the Cat, the Penguin.",Batman Returns,6.6,1673
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,7518,"[{""id"": 990, ""name"": ""squirrel""}, {""id"": 1240, ""name"": ""eating and drinking""}, {""id"": 1950, ""name"": ""vororte""}, {""id"": 2105, ""name"": ""garden""}, {""id"": 2522, ""name"": ""grizzly bear""}, {""id"": 2847, ""name"": ""entrapment""}, {""id"": 2922, ""name"": ""suburbian idyll""}, {""id"": 3700, ""name"": ""garbage""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 6362, ""name"": ""turtle""}, {""id"": 7125, ""name"": ""hiding in a garbage container""}, {""id"": 7948, ""name"": ""skunk""}, {""id"": 7949, ""name"": ""racoon""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}]",en,Over the Hedge,"A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched family of forest creatures into helping him repay a debt of food, by invading the new suburban sprawl that popped up while they were hibernating – and learns a lesson about family himself.",36.32705,"[{""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-04-22,343397247,83,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Taking back the neighborhood... One snack at a time.,Over the Hedge,6.3,1074
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,11544,"[{""id"": 1156, ""name"": ""sister sister relationship""}, {""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 1668, ""name"": ""hawaii""}, {""id"": 2393, ""name"": ""adoption""}, {""id"": 2766, ""name"": ""mutation""}, {""id"": 4862, ""name"": ""alien life-form""}, {""id"": 4939, ""name"": ""alien phenomenons""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 168490, ""name"": ""dead parents""}]",en,Lilo & Stitch,"A lonely Hawaiian girl named Lilo is being raised by her older sister, Nani, after their parents die -- under the watch of social worker Cobra Bubbles. When Lilo adopts a funny-looking dog and names him ""Stitch,"" she doesn't realize her new best friend is a wacky alien created by mad scientist Dr. Jumba.",55.659988,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-06-21,145771527,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He's coming to our galaxy.,Lilo & Stitch,7.1,1314
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,9986,"[{""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 3875, ""name"": ""barn""}, {""id"": 3986, ""name"": ""spider""}, {""id"": 4931, ""name"": ""pig""}, {""id"": 5698, ""name"": ""egg""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 6202, ""name"": ""spring""}, {""id"": 6464, ""name"": ""uncle""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 11539, ""name"": ""grass""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 33621, ""name"": ""desk""}, {""id"": 33623, ""name"": ""raincoat""}, {""id"": 206052, ""name"": ""talking pig""}]",en,Charlotte's Web,"Wilbur the pig is scared of the end of the season, because he knows that come that time, he will end up on the dinner table. He hatches a plan with Charlotte, a spider that lives in his pen, to ensure that this will never happen.",14.132583,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Kerner Entertainment Company"", ""id"": 7311}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-12-15,144000000,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Something unexpected, unbelievable, unforgettable.",Charlotte's Web,5.8,288
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,8656,"[{""id"": 840, ""name"": ""usa president""}, {""id"": 1432, ""name"": ""nasa""}, {""id"": 3337, ""name"": ""metereologist""}, {""id"": 4040, ""name"": ""space mission""}, {""id"": 4803, ""name"": ""comet""}, {""id"": 5096, ""name"": ""natural disaster""}, {""id"": 6941, ""name"": ""tsunami""}, {""id"": 10222, ""name"": ""astronomer""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}, {""id"": 199076, ""name"": ""disaster movie""}]",en,Deep Impact,"A seven-mile-wide space rock is hurtling toward Earth, threatening to obliterate the planet. Now, it's up to the president of the United States to save the world. He appoints a tough-as-nails veteran astronaut to lead a joint American-Russian crew into space to destroy the comet before impact. Meanwhile, an enterprising reporter uses her smarts to uncover the scoop of the century.",34.070054,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Zanuck/Brown Productions"", ""id"": 1865}, {""name"": ""Manhattan Project"", ""id"": 2478}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-05-08,140464664,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Heaven and Earth are about to collide.,Deep Impact,5.9,855
84000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,146216,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 2139, ""name"": ""russia""}, {""id"": 14555, ""name"": ""mi6""}, {""id"": 166571, ""name"": ""hired killer""}, {""id"": 182185, ""name"": ""exploding airplane""}]",en,RED 2,Retired C.I.A. agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing portable nuclear device.,44.34333,"[{""name"": ""DC Comics"", ""id"": 429}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""DC Entertainment"", ""id"": 9993}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-18,0,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,The best never rest.,RED 2,6.4,1526
82000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,9291,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 579, ""name"": ""american football""}, {""id"": 1563, ""name"": ""prisoner""}, {""id"": 1936, ""name"": ""blackmail""}, {""id"": 5418, ""name"": ""supervisor""}, {""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}]",en,The Longest Yard,"Pro quarter-back, Paul Crewe and former college champion and coach, Nate Scarboro are doing time in the same prison. Asked to put together a team of inmates to take on the guards, Crewe enlists the help of Scarboro to coach the inmates to victory in a football game 'fixed' to turn out quite another way.",26.065735,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""MTV Films"", ""id"": 746}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Callahan Filmworks"", ""id"": 60378}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-05-19,190320568,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"If you can't get out, get even.",The Longest Yard,6.2,785
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,55301,"[{""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10986, ""name"": ""chipmunk""}, {""id"": 11095, ""name"": ""cruise ship""}, {""id"": 234363, ""name"": ""overboard""}]",en,Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked,"Playing around while aboard a cruise ship, the Chipmunks and Chipettes accidentally go overboard and end up marooned in a tropical paradise. They discover their new turf is not as deserted as it seems.",23.473004,"[{""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-12-14,342695435,87,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This holiday it's gonna get squeaky.,Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked,5.4,484
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,109418,[],en,Grown Ups 2,"The all-star comedy cast from Grown Ups returns (with some exciting new additions) for more summertime laughs. Lenny (Adam Sandler) has relocated his family back to the small town where he and his friends grew up. This time around, the grown ups are the ones learning lessons from their kids on a day notoriously full of surprises: the last day of school.",45.589568,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)"", ""id"": 7431}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-07-11,246984278,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Just because they're a little older doesn't mean they've grown up.,Grown Ups 2,5.8,1155
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11665,"[{""id"": 246, ""name"": ""dancing""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4721, ""name"": ""violin""}, {""id"": 10988, ""name"": ""based on tv series""}, {""id"": 33649, ""name"": ""legs""}]",en,Get Smart,"When the identities of secret agents from Control are compromised, the Chief promotes hapless but eager analyst Maxwell Smart and teams him with stylish, capable Agent 99, the only spy whose cover remains intact. Can they work together to thwart the evil plans of KAOS and its crafty operative?",23.496054,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Mosaic Media Group"", ""id"": 748}, {""name"": ""Mad Chance"", ""id"": 1757}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""WV Films IV"", ""id"": 27352}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}, {""name"": ""Callahan Filmworks"", ""id"": 60378}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""RU"", ""name"": ""Russia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-19,230685453,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Saving The World...And Loving It!,Get Smart,6.0,1051
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,6964,"[{""id"": 965, ""name"": ""age difference""}, {""id"": 2336, ""name"": ""ladykiller""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Something's Gotta Give,"Harry Sanborn is an aged music industry exec with a fondness for younger women like Marin, his latest trophy girlfriend. Things get a little awkward when Harry suffers a heart attack at the home of Marin's mother, Erica. Left in the care of Erica and his doctor, a love triangle starts to take shape.",16.939441,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Waverly Films"", ""id"": 735}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-12-12,266728738,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Schmucks are people too.,Something's Gotta Give,6.3,410
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,11324,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 2215, ""name"": ""hurricane""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 10323, ""name"": ""psychiatric hospital""}, {""id"": 11207, ""name"": ""u.s. marshal""}, {""id"": 11208, ""name"": ""conspiracy theory""}, {""id"": 208611, ""name"": ""1950s""}]",en,Shutter Island,"World War II soldier-turned-U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels investigates the disappearance of a patient from a hospital for the criminally insane, but his efforts are compromised by his troubling visions and also by a mysterious doctor.",81.914696,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Appian Way"", ""id"": 562}, {""name"": ""Phoenix Pictures"", ""id"": 11317}, {""name"": ""Sikelia Productions"", ""id"": 23243}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-02-18,294804195,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,Someone is missing.,Shutter Island,7.8,6336
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,12193,"[{""id"": 65, ""name"": ""holiday""}, {""id"": 9799, ""name"": ""romantic comedy""}, {""id"": 10041, ""name"": ""dysfunctional family""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}]",en,Four Christmases,"Brad and Kate have made something of an art form out of avoiding their families during the holidays, but this year their foolproof plan is about go bust -- big time. Stuck at the city airport after all departing flights are canceled, the couple is embarrassed to see their ruse exposed to the world by an overzealous television reporter. Now, Brad and Kate are left with precious little choice other than to swallow their pride and suffer the rounds.",19.500893,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Type A Films"", ""id"": 2308}, {""name"": ""Ott Medien"", ""id"": 2795}, {""name"": ""Wild West Picture Show Productions"", ""id"": 2796}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-11-26,163733697,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"His father, her mother, his mother and her father all in one day.",Four Christmases,5.3,331
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9928,"[{""id"": 1436, ""name"": ""inventor""}, {""id"": 4480, ""name"": ""business man""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 193305, ""name"": ""dishonesty""}]",en,Robots,"Rodney Copperbottom is a young robot inventor who dreams of making the world a better place, until the evil Ratchet takes over Big Weld Industries. Now, Rodney's dreams – and those of his friends – are in danger of becoming obsolete.",29.558157,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-03-10,260696994,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,You can shine no matter what you're made of.,Robots,6.0,1333
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,754,"[{""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 1865, ""name"": ""biological weapon""}, {""id"": 3868, ""name"": ""face transplant""}, {""id"": 3927, ""name"": ""rage and hate""}, {""id"": 5572, ""name"": ""fistfight""}, {""id"": 6062, ""name"": ""hostility""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 10614, ""name"": ""tragedy""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11612, ""name"": ""hospital""}, {""id"": 12391, ""name"": ""boat chase""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14687, ""name"": ""extreme violence""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 156786, ""name"": ""prison escape""}, {""id"": 170212, ""name"": ""criminal gang""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}, {""id"": 188134, ""name"": ""golden gun""}, {""id"": 194942, ""name"": ""arch villain""}, {""id"": 208708, ""name"": ""bullet ballet""}]",en,Face/Off,"An antiterrorism agent goes under the knife to acquire the likeness of a terrorist and gather details about a bombing plot. When the terrorist escapes custody, he undergoes surgery to look like the agent so he can get close to the agent's family.",46.075037,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Permut Presentations"", ""id"": 455}, {""name"": ""WCG Entertainment Productions"", ""id"": 456}, {""name"": ""Douglas/Reuther Productions"", ""id"": 458}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Krane Entertainment"", ""id"": 25358}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-06-27,245676146,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}]",Released,"In order to catch him, he must become him.",Face/Off,6.8,1583
80000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,10202,"[{""id"": 187084, ""name"": ""wishes come true""}, {""id"": 187710, ""name"": ""escapade""}, {""id"": 189449, ""name"": ""disorder""}, {""id"": 202322, ""name"": ""imaginary""}, {""id"": 206809, ""name"": ""miraculous event""}, {""id"": 206810, ""name"": ""imaginary kingdom""}, {""id"": 206811, ""name"": ""life turned upside down""}, {""id"": 206812, ""name"": ""nothing goes right""}]",en,Bedtime Stories,Skeeter Bronson is a down-on-his-luck guy who's always telling bedtime stories to his niece and nephew. But his life is turned upside down when the fantastical stories he makes up for entertainment inexplicably turn into reality. Can a bewildered Skeeter manage his own unruly fantasies now that the outrageous characters and situations from his mind have morphed into actual people and events?,23.531721,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Gunn Films"", ""id"": 3538}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-12-24,212874442,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Whatever they dream up... he has to survive.,Bedtime Stories,5.9,901
80000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,4147,"[{""id"": 18712, ""name"": ""based on graphic novel""}, {""id"": 174984, ""name"": ""homework""}, {""id"": 174985, ""name"": ""shot in the chin""}, {""id"": 174994, ""name"": ""soft boiled egg""}, {""id"": 175001, ""name"": ""learning to drive""}, {""id"": 175005, ""name"": ""spoiled son""}, {""id"": 175007, ""name"": ""scarred face""}, {""id"": 175008, ""name"": ""thompson sub machine gun""}, {""id"": 175011, ""name"": ""frost on a window""}, {""id"": 175016, ""name"": ""cauterizing a wound""}, {""id"": 175017, ""name"": ""liberty half dollar""}]",en,Road to Perdition,"Mike Sullivan works as a hit man for crime boss John Rooney. Sullivan views Rooney as a father figure, however after his son is witness to a killing, Mike Sullivan finds himself on the run in attempt to save the life of his son and at the same time looking for revenge on those who wronged him.",49.078546,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""The Zanuck Company"", ""id"": 80}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-07-12,181001478,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Pray for Michael Sullivan.,Road to Perdition,7.3,1077
80000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,50546,"[{""id"": 966, ""name"": ""beach""}, {""id"": 1907, ""name"": ""fictitious marriage""}, {""id"": 1936, ""name"": ""blackmail""}, {""id"": 4585, ""name"": ""plastic surgery""}, {""id"": 6038, ""name"": ""marriage""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9767, ""name"": ""beautiful woman""}, {""id"": 9963, ""name"": ""kids and family""}]",en,Just Go with It,"A plastic surgeon, romancing a much younger schoolteacher, enlists his loyal assistant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, the assistant's kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.",37.02665,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-02-10,214918407,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Sometimes a guy's best wingman... is a wingwoman,Just Go with It,6.3,1543
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,1701,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 502, ""name"": ""ambush""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 822, ""name"": ""airport""}, {""id"": 1420, ""name"": ""gas station""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 4245, ""name"": ""hijacking""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11207, ""name"": ""u.s. marshal""}, {""id"": 14570, ""name"": ""las vegas""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14707, ""name"": ""brutality""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15234, ""name"": ""convict""}, {""id"": 18034, ""name"": ""desert""}, {""id"": 33482, ""name"": ""war hero""}, {""id"": 156805, ""name"": ""dea agent""}, {""id"": 195295, ""name"": ""motorcycle chase""}]",en,Con Air,"When the government puts all its rotten criminal eggs in one airborne basket, it's asking for trouble. Before you can say, ""Pass the barf bag,"" the crooks control the plane, led by creepy Cyrus ""The Virus"" Grissom. Watching his every move is the just-released Cameron Poe, who'd rather reunite with his family.",45.154631,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Kouf/Bigelow Productions"", ""id"": 3589}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Hiett Designs of Las Vegas"", ""id"": 78338}, {""name"": ""Runway Pictures Inc"", ""id"": 78339}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-06-01,224012234,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,They were deadly on the ground; Now they have wings,Con Air,6.5,1270
80000000,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,13027,"[{""id"": 310, ""name"": ""artificial intelligence""}, {""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 1308, ""name"": ""secret identity""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 2314, ""name"": ""pentagon""}, {""id"": 7375, ""name"": ""twin brother""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}]",en,Eagle Eye,"Jerry Shaw and Rachel Holloman are two strangers whose lives are suddenly thrown into turmoil by a mysterious woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, the unseen caller uses everyday technology to control their actions and push them into increasing danger. As events escalate, Jerry and Rachel become the country's most-wanted fugitives and must figure out what is happening to them.",46.887983,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""K/O Paper Products"", ""id"": 7296}, {""name"": ""Goldcrest Pictures"", ""id"": 11843}, {""name"": ""KMP Film Invest"", ""id"": 20157}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}]",2008-09-25,178066569,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Don't walk. Run.,Eagle Eye,6.3,1018
79000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,2289,"[{""id"": 1014, ""name"": ""loss of lover""}, {""id"": 1465, ""name"": ""loss of family""}, {""id"": 1806, ""name"": ""deserter""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}]",en,Cold Mountain,"In this classic story of love and devotion set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, a wounded Confederate soldier named W.P. Inman deserts his unit and travels across the South, aiming to return to his young wife, Ada, who he left behind to tend their farm. As Inman makes his perilous journey home, Ada struggles to keep their home intact with the assistance of Ruby, a mysterious drifter sent to help her by a kindly neighbor.",24.598479,"[{""name"": ""Miramax Films"", ""id"": 14}, {""name"": ""Mirage Enterprises"", ""id"": 932}, {""name"": ""Castel Film Romania"", ""id"": 1370}, {""name"": ""Bona Fide Productions"", ""id"": 2570}, {""name"": ""Cattleya"", ""id"": 10102}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""RO"", ""name"": ""Romania""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}]",2003-12-24,173013509,154,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Find the strength. Find the courage. No matter what it takes... find the way home.,Cold Mountain,6.7,533
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,20504,"[{""id"": 3096, ""name"": ""book""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 33768, ""name"": ""blind""}]",en,The Book of Eli,"A post-apocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind.",32.363538,"[{""name"": ""Alcon Entertainment"", ""id"": 1088}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-01-14,157107755,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Some will kill to have it. He will kill to protect it.,The Book of Eli,6.6,2164
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9574,"[{""id"": 1334, ""name"": ""wedding vows""}, {""id"": 1436, ""name"": ""inventor""}, {""id"": 3092, ""name"": ""slime""}, {""id"": 6348, ""name"": ""green""}, {""id"": 8044, ""name"": ""flight""}, {""id"": 10125, ""name"": ""mad scientist""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}]",en,Flubber,"Professor Phillip Brainard, an absent minded professor, works with his assistant Weebo, trying to create a substance that's a new source of energy and that will save Medfield College where his sweetheart Sara is the president. He has missed his wedding twice, and on the afternoon of his third wedding, Professor Brainard creates flubber, which allows objects to fly through the air.",11.50396,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Great Oaks Entertainment"", ""id"": 2173}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-11-26,177977226,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Catch it if you can!,Flubber,5.3,695
80000000,"[{""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,11618,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 2754, ""name"": ""trauma""}, {""id"": 3098, ""name"": ""castle""}, {""id"": 3358, ""name"": ""haunted house""}, {""id"": 4142, ""name"": ""insomnia""}, {""id"": 4479, ""name"": ""bone""}, {""id"": 5374, ""name"": ""poster""}, {""id"": 5918, ""name"": ""painting""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10224, ""name"": ""haunting""}, {""id"": 33587, ""name"": ""child labor""}, {""id"": 154901, ""name"": ""audio recording""}, {""id"": 155811, ""name"": ""spiral staircase""}, {""id"": 156075, ""name"": ""evil""}, {""id"": 167104, ""name"": ""loner""}, {""id"": 169816, ""name"": ""researcher""}, {""id"": 172801, ""name"": ""insomniac""}, {""id"": 172808, ""name"": ""paranormal activity""}, {""id"": 172812, ""name"": ""logbook""}, {""id"": 172815, ""name"": ""\u00a0strange noise""}, {""id"": 172816, ""name"": ""spook""}, {""id"": 172822, ""name"": ""cherub""}]",en,The Haunting,"Dr. David Marrow invites Nell Vance, and Theo and Luke Sanderson to the eerie and isolated Hill House to be subjects for a sleep disorder study. The unfortunate guests discover that Marrow is far more interested in the sinister mansion itself – and they soon see the true nature of its horror.",19.375768,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks"", ""id"": 7}, {""name"": ""Roth-Arnold Productions"", ""id"": 1560}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-07-23,91188905,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Some houses are born bad.,The Haunting,5.2,369
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,2300,"[{""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}, {""id"": 6496, ""name"": ""basketball""}, {""id"": 13005, ""name"": ""doctor""}, {""id"": 176746, ""name"": ""basketball team""}, {""id"": 177208, ""name"": ""basketball game""}, {""id"": 177216, ""name"": ""referee""}, {""id"": 177218, ""name"": ""basketball court""}, {""id"": 177219, ""name"": ""tweety bird""}, {""id"": 177224, ""name"": ""speedy gonzales""}, {""id"": 177227, ""name"": ""cartoon chicken""}, {""id"": 177228, ""name"": ""sylvester the cat""}, {""id"": 177230, ""name"": ""cartoon reality crossover""}, {""id"": 177231, ""name"": ""basketball hoop""}, {""id"": 177232, ""name"": ""cartoon skunk""}]",en,Space Jam,"In a desperate attempt to win a basketball match and earn their freedom, the Looney Tunes seek the aid of retired basketball champion, Michael Jordan.",36.125715,"[{""name"": ""Warner Bros. Family Entertainment"", ""id"": 3592}, {""name"": ""Northern Lights Entertainment"", ""id"": 8816}, {""name"": ""Courtside Seats Productions"", ""id"": 55527}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-11-15,250200000,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Get ready to jam.,Space Jam,6.5,1288
0,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,12096,"[{""id"": 642, ""name"": ""robbery""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 5439, ""name"": ""inspector""}, {""id"": 15127, ""name"": ""killer""}, {""id"": 159548, ""name"": ""clouseau""}, {""id"": 159550, ""name"": ""pink panther""}, {""id"": 217324, ""name"": ""murder hunt""}]",en,The Pink Panther,"When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned dart in the stadium in the end of a game, and his expensive and huge ring with the diamond Pink Panther disappears, the ambitious Chief Inspector Dreyfus assigns the worst police inspector Jacques Clouseau to the case.",25.450534,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""International Production Company"", ""id"": 1507}, {""name"": ""The Montecito Picture Company"", ""id"": 2364}, {""name"": ""Robert Simonds Productions"", ""id"": 3929}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-01-18,0,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Pardon His French.,The Pink Panther,5.6,550
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,10200,"[{""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 1954, ""name"": ""ultimatum""}, {""id"": 2227, ""name"": ""evacuation""}, {""id"": 4210, ""name"": ""panic""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 9738, ""name"": ""ufo""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10150, ""name"": ""end of the world""}, {""id"": 10891, ""name"": ""giant robot""}, {""id"": 11117, ""name"": ""tank""}, {""id"": 11479, ""name"": ""social commentary""}, {""id"": 14755, ""name"": ""power outage""}, {""id"": 15271, ""name"": ""interrogation""}, {""id"": 156388, ""name"": ""environmentalism""}, {""id"": 156661, ""name"": ""threat""}, {""id"": 160515, ""name"": ""alien contact""}, {""id"": 161287, ""name"": ""central park""}, {""id"": 209517, ""name"": ""messenger""}, {""id"": 219965, ""name"": ""nanobots""}, {""id"": 226763, ""name"": ""disintegration""}]",en,The Day the Earth Stood Still,"A representative of an alien race that went through drastic evolution to survive its own climate change, Klaatu comes to Earth to assess whether humanity can prevent the environmental damage they have inflicted on their own planet. When barred from speaking to the United Nations, he decides humankind shall be exterminated so the planet can survive.",41.890722,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""Earth Canada Productions"", ""id"": 20374}, {""name"": ""Hammerhead Productions"", ""id"": 20375}, {""name"": ""3 Arts Entertainment"", ""id"": 36390}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-12-10,233093859,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,12.12.08 is the Day the Earth Stood Still,The Day the Earth Stood Still,5.2,1043
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,8834,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 1749, ""name"": ""taxi driver""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 2340, ""name"": ""paranoia""}, {""id"": 2564, ""name"": ""wheelchair""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 4934, ""name"": ""theory""}, {""id"": 6078, ""name"": ""politics""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}, {""id"": 6318, ""name"": ""control""}, {""id"": 9665, ""name"": ""cover-up""}, {""id"": 9826, ""name"": ""murder""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 13006, ""name"": ""torture""}, {""id"": 187844, ""name"": ""flashback""}, {""id"": 192097, ""name"": ""target""}, {""id"": 194581, ""name"": ""geronimo""}, {""id"": 226689, ""name"": ""newsletter""}]",en,Conspiracy Theory,"A man obsessed with conspiracy theories becomes a target after one of his theories turns out to be true. Unfortunately, in order to save himself, he has to figure out which theory it is.",22.179658,"[{""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Donner/Shuler-Donner Productions"", ""id"": 23397}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-08-07,136982834,135,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,What if your most paranoid nightmares had just come true?,Conspiracy Theory,6.5,431
68000000,"[{""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,228150,"[{""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2652, ""name"": ""nazis""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 11064, ""name"": ""nazi germany""}, {""id"": 11102, ""name"": ""panzer""}, {""id"": 11117, ""name"": ""tank""}]",en,Fury,"Last months of World War II in April 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theater, a battle-hardened U.S. Army sergeant in the 2nd Armored Division named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank called ""Fury"" and its five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.",139.575085,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""QED International"", ""id"": 11029}, {""name"": ""Crave Films"", ""id"": 16312}, {""name"": ""LStar Capital"", ""id"": 34034}, {""name"": ""Huayi Brothers Media"", ""id"": 39649}, {""name"": ""Le Grisbi Productions"", ""id"": 47169}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CN"", ""name"": ""China""}]",2014-10-15,211817906,135,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,War never ends quietly.,Fury,7.4,3946
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,6068,"[{""id"": 191088, ""name"": ""overleven""}, {""id"": 191089, ""name"": ""family guy""}]",en,Six Days Seven Nights,"When Quinn, a grouchy pilot living the good life in the South Pacific, agrees to transfer a savvy fashion editor, Robin, to Tahiti, he ends up stranded on a deserted island with her after their plane crashes. The pair avoid each other at first, until they're forced to team up to escape from the island -- and some pirates who want their heads.",18.264635,"[{""name"": ""Caravan Pictures"", ""id"": 175}, {""name"": ""Roger Birnbaum Productions"", ""id"": 961}, {""name"": ""Northern Lights Entertainment"", ""id"": 8816}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-06-12,164000000,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,"After this week in paradise, they’re going to need a vacation.",Six Days Seven Nights,5.6,332
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,41515,"[{""id"": 2406, ""name"": ""picnic""}, {""id"": 6878, ""name"": ""sandwich""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 221037, ""name"": ""yogi""}]",en,Yogi Bear,"Jellystone Park has been losing business, so greedy Mayor Brown decides to shut it down and sell the land. That means families will no longer be able to experience the natural beauty of the outdoors -- and, even worse, Yogi and Boo Boo will be tossed out of the only home they've ever known. Faced with his biggest challenge ever, Yogi must prove that he really is ""smarter than the average bear"" as he and Boo Boo join forces with their old nemesis Ranger Smith to find a way to save Jellystone Park from closing forever.",11.187696,"[{""name"": ""De Line Pictures"", ""id"": 2609}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Animation"", ""id"": 2785}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Rhythm and Hues"", ""id"": 13481}, {""name"": ""Picnic Basket"", ""id"": 19045}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}]",2010-12-11,201584141,80,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Life's a Pic-A-Nic,Yogi Bear,5.2,220
80000000,"[{""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,9023,"[{""id"": 3714, ""name"": ""human being""}, {""id"": 6089, ""name"": ""freedom""}, {""id"": 8241, ""name"": ""mustang""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 9902, ""name"": ""wildlife""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 156234, ""name"": ""cavalry""}, {""id"": 158264, ""name"": ""indian war""}, {""id"": 158265, ""name"": ""eyebrow""}, {""id"": 158266, ""name"": ""wild horse""}]",en,Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron,"As a wild stallion travels across the frontiers of the Old West, he befriends a young human and finds true love with a mare.",41.670544,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-05-24,122563539,83,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Leader. Hero. Legend.,Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron,7.4,831
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,38317,"[{""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}, {""id"": 15147, ""name"": ""german accent""}, {""id"": 15148, ""name"": ""ostrich""}, {""id"": 15149, ""name"": ""monkey""}, {""id"": 15150, ""name"": ""bullfrog""}, {""id"": 15151, ""name"": ""car dealership""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Zookeeper,"A comedy about a zookeeper who might be great with animals, but he doesn't know anything about the birds and the bees. The man can't find love, so he decides to quit his job at the zoo, but his animal friends try to stop him and teach him that Mother Nature knows best when it comes to love.",27.46264,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Releasing"", ""id"": 3045}, {""name"": ""Broken Road Productions"", ""id"": 8000}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Zookeeper Productions"", ""id"": 46221}, {""name"": ""Hey Eddie"", ""id"": 46222}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-07-06,169852759,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Welcome to his jungle.,Zookeeper,5.3,498
80000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2157,"[{""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 15246, ""name"": ""sabotage""}, {""id"": 168603, ""name"": ""deep space explorer""}]",en,Lost in Space,"The prospects for continuing life on Earth in the year 2058 are grim. So the Robinsons are launched into space to colonize Alpha Prime, the only other inhabitable planet in the galaxy. But when a stowaway sabotages the mission, the Robinsons find themselves hurtling through uncharted space.",17.455024,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Irwin Allen Productions"", ""id"": 14024}, {""name"": ""Prelude Pictures"", ""id"": 19902}, {""name"": ""Saltire Entertainment"", ""id"": 30253}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-04-03,136159423,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Danger, Will Robinson!",Lost in Space,5.0,388
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,14462,"[{""id"": 2944, ""name"": ""senator""}, {""id"": 2952, ""name"": ""gulf war""}, {""id"": 4707, ""name"": ""canoe""}, {""id"": 8651, ""name"": ""kuwait""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 33482, ""name"": ""war hero""}, {""id"": 33483, ""name"": ""u.s. congress""}, {""id"": 46955, ""name"": ""implant""}]",en,The Manchurian Candidate,"When his army unit was ambushed during the first Gulf War, Sergeant Raymond Shaw saved his fellow soldiers just as his commanding officer, then-Captain Ben Marco, was knocked unconscious. Brokering the incident for political capital, Shaw eventually becomes a vice-presidential nominee, while Marco is haunted by dreams of what happened -- or didn't happen -- in Kuwait. As Marco (now a Major) investigates, the story begins to unravel, to the point where he questions if it happened at all. Is it possible the entire unit was kidnapped and brainwashed to believe Shaw is a war hero as part of a plot to seize the White House? Some very powerful people at Manchurian Global corporation appear desperate to stop him from finding out.",21.394281,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Scott Rudin Productions"", ""id"": 258}, {""name"": ""Clinica Estetico"", ""id"": 1274}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-07-30,96105964,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This summer everything is under control.,The Manchurian Candidate,6.2,393
0,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,161795,"[{""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 14638, ""name"": ""american""}, {""id"": 47024, ""name"": ""pin""}, {""id"": 156104, ""name"": ""stranger""}, {""id"": 196433, ""name"": ""ruby""}]",en,Déjà Vu,"L.A. shop owner Dana and Englishman Sean meet and fall in love at first sight, but Sean is married and Dana is to marry her business partner Alex.",0.605645,"[{""name"": ""Rainbow Film Company, The"", ""id"": 27584}, {""name"": ""Revere Entertainment"", ""id"": 40955}, {""name"": ""Jagtoria Films"", ""id"": 40956}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-04-22,0,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Your future is set...,Déjà Vu,8.0,1
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,159824,"[{""id"": 272, ""name"": ""transylvania""}, {""id"": 612, ""name"": ""hotel""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2904, ""name"": ""mummy""}, {""id"": 3633, ""name"": ""dracula""}, {""id"": 4062, ""name"": ""skeleton""}, {""id"": 4555, ""name"": ""only child""}, {""id"": 5891, ""name"": ""backpacker""}, {""id"": 6038, ""name"": ""marriage""}, {""id"": 6737, ""name"": ""frankenstein""}, {""id"": 11155, ""name"": ""wolfman""}, {""id"": 12377, ""name"": ""zombie""}, {""id"": 14633, ""name"": ""moving out""}, {""id"": 160130, ""name"": ""invisible man""}, {""id"": 224472, ""name"": ""new life""}]",en,Hotel Transylvania 2,"When the old-old-old-fashioned vampire Vlad arrives at the hotel for an impromptu family get-together, Hotel Transylvania is in for a collision of supernatural old-school and modern day cool.",61.692197,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-09-21,473226958,89,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,They're back to raise a little terror,Hotel Transylvania 2,6.7,1497
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}]",,49948,"[{""id"": 3537, ""name"": ""orchestra""}, {""id"": 190719, ""name"": ""musical segments""}]",en,Fantasia 2000,"Blending lively music and brilliant animation, this sequel to the original 'Fantasia' restores 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' and adds seven new shorts.",14.530946,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-12-17,90874570,74,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,Fantasia 2000,7.0,292
80000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,2135,"[{""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 5455, ""name"": ""time machine""}]",en,The Time Machine,"Hoping to alter the events of the past, a 19th century inventor instead travels 800,000 years into the future, where he finds humankind divided into two warring races.",25.978555,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-03-04,123729176,96,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The greatest adventure THROUGH all time!,The Time Machine,5.8,631
90000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,9822,"[{""id"": 690, ""name"": ""gorilla""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}]",en,Mighty Joe Young,"As a child living in Africa, Jill Young saw her mother killed while protecting wild gorillas from poachers led by Andrei Strasser. Now an adult, Jill cares for an orphaned gorilla named Joe -- who, due to a genetic anomaly, is 15 feet tall. When Gregg O'Hara arrives from California and sees the animal, he convinces Jill that Joe would be safest at his wildlife refuge. But Strasser follows them to the U.S., intent on capturing Joe for himself.",6.643778,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""RKO Pictures"", ""id"": 4361}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-12-25,0,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""sw"", ""name"": ""Kiswahili""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Survival is an instinct.,Mighty Joe Young,5.9,208
102000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9705,"[{""id"": 293, ""name"": ""female nudity""}, {""id"": 2157, ""name"": ""hacker""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 156121, ""name"": ""ex-con""}, {""id"": 159384, ""name"": ""wire""}, {""id"": 159399, ""name"": ""los angeles international airport (lax)""}, {""id"": 159401, ""name"": ""misdirection""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Swordfish,"Rogue agent Gabriel Shear is determined to get his mitts on $9 billion stashed in a secret Drug Enforcement Administration account. He wants the cash to fight terrorism, but lacks the computer skills necessary to hack into the government mainframe. Enter Stanley Jobson, a n'er-do-well encryption expert who can log into anything.",36.788745,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Jonathan Krane Group"", ""id"": 46458}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-07,147080413,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Log On. Hack In. Go Anywhere. Get Everything.,Swordfish,6.1,932
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,1656,"[{""id"": 387, ""name"": ""california""}, {""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 534, ""name"": ""mexico""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 5809, ""name"": ""marriage crisis""}, {""id"": 9725, ""name"": ""sword fight""}, {""id"": 15160, ""name"": ""divorce""}, {""id"": 179585, ""name"": ""american civil war""}]",en,The Legend of Zorro,"Having spent the last 10 years fighting injustice and cruelty, Alejandro de la Vega is now facing his greatest challenge: his loving wife Elena has thrown him out of the house! Elena has filed for divorce and found comfort in the arms of Count Armand, a dashing French aristocrat. But Alejandro knows something she doesn't: Armand is the evil mastermind behind a terrorist plot to destroy the United States. And so, with his marriage and the county's future at stake, it's up to Zorro to save two unions before it's too late.",31.054334,"[{""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""MX"", ""name"": ""Mexico""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-10-24,142400065,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,The original caped crusader is back!,The Legend of Zorro,5.9,893
85000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,12159,"[{""id"": 439, ""name"": ""paradise""}, {""id"": 634, ""name"": ""soul""}, {""id"": 1449, ""name"": ""underworld""}, {""id"": 4116, ""name"": ""heaven""}, {""id"": 5918, ""name"": ""painting""}, {""id"": 6154, ""name"": ""hell""}, {""id"": 6155, ""name"": ""afterlife""}, {""id"": 210530, ""name"": ""spiritism""}]",en,What Dreams May Come,"Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could have ever dreamed of. There is one thing missing: his wife. After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Chris decides to risk eternity in hades for the small chance that he will be able to bring her back to heaven.",21.891078,"[{""name"": ""PolyGram Filmed Entertainment"", ""id"": 1382}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-10-02,71485043,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,After life there is more. The end is just the beginning.,What Dreams May Come,6.8,577
85000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,9678,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1155, ""name"": ""brother sister relationship""}, {""id"": 2870, ""name"": ""mephisto""}, {""id"": 167707, ""name"": ""bulldogg""}]",en,Little Nicky,"After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his thrown to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.",18.335992,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Avery Pix"", ""id"": 1565}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-10,0,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,He's Never Been To Earth. He's Never Even Slept Over Some Other Dude's House.,Little Nicky,5.2,438
88000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,4442,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 2132, ""name"": ""literature""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,The Brothers Grimm,"Folklore collectors and con artists, Jake and Will Grimm, travel from village to village pretending to protect townsfolk from enchanted creatures and performing exorcisms. However, they are put to the test when they encounter a real magical curse in a haunted forest with real magical beings, requiring genuine courage.",40.138009,"[{""name"": ""The Weinstein Company"", ""id"": 308}, {""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Mosaic Media Group"", ""id"": 748}, {""name"": ""Reforma Films"", ""id"": 1649}, {""name"": ""Dimension Films"", ""id"": 7405}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-08-26,105316267,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,Eliminating Evil Since 1812.,The Brothers Grimm,5.6,818
70000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,75,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 464, ""name"": ""total destruction""}, {""id"": 833, ""name"": ""white house""}, {""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 840, ""name"": ""usa president""}, {""id"": 843, ""name"": ""cataclysm""}, {""id"": 1280, ""name"": ""lasergun""}, {""id"": 1704, ""name"": ""ambassador""}, {""id"": 1705, ""name"": ""congress""}, {""id"": 2867, ""name"": ""pest""}, {""id"": 3243, ""name"": ""flying saucer""}]",en,Mars Attacks!,"'We come in peace' is not what those green men from Mars mean when they invade our planet, armed with irresistible weapons and a cruel sense of humor. This star studded cast must play victim to the alien’s fun and games in this comedy homage to science fiction films of the '50s and '60s.",44.090535,"[{""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-12-12,101371017,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Nice planet. We'll take it!,Mars Attacks!,6.1,1509
0,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,330770,"[{""id"": 428, ""name"": ""nurse""}, {""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 966, ""name"": ""beach""}, {""id"": 5202, ""name"": ""boy""}, {""id"": 10721, ""name"": ""pregnant""}, {""id"": 11221, ""name"": ""blood""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",fr,Évolution,11-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother in a seaside housing estate. The only place that ever sees any activity is the hospital. It is there that all the boys from the village are forced to undergo strange medical trials that attempt to disrupt the phases of evolution.,3.300061,"[{""name"": ""Ex Nihilo"", ""id"": 3307}, {""name"": ""Canal+"", ""id"": 5358}, {""name"": ""Les films du Worso"", ""id"": 7395}, {""name"": ""Noodles Production"", ""id"": 7792}, {""name"": ""Cin\u00e9+"", ""id"": 10611}, {""name"": ""Scope Pictures"", ""id"": 11199}, {""name"": ""Le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement F\u00e9d\u00e9ral de Belgique"", ""id"": 11921}, {""name"": ""Centre National de la Cin\u00e9matographie (CNC)"", ""id"": 18367}, {""name"": ""Minist\u00e8re de la Culture et de la Communication"", ""id"": 25818}, {""name"": ""Volcano Films"", ""id"": 52184}, {""name"": ""Left Field Ventures"", ""id"": 58659}, {""name"": ""Evo Films A.I.E."", ""id"": 76444}, {""name"": ""Ind\u00e9films 3"", ""id"": 76445}, {""name"": ""Palatine \u00c9toile 12"", ""id"": 76446}, {""name"": ""Cin\u00e9feel Prod"", ""id"": 76447}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""BE"", ""name"": ""Belgium""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}]",2015-09-14,0,81,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,,Evolution,6.4,47
0,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,9433,"[{""id"": 1003, ""name"": ""photographer""}, {""id"": 2522, ""name"": ""grizzly bear""}, {""id"": 3593, ""name"": ""wilderness""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4522, ""name"": ""supermodel""}, {""id"": 4811, ""name"": ""emergency landing""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 223059, ""name"": ""animal horror""}]",en,The Edge,"The plane carrying wealthy Charles Morse crashes down in the Alaskan wilderness. Together with the two other passengers, photographer Robert and assistant Stephen, Charles devises a plan to help them reach civilization. However, his biggest obstacle might not be the elements, or even the Kodiak bear stalking them -- it could be Robert, whom Charles suspects is having an affair with his wife and would not mind seeing him dead.",20.632673,"[{""name"": ""Art Linson Productions"", ""id"": 8769}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-09-06,43312294,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,"They were fighting over a woman when the plane went down. Now, their only chance for survival is each other.",The Edge,6.7,349
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,19959,"[{""id"": 402, ""name"": ""clone""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}]",en,Surrogates,"Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others' surrogates.",36.664991,"[{""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Mandeville Films"", ""id"": 10227}, {""name"": ""Wintergreen Productions"", ""id"": 11845}, {""name"": ""Top Shelf Productions"", ""id"": 41978}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-09-24,122444772,89,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,How do you save humanity when the only thing that's real is you?,Surrogates,5.9,1195
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11973,"[{""id"": 840, ""name"": ""usa president""}, {""id"": 1815, ""name"": ""atomic bomb""}, {""id"": 4170, ""name"": ""john f. kennedy""}, {""id"": 9342, ""name"": ""kubakrise""}, {""id"": 156661, ""name"": ""threat""}]",en,Thirteen Days,"Dramatisation of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear standoff with the USSR sparked by the discovery by the Americans of missle bases established on the Soviet allied island of Cuba. Shown from the perspective of the US President, John F Kennedy, his staff and advisors.",18.26121,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Tig Productions"", ""id"": 335}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-12-24,34566746,145,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,You'll never believe how close we came,Thirteen Days,6.9,189
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11228,"[{""id"": 444, ""name"": ""taxi""}, {""id"": 586, ""name"": ""new jersey""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1261, ""name"": ""river""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 1749, ""name"": ""taxi driver""}, {""id"": 4776, ""name"": ""race against time""}, {""id"": 5369, ""name"": ""guard""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14755, ""name"": ""power outage""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 18029, ""name"": ""trapped""}, {""id"": 173272, ""name"": ""flood""}, {""id"": 189102, ""name"": ""tunnel""}, {""id"": 207317, ""name"": ""christmas""}, {""id"": 207528, ""name"": ""trapped underground""}, {""id"": 219404, ""name"": ""action hero""}]",en,Daylight,A group of armed robbers fleeing the police head for the New Jersey Tunnel and run right into trucks transporting toxic waste. The spectacular explosion that follows results in both ends of the tunnel collapsing and the handful of people who survived the explosion are now in peril. Kit Latura is the only man with the skill and knowledge to lead the band of survivors out of the tunnel before the structure collapses.,16.681269,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-12-06,159212469,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,No air. No escape. No time.,Daylight,5.8,378
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,77951,"[{""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Walking With Dinosaurs,"Walking with Dinosaurs 3D is a film depicting life-like 3D dinosaur characters set in photo-real landscapes that transports audiences to the prehistoric world as it existed 70 million years ago. The film is based on the 1999 documentary television miniseries Walking with Dinosaurs, produced by the BBC. Walking with Dinosaurs 3D is being produced by Evergreen Studios, the company that produced Happy Feet, and it is was released on October 11, 2013.",10.088006,"[{""name"": ""BBC Worldwide"", ""id"": 3164}, {""name"": ""Reliance BIG Entertainment"", ""id"": 6733}, {""name"": ""Animal Logic"", ""id"": 8089}, {""name"": ""BBC Earth"", ""id"": 8090}, {""name"": ""Evergreen Films"", ""id"": 8091}, {""name"": ""BBC Earth MD (WWD)"", ""id"": 53498}, {""name"": ""Evergreen MD"", ""id"": 53499}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-12-18,126546518,87,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Greatest Adventure in 70 Million Years,Walking With Dinosaurs,5.2,133
44000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,5491,"[{""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 4458, ""name"": ""post-apocalyptic""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 6015, ""name"": ""mining""}, {""id"": 9878, ""name"": ""fighter jet""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 159314, ""name"": ""scientology""}, {""id"": 159955, ""name"": ""cavemen""}, {""id"": 208997, ""name"": ""bureaucrat""}, {""id"": 213987, ""name"": ""city ruin""}]",en,Battlefield Earth,"In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race of aliens on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth clean of its natural resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has descended into a near primitive state. After being captured, it is up to Tyler to save mankind.",7.89147,"[{""name"": ""Franchise Pictures"", ""id"": 1403}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""JTP Films"", ""id"": 7406}, {""name"": ""Morgan Creek Productions"", ""id"": 10210}, {""name"": ""Battlefield Productions"", ""id"": 19718}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-05-10,21400000,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Take Back The Planet,Battlefield Earth,3.0,255
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10715,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 1339, ""name"": ""duck""}, {""id"": 3208, ""name"": ""bunny""}, {""id"": 4391, ""name"": ""wretch""}, {""id"": 166329, ""name"": ""film industry""}, {""id"": 209220, ""name"": ""live action and animation""}]",en,Looney Tunes: Back in Action,"Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are up to their feuding ways again. Tired of playing second fiddle to Bugs, Daffy has decided to leave the Studio for good. He is aided by Warner Bros.' humor impaired Vice President of Comedy, Kate Houghton, who releases him from his contract and instructs WB security guard/aspiring stunt man DJ Drake to capture and ""escort"" Daffy off the studio lot.",16.715631,"[{""name"": ""Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG."", ""id"": 430}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Animation"", ""id"": 2785}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Goldmann Pictures"", ""id"": 12006}, {""name"": ""Baltimore Spring Creek Productions"", ""id"": 16061}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Feature Animation"", ""id"": 20734}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-11-14,68514844,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Real life has never been so animated.,Looney Tunes: Back in Action,5.6,297
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,10197,"[{""id"": 10937, ""name"": ""memory""}, {""id"": 165735, ""name"": ""sidewalk cafe""}, {""id"": 165736, ""name"": ""room key""}, {""id"": 165746, ""name"": ""driving a car""}, {""id"": 165748, ""name"": ""coastline""}, {""id"": 165749, ""name"": ""stairway""}, {""id"": 165752, ""name"": ""search for meaning""}, {""id"": 165761, ""name"": ""sequins""}, {""id"": 165763, ""name"": ""singing photograph""}, {""id"": 165764, ""name"": ""sliding down a pole""}, {""id"": 165765, ""name"": ""costume designer""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 208992, ""name"": ""1960s""}]",en,Nine,"Arrogant, self-centered movie director Guido Contini finds himself struggling to find meaning, purpose, and a script for his latest film endeavor. With only a week left before shooting begins, he desperately searches for answers and inspiration from his wife, his mistress, his muse, and his mother.",9.357734,"[{""name"": ""The Weinstein Company"", ""id"": 308}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-03,53825515,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,"This Holiday Season, Be Italian",Nine,5.1,165
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9562,"[{""id"": 1992, ""name"": ""professor""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 8056, ""name"": ""quantum mechanics""}, {""id"": 8701, ""name"": ""hundred years' war""}, {""id"": 9032, ""name"": ""excavation""}, {""id"": 9532, ""name"": ""la roque""}, {""id"": 10466, ""name"": ""knight""}, {""id"": 189151, ""name"": ""medieval times""}]",en,Timeline,A group of archaeological students become trapped in the past when they go there to retrieve their professor. The group must survive in 14th century France long enough to be rescued.,11.22268,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""Cobalt Media Group"", ""id"": 18619}, {""name"": ""Artists Production Group (APG)"", ""id"": 18620}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-11-26,19480739,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,They had to travel into the past to save the future,Timeline,5.4,318
80000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,9922,"[{""id"": 279, ""name"": ""usa""}, {""id"": 3804, ""name"": ""post""}, {""id"": 4461, ""name"": ""postman""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 12332, ""name"": ""apocalypse""}]",en,The Postman,"In 2013 there are no highways, no I-ways, no dreams of a better tomorrow, only scattered survivors across what was once the Unites States. Into this apocalyptic wasteland comes an enigmatic drifter with a mule, a knack for Shakespeare and something yet undiscovered: the power to inspire hope.",14.564667,"[{""name"": ""Tig Productions"", ""id"": 335}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-12-25,17626234,177,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,The year is 2013. One man walked in off the horizon and hope came with him.,The Postman,6.1,299
90000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,9447,"[{""id"": 2206, ""name"": ""piggy bank""}, {""id"": 4900, ""name"": ""shortage of money""}, {""id"": 4931, ""name"": ""pig""}, {""id"": 4932, ""name"": ""farm""}, {""id"": 8082, ""name"": ""piglet""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 11478, ""name"": ""talking dog""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 157972, ""name"": ""chimpanzee""}, {""id"": 206052, ""name"": ""talking pig""}]",en,Babe: Pig in the City,"Babe, fresh from his victory in the sheepherding contest, returns to Farmer Hoggett's farm, but after Farmer Hoggett is injured and unable to work, Babe has to go to the big city to save the farm.",11.356079,"[{""name"": ""Kennedy Miller Productions"", ""id"": 2537}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",1998-11-25,69131860,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This little pig went to the city...,Babe: Pig in the City,5.2,305
90000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,274854,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 8862, ""name"": ""uprising""}, {""id"": 177900, ""name"": ""witch hunter""}]",en,The Last Witch Hunter,"The modern world holds many secrets, but by far the most astounding is that witches still live among us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world and putting an end to the human race once and for all. Armies of witch hunters have battled this unnatural enemy for centuries, including Kaulder, a valiant warrior who many years ago slayed the all-powerful Witch Queen, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen cursed Kaulder with immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter. Today, Kaulder is the last living hunter who has spent his immortal life tracking down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost family.",52.612025,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Atmosphere Entertainment MM"", ""id"": 2995}, {""name"": ""One Race Films"", ""id"": 7154}, {""name"": ""Goldmann Pictures"", ""id"": 12006}, {""name"": ""NeoReel"", ""id"": 24097}, {""name"": ""Aperture Entertainment"", ""id"": 33832}, {""name"": ""TIK Films"", ""id"": 72441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-10-21,146936910,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Hunt forever.,The Last Witch Hunter,5.7,1316
80000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,8870,"[{""id"": 839, ""name"": ""mars""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 14626, ""name"": ""astronaut""}, {""id"": 156810, ""name"": ""science""}, {""id"": 188351, ""name"": ""catastrophe""}]",en,Red Planet,"Astronauts search for solutions to save a dying Earth by searching on Mars, only to have the mission go terribly awry.",13.800656,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""The Canton Company"", ""id"": 22351}, {""name"": ""Mars Production Pty. Ltd."", ""id"": 53997}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-10,33463969,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Not A Sound. Not A Warning. Not A Chance. Not Alone.,Red Planet,5.4,267
86000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,9992,"[{""id"": 1158, ""name"": ""grandfather grandson relationship""}, {""id"": 4391, ""name"": ""wretch""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 10941, ""name"": ""disappearance""}, {""id"": 18035, ""name"": ""family""}, {""id"": 170362, ""name"": ""fantasy world""}]",en,Arthur et les Minimoys,"Arthur is a spirited ten-year old whose parents are away looking for work, whose eccentric grandfather has been missing for several years, and who lives with his grandmother in a country house that, in two days, will be repossessed, torn down, and turned into a block of flats unless Arthur's grandfather returns to sign some papers and pay off the family debt. Arthur discovers that the key to success lies in his own descent into the land of the Minimoys, creatures no larger than a tooth, whom his grandfather helped relocate to their garden. Somewhere among them is hidden a pile of rubies, too. Can Arthur be of stout heart and save the day? Romance beckons as well, and a villain lurks.",27.097932,"[{""name"": ""Canal Plus"", ""id"": 104}, {""name"": ""Sofica Europacorp"", ""id"": 854}, {""name"": ""Avalanche Productions"", ""id"": 2525}, {""name"": ""EuropaCorp"", ""id"": 6896}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2006-12-13,107944236,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Adventure awaits in your own backyard.,Arthur and the Invisibles,6.0,639
0,"[{""id"": 99, ""name"": ""Documentary""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,36970,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 1357, ""name"": ""fish""}, {""id"": 4676, ""name"": ""whale""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Oceans,"An ecological drama/documentary, filmed throughout the globe. Part thriller, part meditation on the vanishing wonders of the sub-aquatic world.",10.706613,"[{""name"": ""Path\u00e9 Films"", ""id"": 4959}, {""name"": ""Canal+"", ""id"": 5358}, {""name"": ""TPS Star"", ""id"": 6586}, {""name"": ""Participant Media"", ""id"": 6735}, {""name"": ""France T\u00e9l\u00e9vision"", ""id"": 7454}, {""name"": ""France 2 Cin\u00e9ma"", ""id"": 15671}, {""name"": ""France 3 Cinema"", ""id"": 16804}, {""name"": ""Centre National de la Cin\u00e9matographie (CNC)"", ""id"": 18367}, {""name"": ""Conseil R\u00e9gional du Calvados"", ""id"": 19267}, {""name"": ""R\u00e9gion Bretagne"", ""id"": 20346}, {""name"": ""Minist\u00e8re du D\u00e9veloppement Durable et de la Mer"", ""id"": 33250}, {""name"": ""JMH-TSR"", ""id"": 33251}, {""name"": ""HH Sheikha Salama bint Hamdan Al Nahyan"", ""id"": 33252}, {""name"": ""Conseil G\u00e9n\u00e9ral des C\u00f4tes d'Armor"", ""id"": 33253}, {""name"": ""Conseil G\u00e9n\u00e9ral du Morbihan"", ""id"": 33254}, {""name"": ""R\u00e9gion Basse-Normandie"", ""id"": 33255}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MC"", ""name"": ""Monaco""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CH"", ""name"": ""Switzerland""}]",2009-10-17,19406406,84,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Explore the depths of our planet's oceans. Experience the stories that connect their world to ours.,Oceans,7.3,111
80000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,10077,"[{""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4379, ""name"": ""time travel""}, {""id"": 9840, ""name"": ""romance""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}]",en,A Sound of Thunder,"When a hunter sent back to the prehistoric era runs off the path he must not leave, he causes a chain reaction that alters history in disastrous ways.",7.342892,"[{""name"": ""Epsilon Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 1171}, {""name"": ""Franchise Pictures"", ""id"": 1403}, {""name"": ""Baldwin Entertainment Group"", ""id"": 2234}, {""name"": ""Dante Entertainment"", ""id"": 2755}, {""name"": ""Crusader Entertainment"", ""id"": 2978}, {""name"": ""ETIC Films"", ""id"": 2979}, {""name"": ""Forge"", ""id"": 2980}, {""name"": ""QI Quality International GmbH Co. KG"", ""id"": 2981}, {""name"": ""Signature Pictures"", ""id"": 2982}, {""name"": ""ApolloMedia Distribution"", ""id"": 16850}, {""name"": ""Coco"", ""id"": 87847}, {""name"": ""Film 111"", ""id"": 87848}, {""name"": ""Jericho Productions Ltd."", ""id"": 87849}, {""name"": ""MFF (Sound of Thunder)"", ""id"": 87850}, {""name"": ""Matrix Film Finance"", ""id"": 87851}, {""name"": ""Scenario Lane Productions"", ""id"": 87852}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-05-15,5989640,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,Some Rules Should Never Be Broken.,A Sound of Thunder,4.8,111
130000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,76649,"[{""id"": 1394, ""name"": ""gladiator""}, {""id"": 1395, ""name"": ""arena""}, {""id"": 1527, ""name"": ""gladiator fight""}, {""id"": 2859, ""name"": ""lava""}, {""id"": 3035, ""name"": ""roman""}, {""id"": 3691, ""name"": ""forbidden love""}, {""id"": 5096, ""name"": ""natural disaster""}, {""id"": 6917, ""name"": ""epic""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 14906, ""name"": ""slave""}, {""id"": 41642, ""name"": ""town in panic""}, {""id"": 155212, ""name"": ""vulcan""}, {""id"": 163398, ""name"": ""volcanic eruption""}, {""id"": 180473, ""name"": ""pompeii""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Pompeii,"Set in 79 A.D., POMPEII tells the epic story of Milo, a slave turned invincible gladiator who finds himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him.",50.561849,"[{""name"": ""Impact Pictures"", ""id"": 248}, {""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}, {""name"": ""Don Carmody Productions"", ""id"": 4253}, {""name"": ""FilmDistrict"", ""id"": 7263}, {""name"": ""Constantin Film International"", ""id"": 12162}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-02-18,117831631,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,No warning. No escape.,Pompeii,5.2,1267
8000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,293644,"[{""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",es,Don Gato: El inicio de la pandilla,Top Cat has arrived to charm his way into your hearts! Ever wonder how this scheming feline got his start? Well Top Cat Begins reveals the origins of everything you know and love about this classic comedy hero. What follows is an adventure so crazy that it has to be seen to be believed!,0.719996,"[{""name"": ""Anima Estudios"", ""id"": 9965}, {""name"": ""Discreet Art Productions"", ""id"": 79433}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MX"", ""name"": ""Mexico""}]",2015-10-30,0,89,[],Released,,Top Cat Begins,5.3,9
60000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,453,"[{""id"": 30, ""name"": ""individual""}, {""id"": 222, ""name"": ""schizophrenia""}, {""id"": 1700, ""name"": ""massachusetts""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2303, ""name"": ""mathematician""}, {""id"": 2304, ""name"": ""market economy""}, {""id"": 2305, ""name"": ""economic theory""}, {""id"": 2307, ""name"": ""princeton university""}, {""id"": 2309, ""name"": ""nobel prize""}, {""id"": 2461, ""name"": ""mathematical theorem""}, {""id"": 2462, ""name"": ""m.i.t.""}, {""id"": 6009, ""name"": ""mathematics""}, {""id"": 6262, ""name"": ""delusion""}]",en,A Beautiful Mind,"At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today..",59.248437,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-11,313542341,135,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,I need to believe that something extra ordinary is possible...,A Beautiful Mind,7.7,3009
45000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,8587,"[{""id"": 2143, ""name"": ""loss of parents""}, {""id"": 5276, ""name"": ""wild boar""}, {""id"": 6464, ""name"": ""uncle""}, {""id"": 11326, ""name"": ""shaman""}, {""id"": 11436, ""name"": ""redemption""}, {""id"": 13084, ""name"": ""king""}, {""id"": 14767, ""name"": ""scar""}, {""id"": 18136, ""name"": ""hyena""}, {""id"": 18153, ""name"": ""meerkat""}]",en,The Lion King,A young lion cub named Simba can't wait to be king. But his uncle craves the title for himself and will stop at nothing to get it.,90.457886,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Walt Disney Feature Animation"", ""id"": 10217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1994-06-23,788241776,89,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Life's greatest adventure is finding your place in the Circle of Life.,The Lion King,8.0,5376
79000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,72545,"[{""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 40894, ""name"": ""mysterious island""}, {""id"": 156091, ""name"": ""missing person""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,"Sean Anderson partners with his mom's boyfriend on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.",40.723459,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Contrafilm"", ""id"": 1836}, {""name"": ""Walden Media"", ""id"": 10221}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-01-19,355692760,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Believe the Impossible. Discover the Incredible.,Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,5.8,1030
78000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,109451,"[{""id"": 1436, ""name"": ""inventor""}, {""id"": 10637, ""name"": ""food""}, {""id"": 14760, ""name"": ""scientist""}]",en,Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2,"After the disastrous food storm in the first film, Flint and his friends are forced to leave the town. Flint accepts the invitation from his idol Chester V to join The Live Corp Company, which has been tasked to clean the island, and where the best inventors in the world create technologies for the betterment of mankind. When Flint discovers that his machine still operates and now creates mutant food beasts like living pickles, hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees and apple pie-thons, he and his friends must return to save the world.",41.247402,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Sony"", ""id"": 649}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-09-26,248384621,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Something big was leftover.,Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2,6.4,915
78000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,9533,"[{""id"": 6259, ""name"": ""psychopath""}, {""id"": 10714, ""name"": ""serial killer""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}]",en,Red Dragon,"Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it seems Lecter is the only one who can help Graham track down a new serial killer.",10.083905,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-09-29,209196298,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Before the Silence.,Red Dragon,6.7,1115
100000000,"[{""id"": 37, ""name"": ""Western""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,2023,"[{""id"": 643, ""name"": ""horse race""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 3525, ""name"": ""racehorse""}]",en,Hidalgo,"Set in 1890, this is the story of a Pony Express courier who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a massive contest prize, in an adventure that sends the pair around the world...",16.759252,"[{""name"": ""Casey Silver Productions"", ""id"": 877}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Dune Films"", ""id"": 19477}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""MA"", ""name"": ""Morocco""}]",2004-03-05,108103450,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Unbridled. Unbroken. Unbeaten.,Hidalgo,6.5,318
79000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,71880,"[{""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Jack and Jill,"Jack Sadelstein, a successful advertising executive in Los Angeles with a beautiful wife and kids, dreads one event each year: the Thanksgiving visit of his twin sister Jill. Jill's neediness and passive-aggressiveness is maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down.",22.132418,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Broken Road Productions"", ""id"": 8000}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-11-11,149673788,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,His twin sister is coming for the holidays... ...and it ain't pretty.,Jack and Jill,4.1,604
76000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,584,"[{""id"": 416, ""name"": ""miami""}, {""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 999, ""name"": ""sports car""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 159953, ""name"": ""automobile racing""}]",en,2 Fast 2 Furious,"It's a major double-cross when former police officer Brian O'Conner teams up with his ex-con buddy Roman Pearce to transport a shipment of ""dirty"" money for shady Miami-based import-export dealer Carter Verone. But the guys are actually working with undercover agent Monica Fuentes to bring Verone down.",10.520961,"[{""name"": ""Mikona Productions GmbH & Co. KG"", ""id"": 24}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Ardustry Entertainment"", ""id"": 26281}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-06-05,236350661,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,How Fast Do You Want It?,2 Fast 2 Furious,6.2,2028
64000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,309809,"[{""id"": 490, ""name"": ""philosophy""}, {""id"": 3469, ""name"": ""utopia""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 4414, ""name"": ""adventure""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9736, ""name"": ""little boy""}, {""id"": 9825, ""name"": ""growing up""}, {""id"": 10226, ""name"": ""neighbor""}, {""id"": 10707, ""name"": ""mother daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 10873, ""name"": ""school""}, {""id"": 10938, ""name"": ""old man""}, {""id"": 12663, ""name"": ""little girl""}, {""id"": 14532, ""name"": ""crazy""}, {""id"": 15101, ""name"": ""based on children's book""}, {""id"": 170647, ""name"": ""story""}, {""id"": 180787, ""name"": ""social differences""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,The Little Prince,"Based on the best-seller book 'The Little Prince', the movie tells the story of a little girl that lives with resignation in a world where efficiency and work are the only dogmas. Everything will change when accidentally she discovers her neighbor that will tell her about the story of the Little Prince that he once met.",35.384423,"[{""name"": ""Onyx Films"", ""id"": 2203}, {""name"": ""NetFlix"", ""id"": 8858}, {""name"": ""Orange Studios"", ""id"": 15433}, {""name"": ""CityMation"", ""id"": 41042}, {""name"": ""On Entertainment"", ""id"": 59725}, {""name"": ""Zippcast Films"", ""id"": 60658}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2015-07-29,97571250,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Growing up isn't the problem... forgetting is.,The Little Prince,7.6,756
80000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,4858,"[{""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 15250, ""name"": ""alien infection""}, {""id"": 161290, ""name"": ""sleeping""}, {""id"": 161891, ""name"": ""doppelganger""}, {""id"": 162502, ""name"": ""news report""}, {""id"": 162511, ""name"": ""text messaging""}, {""id"": 162512, ""name"": ""siren""}, {""id"": 162515, ""name"": ""contamination""}]",en,The Invasion,"Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.",15.673154,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Vertigo Entertainment"", ""id"": 829}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}]",2007-08-17,15071514,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Do not trust anyone. Do not show emotion. Do not fall asleep.,The Invasion,5.7,359
76000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,17711,"[{""id"": 4414, ""name"": ""adventure""}, {""id"": 6513, ""name"": ""cartoon""}, {""id"": 10267, ""name"": ""comedy""}, {""id"": 11687, ""name"": ""breaking the fourth wall""}, {""id"": 15067, ""name"": ""talking to the camera""}, {""id"": 167043, ""name"": ""road movie""}, {""id"": 196726, ""name"": ""celebrity cameo""}]",en,The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle,"Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into reality and team up with Fearless Leader, an evil criminal turned media mogul with some evil plans up his sleeve. Rocky and Bullwinkle must stop the three of them before they wreak havoc.",8.981427,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Capella International"", ""id"": 594}, {""name"": ""KC Medien AG"", ""id"": 596}, {""name"": ""Tribeca Productions"", ""id"": 11391}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-06-30,35134820,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,This summer it's not the same old bull.,The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle,3.9,87
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,328111,"[{""id"": 2551, ""name"": ""pet""}, {""id"": 3208, ""name"": ""bunny""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 15162, ""name"": ""dog""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 33347, ""name"": ""apartment building""}, {""id"": 41412, ""name"": ""sewer""}, {""id"": 158225, ""name"": ""terrier""}, {""id"": 168346, ""name"": ""manhattan, new york city""}, {""id"": 204052, ""name"": ""rodent""}, {""id"": 229051, ""name"": ""mongrel""}]",en,The Secret Life of Pets,"The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upended when his owner takes in Duke, a stray whom Max instantly dislikes.",31.482872,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Fuji Television Network"", ""id"": 3341}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Illumination Entertainment"", ""id"": 6704}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-06-18,875958308,87,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Think this is what they do all day?,The Secret Life of Pets,5.9,3462
78000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,8698,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 4197, ""name"": ""bite""}, {""id"": 5458, ""name"": ""men""}, {""id"": 160130, ""name"": ""invisible man""}, {""id"": 191409, ""name"": ""captain nemo""}, {""id"": 191439, ""name"": ""allan quatermain""}, {""id"": 206581, ""name"": ""venezia""}, {""id"": 232533, ""name"": ""immortal""}]",en,The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,"To prevent a world war from breaking out, famous characters from Victorian literature band together to do battle against a cunning villain.",47.436675,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""JD Productions"", ""id"": 475}, {""name"": ""International Production Company"", ""id"": 1507}, {""name"": ""Angry Films"", ""id"": 12087}, {""name"": ""Mediastream Dritte Film GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG"", ""id"": 19352}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-07-11,179265204,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,The power of seven become a league of one.,The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,5.7,1155
76000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,93456,"[{""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 7397, ""name"": ""bakery""}, {""id"": 13072, ""name"": ""falling in love""}, {""id"": 15300, ""name"": ""father daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 184783, ""name"": ""first date""}, {""id"": 190999, ""name"": ""minions""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Despicable Me 2,Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal.,136.886704,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Illumination Entertainment"", ""id"": 6704}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-06-25,970761885,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Back 2 Work,Despicable Me 2,7.0,4637
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,602,"[{""id"": 1612, ""name"": ""spacecraft""}, {""id"": 1627, ""name"": ""patriotism""}, {""id"": 1825, ""name"": ""countdown""}, {""id"": 4097, ""name"": ""independence""}, {""id"": 4278, ""name"": ""invasion""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 9738, ""name"": ""ufo""}, {""id"": 9739, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial""}, {""id"": 9831, ""name"": ""spaceship""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}]",en,Independence Day,"On July 2, a giant alien mothership enters orbit around Earth and deploys several dozen saucer-shaped 'destroyer' spacecraft that quickly lay waste to major cities around the planet. On July 3, the United States conducts a coordinated counterattack that fails. On July 4, a plan is devised to gain access to the interior of the alien mothership in space, in order to plant a nuclear missile.",60.442593,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-06-25,816969268,145,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Earth. Take a good look. It might be your last.,Independence Day,6.7,3260
73000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,330,"[{""id"": 911, ""name"": ""exotic island""}, {""id"": 1718, ""name"": ""dna""}, {""id"": 1719, ""name"": ""paleontology""}, {""id"": 1720, ""name"": ""tyrannosaurus rex""}, {""id"": 1766, ""name"": ""velociraptor""}, {""id"": 1768, ""name"": ""san diego""}, {""id"": 12616, ""name"": ""dinosaur""}, {""id"": 178010, ""name"": ""jurassic park""}, {""id"": 223059, ""name"": ""animal horror""}]",en,The Lost World: Jurassic Park,"Four years after Jurassic Park's genetically bred dinosaurs ran amok, multimillionaire John Hammond shocks chaos theorist Ian Malcolm by revealing that Hammond has been breeding more beasties at a secret location. Malcolm, his paleontologist ladylove and a wildlife videographer join an expedition to document the lethal lizards' natural behavior in this action-packed thriller.",2.502487,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-05-23,229074524,129,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Something has survived.,The Lost World: Jurassic Park,6.2,2487
75000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,953,"[{""id"": 2043, ""name"": ""lion""}, {""id"": 2509, ""name"": ""hippopotamus""}, {""id"": 2510, ""name"": ""giraffe""}, {""id"": 3028, ""name"": ""penguin""}, {""id"": 7639, ""name"": ""zebra""}]",en,Madagascar,"Zoo animals leave the comforts of man-made habitats for exotic adventure in this animated family film. After escaping from the zoo, four friends -- a lion, a hippo, a zebra and a giraffe -- are sent back to Africa. When their ship capsizes, stranding them on Madagascar, an island populated by crazy critters, the pals must adapt to jungle life and their new roles as wild animals.",48.110909,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-05-25,532680671,86,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,Someone's got a zoo loose.,Madagascar,6.6,3237
76000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9693,"[{""id"": 318, ""name"": ""police state""}, {""id"": 458, ""name"": ""hippie""}, {""id"": 526, ""name"": ""rebel""}, {""id"": 2618, ""name"": ""miracle""}, {""id"": 2964, ""name"": ""future""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 4995, ""name"": ""aging""}, {""id"": 5885, ""name"": ""childlessness""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 17985, ""name"": ""birth""}, {""id"": 41589, ""name"": ""dying""}]",en,Children of Men,"In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humankind.",35.387874,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Strike Entertainment"", ""id"": 655}, {""name"": ""Hit & Run Productions"", ""id"": 11429}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-09-22,69959751,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The future's a thing of the past.,Children of Men,7.4,2071
75000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,36657,"[{""id"": 1852, ""name"": ""mutant""}, {""id"": 8828, ""name"": ""marvel comic""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10761, ""name"": ""superhuman""}]",en,X-Men,"Two mutants, Rogue and Wolverine, come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team, the X-Men, must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.",4.66891,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Donners' Company"", ""id"": 431}, {""name"": ""Bad Hat Harry Productions"", ""id"": 9168}, {""name"": ""Marvel Enterprises"", ""id"": 19551}, {""name"": ""Springwood Productions"", ""id"": 22969}, {""name"": ""Genetics Productions"", ""id"": 22970}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-07-13,296339527,104,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Evolution Begins,X-Men,6.8,4097
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,8909,"[{""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 1872, ""name"": ""loss of father""}, {""id"": 2908, ""name"": ""secret society""}, {""id"": 3045, ""name"": ""mission of murder""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}]",en,Wanted,"Doormat Wesley Gibson discovers that his recently murdered father – who Wesley never knew – belonged to a secret guild of assassins. After a leather-clad sexpot drafts Wesley into the society, he hones his innate killing skills and turns avenger.",73.82289,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Bazelevs Production"", ""id"": 1038}, {""name"": ""Kickstart Productions"", ""id"": 2526}, {""name"": ""Marc Platt Productions"", ""id"": 2527}, {""name"": ""Top Cow Productions"", ""id"": 2528}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Ringerike Zweite Filmproduktion"", ""id"": 23955}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-06-19,258270008,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Choose your destiny.,Wanted,6.4,2528
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9802,"[{""id"": 582, ""name"": ""san francisco""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 3293, ""name"": ""gas attack""}, {""id"": 3859, ""name"": ""alcatraz""}, {""id"": 18233, ""name"": ""hostage situation""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}]",en,The Rock,"A group of renegade marine commandos seizes a stockpile of chemical weapons and takes over Alcatraz, with 81 tourists as hostages. Their leader demands $100 million to be paid, as restitution to families of Marines who died in covert ops – or he will launch 15 rockets carrying deadly VX gas into the San Francisco Bay area.",51.469576,"[{""name"": ""Hollywood Pictures"", ""id"": 915}, {""name"": ""Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 10288}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-06-06,335062621,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Alcatraz. Only one man has ever broken out. Now five million lives depend on two men breaking in.,The Rock,6.9,1456
80000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,950,"[{""id"": 2078, ""name"": ""mammoth""}, {""id"": 2079, ""name"": ""sloth""}, {""id"": 2219, ""name"": ""ice age""}, {""id"": 2223, ""name"": ""barrier ice""}, {""id"": 2224, ""name"": ""ice melting""}, {""id"": 2984, ""name"": ""iceberg""}, {""id"": 3528, ""name"": ""flooding""}, {""id"": 4414, ""name"": ""adventure""}, {""id"": 4663, ""name"": ""lovers""}, {""id"": 4875, ""name"": ""deluge""}, {""id"": 158017, ""name"": ""saber-toothed tiger""}]",en,Ice Age: The Meltdown,"Diego, Manny and Sid return in this sequel to the hit animated movie Ice Age. This time around, the deep freeze is over, and the ice-covered earth is starting to melt, which will destroy the trio's cherished valley. The impending disaster prompts them to reunite and warn all the other beasts about the desperate situation.",85.115058,"[{""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-03-23,660940780,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Ice age is melting away.,Ice Age: The Meltdown,6.5,2951
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,1824,"[{""id"": 563, ""name"": ""deja vu""}, {""id"": 1453, ""name"": ""amnesia""}, {""id"": 1668, ""name"": ""hawaii""}, {""id"": 2336, ""name"": ""ladykiller""}, {""id"": 9799, ""name"": ""romantic comedy""}]",en,50 First Dates,"Henry is a player skilled at seducing women. But when this veterinarian meets Lucy, a girl with a quirky problem when it comes to total recall, he realizes it's possible to fall in love all over again…and again, and again. That's because the delightful Lucy has no short-term memory, so Henry must woo her day after day until he finally sweeps her off her feet.",61.437586,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Anonymous Content"", ""id"": 10039}, {""name"": ""Flower Films (II)"", ""id"": 19813}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-02-13,196482882,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams... every friggin' day.,50 First Dates,6.6,2105
50000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,2976,"[{""id"": 890, ""name"": ""races""}, {""id"": 1566, ""name"": ""dream""}, {""id"": 1691, ""name"": ""dance""}, {""id"": 2136, ""name"": ""television""}, {""id"": 2571, ""name"": ""tv show""}, {""id"": 3060, ""name"": ""race politics""}, {""id"": 5736, ""name"": ""coloured""}, {""id"": 6027, ""name"": ""music""}, {""id"": 6090, ""name"": ""equality""}, {""id"": 6275, ""name"": ""school party""}, {""id"": 6706, ""name"": ""performance""}, {""id"": 6713, ""name"": ""integration""}, {""id"": 8663, ""name"": ""overweight woman""}, {""id"": 12965, ""name"": ""duel""}, {""id"": 158375, ""name"": ""based on stage musical""}, {""id"": 160910, ""name"": ""xenophobia""}, {""id"": 165317, ""name"": ""based on film""}, {""id"": 208992, ""name"": ""1960s""}]",en,Hairspray,"Pleasantly plump teenager, Tracy Turnblad and her best friend, Penny Pingleton audition to be on The Corny Collins Show – and Tracy wins. But when scheming Amber Von Tussle and her mother plot to destroy Tracy, it turns to chaos.",31.160542,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Offspring Entertainment"", ""id"": 2378}, {""name"": ""Zadan / Meron Productions"", ""id"": 70994}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-07-13,90450008,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"When you follow your own beat, the world will follow you.",Hairspray,6.5,709
80000000,"[{""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11026,"[{""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 2626, ""name"": ""exorcism""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10093, ""name"": ""priest""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 11083, ""name"": ""paganism""}, {""id"": 14999, ""name"": ""devil""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}, {""id"": 161261, ""name"": ""demonic possession""}, {""id"": 161935, ""name"": ""relic""}, {""id"": 179567, ""name"": ""crisis of faith""}, {""id"": 179568, ""name"": ""archaeological dig""}]",en,Exorcist: The Beginning,"Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, Merrin must face-off with the demon which has taken possession of somebody close to him.",15.761384,"[{""name"": ""Morgan Creek Productions"", ""id"": 10210}, {""name"": ""Dominion Productions"", ""id"": 36452}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-08-20,78000586,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Go back to where the horror began.,Exorcist: The Beginning,4.7,183
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,332,"[{""id"": 1683, ""name"": ""gadget""}]",en,Inspector Gadget,"John Brown is a bumbling but well-intentioned security guard who is badly injured in an explosion planned by an evil mastermind. He is taken to a laboratory, where Brenda, a leading robotics surgeon, replaces his damaged limbs with state-of-the-art gadgets and tools. Named ""Inspector Gadget"" by the press, John -- along with his niece, Penny, and her trusty dog, Brain -- uses his new powers to discover who was behind the explosion.",17.561955,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Caravan Pictures"", ""id"": 175}, {""name"": ""DiC Entertainment"", ""id"": 20477}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-07-23,0,78,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""no"", ""name"": ""Norsk""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,The greatest hero ever assembled.,Inspector Gadget,4.3,318
75000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,75656,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 974, ""name"": ""bank""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 1953, ""name"": ""vault""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2411, ""name"": ""new orleans""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 10594, ""name"": ""money""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 14570, ""name"": ""las vegas""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}]",en,Now You See Me,An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with the money.,71.124686,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""K/O Paper Products"", ""id"": 7296}, {""name"": ""SOIXAN7E QUIN5E"", ""id"": 23271}, {""name"": ""See Me Louisiana"", ""id"": 23272}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2013-05-29,117698894,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,4 amazing magicians. 3 impossible heists. 1 billion dollars. This is no illusion.,Now You See Me,7.3,5487
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,38365,"[{""id"": 2064, ""name"": ""overweight""}, {""id"": 6954, ""name"": ""swing""}, {""id"": 7600, ""name"": ""foot""}, {""id"": 11428, ""name"": ""convertible""}, {""id"": 11715, ""name"": ""arrow""}]",en,Grown Ups,"After their high school basketball coach passes away, five good friends and former teammates reunite for a Fourth of July holiday weekend.",38.864027,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-24,271430189,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Boys will be boys. . . some longer than others.,Grown Ups,6.0,1705
60000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,594,"[{""id"": 242, ""name"": ""new york""}, {""id"": 822, ""name"": ""airport""}, {""id"": 1459, ""name"": ""marriage proposal""}, {""id"": 1638, ""name"": ""translation""}, {""id"": 1846, ""name"": ""craftsman""}, {""id"": 2080, ""name"": ""stewardess""}, {""id"": 2173, ""name"": ""illegal immigration""}, {""id"": 2568, ""name"": ""language barrier""}, {""id"": 3013, ""name"": ""jfk international airport""}, {""id"": 3014, ""name"": ""immigration law""}, {""id"": 3015, ""name"": ""fast food restaurant""}, {""id"": 3016, ""name"": ""security camera""}, {""id"": 3017, ""name"": ""jazz musician""}, {""id"": 3018, ""name"": ""saxophonist""}, {""id"": 3019, ""name"": ""autograph""}, {""id"": 3022, ""name"": ""passport""}, {""id"": 3023, ""name"": ""eastern europe""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}]",en,The Terminal,"Viktor Navorski is a man without a country; his plane took off just as a coup d'etat exploded in his homeland, leaving it in shambles, and now he's stranded at Kennedy Airport, where he's holding a passport that nobody recognizes. While quarantined in the transit lounge until authorities can figure out what to do with him, Viktor simply goes on living – and courts romance with a beautiful flight attendant.",57.753914,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Parkes/MacDonald Productions"", ""id"": 11084}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-06-17,219417255,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""bg"", ""name"": ""\u0431\u044a\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0438 \u0435\u0437\u0438\u043a""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Life is waiting.,The Terminal,7.0,1910
35000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,15189,"[{""id"": 2393, ""name"": ""adoption""}, {""id"": 8841, ""name"": ""puppy""}, {""id"": 12341, ""name"": ""pitbull""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 158394, ""name"": ""foster home""}, {""id"": 158395, ""name"": ""animal lover""}, {""id"": 158415, ""name"": ""beagle""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Hotel for Dogs,"Placed in a foster home that doesn't allow pets, 16-year-old Andi and her younger brother, Bruce, turn an abandoned hotel into a home for their dog. Soon other strays arrive, and the hotel becomes a haven for every orphaned canine in town. But the kids have to do some quick thinking to keep the cops off their tails.",13.25753,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-01-16,73034460,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,No stray gets turned away.,Hotel for Dogs,5.7,202
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11678,"[{""id"": 486, ""name"": ""himalaya""}, {""id"": 7021, ""name"": ""pakistan""}, {""id"": 8624, ""name"": ""climbing""}, {""id"": 9356, ""name"": ""k2""}, {""id"": 160177, ""name"": ""mountaineering""}, {""id"": 209504, ""name"": ""karakoram""}]",en,Vertical Limit,"Trapped near the summit of K2, the world's second-highest mountain, Annie Garrett radios to base camp for help. Brother Peter hears Annie's message and assembles a team to save her and her group before they succumb to K2's unforgiving elements. But, as Annie lays injured in an icy cavern, the rescuers face several terrifying events that could end the rescue attempt -- and their lives.",13.318744,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Company Medien KG"", ""id"": 9269}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""PK"", ""name"": ""Pakistan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-12-08,215663859,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ur"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648""}]",Released,The Mountain Will Decide.,Vertical Limit,5.9,283
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,6538,"[{""id"": 521, ""name"": ""washington d.c.""}, {""id"": 567, ""name"": ""alcohol""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 973, ""name"": ""refugee camp""}, {""id"": 1705, ""name"": ""congress""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}, {""id"": 2336, ""name"": ""ladykiller""}, {""id"": 2732, ""name"": ""rocket launcher""}, {""id"": 2808, ""name"": ""russian""}, {""id"": 4531, ""name"": ""munition""}, {""id"": 7158, ""name"": ""war in afghanistan""}, {""id"": 7597, ""name"": ""dollar""}]",en,Charlie Wilson's War,"The true story of Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets had some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.",18.70031,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Participant Productions"", ""id"": 2030}, {""name"": ""Playtone Production"", ""id"": 2031}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-12-19,119000410,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ur"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""he"", ""name"": ""\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05b0\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea""}]",Released,Based on a true story. You think we could make all this up?,Charlie Wilson's War,6.5,338
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,10555,"[{""id"": 1357, ""name"": ""fish""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 3045, ""name"": ""mission of murder""}, {""id"": 4923, ""name"": ""threat to death""}, {""id"": 7879, ""name"": ""secret love""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 15097, ""name"": ""shark""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Shark Tale,"Oscar is a small fish whose big aspirations often get him into trouble. Meanwhile, Lenny is a great white shark with a surprising secret that no sea creature would guess: He's a vegetarian. When a lie turns Oscar into an improbable hero and Lenny becomes an outcast, the two form an unlikely friendship.",47.094369,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-09-20,367275019,90,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story of what happens when one little fish tells a great white lie...,Shark Tale,5.8,1557
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,1125,"[{""id"": 532, ""name"": ""music record""}, {""id"": 554, ""name"": ""manager""}, {""id"": 577, ""name"": ""black people""}, {""id"": 596, ""name"": ""adultery""}, {""id"": 634, ""name"": ""soul""}, {""id"": 837, ""name"": ""show business""}, {""id"": 1803, ""name"": ""drug addiction""}, {""id"": 3089, ""name"": ""oscar award""}, {""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 4481, ""name"": ""deceived wife""}, {""id"": 4741, ""name"": ""recording contract""}, {""id"": 4742, ""name"": ""background singer""}, {""id"": 4744, ""name"": ""motown""}, {""id"": 4745, ""name"": ""the supremes""}, {""id"": 4746, ""name"": ""record producer""}, {""id"": 9457, ""name"": ""single""}, {""id"": 10229, ""name"": ""singer""}, {""id"": 12990, ""name"": ""singing""}, {""id"": 18021, ""name"": ""detroit""}, {""id"": 33457, ""name"": ""alcoholic""}, {""id"": 34094, ""name"": ""extramarital affair""}, {""id"": 41591, ""name"": ""music band""}]",en,Dreamgirls,"Three young women – Deena Jones, Effie White and Lorrell Robinson – dream of becoming pop stars and they get their wish when they're chosen to be backup singers for the legendary James 'Thunder' Early.",14.486311,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Laurence Mark Productions"", ""id"": 415}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-12-25,154937680,134,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,One Dream Will Change Everything,Dreamgirls,6.6,284
53000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,4551,"[{""id"": 3605, ""name"": ""baseball bat""}, {""id"": 4129, ""name"": ""widow""}, {""id"": 4741, ""name"": ""recording contract""}, {""id"": 5718, ""name"": ""recording studio""}, {""id"": 8045, ""name"": ""russian mafia""}, {""id"": 10572, ""name"": ""music business""}, {""id"": 10712, ""name"": ""night club""}, {""id"": 163949, ""name"": ""pawnshop""}]",en,Be Cool,"Disenchanted with the movie industry, Chili Palmer tries the music industry, meeting and romancing a widow of a music exec on the way.",18.61472,"[{""name"": ""Double Feature Films"", ""id"": 215}, {""name"": ""Jersey Films"", ""id"": 216}, {""name"": ""Nina Saxon Film Design"", ""id"": 1693}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-03-04,95226116,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Everyone is looking for the next big hit,Be Cool,5.4,292
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,612,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 441, ""name"": ""assassination""}, {""id"": 536, ""name"": ""israel""}, {""id"": 922, ""name"": ""hotel room""}, {""id"": 1228, ""name"": ""1970s""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 2051, ""name"": ""intelligence""}, {""id"": 2070, ""name"": ""olympic games""}, {""id"": 2437, ""name"": ""munich""}, {""id"": 3037, ""name"": ""mossad""}, {""id"": 3038, ""name"": ""israeli""}, {""id"": 3039, ""name"": ""palestinian""}, {""id"": 3043, ""name"": ""beirut""}, {""id"": 3046, ""name"": ""ailul al aswad""}, {""id"": 3047, ""name"": ""plo""}, {""id"": 3048, ""name"": ""bomb constructor""}, {""id"": 3049, ""name"": ""baader-meinhof group""}, {""id"": 3052, ""name"": ""olympian village""}, {""id"": 9748, ""name"": ""revenge""}]",en,Munich,"During the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, eleven Israeli athletes are taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September. In retaliation, the Israeli government recruits a group of Mossad agents to track down and execute those responsible for the attack.",29.035222,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Peninsula Films"", ""id"": 682}, {""name"": ""Alliance Atlantis Communications"", ""id"": 803}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Barry Mendel Productions"", ""id"": 17032}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2005-12-22,130358911,164,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""el"", ""name"": ""\u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""he"", ""name"": ""\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05b0\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,The world was watching in 1972 as 11 Israeli athletes were murdered at the Munich Olympics. This is the story of what happened next.,Munich,6.9,696
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,9567,"[{""id"": 4595, ""name"": ""u.s. army""}, {""id"": 7587, ""name"": ""nigeria""}, {""id"": 8570, ""name"": ""president""}]",en,Tears of the Sun,"Navy SEAL Lieutenant A.K. Waters and his elite squadron of tactical specialists are forced to choose between their duty and their humanity, between following orders by ignoring the conflict that surrounds them, or finding the courage to follow their conscience and protect a group of innocent refugees. When the democratic government of Nigeria collapses and the country is taken over by a ruthless military dictator, Waters, a fiercely loyal and hardened veteran is dispatched on a routine mission to retrieve a Doctors Without Borders physician.",27.055085,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Revolution Studios"", ""id"": 497}, {""name"": ""Cheyenne Enterprises"", ""id"": 890}, {""name"": ""Michael Lobell Productions"", ""id"": 13473}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-03-07,85632458,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He was trained to follow orders. He became a hero by defying them.,Tears of the Sun,6.4,573
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,37821,"[{""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}]",en,Killers,"When an elite assassin marries a beautiful computer whiz after a whirlwind romance, he gives up the gun and settles down with his new bride. That is, until he learns that someone from his past has put a contract out on his life.",23.004607,"[{""name"": ""Katalyst Films"", ""id"": 817}, {""name"": ""Lionsgate"", ""id"": 1632}, {""name"": ""Aversano Films"", ""id"": 60022}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-04,98159963,100,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Perfect wife. Perfect target.,Killers,5.7,772
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,203801,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}, {""id"": 9714, ""name"": ""remake""}, {""id"": 10988, ""name"": ""based on tv series""}, {""id"": 167316, ""name"": ""buddy cop""}, {""id"": 190654, ""name"": ""russian spy""}, {""id"": 197822, ""name"": ""american spy""}]",en,The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,"At the height of the Cold War, a mysterious criminal organization plans to use nuclear weapons and technology to upset the fragile balance of power between the United States and Soviet Union. CIA agent Napoleon Solo and KGB agent Illya Kuryakin are forced to put aside their hostilities and work together to stop the evildoers in their tracks. The duo's only lead is the daughter of a missing German scientist, whom they must find soon to prevent a global catastrophe.",48.744209,"[{""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Wigram Productions"", ""id"": 23202}, {""name"": ""RatPac-Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 41624}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-08-13,108145109,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,Saving the world never goes out of style.,The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,7.1,2265
80000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,2539,"[{""id"": 213, ""name"": ""upper class""}, {""id"": 456, ""name"": ""mother""}, {""id"": 641, ""name"": ""single parent""}, {""id"": 970, ""name"": ""parents kids relationship""}, {""id"": 1157, ""name"": ""wife husband relationship""}, {""id"": 1650, ""name"": ""cook""}, {""id"": 1716, ""name"": ""milieu""}, {""id"": 2173, ""name"": ""illegal immigration""}, {""id"": 2356, ""name"": ""immigrant""}, {""id"": 2568, ""name"": ""language barrier""}, {""id"": 2783, ""name"": ""family's daily life""}, {""id"": 3200, ""name"": ""platonic love""}, {""id"": 3595, ""name"": ""deceived husband""}, {""id"": 4034, ""name"": ""class society""}, {""id"": 5083, ""name"": ""hysteria""}, {""id"": 5565, ""name"": ""biography""}, {""id"": 5616, ""name"": ""united states\u2013mexico barrier""}, {""id"": 5625, ""name"": ""relationship problems""}, {""id"": 6069, ""name"": ""class""}, {""id"": 6277, ""name"": ""language course""}, {""id"": 9457, ""name"": ""single""}, {""id"": 10707, ""name"": ""mother daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 14638, ""name"": ""american""}, {""id"": 163127, ""name"": ""mexican""}, {""id"": 170652, ""name"": ""father figure""}]",en,Spanglish,"Mexican immigrant and single mother Flor Moreno finds housekeeping work with Deborah and John Clasky, a well-off couple with two children of their own. When Flor admits she can't handle the schedule because of her daughter, Cristina, Deborah decides they should move into the Clasky home. Cultures clash and tensions run high as Flor and the Claskys struggle to share space while raising their children on their own, and very different, terms.",14.209329,"[{""name"": ""Gracie Films"", ""id"": 18}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-12-17,55041367,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every family has a hero.,Spanglish,5.8,369
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,9297,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 4290, ""name"": ""toy""}, {""id"": 10103, ""name"": ""children""}, {""id"": 10226, ""name"": ""neighbor""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 208349, ""name"": ""child""}]",en,Monster House,"Monsters under the bed are scary enough, but what happens when an entire house is out to get you? Three teens aim to find out when they go up against a decrepit neighboring home and unlock its frightening secrets.",36.368839,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Animation"", ""id"": 2251}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Entertainment"", ""id"": 5752}, {""name"": ""ImageMovers"", ""id"": 11395}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-07-21,140175006,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The House is . . . ALIVE!,Monster House,6.3,874
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,3172,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}]",en,Bandits,Two bank robbers fall in love with the girl they've kidnapped.,24.353302,"[{""name"": ""Cheyenne Enterprises"", ""id"": 890}, {""name"": ""Epsilon Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 1171}, {""name"": ""Empire Pictures"", ""id"": 1212}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""Hyde Park Entertainment"", ""id"": 13816}, {""name"": ""Baltimore Spring Creek Productions"", ""id"": 16061}, {""name"": ""Lotus Pictures"", ""id"": 52944}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-10-12,67631903,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Two's company, three's a crime.",Bandits,6.2,302
55000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,6520,"[{""id"": 3966, ""name"": ""camelot""}, {""id"": 10466, ""name"": ""knight""}, {""id"": 10982, ""name"": ""king arthur""}, {""id"": 177128, ""name"": ""excalibur""}, {""id"": 177129, ""name"": ""knights of the round table""}]",en,First Knight,"The timeless tale of King Arthur and the legend of Camelot are retold in this passionate period drama. Arthur is reluctant to hand the crown to Lancelot, and Guinevere is torn between her loyalty to her husband and her growing love for his rival. But Lancelot must balance his loyalty to the throne with the rewards of true love.",19.143321,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""First Knight Productions"", ""id"": 10158}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-07-07,127600435,134,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,Their greatest battle would be for her love.,First Knight,5.9,311
75000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,1439,"[{""id"": 393, ""name"": ""civil war""}, {""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1319, ""name"": ""east india trading company""}, {""id"": 2052, ""name"": ""traitor""}, {""id"": 2122, ""name"": ""death penalty""}, {""id"": 3434, ""name"": ""thailand""}, {""id"": 3998, ""name"": ""palace""}, {""id"": 5499, ""name"": ""burma""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 9920, ""name"": ""royalty""}, {""id"": 10508, ""name"": ""teacher""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 197602, ""name"": ""denunciation""}]",en,Anna and the King,The story of the romance between the King of Siam (now Thailand) and the widowed British school teacher Anna Leonowens during the 1860's. Anna teaches the children and becomes romanced by the King. She convinces him that a man can be loved by just one woman.,13.327372,"[{""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""MY"", ""name"": ""Malaysia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-12-16,0,148,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,,Anna and the King,6.4,197
75000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,37958,"[{""id"": 351, ""name"": ""poison""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 8985, ""name"": ""zeus""}, {""id"": 14667, ""name"": ""poseidon""}, {""id"": 18096, ""name"": ""spear""}]",en,Immortals,"Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.",37.917002,"[{""name"": ""Virgin Produced"", ""id"": 8852}, {""name"": ""Mark Canton Productions"", ""id"": 11761}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-11-10,226904017,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""el"", ""name"": ""\u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The Gods need a hero.,Immortals,5.7,880
52000000,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,2026,"[{""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 4668, ""name"": ""police operation""}, {""id"": 14903, ""name"": ""home invasion""}, {""id"": 18233, ""name"": ""hostage situation""}, {""id"": 159710, ""name"": ""hostage negotiator""}]",en,Hostage,"When a mafia accountant is taken hostage on his beat, a police officer – wracked by guilt from a prior stint as a negotiator – must negotiate the standoff, even as his own family is held captive by the mob.",23.663713,"[{""name"": ""Miramax Films"", ""id"": 14}, {""name"": ""Cheyenne Enterprises"", ""id"": 890}, {""name"": ""Yari Film Group"", ""id"": 2448}, {""name"": ""Stratus Film Co."", ""id"": 11027}, {""name"": ""Syndicate Films International"", ""id"": 26947}, {""name"": ""Equity Pictures Medienfonds GmbH & Co. KG II"", ""id"": 26948}, {""name"": ""Hostage GmbH"", ""id"": 26949}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-03-09,77944725,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every Second Counts,Hostage,6.2,512
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,7450,"[{""id"": 1299, ""name"": ""monster""}, {""id"": 4270, ""name"": ""galaxy""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 9882, ""name"": ""space""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10336, ""name"": ""animation""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}]",en,Titan A.E.,"A young man finds out that he holds the key to restoring hope and ensuring survival for the human race, while an alien species called the Dredge are bent on mankind's destruction.",14.44381,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""David Kirschner Productions"", ""id"": 11050}, {""name"": ""Fox Animation Studios"", ""id"": 11231}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-06-16,36754634,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}]",Released,"When Earth Ends, The Adventure Begins.",Titan A.E.,6.3,313
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11375,"[{""id"": 897, ""name"": ""rap music""}, {""id"": 2708, ""name"": ""hitman""}]",en,Hollywood Homicide,"Joe Gavilan (Harrison Ford) and his new partner K. C. Calden (Josh Hartnett), are detectives on the beat in Tinseltown. Neither one of them really wants to be a cop, Gavilan moonlights as a real estate broker, and Calden is an aspiring actor moonlighting as a yoga instructor. When the two are assigned a big case they must work out whether they want to solve the case or follow their hearts.",10.605084,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Revolution Studios"", ""id"": 497}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-06-09,51142659,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,,Hollywood Homicide,5.0,166
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9425,"[{""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 10158, ""name"": ""alien planet""}, {""id"": 163561, ""name"": ""genetic engineering""}]",en,Soldier,"Sergeant Todd is a veteran soldier for an elite group of the armed forces. After being defeated by a new breed of genetically engineered soldiers, he is dumped on a waste planet and left for dead. He soon interacts with a group of crash survivors who lead out a peaceful existence. The peace is broken as the new soldiers land on the planet to eliminate the colony, which Sergeant Todd must defend.",11.873856,"[{""name"": ""Impact Pictures"", ""id"": 248}, {""name"": ""Jerry Weintraub Productions"", ""id"": 2596}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Morgan Creek Productions"", ""id"": 10210}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-10-23,14567883,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Left for dead on a remote planet for obsolete machines and people, a fallen hero has one last battle to fight",Soldier,6.1,221
0,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,25769,"[{""id"": 966, ""name"": ""beach""}, {""id"": 1333, ""name"": ""desperation""}, {""id"": 4884, ""name"": ""infection""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 11131, ""name"": ""biohazard""}, {""id"": 14673, ""name"": ""disease""}, {""id"": 14782, ""name"": ""trust""}, {""id"": 188957, ""name"": ""virus""}, {""id"": 188973, ""name"": ""pandemic""}]",en,Carriers,"Four friends fleeing a viral pandemic soon learn they are more dangerous than any virus.A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe and no one can be trusted. Four young attractive people race through the back roads of the American West to the pounding beat of a vacation soundtrack. Their aim is to retreat to secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico, where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic and survive the apocalyptic disease. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road starting a chain of events that will seal the fate of each of them in an inexorable and horrifying voyage of hell through a western landscape populated by only the hideous dead or the twisted living.",12.708963,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Vantage"", ""id"": 838}, {""name"": ""Likely Story"", ""id"": 1785}, {""name"": ""Ivy Boy Productions"", ""id"": 4482}, {""name"": ""This Is That Productions"", ""id"": 10059}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-09-04,5802422,84,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"The rules are simple. You break them, you die...",Carriers,5.8,282
75000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,23685,"[{""id"": 33465, ""name"": ""parallel world""}, {""id"": 175884, ""name"": ""organ donation""}, {""id"": 175887, ""name"": ""horniness agent""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Monkeybone,"After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu Miley (Fraser) into a coma, he and the mischievous Monkeybone, his hilariously horny alter-ego, wake up in a wacked-out waystation for lost souls. When Monkeybone takes over Stu's body and escapes to wreak havoc on the real world, Stu has to find a way to stop him before his sister pulls the plug on reality forever!",8.098369,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""1492 Pictures"", ""id"": 436}, {""name"": ""Twitching Image Studio"", ""id"": 89626}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-02-23,5409517,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"If It Yells, If It Swings, It's Got To Be Monkeybone!",Monkeybone,4.3,78
45000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11866,"[{""id"": 642, ""name"": ""robbery""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 4718, ""name"": ""gobi desert""}, {""id"": 10617, ""name"": ""disaster""}, {""id"": 12617, ""name"": ""airplane crash""}, {""id"": 15354, ""name"": ""struggle for survival""}, {""id"": 18034, ""name"": ""desert""}]",en,Flight of the Phoenix,"When an Amacor oil rig in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia proves unproductive, Captain Frank Towns and copilot ""A.J."" are sent to shut the operation down. However, on their way to Beijing, a major dust storm forces them to ditch their C-119 Flying Boxcar in an uncharted area of the desert.",20.374308,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Aldrich Group"", ""id"": 49478}, {""name"": ""Optional Pictures"", ""id"": 54004}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-12-17,21009180,113,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Out of the ashes, hope will rise.",Flight of the Phoenix,5.7,276
75000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,9741,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 4619, ""name"": ""train accident""}, {""id"": 5451, ""name"": ""comic book""}, {""id"": 5809, ""name"": ""marriage crisis""}, {""id"": 8872, ""name"": ""invulnerability""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 163455, ""name"": ""super powers""}]",en,Unbreakable,"An ordinary man makes an extraordinary discovery when a train accident leaves his fellow passengers dead – and him unscathed. The answer to this mystery could lie with the mysterious Elijah Price, a man who suffers from a disease that renders his bones as fragile as glass.",42.006908,"[{""name"": ""Limited Edition Productions Inc."", ""id"": 3683}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}, {""name"": ""Barry Mendel Productions"", ""id"": 17032}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-11-13,248118121,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Some things are only revealed by accident.,Unbreakable,6.9,1946
74000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,211672,"[{""id"": 3487, ""name"": ""assistant""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 189481, ""name"": ""evil mastermind""}, {""id"": 190999, ""name"": ""minions""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Minions,"Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.",875.581305,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Illumination Entertainment"", ""id"": 6704}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-06-17,1156730962,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Before Gru, they had a history of bad bosses",Minions,6.4,4571
82000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,23629,"[{""id"": 1411, ""name"": ""brothel""}, {""id"": 2486, ""name"": ""fantasy""}, {""id"": 2884, ""name"": ""asylum""}, {""id"": 3026, ""name"": ""reality""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 18128, ""name"": ""inmate""}, {""id"": 18677, ""name"": ""alternative""}, {""id"": 170344, ""name"": ""imagination""}, {""id"": 189400, ""name"": ""lobotomy""}]",en,Sucker Punch,"A young girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the mental facility.",39.127082,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Lennox House Films"", ""id"": 22119}, {""name"": ""Cruel and Unusual Films"", ""id"": 78685}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-03-24,89792502,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,You will be unprepared,Sucker Punch,5.9,1623
73000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,8688,"[{""id"": 585, ""name"": ""casino""}, {""id"": 2339, ""name"": ""political activism""}, {""id"": 2792, ""name"": ""boxer""}, {""id"": 3045, ""name"": ""mission of murder""}, {""id"": 4487, ""name"": ""boxing match""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 15090, ""name"": ""police officer""}, {""id"": 15155, ""name"": ""witness to murder""}]",en,Snake Eyes,"All bets are off when corrupt homicide cop Rick Santoro witnesses a murder during a boxing match. It's up to him and lifelong friend and naval intelligence agent Kevin Dunne to uncover the conspiracy behind the killing. At every turn, Santoro makes increasingly shocking discoveries that even he can't turn a blind eye to.",20.790703,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DeBart"", ""id"": 2519}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-08-07,103891409,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""cs"", ""name"": ""\u010cesk\u00fd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Believe everything except your eyes.,Snake Eyes,5.8,327
75000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,10153,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 2340, ""name"": ""paranoia""}, {""id"": 3576, ""name"": ""raumschiffabsturz""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 11268, ""name"": ""psychologist""}, {""id"": 162350, ""name"": ""ocean floor""}, {""id"": 162351, ""name"": ""deepsea""}]",en,Sphere,"The OSSA discovers a spacecraft thought to be at least 300 years old at the bottom of the ocean. Immediately following the discovery, they decide to send a team down to the depths of the ocean to study the space craft.They are the best of best, smart and logical, and the perfect choice to learn more about the spacecraft.",18.65988,"[{""name"": ""Punch Productions"", ""id"": 2154}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Baltimore Pictures"", ""id"": 11407}, {""name"": ""Constant c Productions"", ""id"": 23370}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-02-13,13100000,134,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"A thousand feet beneath the sea, the blackest holes are in the mind...",Sphere,5.8,476
73000000,"[{""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}]",,153518,"[{""id"": 2041, ""name"": ""island""}, {""id"": 2646, ""name"": ""bird""}, {""id"": 4931, ""name"": ""pig""}, {""id"": 11477, ""name"": ""talking animal""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 199263, ""name"": ""anger management""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,The Angry Birds Movie,"An island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds or almost entirely. In this paradise, Red, a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck, and the volatile Bomb have always been outsiders. But when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what the pigs are up to.",45.720894,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Rovio Entertainment"", ""id"": 18642}, {""name"": ""Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPI)"", ""id"": 30692}, {""name"": ""Rovio Mobile"", ""id"": 50848}, {""name"": ""Rovio Animation"", ""id"": 91920}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FI"", ""name"": ""Finland""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-05-11,349779543,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Why so angry?,The Angry Birds Movie,5.9,1022
70000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,8676,"[{""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1227, ""name"": ""cemetery""}, {""id"": 1422, ""name"": ""boat""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 1938, ""name"": ""sword""}, {""id"": 1964, ""name"": ""cave""}, {""id"": 2580, ""name"": ""shipwreck""}, {""id"": 3342, ""name"": ""yacht""}, {""id"": 3345, ""name"": ""bahamas""}, {""id"": 3468, ""name"": ""jet ski""}, {""id"": 6956, ""name"": ""treasure hunt""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 10503, ""name"": ""scuba diving""}, {""id"": 13142, ""name"": ""gangster""}, {""id"": 14785, ""name"": ""underwater""}, {""id"": 15160, ""name"": ""divorce""}, {""id"": 41185, ""name"": ""heiress""}, {""id"": 163758, ""name"": ""ex-husband ex-wife relationship""}, {""id"": 194943, ""name"": ""henchmen""}]",en,Fool's Gold,"Treasure hunter Ben ""Finn"" Finnegan has sunk his marriage to Tess and his trusty boat in his obsessive quest to find the legendary Queen's Dowry. When he finds a vital clue that may finally pinpoint the treasure's whereabouts, he drags Tess and her boss, billionaire Nigel Honeycutt, along on the hunt. But Finn is not the only one interested in the gold; his former mentor-turned-enemy Moe Fitch will stop at nothing to beat him to it.",21.789615,"[{""name"": ""De Line Pictures"", ""id"": 2609}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2008-02-07,111231041,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This February True Love Takes a Dive.,Fool's Gold,5.4,444
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,20829,"[{""id"": 3485, ""name"": ""comedian""}, {""id"": 10163, ""name"": ""cancer""}, {""id"": 12648, ""name"": ""bromance""}, {""id"": 33731, ""name"": ""stand-up comedian""}]",en,Funny People,"Famous and wealthy funnyman George Simmons doesn't give much thought to how he treats people until a doctor delivers stunning health news, forcing George to reevaluate his priorities with a little help from aspiring stand-up comic Ira.",20.199057,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Happy Madison Productions"", ""id"": 2608}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""Apatow Productions"", ""id"": 10105}, {""name"": ""Madison 23"", ""id"": 11708}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-07-31,61458982,146,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"George Simmons was prepared to die, but then a funny thing happened.",Funny People,5.7,390
70000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,4349,"[{""id"": 441, ""name"": ""assassination""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1653, ""name"": ""explosive""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 5174, ""name"": ""saudi arabia""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 6149, ""name"": ""police""}, {""id"": 6780, ""name"": ""medical examiner""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 173259, ""name"": ""arab""}, {""id"": 206544, ""name"": ""bomb attack""}]",en,The Kingdom,A team of U.S. government agents is sent to investigate the bombing of an American facility in the Middle East.,26.123705,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}, {""name"": ""FilmWorks"", ""id"": 7786}, {""name"": ""MDBF Zweite Filmgesellschaft"", ""id"": 12246}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-08-22,86658558,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,How do you stop an enemy who isn't afraid to die?,The Kingdom,6.5,513
72500000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,9718,"[{""id"": 5922, ""name"": ""north carolina""}, {""id"": 6157, ""name"": ""prayer""}, {""id"": 9848, ""name"": ""family dinner""}, {""id"": 15086, ""name"": ""advertising""}, {""id"": 15160, ""name"": ""divorce""}, {""id"": 33726, ""name"": ""motor""}, {""id"": 159953, ""name"": ""automobile racing""}, {""id"": 161630, ""name"": ""nascar""}, {""id"": 161635, ""name"": ""dog trainer""}, {""id"": 161636, ""name"": ""car movie""}, {""id"": 161643, ""name"": ""sport competition""}, {""id"": 161647, ""name"": ""psychosomatic illness""}, {""id"": 161652, ""name"": ""french stereotype""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby,"Lifelong friends and national idols Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr. have earned their NASCAR stripes with their uncanny knack of finishing races in the first and second slots, respectively, and slinging catchphrases like ""Shake and bake!"" But when a rival French driver coasts onto the track to challenge their records, they'll have to floor it to retain their top-dog status.",12.599836,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Apatow Productions"", ""id"": 10105}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-08-04,162966177,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The story of a man who could only count to #1,Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby,6.2,491
70000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,10808,"[{""id"": 2735, ""name"": ""veterinarian""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 10468, ""name"": ""bear""}, {""id"": 18165, ""name"": ""animal""}, {""id"": 216921, ""name"": ""animal protection""}]",en,Dr. Dolittle 2,"Dr. John Dolittle the beloved doctor is back, but this time around he plays cupid to bumbling circus bear Archie as he's so smitten by a Pacific Western bear female, Ava. Dr. Dolittle must help a group of forest creatures to save their forest. But with the aid of his mangy, madcap animal friends, Dr. Dolittle must teach Archie the ways of true romance in time to save his species and his home before their habit is gone. So John held a meeting for every animal in the forest to not give up without a fight no matter what kind of animal expression they have and everyone agrees to do it and save their home.",13.543053,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Joseph M. Singer Entertainment"", ""id"": 1301}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-06-22,176104344,87,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The doctor is in again.,Dr. Dolittle 2,4.9,410
72000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,197,"[{""id"": 30, ""name"": ""individual""}, {""id"": 388, ""name"": ""scotland""}, {""id"": 930, ""name"": ""in love with enemy""}, {""id"": 3754, ""name"": ""legend""}, {""id"": 4097, ""name"": ""independence""}, {""id"": 6987, ""name"": ""idealism""}, {""id"": 162845, ""name"": ""revolt""}, {""id"": 189433, ""name"": ""tyranny""}]",en,Braveheart,"Enraged at the slaughter of Murron, his new bride and childhood love, Scottish warrior William Wallace slays a platoon of the local English lord's soldiers. This leads the village to revolt and, eventually, the entire country to rise up against English rule.",60.722162,"[{""name"": ""Icon Entertainment International"", ""id"": 4564}, {""name"": ""The Ladd Company"", ""id"": 7965}, {""name"": ""B.H. Finance C.V."", ""id"": 11353}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-05-24,210000000,177,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""gd"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.,Braveheart,7.7,3336
72000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,25,"[{""id"": 1589, ""name"": ""sniper""}, {""id"": 4405, ""name"": ""marine corps""}, {""id"": 5174, ""name"": ""saudi arabia""}, {""id"": 5175, ""name"": ""petrol""}, {""id"": 161236, ""name"": ""golf war""}, {""id"": 188114, ""name"": ""u.s. marine""}]",en,Jarhead,"Jarhead is a film about a US Marine Anthony Swofford’s experience in the Gulf War. After putting up with an arduous boot camp, Swafford and his unit are sent to the Persian Gulf where they are earger to fight but are forced to stay back from the action. Meanwhile Swofford gets news of his girlfriend is cheating on him. Desperately he wants to kill someone and finally put his training to use.",32.227223,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Neal Street Productions"", ""id"": 1522}, {""name"": ""Red Wagon Entertainment"", ""id"": 14440}, {""name"": ""Motion Picture KAPPA Produktionsgesellschaft"", ""id"": 19934}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-11-04,96889998,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""la"", ""name"": ""Latin""}]",Released,Welcome to the suck.,Jarhead,6.6,765
75000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,35,"[{""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 1889, ""name"": ""lake""}, {""id"": 2181, ""name"": ""springfield""}, {""id"": 2184, ""name"": ""the simpsons""}, {""id"": 2205, ""name"": ""duff beer""}, {""id"": 3700, ""name"": ""garbage""}, {""id"": 4931, ""name"": ""pig""}, {""id"": 6305, ""name"": ""pollution""}, {""id"": 6832, ""name"": ""environmental protection agency""}, {""id"": 6898, ""name"": ""quarantine""}, {""id"": 7464, ""name"": ""alcoholism""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9880, ""name"": ""alaska""}, {""id"": 10041, ""name"": ""dysfunctional family""}, {""id"": 10061, ""name"": ""dysfunctional marriage""}, {""id"": 15174, ""name"": ""ecology""}, {""id"": 40922, ""name"": ""saving lives""}, {""id"": 157303, ""name"": ""first love""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 192544, ""name"": ""donuts""}]",en,The Simpsons Movie,"After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome by the EPA and the Simpsons are declared fugitives.",46.875375,"[{""name"": ""Gracie Films"", ""id"": 18}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-07-25,527068851,87,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,See our family. And feel better about yours.,The Simpsons Movie,6.9,2264
72000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,11086,"[{""id"": 387, ""name"": ""california""}, {""id"": 769, ""name"": ""falsely accused""}, {""id"": 3246, ""name"": ""prosecution""}, {""id"": 7059, ""name"": ""anti-communism""}, {""id"": 12396, ""name"": ""hollywood""}, {""id"": 13028, ""name"": ""writer""}]",en,The Majestic,"Set in 1951, a blacklisted Hollywood writer gets into a car accident, loses his memory and settles down in a small town where he is mistaken for a long-lost son.",11.215702,"[{""name"": ""Village Roadshow Pictures"", ""id"": 79}, {""name"": ""Castle Rock Entertainment"", ""id"": 97}, {""name"": ""NPV Entertainment"", ""id"": 172}, {""name"": ""Darkwoods Productions"", ""id"": 3982}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-21,37317558,152,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Sometimes your life comes into focus one frame at a time.,The Majestic,6.6,188
94000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,10477,"[{""id"": 271, ""name"": ""competition""}, {""id"": 795, ""name"": ""running""}, {""id"": 3658, ""name"": ""career""}, {""id"": 5614, ""name"": ""idol""}, {""id"": 6363, ""name"": ""racing car""}]",en,Driven,"Talented rookie race-car driver Jimmy Bly has started losing his focus and begins to slip in the race rankings. It's no wonder, with the immense pressure being shoveled on him by his overly ambitious promoter brother as well as Bly's romance with his arch rival's girlfriend Sophia. With much riding on Bly, car owner Carl Henry brings former racing star Joe Tanto on board to help Bly. To drive Bly back to the top of the rankings, Tanto must first deal with the emotional scars left over from a tragic racing accident which nearly took his life.",8.468586,"[{""name"": ""Epsilon Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 1171}, {""name"": ""Franchise Pictures"", ""id"": 1403}, {""name"": ""Trackform Film Productions"", ""id"": 10107}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-04-27,54744738,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Get ready for the race of your life.,Driven,4.5,179
74500000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,1997,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 963, ""name"": ""loss of brother""}, {""id"": 2960, ""name"": ""cambodia""}, {""id"": 3713, ""name"": ""chase""}, {""id"": 4809, ""name"": ""tiger""}, {""id"": 5744, ""name"": ""governor""}, {""id"": 9920, ""name"": ""royalty""}, {""id"": 41585, ""name"": ""travelling circus""}, {""id"": 41586, ""name"": ""archaeologist""}]",en,Deux frères,"Two tigers are separated as cubs and taken into captivity, only to be reunited years later as enemies by an explorer (Pearce) who inadvertently forces them to fight each other.",8.884318,"[{""name"": ""Path\u00e9 Renn Productions"", ""id"": 866}, {""name"": ""TF1 Films Production"", ""id"": 3823}, {""name"": ""Canal+"", ""id"": 5358}, {""name"": ""Pathe"", ""id"": 7396}, {""name"": ""Two Brothers Productions"", ""id"": 19238}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2004-04-07,62172050,109,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,"Two infant tiger cubs, separated from their parents and each other.",Two Brothers,6.9,180
60000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,6947,"[{""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 5774, ""name"": ""forest""}, {""id"": 11004, ""name"": ""rural setting""}, {""id"": 164092, ""name"": ""blindness""}, {""id"": 164663, ""name"": ""courtship""}, {""id"": 170179, ""name"": ""mentally handicapped man""}, {""id"": 206706, ""name"": ""human nature""}, {""id"": 220979, ""name"": ""aura""}, {""id"": 233027, ""name"": ""romantic""}, {""id"": 233324, ""name"": ""village council""}]",en,The Village,"When a willful young man tries to venture beyond his sequestered Pennsylvania hamlet, his actions set off a chain of chilling incidents that will alter the community forever.",27.491891,"[{""name"": ""Scott Rudin Productions"", ""id"": 258}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-07-30,256697520,108,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There is no turning back,The Village,6.2,1071
71000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,3050,"[{""id"": 167625, ""name"": ""talking to animals""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Doctor Dolittle,"A successful physician and devoted family man, John Dolittle (Eddie Murphy) seems to have the world by the tail, until a long suppressed talent he possessed as a child, the ability to communicate with animals is suddenly reawakened with a vengeance! Now every creature within squawking distance wants the good doctor's advice, unleashing an outrageous chain of events that turns his world upside down!",21.462935,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Joseph M. Singer Entertainment"", ""id"": 1301}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-06-22,294456605,85,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He doesn't just talk to the animals!,Doctor Dolittle,5.4,686
72000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,2675,"[{""id"": 1715, ""name"": ""symbolism""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 4932, ""name"": ""farm""}, {""id"": 6150, ""name"": ""faith""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10235, ""name"": ""family relationships""}, {""id"": 11004, ""name"": ""rural setting""}, {""id"": 14909, ""name"": ""alien invasion""}, {""id"": 18255, ""name"": ""rural""}, {""id"": 167642, ""name"": ""crop circle""}, {""id"": 192962, ""name"": ""alien attack""}, {""id"": 223213, ""name"": ""rural pennsylvania""}, {""id"": 223471, ""name"": ""rural america""}, {""id"": 228280, ""name"": ""rural farm""}, {""id"": 228753, ""name"": ""loss of faith""}, {""id"": 229652, ""name"": ""alien encounter""}]",en,Signs,A family living on a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening to come.,28.848187,"[{""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-08-02,408247917,106,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""pt"", ""name"": ""Portugu\u00eas""}]",Released,It’s not like they didn’t warn us.,Signs,6.4,1599
150000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,809,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 2343, ""name"": ""magic""}, {""id"": 2434, ""name"": ""liberation""}, {""id"": 2676, ""name"": ""honeymoon""}, {""id"": 3453, ""name"": ""parents-in-law""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 4158, ""name"": ""enchantment""}, {""id"": 4159, ""name"": ""dancing scene""}, {""id"": 4375, ""name"": ""transformation""}, {""id"": 6187, ""name"": ""fairy-tale figure""}]",en,Shrek 2,"Shrek, Fiona and Donkey set off to Far, Far Away to meet Fiona's mother and father. But not everyone is happy. Shrek and the King find it hard to get along, and there's tension in the marriage. The fairy godmother discovers that Shrek has married Fiona instead of her Son Prince Charming and sets about destroying their marriage.",47.320801,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Pacific Data Images (PDI)"", ""id"": 520}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks Animation"", ""id"": 521}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-05-19,919838758,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Once upon another time...,Shrek 2,6.7,2988
120000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,920,"[{""id"": 830, ""name"": ""car race""}, {""id"": 1926, ""name"": ""car journey""}, {""id"": 3787, ""name"": ""village and town""}, {""id"": 3796, ""name"": ""auto""}, {""id"": 4944, ""name"": ""route 66""}, {""id"": 4945, ""name"": ""wrecker""}, {""id"": 4946, ""name"": ""porsche""}, {""id"": 4948, ""name"": ""retirement""}, {""id"": 6007, ""name"": ""media""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}, {""id"": 11500, ""name"": ""anthropomorphism""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 167043, ""name"": ""road movie""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Cars,"Lightning McQueen, a hotshot rookie race car driven to succeed, discovers that life is about the journey, not the finish line, when he finds himself unexpectedly detoured in the sleepy Route 66 town of Radiator Springs. On route across the country to the big Piston Cup Championship in California to compete against two seasoned pros, McQueen gets to know the town's offbeat characters.",82.643036,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Pixar Animation Studios"", ""id"": 3}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-06-08,461983149,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""yi"", ""name"": """"}]",Released,Ahhh... it's got that new movie smell.,Cars,6.6,3877
70000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,4806,"[{""id"": 1415, ""name"": ""small town""}, {""id"": 2796, ""name"": ""self-discovery""}, {""id"": 3455, ""name"": ""just married""}, {""id"": 12193, ""name"": ""reporter""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}, {""id"": 14534, ""name"": ""relationship""}]",en,Runaway Bride,"Ike Graham, New York columnist, writes his text always at the last minute. This time, a drunken man in his favourite bar tells Ike about Maggie Carpenter, a woman who always flees from her grooms in the last possible moment. Ike, who does not have the best opinion about females anyway, writes an offensive column without researching the subject thoroughly.",20.230535,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Lakeshore Entertainment"", ""id"": 126}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Interscope Communications"", ""id"": 10201}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-07-30,309457509,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Catch her if you can.,Runaway Bride,5.7,455
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,7451,"[{""id"": 999, ""name"": ""sports car""}, {""id"": 1865, ""name"": ""biological weapon""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}, {""id"": 2808, ""name"": ""russian""}, {""id"": 3530, ""name"": ""prague""}, {""id"": 10364, ""name"": ""mission""}, {""id"": 10456, ""name"": ""athlete""}, {""id"": 217142, ""name"": ""nsa agent""}, {""id"": 234505, ""name"": ""adrenaline junkie""}, {""id"": 234506, ""name"": ""thrill seeker""}]",en,xXx,"Xander Cage is your standard adrenaline junkie with no fear and a lousy attitude. When the US Government ""recruits"" him to go on a mission, he's not exactly thrilled. His mission: to gather information on an organization that may just be planning the destruction of the world, led by the nihilistic Yorgi.",46.217769,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Revolution Studios"", ""id"": 497}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-08-09,277448382,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""cs"", ""name"": ""\u010cesk\u00fd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,A New Breed Of Secret Agent.,xXx,5.8,1424
74000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,228165,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 3412, ""name"": ""star""}, {""id"": 4237, ""name"": ""water""}, {""id"": 10267, ""name"": ""comedy""}, {""id"": 190852, ""name"": ""sponge""}, {""id"": 204222, ""name"": ""spongebob""}, {""id"": 209220, ""name"": ""live action and animation""}]",en,The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water,"Burger Beard is a pirate who is in search of the final page of a magical book that makes any evil plan he writes in it come true, which happens to be the Krabby Patty secret formula. When the entire city of Bikini Bottom is put in danger, SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Squidward, Sandy, and Plankton need to go on a quest that takes them to the surface. In order to get back the recipe and save their city, the gang must retrieve the book and transform themselves into superheroes.",36.952268,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Movies"", ""id"": 2348}, {""name"": ""Nickelodeon Animation Studios"", ""id"": 4859}, {""name"": ""United Plankton Pictures"", ""id"": 8921}, {""name"": ""Disruption Entertainment"", ""id"": 10256}, {""name"": ""Paramount Animation"", ""id"": 24955}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-02-05,311594032,93,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,He's leaving his world behind.,The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water,5.8,719
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,3595,"[{""id"": 800, ""name"": ""bounty""}, {""id"": 1452, ""name"": ""loss of child""}, {""id"": 1584, ""name"": ""yellow press""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 4725, ""name"": ""baby-snatching""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}, {""id"": 33626, ""name"": ""millionaire""}]",en,Ransom,"When a rich man's son is kidnapped, he cooperates with the police at first but then tries a unique tactic against the criminals.",16.411345,"[{""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Brian Grazer/Scott Rudin Productions"", ""id"": 90663}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1996-11-08,309492681,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Someone is going to pay.,Ransom,6.4,470
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,16869,"[{""id"": 90, ""name"": ""paris""}, {""id"": 1008, ""name"": ""guerrilla""}, {""id"": 1388, ""name"": ""cinema""}, {""id"": 1430, ""name"": ""self sacrifice""}, {""id"": 1560, ""name"": ""dynamite""}, {""id"": 1666, ""name"": ""mexican standoff""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2433, ""name"": ""jew persecution""}, {""id"": 2606, ""name"": ""jew""}, {""id"": 2652, ""name"": ""nazis""}, {""id"": 3260, ""name"": ""masochism""}, {""id"": 4426, ""name"": ""sadism""}, {""id"": 5470, ""name"": ""scalp""}, {""id"": 6538, ""name"": ""winston churchill""}, {""id"": 9851, ""name"": ""knife in hand""}, {""id"": 10144, ""name"": ""anti semitism""}, {""id"": 10292, ""name"": ""gore""}, {""id"": 11105, ""name"": ""swastika""}, {""id"": 11249, ""name"": ""blood bath""}, {""id"": 13519, ""name"": ""german occupation of france""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 163656, ""name"": ""gun violence""}]",en,Inglourious Basterds,"In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as ""The Basterds"" are chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich by scalping and brutally killing Nazis. The Basterds, lead by Lt. Aldo Raine soon cross paths with a French-Jewish teenage girl who runs a movie theater in Paris which is targeted by the soldiers.",72.595961,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""A Band Apart"", ""id"": 59}, {""name"": ""The Weinstein Company"", ""id"": 308}, {""name"": ""Zehnte Babelsberg"", ""id"": 6817}, {""name"": ""Visiona Romantica"", ""id"": 6818}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-08-18,319131050,153,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}]",Released,Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France...,Inglourious Basterds,7.9,6430
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,879,"[{""id"": 334, ""name"": ""flying""}, {""id"": 1400, ""name"": ""swordplay""}, {""id"": 1938, ""name"": ""sword""}, {""id"": 2486, ""name"": ""fantasy""}, {""id"": 4332, ""name"": ""peter pan""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 6187, ""name"": ""fairy-tale figure""}, {""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}]",en,Hook,"The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up—Peter Pan—did just that, becoming a soulless corporate lawyer whose workaholism could cost him his wife and kids. But a trip to see Granny Wendy in London, where the vengeful Capt. Hook kidnaps Peter's kids and forces Peter to return to Neverland, could lead to a chance at redemption, in this family-oriented fantasy from director Steven Spielberg.",33.648404,"[{""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1991-12-11,300854823,144,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,What if Peter Pan grew up?,Hook,6.6,1532
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1573,"[{""id"": 502, ""name"": ""ambush""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 822, ""name"": ""airport""}, {""id"": 4709, ""name"": ""hand grenade""}, {""id"": 5572, ""name"": ""fistfight""}, {""id"": 8015, ""name"": ""cop""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 10794, ""name"": ""snow""}, {""id"": 10808, ""name"": ""dulles international airport""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11720, ""name"": ""officer involved shooting""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14765, ""name"": ""church""}, {""id"": 14819, ""name"": ""violence""}, {""id"": 15246, ""name"": ""sabotage""}, {""id"": 33553, ""name"": ""walkie talkie""}, {""id"": 156788, ""name"": ""swat team""}, {""id"": 158770, ""name"": ""air traffic control""}, {""id"": 195741, ""name"": ""commando unit""}, {""id"": 207771, ""name"": ""snowmobile""}]",en,Die Hard 2,"John McClane is an off-duty cop gripped with a feeling of déjà vu when on a snowy Christmas Eve in the nation's capital, terrorists seize a major international airport, holding thousands of holiday travelers hostage. Renegade military commandos led by a murderous rogue officer plot to rescue a drug lord from justice and are prepared for every contingency except one: McClane's smart-mouthed heroics.",57.69847,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Gordon Company"", ""id"": 1073}, {""name"": ""Silver Pictures"", ""id"": 1885}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1990-07-02,240031094,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,Die Harder,Die Hard 2,6.6,1896
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,9257,"[{""id"": 2434, ""name"": ""liberation""}, {""id"": 3543, ""name"": ""transport of prisoners""}, {""id"": 5422, ""name"": ""special unit""}, {""id"": 6110, ""name"": ""weapon""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}]",en,S.W.A.T.,"Hondo Harrelson recruits Jim Street to join an elite unit of the Los Angeles Police Department. Together they seek out more members, including tough Deke Kay and single mom Chris Sanchez. The team's first big assignment is to escort crime boss Alex Montel to prison. It seems routine, but when Montel offers a huge reward to anyone who can break him free, criminals of various stripes step up for the prize.",34.052253,"[{""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}, {""name"": ""Camelot Pictures"", ""id"": 11728}, {""name"": ""Chris Lee Productions"", ""id"": 20033}, {""name"": ""Illusion Entertainment"", ""id"": 20034}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-08-08,116643346,117,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,You're either S.W.A.T. or you're not.,S.W.A.T.,5.8,770
68000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,1903,"[{""id"": 1453, ""name"": ""amnesia""}, {""id"": 1595, ""name"": ""ex-girlfriend""}, {""id"": 4563, ""name"": ""virtual reality""}]",en,Vanilla Sky,"David Aames (Tom Cruise) has it all: wealth, good looks and gorgeous women on his arm. But just as he begins falling for the warmhearted Sofia (Penelope Cruz), his face is horribly disfigured in a car accident. That's just the beginning of his troubles as the lines between illusion and reality, between life and death, are blurred.",27.299301,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Cruise-Wagner Productions"", ""id"": 349}, {""name"": ""Vinyl Films"", ""id"": 485}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-12-10,203388341,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Forget everything you know, and open your eyes.",Vanilla Sky,6.5,1078
75000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,9697,"[{""id"": 663, ""name"": ""fortune teller""}, {""id"": 3684, ""name"": ""religion and supernatural""}, {""id"": 4769, ""name"": ""supernatural powers""}, {""id"": 5457, ""name"": ""mythical creature""}, {""id"": 6154, ""name"": ""hell""}, {""id"": 8181, ""name"": ""swimming pool""}, {""id"": 9188, ""name"": ""nixe""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}]",en,Lady in the Water,"Apartment building superintendent Cleveland Heep rescues what he thinks is a young woman from the pool he maintains. When he discovers that she is actually a character from a bedtime story who is trying to make the journey back to her home, he works with his tenants to protect his new friend from the creatures that are determined to keep her in our world.",20.219385,"[{""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}, {""name"": ""Blinding Edge Pictures"", ""id"": 12236}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-07-21,42285169,110,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Time is running out for a happy ending.,Lady in the Water,5.3,409
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,395,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 1297, ""name"": ""predator""}, {""id"": 1378, ""name"": ""laserpointer""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 1949, ""name"": ""pyramid""}, {""id"": 6049, ""name"": ""praise""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 226177, ""name"": ""xenomorph""}]",en,AVP: Alien vs. Predator,"When scientists discover something in the Arctic that appears to be a buried Pyramid, they send a research team out to investigate. Little do they know that they are about to step into a hunting ground where Aliens are grown as sport for the Predator race.",42.957216,"[{""name"": ""Impact Pictures"", ""id"": 248}, {""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Davis Entertainment"", ""id"": 1302}, {""name"": ""Stillking Films"", ""id"": 11345}, {""name"": ""Brandywine Productions"", ""id"": 19747}, {""name"": ""Lonlink Productions"", ""id"": 19828}, {""name"": ""Kut Productions"", ""id"": 19829}, {""name"": ""Inside Track Films"", ""id"": 19834}, {""name"": ""Charenton Productions Limited"", ""id"": 19835}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-08-12,171183863,101,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Whoever wins... We lose,AVP: Alien vs. Predator,5.5,1217
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}]",,23398,"[{""id"": 10986, ""name"": ""chipmunk""}, {""id"": 10987, ""name"": ""cgi""}, {""id"": 10988, ""name"": ""based on tv series""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel,"Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby. The boys must put aside music super stardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.",29.412262,"[{""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Bagdasarian Productions"", ""id"": 10930}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2009-12-21,443140005,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,The Boys are back in town... and they have competition.,Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel,5.4,666
75000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,10590,"[{""id"": 422, ""name"": ""vietnam veteran""}, {""id"": 2534, ""name"": ""missile""}, {""id"": 2957, ""name"": ""vietnam war""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 9052, ""name"": ""major""}, {""id"": 9672, ""name"": ""based on true story""}, {""id"": 11139, ""name"": ""steel helmet""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 14601, ""name"": ""explosion""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 33403, ""name"": ""bayonet""}, {""id"": 34079, ""name"": ""death""}, {""id"": 167234, ""name"": ""vietnamese""}]",en,We Were Soldiers,The story of the first major battle of the American phase of the Vietnam War and the soldiers on both sides that fought it.,19.708731,"[{""name"": ""Icon Entertainment International"", ""id"": 4564}, {""name"": ""Wheelhouse Entertainment"", ""id"": 53005}, {""name"": ""Motion Picture Production GmbH & Co. Erste KG"", ""id"": 53006}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-03-01,114660784,138,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""vi"", ""name"": ""Ti\u1ebfng Vi\u1ec7t""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,400 U.S paratroopers. 4000 Vietnamese soldiers. 12 000 miles away from home. 1 man led them into battle.,We Were Soldiers,6.7,521
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,117263,"[{""id"": 833, ""name"": ""white house""}, {""id"": 41249, ""name"": ""secret service""}, {""id"": 158774, ""name"": ""terrorist attack""}]",en,Olympus Has Fallen,"When the White House (Secret Service Code: ""Olympus"") is captured by a terrorist mastermind and the President is kidnapped, disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped within the building. As the national security team scrambles to respond, they are forced to rely on Banning's inside knowledge to help retake the White House, save the President and avert an even bigger disaster.",59.428223,"[{""name"": ""Nu Image Films"", ""id"": 925}, {""name"": ""Millennium Films"", ""id"": 10254}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-03-20,161025640,120,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ko"", ""name"": ""\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4/\uc870\uc120\ub9d0""}]",Released,When our flag falls our nation will rise.,Olympus Has Fallen,6.2,2981
70000000,"[{""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,200,"[{""id"": 161176, ""name"": ""space opera""}, {""id"": 162388, ""name"": ""retribution""}, {""id"": 162392, ""name"": ""spacecraft officer""}, {""id"": 162399, ""name"": ""exploding ship""}]",en,Star Trek: Insurrection,"When an alien race and factions within Starfleet attempt to take over a planet that has ""regenerative"" properties, it falls upon Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise to defend the planet's people as well as the very ideals upon which the Federation itself was founded.",19.711951,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-12-10,118000000,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The battle for paradise has begun.,Star Trek: Insurrection,6.3,391
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,44943,"[{""id"": 83, ""name"": ""saving the world""}, {""id"": 1701, ""name"": ""hero""}, {""id"": 4405, ""name"": ""marine corps""}, {""id"": 4630, ""name"": ""chaos""}, {""id"": 4948, ""name"": ""retirement""}, {""id"": 5385, ""name"": ""survivor""}, {""id"": 5404, ""name"": ""meteor""}, {""id"": 6968, ""name"": ""space invasion""}, {""id"": 9951, ""name"": ""alien""}, {""id"": 10141, ""name"": ""battlefield""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 11400, ""name"": ""sergeant""}, {""id"": 12670, ""name"": ""los angeles""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 15017, ""name"": ""danger""}, {""id"": 187710, ""name"": ""escapade""}, {""id"": 188114, ""name"": ""u.s. marine""}, {""id"": 193552, ""name"": ""heroic mission""}, {""id"": 193907, ""name"": ""evil alien""}, {""id"": 206705, ""name"": ""chaos and mayham""}]",en,Battle: Los Angeles,"The Earth is attacked by unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine staff sergeant and his new platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encountered before.",49.199234,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Original Film"", ""id"": 333}, {""name"": ""Relativity Media"", ""id"": 7295}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-03-08,202466756,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It's not war. It's survival.,Battle: Los Angeles,5.5,1448
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,587,"[{""id"": 291, ""name"": ""circus""}, {""id"": 494, ""name"": ""father son relationship""}, {""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 1357, ""name"": ""fish""}, {""id"": 1495, ""name"": ""fishing""}, {""id"": 2038, ""name"": ""love of one's life""}, {""id"": 2517, ""name"": ""leech""}, {""id"": 3206, ""name"": ""story teller""}, {""id"": 4073, ""name"": ""apoplectic stroke""}, {""id"": 4120, ""name"": ""fair""}, {""id"": 5938, ""name"": ""mermaid""}, {""id"": 10163, ""name"": ""cancer""}, {""id"": 14534, ""name"": ""relationship""}, {""id"": 14751, ""name"": ""youth""}, {""id"": 156192, ""name"": ""gentle giant""}]",en,Big Fish,"Throughout his life Edward Bloom has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, he remains a huge mystery to his son, William. Now, to get to know the real man, Will begins piecing together a true picture of his father from flashbacks of his amazing adventures.",46.199482,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""The Zanuck Company"", ""id"": 80}, {""name"": ""Jinks/Cohen Company"", ""id"": 2721}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2003-12-25,122919055,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,An adventure as big as life itself.,Big Fish,7.6,1994
0,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}]",,10395,"[{""id"": 596, ""name"": ""adultery""}, {""id"": 2499, ""name"": ""heal""}, {""id"": 4197, ""name"": ""bite""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}]",en,Wolf,Publisher Will Randall becomes a werewolf and has to fight to keep his job.,13.758526,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1994-06-17,0,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The animal is out.,Wolf,6.0,216
66000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,57212,"[{""id"": 2504, ""name"": ""world war i""}, {""id"": 2673, ""name"": ""horse""}, {""id"": 11332, ""name"": ""farm life""}, {""id"": 13129, ""name"": ""execution""}, {""id"": 18029, ""name"": ""trapped""}, {""id"": 33457, ""name"": ""alcoholic""}, {""id"": 156234, ""name"": ""cavalry""}, {""id"": 157960, ""name"": ""plowing""}, {""id"": 157961, ""name"": ""artillery""}]",en,War Horse,"Follows a young man named Albert and his horse, Joey, and how their bond is broken when Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent to the trenches of World War One. Despite being too young to enlist, Albert heads to France to save his friend.",29.505574,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Reliance Entertainment"", ""id"": 7294}, {""name"": ""Kennedy/Marshall Company, The"", ""id"": 7383}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-12-25,177584879,146,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Separated by War. Tested by Battle. Bound by Friendship.,War Horse,7.0,992
70000000,"[{""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}]",,152760,"[{""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2652, ""name"": ""nazis""}, {""id"": 156031, ""name"": ""art theft""}, {""id"": 160224, ""name"": ""post world war ii""}]",en,The Monuments Men,"Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history, The Monuments Men is an action drama focusing on seven over-the-hill, out-of-shape museum directors, artists, architects, curators, and art historians who went to the front lines of WWII to rescue the world’s artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and return them to their rightful owners. With the art hidden behind enemy lines, how could these guys hope to succeed?",43.873266,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}, {""name"": ""Studio Babelsberg"", ""id"": 264}, {""name"": ""Fox 2000 Pictures"", ""id"": 711}, {""name"": ""Smokehouse Pictures"", ""id"": 22695}, {""name"": ""Obelisk Productions"", ""id"": 24970}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-01-24,154984035,118,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,It was the greatest art heist in history,The Monuments Men,5.8,1523
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,2756,"[{""id"": 270, ""name"": ""ocean""}, {""id"": 658, ""name"": ""sea""}, {""id"": 2772, ""name"": ""diving suit""}, {""id"": 3243, ""name"": ""flying saucer""}, {""id"": 3312, ""name"": ""nuclear missile""}, {""id"": 4862, ""name"": ""alien life-form""}, {""id"": 6255, ""name"": ""insanity""}, {""id"": 10503, ""name"": ""scuba diving""}, {""id"": 14785, ""name"": ""underwater""}, {""id"": 155334, ""name"": ""scuba""}, {""id"": 162351, ""name"": ""deepsea""}, {""id"": 185477, ""name"": ""trapped underwater\u00a0""}, {""id"": 233020, ""name"": ""thalassophobia""}]",en,The Abyss,"A civilian oil rig crew is recruited to conduct a search and rescue effort when a nuclear submarine mysteriously sinks. One diver soon finds himself on a spectacular odyssey 25,000 feet below the ocean's surface where he confronts a mysterious force that has the power to change the world or destroy it.",24.961625,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Lightstorm Entertainment"", ""id"": 574}, {""name"": ""Pacific Western"", ""id"": 1280}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1989-08-09,90000098,139,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"There's everything you've ever known about adventure, and then there's The Abyss.",The Abyss,7.1,808
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,33909,"[{""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps,"As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader's mentor.",23.25645,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment"", ""id"": 444}, {""name"": ""Dune Entertainment III"", ""id"": 6332}, {""name"": ""Edward R. Pressman Film"", ""id"": 6455}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-09-02,134748021,133,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Gordon never gives up.,Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps,5.8,493
70000000,"[{""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,49017,"[{""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 3633, ""name"": ""dracula""}, {""id"": 4197, ""name"": ""bite""}, {""id"": 14643, ""name"": ""battle""}, {""id"": 213097, ""name"": ""15th century""}, {""id"": 214410, ""name"": ""ottoman empire""}, {""id"": 225470, ""name"": ""vlad""}, {""id"": 231407, ""name"": ""fang vamp""}, {""id"": 232534, ""name"": ""tepes""}]",en,Dracula Untold,"Vlad Tepes is a great hero, but when he learns the Sultan is preparing for battle and needs to form an army of 1,000 boys, including Vlad's son, he vows to find a way to protect his family. Vlad turns to dark forces in order to get the power to destroy his enemies and agrees to go from hero to monster as he's turned into the mythological vampire Dracula.",64.457947,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}, {""name"": ""Fuji Television Network"", ""id"": 3341}, {""name"": ""Dentsu"", ""id"": 6452}, {""name"": ""Michael De Luca Productions"", ""id"": 27551}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-10-01,215529201,92,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every bloodline has a beginning,Dracula Untold,6.2,2389
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,9882,"[{""id"": 187, ""name"": ""islam""}, {""id"": 789, ""name"": ""muslim""}, {""id"": 7336, ""name"": ""car bomb""}, {""id"": 18525, ""name"": ""fbi agent""}]",en,The Siege,The secret US abduction of a suspected terrorist leads to a wave of terrorist attacks in New York that lead to the declaration of martial law.,20.089933,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Lynda Obst Productions"", ""id"": 13769}, {""name"": ""Bedford Falls Company, The"", ""id"": 20634}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-11-06,116672912,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}]",Released,On November 6th our freedom is history,The Siege,6.0,352
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,2270,"[{""id"": 616, ""name"": ""witch""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 1605, ""name"": ""new love""}, {""id"": 3071, ""name"": ""prince""}, {""id"": 3258, ""name"": ""beauty""}, {""id"": 3412, ""name"": ""star""}, {""id"": 4152, ""name"": ""kingdom""}, {""id"": 4372, ""name"": ""wall""}, {""id"": 6998, ""name"": ""falling star""}, {""id"": 9920, ""name"": ""royalty""}, {""id"": 10048, ""name"": ""unrequited love""}, {""id"": 10842, ""name"": ""good vs evil""}, {""id"": 170771, ""name"": ""fratricide""}]",en,Stardust,"In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm. His journey takes him into a world beyond his wildest dreams and reveals his true identity.",48.032734,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""Marv Films"", ""id"": 5374}, {""name"": ""Vaughn Productions"", ""id"": 23420}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IS"", ""name"": ""Iceland""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2007-08-09,135560026,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,This Summer A Star Falls. The Chase Begins.,Stardust,7.1,1184
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,978,"[{""id"": 188, ""name"": ""buddhism""}, {""id"": 486, ""name"": ""himalaya""}, {""id"": 1201, ""name"": ""austria""}, {""id"": 1262, ""name"": ""mountains""}, {""id"": 1529, ""name"": ""buddhist monk""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 1968, ""name"": ""prisoners of war""}, {""id"": 2385, ""name"": ""monsoon""}, {""id"": 4558, ""name"": ""tibet""}, {""id"": 4559, ""name"": ""dalai lama""}, {""id"": 4560, ""name"": ""mountaineer""}, {""id"": 4561, ""name"": ""lhasa""}, {""id"": 13027, ""name"": ""wedding""}]",en,Seven Years in Tibet,"Austrian mountaineer, Heinrich Harrer journeys to the Himalayas without his family to head an expedition in 1939. But when World War II breaks out, the arrogant Harrer falls into Allied forces' hands as a prisoner of war. He escapes with a fellow detainee and makes his way to Llaso, Tibet, where he meets the 14-year-old Dalai Lama, whose friendship ultimately transforms his outlook on life.",16.92991,"[{""name"": ""TriStar Pictures"", ""id"": 559}, {""name"": ""Mandalay Entertainment"", ""id"": 1236}, {""name"": ""Applecross"", ""id"": 57435}, {""name"": ""Reperage & Vanguard Films"", ""id"": 57436}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1997-09-12,131457682,136,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,At the end of the world his real journey began.,Seven Years in Tibet,7.0,630
70000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,44564,"[{""id"": 596, ""name"": ""adultery""}, {""id"": 1326, ""name"": ""infidelity""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 5340, ""name"": ""investigation""}, {""id"": 6054, ""name"": ""friendship""}, {""id"": 9104, ""name"": ""partner""}, {""id"": 9673, ""name"": ""love""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}, {""id"": 10459, ""name"": ""dilemma""}, {""id"": 11509, ""name"": ""cheating on partner""}, {""id"": 12392, ""name"": ""best friend""}]",en,The Dilemma,"Longtime friends Ronny and Nick are partners in an auto-design firm. They are hard at work on a presentation for a dream project that would really launch their company. Then Ronny spots Nick's wife out with another man, and in the process of investigating the possible affair, he learns that Nick has a few secrets of his own. As the presentation nears, Ronny agonizes over what might happen if the truth gets out.",14.780634,"[{""name"": ""Imagine Entertainment"", ""id"": 23}, {""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Wild West Picture Show Productions"", ""id"": 2796}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-01-13,67112664,111,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Two best friends. Nothing could come between them... or could it?,The Dilemma,5.2,304
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,3132,"[{""id"": 502, ""name"": ""ambush""}, {""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 782, ""name"": ""assassin""}, {""id"": 2334, ""name"": ""nightclub""}, {""id"": 2348, ""name"": ""hustler""}, {""id"": 3979, ""name"": ""hidden camera""}, {""id"": 4049, ""name"": ""decoy""}, {""id"": 4654, ""name"": ""undercover agent""}, {""id"": 7375, ""name"": ""twin brother""}, {""id"": 9758, ""name"": ""deception""}, {""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 10325, ""name"": ""mistaken identity""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 11134, ""name"": ""espionage""}, {""id"": 14967, ""name"": ""foot chase""}, {""id"": 15483, ""name"": ""car chase""}, {""id"": 18107, ""name"": ""silencer""}, {""id"": 18420, ""name"": ""surveillance""}, {""id"": 33705, ""name"": ""agent""}, {""id"": 160364, ""name"": ""impersonation""}, {""id"": 185702, ""name"": ""langley virginia""}, {""id"": 187376, ""name"": ""odd couple""}]",en,Bad Company,"When a Harvard-educated CIA agent is killed during an operation, the secret agency recruits his twin brother.",14.086292,"[{""name"": ""Jerry Bruckheimer Films"", ""id"": 130}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Stillking Films"", ""id"": 11345}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-06-07,65977295,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Two Mismatched Partners. One Messed Up Case!,Bad Company,5.4,228
60000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,8814,"[{""id"": 3822, ""name"": ""teleportation""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 162482, ""name"": ""severed ear""}, {""id"": 162484, ""name"": ""future war""}, {""id"": 162487, ""name"": ""wisecrack humor""}, {""id"": 162491, ""name"": ""commando mission""}]",en,Doom,"A team of space marines known as the Rapid Response Tactical Squad, led by Sarge, is sent to a science facility on Mars after somebody reports a security breach. There, they learn that the alert came after a test subject, a mass murderer purposefully injected with alien DNA, broke free and began killing people. Dr. Grimm, who is related to team member Reaper, informs them all that the chromosome can mutate humans into monsters -- and is highly infectious.",29.261348,"[{""name"": ""Di Bonaventura Pictures"", ""id"": 435}, {""name"": ""John Wells Productions"", ""id"": 1512}, {""name"": ""Reaper Productions"", ""id"": 2539}, {""name"": ""Stillking Films"", ""id"": 11345}, {""name"": ""Babelsberg Film"", ""id"": 19481}, {""name"": ""Doom Productions"", ""id"": 19922}, {""name"": ""Distant Planet Productions"", ""id"": 19923}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CZ"", ""name"": ""Czech Republic""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2005-10-20,55987321,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,No one gets out alive.,Doom,5.0,609
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,8427,"[{""id"": 810, ""name"": ""budapest""}, {""id"": 1930, ""name"": ""kidnapping""}, {""id"": 2792, ""name"": ""boxer""}, {""id"": 4289, ""name"": ""secret agent""}, {""id"": 5362, ""name"": ""liberation of hostage""}, {""id"": 7188, ""name"": ""hostage-taking""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,I Spy,"When the Switchblade, the most sophisticated prototype stealth fighter created yet, is stolen from the U.S. government, one of the United States' top spies, Alex Scott, is called to action. What he doesn't expect is to get teamed up with a cocky civilian, World Class Boxing Champion Kelly Robinson, on a dangerous top secret espionage mission. Their assignment: using equal parts skill and humor, catch Arnold Gundars, one of the world's most successful arms dealers.",13.267631,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures Corporation"", ""id"": 441}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-10-31,33561137,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""hu"", ""name"": ""Magyar""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Attitude meets espionage.,I Spy,5.2,269
70000000,"[{""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,52520,"[{""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 5600, ""name"": ""daughter""}, {""id"": 9410, ""name"": ""hybrid""}, {""id"": 9668, ""name"": ""child vampire""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}, {""id"": 156395, ""name"": ""imax""}, {""id"": 176729, ""name"": ""lab experiment""}, {""id"": 180084, ""name"": ""werewolf child""}, {""id"": 231407, ""name"": ""fang vamp""}]",en,Underworld: Awakening,"After being held in a coma-like state for fifteen years, vampire Selene learns that she has a fourteen-year-old vampire/Lycan hybrid daughter named Nissa, and when she finds her, they must stop BioCom from creating super Lycans that will kill them all.",58.401204,"[{""name"": ""Lakeshore Entertainment"", ""id"": 126}, {""name"": ""Saturn Films"", ""id"": 831}, {""name"": ""Screen Gems"", ""id"": 3287}, {""name"": ""Sketch Films"", ""id"": 7738}, {""name"": ""UW4 Productions"", ""id"": 7740}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-01-19,160112671,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}]",Released,Vengeance Returns,Underworld: Awakening,6.1,1862
75000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,80585,"[{""id"": 4344, ""name"": ""musical""}, {""id"": 8900, ""name"": ""rocker""}, {""id"": 13130, ""name"": ""teenager""}, {""id"": 165100, ""name"": ""young love""}, {""id"": 165102, ""name"": ""rock sta""}]",en,Rock of Ages,"A small town girl and a city boy meet on the Sunset Strip, while pursuing their Hollywood dreams.",23.515938,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Offspring Entertainment"", ""id"": 2378}, {""name"": ""Corner Store Entertainment"", ""id"": 8871}, {""name"": ""Material Pictures"", ""id"": 12139}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-13,59418613,123,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""th"", ""name"": ""\u0e20\u0e32\u0e29\u0e32\u0e44\u0e17\u0e22""}]",Released,Nothin' but a good time,Rock of Ages,6.0,385
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,10592,"[{""id"": 577, ""name"": ""black people""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 1968, ""name"": ""prisoners of war""}, {""id"": 4595, ""name"": ""u.s. army""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 10859, ""name"": ""tribunal""}, {""id"": 11038, ""name"": ""trial""}, {""id"": 13065, ""name"": ""soldier""}, {""id"": 14519, ""name"": ""military tribunal""}, {""id"": 160910, ""name"": ""xenophobia""}]",en,Hart's War,"Fourth-generation Army Col. William McNamara is imprisoned in a brutal German POW camp. Still, as the senior-ranking American officer, he commands his fellow inmates, keeping a sense of honor alive in a place where honor is easy to destroy, all under the dangerous eye of the Luftwafe vetran Col. Wilhelm Visser. Never giving up the fight to win the war, McNamara is silently planning, waiting for his moment to strike back at the enemy. A murder in the camp gives him the chance to set a risky plan in motion. With a court martial to keep Visser and the Germans distracted, McNamara orchestrates a cunning scheme to escape and destroy a nearby munitions plant, enlisting the unwitting help of young Lt. Tommy Hart. Together with his men, McNamara uses a hero's resolve to carry out his mission, ultimately forced to weigh the value of his life against the good of his country.",14.244518,"[{""name"": ""David Foster Productions"", ""id"": 496}, {""name"": ""Cheyenne Enterprises"", ""id"": 890}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}, {""name"": ""David Ladd Films"", ""id"": 21447}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-02-15,32287044,125,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,"Beyond Courage, Beyond Honor.",Hart's War,5.9,241
66000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,49021,"[{""id"": 10084, ""name"": ""rescue""}]",en,Killer Elite,"Based on a shocking true story, Killer Elite pits two of the world’s most elite operatives—Danny, an ex-special ops agent and Hunter, his longtime mentor—against the cunning leader of a secret military society. Covering the globe from Australia to Paris, London and the Middle East, Danny and Hunter are plunged into a highly dangerous game of cat and mouse—where the predators become the prey.",29.501489,"[{""name"": ""Current Entertainment"", ""id"": 972}, {""name"": ""Omnilab Media"", ""id"": 2729}, {""name"": ""Ambience Entertainment"", ""id"": 3427}, {""name"": ""International Traders"", ""id"": 6408}, {""name"": ""Open Road Films"", ""id"": 10427}, {""name"": ""Sighvatsson Films"", ""id"": 11369}, {""name"": ""Palomar Pictures (II)"", ""id"": 11371}, {""name"": ""Film Victoria"", ""id"": 11840}, {""name"": ""Wales Creative IP Fund"", ""id"": 11841}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""AU"", ""name"": ""Australia""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-09-23,57777106,116,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,May the best man live.,Killer Elite,6.1,695
0,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11535,"[{""id"": 554, ""name"": ""manager""}, {""id"": 1395, ""name"": ""arena""}, {""id"": 4565, ""name"": ""dystopia""}, {""id"": 5970, ""name"": ""wrestling""}, {""id"": 6075, ""name"": ""sport""}, {""id"": 6234, ""name"": ""roller-skating""}, {""id"": 34000, ""name"": ""motorcycle racing""}, {""id"": 155720, ""name"": ""rollerskating""}, {""id"": 155742, ""name"": ""future sport""}]",en,Rollerball,"From the director of Die Hard comes this high-octane thriller that roars along at a breakneck pace (Los Angeles Times)! Starring Chris Klein (American Pie), Jean Reno (Ronin), LL Cool J (Charlie's Angels) and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (X-Men), Rollerball goes full-throttle with excitement from its death-defying opening until its explosive end! Jonathan Cross (Klein) is the newest recruit in the most extreme sport of all time where his fast moves and killer looks make him an instant superstar. But Cross life in the fast lane collides with reality when he learns that the league's owner (Reno) is orchestrating serious on-court accidents to boost ratings. Now Cross plans to take down the owner and his ruthless sport before the game puts an end to him!",9.306253,"[{""name"": ""Atlas Entertainment"", ""id"": 507}, {""name"": ""Toho-Towa"", ""id"": 657}, {""name"": ""Mosaic Media Group"", ""id"": 748}, {""name"": ""Yorktown Productions"", ""id"": 1484}, {""name"": ""Helkon Media AG"", ""id"": 2216}, {""name"": ""Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)"", ""id"": 8411}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""JP"", ""name"": ""Japan""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-02-08,0,98,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ko"", ""name"": ""\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4/\uc870\uc120\ub9d0""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Go Ballistic,Rollerball,3.4,106
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,10550,"[{""id"": 1465, ""name"": ""loss of family""}, {""id"": 4986, ""name"": ""enemy""}, {""id"": 5440, ""name"": ""adversary""}, {""id"": 33705, ""name"": ""agent""}]",en,Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever,"Jonathan Ecks, an FBI agent, realizes that he must join with his lifelong enemy, Agent Sever, a rogue DIA agent with whom he is in mortal combat, in order to defeat a common enemy. That enemy has developed a ""micro-device"" that can be injected into victims in order to kill them at will.",8.37378,"[{""name"": ""Epsilon Motion Pictures"", ""id"": 1171}, {""name"": ""Franchise Pictures"", ""id"": 1403}, {""name"": ""Dante Entertainment"", ""id"": 2755}, {""name"": ""Chris Lee Productions"", ""id"": 20033}, {""name"": ""SuperMega"", ""id"": 76491}, {""name"": ""MHF Erste Academy Film GmbH & Co. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 76492}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-09-20,19924033,91,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,,Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever,4.3,97
70000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11258,"[{""id"": 798, ""name"": ""sheriff""}, {""id"": 2217, ""name"": ""rain""}, {""id"": 2227, ""name"": ""evacuation""}, {""id"": 4898, ""name"": ""armored car""}, {""id"": 8207, ""name"": ""crook""}, {""id"": 160488, ""name"": ""hoodlum""}]",en,Hard Rain,"Get swept up in the action as an armored car driver (Christian Slater) tries to elude a gang of thieves (led by Morgan Freeman) while a flood ravages the countryside. Hard Rain is ""a wild, thrilling, chilling action ride"" filled with close calls, uncertain loyalties and heart-stopping heroics.",10.930537,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Toho-Towa"", ""id"": 657}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""PolyGram Filmed Entertainment"", ""id"": 1382}, {""name"": ""Marubeni"", ""id"": 4650}, {""name"": ""Tele M\u00fcnchen Fernseh Produktionsgesellschaft (TMG)"", ""id"": 7237}, {""name"": ""UGC PH"", ""id"": 23932}, {""name"": ""British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Television"", ""id"": 48136}, {""name"": ""Stargate Studios"", ""id"": 55474}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DK"", ""name"": ""Denmark""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""NZ"", ""name"": ""New Zealand""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-01-16,19870567,97,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"In the worst storm in living memory, one guard stands between five men and three million dollars.",Hard Rain,5.5,179
75000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,12610,"[{""id"": 5198, ""name"": ""cold""}, {""id"": 6681, ""name"": ""flu""}, {""id"": 14675, ""name"": ""lethal virus""}, {""id"": 188326, ""name"": ""construction worker""}]",en,Osmosis Jones,"A policeman white blood cell, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank.",10.54544,"[{""name"": ""Conundrum Entertainment"", ""id"": 1156}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros. Animation"", ""id"": 2785}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-08-07,13596911,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every BODY needs a hero,Osmosis Jones,5.9,228
70000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10402, ""name"": ""Music""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,59981,[],en,Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return,"Dorothy wakes up in post-tornado Kansas, only to be whisked back to Oz to try to save her old friends the Scarecrow, the Lion, the Tin Man and Glinda from a devious new villain, the Jester. Wiser the owl, Marshal Mallow, China Princess and Tugg the tugboat join Dorothy on her latest magical journey through the colorful landscape of Oz to restore order and happiness to Emerald City.",6.682006,"[{""name"": ""Prana Animation Studios"", ""id"": 22135}, {""name"": ""Summertime Entertainment"", ""id"": 48471}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""IN"", ""name"": ""India""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-06-13,18662027,88,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,There's trouble in OZ...,Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return,5.9,43
70000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,201088,"[{""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1576, ""name"": ""technology""}, {""id"": 2095, ""name"": ""anti hero""}, {""id"": 2157, ""name"": ""hacker""}, {""id"": 2812, ""name"": ""computer virus""}, {""id"": 3635, ""name"": ""national security agency (nsa)""}, {""id"": 4776, ""name"": ""race against time""}, {""id"": 6104, ""name"": ""computer""}, {""id"": 6847, ""name"": ""malaysia""}, {""id"": 7321, ""name"": ""nuclear power plant""}, {""id"": 9937, ""name"": ""suspense""}, {""id"": 10085, ""name"": ""betrayal""}, {""id"": 10410, ""name"": ""conspiracy""}, {""id"": 10562, ""name"": ""on the run""}, {""id"": 10718, ""name"": ""fugitive""}, {""id"": 10950, ""name"": ""shootout""}, {""id"": 12361, ""name"": ""hacking""}, {""id"": 13015, ""name"": ""terrorism""}, {""id"": 15076, ""name"": ""cat and mouse""}, {""id"": 18522, ""name"": ""one against many""}, {""id"": 155555, ""name"": ""computer hacker""}, {""id"": 158111, ""name"": ""no opening credits""}, {""id"": 161520, ""name"": ""terrorist plot""}, {""id"": 183817, ""name"": ""stock exchange""}, {""id"": 209853, ""name"": ""cybercrime""}, {""id"": 218122, ""name"": ""cyber terrorism""}, {""id"": 218124, ""name"": ""chinese military""}, {""id"": 218130, ""name"": ""cyber terrorist""}, {""id"": 218132, ""name"": ""cyber thriller""}]",en,Blackhat,A man is released from prison to help American and Chinese authorities pursue a mysterious cyber criminal. The dangerous search leads them from Chicago to Hong Kong.,46.832372,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Legendary Pictures"", ""id"": 923}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-01-13,17752940,133,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""it"", ""name"": ""Italiano""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""zh"", ""name"": ""\u666e\u901a\u8bdd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""es"", ""name"": ""Espa\u00f1ol""}]",Released,We are no longer in control.,Blackhat,5.1,826
70000000,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,5137,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 486, ""name"": ""himalaya""}, {""id"": 736, ""name"": ""journalist""}, {""id"": 1373, ""name"": ""killer robot""}, {""id"": 4850, ""name"": ""computer war""}, {""id"": 14544, ""name"": ""robot""}]",en,Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,"When gigantic robots attack New York City, ""Sky Captain"" uses his private air force to fight them off. His ex-girlfriend, reporter Polly Perkins, has been investigating the recent disappearance of prominent scientists. Suspecting a link between the global robot attacks and missing men, Sky Captain and Polly decide to work together. They fly to the Himalayas in pursuit of the mysterious Dr. Totenkopf, the mastermind behind the robots.",24.664776,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Natural Nylon Entertainment"", ""id"": 804}, {""name"": ""Riff Raff Film Productions"", ""id"": 1668}, {""name"": ""Filmauro"", ""id"": 4753}, {""name"": ""Blue Flower Productions"", ""id"": 10671}, {""name"": ""Brooklyn Films II"", ""id"": 10672}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2004-09-17,57958696,107,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""bo"", ""name"": """"}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Who will save us?,Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,5.7,439
70000000,"[{""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,3093,"[{""id"": 255, ""name"": ""male nudity""}, {""id"": 572, ""name"": ""sex""}, {""id"": 33649, ""name"": ""legs""}, {""id"": 161693, ""name"": ""soho london""}, {""id"": 161694, ""name"": ""playing god""}, {""id"": 161705, ""name"": ""jacuzzi""}]",en,Basic Instinct 2,"Novelist Catherine Tramell is once again in trouble with the law, and Scotland Yard appoints psychiatrist Dr. Michael Glass to evaluate her. Though, like Detective Nick Curran before him, Glass is entranced by Tramell and lured into a seductive game.",13.483387,"[{""name"": ""Intermedia Films"", ""id"": 763}, {""name"": ""Kanzaman"", ""id"": 4169}, {""name"": ""C-2 Pictures"", ""id"": 7340}, {""name"": ""IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 19116}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2006-03-29,38629478,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,Everything interesting begins in the mind,Basic Instinct 2,4.6,180
50000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,107846,"[{""id"": 378, ""name"": ""prison""}, {""id"": 789, ""name"": ""muslim""}, {""id"": 3799, ""name"": ""ship""}, {""id"": 10092, ""name"": ""mystery""}, {""id"": 10568, ""name"": ""science fiction""}, {""id"": 10685, ""name"": ""escape""}, {""id"": 14536, ""name"": ""crime""}, {""id"": 156786, ""name"": ""prison escape""}, {""id"": 214596, ""name"": ""cia agent""}]",en,Escape Plan,"Ray Breslin is the world's foremost authority on structural security. After analyzing every high security prison and learning a vast array of survival skills so he can design escape-proof prisons, his skills are put to the test. He's framed and incarcerated in a master prison he designed himself. He needs to escape and find the person who put him behind bars.",44.478043,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Atmosphere Entertainment MM"", ""id"": 2995}, {""name"": ""Emmett/Furla Films"", ""id"": 10405}, {""name"": ""Mark Canton Productions"", ""id"": 11761}, {""name"": ""Envision Entertainment"", ""id"": 31832}, {""name"": ""Boies / Schiller Film Group"", ""id"": 36212}, {""name"": ""Knightsbridge Entertainment"", ""id"": 46961}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2013-10-09,122915111,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ur"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0631\u062f\u0648""}]",Released,No one breaks out alone.,Escape Plan,6.7,1659
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,188207,"[{""id"": 2035, ""name"": ""mythology""}, {""id"": 8985, ""name"": ""zeus""}, {""id"": 162861, ""name"": ""ancient greece""}, {""id"": 180548, ""name"": ""demigod""}, {""id"": 221954, ""name"": ""city of argos""}, {""id"": 221955, ""name"": ""mistaken parentage""}]",en,The Legend of Hercules,"In Ancient Greece 1200 B.C., a queen succumbs to the lust of Zeus to bear a son promised to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the king and restore peace to a land in hardship. But this prince, Hercules, knows nothing of his real identity or his destiny. He desires only one thing: the love of Hebe, Princess of Crete, who has been promised to his own brother. When Hercules learns of his greater purpose, he must choose: to flee with his true love or to fulfill his destiny and become the true hero of his time. The story behind one of the greatest myths is revealed in this action-packed epic - a tale of love, sacrifice and the strength of the human spirit.",25.020428,"[{""name"": ""Millennium Films"", ""id"": 10254}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2014-01-10,61279452,99,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Every Man Has a Destiny,The Legend of Hercules,4.4,533
68000000,"[{""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}]",,4614,"[{""id"": 591, ""name"": ""cia""}, {""id"": 949, ""name"": ""terrorist""}, {""id"": 1815, ""name"": ""atomic bomb""}, {""id"": 2106, ""name"": ""cold war""}, {""id"": 9830, ""name"": ""nuclear explosion""}, {""id"": 155723, ""name"": ""jack ryan""}]",en,The Sum of All Fears,"When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia among American CIA officials, so CIA director Bill Cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation. Then the unthinkable happens: a nuclear bomb explodes in a U.S. city, and America is quick to blame the Russians.",22.392544,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Mace Neufeld Productions"", ""id"": 2767}, {""name"": ""MFP Munich Film Partners GmbH & Company I. Produktions KG"", ""id"": 21409}, {""name"": ""S.O.A.F. Productions"", ""id"": 21410}, {""name"": ""Mel's Cite du Cinema"", ""id"": 54502}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-05-31,193000000,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ru"", ""name"": ""P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""uk"", ""name"": ""\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0438\u0439""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}]",Released,"27,000 nuclear weapons. One is missing.",The Sum of All Fears,5.9,437
68000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,24021,"[{""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 3687, ""name"": ""graduation""}, {""id"": 4197, ""name"": ""bite""}, {""id"": 4978, ""name"": ""immortality""}, {""id"": 12564, ""name"": ""werewolf""}, {""id"": 231407, ""name"": ""fang vamp""}]",en,The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,"Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.",107.069763,"[{""name"": ""Summit Entertainment"", ""id"": 491}, {""name"": ""Maverick Films"", ""id"": 4000}, {""name"": ""Imprint Entertainment"", ""id"": 5218}, {""name"": ""Sunswept Entertainment"", ""id"": 5219}, {""name"": ""Temple Hill Entertainment"", ""id"": 12292}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-06-23,698491347,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,It all begins ... With a choice.,The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,5.8,2301
68000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,11371,"[{""id"": 3356, ""name"": ""quebec""}, {""id"": 155331, ""name"": ""jewel""}, {""id"": 159408, ""name"": ""scepter""}, {""id"": 159410, ""name"": ""customs house""}, {""id"": 159413, ""name"": ""jewelry heist""}, {""id"": 159419, ""name"": ""blueprint""}, {""id"": 159422, ""name"": ""assumed identity""}, {""id"": 159425, ""name"": ""schematic""}, {""id"": 159431, ""name"": ""voice over""}, {""id"": 159433, ""name"": ""surveillance camera""}, {""id"": 159434, ""name"": ""one last job""}]",en,The Score,An aging thief hopes to retire and live off his ill-gotten wealth when a young kid convinces him into doing one last heist.,22.572323,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Mandalay Pictures"", ""id"": 551}, {""name"": ""Horseshoe Bay Productions"", ""id"": 19552}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""DE"", ""name"": ""Germany""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2001-07-13,71069884,124,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,There are no partners in crime,The Score,6.7,423
69000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}]",,20352,"[{""id"": 4130, ""name"": ""adoptive father""}, {""id"": 6783, ""name"": ""orphanage""}, {""id"": 7393, ""name"": ""life's dream""}, {""id"": 9823, ""name"": ""rivalry""}, {""id"": 10261, ""name"": ""stealing""}, {""id"": 10551, ""name"": ""ballet""}, {""id"": 12663, ""name"": ""little girl""}, {""id"": 13014, ""name"": ""orphan""}, {""id"": 15300, ""name"": ""father daughter relationship""}, {""id"": 156928, ""name"": ""tomboy""}, {""id"": 157499, ""name"": ""mother son relationship""}, {""id"": 160097, ""name"": ""intelligent""}, {""id"": 161155, ""name"": ""kids""}, {""id"": 179095, ""name"": ""evil doctor""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 190999, ""name"": ""minions""}, {""id"": 194404, ""name"": ""supervillain""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}, {""id"": 219832, ""name"": ""despicable""}, {""id"": 235459, ""name"": ""cattivissimo""}]",en,Despicable Me,"Villainous Gru lives up to his reputation as a despicable, deplorable and downright unlikable guy when he hatches a plan to steal the moon from the sky. But he has a tough time staying on task after three orphans land in his care.",113.858273,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Illumination Entertainment"", ""id"": 6704}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-08,543513985,95,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Superbad. Superdad.,Despicable Me,7.1,6478
60000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}]",,11517,"[{""id"": 380, ""name"": ""brother brother relationship""}, {""id"": 1552, ""name"": ""subway""}, {""id"": 14512, ""name"": ""new york city""}, {""id"": 155735, ""name"": ""new york subway""}, {""id"": 156120, ""name"": ""train robbery""}]",en,Money Train,"A vengeful New York transit cop decides to steal a trainload of subway fares; his foster brother, a fellow cop, tries to protect him.",10.004564,"[{""name"": ""Columbia Pictures"", ""id"": 5}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1995-11-21,35431113,103,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Get on, or GET OUT THE WAY!",Money Train,5.4,222
68000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,214756,"[{""id"": 5098, ""name"": ""sperm bank""}, {""id"": 9663, ""name"": ""sequel""}, {""id"": 15214, ""name"": ""buddy""}, {""id"": 18074, ""name"": ""courthouse""}, {""id"": 158162, ""name"": ""teddy bear""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 187065, ""name"": ""toy comes to life""}, {""id"": 193682, ""name"": ""married""}]",en,Ted 2,"Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he's a person in a court of law.",68.734513,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Fuzzy Door Productions"", ""id"": 8789}, {""name"": ""Bluegrass Films"", ""id"": 13778}, {""name"": ""Smart Entertainment"", ""id"": 44783}, {""name"": ""Media Rights Capital (MRC)"", ""id"": 86655}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2015-06-25,217022588,115,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Ted is Coming, Again.",Ted 2,6.2,2463
70000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}]",,26428,"[{""id"": 186, ""name"": ""christianity""}, {""id"": 490, ""name"": ""philosophy""}, {""id"": 1160, ""name"": ""egypt""}, {""id"": 1605, ""name"": ""new love""}, {""id"": 6091, ""name"": ""war""}, {""id"": 6158, ""name"": ""cult""}, {""id"": 6165, ""name"": ""historical figure""}, {""id"": 9682, ""name"": ""history""}, {""id"": 9725, ""name"": ""sword fight""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 40850, ""name"": ""destiny""}, {""id"": 155651, ""name"": ""fall in love""}, {""id"": 161164, ""name"": ""hypatia""}, {""id"": 161166, ""name"": ""misogyny""}, {""id"": 161167, ""name"": ""persecution""}, {""id"": 161168, ""name"": ""library of alexandria""}, {""id"": 165259, ""name"": ""political unrest""}, {""id"": 179367, ""name"": ""impossible love""}, {""id"": 190532, ""name"": ""false history""}, {""id"": 193554, ""name"": ""power relations""}, {""id"": 206709, ""name"": ""unfulfillment""}, {""id"": 206713, ""name"": ""master and servant""}, {""id"": 206715, ""name"": ""love and romance""}, {""id"": 206716, ""name"": ""unfulfilled love""}]",en,Agora,"A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria and her relationship with her slave Davus, who is torn between his love for her and the possibility of gaining his freedom by joining the rising tide of Christianity.",18.888806,"[{""name"": ""Himen\u00f3ptero"", ""id"": 784}, {""name"": ""Telecinco Cinema"", ""id"": 2674}, {""name"": ""Mod Producciones"", ""id"": 5444}, {""name"": ""Nimar Studios"", ""id"": 7636}, {""name"": ""Canal+ Espa\u00f1a"", ""id"": 9335}, {""name"": ""Instituto de la Cinematograf\u00eda y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA)"", ""id"": 9974}, {""name"": ""Government of Malta"", ""id"": 19927}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""ES"", ""name"": ""Spain""}]",2009-05-17,39041505,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"Alexandria, Egypt. 391 A.D. The World Changed Forever.",Agora,6.9,395
68000000,"[{""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}]",,9824,"[{""id"": 420, ""name"": ""bowling""}, {""id"": 1562, ""name"": ""hostage""}, {""id"": 3465, ""name"": ""sphinx""}, {""id"": 4613, ""name"": ""training""}, {""id"": 4924, ""name"": ""insane asylum""}, {""id"": 6100, ""name"": ""tools""}, {""id"": 6737, ""name"": ""frankenstein""}, {""id"": 8642, ""name"": ""casanova""}, {""id"": 9715, ""name"": ""superhero""}, {""id"": 9717, ""name"": ""based on comic book""}, {""id"": 10183, ""name"": ""independent film""}, {""id"": 10267, ""name"": ""comedy""}, {""id"": 11931, ""name"": ""spoof""}, {""id"": 15084, ""name"": ""skull""}, {""id"": 41376, ""name"": ""shovel""}, {""id"": 155490, ""name"": ""disco""}, {""id"": 157677, ""name"": ""superhero spoof""}, {""id"": 160130, ""name"": ""invisible man""}, {""id"": 178857, ""name"": ""dark horse comics""}, {""id"": 189115, ""name"": ""invisibility""}, {""id"": 192389, ""name"": ""rajah""}, {""id"": 200646, ""name"": ""bowling ball""}, {""id"": 211711, ""name"": ""spleen""}, {""id"": 211712, ""name"": ""evil genius""}]",en,Mystery Men,"When Captain Amazing (Kinnear) is kidnapped by Casanova Frankenstein (Rush) a group of superheroes combine together to create a plan. But these aren't normal superheroes. Now, the group who include such heroes as Mr. Furious (Stiller), The Shoveller (Macy) and The Blue Raja (Azaria) must put all the powers together to save everyone they know and love.",12.948627,"[{""name"": ""Universal Pictures"", ""id"": 33}, {""name"": ""Dark Horse Entertainment"", ""id"": 552}, {""name"": ""Golar Productions"", ""id"": 2484}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-08-06,29762011,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"We're not your classic heroes, we're the other guys.",Mystery Men,5.7,250
36000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,48988,"[{""id"": 1157, ""name"": ""wife husband relationship""}, {""id"": 5779, ""name"": ""daydream""}, {""id"": 6038, ""name"": ""marriage""}, {""id"": 6089, ""name"": ""freedom""}, {""id"": 9713, ""name"": ""friends""}]",en,Hall Pass,"When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages: they grant the guys a ""hall pass"", one week of freedom to do whatever they want. At first, it seems like a dream come true, but they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life - and themselves - are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.",27.11589,"[{""name"": ""New Line Cinema"", ""id"": 12}, {""name"": ""Conundrum Entertainment"", ""id"": 1156}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2011-02-25,83160734,105,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"One Week, No Rules",Hall Pass,5.4,611
90000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,9008,"[{""id"": 470, ""name"": ""spy""}, {""id"": 918, ""name"": ""newspaper""}, {""id"": 3664, ""name"": ""research""}, {""id"": 4434, ""name"": ""interview""}, {""id"": 6357, ""name"": ""tobacco""}, {""id"": 8231, ""name"": ""insider""}, {""id"": 11208, ""name"": ""conspiracy theory""}, {""id"": 12193, ""name"": ""reporter""}, {""id"": 209799, ""name"": ""whistleblower""}, {""id"": 211141, ""name"": ""columbia broadcasting system (cbs)""}, {""id"": 219681, ""name"": ""tobacco industry""}]",en,The Insider,"Tells the true story of a 60 Minutes television series exposé of the tobacco industry, as seen through the eyes of a real tobacco executive, Jeffrey Wigand",26.153669,"[{""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Forward Pass"", ""id"": 675}, {""name"": ""Kaitz Productions"", ""id"": 8758}, {""name"": ""Mann/Roth Productions"", ""id"": 8759}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-10-28,60289912,157,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""ja"", ""name"": ""\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fa"", ""name"": ""\u0641\u0627\u0631\u0633\u06cc""}]",Released,Two men driven to tell the truth... whatever the cost.,The Insider,7.3,481
80000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,300673,"[{""id"": 3547, ""name"": ""coast guard""}, {""id"": 9672, ""name"": ""based on true story""}, {""id"": 10349, ""name"": ""survival""}, {""id"": 11107, ""name"": ""rescue mission""}, {""id"": 168683, ""name"": ""storm at sea""}, {""id"": 180100, ""name"": ""sinking ship""}, {""id"": 208611, ""name"": ""1950s""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,The Finest Hours,The Coast Guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952.,28.223664,"[{""name"": ""Walt Disney Pictures"", ""id"": 2}, {""name"": ""Whitaker Entertainment"", ""id"": 51164}, {""name"": ""Bergsten Music"", ""id"": 77739}, {""name"": ""Red Hawk Entertainment"", ""id"": 78217}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2016-01-25,52099090,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,"32 survivors, room for 12.",The Finest Hours,6.3,588
70000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,12113,"[{""id"": 321, ""name"": ""terror""}, {""id"": 769, ""name"": ""falsely accused""}, {""id"": 818, ""name"": ""based on novel""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 6292, ""name"": ""jordan""}, {""id"": 9145, ""name"": ""dubai""}, {""id"": 9846, ""name"": ""intelligence agency""}, {""id"": 9849, ""name"": ""beating""}]",en,Body of Lies,"The CIA’s hunt is on for the mastermind of a wave of terrorist attacks. Roger Ferris is the agency’s man on the ground, moving from place to place, scrambling to stay ahead of ever-shifting events. An eye in the sky – a satellite link – watches Ferris. At the other end of that real-time link is the CIA’s Ed Hoffman, strategizing events from thousands of miles away. And as Ferris nears the target, he discovers trust can be just as dangerous as it is necessary for survival.",37.507136,"[{""name"": ""Scott Free Productions"", ""id"": 1645}, {""name"": ""De Line Pictures"", ""id"": 2609}, {""name"": ""Warner Bros."", ""id"": 6194}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}]",2008-10-10,113280098,128,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""ar"", ""name"": ""\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Trust no one. Deceive everyone.,Body of Lies,6.5,895
69000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}]",,38778,"[{""id"": 2161, ""name"": ""mouse""}, {""id"": 2415, ""name"": ""idiot""}, {""id"": 9678, ""name"": ""mind control""}, {""id"": 9719, ""name"": ""taxidermy""}, {""id"": 179430, ""name"": ""aftercreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}]",en,Dinner for Schmucks,"Rising executive Tim Wagner works for a boss who hosts a monthly dinner in which the guest who brings the biggest buffoon gets a career-boost. Tim plans on not attending until he meets Barry, a man who builds dioramas using stuffed mice. Barry's blundering but good intentions send Tim's life into a downward spiral, threatening a major business deal and possibly scuttling Tim's engagement to his fiancee.",11.023691,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Spyglass Entertainment"", ""id"": 158}, {""name"": ""Everyman Pictures"", ""id"": 2242}, {""name"": ""Reliance BIG Entertainment"", ""id"": 6733}, {""name"": ""Parkes/MacDonald Productions"", ""id"": 11084}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2010-07-30,86387857,114,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Takes One To Know One.,Dinner for Schmucks,5.5,531
69000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 27, ""name"": ""Horror""}]",,72331,"[{""id"": 840, ""name"": ""usa president""}, {""id"": 3133, ""name"": ""vampire""}, {""id"": 163671, ""name"": ""steam locomotive""}, {""id"": 179585, ""name"": ""american civil war""}, {""id"": 207928, ""name"": ""19th century""}, {""id"": 209409, ""name"": ""abraham lincoln""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,"President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slave-owning helpers.",38.634767,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Bazelevs Production"", ""id"": 1038}, {""name"": ""Tim Burton Productions"", ""id"": 8601}, {""name"": ""Abraham Productions"", ""id"": 36430}, {""name"": ""Location Gourmet"", ""id"": 36431}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2012-06-20,112265139,94,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Are you a patriot or a vampire?,Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,5.5,1269
66000000,"[{""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}]",,1844,"[{""id"": 212, ""name"": ""london england""}, {""id"": 613, ""name"": ""new year's eve""}, {""id"": 1418, ""name"": ""skyscraper""}, {""id"": 1437, ""name"": ""burglar""}, {""id"": 1448, ""name"": ""distrust""}, {""id"": 1568, ""name"": ""undercover""}, {""id"": 1936, ""name"": ""blackmail""}, {""id"": 2483, ""name"": ""nudity""}, {""id"": 9727, ""name"": ""thief""}, {""id"": 10051, ""name"": ""heist""}, {""id"": 14669, ""name"": ""older man younger woman relationship""}, {""id"": 14789, ""name"": ""art thief""}, {""id"": 15009, ""name"": ""criminal""}, {""id"": 156031, ""name"": ""art theft""}, {""id"": 159468, ""name"": ""millennium""}, {""id"": 168346, ""name"": ""manhattan, new york city""}, {""id"": 169356, ""name"": ""gala""}, {""id"": 227432, ""name"": ""kuala lumpur malaysia""}]",en,Entrapment,"Two thieves, who travel in elegant circles, try to outsmart each other and, in the process, end up falling in love.",25.877794,"[{""name"": ""Fountainbridge Films"", ""id"": 414}, {""name"": ""Regency Enterprises"", ""id"": 508}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1999-04-29,212404396,112,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The trap is set.,Entrapment,6.0,602
66000000,"[{""id"": 9648, ""name"": ""Mystery""}, {""id"": 878, ""name"": ""Science Fiction""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,846,"[{""id"": 258, ""name"": ""bomb""}, {""id"": 720, ""name"": ""helicopter""}, {""id"": 1328, ""name"": ""secret""}, {""id"": 1523, ""name"": ""obsession""}, {""id"": 1603, ""name"": ""extraterrestrial technology""}, {""id"": 1812, ""name"": ""fbi""}, {""id"": 1826, ""name"": ""space marine""}, {""id"": 2766, ""name"": ""mutation""}, {""id"": 2908, ""name"": ""secret society""}, {""id"": 3271, ""name"": ""secret organization""}, {""id"": 3288, ""name"": ""secret lab""}, {""id"": 4249, ""name"": ""x-files""}, {""id"": 6086, ""name"": ""government""}]",en,The X Files,"Mulder and Scully, now taken off the FBI's X Files cases, must find a way to fight the shadowy elements of the government to find out the truth about a conspiracy that might mean the alien colonization of Earth.",18.59991,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Ten Thirteen Productions"", ""id"": 545}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""CA"", ""name"": ""Canada""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-06-19,189198313,121,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,Fight the Future,The X Files,6.6,488
67000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}, {""id"": 14, ""name"": ""Fantasy""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,9703,"[{""id"": 1405, ""name"": ""roman empire""}, {""id"": 2280, ""name"": ""emperor""}, {""id"": 5049, ""name"": ""ancient rome""}, {""id"": 8659, ""name"": ""western roman empire""}, {""id"": 14704, ""name"": ""ancient world""}, {""id"": 194576, ""name"": ""julius caesar""}]",en,The Last Legion,"As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.",12.282911,"[{""name"": ""Ingenious Film Partners"", ""id"": 289}, {""name"": ""Quinta Communications"", ""id"": 6370}, {""name"": ""Dino De Laurentiis Company"", ""id"": 10308}, {""name"": ""Zephyr Films"", ""id"": 16923}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""IT"", ""name"": ""Italy""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""TN"", ""name"": ""Tunisia""}]",2007-04-19,25303038,102,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,The end of an empire...the beginning of a legend.,The Last Legion,5.0,207
70000000,"[{""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 36, ""name"": ""History""}, {""id"": 10752, ""name"": ""War""}]",,857,"[{""id"": 1327, ""name"": ""war crimes""}, {""id"": 1430, ""name"": ""self sacrifice""}, {""id"": 1543, ""name"": ""war veteran""}, {""id"": 1956, ""name"": ""world war ii""}, {""id"": 2770, ""name"": ""war ship""}, {""id"": 3800, ""name"": ""airplane""}, {""id"": 3930, ""name"": ""bravery""}, {""id"": 4299, ""name"": ""normandy""}, {""id"": 4300, ""name"": ""parachute""}, {""id"": 4302, ""name"": ""troops""}, {""id"": 4303, ""name"": ""waffen ss""}, {""id"": 4304, ""name"": ""omaha beach""}, {""id"": 6092, ""name"": ""army""}, {""id"": 7956, ""name"": ""cowardice""}, {""id"": 11108, ""name"": ""american flag""}, {""id"": 11111, ""name"": ""war memorial""}, {""id"": 11371, ""name"": ""deserted town""}, {""id"": 162365, ""name"": ""military""}, {""id"": 207883, ""name"": ""1940s""}]",en,Saving Private Ryan,"As U.S. troops storm the beaches of Normandy, three brothers lie dead on the battlefield, with a fourth trapped behind enemy lines. Ranger captain John Miller and seven men are tasked with penetrating German-held territory and bringing the boy home.",76.041867,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Amblin Entertainment"", ""id"": 56}, {""name"": ""Mutual Film Company"", ""id"": 762}, {""name"": ""Mark Gordon Productions"", ""id"": 11362}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",1998-07-24,481840909,169,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""cs"", ""name"": ""\u010cesk\u00fd""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""de"", ""name"": ""Deutsch""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,The mission is a man.,Saving Private Ryan,7.9,5048
66000000,"[{""id"": 28, ""name"": ""Action""}, {""id"": 80, ""name"": ""Crime""}, {""id"": 18, ""name"": ""Drama""}, {""id"": 53, ""name"": ""Thriller""}]",,136797,"[{""id"": 9666, ""name"": ""street race""}, {""id"": 10494, ""name"": ""super cars""}, {""id"": 11058, ""name"": ""super speed""}, {""id"": 33885, ""name"": ""car""}, {""id"": 41645, ""name"": ""based on video game""}, {""id"": 179431, ""name"": ""duringcreditsstinger""}, {""id"": 209714, ""name"": ""3d""}]",en,Need for Speed,"The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague and sent to prison. After he gets out, he joins a New York-to-Los Angeles race to get revenge. But when the ex-partner learns of the scheme, he puts a massive bounty on the racer's head, forcing him to run a cross-country gauntlet of illegal racers in all manner of supercharged vehicles.",54.81489,"[{""name"": ""DreamWorks SKG"", ""id"": 27}, {""name"": ""Reliance Entertainment"", ""id"": 7294}, {""name"": ""Bandito Brothers"", ""id"": 8403}, {""name"": ""Touchstone Pictures"", ""id"": 9195}, {""name"": ""Electronic Arts"", ""id"": 34890}, {""name"": ""Revolution Sun Studios"", ""id"": 76043}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""PH"", ""name"": ""Philippines""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""GB"", ""name"": ""United Kingdom""}, {""iso_3166_1"": ""FR"", ""name"": ""France""}]",2014-03-13,203277636,130,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}]",Released,For honor. For love. For redemption.,Need for Speed,6.1,1520
70000000,"[{""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10749, ""name"": ""Romance""}]",,3981,"[{""id"": 515, ""name"": ""women""}, {""id"": 1475, ""name"": ""telepathy""}, {""id"": 4769, ""name"": ""supernatural powers""}, {""id"": 168750, ""name"": ""advertising executive""}, {""id"": 187056, ""name"": ""woman director""}]",en,What Women Want,"Advertising executive Nick Marshall is as cocky as they come, but what happens to a chauvinistic guy when he can suddenly hear what women are thinking? Nick gets passed over for a promotion, but after an accident enables him to hear women's thoughts, he puts his newfound talent to work against Darcy, his new boss, who seems to be infatuated with him.",31.39165,"[{""name"": ""Paramount Pictures"", ""id"": 4}, {""name"": ""Centropolis Entertainment"", ""id"": 347}, {""name"": ""Icon Entertainment International"", ""id"": 4564}, {""name"": ""Wind Dancer Productions"", ""id"": 8116}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2000-12-15,374111707,127,"[{""iso_639_1"": ""en"", ""name"": ""English""}, {""iso_639_1"": ""fr"", ""name"": ""Fran\u00e7ais""}]",Released,He has the power to hear everything women are thinking. Finally... a man is listening.,What Women Want,6.1,992
59000000,"[{""id"": 16, ""name"": ""Animation""}, {""id"": 35, ""name"": ""Comedy""}, {""id"": 10751, ""name"": ""Family""}, {""id"": 12, ""name"": ""Adventure""}]",,425,"[{""id"": 311, ""name"": ""human evolution""}, {""id"": 970, ""name"": ""parents kids relationship""}, {""id"": 990, ""name"": ""squirrel""}, {""id"": 1445, ""name"": ""ice""}, {""id"": 1452, ""name"": ""loss of child""}, {""id"": 2078, ""name"": ""mammoth""}, {""id"": 2079, ""name"": ""sloth""}, {""id"": 3737, ""name"": ""dying and death""}, {""id"": 4428, ""name"": ""stone age""}, {""id"": 10506, ""name"": ""prehistoric""}, {""id"": 158017, ""name"": ""saber-toothed tiger""}, {""id"": 159955, ""name"": ""cavemen""}, {""id"": 166958, ""name"": ""prehistoric creature""}, {""id"": 178645, ""name"": ""prehistoric adventure""}, {""id"": 183414, ""name"": ""prehistoric times""}, {""id"": 192918, ""name"": ""prehistoric man""}]",en,Ice Age,"With the impending ice age almost upon them, a mismatched trio of prehistoric critters – Manny the woolly mammoth, Diego the saber-toothed tiger and Sid the giant sloth – find an orphaned infant and decide to return it to its human parents. Along the way, the unlikely allies become friends but, when enemies attack, their quest takes on far nobler aims.",99.561972,"[{""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation"", ""id"": 306}, {""name"": ""Blue Sky Studios"", ""id"": 9383}, {""name"": ""Twentieth Century Fox Animation"", ""id"": 11749}]","[{""iso_3166_1"": ""US"", ""name"": ""United States of America""}]",2002-03-10,383257136,81,"[{"
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