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Last active February 22, 2022 20:12
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BKU: starting the Knowledge Economy

brandmarks, knowledgemark and usemarks (BKU)

   *** Disclaimer this is a project in development ***

Not all features are readily available if you are a developper, a talented contributor, or a technology evengelist we will be delighted if you join us. if you want to fund the project to help its release, PLEASE do so

BrandMarks are "officially" registered names, logos and branding materials by the BKU Office (BKUO).

It's time to kickstart the new knowledge based economy, and ditch the old marks : ™,℠,®,© with the new ones: Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓚ Ⓝ Ⓟ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓦ Ⓩ

Note: TradeMarks and ServiceMarks are items registered to USPTO and other IP agencies. we only register newly supported marks.

Our registry resides on the 3 blockchains (Bitcoin, Etherieum, Mychelium) and therefore as opposed to the USPTO can't be corrupted is indestructible.

We only register marking for Brands,Names,Kownledge,Uses,Words,Drawings for every application we mint a NFT certifying the filing. NFTs are the perfect technology to capture the value of a brandmark as it is a token which carry the brand image value and capture well the market trend with its spot price.

Make your people know what you know !

How does it works:

  1. applicant buys the (B)NFT
  2. and become the new owner the NFT
  3. the embeded script in the NFT fetches the profile name of the owner
  4. the same script delivers a certificate NFT to the owner
  5. the script makes a record on IPFS and send a merkle proof to
    • Bitcoin blockchain
    • Ethereum blockchain
    • Mychelium blockchain

A brand explorer allow to verify certificates delivered

rootdir=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0));
echo symb: $symb
find . -name '*~1' -delete
export JEKYLL_ENV=production
key=$(ipfs key list -l --ipns-base=b58mh| grep -w -e $symb | cut -d' ' -f1)
echo key: $key
ipath=$(ipfs resolve /ipns/$key)
cat > _data/ipfs.yml <<EOF
--- # ipfs hashes
key: $key
prev: $prev
qm: $prev
jekyll build 1>/dev/null
qm=$(ipfs add -r _site -Q --progress=false)
sed -i -e "s/qm.*/qm: $qm/" _data/ipfs.yml
# latest ...
jekyll build
qm=$(ipfs add -r _site -Q --progress=false)
ipfs name publish --key=$symb /ipfs/$qm --allow-offline
gwport=$(ipfs config Addresses.Gateway | cut -d'/' -f 5)
echo url:$gwport/ipns/$key
ipfs pin remote rm --service=drit --name=trademarks
ipfs pin remote add --service=drit --name=trademarks $qm
exit $?;
true; # vim: syntax=sh
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<h2 id="bkus-brand-mark-certificates-on-the-mychelium-blockchain">BKU’s brand-mark-certificates on the Mychelium™ blockchain</h2>
<h3 id="ⓝ">Ⓝ</h3>
<p>WordMark: Ⓦ</p>
<p>On , Colleen FD, Preverenges CH 1025 apply for the</p>
<p>DrawingMark: <img src="" alt="Ⓓ" /></p>
<p>other marks: Ⓒ Ⓑ Ⓓ Ⓚ Ⓝ Ⓟ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓦ Ⓩ for more info see us on <a href="">opensea</a></p>
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<h2 id="trademark-brandmark-and-usemarks-in-a-nft-era">Trademark, brandmark and usemarks in a NFT era</h2>
<p>NFTs are changing the economical landscape, indeed with NFT
we can capture something that was not accounted for : “knowledge”</p>
<p>in a world where AI start replacing all the non “cognitive” workforce,
creation, and knowledge are left to the humans and will remain for a while
because knowledge is not data, it can be measured in terabyte, can’t be value
with a formula so the machine will never be able to appreciate it, unless
it is influanced by human curated data.</p>
<p>So it is not a surprice NTFs is succesfull at grasping the intangile
values of our knowledge, we can start accounting for acquisition of knowelge,
for the sharing, the propagation of it etc.</p>
<p>The will transform our socities beyond what we can imaging, opening doors
for a virtual world of infinite growth…</p>
<p>Welcome to the multiplicative economy of knowledge.</p>
<p>Protecting “interlectual knowledge” can’t be done the traditional way we protected intelectual propriety.</p>
<p>Knowledge has a source, and original intent, that is what NFT can capture
we can’t own knowledge we can only acquire it and share it.</p>
<p>We just launch a project (Tue Feb 22 07:10:10 PM CET 2022) to develop
the tools to transition toward this knowledge based economy.</p>
<p>We are thinking of developping a set of “marks”
to help with the accounting of knoweldge and track its origine :</p>
<li>knowledgemark NFT</li>
<li>brandmark NFT</li>
<li>usemark NFT</li>
<li>wordmark NFT</li>
<li>drawingmark NFT</li>
<p>This will replace the traditional patent,trademark and servicemark which
are solely base on ownership.</p>
<p>Indeed owning an NFT is meaningless it doesn’t change the relationship
creator &lt;-&gt; work-of-art is is simply a token that marks the “passage” of knowledge.</p>
<h3 id="how-nft-will-work-to-protect-my-brand-">How NFT will work to protect my brand ?</h3>
<p>An “BrandMark” NFT is posted on <a href=""></a>
and anyone you purchase it get the “NFT” svg file which execute
a script that fetch the profile name of the new owner and create
a record to be added to the blockchain.</p>
<p>An application allow us to explore the registry</p>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<h4 id="note-this-site-is-a-work-in-progress-you-can-check-its-history-here">Note: This <a href="">site</a> is a work in progress, you can check its history: <a href="">here</a></h4>
<hr />
<p>1645559716: <a href="ipfs://QmZkVuUhZ8TfThZw7jzuvtn2kw94ZqXyGgYgrxBFw6CZg1">QmZkVuUhZ8TfThZw7jzuvtn2kw94ZqXyGgYgrxBFw6CZg1</a></p>
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