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Created April 14, 2015 09:51
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Python wrapper for SearchMetrics API v1. Need Oauth.
import datetime
import itertools
import oauth2 as oauth
import requests
import time
class SearchMetricAPIError(Exception):
class SearchMetricsAPI:
SearchMetrics wrapper class for generic API. Use v1 version of the API.
base_url = ""
"Base URL of the API"
def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, debug=False):
API wrapper constructor
:param consumer_key: API consumer key (to find in your account)
:type consumer_key: str
:param consumer_secret: API consumer secret (to find in your account)
:type consumer_secret: str
:param debug: Debug mode to not paginate and save credits
:type debug: bool
# Initialize the consumer credentials
self.consumer_key = consumer_key
self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret
# If we run in debug mode to economize credits
self.debug = debug
# SM API need an empty Token
self.token = oauth.Token(key="", secret="")
# Build a consumer with the pair (key, secret)
self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=self.consumer_key, secret=self.consumer_secret)
def make_request(self, service, get_params={}):
Method to make the request on the SM API.
:param service: API endpoint service to request (e.g. ProjectOrganicGetListRankingsHistoric)
:type service: str
:param get_params: GET parameters for the API extraction like an classic GET extract
:type get_params: dict
:return: python object representing the data, usually a list
:rtype list
# If .json is not in the service we add '.json' at the end to concatenate this at this and of the requested URL
if '.json' not in service:
service += '.json'
url = '/'.join([self.base_url, service])
# Limit of results returned by the API to handle pagination
limit = int(get_params.get('limit'))
# Get the offset for the pagination
offset = int(get_params.get('offset', 0))
# List of all data returned by the API. When we paginate all the data append in this list.
# It's the list returned by the function
all_data = []
# Initialize results list and loop broker True to enter in the loop
results = []
first_loop = True
while len(results) == limit or first_loop:
# loop broker"
first_loop = False
# Build params with oauth data included
all_params = self.build_params(get_params)
# Update the params with the offset to paginate
"offset": offset,
# URL with GET parameters to request to have the data
request_url = self.get_url(url, all_params)
# data returned by the API (python object list and dict combined)
request = requests.get(request_url)
# dump data returned by the API
self.dump_data(service, all_params, request)
# transform raw data to structured python object
results = request.json()
if request.status_code != 200:
raise SearchMetricAPIError(results.get(u'error_info').get(u'error_message'))
# Append data requested to all_data
# Increment the offset
offset += limit
if self.debug:
return list(itertools.chain(*all_data))
def get_url(self, url, params):
Build Oauth v1 Request and return the URL of the data needed. Use standard signature HMAC_SHA1.
:param url: url of API endpoint
:type url: str
:param params: all params (included oauth headers and extract filters)
:type params: dict
:return: URL of API ressource with oauth API information
:rtype: str
req = oauth.Request(method="GET", url=url, parameters=params)
signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
req.sign_request(signature_method, self.consumer, self.token)
return req.to_url()
def build_params(self, get_params):
Build Oauth and concatenate this to GET params to filter the data on the API endpoint.
:param get_params: GET parameters to filter the data
:type get_params: dict
:return: all API params
:rtype: dict
params = {
# SM API use Oauth version 1
'oauth_version': "1.0",
# Need to generate a nonce
'oauth_nonce': oauth.generate_nonce(),
# ... and a timestamp
'oauth_timestamp': int(time.time()),
'oauth_token': self.token.key,
'oauth_consumer_key': self.consumer.key,
return dict(params.items() + get_params.items())
def dump_data(self, service, all_params, raw_data):
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