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An AppleScript for Safari to move all tabs in the frontmost window, from the current tab to the rightmost (last) tab, to a new window.
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- Original script: John Gruber (
-- Much more elegant version: Leon Cowle (
tell application "Safari"
`tab` properties:
source (the full HTML of the page)
set _old_window to window 1
make new document
set _new_window to window 1
-- save # of tabs in new window (e.g. pinned tabs)
set _new_window_count to count tabs of _new_window
-- repeat over relevant tabs in old window,
-- create them in new window, and close in old window
set _tabs to tabs of _old_window
set _tab_count to count _tabs
repeat with i from _tab_count to 1 by -1
set _t to item i of _tabs
tell _new_window to make new tab at after tab _new_window_count with properties {URL:URL of _t as string}
if visible of _t then
-- we've reached visible tab in old window
close _t
exit repeat
end if
close _t
end repeat
-- Close the blank Start Page tab (which will be the 1st tab after all the pinned tabs)
tell _new_window to close tab _new_window_count
end tell
Another idea: present a list of all tabs in the front window and select the ones you want to move to a new one. `choose from list` returns a list of strings, so we could put the tab indexes in the item names.
choose from list {"1: One", "2: Two", "3: Three", "4: Four", "5: Five"} default items {"Four", "Five"} OK button name "Move to New Window" with multiple selections allowed
set _s to "3: Three"
first word of _s as integer -- 3
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