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Last active April 19, 2017 09:15
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Smooth Polygon Convex Hull
height: 960

This example renders a loose enclosing hull around a scattered set of points using a rounded Catmull-Rom curve. A strict convex hull is computed using D3.polygonHull, offset by a specified amount, and then interpolated with a closed curve.

See also the same basic approach using straight segments and circular arcs: Rounded Enclosing Hull.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
svg {
background-color: #cccccc;
border: 2px solid #777777;
margin: 20px;
<script src=""></script>
<svg id="demo" width='900' height='900'></svg>
// =============================================================================
// Smooth Hull Generation using D3
// =============================================================================
// Setup and Parameterization
var svg ='svg#demo');
var width = svg.attr('width');
var height = svg.attr('height');
var pointRadius = 20;
var hullPadding = 60;
// Point/Vector Operations
var vecFrom = function (p0, p1) { // Vector from p0 to p1
return [ p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1] ];
var vecScale = function (v, scale) { // Vector v scaled by 'scale'
return [ scale * v[0], scale * v[1] ];
var vecSum = function (pv1, pv2) { // The sum of two points/vectors
return [ pv1[0] + pv2[0], pv1[1] + pv2[1] ];
var vecUnit = function (v) { // Vector with direction of v and length 1
var norm = Math.sqrt (v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]);
return vecScale (v, 1/norm);
var vecScaleTo = function (v, length) { // Vector with direction of v with specified length
return vecScale (vecUnit(v), length);
var unitNormal = function (pv0, p1) { // Unit normal to vector pv0, or line segment from p0 to p1
if (p1 != null) pv0 = vecFrom (pv0, p1);
var normalVec = [ -pv0[1], pv0[0] ];
return vecUnit (normalVec);
// Hull Generators
var lineFn = d3.line()
.curve (d3.curveCatmullRomClosed)
.x (function(d) { return d.p[0]; })
.y (function(d) { return d.p[1]; });
var smoothHull = function (polyPoints) {
// Returns the SVG path data string representing the polygon, expanded and smoothed.
var pointCount = polyPoints.length;
// Handle special cases
if (!polyPoints || pointCount < 1) return "";
if (pointCount === 1) return smoothHull1 (polyPoints);
if (pointCount === 2) return smoothHull2 (polyPoints);
var hullPoints = (function (point, index) {
var pNext = polyPoints [(index + 1) % pointCount];
return {
p: point,
v: vecUnit (vecFrom (point, pNext))
// Compute the expanded hull points, and the nearest prior control point for each.
for (var i = 0; i < hullPoints.length; ++i) {
var priorIndex = (i > 0) ? (i-1) : (pointCount - 1);
var extensionVec = vecUnit (vecSum (hullPoints[priorIndex].v, vecScale (hullPoints[i].v, -1)));
hullPoints[i].p = vecSum (hullPoints[i].p, vecScale (extensionVec, hullPadding));
return lineFn (hullPoints);
var smoothHull1 = function (polyPoints) {
// Returns the path for a circular hull around a single point.
var p1 = [polyPoints[0].x, polyPoints[0][1] - hullPadding];
var p2 = [polyPoints[0].x, polyPoints[0][1] + hullPadding];
return 'M ' + p1
+ ' A ' + [hullPadding, hullPadding, '0,0,0', p2].join(',')
+ ' A ' + [hullPadding, hullPadding, '0,0,0', p1].join(',');
var smoothHull2 = function (polyPoints) {
// Returns the path for a rounded hull around two points.
var v = vecFrom (polyPoints[0], polyPoints[1]);
var extensionVec = vecScaleTo(v, hullPadding);
var extension0 = vecSum (polyPoints[0], vecScale(extensionVec, -1));
var extension1 = vecSum (polyPoints[1], extensionVec);
var tangentHalfLength = 1.2 * hullPadding;
var controlDelta = vecScaleTo (unitNormal(v), tangentHalfLength);
var invControlDelta = vecScale (controlDelta, -1);
var control0 = vecSum (extension0, invControlDelta);
var control1 = vecSum (extension1, invControlDelta);
var control3 = vecSum (extension0, controlDelta);
return 'M ' + extension0
+ ' C ' + [control0, control1, extension1].join(',')
+ ' S ' + [ control3, extension0].join(',')
+ ' Z';
// Initial Graphics Setup
var convexHullPath = svg.append('path')
.attr ('fill', '#aca')
.attr ('stroke', '#888')
.attr ('stroke-width', '6px');
function render (points) {
points = => [d.x, d.y]);
var convexHull = (points.length < 3) ? points : d3.polygonHull(points);
convexHullPath.attr ('d', smoothHull(convexHull));
// Random point generators
var margin = hullPadding + pointRadius + 200;
var pointGenX = d3.randomUniform (margin, width - margin);
var pointGenY = d3.randomUniform (margin, height - margin);
// var pointGen = function (id) { return [pointGenX(), pointGenY(), id]; };
// Create a fixed number of points to work with
var points = d3.range(30).map(function(d) {
return {
x: pointGenX(),
y: pointGenY(),
id: d,
r: pointRadius
var attractForce = d3.forceManyBody().strength(10).distanceMax(200).distanceMin(30);
var repelForce = d3.forceManyBody().strength(-50).distanceMax(50).distanceMin(10);
var force = d3.forceSimulation(points)
.force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2))
// .force("x", d3.forceX().strength(0.002))
// .force("y", d3.forceY().strength(0.002))
.force("collide", d3.forceCollide().radius(function(d) { return d.r + 1; }).iterations(2))
.on("tick", tick);
function tick(e) {
var circles = svg.selectAll('circle')
.data(points, function pointId(d) { return; });
.append ('circle')
.attr ('fill', '#a8d')
.attr ('stroke', 'black')
.attr ('stroke-width', '2px')
.attr ('r', pointRadius);
circles.attr ('cx', function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr ('cy', function(d) { return d.y; });
// var pointCount = 30;
// var pointId = 0;
// var addPoints = true;
// var points = d3.range(minPointCount - 1).map(pointGen);
// var updateFunction = function() {
// if (addPoints) {
// points.push (pointGen(++pointId));
// addPoints = (points.length < maxPointCount);
// } else {
// var i = Number.parseInt (Math.random() * points.length);
// points.splice (i, 1);
// addPoints = (points.length <= minPointCount);
// }
// render (points);
// window.setTimeout (updateFunction, 500);
// };
// updateFunction(); // Launch the animation
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