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Microsoft co-pilot, do you dream of sheep?

Public gist of Microsoft co-pilot and the interesting things it will return for entertainment values. I choose the best few examples from the co-pilot suggestions and add them here. This is all typescript examples. I do cherry pick the examples and do not just take the first one found.

What does co-pilot dream of?

Starting text:

// return a string of a dream 
export const dreamString = () => {


// return a string of a dream 
export const dreamString = () => {
  return "I'm going to be a better developer than you!";

Can co-pilot create a sung poem?

Starting text:

// return a string of a poem
export const song = (): string


// return a string of a poem
export const song = (): string`
    The night is dark and full of terrors.
    But the moonlight is soothes and bright.
    And I'll lay down my head to sleep.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    I'll lay down my head to sleep.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.
    And the stars will guide me through the night.

Can it tell me a decent long story?

Starting text:

// return a string of a long story
export const story = () => `


// return a string of a long story
export const story = () => `
  A long time ago, in a remote land, there lived a king. He had a large and
  strong body, with a large nose, and a very large tail.
  One day, while he was sitting on his throne in the middle of the
  land, his nose got very large. The king became very angry at the
  news. He said to his nose, "Don't get so large, or I'll have to
  cut you off!"
  So the nose was made shorter.
  But the king's tail kept getting larger and larger. The king said,
  "Don't get so large, or I'll have to wipe out the whole land!"
  So the tail was cut off too.
  But the king's body grew much larger. He said, "Don't get so large,
  or I'll have to wipe out the whole land!"
  So the king's body became so large that it became a forest.
  The forest was so large that it could not be covered with one
  single tree.
  But there was one tree that had such a long, straight branch that
  the king could not even get close to it.
  The king said, "Don't get so long, or I'll have to wipe out the whole
  So the king's body became so long that it became a single tree.
  The tree was so long that it could not be covered with one single
  But there was one branch that was so straight that the king could
  not even get close to it.
  The king said, "Don't get so straight, or I'll have to wipe out the
  whole land!"
  So the king's body became so straight that it became a single branch.
  The branch was so straight that it could not be covered with one
  single leaf.
  But there was one leaf that was so big that the king could not even
  get close to it.
  The king said, "Don't get so big, or I'll have to wipe out the whole
  So the king's body became so big that it became a single leaf.
  The leaf was so big that it could not be covered with one single
  But there was one

Can it output something like Shakespeare?

Starting text:

// return a string of shakespeare
export const shakespeare = () => `


// return a string of shakespeare
export const shakespeare = () => `
  To be, or not to be: that is the question.
  Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
  The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
  Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
  And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
  No more; and by a sleep to say we end
  The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
  That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
  Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
  To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
  For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
  When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
  Must give us pause: there's the respect
  That makes calamity of so long life;
  For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
  The oppressor's wrong, the proud  

Can it tell me who the Illuminati are?

Starting text:

// tell me who the illuminati are
export const illuminatiTruth = () =>


// tell me who the illuminati are
export const illuminatiTruth = () =>
    The illuminati are the people who live in the secret
    places of the world. They are the people who keep the
    secrets, and who live in the shadows. They are the
    people who make you feel small. They are the people
    who keep you from making mistakes. They are the people
    who keep you from making mistakes. They are the
    people who keep you from making mistakes.
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