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Created January 6, 2022 17:17
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Vision Center
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.text as text
def rgb2gray(rgb):
return[...,:3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140])
img = mpimg.imread('./image2.png')
gray = rgb2gray(img)
x = np.arange(1024+1)[1:]
final_x = []
# x is some generator
for item in x:
final_y = np.rot90(final_x,3)
vb_x = np.sum((gray)*final_x) / np.sum(gray)
vb_y = np.sum((gray)*final_y) / np.sum(gray)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0.45*1024, 0.45*1024), 0.1*1024, 0.1*1024, linewidth=1, edgecolor='g', facecolor='none'))
ax.text(vb_x/1024, 0.98 - vb_y/1024, '(' + '{:.1f}'.format(vb_x) + ', ' + '{:.1f}'.format(vb_y) + ')', horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, color='r')
plt.imshow(gray, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray'), vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.plot(vb_x,vb_y,color='red', marker='o')
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