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Last active October 30, 2017 16:44
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const after = t => x => cont => {
const id = setTimeout (cont, t, x)
return () => clearTimeout (id)
const map = f => run => cont => run(x => cont (f (x)))
const chain = f => run => cont => run(x => f (x) (cont))
const run = chain (x => after (2000) (`${x}C`))
(map (x => `${x}B`)
(after (1000) ('A')))
const cancel = run (console.log)
// calling cancel will clear the timeout and allow the process to exit
// cancel()
const fs = require('fs')
const pipe = fs => fs.reduce ((f, g) => x => g (f (x)), x => x)
const readFile = p => rej => res => {
fs.readFile (p, 'utf8', (e, x) => e ? rej (e) : res (x))
return () => {}
const after = t => x => _ => res => {
const id = setTimeout (res, t, x)
return () => clearTimeout (id)
const map = f => fork => rej => res => fork (rej) (x => res (f (x)))
const chain = f => fork => rej => res => fork (rej) (x => f (x) (rej) (res))
const program = pipe ([ readFile
, map (x => x.trim ())
, map (x => `${x}B`)
, chain (x => after (2000) (`${x}C`)) ])
const fork = program ('test.txt')
const cancel = fork (e => console.error (`Handled ${e}`))
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