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Last active October 21, 2019 06:47
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tornado's Subprocess class usage example. Minimal Tornado's version required - 3.1
from __future__ import print_function
from tornado.gen import Task, Return, coroutine
import tornado.process
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
import subprocess
import time
STREAM = tornado.process.Subprocess.STREAM
def call_subprocess(cmd, stdin_data=None, stdin_async=False):
Wrapper around subprocess call using Tornado's Subprocess class.
stdin = STREAM if stdin_async else subprocess.PIPE
sub_process = tornado.process.Subprocess(
cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=STREAM, stderr=STREAM
if stdin_data:
if stdin_async:
yield Task(sub_process.stdin.write, stdin_data)
if stdin_async or stdin_data:
result, error = yield [
raise Return((result, error))
def on_timeout():
def main():
seconds_to_wait = 3
deadline = time.time() + seconds_to_wait
# don't wait too long
IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(deadline, on_timeout)
# try to get output using synchronous PIPE for stdin
result, error = yield call_subprocess('wc', stdin_data="123")
print('stdin sync: ', result, error)
# try to get output using asynchronous STREAM for stdin
result, error = yield call_subprocess('wc', stdin_data="123", stdin_async=True)
print('stdin async: ', result, error)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ioloop = IOLoop.instance()
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It's valuable to me. Thank you.

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using shlex to format commands will be better.Just like shlex.split(cmd)

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Nilom commented Feb 18, 2014

this won't work when cmd comes with argument(s). So,

import shlex


cmd = shlex.split(cmd)

will work.

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Thank you

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how to call this command?
curl -v -F 'token=zzz' -F 'file=@t.png'

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How can i get the exit code of the process? I tried using subprocess.returncode and subprocess.proc.returncode and it is set to None. For failure i would like to get the actual exit code.
Thanks in advance.!

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