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Last active August 12, 2020 05:36
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Google win price decrypter typescript version
function base64AddPadding(str: string) {
return str + Array((4 - str.length % 4) % 4 + 1).join('=');
// should set your encryption, integrity key
const e_key = Buffer.from([0x00, ...]);
const i_key = Buffer.from([0x00, ...]);
const decodeWinPriceFromGoogle = (win_price: string): number => {
if (win_price.length != 38) throw new Error('[INVALID_GOOGLE_WIN_PRICE_LENGTH] ' + win_price);
// Base64 padding characters are omitted.
// Add any required base64 padding (= or ==).
const win_price_valid_base64 = base64AddPadding(win_price);
// Web-safe decode, then base64 decode.
const websafe_encoded = win_price_valid_base64.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/');
// enc_price := initVector(16 bytes) || E(payload)(8 bytes) || I(signature)(4 bytes)
const enc_price = Buffer.from(websafe_encoded, 'base64');
// Message is decoded but remains encrypted.
// Split up according to fixed lengths.
const iv = enc_price.slice(0, 16);
const price_pad = crypto.createHmac('sha1', e_key).update(iv).digest();
for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
enc_price[16 + i] ^= price_pad[i];
const sig = enc_price.readUInt32BE(24);
const conf_sig = crypto.createHmac('sha1', i_key)
.update(enc_price.slice(16, 24))
const success = (conf_sig === sig);
if (success) {
// win_price is CPI
const decoded_win_price = parseInt(enc_price.slice(16, 24).toString('hex'), 16) / 1000;
return decoded_win_price;
} else {
throw new Error('[INVALID_GOOGLE_WIN_PRICE] ' + win_price);
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