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Last active March 10, 2022 23:34
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Save DrI-T/91bb4010dd4523ea281a066fe147ceab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitChain: a eco-organic git based blockchain

decentralized pull-request

Any system with a publicly accessible inbound channel is subject to sybil attack (i.e. SPAM).

Indeed the price of "identity" being zero we can naturally assume

  • creating new block on the chain
  • appending of logs
  • pushing a git commit
  • sending an email

All these can be abuse to a point of a DDoSing risk.

It is then key to minimize any amplification before screening request for validity.

Mitigation :

  • Increasing the cost of "push" we can greatly diminish the returns of these DDoS attacks.
  • decreasing the time and effort to validate each query
  • option to divert an attack will prevent DoS
  • rate limiting of each inbound channel using build-in slowness (! PoTime )

see also

echo IPFS_PATH: ${IPFS_PATH:-$HOME/.ipfs}
if ipfs key list | grep -q -w DPKI; then
key=$(ipfs key list -l --ipns-base b58mh | grep -w DPKI | cut -d' ' -f1)
key=$(ipfs key gen -t ed25519 --ipns-base b58mh DPKI)
name=$(perl -S $key)
echo "key: $key ($name)"
if ! ipfs key export -o /dev/null DPKI 2>/dev/null; then
ipfs shutdown
sku=$(ipfs key export -o /dev/stdout DPKI | base64 -w 0)
name=$(perl -S $pkr)
echo "pkr: $pkr ($name)"
echo sku: $sku
ipfs key rm dhkey 2>/dev/null
pkey=$(echo $sku | perl $pkr | grep privkey: | cut -d' ' -f2 )
dhkey=$(echo $pkey | xxd -r -p | ipfs key import --ipns-base b58mh -- dhkey -)
name=$(perl -S $dhkey)
echo "dhkey: $dhkey ($name)"
#BEGIN { if (-e $ENV{SITE}.'/lib') { use lib $ENV{SITE}.'/lib'; } }
# usage:
# ipfs key export -o /dev/stdout DPKI | perl $pku
# header: 08011240
# ipfs key list -l --ipns-base base16 | grep self
# pub-self: f01721220d4ca21fd67b197375c10392f392adc4cd33fbce4575d435e23a664f0cbac60f7
# ........ 1 2 3 4 5 6
# ........0123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123
# pub-self: f0172002408011220cb574dd68763332e5d19aaf7d229b1f0d1229f1a40cc5a350e66b114145367de
# priv-self: f080112407ee64c96a7746b2115f311f42d3de292ea5997ab84a0ba3d246caffb684f8290
# cb574dd68763332e5d19aaf7d229b1f0d1229f1a40cc5a350e66b114145367de
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
use lib '.';
use botname qw(botname);
# ed25519 (2^255 - 19)
my $buf64 = <STDIN>;
my $buf = &decode_base64($buf64);
printf "buf: %s (%dc)\n",unpack('H*',$buf),length($buf);
my $sku = substr($buf,4,32);
my $pku = substr($buf,32+4);
printf "sku: f%s (%dc)\n",unpack('H*',$sku),length($sku);
printf "pku: f%s (%dc)\n",unpack('H*',$pku),length($pku);
my $pubkey = shift || '12D3KooWPW89HLc7Ft1UqZGFUfxqxnAKM6sr6rBNLKkGigLC1iFX';
my $pubkey_raw = substr(decode_mbase58($pubkey),-32);
printf "pubkey: f%s\n",unpack'H*',$pubkey_raw;
#my $ecdh = &ecsecret($sku,$pubkey_raw);
my $eddh = &edsecret($sku,$pubkey_raw);
my $key = &edkeygen($eddh);
printf "key: f%s\n",unpack'H*',$key;
my $key64 = &encode_base64(pack('H12','002408011240').$key,'');
printf "key64: %s\n",$key64;
printf "privkey: 08011240%s\n",unpack'H*',$key;
exit $?;
sub edsecret(@) {
use Crypt::Ed25519 qw(); # no symbols exported
#my $curve = 'ed25519';
my $recipient_public_raw = pop;
my $origin_private_raw = shift;
#printf "priv58: %s\n",encode_mbase58($private_raw);
#printf "pub58 : %s\n",encode_mbase58($public_raw);
my ($pko, $sko) = Crypt::Ed25519::generate_keypair $origin_private_raw;
#my $origin_public_raw = Crypt::Ed22519::eddsa_public_key($origin_private_raw);
printf "pko: f%s\n",unpack'H*',$pko;
# fc02c7b8a7d67b07e4d7f788e19f4af0f89631ac23c6641d88292f8769139fc4b270f9eb9d380ada9b507e3e3eb498e6e198e70b779985cc72cf153359ee1cd40
printf "sko: f%s (%uc)\n",unpack('H*',$sko),length($sko);
$shared_secret = Crypt::Ed25519::key_exchange($recipient_public_raw, $sko);
#printf "edsecret: f%s\n",unpack'H*',$shared_secret;
if (wantarray) {
my $secret58 = &encode_mbase58($shared_secret);
my $origin_public58 = &encode_mbase58($pko);
my $recipient_public58 = &encode_mbase58($recipient_public_raw);
printf "DH(%s,%s) = %s\n",&botname($origin_public58),&botname($recipient_public58),$secret58;;
return ($shared_secret,$public58,$pubkey58);
} else {
return $shared_secret;
return $shared_secret;
sub edkeygen($){
my $secret = shift;
my ($pko, $sko) = Crypt::Ed25519::generate_keypair $secret;
my $key = $secret . $pko;
return $key;
sub ecsecret(@) {
use Crypt::PK::ECC;
our $secrets;
my $curve = 'secp256k1';
my $public_raw = pop;
my $private_raw = shift;
#printf "priv58: %s\n",encode_mbase58($private_raw);
#printf "pub58 : %s\n",encode_mbase58($public_raw);
my $sk = Crypt::PK::ECC->new();
my $priv = $sk->import_key_raw($private_raw, $curve);
my $pk = Crypt::PK::ECC->new();
my $pub = $pk->import_key_raw($public_raw ,$curve);
my $shared_secret = $priv->shared_secret($pub);
if (wantarray) {
my $secret58 = &encode_mbase58($shared_secret);
my $origin_raw = $priv->export_key_raw('public_compressed');
my $public58 = &encode_mbase58($origin_raw);
my $pubkey58 = &encode_mbase58($public_raw);
printf "DH(%s,%s) = %s\n",&botname($public58),&botname($pubkey58),$secret58;;
return ($shared_secret,$public58,$pubkey58);
} else {
return $shared_secret;
sub encode_mbase58 {
my $mh = sprintf'z%s',&encode_base58(@_);
return $mh;
sub decode_mbase58 {
my $raw;
if ($_[0] =~ m/^z/) {
$raw = decode_base58(substr($_[0],1));
} else {
$raw = decode_base58($_[0]);
return $raw;
sub encode_base58 { # btc
use Math::BigInt;
use Encode::Base58::BigInt qw();
my $bin = join'',@_;
my $bint = Math::BigInt->from_bytes($bin);
my $h58 = Encode::Base58::BigInt::encode_base58($bint);
$h58 =~ tr/a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z/A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z/; # btc
return $h58;
sub decode_base58 {
use Carp qw(cluck);
use Math::BigInt;
use Encode::Base58::BigInt qw();
my $s = $_[0];
$s =~ tr/A-HJ-NP-Za-km-zIO0l/a-km-zA-HJ-NP-ZiooL/; # btc
$s =~ tr/IO0l/iooL/; # forbidden chars
my $bint = Encode::Base58::BigInt::decode_base58($s);
cluck "error decoding $s!" unless $bint;
my $bin = Math::BigInt->new($bint)->as_bytes();
return $bin;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
1; #
syntax = "proto2";
enum KeyType {
RSA = 0;
Ed25519 = 1;
Secp256k1 = 2;
ECDSA = 3;
message PublicKey {
required KeyType Type = 1;
required bytes Data = 2;
message PrivateKey {
required KeyType Type = 1;
required bytes Data = 2;
if ! ipfs swarm addrs local 2>/dev/null; then
ipfs daemon &
sleep 12
tic=$(date +%s%N | cut -c-13)
echo repo: ${IPFS_PATH:-$HOME/.ipfs}
peerid=$(ipfs config Identity.PeerID)
gwport=$(ipfs config Addresses.Gateway | cut -d'/' -f 5)
apiport=$(ipfs config Addresses.API | cut -d'/' -f 5)
token=$(echo "$@" | openssl sha256 -r | cut -d' ' -f1)
qm=$(echo $token | xxd -r -p | ipfs add -Q --pin=true)
token=$(ipfs cat $qm | xxd -p -c 64)
echo "$tic: $qm $@" >> joined.log
echo token: $token
echo addr: $qm
peer=$(ipfs dht findprovs $qm -n 2 --timeout 2s 2>/dev/null | tail -1)
name=$(perl -S $peer)
echo "peer: $peer ($name)"
if [ "x$peer" = "x$peerid" ]; then
route=$(ipfs dht findpeer $peer | grep -v 127 | grep ip4| grep quic | tail -1)
if [ "no$route" != 'no' ]; then
echo ipfs swarm connect $route/p2p/$peer
echo ipfs dag get /ipfs/$qm
time curl -s$qm | xxd
echo xdg-open$qm
echo curl -s -X POST$apiport/api/v0/dag/get?arg=$qm
tic=$(date +%s%N | cut -c-13)
echo repo: ${IPFS_PATH:-$HOME/.ipfs}
peerid=$(ipfs config Identity.PeerID)
gwport=$(ipfs config Addresses.Gateway | cut -d'/' -f 5)
apiport=$(ipfs config Addresses.API | cut -d'/' -f 5)
token=$(echo "$@" | openssl sha256 -r | cut -d' ' -f1)
qm=$(echo $token | xxd -r -p | ipfs add -n -Q)
token=$(ipfs cat $qm | xxd -p -c 64)
echo "$tic: $qm $@"
echo token: $token
echo addr: $qm
ipfs dht findprovs $qm -n 2 --timeout 2s 2>/dev/null | while read peer; do
name=$(perl -S $peer)
echo "peer: $peer ($name)"
if [ "x$peer" != "x$peerid" ]; then
route=$(ipfs dht findpeer $peer | grep -v 127 | grep ip4| grep quic | tail -1)
if [ "no$route" != 'no' ]; then
echo ipfs swarm connect $route/p2p/$peer
echo "Pull request for $pku" | ipfs add -q --hash sha1 --cid-base base58btc --pin=true
peerid=$(ipfs config Identity.PeerID)
token=$(echo "Pull request for $peerid" | ipfs add -Q -n --hash sha1 --cid-base base58btc --pin=true)
echo "token: $token"
if ! ipfs swarm addrs local >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ipfs daemon &
sleep 12
ipfs dht findprovs $token
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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SequenceDiagram [frame=true framecolor=steelblue label="GIT pullRequest Sequence Diagram"] {
actor owner
lifeline "GIT repository" as git
lifeline "ipfs repository" as ipfs
actor user
owner --> git "publish public secret"
activate git
user --> ipfs "get public secret"
git -r-> ipfs
user <-r- ipfs "public secret"
user --> user "compute OT skPRi"
user --> ipfs "push commit to inboundPR branch"
user --> owner "notify w/ token(pkPRi used)"
owner --> git "fetch inboundPR branch"
ipfs -r-> git ""
git --> git "test new branch"
owner --> git "merge branch"
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