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Created August 21, 2017 21:22
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Water Consumption In New York City
license: mit
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<script id="template" type="text/template">
Year:<strong> <%= year %></strong></br>
Gallons per person per day:<strong> <%= gallonsPerPersonPerDay %></strong></br>
Population:<strong> <%= population %></strong></br>
Total gallons per day:<strong> <%= millionGallonsPerDay %></strong><br/>
// Data from
function(error, data) {
let dataObject = []; {
let newDataSet = {};
newDataSet.year = parseInt(dataSet[8]);
newDataSet.population = parseInt(dataSet[9]);
newDataSet.millionGallonsPerDay = parseInt(dataSet[10]);
newDataSet.gallonsPerPersonPerDay = parseInt(dataSet[11]);
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// Chart Labels
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d3.min(dataObject, function(d) {
return d.gallonsPerPersonPerDay;
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return d.gallonsPerPersonPerDay;
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<h1>Water Consumption In New York City</h1>
<p>A brief history of water consumption in New York City Water Supply System (Based on New York City Census population).</p>
<div class="chart"></div>
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