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Last active December 5, 2023 10:35
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import pandas as pd
import os
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
from fpl_utils import fpl_utils
def lambda_handler(event, context):
players = fpl_utils.get('')
players_df = pd.DataFrame(players['elements'])
teams_df = pd.DataFrame(players['teams'])
fixtures_df = pd.DataFrame(players['events'])
today =
fixtures_df = fixtures_df.loc[fixtures_df.deadline_time_epoch>today]
gameweek = fpl_utils.get_gameweek()
teams = dict(zip(,
players_df['team_name'] = players_df['team'].map(teams)
api_key = fpl_utils.get_parameter('odds_data_api_key')
odds_response = requests.get(''+api_key+'&sport=soccer_epl'+'&region=uk'+'&mkt=h2h')
odds_json = json.loads(odds_response.text)
if odds_json['success'] == False:
api_key = fpl_utils.get_parameter('odds_data_api_second_key')
odds_response = requests.get(''+api_key+'&sport=soccer_epl'+'&region=uk'+'&mkt=h2h')
odds_json = json.loads(odds_response.text)
sport = {}
all_sports = []
next_deadline = fixtures_df.deadline_time_epoch.iat[1]
if len( == 1:
next_deadline=fixtures_df.deadline_time_epoch.iat[1] + 5517900
for item in odds_json["data"]:
if not (this_deadline < item['commence_time'] < next_deadline):
sport['id'] =item['id']
sport['home_team'] = item['home_team']
sport['away_team'] = [team for team in item['teams'] if team != item['home_team']][0]
sites = [x for x in item['sites'] if x['site_key'] == "paddypower"]
if len(sites)==0:
if item['home_team'] == item['teams'][0]:
home_odds, away_odds, draw_odds = sites[0]['odds']['h2h']
away_odds, home_odds, draw_odds = sites[0]['odds']['h2h']
sport['home_odds'] = home_odds
sport['draw_odds'] = draw_odds
sport['away_odds'] = away_odds
sport['commence_time'] = item['commence_time']
sport['home_chance'] = 100/sport['home_odds']
sport['away_chance'] = 100/sport['away_odds']
df = pd.DataFrame(all_sports)
bucket_name = fpl_utils.get_parameter('fpl_bucket_name')
key = "odds-gameweek-" +str(gameweek)+".csv"
fpl_utils.upload_csv_to_s3(bucket_name, key, df)
return event
except Exception as e:
sns_topic = fpl_utils.get_parameter('failure_email_sns_key')
error_message = f"Error in Lambda function getPlayerDetails: {str(e)}"
fpl_utils.send_sns_notification(error_message, sns_topic)
raise e # Re-raise the exception after sending the notification
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