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Created July 27, 2022 13:28
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import random
tie = 0
human = 0
computer = 0
keep_playing = True
while keep_playing:
human_choice = input(" Your choice : rock, paper or scissor ")
computer_choice = random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissor'])
print('The user chooses ' + human_choice)
print('The computer chooses ' + computer_choice)
if human_choice == "rock":
if computer_choice == "rock":
tie = tie + 1
if computer_choice == "paper":
print("computer wins")
computer = computer + 1
if computer_choice == "scissor":
print("human wins")
human = human + 1
if human_choice == "paper":
if computer_choice == "paper":
tie = tie + 1
if computer_choice == "rock":
print("human wins")
human = human + 1
if computer_choice == "scissor":
print("computer wins")
computer = computer + 1
if human_choice == "scissor":
if computer_choice == "scissor":
tie = tie + 1
if computer_choice == "rock":
print("computer wins")
computer = computer + 1
if computer_choice == "paper":
print("human wins")
human = human + 1
# code that plays one round**
print("Do you want to play again?")
answer = input()
if answer == "no":
keep_playing = False;
print("SCORE ")
print("human: " + str(human))
print("computer: " + str(computer))
print("ties: " + str(tie))
if human > computer:
print(" You won! You did a great job")
elif human < computer:
print("computer won")
elif human == computer:
print("It was a tie! ")
print("Thanks for playing!")
elif answer == " yes ":
keep_playing = True;
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Amaya910 commented Jul 27, 2022

This is the rock paper scissor code i made using python...

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