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Last active December 2, 2022 18:27
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Using dekapng to export a tiled version of an image
// example of writing an RGBA png
// TODO: Define the contract that this expects the draw function to adhere to
// - it should clear the screen if necessary
// - it should render to completion
// - it should be given a clean random state
// For this example, RenderContext contains a PicoGL App instance, which
// contains a WebGL context.
// This function will call the provided "renderFn" repeatedly until all of the
// tiles are rendered, and it will then return a blob that can be saved via
// window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
// renderContext: stores information about the current WebGL configuration/buffers, etc.
// scale: the number of tiles to render in each direction
// chunkSize: the width of each tile (this currently doesn't support other aspect ratios)
// renderFn: a function that will be repeatedly called to render the scene.
// Note: This function needs to reset the RNG state if that's used
export function renderTiledExportBlob(
renderContext: RenderContext,
scale: number,
chunkSize: number,
renderFn: (context: RenderContext) => void
) {
const pngRGBAWriter = new PNGRGBAWriter(
chunkSize * scale,
chunkSize * scale
// iteration proceeds in rows
for (let chunkY = scale - 1; chunkY >= 0; chunkY--) {
// My coordinate system is from 0 to 1 on each axis
// fit is a linear interpolation function that maps from one interval to another
const yOffset = fit(
scale - 1,
1.0 - 1.0 / scale,
-1.0 + 1.0 / scale
const rowChunks = []
for (let chunkX = 0; chunkX < scale; chunkX++) {
console.log(`Rendering chunk [${chunkX}, ${chunkY}]`)
const xOffset = fit(
scale - 1,
1.0 - 1.0 / scale,
-1.0 + 1.0 / scale
// This tells WebGL to zoom into the current tile via scaling and translation
setScaleAndOffset(renderContext, scale, xOffset, yOffset)
const data = new Uint8Array(chunkSize * chunkSize * scale * 4)
const gl =
for (let row = chunkSize - 1; row >= 0; --row) {
rowChunks.forEach((chunk, _) => {
const rowSize = chunkSize * 4
const chunkOffset = rowSize * row
pngRGBAWriter.addPixels(chunk, chunkOffset, chunkSize)
return pngRGBAWriter.finishAndGetBlob()
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