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Romance Comedy 1895
Drama Comedy 2546
Action Crime 767
Thriller Crime 1232
Comedy Crime 692
Drama Crime 1712
Comedy Romance 1895
Drama Romance 2573
Horror Thriller 1073
Crime Thriller 1232
Action Thriller 1109
Drama Thriller 1868
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2001: A Space Odyssey,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Back to the Future; Blade Runner; Alien; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Terminator; Godfather; Shawshank Redemption; Fargo; Forrest Gump; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Jurassic Park; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Clockwork Orange; Aliens; American Beauty; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Schindler's List; Usual Suspects; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Toy Story; Apocalypse Now; Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fugitive; Die Hard; Reservoir Dogs; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fight Club; Princess Bride; Godfather: Part II; Shining; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Casablanca; Full Metal Jacket; Goodfellas; Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Taxi Driver; Being John Malkovich; Fifth Element; Psycho; Wizard of Oz; Batman; Jaws; Amadeus; Memento; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Gladiator; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Citizen Kane; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Good Will Hunting; Dances with Wolves; Rain Man; Truman Show; Total Recall; Fish Called Wanda; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Rear Window; Shrek; Blues Brothers; Brazil; Graduate; Trainspotting; Speed; Stand by Me; Contact; Abyss; Big Lebowski; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lion King; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Mission: Impossible; Hunt for Red October; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; When Harry Met Sally...; Chinatown; X-Men; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Dead Poets Society; Gattaca; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Aladdin; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Edward Scissorhands; True Lies; North by Northwest; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Platoon; Minority Report; Planet of the Apes; Vertigo; Titanic; Shakespeare in Love; Airplane!; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; This Is Spinal Tap; Beetlejuice; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Rock; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Clerks; Sting; Young Frankenstein; Breakfast Club; Raising Arizona; There's Something About Mary; Annie Hall; Babe; Back to the Future Part II; American History X; Star Trek: First Contact; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; As Good as It Gets; Unforgiven; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Big; Spider-Man; Toy Story 2; Monsters Inc.; Stargate; Ocean's Eleven; Untouchables; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Bridge on the River Kwai; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Lethal Weapon; Beautiful Mind; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Mask; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Donnie Darko; Heat; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Top Gun; Das Boot (The Boat); To Kill a Mockingbird; It's a Wonderful Life; Finding Nemo; Lawrence of Arabia; Office Space; Beauty and the Beast; Green Mile; Nightmare Before Christmas; Superman; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; RoboCop; Jerry Maguire; Rocky; Bug's Life; Predator; Bourne Identity; Maltese Falcon; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Pretty Woman; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Mrs. Doubtfire; Back to the Future Part III; GoldenEye; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Get Shorty; High Fidelity; Traffic; Exorcist; Deer Hunter; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Lost in Translation; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Snatch; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Almost Famous; Dark City; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Face/Off; Birds; 12 Angry Men; Gone with the Wind; Incredibles; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Cool Hand Luke; Cast Away; Batman Begins; Full Monty; Ed Wood; Ghost; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Fantasia; Sleepless in Seattle; Die Hard 2; Chicken Run; Great Escape; Casino; Clear and Present Danger; Catch Me If You Can; Manchurian Candidate; Galaxy Quest; Starship Troopers; Fly; Game; African Queen; Goldfinger; Leaving Las Vegas; Sneakers; Mars Attacks!; Raging Bull; Clueless; Mary Poppins; Star Trek: Generations; Boogie Nights; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Few Good Men; Twister; Sling Blade; Requiem for a Dream; Crying Game; American Pie; Sin City; Glory; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Grosse Pointe Blank; Home Alone; Dead Man Walking; Army of Darkness; Some Like It Hot; In the Line of Fire; Cape Fear; Witness; Rushmore; Philadelphia; Jackie Brown; Natural Born Killers; Dogma; Quiz Show; Unbreakable; Eyes Wide Shut; Sound of Music; Romancing the Stone; Gandhi; King Kong; Highlander; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Bonnie and Clyde; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); English Patient; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Mummy; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; X2: X-Men United; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Bowling for Columbine; French Connection; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Firm; True Romance; Royal Tenenbaums; Pi; Field of Dreams; Blue Velvet; Good Morning Vietnam; Dark Knight; Magnolia; Blazing Saddles; Wayne's World; Three Kings; 28 Days Later; Sleepy Hollow; Last of the Mohicans],[16419; 15982; 15034; 14861; 14687; 14657; 14597; 14562; 14550; 14399; 13714; 13665; 13541; 13342; 13057; 12998; 12968; 12902; 12647; 12601; 12464; 12386; 12357; 12320; 12265; 12187; 11842; 11510; 11482; 11468; 11436; 11424; 11217; 11021; 10938; 10858; 10851; 10718; 10485; 10457; 10377; 10375; 10211; 10196; 10148; 10130; 10033; 9933; 9927; 9883; 9838; 9818; 9732; 9687; 9597; 9569; 9543; 9507; 9418; 9176; 9161; 8901; 8802; 8763; 8692; 8609; 8595; 8576; 8567; 8496; 8467; 8377; 8295; 8293; 8267; 8264; 8260; 8243; 8224; 8213; 8120; 8098; 8089; 7983; 7960; 7959; 7955; 7945; 7880; 7868; 7853; 7836; 7807; 7789; 7729; 7717; 7710; 7650; 7650; 7628; 7598; 7578; 7543; 7426; 7394; 7378; 7345; 7344; 7328; 7282; 7245; 7185; 7161; 7150; 7134; 7131; 7060; 7044; 7003; 7000; 7000; 6963; 6956; 6940; 6893; 6855; 6823; 6788; 6781; 6734; 6697; 6695; 6646; 6590; 6585; 6583; 6580; 6532; 6517; 6495; 6487; 6487; 6467; 6462; 6416; 6404; 6403; 6364; 6361; 6342; 6332; 6311; 6279; 6263; 6259; 6244; 6243; 6235; 6216; 6201; 6188; 6154; 6145; 6120; 6117; 6112; 6109; 6092; 6038; 5968; 5949; 5946; 5933; 5900; 5866; 5839; 5836; 5819; 5806; 5776; 5737; 5725; 5711; 5706; 5687; 5686; 5682; 5648; 5641; 5641; 5630; 5595; 5586; 5578; 5577; 5541; 5533; 5508; 5489; 5488; 5487; 5472; 5433; 5430; 5415; 5400; 5399; 5394; 5393; 5383; 5380; 5374; 5315; 5301; 5293; 5291; 5258; 5225; 5216; 5213; 5192; 5183; 5179; 5173; 5162; 5148; 5141; 5110; 5078; 5064; 5055; 5036; 5026; 5025; 5020; 5007; 5004; 4991; 4988; 4978; 4964; 4959; 4950; 4927; 4916; 4879; 4872; 4856; 4855; 4851; 4847; 4835; 4832; 4826; 4822; 4816; 4805; 4802; 4792; 4751; 4747; 4730; 4718; 4714; 4712; 4699; 4681; 4680; 4665; 4657; 4633; 4630; 4619; 4616; 4611; 4601; 4592; 4591; 4589; 4558; 4538; 4532; 4512]
Abyss,[Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Terminator; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Matrix; Alien; Aliens; Silence of the Lambs; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Braveheart; Die Hard; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Blade Runner; Fugitive; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Toy Story; American Beauty; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; Groundhog Day; Fifth Element; Batman; Princess Bride; Schindler's List; Godfather; Fargo; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Total Recall; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Gladiator; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Speed; Jaws; Fight Club; Apollo 13; True Lies; Hunt for Red October; Rock; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Full Metal Jacket; Mission: Impossible; Dances with Wolves; Reservoir Dogs; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Contact; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; L.A. Confidential; Stand by Me; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clockwork Orange; Lethal Weapon; Shining; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Apocalypse Now; Blues Brothers; Goodfellas; Stargate; Being John Malkovich; Rain Man; Good Will Hunting; Godfather: Part II; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Lion King; Aladdin; Predator; Top Gun; Wizard of Oz; Star Trek: First Contact; Shrek; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Fish Called Wanda; Truman Show; Gattaca; Back to the Future Part II; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Dead Poets Society; When Harry Met Sally...; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Memento; Die Hard 2; Beetlejuice; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Psycho; Planet of the Apes; Bug's Life; Titanic; Minority Report; Platoon; Big; RoboCop; Breakfast Club; Amadeus; Face/Off; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Heat; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Untouchables; Toy Story 2; Superman; Airplane!; Casablanca; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Edward Scissorhands; Clear and Present Danger; Spider-Man; Clerks; There's Something About Mary; Shakespeare in Love; GoldenEye; As Good as It Gets; Back to the Future Part III; Mask; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Green Mile; Ocean's Eleven; Taxi Driver; Jerry Maguire; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Highlander; Twister; Trainspotting; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Galaxy Quest; Rocky; Pretty Woman; Big Lebowski; Sneakers; Starship Troopers; Office Space; American Pie; Unforgiven; Beauty and the Beast; Ghost; Cast Away; Monsters Inc.; Babe; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; In the Line of Fire; Romancing the Stone; Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mummy; Game; Bourne Identity; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Raising Arizona; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Get Shorty; American History X; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Brazil; Army of Darkness; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Few Good Men; Star Trek: Generations; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dark City; Fly; Armageddon; Young Frankenstein; Nightmare Before Christmas; Crow; Finding Nemo; Lethal Weapon 2; Sleepless in Seattle; Beautiful Mind; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Outbreak; Rear Window; Last of the Mohicans; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Enemy of the State; This Is Spinal Tap; Chicken Run; Unbreakable; Grosse Pointe Blank; Graduate; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Citizen Kane; Mars Attacks!; Air Force One; Sleepy Hollow; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Glory; Crimson Tide; Sting; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Home Alone; Almost Famous; Escape from New York; Erin Brockovich; High Fidelity; X2: X-Men United; Casino; Exorcist; Firm; Goldfinger; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Snatch; Batman Returns; Traffic; Scream; X-Files: Fight the Future; North by Northwest; Clueless; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Con Air; Full Monty; Tron; Cape Fear; Maverick; Chinatown; Das Boot (The Boat); Jumanji; Cocoon; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Catch Me If You Can; Spaceballs; Good Morning Vietnam; Field of Dreams; Dogma; Thing; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); True Romance; Incredibles; Crocodile Dundee; Vertigo; Wayne's World; Dave; Donnie Darko; Demolition Man; Thomas Crown Affair; It's a Wonderful Life; Bridge on the River Kwai; Batman Begins; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Blade; Mary Poppins; Dune; Beverly Hills Cop; Natural Born Killers; Philadelphia; Willow; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Gremlins; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Blair Witch Project; Three Kings; Birds; Arachnophobia; From Dusk Till Dawn; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Witness; King Kong; Mad Max; Basic Instinct; Pleasantville; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Little Mermaid; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Waterworld; Goonies; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); My Cousin Vinny; Leaving Las Vegas; Sling Blade; Mission: Impossible II; Great Escape; Matrix Reloaded; Poltergeist; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Desperado; Mask of Zorro; Grease; Thelma & Louise; Spider-Man 2; Lawrence of Arabia; Christmas Story; Boogie Nights; Splash; Liar Liar; Alien: Resurrection; Fantasia; Ransom; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Cliffhanger; Patriot Games; To Kill a Mockingbird; Devil's Advocate; Chasing Amy; Patriot; Gone with the Wind; Talented Mr. Ripley; American President; Time Bandits; Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Deep Impact; Ronin; Meet the Parents; NeverEnding Story; Tomorrow Never Dies; Tombstone; Sound of Music; Dead Man Walking; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Rushmore; Broken Arrow; Ed Wood; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Crying Game; Jackie Brown; Bourne Supremacy; Deer Hunter; Election; Nutty Professor; Eyes Wide Shut; Animal House; Ben-Hur; 28 Days Later; Batman Forever; Maltese Falcon; Misery; Quiz Show; Blazing Saddles; Akira; La Femme Nikita; Annie Hall; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Birdcage; Trading Places; Negotiator; Cool Hand Luke; African Queen; Jungle Book; Magnolia; Happy Gilmore; Heathers; Wedding Singer; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Sin City; English Patient; Lost in Translation; Dark Crystal; Dragonheart; Conspiracy Theory; Donnie Brasco],[12311; 12128; 11811; 11597; 11430; 11413; 11387; 11173; 10901; 10881; 10701; 10521; 10055; 9809; 9806; 9751; 9709; 9608; 9550; 9517; 9429; 9381; 9338; 9130; 8796; 8793; 8773; 8741; 8718; 8612; 8432; 8428; 8419; 8382; 8280; 8262; 8180; 8129; 8120; 8074; 7969; 7967; 7821; 7797; 7637; 7613; 7525; 7460; 7298; 7286; 7240; 7170; 7133; 7095; 7091; 7022; 7011; 7009; 6879; 6815; 6803; 6802; 6800; 6792; 6756; 6618; 6541; 6540; 6523; 6506; 6480; 6448; 6442; 6440; 6417; 6413; 6401; 6364; 6348; 6285; 6275; 6243; 6235; 6233; 6209; 6204; 6202; 6180; 6133; 6085; 6006; 6005; 6004; 5978; 5956; 5954; 5948; 5932; 5906; 5876; 5869; 5853; 5850; 5811; 5794; 5769; 5758; 5719; 5714; 5687; 5646; 5641; 5636; 5623; 5598; 5570; 5567; 5544; 5527; 5518; 5506; 5497; 5491; 5489; 5482; 5456; 5424; 5422; 5403; 5366; 5355; 5312; 5276; 5242; 5233; 5207; 5185; 5173; 5170; 5165; 5162; 5149; 5144; 5139; 5099; 5095; 5093; 5081; 5051; 5049; 5007; 4978; 4955; 4944; 4921; 4918; 4896; 4881; 4880; 4863; 4856; 4846; 4824; 4792; 4788; 4754; 4751; 4751; 4728; 4718; 4715; 4697; 4656; 4656; 4638; 4631; 4603; 4597; 4591; 4591; 4591; 4546; 4542; 4535; 4532; 4511; 4494; 4473; 4470; 4469; 4461; 4454; 4453; 4420; 4415; 4414; 4395; 4380; 4371; 4371; 4354; 4332; 4267; 4259; 4254; 4254; 4252; 4236; 4232; 4227; 4227; 4225; 4222; 4220; 4208; 4207; 4176; 4173; 4172; 4165; 4163; 4162; 4162; 4157; 4141; 4137; 4132; 4131; 4123; 4084; 4075; 4065; 4057; 4044; 4041; 4036; 4036; 4016; 4001; 3981; 3971; 3945; 3941; 3938; 3937; 3937; 3935; 3932; 3929; 3928; 3927; 3924; 3920; 3881; 3870; 3867; 3867; 3866; 3859; 3859; 3854; 3845; 3840; 3832; 3822; 3818; 3818; 3811; 3808; 3807; 3805; 3802; 3784; 3742; 3735; 3728; 3726; 3725; 3720; 3712; 3708; 3707; 3690; 3676; 3675; 3670; 3659; 3656; 3653; 3645; 3643; 3637; 3635; 3630; 3628; 3628; 3628; 3619; 3615; 3613; 3605; 3581; 3579; 3573; 3572; 3572; 3570; 3564; 3556; 3550; 3547; 3544; 3541; 3530; 3517; 3517; 3517; 3502; 3498; 3489; 3478; 3466; 3459; 3444; 3437; 3435; 3428; 3413; 3413; 3412; 3396; 3394; 3388; 3380; 3366; 3355; 3351; 3335; 3333; 3331; 3328; 3327; 3321; 3319; 3309; 3305; 3304; 3293; 3279; 3277; 3274; 3271; 3269; 3252; 3251; 3247; 3245; 3242; 3238; 3233; 3228; 3218; 3201; 3187; 3171]
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Batman; Silence of the Lambs; Apollo 13; Fugitive; Shawshank Redemption; True Lies; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Speed; Mask; Lion King; Mrs. Doubtfire; Beauty and the Beast; Toy Story; Batman Forever; Usual Suspects; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Stargate; Clear and Present Danger; Schindler's List; GoldenEye; Outbreak; Pretty Woman; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Cliffhanger; Ghost; Firm; Back to the Future; Matrix; Mission: Impossible; Home Alone; Crimson Tide; Star Trek: Generations; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Babe; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Waterworld; Sleepless in Seattle; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Net; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; While You Were Sleeping; Clueless; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Sixth Sense; American Beauty; Fight Club; Fargo; Die Hard; Rock; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Get Shorty; Terminator; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Natural Born Killers; Groundhog Day; Twister; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Gladiator; Saving Private Ryan; Shrek; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Jumanji; Addams Family Values; Godfather; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Quiz Show; Dave; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Clerks; Alien; Fifth Element; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; In the Line of Fire; Heat; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Memento; X-Men; There's Something About Mary; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Good Will Hunting; Ocean's Eleven; Nightmare Before Christmas; Princess Bride; Titanic; Demolition Man; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Aliens; Philadelphia; Blade Runner; Spider-Man; Tombstone; Santa Clause; Maverick; Crow; Finding Nemo; Broken Arrow; Minority Report; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; American Pie; Birdcage; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Monsters Inc.; Client; Taxi Driver; Rain Man; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; American History X; Goodfellas; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Happy Gilmore; American President; Shining; Bourne Identity; Green Mile; Trainspotting; Being John Malkovich; Full Metal Jacket; Beautiful Mind; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Disclosure; Legends of the Fall; Back to the Future Part II; Office Space; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Casino; Liar Liar; Top Gun; Jaws; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Jerry Maguire; Batman Begins; Beverly Hills Cop III; Incredibles; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clockwork Orange; Edward Scissorhands; True Romance; Godfather: Part II; Catch Me If You Can; Big Lebowski; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Beetlejuice; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; As Good as It Gets],[19730; 19333; 18504; 17991; 17556; 17449; 17315; 17275; 16888; 16709; 16212; 16167; 15249; 14968; 14855; 14658; 14630; 14514; 14357; 13166; 12958; 12806; 12774; 12772; 12514; 12492; 12287; 12078; 11749; 11635; 11500; 11457; 11442; 10919; 10509; 10478; 10455; 10448; 10414; 10395; 10307; 10297; 9956; 9844; 9830; 9809; 9670; 9657; 9551; 9417; 9365; 9183; 9117; 8928; 8888; 8873; 8856; 8792; 8625; 8585; 8574; 8555; 8540; 8516; 8485; 8409; 8385; 8352; 8319; 8154; 8143; 8076; 7973; 7967; 7882; 7738; 7730; 7623; 7572; 7494; 7493; 7477; 7319; 7229; 7162; 6960; 6951; 6946; 6928; 6926; 6882; 6880; 6847; 6820; 6794; 6781; 6771; 6756; 6752; 6726; 6715; 6679; 6649; 6639; 6527; 6510; 6454; 6448; 6400; 6376; 6348; 6241; 6234; 6218; 6196; 6179; 6158; 6145; 6141; 6132; 6118; 6107; 6027; 5983; 5978; 5969; 5948; 5932; 5916; 5915; 5862; 5813; 5785; 5782; 5780; 5778; 5720; 5697; 5687; 5637; 5629; 5619; 5577; 5577; 5549; 5527; 5522; 5518; 5496; 5489; 5488; 5456; 5444; 5415; 5403; 5375; 5347; 5346; 5297; 5274; 5274]
Addams Family Values,[Batman; Fugitive; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Aladdin; Silence of the Lambs; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Shawshank Redemption; Beauty and the Beast; Braveheart; Lion King; Batman Forever; Speed; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Stargate; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clear and Present Danger; Star Trek: Generations; Outbreak; Ghost; GoldenEye; Firm; Pretty Woman; Babe; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Usual Suspects; While You Were Sleeping; Schindler's List; Crimson Tide; Toy Story; Clueless; Sleepless in Seattle; Cliffhanger; Net; Waterworld; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Get Shorty; Home Alone; Quiz Show; Dave; Natural Born Killers; Jumanji; Nightmare Before Christmas; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Santa Clause; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mission: Impossible; Client; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); In the Line of Fire; Demolition Man; Twister; Birdcage; Maverick; Fargo; Philadelphia; American President; Tombstone; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Disclosure; Back to the Future; Ed Wood; Crow; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Legends of the Fall; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Coneheads; Clerks; Beverly Hills Cop III; Rock; Broken Arrow; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Piano; Congo; Casper; Terminator; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); French Kiss; Matrix; Taxi Driver; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Heat; Nell; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Princess Bride; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Alien; Species; I.Q.; Blade Runner; True Romance; Sense and Sensibility; Rob Roy; Three Musketeers; Mr. Holland's Opus; Judge Dredd; Aliens; Sixth Sense; Leaving Las Vegas; Last Action Hero; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Wizard of Oz; American Beauty; Much Ado About Nothing; Jungle Book; Fish Called Wanda; Dead Man Walking; Specialist; Casino; Fifth Element; Godfather; Little Women; Desperado; Nine Months; Miracle on 34th Street; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; Beetlejuice; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Tommy Boy; Pinocchio; Fight Club],[10714; 9853; 9818; 9811; 9809; 9732; 9588; 9494; 9455; 9082; 8904; 8547; 8426; 8342; 8254; 8199; 8174; 8131; 7939; 7870; 7833; 7765; 7730; 7718; 7631; 7247; 7197; 6936; 6923; 6906; 6889; 6830; 6730; 6580; 6546; 6533; 6471; 6361; 6338; 6331; 6311; 6305; 6080; 6041; 5905; 5864; 5862; 5837; 5649; 5346; 5246; 5245; 5224; 5023; 4831; 4789; 4625; 4603; 4573; 4547; 4466; 4460; 4408; 4387; 4357; 4289; 4272; 4260; 4240; 4228; 4213; 4190; 4107; 4068; 4014; 4006; 4006; 3998; 3997; 3912; 3871; 3832; 3807; 3731; 3658; 3650; 3645; 3623; 3621; 3590; 3571; 3559; 3518; 3501; 3473; 3466; 3444; 3432; 3421; 3401; 3379; 3372; 3352; 3329; 3321; 3319; 3315; 3300; 3291; 3283; 3237; 3237; 3212; 3150; 3144; 3127; 3121; 3106; 3096; 3077; 3069; 3058; 3032; 3027; 2997; 2994; 2979; 2969; 2964; 2917; 2879; 2873; 2855; 2852; 2837; 2835; 2816; 2800; 2794; 2786]
Airplane!,[Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Forrest Gump; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Toy Story; Sixth Sense; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Fargo; Terminator; Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; Godfather; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Die Hard; Alien; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Schindler's List; Braveheart; Fugitive; Fight Club; Blade Runner; Aliens; Big; Gladiator; Breakfast Club; Good Will Hunting; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; L.A. Confidential; Being John Malkovich; Rain Man; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Stand by Me; Apollo 13; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Reservoir Dogs; Goodfellas; Beetlejuice; Batman; Jaws; Truman Show; Shrek; Fish Called Wanda; Wizard of Oz; There's Something About Mary; Blues Brothers; Shining; When Harry Met Sally...; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Memento; Godfather: Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Apocalypse Now; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Full Metal Jacket; Total Recall; Hunt for Red October; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Lethal Weapon; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Clockwork Orange; Office Space; As Good as It Gets; X-Men; Edward Scissorhands; Shakespeare in Love; Fifth Element; Aladdin; Speed; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); This Is Spinal Tap; Toy Story 2; Big Lebowski; Casablanca; Amadeus; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Raising Arizona; Lion King; True Lies; Psycho; Back to the Future Part II; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Clerks; Titanic; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Young Frankenstein; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Mission: Impossible; Ocean's Eleven; Dances with Wolves; Dead Poets Society; Taxi Driver; Bug's Life; Untouchables; Spider-Man; Monsters Inc.; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Minority Report; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Rock; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Rocky; Finding Nemo; American Pie; Contact; Babe; Graduate; Green Mile; Citizen Kane; Trainspotting; Jerry Maguire; American History X; Almost Famous; Platoon; High Fidelity; Beautiful Mind; Bourne Identity; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Christmas Story; Rear Window; Superman; Abyss; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Romancing the Stone; Full Monty; Animal House; Cast Away; Top Gun; Wayne's World; Few Good Men; Back to the Future Part III; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Planet of the Apes; Grosse Pointe Blank; Blazing Saddles; Sting; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Beauty and the Beast; North by Northwest; My Cousin Vinny; Incredibles; Catch Me If You Can; Pretty Woman; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Annie Hall; Dogma; Unforgiven; Traffic; Clueless; Chicken Run; RoboCop; Predator; Chinatown; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Nightmare Before Christmas; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Good Morning Vietnam; Trading Places; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Face/Off; Rushmore; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Election; Meet the Parents; Batman Begins; Boogie Nights; Get Shorty; Galaxy Quest; It's a Wonderful Life; Pleasantville; Snatch; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; GoldenEye; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Sleepless in Seattle; Heat; Ghost; Exorcist; Goldfinger; Die Hard 2; Donnie Darko; To Kill a Mockingbird; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Sling Blade; Vertigo; Mummy; Home Alone; Witness; Spaceballs; Brazil; Erin Brockovich; Crocodile Dundee; Game; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Little Mermaid; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Caddyshack; Liar Liar; Casino; Beverly Hills Cop; X2: X-Men United; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Mary Poppins; Lost in Translation; Three Kings; Splash; Spider-Man 2; Stargate; Glory; Field of Dreams; Star Trek: First Contact; Clear and Present Danger; Chasing Amy; Heathers; Lethal Weapon 2; Grease; Wedding Singer; Unbreakable; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Air Force One; Starship Troopers; Stripes; Scream; Enemy of the State; Gremlins; Bridge on the River Kwai; Royal Tenenbaums; Twister; Ed Wood; Cool Hand Luke; Happy Gilmore; Gone with the Wind; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; King Kong; Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!; Blair Witch Project; Thelma & Louise; Fly; 12 Angry Men; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Cocoon; Sleepy Hollow; Best in Show; In the Line of Fire; Jackie Brown; Dave; Armageddon; Sound of Music; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Say Anything...; Risky Business; Sneakers; Army of Darkness; Fantasia; Philadelphia; Bourne Supremacy; Sin City; Mars Attacks!; Leaving Las Vegas; Maltese Falcon; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Das Boot (The Boat); Sixteen Candles; Bowling for Columbine; Some Like It Hot; Great Escape; Quiz Show; Birds; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Shrek 2; Manchurian Candidate; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Batman Returns; Talented Mr. Ripley; Swingers; Dark City; League of Their Own; Misery; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Shaun of the Dead; Thomas Crown Affair; Gods Must Be Crazy; Matrix Reloaded; Lawrence of Arabia; Cape Fear; Dead Man Walking; Big Fish; Goonies; Magnolia; Firm; Wag the Dog; Deliverance; Birdcage; Poltergeist; Scarface; Deer Hunter; American President; True Romance; Last of the Mohicans; Con Air; Jerk; Raging Bull; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Crying Game; Dark Knight; Jumanji; Bull Durham; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Requiem for a Dream; Donnie Brasco; 28 Days Later; African Queen; Natural Born Killers; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Crow; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Crimson Tide; American Graffiti; Planes Trains & Automobiles; National Lampoon's Vacation; Highlander; Maverick; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; V for Vendetta; Jungle Book; Eyes Wide Shut; Lady and the Tramp; Time Bandits; Casino Royale; French Connection; Notting Hill; Departed; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure],[11926; 11597; 11482; 11364; 11185; 10974; 10897; 10666; 10647; 10544; 10515; 10430; 10326; 10322; 9977; 9871; 9746; 9737; 9701; 9699; 9621; 9594; 9493; 9433; 9405; 9273; 9269; 9016; 8924; 8923; 8912; 8818; 8770; 8430; 8397; 8236; 8195; 8152; 8063; 8051; 8002; 7999; 7995; 7949; 7944; 7926; 7910; 7900; 7871; 7786; 7741; 7690; 7677; 7671; 7627; 7620; 7589; 7575; 7520; 7485; 7482; 7481; 7428; 7363; 7328; 7309; 7301; 7266; 7218; 7215; 7205; 7160; 7086; 7077; 7076; 7019; 7013; 6995; 6970; 6970; 6922; 6913; 6903; 6902; 6863; 6835; 6803; 6776; 6759; 6759; 6731; 6705; 6652; 6646; 6604; 6600; 6535; 6487; 6482; 6446; 6437; 6402; 6352; 6342; 6292; 6289; 6262; 6239; 6222; 6183; 6157; 6134; 6102; 6024; 6020; 5939; 5876; 5840; 5828; 5824; 5814; 5813; 5784; 5781; 5778; 5750; 5748; 5729; 5708; 5689; 5672; 5654; 5646; 5637; 5635; 5629; 5623; 5610; 5598; 5559; 5552; 5542; 5514; 5506; 5504; 5489; 5484; 5480; 5465; 5458; 5404; 5387; 5381; 5375; 5362; 5323; 5303; 5294; 5282; 5268; 5248; 5246; 5205; 5200; 5174; 5170; 5145; 5128; 5121; 5099; 5096; 5086; 5075; 5069; 5024; 5021; 5021; 4994; 4930; 4915; 4909; 4902; 4878; 4867; 4863; 4852; 4849; 4849; 4846; 4839; 4830; 4824; 4807; 4746; 4724; 4704; 4701; 4693; 4688; 4672; 4670; 4646; 4640; 4632; 4630; 4611; 4602; 4592; 4592; 4585; 4570; 4552; 4543; 4532; 4530; 4522; 4519; 4518; 4514; 4501; 4486; 4462; 4459; 4457; 4414; 4413; 4376; 4374; 4372; 4355; 4351; 4342; 4330; 4329; 4325; 4323; 4320; 4297; 4296; 4251; 4249; 4241; 4209; 4181; 4175; 4171; 4169; 4137; 4136; 4129; 4119; 4116; 4109; 4104; 4094; 4063; 4040; 4037; 4028; 4025; 4025; 4024; 4024; 3992; 3988; 3985; 3981; 3980; 3966; 3961; 3956; 3953; 3948; 3946; 3944; 3925; 3921; 3910; 3903; 3902; 3896; 3887; 3870; 3865; 3836; 3836; 3830; 3826; 3796; 3794; 3789; 3783; 3779; 3774; 3754; 3754; 3750; 3746; 3744; 3743; 3741; 3728; 3724; 3723; 3710; 3705; 3705; 3694; 3679; 3664; 3658; 3657; 3656; 3654; 3646; 3641; 3638; 3628; 3628; 3613; 3600; 3596; 3595; 3594; 3591; 3589; 3585; 3580; 3577; 3544; 3536; 3531; 3515; 3514; 3514; 3500; 3484; 3458; 3458; 3456; 3452; 3447; 3443; 3440; 3439; 3427; 3422; 3408; 3407; 3397; 3394; 3389; 3381; 3377; 3377; 3370; 3360]
Aladdin,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Lion King; Beauty and the Beast; Pulp Fiction; Apollo 13; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Toy Story; Dances with Wolves; True Lies; Speed; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Mrs. Doubtfire; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Usual Suspects; Clear and Present Danger; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Babe; Mask; Pretty Woman; Stargate; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Batman Forever; Back to the Future; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); GoldenEye; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Ghost; Sleepless in Seattle; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Outbreak; Star Trek: Generations; Firm; Mission: Impossible; Crimson Tide; While You Were Sleeping; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Clueless; Home Alone; Four Weddings and a Funeral; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fargo; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Sixth Sense; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Princess Bride; American Beauty; Shrek; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Cliffhanger; Net; Terminator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Die Hard; Waterworld; Saving Private Ryan; Get Shorty; Nightmare Before Christmas; Twister; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Rock; Jumanji; Dave; Fight Club; Quiz Show; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Godfather; Gladiator; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Titanic; Wizard of Oz; Alien; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Monsters Inc.; Good Will Hunting; Toy Story 2; Truman Show; X-Men; Finding Nemo; Blade Runner; Addams Family Values; Clerks; American President; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; In the Line of Fire; Philadelphia; Fifth Element; Bug's Life; Aliens; Santa Clause; Natural Born Killers; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Spider-Man; Birdcage; Memento; Ocean's Eleven; There's Something About Mary; Maverick; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Rain Man; Reservoir Dogs; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Jungle Book; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Client; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; When Harry Met Sally...; Edward Scissorhands; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Heat; As Good as It Gets; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Breakfast Club; Jerry Maguire; Incredibles; Jaws; Little Mermaid; Sense and Sensibility; Minority Report; Big; Stand by Me; Mr. Holland's Opus; Being John Malkovich; Tombstone; Taxi Driver; L.A. Confidential; Goodfellas; Legends of the Fall; Shining; Top Gun; Demolition Man; Crow; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Beetlejuice; Casablanca; Beautiful Mind; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Back to the Future Part II],[27132; 25707; 25171; 24971; 24436; 24114; 23931; 23898; 23614; 23565; 21783; 21566; 21379; 21323; 21074; 19129; 18212; 18110; 17753; 17224; 16974; 16951; 16340; 16320; 16167; 16092; 16025; 15941; 15891; 15651; 15447; 15445; 15380; 15116; 15068; 14851; 14763; 14753; 14393; 14328; 14193; 13979; 13687; 13469; 13449; 13429; 13256; 12979; 12971; 12884; 12762; 12701; 12681; 12605; 12529; 12485; 12446; 12077; 11954; 11832; 11809; 11735; 11638; 11621; 11440; 11338; 11326; 11323; 11262; 11188; 11151; 11144; 11125; 11117; 10973; 10915; 10895; 10882; 10781; 10710; 10629; 10326; 10309; 10207; 10125; 9991; 9986; 9921; 9792; 9669; 9653; 9651; 9596; 9588; 9583; 9568; 9526; 9516; 9516; 9443; 9425; 9289; 9250; 9192; 9147; 9044; 9032; 8896; 8847; 8801; 8784; 8662; 8657; 8593; 8553; 8511; 8476; 8458; 8406; 8372; 8371; 8304; 8295; 8266; 8265; 8260; 8252; 8205; 8183; 8178; 8174; 8078; 8071; 8066; 8058; 8046; 8002; 7994; 7961; 7952; 7918; 7890; 7880; 7876; 7869; 7775; 7727; 7722; 7710; 7704; 7658; 7646; 7603; 7602]
Alien,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Aliens; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Silence of the Lambs; Terminator; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Back to the Future; Blade Runner; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Godfather; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Usual Suspects; American Beauty; Fargo; Sixth Sense; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Toy Story; Fugitive; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fight Club; Groundhog Day; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Reservoir Dogs; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Jaws; Princess Bride; Gladiator; Clockwork Orange; Fifth Element; Shining; Godfather: Part II; Batman; Full Metal Jacket; Apocalypse Now; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Goodfellas; L.A. Confidential; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Apollo 13; Memento; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Total Recall; Speed; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Psycho; Shrek; X-Men; Being John Malkovich; Good Will Hunting; True Lies; Taxi Driver; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Mission: Impossible; Hunt for Red October; Rain Man; Abyss; Dances with Wolves; Wizard of Oz; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Rock; Truman Show; Stand by Me; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Casablanca; Lion King; Blues Brothers; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Aladdin; Minority Report; Amadeus; Fish Called Wanda; Trainspotting; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Titanic; Contact; American History X; Lethal Weapon; Big Lebowski; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Spider-Man; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; Beetlejuice; Platoon; Edward Scissorhands; When Harry Met Sally...; Predator; Dead Poets Society; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; There's Something About Mary; Ocean's Eleven; Planet of the Apes; Monsters Inc.; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Green Mile; Stargate; Airplane!; Rear Window; Breakfast Club; Untouchables; Back to the Future Part II; Toy Story 2; Heat; Bourne Identity; Finding Nemo; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Shakespeare in Love; Clerks; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Mask; As Good as It Gets; Big; Brazil; Top Gun; Citizen Kane; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Star Trek: First Contact; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Unforgiven; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Beautiful Mind; Chinatown; Rocky; Donnie Darko; Young Frankenstein; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Graduate; This Is Spinal Tap; Office Space; Batman Begins; Babe; RoboCop; GoldenEye; Snatch; Face/Off; Bug's Life; Raising Arizona; Die Hard 2; Beauty and the Beast; Superman; Incredibles; Sting; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Jerry Maguire; Exorcist; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part III; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); North by Northwest; Mrs. Doubtfire; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Nightmare Before Christmas; Vertigo; Cast Away; Starship Troopers; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Twister; Ghost; Game; Clear and Present Danger; Catch Me If You Can; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Army of Darkness; X2: X-Men United; Das Boot (The Boat); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; American Pie; Get Shorty; Traffic; Almost Famous; Sin City; Dark City; High Fidelity; Mummy; Fly; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Bridge on the River Kwai; Highlander; Casino; Galaxy Quest; Annie Hall; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Chicken Run; In the Line of Fire; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Dark Knight; Few Good Men; Home Alone; Sleepless in Seattle; Lost in Translation; Goldfinger; It's a Wonderful Life; Unbreakable; Spider-Man 2; To Kill a Mockingbird; Birds; Full Monty; Glory; Mars Attacks!; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Dogma; Armageddon; Scream; Sneakers; 28 Days Later; King Kong; Lawrence of Arabia; Romancing the Stone; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Sleepy Hollow; Crow; Grosse Pointe Blank; Thing; Deer Hunter; Clueless; Natural Born Killers; Great Escape; True Romance; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Matrix Reloaded; Star Trek: Generations; Cape Fear; Requiem for a Dream; Leaving Las Vegas; Enemy of the State; Last of the Mohicans; V for Vendetta; Cool Hand Luke; Sling Blade; Maltese Falcon; Boogie Nights; Firm; Blair Witch Project; Outbreak; Shaun of the Dead; 12 Angry Men; Lethal Weapon 2; Jumanji; Jackie Brown; Batman Returns; Bourne Supremacy; Scarface; Wayne's World; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Three Kings; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Gone with the Wind; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Philadelphia],[22087; 21589; 20791; 20525; 20416; 20009; 19978; 19947; 19716; 19433; 18904; 17996; 17832; 17535; 17093; 17038; 16490; 16460; 16455; 16378; 16204; 15984; 15782; 15670; 15575; 15488; 15362; 15213; 15134; 15090; 14984; 14953; 14562; 14405; 14399; 14084; 14036; 13809; 13734; 13696; 13686; 13378; 13363; 13321; 13197; 13115; 13097; 12902; 12894; 12787; 12595; 12560; 12560; 12338; 12297; 12018; 11915; 11854; 11745; 11729; 11677; 11467; 11403; 11202; 11109; 11034; 11011; 11011; 10988; 10962; 10893; 10881; 10806; 10706; 10680; 10583; 10583; 10547; 10519; 10511; 10490; 10440; 10235; 10125; 10116; 10097; 9994; 9915; 9840; 9813; 9784; 9717; 9674; 9658; 9583; 9559; 9527; 9499; 9443; 9407; 9361; 9351; 9347; 9335; 9296; 9259; 9259; 9191; 9159; 9112; 9093; 9056; 8987; 8977; 8968; 8924; 8884; 8868; 8853; 8839; 8800; 8799; 8788; 8783; 8742; 8702; 8702; 8701; 8599; 8577; 8572; 8570; 8526; 8526; 8518; 8457; 8441; 8414; 8402; 8390; 8383; 8375; 8350; 8345; 8334; 8333; 8249; 8231; 8177; 8170; 8148; 8124; 8124; 8114; 8091; 8054; 8015; 7998; 7998; 7974; 7963; 7911; 7896; 7889; 7860; 7860; 7828; 7812; 7779; 7762; 7671; 7646; 7560; 7490; 7465; 7404; 7376; 7372; 7351; 7350; 7325; 7305; 7305; 7292; 7252; 7232; 7229; 7229; 7221; 7210; 7182; 7170; 7110; 7108; 7063; 7019; 6955; 6937; 6931; 6884; 6858; 6744; 6741; 6720; 6718; 6677; 6676; 6659; 6659; 6645; 6643; 6639; 6630; 6600; 6587; 6582; 6565; 6564; 6561; 6561; 6551; 6529; 6506; 6485; 6478; 6472; 6469; 6452; 6448; 6434; 6408; 6408; 6389; 6381; 6376; 6350; 6345; 6326; 6322; 6318; 6311; 6308; 6304; 6245; 6234; 6128; 6118; 6115; 6071; 6051; 6050; 6028; 6021; 6011; 6009; 6001; 5999; 5971; 5964; 5953; 5919; 5900; 5892; 5884; 5864; 5857; 5851; 5830; 5823; 5816; 5809; 5808]
Aliens,[Alien; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Terminator; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Blade Runner; Shawshank Redemption; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Forrest Gump; Braveheart; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Usual Suspects; Godfather; Fugitive; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Toy Story; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; American Beauty; Fargo; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Groundhog Day; Princess Bride; Fight Club; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Batman; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Gladiator; Jaws; Full Metal Jacket; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Clockwork Orange; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Shining; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Godfather: Part II; Total Recall; Apollo 13; Apocalypse Now; Goodfellas; Speed; L.A. Confidential; Abyss; True Lies; Memento; X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Hunt for Red October; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Shrek; Mission: Impossible; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Rock; Good Will Hunting; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Stand by Me; Dances with Wolves; Rain Man; Being John Malkovich; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Psycho; Blues Brothers; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Lion King; Truman Show; Wizard of Oz; Taxi Driver; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Aladdin; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Lethal Weapon; Fish Called Wanda; Minority Report; Predator; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Contact; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Casablanca; Platoon; Amadeus; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Trainspotting; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Gattaca; Beetlejuice; When Harry Met Sally...; Titanic; Spider-Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; American History X; Dead Poets Society; Stargate; Untouchables; Heat; There's Something About Mary; Back to the Future Part II; Breakfast Club; Top Gun; Planet of the Apes; Edward Scissorhands; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Airplane!; Big Lebowski; Ocean's Eleven; Star Trek: First Contact; Green Mile; Clerks; Monsters Inc.; Toy Story 2; Big; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Bourne Identity; Mask; RoboCop; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; As Good as It Gets; Finding Nemo; Unforgiven; Die Hard 2; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Shakespeare in Love; Face/Off; Brazil; GoldenEye; Office Space; Bug's Life; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Rocky; Rear Window; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Snatch; Superman; Batman Begins; This Is Spinal Tap; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Jerry Maguire; Beauty and the Beast; Babe; Back to the Future Part III; Beautiful Mind; Raising Arizona; Donnie Darko; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Starship Troopers; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Citizen Kane; Pretty Woman; Young Frankenstein; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clear and Present Danger; Incredibles; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Graduate; Mrs. Doubtfire; Chinatown; Army of Darkness; Twister; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Sting; Game; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Highlander; Get Shorty; Ghost; X2: X-Men United; Nightmare Before Christmas; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; American Pie; Dark City; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; North by Northwest; Cast Away; Exorcist; In the Line of Fire; Catch Me If You Can; Das Boot (The Boat); Mummy; Glory; Casino; Almost Famous; Few Good Men; Galaxy Quest; Traffic; Sneakers; Sin City; Fly; High Fidelity; Vertigo; Romancing the Stone; Crow; Sleepless in Seattle; Bridge on the River Kwai; Grosse Pointe Blank; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Armageddon; Mars Attacks!; Unbreakable; Star Trek: Generations; Spider-Man 2; Chicken Run; Goldfinger; Home Alone; Scream; True Romance; Dogma; Full Monty; Last of the Mohicans; Thing; Enemy of the State; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Lethal Weapon 2; Clueless; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Natural Born Killers; Outbreak; Dark Knight; 28 Days Later; Sleepy Hollow; It's a Wonderful Life; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Matrix Reloaded; Cape Fear; Great Escape; Crimson Tide; Firm; Batman Returns; Lost in Translation; Lawrence of Arabia; King Kong; To Kill a Mockingbird; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Birds; Deer Hunter; Alien: Resurrection; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Leaving Las Vegas; Three Kings; Escape from New York; Sling Blade; Annie Hall; Wayne's World; From Dusk Till Dawn; Air Force One; Jumanji; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Boogie Nights; Bourne Supremacy; Good Morning Vietnam; Philadelphia; Con Air; Blair Witch Project; Shaun of the Dead; Blade; Witness; V for Vendetta; Requiem for a Dream; Scarface; Jackie Brown; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Mad Max; X-Files: Fight the Future; Field of Dreams; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Cool Hand Luke; Ed Wood; Spaceballs; Tron; Beverly Hills Cop; Erin Brockovich; Maverick; Gremlins; Christmas Story; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Maltese Falcon; Fantasia; Dead Man Walking; Mary Poppins],[20791; 20098; 19794; 18858; 18849; 18713; 18558; 18420; 17674; 17457; 17090; 16343; 16049; 15687; 15632; 15567; 15404; 15315; 14907; 14608; 14537; 14130; 14127; 13946; 13849; 13786; 13766; 13715; 13638; 13635; 13570; 13538; 12989; 12789; 12748; 12649; 12464; 12427; 12396; 12337; 12330; 12109; 11911; 11861; 11807; 11490; 11436; 11385; 11328; 11280; 11252; 11246; 11228; 11186; 11114; 11022; 10701; 10644; 10567; 10515; 10447; 10338; 10307; 10278; 10277; 10130; 10108; 10074; 10021; 9892; 9862; 9838; 9801; 9797; 9785; 9742; 9589; 9536; 9482; 9348; 9298; 9294; 9289; 9272; 9252; 9217; 9116; 9065; 9048; 9042; 8992; 8969; 8947; 8905; 8807; 8708; 8701; 8629; 8592; 8590; 8589; 8577; 8557; 8548; 8528; 8526; 8515; 8423; 8393; 8387; 8326; 8287; 8281; 8273; 8248; 8236; 8227; 8202; 8197; 8171; 8164; 8103; 8053; 7968; 7950; 7932; 7930; 7861; 7812; 7788; 7760; 7755; 7750; 7735; 7731; 7726; 7674; 7662; 7497; 7448; 7446; 7442; 7437; 7428; 7391; 7377; 7367; 7354; 7351; 7331; 7324; 7319; 7310; 7300; 7293; 7290; 7257; 7235; 7212; 7145; 7145; 7142; 7102; 7078; 7076; 7060; 7048; 6954; 6915; 6914; 6898; 6895; 6884; 6856; 6855; 6828; 6826; 6794; 6794; 6779; 6772; 6755; 6754; 6670; 6661; 6653; 6649; 6616; 6606; 6585; 6569; 6514; 6500; 6467; 6373; 6357; 6338; 6332; 6324; 6300; 6283; 6267; 6261; 6250; 6191; 6176; 6173; 6115; 6095; 6090; 6063; 6061; 6059; 6044; 6039; 6033; 6023; 6005; 5992; 5990; 5957; 5925; 5919; 5891; 5873; 5858; 5857; 5857; 5855; 5847; 5821; 5799; 5780; 5763; 5760; 5749; 5744; 5742; 5703; 5701; 5699; 5687; 5661; 5635; 5618; 5612; 5598; 5584; 5553; 5551; 5520; 5517; 5511; 5510; 5506; 5491; 5486; 5480; 5477; 5441; 5421; 5416; 5393; 5367; 5354; 5353; 5350; 5331; 5326; 5323; 5320; 5306; 5302; 5279; 5273; 5271; 5259; 5249; 5237; 5235; 5206; 5190; 5190; 5177; 5174; 5166; 5161; 5157; 5148; 5143; 5143; 5120; 5119; 5117; 5105; 5097]
Almost Famous,[American Beauty; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Sixth Sense; Fight Club; Usual Suspects; Memento; Back to the Future; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shrek; Gladiator; Fargo; Saving Private Ryan; Toy Story; Being John Malkovich; Good Will Hunting; Schindler's List; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Groundhog Day; Jurassic Park; Godfather; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Princess Bride; High Fidelity; O Brother Where Art Thou?; L.A. Confidential; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ocean's Eleven; Reservoir Dogs; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Truman Show; Terminator; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Beautiful Mind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Traffic; X-Men; Rain Man; Goodfellas; Monsters Inc.; Breakfast Club; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Office Space; Die Hard; Apollo 13; There's Something About Mary; American History X; Minority Report; Finding Nemo; Alien; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Spider-Man; Big Lebowski; Shakespeare in Love; As Good as It Gets; Catch Me If You Can; Blade Runner; Edward Scissorhands; Stand by Me; Godfather: Part II; Cast Away; Shining; Bourne Identity; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Fifth Element; Green Mile; Lion King; Trainspotting; Titanic; Clockwork Orange; Batman; Toy Story 2; Apocalypse Now; Clerks; Aliens; Donnie Darko; Full Metal Jacket; Snatch; Big; Dead Poets Society; Wizard of Oz; Speed; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Aladdin; When Harry Met Sally...; Jerry Maguire; Lost in Translation; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Jaws; Erin Brockovich; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; American Pie; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Casablanca; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Meet the Parents; Dances with Wolves; Incredibles; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Taxi Driver; Beetlejuice; Royal Tenenbaums; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Mission: Impossible; Airplane!; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Amadeus; Gattaca; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Psycho; Chicken Run; Hunt for Red October; Bug's Life; Monty Python's Life of Brian; True Lies; Total Recall; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Dogma; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Batman Begins; Fish Called Wanda; Pretty Woman; Rock; This Is Spinal Tap; Requiem for a Dream; Boogie Nights; Graduate; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Contact; Grosse Pointe Blank; Bowling for Columbine; Blues Brothers; Best in Show; Election; Rushmore; Clueless; Beauty and the Beast; Back to the Future Part II; Mrs. Doubtfire; X2: X-Men United; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Citizen Kane; Big Fish; Platoon; Untouchables; Pleasantville; Few Good Men; Lethal Weapon; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Wayne's World; Unbreakable; Chasing Amy; Rear Window; Babe; Magnolia; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Full Monty; Bridget Jones's Diary; Spider-Man 2; Raising Arizona; Game; Top Gun; Sin City; Heat; Sleepless in Seattle; Talented Mr. Ripley; About a Boy; Adaptation; Nightmare Before Christmas; Mask; Back to the Future Part III; Annie Hall; Garden State; Casino; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Rocky; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Three Kings; Face/Off; Chocolat; Moulin Rouge; Animal House; Bourne Supremacy; Unforgiven; Christmas Story; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Chinatown; Shrek 2; Abyss; Ghost; Sling Blade; Good Morning Vietnam; Planet of the Apes; Wedding Singer; North by Northwest; Thelma & Louise; Little Miss Sunshine; Sleepy Hollow; Departed; My Cousin Vinny; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; To Kill a Mockingbird; Home Alone; Superman; Matrix Reloaded; Philadelphia; 28 Days Later; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Exorcist; Young Frankenstein; Predator; Get Shorty; Galaxy Quest; Sting; Dark Knight; It's a Wonderful Life; Mummy; Scream; Shaun of the Dead; Enemy of the State; V for Vendetta; Vertigo; Happy Gilmore; Liar Liar; Leaving Las Vegas; GoldenEye; Mystic River; Scarface; Grease; Others; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Crash; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Wonder Boys; Blazing Saddles; School of Rock; Jackie Brown; Black Hawk Down; Pianist; Twister; Blair Witch Project; Swingers; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Road to Perdition; Eyes Wide Shut; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Patriot; Dead Man Walking; Donnie Brasco; Beverly Hills Cop; Insider; Mulholland Drive; Little Mermaid; Notting Hill; Armageddon; True Romance; Charlie's Angels; Romancing the Stone; Billy Elliot; Say Anything...; Misery; Field of Dreams; Brazil; Sideways; Super Size Me; Casino Royale; Million Dollar Baby; Juno; Die Hard 2; League of Their Own; Training Day; Stargate; Ed Wood; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dark City; Italian Job; Glory; Natural Born Killers; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Signs; RoboCop; Mission: Impossible II; Sound of Music; Love Actually; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Clear and Present Danger; Thomas Crown Affair; Ice Age; 12 Angry Men; Mary Poppins; Blow; Heathers; Chicago; Birdcage; Quiz Show],[12256; 11362; 11210; 11171; 10777; 10461; 10391; 10296; 9933; 9921; 9789; 9736; 9691; 9642; 9571; 9308; 9250; 9248; 9190; 9135; 9040; 8944; 8917; 8904; 8878; 8807; 8785; 8734; 8696; 8645; 8558; 8357; 8305; 8213; 8100; 8074; 7973; 7933; 7933; 7908; 7843; 7831; 7826; 7822; 7729; 7725; 7718; 7711; 7678; 7649; 7627; 7611; 7576; 7567; 7556; 7423; 7381; 7340; 7310; 7286; 7253; 7253; 7214; 7198; 7193; 7171; 7170; 7081; 6969; 6894; 6885; 6875; 6820; 6806; 6737; 6731; 6694; 6688; 6684; 6617; 6573; 6560; 6558; 6549; 6541; 6528; 6508; 6472; 6436; 6383; 6370; 6338; 6318; 6306; 6294; 6294; 6293; 6292; 6279; 6245; 6218; 6214; 6189; 6162; 6141; 6004; 5991; 5982; 5957; 5957; 5951; 5945; 5922; 5910; 5897; 5894; 5871; 5861; 5857; 5842; 5765; 5764; 5719; 5709; 5689; 5682; 5651; 5629; 5557; 5552; 5531; 5502; 5496; 5461; 5459; 5395; 5393; 5387; 5372; 5364; 5356; 5343; 5286; 5283; 5267; 5260; 5253; 5250; 5201; 5199; 5187; 5166; 5160; 5091; 5082; 5070; 5060; 5048; 5000; 4991; 4986; 4978; 4963; 4962; 4961; 4959; 4959; 4958; 4943; 4910; 4909; 4886; 4880; 4879; 4829; 4711; 4708; 4700; 4678; 4670; 4660; 4659; 4656; 4655; 4642; 4615; 4609; 4605; 4592; 4561; 4494; 4447; 4420; 4415; 4413; 4401; 4397; 4379; 4378; 4365; 4355; 4342; 4341; 4329; 4326; 4317; 4314; 4300; 4295; 4286; 4277; 4259; 4256; 4252; 4250; 4242; 4233; 4232; 4219; 4216; 4163; 4159; 4152; 4150; 4134; 4117; 4112; 4101; 4098; 4083; 4076; 4073; 4069; 4068; 4055; 4046; 3981; 3976; 3950; 3934; 3926; 3924; 3912; 3907; 3897; 3894; 3894; 3889; 3885; 3884; 3877; 3857; 3851; 3844; 3835; 3834; 3830; 3830; 3815; 3812; 3800; 3779; 3773; 3765; 3759; 3757; 3738; 3725; 3719; 3716; 3716; 3715; 3705; 3704; 3696; 3693; 3688; 3681; 3672; 3663; 3658; 3637; 3630; 3612; 3608; 3596; 3592; 3584; 3571; 3563; 3562; 3550; 3540; 3525; 3519; 3517; 3512; 3504; 3503; 3483; 3481; 3469; 3468; 3465; 3458; 3454; 3449; 3443; 3434; 3431; 3419; 3417; 3416; 3409; 3398; 3394; 3374; 3373; 3371]
Amadeus,[Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; Back to the Future; Godfather; Schindler's List; Fargo; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Matrix; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Usual Suspects; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Blade Runner; Toy Story; Groundhog Day; Braveheart; Terminator; Princess Bride; Jurassic Park; Alien; Sixth Sense; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Casablanca; Fugitive; Saving Private Ryan; Apocalypse Now; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Wizard of Oz; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Godfather: Part II; Apollo 13; Goodfellas; Rain Man; Die Hard; L.A. Confidential; Good Will Hunting; Aliens; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; When Harry Met Sally...; Dead Poets Society; Stand by Me; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clockwork Orange; Reservoir Dogs; Fish Called Wanda; Graduate; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fight Club; Shining; Psycho; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Dances with Wolves; Being John Malkovich; Jaws; Citizen Kane; Taxi Driver; Shakespeare in Love; Batman; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Memento; Full Metal Jacket; Gladiator; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Truman Show; Rear Window; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Blues Brothers; Lion King; Shrek; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Aladdin; Speed; Titanic; As Good as It Gets; Sting; Breakfast Club; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; North by Northwest; Trainspotting; Babe; Hunt for Red October; Edward Scissorhands; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; To Kill a Mockingbird; Platoon; Raising Arizona; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Big; This Is Spinal Tap; Annie Hall; Chinatown; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Airplane!; Fifth Element; It's a Wonderful Life; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Mission: Impossible; Young Frankenstein; Vertigo; Beetlejuice; Jerry Maguire; There's Something About Mary; True Lies; Beauty and the Beast; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Top Gun; Contact; Pretty Woman; Big Lebowski; Untouchables; Beautiful Mind; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Unforgiven; Bridge on the River Kwai; Toy Story 2; X-Men; Gone with the Wind; Mrs. Doubtfire; Monsters Inc.; Total Recall; Brazil; Lethal Weapon; Rock; Clerks; Sleepless in Seattle; Full Monty; American History X; Lawrence of Arabia; Finding Nemo; Gandhi; Minority Report; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Abyss; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Ocean's Eleven; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Almost Famous; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Bug's Life; Green Mile; Dead Man Walking; Witness; Gattaca; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Rocky; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Glory; Traffic; Sound of Music; Das Boot (The Boat); Spider-Man; 12 Angry Men; Ghost; Clueless; Get Shorty; Philadelphia; High Fidelity; Maltese Falcon; Crying Game; Office Space; Mask; Sense and Sensibility; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Few Good Men; Mary Poppins; Nightmare Before Christmas; Field of Dreams; Cool Hand Luke; Back to the Future Part II; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Sling Blade; Bourne Identity; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; English Patient; Quiz Show; Leaving Las Vegas; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Heat; African Queen; Deer Hunter; Planet of the Apes; Some Like It Hot; Raging Bull; Ed Wood; Catch Me If You Can; Cast Away; Chicken Run; Incredibles; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Fantasia; Grosse Pointe Blank; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Right Stuff; Boogie Nights; Manchurian Candidate; Piano; Superman; Romancing the Stone; Star Trek: First Contact; Lost in Translation; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Birds; Casino; Christmas Story; Erin Brockovich; Great Escape; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Clear and Present Danger; Grease; Exorcist; In the Line of Fire; Home Alone; Singin' in the Rain; Good Morning Vietnam; GoldenEye; Firm; Thelma & Louise; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Bonnie and Clyde; Donnie Darko; Cape Fear; Dave; Heathers; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Twister; Game; Back to the Future Part III; Snatch; Election; Stargate; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Rushmore; My Cousin Vinny; Much Ado About Nothing; Die Hard 2; Batman Begins; American Pie; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Pleasantville; Dangerous Liaisons; Last of the Mohicans; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Face/Off; Birdcage; My Fair Lady; Little Mermaid; Chasing Amy; Sneakers; Killing Fields; American President; Goldfinger; Driving Miss Daisy; Patton; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; RoboCop; Animal House; Talented Mr. Ripley; Bowling for Columbine; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Jackie Brown; Galaxy Quest; Dogma; Ben-Hur; Blazing Saddles; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Wayne's World; Royal Tenenbaums; Last Emperor; Manhattan; Magnolia; Crimson Tide; La Femme Nikita; True Romance; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Three Kings; French Connection; Splash; Predator; Highlander; Searching for Bobby Fischer],[13489; 13430; 13172; 12964; 12937; 12905; 12133; 12118; 12097; 12055; 11797; 11501; 11284; 11246; 11007; 10985; 10896; 10700; 10405; 10326; 10303; 10230; 10178; 10139; 10101; 10097; 10097; 10033; 9931; 9790; 9785; 9699; 9644; 9507; 9456; 9372; 9351; 9324; 9189; 9165; 9144; 9089; 8984; 8905; 8896; 8733; 8716; 8655; 8651; 8643; 8580; 8561; 8494; 8443; 8429; 8348; 8329; 8318; 8304; 8266; 8251; 8148; 8129; 8084; 7986; 7940; 7859; 7809; 7757; 7705; 7696; 7662; 7538; 7496; 7474; 7436; 7413; 7394; 7349; 7179; 7148; 7139; 7129; 7096; 7090; 7043; 7040; 7032; 7026; 7003; 6960; 6936; 6911; 6893; 6881; 6864; 6851; 6832; 6812; 6804; 6793; 6760; 6705; 6687; 6655; 6619; 6601; 6560; 6526; 6495; 6487; 6418; 6412; 6396; 6379; 6364; 6262; 6256; 6242; 6237; 6196; 6181; 6180; 6154; 6137; 6115; 6051; 6012; 5994; 5965; 5934; 5930; 5876; 5867; 5860; 5859; 5834; 5805; 5789; 5787; 5784; 5782; 5779; 5759; 5758; 5756; 5751; 5743; 5688; 5651; 5639; 5628; 5624; 5621; 5607; 5587; 5568; 5549; 5494; 5488; 5473; 5445; 5443; 5442; 5442; 5433; 5431; 5416; 5410; 5408; 5392; 5335; 5334; 5328; 5313; 5301; 5293; 5292; 5282; 5267; 5256; 5224; 5222; 5212; 5205; 5179; 5176; 5167; 5167; 5156; 5089; 5084; 5065; 5057; 5038; 5032; 5029; 5001; 4996; 4991; 4963; 4951; 4944; 4941; 4930; 4929; 4879; 4839; 4837; 4826; 4807; 4788; 4786; 4785; 4771; 4759; 4758; 4757; 4748; 4746; 4741; 4738; 4696; 4689; 4681; 4655; 4645; 4618; 4617; 4578; 4555; 4523; 4522; 4502; 4500; 4494; 4494; 4483; 4463; 4461; 4445; 4444; 4443; 4428; 4422; 4420; 4406; 4402; 4392; 4350; 4344; 4343; 4332; 4325; 4324; 4318; 4299; 4284; 4257; 4247; 4247; 4244; 4224; 4206; 4202; 4200; 4183; 4159; 4151; 4146; 4144; 4134; 4095; 4082; 4078; 4068; 4065; 4057; 4050; 4046; 4032; 4024; 4023; 4019; 4000; 3999; 3983; 3975; 3973; 3972; 3956; 3953; 3947; 3926; 3902]
Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain),[Matrix; American Beauty; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Memento; Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Usual Suspects; Sixth Sense; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Shrek; Schindler's List; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Godfather; Back to the Future; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Gladiator; Being John Malkovich; Toy Story; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Finding Nemo; Jurassic Park; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Braveheart; Beautiful Mind; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Saving Private Ryan; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Monsters Inc.; Ocean's Eleven; Good Will Hunting; Reservoir Dogs; American History X; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Minority Report; Truman Show; Donnie Darko; Groundhog Day; Blade Runner; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Princess Bride; Trainspotting; Lost in Translation; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Alien; Terminator; Clockwork Orange; Incredibles; Fifth Element; Bourne Identity; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Spider-Man; Catch Me If You Can; X-Men; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Rain Man; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Snatch; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Shining; Godfather: Part II; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; L.A. Confidential; Big Lebowski; Edward Scissorhands; Lion King; Apollo 13; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Dark Knight; Die Hard; Fugitive; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Goodfellas; Batman Begins; Titanic; Apocalypse Now; Almost Famous; Requiem for a Dream; Casablanca; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Aliens; Full Metal Jacket; Green Mile; Office Space; Sin City; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Batman; Dead Poets Society; 2001: A Space Odyssey; High Fidelity; Aladdin; Taxi Driver; Shakespeare in Love; Big Fish; Traffic; There's Something About Mary; Bowling for Columbine; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); As Good as It Gets; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Amadeus; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Dances with Wolves; Gattaca; Toy Story 2; Little Miss Sunshine; Royal Tenenbaums; Mission: Impossible; Speed; V for Vendetta; Departed; Breakfast Club; Cast Away; Psycho; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Pianist; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Pretty Woman; Clerks; Wizard of Oz; Shrek 2; X2: X-Men United; Rear Window; Beetlejuice; Chicken Run; When Harry Met Sally...; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Stand by Me; Spider-Man 2; Fish Called Wanda; Inception; Beauty and the Beast; Matrix Reloaded; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Chocolat; True Lies; Mrs. Doubtfire; Jaws; WALL·E; Citizen Kane; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Nightmare Before Christmas; Adaptation; Bourne Supremacy; Shaun of the Dead; Casino Royale; Total Recall; Back to the Future Part II; Big; Erin Brockovich; Bug's Life; Dogma; American Pie; Graduate; Moulin Rouge; Contact; Juno; Hunt for Red October; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Bridget Jones's Diary; 28 Days Later; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Rock; Garden State; Jerry Maguire; Mask; Prestige; Blues Brothers; About a Boy; Game; Magnolia; Airplane!; Mulholland Drive; No Country for Old Men; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Meet the Parents; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Others; This Is Spinal Tap; Brazil; Babe; Crash; Full Monty; Unbreakable; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Back to the Future Part III; Ice Age; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); North by Northwest; Million Dollar Baby; Chinatown; Vertigo; Slumdog Millionaire; Heat; Sleepless in Seattle; Untouchables; 12 Angry Men; Love Actually; Annie Hall; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Platoon],[15822; 15438; 15420; 15173; 14646; 14608; 14320; 13657; 13472; 13273; 12626; 12548; 12473; 12068; 12020; 11911; 11784; 11731; 11572; 11353; 11209; 11104; 10913; 10684; 10525; 10485; 10436; 10353; 10329; 10241; 10231; 10197; 10135; 10100; 10093; 9956; 9905; 9894; 9883; 9862; 9785; 9675; 9650; 9604; 9519; 9446; 9427; 9411; 9282; 9060; 8946; 8917; 8841; 8811; 8810; 8771; 8742; 8722; 8719; 8703; 8674; 8660; 8520; 8506; 8453; 8363; 8347; 8311; 8311; 8292; 8269; 8228; 8092; 8049; 8040; 8036; 8036; 7878; 7875; 7805; 7803; 7786; 7770; 7760; 7743; 7725; 7701; 7658; 7611; 7583; 7522; 7509; 7449; 7391; 7370; 7350; 7348; 7241; 7229; 7175; 7169; 7161; 7130; 6990; 6982; 6976; 6967; 6966; 6930; 6776; 6704; 6690; 6660; 6640; 6601; 6597; 6586; 6581; 6573; 6568; 6558; 6557; 6540; 6534; 6525; 6510; 6481; 6302; 6264; 6225; 6142; 6093; 6075; 6039; 6036; 6033; 6029; 5994; 5974; 5955; 5937; 5935; 5932; 5845; 5814; 5735; 5693; 5686; 5676; 5661; 5654; 5629; 5623; 5620; 5619; 5615; 5615; 5610; 5564; 5553; 5544; 5521; 5518; 5508; 5502; 5502; 5495; 5492; 5471; 5450; 5441; 5440; 5434; 5430; 5402; 5378; 5377; 5376; 5338; 5315; 5312; 5304; 5275; 5258; 5237; 5231; 5200; 5184; 5174; 5140; 5119; 5111; 5045; 5015; 5008; 4940; 4938; 4920; 4891; 4874; 4868; 4856; 4851; 4842; 4838; 4825; 4775; 4773; 4735; 4711; 4709; 4665; 4663; 4656; 4652; 4650; 4619; 4611; 4608; 4606; 4598]
American Beauty,[Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Fight Club; Sixth Sense; Forrest Gump; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Schindler's List; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Saving Private Ryan; Back to the Future; Fargo; Godfather; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Braveheart; Memento; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Jurassic Park; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Being John Malkovich; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Gladiator; Toy Story; Good Will Hunting; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Reservoir Dogs; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; L.A. Confidential; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Shrek; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Goodfellas; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Fugitive; American History X; Princess Bride; Alien; Blade Runner; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Truman Show; Godfather: Part II; Die Hard; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Rain Man; Shakespeare in Love; Apollo 13; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Titanic; X-Men; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Clockwork Orange; Fifth Element; Aliens; There's Something About Mary; Ocean's Eleven; Shining; Beautiful Mind; Trainspotting; Minority Report; Full Metal Jacket; Apocalypse Now; Big Lebowski; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Green Mile; Batman; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); As Good as It Gets; Office Space; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Speed; Lion King; Edward Scissorhands; Taxi Driver; Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Casablanca; American Pie; Breakfast Club; 2001: A Space Odyssey; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Almost Famous; Clerks; Toy Story 2; Stand by Me; Dances with Wolves; Aladdin; Mission: Impossible; Spider-Man; Donnie Darko; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Bourne Identity; Snatch; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; True Lies; Wizard of Oz; Jaws; Amadeus; Psycho; Catch Me If You Can; Total Recall; Traffic; High Fidelity; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Dead Poets Society; When Harry Met Sally...; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Cast Away; Hunt for Red October; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Big; Bug's Life; Incredibles; Rock; Airplane!; Beetlejuice; Gattaca; Jerry Maguire; Batman Begins; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Pretty Woman; Lost in Translation; Fish Called Wanda; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Requiem for a Dream; Erin Brockovich; Contact; Babe; Graduate; Dark Knight; Citizen Kane; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Blues Brothers; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sin City; Dogma; Lethal Weapon; Mask; Rear Window; Back to the Future Part II; Beauty and the Beast; Election; Full Monty; Chicken Run; Platoon; Untouchables; Departed; Game; Heat; This Is Spinal Tap; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Few Good Men; Rushmore; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Abyss; Clueless; Meet the Parents; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Chinatown; Raising Arizona; Magnolia; Boogie Nights; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Face/Off; Annie Hall; Talented Mr. Ripley; Bowling for Columbine; Grosse Pointe Blank],[27928; 27315; 26321; 26024; 24693; 24278; 24219; 22445; 22046; 21861; 21466; 21459; 20950; 20881; 20771; 20660; 19892; 19857; 19737; 19600; 19414; 19378; 19286; 19179; 19154; 18873; 17767; 17729; 17645; 17616; 17418; 17244; 17236; 17023; 16995; 16874; 16832; 16670; 16276; 16218; 16125; 16052; 15995; 15984; 15675; 15596; 15579; 15438; 15231; 15132; 14936; 14887; 14884; 14709; 14624; 14494; 14221; 14160; 14083; 13932; 13885; 13766; 13731; 13705; 13614; 13595; 13505; 13468; 13435; 13433; 13168; 13163; 13105; 13033; 13030; 12955; 12920; 12887; 12864; 12863; 12823; 12816; 12789; 12747; 12644; 12626; 12541; 12449; 12415; 12386; 12287; 12256; 12228; 12210; 12196; 12180; 12077; 12072; 12066; 12049; 11987; 11953; 11912; 11856; 11818; 11751; 11561; 11549; 11520; 11331; 11284; 11263; 11260; 11209; 11185; 11185; 11145; 11144; 11139; 11093; 11089; 11087; 11037; 11024; 10875; 10811; 10809; 10780; 10766; 10647; 10629; 10583; 10541; 10525; 10446; 10429; 10413; 10324; 10291; 10125; 10055; 9987; 9962; 9868; 9854; 9716; 9684; 9652; 9614; 9609; 9586; 9526; 9517; 9498; 9460; 9400; 9336; 9312; 9274; 9206; 9186; 9160; 9134; 9131; 9079; 9037; 8950; 8924; 8873; 8793; 8759; 8720; 8692; 8686; 8673; 8661; 8637; 8574; 8574; 8562; 8547; 8511; 8434]
American History X,[Fight Club; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Memento; Sixth Sense; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Saving Private Ryan; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Braveheart; Schindler's List; Godfather; Reservoir Dogs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Gladiator; Back to the Future; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Good Will Hunting; Jurassic Park; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Fargo; Goodfellas; Shrek; Toy Story; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Terminator; Truman Show; Full Metal Jacket; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Snatch; Alien; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Ocean's Eleven; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Trainspotting; Being John Malkovich; Donnie Darko; Die Hard; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Godfather: Part II; Green Mile; Groundhog Day; Shining; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Beautiful Mind; Fugitive; Clockwork Orange; Blade Runner; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Minority Report; Fifth Element; Big Lebowski; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Rain Man; X-Men; Bourne Identity; Finding Nemo; Apocalypse Now; Dark Knight; Batman Begins; Aliens; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Office Space; Monsters Inc.; Requiem for a Dream; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Princess Bride; Catch Me If You Can; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Sin City; Spider-Man; Departed; Taxi Driver; Lion King; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Titanic; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); There's Something About Mary; Batman; Edward Scissorhands; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Incredibles; Speed; Clerks; Mission: Impossible; As Good as It Gets; Almost Famous; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Aladdin; Dead Poets Society; Dances with Wolves; Traffic; Rock; American Pie; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Stand by Me; Gattaca; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Breakfast Club; V for Vendetta; Cast Away; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Lost in Translation; True Lies; Jaws; Game; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Heat; Psycho; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Total Recall; High Fidelity; Toy Story 2; Dogma; Platoon; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Hunt for Red October; Scarface; X2: X-Men United; Jerry Maguire; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Casino; Big Fish; Bowling for Columbine; Casablanca; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Beetlejuice; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; 28 Days Later; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Prestige; Back to the Future Part II; Bourne Supremacy; Big; Mask; Contact; Shakespeare in Love; Untouchables; Spider-Man 2; Amadeus; Shaun of the Dead; Matrix Reloaded; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Airplane!; Inception; No Country for Old Men; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Lethal Weapon; Wizard of Oz; Casino Royale; Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Little Miss Sunshine; Meet the Parents; Blues Brothers; Pretty Woman; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Boogie Nights; Bug's Life; Crash; Pianist; Few Good Men; Face/Off; Unbreakable; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Back to the Future Part III; Shrek 2; Predator; Rocky; Beauty and the Beast; Fish Called Wanda; Royal Tenenbaums; Magnolia; Jackie Brown; Nightmare Before Christmas; Top Gun; Citizen Kane; When Harry Met Sally...; WALL·E; Sleepy Hollow; Iron Man; Rear Window; Erin Brockovich; Unforgiven; Exorcist; This Is Spinal Tap; GoldenEye; Donnie Brasco; Three Kings; 300; Enemy of the State; Inglourious Basterds; Home Alone; Chasing Amy; Bourne Ultimatum; Wayne's World; Planet of the Apes; Million Dollar Baby; Natural Born Killers; Armageddon; Mystic River; Abyss; Juno; Children of Men; Graduate; Garden State; Last Samurai; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Others; 12 Angry Men; Babe; Philadelphia; True Romance; Chicken Run; Hotel Rwanda; Black Hawk Down; Talented Mr. Ripley; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Pleasantville; Training Day; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Die Hard 2; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Scream; Blair Witch Project; Dark City; Grosse Pointe Blank; Rushmore; Stargate; Ice Age; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Liar Liar; Full Monty; Boondock Saints],[17309; 17102; 16802; 16467; 16052; 15429; 14573; 13926; 13856; 13713; 13633; 13411; 12570; 12521; 12471; 12452; 12431; 12405; 12357; 12251; 12197; 12080; 12062; 11549; 11438; 11377; 11276; 11131; 11088; 10911; 10814; 10621; 10589; 10483; 10337; 10219; 10115; 10008; 9960; 9798; 9716; 9708; 9658; 9650; 9609; 9597; 9593; 9593; 9569; 9539; 9389; 9381; 9374; 9352; 9278; 9191; 9135; 9134; 9093; 9080; 9039; 9028; 9015; 8857; 8850; 8848; 8834; 8802; 8799; 8787; 8738; 8706; 8649; 8571; 8548; 8511; 8508; 8334; 8295; 8220; 8167; 8116; 8096; 8081; 8080; 8030; 8025; 8007; 7973; 7946; 7930; 7904; 7876; 7808; 7527; 7513; 7349; 7294; 7217; 7205; 7198; 7170; 7130; 7111; 7060; 7047; 7022; 6990; 6961; 6910; 6894; 6878; 6856; 6837; 6823; 6811; 6802; 6782; 6762; 6640; 6619; 6610; 6604; 6532; 6507; 6488; 6471; 6454; 6390; 6349; 6326; 6246; 6222; 6221; 6209; 6145; 6115; 6101; 6074; 6061; 6057; 6050; 6040; 6030; 6027; 6004; 5988; 5968; 5937; 5919; 5890; 5846; 5839; 5809; 5805; 5794; 5790; 5789; 5786; 5772; 5734; 5708; 5703; 5691; 5686; 5676; 5663; 5613; 5598; 5562; 5546; 5506; 5488; 5459; 5433; 5417; 5416; 5387; 5383; 5383; 5378; 5349; 5349; 5328; 5327; 5310; 5288; 5233; 5227; 5221; 5201; 5186; 5177; 5150; 5140; 5135; 5102; 5066; 5059; 5041; 5037; 5021; 4982; 4981; 4980; 4963; 4941; 4938; 4907; 4902; 4899; 4897; 4891; 4890; 4869; 4866; 4863; 4857; 4825; 4808; 4792; 4789; 4776; 4772; 4767; 4764; 4713; 4707; 4695; 4694; 4693; 4670; 4654; 4645; 4637; 4614; 4614; 4596; 4587; 4586; 4585; 4575; 4571; 4557; 4553; 4550; 4548; 4536; 4528; 4513; 4512; 4499; 4497; 4481]
American Pie,[American Beauty; Matrix; Forrest Gump; Sixth Sense; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Gladiator; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Braveheart; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; There's Something About Mary; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Groundhog Day; Terminator; X-Men; Good Will Hunting; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Schindler's List; Die Hard; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Godfather; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fugitive; Titanic; Being John Malkovich; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Memento; Truman Show; Ocean's Eleven; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Fifth Element; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Speed; Fargo; Reservoir Dogs; Office Space; Lion King; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Apollo 13; Princess Bride; Spider-Man; Mission: Impossible; Rain Man; Alien; Aladdin; Clerks; Batman; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Minority Report; Toy Story 2; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Bug's Life; True Lies; Green Mile; L.A. Confidential; Rock; American History X; Monsters Inc.; Breakfast Club; Finding Nemo; Shakespeare in Love; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Cast Away; As Good as It Gets; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Goodfellas; Total Recall; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Beautiful Mind; Aliens; Bourne Identity; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Shining; Pretty Woman; Mask; Big; Blade Runner; Jerry Maguire; Mrs. Doubtfire; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Edward Scissorhands; Back to the Future Part II; Full Metal Jacket; Meet the Parents; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather: Part II; Big Lebowski; Beetlejuice; Jaws; Catch Me If You Can; Clockwork Orange; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Almost Famous; Hunt for Red October; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lethal Weapon; Dances with Wolves; Stand by Me; Dogma; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Airplane!; Snatch; Face/Off; Top Gun; Trainspotting; Erin Brockovich; Home Alone; Back to the Future Part III; Wizard of Oz; O Brother Where Art Thou?; When Harry Met Sally...; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Armageddon; Dead Poets Society; Apocalypse Now; Contact; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Incredibles; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Beauty and the Beast; Blair Witch Project; Batman Begins; Clueless; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Wayne's World; GoldenEye; Mummy; Traffic; Gattaca; High Fidelity; Liar Liar; Happy Gilmore; Ghost; Donnie Darko; Abyss; Scream; Matrix Reloaded; Blues Brothers; X2: X-Men United; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Wedding Singer; Few Good Men; Spider-Man 2; Babe; Predator; Twister; Die Hard 2; Chicken Run; Game; Taxi Driver; Sleepy Hollow; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Heat; Sleepless in Seattle; Fish Called Wanda; Enemy of the State; Shrek 2; Election; Psycho; Unbreakable; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mission: Impossible II; Sin City; Full Monty; Rocky; Patriot; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Pleasantville; Untouchables; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Stargate; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Chasing Amy; 10 Things I Hate About You; Rushmore; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Bourne Supremacy; Casablanca; Charlie's Angels; Grosse Pointe Blank; Galaxy Quest; Platoon; Talented Mr. Ripley; Planet of the Apes; My Cousin Vinny; Thomas Crown Affair; Starship Troopers; Amadeus; Lost in Translation; Air Force One; Jumanji; Con Air; Superman; Casino; Nightmare Before Christmas; Eyes Wide Shut; Boogie Nights; RoboCop; Requiem for a Dream; Three Kings; V for Vendetta; American Pie 2; Notting Hill; Dark Knight; Good Morning Vietnam; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Bowling for Columbine; Ice Age; Get Shorty; Departed; Little Mermaid; Grease; Philadelphia; Lethal Weapon 2; Beverly Hills Cop; Animal House; Blade; Spaceballs; Big Daddy; Graduate; Big Fish; This Is Spinal Tap; Clear and Present Danger; Exorcist; Raising Arizona; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Devil's Advocate; Christmas Story; Casino Royale; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Royal Tenenbaums; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Outbreak; Crow; 28 Days Later; Bridget Jones's Diary; Black Hawk Down; Go; Italian Job; Cruel Intentions; Magnolia; Firm; Natural Born Killers; Mars Attacks!; Unforgiven; Gremlins; Batman Returns; Jackie Brown; Goonies; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Citizen Kane; Last Samurai; Romancing the Stone; Scarface; Signs; Star Trek: First Contact; Shaun of the Dead; Rush Hour; Arachnophobia; League of Their Own; Swingers; Moulin Rouge],[12449; 12206; 11973; 11633; 11180; 10998; 10725; 10675; 10443; 10385; 10297; 10186; 10144; 10131; 10024; 9910; 9774; 9703; 9693; 9685; 9679; 9420; 9141; 9072; 9071; 8906; 8879; 8842; 8830; 8500; 8368; 8304; 8277; 8249; 8224; 8156; 8082; 8071; 8053; 8003; 7980; 7945; 7906; 7888; 7879; 7782; 7772; 7742; 7727; 7711; 7704; 7650; 7648; 7568; 7484; 7468; 7388; 7386; 7285; 7222; 7221; 7189; 7183; 7177; 7150; 7090; 7034; 7019; 6968; 6962; 6947; 6945; 6913; 6911; 6910; 6897; 6892; 6861; 6817; 6803; 6799; 6786; 6767; 6756; 6723; 6713; 6694; 6661; 6598; 6512; 6471; 6434; 6416; 6403; 6371; 6367; 6362; 6346; 6318; 6297; 6274; 6246; 6196; 6185; 6124; 6121; 6105; 6086; 6065; 5971; 5967; 5945; 5914; 5903; 5885; 5878; 5861; 5826; 5816; 5814; 5790; 5759; 5730; 5724; 5702; 5693; 5671; 5669; 5610; 5572; 5571; 5563; 5538; 5532; 5520; 5472; 5469; 5450; 5427; 5407; 5379; 5356; 5348; 5344; 5309; 5278; 5264; 5257; 5233; 5182; 5159; 5146; 5134; 5099; 5093; 5089; 5089; 5080; 5073; 5036; 5033; 4996; 4970; 4967; 4956; 4927; 4876; 4868; 4861; 4861; 4858; 4847; 4827; 4816; 4798; 4791; 4791; 4779; 4773; 4767; 4754; 4721; 4721; 4703; 4699; 4693; 4683; 4611; 4600; 4592; 4587; 4582; 4555; 4553; 4542; 4522; 4488; 4486; 4485; 4481; 4476; 4457; 4454; 4434; 4394; 4383; 4377; 4358; 4350; 4343; 4340; 4330; 4301; 4293; 4277; 4274; 4272; 4269; 4223; 4206; 4142; 4142; 4123; 4121; 4117; 4089; 4058; 4054; 4045; 4033; 4031; 3998; 3991; 3990; 3969; 3964; 3938; 3920; 3917; 3915; 3912; 3889; 3862; 3857; 3853; 3850; 3842; 3841; 3833; 3831; 3826; 3811; 3809; 3803; 3794; 3789; 3784; 3783; 3776; 3752; 3743; 3731; 3725; 3724; 3722; 3677; 3674; 3673; 3664; 3648; 3643; 3635; 3628; 3595; 3595; 3587; 3579; 3575; 3572; 3568; 3548; 3548; 3538; 3532]
American President,[Forrest Gump; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Dances with Wolves; Pulp Fiction; Sleepless in Seattle; Braveheart; Speed; True Lies; Pretty Woman; Batman; Aladdin; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Schindler's List; Mrs. Doubtfire; Lion King; Ghost; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Dave; Clear and Present Danger; Usual Suspects; While You Were Sleeping; Beauty and the Beast; Firm; Toy Story; Babe; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clueless; Get Shorty; Crimson Tide; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Outbreak; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fargo; Quiz Show; Mask; GoldenEye; In the Line of Fire; Back to the Future; Mission: Impossible; Groundhog Day; Stargate; Philadelphia; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Home Alone; Client; Mr. Holland's Opus; Net; Twister; Sense and Sensibility; Birdcage; Star Trek: Generations; Batman Forever; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; When Harry Met Sally...; Princess Bride; Rock; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Jerry Maguire; Maverick; Die Hard; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Legends of the Fall; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Cliffhanger; Dead Man Walking; Jumanji; American Beauty; Leaving Las Vegas; Matrix; As Good as It Gets; Saving Private Ryan; Good Will Hunting; Sixth Sense; Terminator; Godfather; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Sabrina; Heat; Shakespeare in Love; Piano; French Kiss; Wizard of Oz; Waterworld; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Santa Clause; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Titanic; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Broken Arrow; Tombstone; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Clerks; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Much Ado About Nothing; Stand by Me; Fish Called Wanda; Top Gun; L.A. Confidential; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Disclosure; Rain Man; Hunt for Red October; Big; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dead Poets Society; Rob Roy; Alien; Nightmare Before Christmas; Casino; Casablanca; Blade Runner; There's Something About Mary; Breakfast Club; Goodfellas; Aliens; Addams Family Values; I.Q.; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Truman Show; Jaws; Few Good Men; Amadeus; Contact; Ed Wood; Nell; Taxi Driver; Demolition Man; Natural Born Killers; Godfather: Part II; Little Women; Lethal Weapon; Gladiator; Blues Brothers; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Edward Scissorhands; Crow; Graduate; Miracle on 34th Street; Bug's Life; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Full Monty; Mary Poppins; Remains of the Day; My Cousin Vinny; Grosse Pointe Blank; Sound of Music; Field of Dreams; Shrek; Being John Malkovich; Star Trek: First Contact; Fifth Element; True Romance; Toy Story 2; Reservoir Dogs; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Airplane!; Jungle Book; First Knight; Sting; Three Musketeers; Psycho; Romancing the Stone; Abyss; Beetlejuice; Grease; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Total Recall; Raising Arizona; Muriel's Wedding; It's a Wonderful Life; Nine Months; Fight Club; Bridges of Madison County; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Apocalypse Now; Pleasantville; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Die Hard 2; Phenomenon; Notting Hill; Wedding Singer; English Patient; Back to the Future Part II; Air Force One; Shining; Copycat; Gone with the Wind; Erin Brockovich; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); To Die For; Don Juan DeMarco; Sneakers; Ransom; Hudsucker Proxy],[12593; 11709; 11599; 11160; 11066; 10891; 10421; 10298; 10120; 10119; 10028; 9987; 9843; 9677; 9568; 9536; 9418; 9077; 8954; 8937; 8909; 8861; 8837; 8633; 8571; 8547; 8365; 8283; 8272; 7995; 7955; 7778; 7728; 7562; 7444; 7340; 7264; 7250; 7238; 7156; 7111; 7023; 6997; 6847; 6793; 6710; 6689; 6658; 6616; 6584; 6507; 6496; 6372; 6335; 6311; 6277; 6273; 6238; 6193; 6192; 6189; 6092; 6053; 6027; 5994; 5932; 5849; 5758; 5691; 5669; 5653; 5598; 5498; 5455; 5426; 5397; 5365; 5324; 5268; 5259; 5247; 5234; 5187; 5133; 5131; 5116; 5116; 5088; 5060; 5058; 5020; 5008; 4975; 4970; 4942; 4923; 4881; 4880; 4835; 4824; 4821; 4808; 4795; 4761; 4756; 4683; 4666; 4659; 4654; 4559; 4547; 4540; 4533; 4526; 4513; 4504; 4494; 4482; 4470; 4446; 4425; 4419; 4353; 4345; 4305; 4289; 4279; 4275; 4263; 4208; 4206; 4202; 4201; 4190; 4182; 4078; 4056; 4052; 4010; 4007; 3974; 3969; 3939; 3920; 3852; 3845; 3828; 3826; 3823; 3812; 3803; 3795; 3756; 3748; 3738; 3730; 3702; 3700; 3698; 3692; 3683; 3679; 3671; 3670; 3648; 3642; 3606; 3605; 3600; 3593; 3590; 3580; 3562; 3549; 3547; 3544; 3541; 3534; 3530; 3517; 3510; 3503; 3499; 3495; 3487; 3477; 3471; 3444; 3444; 3434; 3423; 3409; 3407; 3402; 3395; 3394; 3379; 3377; 3375; 3359; 3356; 3355; 3348; 3336; 3334; 3333; 3331; 3325]
Annie Hall,[Fargo; Godfather; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Casablanca; Back to the Future; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Schindler's List; Usual Suspects; Groundhog Day; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Graduate; Forrest Gump; Godfather: Part II; L.A. Confidential; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Blade Runner; Princess Bride; Goodfellas; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Taxi Driver; Matrix; Citizen Kane; Apocalypse Now; Amadeus; Being John Malkovich; Toy Story; Alien; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Psycho; Chinatown; Clockwork Orange; Wizard of Oz; When Harry Met Sally...; Rear Window; Sixth Sense; North by Northwest; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator; Shakespeare in Love; Jurassic Park; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Fugitive; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Reservoir Dogs; Fish Called Wanda; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Raising Arizona; This Is Spinal Tap; Sting; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Shining; Stand by Me; Jaws; Manhattan; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Vertigo; Good Will Hunting; Fight Club; Young Frankenstein; Aliens; Rain Man; Memento; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Die Hard; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Apollo 13; Full Metal Jacket; Airplane!; Big Lebowski; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Babe; To Kill a Mockingbird; Blues Brothers; Trainspotting; Maltese Falcon; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Truman Show; As Good as It Gets; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Breakfast Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Big; Dead Poets Society; Edward Scissorhands; Batman; Some Like It Hot; Brazil; Dances with Wolves; It's a Wonderful Life; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Clerks; Lawrence of Arabia; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Gone with the Wind; There's Something About Mary; Beetlejuice; Election; Almost Famous; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); High Fidelity; Gladiator; Titanic; Raging Bull; Rushmore; Cool Hand Luke; Speed; African Queen; Aladdin; Manchurian Candidate; Shrek; Unforgiven; Full Monty; Bridge on the River Kwai; Crying Game; Platoon; Clueless; Ed Wood; Jerry Maguire; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Lion King; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Get Shorty; Toy Story 2; Sleeper; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Bonnie and Clyde; Singin' in the Rain; Deer Hunter; Harold and Maude; Hunt for Red October; 12 Angry Men; Sling Blade; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Untouchables; Traffic; Witness; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Rocky; Leaving Las Vegas; Dead Man Walking; Das Boot (The Boat); Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Fifth Element; Boogie Nights; Sense and Sensibility; English Patient; Office Space; Grosse Pointe Blank; Beauty and the Beast; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Sleepless in Seattle; Birds; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Quiz Show; Lost in Translation; Total Recall; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Mary Poppins; Contact; Player; French Connection; Mission: Impossible; Being There; American History X; Pretty Woman; True Lies; Beautiful Mind; Heathers; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Bug's Life; Gandhi; Lethal Weapon; Gattaca; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Planet of the Apes; Nightmare Before Christmas; Sound of Music; Minority Report; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Blue Velvet; Christmas Story; Fantasia; X-Men; Exorcist; Glory; Casino; Midnight Cowboy; Royal Tenenbaums; Ocean's Eleven; Monsters Inc.; Romancing the Stone; Chicken Run; Great Escape; Superman; Mrs. Doubtfire; Piano; Sunset Blvd. (a.k.a. Sunset Boulevard); Heat; Magnolia; Roger & Me; Finding Nemo; Abyss; Chasing Amy; Cape Fear; Philadelphia Story; My Cousin Vinny; Third Man; Animal House; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Philadelphia; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Best in Show; Blazing Saddles; Back to the Future Part II; Pleasantville; Erin Brockovich; Few Good Men; Grease; Thelma & Louise; Spider-Man; Donnie Darko; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Catch Me If You Can; Dog Day Afternoon; Field of Dreams; Right Stuff; Say Anything...; Talented Mr. Ripley; Top Gun; Jackie Brown; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Deliverance; Rock; Mask; My Fair Lady; Duck Soup; Green Mile; Ghost; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Producers; Much Ado About Nothing; Dangerous Liaisons; Cast Away; Patton; Dave; Adaptation; Bourne Identity; Apartment; Killing Fields; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; American Graffiti; West Side Story; Streetcar Named Desire; On the Waterfront; Hoop Dreams; Room with a View; Wag the Dog; Broadcast News; In the Line of Fire; Goldfinger; Grifters; Incredibles; King Kong; Three Kings; Network; Eyes Wide Shut; Splash; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; American President; Arsenic and Old Lace; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Big Sleep],[9079; 9007; 8994; 8721; 8562; 8535; 8342; 8146; 8123; 8119; 7971; 7935; 7920; 7717; 7571; 7548; 7485; 7431; 7294; 7141; 7070; 7063; 7031; 6983; 6944; 6940; 6900; 6890; 6886; 6819; 6812; 6797; 6759; 6741; 6654; 6647; 6637; 6605; 6599; 6538; 6510; 6443; 6265; 6256; 6256; 6203; 6191; 6153; 6142; 6093; 6029; 6020; 5889; 5861; 5860; 5855; 5831; 5798; 5778; 5756; 5731; 5717; 5693; 5688; 5634; 5621; 5519; 5513; 5477; 5457; 5381; 5324; 5303; 5261; 5241; 5218; 5135; 5128; 5122; 5112; 5032; 5017; 4964; 4934; 4891; 4873; 4873; 4871; 4871; 4856; 4847; 4838; 4823; 4811; 4773; 4759; 4758; 4723; 4684; 4624; 4611; 4562; 4543; 4525; 4518; 4517; 4486; 4480; 4477; 4447; 4435; 4422; 4414; 4412; 4411; 4409; 4401; 4386; 4341; 4340; 4307; 4291; 4291; 4266; 4245; 4228; 4184; 4183; 4177; 4165; 4146; 4141; 4135; 4123; 4069; 4036; 4025; 4016; 4010; 4009; 3990; 3951; 3936; 3917; 3910; 3901; 3896; 3888; 3873; 3855; 3853; 3838; 3835; 3823; 3817; 3815; 3800; 3797; 3793; 3792; 3788; 3788; 3786; 3764; 3764; 3763; 3756; 3725; 3713; 3713; 3713; 3709; 3708; 3685; 3677; 3674; 3665; 3662; 3658; 3653; 3649; 3641; 3626; 3614; 3567; 3556; 3532; 3529; 3526; 3522; 3518; 3507; 3482; 3477; 3475; 3458; 3457; 3453; 3450; 3441; 3436; 3421; 3405; 3402; 3402; 3381; 3375; 3367; 3365; 3365; 3361; 3344; 3335; 3331; 3323; 3322; 3313; 3309; 3292; 3277; 3273; 3271; 3267; 3245; 3243; 3240; 3239; 3236; 3233; 3233; 3227; 3220; 3220; 3219; 3212; 3211; 3210; 3204; 3204; 3183; 3182; 3181; 3177; 3174; 3162; 3156; 3139; 3126; 3124; 3120; 3118; 3107; 3100; 3097; 3093; 3075; 3073; 3072; 3066; 3059; 3054; 3049; 3048; 3032; 3022; 3013; 3001; 3001; 2998; 2994; 2978; 2978; 2947; 2944; 2940; 2930; 2930; 2928; 2924; 2924; 2920; 2916; 2908; 2901; 2895; 2890; 2874; 2873; 2862; 2857]
Apocalypse Now,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Godfather; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Fargo; Usual Suspects; American Beauty; Forrest Gump; Schindler's List; Blade Runner; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Alien; Back to the Future; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Reservoir Dogs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Terminator; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; Fight Club; Full Metal Jacket; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clockwork Orange; Sixth Sense; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Jurassic Park; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Aliens; Taxi Driver; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Shining; Toy Story; Fugitive; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; L.A. Confidential; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Memento; Casablanca; Being John Malkovich; Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Apollo 13; Jaws; Amadeus; Princess Bride; Good Will Hunting; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Psycho; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Trainspotting; Platoon; Rain Man; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Batman; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); American History X; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Citizen Kane; Wizard of Oz; Big Lebowski; Fifth Element; Truman Show; Stand by Me; Dances with Wolves; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Blues Brothers; Shrek; Graduate; Chinatown; Fish Called Wanda; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Dead Poets Society; Hunt for Red October; Rear Window; Speed; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); When Harry Met Sally...; Mission: Impossible; This Is Spinal Tap; Lion King; Edward Scissorhands; There's Something About Mary; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; X-Men; Unforgiven; Total Recall; Minority Report; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Clerks; True Lies; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Airplane!; North by Northwest; Untouchables; Rock; Titanic; Breakfast Club; Heat; Deer Hunter; Raising Arizona; As Good as It Gets; Ocean's Eleven; Sting; Beetlejuice; Aladdin; Brazil; Donnie Darko; Beautiful Mind; Vertigo; Bridge on the River Kwai; Shakespeare in Love; Annie Hall; Green Mile; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Snatch; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Office Space; Big; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Bourne Identity; Contact; Lethal Weapon; Traffic; Das Boot (The Boat); Abyss; Casino; Rocky; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Top Gun; Gattaca; Young Frankenstein; Spider-Man; Jerry Maguire; Monsters Inc.; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Finding Nemo; Almost Famous; Babe; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Toy Story 2; Raging Bull; Four Weddings and a Funeral; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lawrence of Arabia; High Fidelity; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Lost in Translation; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Catch Me If You Can; Exorcist; It's a Wonderful Life; Batman Begins; Planet of the Apes; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Mask; Back to the Future Part II; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Cool Hand Luke; Get Shorty; Requiem for a Dream; 12 Angry Men; Incredibles; Boogie Nights; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Great Escape; Cast Away; Sin City; Leaving Las Vegas; Few Good Men; Bug's Life; Predator; GoldenEye; Glory; Scarface; American Pie; Full Monty; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jackie Brown; Maltese Falcon; Sling Blade; Game; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Beauty and the Beast; Dead Man Walking; Ed Wood; Face/Off; Die Hard 2; City of God (Cidade de Deus); RoboCop; True Romance; Departed; Three Kings; Natural Born Killers; Stargate; Gone with the Wind; Grosse Pointe Blank; Philadelphia; Manchurian Candidate; Bowling for Columbine; Cape Fear; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clear and Present Danger; Dark Knight; Birds; Superman; Back to the Future Part III; Crying Game; Rushmore; Star Trek: First Contact; Sleepless in Seattle; In the Line of Fire; Ghost; Patton; Dogma; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Goldfinger; Good Morning Vietnam; Donnie Brasco; Chicken Run; Clueless; Magnolia; Royal Tenenbaums; Animal House; Witness; Quiz Show; English Patient; Home Alone; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Gandhi; Twister; French Connection; Last of the Mohicans; Eyes Wide Shut; Chasing Amy; X2: X-Men United; African Queen; Starship Troopers; Wayne's World; Field of Dreams; Bonnie and Clyde; Dark City; Election; Blair Witch Project; Blue Velvet; 28 Days Later; Deliverance; Firm; Blazing Saddles; Unbreakable; Crimson Tide; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Erin Brockovich; King Kong; Some Like It Hot; Mars Attacks!; Christmas Story; Bourne Supremacy; Spider-Man 2; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Fantasia; Army of Darkness; Romancing the Stone; Talented Mr. Ripley; Big Fish; No Country for Old Men; V for Vendetta; Thelma & Louise; Sleepy Hollow; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Scream; Sneakers; Highlander; Crow; Pianist; Meet the Parents; Shaun of the Dead; My Cousin Vinny; Matrix Reloaded; La Femme Nikita; Killing Fields; Mulholland Drive; Fly; Right Stuff],[16421; 15555; 15024; 14808; 14617; 14550; 14421; 13806; 13705; 13511; 13433; 13245; 13141; 12979; 12966; 12938; 12894; 12759; 12594; 12429; 12390; 12242; 12216; 12206; 12098; 11969; 11960; 11855; 11829; 11624; 11570; 11502; 11482; 11480; 11258; 11228; 11186; 10997; 10866; 10861; 10825; 10800; 10722; 10477; 10448; 10427; 10407; 9882; 9863; 9749; 9693; 9686; 9674; 9644; 9573; 9518; 9484; 9463; 9458; 9350; 9287; 9183; 9130; 9083; 8980; 8706; 8683; 8672; 8642; 8607; 8604; 8571; 8569; 8554; 8530; 8508; 8493; 8491; 8256; 8242; 8236; 8028; 7962; 7953; 7887; 7880; 7724; 7658; 7589; 7553; 7509; 7484; 7479; 7476; 7434; 7428; 7426; 7413; 7412; 7397; 7361; 7360; 7338; 7329; 7298; 7247; 7243; 7218; 7186; 7176; 7164; 7139; 7129; 7127; 7111; 7088; 7076; 7069; 7037; 6977; 6930; 6917; 6893; 6892; 6843; 6839; 6823; 6819; 6807; 6804; 6799; 6740; 6723; 6717; 6712; 6697; 6691; 6691; 6685; 6629; 6618; 6594; 6586; 6583; 6581; 6564; 6483; 6466; 6459; 6427; 6400; 6400; 6383; 6303; 6280; 6266; 6264; 6254; 6230; 6219; 6213; 6190; 6133; 6080; 6070; 5991; 5978; 5963; 5956; 5948; 5947; 5932; 5926; 5909; 5898; 5872; 5856; 5849; 5842; 5762; 5760; 5758; 5718; 5714; 5706; 5679; 5664; 5659; 5652; 5621; 5598; 5596; 5589; 5559; 5534; 5532; 5516; 5516; 5508; 5507; 5498; 5480; 5470; 5461; 5436; 5424; 5399; 5391; 5336; 5324; 5284; 5274; 5261; 5245; 5242; 5236; 5217; 5200; 5193; 5193; 5188; 5185; 5181; 5175; 5172; 5151; 5133; 5095; 5087; 5073; 5045; 5034; 5022; 5018; 5000; 4998; 4989; 4987; 4987; 4952; 4948; 4946; 4935; 4913; 4862; 4850; 4830; 4817; 4805; 4800; 4796; 4795; 4787; 4763; 4752; 4714; 4709; 4705; 4704; 4700; 4678; 4669; 4661; 4656; 4649; 4648; 4629; 4627; 4623; 4618; 4615; 4612; 4568; 4567; 4560; 4557; 4547; 4542; 4535; 4526; 4523; 4498; 4496; 4479; 4477; 4477; 4464; 4464; 4454; 4454; 4452; 4411; 4405; 4399; 4399; 4393; 4368; 4366; 4360; 4343; 4341; 4335; 4323; 4320; 4319]
Apollo 13,[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Dances with Wolves; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Aladdin; Schindler's List; Speed; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Toy Story; Lion King; Usual Suspects; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Beauty and the Beast; Clear and Present Danger; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mrs. Doubtfire; Stargate; Pretty Woman; Crimson Tide; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Firm; Outbreak; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Babe; Back to the Future; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; GoldenEye; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Fargo; Matrix; Mask; Batman Forever; Sleepless in Seattle; Ghost; Star Trek: Generations; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mission: Impossible; Four Weddings and a Funeral; While You Were Sleeping; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Quiz Show; American Beauty; Net; Cliffhanger; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Get Shorty; Godfather; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Waterworld; Rock; Home Alone; Clueless; Good Will Hunting; Gladiator; Twister; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Dave; Fight Club; Philadelphia; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); In the Line of Fire; Princess Bride; Alien; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Blade Runner; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Truman Show; American President; Rain Man; Titanic; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Natural Born Killers; Aliens; Heat; Goodfellas; Jumanji; Memento; Reservoir Dogs; Taxi Driver; Client; Clerks; Hunt for Red October; Fifth Element; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; L.A. Confidential; Ocean's Eleven; Jerry Maguire; Dead Poets Society; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Dead Man Walking; Wizard of Oz; Mr. Holland's Opus; As Good as It Gets; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Birdcage; Nightmare Before Christmas; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Godfather: Part II; 2001: A Space Odyssey; X-Men; Minority Report; Jaws; Beautiful Mind; Addams Family Values; Finding Nemo; Maverick; Apocalypse Now; Legends of the Fall; Sense and Sensibility; Tombstone; There's Something About Mary; Monsters Inc.; When Harry Met Sally...; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Being John Malkovich; Leaving Las Vegas; Green Mile; Spider-Man; Stand by Me; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Bourne Identity; Shining; Trainspotting; Full Metal Jacket; Amadeus; Top Gun; Santa Clause; Casablanca; Contact; Casino; Piano; Fish Called Wanda; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Broken Arrow],[32961; 31159; 31096; 30625; 30562; 30128; 27708; 27315; 26956; 26215; 25365; 24114; 23759; 22742; 22212; 21851; 21840; 21836; 20708; 20704; 20628; 20031; 19522; 19019; 18184; 17979; 17926; 17903; 17648; 17614; 17595; 17475; 17452; 17449; 17304; 17301; 17263; 17179; 17033; 16846; 16717; 16695; 16576; 16094; 15828; 15818; 15397; 15226; 15155; 15119; 14960; 14624; 14366; 14356; 14348; 14317; 14278; 14202; 14179; 14132; 13981; 13886; 13885; 13670; 13616; 13565; 13530; 13446; 13070; 13049; 13040; 12984; 12876; 12868; 12739; 12727; 12456; 12395; 12338; 12311; 12069; 11988; 11888; 11747; 11599; 11545; 11512; 11370; 11298; 11281; 11246; 10997; 10971; 10927; 10889; 10718; 10705; 10646; 10644; 10613; 10592; 10471; 10470; 10397; 10368; 10307; 10225; 10197; 10184; 10141; 10125; 10081; 10049; 10034; 10023; 9944; 9933; 9921; 9891; 9889; 9867; 9732; 9723; 9708; 9686; 9660; 9656; 9654; 9650; 9648; 9638; 9613; 9613; 9606; 9567; 9444; 9436; 9387; 9372; 9356; 9348; 9330; 9324; 9309; 9278; 9271; 9246; 9200; 9161; 9069; 9032; 9008]
As Good as It Gets,[Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; American Beauty; Matrix; Back to the Future; Good Will Hunting; Sixth Sense; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Groundhog Day; Toy Story; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Braveheart; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Jurassic Park; Usual Suspects; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fugitive; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Godfather; Rain Man; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Truman Show; Fight Club; There's Something About Mary; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); L.A. Confidential; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Gladiator; Titanic; Princess Bride; Shakespeare in Love; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Shrek; Die Hard; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Being John Malkovich; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Goodfellas; When Harry Met Sally...; Jerry Maguire; Dances with Wolves; Speed; Alien; Memento; Breakfast Club; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Aladdin; Lion King; Hunt for Red October; Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Big; Dead Poets Society; Stand by Me; True Lies; Edward Scissorhands; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Blade Runner; Wizard of Oz; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Pretty Woman; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Godfather: Part II; Aliens; Green Mile; Contact; Ocean's Eleven; Mission: Impossible; Beautiful Mind; Few Good Men; X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Shining; Babe; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Rock; Jaws; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Full Monty; Fish Called Wanda; Big Lebowski; American History X; Beetlejuice; Toy Story 2; Casablanca; Mrs. Doubtfire; Amadeus; Bug's Life; Monsters Inc.; Lethal Weapon; Minority Report; Apocalypse Now; Sleepless in Seattle; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Finding Nemo; Total Recall; Airplane!; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Trainspotting; Clerks; Office Space; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Almost Famous; Spider-Man; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Full Metal Jacket; American Pie; Clockwork Orange; Blues Brothers; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Cast Away; Bourne Identity; Catch Me If You Can; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Ghost; Clueless; Taxi Driver; Back to the Future Part II; Gattaca; High Fidelity; Mask; Psycho; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Top Gun; Erin Brockovich; Grosse Pointe Blank; Traffic; Untouchables; My Cousin Vinny; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Graduate; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Philadelphia; Pleasantville; Game; Face/Off; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Get Shorty; Back to the Future Part III; Heat; Rocky; Raising Arizona; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Meet the Parents; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Incredibles; Platoon; Dogma; Home Alone; Wedding Singer; Snatch; Sling Blade; Citizen Kane; Dead Man Walking; Boogie Nights; Chasing Amy; Abyss; Twister; Lost in Translation; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Rear Window; Wayne's World; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; This Is Spinal Tap; Unforgiven; Chicken Run; Sting; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Casino; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Liar Liar; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; GoldenEye; Leaving Las Vegas; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Election; American President; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Clear and Present Danger; Good Morning Vietnam; Romancing the Stone; Enemy of the State; Notting Hill; Air Force One; It's a Wonderful Life; Armageddon; Dave; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Batman Begins; Nightmare Before Christmas; Planet of the Apes; Superman; Die Hard 2; Firm; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Rushmore; English Patient; Little Mermaid; Young Frankenstein; Birdcage; Donnie Darko; To Kill a Mockingbird; In the Line of Fire; Scream; Talented Mr. Ripley; Field of Dreams; North by Northwest; Thelma & Louise; Christmas Story; Annie Hall; Stargate; Mummy; Wag the Dog; Gone with the Wind; Three Kings; Chinatown; Witness; X2: X-Men United; Quiz Show; Grease; Unbreakable; Jackie Brown; Spider-Man 2; Mary Poppins; Sense and Sensibility; League of Their Own; Bridget Jones's Diary; Shrek 2; Happy Gilmore; Star Trek: First Contact; Bourne Supremacy; Predator; Donnie Brasco; Thomas Crown Affair; Swingers; Exorcist; Bowling for Columbine; Galaxy Quest; Royal Tenenbaums; Maverick; Sleepy Hollow; Lethal Weapon 2; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Blair Witch Project; Magnolia; Sneakers; Vertigo; Big Fish; Con Air; Crimson Tide; Outbreak; Glory; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Devil's Advocate; Last of the Mohicans; Sound of Music; Chocolat; Mask of Zorro; Jumanji; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Crying Game; Crocodile Dundee; Ed Wood; Animal House; Splash; RoboCop; Trading Places; Mr. Holland's Opus; While You Were Sleeping; Eyes Wide Shut; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Beverly Hills Cop; Sin City; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Matrix Reloaded; You've Got Mail; Requiem for a Dream; Cape Fear; Ransom; My Best Friend's Wedding; Starship Troopers; Batman Returns; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Moulin Rouge; True Romance; About a Boy; Misery; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Blazing Saddles; Bridge on the River Kwai; Much Ado About Nothing; Piano; Insider; Mars Attacks!; 12 Angry Men; Say Anything...; Driving Miss Daisy; Natural Born Killers; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Patriot; Best in Show; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Das Boot (The Boat); Departed; Gremlins],[14020; 13447; 13426; 13010; 12920; 12683; 12481; 12067; 12029; 11706; 11674; 11629; 11540; 11479; 11450; 11448; 11384; 11257; 11113; 11111; 11110; 10827; 10691; 10624; 10125; 10113; 10060; 9996; 9966; 9956; 9865; 9831; 9808; 9797; 9756; 9595; 9552; 9529; 9453; 9272; 9270; 9260; 9249; 9188; 9109; 9078; 8977; 8947; 8893; 8758; 8706; 8676; 8591; 8572; 8487; 8449; 8340; 8291; 8260; 8242; 8226; 8214; 8180; 8123; 8063; 8034; 8029; 7975; 7891; 7824; 7823; 7819; 7815; 7794; 7793; 7788; 7765; 7736; 7685; 7668; 7610; 7566; 7477; 7466; 7455; 7454; 7446; 7444; 7405; 7365; 7359; 7329; 7283; 7231; 7205; 7203; 7172; 7163; 7147; 7139; 7112; 7097; 7090; 7081; 7076; 7056; 7023; 7015; 6986; 6983; 6970; 6954; 6939; 6916; 6911; 6882; 6875; 6848; 6847; 6829; 6811; 6786; 6754; 6739; 6734; 6690; 6678; 6646; 6608; 6606; 6599; 6581; 6564; 6545; 6487; 6467; 6414; 6403; 6393; 6365; 6364; 6333; 6302; 6287; 6265; 6262; 6197; 6171; 6149; 6111; 6109; 6075; 6054; 5989; 5981; 5826; 5789; 5782; 5777; 5775; 5769; 5769; 5699; 5656; 5596; 5591; 5574; 5554; 5539; 5513; 5511; 5493; 5483; 5482; 5468; 5449; 5431; 5403; 5370; 5358; 5352; 5342; 5337; 5334; 5330; 5329; 5328; 5322; 5307; 5302; 5289; 5281; 5274; 5269; 5268; 5258; 5243; 5229; 5202; 5188; 5168; 5146; 5137; 5136; 5133; 5121; 5105; 5097; 5091; 5084; 5078; 5056; 5053; 5052; 5045; 4999; 4992; 4986; 4986; 4971; 4970; 4955; 4925; 4908; 4905; 4901; 4873; 4871; 4869; 4855; 4852; 4836; 4830; 4829; 4828; 4826; 4815; 4796; 4779; 4773; 4732; 4727; 4711; 4688; 4643; 4629; 4621; 4613; 4606; 4604; 4598; 4569; 4555; 4554; 4551; 4549; 4546; 4524; 4515; 4505; 4500; 4499; 4496; 4493; 4492; 4489; 4482; 4447; 4441; 4432; 4425; 4419; 4416; 4409; 4391; 4370; 4364; 4357; 4341; 4311; 4294; 4279; 4271; 4263; 4256; 4252; 4250; 4231; 4216; 4214; 4208; 4208; 4207; 4184; 4149; 4134; 4123; 4119; 4111; 4106; 4096; 4070; 4052; 4035; 4026; 4026; 4023; 4011; 4005; 4001; 3999; 3994; 3978; 3976; 3972; 3959; 3949; 3943; 3940; 3939; 3931; 3930; 3918]
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery,[Matrix; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Toy Story; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Jurassic Park; Sixth Sense; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Groundhog Day; Fight Club; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Usual Suspects; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; There's Something About Mary; Terminator; Gladiator; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fargo; Fugitive; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Die Hard; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Princess Bride; Godfather; Schindler's List; Truman Show; X-Men; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fifth Element; Good Will Hunting; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Apollo 13; Batman; Reservoir Dogs; Alien; Aladdin; Memento; Being John Malkovich; Lion King; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Speed; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Mission: Impossible; Ocean's Eleven; American Pie; Office Space; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Rain Man; Spider-Man; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Aliens; As Good as It Gets; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; True Lies; Blade Runner; Goodfellas; Breakfast Club; Titanic; Beetlejuice; Toy Story 2; L.A. Confidential; Monsters Inc.; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shining; Rock; Clerks; Edward Scissorhands; Big; Minority Report; Airplane!; Finding Nemo; Big Lebowski; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Wizard of Oz; Hunt for Red October; Jerry Maguire; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Total Recall; Mask; Back to the Future Part II; Full Metal Jacket; Bug's Life; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Jaws; Mrs. Doubtfire; Blues Brothers; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; American History X; Clockwork Orange; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Stand by Me; Bourne Identity; Wayne's World; Green Mile; Apocalypse Now; Trainspotting; Godfather: Part II; Shakespeare in Love; Dances with Wolves; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Beautiful Mind; Contact; Dead Poets Society; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lethal Weapon; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); When Harry Met Sally...; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part III; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Dogma; Beauty and the Beast; Top Gun; Fish Called Wanda; Happy Gilmore; Clueless; Cast Away; Almost Famous; Meet the Parents; Incredibles; Catch Me If You Can; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; GoldenEye; Babe; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Liar Liar; Snatch; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Face/Off; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Home Alone; Gattaca; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); X2: X-Men United; High Fidelity; Grosse Pointe Blank; Full Monty; Psycho; Batman Begins; Amadeus; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Wedding Singer; Taxi Driver; Nightmare Before Christmas; Donnie Darko; Casablanca; This Is Spinal Tap; Armageddon; Spider-Man 2; Pleasantville; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Traffic; Few Good Men; Mummy; Sleepless in Seattle; Scream; Ghost; Chicken Run; Heat; Untouchables; Twister; Die Hard 2; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Rocky; Shrek 2; My Cousin Vinny; Abyss; Predator; Raising Arizona; Matrix Reloaded; Get Shorty; Stargate; Game; Platoon; Planet of the Apes; Erin Brockovich; Chasing Amy; Superman; Boogie Nights; Enemy of the State; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Casino; Unbreakable; Lost in Translation; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Sin City; Rushmore; Galaxy Quest; Young Frankenstein; Mars Attacks!; Star Trek: First Contact; Bourne Supremacy; Spaceballs; Graduate; Starship Troopers; Christmas Story; Sleepy Hollow; Little Mermaid; Citizen Kane; Election; Jumanji; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Bowling for Columbine; RoboCop; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Three Kings; Birdcage; Animal House; Con Air; Batman Returns; Royal Tenenbaums; Good Morning Vietnam; Clear and Present Danger; Unforgiven; Air Force One; Grease; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Blair Witch Project; Rear Window; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Big Fish; Beverly Hills Cop; Philadelphia; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Shaun of the Dead; Blazing Saddles; Dave; Lethal Weapon 2; Exorcist; Crow; Romancing the Stone; Swingers; Jackie Brown; Army of Darkness; Mary Poppins; Requiem for a Dream; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Natural Born Killers; V for Vendetta; Gremlins; Maverick; 28 Days Later; Goldfinger; Firm; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Ed Wood; Ice Age; Talented Mr. Ripley; Blade; Outbreak; Mission: Impossible II; League of Their Own; Nutty Professor; Field of Dreams; Sling Blade; Charlie's Angels; It's a Wonderful Life; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); In the Line of Fire; Italian Job; Sneakers; Crocodile Dundee; To Kill a Mockingbird; Dark Knight; Casino Royale; Leaving Las Vegas; North by Northwest; Batman Forever; School of Rock; Austin Powers in Goldmember; Caddyshack; Goonies; Scarface; Sting; Trading Places; Tomorrow Never Dies; Black Hawk Down; Notting Hill; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Rush Hour; Dark City; Mask of Zorro; Bridget Jones's Diary; American President; Departed; True Romance; Wag the Dog; Patriot; Donnie Brasco; Chinatown; Best in Show; Ransom; Moulin Rouge; Devil's Advocate; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Thomas Crown Affair; Last Samurai; Brazil; Thelma & Louise; Annie Hall; King Kong; Signs; Magnolia; Last of the Mohicans; Heathers; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; So I Married an Axe Murderer; Sound of Music; From Dusk Till Dawn; Eyes Wide Shut; Dead Man Walking; Crimson Tide; Vertigo; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Glory; Star Trek: Generations; Desperado; Quiz Show; Mallrats; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Splash; Fantasia; Antz],[12510; 12225; 12074; 11858; 11790; 11628; 11494; 11392; 11361; 11238; 11226; 11087; 11025; 11019; 10808; 10651; 10512; 10484; 10402; 9978; 9952; 9919; 9884; 9880; 9857; 9853; 9829; 9705; 9640; 9611; 9362; 9280; 9224; 9178; 9091; 9071; 9037; 8981; 8909; 8892; 8873; 8854; 8834; 8804; 8795; 8624; 8619; 8607; 8491; 8414; 8406; 8295; 8289; 8256; 8237; 8128; 8103; 8089; 7953; 7945; 7915; 7861; 7854; 7847; 7835; 7812; 7794; 7717; 7696; 7671; 7668; 7632; 7626; 7618; 7592; 7556; 7518; 7513; 7440; 7435; 7407; 7398; 7387; 7325; 7266; 7261; 7259; 7182; 7129; 7101; 7100; 7052; 7032; 7021; 7011; 7001; 6988; 6963; 6945; 6934; 6931; 6926; 6894; 6894; 6864; 6828; 6824; 6784; 6781; 6772; 6740; 6711; 6688; 6649; 6633; 6579; 6567; 6531; 6516; 6508; 6491; 6464; 6463; 6459; 6452; 6403; 6375; 6367; 6334; 6303; 6285; 6265; 6253; 6245; 6194; 6189; 6189; 6189; 6118; 6108; 6107; 6081; 6040; 6028; 6022; 6017; 5979; 5972; 5935; 5900; 5875; 5842; 5828; 5821; 5776; 5743; 5706; 5668; 5649; 5643; 5635; 5629; 5610; 5596; 5526; 5518; 5505; 5505; 5503; 5480; 5472; 5460; 5430; 5411; 5395; 5381; 5370; 5316; 5279; 5265; 5227; 5221; 5212; 5209; 5185; 5183; 5163; 5140; 5131; 5118; 5112; 5093; 5066; 5059; 5045; 5012; 4996; 4979; 4974; 4970; 4966; 4963; 4953; 4886; 4881; 4881; 4803; 4789; 4784; 4762; 4741; 4735; 4734; 4720; 4706; 4700; 4690; 4684; 4677; 4663; 4657; 4643; 4614; 4610; 4608; 4607; 4589; 4577; 4571; 4567; 4565; 4564; 4555; 4552; 4551; 4547; 4513; 4475; 4424; 4409; 4384; 4347; 4346; 4310; 4304; 4303; 4299; 4284; 4280; 4273; 4257; 4241; 4229; 4222; 4211; 4210; 4189; 4181; 4175; 4167; 4167; 4154; 4142; 4126; 4124; 4120; 4102; 4101; 4098; 4092; 4091; 4091; 4076; 4074; 4074; 4065; 4051; 4049; 4039; 4037; 4033; 4016; 4010; 4006; 4004; 4002; 4001; 4001; 3983; 3968; 3958; 3952; 3938; 3928; 3921; 3914; 3907; 3902; 3898; 3889; 3881; 3879; 3876; 3875; 3852; 3850; 3850; 3843; 3835; 3835; 3828; 3820; 3812; 3812; 3803; 3801; 3796; 3792; 3778; 3775; 3764; 3756; 3737; 3731; 3729; 3727; 3714; 3710; 3706; 3696; 3691; 3686; 3674; 3674; 3673; 3671; 3655; 3639; 3625; 3621; 3599; 3592; 3576; 3572; 3569]
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,[Matrix; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Shawshank Redemption; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Toy Story; Gladiator; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Pie; Groundhog Day; Terminator; Usual Suspects; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; There's Something About Mary; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; X-Men; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Being John Malkovich; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Schindler's List; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Godfather; Fugitive; Die Hard; Fargo; Fifth Element; Good Will Hunting; Princess Bride; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Truman Show; Memento; Alien; Apollo 13; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Batman; Office Space; Reservoir Dogs; Lion King; Rain Man; Titanic; Ocean's Eleven; Speed; Aladdin; Toy Story 2; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Mission: Impossible; Spider-Man; Bug's Life; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Clerks; Monsters Inc.; Minority Report; Aliens; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Shakespeare in Love; L.A. Confidential; True Lies; Blade Runner; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Goodfellas; Finding Nemo; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Breakfast Club; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; As Good as It Gets; Total Recall; Rock; Edward Scissorhands; Mask; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Green Mile; Cast Away; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Beetlejuice; Bourne Identity; Shining; Mrs. Doubtfire; Wizard of Oz; Big; Beautiful Mind; American History X; Big Lebowski; Hunt for Red October; Clockwork Orange; Jaws; Back to the Future Part II; Godfather: Part II; Airplane!; Full Metal Jacket; Dances with Wolves; Jerry Maguire; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Apocalypse Now; Pretty Woman; Incredibles; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Stand by Me; Catch Me If You Can; Lethal Weapon; Contact; Back to the Future Part III; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Trainspotting; Blues Brothers; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Meet the Parents; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; When Harry Met Sally...; Dogma; GoldenEye; Beauty and the Beast; Almost Famous; Snatch; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Wayne's World; Dead Poets Society; Home Alone; Top Gun; Batman Begins; Erin Brockovich; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Face/Off; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Babe; Mummy; Blair Witch Project; Gattaca; Fish Called Wanda; Chicken Run; X2: X-Men United; Donnie Darko; Liar Liar; Clueless; Abyss; Armageddon; High Fidelity; Taxi Driver; Happy Gilmore; Psycho; Spider-Man 2; Casablanca; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Traffic; Matrix Reloaded; Shrek 2; Full Monty; Ghost; Twister; Wedding Singer; Sleepy Hollow; Amadeus; Stargate; Galaxy Quest; Few Good Men; Sleepless in Seattle; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Sin City; Predator; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Untouchables; Rocky; Rushmore; Die Hard 2; Nightmare Before Christmas; Election; Lost in Translation; Heat; Pleasantville; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Planet of the Apes; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; This Is Spinal Tap; Enemy of the State; Unbreakable; Scream; Game; Mission: Impossible II; Superman; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Platoon; Bourne Supremacy; Grosse Pointe Blank; Jumanji; My Cousin Vinny; Starship Troopers; Charlie's Angels; Talented Mr. Ripley; Get Shorty; RoboCop; Raising Arizona; Chasing Amy; Thomas Crown Affair; Spaceballs; Air Force One; Boogie Nights; Bowling for Columbine; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Casino; V for Vendetta; Graduate; Little Mermaid; Con Air; Patriot; Mars Attacks!; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Three Kings; Dark Knight; Big Fish; Good Morning Vietnam; Eyes Wide Shut; Christmas Story; Grease; Citizen Kane; Clear and Present Danger; Royal Tenenbaums; 10 Things I Hate About You; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Star Trek: First Contact; Casino Royale; Young Frankenstein; Lethal Weapon 2; Batman Returns; Exorcist; Requiem for a Dream; Big Daddy; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Shaun of the Dead; Rear Window; Animal House; Beverly Hills Cop; Ice Age; Austin Powers in Goldmember; Departed; Unforgiven; Natural Born Killers; Blade; Romancing the Stone; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Notting Hill; Outbreak; Jackie Brown; Birdcage; 28 Days Later; Crow; Philadelphia; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Batman Forever; Goldfinger; Magnolia; Black Hawk Down; Gremlins; Crocodile Dundee; Blazing Saddles; Arachnophobia; Nutty Professor; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Army of Darkness; Firm; Tomorrow Never Dies; Italian Job; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Mask of Zorro; What's Eating Gilbert Grape],[12626; 11953; 11760; 11696; 11330; 11158; 11139; 11100; 10997; 10941; 10929; 10699; 10638; 10541; 10540; 10518; 10512; 10319; 10235; 10040; 10036; 9628; 9595; 9481; 9420; 9333; 9224; 9171; 9047; 8985; 8950; 8863; 8791; 8618; 8603; 8564; 8529; 8466; 8448; 8411; 8342; 8286; 8269; 8262; 8200; 8130; 8119; 8101; 8095; 7956; 7896; 7854; 7819; 7791; 7778; 7774; 7754; 7716; 7713; 7710; 7608; 7603; 7565; 7551; 7501; 7496; 7481; 7434; 7332; 7328; 7245; 7235; 7212; 7166; 7164; 7153; 7149; 7096; 7064; 7061; 7018; 6994; 6978; 6911; 6882; 6815; 6803; 6747; 6715; 6679; 6639; 6616; 6604; 6599; 6598; 6595; 6589; 6584; 6570; 6475; 6471; 6464; 6454; 6432; 6421; 6420; 6409; 6402; 6357; 6162; 6153; 6138; 6086; 6080; 6042; 6033; 5959; 5950; 5938; 5929; 5923; 5913; 5892; 5886; 5864; 5855; 5839; 5837; 5816; 5807; 5807; 5806; 5791; 5789; 5719; 5715; 5676; 5666; 5663; 5639; 5627; 5626; 5577; 5556; 5550; 5496; 5470; 5452; 5428; 5422; 5383; 5358; 5348; 5311; 5306; 5306; 5276; 5250; 5240; 5225; 5213; 5197; 5164; 5160; 5157; 5147; 5108; 5081; 5079; 5048; 5026; 4998; 4987; 4979; 4941; 4925; 4922; 4883; 4880; 4870; 4863; 4839; 4824; 4821; 4797; 4791; 4784; 4779; 4735; 4735; 4694; 4693; 4684; 4683; 4671; 4665; 4659; 4646; 4624; 4613; 4583; 4558; 4557; 4537; 4526; 4491; 4483; 4476; 4445; 4413; 4349; 4336; 4335; 4324; 4314; 4308; 4278; 4260; 4251; 4250; 4245; 4238; 4228; 4225; 4221; 4215; 4210; 4207; 4173; 4156; 4133; 4109; 4104; 4103; 4095; 4095; 4095; 4077; 4071; 4048; 4040; 4036; 4034; 4029; 4017; 4012; 3982; 3971; 3967; 3966; 3964; 3954; 3951; 3938; 3935; 3932; 3910; 3865; 3856; 3832; 3831; 3829; 3824; 3814; 3804; 3794; 3793; 3791; 3786; 3775; 3772; 3771; 3764; 3731; 3728; 3726; 3718; 3705; 3702; 3695; 3686; 3678; 3671; 3664; 3662; 3634; 3631]
Babe,[Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Fugitive; Aladdin; Braveheart; Dances with Wolves; Lion King; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Batman; Schindler's List; Beauty and the Beast; Speed; True Lies; Usual Suspects; Mrs. Doubtfire; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Fargo; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Pretty Woman; Sleepless in Seattle; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Mask; Ghost; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Clear and Present Danger; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Clueless; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Firm; Matrix; Get Shorty; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); While You Were Sleeping; Quiz Show; Stargate; American Beauty; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; GoldenEye; Crimson Tide; Outbreak; Princess Bride; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Sixth Sense; Mission: Impossible; Batman Forever; Home Alone; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Star Trek: Generations; Dave; Saving Private Ryan; Godfather; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Wizard of Oz; Die Hard; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Good Will Hunting; Net; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); American President; Twister; Blade Runner; Sense and Sensibility; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Alien; Shakespeare in Love; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jumanji; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Philadelphia; L.A. Confidential; Rock; Titanic; In the Line of Fire; Waterworld; Cliffhanger; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); When Harry Met Sally...; Dead Man Walking; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Taxi Driver; As Good as It Gets; Truman Show; Birdcage; Clerks; Shrek; Goodfellas; Stand by Me; Aliens; Fish Called Wanda; Casablanca; Rain Man; Toy Story 2; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Gladiator; Being John Malkovich; Fight Club; There's Something About Mary; Ed Wood; Jaws; Amadeus; Piano; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Bug's Life; Santa Clause; Jerry Maguire; Leaving Las Vegas; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Mr. Holland's Opus; Addams Family Values; Edward Scissorhands; Reservoir Dogs; Client; Godfather: Part II; Breakfast Club; Natural Born Killers; Big; Fifth Element; Dead Poets Society; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Heat; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Maverick; Legends of the Fall; Apocalypse Now; Psycho; Shining; Hunt for Red October; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Much Ado About Nothing; Trainspotting; Beetlejuice; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Blues Brothers; Full Monty; Clockwork Orange; X-Men; Contact; Memento; Graduate; Jungle Book; Monsters Inc.; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Mary Poppins; Raising Arizona; Airplane!; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Finding Nemo; Tombstone; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; Total Recall; Top Gun; Full Metal Jacket; Casino; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl],[18954; 18104; 17869; 17828; 17598; 17475; 17391; 16092; 15790; 15487; 15253; 15252; 15232; 15075; 14980; 14489; 13894; 13874; 13593; 12856; 12800; 12571; 12523; 12219; 11926; 11578; 11463; 11457; 11369; 11329; 11257; 11254; 11225; 10923; 10838; 10801; 10522; 10498; 10419; 10258; 10161; 10103; 10085; 10016; 9965; 9962; 9830; 9802; 9660; 9615; 9589; 9569; 9505; 9490; 9478; 9386; 9371; 9323; 9135; 9128; 9124; 9090; 8951; 8841; 8592; 8566; 8431; 8358; 8278; 8275; 8272; 8269; 8235; 8227; 8155; 8148; 8083; 8012; 7990; 7985; 7953; 7867; 7849; 7789; 7770; 7702; 7677; 7632; 7604; 7590; 7560; 7556; 7472; 7446; 7429; 7407; 7395; 7370; 7326; 7322; 7300; 7265; 7226; 7210; 7122; 7122; 7112; 7095; 7068; 7066; 7061; 7044; 7032; 7028; 7013; 6984; 6983; 6975; 6962; 6893; 6887; 6830; 6771; 6765; 6757; 6651; 6568; 6543; 6506; 6495; 6490; 6475; 6457; 6407; 6398; 6317; 6303; 6291; 6262; 6250; 6221; 6191; 6177; 6176; 6149; 6148; 6108; 6097; 6031; 6030; 6010; 5962; 5937; 5918; 5916; 5886; 5853; 5844; 5809; 5790; 5784; 5765; 5700; 5675; 5666; 5659; 5627; 5621; 5583; 5516; 5494]
Back to the Future,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Sixth Sense; Braveheart; American Beauty; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Groundhog Day; Schindler's List; Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Die Hard; Princess Bride; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fugitive; Godfather; Alien; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fargo; Fight Club; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Blade Runner; Gladiator; Aliens; Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Batman; Lion King; Fifth Element; Speed; Good Will Hunting; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Aladdin; Memento; Rain Man; X-Men; Mission: Impossible; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; 2001: A Space Odyssey; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Wizard of Oz; Titanic; Stand by Me; Goodfellas; Back to the Future Part II; L.A. Confidential; Being John Malkovich; Jaws; When Harry Met Sally...; Clockwork Orange; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather: Part II; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Ocean's Eleven; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Shining; Rock; Breakfast Club; Spider-Man; Monsters Inc.; Minority Report; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Dead Poets Society; Full Metal Jacket; Finding Nemo; Total Recall; There's Something About Mary; Blues Brothers; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Big; Hunt for Red October; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Apocalypse Now; Casablanca; Toy Story 2; Fish Called Wanda; As Good as It Gets; Shakespeare in Love; Pretty Woman; Mrs. Doubtfire; Beetlejuice; Beautiful Mind; Back to the Future Part III; Beauty and the Beast; Amadeus; Bourne Identity; Edward Scissorhands; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Mask; Green Mile; Airplane!; Lethal Weapon; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Contact; Top Gun; Psycho; American History X; Office Space; Jerry Maguire; Babe; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Clerks; Abyss; Incredibles; Big Lebowski; Bug's Life; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Taxi Driver; Trainspotting; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Catch Me If You Can; Gattaca; Four Weddings and a Funeral; American Pie; Batman Begins; Ghost; Stargate; Cast Away; Sleepless in Seattle; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Home Alone; GoldenEye; Platoon; Twister; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Raising Arizona; Untouchables; Graduate; This Is Spinal Tap; Planet of the Apes; Almost Famous; Snatch; Rear Window; Young Frankenstein; Star Trek: First Contact; Clueless; Donnie Darko; Citizen Kane; Sting; Face/Off; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; X2: X-Men United; Heat; Rocky; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Predator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Superman; Die Hard 2; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Few Good Men; Spider-Man 2; High Fidelity; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Chicken Run; Clear and Present Danger; Unforgiven; North by Northwest; Traffic; Get Shorty; Game; Full Monty; It's a Wonderful Life; Dogma; RoboCop; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dark Knight; Armageddon; Mary Poppins; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Brazil; Grosse Pointe Blank; Mummy; Sin City; Meet the Parents; Erin Brockovich; Galaxy Quest; Romancing the Stone; Shrek 2; Lost in Translation; Jumanji; Matrix Reloaded; Grease; To Kill a Mockingbird; Wayne's World; Chinatown; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Field of Dreams; Little Mermaid; Christmas Story; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Bourne Supremacy; Sneakers; Annie Hall; Liar Liar; Vertigo; Unbreakable; Philadelphia; Pleasantville; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; V for Vendetta; My Cousin Vinny; Firm; Sound of Music],[26774; 26698; 25776; 25699; 25519; 25468; 23969; 23931; 23785; 23482; 23367; 22413; 22038; 21068; 20979; 20957; 20881; 20758; 20446; 20321; 19690; 19547; 19395; 19285; 19157; 19140; 19137; 19119; 19094; 18904; 18694; 18578; 18335; 18297; 17896; 17816; 17468; 17457; 17452; 17255; 17082; 16821; 16556; 15886; 15863; 15847; 15809; 15738; 15725; 15448; 15380; 15202; 15159; 14890; 14858; 14763; 14651; 14562; 14556; 14474; 14280; 14254; 14113; 14098; 14092; 14073; 14066; 13941; 13932; 13904; 13881; 13824; 13745; 13630; 13584; 13556; 13456; 13435; 13397; 13391; 13367; 13307; 13132; 13096; 13075; 13037; 13004; 12958; 12913; 12891; 12854; 12843; 12774; 12759; 12756; 12683; 12664; 12481; 12364; 12360; 12344; 12330; 12246; 12194; 12138; 12133; 12086; 12075; 12019; 11985; 11984; 11926; 11907; 11882; 11790; 11775; 11649; 11619; 11549; 11466; 11461; 11457; 11429; 11420; 11390; 11387; 11316; 11307; 11287; 11209; 11143; 11115; 11100; 11024; 10990; 10879; 10828; 10731; 10675; 10666; 10632; 10547; 10546; 10477; 10448; 10392; 10216; 10173; 10037; 10031; 9988; 9987; 9933; 9850; 9848; 9804; 9789; 9729; 9729; 9727; 9690; 9638; 9631; 9564; 9560; 9560; 9498; 9466; 9433; 9374; 9351; 9339; 9306; 9290; 9286; 9273; 9218; 9197; 9159; 9114; 9109; 9011; 8989; 8959; 8941; 8879; 8783; 8745; 8732; 8705; 8686; 8685; 8674; 8633; 8629; 8622; 8621; 8586; 8560; 8499; 8457; 8417; 8412; 8410; 8361; 8330; 8329; 8279; 8255; 8250; 8247; 8235; 8224; 8214; 8193; 8126; 8117; 8083; 8046; 8020; 8018; 8007; 8002; 8001; 7935; 7920; 7899; 7884; 7859; 7843; 7834; 7829; 7828; 7821; 7779]
Back to the Future Part II,[Back to the Future; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Back to the Future Part III; Pulp Fiction; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Silence of the Lambs; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Shawshank Redemption; Toy Story; Sixth Sense; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; American Beauty; Groundhog Day; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Die Hard; Fight Club; Fifth Element; Alien; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Shrek; Gladiator; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fugitive; Aliens; Truman Show; Usual Suspects; X-Men; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Blade Runner; Schindler's List; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Godfather; Apollo 13; Lion King; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Speed; Good Will Hunting; Total Recall; Rain Man; Fargo; Aladdin; Spider-Man; Mission: Impossible; Memento; Beetlejuice; True Lies; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Titanic; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Big; Ocean's Eleven; Monsters Inc.; Lethal Weapon; There's Something About Mary; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Reservoir Dogs; Breakfast Club; Jaws; Rock; Being John Malkovich; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Finding Nemo; Toy Story 2; Clockwork Orange; Contact; Shining; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Hunt for Red October; Green Mile; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Wizard of Oz; L.A. Confidential; Airplane!; Mask; As Good as It Gets; Blues Brothers; Full Metal Jacket; Bug's Life; Bourne Identity; Dances with Wolves; Gattaca; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Dead Poets Society; Beautiful Mind; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Top Gun; Stand by Me; Mrs. Doubtfire; American Pie; Goodfellas; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Abyss; Godfather: Part II; Cast Away; Big Lebowski; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Office Space; Pretty Woman; Stargate; Superman; Face/Off; When Harry Met Sally...; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Catch Me If You Can; Beauty and the Beast; American History X; Apocalypse Now; Jerry Maguire; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Incredibles; Predator; Armageddon; Home Alone; Fish Called Wanda; Planet of the Apes; RoboCop; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Die Hard 2; Shakespeare in Love; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Batman Begins; GoldenEye; Mummy; Clerks; Ghost; X2: X-Men United; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Trainspotting; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Rocky; Star Trek: First Contact; Psycho; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Untouchables; Casablanca; Dogma; Spider-Man 2; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Donnie Darko; Snatch; Amadeus; Starship Troopers; Babe; Few Good Men; Matrix Reloaded; Twister; Spaceballs; Wayne's World; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Meet the Parents; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Liar Liar; Sleepless in Seattle; Almost Famous; Taxi Driver; Lethal Weapon 2; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Chicken Run; Game; Unbreakable; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jumanji; Little Mermaid; High Fidelity; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Galaxy Quest; Shrek 2; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Platoon; Erin Brockovich; Gremlins; Enemy of the State; Romancing the Stone; Pleasantville; Full Monty; Crocodile Dundee; Mars Attacks!; Sin City; Clueless; Heat; Good Morning Vietnam; Scream; Air Force One; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Batman Returns; Traffic; Raising Arizona; Sleepy Hollow; Bourne Supremacy; My Cousin Vinny; Grease; Beverly Hills Cop; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Wedding Singer; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Con Air; Happy Gilmore; Lost in Translation; Citizen Kane; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Grosse Pointe Blank; This Is Spinal Tap; Sneakers; Star Trek: Generations; Goonies; Dark Knight; Clear and Present Danger; Mary Poppins; Ice Age; Young Frankenstein; Big Fish; Graduate; Cocoon; Fly; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; V for Vendetta; Dark City; Exorcist; Rear Window; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Casino; Maverick; Get Shorty; Mission: Impossible II; Crow; Army of Darkness; Goldfinger; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Unforgiven; Brazil; Firm; Splash; Field of Dreams; Outbreak; Blade; X-Files: Fight the Future; Christmas Story; Mask of Zorro; NeverEnding Story; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Casino Royale; Blair Witch Project; Bowling for Columbine; King Kong; Shaun of the Dead; Philadelphia; Chasing Amy; Sting; It's a Wonderful Life; 28 Days Later; Highlander; Three Kings; Devil's Advocate; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Tron; Boogie Nights; Patriot; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Animal House; Batman Forever; Signs; Trading Places; Requiem for a Dream; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Nutty Professor; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Tomorrow Never Dies; Matrix Revolutions; Demolition Man; Royal Tenenbaums; North by Northwest; Departed; Blazing Saddles; Natural Born Killers; I Robot; Notting Hill; Talented Mr. Ripley; Thelma & Louise; Last Samurai; Italian Job; Dave; Last of the Mohicans; Karate Kid; Rushmore; In the Line of Fire; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Jackie Brown; Waterworld; Willow; From Dusk Till Dawn; Thomas Crown Affair; Sound of Music; League of Their Own; To Kill a Mockingbird; Antz; Rush Hour; Black Hawk Down; Eyes Wide Shut; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Iron Man; Deep Impact; Fantasia; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Scarface; Jungle Book; Gone with the Wind; Dune; Moulin Rouge; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Charlie's Angels; Birdcage; Bridget Jones's Diary; Vertigo; Others; Witness; Chinatown; Crimson Tide; School of Rock; Glory; Ransom; American President; Ghostbusters II; Mad Max; WALL·E; Lady and the Tramp; Arachnophobia; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Bruce Almighty; Prestige; Desperado; Poltergeist; Alien: Resurrection; Caddyshack; Election; Superman II; Misery; Ring; True Romance; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Conspiracy Theory; Lethal Weapon 3; Basic Instinct; Ed Wood; Sling Blade; Annie Hall; Magnolia; Birds; Little Miss Sunshine; Leaving Las Vegas; Bridge on the River Kwai; The Butterfly Effect; You've Got Mail],[14092; 12080; 11898; 11643; 11460; 11166; 11090; 11087; 11016; 10766; 10542; 10290; 10193; 10078; 10046; 9980; 9952; 9919; 9882; 9822; 9460; 9418; 9191; 9145; 9144; 9107; 8925; 8875; 8839; 8812; 8762; 8715; 8659; 8601; 8523; 8522; 8482; 8480; 8387; 8353; 8217; 8187; 8182; 8174; 8170; 8079; 7992; 7958; 7916; 7826; 7787; 7755; 7750; 7710; 7623; 7618; 7602; 7554; 7475; 7475; 7429; 7414; 7371; 7352; 7344; 7333; 7329; 7284; 7196; 7126; 7125; 7115; 7064; 7011; 6996; 6958; 6933; 6873; 6873; 6855; 6818; 6807; 6803; 6782; 6766; 6738; 6724; 6688; 6673; 6664; 6634; 6496; 6487; 6487; 6487; 6472; 6462; 6447; 6437; 6436; 6428; 6420; 6411; 6376; 6364; 6361; 6347; 6314; 6297; 6262; 6235; 6202; 6202; 6156; 6143; 6120; 6098; 6068; 6057; 6043; 6031; 6021; 5985; 5982; 5961; 5919; 5898; 5875; 5873; 5839; 5824; 5808; 5795; 5791; 5765; 5746; 5743; 5734; 5711; 5687; 5661; 5627; 5583; 5576; 5558; 5556; 5551; 5550; 5538; 5502; 5474; 5459; 5455; 5416; 5410; 5405; 5346; 5333; 5308; 5278; 5273; 5259; 5253; 5222; 5212; 5205; 5192; 5170; 5170; 5158; 5158; 5152; 5132; 5116; 5107; 5089; 5048; 5047; 5046; 5040; 5038; 4996; 4992; 4987; 4984; 4942; 4916; 4916; 4915; 4915; 4866; 4858; 4844; 4801; 4791; 4760; 4737; 4706; 4703; 4683; 4674; 4663; 4663; 4649; 4644; 4640; 4621; 4614; 4588; 4564; 4555; 4550; 4545; 4540; 4531; 4510; 4456; 4456; 4455; 4428; 4427; 4426; 4419; 4413; 4411; 4390; 4387; 4375; 4356; 4352; 4327; 4315; 4310; 4307; 4268; 4264; 4263; 4256; 4250; 4250; 4248; 4230; 4221; 4163; 4154; 4151; 4137; 4134; 4111; 4105; 4098; 4079; 4067; 4053; 4046; 4043; 4041; 4003; 3996; 3996; 3982; 3971; 3968; 3966; 3963; 3962; 3954; 3954; 3941; 3937; 3923; 3920; 3918; 3906; 3904; 3896; 3890; 3884; 3879; 3870; 3868; 3839; 3824; 3800; 3795; 3794; 3789; 3785; 3785; 3780; 3775; 3767; 3757; 3753; 3734; 3733; 3733; 3708; 3707; 3701; 3697; 3682; 3679; 3676; 3665; 3655; 3654; 3644; 3633; 3620; 3614; 3612; 3611; 3605; 3602; 3600; 3593; 3590; 3584; 3564; 3563; 3556; 3552; 3534; 3532; 3528; 3525; 3515; 3515; 3515; 3507; 3505; 3505; 3501; 3499; 3489; 3489; 3473; 3472; 3465; 3458; 3444; 3436; 3419; 3408; 3405; 3394; 3379; 3366; 3360; 3354; 3353; 3352; 3351; 3348; 3345; 3333; 3332; 3319; 3315; 3296; 3295; 3286; 3282; 3277; 3274; 3257; 3254; 3242; 3240; 3238; 3233; 3227; 3218; 3213; 3212; 3211; 3210; 3203; 3199]
Back to the Future Part III,[Back to the Future; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Back to the Future Part II; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Terminator; Pulp Fiction; Toy Story; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Braveheart; Groundhog Day; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Beauty; Saving Private Ryan; Fifth Element; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fight Club; Die Hard; Shrek; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Gladiator; Alien; Fugitive; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Truman Show; Batman; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; Aliens; Apollo 13; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Speed; Lion King; Blade Runner; Total Recall; Aladdin; Godfather; Mission: Impossible; Princess Bride; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Good Will Hunting; True Lies; Spider-Man; Titanic; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Minority Report; Fargo; Memento; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Ocean's Eleven; Rain Man; Rock; Monsters Inc.; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; There's Something About Mary; Contact; Beetlejuice; Toy Story 2; Big; Finding Nemo; Reservoir Dogs; Hunt for Red October; Edward Scissorhands; Mask; Green Mile; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Dances with Wolves; Jaws; Bug's Life; Lethal Weapon; Being John Malkovich; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Shining; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mrs. Doubtfire; Stargate; Bourne Identity; As Good as It Gets; Armageddon; Gattaca; Clockwork Orange; Wizard of Oz; L.A. Confidential; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Beautiful Mind; Face/Off; American Pie; Breakfast Club; Full Metal Jacket; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Pretty Woman; Top Gun; Blues Brothers; Cast Away; Goodfellas; Airplane!; Office Space; Abyss; Beauty and the Beast; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Home Alone; Dead Poets Society; Big Lebowski; Incredibles; GoldenEye; Godfather: Part II; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Catch Me If You Can; Mummy; American History X; Jerry Maguire; Superman; Die Hard 2; Stand by Me; Batman Begins; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Star Trek: First Contact; X2: X-Men United; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Ghost; Apocalypse Now; Predator; Planet of the Apes; Shakespeare in Love; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Starship Troopers; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Twister; When Harry Met Sally...; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clerks; Liar Liar; RoboCop; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Spider-Man 2; Trainspotting; Matrix Reloaded; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Babe; Jumanji; Dogma; Snatch; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Psycho; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Sleepless in Seattle; Rocky; Fish Called Wanda; Donnie Darko; Untouchables; Chicken Run; Wayne's World; Casablanca; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Few Good Men; Meet the Parents; Galaxy Quest; Unbreakable; Almost Famous; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Game; Nightmare Before Christmas; Enemy of the State; Shrek 2; Amadeus; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Air Force One; Spaceballs; Mars Attacks!; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Lethal Weapon 2; Taxi Driver; Pleasantville; Batman Returns; Con Air; Sin City; Little Mermaid; Star Trek: Generations; Scream; Clueless; High Fidelity; Heat; Erin Brockovich; Platoon; Happy Gilmore; Bourne Supremacy; Sleepy Hollow; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Clear and Present Danger; Full Monty; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Maverick; Sneakers; My Cousin Vinny; Romancing the Stone; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Wedding Singer; Traffic; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Grosse Pointe Blank; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Crocodile Dundee; Good Morning Vietnam; Gremlins; Grease; Mission: Impossible II; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Ice Age; Lost in Translation; Dark City; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Dark Knight; V for Vendetta; Outbreak; Beverly Hills Cop; Mask of Zorro; Big Fish; Citizen Kane; Mary Poppins; Army of Darkness; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Casino; Unforgiven; Goonies; Get Shorty; Crow; X-Files: Fight the Future; Blade; Demolition Man; Blair Witch Project; Nutty Professor; Firm; Batman Forever; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; This Is Spinal Tap; Young Frankenstein; Raising Arizona; Tomorrow Never Dies; Exorcist; Devil's Advocate; Goldfinger; Patriot; Rear Window; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Casino Royale; King Kong; Waterworld; Fly; Highlander; Deep Impact; Graduate; Bowling for Columbine; Matrix Revolutions; 28 Days Later; NeverEnding Story; Philadelphia; Three Kings; Shaun of the Dead; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Chasing Amy; Notting Hill; Cocoon; Dave; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; I Robot; Signs; Last Samurai; Sting; Last of the Mohicans; Ransom; It's a Wonderful Life; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Field of Dreams; Requiem for a Dream; Rush Hour; Departed; Tron; Brazil; Thomas Crown Affair; Charlie's Angels; Natural Born Killers; Boogie Nights; From Dusk Till Dawn; In the Line of Fire; Italian Job; North by Northwest; Antz; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Splash; Talented Mr. Ripley; Blazing Saddles; Royal Tenenbaums; Arachnophobia; Alien: Resurrection; Crimson Tide; Christmas Story; League of Their Own; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Willow; Desperado; Iron Man; Animal House; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Jungle Book; American President; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Jackie Brown; Sound of Music; Thelma & Louise; Black Hawk Down; Lethal Weapon 3; Moulin Rouge; Fantasia; Conspiracy Theory; Birdcage; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Others; Net; Bridget Jones's Diary; Rushmore; Scarface; Trading Places; Dune; Eyes Wide Shut; Bruce Almighty; Karate Kid; To Kill a Mockingbird; WALL·E],[12194; 11190; 10549; 10463; 10361; 10334; 10324; 10290; 10127; 10095; 9816; 9233; 9145; 9120; 9089; 9018; 9004; 8967; 8668; 8600; 8533; 8501; 8405; 8376; 8297; 8280; 8233; 8103; 8072; 8014; 7989; 7983; 7928; 7812; 7738; 7698; 7672; 7514; 7457; 7454; 7439; 7417; 7371; 7293; 7254; 7191; 7187; 7162; 7083; 7078; 7052; 6997; 6979; 6979; 6973; 6945; 6932; 6879; 6798; 6726; 6715; 6673; 6637; 6634; 6633; 6613; 6558; 6472; 6471; 6452; 6448; 6383; 6381; 6373; 6280; 6214; 6213; 6184; 6181; 6127; 6063; 6061; 6052; 6022; 5994; 5986; 5954; 5913; 5900; 5900; 5880; 5874; 5863; 5844; 5835; 5826; 5806; 5797; 5750; 5740; 5727; 5720; 5713; 5699; 5671; 5662; 5616; 5608; 5592; 5587; 5583; 5510; 5484; 5480; 5469; 5456; 5455; 5442; 5437; 5429; 5419; 5386; 5376; 5368; 5363; 5349; 5344; 5327; 5271; 5269; 5212; 5208; 5198; 5184; 5172; 5154; 5106; 5103; 5095; 5078; 5064; 5056; 5038; 4988; 4949; 4937; 4920; 4911; 4899; 4898; 4876; 4860; 4846; 4842; 4825; 4802; 4800; 4764; 4748; 4739; 4716; 4708; 4688; 4680; 4669; 4668; 4661; 4643; 4629; 4625; 4625; 4584; 4580; 4580; 4566; 4563; 4551; 4518; 4512; 4494; 4488; 4487; 4481; 4470; 4456; 4444; 4441; 4386; 4351; 4343; 4331; 4313; 4297; 4284; 4233; 4217; 4216; 4215; 4200; 4198; 4175; 4174; 4163; 4163; 4161; 4150; 4138; 4124; 4092; 4085; 4078; 4061; 4054; 4045; 4023; 4020; 4010; 4009; 3988; 3974; 3965; 3962; 3947; 3933; 3924; 3922; 3918; 3901; 3855; 3835; 3828; 3819; 3815; 3812; 3800; 3799; 3798; 3789; 3789; 3779; 3758; 3741; 3740; 3739; 3738; 3709; 3707; 3705; 3696; 3690; 3681; 3664; 3656; 3649; 3644; 3640; 3619; 3584; 3583; 3575; 3569; 3563; 3558; 3556; 3551; 3543; 3532; 3532; 3528; 3497; 3482; 3481; 3465; 3458; 3456; 3455; 3452; 3440; 3438; 3422; 3417; 3398; 3389; 3377; 3374; 3371; 3367; 3359; 3353; 3349; 3339; 3325; 3324; 3323; 3310; 3309; 3309; 3307; 3306; 3303; 3287; 3286; 3272; 3263; 3259; 3253; 3253; 3231; 3231; 3228; 3216; 3193; 3182; 3179; 3179; 3173; 3171; 3169; 3167; 3160; 3151; 3149; 3147; 3146; 3146; 3143; 3131; 3123; 3122; 3120; 3117; 3100; 3080; 3060; 3055; 3055; 3052; 3050; 3026; 3021; 3019; 3017; 3014; 3007; 3005; 3004; 3001; 2998; 2985; 2980; 2974]
Batman,[Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Shawshank Redemption; True Lies; Braveheart; Dances with Wolves; Aladdin; Speed; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lion King; Usual Suspects; Clear and Present Danger; Batman Forever; Beauty and the Beast; Schindler's List; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Toy Story; Stargate; GoldenEye; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Mask; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Mrs. Doubtfire; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Outbreak; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Pretty Woman; Star Trek: Generations; Back to the Future; Firm; Crimson Tide; Matrix; Ghost; Mission: Impossible; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fargo; Babe; Terminator; Cliffhanger; Die Hard; Sleepless in Seattle; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Get Shorty; Waterworld; Net; While You Were Sleeping; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Godfather; Home Alone; Alien; Sixth Sense; Rock; American Beauty; Clueless; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Saving Private Ryan; Quiz Show; Groundhog Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Blade Runner; Aliens; Natural Born Killers; Princess Bride; Fight Club; Twister; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Dave; In the Line of Fire; Gladiator; Heat; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fifth Element; Nightmare Before Christmas; Clerks; Shrek; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Addams Family Values; Jumanji; Reservoir Dogs; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; X-Men; Taxi Driver; Philadelphia; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Jaws; Crow; Memento; Goodfellas; Full Metal Jacket; Maverick; Good Will Hunting; Godfather: Part II; Rain Man; Tombstone; Demolition Man; Client; American President; Truman Show; Shining; L.A. Confidential; Wizard of Oz; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Total Recall; Spider-Man; Stand by Me; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Birdcage; Hunt for Red October; Top Gun; Clockwork Orange; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Being John Malkovich; Blues Brothers; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Titanic; Apocalypse Now; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Beetlejuice; Lethal Weapon; Broken Arrow; Minority Report; Santa Clause; Dead Poets Society; Ocean's Eleven; Ed Wood; Fish Called Wanda; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; True Romance; Casino; Legends of the Fall; Trainspotting; There's Something About Mary; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Monsters Inc.; Back to the Future Part II; Leaving Las Vegas; Breakfast Club; When Harry Met Sally...; Abyss; Big; Disclosure; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Jerry Maguire; Finding Nemo; As Good as It Gets; Psycho; Piano; Kill Bill: Vol. 1],[29667; 29336; 28775; 28613; 28192; 26961; 26956; 26361; 25620; 25200; 25148; 23565; 22105; 21787; 21526; 20537; 20440; 19908; 19880; 19849; 19825; 19632; 19317; 19266; 19151; 18047; 17991; 17702; 17594; 17440; 17425; 17367; 16930; 16905; 16883; 16621; 16601; 16556; 16265; 16065; 16001; 15742; 15689; 15216; 15181; 15075; 14864; 14800; 14732; 14563; 14321; 13952; 13860; 13749; 13604; 13528; 13497; 13349; 13212; 13195; 13097; 13091; 13064; 13033; 12927; 12872; 12775; 12750; 12620; 12510; 12440; 12406; 12396; 12355; 12319; 12018; 12004; 11982; 11936; 11925; 11674; 11089; 10995; 10990; 10951; 10910; 10865; 10752; 10714; 10701; 10685; 10671; 10555; 10535; 10487; 10208; 10160; 10120; 10051; 9980; 9960; 9945; 9890; 9859; 9842; 9765; 9762; 9690; 9682; 9677; 9676; 9646; 9600; 9597; 9594; 9569; 9540; 9503; 9428; 9364; 9339; 9290; 9276; 9273; 9261; 9253; 9234; 9223; 9179; 9119; 9083; 9079; 9042; 9026; 8955; 8939; 8915; 8909; 8907; 8906; 8855; 8841; 8834; 8801; 8796; 8790; 8764; 8701; 8607; 8564; 8537; 8523; 8510; 8497; 8457; 8428; 8354; 8329; 8303; 8274; 8270; 8214; 8177; 8170; 8168]
Batman Begins,[Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Gladiator; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Sixth Sense; Silence of the Lambs; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Shrek; Memento; Back to the Future; American Beauty; Jurassic Park; Dark Knight; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Incredibles; Bourne Identity; Usual Suspects; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Braveheart; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Finding Nemo; Ocean's Eleven; Saving Private Ryan; Spider-Man; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Minority Report; Godfather; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Monsters Inc.; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Sin City; Terminator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Schindler's List; Die Hard; Beautiful Mind; American History X; V for Vendetta; Good Will Hunting; Catch Me If You Can; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Spider-Man 2; Truman Show; Reservoir Dogs; Alien; Fifth Element; Donnie Darko; Groundhog Day; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Casino Royale; X2: X-Men United; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Departed; Lion King; Batman; Apollo 13; Fugitive; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Snatch; Blade Runner; Iron Man; Bourne Supremacy; Princess Bride; Fargo; Aliens; Green Mile; Office Space; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Prestige; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Mission: Impossible; Aladdin; Goodfellas; Being John Malkovich; Titanic; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Rain Man; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Godfather: Part II; Shining; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Full Metal Jacket; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Bourne Ultimatum; Matrix Reloaded; Big Lebowski; Speed; Shrek 2; Toy Story 2; Clockwork Orange; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); WALL·E; Shaun of the Dead; Cast Away; Edward Scissorhands; Lost in Translation; L.A. Confidential; Trainspotting; Inception; Big Fish; Rock; True Lies; There's Something About Mary; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); 300; Apocalypse Now; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Little Miss Sunshine; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Back to the Future Part II; Dead Poets Society; 28 Days Later; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Gattaca; Requiem for a Dream; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Dances with Wolves; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Total Recall; No Country for Old Men; Last Samurai; Jaws; American Pie; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Almost Famous; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Breakfast Club; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Hunt for Red October; Beauty and the Beast; Children of Men; Juno; Back to the Future Part III; Taxi Driver; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Beetlejuice; Crash; Clerks; As Good as It Gets; Inglourious Basterds; Serenity; Traffic; Bug's Life; Dogma; Wizard of Oz; Casablanca; I Robot; GoldenEye; Ice Age; Avatar; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Unbreakable; Million Dollar Baby; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Ratatouille; Star Trek; Meet the Parents; Airplane!; Bowling for Columbine; Home Alone; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Lethal Weapon; Big; Matrix Revolutions; Game; Hot Fuzz; Predator; Heat; Italian Job; Up; Contact; Scarface; Psycho; Pretty Woman; High Fidelity; Stand by Me; Collateral; Untouchables; Jerry Maguire; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Nightmare Before Christmas; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Top Gun; District 9; Mummy; Blues Brothers; Armageddon; Garden State; Slumdog Millionaire; Thank You for Smoking; Stargate; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Amadeus; Shakespeare in Love; Black Hawk Down; Royal Tenenbaums; Chicken Run; Platoon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Face/Off; The Butterfly Effect; Rocky; Pianist; King Kong; Hotel Rwanda; Rear Window; Boondock Saints; Twister; Blood Diamond; Mystic River; Sleepy Hollow; Hero (Ying xiong); Super Size Me; School of Rock; Planet of the Apes; Hangover; Others; Liar Liar; Erin Brockovich; Die Hard 2; Illusionist; Few Good Men; Fish Called Wanda; Abyss; Equilibrium; Wedding Crashers; When Harry Met Sally...; Jumanji; Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Enemy of the State; Casino; Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Babe; Signs; Citizen Kane; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Dark City; Mission: Impossible II; X-Men: The Last Stand; Lucky Number Slevin; Superbad; RoboCop; Unforgiven; Starship Troopers; Inside Man; Training Day; Ghost; Bruce Almighty; 12 Angry Men; Wayne's World; Lord of War; Walk the Line; Adaptation; Road to Perdition; Ring; Stranger than Fiction; Moulin Rouge; This Is Spinal Tap; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Love Actually; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Gran Torino; Superman; Sideways; I Am Legend; Beverly Hills Cop; Happy Gilmore; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Exorcist; Batman Returns; Three Kings],[14380; 13439; 13091; 13043; 12739; 12467; 12215; 12179; 11722; 11647; 11435; 11175; 11034; 11020; 10908; 10889; 10843; 10820; 10666; 10525; 10456; 10309; 10258; 10199; 10190; 10138; 10086; 10054; 10047; 9928; 9925; 9903; 9828; 9740; 9605; 9534; 9405; 9277; 9273; 9179; 9119; 9107; 8933; 8909; 8903; 8804; 8797; 8738; 8575; 8571; 8516; 8401; 8260; 8207; 8193; 8192; 8181; 8170; 8131; 7982; 7968; 7904; 7869; 7861; 7860; 7838; 7832; 7794; 7779; 7735; 7725; 7716; 7600; 7596; 7555; 7509; 7467; 7354; 7340; 7147; 7132; 7111; 7093; 7037; 7029; 6963; 6955; 6913; 6910; 6908; 6856; 6831; 6706; 6698; 6649; 6637; 6622; 6615; 6563; 6529; 6502; 6501; 6437; 6387; 6374; 6316; 6309; 6308; 6286; 6275; 6141; 6120; 6100; 6096; 6076; 6037; 6034; 6016; 5990; 5978; 5947; 5904; 5807; 5776; 5707; 5665; 5661; 5634; 5630; 5626; 5617; 5601; 5581; 5518; 5509; 5508; 5503; 5495; 5493; 5455; 5449; 5446; 5442; 5437; 5427; 5423; 5379; 5369; 5364; 5350; 5339; 5325; 5323; 5323; 5321; 5316; 5230; 5198; 5173; 5141; 5127; 5114; 5113; 5105; 5044; 5017; 4987; 4982; 4978; 4965; 4950; 4928; 4916; 4911; 4900; 4900; 4894; 4888; 4860; 4856; 4855; 4850; 4849; 4842; 4830; 4811; 4783; 4780; 4772; 4762; 4753; 4734; 4713; 4710; 4703; 4700; 4695; 4692; 4682; 4675; 4660; 4646; 4619; 4598; 4584; 4566; 4560; 4528; 4519; 4519; 4497; 4480; 4445; 4427; 4419; 4418; 4399; 4344; 4340; 4317; 4290; 4280; 4266; 4258; 4243; 4236; 4218; 4191; 4179; 4145; 4113; 4107; 4106; 4105; 4099; 4099; 4095; 4082; 4071; 4063; 4023; 4009; 4002; 3960; 3948; 3947; 3944; 3938; 3927; 3925; 3924; 3923; 3909; 3883; 3869; 3863; 3836; 3831; 3814; 3813; 3812; 3804; 3803; 3802; 3796; 3793; 3789; 3764; 3764; 3760; 3752; 3752; 3734; 3726; 3718; 3712; 3699; 3694; 3690; 3686; 3680; 3679; 3669; 3647; 3642; 3624; 3617; 3617; 3582; 3568; 3548; 3544; 3532; 3532; 3513; 3506; 3505; 3501]
Batman Forever,[Batman; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Jurassic Park; True Lies; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Speed; Clear and Present Danger; Beauty and the Beast; Stargate; Lion King; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); GoldenEye; Mask; Outbreak; Star Trek: Generations; Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Crimson Tide; Cliffhanger; Firm; Pretty Woman; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Net; Usual Suspects; Waterworld; Ghost; Schindler's List; Toy Story; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); While You Were Sleeping; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Babe; Sleepless in Seattle; Mission: Impossible; Home Alone; Get Shorty; Clueless; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Addams Family Values; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Twister; Quiz Show; Natural Born Killers; Dave; Jumanji; Rock; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; In the Line of Fire; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Santa Clause; Back to the Future; Demolition Man; Client; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fargo; Broken Arrow; Maverick; Disclosure; Tombstone; Matrix; Nightmare Before Christmas; American President; Die Hard; Philadelphia; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Legends of the Fall; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Crow; Terminator; Heat; Birdcage; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Beverly Hills Cop III; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Groundhog Day; Clerks; Sixth Sense; Congo; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Alien; Saving Private Ryan; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Godfather; French Kiss; Three Musketeers; Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Beauty; Blade Runner; Species; Mr. Holland's Opus; Judge Dredd; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); True Romance; Ed Wood; Gladiator; Fight Club; Aliens; Taxi Driver; Rob Roy; Shrek; Specialist; Piano; X-Men; Casino; Desperado],[19880; 16769; 16717; 16682; 16579; 16454; 16338; 15445; 15244; 15203; 14794; 14734; 14438; 14434; 13707; 13455; 13375; 13216; 13098; 12774; 12481; 12399; 12041; 12005; 11839; 11678; 11410; 11151; 10971; 10854; 10562; 10514; 10382; 10378; 10314; 10270; 10238; 10025; 9974; 9940; 9638; 9386; 9350; 9159; 8663; 8421; 8418; 8307; 8199; 8111; 8012; 7973; 7891; 7646; 7474; 7150; 7131; 7115; 6920; 6864; 6803; 6797; 6768; 6760; 6694; 6521; 6440; 6384; 6347; 6306; 6245; 6195; 6192; 6184; 6164; 6142; 6131; 6113; 6046; 5915; 5865; 5863; 5761; 5685; 5636; 5380; 5339; 5334; 5322; 5248; 5211; 5133; 4979; 4959; 4950; 4909; 4901; 4899; 4896; 4857; 4850; 4818; 4816; 4811; 4795; 4778; 4777; 4768; 4760; 4751; 4750; 4729; 4681; 4675; 4667; 4642; 4628; 4609; 4592; 4560; 4551]
Beautiful Mind,[Matrix; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Pulp Fiction; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Fight Club; Silence of the Lambs; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Gladiator; Shrek; Memento; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Back to the Future; Ocean's Eleven; Braveheart; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Saving Private Ryan; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Good Will Hunting; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Jurassic Park; Schindler's List; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Minority Report; Finding Nemo; Godfather; Bourne Identity; Monsters Inc.; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Catch Me If You Can; Truman Show; Spider-Man; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Rain Man; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Apollo 13; Groundhog Day; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Green Mile; Terminator; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); X-Men; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fargo; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fugitive; Titanic; American History X; Lion King; Die Hard; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Being John Malkovich; Cast Away; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Incredibles; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Batman Begins; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Princess Bride; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Alien; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dead Poets Society; Snatch; Donnie Darko; Mission: Impossible; Speed; Blade Runner; L.A. Confidential; There's Something About Mary; Office Space; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; Dances with Wolves; Shining; Aladdin; Edward Scissorhands; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Almost Famous; As Good as It Gets; Batman; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Lost in Translation; Clockwork Orange; Traffic; Toy Story 2; Big Lebowski; Full Metal Jacket; Aliens; Trainspotting; Dark Knight; Shakespeare in Love; Breakfast Club; Bourne Supremacy; Sin City; Spider-Man 2; Pretty Woman; X2: X-Men United; Shrek 2; Apocalypse Now; V for Vendetta; Hunt for Red October; True Lies; Mrs. Doubtfire; Rock; Departed; Jerry Maguire; Matrix Reloaded; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Big Fish; American Pie; Wizard of Oz; Erin Brockovich; Meet the Parents; Big; Gattaca; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Beauty and the Beast; Casablanca; Requiem for a Dream; Jaws; High Fidelity; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Back to the Future Part II; When Harry Met Sally...; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Bug's Life; Stand by Me; Contact; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Total Recall; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Monty Python's Life of Brian; Amadeus; Bowling for Columbine; Casino Royale; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Mask; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Top Gun; Beetlejuice; Game; Taxi Driver; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Little Miss Sunshine; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clerks; Unbreakable; Chicken Run; Pianist; Back to the Future Part III; Few Good Men; Dogma; Last Samurai; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Ice Age; Royal Tenenbaums; Psycho; Airplane!; Home Alone; Prestige; Sleepless in Seattle; Lethal Weapon; Untouchables; Million Dollar Baby; Crash; Chocolat; Bridget Jones's Diary; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Fish Called Wanda; Blues Brothers; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Black Hawk Down; Ghost; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Platoon; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Bourne Ultimatum; Heat; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Moulin Rouge; Armageddon; Others; WALL·E; Iron Man; Italian Job; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Road to Perdition; GoldenEye; Rocky; Babe; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Philadelphia; Face/Off; Inception; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Twister; Mystic River; 28 Days Later; Juno; Planet of the Apes; Scarface; Graduate; About a Boy; Good Morning Vietnam; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Shaun of the Dead; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Predator; Mummy; Rear Window; Nightmare Before Christmas; Garden State; Talented Mr. Ripley; Liar Liar; No Country for Old Men; Enemy of the State; Signs; Citizen Kane; Pleasantville; Full Monty; Patriot; Casino; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Stargate; Training Day; Abyss; Matrix Revolutions; Sleepy Hollow; Adaptation; Jumanji; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Hotel Rwanda; Wayne's World; The Butterfly Effect; 300; I Robot; Slumdog Millionaire; Love Actually; Super Size Me; Clueless; Magnolia; Mission: Impossible II; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Collateral; Unforgiven; Die Hard 2; School of Rock; It's a Wonderful Life; Notting Hill; Children of Men; Beverly Hills Cop; Ring; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Exorcist; To Kill a Mockingbird; Ratatouille; Boogie Nights; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; 12 Angry Men; Mulholland Drive; Firm; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Superman; Inglourious Basterds; Wedding Singer; Sound of Music; Grease; This Is Spinal Tap; Little Mermaid; Three Kings; Avatar; Sting; My Cousin Vinny; Thelma & Louise; Chicago; Eyes Wide Shut; Vanilla Sky; Happy Gilmore],[15335; 15144; 14493; 14298; 13666; 13595; 13569; 13306; 13273; 13200; 13189; 13128; 12529; 12315; 12246; 12007; 11873; 11774; 11726; 11666; 11624; 11576; 11508; 11468; 11269; 11269; 11157; 11094; 11085; 10955; 10945; 10650; 10612; 10538; 10510; 10348; 10309; 10221; 10120; 10093; 10002; 9879; 9867; 9865; 9723; 9653; 9618; 9591; 9574; 9561; 9483; 9475; 9400; 9328; 9296; 9224; 9135; 9115; 9070; 9022; 8967; 8934; 8920; 8886; 8678; 8666; 8575; 8535; 8451; 8451; 8424; 8383; 8302; 8082; 7977; 7968; 7902; 7850; 7839; 7807; 7792; 7776; 7765; 7760; 7666; 7656; 7646; 7639; 7633; 7627; 7610; 7557; 7525; 7515; 7438; 7403; 7386; 7353; 7332; 7300; 7290; 7174; 7131; 7082; 7066; 7061; 7030; 6939; 6929; 6914; 6908; 6892; 6857; 6843; 6833; 6831; 6831; 6828; 6821; 6810; 6792; 6695; 6694; 6630; 6619; 6584; 6578; 6569; 6567; 6564; 6532; 6475; 6462; 6430; 6416; 6412; 6404; 6382; 6380; 6376; 6370; 6365; 6295; 6292; 6265; 6250; 6200; 6184; 6181; 6180; 6135; 6120; 6117; 6115; 6087; 6008; 6008; 6002; 5975; 5791; 5787; 5780; 5771; 5768; 5757; 5742; 5713; 5713; 5708; 5702; 5691; 5665; 5664; 5658; 5646; 5628; 5622; 5564; 5543; 5496; 5472; 5464; 5463; 5460; 5454; 5403; 5393; 5384; 5370; 5334; 5333; 5325; 5315; 5297; 5283; 5257; 5242; 5225; 5224; 5218; 5189; 5171; 5161; 5135; 5124; 5121; 5120; 5117; 5111; 5097; 5083; 5071; 5046; 5030; 5025; 5023; 4995; 4990; 4982; 4933; 4926; 4925; 4919; 4916; 4875; 4866; 4849; 4836; 4817; 4796; 4787; 4774; 4742; 4737; 4735; 4698; 4682; 4658; 4652; 4643; 4635; 4594; 4591; 4587; 4579; 4577; 4565; 4560; 4552; 4549; 4541; 4526; 4525; 4508; 4508; 4492; 4492; 4484; 4471; 4468; 4440; 4428; 4402; 4377; 4376; 4348; 4343; 4338; 4333; 4316; 4306; 4293; 4286; 4259; 4255; 4245; 4236; 4236; 4219; 4215; 4208; 4202; 4198; 4197; 4191; 4180; 4178; 4173; 4171; 4136; 4134; 4123; 4120; 4119; 4118]
Beauty and the Beast,[Aladdin; Forrest Gump; Lion King; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Batman; Shawshank Redemption; Dances with Wolves; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Toy Story; Speed; Schindler's List; Mrs. Doubtfire; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Babe; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Pretty Woman; Clear and Present Danger; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Stargate; Mask; Batman Forever; Ghost; Sleepless in Seattle; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); While You Were Sleeping; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; GoldenEye; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Firm; Outbreak; Star Trek: Generations; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Crimson Tide; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Clueless; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Home Alone; Mission: Impossible; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Fargo; Net; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Princess Bride; Cliffhanger; Sixth Sense; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Quiz Show; Waterworld; Groundhog Day; Dave; Nightmare Before Christmas; Shrek; Jumanji; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Twister; Get Shorty; American Beauty; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Wizard of Oz; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Terminator; Die Hard; Rock; Saving Private Ryan; Godfather; Titanic; American President; Philadelphia; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Santa Clause; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Addams Family Values; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); In the Line of Fire; Fight Club; Gladiator; Good Will Hunting; Monsters Inc.; Toy Story 2; Alien; Truman Show; Finding Nemo; Jungle Book; Sense and Sensibility; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Birdcage; Blade Runner; Client; Bug's Life; Natural Born Killers; X-Men; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Maverick; Little Mermaid; Mr. Holland's Opus; Clerks; Legends of the Fall; Aliens; Spider-Man; Fifth Element; Rain Man; When Harry Met Sally...; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Shakespeare in Love; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Mary Poppins; Edward Scissorhands; Dead Poets Society; Pinocchio; Jerry Maguire; Ocean's Eleven; Tombstone; Memento; Jaws; Casablanca; Taxi Driver; Big; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Piano; Sound of Music; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Stand by Me; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; There's Something About Mary; Pocahontas; Shining; Much Ado About Nothing; Heat; Reservoir Dogs; L.A. Confidential; Incredibles; Beautiful Mind; Being John Malkovich; Amadeus; Top Gun; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Dead Man Walking; Crow; Ed Wood; Demolition Man; Beetlejuice],[24971; 22392; 22261; 21397; 20704; 20337; 20129; 19958; 19849; 19643; 18833; 18009; 17675; 17456; 17453; 16145; 15578; 15168; 14888; 14489; 14310; 14184; 14125; 13781; 13490; 13476; 13433; 13375; 13114; 13016; 12958; 12853; 12481; 12467; 12437; 12220; 12208; 12197; 12187; 12138; 12097; 12038; 11790; 11752; 11394; 11338; 11291; 11186; 11011; 11003; 10618; 10546; 10509; 10314; 10229; 10219; 10205; 10148; 9964; 9867; 9732; 9717; 9715; 9649; 9625; 9617; 9576; 9510; 9493; 9400; 9301; 9216; 9189; 9152; 9066; 8823; 8820; 8646; 8588; 8547; 8507; 8483; 8446; 8442; 8426; 8284; 8257; 8230; 8225; 8147; 8070; 8047; 7998; 7856; 7832; 7808; 7808; 7784; 7776; 7729; 7716; 7713; 7712; 7546; 7522; 7481; 7419; 7385; 7382; 7369; 7367; 7310; 7249; 7192; 7190; 7175; 7166; 7140; 7130; 7117; 7071; 7063; 7049; 7042; 6977; 6939; 6930; 6863; 6818; 6813; 6728; 6681; 6667; 6659; 6630; 6623; 6615; 6606; 6604; 6587; 6582; 6548; 6507; 6506; 6505; 6505; 6499; 6459; 6430; 6420; 6379; 6367; 6367; 6359; 6344; 6297; 6293; 6292]
Beetlejuice,[Back to the Future; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Toy Story; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Groundhog Day; Terminator; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Princess Bride; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fargo; Alien; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Fight Club; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; Big; Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Die Hard; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Godfather; Schindler's List; Blade Runner; Edward Scissorhands; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shrek; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aliens; Fugitive; Breakfast Club; Being John Malkovich; Gladiator; Truman Show; Fifth Element; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Shining; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Rain Man; Good Will Hunting; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; X-Men; Stand by Me; Reservoir Dogs; Wizard of Oz; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; There's Something About Mary; Aladdin; Airplane!; Lion King; Memento; L.A. Confidential; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Total Recall; Apollo 13; Clockwork Orange; Jaws; Back to the Future Part II; Goodfellas; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Blues Brothers; Fish Called Wanda; Speed; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; When Harry Met Sally...; Monty Python's Life of Brian; As Good as It Gets; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Full Metal Jacket; Toy Story 2; Titanic; Lethal Weapon; Apocalypse Now; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Shakespeare in Love; Spider-Man; True Lies; Big Lebowski; Bug's Life; Monsters Inc.; Godfather: Part II; Mission: Impossible; Hunt for Red October; Dances with Wolves; Dead Poets Society; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Mask; Ocean's Eleven; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Finding Nemo; Office Space; Psycho; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Minority Report; Clerks; Amadeus; Nightmare Before Christmas; Trainspotting; Contact; Back to the Future Part III; Beauty and the Beast; Casablanca; Green Mile; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Raising Arizona; Rock; Babe; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; American Pie; Taxi Driver; Mrs. Doubtfire; Jerry Maguire; Gattaca; American History X; Beautiful Mind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Top Gun; Pretty Woman; Abyss; This Is Spinal Tap; Untouchables; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Almost Famous; Superman; High Fidelity; Full Monty; Dogma; Cast Away; Wayne's World; Bourne Identity; Clueless; Young Frankenstein; Planet of the Apes; Incredibles; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Romancing the Stone; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Ghost; Chicken Run; Donnie Darko; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Rocky; Face/Off; Catch Me If You Can; Grosse Pointe Blank; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Mummy; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Predator; Graduate; Platoon; RoboCop; Little Mermaid; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Home Alone; Pleasantville; Citizen Kane; Stargate; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Snatch; Rear Window; Sleepy Hollow; Few Good Men; My Cousin Vinny; Christmas Story; Batman Begins; Sleepless in Seattle; X2: X-Men United; Exorcist; Splash; Traffic; Gremlins; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Meet the Parents; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Good Morning Vietnam; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Galaxy Quest; Scream; Erin Brockovich; GoldenEye; Jumanji; Get Shorty; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Mary Poppins; Lost in Translation; Die Hard 2; Unbreakable; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Game; Twister; Rushmore; Grease; Chasing Amy; Armageddon; Boogie Nights; Spider-Man 2; Crocodile Dundee; Goonies; Spaceballs; Mars Attacks!; Brazil; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Unforgiven; Liar Liar; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sting; Blair Witch Project; Heat; Starship Troopers; Star Trek: First Contact; Batman Returns; Election; Wedding Singer; NeverEnding Story; Chinatown; Big Fish; Casino; Lethal Weapon 2; Sin City; Animal House; Ed Wood; North by Northwest; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Shrek 2; Annie Hall; Heathers; Crow; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Blazing Saddles; Fly; Three Kings; Royal Tenenbaums; Army of Darkness; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Happy Gilmore; It's a Wonderful Life; Thelma & Louise; Matrix Reloaded; To Kill a Mockingbird; Vertigo; Dark City; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Trading Places; Sling Blade; Fantasia; King Kong; Beverly Hills Cop; Bowling for Columbine; Enemy of the State; Field of Dreams; Cocoon; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Willow; Witness; Goldfinger; Clear and Present Danger; Natural Born Killers; Jackie Brown; Sneakers; Birdcage; Philadelphia; Poltergeist; Shaun of the Dead; Requiem for a Dream; Gone with the Wind; Air Force One; Glory; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Labyrinth; Highlander; 28 Days Later; Con Air; Dave; Talented Mr. Ripley; Misery; Leaving Las Vegas; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Sound of Music; Blade; Sixteen Candles; Birds; Jungle Book; Bourne Supremacy; League of Their Own; V for Vendetta; Lady and the Tramp; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Last of the Mohicans; Maverick; True Romance; Tron; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Say Anything...; Time Bandits; Firm; Devil's Advocate; Caddyshack; Nutty Professor; Others; Magnolia; Eyes Wide Shut; In the Line of Fire; Mask of Zorro; Outbreak; Dark Knight; Ice Age; Stripes; Bridget Jones's Diary; Dead Man Walking; Wag the Dog; Best in Show; Cape Fear; Moulin Rouge; Little Shop of Horrors; Antz; Bridge on the River Kwai; Crying Game; From Dusk Till Dawn; X-Files: Fight the Future; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Dark Crystal; Risky Business; Thomas Crown Affair; Star Trek: Generations; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Notting Hill; Scarface; Gods Must Be Crazy; American President; Dune; Cool Hand Luke; Some Like It Hot; Batman Forever; Addams Family; Alice in Wonderland; Maltese Falcon; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Charlie's Angels; Swingers; Quiz Show; Mad Max; Das Boot (The Boat); Arachnophobia; Donnie Brasco; Mission: Impossible II; English Patient; Signs; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Karate Kid; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Chocolat; Little Miss Sunshine; Blue Velvet; Great Escape; Casino Royale; Adaptation; Manchurian Candidate; Lawrence of Arabia; 12 Angry Men; School of Rock; Deer Hunter; Departed],[12330; 11980; 11515; 11515; 11506; 11274; 11245; 11015; 10891; 10865; 10629; 10434; 10418; 10384; 10382; 10185; 10170; 10148; 10029; 9997; 9808; 9779; 9768; 9386; 9351; 9290; 9289; 9220; 9209; 9181; 9062; 9042; 8997; 8952; 8893; 8821; 8795; 8715; 8697; 8642; 8625; 8622; 8592; 8553; 8374; 8322; 8296; 8262; 8257; 8221; 8218; 8134; 8085; 8083; 8072; 8036; 7980; 7952; 7951; 7820; 7811; 7704; 7690; 7642; 7633; 7628; 7618; 7560; 7559; 7556; 7533; 7429; 7356; 7355; 7351; 7324; 7324; 7313; 7287; 7249; 7205; 7203; 7185; 7142; 7126; 7064; 7039; 6977; 6970; 6951; 6950; 6921; 6908; 6858; 6858; 6815; 6777; 6764; 6758; 6726; 6694; 6683; 6667; 6631; 6599; 6561; 6549; 6544; 6520; 6517; 6516; 6487; 6461; 6434; 6407; 6381; 6292; 6269; 6248; 6243; 6236; 6207; 6149; 6130; 6124; 6105; 6104; 6101; 6086; 6048; 6030; 6008; 5974; 5961; 5961; 5954; 5932; 5916; 5792; 5765; 5758; 5748; 5729; 5727; 5693; 5683; 5673; 5659; 5635; 5622; 5615; 5580; 5574; 5558; 5556; 5523; 5518; 5508; 5485; 5476; 5430; 5424; 5403; 5402; 5401; 5393; 5393; 5376; 5371; 5358; 5324; 5297; 5297; 5288; 5255; 5254; 5251; 5208; 5207; 5198; 5178; 5176; 5146; 5145; 5127; 5118; 5104; 5023; 5020; 5020; 5009; 5006; 4952; 4948; 4940; 4937; 4913; 4888; 4885; 4880; 4863; 4855; 4832; 4818; 4814; 4810; 4804; 4801; 4782; 4780; 4773; 4762; 4751; 4749; 4745; 4741; 4735; 4728; 4725; 4708; 4707; 4706; 4699; 4688; 4687; 4678; 4669; 4653; 4648; 4628; 4625; 4622; 4608; 4604; 4601; 4569; 4563; 4561; 4553; 4551; 4540; 4532; 4527; 4492; 4490; 4480; 4479; 4474; 4473; 4430; 4421; 4421; 4415; 4411; 4409; 4401; 4400; 4376; 4349; 4340; 4313; 4305; 4305; 4303; 4302; 4280; 4276; 4267; 4266; 4264; 4243; 4240; 4230; 4215; 4202; 4185; 4175; 4132; 4126; 4122; 4120; 4116; 4075; 4052; 4045; 4034; 4010; 4002; 3990; 3988; 3986; 3985; 3983; 3977; 3962; 3954; 3949; 3937; 3936; 3925; 3921; 3900; 3881; 3871; 3868; 3862; 3840; 3840; 3832; 3832; 3832; 3825; 3811; 3808; 3783; 3768; 3762; 3761; 3744; 3730; 3728; 3727; 3723; 3716; 3706; 3703; 3700; 3691; 3690; 3683; 3673; 3666; 3660; 3659; 3657; 3656; 3651; 3646; 3638; 3617; 3614; 3595; 3591; 3588; 3583; 3581; 3578; 3573; 3571; 3564; 3544; 3541; 3530; 3528; 3526; 3519; 3507; 3505; 3500; 3493; 3491; 3490; 3487; 3473; 3473; 3471; 3470; 3461; 3455; 3447; 3446; 3439; 3435; 3426; 3411; 3399; 3392; 3391; 3382; 3369; 3369; 3365; 3364; 3363; 3354; 3353; 3345; 3339]
Being John Malkovich,[American Beauty; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Fargo; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Memento; Groundhog Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Schindler's List; Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Jurassic Park; Reservoir Dogs; Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Braveheart; L.A. Confidential; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Terminator; Blade Runner; Good Will Hunting; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Alien; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Princess Bride; Truman Show; Goodfellas; Clockwork Orange; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fugitive; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Big Lebowski; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Rain Man; Shakespeare in Love; Trainspotting; Die Hard; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Shining; Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Godfather: Part II; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; O Brother Where Art Thou?; X-Men; There's Something About Mary; Apocalypse Now; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Aliens; Clerks; Edward Scissorhands; Apollo 13; American History X; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Taxi Driver; Office Space; Full Metal Jacket; Minority Report; Ocean's Eleven; Batman; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; High Fidelity; As Good as It Gets; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Almost Famous; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Beautiful Mind; Breakfast Club; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Toy Story 2; Casablanca; Monsters Inc.; Stand by Me; Donnie Darko; Titanic; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Speed; Wizard of Oz; Finding Nemo; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Fish Called Wanda; Spider-Man; Psycho; Traffic; Lion King; Beetlejuice; When Harry Met Sally...; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Lost in Translation; Amadeus; Total Recall; Snatch; Green Mile; Jaws; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Bourne Identity; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dances with Wolves; Gattaca; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; American Pie; Mission: Impossible; Aladdin; Airplane!; Big; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Dead Poets Society; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Bug's Life; Hunt for Red October; Catch Me If You Can; Rushmore; True Lies; This Is Spinal Tap; Cast Away; Contact; Citizen Kane; Blues Brothers; Election; Graduate; Dogma; Incredibles; Chicken Run; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Jerry Maguire; Requiem for a Dream; Raising Arizona; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Magnolia; Rear Window; Babe; Full Monty; Rock; Erin Brockovich; Batman Begins; Royal Tenenbaums; Back to the Future Part II; Annie Hall; Grosse Pointe Blank; Boogie Nights; Pretty Woman; Chinatown; Bowling for Columbine; Brazil; Nightmare Before Christmas; Mask; Lethal Weapon; Sin City; Talented Mr. Ripley; Game; Abyss; Untouchables; Platoon; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Heat; Beauty and the Beast; Mrs. Doubtfire; Clueless; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; North by Northwest; Wayne's World; Pleasantville; Adaptation; Sleepy Hollow; Chasing Amy; Galaxy Quest; Planet of the Apes; Eyes Wide Shut; Big Fish; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Three Kings; Blair Witch Project; Meet the Parents; Face/Off; Vertigo; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Young Frankenstein; Back to the Future Part III; Unforgiven; Unbreakable; Jackie Brown; Get Shorty; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; X2: X-Men United; Few Good Men; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Sleepless in Seattle; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Casino; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Rocky; Top Gun; Sling Blade; Predator; Best in Show; Spider-Man 2; Sting; Dark City; Exorcist; Thelma & Louise; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dark Knight; Ed Wood; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Leaving Las Vegas; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Ghost; Matrix Reloaded; Departed; V for Vendetta; GoldenEye; Little Miss Sunshine; To Kill a Mockingbird; Natural Born Killers; Superman; Shaun of the Dead; Good Morning Vietnam; Christmas Story; Mulholland Drive; RoboCop; 28 Days Later; Stargate; My Cousin Vinny; Dead Man Walking; Philadelphia; Shrek 2; Bourne Supremacy; Home Alone; Animal House; Insider; True Romance; Scarface; Pi; Mummy; Blazing Saddles; Das Boot (The Boat); It's a Wonderful Life; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Crying Game],[19286; 17630; 17003; 16063; 15784; 15584; 15448; 14713; 14709; 14610; 14350; 14265; 14066; 14065; 13342; 13233; 13141; 13129; 13070; 12950; 12877; 12767; 12725; 12690; 12545; 12505; 12350; 12274; 12263; 12152; 11935; 11887; 11779; 11689; 11615; 11605; 11536; 11403; 11287; 11273; 11118; 11114; 11016; 10963; 10910; 10838; 10761; 10699; 10595; 10525; 10486; 10405; 10242; 10239; 10236; 10176; 10161; 10151; 10058; 9939; 9913; 9906; 9898; 9878; 9863; 9818; 9801; 9691; 9640; 9613; 9593; 9587; 9551; 9511; 9486; 9267; 9262; 9234; 9222; 9214; 9078; 9075; 9040; 9016; 8967; 8963; 8952; 8929; 8821; 8781; 8706; 8644; 8624; 8618; 8578; 8565; 8503; 8496; 8410; 8407; 8376; 8357; 8345; 8322; 8303; 8289; 8263; 8251; 8229; 8227; 8223; 8223; 8139; 8110; 8092; 8075; 8064; 8005; 7989; 7980; 7962; 7961; 7949; 7945; 7945; 7940; 7843; 7828; 7782; 7711; 7668; 7661; 7631; 7606; 7579; 7531; 7518; 7513; 7497; 7409; 7403; 7366; 7342; 7308; 7250; 7233; 7168; 7149; 7139; 7100; 7095; 7079; 6996; 6921; 6913; 6910; 6873; 6797; 6792; 6721; 6700; 6696; 6691; 6667; 6633; 6633; 6604; 6562; 6512; 6506; 6506; 6459; 6456; 6442; 6424; 6420; 6391; 6360; 6256; 6253; 6249; 6195; 6187; 6149; 6129; 6117; 6069; 6061; 6061; 6052; 6048; 6021; 6021; 6008; 6000; 5996; 5963; 5954; 5949; 5937; 5922; 5914; 5869; 5841; 5834; 5785; 5768; 5743; 5726; 5719; 5695; 5686; 5684; 5657; 5656; 5650; 5634; 5619; 5615; 5602; 5586; 5568; 5567; 5567; 5558; 5537; 5517; 5487; 5468; 5459; 5448; 5448; 5408; 5397; 5355; 5353; 5341; 5312; 5301; 5284; 5259; 5247; 5243; 5221; 5204; 5192; 5178; 5148; 5143; 5129; 5089; 5080; 5016; 4994; 4981; 4977; 4964; 4961; 4958; 4946; 4946]
Big,[Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Forrest Gump; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Toy Story; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Sixth Sense; American Beauty; Groundhog Day; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Jurassic Park; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Saving Private Ryan; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Fugitive; Braveheart; Usual Suspects; Fargo; Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Die Hard; Good Will Hunting; Rain Man; Godfather; Beetlejuice; Breakfast Club; Shrek; When Harry Met Sally...; Stand by Me; Gladiator; Fight Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Alien; Apollo 13; Wizard of Oz; Batman; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Truman Show; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); There's Something About Mary; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Airplane!; As Good as It Gets; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); L.A. Confidential; Aladdin; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Speed; Aliens; Blade Runner; Being John Malkovich; Shakespeare in Love; Lion King; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Edward Scissorhands; Titanic; Jaws; Toy Story 2; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Lethal Weapon; Memento; X-Men; Goodfellas; Hunt for Red October; Dances with Wolves; Reservoir Dogs; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Fifth Element; Total Recall; Shining; Back to the Future Part II; Fish Called Wanda; Blues Brothers; Bug's Life; True Lies; Dead Poets Society; Jerry Maguire; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Ocean's Eleven; Godfather: Part II; Monsters Inc.; Spider-Man; Amadeus; Mission: Impossible; Office Space; Pretty Woman; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Green Mile; Top Gun; Casablanca; Apocalypse Now; Finding Nemo; Beauty and the Beast; Mrs. Doubtfire; Full Metal Jacket; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Minority Report; Contact; Beautiful Mind; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Babe; Rock; Cast Away; Big Lebowski; Clockwork Orange; American Pie; Raising Arizona; Clerks; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Sleepless in Seattle; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Psycho; Almost Famous; Back to the Future Part III; Untouchables; Few Good Men; Mask; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Romancing the Stone; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Bourne Identity; Ghost; Clueless; Superman; Rocky; Full Monty; Graduate; Catch Me If You Can; High Fidelity; Christmas Story; My Cousin Vinny; American History X; Abyss; This Is Spinal Tap; Gattaca; Wayne's World; Taxi Driver; Little Mermaid; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Grosse Pointe Blank; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Young Frankenstein; Splash; Trainspotting; Incredibles; Erin Brockovich; Platoon; Home Alone; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Pleasantville; Planet of the Apes; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Good Morning Vietnam; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Face/Off; Meet the Parents; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Traffic; Citizen Kane; Chicken Run; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Rear Window; Sting; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dogma; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Mary Poppins; Field of Dreams; Trading Places; It's a Wonderful Life; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Grease; Wedding Singer; Nightmare Before Christmas; Crocodile Dundee; Election; Mummy; Twister; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Get Shorty; Witness; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; RoboCop; Galaxy Quest; Animal House; Predator; Liar Liar; Stargate; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; To Kill a Mockingbird; Die Hard 2; Unforgiven; Game; Clear and Present Danger; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Armageddon; Rushmore; GoldenEye; Philadelphia; Annie Hall; Dave; North by Northwest; X2: X-Men United; Batman Begins; Happy Gilmore; Heat; Boogie Nights; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Chasing Amy; Spider-Man 2; Snatch; Enemy of the State; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Lethal Weapon 2; Glory; League of Their Own; Beverly Hills Cop; Sling Blade; Goonies; Chinatown; Blazing Saddles; Scream; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Thelma & Louise; Donnie Darko; Casino; Sound of Music; Cocoon; Exorcist; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Gone with the Wind; Lost in Translation; Unbreakable; American President; Gremlins; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Air Force One; Jumanji; Star Trek: First Contact; Spaceballs; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Say Anything...; Shrek 2; Sneakers; Three Kings; Notting Hill; Vertigo; Blair Witch Project; Sixteen Candles; In the Line of Fire; Firm; Heathers; Sleepy Hollow; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Royal Tenenbaums; Goldfinger; Caddyshack; NeverEnding Story; Risky Business; Birdcage; Bourne Supremacy; Thomas Crown Affair; Lady and the Tramp; Fantasia; Talented Mr. Ripley; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Dead Man Walking; Leaving Las Vegas; Last of the Mohicans; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); King Kong; Con Air; Stripes; Brazil; Maverick; Big Fish; Starship Troopers; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Matrix Reloaded; Bridget Jones's Diary; Quiz Show; Jungle Book; Bowling for Columbine; Batman Returns; Fly; Best in Show; Misery; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Cool Hand Luke; Bridge on the River Kwai; Outbreak; Willow; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Ed Wood; Swingers; Mask of Zorro; Gods Must Be Crazy; Mars Attacks!; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Crying Game; Patriot; Jackie Brown; Nutty Professor; Driving Miss Daisy; English Patient; Wag the Dog; Bull Durham; Sense and Sensibility; Poltergeist; Cape Fear; Crow; Crimson Tide; Chocolat; Karate Kid; 12 Angry Men; Birds; You've Got Mail; Highlander; Army of Darkness; Mission: Impossible II; While You Were Sleeping; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Great Escape; Some Like It Hot; Sin City; Dark City; Patriot Games; Magnolia; Mr. Holland's Opus; True Romance; Lawrence of Arabia; Ransom; Moulin Rouge; Devil's Advocate; Manchurian Candidate; Maltese Falcon; Donnie Brasco; Much Ado About Nothing; Antz; Tootsie; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Fatal Attraction; Deliverance; Dirty Dancing; Signs; Ice Age; About a Boy; Star Trek: Generations; Time Bandits; Natural Born Killers; Tron; Eyes Wide Shut; Big Chill; Tombstone; Das Boot (The Boat); African Queen; Arachnophobia],[12891; 11929; 11855; 11755; 11651; 11568; 11237; 11220; 11030; 10995; 10983; 10976; 10868; 10811; 10751; 10658; 10566; 10411; 10396; 10162; 10138; 9969; 9906; 9846; 9695; 9649; 9537; 9513; 9432; 9370; 9297; 9193; 9165; 9083; 9062; 8956; 8658; 8628; 8595; 8594; 8589; 8578; 8570; 8529; 8417; 8354; 8345; 8298; 8279; 8238; 8220; 8195; 8123; 8083; 8063; 8046; 8037; 7974; 7968; 7965; 7945; 7919; 7905; 7882; 7691; 7633; 7633; 7632; 7593; 7574; 7553; 7526; 7517; 7487; 7471; 7432; 7424; 7387; 7374; 7363; 7356; 7284; 7274; 7248; 7246; 7218; 7213; 7203; 7152; 7064; 7002; 6981; 6895; 6851; 6834; 6818; 6803; 6796; 6769; 6764; 6739; 6717; 6712; 6681; 6680; 6679; 6678; 6662; 6646; 6620; 6608; 6578; 6570; 6506; 6483; 6479; 6447; 6410; 6403; 6388; 6364; 6364; 6333; 6307; 6296; 6294; 6280; 6269; 6261; 6224; 6195; 6151; 6137; 6129; 6106; 6089; 6079; 6075; 6059; 6008; 5967; 5916; 5893; 5891; 5846; 5811; 5806; 5797; 5778; 5770; 5735; 5711; 5689; 5689; 5672; 5666; 5619; 5600; 5599; 5574; 5571; 5558; 5558; 5546; 5545; 5526; 5516; 5502; 5481; 5458; 5449; 5395; 5383; 5366; 5357; 5344; 5341; 5322; 5304; 5241; 5203; 5189; 5186; 5172; 5172; 5149; 5122; 5110; 5099; 5089; 5083; 5076; 5069; 5069; 5060; 5030; 5020; 5014; 4985; 4956; 4952; 4927; 4888; 4878; 4877; 4875; 4866; 4854; 4852; 4850; 4843; 4840; 4837; 4823; 4818; 4815; 4794; 4780; 4777; 4774; 4773; 4748; 4744; 4735; 4729; 4722; 4716; 4699; 4694; 4689; 4688; 4688; 4656; 4608; 4607; 4594; 4593; 4586; 4584; 4570; 4567; 4563; 4563; 4561; 4559; 4547; 4541; 4533; 4530; 4530; 4527; 4515; 4471; 4459; 4454; 4426; 4418; 4413; 4400; 4395; 4366; 4362; 4349; 4348; 4348; 4336; 4334; 4299; 4282; 4270; 4266; 4258; 4256; 4251; 4235; 4229; 4211; 4200; 4194; 4178; 4174; 4134; 4123; 4112; 4102; 4101; 4094; 4091; 4076; 4067; 4059; 4056; 4043; 4024; 4021; 4015; 4005; 4005; 3999; 3977; 3969; 3964; 3961; 3946; 3929; 3923; 3918; 3906; 3905; 3901; 3890; 3877; 3876; 3836; 3834; 3818; 3815; 3787; 3785; 3774; 3773; 3772; 3767; 3764; 3761; 3754; 3741; 3732; 3709; 3704; 3685; 3676; 3675; 3673; 3669; 3662; 3660; 3645; 3636; 3635; 3632; 3624; 3618; 3614; 3603; 3602; 3600; 3598; 3595; 3594; 3581; 3571; 3567; 3554; 3548; 3544; 3544; 3504; 3498; 3497; 3496; 3496; 3495; 3490; 3486; 3486; 3475; 3466; 3463; 3463; 3455; 3447; 3439]
Big Lebowski,[Pulp Fiction; Matrix; American Beauty; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Fight Club; Forrest Gump; Usual Suspects; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Reservoir Dogs; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Godfather; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Memento; Being John Malkovich; Groundhog Day; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Saving Private Ryan; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Jurassic Park; Toy Story; Schindler's List; Braveheart; Terminator; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Blade Runner; Gladiator; Alien; L.A. Confidential; Good Will Hunting; Goodfellas; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clockwork Orange; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Truman Show; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Trainspotting; Die Hard; Shrek; Full Metal Jacket; Fugitive; American History X; Shining; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Princess Bride; Fifth Element; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Office Space; Apocalypse Now; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Godfather: Part II; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Clerks; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Aliens; Taxi Driver; There's Something About Mary; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Rain Man; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Ocean's Eleven; Snatch; Donnie Darko; Apollo 13; Edward Scissorhands; X-Men; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Batman; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Beautiful Mind; Breakfast Club; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; As Good as It Gets; Bourne Identity; Finding Nemo; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; High Fidelity; Monsters Inc.; Green Mile; Speed; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Total Recall; Stand by Me; Spider-Man; Jaws; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Gattaca; Lion King; Beetlejuice; Mission: Impossible; Almost Famous; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Blues Brothers; Airplane!; Titanic; Psycho; Casablanca; Catch Me If You Can; Hunt for Red October; Lost in Translation; Fish Called Wanda; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Aladdin; Wizard of Oz; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Dances with Wolves; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Batman Begins; True Lies; This Is Spinal Tap; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Rock; Big; Sin City; Requiem for a Dream; Dogma; Toy Story 2; Traffic; Incredibles; Heat; Game; Amadeus; Back to the Future Part II; Raising Arizona; Rushmore; American Pie; Lethal Weapon; When Harry Met Sally...; Cast Away; Contact; Royal Tenenbaums; Untouchables; Platoon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Jackie Brown; Grosse Pointe Blank; Dark Knight; Jerry Maguire; Citizen Kane; Graduate; Boogie Nights; Mask; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Nightmare Before Christmas; Full Monty; Casino; Bug's Life; Rear Window; Departed; Chinatown; Brazil; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Face/Off; Shaun of the Dead; Wayne's World; Back to the Future Part III; Bowling for Columbine; Four Weddings and a Funeral; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Big Fish; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Rocky; V for Vendetta; Mrs. Doubtfire; Unforgiven; Magnolia; Chasing Amy; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Babe; Few Good Men; Get Shorty; Pretty Woman; Scarface; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Planet of the Apes; Abyss; X2: X-Men United; Annie Hall; Predator; Chicken Run; True Romance; Top Gun; GoldenEye; Meet the Parents; 28 Days Later; Little Miss Sunshine; Clueless; Election; Pleasantville; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; No Country for Old Men; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; North by Northwest; Young Frankenstein; Dark City; Beauty and the Beast; Three Kings; Unbreakable; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Vertigo; Natural Born Killers; Bourne Supremacy; Exorcist; Spider-Man 2; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Adaptation; Sleepy Hollow; Sling Blade; My Cousin Vinny; Donnie Brasco; Starship Troopers; Matrix Reloaded; Ed Wood; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Die Hard 2; RoboCop; Erin Brockovich; Talented Mr. Ripley; Home Alone; Sting; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Leaving Las Vegas; Stargate; Casino Royale; Scream; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Enemy of the State; Eyes Wide Shut; Mars Attacks!; Liar Liar; Mulholland Drive; Army of Darkness; Animal House; Blair Witch Project; Good Morning Vietnam; Mummy; Superman; Galaxy Quest; Pi; Prestige; Sleepless in Seattle; Swingers; Wedding Singer; Ghost; Best in Show; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Shrek 2; Happy Gilmore; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Christmas Story; Devil's Advocate; Blazing Saddles; To Kill a Mockingbird; Garden State; Crash; Philadelphia; Deer Hunter; From Dusk Till Dawn; 12 Angry Men; Spaceballs; Wag the Dog; Crow; WALL·E; Inception; Juno; Armageddon; Das Boot (The Boat); Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Pianist; Thelma & Louise; Dead Man Walking; It's a Wonderful Life; Children of Men; Blue Velvet; Goldfinger; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Iron Man; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Mystic River; Twister; Inglourious Basterds; Raging Bull; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Beverly Hills Cop; Star Trek: First Contact; Ronin; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Sneakers; Romancing the Stone; King Kong; Con Air; Clear and Present Danger; Batman Returns; Cape Fear; Hudsucker Proxy; Others; Super Size Me; Black Hawk Down; Million Dollar Baby; Gremlins; Lethal Weapon 2; Bourne Ultimatum; Jumanji; Quiz Show; Cool Hand Luke; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Last of the Mohicans; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Heathers; Misery; Firm; Maltese Falcon; American Psycho],[14832; 13689; 13168; 12767; 12635; 12620; 12322; 12309; 12164; 11583; 11514; 11331; 11307; 11184; 11179; 11106; 10900; 10762; 10710; 10635; 10605; 10595; 10501; 10499; 10449; 10320; 10256; 10212; 10073; 10039; 9818; 9715; 9600; 9573; 9559; 9558; 9556; 9509; 9466; 9418; 9302; 9284; 9255; 9124; 9082; 9018; 8944; 8917; 8886; 8857; 8826; 8761; 8730; 8703; 8625; 8619; 8607; 8499; 8448; 8431; 8409; 8293; 8270; 8270; 8263; 8227; 8200; 8138; 8110; 8098; 8077; 8036; 7996; 7971; 7853; 7853; 7829; 7762; 7757; 7731; 7590; 7563; 7525; 7455; 7332; 7277; 7259; 7231; 7179; 7168; 7154; 7137; 7094; 7063; 7040; 6995; 6992; 6992; 6978; 6975; 6956; 6954; 6921; 6908; 6904; 6894; 6824; 6770; 6759; 6747; 6739; 6732; 6696; 6667; 6652; 6637; 6612; 6603; 6586; 6578; 6550; 6547; 6537; 6529; 6482; 6466; 6464; 6453; 6447; 6401; 6343; 6325; 6314; 6310; 6307; 6286; 6219; 6196; 6143; 6138; 6124; 6121; 6093; 6046; 6023; 6006; 6000; 5986; 5939; 5928; 5920; 5897; 5886; 5886; 5880; 5857; 5853; 5848; 5810; 5794; 5768; 5761; 5728; 5697; 5609; 5595; 5577; 5562; 5473; 5461; 5455; 5419; 5413; 5376; 5375; 5364; 5347; 5332; 5310; 5308; 5297; 5272; 5253; 5248; 5242; 5213; 5204; 5195; 5179; 5166; 5162; 5162; 5123; 5122; 5116; 5114; 5067; 5044; 5041; 5039; 5038; 5029; 5029; 5021; 5008; 4989; 4987; 4973; 4954; 4949; 4931; 4924; 4922; 4914; 4858; 4839; 4833; 4833; 4832; 4822; 4820; 4818; 4814; 4808; 4781; 4749; 4738; 4731; 4703; 4697; 4689; 4674; 4670; 4639; 4632; 4632; 4630; 4611; 4605; 4570; 4568; 4538; 4535; 4529; 4513; 4483; 4470; 4451; 4447; 4446; 4441; 4434; 4420; 4416; 4399; 4392; 4389; 4385; 4366; 4351; 4324; 4312; 4311; 4301; 4300; 4271; 4260; 4244; 4230; 4229; 4209; 4192; 4182; 4170; 4164; 4161; 4138; 4125; 4125; 4119; 4106; 4101; 4079; 4077; 4073; 4067; 4063; 4057; 4054; 4048; 4046; 4038; 4036; 4033; 4028; 4021; 4010; 4000; 3993; 3987; 3984; 3976; 3976; 3938; 3921; 3915; 3912; 3909; 3891; 3886; 3869; 3867; 3825; 3818; 3812; 3801; 3787; 3783; 3779; 3776; 3765; 3763; 3762; 3759; 3759; 3755; 3744; 3742; 3742; 3740; 3734]
Birdcage,[Toy Story; Forrest Gump; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Pulp Fiction; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Silence of the Lambs; Fugitive; Fargo; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Apollo 13; Mission: Impossible; Batman; Twister; Dances with Wolves; Aladdin; Braveheart; Mrs. Doubtfire; Rock; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Schindler's List; Usual Suspects; Speed; Lion King; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Pretty Woman; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Sleepless in Seattle; Mr. Holland's Opus; Beauty and the Beast; Ghost; Dead Man Walking; Babe; Leaving Las Vegas; Clueless; Sense and Sensibility; Get Shorty; Back to the Future; Mask; Heat; Clear and Present Danger; Firm; Broken Arrow; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dave; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Jerry Maguire; Groundhog Day; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; While You Were Sleeping; Godfather; Philadelphia; GoldenEye; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Outbreak; American President; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Home Alone; Stargate; Crimson Tide; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Quiz Show; Princess Bride; Sabrina; Batman Forever; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Matrix; American Beauty; Die Hard; Clerks; In the Line of Fire; Nutty Professor; Trainspotting; Sixth Sense; Star Trek: Generations; Nightmare Before Christmas; Terminator; Star Trek: First Contact; Jumanji; When Harry Met Sally...; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Happy Gilmore; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Good Will Hunting; Phenomenon; Eraser; Net; Wizard of Oz; Fish Called Wanda; As Good as It Gets; Blade Runner; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Dead Poets Society; Client; Grumpier Old Men; Ransom; Stand by Me; Maverick; Alien; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Saving Private Ryan; Piano; Time to Kill; Executive Decision; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Natural Born Killers; There's Something About Mary; Father of the Bride Part II; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Rain Man; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Truman Show; Ed Wood; Cliffhanger; Fifth Element; Breakfast Club; Waterworld; Fight Club; Aliens; Taxi Driver; Titanic; Addams Family Values; Shrek; Goodfellas; Legends of the Fall; Reservoir Dogs; Primal Fear; River Wild; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Being John Malkovich; Gladiator; Jaws; Top Gun; Casino; Shakespeare in Love; L.A. Confidential; Amadeus; Much Ado About Nothing; Big; Dragonheart; Edward Scissorhands; Blues Brothers; Shining; Casablanca; Crow; Beetlejuice; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Tombstone; Full Monty; Mighty Aphrodite; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Contact; Santa Clause; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; French Kiss; Godfather: Part II; Hunt for Red October; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; English Patient; Clockwork Orange; Memento; Grosse Pointe Blank; Psycho; Tin Cup],[11764; 11354; 10940; 10828; 10780; 10628; 10405; 10361; 10358; 10354; 10144; 10049; 10042; 9290; 9233; 9072; 9032; 9020; 9005; 8941; 8840; 8767; 8713; 8640; 8633; 8490; 8446; 8416; 8295; 8265; 8115; 8099; 8022; 7776; 7770; 7563; 7407; 7281; 7258; 7188; 7122; 7025; 7011; 6987; 6950; 6949; 6945; 6785; 6714; 6700; 6688; 6672; 6664; 6636; 6605; 6528; 6481; 6431; 6292; 6259; 6247; 6238; 6179; 6168; 6078; 6076; 5965; 5964; 5936; 5914; 5863; 5835; 5801; 5658; 5651; 5620; 5516; 5505; 5484; 5454; 5440; 5435; 5393; 5376; 5315; 5280; 5254; 5234; 5211; 5197; 5187; 5166; 5134; 5074; 5068; 5061; 5013; 4986; 4944; 4937; 4914; 4875; 4860; 4857; 4856; 4847; 4841; 4833; 4798; 4756; 4742; 4739; 4700; 4690; 4676; 4630; 4624; 4608; 4607; 4574; 4571; 4521; 4518; 4514; 4501; 4488; 4487; 4479; 4470; 4460; 4438; 4401; 4400; 4393; 4377; 4342; 4323; 4322; 4322; 4311; 4308; 4306; 4293; 4284; 4257; 4253; 4235; 4171; 4165; 4156; 4141; 4136; 4126; 4120; 4109; 4098; 4088; 4062; 4044; 4031; 4017; 4009; 3951; 3937; 3921; 3895; 3889; 3880; 3864; 3859; 3836; 3836; 3828]
Blade Runner,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Alien; Back to the Future; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Godfather; Fargo; Aliens; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; American Beauty; Schindler's List; Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Toy Story; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Sixth Sense; Fight Club; Die Hard; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fugitive; Saving Private Ryan; Reservoir Dogs; Groundhog Day; Clockwork Orange; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Princess Bride; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Apocalypse Now; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); L.A. Confidential; Fifth Element; Goodfellas; Batman; Memento; Godfather: Part II; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Full Metal Jacket; Shining; Apollo 13; Gladiator; Being John Malkovich; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Taxi Driver; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Casablanca; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Total Recall; Speed; Shrek; Jaws; Good Will Hunting; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Dances with Wolves; X-Men; Trainspotting; Amadeus; Psycho; Fish Called Wanda; True Lies; Rain Man; Mission: Impossible; Truman Show; Wizard of Oz; Blues Brothers; Lion King; Stand by Me; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Minority Report; Hunt for Red October; Brazil; Gattaca; Big Lebowski; Aladdin; Abyss; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Rock; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Contact; Dead Poets Society; Citizen Kane; When Harry Met Sally...; American History X; Clerks; Chinatown; Edward Scissorhands; Rear Window; Platoon; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Beetlejuice; Spider-Man; Stargate; Donnie Darko; This Is Spinal Tap; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Titanic; Ocean's Eleven; Shakespeare in Love; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Graduate; Monsters Inc.; Heat; There's Something About Mary; Breakfast Club; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Airplane!; Mask; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lethal Weapon; Bourne Identity; Babe; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Unforgiven; Finding Nemo; Back to the Future Part II; Untouchables; Planet of the Apes; Toy Story 2; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Star Trek: First Contact; Raising Arizona; North by Northwest; Big; Office Space; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Sting; Beautiful Mind; Predator; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; As Good as It Gets; Snatch; Green Mile; Pretty Woman; Top Gun; GoldenEye; Beauty and the Beast; Nightmare Before Christmas; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Young Frankenstein; Vertigo; Batman Begins; Incredibles; Dark City; Get Shorty; RoboCop; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mrs. Doubtfire; Bug's Life; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Jerry Maguire; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Das Boot (The Boat); High Fidelity; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Back to the Future Part III; Face/Off; Annie Hall; Superman; Clear and Present Danger; Ghost; Rocky; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Traffic; Catch Me If You Can; Sin City; Bridge on the River Kwai; Almost Famous; Die Hard 2; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Sleepless in Seattle; Maltese Falcon; Lawrence of Arabia; Dark Knight; Lost in Translation; Starship Troopers; Game; Casino; X2: X-Men United; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Galaxy Quest; Clueless; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Cast Away; Highlander; Chicken Run; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Full Monty; To Kill a Mockingbird; Twister; In the Line of Fire; Grosse Pointe Blank; Leaving Las Vegas; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Exorcist; True Romance; Ed Wood; American Pie; It's a Wonderful Life; Army of Darkness; Sneakers; Star Trek: Generations; Home Alone; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Requiem for a Dream; Natural Born Killers; Mars Attacks!; Dogma; Fly; Crow; Great Escape; Deer Hunter; Unbreakable; Few Good Men; Philadelphia; Manchurian Candidate; Dead Man Walking; 12 Angry Men; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Spider-Man 2; V for Vendetta; Firm; Goldfinger; Mummy; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Boogie Nights; Glory; Cool Hand Luke; Romancing the Stone; Jackie Brown; Matrix Reloaded; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Quiz Show; Birds; Sling Blade; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Cape Fear],[21166; 20567; 20188; 19510; 19340; 19264; 18470; 18199; 17996; 17816; 17725; 17706; 16997; 16900; 16571; 16431; 16202; 16164; 16049; 15725; 15675; 15546; 15326; 14757; 14565; 14550; 14461; 14346; 14296; 14280; 14235; 14167; 13744; 13729; 13708; 13677; 13670; 13661; 13597; 13510; 13192; 12979; 12811; 12785; 12761; 12450; 12406; 12397; 12344; 12178; 11995; 11991; 11988; 11985; 11615; 11535; 11501; 11243; 11216; 11098; 10841; 10831; 10787; 10781; 10765; 10747; 10741; 10684; 10489; 10454; 10405; 10388; 10347; 10323; 10312; 10295; 10221; 10112; 9932; 9930; 9799; 9790; 9777; 9685; 9622; 9604; 9600; 9596; 9517; 9505; 9421; 9420; 9282; 9275; 9240; 9226; 9159; 9143; 9080; 9028; 9000; 8998; 8976; 8887; 8869; 8862; 8844; 8774; 8719; 8715; 8648; 8642; 8614; 8598; 8591; 8573; 8544; 8517; 8503; 8487; 8463; 8461; 8433; 8428; 8420; 8397; 8371; 8369; 8321; 8286; 8235; 8225; 8222; 8202; 8174; 8165; 8146; 8135; 8129; 8081; 8039; 7979; 7965; 7899; 7870; 7856; 7839; 7837; 7827; 7824; 7801; 7785; 7753; 7747; 7730; 7729; 7684; 7671; 7659; 7628; 7600; 7558; 7476; 7466; 7414; 7410; 7367; 7330; 7287; 7274; 7257; 7198; 7102; 7096; 7083; 7049; 7031; 6992; 6986; 6894; 6887; 6883; 6864; 6847; 6832; 6809; 6806; 6786; 6753; 6742; 6727; 6719; 6702; 6697; 6679; 6660; 6628; 6584; 6579; 6552; 6550; 6527; 6521; 6496; 6483; 6482; 6453; 6451; 6442; 6432; 6420; 6412; 6404; 6401; 6400; 6380; 6371; 6362; 6353; 6343; 6322; 6307; 6272; 6196; 6163; 6141; 6137; 6122; 6108; 6097; 6096; 6070; 6046; 6035; 6023; 6014; 5993; 5991; 5956; 5953; 5946; 5939; 5930; 5927; 5883; 5861; 5856; 5834; 5831; 5826; 5784; 5778; 5757; 5751; 5748; 5730]
Blues Brothers,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Terminator; Matrix; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Toy Story; Alien; Godfather; Braveheart; Princess Bride; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Usual Suspects; Fargo; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Blade Runner; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Aliens; American Beauty; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Sixth Sense; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Batman; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Jaws; Fish Called Wanda; Apollo 13; Reservoir Dogs; Apocalypse Now; Full Metal Jacket; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Stand by Me; Fight Club; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; When Harry Met Sally...; Goodfellas; Wizard of Oz; Shining; Godfather: Part II; Clockwork Orange; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fifth Element; Hunt for Red October; Speed; Gladiator; Rain Man; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; L.A. Confidential; Good Will Hunting; Shrek; True Lies; Lethal Weapon; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dances with Wolves; Breakfast Club; Mission: Impossible; Dead Poets Society; Being John Malkovich; Airplane!; Lion King; Amadeus; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Casablanca; Beetlejuice; Aladdin; Truman Show; Rock; Big; Top Gun; Total Recall; Psycho; There's Something About Mary; X-Men; This Is Spinal Tap; Memento; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Raising Arizona; Clerks; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Big Lebowski; Taxi Driver; As Good as It Gets; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Untouchables; Edward Scissorhands; Young Frankenstein; Platoon; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Abyss; Trainspotting; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Back to the Future Part II; Shakespeare in Love; Ocean's Eleven; Toy Story 2; Mask; Four Weddings and a Funeral; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Sting; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Titanic; Graduate; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Rocky; Babe; Pretty Woman; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Jerry Maguire; Get Shorty; Contact; Monsters Inc.; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Office Space; Mrs. Doubtfire; Minority Report; Spider-Man; Citizen Kane; Bug's Life; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Beauty and the Beast; Die Hard 2; Finding Nemo; GoldenEye; Heat; Unforgiven; Green Mile; Rear Window; Romancing the Stone; Planet of the Apes; Sleepless in Seattle; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Nightmare Before Christmas; Back to the Future Part III; Bourne Identity; Star Trek: First Contact; Stargate; American History X; Full Monty; Superman; Clear and Present Danger; Grosse Pointe Blank; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Beautiful Mind; Brazil; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; Ghost; Predator; High Fidelity; Face/Off; North by Northwest; Chinatown; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Clueless; Few Good Men; RoboCop; Almost Famous; It's a Wonderful Life; Mary Poppins; Good Morning Vietnam; American Pie; In the Line of Fire; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Highlander; Wayne's World; Animal House; Grease; Home Alone; Twister; Incredibles; Snatch; Casino; Catch Me If You Can; Cast Away; Annie Hall; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Chicken Run; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Lethal Weapon 2; Goldfinger; Vertigo; Bridge on the River Kwai; Glory; Sneakers; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Dogma; Field of Dreams; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Blazing Saddles; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; To Kill a Mockingbird; My Cousin Vinny; Traffic; Christmas Story; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Cool Hand Luke; Das Boot (The Boat); Donnie Darko; Dave; Ed Wood; Game; Sound of Music; Maverick; Mars Attacks!; Galaxy Quest; Fantasia; Mummy; Beverly Hills Cop; Crocodile Dundee; Heathers; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Batman Begins; Gone with the Wind; Crow; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Army of Darkness; Exorcist; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Starship Troopers; Great Escape; Philadelphia; Enemy of the State; Firm; Leaving Las Vegas; Trading Places; True Romance; Last of the Mohicans; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Pleasantville; Lost in Translation; Boogie Nights; Batman Returns; Witness; Happy Gilmore; Little Mermaid; X2: X-Men United; Birds; Natural Born Killers; Maltese Falcon; Liar Liar; Jumanji; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Cape Fear; Sling Blade; Deer Hunter; Lawrence of Arabia; Erin Brockovich; Air Force One; Star Trek: Generations; Splash; Armageddon; Stripes; Scream; Chasing Amy; Thelma & Louise; Spaceballs; Birdcage; Rushmore; Crimson Tide; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Gremlins; African Queen; Con Air; Outbreak; Dead Man Walking; Meet the Parents; Spider-Man 2; Jackie Brown; Three Kings; Quiz Show; Wedding Singer; Caddyshack; Unbreakable; King Kong; Jungle Book; Sleepy Hollow; Crying Game; American President; Sin City; Cocoon; From Dusk Till Dawn; Escape from New York; Some Like It Hot; Shrek 2; Fly; 12 Angry Men; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Election; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Dark City; Manchurian Candidate; Bourne Supremacy; Gandhi; Bowling for Columbine; Royal Tenenbaums; Tombstone; English Patient; Right Stuff; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Matrix Reloaded; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Mad Max; Scarface; Raging Bull; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Blair Witch Project; Ben-Hur; Thomas Crown Affair; Basic Instinct; Mask of Zorro; Desperado; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Nutty Professor; Donnie Brasco; La Femme Nikita; Batman Forever; Wag the Dog; Singin' in the Rain; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Tron; Much Ado About Nothing; Demolition Man; Goonies],[13253; 13169; 13158; 12958; 12402; 12117; 11839; 11700; 11465; 11393; 11298; 11264; 11214; 11048; 11004; 10731; 10655; 10543; 10440; 10436; 10413; 10291; 10236; 10126; 10067; 10065; 10000; 9932; 9921; 9742; 9652; 9578; 9569; 9328; 9283; 9223; 8860; 8694; 8665; 8571; 8571; 8528; 8508; 8497; 8430; 8377; 8365; 8320; 8293; 8281; 8240; 8226; 8173; 8137; 8123; 8111; 8087; 8070; 8063; 8056; 8040; 7955; 7864; 7790; 7785; 7755; 7726; 7705; 7665; 7642; 7630; 7600; 7588; 7547; 7513; 7485; 7476; 7474; 7458; 7436; 7390; 7351; 7343; 7339; 7249; 7248; 7194; 7187; 7185; 7077; 7031; 6973; 6972; 6931; 6877; 6806; 6806; 6773; 6770; 6749; 6739; 6713; 6614; 6602; 6585; 6568; 6557; 6541; 6540; 6523; 6472; 6393; 6283; 6282; 6282; 6276; 6255; 6248; 6239; 6199; 6163; 6154; 6121; 6097; 6097; 6092; 6087; 6070; 6067; 6064; 6031; 5964; 5953; 5948; 5946; 5930; 5907; 5855; 5839; 5807; 5778; 5762; 5761; 5744; 5727; 5721; 5633; 5609; 5595; 5593; 5592; 5583; 5541; 5516; 5508; 5488; 5487; 5473; 5469; 5431; 5409; 5393; 5384; 5384; 5368; 5346; 5332; 5320; 5312; 5301; 5282; 5237; 5228; 5201; 5197; 5193; 5166; 5139; 5095; 5094; 5089; 5086; 5084; 5081; 5075; 5045; 5037; 5032; 5026; 5023; 5008; 4981; 4968; 4965; 4964; 4949; 4920; 4917; 4903; 4893; 4884; 4858; 4855; 4850; 4840; 4829; 4828; 4827; 4815; 4814; 4792; 4765; 4748; 4711; 4675; 4662; 4659; 4645; 4644; 4609; 4602; 4599; 4586; 4577; 4566; 4562; 4543; 4541; 4535; 4529; 4507; 4503; 4501; 4497; 4485; 4481; 4472; 4467; 4463; 4459; 4458; 4457; 4452; 4445; 4445; 4418; 4392; 4381; 4380; 4361; 4359; 4356; 4349; 4348; 4343; 4342; 4327; 4325; 4305; 4300; 4293; 4293; 4292; 4284; 4275; 4265; 4263; 4262; 4251; 4233; 4217; 4207; 4205; 4191; 4187; 4172; 4168; 4162; 4156; 4147; 4131; 4129; 4119; 4117; 4109; 4102; 4091; 4090; 4084; 4058; 4053; 4047; 4044; 4027; 4025; 4020; 4000; 3991; 3984; 3939; 3918; 3913; 3895; 3862; 3855; 3853; 3852; 3846; 3824; 3811; 3805; 3790; 3786; 3784; 3781; 3766; 3756; 3750; 3742; 3741; 3739; 3729; 3714; 3707; 3703; 3689; 3678; 3677; 3677; 3676; 3653; 3644; 3637; 3629; 3627; 3619; 3616; 3612; 3600; 3599; 3593; 3588; 3588; 3580; 3578; 3575; 3561]
Bourne Identity,[Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Fight Club; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Pulp Fiction; Gladiator; Sixth Sense; Ocean's Eleven; Shrek; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Memento; American Beauty; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Minority Report; Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Toy Story; Bourne Supremacy; Spider-Man; Finding Nemo; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Beautiful Mind; Good Will Hunting; X-Men; Die Hard; Terminator; Monsters Inc.; Godfather; Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Schindler's List; Catch Me If You Can; Fugitive; Incredibles; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Truman Show; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Apollo 13; Fifth Element; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Reservoir Dogs; Green Mile; Alien; American History X; Lion King; Dark Knight; Rain Man; Fargo; Snatch; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Princess Bride; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Mission: Impossible; Bourne Ultimatum; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Blade Runner; X2: X-Men United; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Speed; Being John Malkovich; Cast Away; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Titanic; Office Space; Spider-Man 2; Aliens; Donnie Darko; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Sin City; Batman; Casino Royale; Goodfellas; Matrix Reloaded; V for Vendetta; Departed; Godfather: Part II; There's Something About Mary; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Rock; L.A. Confidential; Aladdin; Hunt for Red October; Toy Story 2; True Lies; Full Metal Jacket; Big Lebowski; Shining; Shrek 2; Dead Poets Society; Lost in Translation; Dances with Wolves; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Trainspotting; Clockwork Orange; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Breakfast Club; Iron Man; Apocalypse Now; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; As Good as It Gets; Total Recall; Almost Famous; American Pie; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Gattaca; Traffic; Mrs. Doubtfire; Back to the Future Part II; Jaws; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Meet the Parents; Italian Job; Prestige; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Big Fish; Last Samurai; Pretty Woman; Jerry Maguire; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lethal Weapon; Big; Mask; Bug's Life; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Unbreakable; Contact; Top Gun; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Wizard of Oz; High Fidelity; Game; Beauty and the Beast; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Clerks; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Black Hawk Down; Back to the Future Part III; Shaun of the Dead; WALL·E; Dogma; GoldenEye; Ice Age; Inception; Shakespeare in Love; Casablanca; 28 Days Later; Stand by Me; Heat; Erin Brockovich; Bowling for Columbine; Beetlejuice; Requiem for a Dream; Airplane!; Predator; Taxi Driver; Untouchables; Few Good Men; Blues Brothers; Home Alone; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Little Miss Sunshine; When Harry Met Sally...; Chicken Run; 300; Armageddon; I Robot; Face/Off; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Enemy of the State; Royal Tenenbaums; Psycho; Mummy; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Fish Called Wanda; No Country for Old Men; Crash; Matrix Revolutions; Amadeus; Collateral; Platoon; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Twister; Scarface; Stargate; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Rocky; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Sleepless in Seattle; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Juno; Die Hard 2; Million Dollar Baby; Road to Perdition; Planet of the Apes; Children of Men; Others; Abyss; Mission: Impossible II; Signs; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Pianist; Training Day; Ghost; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Liar Liar; Avatar; Mystic River; Inglourious Basterds; Garden State; Bridget Jones's Diary; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Babe; Beverly Hills Cop; Rear Window; Patriot; Casino; Ratatouille; Nightmare Before Christmas; Good Morning Vietnam; School of Rock; The Butterfly Effect; About a Boy; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Wayne's World; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Moulin Rouge; Sleepy Hollow; Jumanji; Serenity; Three Kings; Slumdog Millionaire; Boondock Saints; Unforgiven; Chocolat; Ring; Up; Talented Mr. Ripley; Hotel Rwanda; Blood Diamond; Citizen Kane; Love Actually; Star Trek; Philadelphia; Grosse Pointe Blank; Happy Gilmore; Starship Troopers; Clear and Present Danger; RoboCop; Super Size Me; Hot Fuzz; Con Air; Pleasantville; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Bruce Almighty; Graduate; Galaxy Quest; Adaptation; Full Monty; Superman; Clueless; District 9; This Is Spinal Tap; Charlie's Angels; Air Force One; Goldfinger; Firm; Sting; Dark City; Enemy at the Gates; Thank You for Smoking; Wedding Singer; Hero (Ying xiong); King Kong; 12 Angry Men; Equilibrium; Exorcist; Thomas Crown Affair; Boogie Nights],[15790; 14518; 13950; 13890; 13869; 13387; 13286; 13239; 13236; 12759; 12658; 12449; 12398; 12367; 12362; 12294; 12086; 11980; 11907; 11856; 11712; 11703; 11628; 11590; 11519; 11427; 11180; 11039; 11020; 10925; 10848; 10757; 10735; 10707; 10612; 10584; 10325; 10310; 10304; 10237; 10203; 10190; 10178; 10171; 10130; 9717; 9684; 9612; 9540; 9517; 9426; 9385; 9372; 9290; 9203; 9083; 9047; 8934; 8894; 8823; 8788; 8787; 8709; 8695; 8681; 8681; 8669; 8660; 8568; 8553; 8478; 8409; 8340; 8286; 8208; 8099; 8095; 8092; 8086; 8081; 8072; 8030; 7934; 7932; 7902; 7861; 7843; 7800; 7789; 7765; 7635; 7625; 7597; 7592; 7496; 7480; 7471; 7438; 7431; 7429; 7301; 7243; 7227; 7196; 7179; 7178; 7093; 6976; 6879; 6871; 6837; 6784; 6777; 6758; 6752; 6730; 6710; 6700; 6697; 6674; 6654; 6646; 6636; 6617; 6598; 6598; 6582; 6566; 6478; 6458; 6437; 6391; 6340; 6329; 6274; 6269; 6227; 6219; 6205; 6199; 6194; 6159; 6132; 6129; 6120; 6110; 6106; 6092; 6038; 5990; 5948; 5938; 5915; 5913; 5893; 5880; 5856; 5855; 5853; 5849; 5844; 5835; 5813; 5809; 5805; 5805; 5795; 5792; 5786; 5771; 5755; 5750; 5726; 5712; 5688; 5673; 5669; 5637; 5613; 5606; 5587; 5580; 5541; 5522; 5510; 5509; 5475; 5435; 5402; 5376; 5366; 5364; 5332; 5289; 5276; 5272; 5245; 5228; 5227; 5225; 5197; 5193; 5185; 5179; 5164; 5128; 5099; 5087; 5076; 5064; 5056; 5048; 5046; 5039; 5037; 5023; 4997; 4966; 4911; 4886; 4882; 4881; 4880; 4878; 4875; 4858; 4842; 4793; 4776; 4768; 4750; 4721; 4700; 4681; 4676; 4671; 4669; 4660; 4658; 4654; 4620; 4618; 4618; 4613; 4599; 4583; 4559; 4557; 4548; 4541; 4531; 4481; 4470; 4470; 4469; 4464; 4453; 4441; 4435; 4422; 4387; 4382; 4356; 4343; 4332; 4325; 4322; 4303; 4301; 4299; 4293; 4291; 4278; 4272; 4270; 4267; 4259; 4254; 4254; 4246; 4232; 4221; 4205; 4188; 4180; 4169; 4141; 4123; 4112; 4106; 4097; 4092; 4084; 4079; 4068; 4066; 4065; 4065; 4053; 4040; 4028; 4005; 4004; 3963; 3952]
Braveheart,[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Fugitive; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Schindler's List; Dances with Wolves; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Batman; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Usual Suspects; Matrix; True Lies; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Toy Story; Speed; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Saving Private Ryan; Aladdin; Lion King; Back to the Future; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Sixth Sense; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); American Beauty; Fargo; Gladiator; Godfather; Terminator; Clear and Present Danger; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fight Club; Die Hard; Beauty and the Beast; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Stargate; Mission: Impossible; GoldenEye; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Mask; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Alien; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Rock; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Good Will Hunting; Babe; Outbreak; Princess Bride; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Crimson Tide; Ghost; Firm; Blade Runner; Shrek; Aliens; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Sleepless in Seattle; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Reservoir Dogs; Batman Forever; Fifth Element; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Goodfellas; Memento; Get Shorty; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Star Trek: Generations; Godfather: Part II; Titanic; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); L.A. Confidential; Hunt for Red October; Heat; X-Men; Waterworld; Rain Man; Full Metal Jacket; Cliffhanger; Truman Show; Twister; Ocean's Eleven; Home Alone; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Green Mile; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); In the Line of Fire; American History X; Clueless; Net; Minority Report; While You Were Sleeping; Apocalypse Now; Taxi Driver; Jaws; Quiz Show; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Being John Malkovich; Clerks; Beautiful Mind; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Natural Born Killers; Shining; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Bourne Identity; There's Something About Mary; Total Recall; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Philadelphia; Spider-Man; Stand by Me; Clockwork Orange; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Finding Nemo; Trainspotting; Monsters Inc.; Dead Poets Society; As Good as It Gets; Jerry Maguire; Dave; Wizard of Oz; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Casablanca; Shakespeare in Love; Lethal Weapon; Jumanji; Top Gun; Edward Scissorhands; Toy Story 2; When Harry Met Sally...; Contact; Blues Brothers; Casino; Maverick; Nightmare Before Christmas; Amadeus; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Breakfast Club; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Tombstone; Monty Python's Life of Brian; American President; Office Space; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Fish Called Wanda; Snatch; Batman Begins; Platoon; Big Lebowski; Catch Me If You Can; Crow; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery],[35033; 33442; 33053; 32981; 31602; 30280; 30119; 27708; 26471; 25899; 25534; 25200; 24980; 24827; 24774; 24119; 23144; 22972; 22801; 22709; 22628; 22483; 21620; 21566; 21234; 20957; 20033; 19956; 19945; 19857; 19325; 19046; 18961; 18722; 18646; 18644; 18460; 18423; 18009; 17889; 17869; 17692; 17480; 17157; 17104; 17019; 16777; 16498; 16460; 16333; 16299; 16212; 16204; 16006; 15947; 15935; 15790; 15734; 15704; 15661; 15658; 15585; 15463; 15326; 15319; 15315; 15307; 14695; 14620; 14575; 14434; 14341; 14334; 14220; 14197; 14013; 13979; 13945; 13833; 13694; 13566; 13499; 13459; 13431; 13393; 13377; 13368; 13150; 13086; 13026; 12979; 12840; 12676; 12646; 12601; 12474; 12435; 12431; 12288; 12267; 12245; 12208; 12206; 12122; 12116; 12016; 11960; 11935; 11928; 11873; 11846; 11795; 11762; 11742; 11703; 11647; 11645; 11618; 11563; 11556; 11528; 11490; 11468; 11465; 11434; 11429; 11418; 11384; 11261; 11081; 11065; 10937; 10921; 10888; 10867; 10809; 10801; 10513; 10484; 10470; 10427; 10413; 10316; 10263; 10236; 10230; 10193; 10174; 10170; 10148; 10120; 10119; 10119; 10100; 10073; 10053; 10047; 10041; 10039; 9990; 9956; 9952]
Breakfast Club,[Back to the Future; Forrest Gump; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Princess Bride; Sixth Sense; Toy Story; Groundhog Day; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Usual Suspects; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fargo; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fight Club; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Good Will Hunting; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Schindler's List; Godfather; Rain Man; Stand by Me; Fugitive; Die Hard; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Gladiator; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Shrek; When Harry Met Sally...; Truman Show; Being John Malkovich; Big; Alien; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Wizard of Oz; Apollo 13; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; There's Something About Mary; Reservoir Dogs; Memento; Batman; Edward Scissorhands; L.A. Confidential; As Good as It Gets; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Blade Runner; Beetlejuice; Goodfellas; Dead Poets Society; Aliens; Lion King; Aladdin; Shakespeare in Love; Titanic; Airplane!; Office Space; Shining; Fifth Element; Clerks; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; X-Men; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Speed; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fish Called Wanda; Ocean's Eleven; Jaws; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Blues Brothers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Lethal Weapon; Clockwork Orange; Full Metal Jacket; Monsters Inc.; Toy Story 2; Godfather: Part II; Jerry Maguire; Hunt for Red October; Almost Famous; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Big Lebowski; Finding Nemo; Dances with Wolves; Total Recall; Spider-Man; Apocalypse Now; O Brother Where Art Thou?; True Lies; Casablanca; Amadeus; Beautiful Mind; Bug's Life; Mission: Impossible; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Pretty Woman; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Back to the Future Part II; Green Mile; American Pie; Minority Report; Trainspotting; American History X; Raising Arizona; Bourne Identity; Clueless; High Fidelity; Mrs. Doubtfire; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Contact; Psycho; Babe; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Top Gun; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Catch Me If You Can; Taxi Driver; Rock; Cast Away; Few Good Men; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; This Is Spinal Tap; Graduate; Grosse Pointe Blank; Untouchables; Christmas Story; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Gattaca; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Sleepless in Seattle; Full Monty; Rocky; Platoon; Incredibles; Ghost; Dogma; Wayne's World; Nightmare Before Christmas; Mask; Romancing the Stone; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Traffic; Donnie Darko; Abyss; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); My Cousin Vinny; Pleasantville; Erin Brockovich; Little Mermaid; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Back to the Future Part III; Young Frankenstein; Wedding Singer; Snatch; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Meet the Parents; Home Alone; Rear Window; Citizen Kane; Grease; Rushmore; Good Morning Vietnam; Sixteen Candles; Chasing Amy; Animal House; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Lost in Translation; Chicken Run; Superman; Batman Begins; Boogie Nights; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Face/Off; Planet of the Apes; Election; It's a Wonderful Life; Heathers; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Field of Dreams; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Get Shorty; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Sting; Mary Poppins; Game; Twister; Royal Tenenbaums; Say Anything...; Heat; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; X2: X-Men United; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Trading Places; Sling Blade; Splash; Witness; Philadelphia; Predator; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Mummy; GoldenEye; Unforgiven; North by Northwest; Annie Hall; Galaxy Quest; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Casino; Exorcist; Scream; Blazing Saddles; Stargate; Happy Gilmore; Spider-Man 2; Liar Liar; Armageddon; Die Hard 2; Thelma & Louise; Lethal Weapon 2; Glory; Clear and Present Danger; Sound of Music; Chinatown; Unbreakable; RoboCop; League of Their Own; Goonies; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Gremlins; Gone with the Wind; Leaving Las Vegas; Blair Witch Project; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Enemy of the State; Dave; Big Fish; Crocodile Dundee; Bourne Supremacy; Birdcage; Bowling for Columbine; Vertigo; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Swingers; Sleepy Hollow; Caddyshack; Best in Show; Beverly Hills Cop; Three Kings; Sneakers; Shrek 2; Star Trek: First Contact; Requiem for a Dream; Talented Mr. Ripley; Brazil; Dead Man Walking; Spaceballs; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; American President; Firm; Stripes; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Jumanji; Sin City; Dark Knight; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Air Force One; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Bridget Jones's Diary; Risky Business; In the Line of Fire; Cocoon; Notting Hill; Matrix Reloaded; Little Miss Sunshine; True Romance; Misery; Magnolia; Ed Wood; Jackie Brown; Fantasia; Cool Hand Luke; Goldfinger; Starship Troopers; Shaun of the Dead; Quiz Show; 12 Angry Men; V for Vendetta; Moulin Rouge; NeverEnding Story; Thomas Crown Affair; Crow; Con Air; Pretty in Pink; Natural Born Killers; Last of the Mohicans; Poltergeist; Crying Game; Army of Darkness; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Lady and the Tramp; Outbreak; Wag the Dog; Departed; Chocolat; Sense and Sensibility; Donnie Brasco; Driving Miss Daisy; Jungle Book; Cape Fear; Batman Returns; Fly; Garden State; Mars Attacks!],[13435; 12742; 12706; 12656; 12586; 12542; 12489; 12415; 12317; 12170; 11790; 11655; 11635; 11613; 11428; 11287; 11085; 10884; 10644; 10632; 10594; 10533; 10448; 10381; 10366; 10312; 10181; 10174; 10141; 10056; 10043; 9840; 9721; 9680; 9632; 9530; 9383; 9315; 9262; 9128; 9087; 8965; 8963; 8956; 8868; 8858; 8838; 8754; 8753; 8621; 8573; 8545; 8544; 8497; 8479; 8456; 8449; 8439; 8428; 8374; 8359; 8326; 8326; 8223; 8183; 8179; 8179; 8063; 8061; 8046; 7956; 7930; 7910; 7904; 7894; 7860; 7821; 7779; 7744; 7733; 7657; 7632; 7600; 7599; 7567; 7541; 7502; 7482; 7443; 7438; 7430; 7361; 7340; 7280; 7277; 7273; 7258; 7185; 7168; 7129; 7128; 7126; 7099; 7096; 7066; 7060; 7024; 7000; 6986; 6978; 6958; 6955; 6892; 6843; 6831; 6811; 6754; 6710; 6696; 6657; 6654; 6639; 6636; 6604; 6597; 6586; 6577; 6568; 6525; 6518; 6510; 6476; 6476; 6465; 6433; 6409; 6409; 6376; 6348; 6340; 6319; 6278; 6252; 6147; 6114; 6097; 6083; 6023; 6005; 5980; 5963; 5920; 5877; 5850; 5841; 5825; 5819; 5808; 5790; 5769; 5756; 5745; 5740; 5735; 5726; 5719; 5702; 5662; 5654; 5628; 5607; 5580; 5575; 5523; 5515; 5508; 5504; 5492; 5487; 5476; 5424; 5377; 5358; 5343; 5329; 5326; 5325; 5309; 5299; 5292; 5282; 5272; 5251; 5243; 5223; 5222; 5205; 5194; 5190; 5139; 5138; 5128; 5120; 5113; 5093; 5080; 5076; 5070; 5054; 5041; 5036; 5014; 5007; 4998; 4989; 4953; 4914; 4913; 4905; 4899; 4880; 4862; 4856; 4854; 4848; 4837; 4832; 4822; 4818; 4808; 4772; 4770; 4768; 4760; 4714; 4706; 4699; 4699; 4699; 4682; 4649; 4633; 4632; 4609; 4600; 4595; 4590; 4566; 4563; 4557; 4556; 4551; 4536; 4536; 4534; 4520; 4516; 4514; 4513; 4501; 4494; 4483; 4483; 4480; 4473; 4460; 4456; 4430; 4427; 4402; 4401; 4400; 4390; 4383; 4367; 4358; 4353; 4353; 4351; 4346; 4345; 4340; 4317; 4310; 4279; 4256; 4242; 4241; 4240; 4200; 4191; 4174; 4167; 4154; 4152; 4122; 4122; 4117; 4109; 4101; 4089; 4071; 4070; 4061; 4060; 4059; 4034; 4029; 4028; 4026; 4025; 4008; 4008; 3982; 3972; 3964; 3951; 3946; 3943; 3942; 3937; 3931; 3923; 3920; 3917; 3909; 3907; 3904; 3897; 3896; 3893; 3889]
Broken Arrow,[Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Rock; Fugitive; Twister; Jurassic Park; Toy Story; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Speed; Braveheart; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Silence of the Lambs; Apollo 13; Batman; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Shawshank Redemption; Heat; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Dances with Wolves; Clear and Present Danger; GoldenEye; Fargo; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Stargate; Aladdin; Outbreak; Lion King; Eraser; Birdcage; Schindler's List; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Crimson Tide; Pretty Woman; Firm; Executive Decision; Get Shorty; Ghost; Cliffhanger; Batman Forever; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Mr. Holland's Opus; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Beauty and the Beast; In the Line of Fire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Sleepless in Seattle; Star Trek: Generations; Die Hard; Net; Waterworld; Leaving Las Vegas; Dead Man Walking; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Star Trek: First Contact; Home Alone; Terminator; Demolition Man; Back to the Future; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Godfather; Babe; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Jumanji; Clueless; Dave; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); While You Were Sleeping; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Nutty Professor; Maverick; Jerry Maguire; Ransom; Matrix; Happy Gilmore; Dragonheart; American President; Natural Born Killers; Crow; Phenomenon; Rumble in the Bronx (Hont faan kui); Client; Tombstone; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Sense and Sensibility; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Alien; Groundhog Day; Philadelphia; Sabrina; River Wild; Quiz Show; Aliens; Fifth Element; Blade Runner; Grumpier Old Men; Time to Kill; Saving Private Ryan; Casino; Top Gun; Face/Off; Sixth Sense; Desperado; Die Hard 2; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Primal Fear; Father of the Bride Part II; True Romance; Clerks; Princess Bride; Hunt for Red October; Trainspotting; Nightmare Before Christmas; Legends of the Fall; Gladiator; Jaws; Addams Family Values; Reservoir Dogs; American Beauty; Total Recall; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Disclosure; Santa Clause; Species; Bad Boys; Con Air; Taxi Driver; Three Musketeers; Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Fight Club; Last Action Hero; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Good Will Hunting; Rob Roy; Full Metal Jacket; Titanic; Abyss; Beverly Hills Cop III; Lethal Weapon; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Judge Dredd; X-Men],[11544; 10872; 10741; 10333; 10102; 10066; 9863; 9861; 9737; 9551; 9487; 9449; 9269; 9194; 9124; 9071; 9008; 8955; 8758; 8493; 8178; 8115; 7987; 7949; 7815; 7761; 7591; 7498; 7397; 7317; 7265; 7098; 6961; 6945; 6903; 6887; 6871; 6838; 6652; 6618; 6607; 6527; 6525; 6462; 6440; 6361; 6290; 6241; 6122; 6094; 6008; 6005; 5992; 5981; 5947; 5905; 5884; 5808; 5747; 5704; 5701; 5533; 5478; 5456; 5449; 5447; 5442; 5368; 5348; 5252; 5223; 5199; 5189; 5184; 5170; 5134; 5119; 5067; 5030; 4985; 4978; 4897; 4858; 4835; 4822; 4813; 4800; 4762; 4747; 4682; 4665; 4649; 4643; 4634; 4621; 4616; 4606; 4581; 4552; 4540; 4525; 4400; 4398; 4392; 4376; 4246; 4184; 4152; 4144; 4129; 4127; 4096; 4081; 4058; 4057; 4001; 3988; 3958; 3937; 3923; 3904; 3893; 3812; 3807; 3793; 3729; 3726; 3705; 3694; 3681; 3608; 3572; 3567; 3558; 3545; 3542; 3533; 3519; 3511; 3499; 3493; 3479; 3470; 3467; 3437; 3432; 3432; 3422; 3418; 3363]
Bug's Life,[Toy Story; Matrix; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Jurassic Park; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); American Beauty; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Toy Story 2; Pulp Fiction; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Saving Private Ryan; Shrek; Groundhog Day; Braveheart; Gladiator; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Lion King; Aladdin; Fight Club; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Princess Bride; Terminator; Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Monsters Inc.; Fugitive; Usual Suspects; X-Men; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Die Hard; Good Will Hunting; Fargo; Truman Show; Shakespeare in Love; Alien; Apollo 13; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Finding Nemo; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Godfather; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Titanic; Fifth Element; Being John Malkovich; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); There's Something About Mary; Beauty and the Beast; Wizard of Oz; Speed; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Rain Man; Aliens; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Spider-Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Batman; Blade Runner; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; L.A. Confidential; Big; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Edward Scissorhands; Ocean's Eleven; Memento; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; Mission: Impossible; Chicken Run; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Babe; American Pie; Hunt for Red October; True Lies; Beetlejuice; Total Recall; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Minority Report; Jaws; Reservoir Dogs; Dances with Wolves; Green Mile; Cast Away; Office Space; When Harry Met Sally...; Incredibles; Back to the Future Part II; Stand by Me; Rock; Mrs. Doubtfire; Goodfellas; Lethal Weapon; Jerry Maguire; Contact; Beautiful Mind; Shining; Clerks; Mask; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Airplane!; Pretty Woman; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Bourne Identity; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Dead Poets Society; Back to the Future Part III; Little Mermaid; Clockwork Orange; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Godfather: Part II; Blues Brothers; Fish Called Wanda; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Abyss; Gattaca; Erin Brockovich; Casablanca; Big Lebowski; Catch Me If You Can; Nightmare Before Christmas; Full Metal Jacket; Galaxy Quest; Top Gun; Amadeus; Mummy; Apocalypse Now; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Full Monty; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Almost Famous; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Sleepless in Seattle; Four Weddings and a Funeral; X2: X-Men United; American History X; Clueless; Face/Off; Home Alone; Shrek 2; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Psycho; Trainspotting; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Pleasantville; Few Good Men; Ghost; Antz; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); High Fidelity; Meet the Parents; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Planet of the Apes; Dogma; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Armageddon; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); GoldenEye; Untouchables; Superman; Twister; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Wayne's World; Spider-Man 2; Stargate; Ice Age; Batman Begins; Sleepy Hollow; Jumanji; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Mary Poppins; Rocky; Grosse Pointe Blank; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Liar Liar; Taxi Driver; Predator; Traffic; Snatch; My Cousin Vinny; Enemy of the State; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Wedding Singer; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Die Hard 2; Star Trek: First Contact; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Raising Arizona; Jungle Book; Romancing the Stone; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Unbreakable; Young Frankenstein; Game; Matrix Reloaded; Election; Donnie Darko; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); RoboCop; Platoon; Graduate; Blair Witch Project; This Is Spinal Tap; Get Shorty; Grease; Heat; Citizen Kane; Good Morning Vietnam; Rushmore; Air Force One; Christmas Story; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Starship Troopers; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Clear and Present Danger; Mission: Impossible II; Lady and the Tramp; Rear Window; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Fantasia; Happy Gilmore; Scream; Thomas Crown Affair; Patriot; Bourne Supremacy; Talented Mr. Ripley; Notting Hill; Sound of Music; Mask of Zorro; It's a Wonderful Life; Mulan; Mars Attacks!; Charlie's Angels; Unforgiven; Lethal Weapon 2; Philadelphia; Sting; Chasing Amy; Iron Giant; Three Kings; Lost in Translation; Exorcist; Con Air; Big Fish; Sneakers; Dave; To Kill a Mockingbird; Crocodile Dundee; Thelma & Louise; Boogie Nights; Spaceballs; Gone with the Wind; Lost World: Jurassic Park; North by Northwest; King Kong; Maverick; Beverly Hills Cop; Batman Returns; League of Their Own; Goldfinger; Moulin Rouge; Last of the Mohicans; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Goonies; American President; Gremlins; 10 Things I Hate About You; Bridget Jones's Diary; Birdcage; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Dark City; Sin City; Sling Blade; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Splash; Bowling for Columbine; Casino; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Animal House; Field of Dreams; Blazing Saddles; Dark Knight; In the Line of Fire; NeverEnding Story; Firm; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Royal Tenenbaums; Pinocchio; Outbreak; V for Vendetta; Blade; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Crow; Arachnophobia; Witness; Chocolat; Brazil],[12862; 12221; 11535; 11360; 11331; 11287; 11176; 11146; 11002; 10899; 10809; 10738; 10502; 10448; 10382; 10172; 10093; 9984; 9867; 9833; 9765; 9654; 9485; 9462; 9450; 9425; 9241; 9202; 9183; 9150; 9130; 8885; 8851; 8766; 8749; 8646; 8618; 8446; 8350; 8306; 8290; 8252; 8148; 8090; 8054; 8024; 7972; 7971; 7938; 7917; 7859; 7841; 7801; 7782; 7779; 7737; 7713; 7579; 7521; 7481; 7454; 7448; 7431; 7418; 7398; 7388; 7359; 7330; 7323; 7274; 7267; 7246; 7225; 7193; 7189; 7170; 7112; 7060; 7038; 7036; 6988; 6984; 6962; 6961; 6859; 6858; 6858; 6753; 6727; 6720; 6685; 6668; 6664; 6574; 6555; 6537; 6530; 6447; 6439; 6428; 6401; 6353; 6341; 6336; 6327; 6295; 6258; 6195; 6189; 6184; 6183; 6176; 6112; 6110; 6047; 6024; 5994; 5948; 5944; 5938; 5938; 5907; 5895; 5893; 5876; 5831; 5769; 5761; 5728; 5720; 5717; 5713; 5674; 5644; 5624; 5607; 5598; 5592; 5551; 5532; 5496; 5492; 5445; 5445; 5443; 5416; 5414; 5413; 5409; 5376; 5368; 5344; 5339; 5310; 5301; 5287; 5253; 5240; 5236; 5180; 5178; 5175; 5174; 5156; 5152; 5110; 5105; 5083; 5080; 5076; 5066; 5050; 5045; 5044; 5035; 4992; 4982; 4972; 4956; 4937; 4922; 4909; 4881; 4854; 4850; 4824; 4774; 4773; 4756; 4749; 4740; 4718; 4687; 4685; 4683; 4680; 4675; 4665; 4655; 4624; 4607; 4577; 4572; 4568; 4567; 4566; 4564; 4558; 4540; 4530; 4522; 4518; 4501; 4495; 4484; 4479; 4466; 4409; 4402; 4399; 4398; 4396; 4388; 4366; 4366; 4343; 4339; 4330; 4326; 4323; 4305; 4272; 4262; 4255; 4238; 4225; 4224; 4204; 4196; 4189; 4179; 4170; 4133; 4125; 4111; 4110; 4091; 4089; 4068; 4063; 4059; 4033; 4011; 4006; 4004; 4001; 3975; 3972; 3970; 3960; 3960; 3947; 3921; 3897; 3895; 3895; 3890; 3861; 3847; 3844; 3826; 3826; 3824; 3822; 3810; 3807; 3803; 3800; 3799; 3799; 3797; 3789; 3787; 3786; 3778; 3776; 3769; 3755; 3746; 3738; 3729; 3729; 3721; 3716; 3707; 3701; 3700; 3692; 3671; 3670; 3655; 3652; 3642; 3638; 3631; 3630; 3622; 3620; 3612]
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Godfather; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Fargo; Forrest Gump; Alien; Terminator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fugitive; Schindler's List; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Princess Bride; Braveheart; Casablanca; Matrix; Usual Suspects; Toy Story; Blade Runner; Sting; Godfather: Part II; Saving Private Ryan; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Die Hard; American Beauty; Jaws; Wizard of Oz; L.A. Confidential; Aliens; Apocalypse Now; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Graduate; Goodfellas; Sixth Sense; Psycho; Amadeus; When Harry Met Sally...; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Stand by Me; Apollo 13; Fish Called Wanda; Dances with Wolves; Blues Brothers; North by Northwest; Rear Window; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Citizen Kane; Chinatown; Full Metal Jacket; Batman; Clockwork Orange; Taxi Driver; Hunt for Red October; Annie Hall; Rain Man; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Young Frankenstein; Reservoir Dogs; Shining; Good Will Hunting; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Cool Hand Luke; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Speed; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Shakespeare in Love; Raising Arizona; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Bridge on the River Kwai; Being John Malkovich; Unforgiven; Gladiator; Untouchables; To Kill a Mockingbird; Big; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dead Poets Society; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Platoon; Airplane!; Lethal Weapon; Vertigo; Babe; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lawrence of Arabia; True Lies; This Is Spinal Tap; African Queen; It's a Wonderful Life; As Good as It Gets; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fight Club; Gone with the Wind; Great Escape; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Breakfast Club; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Mission: Impossible; Maltese Falcon; Rocky; Aladdin; Lion King; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Total Recall; Memento; Beetlejuice; Get Shorty; Top Gun; Shrek; Truman Show; Rock; Fifth Element; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Das Boot (The Boat); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Jerry Maguire; Titanic; Abyss; Glory; Planet of the Apes; Romancing the Stone; Toy Story 2; Big Lebowski; Some Like It Hot; There's Something About Mary; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Edward Scissorhands; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Sleepless in Seattle; Bonnie and Clyde; Pretty Woman; Deer Hunter; Superman; French Connection; Mary Poppins; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Witness; Contact; Clear and Present Danger; Manchurian Candidate; Heat; Full Monty; X-Men; Beauty and the Beast; In the Line of Fire; Bug's Life; Goldfinger; Brazil; Trainspotting; Few Good Men; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Clerks; 12 Angry Men; Patton; Sling Blade; Birds; Mrs. Doubtfire; Almost Famous; Field of Dreams; Sound of Music; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Grosse Pointe Blank; Ghost; Ben-Hur; Green Mile; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Crying Game; Blazing Saddles; Back to the Future Part II; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Mask; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Die Hard 2; Singin' in the Rain; High Fidelity; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Clueless; Raging Bull; Ocean's Eleven; Casino; Dead Man Walking; Last of the Mohicans; Gandhi; Star Trek: First Contact; Minority Report; Animal House; My Cousin Vinny; Gattaca; Fantasia; Beautiful Mind; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Right Stuff; Traffic; Christmas Story; Quiz Show; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Monsters Inc.; Dave; English Patient; Cape Fear; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Spider-Man; GoldenEye; Ed Wood; Leaving Las Vegas; Grease; Office Space; Finding Nemo; Exorcist; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Bourne Identity; RoboCop; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; King Kong; Good Morning Vietnam; Face/Off; Twister; Sneakers; Chicken Run; American History X; Stargate; Thelma & Louise; Sense and Sensibility; Dirty Dozen; Deliverance; Election; Maverick; Firm; Philadelphia; Back to the Future Part III; American President; Nightmare Before Christmas; My Fair Lady; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Cast Away; American Graffiti; Home Alone; Galaxy Quest; Manhattan; Predator; Boogie Nights; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Erin Brockovich; Killing Fields; Crimson Tide; Rushmore; Lethal Weapon 2; Being There; Catch Me If You Can; Splash; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Incredibles; Harold and Maude; Heathers; Crocodile Dundee; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Pleasantville; Trading Places; Arsenic and Old Lace; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Fistful of Dollars (Per un pugno di dollari); Highlander; Much Ado About Nothing; Game; Cocoon; Sleeper; Sabrina; Jungle Book; True Romance; Thomas Crown Affair; Three Kings; Piano; Dog Day Afternoon; Air Force One; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Mummy; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Tombstone; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Enemy of the State; High Noon; Player; West Side Story; Midnight Cowboy; Little Mermaid; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Philadelphia Story; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Treasure of the Sierra Madre; Birdcage; Lost in Translation; Jackie Brown; Wayne's World; Dr. No; Snatch; Fly; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; American Pie; Lady and the Tramp; Donnie Brasco; Talented Mr. Ripley; La Femme Nikita],[10781; 10463; 10087; 9796; 9433; 9339; 9075; 8913; 8912; 8811; 8499; 8457; 8441; 8348; 8332; 8319; 8308; 8251; 8135; 8092; 8080; 8053; 8044; 7970; 7944; 7943; 7935; 7870; 7851; 7838; 7830; 7816; 7765; 7653; 7561; 7395; 7337; 7331; 7298; 7282; 7224; 7076; 7071; 7027; 6955; 6936; 6906; 6782; 6724; 6722; 6637; 6635; 6559; 6557; 6454; 6414; 6401; 6400; 6288; 6260; 6257; 6250; 6242; 6216; 6153; 6139; 6118; 6090; 6037; 6030; 6028; 6004; 5912; 5903; 5897; 5892; 5843; 5814; 5800; 5791; 5719; 5705; 5602; 5590; 5581; 5558; 5538; 5512; 5491; 5466; 5465; 5464; 5450; 5446; 5421; 5370; 5364; 5361; 5353; 5268; 5258; 5254; 5243; 5229; 5216; 5202; 5198; 5194; 5181; 5180; 5157; 5143; 5097; 5064; 5061; 5039; 5028; 5006; 4945; 4937; 4920; 4892; 4877; 4847; 4843; 4797; 4796; 4795; 4767; 4751; 4735; 4720; 4714; 4704; 4689; 4682; 4656; 4630; 4571; 4567; 4523; 4485; 4480; 4479; 4477; 4471; 4469; 4435; 4422; 4410; 4401; 4391; 4384; 4369; 4350; 4347; 4342; 4305; 4298; 4286; 4283; 4281; 4232; 4213; 4202; 4196; 4192; 4179; 4166; 4150; 4145; 4144; 4134; 4114; 4104; 4083; 4074; 4049; 4046; 4046; 4046; 4043; 4018; 4006; 4006; 4005; 3994; 3987; 3979; 3972; 3945; 3910; 3909; 3907; 3902; 3901; 3896; 3890; 3878; 3866; 3865; 3865; 3858; 3855; 3850; 3840; 3817; 3802; 3800; 3771; 3770; 3767; 3761; 3761; 3754; 3751; 3730; 3715; 3708; 3703; 3683; 3678; 3666; 3656; 3646; 3616; 3611; 3609; 3607; 3593; 3585; 3585; 3584; 3583; 3578; 3569; 3567; 3566; 3553; 3547; 3543; 3543; 3530; 3522; 3512; 3496; 3479; 3473; 3461; 3454; 3442; 3435; 3414; 3407; 3401; 3396; 3396; 3393; 3383; 3375; 3375; 3373; 3339; 3310; 3301; 3297; 3295; 3294; 3287; 3280; 3278; 3271; 3247; 3245; 3244; 3239; 3230; 3217; 3215; 3210; 3196; 3191; 3188; 3171; 3160; 3153; 3133; 3130; 3127; 3122; 3109; 3106; 3102; 3099; 3095; 3093; 3091; 3087; 3070; 3065; 3053; 3047; 3047; 3038; 3036; 3020; 3019; 3006; 3003; 2994; 2992; 2990; 2987; 2983]
Casablanca,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Godfather; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Schindler's List; Fargo; Forrest Gump; Back to the Future; American Beauty; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Usual Suspects; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Godfather: Part II; Princess Bride; Blade Runner; Toy Story; Jurassic Park; Groundhog Day; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Braveheart; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Sixth Sense; Wizard of Oz; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator; Alien; L.A. Confidential; Fugitive; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; Goodfellas; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Amadeus; Psycho; North by Northwest; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fight Club; Graduate; Die Hard; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Taxi Driver; Apollo 13; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Good Will Hunting; When Harry Met Sally...; Reservoir Dogs; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aliens; Memento; Shakespeare in Love; Clockwork Orange; Rain Man; Being John Malkovich; Chinatown; Jaws; Dances with Wolves; Gladiator; Vertigo; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Stand by Me; Shining; Fish Called Wanda; Batman; Sting; Shrek; Maltese Falcon; Annie Hall; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); To Kill a Mockingbird; Full Metal Jacket; Lion King; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Truman Show; Dead Poets Society; Speed; It's a Wonderful Life; Aladdin; Titanic; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Gone with the Wind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Blues Brothers; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Babe; Hunt for Red October; Bridge on the River Kwai; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; As Good as It Gets; Edward Scissorhands; Breakfast Club; Lawrence of Arabia; Mission: Impossible; Fifth Element; African Queen; Young Frankenstein; This Is Spinal Tap; Trainspotting; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Beauty and the Beast; True Lies; Big; Big Lebowski; Airplane!; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Raising Arizona; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Pretty Woman; Jerry Maguire; 12 Angry Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Platoon; There's Something About Mary; Toy Story 2; Unforgiven; X-Men; Ocean's Eleven; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Beautiful Mind; Some Like It Hot; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Monsters Inc.; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Sleepless in Seattle; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Beetlejuice; Total Recall; Finding Nemo; Untouchables; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Clerks; Rock; Minority Report; American History X; Singin' in the Rain; Brazil; Das Boot (The Boat); Contact; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Spider-Man; Cool Hand Luke; Top Gun; Almost Famous; Lethal Weapon; Manchurian Candidate; Great Escape; Mrs. Doubtfire; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Clueless; High Fidelity; Mary Poppins; Sound of Music; Bourne Identity; Bug's Life; Sense and Sensibility; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Rocky; Get Shorty; Full Monty; Green Mile; Office Space; Traffic; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Gattaca; Abyss; Incredibles; Witness; Ghost; English Patient; Planet of the Apes; Crying Game; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Catch Me If You Can; Mask; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Nightmare Before Christmas; Heat; Birds; Few Good Men; Back to the Future Part II; Glory; Dead Man Walking; Leaving Las Vegas; Raging Bull; Deer Hunter; Chicken Run; Fantasia; Bonnie and Clyde; Sling Blade; Lost in Translation; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Cast Away; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Grosse Pointe Blank; Gandhi; My Fair Lady; Philadelphia; Quiz Show; Superman; Romancing the Stone; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Trek: First Contact; Ed Wood; Batman Begins; GoldenEye; Clear and Present Danger; Donnie Darko; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Home Alone; Field of Dreams; Grease; Erin Brockovich; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Exorcist; In the Line of Fire; Christmas Story; Election; Goldfinger; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Boogie Nights; Rushmore; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Casino; Snatch; French Connection; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Piano; Patton; Manhattan],[14610; 14605; 14541; 14538; 14311; 14233; 14221; 13581; 13013; 12813; 12756; 12541; 12529; 12441; 12424; 12422; 11881; 11322; 11238; 11216; 11151; 10998; 10994; 10979; 10921; 10843; 10838; 10775; 10699; 10692; 10627; 10511; 10442; 10417; 10351; 10344; 10156; 10155; 10148; 9882; 9790; 9748; 9564; 9535; 9522; 9476; 9472; 9393; 9279; 9271; 9209; 9191; 9175; 9170; 9063; 9038; 8969; 8905; 8886; 8861; 8844; 8821; 8586; 8534; 8345; 8332; 8304; 8254; 8217; 8199; 8179; 8116; 8071; 8070; 8050; 7971; 7970; 7882; 7881; 7848; 7825; 7799; 7763; 7731; 7707; 7665; 7658; 7636; 7635; 7576; 7573; 7522; 7517; 7390; 7380; 7259; 7226; 7197; 7195; 7180; 7163; 7114; 7099; 7047; 7039; 6963; 6889; 6879; 6856; 6847; 6832; 6813; 6746; 6739; 6732; 6731; 6693; 6691; 6647; 6635; 6604; 6594; 6572; 6561; 6551; 6531; 6516; 6469; 6468; 6438; 6416; 6340; 6295; 6292; 6283; 6281; 6273; 6269; 6259; 6252; 6232; 6205; 6201; 6134; 6105; 6050; 6023; 6006; 5989; 5987; 5984; 5975; 5970; 5911; 5910; 5906; 5878; 5848; 5830; 5828; 5823; 5821; 5783; 5773; 5771; 5761; 5730; 5729; 5719; 5705; 5686; 5679; 5673; 5663; 5662; 5610; 5600; 5575; 5570; 5550; 5542; 5534; 5525; 5494; 5490; 5475; 5463; 5453; 5416; 5408; 5392; 5383; 5363; 5333; 5330; 5326; 5313; 5283; 5278; 5265; 5252; 5227; 5214; 5176; 5160; 5142; 5135; 5073; 5064; 5056; 5047; 5041; 5041; 5034; 5024; 4972; 4969; 4950; 4906; 4900; 4891; 4890; 4890; 4879; 4857; 4844; 4831; 4828; 4808; 4798; 4791; 4788; 4763; 4759; 4751; 4739; 4730; 4730; 4706; 4678; 4673; 4672; 4657]
Casino,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fugitive; Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Schindler's List; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fargo; Apollo 13; Batman; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Goodfellas; Godfather; Heat; Matrix; Speed; Dances with Wolves; Reservoir Dogs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); American Beauty; True Lies; Toy Story; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Back to the Future; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Die Hard; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Taxi Driver; Terminator; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Godfather: Part II; Groundhog Day; Lion King; Alien; L.A. Confidential; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Get Shorty; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Full Metal Jacket; Good Will Hunting; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Aladdin; Gladiator; Blade Runner; Apocalypse Now; Trainspotting; Shining; Rock; Clerks; Firm; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Leaving Las Vegas; Clear and Present Danger; Pretty Woman; Aliens; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Memento; GoldenEye; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Mask; In the Line of Fire; American History X; Mrs. Doubtfire; Clockwork Orange; Truman Show; Crimson Tide; True Romance; Philadelphia; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Ghost; Rain Man; Natural Born Killers; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Big Lebowski; Jaws; Being John Malkovich; Quiz Show; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Outbreak; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Fifth Element; Stand by Me; Dead Man Walking; Shrek; There's Something About Mary; Sleepless in Seattle; Babe; Platoon; Princess Bride; Clueless; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Beauty and the Beast; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Jerry Maguire; As Good as It Gets; Hunt for Red October; Stargate; Psycho; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dead Poets Society; Green Mile; Ocean's Eleven; Twister; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Edward Scissorhands; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Home Alone; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Ed Wood; Fish Called Wanda; Total Recall; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Titanic; Blues Brothers; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Untouchables; Snatch; Minority Report; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Unforgiven; Breakfast Club; Office Space; Tombstone; Crow; Nightmare Before Christmas; Amadeus; Game; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Casablanca; Traffic; Top Gun; Wizard of Oz; Lethal Weapon; Beautiful Mind; When Harry Met Sally...; Bourne Identity; Donnie Brasco; Dave; Gattaca; Big; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Beetlejuice; Batman Forever; Few Good Men; Maverick; Catch Me If You Can; Boogie Nights; American President; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Airplane!; Cliffhanger; Contact; Scarface; Face/Off; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Almost Famous; Desperado; Citizen Kane; Spider-Man; Carlito's Way; Die Hard 2; Graduate; Client; Jackie Brown; Birdcage; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; American Pie; Rocky; Broken Arrow; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Abyss; Monsters Inc.; Finding Nemo; Piano; Jumanji; Raising Arizona; Chinatown; Waterworld; High Fidelity; Back to the Future Part II; Rear Window; Cape Fear; Donnie Darko; This Is Spinal Tap; Cast Away; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Shakespeare in Love; Toy Story 2; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Happy Gilmore; Star Trek: Generations; Scream; Sling Blade; Grosse Pointe Blank; Legends of the Fall; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Demolition Man; Net; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Batman Begins; Predator; Requiem for a Dream; While You Were Sleeping; Deer Hunter; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Lost in Translation; Bug's Life; Sin City; Back to the Future Part III; North by Northwest; Exorcist; Raging Bull; Ransom; Sting; Mr. Holland's Opus; Three Kings; Incredibles; Chasing Amy; Full Monty; Enemy of the State; From Dusk Till Dawn; Rob Roy; Planet of the Apes; Dogma; Departed; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Hudsucker Proxy; Vertigo; Meet the Parents; Sense and Sensibility; Magnolia; Wayne's World; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Devil's Advocate; My Cousin Vinny; RoboCop; Annie Hall; Rushmore; Basic Instinct; Erin Brockovich; Superman; Unbreakable; Brazil; Liar Liar; Talented Mr. Ripley; Primal Fear; Young Frankenstein; Bowling for Columbine; In the Name of the Father; Swingers; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Copycat; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Last of the Mohicans; Eyes Wide Shut; X2: X-Men United; Bourne Supremacy; Con Air; It's a Wonderful Life; Glory; Bad Boys; Armageddon; To Kill a Mockingbird; Good Morning Vietnam; Sleepy Hollow; To Die For; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Ronin],[13123; 12257; 11851; 11294; 11253; 10974; 10438; 10398; 10316; 10024; 9806; 9736; 9718; 9200; 8801; 8738; 8599; 8499; 8429; 8390; 8302; 8287; 8100; 8079; 8006; 8001; 7918; 7897; 7791; 7742; 7722; 7615; 7571; 7558; 7500; 7461; 7421; 7118; 7094; 7063; 6884; 6858; 6848; 6828; 6826; 6811; 6740; 6689; 6676; 6651; 6636; 6632; 6628; 6594; 6555; 6530; 6524; 6436; 6409; 6402; 6380; 6372; 6368; 6357; 6357; 6240; 6228; 6202; 6198; 6161; 6131; 6080; 6074; 6069; 6068; 6036; 6008; 5998; 5979; 5978; 5950; 5901; 5899; 5892; 5761; 5742; 5726; 5714; 5685; 5621; 5619; 5608; 5584; 5547; 5543; 5536; 5524; 5516; 5474; 5434; 5398; 5394; 5393; 5389; 5375; 5328; 5326; 5316; 5307; 5306; 5240; 5237; 5172; 5170; 5150; 5143; 5132; 5125; 5111; 5109; 5105; 5051; 5047; 5031; 5015; 5010; 5008; 4988; 4981; 4970; 4965; 4914; 4891; 4842; 4839; 4837; 4836; 4814; 4813; 4760; 4757; 4756; 4746; 4730; 4721; 4679; 4665; 4661; 4652; 4634; 4618; 4582; 4581; 4576; 4570; 4565; 4561; 4560; 4547; 4515; 4502; 4486; 4470; 4467; 4460; 4459; 4455; 4446; 4434; 4419; 4417; 4415; 4390; 4379; 4368; 4366; 4349; 4345; 4337; 4320; 4306; 4291; 4274; 4270; 4246; 4238; 4232; 4202; 4184; 4183; 4164; 4153; 4150; 4141; 4137; 4134; 4131; 4130; 4126; 4113; 4099; 4083; 4036; 4031; 4019; 4017; 3991; 3991; 3973; 3967; 3949; 3936; 3922; 3916; 3910; 3910; 3907; 3863; 3842; 3816; 3812; 3790; 3771; 3765; 3746; 3740; 3739; 3718; 3712; 3710; 3709; 3692; 3684; 3670; 3638; 3634; 3630; 3628; 3611; 3608; 3597; 3594; 3575; 3572; 3557; 3544; 3539; 3538; 3534; 3503; 3463; 3455; 3428; 3425; 3421; 3398; 3395; 3370; 3364; 3361; 3346; 3343; 3341; 3337; 3331; 3322; 3313; 3310; 3300; 3297; 3295; 3292; 3288; 3282; 3261; 3259; 3253; 3251; 3250; 3247; 3246; 3245; 3242; 3238; 3213; 3209]
Cast Away,[Forrest Gump; Matrix; Sixth Sense; Gladiator; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Shrek; Fight Club; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Toy Story; Braveheart; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Ocean's Eleven; Memento; Schindler's List; Good Will Hunting; Beautiful Mind; Groundhog Day; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Apollo 13; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Truman Show; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Minority Report; Spider-Man; Godfather; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Fugitive; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Green Mile; Monsters Inc.; Die Hard; Rain Man; Finding Nemo; Titanic; Bourne Identity; Catch Me If You Can; Fargo; Lion King; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Being John Malkovich; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Speed; Fifth Element; Alien; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Reservoir Dogs; There's Something About Mary; Toy Story 2; Mission: Impossible; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Batman; Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Office Space; American Pie; American History X; Erin Brockovich; L.A. Confidential; Almost Famous; As Good as It Gets; Goodfellas; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Aliens; Rock; Traffic; Incredibles; Shining; Bug's Life; True Lies; Meet the Parents; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Blade Runner; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Big; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Breakfast Club; Jerry Maguire; Jaws; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Full Metal Jacket; Godfather: Part II; Batman Begins; Snatch; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Hunt for Red October; Mrs. Doubtfire; Total Recall; Back to the Future Part II; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Wizard of Oz; Big Lebowski; Contact; Pretty Woman; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Unbreakable; Chicken Run; Stand by Me; Donnie Darko; Mask; Spider-Man 2; Beetlejuice; X2: X-Men United; Beauty and the Beast; Apocalypse Now; Lethal Weapon; High Fidelity; Matrix Reloaded; When Harry Met Sally...; Gattaca; Top Gun; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Bourne Supremacy; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Back to the Future Part III; Airplane!; Trainspotting; Shrek 2; Lost in Translation; Few Good Men; Home Alone; Clerks; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Patriot; Mummy; Dark Knight; Sin City; Face/Off; Game; Casablanca; Sleepless in Seattle; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Taxi Driver; Armageddon; Dogma; Predator; Abyss; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Rocky; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Amadeus; Psycho; Babe; Twister; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Blues Brothers; Untouchables; GoldenEye; Planet of the Apes; Ghost; Departed; Big Fish; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Liar Liar; Ice Age; V for Vendetta; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Platoon; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Heat; Enemy of the State; Fish Called Wanda; Mission: Impossible II; Black Hawk Down; Requiem for a Dream; Casino Royale; Wayne's World; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Last Samurai; Bridget Jones's Diary; Die Hard 2; Sleepy Hollow; Royal Tenenbaums; Bowling for Columbine; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Talented Mr. Ripley; Signs; Galaxy Quest; Good Morning Vietnam; Jumanji; Pleasantville; Stargate; Italian Job; Philadelphia; Superman; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Chocolat; Beverly Hills Cop; Nightmare Before Christmas; Road to Perdition; Clueless; Others; Charlie's Angels; 28 Days Later; Moulin Rouge; Full Monty; Blair Witch Project; Little Miss Sunshine; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Wedding Singer; Graduate; Happy Gilmore; My Cousin Vinny; Air Force One; Unforgiven; Rear Window; Casino; Three Kings; Scarface; Citizen Kane; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Notting Hill; Iron Man; Prestige; Exorcist; Little Mermaid; Con Air; Scream; Training Day; Clear and Present Danger; Firm; Magnolia; Shaun of the Dead; RoboCop; Pianist; Bourne Ultimatum; Starship Troopers; Crash; WALL·E; Million Dollar Baby; Thomas Crown Affair; Boogie Nights; Ring; Eyes Wide Shut; Thelma & Louise; Field of Dreams; I Robot; Grosse Pointe Blank; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); It's a Wonderful Life; Grease; School of Rock; Raising Arizona; Christmas Story; This Is Spinal Tap; Mystic River; About a Boy; Chasing Amy; Matrix Revolutions; Rushmore; Lethal Weapon 2; Juno; King Kong; To Kill a Mockingbird; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Outbreak; Devil's Advocate; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Last of the Mohicans; Bruce Almighty; Best in Show; Collateral; Animal House; No Country for Old Men; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; 300; Mask of Zorro; Election; Lost World: Jurassic Park; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Romancing the Stone; Remember the Titans; Inception; Jackie Brown; Star Trek: First Contact; Sting; Mary Poppins; Young Frankenstein; League of Their Own; Get Shorty; Spaceballs; Enemy at the Gates; Misery; Sound of Music; Super Size Me; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; The Butterfly Effect; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Perfect Storm; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Sling Blade; Garden State; Adaptation; Frequency; North by Northwest; In the Line of Fire; What Women Want; Blazing Saddles; Goldfinger; Crocodile Dundee; Goonies; Children of Men; Natural Born Killers; Blade; Chinatown; Mars Attacks!; Crimson Tide; Leaving Las Vegas; Vanilla Sky; Maverick; Crow; Love Actually; Ratatouille; Batman Returns],[12204; 12035; 11528; 11467; 11350; 11037; 10882; 10668; 10626; 10546; 10493; 10479; 10473; 10371; 10176; 10081; 10004; 9923; 9895; 9783; 9642; 9504; 9279; 9234; 9227; 9066; 8967; 8934; 8914; 8870; 8804; 8785; 8753; 8748; 8655; 8633; 8632; 8628; 8546; 8506; 8505; 8411; 8372; 8352; 8308; 8307; 8226; 8214; 8176; 8175; 8156; 8086; 7956; 7933; 7904; 7825; 7808; 7742; 7579; 7563; 7427; 7425; 7404; 7385; 7358; 7219; 7206; 7204; 7177; 7159; 7056; 6988; 6966; 6905; 6845; 6815; 6799; 6782; 6736; 6702; 6688; 6678; 6642; 6635; 6616; 6606; 6588; 6587; 6578; 6576; 6574; 6564; 6553; 6538; 6521; 6484; 6481; 6479; 6478; 6433; 6412; 6358; 6334; 6333; 6321; 6286; 6278; 6263; 6257; 6253; 6243; 6241; 6200; 6156; 6150; 6148; 6076; 6023; 5978; 5947; 5941; 5914; 5904; 5850; 5798; 5766; 5766; 5702; 5693; 5684; 5668; 5664; 5620; 5614; 5608; 5584; 5574; 5556; 5533; 5519; 5518; 5510; 5506; 5494; 5423; 5409; 5401; 5389; 5348; 5329; 5218; 5217; 5203; 5200; 5196; 5171; 5162; 5142; 5139; 5138; 5137; 5089; 5082; 5059; 5058; 5051; 5027; 4995; 4991; 4991; 4985; 4982; 4973; 4969; 4967; 4965; 4952; 4949; 4940; 4936; 4913; 4907; 4900; 4892; 4856; 4849; 4805; 4795; 4788; 4780; 4735; 4709; 4708; 4694; 4688; 4679; 4677; 4643; 4631; 4610; 4590; 4559; 4543; 4539; 4537; 4513; 4510; 4502; 4500; 4496; 4480; 4429; 4399; 4354; 4342; 4303; 4302; 4292; 4289; 4287; 4259; 4243; 4241; 4236; 4231; 4230; 4224; 4203; 4181; 4174; 4172; 4148; 4146; 4114; 4109; 4107; 4103; 4099; 4095; 4086; 4077; 4066; 4052; 4030; 4024; 4021; 4017; 4014; 4002; 4000; 3996; 3989; 3985; 3978; 3977; 3966; 3965; 3950; 3945; 3935; 3934; 3904; 3903; 3888; 3885; 3874; 3867; 3861; 3861; 3837; 3822; 3821; 3818; 3806; 3784; 3784; 3759; 3746; 3740; 3734; 3731; 3712; 3698; 3691; 3684; 3683; 3682; 3670; 3660; 3656; 3647; 3642; 3636; 3634; 3631; 3620; 3616; 3608; 3605; 3604; 3601; 3594; 3587; 3575; 3571; 3571; 3566; 3555; 3552; 3550; 3550; 3549; 3538; 3534; 3532; 3528; 3511; 3508; 3503; 3495; 3493; 3492; 3490; 3481; 3479; 3475; 3467; 3465; 3457; 3446; 3442; 3438; 3424; 3422; 3413; 3405; 3403; 3394; 3373; 3358; 3351; 3346; 3336; 3333; 3333; 3332; 3331; 3322; 3322]
Catch Me If You Can,[Matrix; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Pulp Fiction; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fight Club; Sixth Sense; Shrek; American Beauty; Gladiator; Ocean's Eleven; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Memento; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Beautiful Mind; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Saving Private Ryan; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Toy Story; Finding Nemo; Bourne Identity; Jurassic Park; Usual Suspects; Minority Report; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Good Will Hunting; Monsters Inc.; Spider-Man; Schindler's List; Truman Show; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Godfather; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; X-Men; Groundhog Day; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Terminator; Incredibles; Die Hard; Apollo 13; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Rain Man; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Green Mile; Fugitive; Lion King; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Batman Begins; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; American History X; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Fargo; Cast Away; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Titanic; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Snatch; Being John Malkovich; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Princess Bride; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Donnie Darko; Alien; Mission: Impossible; Office Space; There's Something About Mary; Bourne Supremacy; Aladdin; Speed; Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Batman; Lost in Translation; X2: X-Men United; Edward Scissorhands; Spider-Man 2; Toy Story 2; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Dark Knight; Blade Runner; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Sin City; Dead Poets Society; Almost Famous; Shining; Godfather: Part II; L.A. Confidential; Big Lebowski; Shrek 2; Departed; As Good as It Gets; Full Metal Jacket; Aliens; Matrix Reloaded; Breakfast Club; V for Vendetta; Clockwork Orange; Big Fish; Trainspotting; Traffic; Dances with Wolves; Rock; True Lies; Mrs. Doubtfire; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Meet the Parents; Casino Royale; American Pie; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Hunt for Red October; Back to the Future Part II; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Big; Pretty Woman; Apocalypse Now; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Jerry Maguire; Jaws; Gattaca; Shakespeare in Love; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Bowling for Columbine; Wizard of Oz; Bug's Life; High Fidelity; Beauty and the Beast; Erin Brockovich; Requiem for a Dream; Stand by Me; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mask; Total Recall; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Casablanca; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Last Samurai; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Little Miss Sunshine; Beetlejuice; Prestige; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Ice Age; Italian Job; Game; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clerks; Back to the Future Part III; When Harry Met Sally...; Top Gun; Taxi Driver; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Unbreakable; Contact; Dogma; Royal Tenenbaums; Home Alone; Airplane!; Bourne Ultimatum; Lethal Weapon; Chicken Run; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Untouchables; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Iron Man; Pianist; Crash; Shaun of the Dead; 28 Days Later; Million Dollar Baby; Few Good Men; Psycho; Amadeus; Heat; Blues Brothers; City of God (Cidade de Deus); WALL·E; Black Hawk Down; GoldenEye; Road to Perdition; Inception; Juno; Fish Called Wanda; Face/Off; Armageddon; Scarface; Sleepless in Seattle; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); About a Boy; Mystic River; Collateral; Others; Rocky; Garden State; Bridget Jones's Diary; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Platoon; Liar Liar; Moulin Rouge; Mummy; Four Weddings and a Funeral; No Country for Old Men; School of Rock; Ghost; Twister; Babe; Predator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Casino; Signs; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; I Robot; Enemy of the State; Philadelphia; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Planet of the Apes; Adaptation; Matrix Revolutions; Chocolat; Love Actually; Training Day; 300; Super Size Me; Rear Window; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Pleasantville; Good Morning Vietnam; Wayne's World; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Talented Mr. Ripley; Graduate; Sleepy Hollow; The Butterfly Effect; Die Hard 2; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Ring; Stargate; Jumanji; Ratatouille; Children of Men; Citizen Kane; Slumdog Millionaire; Inglourious Basterds; Clueless; Bruce Almighty; Mission: Impossible II; Full Monty; Patriot; Hotel Rwanda; Abyss; Beverly Hills Cop; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Chicago; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Three Kings; Wedding Singer; Happy Gilmore; Magnolia; Grosse Pointe Blank; Thank You for Smoking; This Is Spinal Tap; Fahrenheit 9/11; Gangs of New York; Boogie Nights; Avatar; Unforgiven; Sideways; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Up; Grease; Exorcist; Notting Hill; Little Mermaid; Superman; Jackie Brown; It's a Wonderful Life; Blood Diamond; 12 Angry Men; My Cousin Vinny; To Kill a Mockingbird; Con Air; Charlie's Angels; King Kong; Scream; Wedding Crashers; Firm; Finding Neverland; Walk the Line; RoboCop; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Mulholland Drive; Galaxy Quest; Aviator; Sting; Sound of Music; Chasing Amy; Rushmore; Hot Fuzz; Starship Troopers; Donnie Brasco; Eyes Wide Shut; Blair Witch Project; Thelma & Louise; Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World; Air Force One; North by Northwest; Vanilla Sky; Hero (Ying xiong); Best in Show; Boondock Saints; Blow; Animal House; Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Hangover; Devil's Advocate; Goldfinger; Clear and Present Danger; Thomas Crown Affair; Chinatown; Raising Arizona; Bend It Like Beckham; Insomnia; Illusionist; Christmas Story; Mary Poppins; Natural Born Killers; Enemy at the Gates; Dark City; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Vertigo; District 9; Get Shorty],[13246; 12855; 12322; 12211; 11864; 11858; 11832; 11503; 11443; 11260; 11211; 11170; 11160; 11044; 10879; 10626; 10489; 10373; 10309; 10307; 10291; 10228; 10224; 10222; 10130; 10104; 10042; 10008; 9990; 9910; 9750; 9732; 9556; 9420; 9386; 9362; 9347; 9305; 9125; 9105; 9063; 8735; 8733; 8706; 8581; 8557; 8511; 8509; 8453; 8444; 8416; 8404; 8367; 8337; 8289; 8268; 8260; 8182; 8126; 8116; 8077; 8020; 7956; 7933; 7927; 7897; 7715; 7703; 7668; 7609; 7575; 7552; 7513; 7335; 7305; 7278; 7236; 7171; 7144; 7085; 7080; 7066; 7054; 7030; 7023; 6992; 6976; 6935; 6932; 6857; 6848; 6847; 6840; 6832; 6831; 6820; 6797; 6757; 6752; 6696; 6650; 6616; 6608; 6526; 6514; 6478; 6476; 6439; 6437; 6435; 6388; 6348; 6340; 6304; 6198; 6196; 6189; 6146; 6131; 6079; 6065; 6006; 5988; 5982; 5972; 5967; 5963; 5963; 5938; 5922; 5921; 5912; 5872; 5783; 5778; 5772; 5757; 5732; 5720; 5717; 5708; 5657; 5626; 5623; 5619; 5617; 5543; 5509; 5463; 5447; 5441; 5438; 5436; 5424; 5419; 5418; 5408; 5405; 5404; 5383; 5375; 5352; 5349; 5335; 5328; 5305; 5297; 5290; 5289; 5272; 5269; 5269; 5205; 5195; 5174; 5137; 5134; 5131; 5125; 5101; 5077; 5075; 5074; 5065; 5051; 5020; 5013; 4996; 4995; 4968; 4962; 4923; 4919; 4907; 4842; 4827; 4820; 4809; 4802; 4779; 4778; 4777; 4772; 4743; 4726; 4720; 4696; 4695; 4667; 4667; 4666; 4659; 4651; 4637; 4611; 4585; 4579; 4570; 4552; 4549; 4547; 4529; 4526; 4520; 4511; 4502; 4501; 4493; 4481; 4465; 4441; 4433; 4414; 4397; 4383; 4377; 4374; 4368; 4362; 4362; 4360; 4338; 4324; 4311; 4306; 4290; 4282; 4267; 4248; 4231; 4224; 4214; 4192; 4191; 4175; 4170; 4170; 4162; 4157; 4127; 4109; 4099; 4097; 4078; 4073; 4063; 4057; 4018; 4017; 3998; 3991; 3977; 3973; 3969; 3956; 3944; 3937; 3917; 3909; 3882; 3881; 3875; 3873; 3841; 3836; 3834; 3810; 3800; 3797; 3786; 3786; 3773; 3749; 3739; 3734; 3713; 3708; 3706; 3703; 3703; 3703; 3701; 3694; 3683; 3681; 3672; 3664; 3661; 3655; 3634; 3625; 3622; 3622; 3602; 3598; 3589; 3584; 3581; 3581; 3572; 3560; 3555; 3554; 3550; 3547; 3547; 3545; 3521; 3518; 3517; 3513; 3510; 3507; 3505; 3498; 3497; 3496; 3491; 3475; 3452; 3445; 3439; 3439; 3436; 3433; 3433; 3425; 3416; 3393; 3385]
Chicken Run,[Matrix; American Beauty; Toy Story; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Sixth Sense; Back to the Future; Shrek; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shawshank Redemption; Gladiator; Jurassic Park; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fight Club; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Groundhog Day; Toy Story 2; Monsters Inc.; X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Saving Private Ryan; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; Braveheart; Being John Malkovich; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fargo; Princess Bride; Memento; Bug's Life; Truman Show; Finding Nemo; Godfather; Alien; Lion King; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Fugitive; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ocean's Eleven; Die Hard; Spider-Man; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Good Will Hunting; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Blade Runner; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Shakespeare in Love; Fifth Element; Aladdin; Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Minority Report; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Rain Man; Aliens; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Edward Scissorhands; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Batman; Titanic; Cast Away; Wizard of Oz; Speed; Reservoir Dogs; Beautiful Mind; There's Something About Mary; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Incredibles; Mission: Impossible; High Fidelity; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Almost Famous; Beetlejuice; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Monty Python's Life of Brian; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Green Mile; Bourne Identity; Beauty and the Beast; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Total Recall; Babe; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Hunt for Red October; Clockwork Orange; Shining; Big; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Jaws; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; Fish Called Wanda; Erin Brockovich; Casablanca; Office Space; Dances with Wolves; When Harry Met Sally...; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Catch Me If You Can; Stand by Me; Goodfellas; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Big Lebowski; Dead Poets Society; True Lies; Godfather: Part II; Airplane!; Traffic; Back to the Future Part II; Galaxy Quest; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; Amadeus; Apocalypse Now; Contact; Blues Brothers; Full Metal Jacket; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); American Pie; Rock; Trainspotting; Full Monty; Clerks; Nightmare Before Christmas; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Psycho; Lethal Weapon; Meet the Parents; Jerry Maguire; Shrek 2; Mask; American History X; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Snatch; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); X2: X-Men United; Back to the Future Part III; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Dogma; Abyss; Unbreakable; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Ice Age; Planet of the Apes; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Donnie Darko; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Taxi Driver; Spider-Man 2; This Is Spinal Tap; Rear Window; Batman Begins; Mummy; Citizen Kane; Lost in Translation; Sleepy Hollow; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Wayne's World; Untouchables; Clueless; Top Gun; Face/Off; Little Mermaid; Sleepless in Seattle; Pleasantville; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Grosse Pointe Blank; Bridget Jones's Diary; Predator; Superman; Matrix Reloaded; Raising Arizona; GoldenEye; Graduate; Bowling for Columbine; Moulin Rouge; Young Frankenstein; Talented Mr. Ripley; Home Alone; Few Good Men; Royal Tenenbaums; Platoon; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Good Morning Vietnam; Election; Mission: Impossible II; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Ghost; Mary Poppins; North by Northwest; Game; Charlie's Angels; Chocolat; Rocky; Stargate; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Thelma & Louise; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Three Kings; Big Fish; Die Hard 2; RoboCop; Bourne Supremacy; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Best in Show; Rushmore; Antz; Romancing the Stone; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Unforgiven; Sting; Magnolia; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Heat; Jumanji; Patriot; It's a Wonderful Life; Get Shorty; Starship Troopers; Twister; Grease; Liar Liar; Sound of Music; Brazil; Star Trek: First Contact; Vertigo; Enemy of the State; Boogie Nights; Fantasia; Sin City; Chinatown; Notting Hill; Chasing Amy; Exorcist; Blazing Saddles; Blair Witch Project; My Cousin Vinny; To Kill a Mockingbird; Armageddon; Mars Attacks!; Beverly Hills Cop; Others; Iron Giant; Christmas Story; Annie Hall; About a Boy; Wedding Singer; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Dark City; Requiem for a Dream; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Grand Day Out with Wallace and Gromit; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Goldfinger; Jungle Book; Gone with the Wind; King Kong; Thomas Crown Affair; Scream; Sneakers; Shaun of the Dead; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Philadelphia; Eyes Wide Shut; Mask of Zorro; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Spaceballs; Animal House; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; V for Vendetta; Casino Royale; Italian Job; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Crocodile Dundee; Clear and Present Danger; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Air Force One; Ed Wood; Signs; 28 Days Later; Jackie Brown; Sling Blade; Bridge on the River Kwai; Gremlins; Dark Knight; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Witness; Batman Returns; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; School of Rock; Lady and the Tramp; Wag the Dog; Con Air; Lethal Weapon 2; Dave; English Patient; Adaptation; Billy Elliot; League of Their Own; Last of the Mohicans; Black Hawk Down; Casino; Das Boot (The Boat); Firm; Birdcage; Dead Man Walking; Crying Game; Army of Darkness; NeverEnding Story; Sense and Sensibility; Splash; Lawrence of Arabia; In the Line of Fire; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Birds; Maltese Falcon; Crow; Leaving Las Vegas; Happy Gilmore; Misery; Last Samurai; Chicago],[10069; 9274; 9225; 9087; 9065; 8983; 8941; 8935; 8845; 8732; 8654; 8644; 8640; 8589; 8500; 8379; 8273; 8153; 7819; 7740; 7737; 7733; 7731; 7677; 7625; 7607; 7580; 7551; 7539; 7419; 7375; 7366; 7349; 7342; 7327; 7299; 7213; 7178; 7114; 7036; 6805; 6802; 6797; 6718; 6713; 6664; 6652; 6647; 6611; 6602; 6551; 6544; 6537; 6508; 6492; 6483; 6430; 6427; 6386; 6378; 6304; 6288; 6287; 6165; 6143; 6023; 5982; 5955; 5900; 5867; 5864; 5856; 5850; 5839; 5829; 5788; 5757; 5749; 5743; 5657; 5631; 5575; 5552; 5531; 5518; 5513; 5475; 5466; 5443; 5435; 5430; 5400; 5395; 5391; 5387; 5381; 5380; 5379; 5367; 5366; 5358; 5344; 5337; 5329; 5322; 5318; 5265; 5260; 5253; 5227; 5192; 5137; 5136; 5136; 5133; 5114; 5114; 5109; 5089; 5075; 5012; 4996; 4984; 4983; 4976; 4968; 4963; 4948; 4945; 4920; 4897; 4888; 4861; 4826; 4808; 4806; 4785; 4780; 4767; 4744; 4735; 4725; 4717; 4708; 4671; 4659; 4654; 4650; 4648; 4620; 4616; 4585; 4584; 4570; 4473; 4470; 4439; 4433; 4413; 4394; 4366; 4337; 4334; 4330; 4304; 4287; 4281; 4280; 4277; 4249; 4235; 4219; 4203; 4178; 4177; 4160; 4150; 4144; 4142; 4128; 4089; 4061; 4053; 4052; 4051; 4042; 4036; 4030; 4008; 3978; 3959; 3955; 3935; 3934; 3928; 3924; 3904; 3895; 3893; 3892; 3888; 3863; 3859; 3849; 3849; 3825; 3816; 3798; 3791; 3781; 3781; 3777; 3753; 3733; 3729; 3728; 3718; 3713; 3691; 3667; 3645; 3640; 3633; 3609; 3608; 3585; 3583; 3579; 3578; 3578; 3575; 3565; 3564; 3562; 3561; 3548; 3548; 3539; 3527; 3522; 3522; 3522; 3519; 3504; 3493; 3490; 3482; 3474; 3466; 3465; 3459; 3454; 3444; 3430; 3427; 3423; 3421; 3414; 3402; 3378; 3370; 3367; 3357; 3355; 3348; 3346; 3342; 3325; 3315; 3303; 3296; 3289; 3263; 3257; 3255; 3250; 3219; 3216; 3206; 3205; 3201; 3200; 3197; 3193; 3191; 3176; 3164; 3163; 3145; 3136; 3133; 3133; 3124; 3119; 3113; 3110; 3105; 3078; 3076; 3073; 3072; 3064; 3050; 3040; 3040; 3031; 3026; 3018; 3016; 3013; 3011; 3008; 3002; 2998; 2997; 2993; 2972; 2971; 2966; 2954; 2953; 2938; 2928; 2928; 2921; 2905; 2904; 2900; 2895; 2889; 2880; 2879; 2876; 2866; 2865; 2864; 2848; 2844; 2842; 2834]
Chinatown,[Godfather; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Shawshank Redemption; L.A. Confidential; Blade Runner; Godfather: Part II; American Beauty; Casablanca; Schindler's List; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Alien; Apocalypse Now; Goodfellas; Matrix; Taxi Driver; Back to the Future; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Rear Window; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Psycho; Terminator; Forrest Gump; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Citizen Kane; Reservoir Dogs; Saving Private Ryan; Clockwork Orange; Groundhog Day; Sixth Sense; Fugitive; North by Northwest; Graduate; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Jurassic Park; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Toy Story; Aliens; Braveheart; Vertigo; Amadeus; Princess Bride; Die Hard; Wizard of Oz; Being John Malkovich; Shining; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Jaws; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Annie Hall; Full Metal Jacket; Memento; Maltese Falcon; Fight Club; Sting; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Good Will Hunting; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Apollo 13; Rain Man; Fish Called Wanda; Stand by Me; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; This Is Spinal Tap; When Harry Met Sally...; Batman; Big Lebowski; Shakespeare in Love; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Unforgiven; Manchurian Candidate; Young Frankenstein; Raising Arizona; Lawrence of Arabia; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); To Kill a Mockingbird; Gladiator; Dances with Wolves; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Platoon; Bridge on the River Kwai; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Blues Brothers; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Trainspotting; Brazil; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Untouchables; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Speed; Raging Bull; Truman Show; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Airplane!; Hunt for Red October; Cool Hand Luke; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Das Boot (The Boat); Deer Hunter; As Good as It Gets; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Dead Poets Society; It's a Wonderful Life; Edward Scissorhands; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Babe; Total Recall; French Connection; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; 12 Angry Men; Some Like It Hot; Fifth Element; Breakfast Club; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shrek; Big; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Beetlejuice; Heat; Traffic; African Queen; There's Something About Mary; Bonnie and Clyde; Clerks; Titanic; Mission: Impossible; American History X; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; True Lies; Sling Blade; Crying Game; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Get Shorty; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Rocky; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Great Escape; Gone with the Wind; Lion King; High Fidelity; Lethal Weapon; Almost Famous; Aladdin; Minority Report; Witness; Cape Fear; Birds; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Planet of the Apes; Third Man; Jerry Maguire; Manhattan; Toy Story 2; Casino; Boogie Nights; Exorcist; Abyss; Election; Sunset Blvd. (a.k.a. Sunset Boulevard); Contact; Rock; Ed Wood; Gattaca; X-Men; Full Monty; Rushmore; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Office Space; Leaving Las Vegas; Grosse Pointe Blank; Ocean's Eleven; Glory; Blue Velvet; Dead Man Walking; Beautiful Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Lost in Translation; Few Good Men; Deliverance; Quiz Show; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Singin' in the Rain; Green Mile; Jackie Brown; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Superman; Bourne Identity; Patton; Clueless; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Donnie Darko; Big Sleep; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; English Patient; Spider-Man; Beauty and the Beast; Goldfinger; Romancing the Stone; In the Line of Fire; Gandhi; Game; Dog Day Afternoon; Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Pretty Woman; Bug's Life; Nightmare Before Christmas; True Romance; Three Kings; Midnight Cowboy; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Player; Top Gun; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Catch Me If You Can; Mask; RoboCop; King Kong; Chicken Run; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Snatch; On the Waterfront; Right Stuff; Fantasia; Animal House; Magnolia; Grifters; Sleepless in Seattle; Back to the Future Part II; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Blazing Saddles; Incredibles; Killing Fields; Touch of Evil; Face/Off; Christmas Story; Clear and Present Danger; Talented Mr. Ripley; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Thelma & Louise; Cast Away; Mary Poppins; My Cousin Vinny; Mrs. Doubtfire; La Femme Nikita; Donnie Brasco; Dark City; Sound of Music; Strangers on a Train; Treasure of the Sierra Madre; Field of Dreams; Harold and Maude; Batman Begins; GoldenEye; Heathers; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Chasing Amy; Sleeper; Philadelphia; Rosemary's Baby; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sense and Sensibility; Die Hard 2; Being There; Insider; Ghost; Royal Tenenbaums; Eyes Wide Shut; Requiem for a Dream; Last of the Mohicans; Erin Brockovich; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Predator; Notorious; Miller's Crossing; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Piano; Pleasantville; Double Indemnity; Ben-Hur; Scarface; Star Trek: First Contact; Firm; Fly; American Graffiti; Blood Simple; Galaxy Quest; Good Morning Vietnam; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Sneakers; Mulholland Drive; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Grease; Network; Roger & Me; Streetcar Named Desire; Adaptation; Lone Star; Departed; Elephant Man; Dangerous Liaisons; Sin City; Hoop Dreams; Bowling for Columbine; Stargate; Best in Show; American Pie; Philadelphia Story],[10589; 10112; 10021; 10004; 9661; 9645; 9207; 9194; 9182; 9140; 9061; 9000; 8712; 8686; 8586; 8522; 8499; 8375; 8256; 8249; 8247; 8176; 8126; 8058; 7889; 7874; 7853; 7767; 7728; 7575; 7527; 7497; 7364; 7359; 7338; 7310; 7308; 7284; 7239; 7058; 7000; 6980; 6940; 6918; 6898; 6840; 6813; 6804; 6803; 6788; 6706; 6696; 6695; 6669; 6652; 6644; 6637; 6485; 6382; 6338; 6325; 6299; 6288; 6172; 5873; 5866; 5849; 5826; 5809; 5797; 5754; 5703; 5690; 5670; 5595; 5586; 5584; 5577; 5509; 5486; 5458; 5448; 5445; 5409; 5393; 5341; 5333; 5301; 5288; 5288; 5282; 5249; 5224; 5195; 5194; 5143; 5125; 5119; 5110; 5066; 5044; 5021; 5015; 4933; 4908; 4848; 4835; 4829; 4809; 4773; 4771; 4769; 4760; 4755; 4735; 4721; 4711; 4711; 4662; 4655; 4654; 4649; 4646; 4614; 4608; 4578; 4569; 4566; 4525; 4516; 4505; 4503; 4494; 4494; 4482; 4469; 4464; 4459; 4450; 4446; 4440; 4428; 4417; 4416; 4397; 4382; 4362; 4350; 4334; 4292; 4286; 4259; 4230; 4229; 4225; 4223; 4203; 4203; 4202; 4182; 4175; 4154; 4150; 4147; 4134; 4131; 4118; 4081; 4080; 4074; 4065; 4063; 4045; 4042; 4036; 3998; 3989; 3981; 3970; 3921; 3920; 3917; 3917; 3897; 3889; 3857; 3835; 3830; 3830; 3828; 3816; 3815; 3797; 3788; 3787; 3763; 3745; 3734; 3729; 3727; 3718; 3708; 3705; 3704; 3702; 3699; 3698; 3682; 3675; 3656; 3641; 3612; 3603; 3599; 3591; 3585; 3553; 3553; 3543; 3543; 3538; 3535; 3527; 3498; 3496; 3490; 3488; 3483; 3474; 3471; 3469; 3465; 3461; 3451; 3448; 3446; 3444; 3437; 3436; 3430; 3427; 3426; 3418; 3400; 3396; 3391; 3383; 3381; 3371; 3366; 3358; 3357; 3354; 3350; 3336; 3335; 3333; 3331; 3323; 3306; 3304; 3303; 3299; 3293; 3287; 3286; 3280; 3274; 3273; 3272; 3272; 3260; 3246; 3244; 3244; 3241; 3232; 3195; 3195; 3180; 3178; 3177; 3176; 3171; 3169; 3168; 3164; 3156; 3147; 3116; 3106; 3100; 3099; 3091; 3082; 3078; 3073; 3065; 3048; 3042; 3031; 3026; 3022; 3011; 3006; 3004; 2980; 2978; 2975; 2972; 2971; 2970; 2970; 2963; 2957; 2948; 2943; 2942; 2938]
Citizen Kane,[Pulp Fiction; Godfather; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fargo; Shawshank Redemption; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Casablanca; Schindler's List; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; American Beauty; Usual Suspects; Back to the Future; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Matrix; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Blade Runner; Godfather: Part II; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Goodfellas; Alien; Toy Story; Psycho; Groundhog Day; L.A. Confidential; Taxi Driver; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Wizard of Oz; Terminator; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Sixth Sense; Rear Window; Jurassic Park; Amadeus; Saving Private Ryan; Clockwork Orange; Princess Bride; North by Northwest; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fugitive; Reservoir Dogs; Braveheart; Graduate; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Being John Malkovich; Chinatown; Shining; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fight Club; Memento; Die Hard; Vertigo; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Aliens; Apollo 13; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Good Will Hunting; Jaws; Full Metal Jacket; Annie Hall; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Rain Man; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Stand by Me; Batman; Fish Called Wanda; Truman Show; When Harry Met Sally...; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; To Kill a Mockingbird; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); This Is Spinal Tap; Sting; Shakespeare in Love; Trainspotting; It's a Wonderful Life; Dead Poets Society; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Maltese Falcon; Dances with Wolves; Gladiator; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Shrek; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Raising Arizona; Blues Brothers; Edward Scissorhands; Big Lebowski; Young Frankenstein; Airplane!; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lawrence of Arabia; Speed; Bridge on the River Kwai; Lion King; Babe; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Unforgiven; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Brazil; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Aladdin; Platoon; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; Titanic; Fifth Element; 12 Angry Men; Gone with the Wind; Big; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Hunt for Red October; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Clerks; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Beetlejuice; Mission: Impossible; There's Something About Mary; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Manchurian Candidate; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Raging Bull; American History X; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Some Like It Hot; Toy Story 2; Untouchables; Total Recall; X-Men; Jerry Maguire; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Almost Famous; True Lies; Minority Report; Cool Hand Luke; Beauty and the Beast; Das Boot (The Boat); Traffic; High Fidelity; African Queen; Contact; Ed Wood; Office Space; Gattaca; Rocky; Monsters Inc.; Beautiful Mind; Ocean's Eleven; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Deer Hunter; Finding Nemo; Planet of the Apes; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Spider-Man; Sling Blade; Get Shorty; Birds; Nightmare Before Christmas; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Rock; Dead Man Walking; Lethal Weapon; Full Monty; Bonnie and Clyde; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Singin' in the Rain; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Boogie Nights; Green Mile; Heat; Pretty Woman; Abyss; Rushmore; Back to the Future Part II; Crying Game; Bug's Life; Leaving Las Vegas; Great Escape; Quiz Show; Clueless; Election; Casino; Lost in Translation; Donnie Darko; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Mary Poppins; Bourne Identity; Fantasia; Exorcist; Top Gun; Grosse Pointe Blank; Glory; Chicken Run; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Superman; Few Good Men; Gandhi; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sleepless in Seattle; Incredibles; Sound of Music; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Witness; Mask; Third Man; Catch Me If You Can; Philadelphia; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; English Patient; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Cast Away; Manhattan; Sunset Blvd. (a.k.a. Sunset Boulevard); Christmas Story; French Connection; Cape Fear; Jackie Brown; Sense and Sensibility; Field of Dreams; Snatch; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Magnolia; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Ghost; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Goldfinger; Batman Begins; Royal Tenenbaums; Blue Velvet; Back to the Future Part III; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Pleasantville; King Kong; Patton; Heathers; Erin Brockovich; Chasing Amy; Romancing the Stone; In the Line of Fire; On the Waterfront; Right Stuff; Requiem for a Dream; Thelma & Louise; Game; Three Kings; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; GoldenEye; Star Trek: First Contact; Animal House; Piano; Blazing Saddles; RoboCop; Face/Off; American Pie; Bowling for Columbine; Home Alone; My Cousin Vinny; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Eyes Wide Shut; True Romance; Clear and Present Danger; Talented Mr. Ripley; Wayne's World; Grease; Streetcar Named Desire; Galaxy Quest; Dogma; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Midnight Cowboy; Player; Die Hard 2; Deliverance; Ben-Hur; Good Morning Vietnam; My Fair Lady; Harold and Maude; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Firm; Adaptation; Treasure of the Sierra Madre; Dave; Best in Show; Donnie Brasco; Killing Fields; Stargate; Dog Day Afternoon; Dark City; Much Ado About Nothing; Insider; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Sin City; Predator; Blair Witch Project; Sneakers; Wag the Dog; Last of the Mohicans; Philadelphia Story; Big Sleep],[11440; 11306; 11294; 10944; 10823; 10749; 10709; 10557; 10344; 10097; 9993; 9716; 9653; 9564; 9454; 9439; 9298; 9253; 9248; 9159; 8952; 8802; 8672; 8522; 8518; 8474; 8473; 8473; 8369; 8358; 8352; 8293; 8281; 8256; 8203; 8184; 8178; 8129; 8091; 8085; 8068; 8011; 7930; 7911; 7868; 7863; 7832; 7726; 7518; 7497; 7464; 7414; 7385; 7280; 7199; 7171; 7164; 7142; 7125; 7068; 6986; 6980; 6951; 6886; 6838; 6804; 6684; 6599; 6544; 6459; 6443; 6404; 6400; 6390; 6367; 6328; 6247; 6213; 6213; 6206; 6197; 6177; 6176; 6173; 6166; 6133; 6064; 5975; 5931; 5930; 5881; 5880; 5777; 5750; 5736; 5729; 5709; 5695; 5669; 5666; 5619; 5599; 5585; 5561; 5544; 5542; 5528; 5513; 5508; 5455; 5412; 5411; 5398; 5383; 5380; 5370; 5304; 5302; 5294; 5257; 5254; 5250; 5203; 5188; 5185; 5173; 5145; 5138; 5135; 5135; 5133; 5130; 5101; 5078; 5075; 5026; 5014; 4993; 4978; 4978; 4975; 4972; 4917; 4903; 4898; 4876; 4870; 4863; 4830; 4821; 4782; 4764; 4752; 4749; 4735; 4722; 4690; 4668; 4665; 4639; 4623; 4614; 4582; 4579; 4578; 4565; 4565; 4558; 4544; 4525; 4521; 4520; 4507; 4486; 4476; 4467; 4466; 4460; 4452; 4420; 4417; 4411; 4410; 4402; 4401; 4399; 4393; 4391; 4387; 4379; 4374; 4368; 4336; 4334; 4322; 4311; 4290; 4273; 4271; 4263; 4249; 4240; 4237; 4235; 4224; 4220; 4201; 4198; 4193; 4185; 4173; 4171; 4165; 4162; 4114; 4103; 4099; 4095; 4092; 4077; 4067; 4048; 4003; 4001; 3977; 3939; 3931; 3931; 3923; 3905; 3878; 3856; 3855; 3841; 3830; 3812; 3798; 3782; 3779; 3744; 3740; 3737; 3722; 3722; 3719; 3713; 3709; 3705; 3701; 3693; 3693; 3690; 3690; 3689; 3687; 3684; 3675; 3671; 3667; 3666; 3661; 3631; 3628; 3613; 3590; 3583; 3576; 3565; 3557; 3552; 3548; 3545; 3538; 3530; 3530; 3529; 3520; 3518; 3517; 3499; 3451; 3450; 3450; 3425; 3417; 3415; 3408; 3406; 3401; 3391; 3386; 3381; 3374; 3373; 3370; 3357; 3342; 3340; 3340; 3339; 3337; 3318; 3318; 3317; 3313; 3293; 3282]
Clear and Present Danger,[Fugitive; Apollo 13; True Lies; Jurassic Park; Batman; Forrest Gump; Dances with Wolves; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Speed; Aladdin; Crimson Tide; Stargate; Outbreak; Firm; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); GoldenEye; Usual Suspects; Beauty and the Beast; Lion King; Schindler's List; Star Trek: Generations; Batman Forever; Cliffhanger; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Ghost; Net; Mask; Sleepless in Seattle; While You Were Sleeping; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Toy Story; In the Line of Fire; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Get Shorty; Babe; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Waterworld; Quiz Show; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Rock; Dave; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fargo; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Twister; Clueless; Client; Die Hard; Home Alone; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Back to the Future; Heat; American President; Natural Born Killers; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Matrix; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Tombstone; Philadelphia; Maverick; Disclosure; Broken Arrow; Hunt for Red October; Legends of the Fall; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Saving Private Ryan; Groundhog Day; Addams Family Values; Jumanji; Godfather; Demolition Man; Alien; Princess Bride; Santa Clause; Aliens; Sixth Sense; Blade Runner; Birdcage; Crow; Mr. Holland's Opus; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Clerks; Top Gun; Rob Roy; American Beauty; Taxi Driver; Casino; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Leaving Las Vegas; Dead Man Walking; True Romance; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Jaws; Nightmare Before Christmas; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Gladiator; Fifth Element; Total Recall; L.A. Confidential; Piano; Sense and Sensibility; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Good Will Hunting; Goodfellas; Die Hard 2; Beverly Hills Cop III; Jerry Maguire; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; French Kiss; Lethal Weapon; Star Trek: First Contact; Reservoir Dogs; When Harry Met Sally...; Stand by Me; Congo; Godfather: Part II; Ed Wood],[23076; 20628; 20388; 20366; 19908; 19677; 19447; 19330; 19259; 18875; 18646; 18360; 17433; 17074; 16340; 15851; 15249; 15199; 14678; 14598; 14539; 14183; 14125; 13962; 13851; 13467; 13455; 12967; 12906; 12590; 12555; 12287; 12150; 12082; 11903; 11846; 11798; 11732; 11698; 11591; 11559; 11416; 11396; 11225; 11109; 10858; 10724; 10600; 10544; 10235; 9955; 9908; 9895; 9851; 9688; 9617; 9431; 9334; 9288; 9224; 8925; 8879; 8853; 8837; 8830; 8705; 8509; 8228; 8213; 8158; 8156; 8147; 8135; 7949; 7838; 7797; 7795; 7782; 7713; 7631; 7496; 7487; 7427; 7305; 7188; 7137; 7060; 7007; 6986; 6950; 6875; 6716; 6566; 6515; 6489; 6487; 6414; 6389; 6372; 6312; 6301; 6274; 6269; 6249; 6214; 6181; 6145; 6145; 6130; 6128; 6106; 6066; 6063; 6013; 5960; 5925; 5924; 5880; 5847; 5822; 5812; 5801; 5739; 5716; 5682; 5675; 5666; 5663; 5591]
Clerks,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Usual Suspects; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Jurassic Park; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fargo; American Beauty; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fugitive; Braveheart; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Toy Story; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Schindler's List; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fight Club; Batman; Apollo 13; Sixth Sense; Groundhog Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Reservoir Dogs; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Being John Malkovich; Aladdin; Terminator; Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; Speed; True Lies; Die Hard; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Blade Runner; Dances with Wolves; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lion King; Office Space; Good Will Hunting; Goodfellas; Alien; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Trainspotting; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Memento; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Big Lebowski; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; L.A. Confidential; Aliens; Clockwork Orange; Taxi Driver; Clueless; There's Something About Mary; Truman Show; Breakfast Club; Mission: Impossible; Fifth Element; Shrek; Full Metal Jacket; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shining; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Get Shorty; Stand by Me; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mask; X-Men; Nightmare Before Christmas; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Mrs. Doubtfire; Babe; Beauty and the Beast; Apocalypse Now; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Rock; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Rain Man; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); American History X; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Godfather: Part II; Heat; American Pie; Pretty Woman; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Edward Scissorhands; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Shakespeare in Love; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Wizard of Oz; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Dogma; Fish Called Wanda; As Good as It Gets; GoldenEye; Chasing Amy; Blues Brothers; True Romance; Natural Born Killers; Jaws; Stargate; When Harry Met Sally...; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Ocean's Eleven; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Dead Poets Society; Sleepless in Seattle; High Fidelity; Beetlejuice; Clear and Present Danger; Ed Wood; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Airplane!; Total Recall; Casino; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Ghost; Snatch; Toy Story 2; Almost Famous; Big; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Quiz Show; This Is Spinal Tap; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Leaving Las Vegas; Jerry Maguire; Psycho; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Grosse Pointe Blank; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Hunt for Red October; Casablanca; Bug's Life; Monsters Inc.; Minority Report; Rushmore; Spider-Man; Titanic; Crow; Raising Arizona; Donnie Darko; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Home Alone; Gattaca; Finding Nemo; Green Mile; Firm; Philadelphia; Amadeus; Dave; Bourne Identity; Contact; Outbreak; Beautiful Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; In the Line of Fire; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Crimson Tide; Election; Lethal Weapon; Back to the Future Part II; Full Monty; Birdcage; Abyss; Dead Man Walking; Wayne's World; Twister; Traffic; Platoon; Graduate; Boogie Nights; Catch Me If You Can; Cast Away; Top Gun; Star Trek: Generations; Batman Forever; Mallrats; Citizen Kane; Happy Gilmore; Swingers; Young Frankenstein; Incredibles; Untouchables; Batman Begins; Face/Off; Unforgiven; Lost in Translation; Pleasantville; Game; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Rear Window; Brazil; Sin City; Few Good Men; Back to the Future Part III; Requiem for a Dream; Blair Witch Project; Royal Tenenbaums; Army of Darkness; Scream; American President; Hudsucker Proxy; Chicken Run; Desperado; X2: X-Men United; Heathers; My Cousin Vinny; Jumanji; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sling Blade; Tombstone; Christmas Story; Galaxy Quest; Meet the Parents; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Star Trek: First Contact; Predator; Wedding Singer; Rocky; Maverick; Sleepy Hollow; Jackie Brown; Die Hard 2; Annie Hall; Magnolia; Erin Brockovich; Piano; Much Ado About Nothing; While You Were Sleeping; Chinatown; Planet of the Apes; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Shaun of the Dead; Three Kings; Bowling for Columbine; Waterworld; Animal House; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Dark City; Demolition Man; Unbreakable; North by Northwest; Go; Mars Attacks!; Liar Liar; From Dusk Till Dawn; Superman],[16672; 14832; 14612; 13938; 13856; 12713; 12545; 12475; 12441; 12233; 12228; 12046; 11987; 11928; 11910; 11745; 11699; 11390; 11268; 11242; 11170; 11096; 10910; 10644; 10619; 10608; 10378; 10163; 9910; 9742; 9691; 9583; 9553; 9508; 9446; 9396; 9373; 9128; 9093; 9074; 9028; 8921; 8916; 8809; 8762; 8757; 8751; 8701; 8680; 8673; 8660; 8621; 8584; 8459; 8446; 8270; 8183; 8181; 8164; 8154; 8110; 8103; 7941; 7936; 7930; 7876; 7858; 7847; 7832; 7681; 7676; 7641; 7627; 7625; 7608; 7596; 7573; 7513; 7490; 7432; 7407; 7400; 7395; 7369; 7338; 7328; 7322; 7319; 7314; 7297; 7294; 7259; 7251; 7237; 7183; 7169; 7132; 7126; 7074; 7073; 7054; 7044; 6998; 6981; 6954; 6939; 6916; 6814; 6810; 6806; 6792; 6790; 6758; 6732; 6720; 6676; 6651; 6626; 6612; 6553; 6535; 6516; 6515; 6479; 6474; 6446; 6446; 6436; 6421; 6419; 6417; 6408; 6370; 6364; 6340; 6324; 6318; 6309; 6302; 6274; 6256; 6228; 6222; 6222; 6209; 6209; 6201; 6195; 6182; 6174; 6165; 6154; 6130; 6111; 6049; 6049; 6039; 5996; 5968; 5927; 5899; 5889; 5865; 5859; 5856; 5853; 5843; 5790; 5771; 5756; 5742; 5722; 5720; 5713; 5631; 5576; 5566; 5516; 5506; 5491; 5491; 5483; 5471; 5438; 5395; 5374; 5352; 5348; 5347; 5330; 5322; 5307; 5302; 5285; 5184; 5162; 5162; 5156; 5113; 5056; 5038; 5034; 5017; 4975; 4962; 4928; 4920; 4917; 4895; 4876; 4875; 4855; 4852; 4830; 4819; 4808; 4792; 4785; 4774; 4734; 4725; 4720; 4712; 4686; 4669; 4668; 4663; 4663; 4641; 4634; 4630; 4628; 4626; 4626; 4622; 4599; 4569; 4564; 4543; 4536; 4513; 4497; 4495; 4495; 4494; 4483; 4470; 4465; 4465; 4462; 4456; 4446; 4430; 4415; 4386; 4361; 4352; 4345; 4314; 4313; 4310; 4293; 4291]
Client,[Fugitive; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Apollo 13; Firm; Speed; Dances with Wolves; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Batman; Pulp Fiction; True Lies; Clear and Present Danger; Braveheart; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Ghost; Sleepless in Seattle; Schindler's List; Lion King; Aladdin; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Outbreak; Crimson Tide; Usual Suspects; Beauty and the Beast; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mask; Dave; In the Line of Fire; While You Were Sleeping; Net; Stargate; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); GoldenEye; Home Alone; Philadelphia; Batman Forever; Babe; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Quiz Show; Get Shorty; Cliffhanger; Mission: Impossible; American President; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Trek: Generations; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clueless; Toy Story; Twister; Maverick; Fargo; Legends of the Fall; Waterworld; Disclosure; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Rock; Tombstone; Jumanji; Piano; Demolition Man; Heat; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Mr. Holland's Opus; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Natural Born Killers; Birdcage; Santa Clause; Broken Arrow; Dead Man Walking; Addams Family Values; Nell; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Die Hard; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; French Kiss; Crow; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Leaving Las Vegas; Sense and Sensibility; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Casino; Rob Roy; Nightmare Before Christmas; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Copycat; Terminator; I.Q.; True Romance; Beverly Hills Cop III; Congo; Ed Wood; Much Ado About Nothing; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Matrix; Godfather; Three Musketeers; Jerry Maguire; Clerks; Sixth Sense; Taxi Driver; Little Women; Specialist; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Miracle on 34th Street; First Knight; Species; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Good Will Hunting; Saving Private Ryan; Remains of the Day; Top Gun; When Harry Met Sally...; Blade Runner; Nine Months; Alien; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Stand by Me; Princess Bride; American Beauty; Dead Poets Society; Dangerous Minds; Sabrina; L.A. Confidential; River Wild; Last Action Hero; Desperado; Jungle Book; Hunt for Red October; Goodfellas; Wizard of Oz; Aliens; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Dolores Claiborne; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Jaws; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fish Called Wanda; Truth About Cats & Dogs; As Good as It Gets; Rain Man; Casper; Titanic; Ransom; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Reservoir Dogs; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Time to Kill; Executive Decision; Hudsucker Proxy; Eraser; Bridges of Madison County; Coneheads; Bad Boys; Gladiator; Under Siege 2: Dark Territory; Judge Dredd; Die Hard 2; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Don Juan DeMarco; Amadeus; Godfather: Part II; Truman Show; Contact; Psycho],[11903; 11605; 11085; 10789; 10646; 10554; 10320; 10057; 9988; 9817; 9682; 9631; 9601; 9334; 9250; 9189; 9053; 9007; 8834; 8796; 8728; 8458; 8282; 8255; 8118; 8007; 7815; 7716; 7652; 7599; 7456; 7305; 7237; 7232; 7085; 6929; 6918; 6835; 6775; 6760; 6757; 6742; 6533; 6463; 6398; 6394; 6372; 6331; 6236; 6141; 6058; 5994; 5953; 5943; 5676; 5643; 5551; 5510; 5437; 5384; 5287; 5285; 5244; 5124; 5008; 5007; 4952; 4917; 4901; 4882; 4875; 4776; 4747; 4663; 4625; 4555; 4515; 4505; 4500; 4488; 4477; 4432; 4380; 4358; 4350; 4344; 4342; 4337; 4308; 4250; 4020; 3990; 3904; 3870; 3837; 3836; 3786; 3767; 3744; 3719; 3709; 3701; 3700; 3675; 3672; 3670; 3666; 3657; 3645; 3639; 3638; 3559; 3527; 3508; 3463; 3458; 3453; 3451; 3448; 3429; 3417; 3413; 3390; 3378; 3361; 3353; 3338; 3328; 3319; 3291; 3278; 3275; 3272; 3271; 3238; 3232; 3231; 3223; 3219; 3215; 3206; 3195; 3182; 3177; 3169; 3168; 3151; 3102; 3095; 3063; 3053; 3037; 3031; 3021; 2978; 2974; 2959; 2957; 2956; 2929; 2927; 2915; 2913; 2911; 2888; 2885; 2885; 2883; 2882; 2876; 2871; 2870; 2869; 2863]
Cliffhanger,[Fugitive; True Lies; Batman; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Pulp Fiction; Dances with Wolves; Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Clear and Present Danger; Shawshank Redemption; Speed; Stargate; Outbreak; Aladdin; GoldenEye; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Crimson Tide; Batman Forever; Firm; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Lion King; Beauty and the Beast; Star Trek: Generations; Net; Waterworld; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Pretty Woman; Usual Suspects; Ghost; Schindler's List; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); While You Were Sleeping; Sleepless in Seattle; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Babe; Toy Story; Get Shorty; In the Line of Fire; Home Alone; Natural Born Killers; Twister; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Rock; Quiz Show; Demolition Man; Dave; Clueless; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Broken Arrow; Disclosure; Client; Addams Family Values; Heat; Tombstone; Die Hard; Jumanji; Maverick; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Legends of the Fall; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Fargo; Santa Clause; Terminator; American President; Back to the Future; Crow; Philadelphia; Beverly Hills Cop III; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Matrix; Specialist; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Congo; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Alien; True Romance; Species; Judge Dredd; Saving Private Ryan; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Aliens; Groundhog Day; Birdcage; Casino; Desperado; Rob Roy; Taxi Driver; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Sixth Sense; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Godfather; Last Action Hero; Blade Runner; Nightmare Before Christmas; Top Gun; Fifth Element; Clerks; French Kiss; Under Siege 2: Dark Territory; Gladiator; Leaving Las Vegas; Die Hard 2; Bad Boys; Three Musketeers; Jaws; Total Recall; Mr. Holland's Opus; Piano; American Beauty; Eraser; Nell; First Knight; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Dead Man Walking; Reservoir Dogs; Hunt for Red October; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Monty Python and the Holy Grail],[15412; 15324; 14800; 14421; 14356; 14083; 13976; 13886; 13886; 13545; 13513; 13086; 12967; 12782; 12654; 12100; 11858; 11809; 11257; 11235; 11079; 10971; 10570; 10509; 10315; 10219; 9917; 9771; 9760; 9755; 9569; 9475; 9302; 9244; 9113; 9063; 8927; 8736; 8704; 8209; 7984; 7772; 7677; 7643; 7618; 7587; 7377; 7269; 7155; 7108; 7083; 7031; 6884; 6759; 6705; 6697; 6579; 6462; 6417; 6398; 6311; 6154; 6140; 6137; 6042; 5858; 5750; 5744; 5710; 5642; 5638; 5606; 5553; 5498; 5483; 5477; 5476; 5381; 5358; 5181; 5018; 4982; 4912; 4735; 4730; 4726; 4688; 4680; 4673; 4641; 4629; 4619; 4521; 4455; 4448; 4425; 4406; 4372; 4364; 4357; 4353; 4335; 4320; 4296; 4264; 4214; 4186; 4171; 4163; 4150; 4141; 4097; 4081; 4066; 4014; 3988; 3972; 3965; 3961; 3946; 3933; 3928; 3916; 3906; 3886; 3849; 3845; 3832; 3827]
Clockwork Orange,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Back to the Future; Blade Runner; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Godfather; Fight Club; Alien; Usual Suspects; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fargo; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Terminator; Reservoir Dogs; 2001: A Space Odyssey; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Jurassic Park; Sixth Sense; Shining; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Apocalypse Now; Aliens; Braveheart; Toy Story; Memento; Full Metal Jacket; Saving Private Ryan; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Being John Malkovich; Goodfellas; Taxi Driver; Trainspotting; Die Hard; Godfather: Part II; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Fifth Element; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fugitive; Monty Python's Life of Brian; L.A. Confidential; Psycho; Truman Show; Shrek; Big Lebowski; Good Will Hunting; Batman; Jaws; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; American History X; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Apollo 13; Casablanca; Rain Man; Edward Scissorhands; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Amadeus; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Donnie Darko; Wizard of Oz; X-Men; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Stand by Me; Brazil; Fish Called Wanda; Clerks; Total Recall; Blues Brothers; Citizen Kane; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dead Poets Society; Lion King; Minority Report; Dances with Wolves; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Speed; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Graduate; Mission: Impossible; Gattaca; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Ocean's Eleven; Beetlejuice; Snatch; Breakfast Club; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; There's Something About Mary; Aladdin; This Is Spinal Tap; Beautiful Mind; Platoon; Rear Window; Titanic; Chinatown; Office Space; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Requiem for a Dream; Spider-Man; Monsters Inc.; True Lies; Finding Nemo; Contact; When Harry Met Sally...; Green Mile; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Airplane!; Rock; Hunt for Red October; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Raising Arizona; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Shakespeare in Love; Back to the Future Part II; Abyss; Lost in Translation; Bourne Identity; As Good as It Gets; Nightmare Before Christmas; Planet of the Apes; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Annie Hall; High Fidelity; Sin City; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Heat; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Almost Famous; Toy Story 2; Unforgiven; Traffic; Vertigo; Young Frankenstein; Mask; Catch Me If You Can; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Big; Batman Begins; North by Northwest; Exorcist; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Untouchables; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Incredibles; Lethal Weapon; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Casino; Sting; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Predator; Babe; Jerry Maguire; American Pie; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Beauty and the Beast; Bug's Life; Cast Away; Rocky; Mrs. Doubtfire; Dark Knight; Natural Born Killers; Pretty Woman; Dogma; Top Gun; Face/Off; RoboCop; Back to the Future Part III; Boogie Nights; Deer Hunter; Dark City; Stargate; Game; Bowling for Columbine; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Jackie Brown; Superman; Full Monty; To Kill a Mockingbird; V for Vendetta; Scarface; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; GoldenEye; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Get Shorty; Das Boot (The Boat); Star Trek: First Contact; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Royal Tenenbaums; Ed Wood; Departed; Chicken Run; 28 Days Later; Raging Bull; True Romance; It's a Wonderful Life; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Rushmore; Birds; Leaving Las Vegas; Mars Attacks!; Magnolia; Big Fish; Eyes Wide Shut; Bridge on the River Kwai; Grosse Pointe Blank; Die Hard 2; Army of Darkness; Starship Troopers; Clueless; 12 Angry Men; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; X2: X-Men United; Lawrence of Arabia; Unbreakable; Sleepy Hollow; Shaun of the Dead; Home Alone; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Fly; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Ghost; Mulholland Drive; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Maltese Falcon; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Pi; Wayne's World; Matrix Reloaded; Chasing Amy; Blair Witch Project; Crow; Philadelphia; Sling Blade; Few Good Men; Spider-Man 2; Scream; Cool Hand Luke; Fantasia; Blue Velvet; Cape Fear; Dead Man Walking; No Country for Old Men; Sleepless in Seattle; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Gone with the Wind; Goldfinger; Galaxy Quest; Little Miss Sunshine; Three Kings; Adaptation; Manchurian Candidate; Crying Game; Election; Twister; Erin Brockovich; Meet the Parents; Sneakers; Heathers; King Kong; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; From Dusk Till Dawn; Great Escape; Animal House; Mummy; Pleasantville; Mary Poppins; Good Morning Vietnam; Talented Mr. Ripley; Donnie Brasco; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Pianist],[16843; 15557; 15367; 15337; 14822; 14048; 13932; 13916; 13904; 13677; 13625; 13592; 13590; 13387; 13363; 13262; 13210; 13186; 13185; 13021; 13021; 12737; 12601; 12427; 12375; 12310; 12281; 11952; 11904; 11811; 11570; 11490; 11490; 11377; 11354; 11338; 11217; 11207; 11194; 11135; 10991; 10910; 10879; 10664; 10657; 10560; 10547; 10420; 10132; 10085; 10081; 10043; 9977; 9905; 9665; 9664; 9569; 9448; 9335; 9302; 9291; 9261; 9253; 9186; 9093; 9078; 9035; 8886; 8861; 8796; 8730; 8719; 8689; 8580; 8551; 8497; 8466; 8307; 8305; 8298; 8294; 8211; 8165; 8154; 8115; 8111; 8085; 8061; 8033; 8012; 7968; 7829; 7788; 7741; 7695; 7673; 7664; 7635; 7604; 7566; 7556; 7543; 7541; 7538; 7492; 7471; 7429; 7421; 7403; 7377; 7375; 7340; 7338; 7328; 7231; 7209; 7191; 7155; 7155; 7132; 7127; 7111; 7061; 7024; 6995; 6945; 6901; 6887; 6867; 6864; 6841; 6803; 6802; 6794; 6758; 6754; 6705; 6697; 6617; 6605; 6596; 6566; 6565; 6535; 6521; 6508; 6498; 6488; 6482; 6464; 6449; 6447; 6437; 6432; 6410; 6387; 6345; 6343; 6250; 6214; 6180; 6164; 6143; 6127; 6068; 6067; 6066; 6058; 6035; 6030; 5978; 5971; 5965; 5952; 5944; 5941; 5940; 5876; 5855; 5814; 5797; 5793; 5776; 5772; 5754; 5750; 5737; 5733; 5730; 5718; 5663; 5662; 5567; 5533; 5527; 5520; 5513; 5463; 5461; 5456; 5456; 5440; 5439; 5431; 5427; 5426; 5420; 5410; 5409; 5392; 5379; 5378; 5317; 5317; 5314; 5309; 5308; 5292; 5291; 5278; 5269; 5264; 5262; 5255; 5238; 5218; 5196; 5184; 5183; 5172; 5169; 5157; 5156; 5155; 5148; 5138; 5122; 5109; 5091; 5070; 5059; 5037; 5036; 5030; 5025; 5023; 4999; 4952; 4918; 4906; 4904; 4901; 4870; 4852; 4850; 4844; 4840; 4818; 4810; 4810; 4800; 4790; 4783; 4722; 4719; 4716; 4707; 4664; 4659; 4654; 4652; 4637; 4637; 4628; 4622; 4594; 4591; 4590; 4583; 4578; 4566; 4553; 4547; 4546; 4535; 4532; 4516; 4500; 4489; 4488; 4477]
Clueless,[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Aladdin; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Speed; True Lies; Usual Suspects; Braveheart; Lion King; Dances with Wolves; Toy Story; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Pretty Woman; Beauty and the Beast; Mrs. Doubtfire; Babe; Sleepless in Seattle; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Ghost; Fargo; Mask; Back to the Future; Groundhog Day; While You Were Sleeping; Clear and Present Danger; Get Shorty; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Firm; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Dave; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); American Beauty; Princess Bride; Outbreak; Stargate; Matrix; GoldenEye; Batman Forever; Quiz Show; Home Alone; Mission: Impossible; Crimson Tide; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Sixth Sense; Clerks; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); American President; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Net; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Terminator; When Harry Met Sally...; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Star Trek: Generations; Birdcage; Good Will Hunting; Twister; Shakespeare in Love; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Godfather; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Wizard of Oz; Sense and Sensibility; Saving Private Ryan; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jerry Maguire; In the Line of Fire; Rock; Philadelphia; There's Something About Mary; Titanic; Cliffhanger; Breakfast Club; Natural Born Killers; As Good as It Gets; Blade Runner; Fight Club; L.A. Confidential; Stand by Me; Leaving Las Vegas; Truman Show; Waterworld; Jumanji; Being John Malkovich; Addams Family Values; Alien; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Ed Wood; Shrek; Reservoir Dogs; Goodfellas; Taxi Driver; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fish Called Wanda; Heat; Big; Rain Man; Client; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Dead Man Walking; Maverick; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Legends of the Fall; Aliens; Piano; Dead Poets Society; Casablanca; Fifth Element; Trainspotting; Santa Clause; Much Ado About Nothing; Beetlejuice; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Jaws; Mr. Holland's Opus; True Romance; Shining; Top Gun; Tombstone; Toy Story 2; Memento; Crow; X-Men; Amadeus; Bug's Life; Casino; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Office Space; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); American Pie; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Full Monty; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Godfather: Part II; Grosse Pointe Blank; Blues Brothers; Psycho; Broken Arrow; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Clockwork Orange; Graduate; Monty Python's Life of Brian; French Kiss; Airplane!; Hunt for Red October; Almost Famous; Raising Arizona; Demolition Man; Ocean's Eleven; Big Lebowski; Contact; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Monsters Inc.; Wedding Singer; Disclosure; Apocalypse Now; Happy Gilmore; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Pleasantville; Election; Total Recall; High Fidelity; Grease; Spider-Man; Sabrina; Full Metal Jacket; Finding Nemo; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Mary Poppins; This Is Spinal Tap; Muriel's Wedding; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Back to the Future Part II; Little Women; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Lethal Weapon; Wayne's World; So I Married an Axe Murderer; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Little Mermaid; My Cousin Vinny; Hudsucker Proxy; Chasing Amy; Sound of Music; Beautiful Mind; Erin Brockovich; Gattaca; Minority Report; To Die For; Face/Off; I.Q.; Few Good Men; Scream; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Rear Window; Jungle Book; Dogma; Heathers],[15767; 15354; 14491; 14251; 14232; 14080; 13530; 12979; 12927; 12689; 12626; 12362; 12330; 12288; 11792; 11754; 11682; 11598; 11436; 11368; 11338; 11070; 10838; 10836; 10759; 10676; 10168; 10121; 10116; 9987; 9638; 9600; 9433; 9431; 9423; 9405; 9117; 9105; 9047; 9033; 8982; 8961; 8927; 8908; 8759; 8639; 8572; 8561; 8548; 8515; 8418; 8397; 8373; 8308; 8199; 8196; 8157; 8119; 8103; 8010; 7955; 7701; 7442; 7413; 7387; 7345; 7336; 7311; 7274; 7262; 7258; 7186; 7169; 7162; 7153; 7102; 7092; 7087; 7063; 7039; 7025; 7022; 6996; 6976; 6945; 6871; 6869; 6752; 6705; 6696; 6598; 6564; 6550; 6527; 6517; 6489; 6415; 6411; 6363; 6362; 6360; 6338; 6326; 6292; 6265; 6227; 6196; 6158; 6135; 6133; 6132; 6121; 6090; 6089; 6059; 6058; 6009; 6006; 5999; 5985; 5935; 5920; 5855; 5843; 5836; 5823; 5774; 5739; 5732; 5719; 5659; 5630; 5623; 5541; 5491; 5482; 5474; 5472; 5452; 5452; 5450; 5446; 5416; 5414; 5398; 5397; 5387; 5377; 5356; 5322; 5309; 5306; 5283; 5218; 5201; 5200; 5199; 5183; 5183; 5166; 5153; 5149; 5086; 5080; 5070; 5059; 5049; 5030; 5029; 5026; 5016; 4984; 4975; 4963; 4946; 4945; 4921; 4919; 4905; 4897; 4873; 4854; 4830; 4824; 4809; 4785; 4783; 4780; 4757; 4741; 4733; 4702; 4663; 4640; 4629; 4626; 4614; 4593; 4593; 4582; 4582; 4551; 4550; 4521; 4492; 4480; 4473; 4466; 4465; 4463; 4459; 4458; 4452; 4437; 4424; 4420; 4410; 4405]
Contact,[Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Forrest Gump; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Terminator; Sixth Sense; Braveheart; Toy Story; American Beauty; Saving Private Ryan; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fifth Element; Fugitive; Groundhog Day; Alien; Schindler's List; Fargo; Usual Suspects; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Good Will Hunting; Apollo 13; Blade Runner; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Aliens; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fight Club; Godfather; Die Hard; Princess Bride; Gladiator; Truman Show; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Titanic; L.A. Confidential; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Hunt for Red October; Total Recall; Speed; Gattaca; X-Men; Shrek; Rain Man; Mission: Impossible; Batman; As Good as It Gets; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Dances with Wolves; There's Something About Mary; Being John Malkovich; Memento; True Lies; Reservoir Dogs; Lion King; Rock; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Aladdin; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Minority Report; Clockwork Orange; Jerry Maguire; Abyss; Jaws; Edward Scissorhands; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Wizard of Oz; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shakespeare in Love; Star Trek: First Contact; Back to the Future Part II; Shining; Apocalypse Now; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dead Poets Society; Stargate; Spider-Man; When Harry Met Sally...; Stand by Me; Big; Breakfast Club; Ocean's Eleven; Full Metal Jacket; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Green Mile; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Godfather: Part II; Face/Off; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Toy Story 2; Beetlejuice; Back to the Future Part III; Monsters Inc.; Bug's Life; Lethal Weapon; Beautiful Mind; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amadeus; Top Gun; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Trainspotting; Pretty Woman; Blues Brothers; Fish Called Wanda; Office Space; Big Lebowski; Mrs. Doubtfire; Casablanca; Cast Away; Babe; Finding Nemo; Bourne Identity; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Mask; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Few Good Men; Clerks; Beauty and the Beast; Planet of the Apes; Airplane!; American History X; Game; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Psycho; Twister; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Superman; Taxi Driver; Ghost; Full Monty; American Pie; Armageddon; Predator; Starship Troopers; GoldenEye; Sleepless in Seattle; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Untouchables; Heat; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Sneakers; Galaxy Quest; Catch Me If You Can; RoboCop; Clear and Present Danger; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Platoon; Almost Famous; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Traffic; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Die Hard 2; Erin Brockovich; Incredibles; Air Force One; Grosse Pointe Blank; Dark City; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Unbreakable; High Fidelity; Clueless; Mummy; Rocky; X2: X-Men United; Dogma; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Enemy of the State; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Chicken Run; Star Trek: Generations; Pleasantville; Graduate; Scream; Get Shorty; Citizen Kane; Philadelphia; X-Files: Fight the Future; Chasing Amy; Unforgiven; Donnie Darko; Nightmare Before Christmas; Raising Arizona; Snatch; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Home Alone; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Batman Begins; Mars Attacks!; Brazil; Rear Window; Liar Liar; Firm; Matrix Reloaded; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; This Is Spinal Tap; Spider-Man 2; Outbreak; Romancing the Stone; My Cousin Vinny; Boogie Nights; Jumanji; Meet the Parents; Sling Blade; English Patient; In the Line of Fire; Wayne's World; Casino; Good Morning Vietnam; Young Frankenstein; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Lost in Translation; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Con Air; Crimson Tide; Dead Man Walking; Sting; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Leaving Las Vegas; It's a Wonderful Life; Devil's Advocate; Three Kings; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Sleepy Hollow; Bourne Supremacy; Dave; Fly; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; North by Northwest; Little Mermaid; Maverick; Exorcist; Blair Witch Project; American President; Spaceballs; Last of the Mohicans; Wedding Singer; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Field of Dreams; Cocoon; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Chinatown; Deep Impact; Crow; Army of Darkness; To Kill a Mockingbird; Bowling for Columbine; Shrek 2; Lethal Weapon 2; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Thelma & Louise; Talented Mr. Ripley; Birdcage; Glory; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Vertigo; Witness; Jackie Brown; Quiz Show; Ransom; Das Boot (The Boat); Batman Returns; Thomas Crown Affair; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Mary Poppins; Mask of Zorro; Highlander; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Election; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Grease; Wag the Dog; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Happy Gilmore; Conspiracy Theory; Christmas Story; Rushmore; Crocodile Dundee; Sin City; Tomorrow Never Dies; Mission: Impossible II; Natural Born Killers; Eyes Wide Shut; Tron; Demolition Man; Big Fish; Mr. Holland's Opus; Gone with the Wind; Goldfinger; Sound of Music; Royal Tenenbaums; Sense and Sensibility; Notting Hill; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Bridge on the River Kwai; Dune; Blade; King Kong; Gremlins; V for Vendetta; Annie Hall; Requiem for a Dream; Beverly Hills Cop; Patriot; Donnie Brasco; Magnolia; Splash; Crying Game; Rocky Horror Picture Show; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Signs; Ed Wood; Fantasia; Nutty Professor; Pi; Cape Fear; Bridget Jones's Diary; True Romance; Waterworld; Alien: Resurrection; Ice Age; 28 Days Later; Goonies; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Antz; League of Their Own; NeverEnding Story; Basic Instinct; Ronin; Misery; Net; Black Hawk Down],[12696; 12246; 12068; 12032; 11775; 11696; 11527; 11517; 11332; 11217; 11189; 11152; 11140; 10636; 10501; 10486; 10427; 10103; 9987; 9982; 9923; 9749; 9721; 9706; 9674; 9647; 9581; 9558; 9429; 9288; 9246; 9240; 9100; 9042; 8846; 8811; 8786; 8772; 8743; 8628; 8608; 8588; 8575; 8536; 8290; 8275; 8213; 8166; 8160; 8106; 7989; 7984; 7884; 7881; 7768; 7738; 7736; 7696; 7638; 7531; 7531; 7525; 7482; 7479; 7479; 7404; 7303; 7283; 7281; 7217; 7174; 7148; 7147; 7143; 7127; 7081; 7011; 6975; 6950; 6933; 6928; 6892; 6844; 6794; 6782; 6748; 6691; 6685; 6656; 6639; 6634; 6621; 6616; 6608; 6586; 6568; 6542; 6531; 6504; 6501; 6476; 6455; 6435; 6422; 6407; 6383; 6328; 6327; 6268; 6265; 6257; 6242; 6230; 6160; 6083; 6071; 6067; 6032; 6018; 6006; 5992; 5987; 5978; 5962; 5950; 5948; 5923; 5886; 5875; 5849; 5848; 5843; 5830; 5823; 5813; 5809; 5777; 5708; 5669; 5637; 5637; 5631; 5609; 5601; 5544; 5522; 5520; 5518; 5443; 5442; 5441; 5438; 5434; 5398; 5386; 5368; 5356; 5303; 5289; 5280; 5264; 5261; 5248; 5201; 5200; 5155; 5119; 5117; 5103; 5101; 5078; 5076; 5064; 5046; 5036; 5031; 5026; 5007; 5001; 4997; 4992; 4989; 4960; 4945; 4945; 4935; 4879; 4865; 4855; 4852; 4830; 4829; 4809; 4803; 4803; 4803; 4802; 4799; 4788; 4772; 4760; 4703; 4700; 4690; 4689; 4678; 4674; 4627; 4605; 4591; 4572; 4553; 4535; 4523; 4523; 4521; 4521; 4505; 4483; 4472; 4469; 4446; 4446; 4442; 4419; 4417; 4417; 4410; 4405; 4402; 4396; 4384; 4369; 4360; 4355; 4328; 4322; 4278; 4275; 4266; 4259; 4252; 4245; 4236; 4230; 4225; 4219; 4213; 4201; 4200; 4184; 4150; 4149; 4138; 4116; 4112; 4109; 4080; 4071; 4069; 4064; 4059; 4057; 4049; 4048; 4042; 4042; 4037; 4031; 4027; 4026; 4025; 4004; 4000; 3994; 3990; 3981; 3972; 3970; 3968; 3966; 3958; 3923; 3919; 3913; 3912; 3897; 3892; 3880; 3860; 3860; 3857; 3851; 3849; 3839; 3836; 3820; 3816; 3814; 3806; 3802; 3782; 3770; 3767; 3765; 3763; 3760; 3753; 3744; 3726; 3716; 3715; 3702; 3696; 3696; 3691; 3681; 3677; 3673; 3671; 3660; 3660; 3658; 3653; 3648; 3646; 3641; 3632; 3628; 3621; 3612; 3591; 3589; 3577; 3576; 3548; 3545; 3525; 3523; 3522; 3520; 3511; 3509; 3495; 3485; 3471; 3470; 3461; 3458]
Crimson Tide,[Fugitive; Apollo 13; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Dances with Wolves; True Lies; Batman; Jurassic Park; Clear and Present Danger; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Speed; Aladdin; Outbreak; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Firm; Stargate; Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; Lion King; GoldenEye; Beauty and the Beast; Star Trek: Generations; Batman Forever; Cliffhanger; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; While You Were Sleeping; Pretty Woman; Net; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Ghost; Mask; Sleepless in Seattle; Quiz Show; Get Shorty; Babe; In the Line of Fire; Toy Story; Waterworld; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Dave; Mission: Impossible; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Fargo; Clueless; Rock; Client; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Home Alone; American President; Twister; Natural Born Killers; Heat; Philadelphia; Disclosure; Tombstone; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Die Hard; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Legends of the Fall; Back to the Future; Broken Arrow; Maverick; Terminator; Addams Family Values; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Jumanji; Santa Clause; Saving Private Ryan; Matrix; Demolition Man; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Birdcage; Rob Roy; Godfather; Casino; Hunt for Red October; Mr. Holland's Opus; Dead Man Walking; Leaving Las Vegas; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Alien; Clerks; Taxi Driver; Blade Runner; Aliens; Sixth Sense; Crow; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; True Romance; Nightmare Before Christmas; Princess Bride; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Piano; Good Will Hunting; American Beauty; Goodfellas; Jerry Maguire; Sense and Sensibility; L.A. Confidential; Ed Wood; Gladiator; Reservoir Dogs; French Kiss; Beverly Hills Cop III; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Top Gun; Jaws; Nell; Congo; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Species; Full Metal Jacket; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather: Part II; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Desperado; Apocalypse Now; Stand by Me; Rain Man; When Harry Met Sally...; Fifth Element; Dead Poets Society; Specialist],[18254; 17926; 16628; 16626; 16506; 16461; 16183; 16129; 16065; 15975; 15851; 15658; 14696; 14160; 13718; 13449; 13168; 12958; 12673; 12314; 12250; 12016; 11811; 11801; 11790; 11276; 11151; 11079; 10828; 10653; 10431; 10425; 10418; 10398; 10297; 10148; 9958; 9892; 9823; 9678; 9660; 9567; 9566; 9501; 9040; 8859; 8660; 8543; 8513; 8467; 8402; 8199; 8119; 8007; 7845; 7758; 7728; 7591; 7575; 7565; 7498; 7403; 7386; 7338; 7293; 7287; 7267; 7098; 6887; 6838; 6592; 6503; 6471; 6361; 6308; 6248; 6241; 6203; 6192; 6150; 6117; 6076; 6040; 6032; 6008; 5981; 5928; 5865; 5843; 5768; 5746; 5720; 5713; 5693; 5687; 5648; 5600; 5594; 5360; 5330; 5285; 5268; 5257; 5256; 5245; 5192; 5179; 5170; 5092; 5059; 5047; 5034; 5009; 4978; 4928; 4926; 4914; 4892; 4883; 4829; 4810; 4732; 4706; 4685; 4681; 4671; 4614; 4612; 4599; 4551; 4550; 4510; 4505; 4498]
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long),[Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Beauty; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Silence of the Lambs; Sixth Sense; Forrest Gump; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Back to the Future; Memento; Usual Suspects; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Toy Story; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Schindler's List; Godfather; Terminator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fargo; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Being John Malkovich; Groundhog Day; Alien; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Blade Runner; Good Will Hunting; Fugitive; Minority Report; Die Hard; Ocean's Eleven; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Monsters Inc.; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fifth Element; Spider-Man; Reservoir Dogs; O Brother Where Art Thou?; L.A. Confidential; Finding Nemo; Truman Show; Aliens; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Beautiful Mind; Apollo 13; Rain Man; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Bourne Identity; Batman; Clockwork Orange; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; Lion King; Traffic; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Shining; Incredibles; There's Something About Mary; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Toy Story 2; Full Metal Jacket; Speed; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Mission: Impossible; Almost Famous; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Apocalypse Now; Titanic; American History X; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Shakespeare in Love; Edward Scissorhands; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Snatch; Office Space; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Cast Away; Catch Me If You Can; Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Hunt for Red October; Green Mile; Total Recall; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Trainspotting; Big Lebowski; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; High Fidelity; Wizard of Oz; True Lies; Batman Begins; Casablanca; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Jaws; Donnie Darko; Breakfast Club; As Good as It Gets; Dead Poets Society; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; X2: X-Men United; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Lost in Translation; Chicken Run; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Gattaca; Rock; Stand by Me; Bug's Life; Amadeus; Beetlejuice; Clerks; Taxi Driver; Contact; When Harry Met Sally...; Big; Fish Called Wanda; Psycho; American Pie; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Blues Brothers; Spider-Man 2; Jerry Maguire; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Airplane!; Unbreakable; Back to the Future Part II; Erin Brockovich; Beauty and the Beast; Sin City; Lethal Weapon; Matrix Reloaded; Pretty Woman; Dogma; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Untouchables; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Bowling for Columbine; Mask; Citizen Kane; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Predator; Mrs. Doubtfire; Requiem for a Dream; Meet the Parents; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Top Gun; Rear Window; Babe; Planet of the Apes; Bourne Supremacy; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Platoon; Heat; Royal Tenenbaums; Nightmare Before Christmas; Shrek 2; Abyss; Back to the Future Part III; GoldenEye; Big Fish; Face/Off; This Is Spinal Tap; Graduate; Game; Full Monty; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Few Good Men; V for Vendetta; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Stargate; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Mummy; Grosse Pointe Blank; Unforgiven; Galaxy Quest; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Rocky; Dark Knight; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Wayne's World; Sleepy Hollow; Raising Arizona; Superman; North by Northwest; Chinatown; Sleepless in Seattle; Casino Royale; Boogie Nights; Clueless; Moulin Rouge; Chocolat; Ghost; Bridget Jones's Diary; Three Kings; Magnolia; Talented Mr. Ripley; Pleasantville; Best in Show; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); RoboCop; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Shaun of the Dead; Departed; Brazil; Rushmore; Home Alone; 28 Days Later; Good Morning Vietnam; Dark City; Starship Troopers; Die Hard 2; Exorcist; Casino; Last Samurai; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Armageddon; Enemy of the State; Vertigo; Young Frankenstein; Sting; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Hero (Ying xiong); Thelma & Louise; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Mission: Impossible II; Chasing Amy; Beverly Hills Cop; Twister; Scarface; Ice Age; Election; Others; Adaptation; To Kill a Mockingbird; Black Hawk Down; Star Trek: First Contact; Charlie's Angels; Get Shorty; Annie Hall; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); It's a Wonderful Life; Pianist; Goldfinger; Philadelphia; Jackie Brown; Blair Witch Project; Blazing Saddles; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Patriot; Scream; Eyes Wide Shut; Little Miss Sunshine; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Mulholland Drive; Italian Job; Clear and Present Danger; About a Boy; Little Mermaid; My Cousin Vinny; Liar Liar; Sling Blade; Christmas Story; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Animal House; Romancing the Stone; Army of Darkness],[17105; 15195; 15194; 14887; 14668; 14598; 14540; 14520; 14497; 14258; 14077; 13876; 13723; 13671; 13660; 13596; 13307; 13268; 13109; 12849; 12742; 12552; 12474; 12394; 12214; 12025; 11902; 11851; 11809; 11717; 11711; 11617; 11596; 11427; 11356; 11287; 11260; 11011; 10933; 10888; 10741; 10712; 10709; 10667; 10645; 10533; 10512; 10366; 10329; 10323; 10304; 10285; 10285; 10279; 10052; 9984; 9934; 9797; 9723; 9653; 9613; 9580; 9572; 9406; 9385; 9339; 9035; 8936; 8933; 8923; 8914; 8904; 8827; 8793; 8733; 8691; 8661; 8642; 8613; 8607; 8590; 8588; 8558; 8531; 8530; 8516; 8511; 8467; 8450; 8440; 8405; 8374; 8365; 8323; 8308; 8268; 8266; 8222; 8204; 8199; 8171; 8158; 8118; 8110; 8103; 7961; 7927; 7918; 7904; 7882; 7855; 7847; 7842; 7821; 7819; 7793; 7713; 7636; 7618; 7581; 7558; 7551; 7551; 7544; 7542; 7446; 7418; 7394; 7313; 7297; 7240; 7217; 7196; 7152; 7101; 7101; 6968; 6953; 6877; 6851; 6822; 6816; 6803; 6736; 6724; 6670; 6667; 6659; 6608; 6595; 6551; 6518; 6499; 6494; 6470; 6402; 6396; 6379; 6367; 6346; 6330; 6313; 6247; 6242; 6235; 6213; 6202; 6191; 6190; 6187; 6175; 6151; 6146; 6117; 6103; 6089; 6085; 6061; 6058; 6003; 6003; 5932; 5914; 5893; 5887; 5873; 5831; 5814; 5803; 5793; 5792; 5778; 5775; 5715; 5705; 5677; 5656; 5625; 5595; 5594; 5559; 5510; 5476; 5472; 5453; 5445; 5439; 5430; 5385; 5377; 5373; 5316; 5315; 5297; 5297; 5295; 5268; 5256; 5254; 5251; 5246; 5244; 5243; 5240; 5232; 5206; 5204; 5185; 5174; 5159; 5158; 5138; 5135; 5127; 5105; 5090; 5081; 5081; 5078; 5078; 5072; 5063; 5055; 5030; 5025; 5010; 5002; 4999; 4994; 4992; 4980; 4948; 4947; 4943; 4932; 4928; 4915; 4913; 4843; 4839; 4838; 4811; 4801; 4796; 4782; 4765; 4757; 4751; 4740; 4711; 4702; 4694; 4679; 4672; 4666; 4662; 4654; 4617; 4611; 4591; 4587; 4570; 4568; 4553; 4551; 4543; 4540; 4532; 4512]
Crow,[Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; Fugitive; Batman; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Shawshank Redemption; Speed; True Lies; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Usual Suspects; Apollo 13; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Dances with Wolves; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Schindler's List; Lion King; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Aladdin; Stargate; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Mask; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Toy Story; Matrix; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Mission: Impossible; GoldenEye; Terminator; Die Hard; Back to the Future; Rock; Clear and Present Danger; Pretty Woman; Ghost; Fargo; Mrs. Doubtfire; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Alien; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Outbreak; Beauty and the Beast; Natural Born Killers; Heat; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Firm; Nightmare Before Christmas; Fifth Element; Aliens; Clerks; Blade Runner; Sixth Sense; In the Line of Fire; Batman Forever; Groundhog Day; Get Shorty; American Beauty; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Demolition Man; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fight Club; Reservoir Dogs; Sleepless in Seattle; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Saving Private Ryan; Twister; Star Trek: Generations; Crimson Tide; True Romance; Home Alone; Godfather; Cliffhanger; Gladiator; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Clueless; Desperado; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Maverick; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Waterworld; Tombstone; X-Men; Full Metal Jacket; Babe; Total Recall; Trainspotting; Philadelphia; Dave; Shining; Jumanji; Clockwork Orange; Jaws; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Broken Arrow; Casino; Hunt for Red October; Shrek; Good Will Hunting; Goodfellas; Truman Show; Top Gun; Taxi Driver; Edward Scissorhands; Net; Die Hard 2; Abyss; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Stand by Me; Memento; L.A. Confidential; Lethal Weapon; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Blues Brothers; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Beetlejuice; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Face/Off; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Apocalypse Now; Client; Dead Poets Society; Quiz Show; There's Something About Mary; Being John Malkovich; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Ed Wood; Godfather: Part II; Fish Called Wanda; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Leaving Las Vegas; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Spider-Man; Rain Man; While You Were Sleeping; Wizard of Oz; Jerry Maguire; Titanic; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Minority Report; Birdcage; Big Lebowski; Ocean's Eleven; Addams Family Values; Gattaca; American History X; From Dusk Till Dawn; Predator; Back to the Future Part II; Contact; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Green Mile; Psycho; Breakfast Club; Bad Boys; Three Musketeers; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Star Trek: First Contact; Platoon; Office Space; Legends of the Fall; Highlander; Last Action Hero; As Good as It Gets; Mummy; Scream; American President; Dogma; Army of Darkness; Monsters Inc.; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; American Pie; Species; Starship Troopers; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Sleepy Hollow; When Harry Met Sally...; Big; Dead Man Walking; Back to the Future Part III; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Piano; Happy Gilmore; Game; Batman Returns; RoboCop; Blade; Snatch; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Untouchables; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Strange Days; Bug's Life; Bourne Identity; Rumble in the Bronx (Hont faan kui); Con Air; Enemy of the State; Rob Roy; Finding Nemo; Rocky; Toy Story 2; Amadeus; Dark City; Beautiful Mind; Planet of the Apes; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Superman; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Johnny Mnemonic; Airplane!; Mars Attacks!; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Unforgiven; Shakespeare in Love; X2: X-Men United; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Donnie Darko; Grosse Pointe Blank; So I Married an Axe Murderer; Eraser; Casablanca; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Unbreakable; Cast Away; Last of the Mohicans; Jungle Book; Wayne's World; Judge Dredd; Hudsucker Proxy; Armageddon; Much Ado About Nothing; Copycat; High Fidelity; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Chasing Amy; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Few Good Men; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Liar Liar; Devil's Advocate; Lethal Weapon 2; Sneakers; Batman Begins; Dragonheart; Almost Famous; Santa Clause; This Is Spinal Tap; Mr. Holland's Opus; Catch Me If You Can; Tommy Boy; Raising Arizona; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Air Force One; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Exorcist; Ransom; Full Monty; Incredibles; Mortal Kombat; Traffic; Gremlins; Disclosure; Cape Fear; Sin City; Matrix Reloaded; First Knight; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Spider-Man 2; Beverly Hills Cop III; Brazil; Wedding Singer; Carlito's Way; Romancing the Stone; Nutty Professor; Young Frankenstein; Pleasantville; Basic Instinct; Pinocchio; Chicken Run; Three Kings; Blair Witch Project; Galaxy Quest; Mask of Zorro; Spaceballs; Citizen Kane; Boogie Nights; Jackie Brown],[11247; 11091; 10869; 10762; 10369; 10346; 10051; 9956; 9698; 9360; 9348; 9122; 9073; 8737; 8305; 8112; 8095; 8046; 7889; 7780; 7754; 7722; 7606; 7496; 7495; 7471; 7468; 7448; 7383; 7286; 7200; 7181; 7085; 7037; 6978; 6931; 6903; 6875; 6843; 6798; 6757; 6588; 6576; 6381; 6376; 6361; 6344; 6304; 6288; 6288; 6212; 6212; 6187; 6173; 6111; 6108; 6091; 6082; 6046; 5930; 5922; 5869; 5858; 5828; 5806; 5801; 5796; 5787; 5785; 5720; 5704; 5647; 5600; 5597; 5504; 5497; 5477; 5476; 5471; 5463; 5450; 5427; 5399; 5309; 5279; 5272; 5173; 5172; 5168; 5118; 5115; 5057; 5050; 5040; 4955; 4905; 4904; 4878; 4874; 4862; 4834; 4813; 4813; 4798; 4798; 4765; 4691; 4685; 4667; 4666; 4635; 4623; 4617; 4603; 4573; 4570; 4568; 4556; 4531; 4493; 4481; 4477; 4474; 4463; 4450; 4443; 4430; 4399; 4380; 4363; 4358; 4353; 4344; 4340; 4321; 4314; 4303; 4296; 4294; 4283; 4280; 4254; 4242; 4212; 4211; 4174; 4156; 4147; 4130; 4126; 4125; 4121; 4107; 4104; 4097; 4093; 4087; 4079; 4069; 4053; 4043; 4026; 4026; 4001; 3959; 3949; 3939; 3933; 3900; 3893; 3892; 3861; 3856; 3850; 3847; 3826; 3804; 3802; 3801; 3791; 3789; 3781; 3759; 3758; 3750; 3749; 3741; 3719; 3705; 3690; 3685; 3685; 3681; 3676; 3676; 3675; 3674; 3664; 3647; 3642; 3641; 3631; 3604; 3599; 3581; 3579; 3561; 3552; 3542; 3539; 3511; 3505; 3495; 3487; 3478; 3477; 3464; 3462; 3459; 3458; 3454; 3450; 3449; 3436; 3427; 3418; 3412; 3397; 3392; 3369; 3340; 3337; 3332; 3332; 3330; 3329; 3325; 3322; 3322; 3319; 3280; 3270; 3266; 3257; 3250; 3242; 3234; 3224; 3214; 3214; 3195; 3193; 3192; 3186; 3184; 3175; 3173; 3166; 3162; 3155; 3153; 3130; 3122; 3119; 3107; 3106; 3104; 3071; 3071; 3066; 3046; 3044; 3006; 2990; 2988; 2985; 2970; 2958; 2942; 2928; 2917; 2901; 2900; 2893; 2888; 2885; 2884; 2880; 2876; 2871; 2865; 2863; 2859; 2855; 2854; 2850; 2850; 2848; 2839]
Dances with Wolves,[Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Schindler's List; Aladdin; Speed; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Lion King; Clear and Present Danger; Usual Suspects; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Beauty and the Beast; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Pretty Woman; Mrs. Doubtfire; Stargate; Firm; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Ghost; Crimson Tide; Outbreak; Sleepless in Seattle; GoldenEye; Babe; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mask; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Batman Forever; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fargo; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Star Trek: Generations; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; While You Were Sleeping; Cliffhanger; Matrix; Mission: Impossible; Net; Quiz Show; Waterworld; Get Shorty; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Saving Private Ryan; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Godfather; Sixth Sense; Die Hard; Terminator; American Beauty; Home Alone; Rock; Dave; Groundhog Day; Clueless; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); In the Line of Fire; Philadelphia; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Twister; Natural Born Killers; Alien; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Blade Runner; Good Will Hunting; Gladiator; Princess Bride; American President; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Heat; Legends of the Fall; Fight Club; Client; Rain Man; Taxi Driver; Aliens; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Titanic; Jumanji; Piano; Shrek; Tombstone; Dead Man Walking; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Dead Poets Society; Goodfellas; Maverick; L.A. Confidential; Hunt for Red October; Sense and Sensibility; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather: Part II; Addams Family Values; Leaving Las Vegas; Birdcage; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; Wizard of Oz; Fifth Element; Clerks; Mr. Holland's Opus; Stand by Me; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jerry Maguire; When Harry Met Sally...; Jaws; As Good as It Gets; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Memento; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Fish Called Wanda; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Full Metal Jacket; Casablanca; Disclosure; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Casino; Amadeus; Top Gun; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Santa Clause; Shining; Rob Roy; Crow; Shakespeare in Love; Trainspotting; Being John Malkovich; There's Something About Mary; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Broken Arrow],[29236; 27941; 27816; 27595; 27315; 27050; 27041; 25899; 25148; 23574; 23198; 21819; 21323; 20246; 19750; 19605; 19447; 18912; 18867; 18833; 17613; 17503; 17445; 17197; 17012; 16835; 16529; 16322; 16183; 16048; 15767; 15499; 15487; 15334; 15326; 15249; 15244; 15122; 15004; 14992; 14880; 14838; 14666; 14636; 14474; 14191; 13886; 13759; 13740; 13197; 13187; 13068; 12993; 12688; 12588; 12477; 12424; 12309; 12231; 12221; 12202; 12180; 12036; 11829; 11827; 11787; 11754; 11703; 11647; 11642; 11397; 11219; 11060; 10806; 10773; 10684; 10654; 10610; 10526; 10421; 10278; 10180; 10166; 10119; 10119; 10057; 10050; 9945; 9862; 9850; 9679; 9668; 9642; 9532; 9523; 9454; 9389; 9373; 9330; 9318; 9309; 9229; 9196; 9188; 9110; 9103; 9082; 9073; 9072; 9069; 9050; 9003; 8979; 8921; 8903; 8877; 8847; 8842; 8839; 8785; 8676; 8662; 8635; 8609; 8554; 8375; 8367; 8351; 8345; 8327; 8288; 8287; 8266; 8243; 8222; 8197; 8181; 8117; 8095; 8085; 8081; 8064; 8026; 8008; 7987]
Dark Knight,[Matrix; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Pulp Fiction; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Memento; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Batman Begins; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; American Beauty; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Usual Suspects; Inception; Gladiator; Godfather; Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Iron Man; Shrek; Schindler's List; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Jurassic Park; Departed; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Bourne Identity; American History X; Back to the Future; Braveheart; Toy Story; WALL·E; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Saving Private Ryan; Ocean's Eleven; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Finding Nemo; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; V for Vendetta; Incredibles; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Donnie Darko; Prestige; Reservoir Dogs; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Sin City; Monsters Inc.; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Spider-Man; Casino Royale; X-Men; Minority Report; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Beautiful Mind; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Good Will Hunting; Bourne Ultimatum; Terminator; Catch Me If You Can; Snatch; Truman Show; Inglourious Basterds; Die Hard; Blade Runner; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Lion King; Alien; Fifth Element; Godfather: Part II; No Country for Old Men; Goodfellas; Fargo; Princess Bride; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Groundhog Day; Up; Juno; Avatar; Bourne Supremacy; Green Mile; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); 300; Slumdog Millionaire; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Apollo 13; Little Miss Sunshine; Big Lebowski; Shining; Clockwork Orange; Titanic; Full Metal Jacket; Aliens; Star Trek; District 9; Office Space; Fugitive; Shaun of the Dead; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Being John Malkovich; Spider-Man 2; Trainspotting; Aladdin; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Requiem for a Dream; Children of Men; X2: X-Men United; Ratatouille; Rain Man; Batman; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Hangover; Edward Scissorhands; Mission: Impossible; Cast Away; Matrix Reloaded; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Apocalypse Now; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; 28 Days Later; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Big Fish; Toy Story 2; Lost in Translation; Hot Fuzz; Speed; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Taxi Driver; Shrek 2; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Gran Torino; 2001: A Space Odyssey; L.A. Confidential; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Casablanca; Gattaca; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Blood Diamond; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Rock; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Dead Poets Society; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; True Lies; There's Something About Mary; Breakfast Club; Back to the Future Part II; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Superbad; Sherlock Holmes; Shutter Island; Mask; Mrs. Doubtfire; Beauty and the Beast; Crash; Serenity; Dances with Wolves; Thank You for Smoking; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Total Recall; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Watchmen; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); American Pie; Last Samurai; Clerks; Jaws; Scarface; I Robot; Toy Story 3; Zombieland; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Illusionist; Ice Age; Almost Famous; 12 Angry Men; Pianist; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Home Alone; Dark Knight Rises; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Psycho; Million Dollar Baby; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); I Am Legend],[14194; 13774; 13082; 12331; 12037; 12023; 11514; 11301; 10603; 10392; 10389; 10309; 9980; 9854; 9793; 9725; 9655; 9549; 9494; 9185; 9075; 8930; 8892; 8804; 8781; 8780; 8741; 8719; 8708; 8695; 8649; 8621; 8462; 8449; 8370; 8351; 8232; 8163; 8104; 8069; 7932; 7866; 7830; 7803; 7543; 7485; 7473; 7393; 7385; 7374; 7318; 7316; 7315; 7283; 7282; 7281; 7212; 7131; 7127; 7048; 7030; 6999; 6848; 6845; 6813; 6790; 6776; 6702; 6666; 6659; 6659; 6658; 6633; 6586; 6579; 6480; 6468; 6344; 6336; 6318; 6305; 6246; 6242; 6192; 6190; 6158; 6151; 6080; 6025; 5994; 5941; 5886; 5883; 5855; 5844; 5823; 5763; 5761; 5743; 5701; 5667; 5638; 5595; 5587; 5568; 5565; 5538; 5511; 5470; 5464; 5434; 5383; 5342; 5322; 5307; 5295; 5228; 5219; 5209; 5200; 5182; 5182; 5174; 5172; 5143; 5082; 5042; 5016; 4984; 4944; 4943; 4914; 4885; 4846; 4742; 4685; 4651; 4636; 4601; 4551; 4515; 4515; 4504; 4488; 4434; 4419; 4414; 4400; 4395; 4374; 4355; 4330; 4326; 4319; 4317; 4315; 4313; 4298; 4268; 4261; 4238; 4232; 4212; 4179; 4176; 4162; 4134; 4133; 4129; 4120; 4118; 4117; 4089; 4069; 4051; 4032; 4029; 4023; 4022; 4020; 4004; 3995; 3994; 3976; 3971; 3965; 3954; 3954; 3953; 3931; 3926; 3920; 3903; 3901]
Dave,[Forrest Gump; Fugitive; Jurassic Park; Apollo 13; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Speed; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Batman; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Sleepless in Seattle; Aladdin; Braveheart; Pretty Woman; Mrs. Doubtfire; Schindler's List; Lion King; Ghost; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Clear and Present Danger; Firm; Usual Suspects; Beauty and the Beast; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Mask; Babe; Toy Story; While You Were Sleeping; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Clueless; American President; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Crimson Tide; Get Shorty; Outbreak; Stargate; In the Line of Fire; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Quiz Show; GoldenEye; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fargo; Home Alone; Star Trek: Generations; Mission: Impossible; Batman Forever; Groundhog Day; Back to the Future; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Client; Philadelphia; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Net; Maverick; Cliffhanger; Twister; Birdcage; Rock; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Princess Bride; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); When Harry Met Sally...; Waterworld; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Mr. Holland's Opus; Sense and Sensibility; Jumanji; Nightmare Before Christmas; Terminator; Clerks; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Tombstone; Piano; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Heat; Matrix; Legends of the Fall; Much Ado About Nothing; Addams Family Values; Jerry Maguire; Santa Clause; Demolition Man; Fish Called Wanda; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; French Kiss; Ed Wood; Leaving Las Vegas; American Beauty; Godfather; Sixth Sense; Dead Man Walking; Blade Runner; Wizard of Oz; Natural Born Killers; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Saving Private Ryan; Stand by Me; Broken Arrow; Good Will Hunting; As Good as It Gets; Disclosure; Alien; Crow; Shakespeare in Love; I.Q.; Top Gun; Dead Poets Society; Aliens; Rob Roy; Sabrina; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Big; L.A. Confidential; Taxi Driver; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Hunt for Red October; Jaws; True Romance; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Casablanca; Rain Man; Blues Brothers; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Casino; Goodfellas; There's Something About Mary; Hudsucker Proxy; Breakfast Club; Truman Show; Titanic; Nell; Amadeus; Three Musketeers; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Remains of the Day; Contact; Reservoir Dogs; Jungle Book; Lethal Weapon; Gladiator; Fifth Element; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); So I Married an Axe Murderer; Little Women; Full Monty; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Godfather: Part II; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Being John Malkovich; Edward Scissorhands; Miracle on 34th Street; Star Trek: First Contact; Grosse Pointe Blank; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Graduate; Mary Poppins; Raising Arizona; My Cousin Vinny; Few Good Men; Shrek; Beetlejuice; Bug's Life; Total Recall; Airplane!; Psycho; Sting; Abyss; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Field of Dreams; Muriel's Wedding; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Toy Story 2; Shining; Sound of Music; Apocalypse Now; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Beverly Hills Cop III; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Trainspotting; Sneakers; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Pleasantville; Last Action Hero; Die Hard 2; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Young Frankenstein; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Full Metal Jacket; Nine Months; Desperado; To Die For; Fight Club; First Knight; It's a Wonderful Life; Pinocchio; Romancing the Stone; Back to the Future Part II; Happy Gilmore; Copycat; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; X-Men; Tommy Boy; Don Juan DeMarco; Platoon; Clockwork Orange],[14430; 14246; 13405; 12876; 12700; 12205; 12139; 12089; 12055; 11936; 11842; 11827; 11352; 11117; 11081; 10981; 10933; 10584; 10546; 10492; 10371; 10235; 10077; 9844; 9715; 9182; 9170; 9128; 9073; 9023; 9018; 8927; 8861; 8839; 8660; 8655; 8456; 8401; 8397; 8269; 8176; 8116; 8061; 7973; 7899; 7740; 7691; 7646; 7604; 7516; 7493; 7456; 7432; 7414; 7258; 7200; 7126; 7060; 7029; 6759; 6742; 6700; 6608; 6597; 6494; 6472; 6296; 6204; 6122; 6072; 6070; 6012; 5947; 5943; 5943; 5936; 5925; 5856; 5830; 5823; 5760; 5759; 5684; 5670; 5663; 5653; 5651; 5649; 5646; 5582; 5548; 5541; 5504; 5482; 5434; 5430; 5421; 5394; 5371; 5358; 5343; 5281; 5242; 5239; 5233; 5225; 5189; 5185; 5133; 5101; 5101; 5040; 5001; 4940; 4932; 4930; 4888; 4870; 4862; 4840; 4818; 4811; 4783; 4771; 4755; 4734; 4696; 4647; 4635; 4632; 4602; 4596; 4581; 4561; 4552; 4547; 4536; 4522; 4514; 4504; 4494; 4387; 4308; 4303; 4295; 4259; 4193; 4168; 4164; 4164; 4163; 4142; 4140; 4127; 4117; 4114; 4114; 4113; 4112; 4095; 4092; 4089; 4089; 4058; 4044; 4035; 4033; 4018; 3997; 3990; 3977; 3972; 3972; 3961; 3949; 3943; 3937; 3937; 3911; 3909; 3886; 3873; 3861; 3858; 3857; 3836; 3818; 3807; 3804; 3801; 3796; 3795; 3783; 3774; 3774; 3773; 3771; 3764; 3763; 3756; 3752; 3746; 3734; 3728; 3704; 3686; 3644; 3630; 3627; 3619; 3614; 3607; 3606; 3605; 3587]
Dead Man Walking,[Fargo; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Schindler's List; Forrest Gump; Toy Story; Fugitive; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Usual Suspects; Apollo 13; Braveheart; Leaving Las Vegas; Dances with Wolves; Jurassic Park; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Mission: Impossible; Godfather; Heat; Rock; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Batman; Sense and Sensibility; Speed; Twister; Babe; Birdcage; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mr. Holland's Opus; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); True Lies; American Beauty; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Aladdin; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Lion King; Quiz Show; Philadelphia; Back to the Future; Pretty Woman; Good Will Hunting; Get Shorty; Jerry Maguire; Trainspotting; Saving Private Ryan; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Sleepless in Seattle; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Firm; Groundhog Day; Sixth Sense; Mrs. Doubtfire; Goodfellas; Taxi Driver; Ghost; Beauty and the Beast; Matrix; L.A. Confidential; Clear and Present Danger; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Die Hard; Blade Runner; Terminator; Clueless; Crimson Tide; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Reservoir Dogs; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Broken Arrow; Piano; In the Line of Fire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Alien; Rain Man; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Stand by Me; Princess Bride; Amadeus; Godfather: Part II; When Harry Met Sally...; Mask; Casino; As Good as It Gets; Clerks; Dead Poets Society; American President; Apocalypse Now; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Outbreak; Truman Show; Wizard of Oz; Dave; Casablanca; Shakespeare in Love; Fish Called Wanda; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Being John Malkovich; English Patient; Ed Wood; Aliens; Sabrina; While You Were Sleeping; Titanic; Fight Club; Postman (Il Postino); GoldenEye; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Jaws; Graduate; Natural Born Killers; Shining; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Psycho; Sling Blade; Clockwork Orange; Primal Fear; Time to Kill; Edward Scissorhands; There's Something About Mary; Stargate; Client; Full Metal Jacket; Home Alone; Star Trek: First Contact; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Nightmare Before Christmas; Gladiator; Ransom; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; True Romance; Nutty Professor; Citizen Kane; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Hunt for Red October; Full Monty; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Platoon; Remains of the Day; Memento; Phenomenon; Contact; Breakfast Club; Mighty Aphrodite; Batman Forever; Legends of the Fall; Raising Arizona; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Eraser; Hoop Dreams; Few Good Men; River Wild; Unforgiven; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Much Ado About Nothing; Crying Game; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Executive Decision; Rear Window; Star Trek: Generations; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Big; Shrek; In the Name of the Father; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fifth Element; Blues Brothers; Green Mile; Net; Big Lebowski; American History X; Happy Gilmore; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; To Kill a Mockingbird; Sting],[12819; 12506; 12398; 12375; 11448; 11425; 10879; 10703; 10448; 10329; 10326; 10197; 9830; 9664; 9389; 9351; 9054; 9019; 8870; 8803; 8200; 8142; 8138; 8079; 8001; 7926; 7822; 7614; 7590; 7563; 7519; 7481; 7432; 7334; 7160; 7092; 7080; 7052; 7049; 7031; 7000; 6930; 6863; 6855; 6848; 6813; 6750; 6651; 6621; 6615; 6610; 6576; 6552; 6510; 6495; 6472; 6436; 6427; 6359; 6350; 6332; 6274; 6088; 6033; 6014; 6000; 5999; 5865; 5845; 5838; 5821; 5808; 5804; 5777; 5727; 5720; 5704; 5694; 5669; 5619; 5618; 5607; 5585; 5567; 5548; 5547; 5511; 5491; 5458; 5455; 5436; 5432; 5420; 5417; 5414; 5358; 5326; 5323; 5308; 5294; 5204; 5159; 5129; 5105; 5103; 5033; 5031; 5026; 4996; 4995; 4991; 4979; 4971; 4915; 4908; 4890; 4858; 4831; 4800; 4783; 4744; 4735; 4716; 4690; 4663; 4657; 4655; 4645; 4638; 4599; 4595; 4570; 4569; 4562; 4552; 4544; 4501; 4473; 4449; 4447; 4417; 4415; 4407; 4399; 4396; 4383; 4381; 4355; 4335; 4312; 4307; 4301; 4280; 4276; 4267; 4258; 4255; 4245; 4237; 4231; 4225; 4176; 4148; 4137; 4134; 4134; 4130; 4128; 4110; 4109; 4091; 4082; 4073; 4054; 4050; 3999; 3992; 3986; 3932]
Dead Poets Society,[Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Pulp Fiction; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Schindler's List; Braveheart; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Toy Story; Jurassic Park; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Good Will Hunting; Groundhog Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fugitive; Godfather; Terminator; Fargo; Apollo 13; Rain Man; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Princess Bride; Die Hard; Fight Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Saving Private Ryan; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Truman Show; Shrek; Gladiator; Dances with Wolves; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Alien; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Blade Runner; Stand by Me; Lion King; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); When Harry Met Sally...; Batman; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Amadeus; Memento; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Wizard of Oz; Reservoir Dogs; Aliens; Shining; Breakfast Club; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Speed; Fish Called Wanda; Aladdin; Goodfellas; Beautiful Mind; As Good as It Gets; Clockwork Orange; Titanic; Fifth Element; Edward Scissorhands; Mission: Impossible; Apocalypse Now; Ocean's Eleven; Pretty Woman; Jaws; Full Metal Jacket; Godfather: Part II; Being John Malkovich; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Top Gun; Casablanca; L.A. Confidential; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Jerry Maguire; Trainspotting; Finding Nemo; Blues Brothers; Mrs. Doubtfire; Green Mile; True Lies; Hunt for Red October; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Monsters Inc.; X-Men; Rock; There's Something About Mary; Shakespeare in Love; Minority Report; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Big; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Spider-Man; Psycho; Beauty and the Beast; American History X; Sleepless in Seattle; Platoon; Bourne Identity; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Catch Me If You Can; Graduate; Taxi Driver; Beetlejuice; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Contact; Ghost; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clerks; Philadelphia; Lethal Weapon; Big Lebowski; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Babe; Office Space; Toy Story 2; Back to the Future Part II; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Few Good Men; Almost Famous; Gattaca; Mask; Cast Away; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Airplane!; Field of Dreams; Untouchables; Citizen Kane; Incredibles; Total Recall; It's a Wonderful Life; Bug's Life; Abyss; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Home Alone; Raising Arizona; High Fidelity; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Clueless; Full Monty; Nightmare Before Christmas; Rear Window; Sting; This Is Spinal Tap; Good Morning Vietnam; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Rocky; Heat; Erin Brockovich; Snatch; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Sound of Music; Traffic; Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Donnie Darko; Unforgiven; To Kill a Mockingbird; Twister; American Pie; Lost in Translation; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Firm; GoldenEye; Mary Poppins; Young Frankenstein; Dead Man Walking; Grease; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Back to the Future Part III; Game; Die Hard 2; Gone with the Wind; Clear and Present Danger; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Get Shorty; Grosse Pointe Blank; Casino; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; North by Northwest; Stargate; Dogma; Chicken Run; Glory; X2: X-Men United; Face/Off; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Leaving Las Vegas; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Big Fish; In the Line of Fire; Spider-Man 2; Pleasantville; Meet the Parents; Shrek 2; Dave; Planet of the Apes; Birdcage; Star Trek: First Contact; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Quiz Show; Jumanji; Vertigo; English Patient; Bourne Supremacy; Mr. Holland's Opus; Superman; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Gandhi; Annie Hall; Bowling for Columbine; Liar Liar; Chinatown; Wayne's World; Brazil; Witness; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Little Mermaid; Sense and Sensibility; Sneakers; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Chasing Amy; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Sling Blade; Bridge on the River Kwai; Boogie Nights; Romancing the Stone; My Cousin Vinny; Thelma & Louise; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Last of the Mohicans; Sin City; Unbreakable; Outbreak; Exorcist; American President; Scream; Crimson Tide; Predator; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; 12 Angry Men; Requiem for a Dream; Piano; Fried Green Tomatoes; Fantasia; Talented Mr. Ripley; Maverick; Armageddon; Matrix Reloaded; Crying Game; Enemy of the State; Chocolat; Royal Tenenbaums; Christmas Story; V for Vendetta; Mummy; Dark Knight; Highlander; Wedding Singer; Happy Gilmore; Cape Fear; Crow; Sleepy Hollow; Bridget Jones's Diary; Natural Born Killers; Birds; Heathers; Deer Hunter; Driving Miss Daisy; Moulin Rouge; Much Ado About Nothing; Notting Hill; True Romance; Lethal Weapon 2; Magnolia; Ransom; Crocodile Dundee; While You Were Sleeping; Ed Wood; RoboCop; Lawrence of Arabia; Air Force One; Departed; Ice Age; Three Kings; Rushmore; Donnie Brasco; Cool Hand Luke; Mars Attacks!; Jackie Brown; Das Boot (The Boat); Batman Returns; Beverly Hills Cop; Little Miss Sunshine; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Great Escape; Pianist; Basic Instinct; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Galaxy Quest; Con Air; Dirty Dancing; Animal House; Blair Witch Project; Last Samurai; Eyes Wide Shut; Jungle Book; Others; Crash; Right Stuff; Goldfinger; Casino Royale; Election; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Star Trek: Generations; About a Boy; Gremlins; Tombstone; Million Dollar Baby; League of Their Own; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Blazing Saddles; Thomas Crown Affair; Splash],[13948; 13555; 13421; 13132; 13113; 13005; 12827; 12706; 12110; 11943; 11653; 11418; 11357; 11315; 11300; 11285; 11144; 10981; 10879; 10835; 10782; 10676; 10574; 10547; 10483; 10452; 10425; 10307; 10252; 10243; 10151; 10094; 10007; 9935; 9918; 9868; 9696; 9568; 9497; 9373; 9330; 9296; 9259; 9230; 9226; 9146; 9104; 9073; 9003; 8909; 8732; 8716; 8646; 8555; 8547; 8534; 8528; 8470; 8326; 8285; 8239; 8213; 8205; 8150; 8082; 8063; 8033; 8002; 8000; 7996; 7996; 7962; 7877; 7858; 7853; 7850; 7850; 7843; 7804; 7793; 7789; 7757; 7755; 7736; 7731; 7696; 7694; 7674; 7650; 7613; 7547; 7519; 7496; 7451; 7437; 7421; 7412; 7375; 7318; 7310; 7309; 7273; 7245; 7213; 7169; 7070; 7050; 7049; 7047; 7018; 6987; 6976; 6942; 6834; 6831; 6825; 6753; 6726; 6711; 6656; 6628; 6627; 6612; 6592; 6562; 6550; 6516; 6490; 6459; 6448; 6411; 6406; 6315; 6293; 6272; 6268; 6257; 6241; 6239; 6230; 6215; 6197; 6187; 6109; 6098; 6024; 6006; 5997; 5942; 5940; 5893; 5888; 5851; 5836; 5834; 5819; 5807; 5783; 5748; 5738; 5730; 5705; 5696; 5694; 5688; 5675; 5663; 5645; 5639; 5634; 5628; 5607; 5572; 5569; 5559; 5538; 5537; 5512; 5489; 5479; 5478; 5465; 5458; 5451; 5430; 5429; 5405; 5389; 5340; 5310; 5292; 5287; 5271; 5240; 5235; 5134; 5132; 5124; 5122; 5114; 5108; 5098; 5063; 5034; 5028; 5018; 4991; 4963; 4959; 4953; 4946; 4945; 4930; 4927; 4914; 4904; 4895; 4891; 4878; 4874; 4861; 4860; 4854; 4846; 4827; 4817; 4811; 4806; 4782; 4773; 4770; 4765; 4763; 4763; 4752; 4750; 4737; 4727; 4724; 4685; 4685; 4683; 4661; 4646; 4639; 4596; 4570; 4570; 4549; 4536; 4534; 4514; 4513; 4506; 4505; 4497; 4476; 4475; 4468; 4465; 4461; 4453; 4453; 4443; 4442; 4441; 4429; 4416; 4413; 4410; 4406; 4401; 4401; 4395; 4392; 4391; 4387; 4377; 4363; 4340; 4336; 4333; 4326; 4323; 4272; 4255; 4252; 4239; 4226; 4211; 4179; 4164; 4161; 4161; 4152; 4142; 4137; 4136; 4136; 4125; 4111; 4111; 4092; 4086; 4060; 4057; 4057; 4053; 4037; 4028; 4022; 3998; 3991; 3958; 3956; 3953; 3950; 3939; 3937; 3936; 3932; 3924; 3917; 3915; 3913; 3910; 3899; 3899; 3898; 3868; 3864; 3856; 3833; 3833; 3828; 3826; 3816; 3815; 3804; 3797; 3796]
Die Hard,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fugitive; Usual Suspects; Alien; Toy Story; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Godfather; Schindler's List; Aliens; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); American Beauty; Groundhog Day; Fargo; Speed; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Batman; Gladiator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fight Club; Blade Runner; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Princess Bride; True Lies; Mission: Impossible; Rock; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Jaws; Shrek; Good Will Hunting; Lion King; Full Metal Jacket; Dances with Wolves; Hunt for Red October; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Rain Man; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; L.A. Confidential; Memento; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Lethal Weapon; X-Men; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Aladdin; Total Recall; Shining; Truman Show; Ocean's Eleven; Apocalypse Now; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Stand by Me; Blues Brothers; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Top Gun; Die Hard 2; Clockwork Orange; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Fish Called Wanda; Minority Report; Titanic; Bourne Identity; Being John Malkovich; Heat; Spider-Man; Green Mile; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Wizard of Oz; Dead Poets Society; When Harry Met Sally...; Mask; GoldenEye; Pretty Woman; There's Something About Mary; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Abyss; Untouchables; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Taxi Driver; Monsters Inc.; Mrs. Doubtfire; American History X; Breakfast Club; Psycho; Finding Nemo; Casablanca; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Platoon; Stargate; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Big; Clear and Present Danger; Jerry Maguire; Trainspotting; Toy Story 2; As Good as It Gets; Amadeus; Clerks; Back to the Future Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Beautiful Mind; Beauty and the Beast; Big Lebowski; Airplane!; Ghost; Predator; Beetlejuice; Rocky; Edward Scissorhands; Face/Off; Office Space; Twister; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Contact; Batman Begins; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Snatch; Home Alone; Babe; Shakespeare in Love; Catch Me If You Can; O Brother Where Art Thou?; In the Line of Fire; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Sleepless in Seattle; Incredibles; Bug's Life; Get Shorty; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; American Pie; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Gattaca; Cast Away; Back to the Future Part III; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Few Good Men; Unforgiven; Star Trek: First Contact; Game; Planet of the Apes; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; X2: X-Men United; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Firm; Superman; RoboCop; Rear Window; Casino; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Outbreak; Enemy of the State; Clueless; Sting; Raising Arizona; Donnie Darko; This Is Spinal Tap; Graduate; Crimson Tide; Mummy; Almost Famous; Traffic; Spider-Man 2; Lethal Weapon 2; Citizen Kane; Nightmare Before Christmas; Sin City; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Armageddon; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Bourne Supremacy; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Young Frankenstein; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Highlander; Crow; Philadelphia; High Fidelity; Glory; Dogma; Romancing the Stone; Goldfinger; Maverick; Grosse Pointe Blank; Chinatown; Dark Knight; Starship Troopers; Matrix Reloaded; Unbreakable; Jumanji; North by Northwest; Air Force One; True Romance; Chicken Run; Natural Born Killers; Star Trek: Generations; Con Air; Sneakers; Beverly Hills Cop; Scream; Full Monty; Dave; Wayne's World; Meet the Parents; Erin Brockovich; It's a Wonderful Life; Leaving Las Vegas; Last of the Mohicans; Exorcist; Liar Liar; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Vertigo; Good Morning Vietnam; Casino Royale; Field of Dreams; Shrek 2; Brazil; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Bridge on the River Kwai; Waterworld; Lost in Translation; Galaxy Quest; Batman Forever; V for Vendetta; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Cliffhanger; Scarface; Departed; Das Boot (The Boat); Army of Darkness; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Dead Man Walking; Happy Gilmore; To Kill a Mockingbird; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Three Kings; Batman Returns; Mary Poppins; Broken Arrow; Great Escape; Cape Fear; Mars Attacks!; My Cousin Vinny; Demolition Man; Desperado; Sleepy Hollow; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Witness; Quiz Show; Sound of Music; Boogie Nights; Grease; King Kong; Dark City; Mission: Impossible II; Sling Blade; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Ransom; Christmas Story; Tombstone; American President],[20989; 20856; 20743; 20441; 20165; 19742; 19703; 19582; 19436; 19392; 19157; 19001; 18808; 18423; 18367; 18257; 16823; 16378; 16276; 16262; 16134; 15961; 15891; 15691; 15567; 15224; 15163; 14936; 14845; 14827; 14804; 14772; 14732; 14652; 14466; 14323; 14296; 14210; 14202; 14193; 14018; 13918; 13555; 13322; 13233; 13214; 13200; 12914; 12903; 12526; 12483; 12437; 12308; 12282; 12221; 12189; 12132; 12112; 12052; 11982; 11896; 11869; 11807; 11767; 11673; 11564; 11550; 11480; 11440; 11395; 11292; 11141; 10875; 10861; 10851; 10847; 10655; 10645; 10640; 10625; 10560; 10540; 10448; 10427; 10391; 10310; 10239; 10224; 10173; 10146; 10126; 10098; 10094; 10073; 10057; 10037; 10022; 10021; 9846; 9806; 9767; 9737; 9686; 9671; 9660; 9643; 9539; 9530; 9490; 9472; 9472; 9419; 9414; 9404; 9375; 9297; 9288; 9276; 9249; 9225; 9188; 9144; 9128; 9107; 9091; 9070; 9066; 9018; 9016; 9009; 8963; 8952; 8897; 8879; 8859; 8840; 8815; 8749; 8743; 8738; 8625; 8622; 8584; 8566; 8564; 8511; 8484; 8471; 8450; 8411; 8407; 8394; 8306; 8304; 8304; 8249; 8248; 8248; 8214; 8072; 8063; 8032; 8005; 7915; 7874; 7858; 7786; 7767; 7765; 7723; 7712; 7707; 7670; 7663; 7610; 7571; 7524; 7496; 7439; 7413; 7409; 7409; 7384; 7323; 7320; 7287; 7254; 7253; 7236; 7234; 7221; 7199; 7198; 7193; 7174; 7171; 7168; 7153; 7093; 7016; 7007; 6983; 6978; 6966; 6958; 6908; 6845; 6834; 6806; 6801; 6788; 6788; 6776; 6771; 6757; 6732; 6719; 6711; 6678; 6673; 6602; 6597; 6581; 6573; 6528; 6522; 6488; 6485; 6472; 6440; 6414; 6403; 6398; 6378; 6363; 6344; 6305; 6300; 6296; 6292; 6273; 6270; 6217; 6210; 6201; 6200; 6194; 6188; 6187; 6184; 6162; 6148; 6137; 6114; 6101; 6091; 6068; 6036; 6033; 6029; 6016; 6009; 5996; 5990; 5985; 5981; 5964; 5961; 5960; 5959; 5941; 5921; 5907; 5879; 5862; 5847; 5812; 5805; 5800; 5766; 5759; 5742; 5741; 5740; 5735; 5716; 5709; 5708; 5691]
Die Hard: With a Vengeance,[Fugitive; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; True Lies; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Batman; Silence of the Lambs; Apollo 13; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Speed; Dances with Wolves; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clear and Present Danger; Aladdin; Stargate; GoldenEye; Usual Suspects; Lion King; Outbreak; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Batman Forever; Schindler's List; Beauty and the Beast; Crimson Tide; Cliffhanger; Mask; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mrs. Doubtfire; Firm; Toy Story; Pretty Woman; Mission: Impossible; Die Hard; Star Trek: Generations; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Ghost; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Waterworld; Net; Rock; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Sleepless in Seattle; Terminator; While You Were Sleeping; Get Shorty; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Babe; Home Alone; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fargo; Natural Born Killers; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Twister; In the Line of Fire; Heat; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Quiz Show; Clueless; Alien; Groundhog Day; Gladiator; Godfather; Fight Club; Die Hard 2; American Beauty; Dave; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fifth Element; Demolition Man; Broken Arrow; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Aliens; Jumanji; Blade Runner; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Maverick; Client; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Addams Family Values; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Crow; Philadelphia; Shrek; Reservoir Dogs; Tombstone; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Clerks; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Taxi Driver; Disclosure; Good Will Hunting; American President; Total Recall; Hunt for Red October; Princess Bride; Ocean's Eleven; Top Gun; Memento; Full Metal Jacket; Goodfellas; Casino; Truman Show; Titanic; Jaws; Nightmare Before Christmas; Lethal Weapon; Legends of the Fall; Beverly Hills Cop III; True Romance; Santa Clause; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Rain Man; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Spider-Man; Godfather: Part II; Desperado; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Bourne Identity; L.A. Confidential; Birdcage; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; There's Something About Mary; Face/Off; Shining; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Back to the Future Part II; Green Mile; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Trainspotting; Jerry Maguire; Leaving Las Vegas; Apocalypse Now; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Monsters Inc.; Blues Brothers; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Finding Nemo; American History X; Clockwork Orange],[22640; 22338; 22063; 21931; 21668; 21548; 21526; 21216; 20708; 20180; 20033; 19087; 18867; 17850; 17433; 17224; 16236; 15992; 15609; 15527; 15348; 15057; 14968; 14734; 14568; 14310; 14160; 14083; 13875; 13875; 13847; 13805; 13539; 13316; 13243; 13214; 13197; 13183; 12967; 12530; 12240; 12218; 12156; 11984; 11789; 11786; 11778; 11725; 11420; 11310; 11150; 10972; 10925; 10881; 10801; 10700; 10686; 10502; 10433; 10411; 10393; 10355; 10201; 9800; 9794; 9729; 9412; 9405; 9191; 9175; 9173; 9139; 9043; 9038; 9037; 9018; 8988; 8896; 8865; 8758; 8710; 8701; 8570; 8369; 8320; 8306; 8282; 8272; 8131; 8106; 8046; 8032; 8027; 7978; 7974; 7639; 7615; 7596; 7580; 7482; 7471; 7456; 7444; 7401; 7373; 7334; 7270; 7232; 7217; 7202; 7121; 7118; 7113; 7105; 7104; 7050; 7044; 7016; 6983; 6952; 6949; 6922; 6922; 6846; 6843; 6802; 6792; 6775; 6766; 6730; 6719; 6714; 6649; 6597; 6574; 6550; 6402; 6377; 6364; 6352; 6344; 6325; 6311; 6283; 6272; 6264; 6235; 6189; 6155; 6154; 6154; 6118; 6101; 6066]
Donnie Darko,[Fight Club; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Memento; American Beauty; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Shrek; Reservoir Dogs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Back to the Future; American History X; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Gladiator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Godfather; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Toy Story; Minority Report; Saving Private Ryan; Fargo; Being John Malkovich; Braveheart; Blade Runner; Schindler's List; Clockwork Orange; Truman Show; Ocean's Eleven; Finding Nemo; Alien; Snatch; Shining; Terminator; Fifth Element; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Trainspotting; Groundhog Day; X-Men; Good Will Hunting; Batman Begins; Requiem for a Dream; Beautiful Mind; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Spider-Man; Bourne Identity; Monsters Inc.; Sin City; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Big Lebowski; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Office Space; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Full Metal Jacket; Incredibles; Dark Knight; Die Hard; Goodfellas; Catch Me If You Can; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Edward Scissorhands; Aliens; Princess Bride; Lost in Translation; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; V for Vendetta; Apocalypse Now; Green Mile; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Lion King; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Departed; Godfather: Part II; Rain Man; Shaun of the Dead; Fugitive; Batman; Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Gattaca; Big Fish; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Taxi Driver; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); 28 Days Later; Almost Famous; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Monty Python's Life of Brian; X2: X-Men United; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Clerks; There's Something About Mary; Titanic; Prestige; Bowling for Columbine; Aladdin; Little Miss Sunshine; High Fidelity; Spider-Man 2; Breakfast Club; Cast Away; Royal Tenenbaums; Mission: Impossible; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Dead Poets Society; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Matrix Reloaded; Traffic; Speed; Toy Story 2; Dogma; Beetlejuice; Psycho; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Total Recall; Bourne Supremacy; No Country for Old Men; WALL·E; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Inception; Casino Royale; Back to the Future Part II; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jaws; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Stand by Me; American Pie; Children of Men; Shrek 2; Garden State; Iron Man; Game; As Good as It Gets; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Rock; True Lies; Scarface; Dances with Wolves; Unbreakable; Juno; Casablanca; Wizard of Oz; Adaptation; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Contact; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Pianist; Mask; Mulholland Drive; Others; Mrs. Doubtfire; Crash; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dark City; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Airplane!; Back to the Future Part III; Inglourious Basterds; Meet the Parents; Blues Brothers; Heat; Big; Bug's Life; Sleepy Hollow; Amadeus; Predator; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; This Is Spinal Tap; Beauty and the Beast; Magnolia; Rear Window; Hunt for Red October; Bourne Ultimatum; 300; Platoon; Citizen Kane; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Brazil; Chicken Run; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); The Butterfly Effect; Fish Called Wanda; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Mystic River; Ring; Shakespeare in Love; Super Size Me; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Jerry Maguire; Pretty Woman; District 9; Last Samurai; Exorcist; Untouchables; Hot Fuzz; Ice Age; Planet of the Apes; Home Alone; Casino; Million Dollar Baby; Boogie Nights; Lethal Weapon; Rushmore; Thank You for Smoking; Wayne's World; Jackie Brown; Slumdog Millionaire; Pi; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Face/Off; Stargate; Matrix Revolutions; GoldenEye; Serenity; Boondock Saints; Moulin Rouge; Abyss; Graduate; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; School of Rock; Mummy; Collateral; Erin Brockovich; When Harry Met Sally...; Natural Born Killers; Hotel Rwanda; Hero (Ying xiong); Signs; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Old Boy; Top Gun; I Robot; Black Hawk Down; Pleasantville; Up; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Starship Troopers; True Romance; Italian Job; Chasing Amy; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Training Day; Chinatown; Blair Witch Project; American Psycho; Avatar; Equilibrium; Babe; Rocky; Three Kings; Ratatouille; Armageddon; 12 Angry Men; Grosse Pointe Blank; Army of Darkness; Unforgiven; Road to Perdition; Sideways; About a Boy; Fahrenheit 9/11; Liar Liar; Talented Mr. Ripley; Machinist (Maquinista; El); Four Weddings and a Funeral; RoboCop; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Vertigo; Eyes Wide Shut; Scream; Star Trek; Vanilla Sky; Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Clueless; Jumanji; Happy Gilmore],[13923; 13559; 13308; 12200; 12049; 12018; 11949; 11408; 11317; 11156; 10850; 10850; 10762; 10638; 10539; 10255; 10169; 9857; 9809; 9669; 9658; 9642; 9631; 9569; 9427; 9376; 9348; 9277; 9022; 8995; 8992; 8798; 8787; 8784; 8697; 8678; 8645; 8644; 8637; 8614; 8531; 8497; 8406; 8402; 8362; 8345; 8327; 8287; 8239; 8197; 8141; 8128; 8077; 8028; 8003; 7982; 7975; 7968; 7956; 7904; 7902; 7900; 7872; 7861; 7853; 7842; 7714; 7621; 7621; 7574; 7561; 7543; 7384; 7364; 7335; 7308; 7252; 7235; 7105; 7091; 7037; 6989; 6893; 6856; 6719; 6696; 6683; 6661; 6656; 6619; 6570; 6539; 6504; 6472; 6471; 6451; 6375; 6364; 6364; 6363; 6351; 6346; 6343; 6321; 6318; 6305; 6243; 6226; 6175; 6054; 6049; 6047; 5981; 5889; 5862; 5848; 5843; 5820; 5816; 5790; 5766; 5658; 5655; 5629; 5607; 5577; 5572; 5564; 5557; 5538; 5528; 5508; 5435; 5431; 5402; 5381; 5376; 5341; 5311; 5296; 5291; 5271; 5259; 5246; 5228; 5206; 5143; 5134; 5124; 5116; 5062; 5024; 5005; 4986; 4976; 4976; 4950; 4941; 4940; 4939; 4915; 4891; 4890; 4870; 4847; 4803; 4780; 4745; 4714; 4705; 4704; 4695; 4676; 4676; 4672; 4671; 4662; 4652; 4635; 4632; 4625; 4617; 4615; 4609; 4591; 4584; 4540; 4529; 4500; 4495; 4487; 4466; 4417; 4406; 4406; 4402; 4389; 4387; 4386; 4368; 4362; 4340; 4337; 4333; 4311; 4303; 4285; 4263; 4245; 4232; 4229; 4218; 4215; 4199; 4181; 4151; 4143; 4143; 4142; 4141; 4138; 4133; 4126; 4112; 4073; 4061; 4058; 4047; 4038; 4011; 4000; 4000; 3985; 3973; 3972; 3969; 3965; 3962; 3957; 3955; 3953; 3937; 3930; 3909; 3898; 3893; 3890; 3867; 3858; 3856; 3855; 3839; 3837; 3835; 3821; 3816; 3815; 3811; 3809; 3790; 3790; 3790; 3789; 3756; 3752; 3748; 3748; 3742; 3727; 3716; 3714; 3693; 3688; 3657; 3651; 3649; 3638; 3624; 3621; 3617; 3612; 3604; 3594; 3592; 3586; 3582; 3581; 3562; 3559; 3558; 3544; 3529; 3510; 3504; 3500; 3492; 3490; 3480; 3479; 3476; 3462]
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Godfather; Matrix; Shawshank Redemption; Fargo; Blade Runner; Usual Suspects; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Schindler's List; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Alien; Forrest Gump; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Clockwork Orange; Terminator; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Apocalypse Now; Jurassic Park; Fight Club; Casablanca; Godfather: Part II; Toy Story; Groundhog Day; Reservoir Dogs; Saving Private Ryan; Sixth Sense; Princess Bride; Goodfellas; Aliens; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Braveheart; Memento; L.A. Confidential; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Taxi Driver; Being John Malkovich; Full Metal Jacket; Fugitive; Psycho; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Shining; Citizen Kane; Die Hard; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Rear Window; Amadeus; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Wizard of Oz; Apollo 13; Chinatown; Gladiator; Graduate; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Jaws; Fifth Element; North by Northwest; Batman; Good Will Hunting; Big Lebowski; Trainspotting; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Fish Called Wanda; Shrek; Brazil; Truman Show; Rain Man; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; This Is Spinal Tap; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Blues Brothers; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Vertigo; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Annie Hall; Stand by Me; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Dances with Wolves; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Sting; X-Men; American History X; Total Recall; When Harry Met Sally...; Shakespeare in Love; Speed; Edward Scissorhands; Airplane!; Clerks; Young Frankenstein; Hunt for Red October; Raising Arizona; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Lion King; Dead Poets Society; Minority Report; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Platoon; Aladdin; Office Space; Gattaca; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Contact; Beetlejuice; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Donnie Darko; Mission: Impossible; Breakfast Club; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lawrence of Arabia; Maltese Falcon; There's Something About Mary; True Lies; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Bridge on the River Kwai; Monsters Inc.; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Ocean's Eleven; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Unforgiven; As Good as It Gets; Toy Story 2; Titanic; Planet of the Apes; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Beautiful Mind; Das Boot (The Boat); Finding Nemo; Babe; Spider-Man; Big; Abyss; High Fidelity; 12 Angry Men; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Untouchables; Almost Famous; Rock; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); It's a Wonderful Life; Lost in Translation; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Bourne Identity; Nightmare Before Christmas; Snatch; Incredibles; Manchurian Candidate; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Traffic; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Heat; Back to the Future Part II; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Great Escape; Cool Hand Luke; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Beauty and the Beast; Green Mile; Lethal Weapon; Bug's Life; Ed Wood; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Batman Begins; Deer Hunter; Rushmore; Catch Me If You Can; Raging Bull; Rocky; Get Shorty; Some Like It Hot; Gone with the Wind; Requiem for a Dream; Jerry Maguire; Mask; Star Trek: First Contact; Full Monty; Chicken Run; Grosse Pointe Blank; Superman; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); African Queen; Top Gun; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Casino; Dark Knight; Exorcist; RoboCop; Birds; Stargate; Boogie Nights; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sin City; Dark City; GoldenEye; Royal Tenenbaums; Back to the Future Part III; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Cast Away; Predator; Pretty Woman; Clueless; Galaxy Quest; Dogma; Fantasia; Election; Sling Blade; Bowling for Columbine; Glory; Goldfinger; Face/Off; Jackie Brown; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Crying Game; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Leaving Las Vegas; Blazing Saddles; Game; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Few Good Men; Bonnie and Clyde; Mary Poppins; Three Kings; American Pie; Mars Attacks!; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Sneakers; Dead Man Walking; Quiz Show; Departed; Magnolia; Christmas Story; Army of Darkness; French Connection; Sleepless in Seattle; Animal House; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Fly; Starship Troopers; X2: X-Men United; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Gandhi; Singin' in the Rain; Blue Velvet; King Kong; Patton; True Romance; Chasing Amy],[15134; 15068; 14565; 14134; 14102; 13905; 13783; 13735; 13293; 13192; 13034; 12970; 12774; 12763; 12626; 12325; 12311; 12187; 12018; 11953; 11838; 11811; 11558; 11427; 11258; 11132; 11102; 10979; 10699; 10699; 10658; 10615; 10471; 10407; 10402; 10383; 10307; 10225; 10193; 10147; 10106; 10011; 9964; 9951; 9942; 9913; 9746; 9673; 9533; 9532; 9499; 9439; 9375; 9333; 9079; 8896; 8890; 8887; 8861; 8602; 8499; 8430; 8428; 8405; 8356; 8315; 8304; 8303; 8292; 8270; 8178; 8172; 8049; 8043; 8030; 8029; 7969; 7917; 7859; 7705; 7689; 7665; 7574; 7551; 7542; 7485; 7456; 7440; 7313; 7262; 7224; 7203; 7145; 7139; 7130; 7103; 7092; 7079; 7078; 7077; 7076; 7074; 7032; 7023; 7011; 7007; 6959; 6942; 6878; 6841; 6806; 6769; 6716; 6715; 6709; 6685; 6683; 6665; 6661; 6652; 6636; 6607; 6581; 6527; 6524; 6495; 6453; 6440; 6407; 6406; 6391; 6376; 6368; 6365; 6336; 6297; 6296; 6272; 6250; 6248; 6242; 6221; 6201; 6195; 6133; 6130; 6119; 6107; 6066; 6063; 6063; 5991; 5960; 5940; 5937; 5931; 5925; 5855; 5844; 5837; 5822; 5810; 5806; 5805; 5776; 5750; 5743; 5689; 5656; 5590; 5587; 5578; 5563; 5555; 5532; 5501; 5496; 5493; 5477; 5437; 5418; 5401; 5377; 5377; 5367; 5337; 5333; 5326; 5316; 5308; 5264; 5192; 5187; 5163; 5160; 5158; 5157; 5152; 5150; 5143; 5135; 5098; 5097; 5092; 5081; 5079; 5041; 5013; 5013; 4999; 4988; 4975; 4967; 4963; 4955; 4921; 4896; 4883; 4867; 4866; 4864; 4862; 4860; 4847; 4833; 4785; 4783; 4772; 4745; 4734; 4724; 4715; 4668; 4659; 4625; 4622; 4600; 4600; 4583; 4573; 4573; 4569; 4563; 4560; 4545; 4537; 4536; 4530; 4520; 4519; 4509; 4502; 4466; 4463; 4458; 4457; 4448; 4439; 4428; 4423; 4419; 4412; 4408]
Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber),[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Batman; Fugitive; Apollo 13; True Lies; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Speed; Mask; Lion King; Usual Suspects; Mrs. Doubtfire; Toy Story; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Beauty and the Beast; Schindler's List; Stargate; GoldenEye; Batman Forever; Clear and Present Danger; Outbreak; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Pretty Woman; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Home Alone; Cliffhanger; Mission: Impossible; Firm; Ghost; Crimson Tide; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Fight Club; Sixth Sense; Babe; Groundhog Day; American Beauty; Clueless; Waterworld; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fargo; Sleepless in Seattle; Die Hard; Net; Terminator; Saving Private Ryan; Star Trek: Generations; Rock; Gladiator; While You Were Sleeping; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Natural Born Killers; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Shrek; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Get Shorty; Twister; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Godfather; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); There's Something About Mary; Clerks; Reservoir Dogs; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Truman Show; Jumanji; Good Will Hunting; Memento; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Heat; Quiz Show; Alien; Fifth Element; Titanic; Ocean's Eleven; X-Men; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Princess Bride; Addams Family Values; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Dave; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; American Pie; Spider-Man; Goodfellas; Happy Gilmore; Rain Man; In the Line of Fire; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Aliens; Minority Report; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Office Space; American History X; Finding Nemo; Taxi Driver; Blade Runner; Nightmare Before Christmas; Monsters Inc.; Shining; Philadelphia; Green Mile; Full Metal Jacket; Demolition Man; Tombstone; Being John Malkovich; Bourne Identity; Trainspotting; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Crow; Casino; Beautiful Mind; Jaws; Jerry Maguire; Santa Clause; Maverick; Liar Liar; Big Lebowski; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Godfather: Part II; Birdcage; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Cast Away; Broken Arrow; Catch Me If You Can; Edward Scissorhands; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clockwork Orange; Tommy Boy; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; As Good as It Gets; Top Gun; Back to the Future Part II; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Toy Story 2; L.A. Confidential; Client; Snatch; Meet the Parents; Incredibles; Breakfast Club; Stand by Me; Batman Begins; True Romance; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Legends of the Fall; Big; Wizard of Oz; Beetlejuice; American President; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Apocalypse Now; Total Recall; Dead Poets Society; Back to the Future Part III; Disclosure; Donnie Darko; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Leaving Las Vegas; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Bug's Life; Lethal Weapon; Airplane!; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Beverly Hills Cop III; Blues Brothers; Desperado; Wayne's World; Face/Off; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Hunt for Red October; Ed Wood; Sin City; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Fish Called Wanda; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Almost Famous; X2: X-Men United; Spider-Man 2; When Harry Met Sally...; Contact; Hot Shots! Part Deux],[16482; 16236; 15192; 14735; 14723; 14658; 14321; 14288; 14179; 13693; 13673; 13566; 13187; 12681; 12424; 12240; 12058; 11999; 11847; 11133; 11066; 10805; 10406; 10314; 10217; 10015; 9976; 9974; 9851; 9786; 9504; 9480; 9344; 9305; 9223; 9197; 9031; 8736; 8699; 8603; 8538; 8513; 8439; 8413; 8366; 8284; 8232; 8155; 8039; 8019; 8010; 7994; 7991; 7981; 7920; 7712; 7708; 7683; 7660; 7659; 7602; 7528; 7519; 7475; 7449; 7447; 7433; 7330; 7199; 7144; 7116; 7102; 7088; 7029; 7006; 6951; 6846; 6841; 6626; 6625; 6619; 6551; 6549; 6524; 6519; 6464; 6433; 6346; 6308; 6241; 6239; 6214; 6159; 6156; 6086; 6061; 6041; 6015; 6012; 5971; 5967; 5917; 5912; 5890; 5885; 5805; 5754; 5742; 5714; 5711; 5696; 5686; 5684; 5680; 5643; 5621; 5620; 5603; 5579; 5541; 5536; 5535; 5532; 5517; 5510; 5460; 5454; 5399; 5389; 5384; 5345; 5325; 5296; 5269; 5260; 5248; 5244; 5234; 5187; 5166; 5138; 5134; 5125; 5124; 5117; 5109; 5104; 5098; 5053; 5041; 5038; 4978; 4969; 4964; 4952; 4924; 4921; 4919; 4913; 4903; 4900; 4886; 4870; 4853; 4852; 4834; 4832; 4821; 4812; 4800; 4785; 4763; 4669; 4663; 4635; 4630; 4629; 4553; 4530; 4505; 4501; 4480; 4476; 4472; 4469; 4463; 4414; 4410; 4406; 4391; 4383; 4358; 4355; 4340; 4319; 4317; 4316; 4302; 4294; 4278; 4274]
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Terminator; Braveheart; Schindler's List; Sixth Sense; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); American Beauty; Fugitive; Groundhog Day; Godfather; Alien; Saving Private Ryan; Fargo; Usual Suspects; Die Hard; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Apollo 13; Blade Runner; Lion King; Aliens; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Speed; Wizard of Oz; Gladiator; Fight Club; Aladdin; Rain Man; Shrek; Dances with Wolves; Good Will Hunting; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Jaws; Titanic; Mission: Impossible; Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Stand by Me; When Harry Met Sally...; Truman Show; L.A. Confidential; True Lies; Reservoir Dogs; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dead Poets Society; Godfather: Part II; Clockwork Orange; Shining; Goodfellas; X-Men; Beauty and the Beast; Memento; Casablanca; Being John Malkovich; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Pretty Woman; Rock; Mrs. Doubtfire; Amadeus; Big; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Breakfast Club; Babe; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Apocalypse Now; Shakespeare in Love; Fish Called Wanda; Full Metal Jacket; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Total Recall; Hunt for Red October; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Toy Story 2; Edward Scissorhands; Mask; There's Something About Mary; Psycho; Top Gun; Blues Brothers; Beetlejuice; As Good as It Gets; Spider-Man; Jerry Maguire; Contact; Monsters Inc.; Ocean's Eleven; Back to the Future Part II; Minority Report; Ghost; Finding Nemo; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Abyss; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Sleepless in Seattle; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Bug's Life; Taxi Driver; Beautiful Mind; Green Mile; Lethal Weapon; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Airplane!; Home Alone; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Trainspotting; Twister; Platoon; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Graduate; Stargate; Clerks; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Bourne Identity; Cast Away; Gattaca; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Big Lebowski; Back to the Future Part III; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); GoldenEye; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; American History X; Clueless; American Pie; Untouchables; Catch Me If You Can; Star Trek: First Contact; Raising Arizona; Superman; Planet of the Apes; Office Space; Rocky; Mary Poppins; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Incredibles; Nightmare Before Christmas; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Face/Off; Young Frankenstein; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clear and Present Danger; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Sting; It's a Wonderful Life; Almost Famous; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; This Is Spinal Tap; Heat; Sound of Music; Few Good Men; Philadelphia; Jumanji; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); To Kill a Mockingbird; Chicken Run; Get Shorty; Field of Dreams; North by Northwest; Erin Brockovich; Full Monty; Die Hard 2; Predator; Unforgiven; Traffic; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Firm; Gone with the Wind; Grease; Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); High Fidelity; Little Mermaid; RoboCop; Chinatown; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Vertigo; Brazil; Armageddon; Romancing the Stone; In the Line of Fire; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); X2: X-Men United; Mummy; Donnie Darko; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Meet the Parents; Snatch; Game; Annie Hall; Glory; Fantasia; Dead Man Walking; Spider-Man 2; Galaxy Quest; Dave; Grosse Pointe Blank; Star Trek: Generations; Sneakers; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Exorcist; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Leaving Las Vegas; Bridge on the River Kwai; Dogma; Outbreak; Good Morning Vietnam; Christmas Story; Witness; Casino; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Lost in Translation; Wayne's World; Pleasantville; Shrek 2; Liar Liar; Scream; Birdcage; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Unbreakable; My Cousin Vinny; Jungle Book; Crimson Tide; Last of the Mohicans; Sling Blade; American President; Quiz Show; Enemy of the State; Starship Troopers; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Mars Attacks!; Sense and Sensibility; Birds; Matrix Reloaded; Thelma & Louise; Maverick; Splash; Air Force One; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Chasing Amy; Sleepy Hollow; English Patient; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Boogie Nights; Cape Fear; Highlander; Crying Game],[20843; 20758; 20628; 19692; 19629; 19586; 19238; 19049; 18473; 18120; 17970; 17776; 17501; 17146; 16333; 16278; 15984; 15961; 15769; 15579; 15418; 15280; 15177; 15090; 15061; 15013; 14797; 14772; 14638; 14436; 14418; 14396; 14317; 14235; 13867; 13786; 13716; 13706; 13349; 13197; 13141; 12961; 12959; 12809; 12778; 12762; 12755; 12754; 12688; 12609; 12357; 12262; 12157; 11978; 11933; 11813; 11790; 11625; 11549; 11466; 11458; 11428; 11420; 11360; 11357; 11237; 11207; 11188; 11100; 11045; 11003; 10875; 10843; 10838; 10827; 10818; 10785; 10748; 10700; 10658; 10615; 10609; 10594; 10522; 10496; 10477; 10466; 10464; 10396; 10323; 10302; 10241; 10225; 10200; 10144; 10125; 10118; 10079; 10030; 10000; 9997; 9996; 9987; 9924; 9923; 9919; 9861; 9822; 9789; 9744; 9637; 9634; 9608; 9553; 9486; 9470; 9462; 9344; 9328; 9316; 9257; 9163; 8988; 8923; 8870; 8834; 8759; 8748; 8737; 8721; 8704; 8678; 8673; 8585; 8571; 8553; 8546; 8532; 8529; 8293; 8280; 8269; 8258; 8256; 8247; 8220; 8157; 8156; 8136; 8126; 8108; 8088; 8068; 8060; 8053; 8035; 8019; 8011; 7990; 7967; 7955; 7914; 7816; 7807; 7797; 7797; 7795; 7775; 7749; 7732; 7729; 7675; 7662; 7643; 7563; 7537; 7473; 7463; 7460; 7434; 7419; 7418; 7384; 7351; 7331; 7326; 7322; 7248; 7233; 7228; 7199; 7192; 7183; 7158; 7111; 7085; 7062; 7047; 7032; 7015; 6940; 6916; 6872; 6820; 6787; 6783; 6783; 6774; 6736; 6720; 6719; 6709; 6705; 6690; 6681; 6654; 6641; 6637; 6610; 6604; 6602; 6597; 6574; 6539; 6537; 6532; 6523; 6518; 6480; 6471; 6457; 6455; 6445; 6428; 6426; 6402; 6402; 6368; 6368; 6351; 6335; 6325; 6293; 6288; 6259; 6254; 6235; 6222; 6218; 6150; 6107; 6102; 6092; 6056; 6049; 6034; 6027; 6011; 6009; 6001; 5979; 5961; 5938; 5931; 5908; 5907; 5890; 5871; 5846; 5843; 5842; 5841; 5828; 5828]
Ed Wood,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Fugitive; Fargo; Batman; Jurassic Park; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Schindler's List; Apollo 13; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Braveheart; Dances with Wolves; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Toy Story; Aladdin; True Lies; Speed; Babe; Quiz Show; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Get Shorty; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Taxi Driver; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Nightmare Before Christmas; Back to the Future; Lion King; Groundhog Day; Clerks; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Blade Runner; American Beauty; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Beauty and the Beast; Godfather; Clueless; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mask; Matrix; Reservoir Dogs; Alien; Mrs. Doubtfire; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Goodfellas; Terminator; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Clear and Present Danger; Being John Malkovich; Trainspotting; Sleepless in Seattle; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Pretty Woman; Leaving Las Vegas; Dave; Apocalypse Now; Sixth Sense; Princess Bride; Clockwork Orange; Fish Called Wanda; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Ghost; L.A. Confidential; Die Hard; Stargate; Natural Born Killers; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Shining; Firm; Philadelphia; Aliens; Mission: Impossible; True Romance; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Dead Man Walking; Fight Club; GoldenEye; Saving Private Ryan; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Piano; Edward Scissorhands; Psycho; Crimson Tide; Casino; In the Line of Fire; Stand by Me; Amadeus; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Heat; Casablanca; Wizard of Oz; Godfather: Part II; Outbreak; Citizen Kane; Full Metal Jacket; Star Trek: Generations; Truman Show; This Is Spinal Tap; Batman Forever; Big Lebowski; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Raising Arizona; Jaws; Good Will Hunting; Blues Brothers; Birdcage; Memento; Hudsucker Proxy; Beetlejuice; Sense and Sensibility; When Harry Met Sally...; Home Alone; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Rain Man; While You Were Sleeping; Rear Window; There's Something About Mary; Graduate; Shakespeare in Love; Fifth Element; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Crow; As Good as It Gets; Rock; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Much Ado About Nothing; Addams Family Values; American President; Young Frankenstein; Annie Hall; Dead Poets Society; Breakfast Club; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Airplane!; Gladiator; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Chinatown; Brazil; Bullets Over Broadway; North by Northwest; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Tombstone; Full Monty; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Big; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Twister; Vertigo; Maverick; Platoon; Unforgiven; Jumanji; Jerry Maguire; Total Recall; X-Men; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Client; High Fidelity; Waterworld; Remains of the Day; Boogie Nights; Cliffhanger; Titanic; Sting; Toy Story 2; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Rob Roy; Contact; To Die For; Grosse Pointe Blank; Rushmore; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; American History X; Hoop Dreams; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Hunt for Red October; Gattaca; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Office Space; Almost Famous; Crying Game; Net; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Bug's Life; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Election; Untouchables; Abyss; Sling Blade; It's a Wonderful Life; Jackie Brown; Demolition Man; Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Madness of King George; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lethal Weapon; Muriel's Wedding; Legends of the Fall; Traffic; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Heathers; Planet of the Apes; Minority Report; Pleasantville; Desperado; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Monsters Inc.; Mars Attacks!; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Mr. Holland's Opus; Back to the Future Part II; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Heavenly Creatures; Broken Arrow; Donnie Darko; Spider-Man; Ocean's Eleven; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Exorcist; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Sleepy Hollow; Raging Bull; Chasing Amy; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Chicken Run; Rocky; Maltese Falcon; Green Mile; In the Name of the Father; Star Trek: First Contact; Don Juan DeMarco; Birds; Das Boot (The Boat); Mary Poppins; Finding Nemo; Mighty Aphrodite; Lost in Translation; Jungle Book; Top Gun; Gone with the Wind; Beautiful Mind; Some Like It Hot; Donnie Brasco; Cape Fear; Dogma; Wayne's World; Bonnie and Clyde; Player; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Magnolia; Deer Hunter; Face/Off; English Patient; Lawrence of Arabia; Pinocchio],[11658; 10795; 10099; 9395; 9338; 9129; 9042; 8906; 8889; 8822; 8806; 8702; 8701; 8281; 8051; 7837; 7790; 7722; 7296; 7152; 7062; 7061; 6973; 6838; 6796; 6758; 6710; 6676; 6552; 6548; 6527; 6501; 6479; 6427; 6380; 6361; 6348; 6337; 6297; 6239; 6227; 6122; 6071; 6029; 6028; 5828; 5790; 5763; 5728; 5707; 5690; 5649; 5598; 5591; 5567; 5538; 5504; 5501; 5488; 5465; 5449; 5434; 5424; 5417; 5416; 5409; 5388; 5377; 5358; 5355; 5345; 5311; 5301; 5288; 5287; 5277; 5219; 5177; 5166; 5160; 5143; 5129; 5118; 5114; 5113; 5106; 5093; 5087; 5078; 5069; 5059; 5051; 5006; 5006; 5001; 4991; 4991; 4969; 4948; 4937; 4850; 4821; 4819; 4793; 4782; 4756; 4751; 4703; 4698; 4679; 4677; 4641; 4599; 4571; 4564; 4539; 4532; 4530; 4467; 4464; 4424; 4419; 4383; 4364; 4361; 4361; 4358; 4340; 4330; 4327; 4326; 4321; 4294; 4259; 4230; 4227; 4190; 4190; 4166; 4165; 4142; 4122; 4120; 4109; 4101; 4081; 4065; 4054; 4041; 4015; 3976; 3951; 3943; 3923; 3905; 3905; 3886; 3883; 3856; 3838; 3835; 3829; 3824; 3797; 3789; 3768; 3751; 3744; 3737; 3733; 3731; 3720; 3709; 3702; 3666; 3664; 3654; 3648; 3647; 3628; 3626; 3612; 3599; 3597; 3594; 3590; 3572; 3571; 3562; 3542; 3524; 3512; 3509; 3498; 3478; 3469; 3467; 3450; 3440; 3435; 3432; 3422; 3404; 3384; 3376; 3376; 3371; 3333; 3333; 3327; 3325; 3310; 3306; 3296; 3295; 3291; 3281; 3271; 3270; 3268; 3255; 3246; 3240; 3239; 3238; 3237; 3237; 3234; 3229; 3202; 3201; 3197; 3162; 3158; 3139; 3138; 3134; 3124; 3120; 3116; 3110; 3102; 3099; 3097; 3093; 3093; 3088; 3088; 3078; 3071; 3052; 3043; 3040; 3038; 3029; 3028; 3023; 3020; 3016; 3009; 3003; 2991; 2963; 2962; 2958; 2957; 2952; 2945; 2937; 2930; 2929]
Edward Scissorhands,[Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; American Beauty; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Fight Club; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Toy Story; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Jurassic Park; Groundhog Day; Fargo; Truman Show; Schindler's List; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Usual Suspects; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Good Will Hunting; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Shrek; Terminator; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Godfather; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Gladiator; Being John Malkovich; Memento; Alien; Reservoir Dogs; Rain Man; Fugitive; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fifth Element; Blade Runner; Titanic; Apollo 13; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Lion King; Die Hard; Shining; Clockwork Orange; Batman; Beetlejuice; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; X-Men; L.A. Confidential; Breakfast Club; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Goodfellas; Trainspotting; There's Something About Mary; Aladdin; Aliens; Wizard of Oz; Shakespeare in Love; Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Ocean's Eleven; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Speed; Dead Poets Society; As Good as It Gets; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Spider-Man; Stand by Me; Big Lebowski; American History X; Minority Report; Dances with Wolves; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Beautiful Mind; Big; Full Metal Jacket; Green Mile; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Nightmare Before Christmas; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Jaws; Apocalypse Now; Mission: Impossible; Godfather: Part II; Jerry Maguire; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Office Space; Toy Story 2; Total Recall; Donnie Darko; Gattaca; Bug's Life; When Harry Met Sally...; Clerks; Casablanca; Psycho; Taxi Driver; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Back to the Future Part II; Beauty and the Beast; Amadeus; True Lies; Catch Me If You Can; Pretty Woman; Contact; Airplane!; Bourne Identity; Hunt for Red October; Fish Called Wanda; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Babe; Incredibles; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Almost Famous; High Fidelity; Mrs. Doubtfire; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Cast Away; Blues Brothers; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Rock; Mask; Lost in Translation; Lethal Weapon; Snatch; American Pie; Clueless; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Full Monty; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Batman Begins; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Back to the Future Part III; Graduate; Dogma; Big Fish; Sleepy Hollow; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Ghost; Top Gun; Few Good Men; Chicken Run; Citizen Kane; Traffic; Sleepless in Seattle; This Is Spinal Tap; Sin City; Face/Off; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Raising Arizona; Boogie Nights; Erin Brockovich; X2: X-Men United; Untouchables; Pleasantville; Planet of the Apes; Requiem for a Dream; Home Alone; Rocky; Grosse Pointe Blank; Platoon; Rear Window; Wayne's World; Abyss; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Game; Chasing Amy; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Meet the Parents; Mummy; Spider-Man 2; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Little Mermaid; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Royal Tenenbaums; Shrek 2; Exorcist; Rushmore; Superman; Heat; V for Vendetta; Unbreakable; Philadelphia; Dark Knight; Bowling for Columbine; Wedding Singer; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Casino; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); My Cousin Vinny; Matrix Reloaded; Predator; Twister; Ed Wood; Scream; Stargate; Thelma & Louise; Grease; Unforgiven; Jackie Brown; Young Frankenstein; GoldenEye; Leaving Las Vegas; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Brazil; Sling Blade; Die Hard 2; Jumanji; Magnolia; Get Shorty; Armageddon; Liar Liar; North by Northwest; RoboCop; It's a Wonderful Life; Blair Witch Project; Mary Poppins; Election; Shaun of the Dead; Romancing the Stone; 28 Days Later; To Kill a Mockingbird; Annie Hall; Chinatown; Good Morning Vietnam; Talented Mr. Ripley; Moulin Rouge; Dark City; Three Kings; Little Miss Sunshine; Dead Man Walking; Vertigo; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Mars Attacks!; Christmas Story; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Bourne Supremacy; Galaxy Quest; English Patient; Crow; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Starship Troopers; Gone with the Wind; Sound of Music; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Eyes Wide Shut; Others; Batman Returns; Natural Born Killers; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Crying Game; Departed; Ice Age; Enemy of the State; Bridget Jones's Diary; Notting Hill; Sting; Sense and Sensibility; Chocolat; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; True Romance; Gremlins; Witness; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Donnie Brasco; King Kong; Star Trek: First Contact; Quiz Show; Fantasia; Happy Gilmore; Misery; Last of the Mohicans; Firm; Casino Royale; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Goonies; Field of Dreams; Fly; NeverEnding Story; Adaptation; Devil's Advocate; Birdcage; Spaceballs; Piano; Splash; Heathers; Con Air; Birds; Dave; Scarface; WALL·E; Crash; Air Force One; Clear and Present Danger; Army of Darkness; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Prestige; Mask of Zorro; Crocodile Dundee; Garden State; Animal House; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Best in Show; Blazing Saddles; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Lethal Weapon 2; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Sneakers; Cape Fear; League of Their Own; Juno; Goldfinger; Wag the Dog; Pianist; School of Rock; Mulholland Drive; Antz; Jungle Book; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; 12 Angry Men; Super Size Me; Outbreak; Signs; Pi; Ring; Das Boot (The Boat); Beverly Hills Cop; Last Samurai; American President; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Lady and the Tramp],[13658; 13551; 13327; 13073; 12816; 12779; 12165; 12075; 11911; 11752; 11709; 11657; 11416; 11290; 11223; 11150; 10938; 10770; 10748; 10714; 10712; 10668; 10607; 10591; 10513; 10362; 10281; 10270; 10237; 10204; 10144; 10067; 9913; 9831; 9783; 9759; 9738; 9686; 9640; 9582; 9335; 9245; 9186; 9153; 9105; 9075; 9000; 8998; 8971; 8951; 8902; 8882; 8879; 8845; 8730; 8701; 8697; 8553; 8528; 8526; 8479; 8440; 8416; 8373; 8349; 8295; 8273; 8219; 8193; 8185; 8135; 8098; 8044; 8036; 8017; 7996; 7975; 7924; 7918; 7864; 7836; 7829; 7808; 7758; 7753; 7752; 7736; 7727; 7650; 7639; 7633; 7615; 7592; 7572; 7535; 7530; 7504; 7479; 7448; 7446; 7427; 7422; 7398; 7351; 7351; 7288; 7252; 7210; 7193; 7143; 7126; 7114; 7089; 7082; 7077; 7064; 7063; 7003; 6985; 6976; 6969; 6950; 6913; 6837; 6826; 6810; 6799; 6771; 6763; 6747; 6737; 6724; 6714; 6647; 6635; 6602; 6554; 6515; 6507; 6475; 6397; 6327; 6326; 6318; 6292; 6286; 6285; 6281; 6275; 6262; 6203; 6181; 6152; 6132; 6071; 6043; 6036; 6005; 5963; 5939; 5900; 5881; 5873; 5838; 5787; 5774; 5772; 5765; 5757; 5751; 5747; 5725; 5704; 5699; 5693; 5669; 5640; 5633; 5594; 5589; 5571; 5559; 5544; 5529; 5523; 5521; 5496; 5467; 5463; 5460; 5444; 5407; 5390; 5357; 5298; 5282; 5274; 5262; 5257; 5245; 5241; 5226; 5219; 5213; 5212; 5172; 5140; 5125; 5124; 5104; 5089; 5088; 5082; 5078; 5075; 5072; 5062; 5051; 5049; 5044; 5044; 5003; 4984; 4979; 4971; 4963; 4939; 4929; 4927; 4907; 4905; 4889; 4887; 4882; 4875; 4873; 4853; 4851; 4843; 4815; 4810; 4805; 4773; 4769; 4768; 4763; 4762; 4758; 4745; 4744; 4735; 4726; 4704; 4695; 4691; 4667; 4660; 4658; 4654; 4635; 4619; 4616; 4611; 4593; 4571; 4565; 4562; 4551; 4547; 4546; 4534; 4532; 4526; 4514; 4512; 4460; 4447; 4441; 4440; 4435; 4394; 4392; 4376; 4370; 4359; 4348; 4345; 4319; 4306; 4296; 4287; 4281; 4245; 4225; 4219; 4192; 4191; 4180; 4178; 4176; 4172; 4165; 4158; 4130; 4129; 4125; 4098; 4098; 4095; 4093; 4074; 4073; 4062; 4057; 4050; 4049; 4046; 4046; 4035; 4032; 4026; 4021; 4019; 3995; 3994; 3993; 3992; 3987; 3980; 3978; 3976; 3970; 3967; 3964; 3925; 3921; 3907; 3889; 3886; 3886; 3857; 3853; 3853; 3851; 3850; 3846; 3840; 3835; 3831; 3828; 3826; 3820]
Erin Brockovich,[American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Forrest Gump; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Gladiator; Pulp Fiction; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Shrek; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Schindler's List; Good Will Hunting; Toy Story; Braveheart; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Usual Suspects; Groundhog Day; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fargo; Fugitive; Shakespeare in Love; Rain Man; Being John Malkovich; Memento; Titanic; Truman Show; Ocean's Eleven; Terminator; X-Men; Cast Away; Apollo 13; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Godfather; Beautiful Mind; Green Mile; Die Hard; As Good as It Gets; Speed; L.A. Confidential; Minority Report; Jerry Maguire; Lion King; There's Something About Mary; Pretty Woman; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Monsters Inc.; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Toy Story 2; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Spider-Man; Almost Famous; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Finding Nemo; Dances with Wolves; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Bug's Life; Alien; When Harry Met Sally...; Edward Scissorhands; Breakfast Club; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Traffic; Bourne Identity; American Pie; Dead Poets Society; Fifth Element; Catch Me If You Can; Mission: Impossible; Big; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Aladdin; High Fidelity; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Reservoir Dogs; Batman; Wizard of Oz; Meet the Parents; Hunt for Red October; Goodfellas; Chicken Run; Mrs. Doubtfire; Office Space; True Lies; Stand by Me; Blade Runner; Jaws; Few Good Men; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Aliens; Sleepless in Seattle; Shining; Godfather: Part II; Rock; Contact; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Total Recall; American History X; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Beetlejuice; Lethal Weapon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Casablanca; Talented Mr. Ripley; Full Monty; Bridget Jones's Diary; Back to the Future Part II; Top Gun; Babe; Amadeus; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Ghost; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Gattaca; Fish Called Wanda; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Big Lebowski; Trainspotting; Clockwork Orange; Full Metal Jacket; Incredibles; Apocalypse Now; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Thelma & Louise; Airplane!; Clerks; Notting Hill; Mask; Clueless; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Unbreakable; Psycho; Face/Off; Patriot; Snatch; Lost in Translation; Chocolat; Pleasantville; Abyss; Blues Brothers; Untouchables; Philadelphia; Taxi Driver; Dogma; Good Morning Vietnam; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Home Alone; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Game; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Mission: Impossible II; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Back to the Future Part III; Graduate; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Shrek 2; Twister; Thomas Crown Affair; Moulin Rouge; Mummy; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; My Cousin Vinny; Rocky; Enemy of the State; Sleepy Hollow; Platoon; Armageddon; Charlie's Angels; Election; X2: X-Men United; Batman Begins; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Galaxy Quest; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Spider-Man 2; Wayne's World; Planet of the Apes; Grease; Firm; Bowling for Columbine; Donnie Darko; Grosse Pointe Blank; Superman; Bourne Supremacy; Wedding Singer; Magnolia; Royal Tenenbaums; Matrix Reloaded; Liar Liar; GoldenEye; Eyes Wide Shut; Die Hard 2; Rear Window; Heat; Citizen Kane; Little Mermaid; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Three Kings; Boogie Nights; About a Boy; Sound of Music; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Blair Witch Project; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Air Force One; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Romancing the Stone; Rushmore; Big Fish; Raising Arizona; Scream; Chasing Amy; Predator; Ice Age; Field of Dreams; Dead Man Walking; Get Shorty; League of Their Own; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); It's a Wonderful Life; Mary Poppins; To Kill a Mockingbird; Nightmare Before Christmas; Clear and Present Danger; Unforgiven; Gone with the Wind; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Sling Blade; Beverly Hills Cop; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Stargate; Others; Exorcist; English Patient; Black Hawk Down; Jumanji; Casino; Leaving Las Vegas; American President; You've Got Mail; Sting; Best in Show; Requiem for a Dream; Italian Job; Witness; North by Northwest; Billy Elliot; Con Air; This Is Spinal Tap; Insider; Lethal Weapon 2; 10 Things I Hate About You; Dave; Mask of Zorro; Sin City; Signs; Annie Hall; In the Line of Fire; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; RoboCop; Birdcage; Chinatown; Chicago; Christmas Story; Sense and Sensibility; Outbreak; Frequency; Happy Gilmore; Road to Perdition; Elizabeth; Legally Blonde; What Women Want; Last of the Mohicans; Young Frankenstein; Crocodile Dundee; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Animal House; Jackie Brown; Misery; Vertigo; Love Actually; Pianist; Devil's Advocate; Crash; Last Samurai; Perfect Storm; Sneakers; Mystic River; Splash; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; V for Vendetta; While You Were Sleeping; Cider House Rules; Starship Troopers; My Best Friend's Wedding; Million Dollar Baby; Departed; Star Trek: First Contact; Ransom; Wag the Dog; Little Miss Sunshine; Remember the Titans; School of Rock; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Crying Game; Quiz Show; Goldfinger; Adaptation; Crimson Tide; Maverick; Blazing Saddles; Mr. Holland's Opus; Casino Royale; Cape Fear; Fahrenheit 9/11; Tootsie; Glory; Miss Congeniality; Gremlins; Training Day; Boys Don't Cry; Donnie Brasco; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Fatal Attraction; Scent of a Woman; Trading Places; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; King Kong; Natural Born Killers; Antz; Ring; Batman Returns; Basic Instinct; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dirty Dancing; Piano; Dark Knight; Bend It Like Beckham; Bridge on the River Kwai; Patriot Games; Wonder Boys],[10055; 9697; 9271; 9141; 8918; 8844; 8781; 8429; 8330; 8077; 7912; 7896; 7867; 7816; 7786; 7779; 7729; 7706; 7650; 7649; 7541; 7509; 7426; 7331; 7281; 7204; 7184; 7079; 7032; 6996; 6926; 6922; 6921; 6886; 6864; 6799; 6779; 6778; 6750; 6736; 6724; 6722; 6692; 6677; 6670; 6662; 6619; 6473; 6403; 6333; 6310; 6290; 6230; 6224; 6214; 6210; 6210; 6154; 6047; 6045; 6043; 6037; 6011; 6011; 5972; 5959; 5957; 5939; 5932; 5840; 5803; 5780; 5769; 5769; 5755; 5747; 5726; 5720; 5714; 5712; 5702; 5694; 5669; 5657; 5631; 5599; 5577; 5558; 5531; 5520; 5495; 5489; 5451; 5442; 5362; 5344; 5331; 5318; 5296; 5253; 5250; 5234; 5230; 5229; 5225; 5166; 5157; 5137; 5134; 5132; 5125; 5103; 5059; 5034; 5021; 5017; 4974; 4945; 4912; 4885; 4869; 4848; 4844; 4833; 4810; 4801; 4801; 4794; 4753; 4746; 4714; 4708; 4696; 4678; 4677; 4673; 4639; 4632; 4622; 4582; 4569; 4567; 4562; 4531; 4530; 4513; 4509; 4483; 4480; 4476; 4415; 4403; 4369; 4357; 4337; 4326; 4303; 4293; 4254; 4251; 4246; 4205; 4205; 4197; 4195; 4194; 4193; 4193; 4186; 4183; 4182; 4181; 4169; 4161; 4146; 4136; 4120; 4114; 4105; 4087; 4070; 4055; 4045; 4035; 4030; 4030; 4021; 4008; 4006; 3998; 3985; 3960; 3945; 3943; 3938; 3925; 3910; 3901; 3889; 3881; 3873; 3867; 3859; 3858; 3856; 3834; 3821; 3801; 3783; 3745; 3745; 3744; 3735; 3735; 3731; 3719; 3717; 3704; 3697; 3692; 3668; 3657; 3647; 3644; 3638; 3634; 3621; 3607; 3598; 3598; 3596; 3582; 3577; 3575; 3560; 3557; 3557; 3554; 3533; 3516; 3506; 3496; 3491; 3490; 3485; 3481; 3467; 3424; 3422; 3419; 3401; 3398; 3394; 3392; 3388; 3375; 3374; 3370; 3369; 3355; 3351; 3351; 3350; 3344; 3341; 3341; 3331; 3314; 3301; 3293; 3271; 3268; 3266; 3261; 3251; 3237; 3227; 3220; 3214; 3213; 3212; 3203; 3178; 3176; 3170; 3164; 3161; 3157; 3148; 3138; 3137; 3129; 3125; 3118; 3109; 3107; 3102; 3096; 3088; 3080; 3078; 3074; 3070; 3070; 3068; 3059; 3040; 3035; 3021; 3020; 3016; 3016; 3009; 3007; 3002; 2997; 2995; 2986; 2982; 2975; 2974; 2966; 2964; 2958; 2955; 2953; 2945; 2941; 2926; 2926; 2920; 2913; 2898; 2897; 2895; 2889; 2888; 2888; 2886; 2886; 2877; 2876; 2874; 2874; 2865; 2858; 2858; 2858; 2854; 2851; 2845; 2839; 2824; 2821; 2808; 2801; 2796; 2794; 2794; 2792; 2790; 2786; 2777]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,[Fight Club; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Memento; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shrek; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Back to the Future; Donnie Darko; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Godfather; Schindler's List; Gladiator; Toy Story; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Finding Nemo; Jurassic Park; American History X; Fargo; Being John Malkovich; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Reservoir Dogs; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Incredibles; Beautiful Mind; Truman Show; Good Will Hunting; Minority Report; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ocean's Eleven; Monsters Inc.; Groundhog Day; Batman Begins; Lost in Translation; Bourne Identity; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Dark Knight; Blade Runner; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Spider-Man; Catch Me If You Can; Terminator; Clockwork Orange; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Trainspotting; X-Men; Princess Bride; Sin City; Snatch; Shining; Alien; Fifth Element; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Big Lebowski; Office Space; Goodfellas; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Requiem for a Dream; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Rain Man; Departed; Apollo 13; Lion King; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Die Hard; Godfather: Part II; Edward Scissorhands; Fugitive; V for Vendetta; Full Metal Jacket; Big Fish; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Green Mile; Titanic; Apocalypse Now; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Little Miss Sunshine; L.A. Confidential; Almost Famous; Batman; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Aliens; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Taxi Driver; Spider-Man 2; There's Something About Mary; Aladdin; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Shaun of the Dead; Dead Poets Society; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; X2: X-Men United; Cast Away; Prestige; Mission: Impossible; Monty Python's Life of Brian; High Fidelity; Gattaca; Bowling for Columbine; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Speed; Breakfast Club; Toy Story 2; Garden State; Bourne Supremacy; Shrek 2; Traffic; WALL·E; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Casablanca; Royal Tenenbaums; Clerks; As Good as It Gets; Juno; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Inception; 28 Days Later; No Country for Old Men; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Casino Royale; Dances with Wolves; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Matrix Reloaded; Psycho; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Pianist; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Beetlejuice; True Lies; Adaptation; Wizard of Oz; Stand by Me; Mrs. Doubtfire; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Crash; Children of Men; Iron Man; Amadeus; Jaws; Dogma; Back to the Future Part II; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; American Pie; Shakespeare in Love; Beauty and the Beast; Mask; Nightmare Before Christmas; Rear Window; Rock; Total Recall; Big; Pretty Woman; Million Dollar Baby; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Meet the Parents; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Game; Contact; Citizen Kane; Airplane!; Super Size Me; Jerry Maguire; Mystic River; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; When Harry Met Sally...; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Bug's Life; Hotel Rwanda; Bourne Ultimatum; Slumdog Millionaire; Inglourious Basterds; This Is Spinal Tap; Scarface; Hunt for Red October; Unbreakable; Sideways; Back to the Future Part III; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Graduate; Magnolia; Blues Brothers; Fish Called Wanda; Chicken Run; Mulholland Drive; Heat; Thank You for Smoking; 40-Year-Old Virgin; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Home Alone; Others; Erin Brockovich; Up; Last Samurai; Ratatouille; Platoon; 300; Ice Age; Untouchables; Moulin Rouge; Collateral; 12 Angry Men; Brazil; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Rushmore; School of Rock; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; The Butterfly Effect; Chinatown; Love Actually; Fahrenheit 9/11; Top Gun; About a Boy; Boogie Nights; Hot Fuzz; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Babe; District 9; Casino; Sleepy Hollow; Pleasantville; GoldenEye; Lethal Weapon; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Hero (Ying xiong); Predator; Bridget Jones's Diary; Vertigo; Avatar; Italian Job; North by Northwest; Chocolat; Dark City],[15500; 15427; 15324; 14532; 14494; 14201; 13636; 13429; 13078; 12989; 12908; 12302; 12203; 12068; 11598; 11412; 11236; 11226; 11137; 10990; 10850; 10833; 10767; 10563; 10553; 10392; 10381; 10363; 10356; 10300; 10219; 10201; 10176; 10155; 10052; 10048; 9864; 9862; 9825; 9739; 9723; 9709; 9698; 9665; 9655; 9581; 9567; 9394; 9311; 9273; 9098; 9083; 8936; 8780; 8774; 8751; 8711; 8706; 8631; 8551; 8548; 8515; 8504; 8495; 8457; 8416; 8414; 8390; 8387; 8263; 8263; 8241; 8232; 8183; 8086; 8056; 8029; 7973; 7901; 7836; 7797; 7769; 7767; 7758; 7752; 7752; 7663; 7661; 7601; 7574; 7551; 7489; 7428; 7416; 7398; 7352; 7310; 7267; 7172; 7076; 7070; 7052; 7012; 6997; 6942; 6907; 6881; 6695; 6680; 6627; 6593; 6582; 6538; 6536; 6514; 6508; 6507; 6470; 6464; 6457; 6442; 6409; 6405; 6401; 6390; 6370; 6366; 6355; 6337; 6283; 6245; 6209; 6197; 6167; 6154; 6147; 6113; 6081; 6037; 6031; 6021; 6017; 5997; 5945; 5932; 5836; 5807; 5792; 5756; 5725; 5699; 5691; 5690; 5678; 5654; 5604; 5592; 5549; 5545; 5543; 5538; 5488; 5472; 5429; 5405; 5397; 5395; 5385; 5373; 5360; 5357; 5334; 5324; 5295; 5264; 5201; 5200; 5200; 5173; 5170; 5147; 5141; 5119; 5117; 5111; 5104; 5088; 5057; 5050; 5012; 5008; 4983; 4977; 4935; 4934; 4926; 4925; 4922; 4898; 4889; 4840; 4838; 4829; 4810; 4767; 4761; 4757; 4747; 4744; 4734; 4730; 4699; 4696; 4626; 4620; 4608; 4598; 4571; 4568; 4546; 4539; 4538; 4513; 4513; 4490; 4483; 4470; 4468; 4468; 4458; 4454; 4440; 4417; 4417; 4403; 4385; 4356; 4345; 4343; 4302; 4298; 4293; 4291; 4285; 4282; 4266; 4249; 4242; 4216; 4211; 4205; 4201; 4198; 4197; 4189; 4188; 4187]
Face/Off,[Matrix; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Jurassic Park; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Back to the Future; Terminator; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Fugitive; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Die Hard; Fifth Element; Speed; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Rock; American Beauty; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Alien; Gladiator; Groundhog Day; Mission: Impossible; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fargo; Total Recall; Fight Club; Aliens; Godfather; True Lies; Schindler's List; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Good Will Hunting; L.A. Confidential; Reservoir Dogs; Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Blade Runner; Hunt for Red October; X-Men; Truman Show; Titanic; Apollo 13; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Shrek; There's Something About Mary; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Princess Bride; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lethal Weapon; Lion King; Contact; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Rain Man; Goodfellas; Jaws; Memento; Die Hard 2; Full Metal Jacket; Aladdin; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Ocean's Eleven; Jerry Maguire; Heat; As Good as It Gets; Godfather: Part II; Back to the Future Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Green Mile; Being John Malkovich; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Con Air; GoldenEye; Dances with Wolves; Minority Report; Mask; Gattaca; Shining; Spider-Man; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Armageddon; Top Gun; Stargate; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Edward Scissorhands; Clockwork Orange; Enemy of the State; American Pie; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Abyss; Back to the Future Part III; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Air Force One; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Big; Big Lebowski; Game; Predator; Stand by Me; Twister; Beetlejuice; Starship Troopers; Mummy; Toy Story 2; Bug's Life; Apocalypse Now; American History X; Bourne Identity; Pretty Woman; Shakespeare in Love; Blues Brothers; Breakfast Club; Monsters Inc.; Trainspotting; Mrs. Doubtfire; Scream; Cast Away; Wizard of Oz; Star Trek: First Contact; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; When Harry Met Sally...; RoboCop; Untouchables; Beautiful Mind; Clear and Present Danger; Dead Poets Society; Clerks; Office Space; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Fish Called Wanda; Finding Nemo; Planet of the Apes; Psycho; Superman; Ghost; Rocky; Taxi Driver; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Few Good Men; Airplane!; Get Shorty; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Liar Liar; Beauty and the Beast; Catch Me If You Can; Monty Python's Life of Brian; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Snatch; In the Line of Fire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Babe; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Outbreak; Platoon; Home Alone; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Full Monty; Unbreakable; Lethal Weapon 2; Casablanca; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Meet the Parents; Sleepless in Seattle; Dogma; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Blade; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Traffic; Grosse Pointe Blank; Clueless; Crow; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Devil's Advocate; Mars Attacks!; Casino; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Almost Famous; Erin Brockovich; High Fidelity; Mask of Zorro; X2: X-Men United; Amadeus; Tomorrow Never Dies; Mission: Impossible II; Batman Begins; Jumanji; Sneakers; Sleepy Hollow; Firm; Maverick; Ransom; Incredibles; Wayne's World; Three Kings; Negotiator; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Matrix Reloaded; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Broken Arrow; Batman Returns; Chicken Run; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Galaxy Quest; Unforgiven; X-Files: Fight the Future; Dark City; Desperado; Natural Born Killers; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; From Dusk Till Dawn; Thomas Crown Affair; Last of the Mohicans; Ronin; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Rush Hour; Romancing the Stone; Donnie Darko; Demolition Man; Nightmare Before Christmas; Spider-Man 2; Pleasantville; Happy Gilmore; True Romance; Wedding Singer; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Chasing Amy; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Raising Arizona; Conspiracy Theory; Jackie Brown; My Cousin Vinny; Army of Darkness; Boogie Nights; Crimson Tide; Star Trek: Generations; Exorcist; Patriot; Talented Mr. Ripley; Blair Witch Project; Thelma & Louise; Bourne Supremacy; Deep Impact; Sin City; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; This Is Spinal Tap; Fly; Cliffhanger; Leaving Las Vegas; Nutty Professor; Good Morning Vietnam; Goldfinger; Philadelphia; Graduate; Gremlins; Highlander; Donnie Brasco; Rear Window; Citizen Kane; Shrek 2; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Little Mermaid; Basic Instinct; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Beverly Hills Cop; Spaceballs; Cape Fear; Grease; Crocodile Dundee; Batman Forever; Lost in Translation; Waterworld; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Sling Blade; Notting Hill; King Kong; Dave; Ice Age; Eyes Wide Shut; Patriot Games; Chinatown; Arachnophobia; Lethal Weapon 3; Alien: Resurrection; Brazil; Eraser; Bad Boys; Young Frankenstein; Rushmore; Charlie's Angels; Dead Man Walking; Payback; Scarface; Sting; Black Hawk Down; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Italian Job; Das Boot (The Boat); Election; Bowling for Columbine; Requiem for a Dream; English Patient; American President; Net; Last Samurai; North by Northwest; Glory; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Birdcage; Magnolia; Big Fish; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Wag the Dog; Antz; Out of Sight; 28 Days Later; V for Vendetta; Signs; Casino Royale; Vertigo; Goonies; Mary Poppins; Godfather: Part III; Departed; Others; Field of Dreams; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Cocoon; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Witness; It's a Wonderful Life; Splash; Dark Knight; Lethal Weapon 4; Escape from New York; Bridget Jones's Diary; Mad Max; Misery; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Gone with the Wind; I Robot; Dragonheart; Willow; Christmas Story; Tombstone; Crying Game; World Is Not Enough; Training Day; Tron; Ed Wood; Matrix Revolutions; Swingers; Long Kiss Goodnight; Royal Tenenbaums; NeverEnding Story; Backdraft; Animal House; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Quiz Show; To Kill a Mockingbird; Bridge on the River Kwai; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Ring; La Femme Nikita; League of Their Own; Collateral; Thing],[11371; 10868; 10410; 10380; 10038; 9967; 9888; 9766; 9685; 9640; 9560; 9462; 9435; 9399; 9218; 9166; 9038; 8982; 8859; 8798; 8693; 8666; 8589; 8574; 8513; 8501; 8392; 8331; 8325; 8091; 8085; 8007; 7932; 7807; 7798; 7766; 7761; 7726; 7724; 7709; 7687; 7486; 7204; 7192; 7161; 7138; 7123; 7049; 7011; 6994; 6987; 6936; 6870; 6776; 6776; 6729; 6693; 6586; 6585; 6574; 6549; 6464; 6455; 6420; 6410; 6407; 6373; 6267; 6260; 6212; 6170; 6165; 6121; 6082; 6061; 6054; 6051; 6031; 6022; 6021; 6008; 6003; 5987; 5942; 5941; 5935; 5924; 5886; 5883; 5876; 5874; 5853; 5831; 5814; 5811; 5807; 5772; 5772; 5762; 5759; 5722; 5719; 5699; 5641; 5576; 5550; 5487; 5481; 5473; 5471; 5446; 5437; 5430; 5430; 5429; 5426; 5424; 5413; 5399; 5378; 5364; 5353; 5329; 5312; 5292; 5274; 5235; 5226; 5195; 5171; 5171; 5167; 5135; 5117; 5112; 5098; 5097; 5070; 5063; 5056; 5052; 5024; 5002; 5001; 4988; 4962; 4949; 4939; 4917; 4912; 4899; 4895; 4878; 4838; 4833; 4811; 4803; 4802; 4768; 4755; 4733; 4717; 4688; 4671; 4651; 4646; 4644; 4631; 4618; 4616; 4582; 4549; 4527; 4521; 4503; 4503; 4501; 4496; 4477; 4475; 4475; 4470; 4463; 4450; 4445; 4436; 4423; 4419; 4414; 4378; 4369; 4369; 4324; 4291; 4284; 4272; 4266; 4243; 4234; 4230; 4216; 4203; 4202; 4200; 4191; 4179; 4178; 4174; 4170; 4160; 4157; 4152; 4147; 4144; 4143; 4140; 4125; 4103; 4089; 4082; 4070; 4058; 4050; 4046; 4045; 4033; 4027; 3978; 3975; 3975; 3972; 3968; 3967; 3944; 3930; 3926; 3926; 3915; 3888; 3882; 3882; 3880; 3877; 3869; 3868; 3866; 3844; 3818; 3807; 3807; 3806; 3802; 3793; 3785; 3766; 3753; 3726; 3724; 3718; 3717; 3709; 3706; 3701; 3692; 3686; 3672; 3670; 3661; 3660; 3653; 3638; 3631; 3609; 3609; 3585; 3578; 3577; 3573; 3569; 3546; 3520; 3494; 3491; 3490; 3480; 3479; 3473; 3462; 3459; 3443; 3429; 3413; 3410; 3403; 3396; 3384; 3377; 3377; 3368; 3360; 3351; 3330; 3319; 3316; 3314; 3313; 3307; 3307; 3306; 3299; 3293; 3288; 3286; 3272; 3259; 3258; 3252; 3244; 3242; 3236; 3233; 3205; 3185; 3183; 3178; 3178; 3177; 3174; 3170; 3166; 3154; 3140; 3123; 3122; 3112; 3105; 3101; 3100; 3098; 3091; 3090; 3080; 3064; 3063; 3057; 3050; 3044; 3026; 3014; 3013; 3011; 2994; 2991; 2991; 2984; 2982; 2974; 2971; 2971; 2970; 2966; 2963; 2961; 2960; 2950; 2945; 2944; 2942; 2936; 2935; 2933; 2918; 2912; 2910; 2906; 2899; 2893; 2876; 2874; 2872; 2869; 2868; 2866; 2862]
Fargo,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Schindler's List; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; American Beauty; Godfather; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Fugitive; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Back to the Future; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Reservoir Dogs; Goodfellas; Groundhog Day; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Blade Runner; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fight Club; Terminator; Alien; Mission: Impossible; Batman; Princess Bride; Good Will Hunting; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Dances with Wolves; Taxi Driver; Die Hard; Speed; Being John Malkovich; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Godfather: Part II; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Trainspotting; Rock; Memento; Aliens; Apocalypse Now; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; True Lies; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Heat; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Gladiator; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Casablanca; Shining; Dead Man Walking; Aladdin; Leaving Las Vegas; Rain Man; Lion King; Full Metal Jacket; Babe; Truman Show; Psycho; Stand by Me; Clerks; Big Lebowski; Wizard of Oz; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Amadeus; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Jaws; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Shrek; Jerry Maguire; Shakespeare in Love; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fifth Element; Fish Called Wanda; Titanic; Twister; When Harry Met Sally...; As Good as It Gets; Get Shorty; There's Something About Mary; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Edward Scissorhands; Graduate; American History X; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Rear Window; Hunt for Red October; Citizen Kane; Pretty Woman; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Beauty and the Beast; Breakfast Club; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Dead Poets Society; Mrs. Doubtfire; Birdcage; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Sense and Sensibility; Clueless; Mask; Blues Brothers; Chinatown; X-Men; Raising Arizona; Total Recall; Sleepless in Seattle; This Is Spinal Tap; Clear and Present Danger; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Ghost; Casino; North by Northwest; Quiz Show; Office Space; Ocean's Eleven; Airplane!; Minority Report; Contact; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Platoon; Big; Green Mile; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Beautiful Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Beetlejuice; Sling Blade; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Toy Story 2; Unforgiven; Almost Famous; GoldenEye; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Traffic; Philadelphia; Nightmare Before Christmas; High Fidelity; Annie Hall; Firm; Ed Wood; Monsters Inc.; Sting; Gattaca; In the Line of Fire; Vertigo; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Finding Nemo; Untouchables; Star Trek: First Contact; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Full Monty; Spider-Man; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Stargate; Bourne Identity; Lethal Weapon; Donnie Darko; True Romance; Mr. Holland's Opus; To Kill a Mockingbird; Grosse Pointe Blank; Snatch; English Patient; Natural Born Killers; Few Good Men; Crimson Tide; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Young Frankenstein; Brazil; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Abyss; Bug's Life; Boogie Nights; Das Boot (The Boat); Lost in Translation; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo)],[28505; 26974; 25442; 23904; 23895; 22261; 21898; 21742; 21069; 20771; 20748; 20236; 19886; 19881; 19854; 19850; 19806; 19502; 19325; 19208; 18335; 17792; 17328; 17179; 16851; 16715; 16628; 16610; 16532; 16382; 16164; 16140; 16139; 16037; 15782; 15422; 15181; 15067; 15027; 15013; 15004; 14837; 14827; 14743; 14713; 14552; 14523; 14405; 14373; 14289; 14281; 13715; 13705; 13483; 13457; 13414; 13336; 13320; 13293; 13186; 13127; 13093; 13057; 13013; 12911; 12819; 12701; 12695; 12678; 12601; 12551; 12523; 12330; 12306; 12249; 12233; 12164; 12133; 12081; 12055; 11949; 11877; 11814; 11742; 11737; 11644; 11596; 11554; 11514; 11378; 11309; 11290; 11257; 11163; 11129; 10970; 10938; 10928; 10911; 10838; 10810; 10795; 10749; 10704; 10656; 10546; 10533; 10502; 10436; 10425; 10401; 10361; 10201; 10190; 10116; 10101; 10065; 10004; 9971; 9955; 9954; 9947; 9931; 9908; 9809; 9727; 9718; 9701; 9692; 9674; 9658; 9621; 9610; 9581; 9535; 9528; 9513; 9460; 9430; 9400; 9394; 9386; 9349; 9322; 9280; 9270; 9251; 9248; 9237; 9147; 9127; 9118; 9109; 9081; 9079; 9044; 9042; 9037; 9031; 9014; 8976; 8975; 8962; 8921; 8890; 8859; 8846; 8811; 8792; 8759; 8742; 8723; 8722; 8681; 8673; 8645; 8617; 8564; 8542; 8534; 8516; 8470; 8429; 8414; 8402; 8360; 8342; 8340; 8321; 8295; 8262; 8252; 8239; 8238; 8183; 8117]
Ferris Bueller's Day Off,[Back to the Future; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Toy Story; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Groundhog Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Jurassic Park; Usual Suspects; Saving Private Ryan; Fight Club; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Fargo; Breakfast Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Good Will Hunting; Die Hard; Fugitive; Schindler's List; Godfather; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Gladiator; Shrek; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Rain Man; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Memento; Big; Stand by Me; Being John Malkovich; Alien; Truman Show; Apollo 13; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Office Space; Reservoir Dogs; There's Something About Mary; Blade Runner; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Airplane!; Wizard of Oz; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Batman; Aliens; Goodfellas; When Harry Met Sally...; L.A. Confidential; X-Men; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Ocean's Eleven; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Beetlejuice; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Monsters Inc.; Lion King; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Aladdin; Shining; Finding Nemo; Fifth Element; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Toy Story 2; As Good as It Gets; Edward Scissorhands; Speed; Jaws; Spider-Man; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Clerks; Titanic; Hunt for Red October; Full Metal Jacket; Fish Called Wanda; Godfather: Part II; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Big Lebowski; Blues Brothers; Minority Report; Bourne Identity; Total Recall; Clockwork Orange; Beautiful Mind; Lethal Weapon; Green Mile; Apocalypse Now; True Lies; Almost Famous; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; American History X; Mission: Impossible; Dances with Wolves; Back to the Future Part II; Bug's Life; Monty Python's Life of Brian; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Jerry Maguire; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Incredibles; Casablanca; American Pie; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Catch Me If You Can; Amadeus; Mrs. Doubtfire; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; High Fidelity; Trainspotting; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Rock; Raising Arizona; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Pretty Woman; Top Gun; Cast Away; Untouchables; Psycho; This Is Spinal Tap; Contact; Christmas Story; Beauty and the Beast; Taxi Driver; Clueless; Few Good Men; Donnie Darko; Babe; Wayne's World; Grosse Pointe Blank; Gattaca; Snatch; Dogma; Batman Begins; Graduate; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Back to the Future Part III; Traffic; Mask; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Platoon; Rocky; Young Frankenstein; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Meet the Parents; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Full Monty; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Sleepless in Seattle; Animal House; Pleasantville; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; My Cousin Vinny; X2: X-Men United; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Home Alone; Ghost; Rear Window; Abyss; Romancing the Stone; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Nightmare Before Christmas; Superman; Chicken Run; Citizen Kane; Good Morning Vietnam; Spider-Man 2; Lost in Translation; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Rushmore; Erin Brockovich; Election; Wedding Singer; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Little Mermaid; Sting; Planet of the Apes; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Face/Off; Trading Places; GoldenEye; It's a Wonderful Life; Predator; Chasing Amy; Happy Gilmore; Mummy; Game; Blazing Saddles; Heat; Boogie Nights; To Kill a Mockingbird; Royal Tenenbaums; Unforgiven; Twister; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Galaxy Quest; Bourne Supremacy; Grease; Get Shorty; Stargate; Field of Dreams; Liar Liar; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; North by Northwest; Shrek 2; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; RoboCop; Mary Poppins; Sling Blade; Unbreakable; Glory; Heathers; Clear and Present Danger; Sin City; Caddyshack; Enemy of the State; Big Fish; Die Hard 2; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Casino; Dark Knight; Bowling for Columbine; Spaceballs; Armageddon; Annie Hall; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Chinatown; Exorcist; Beverly Hills Cop; Say Anything...; Shaun of the Dead; Sixteen Candles; Three Kings; Witness; Splash; Matrix Reloaded; Crocodile Dundee; Best in Show; Goldfinger; Scream; Goonies; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Philadelphia; Star Trek: First Contact; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; League of Their Own; Lethal Weapon 2; Vertigo; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Blair Witch Project; V for Vendetta; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Requiem for a Dream; Sleepy Hollow; Swingers; Sneakers; Talented Mr. Ripley; Gremlins; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Departed; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sound of Music; Brazil; Dave; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Jumanji; Little Miss Sunshine; Thelma & Louise; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Stripes; Thomas Crown Affair; Air Force One; Risky Business; Starship Troopers; Birdcage; Scarface; Casino Royale; Cool Hand Luke; In the Line of Fire; Firm; Gone with the Wind; Army of Darkness; Garden State; 12 Angry Men; Leaving Las Vegas; Misery; American President; Dead Man Walking; 28 Days Later; Con Air; Last of the Mohicans; Fantasia; Bridget Jones's Diary; True Romance; Jackie Brown; Notting Hill; Cocoon; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Italian Job; Dark City; School of Rock; Magnolia; King Kong; Patriot; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Great Escape; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith],[15725; 15493; 14923; 14834; 14775; 14754; 14627; 14464; 14267; 14083; 13803; 13715; 13471; 13437; 13169; 13159; 12721; 12646; 12568; 12549; 12543; 12419; 12169; 11960; 11845; 11836; 11814; 11790; 11744; 11700; 11550; 11475; 11424; 11361; 11360; 11200; 11135; 10963; 10691; 10690; 10433; 10396; 10353; 10236; 10235; 10173; 10081; 10070; 10052; 9978; 9899; 9790; 9781; 9699; 9690; 9685; 9630; 9594; 9589; 9571; 9496; 9468; 9421; 9406; 9392; 9325; 9290; 9259; 9258; 9252; 9215; 9147; 9092; 9080; 9049; 9037; 9014; 8983; 8977; 8902; 8894; 8808; 8769; 8743; 8732; 8680; 8670; 8660; 8621; 8540; 8522; 8516; 8499; 8430; 8409; 8340; 8310; 8305; 8302; 8292; 8236; 8236; 8231; 8213; 8130; 8096; 8042; 8008; 7992; 7972; 7934; 7880; 7859; 7859; 7806; 7799; 7772; 7769; 7715; 7696; 7644; 7638; 7628; 7558; 7553; 7509; 7454; 7451; 7445; 7438; 7367; 7358; 7340; 7317; 7299; 7281; 7246; 7166; 7160; 7092; 7052; 7037; 7013; 6981; 6968; 6946; 6927; 6926; 6908; 6848; 6845; 6726; 6710; 6710; 6709; 6683; 6650; 6622; 6596; 6566; 6565; 6541; 6526; 6505; 6494; 6478; 6421; 6396; 6364; 6357; 6352; 6276; 6273; 6259; 6243; 6240; 6235; 6214; 6198; 6165; 6133; 6127; 6127; 6123; 6107; 6104; 6047; 6021; 6018; 5971; 5951; 5941; 5922; 5892; 5874; 5868; 5859; 5834; 5823; 5822; 5810; 5805; 5803; 5802; 5783; 5779; 5774; 5747; 5696; 5686; 5685; 5666; 5656; 5620; 5591; 5587; 5581; 5545; 5500; 5494; 5479; 5474; 5464; 5423; 5408; 5386; 5384; 5379; 5376; 5374; 5363; 5359; 5352; 5314; 5312; 5306; 5295; 5294; 5280; 5272; 5261; 5257; 5249; 5248; 5247; 5185; 5182; 5172; 5156; 5141; 5121; 5113; 5110; 5104; 5096; 5096; 5087; 5064; 5064; 5063; 5058; 5057; 5028; 5014; 5012; 5007; 4998; 4962; 4958; 4956; 4941; 4882; 4881; 4876; 4866; 4859; 4853; 4851; 4849; 4840; 4833; 4829; 4826; 4815; 4797; 4772; 4767; 4741; 4718; 4705; 4700; 4680; 4636; 4623; 4617; 4584; 4575; 4574; 4571; 4558; 4558; 4531; 4526; 4501; 4500; 4480; 4473; 4470; 4456; 4450; 4438; 4421; 4416; 4414; 4409; 4406; 4393; 4390; 4383; 4382; 4379; 4374; 4367; 4363]
Few Good Men,[Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Saving Private Ryan; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Braveheart; Fugitive; Sixth Sense; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Good Will Hunting; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; American Beauty; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Schindler's List; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fargo; Toy Story; Apollo 13; Groundhog Day; Godfather; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Rain Man; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Gladiator; L.A. Confidential; As Good as It Gets; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Hunt for Red October; Goodfellas; Truman Show; Fight Club; Princess Bride; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Jerry Maguire; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Dances with Wolves; Speed; Titanic; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; There's Something About Mary; Reservoir Dogs; Alien; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Green Mile; Batman; Lethal Weapon; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Breakfast Club; Godfather: Part II; Stand by Me; Shakespeare in Love; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Aliens; True Lies; Dead Poets Society; When Harry Met Sally...; Rock; Mission: Impossible; Lion King; Big; Jaws; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Untouchables; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Memento; Ocean's Eleven; Blade Runner; Wizard of Oz; Total Recall; Edward Scissorhands; Aladdin; Fifth Element; Contact; X-Men; Being John Malkovich; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Full Metal Jacket; Top Gun; Minority Report; Beautiful Mind; Pretty Woman; Apocalypse Now; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shining; Bourne Identity; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Airplane!; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Rocky; Cast Away; Toy Story 2; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); American History X; My Cousin Vinny; Casablanca; Spider-Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Platoon; Amadeus; Fish Called Wanda; Bug's Life; Office Space; Erin Brockovich; Big Lebowski; Blues Brothers; Back to the Future Part II; Heat; Monsters Inc.; Beetlejuice; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Game; Sleepless in Seattle; Finding Nemo; Babe; Gattaca; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Catch Me If You Can; Mrs. Doubtfire; Ghost; Grosse Pointe Blank; Clear and Present Danger; Unforgiven; O Brother Where Art Thou?; American Pie; Almost Famous; Full Monty; Traffic; Philadelphia; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Psycho; Taxi Driver; Face/Off; Clerks; Trainspotting; Beauty and the Beast; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Clockwork Orange; Enemy of the State; Die Hard 2; Superman; Mask; Abyss; In the Line of Fire; Firm; Graduate; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Sling Blade; Field of Dreams; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Good Morning Vietnam; Romancing the Stone; Back to the Future Part III; High Fidelity; Casino; Get Shorty; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Sting; Clueless; Raising Arizona; Crimson Tide; Air Force One; Meet the Parents; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Sneakers; Witness; Boogie Nights; Lethal Weapon 2; GoldenEye; Snatch; Planet of the Apes; Twister; Predator; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Wayne's World; Dead Man Walking; Pleasantville; It's a Wonderful Life; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; Glory; Chasing Amy; American President; Last of the Mohicans; Incredibles; Home Alone; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Armageddon; Three Kings; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Mummy; Wedding Singer; Thomas Crown Affair; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Dogma; Donnie Brasco; To Kill a Mockingbird; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Thelma & Louise; Dave; Quiz Show; Leaving Las Vegas; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); This Is Spinal Tap; Stargate; Batman Begins; Jackie Brown; Bourne Supremacy; Con Air; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Christmas Story; Liar Liar; Beverly Hills Cop; Scream; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Unbreakable; X2: X-Men United; Chicken Run; RoboCop; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; League of Their Own; North by Northwest; Star Trek: First Contact; Young Frankenstein; Chinatown; Little Mermaid; Election; Outbreak; Talented Mr. Ripley; Crocodile Dundee; Patriot; Trading Places; Ransom; Patriot Games; Notting Hill; Grease; Animal House; Devil's Advocate; Spider-Man 2; English Patient; Exorcist; Cape Fear; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Gone with the Wind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Galaxy Quest; Maverick; Rushmore; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Goldfinger; Happy Gilmore; Mask of Zorro; Bridge on the River Kwai; Splash; Mary Poppins; Crying Game; Sound of Music; Misery; Black Hawk Down; True Romance; Vertigo; Starship Troopers; Wag the Dog; Basic Instinct; Negotiator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Mr. Holland's Opus; Blazing Saddles; Lost in Translation; Swingers; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Tombstone; Scent of a Woman; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Sleepy Hollow; Matrix Reloaded; Mission: Impossible II; Birdcage; Shrek 2; 12 Angry Men; Das Boot (The Boat); Eyes Wide Shut; Ronin; Italian Job; Donnie Darko; Insider; Batman Returns; Scarface; Sense and Sensibility; Driving Miss Daisy; Cocoon; Blair Witch Project; Cool Hand Luke; Jumanji; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Great Escape; Crow; Annie Hall; Primal Fear; Deer Hunter; Bridget Jones's Diary; Conspiracy Theory; Last Samurai; Tomorrow Never Dies; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Gremlins; Say Anything...; You've Got Mail; Caddyshack; Road to Perdition; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Goonies; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Spaceballs; King Kong; Rounders; Magnolia; Fatal Attraction; Karate Kid; Lawrence of Arabia; Highlander; Bowling for Columbine; JFK; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Royal Tenenbaums; Natural Born Killers; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Risky Business; Dark City; Awakenings; Stripes; Backdraft; Godfather: Part III; Departed; Remember the Titans; Chocolat; Manchurian Candidate; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Fly; While You Were Sleeping; Training Day; X-Files: Fight the Future; Gandhi; Sixteen Candles; Sin City; Elizabeth; Best in Show; Big Fish; Out of Sight; Star Trek: Generations; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Poltergeist; Blade; Mystic River; Fried Green Tomatoes; People vs. Larry Flynt; Time to Kill; Lethal Weapon 3; Maltese Falcon; My Best Friend's Wedding; Ed Wood; Antz; Heathers; Moulin Rouge; Analyze This; Rush Hour; Desperado; Brazil; Birds; Ice Age; Go; Mars Attacks!; Fantasia; Raging Bull; Deliverance; French Connection; Nutty Professor; Right Stuff; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; NeverEnding Story; Lady and the Tramp; Jungle Book; Piano; Dark Knight],[10522; 10237; 10051; 9800; 9671; 9459; 9348; 9290; 9224; 9182; 9159; 9133; 9068; 8968; 8950; 8832; 8786; 8687; 8655; 8572; 8414; 8352; 8255; 8213; 8035; 8032; 8010; 7947; 7928; 7874; 7782; 7748; 7654; 7566; 7561; 7537; 7491; 7418; 7341; 7215; 7205; 7052; 7002; 6980; 6971; 6930; 6850; 6767; 6739; 6688; 6683; 6645; 6614; 6583; 6575; 6517; 6495; 6409; 6388; 6376; 6343; 6333; 6332; 6327; 6315; 6307; 6304; 6298; 6264; 6261; 6205; 6169; 6152; 6135; 6132; 6106; 6046; 5974; 5973; 5939; 5918; 5883; 5848; 5840; 5834; 5831; 5808; 5793; 5741; 5713; 5664; 5621; 5613; 5601; 5580; 5569; 5484; 5480; 5461; 5401; 5400; 5385; 5383; 5372; 5363; 5355; 5346; 5315; 5293; 5292; 5288; 5287; 5276; 5225; 5213; 5197; 5192; 5184; 5184; 5176; 5153; 5141; 5090; 5090; 5087; 5070; 5029; 5023; 5020; 5019; 5013; 5000; 4998; 4979; 4973; 4967; 4959; 4948; 4944; 4929; 4929; 4920; 4901; 4895; 4895; 4891; 4885; 4883; 4852; 4807; 4769; 4753; 4741; 4728; 4715; 4710; 4694; 4659; 4656; 4655; 4642; 4626; 4598; 4563; 4552; 4547; 4544; 4529; 4501; 4458; 4444; 4441; 4415; 4409; 4408; 4393; 4356; 4342; 4326; 4326; 4320; 4304; 4304; 4287; 4281; 4280; 4276; 4274; 4274; 4235; 4232; 4221; 4207; 4206; 4196; 4186; 4159; 4156; 4146; 4146; 4125; 4119; 4117; 4096; 4091; 4084; 4075; 4067; 4054; 4050; 4049; 3997; 3993; 3991; 3989; 3986; 3962; 3944; 3941; 3938; 3934; 3934; 3934; 3930; 3927; 3925; 3924; 3923; 3915; 3911; 3904; 3897; 3893; 3876; 3868; 3853; 3840; 3835; 3826; 3806; 3799; 3798; 3796; 3790; 3786; 3785; 3775; 3764; 3757; 3756; 3750; 3734; 3726; 3713; 3708; 3698; 3679; 3678; 3668; 3658; 3639; 3635; 3614; 3597; 3577; 3575; 3570; 3568; 3542; 3538; 3524; 3520; 3508; 3506; 3505; 3495; 3494; 3482; 3473; 3440; 3434; 3434; 3433; 3432; 3427; 3414; 3404; 3404; 3399; 3398; 3396; 3396; 3374; 3366; 3353; 3348; 3342; 3326; 3322; 3319; 3311; 3289; 3288; 3285; 3282; 3280; 3270; 3270; 3256; 3247; 3224; 3219; 3215; 3204; 3197; 3189; 3182; 3173; 3171; 3167; 3165; 3159; 3157; 3151; 3151; 3149; 3137; 3135; 3134; 3131; 3113; 3098; 3093; 3090; 3086; 3086; 3081; 3071; 3067; 3046; 3045; 3033; 3032; 3027; 3022; 3015; 3012; 3011; 3008; 3007; 3006; 3005; 3000; 2997; 2985; 2977; 2970; 2965; 2965; 2961; 2958; 2947; 2945; 2938; 2936; 2934; 2914; 2912; 2907; 2907; 2902; 2900; 2891; 2885; 2884; 2881; 2877; 2875; 2873; 2871; 2868; 2863; 2859; 2853; 2844; 2844; 2839; 2835; 2833; 2831; 2830; 2829; 2826; 2821; 2819; 2819; 2818; 2816]
Fifth Element,[Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Jurassic Park; Pulp Fiction; Back to the Future; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Terminator; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Fight Club; Braveheart; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Beauty; Toy Story; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Saving Private Ryan; Alien; Gladiator; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Die Hard; Blade Runner; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Groundhog Day; Shrek; Aliens; Fugitive; X-Men; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Schindler's List; Godfather; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fargo; Memento; Mission: Impossible; Truman Show; Total Recall; Princess Bride; Reservoir Dogs; Batman; Speed; Minority Report; Good Will Hunting; Rock; Apollo 13; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; True Lies; Ocean's Eleven; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Lion King; Being John Malkovich; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Spider-Man; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Gattaca; Contact; Hunt for Red October; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Rain Man; Monsters Inc.; Titanic; L.A. Confidential; Full Metal Jacket; Aladdin; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Bourne Identity; There's Something About Mary; Finding Nemo; Shining; Stargate; Goodfellas; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; American History X; Edward Scissorhands; Dances with Wolves; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Trainspotting; Back to the Future Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Face/Off; Green Mile; Big Lebowski; Godfather: Part II; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Beautiful Mind; Apocalypse Now; Jaws; Mask; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Abyss; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Toy Story 2; Snatch; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Office Space; Back to the Future Part III; As Good as It Gets; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Lethal Weapon; Beetlejuice; Donnie Darko; Incredibles; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Batman Begins; GoldenEye; Blues Brothers; Star Trek: First Contact; Dead Poets Society; Predator; Breakfast Club; Catch Me If You Can; X2: X-Men United; Clerks; Bug's Life; American Pie; Wizard of Oz; Heat; Jerry Maguire; Starship Troopers; Armageddon; Top Gun; Shakespeare in Love; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sin City; Die Hard 2; Cast Away; Pretty Woman; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Fish Called Wanda; Planet of the Apes; Big; Stand by Me; Matrix Reloaded; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Beauty and the Beast; Dogma; Mummy; Twister; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Taxi Driver; Game; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); RoboCop; Casablanca; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Nightmare Before Christmas; Airplane!; Psycho; When Harry Met Sally...; Spider-Man 2; Dark City; Untouchables; V for Vendetta; Enemy of the State; Amadeus; Unbreakable; Dark Knight; Mars Attacks!; Almost Famous; Babe; High Fidelity; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Bourne Supremacy; Lost in Translation; Home Alone; Superman; Chicken Run; Galaxy Quest; Ghost; Platoon; Shrek 2; Traffic; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Con Air; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Crow; Jumanji; Rocky; Clear and Present Danger; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Sleepy Hollow; Army of Darkness; Brazil; Grosse Pointe Blank; Liar Liar; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Get Shorty; Full Monty; Star Trek: Generations; Few Good Men; Scream; 28 Days Later; Sleepless in Seattle; Requiem for a Dream; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Blade; Big Fish; Meet the Parents; Sneakers; Clueless; Casino Royale; Air Force One; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Lost World: Jurassic Park; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Highlander; Shaun of the Dead; Natural Born Killers; Wayne's World; Erin Brockovich; Outbreak; This Is Spinal Tap; Casino; Departed; Ice Age; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Unforgiven; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Bowling for Columbine; Spaceballs; Lethal Weapon 2; Batman Returns; Waterworld; Citizen Kane; Demolition Man; Pleasantville; Mask of Zorro; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Iron Man; Maverick; Devil's Advocate; Exorcist; Three Kings; From Dusk Till Dawn; X-Files: Fight the Future; Raising Arizona; Chasing Amy; Mission: Impossible II; Last Samurai; Happy Gilmore; Good Morning Vietnam; Rear Window; Tomorrow Never Dies; Jackie Brown; Young Frankenstein; Goldfinger; Last of the Mohicans; True Romance; In the Line of Fire; Desperado; Blair Witch Project; Matrix Revolutions; Graduate; WALL·E; I Robot; Prestige; Boogie Nights; Romancing the Stone; Beverly Hills Cop; Firm; Ronin; Scarface; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Philadelphia; Fly; Royal Tenenbaums; Batman Forever; Little Mermaid; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; King Kong; A.I. Artificial Intelligence],[19494; 17114; 16669; 16650; 16627; 16167; 16165; 15863; 15852; 15826; 15297; 15173; 14931; 14927; 14608; 14385; 14369; 14341; 13896; 13885; 13752; 13432; 13381; 13321; 13296; 13054; 12987; 12963; 12914; 12761; 12754; 12390; 12367; 12330; 12253; 12183; 12142; 12078; 12027; 11893; 11862; 11813; 11554; 11437; 11203; 11088; 11034; 11018; 11009; 10990; 10956; 10776; 10705; 10699; 10592; 10439; 10385; 10331; 10304; 10225; 10151; 10144; 10081; 10013; 9979; 9896; 9816; 9749; 9732; 9732; 9695; 9649; 9647; 9535; 9473; 9460; 9443; 9345; 9290; 9271; 9253; 9213; 9159; 9074; 9049; 9015; 9000; 8979; 8958; 8896; 8887; 8875; 8804; 8798; 8781; 8703; 8675; 8674; 8666; 8604; 8585; 8584; 8549; 8464; 8432; 8387; 8337; 8322; 8315; 8303; 8302; 8297; 8291; 8286; 8271; 8257; 8197; 8173; 8141; 8131; 8124; 8070; 8054; 8000; 7964; 7956; 7927; 7878; 7858; 7801; 7742; 7706; 7671; 7641; 7576; 7549; 7536; 7502; 7478; 7471; 7463; 7425; 7412; 7395; 7395; 7389; 7374; 7331; 7259; 7230; 7192; 7179; 7172; 7166; 7162; 7150; 7099; 7095; 7085; 7080; 6989; 6963; 6952; 6910; 6902; 6898; 6897; 6884; 6768; 6753; 6739; 6717; 6687; 6675; 6658; 6633; 6560; 6495; 6466; 6466; 6448; 6440; 6415; 6387; 6386; 6377; 6351; 6350; 6326; 6324; 6308; 6241; 6219; 6217; 6187; 6171; 6161; 6130; 6118; 6115; 6058; 6016; 5999; 5984; 5984; 5973; 5917; 5908; 5883; 5877; 5870; 5854; 5852; 5850; 5845; 5831; 5811; 5805; 5774; 5767; 5765; 5746; 5741; 5739; 5709; 5704; 5702; 5690; 5683; 5669; 5617; 5616; 5608; 5594; 5585; 5567; 5542; 5498; 5475; 5461; 5434; 5419; 5413; 5412; 5365; 5364; 5346; 5334; 5316; 5316; 5259; 5248; 5231; 5229; 5223; 5222; 5219; 5217; 5192; 5189; 5169; 5165; 5155; 5152; 5150; 5148; 5136; 5134; 5126; 5109; 5091; 5077; 5072; 5058; 5021; 5003; 4997; 4987; 4981; 4957; 4946; 4936; 4932; 4932; 4930; 4929; 4896; 4853; 4847; 4835; 4834]
Fight Club,[Matrix; Pulp Fiction; American Beauty; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Sixth Sense; Memento; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Godfather; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Back to the Future; Schindler's List; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; American History X; Shrek; Reservoir Dogs; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fargo; Being John Malkovich; Good Will Hunting; Terminator; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Ocean's Eleven; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Groundhog Day; X-Men; Goodfellas; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Truman Show; Alien; Fifth Element; Blade Runner; Die Hard; Minority Report; Donnie Darko; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Princess Bride; Dark Knight; Finding Nemo; Snatch; Fugitive; Godfather: Part II; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Bourne Identity; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Beautiful Mind; Trainspotting; Shining; Monsters Inc.; Full Metal Jacket; Office Space; Apollo 13; Spider-Man; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Rain Man; Aliens; Batman Begins; Green Mile; L.A. Confidential; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Big Lebowski; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Lion King; Titanic; Batman; Incredibles; Apocalypse Now; Catch Me If You Can; There's Something About Mary; Edward Scissorhands; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Sin City; Speed; Mission: Impossible; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Clerks; American Pie; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Aladdin; Departed; Requiem for a Dream; Taxi Driver; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Toy Story 2; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Breakfast Club; Cast Away; V for Vendetta; Almost Famous; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Gattaca; True Lies; Rock; Dances with Wolves; Dead Poets Society; As Good as It Gets; Lost in Translation; Total Recall; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Traffic; City of God (Cidade de Deus); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; X2: X-Men United; Jaws; Shakespeare in Love; Casablanca; Stand by Me; High Fidelity; Inception; Hunt for Red October; Beetlejuice; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Psycho; Bug's Life; Dogma; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mask; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Matrix Reloaded; Spider-Man 2; Back to the Future Part II; Wizard of Oz; Game; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Big Fish; Contact; Bourne Supremacy; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Mrs. Doubtfire; Heat; Jerry Maguire; Casino Royale; Big; Prestige; Shaun of the Dead; Airplane!; Pretty Woman; Amadeus; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Blues Brothers; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); 28 Days Later; Bowling for Columbine; Beauty and the Beast; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Lethal Weapon; Little Miss Sunshine; Back to the Future Part III; Shrek 2; Platoon; Nightmare Before Christmas; Meet the Parents; WALL·E; Iron Man; When Harry Met Sally...; Predator; Royal Tenenbaums; Untouchables; Erin Brockovich; Scarface; Fish Called Wanda; Face/Off; Unbreakable; Sleepy Hollow; Chicken Run; Casino; No Country for Old Men; GoldenEye; Abyss; Top Gun],[27739; 26446; 24693; 24656; 23136; 22499; 21744; 21713; 21038; 20621; 20448; 20174; 19979; 19703; 19593; 19404; 18989; 18601; 18460; 18406; 18297; 18232; 18163; 17904; 17859; 17309; 17265; 17256; 17077; 16960; 16736; 16139; 15784; 15751; 15554; 15500; 15484; 15276; 15173; 15133; 14997; 14880; 14792; 14755; 14636; 14622; 14609; 14565; 14562; 14369; 14346; 14323; 14125; 13923; 13876; 13865; 13774; 13675; 13626; 13583; 13565; 13440; 13387; 13387; 13322; 13306; 13259; 13222; 13207; 13149; 13098; 12868; 12865; 12778; 12754; 12748; 12739; 12715; 12710; 12682; 12620; 12543; 12433; 12203; 12018; 12011; 11960; 11832; 11723; 11709; 11581; 11568; 11298; 11294; 11102; 11096; 10998; 10997; 10973; 10917; 10912; 10873; 10825; 10825; 10712; 10511; 10457; 10402; 10381; 10371; 10358; 10296; 10256; 10230; 10214; 10192; 10177; 10119; 10007; 9956; 9944; 9932; 9930; 9800; 9690; 9582; 9579; 9562; 9555; 9554; 9522; 9485; 9419; 9415; 9413; 9289; 9271; 9268; 9241; 9188; 9043; 8992; 8971; 8956; 8941; 8925; 8911; 8889; 8856; 8828; 8786; 8782; 8692; 8683; 8637; 8618; 8596; 8589; 8531; 8471; 8430; 8421; 8348; 8344; 8320; 8284; 8275; 8268; 8230; 8192; 8174; 8139; 8103; 8092; 8039; 8030; 8004; 7973; 7895; 7881; 7863; 7824; 7823; 7816; 7808; 7800; 7761; 7754; 7753; 7740; 7722; 7711; 7672; 7637; 7626]
Finding Nemo,[Matrix; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Forrest Gump; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Monsters Inc.; Shawshank Redemption; Toy Story; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Pulp Fiction; Sixth Sense; Fight Club; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Incredibles; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Gladiator; American Beauty; Jurassic Park; Ocean's Eleven; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Memento; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Spider-Man; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Minority Report; Lion King; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; Beautiful Mind; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; X-Men; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Bourne Identity; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Good Will Hunting; Truman Show; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Catch Me If You Can; Godfather; Terminator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Groundhog Day; Batman Begins; Apollo 13; Toy Story 2; Princess Bride; Aladdin; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Die Hard; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Shrek 2; Titanic; Fifth Element; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fugitive; Rain Man; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Green Mile; Fargo; Alien; American History X; X2: X-Men United; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Spider-Man 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Reservoir Dogs; Being John Malkovich; Donnie Darko; Office Space; Batman; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Blade Runner; Edward Scissorhands; Cast Away; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Mission: Impossible; Dark Knight; There's Something About Mary; Speed; Bug's Life; Snatch; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Beauty and the Beast; Shining; Aliens; Sin City; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Dead Poets Society; Lost in Translation; Bourne Supremacy; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); V for Vendetta; Matrix Reloaded; Mrs. Doubtfire; Big Fish; Ice Age; Breakfast Club; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Wizard of Oz; Goodfellas; Dances with Wolves; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Almost Famous; Big Lebowski; Clockwork Orange; True Lies; Godfather: Part II; Pretty Woman; Trainspotting; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; L.A. Confidential; As Good as It Gets; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Full Metal Jacket; American Pie; Back to the Future Part II; Rock; Chicken Run; WALL·E; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Big; Casino Royale; Hunt for Red October; Mask; Jaws; Meet the Parents; Beetlejuice; Shakespeare in Love; Departed; Gattaca; Apocalypse Now; Bowling for Columbine; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Stand by Me; Traffic; Total Recall; Home Alone; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Casablanca; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Back to the Future Part III; Shaun of the Dead; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Little Miss Sunshine; Jerry Maguire; Iron Man; High Fidelity; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; When Harry Met Sally...; Dogma; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Nightmare Before Christmas; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Contact; Erin Brockovich; Ratatouille; Clerks; Top Gun; Requiem for a Dream; Last Samurai; Airplane!; Amadeus; Blues Brothers; Psycho; Babe; Prestige; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); 28 Days Later; Italian Job; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Juno; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Lethal Weapon; Inception; Unbreakable; Fish Called Wanda; Bourne Ultimatum; Taxi Driver; Armageddon; Mummy; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Sleepless in Seattle; Game; GoldenEye; Moulin Rouge; Royal Tenenbaums; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Up; Twister; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Pianist; Ghost; Untouchables; School of Rock; Jumanji; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Bridget Jones's Diary; Little Mermaid; Liar Liar; I Robot; Garden State; Million Dollar Baby; Crash; Love Actually; Few Good Men; Matrix Revolutions; Others; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Face/Off; Stargate; Chocolat; Super Size Me; 300; Predator; About a Boy; Rear Window; Pleasantville; Sleepy Hollow; Planet of the Apes; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Heat; Rocky; Wayne's World; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Platoon; Clueless; Black Hawk Down; Avatar; Grease; Signs; Philadelphia; Mystic River; Bruce Almighty; Citizen Kane; Enemy of the State; Good Morning Vietnam; No Country for Old Men; Full Monty; Abyss; Slumdog Millionaire; Scarface; Mary Poppins; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Children of Men; Galaxy Quest; Ring; Collateral; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Adaptation; Happy Gilmore; The Butterfly Effect; This Is Spinal Tap; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); It's a Wonderful Life; Graduate; Sound of Music; Wedding Singer; Mission: Impossible II; Die Hard 2; Hotel Rwanda; Superman; Charlie's Angels],[16258; 16020; 15755; 15390; 15321; 14893; 14557; 14408; 14347; 14055; 13907; 13763; 13675; 13094; 13075; 13073; 12898; 12869; 12816; 12782; 12747; 12496; 12251; 12168; 12109; 11600; 11573; 11465; 11259; 11154; 11147; 11119; 11101; 11065; 10956; 10945; 10822; 10816; 10802; 10760; 10757; 10356; 10330; 10303; 10231; 10222; 10102; 10030; 10019; 9984; 9973; 9925; 9723; 9708; 9655; 9651; 9637; 9633; 9472; 9414; 9367; 9257; 9253; 9213; 9155; 9150; 9080; 9004; 8921; 8783; 8738; 8737; 8732; 8676; 8584; 8532; 8503; 8362; 8272; 8270; 8256; 8210; 8202; 8185; 8175; 8171; 8070; 8069; 8032; 7989; 7971; 7927; 7870; 7832; 7807; 7760; 7713; 7644; 7613; 7564; 7551; 7513; 7471; 7469; 7428; 7322; 7294; 7273; 7261; 7240; 7222; 7209; 7183; 7171; 7168; 7132; 7128; 7069; 7054; 7024; 7018; 7007; 6994; 6986; 6883; 6862; 6861; 6818; 6813; 6802; 6730; 6712; 6712; 6707; 6670; 6634; 6615; 6591; 6561; 6558; 6556; 6440; 6400; 6353; 6348; 6330; 6311; 6290; 6261; 6260; 6259; 6252; 6242; 6228; 6214; 6201; 6192; 6183; 6182; 6182; 6171; 6144; 6118; 6064; 6052; 6048; 6036; 5994; 5950; 5932; 5930; 5927; 5915; 5913; 5831; 5824; 5784; 5778; 5737; 5700; 5697; 5684; 5651; 5644; 5642; 5614; 5607; 5591; 5540; 5529; 5528; 5510; 5501; 5473; 5466; 5453; 5406; 5392; 5391; 5363; 5358; 5336; 5329; 5327; 5284; 5266; 5256; 5255; 5243; 5230; 5212; 5211; 5193; 5181; 5165; 5148; 5128; 5124; 5095; 5087; 5084; 5078; 5058; 5024; 5001; 4981; 4972; 4938; 4926; 4913; 4873; 4873; 4870; 4855; 4844; 4838; 4813; 4797; 4794; 4792; 4788; 4785; 4753; 4710; 4699; 4686; 4683; 4673; 4670; 4665; 4619; 4608; 4602; 4602; 4597; 4593; 4588; 4575; 4563; 4546; 4544; 4538; 4513; 4507; 4499; 4490; 4489; 4474; 4461; 4459; 4441; 4437; 4427; 4420; 4400; 4383; 4379; 4356]
Firm,[Fugitive; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Apollo 13; Dances with Wolves; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Speed; Braveheart; Clear and Present Danger; Lion King; Pretty Woman; Mrs. Doubtfire; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aladdin; Schindler's List; Ghost; Sleepless in Seattle; Outbreak; Crimson Tide; Usual Suspects; Beauty and the Beast; Mask; Stargate; GoldenEye; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Net; While You Were Sleeping; Batman Forever; Cliffhanger; Client; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Babe; Star Trek: Generations; Quiz Show; Dave; In the Line of Fire; Get Shorty; Home Alone; Mission: Impossible; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Toy Story; Philadelphia; Waterworld; Fargo; Clueless; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Twister; American President; Rock; Natural Born Killers; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Die Hard; Disclosure; Legends of the Fall; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Heat; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Maverick; Tombstone; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Jumanji; Birdcage; Piano; Terminator; Addams Family Values; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Matrix; Groundhog Day; Sixth Sense; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Mr. Holland's Opus; Demolition Man; Broken Arrow; Leaving Las Vegas; Dead Man Walking; Godfather; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Casino; Santa Clause; Saving Private Ryan; Crow; Jerry Maguire; American Beauty; Good Will Hunting; Sense and Sensibility; Alien; Taxi Driver; Nightmare Before Christmas; Blade Runner; Clerks; Rob Roy; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Top Gun; Rain Man; Gladiator; Nell; Aliens; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; French Kiss; Hunt for Red October; True Romance; Princess Bride; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Dead Poets Society; Goodfellas; When Harry Met Sally...; L.A. Confidential; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Titanic; Beverly Hills Cop III; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Reservoir Dogs; Ed Wood; Jaws; Truman Show; Fight Club; Fish Called Wanda; Stand by Me; As Good as It Gets; Godfather: Part II; Much Ado About Nothing; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; Fifth Element; Wizard of Oz; There's Something About Mary; Congo; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Remains of the Day; Trainspotting; Copycat; Few Good Men; Specialist; Species; Shining],[19714; 19255; 18328; 18117; 17648; 16835; 16747; 16474; 16265; 16162; 16024; 15999; 15463; 14678; 14158; 13953; 13807; 13805; 13702; 13687; 13597; 13325; 12829; 12696; 12673; 12482; 12208; 12201; 11588; 11530; 11429; 11262; 11209; 11074; 10978; 10854; 10570; 10554; 10455; 10419; 10302; 10136; 10077; 10069; 9916; 9892; 9830; 9823; 9624; 9256; 9179; 9044; 9033; 8831; 8603; 8454; 8365; 8352; 8263; 8007; 7821; 7760; 7707; 7674; 7546; 7544; 7521; 7507; 7455; 7256; 7192; 7061; 6949; 6936; 6914; 6906; 6884; 6868; 6844; 6686; 6673; 6668; 6664; 6618; 6605; 6576; 6566; 6417; 6409; 6383; 6308; 6212; 6183; 6180; 6144; 6042; 6009; 6005; 5954; 5946; 5889; 5845; 5790; 5775; 5687; 5666; 5663; 5661; 5635; 5631; 5582; 5523; 5505; 5502; 5489; 5475; 5436; 5416; 5411; 5395; 5392; 5377; 5350; 5277; 5268; 5267; 5239; 5136; 5097; 5056; 5030; 5013; 4999; 4968; 4957; 4900; 4854; 4807; 4780; 4770; 4749; 4726; 4710; 4705; 4697; 4696]
Fish Called Wanda,[Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Forrest Gump; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Shawshank Redemption; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Groundhog Day; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Terminator; Jurassic Park; Schindler's List; Fugitive; Matrix; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Godfather; Blade Runner; American Beauty; Princess Bride; Braveheart; Alien; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); When Harry Met Sally...; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Sixth Sense; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Aliens; Stand by Me; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Apollo 13; Batman; Saving Private Ryan; Reservoir Dogs; L.A. Confidential; Blues Brothers; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Amadeus; Rain Man; Being John Malkovich; Dances with Wolves; Goodfellas; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Apocalypse Now; Speed; Dead Poets Society; Jaws; Good Will Hunting; Casablanca; Clockwork Orange; Wizard of Oz; Shining; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Godfather: Part II; Raising Arizona; True Lies; Fight Club; Breakfast Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Full Metal Jacket; Truman Show; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Airplane!; Shakespeare in Love; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Aladdin; Gladiator; Mission: Impossible; Lion King; Psycho; Fifth Element; This Is Spinal Tap; Taxi Driver; Beetlejuice; As Good as It Gets; Big; Babe; Trainspotting; Shrek; There's Something About Mary; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Hunt for Red October; Memento; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Pretty Woman; Graduate; Lethal Weapon; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Clerks; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Rock; Sting; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Platoon; Edward Scissorhands; Young Frankenstein; Sleepless in Seattle; Get Shorty; Total Recall; Big Lebowski; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Full Monty; Mrs. Doubtfire; Top Gun; Jerry Maguire; Rear Window; Citizen Kane; Titanic; Mask; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Untouchables; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Abyss; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ghost; Beauty and the Beast; Clueless; X-Men; Unforgiven; Contact; Annie Hall; Toy Story 2; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Nightmare Before Christmas; North by Northwest; Bug's Life; Ocean's Eleven; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; High Fidelity; Heat; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Brazil; Chinatown; Back to the Future Part II; Grosse Pointe Blank; Monsters Inc.; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Philadelphia; It's a Wonderful Life; Vertigo; Dave; Finding Nemo; Romancing the Stone; Office Space; GoldenEye; In the Line of Fire; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Clear and Present Danger; Spider-Man; Rocky; Mary Poppins; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Leaving Las Vegas; Green Mile; Beautiful Mind; Ed Wood; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Heathers; Almost Famous; Gattaca; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Chicken Run; Dead Man Walking; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Few Good Men; Home Alone; Quiz Show; To Kill a Mockingbird; Stargate; Bourne Identity; American History X; Crying Game; Die Hard 2; Star Trek: First Contact; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Bridge on the River Kwai; Planet of the Apes; Traffic; Firm; Good Morning Vietnam; Sound of Music; Gone with the Wind; Casino; Witness; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Birdcage; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; My Cousin Vinny; Face/Off; Superman; Twister; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; English Patient; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Das Boot (The Boat); Field of Dreams; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Grease; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Catch Me If You Can; American Pie; Lawrence of Arabia; Boogie Nights; Sling Blade; Sense and Sensibility; True Romance; Wayne's World; Sneakers; Pleasantville; Much Ado About Nothing; Lost in Translation; Cast Away; Glory; Thelma & Louise; Incredibles; Piano; Some Like It Hot; American President; Erin Brockovich; Game; Cool Hand Luke; RoboCop; Maltese Falcon; Election; Maverick; Snatch; Back to the Future Part III; Dogma; Christmas Story; Cape Fear; Exorcist; Animal House; Trading Places; Highlander; Birds; Blazing Saddles; Goldfinger; Predator; Splash; Galaxy Quest; Deer Hunter; Natural Born Killers; Rushmore; Crocodile Dundee; Fantasia; Gandhi; Crimson Tide; Chasing Amy; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Lethal Weapon 2; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Mars Attacks!; African Queen; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Jackie Brown; Great Escape; Crow; Donnie Darko; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Little Mermaid; Outbreak; Three Kings; Last of the Mohicans; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Star Trek: Generations; Manchurian Candidate; Scream; Jumanji; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); 12 Angry Men; Right Stuff; Hudsucker Proxy; Bonnie and Clyde; Talented Mr. Ripley; Meet the Parents; Mummy; Raging Bull; Gods Must Be Crazy; Sleepy Hollow; Beverly Hills Cop; Wag the Dog; Bowling for Columbine; La Femme Nikita; Basic Instinct; Liar Liar; Cocoon; Jungle Book; Gremlins; Batman Returns; Say Anything...; Stripes; While You Were Sleeping; Fly; X2: X-Men United; Sabrina; Unbreakable; Royal Tenenbaums; Batman Begins; Starship Troopers; Donnie Brasco; Magnolia; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Enemy of the State; Army of Darkness; Notting Hill; Wedding Singer; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Singin' in the Rain; Risky Business; King Kong; Best in Show; Air Force One; Dark City; Swingers; Spider-Man 2; Dangerous Liaisons; Blair Witch Project; Bridget Jones's Diary; Player; Thomas Crown Affair; Harold and Maude; Mr. Holland's Opus; Spaceballs; Sixteen Candles; Nutty Professor; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Fisher King; Breakfast at Tiffany's],[12923; 12834; 12761; 12664; 12649; 12347; 11948; 11761; 11662; 11514; 11414; 11131; 11002; 10901; 10880; 10750; 10714; 10630; 10593; 10548; 10464; 10448; 10435; 10424; 10347; 10324; 10290; 10073; 9994; 9846; 9650; 9590; 9482; 9421; 9404; 9217; 9183; 9111; 9102; 9069; 8855; 8836; 8601; 8594; 8571; 8540; 8496; 8494; 8440; 8410; 8375; 8365; 8246; 8242; 8220; 8213; 8202; 8183; 8179; 8165; 8133; 8087; 8043; 8004; 7849; 7822; 7800; 7779; 7702; 7657; 7631; 7627; 7589; 7541; 7519; 7468; 7468; 7463; 7463; 7459; 7395; 7380; 7379; 7324; 7283; 7274; 7265; 7265; 7256; 7253; 7185; 7158; 7112; 7101; 7057; 7036; 7024; 7001; 6939; 6898; 6894; 6865; 6840; 6822; 6810; 6791; 6758; 6684; 6658; 6637; 6635; 6613; 6582; 6529; 6514; 6503; 6459; 6378; 6331; 6303; 6278; 6266; 6233; 6194; 6143; 6135; 6121; 6116; 6053; 6032; 6020; 5988; 5959; 5940; 5919; 5895; 5874; 5842; 5829; 5819; 5819; 5814; 5811; 5809; 5791; 5760; 5745; 5691; 5674; 5584; 5555; 5547; 5541; 5528; 5520; 5507; 5496; 5480; 5475; 5475; 5469; 5435; 5428; 5414; 5413; 5408; 5403; 5388; 5383; 5383; 5361; 5356; 5342; 5337; 5325; 5324; 5322; 5308; 5295; 5288; 5279; 5272; 5248; 5248; 5225; 5221; 5212; 5212; 5202; 5201; 5186; 5178; 5157; 5136; 5123; 5066; 5056; 5047; 5041; 5024; 5013; 5013; 5011; 5002; 4993; 4967; 4966; 4924; 4918; 4892; 4883; 4880; 4858; 4810; 4809; 4791; 4782; 4772; 4763; 4753; 4750; 4734; 4729; 4722; 4719; 4709; 4708; 4698; 4698; 4696; 4691; 4683; 4683; 4677; 4662; 4654; 4649; 4641; 4631; 4630; 4630; 4629; 4611; 4609; 4580; 4569; 4565; 4564; 4556; 4546; 4544; 4540; 4535; 4529; 4515; 4502; 4497; 4494; 4487; 4474; 4469; 4464; 4430; 4428; 4392; 4376; 4354; 4345; 4340; 4339; 4335; 4312; 4303; 4303; 4274; 4265; 4241; 4239; 4238; 4197; 4175; 4162; 4146; 4123; 4119; 4107; 4100; 4088; 4077; 4077; 4077; 4076; 4073; 4067; 4063; 4061; 4059; 4058; 4054; 4044; 4041; 4011; 3992; 3991; 3977; 3969; 3964; 3961; 3953; 3951; 3947; 3946; 3943; 3938; 3932; 3897; 3888; 3864; 3858; 3854; 3841; 3824; 3815; 3810; 3780; 3779; 3769; 3736; 3728; 3726; 3712; 3708; 3707; 3695; 3694; 3689; 3687; 3685; 3678; 3662; 3658; 3643; 3636; 3624; 3619]
Forrest Gump,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Fugitive; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Schindler's List; Dances with Wolves; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Batman; Matrix; Speed; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Lion King; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; True Lies; Aladdin; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Mrs. Doubtfire; American Beauty; Pretty Woman; Sixth Sense; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Saving Private Ryan; Fight Club; Beauty and the Beast; Fargo; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Godfather; Mask; Ghost; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Sleepless in Seattle; Groundhog Day; Gladiator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Mission: Impossible; Terminator; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clear and Present Danger; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Shrek; Die Hard; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Firm; Good Will Hunting; Babe; Stargate; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; GoldenEye; Princess Bride; Memento; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Home Alone; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Titanic; Rock; Alien; Outbreak; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Crimson Tide; Blade Runner; Truman Show; Reservoir Dogs; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Batman Forever; Rain Man; Ocean's Eleven; Fifth Element; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Clueless; Goodfellas; Aliens; Finding Nemo; While You Were Sleeping; Twister; Star Trek: Generations; Beautiful Mind; Philadelphia; X-Men; Get Shorty; Godfather: Part II; Green Mile; Monsters Inc.; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; L.A. Confidential; There's Something About Mary; Being John Malkovich; American History X; Minority Report; Dave; Shining; Full Metal Jacket; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Spider-Man; As Good as It Gets; Net; Dead Poets Society; Clerks; Bourne Identity; Cliffhanger; In the Line of Fire; Waterworld; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Clockwork Orange; Quiz Show; Trainspotting; Jerry Maguire; Wizard of Oz; When Harry Met Sally...; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Taxi Driver; Heat; Apocalypse Now; Stand by Me; Hunt for Red October; Jumanji; Shakespeare in Love; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Edward Scissorhands; Nightmare Before Christmas; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Jaws; Catch Me If You Can; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Casablanca; Toy Story 2; Natural Born Killers; Office Space; Breakfast Club; Incredibles; American President; Big Lebowski],[40111; 39600; 39556; 38909; 35033; 34671; 34163; 32961; 31725; 29236; 28798; 28775; 28423; 28009; 27936; 27796; 27781; 27751; 27242; 27132; 25519; 25331; 25271; 24884; 24596; 24250; 24219; 23980; 23583; 23426; 22755; 22499; 22392; 22261; 21931; 21501; 21235; 21154; 21026; 20865; 20802; 20721; 20533; 20123; 19985; 19795; 19754; 19730; 19677; 19629; 19607; 19582; 19405; 19306; 19255; 18990; 18954; 18666; 18507; 18343; 18200; 17806; 17486; 17462; 17361; 17308; 17138; 17093; 17046; 16976; 16941; 16628; 16571; 16527; 16498; 16482; 16454; 16319; 15844; 15826; 15789; 15767; 15452; 15404; 15390; 15374; 15367; 15347; 15144; 15097; 14979; 14941; 14909; 14906; 14807; 14775; 14747; 14681; 14663; 14610; 14573; 14484; 14430; 14225; 14103; 14077; 14055; 14020; 13967; 13948; 13938; 13890; 13886; 13840; 13783; 13719; 13657; 13625; 13537; 13522; 13518; 13480; 13434; 13429; 13409; 13349; 13245; 13198; 13180; 13137; 13118; 13076; 13073; 13038; 12998; 12970; 12855; 12836; 12813; 12807; 12766; 12759; 12742; 12618; 12593; 12322]
Four Weddings and a Funeral,[Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Fugitive; Shawshank Redemption; Schindler's List; Apollo 13; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Dances with Wolves; Pretty Woman; Speed; Braveheart; Sleepless in Seattle; Batman; Usual Suspects; True Lies; Mrs. Doubtfire; Ghost; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aladdin; Lion King; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Babe; Firm; Beauty and the Beast; Mask; Clueless; Back to the Future; Clear and Present Danger; Groundhog Day; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Get Shorty; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dave; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; While You Were Sleeping; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Philadelphia; Mission: Impossible; American Beauty; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Quiz Show; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; GoldenEye; Home Alone; Matrix; Piano; Stargate; Sense and Sensibility; In the Line of Fire; Sixth Sense; American President; Outbreak; When Harry Met Sally...; Crimson Tide; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Godfather; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Princess Bride; Blade Runner; Batman Forever; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Shakespeare in Love; Fish Called Wanda; Good Will Hunting; Birdcage; Rock; Saving Private Ryan; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Star Trek: Generations; Leaving Las Vegas; Much Ado About Nothing; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Twister; L.A. Confidential; Jerry Maguire; Client; Alien; Clerks; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Net; Dead Man Walking; As Good as It Gets; Titanic; Rain Man; Dead Poets Society; Nightmare Before Christmas; Casablanca; Truman Show; Heat; Being John Malkovich; There's Something About Mary; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Cliffhanger; Stand by Me; Natural Born Killers; Maverick; Wizard of Oz; Taxi Driver; Trainspotting; Amadeus; Aliens; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shrek; Goodfellas; Reservoir Dogs; Gladiator; Ed Wood; Fight Club; Waterworld; Full Monty; Legends of the Fall; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Jumanji; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Edward Scissorhands; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Fifth Element; Godfather: Part II; Jaws; Top Gun; Hunt for Red October; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Blues Brothers; Mr. Holland's Opus; Breakfast Club; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Memento; Apocalypse Now; Remains of the Day; Clockwork Orange; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Big; Shining; Graduate; Muriel's Wedding; Casino; True Romance; Addams Family Values; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Crow; Psycho; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; French Kiss; Sabrina; Ocean's Eleven; English Patient; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Contact; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Rob Roy; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Beetlejuice; Tombstone; Full Metal Jacket; Demolition Man; Beautiful Mind; Bug's Life; Total Recall; Broken Arrow; Lethal Weapon; Raising Arizona; X-Men; Big Lebowski; Monsters Inc.; Toy Story 2; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Minority Report; Rear Window; Sting; Finding Nemo; Grosse Pointe Blank; Sound of Music; Notting Hill; Airplane!; High Fidelity; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Disclosure; Crying Game; Citizen Kane; Hudsucker Proxy; Platoon; Mary Poppins; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Green Mile; Few Good Men; Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert; Erin Brockovich; Spider-Man; This Is Spinal Tap; Grease],[19405; 17774; 17574; 16946; 16903; 16229; 15543; 15397; 15259; 14992; 14866; 14841; 14334; 14330; 13952; 13776; 13434; 13402; 12982; 12919; 12884; 12855; 12252; 12002; 11949; 11562; 11463; 11429; 11291; 10951; 10759; 10731; 10600; 10564; 10529; 10433; 10393; 10371; 10152; 10073; 9916; 9901; 9854; 9811; 9684; 9641; 9628; 9553; 9545; 9491; 9391; 9163; 9146; 9060; 8982; 8913; 8909; 8891; 8872; 8859; 8798; 8796; 8760; 8749; 8669; 8586; 8516; 8466; 8420; 8307; 8253; 8249; 8246; 8240; 8115; 8105; 8076; 8006; 7929; 7863; 7821; 7732; 7703; 7682; 7675; 7652; 7646; 7627; 7588; 7519; 7519; 7455; 7441; 7425; 7421; 7416; 7259; 7221; 7168; 7149; 7142; 7122; 7108; 7086; 7055; 7044; 6989; 6979; 6975; 6960; 6954; 6951; 6944; 6934; 6900; 6892; 6880; 6838; 6810; 6784; 6679; 6653; 6629; 6593; 6581; 6554; 6505; 6487; 6466; 6421; 6348; 6313; 6307; 6284; 6276; 6274; 6252; 6235; 6231; 6219; 6211; 6180; 6175; 6137; 6116; 6098; 6045; 5978; 5970; 5905; 5864; 5858; 5850; 5818; 5776; 5760; 5717; 5682; 5671; 5668; 5637; 5628; 5625; 5615; 5609; 5556; 5535; 5514; 5496; 5454; 5445; 5444; 5442; 5424; 5411; 5380; 5376; 5349; 5338; 5255; 5250; 5246; 5244; 5239; 5212; 5209; 5191; 5157; 5145; 5144; 5142; 5137; 5130; 5130; 5122; 5121; 5118; 5098; 5061; 5041; 5027; 5023; 5018; 5017; 5008; 4990; 4985]
Fugitive,[Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Braveheart; Batman; Dances with Wolves; True Lies; Speed; Schindler's List; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aladdin; Clear and Present Danger; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Lion King; Toy Story; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Fargo; Firm; Mrs. Doubtfire; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Stargate; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future; GoldenEye; Outbreak; Die Hard; Crimson Tide; Mask; Ghost; Mission: Impossible; Sleepless in Seattle; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Saving Private Ryan; Babe; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Sixth Sense; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Batman Forever; Godfather; Rock; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Trek: Generations; Groundhog Day; American Beauty; Get Shorty; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); In the Line of Fire; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Cliffhanger; Alien; Princess Bride; While You Were Sleeping; Net; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Quiz Show; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Dave; Gladiator; Clueless; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Home Alone; Blade Runner; Aliens; Twister; Good Will Hunting; Heat; Waterworld; Hunt for Red October; Fight Club; L.A. Confidential; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Reservoir Dogs; Goodfellas; Philadelphia; Natural Born Killers; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fifth Element; Taxi Driver; Jaws; Godfather: Part II; Rain Man; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Clerks; Client; American President; Memento; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Titanic; Truman Show; Maverick; Full Metal Jacket; Stand by Me; Total Recall; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Wizard of Oz; Jerry Maguire; Jumanji; When Harry Met Sally...; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Nightmare Before Christmas; There's Something About Mary; Being John Malkovich; Apocalypse Now; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Shining; As Good as It Gets; Tombstone; Fish Called Wanda; Top Gun; Dead Poets Society; Lethal Weapon; Dead Man Walking; Ocean's Eleven; Leaving Las Vegas; Casablanca; Birdcage; Casino; Crow; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Blues Brothers; Minority Report; Trainspotting; Demolition Man; Shakespeare in Love; Broken Arrow; Green Mile; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Psycho; Clockwork Orange; True Romance; Addams Family Values; Piano; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amadeus; Legends of the Fall; Sense and Sensibility; Contact; Bourne Identity; Big; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Breakfast Club; Spider-Man],[34671; 34659; 33837; 32933; 32077; 31645; 30625; 30280; 28613; 27595; 27543; 26703; 25322; 25282; 24733; 23931; 23076; 22752; 22640; 22529; 22015; 21808; 21309; 20440; 20337; 20297; 19993; 19806; 19714; 19652; 19536; 19306; 19235; 19119; 18915; 18415; 18257; 18254; 18248; 18219; 18028; 17568; 17488; 17453; 17430; 17391; 17315; 17120; 16903; 16769; 16636; 16520; 16377; 16353; 16168; 16125; 15973; 15936; 15802; 15418; 15412; 15134; 14977; 14946; 14723; 14615; 14573; 14288; 14246; 14241; 14232; 14188; 14179; 14167; 14130; 14091; 13831; 13791; 13700; 13678; 13583; 13550; 13422; 13184; 13007; 12996; 12989; 12636; 12521; 12253; 12205; 12180; 12153; 12108; 12095; 12092; 11987; 11903; 11709; 11581; 11503; 11475; 11410; 11399; 11388; 11246; 11238; 11166; 11109; 11068; 11062; 10968; 10966; 10935; 10876; 10858; 10796; 10796; 10761; 10722; 10709; 10700; 10691; 10599; 10593; 10556; 10547; 10467; 10448; 10432; 10419; 10417; 10405; 10398; 10346; 10252; 10236; 10188; 10180; 10113; 10107; 10102; 9970; 9960; 9921; 9905; 9860; 9853; 9819; 9811; 9785; 9778; 9747; 9721; 9717; 9695; 9673; 9654; 9642; 9632; 9604]
Full Metal Jacket,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Godfather; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; American Beauty; Terminator; Usual Suspects; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Fight Club; Back to the Future; Reservoir Dogs; Alien; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fargo; Jurassic Park; Schindler's List; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Blade Runner; Sixth Sense; Goodfellas; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Aliens; Apocalypse Now; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clockwork Orange; Shining; Fugitive; Godfather: Part II; Toy Story; Groundhog Day; Memento; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; L.A. Confidential; Princess Bride; American History X; Good Will Hunting; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Platoon; Taxi Driver; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Jaws; Being John Malkovich; Fifth Element; Trainspotting; Apollo 13; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Rain Man; Shrek; Stand by Me; Truman Show; Big Lebowski; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Speed; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Monty Python's Life of Brian; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Blues Brothers; Psycho; Total Recall; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Dances with Wolves; Hunt for Red October; Rock; Mission: Impossible; True Lies; X-Men; Snatch; Ocean's Eleven; Untouchables; Dead Poets Society; Casablanca; Clerks; Minority Report; Green Mile; Lion King; Heat; Lethal Weapon; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Amadeus; Wizard of Oz; Office Space; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Fish Called Wanda; There's Something About Mary; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Edward Scissorhands; Donnie Darko; Breakfast Club; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Titanic; Beautiful Mind; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Bourne Identity; Abyss; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Airplane!; Beetlejuice; Unforgiven; Spider-Man; Top Gun; Rocky; Aladdin; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; This Is Spinal Tap; When Harry Met Sally...; Citizen Kane; Monsters Inc.; Finding Nemo; As Good as It Gets; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Casino; Big; Predator; Gattaca; Batman Begins; Graduate; Traffic; Requiem for a Dream; Raising Arizona; Contact; Catch Me If You Can; Sin City; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Chinatown; Rear Window; Back to the Future Part II; Jerry Maguire; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Mask; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Toy Story 2; Cast Away; Die Hard 2; Almost Famous; Planet of the Apes; American Pie; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Face/Off; Scarface; GoldenEye; Brazil; High Fidelity; Game; Shakespeare in Love; Incredibles; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; RoboCop; Deer Hunter; Das Boot (The Boat); Lost in Translation; Departed; Get Shorty; Stargate; Glory; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Dark Knight; Few Good Men; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Pretty Woman; True Romance; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Sting; Young Frankenstein; Exorcist; Mrs. Doubtfire; Natural Born Killers; Bug's Life; Nightmare Before Christmas; Dogma; North by Northwest; Back to the Future Part III; Boogie Nights; Starship Troopers; Bridge on the River Kwai; Jackie Brown; Babe; Vertigo; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Clear and Present Danger; In the Line of Fire; Superman; Beauty and the Beast; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Three Kings; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Raging Bull; X2: X-Men United; Grosse Pointe Blank; Leaving Las Vegas; Goldfinger; Bowling for Columbine; Wayne's World; Army of Darkness; Star Trek: First Contact; Crow; Good Morning Vietnam; Unbreakable; Full Monty; Sling Blade; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Annie Hall; Ghost; Twister; V for Vendetta; Highlander; Last of the Mohicans; 28 Days Later; Home Alone; Donnie Brasco; Great Escape; Enemy of the State; Cape Fear; To Kill a Mockingbird; Dark City; Shaun of the Dead; Mummy; 12 Angry Men; Matrix Reloaded; Cool Hand Luke; Spider-Man 2; Lawrence of Arabia; Mars Attacks!; Scream; It's a Wonderful Life; Chicken Run; Sleepy Hollow; Rushmore; Philadelphia; Lethal Weapon 2; Magnolia; Eyes Wide Shut; Meet the Parents; Bourne Supremacy; Ed Wood; Big Fish; Clueless; From Dusk Till Dawn; No Country for Old Men; Chasing Amy; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Sleepless in Seattle; Animal House; Romancing the Stone; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Royal Tenenbaums; Crimson Tide; Christmas Story; Armageddon; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Blair Witch Project; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); King Kong; Dead Man Walking; Black Hawk Down; Beverly Hills Cop; Casino Royale; Birds; Firm; Outbreak; Con Air; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Erin Brockovich; Fly; Field of Dreams; Liar Liar; Sneakers; Batman Returns; Blazing Saddles; Desperado; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Thelma & Louise; Devil's Advocate; My Cousin Vinny; Pianist; Happy Gilmore; Galaxy Quest; Pleasantville; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Air Force One; Spaceballs; Talented Mr. Ripley; Maltese Falcon; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Prestige; Manchurian Candidate; Witness; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Ronin; Crying Game; Gremlins; Election; Blade; Crash; Mulholland Drive; Shrek 2; Jumanji; Misery; Quiz Show; Gone with the Wind; Deliverance; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life],[16492; 15414; 15162; 15055; 14861; 14792; 14452; 14103; 13938; 13712; 13523; 13435; 13382; 13307; 13226; 13150; 13149; 13096; 12940; 12902; 12726; 12551; 12429; 12384; 12282; 12125; 12025; 11995; 11916; 11866; 11863; 11861; 11855; 11422; 11338; 11303; 11246; 11154; 11020; 10955; 10932; 10921; 10850; 10396; 10393; 10130; 10044; 9945; 9938; 9937; 9888; 9798; 9787; 9746; 9744; 9742; 9718; 9625; 9486; 9460; 9378; 9330; 9234; 9182; 9021; 8946; 8924; 8917; 8852; 8785; 8621; 8613; 8563; 8514; 8497; 8473; 8404; 8390; 8351; 8334; 8269; 8235; 8220; 8205; 8056; 7869; 7854; 7850; 7848; 7832; 7824; 7811; 7807; 7792; 7768; 7762; 7757; 7728; 7718; 7661; 7657; 7657; 7618; 7615; 7574; 7502; 7474; 7370; 7369; 7363; 7357; 7328; 7300; 7202; 7196; 7170; 7165; 7160; 7142; 7140; 7117; 7077; 7026; 7020; 7001; 6984; 6982; 6951; 6875; 6862; 6811; 6738; 6689; 6679; 6677; 6645; 6637; 6629; 6616; 6597; 6546; 6542; 6526; 6505; 6505; 6485; 6481; 6462; 6448; 6402; 6399; 6357; 6353; 6333; 6326; 6306; 6297; 6274; 6260; 6212; 6211; 6187; 6179; 6154; 6134; 6114; 6110; 6105; 6034; 6032; 5975; 5942; 5885; 5860; 5846; 5843; 5832; 5823; 5808; 5803; 5787; 5784; 5782; 5777; 5776; 5775; 5769; 5717; 5713; 5706; 5702; 5696; 5616; 5614; 5609; 5606; 5604; 5583; 5548; 5536; 5514; 5505; 5482; 5404; 5384; 5373; 5347; 5328; 5324; 5322; 5285; 5278; 5246; 5244; 5243; 5224; 5206; 5192; 5168; 5168; 5152; 5149; 5138; 5135; 5135; 5135; 5133; 5129; 5119; 5107; 5104; 5104; 5099; 5093; 5045; 5043; 5043; 4994; 4991; 4959; 4958; 4956; 4954; 4932; 4917; 4913; 4904; 4898; 4897; 4895; 4893; 4880; 4879; 4871; 4858; 4852; 4830; 4819; 4817; 4809; 4807; 4806; 4801; 4767; 4766; 4765; 4753; 4749; 4743; 4732; 4729; 4726; 4708; 4689; 4681; 4677; 4657; 4627; 4623; 4620; 4610; 4608; 4598; 4589; 4587; 4582; 4557; 4546; 4532; 4523; 4494; 4470; 4467; 4444; 4432; 4426; 4426; 4406; 4399; 4385; 4370; 4358; 4329; 4327; 4322; 4321; 4317; 4309; 4306; 4302; 4300; 4293; 4288; 4287; 4285; 4282; 4251; 4232; 4218; 4218; 4215; 4214; 4212; 4206; 4190]
Game,[Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; American Beauty; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fugitive; Terminator; Gladiator; Fargo; Schindler's List; Die Hard; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Good Will Hunting; Toy Story; Godfather; Groundhog Day; Memento; L.A. Confidential; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Reservoir Dogs; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Alien; Truman Show; Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Apollo 13; Aliens; Speed; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Goodfellas; Blade Runner; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Green Mile; Rain Man; American History X; Minority Report; Rock; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ocean's Eleven; Being John Malkovich; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Mission: Impossible; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Hunt for Red October; Batman; Titanic; X-Men; Shining; Big Lebowski; Full Metal Jacket; Total Recall; True Lies; As Good as It Gets; There's Something About Mary; Godfather: Part II; Beautiful Mind; Gattaca; Princess Bride; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Bourne Identity; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Lion King; Heat; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Contact; Dances with Wolves; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Trainspotting; Snatch; Clockwork Orange; Spider-Man; Jaws; Office Space; Jerry Maguire; Edward Scissorhands; Monsters Inc.; Apocalypse Now; Face/Off; Lethal Weapon; Dead Poets Society; Catch Me If You Can; Finding Nemo; Stand by Me; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Taxi Driver; Aladdin; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Cast Away; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Breakfast Club; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Few Good Men; Untouchables; Traffic; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Donnie Darko; Back to the Future Part II; Psycho; Clerks; Shakespeare in Love; Enemy of the State; Toy Story 2; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Abyss; Big; American Pie; Mask; Beetlejuice; Batman Begins; Casino; Platoon; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; When Harry Met Sally...; Pretty Woman; Fish Called Wanda; Almost Famous; Die Hard 2; Wizard of Oz; Incredibles; Predator; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Top Gun; Devil's Advocate; Blues Brothers; High Fidelity; Scream; Bug's Life; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Airplane!; GoldenEye; Back to the Future Part III; Dogma; Unbreakable; Amadeus; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Casablanca; Rocky; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; X2: X-Men United; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Mrs. Doubtfire; Sin City; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Unforgiven; Boogie Nights; Grosse Pointe Blank; Meet the Parents; Dark City; Requiem for a Dream; Planet of the Apes; Stargate; Erin Brockovich; Ghost; Lost in Translation; Full Monty; Air Force One; Beauty and the Beast; Sleepy Hollow; Jackie Brown; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Firm; Bourne Supremacy; Matrix Reloaded; Talented Mr. Ripley; Mummy; Liar Liar; In the Line of Fire; Rear Window; Three Kings; Armageddon; Twister; Spider-Man 2; Clear and Present Danger; Starship Troopers; Chasing Amy; Con Air; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Donnie Brasco; Babe; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Exorcist; RoboCop; Pleasantville; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); True Romance; Sleepless in Seattle; Big Fish; Philadelphia; Magnolia; Chicken Run; Sneakers; Wayne's World; Others; Sling Blade; Get Shorty; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dark Knight; Home Alone; Graduate; Lethal Weapon 2; Scarface; Nightmare Before Christmas; Superman; Bowling for Columbine; Crimson Tide; Departed; Natural Born Killers; Cape Fear; My Cousin Vinny; Citizen Kane; V for Vendetta; Crow; Good Morning Vietnam; Chinatown; Outbreak; 28 Days Later; Shrek 2; Raising Arizona; Ronin; Ransom; Vertigo; Leaving Las Vegas; Thomas Crown Affair; Basic Instinct; Wedding Singer; Conspiracy Theory; Misery; This Is Spinal Tap; Clueless; Eyes Wide Shut; Last of the Mohicans; Blair Witch Project; Star Trek: First Contact; Mission: Impossible II; Negotiator; Galaxy Quest; Sting; Thelma & Louise; From Dusk Till Dawn; Desperado; Beverly Hills Cop; Romancing the Stone; Rushmore; Royal Tenenbaums; Last Samurai; Blade; X-Files: Fight the Future; Brazil; Prestige; Dead Man Walking; Casino Royale; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Training Day; North by Northwest; Black Hawk Down; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Crash; Tomorrow Never Dies; Italian Job; Insider; Jumanji; Mystic River; Election; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Collateral; Mask of Zorro; Patriot; Ice Age; Mars Attacks!; Army of Darkness; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Road to Perdition; Happy Gilmore; Batman Returns; Witness; Shaun of the Dead; Goldfinger; Ring; Maverick; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Wag the Dog; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Highlander; Gremlins; Notting Hill; Little Mermaid; Mulholland Drive; Primal Fear; English Patient; It's a Wonderful Life; Pi; Million Dollar Baby; Field of Dreams; Signs; Das Boot (The Boat); King Kong; Glory; Patriot Games; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Quiz Show; Young Frankenstein; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Swingers; Adaptation; Crocodile Dundee; Spaceballs; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; The Butterfly Effect; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); 12 Angry Men; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Fly; Christmas Story; Pianist; La Femme Nikita; Deer Hunter; To Kill a Mockingbird; Go; Grease; Dave; Goonies; Rush Hour; Rounders; Moulin Rouge; Tombstone; Bourne Ultimatum; Bridge on the River Kwai; JFK; I Robot; Bridget Jones's Diary; Crying Game; Inception; Insomnia; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Matrix Revolutions; Trading Places; American Psycho; Poltergeist; Ed Wood; American President; Vanilla Sky; Iron Man; Animal House],[10637; 10270; 10091; 9823; 9558; 9526; 9471; 9273; 9199; 9134; 8889; 8779; 8687; 8686; 8652; 8649; 8481; 8473; 8362; 8259; 8255; 8145; 8053; 8046; 7879; 7874; 7824; 7818; 7765; 7744; 7715; 7680; 7661; 7590; 7586; 7508; 7325; 7312; 7095; 6987; 6908; 6890; 6852; 6828; 6756; 6681; 6662; 6660; 6658; 6656; 6644; 6604; 6579; 6564; 6528; 6526; 6506; 6439; 6391; 6325; 6320; 6291; 6289; 6266; 6256; 6251; 6219; 6134; 6097; 6077; 6075; 6028; 6010; 6002; 5978; 5959; 5893; 5880; 5850; 5815; 5811; 5803; 5782; 5777; 5756; 5753; 5711; 5680; 5663; 5648; 5628; 5541; 5534; 5523; 5521; 5480; 5471; 5436; 5405; 5404; 5392; 5359; 5293; 5219; 5207; 5200; 5200; 5171; 5162; 5157; 5124; 5116; 5113; 5112; 5090; 5062; 5043; 5034; 5005; 4992; 4992; 4975; 4975; 4950; 4937; 4903; 4887; 4881; 4866; 4858; 4788; 4780; 4762; 4756; 4716; 4715; 4697; 4697; 4662; 4660; 4654; 4654; 4647; 4615; 4613; 4605; 4586; 4586; 4577; 4570; 4566; 4559; 4519; 4494; 4487; 4484; 4476; 4445; 4435; 4420; 4388; 4370; 4361; 4342; 4318; 4306; 4303; 4278; 4266; 4244; 4237; 4233; 4229; 4197; 4195; 4183; 4168; 4166; 4159; 4136; 4135; 4126; 4125; 4113; 4102; 4098; 4088; 4083; 4077; 4071; 4066; 4065; 4060; 4055; 4042; 4038; 4031; 4023; 4001; 3990; 3977; 3974; 3953; 3932; 3930; 3921; 3920; 3919; 3869; 3852; 3821; 3818; 3810; 3802; 3798; 3792; 3790; 3787; 3770; 3767; 3761; 3759; 3756; 3755; 3751; 3747; 3740; 3733; 3730; 3730; 3719; 3701; 3694; 3693; 3690; 3682; 3681; 3680; 3656; 3651; 3650; 3648; 3644; 3638; 3629; 3628; 3612; 3606; 3599; 3591; 3583; 3558; 3551; 3542; 3534; 3499; 3493; 3493; 3471; 3441; 3432; 3432; 3422; 3415; 3415; 3405; 3404; 3400; 3382; 3375; 3372; 3370; 3365; 3361; 3359; 3354; 3352; 3342; 3341; 3339; 3339; 3339; 3336; 3335; 3313; 3313; 3303; 3303; 3295; 3286; 3285; 3282; 3274; 3269; 3263; 3256; 3252; 3239; 3229; 3226; 3225; 3222; 3218; 3207; 3206; 3195; 3174; 3168; 3165; 3137; 3135; 3110; 3110; 3099; 3095; 3094; 3093; 3088; 3088; 3077; 3059; 3055; 3055; 3044; 3043; 3043; 3037; 3024; 3022; 3018; 3013; 3010; 3006; 3003; 2999; 2994; 2992; 2988; 2978; 2968; 2965; 2950; 2935; 2931; 2922; 2918; 2918; 2912; 2891; 2888; 2877; 2877; 2868; 2866; 2851; 2851; 2848; 2847; 2836; 2835; 2835; 2831; 2831; 2826; 2823; 2822; 2819; 2813; 2813; 2811]
Gattaca,[Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Shawshank Redemption; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Back to the Future; Forrest Gump; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Jurassic Park; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fight Club; Usual Suspects; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Fifth Element; Blade Runner; Braveheart; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Saving Private Ryan; Alien; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Toy Story; Schindler's List; Fargo; Memento; Groundhog Day; Gladiator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Truman Show; Aliens; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Good Will Hunting; Godfather; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fugitive; Shrek; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); X-Men; Die Hard; Reservoir Dogs; Princess Bride; L.A. Confidential; Minority Report; Being John Malkovich; Contact; Total Recall; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Clockwork Orange; Apollo 13; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Edward Scissorhands; Ocean's Eleven; Speed; Batman; Rain Man; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Titanic; Spider-Man; Big Lebowski; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Lion King; Goodfellas; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Shining; Mission: Impossible; American History X; Monsters Inc.; Hunt for Red October; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; There's Something About Mary; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Trainspotting; Full Metal Jacket; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Beautiful Mind; Bourne Identity; Apocalypse Now; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Aladdin; Office Space; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; True Lies; Rock; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; As Good as It Gets; Godfather: Part II; Finding Nemo; Back to the Future Part II; Green Mile; Donnie Darko; Dances with Wolves; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Abyss; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Breakfast Club; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Jaws; Toy Story 2; Beetlejuice; Dark City; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Game; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Clerks; Snatch; Catch Me If You Can; Stargate; Face/Off; Wizard of Oz; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Bug's Life; Stand by Me; Back to the Future Part III; Big; Taxi Driver; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Planet of the Apes; Jerry Maguire; Lethal Weapon; Incredibles; Almost Famous; Batman Begins; Predator; Casablanca; Cast Away; Amadeus; Psycho; High Fidelity; X2: X-Men United; Traffic; When Harry Met Sally...; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Starship Troopers; Blues Brothers; Heat; Mask; Fish Called Wanda; Star Trek: First Contact; Airplane!; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Dogma; American Pie; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Unbreakable; Untouchables; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Top Gun; Brazil; RoboCop; Superman; Beauty and the Beast; Grosse Pointe Blank; Galaxy Quest; Nightmare Before Christmas; Pretty Woman; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Lost in Translation; Few Good Men; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sin City; Chicken Run; Babe; Mummy; Platoon; GoldenEye; Full Monty; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Matrix Reloaded; Armageddon; Spider-Man 2; V for Vendetta; Citizen Kane; Requiem for a Dream; Enemy of the State; Sneakers; Pleasantville; Die Hard 2; Sleepy Hollow; Erin Brockovich; Rear Window; This Is Spinal Tap; Casino; Ghost; Bourne Supremacy; Chasing Amy; Rocky; Graduate; Big Fish; Scream; 28 Days Later; Dark Knight; Boogie Nights; Clueless; Bowling for Columbine; Unforgiven; Meet the Parents; Mars Attacks!; Talented Mr. Ripley; Twister; Royal Tenenbaums; Three Kings; Raising Arizona; Jackie Brown; Wayne's World; Rushmore; Pi; Get Shorty; Sleepless in Seattle; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Devil's Advocate; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Shrek 2; X-Files: Fight the Future; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Exorcist; North by Northwest; Army of Darkness; Home Alone; Liar Liar; Clear and Present Danger; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Crow; Shaun of the Dead; Eyes Wide Shut; Magnolia; Election; Chinatown; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Fly; Jumanji; Sling Blade; Air Force One; Philadelphia; Blair Witch Project; Good Morning Vietnam; Spaceballs; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Con Air; Departed; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Vertigo; Young Frankenstein; Star Trek: Generations; Casino Royale; My Cousin Vinny; Others; Firm; Outbreak; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Romancing the Stone; Sting; Little Mermaid; Natural Born Killers; Leaving Las Vegas; Blade; Prestige; True Romance; Wedding Singer; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Highlander; Last of the Mohicans; Thomas Crown Affair; Thelma & Louise; In the Line of Fire; Dune; Ice Age; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Tron; Mission: Impossible II; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Batman Returns; Donnie Brasco; Moulin Rouge; Ronin; It's a Wonderful Life; Das Boot (The Boat); Goldfinger; Last Samurai; English Patient; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Mask of Zorro; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Children of Men; WALL·E; To Kill a Mockingbird; Lethal Weapon 2; Scarface; Ed Wood; Grease; Crimson Tide; King Kong; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Iron Man; Bridget Jones's Diary; Black Hawk Down; Annie Hall; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Little Miss Sunshine; Wag the Dog; Inception; Dead Man Walking; Crash; Signs; I Robot; Mad Max; Mary Poppins; Mulholland Drive; Italian Job; Adaptation; From Dusk Till Dawn; Beverly Hills Cop; Gremlins; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Tomorrow Never Dies; Witness; Misery; Alien: Resurrection; Quiz Show; Happy Gilmore; Goonies; Notting Hill; Akira; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Matrix Revolutions; NeverEnding Story; Glory; Christmas Story; Maverick; Patriot; Thing; Pianist; Desperado; Deep Impact; Chocolat],[13511; 11520; 11411; 11364; 11189; 11017; 10962; 10889; 10873; 10828; 10625; 10583; 10500; 10458; 10304; 10214; 10009; 9987; 9955; 9816; 9604; 9530; 9474; 9364; 9361; 9294; 9290; 9052; 9014; 8981; 8976; 8866; 8723; 8652; 8629; 8574; 8562; 8546; 8532; 8491; 8374; 8365; 8282; 8248; 8248; 8183; 8095; 8069; 8040; 8005; 7989; 7856; 7850; 7729; 7713; 7635; 7619; 7544; 7295; 7210; 7177; 7144; 7130; 7111; 7110; 6990; 6960; 6954; 6946; 6886; 6870; 6857; 6847; 6840; 6837; 6805; 6785; 6766; 6750; 6715; 6704; 6645; 6581; 6569; 6566; 6564; 6527; 6523; 6503; 6495; 6476; 6471; 6470; 6467; 6441; 6440; 6428; 6385; 6375; 6372; 6272; 6272; 6261; 6204; 6198; 6147; 6097; 6087; 6080; 6048; 6027; 5980; 5978; 5972; 5968; 5927; 5912; 5899; 5886; 5886; 5871; 5831; 5815; 5797; 5797; 5779; 5766; 5730; 5727; 5688; 5685; 5629; 5601; 5575; 5575; 5574; 5568; 5554; 5523; 5480; 5463; 5430; 5422; 5413; 5400; 5368; 5367; 5355; 5342; 5340; 5303; 5275; 5266; 5259; 5257; 5252; 5224; 5198; 5195; 5184; 5183; 5155; 5152; 5144; 5139; 5119; 5111; 5076; 5068; 5064; 5053; 5049; 5029; 5004; 4985; 4968; 4963; 4932; 4917; 4890; 4889; 4881; 4879; 4808; 4792; 4767; 4764; 4763; 4738; 4733; 4724; 4684; 4678; 4678; 4610; 4589; 4576; 4549; 4544; 4542; 4524; 4524; 4518; 4516; 4515; 4504; 4491; 4473; 4462; 4423; 4414; 4388; 4376; 4364; 4346; 4345; 4328; 4312; 4312; 4296; 4289; 4273; 4254; 4252; 4247; 4241; 4226; 4195; 4193; 4180; 4176; 4165; 4161; 4149; 4144; 4138; 4138; 4125; 4104; 4103; 4087; 4083; 4072; 4063; 4058; 4043; 4037; 4028; 4006; 4006; 3991; 3988; 3983; 3976; 3967; 3965; 3964; 3948; 3946; 3932; 3918; 3913; 3898; 3894; 3892; 3876; 3866; 3866; 3865; 3848; 3841; 3834; 3833; 3823; 3820; 3814; 3811; 3804; 3783; 3781; 3752; 3745; 3739; 3728; 3723; 3716; 3705; 3702; 3701; 3684; 3671; 3649; 3642; 3637; 3630; 3619; 3616; 3601; 3600; 3600; 3589; 3587; 3585; 3584; 3570; 3564; 3562; 3560; 3556; 3555; 3548; 3541; 3538; 3537; 3526; 3524; 3518; 3506; 3497; 3496; 3492; 3486; 3481; 3472; 3472; 3470; 3467; 3465; 3461; 3455; 3453; 3452; 3430; 3418; 3409; 3407; 3402; 3398; 3397; 3389; 3386; 3384; 3383; 3378; 3375; 3370; 3369; 3369; 3367; 3361; 3361; 3361; 3360; 3353]
Get Shorty,[Pulp Fiction; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Braveheart; Batman; Usual Suspects; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Speed; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Clear and Present Danger; Aladdin; Fargo; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Toy Story; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Lion King; Babe; GoldenEye; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Firm; Mask; Sleepless in Seattle; Crimson Tide; Quiz Show; Beauty and the Beast; Clueless; Outbreak; Stargate; Ghost; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; In the Line of Fire; Back to the Future; Dave; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Groundhog Day; Heat; Batman Forever; Die Hard; While You Were Sleeping; Godfather; Rock; Terminator; Star Trek: Generations; Matrix; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); American President; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Clerks; Cliffhanger; Natural Born Killers; American Beauty; Blade Runner; Leaving Las Vegas; Saving Private Ryan; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Princess Bride; Home Alone; Net; Philadelphia; Waterworld; Taxi Driver; Goodfellas; Alien; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Birdcage; L.A. Confidential; Twister; Sixth Sense; Dead Man Walking; Casino; Ed Wood; Reservoir Dogs; Aliens; Fish Called Wanda; True Romance; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Broken Arrow; Maverick; Client; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Godfather: Part II; When Harry Met Sally...; Nightmare Before Christmas; Good Will Hunting; Sense and Sensibility; Hunt for Red October; Piano; Stand by Me; Jaws; Blues Brothers; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Jumanji; As Good as It Gets; Fifth Element; Tombstone; Jerry Maguire; Crow; Being John Malkovich; Addams Family Values; There's Something About Mary; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Apocalypse Now; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Legends of the Fall; Wizard of Oz; Casablanca; Shakespeare in Love; Gladiator; Total Recall; Fight Club; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Rain Man; Truman Show; Demolition Man; Lethal Weapon; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Clockwork Orange; Amadeus; Disclosure; Mr. Holland's Opus; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Shining; Rob Roy; Dead Poets Society; Top Gun; Much Ado About Nothing; Raising Arizona; Big Lebowski; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Breakfast Club; Psycho; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Grosse Pointe Blank; Desperado; Big; Santa Clause; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Titanic; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Full Monty; Untouchables; Edward Scissorhands; Unforgiven; Die Hard 2; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Beetlejuice; Contact; Platoon; Graduate; Airplane!; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Face/Off; Sting; Abyss; Memento; This Is Spinal Tap; Hudsucker Proxy; Star Trek: First Contact; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); X-Men; Shrek; French Kiss; Citizen Kane; Few Good Men; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Bug's Life; To Die For; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Young Frankenstein; Chinatown; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Remains of the Day; Rear Window; Rocky; Toy Story 2; My Cousin Vinny; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Ocean's Eleven],[16921; 15973; 15179; 14941; 14721; 14693; 14185; 14132; 14013; 13860; 13746; 13423; 12993; 12810; 12251; 12228; 11995; 11396; 11323; 11163; 10925; 10659; 10433; 10396; 10217; 10161; 10129; 9990; 9944; 9916; 9876; 9713; 9678; 9503; 9493; 9423; 9360; 9335; 9311; 9213; 9105; 8960; 8957; 8934; 8889; 8752; 8705; 8655; 8555; 8516; 8441; 8421; 8304; 8253; 8113; 8108; 8041; 8036; 8034; 8008; 7850; 7778; 7657; 7625; 7618; 7600; 7582; 7466; 7450; 7434; 7418; 7411; 7320; 7295; 7284; 7257; 7232; 7220; 7211; 7210; 7144; 7122; 7088; 6928; 6869; 6848; 6811; 6796; 6795; 6794; 6684; 6551; 6546; 6527; 6520; 6463; 6449; 6439; 6405; 6364; 6350; 6336; 6253; 6241; 6192; 6176; 6143; 6070; 6060; 6033; 5981; 5973; 5950; 5935; 5922; 5914; 5864; 5864; 5860; 5856; 5849; 5836; 5785; 5750; 5705; 5659; 5648; 5623; 5604; 5591; 5526; 5526; 5485; 5453; 5437; 5431; 5410; 5407; 5395; 5377; 5329; 5308; 5287; 5223; 5215; 5213; 5204; 5171; 5139; 5137; 5133; 5131; 5117; 5106; 5069; 5046; 5009; 4982; 4945; 4944; 4910; 4907; 4880; 4871; 4871; 4855; 4852; 4847; 4841; 4839; 4839; 4838; 4824; 4824; 4791; 4783; 4759; 4749; 4738; 4692; 4684; 4663; 4579; 4544; 4543; 4479; 4454; 4449; 4430; 4428; 4411; 4408; 4394; 4379; 4364; 4361; 4346; 4336; 4324]
Ghost,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Fugitive; Silence of the Lambs; Pretty Woman; Speed; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Pulp Fiction; Dances with Wolves; Shawshank Redemption; Mrs. Doubtfire; Batman; Braveheart; True Lies; Sleepless in Seattle; Lion King; Aladdin; Schindler's List; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Firm; Beauty and the Beast; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mask; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Usual Suspects; Clear and Present Danger; Home Alone; Toy Story; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Babe; Stargate; Outbreak; While You Were Sleeping; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mission: Impossible; Back to the Future; Dave; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; GoldenEye; Batman Forever; Crimson Tide; Clueless; Twister; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fargo; Philadelphia; Star Trek: Generations; Net; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; In the Line of Fire; Groundhog Day; Get Shorty; Matrix; Cliffhanger; Rock; Die Hard; Client; American President; Sixth Sense; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Quiz Show; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Jumanji; Waterworld; Maverick; American Beauty; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Titanic; Princess Bride; Saving Private Ryan; Birdcage; Godfather; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Legends of the Fall; Good Will Hunting; Alien; When Harry Met Sally...; Jerry Maguire; Natural Born Killers; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Nightmare Before Christmas; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Gladiator; Top Gun; Shrek; Mr. Holland's Opus; Piano; Rain Man; Addams Family Values; Heat; Blade Runner; Wizard of Oz; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Santa Clause; Demolition Man; Crow; Aliens; Tombstone; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Dead Poets Society; Fight Club; As Good as It Gets; Sense and Sensibility; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Stand by Me; Broken Arrow; Truman Show; Leaving Las Vegas; There's Something About Mary; Dead Man Walking; Clerks; Jaws; Fifth Element; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Disclosure; Shakespeare in Love; Fish Called Wanda; Big; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Edward Scissorhands; L.A. Confidential; French Kiss; Breakfast Club; Casino; Hunt for Red October; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Much Ado About Nothing; Reservoir Dogs; X-Men; Goodfellas; Shining; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Memento; Taxi Driver; Godfather: Part II; Green Mile; Total Recall; Rob Roy; Back to the Future Part II; Contact; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Casablanca; Beetlejuice; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Being John Malkovich; Lethal Weapon; Nell; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Ocean's Eleven; Amadeus; Toy Story 2; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Monsters Inc.; Sabrina; Ed Wood; Jungle Book; Blues Brothers; Three Musketeers; Beautiful Mind; Spider-Man; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Psycho; Finding Nemo; Bug's Life; True Romance; Trainspotting; Grease; American Pie; Full Metal Jacket; Back to the Future Part III; Die Hard 2; Abyss; Miracle on 34th Street; Clockwork Orange; Mary Poppins; Beverly Hills Cop III; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Apocalypse Now; Few Good Men; Sound of Music],[21026; 19377; 18219; 17687; 17589; 17273; 17021; 16576; 16402; 16322; 16127; 16125; 15742; 15585; 15531; 15386; 15290; 14753; 14750; 13464; 13325; 13114; 12982; 12794; 12530; 12252; 12150; 11959; 11843; 11769; 11642; 11257; 11139; 11065; 11058; 10968; 10786; 10671; 10632; 10492; 10478; 10460; 10270; 10148; 10121; 9953; 9897; 9758; 9744; 9727; 9677; 9630; 9579; 9568; 9501; 9389; 9311; 9160; 9113; 9012; 9009; 9007; 8937; 8833; 8820; 8658; 8588; 8560; 8538; 8403; 8402; 8246; 8149; 7906; 7876; 7846; 7784; 7770; 7648; 7599; 7575; 7499; 7351; 7350; 7311; 7309; 7305; 7302; 7257; 7145; 7094; 7040; 7028; 7026; 7023; 6945; 6936; 6915; 6894; 6837; 6825; 6824; 6800; 6798; 6779; 6662; 6643; 6628; 6593; 6581; 6567; 6546; 6527; 6525; 6495; 6472; 6462; 6427; 6419; 6359; 6351; 6273; 6264; 6158; 6143; 6106; 6038; 6005; 5986; 5978; 5963; 5950; 5907; 5860; 5854; 5842; 5836; 5829; 5785; 5702; 5639; 5635; 5631; 5623; 5619; 5565; 5558; 5544; 5535; 5534; 5523; 5487; 5487; 5478; 5475; 5460; 5458; 5431; 5418; 5411; 5404; 5396; 5358; 5351; 5346; 5337; 5334; 5330; 5315; 5304; 5303; 5278; 5277; 5256; 5253; 5252; 5249; 5181; 5146; 5135; 5103; 5094; 5081; 5070; 5059; 5053; 5043; 5026; 5018; 5013; 5000]
Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters),[Back to the Future; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Forrest Gump; Sixth Sense; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Toy Story; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Saving Private Ryan; Fight Club; Braveheart; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Die Hard; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Princess Bride; Usual Suspects; Alien; Godfather; Schindler's List; Fugitive; Fargo; Shrek; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Blade Runner; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Aliens; X-Men; Batman; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Good Will Hunting; Being John Malkovich; Fifth Element; Rain Man; Apollo 13; Truman Show; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Memento; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Reservoir Dogs; L.A. Confidential; Lion King; Breakfast Club; Jaws; There's Something About Mary; Speed; Big; Beetlejuice; Total Recall; Shining; Aladdin; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Toy Story 2; Shakespeare in Love; Titanic; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Goodfellas; Spider-Man; Ocean's Eleven; Wizard of Oz; Airplane!; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Monsters Inc.; Hunt for Red October; Stand by Me; Mission: Impossible; True Lies; Godfather: Part II; Minority Report; Lethal Weapon; Edward Scissorhands; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Blues Brothers; Bug's Life; Office Space; Clockwork Orange; Full Metal Jacket; Finding Nemo; When Harry Met Sally...; Back to the Future Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Dances with Wolves; As Good as It Gets; Clerks; American Pie; Apocalypse Now; Fish Called Wanda; Rock; Green Mile; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Big Lebowski; Bourne Identity; Casablanca; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Dead Poets Society; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Psycho; Beautiful Mind; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); American History X; Contact; Mask; Incredibles; Abyss; Cast Away; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part III; Amadeus; Mrs. Doubtfire; Jerry Maguire; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Beauty and the Beast; Taxi Driver; Top Gun; Untouchables; Trainspotting; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Gattaca; Babe; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Batman Begins; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Catch Me If You Can; Rocky; Predator; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Planet of the Apes; X2: X-Men United; Almost Famous; This Is Spinal Tap; Raising Arizona; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Superman; Chicken Run; High Fidelity; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Snatch; Young Frankenstein; Donnie Darko; Galaxy Quest; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Platoon; Ghost; Stargate; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Few Good Men; Dogma; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); GoldenEye; Face/Off; Mummy; Wayne's World; Spider-Man 2; RoboCop; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Full Monty; Nightmare Before Christmas; Home Alone; Erin Brockovich; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Romancing the Stone; Sleepless in Seattle; Traffic; Citizen Kane; Graduate; Clueless; Sleepy Hollow; Rear Window; Grosse Pointe Blank; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Twister; Heat; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Good Morning Vietnam; Game; Christmas Story; Die Hard 2; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Meet the Parents; Exorcist; Sting; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Blair Witch Project; My Cousin Vinny; Star Trek: First Contact; Sin City; Lost in Translation; Matrix Reloaded; Armageddon; Shrek 2; Unbreakable; Rushmore; Unforgiven; Pleasantville; Little Mermaid; Animal House; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Get Shorty; Starship Troopers; Election; Beverly Hills Cop; Enemy of the State; North by Northwest; Lethal Weapon 2; Gremlins; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Scream; Crocodile Dundee; Goldfinger; Bourne Supremacy; Clear and Present Danger; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Blazing Saddles; Spaceballs; Mary Poppins; Chinatown; Dark Knight; It's a Wonderful Life; Jumanji; Liar Liar; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Trading Places; Boogie Nights; Brazil; V for Vendetta; To Kill a Mockingbird; Grease; Wedding Singer; Three Kings; Army of Darkness; Chasing Amy; Casino; Witness; King Kong; Annie Hall; Goonies; Talented Mr. Ripley; Thomas Crown Affair; Vertigo; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Big Fish; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Dark City; Philadelphia; Mission: Impossible II; Fly; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Field of Dreams; Sneakers; Happy Gilmore; Mars Attacks!; Splash; Bowling for Columbine; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Royal Tenenbaums; Shaun of the Dead; Air Force One; Thelma & Louise; Patriot; Sling Blade; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Glory; Casino Royale; Batman Returns; Con Air; Highlander; Jackie Brown; Gone with the Wind; In the Line of Fire; Crow; 28 Days Later; Eyes Wide Shut; Firm; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Cocoon; Last of the Mohicans; Requiem for a Dream; Caddyshack; Misery; Fantasia; Blade],[19285; 18943; 18598; 18359; 18357; 17727; 17361; 17192; 17128; 17040; 16670; 16364; 16342; 16143; 15735; 15721; 15679; 15386; 15160; 15024; 14622; 14620; 14513; 14436; 14210; 14162; 14110; 14100; 14053; 14036; 13719; 13678; 13422; 13414; 13212; 13169; 12844; 12821; 12811; 12750; 12649; 12446; 12440; 12386; 12246; 12152; 12078; 12066; 11888; 11639; 11630; 11570; 11553; 11548; 11503; 11374; 11331; 11134; 11085; 11082; 11058; 11034; 11030; 11015; 11012; 10997; 10895; 10888; 10824; 10817; 10691; 10673; 10653; 10645; 10634; 10609; 10544; 10541; 10498; 10472; 10444; 10437; 10416; 10377; 10322; 10319; 10304; 10281; 10252; 10196; 10126; 10093; 10091; 10085; 10044; 10019; 10004; 9980; 9857; 9850; 9808; 9742; 9693; 9693; 9650; 9585; 9385; 9333; 9333; 9284; 9203; 9191; 9165; 9073; 9037; 9027; 9022; 8972; 8850; 8846; 8802; 8795; 8773; 8748; 8670; 8668; 8651; 8617; 8565; 8533; 8483; 8479; 8433; 8404; 8381; 8311; 8282; 8275; 8272; 8207; 8183; 8182; 8059; 8042; 7922; 7902; 7842; 7826; 7787; 7779; 7769; 7763; 7733; 7720; 7707; 7646; 7635; 7621; 7595; 7588; 7577; 7575; 7574; 7572; 7561; 7527; 7513; 7512; 7486; 7432; 7421; 7419; 7409; 7357; 7349; 7339; 7315; 7281; 7242; 7226; 7172; 7170; 7164; 7152; 7087; 7075; 7040; 7035; 7010; 6975; 6973; 6954; 6922; 6890; 6889; 6884; 6846; 6845; 6806; 6759; 6724; 6711; 6708; 6700; 6695; 6689; 6659; 6649; 6648; 6627; 6598; 6581; 6578; 6561; 6559; 6507; 6460; 6439; 6366; 6363; 6347; 6345; 6329; 6309; 6299; 6294; 6280; 6277; 6258; 6253; 6249; 6218; 6206; 6202; 6179; 6172; 6158; 6127; 6091; 6086; 6085; 6080; 6049; 6024; 6019; 5976; 5954; 5948; 5924; 5911; 5909; 5892; 5852; 5846; 5831; 5821; 5808; 5804; 5800; 5794; 5789; 5783; 5780; 5769; 5753; 5748; 5744; 5741; 5726; 5720; 5705; 5703; 5698; 5683; 5666; 5661; 5647; 5607; 5605; 5596; 5586; 5569; 5567; 5552; 5512; 5496; 5485; 5470; 5468; 5463; 5452; 5436; 5411; 5380; 5375; 5351; 5351; 5350; 5339; 5336; 5334]
Gladiator,[Matrix; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; American Beauty; Silence of the Lambs; Braveheart; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Saving Private Ryan; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Back to the Future; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Schindler's List; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Godfather; Terminator; Memento; Die Hard; Ocean's Eleven; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Good Will Hunting; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Minority Report; Groundhog Day; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Alien; Fifth Element; Bourne Identity; Beautiful Mind; Spider-Man; Fargo; Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Finding Nemo; Truman Show; Monsters Inc.; Reservoir Dogs; Green Mile; Titanic; Princess Bride; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Being John Malkovich; Lion King; Rain Man; Aliens; American History X; Blade Runner; Mission: Impossible; Speed; Batman; L.A. Confidential; Godfather: Part II; Cast Away; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Batman Begins; Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Catch Me If You Can; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Rock; Incredibles; Full Metal Jacket; There's Something About Mary; Snatch; True Lies; Hunt for Red October; Toy Story 2; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Aladdin; Office Space; Dances with Wolves; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Shining; American Pie; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Total Recall; Clockwork Orange; Jaws; Shakespeare in Love; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Apocalypse Now; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Big Lebowski; As Good as It Gets; Dark Knight; Bug's Life; X2: X-Men United; Donnie Darko; Dead Poets Society; Trainspotting; Breakfast Club; Almost Famous; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Sin City; Traffic; Lethal Weapon; Mask; Bourne Supremacy; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Spider-Man 2; Gattaca; Jerry Maguire; Matrix Reloaded; Stand by Me; Erin Brockovich; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part II; Wizard of Oz; Clerks; Mrs. Doubtfire; Contact; Big; V for Vendetta; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Departed; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Top Gun; Predator; Chicken Run; Taxi Driver; Meet the Parents; Casablanca; High Fidelity; Beetlejuice; Heat; Untouchables; Beauty and the Beast; GoldenEye; Shrek 2; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Airplane!; Face/Off; Game; Casino Royale; Blues Brothers; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Patriot; Abyss; Back to the Future Part III; Unbreakable; When Harry Met Sally...; Lost in Translation; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Armageddon; Few Good Men; Platoon; Dogma; Psycho; Amadeus; Mummy; Mission: Impossible II; Rocky; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Stargate; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Last Samurai; Planet of the Apes; Fish Called Wanda; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Requiem for a Dream; Home Alone; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Enemy of the State; Twister; Sleepy Hollow; Die Hard 2; Big Fish; Babe; Ghost; Iron Man; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Bourne Ultimatum; Black Hawk Down; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Scarface; Ice Age; Galaxy Quest; Prestige; Bowling for Columbine; Sleepless in Seattle; Casino; 28 Days Later; Wayne's World; Nightmare Before Christmas; Unforgiven; Shaun of the Dead; Starship Troopers; Talented Mr. Ripley; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Superman; RoboCop; Italian Job; Liar Liar; Inception; Three Kings; Good Morning Vietnam; Full Monty; WALL·E; 300; Rear Window; Beverly Hills Cop; Citizen Kane; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Clear and Present Danger],[23324; 20533; 19816; 19597; 19524; 19404; 19275; 19154; 19049; 19046; 18694; 18561; 18488; 18262; 17932; 17842; 17769; 17500; 17468; 16962; 16597; 16148; 16088; 15748; 15738; 15654; 15603; 15540; 15515; 15439; 15334; 14652; 14554; 14261; 14259; 14241; 14162; 13720; 13671; 13652; 13583; 13471; 13378; 13296; 13236; 13189; 13139; 13093; 13070; 13057; 12809; 12782; 12684; 12596; 12587; 12549; 12390; 12292; 12266; 12263; 12208; 12138; 12109; 12062; 11985; 11960; 11721; 11674; 11566; 11497; 11467; 11460; 11435; 11391; 11268; 11211; 11200; 11025; 10959; 10921; 10907; 10881; 10845; 10797; 10776; 10729; 10713; 10684; 10638; 10629; 10613; 10610; 10553; 10392; 10383; 10297; 10235; 10203; 10132; 9880; 9826; 9786; 9749; 9686; 9611; 9573; 9552; 9549; 9485; 9484; 9376; 9373; 9323; 9315; 9250; 9173; 9161; 9122; 9121; 9114; 9033; 8989; 8958; 8912; 8900; 8866; 8844; 8798; 8790; 8781; 8734; 8715; 8642; 8621; 8617; 8608; 8594; 8546; 8532; 8481; 8456; 8430; 8411; 8399; 8379; 8363; 8348; 8332; 8299; 8296; 8243; 8230; 8225; 8191; 8163; 8157; 8154; 8152; 8085; 8053; 8041; 8040; 8015; 7997; 7969; 7928; 7927; 7922; 7904; 7799; 7767; 7748; 7748; 7737; 7719; 7705; 7701; 7650; 7634; 7617; 7562; 7535; 7528; 7499; 7476; 7468; 7409; 7390; 7371; 7263; 7232; 7171; 7130; 7128; 7122; 7112; 7094; 7055; 6998; 6987; 6905; 6880; 6863; 6830; 6809; 6790; 6767; 6748; 6646; 6643; 6632; 6549; 6529; 6507; 6491; 6486; 6484; 6478; 6476; 6461; 6457; 6417; 6396; 6314; 6297; 6288; 6283; 6254; 6242; 6210; 6188; 6166; 6158; 6145]
Godfather,[Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Godfather: Part II; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Schindler's List; Forrest Gump; Fargo; American Beauty; Back to the Future; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Fight Club; Saving Private Ryan; Toy Story; Jurassic Park; Goodfellas; Sixth Sense; Terminator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Alien; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Fugitive; Reservoir Dogs; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Blade Runner; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Memento; Gladiator; Groundhog Day; L.A. Confidential; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Apocalypse Now; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Casablanca; Aliens; Good Will Hunting; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Taxi Driver; Apollo 13; Full Metal Jacket; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Clockwork Orange; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Shining; Batman; Mission: Impossible; Shrek; Being John Malkovich; Jaws; Rain Man; Psycho; American History X; Dances with Wolves; Speed; Rock; Amadeus; Wizard of Oz; Trainspotting; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fifth Element; Truman Show; Lion King; Titanic; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Stand by Me; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Citizen Kane; Ocean's Eleven; Rear Window; True Lies; Hunt for Red October; Heat; X-Men; Big Lebowski; Graduate; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Monty Python's Life of Brian; When Harry Met Sally...; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Aladdin; Beautiful Mind; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Chinatown; Dead Poets Society; Shakespeare in Love; Blues Brothers; Fish Called Wanda; There's Something About Mary; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Jerry Maguire; Green Mile; Bourne Identity; Platoon; As Good as It Gets; Untouchables; Finding Nemo; Total Recall; Monsters Inc.; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Sting; Breakfast Club; Spider-Man; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; North by Northwest; Edward Scissorhands; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Snatch; Clerks; Dark Knight; Lethal Weapon; Airplane!; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Office Space; Toy Story 2; Batman Begins; Rocky; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Catch Me If You Can; Pretty Woman; Babe; Big; Unforgiven; This Is Spinal Tap; Donnie Darko; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Annie Hall; Traffic; Incredibles; Vertigo; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; To Kill a Mockingbird; Mask; Top Gun; Beetlejuice; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Almost Famous; Contact; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mrs. Doubtfire; Raising Arizona; Beauty and the Beast; Twister; Gattaca; Casino; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Departed; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Cast Away; Young Frankenstein; Leaving Las Vegas; Das Boot (The Boat); Abyss; Bridge on the River Kwai; Dead Man Walking; 12 Angry Men; Get Shorty; Sin City; GoldenEye; High Fidelity; American Pie; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Few Good Men; Back to the Future Part II; Planet of the Apes; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Lost in Translation],[24967; 24963; 24812; 24245; 23905; 22632; 22511; 22153; 21627; 21424; 21271; 21235; 20748; 20660; 19094; 18961; 18650; 18637; 18601; 18596; 18084; 18069; 18027; 17907; 17622; 17186; 17159; 17038; 17025; 16636; 16318; 16309; 16202; 16125; 15891; 15862; 15515; 15434; 15404; 15177; 15024; 14764; 14726; 14617; 14541; 14537; 14166; 14111; 14082; 13981; 13938; 13905; 13812; 13719; 13590; 13541; 13246; 13212; 13195; 13134; 13070; 13018; 12931; 12538; 12357; 12309; 12257; 12228; 12118; 12087; 12057; 11993; 11902; 11893; 11854; 11753; 11604; 11591; 11510; 11361; 11353; 11306; 11172; 11111; 11106; 10986; 10981; 10954; 10900; 10856; 10833; 10824; 10796; 10767; 10710; 10650; 10624; 10604; 10589; 10483; 10449; 10436; 10424; 10351; 10341; 10273; 10229; 10203; 10156; 10113; 10105; 10102; 10037; 10019; 9956; 9866; 9840; 9811; 9810; 9796; 9775; 9766; 9759; 9619; 9601; 9508; 9494; 9439; 9405; 9394; 9363; 9328; 9277; 9263; 9139; 9125; 9116; 9090; 9083; 9075; 9036; 9022; 9016; 9007; 9007; 8951; 8940; 8909; 8889; 8879; 8874; 8821; 8797; 8785; 8772; 8760; 8739; 8654; 8646; 8602; 8546; 8499; 8466; 8452; 8437; 8411; 8358; 8331; 8284; 8280; 8203; 8200; 8138; 8113; 8092; 8089; 8084; 8082; 8037; 8035; 7958; 7948; 7942; 7921]
Godfather: Part II,[Godfather; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Matrix; Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; American Beauty; Forrest Gump; Goodfellas; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Back to the Future; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fight Club; Terminator; Sixth Sense; Alien; Jurassic Park; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Reservoir Dogs; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Blade Runner; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fugitive; Die Hard; L.A. Confidential; Apocalypse Now; Toy Story; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Memento; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Gladiator; Groundhog Day; Taxi Driver; Casablanca; Aliens; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Full Metal Jacket; Princess Bride; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Good Will Hunting; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Clockwork Orange; Jaws; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Shining; Rain Man; Apollo 13; Being John Malkovich; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Psycho; Batman; American History X; Shrek; Amadeus; Wizard of Oz; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Dances with Wolves; Speed; Stand by Me; Citizen Kane; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Truman Show; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Chinatown; Fifth Element; Hunt for Red October; Rear Window; Trainspotting; Graduate; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Mission: Impossible; When Harry Met Sally...; Big Lebowski; Untouchables; Platoon; Titanic; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Lion King; Ocean's Eleven; Heat; X-Men; Blues Brothers; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); True Lies; Fish Called Wanda; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Shakespeare in Love; Rock; There's Something About Mary; Total Recall; Sting; Dead Poets Society; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; As Good as It Gets; Beautiful Mind; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Minority Report; Green Mile; North by Northwest; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Rocky; Lethal Weapon; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Bourne Identity; Unforgiven; Edward Scissorhands; Breakfast Club; Aladdin; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Airplane!; Clerks; Snatch; This Is Spinal Tap; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Annie Hall; Spider-Man; Jerry Maguire; Casino; Monsters Inc.; Vertigo; Finding Nemo; Traffic; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Toy Story 2; Big; Office Space; To Kill a Mockingbird; Raising Arizona; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Beetlejuice; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Catch Me If You Can; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Batman Begins; Almost Famous; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Top Gun; Babe; Bridge on the River Kwai; Dark Knight; Donnie Darko; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Young Frankenstein; Contact; Mask; Deer Hunter; Pretty Woman; Abyss; Gattaca; Raging Bull; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Godfather: Part III; 12 Angry Men; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Get Shorty; Few Good Men; Lawrence of Arabia; Cast Away; Scarface; Das Boot (The Boat); Incredibles; High Fidelity; Planet of the Apes; Departed; Back to the Future Part II; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; American Pie; Beauty and the Beast; It's a Wonderful Life; City of God (Cidade de Deus); GoldenEye; Face/Off; Cool Hand Luke; Exorcist; Game; Glory; Mrs. Doubtfire; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Maltese Falcon; Sin City; Bug's Life; Brazil; Lost in Translation; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Die Hard 2; Great Escape; Leaving Las Vegas; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Superman; Requiem for a Dream; Predator; In the Line of Fire; Sling Blade; Clear and Present Danger; Boogie Nights; Gone with the Wind; Ghost; Donnie Brasco; Manchurian Candidate; Dead Man Walking; Goldfinger; Jackie Brown; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Full Monty; French Connection; Sleepless in Seattle; Grosse Pointe Blank; Philadelphia; RoboCop; True Romance; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Back to the Future Part III; Cape Fear; Clueless; Home Alone; Nightmare Before Christmas; Stargate; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber)],[23905; 18081; 17609; 17434; 16835; 16713; 16337; 16164; 15747; 15342; 15132; 14909; 14794; 14523; 14351; 14242; 13937; 13833; 13824; 13708; 13565; 13374; 13172; 13115; 12786; 12732; 12682; 12599; 12344; 12224; 12153; 12112; 12070; 11969; 11797; 11784; 11627; 11519; 11497; 11472; 11420; 11322; 11280; 11237; 11154; 10705; 10699; 10647; 10572; 10554; 10547; 10389; 10375; 10322; 10256; 10003; 9944; 9939; 9878; 9876; 9842; 9381; 9362; 9351; 9234; 9180; 9103; 8967; 8962; 8952; 8923; 8857; 8764; 8712; 8675; 8648; 8643; 8605; 8592; 8522; 8506; 8495; 8409; 8389; 8289; 8277; 8260; 8179; 8148; 8134; 8125; 8123; 8097; 8092; 8031; 8004; 7962; 7953; 7931; 7929; 7916; 7877; 7851; 7850; 7838; 7793; 7760; 7758; 7756; 7751; 7711; 7593; 7585; 7584; 7564; 7518; 7496; 7494; 7446; 7438; 7417; 7364; 7301; 7251; 7227; 7167; 7167; 7141; 7130; 7096; 7094; 7079; 7078; 7069; 7037; 7016; 7012; 7002; 6974; 6906; 6901; 6842; 6815; 6792; 6757; 6725; 6706; 6694; 6688; 6657; 6651; 6636; 6633; 6619; 6536; 6500; 6476; 6471; 6464; 6448; 6442; 6441; 6440; 6431; 6430; 6424; 6421; 6409; 6405; 6388; 6362; 6321; 6313; 6312; 6311; 6303; 6301; 6270; 6202; 6142; 6124; 6092; 6085; 6082; 6057; 6051; 6040; 6034; 6010; 6004; 5965; 5963; 5952; 5945; 5938; 5931; 5888; 5847; 5832; 5800; 5789; 5768; 5764; 5759; 5736; 5702; 5689; 5663; 5642; 5638; 5631; 5609; 5600; 5585; 5572; 5564; 5539; 5519; 5516; 5511; 5438; 5435; 5430; 5426; 5403; 5368; 5352; 5283; 5271; 5262; 5261; 5234]
GoldenEye,[Jurassic Park; Fugitive; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Batman; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; True Lies; Apollo 13; Silence of the Lambs; Braveheart; Shawshank Redemption; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Speed; Dances with Wolves; Aladdin; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Clear and Present Danger; Stargate; Lion King; Usual Suspects; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Schindler's List; Outbreak; Mission: Impossible; Mask; Beauty and the Beast; Toy Story; Batman Forever; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mrs. Doubtfire; Crimson Tide; Star Trek: Generations; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Firm; Pretty Woman; Cliffhanger; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Rock; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Waterworld; Ghost; Net; Back to the Future; Get Shorty; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Sleepless in Seattle; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Babe; Terminator; Four Weddings and a Funeral; While You Were Sleeping; Fargo; Twister; Home Alone; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); In the Line of Fire; Saving Private Ryan; Heat; Clueless; Sixth Sense; Groundhog Day; Natural Born Killers; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Gladiator; Jumanji; Fifth Element; Alien; Dave; Quiz Show; Godfather; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; American Beauty; Broken Arrow; Blade Runner; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fight Club; Aliens; Demolition Man; Maverick; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Princess Bride; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Crow; Hunt for Red October; X-Men; American President; Addams Family Values; Client; Reservoir Dogs; Clerks; Philadelphia; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Top Gun; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Good Will Hunting; Tombstone; Total Recall; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Nightmare Before Christmas; Truman Show; Titanic; Jaws; Die Hard 2; Ocean's Eleven; Birdcage; Taxi Driver; Casino; L.A. Confidential; Full Metal Jacket; Minority Report; Goodfellas; Spider-Man; Memento; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Godfather: Part II; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Lethal Weapon; Disclosure; There's Something About Mary; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Desperado; Rain Man; Face/Off; Star Trek: First Contact; Legends of the Fall; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Santa Clause; True Romance; Bourne Identity; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Blues Brothers; Tomorrow Never Dies; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Jerry Maguire; Back to the Future Part II; Trainspotting; Shining; Apocalypse Now; Wizard of Oz; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Leaving Las Vegas; Monsters Inc.; Fish Called Wanda; Abyss; Dead Poets Society; Being John Malkovich; Contact; Clockwork Orange; Toy Story 2; Finding Nemo; Beverly Hills Cop III; Back to the Future Part III; Three Musketeers; Mr. Holland's Opus; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Green Mile; American Pie; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; As Good as It Gets; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Stand by Me; Rob Roy; Mummy; Beautiful Mind; Ed Wood],[19306; 18915; 18343; 18210; 18047; 17954; 17790; 17304; 17283; 17157; 16241; 15992; 15910; 15499; 15068; 14666; 14539; 13987; 13852; 13420; 13020; 12577; 12477; 12468; 12439; 12437; 12400; 12399; 12322; 12090; 12014; 11801; 11797; 11749; 11530; 11430; 11257; 11178; 11093; 11070; 11043; 10777; 10653; 10518; 10460; 10226; 10173; 10129; 10037; 10000; 9976; 9905; 9868; 9802; 9621; 9545; 9312; 9237; 9230; 9199; 9135; 8935; 8715; 8619; 8515; 8384; 8360; 8259; 8258; 8191; 8167; 8124; 8124; 8116; 8091; 8089; 7993; 7889; 7815; 7730; 7708; 7672; 7662; 7546; 7519; 7512; 7345; 7149; 7149; 7129; 7085; 7056; 7033; 7023; 6923; 6918; 6871; 6814; 6701; 6698; 6697; 6676; 6659; 6597; 6586; 6574; 6563; 6545; 6480; 6409; 6403; 6378; 6292; 6252; 6228; 6224; 6187; 6157; 6157; 6136; 6133; 6118; 6058; 6057; 6055; 6049; 6047; 6014; 6001; 5994; 5945; 5942; 5888; 5887; 5866; 5859; 5829; 5826; 5805; 5791; 5769; 5762; 5712; 5689; 5671; 5627; 5620; 5593; 5589; 5570; 5567; 5537; 5503; 5496; 5489; 5479; 5448; 5441; 5440; 5405; 5391; 5389; 5376; 5365; 5353; 5332; 5326; 5309; 5303; 5289; 5257; 5250; 5151; 5145; 5124; 5114]
Good Will Hunting,[Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Usual Suspects; Braveheart; Back to the Future; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Fargo; Toy Story; Jurassic Park; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Godfather; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Groundhog Day; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Truman Show; Rain Man; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Memento; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Terminator; L.A. Confidential; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Die Hard; Princess Bride; Titanic; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Goodfellas; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Reservoir Dogs; As Good as It Gets; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Beautiful Mind; Being John Malkovich; Ocean's Eleven; American History X; Alien; There's Something About Mary; Green Mile; Lion King; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Blade Runner; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fifth Element; Dances with Wolves; Speed; Godfather: Part II; Jerry Maguire; Bourne Identity; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); X-Men; Finding Nemo; Breakfast Club; Minority Report; Edward Scissorhands; Hunt for Red October; Monsters Inc.; Aliens; Stand by Me; Trainspotting; Mission: Impossible; Aladdin; Batman; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Shining; Full Metal Jacket; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Catch Me If You Can; Wizard of Oz; Spider-Man; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; When Harry Met Sally...; Office Space; Big Lebowski; Apocalypse Now; True Lies; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Rock; Clockwork Orange; Contact; Big; Casablanca; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Pretty Woman; Toy Story 2; Few Good Men; Jaws; Amadeus; Cast Away; Almost Famous; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Taxi Driver; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Clerks; Snatch; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Incredibles; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Mrs. Doubtfire; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Gattaca; Total Recall; Batman Begins; American Pie; Babe; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Bug's Life; Lethal Weapon; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Traffic; Fish Called Wanda; Beauty and the Beast; Beetlejuice; Airplane!; High Fidelity; Donnie Darko; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Psycho; Untouchables; Top Gun; Full Monty; Game; Sleepless in Seattle; Blues Brothers; Back to the Future Part II; Mask; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Erin Brockovich; Graduate; Heat; Platoon; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Lost in Translation; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Philadelphia; Ghost; Rocky; Dogma; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Face/Off; Clueless; Bourne Supremacy; Meet the Parents; Dark Knight; Grosse Pointe Blank; Citizen Kane; Chasing Amy; Departed; Back to the Future Part III; X2: X-Men United; Sling Blade; Boogie Nights; Dead Man Walking; Rear Window; Unforgiven; Home Alone; Spider-Man 2; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Sin City; Casino; Pleasantville; GoldenEye; My Cousin Vinny; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Chicken Run; Twister; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); This Is Spinal Tap; Shrek 2; Raising Arizona; Requiem for a Dream; To Kill a Mockingbird; Leaving Las Vegas; Abyss; Big Fish; It's a Wonderful Life; Good Morning Vietnam; Enemy of the State; Sting; Get Shorty; Armageddon; V for Vendetta; Matrix Reloaded; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Unbreakable; Bowling for Columbine; Wayne's World; Wedding Singer; Talented Mr. Ripley; Nightmare Before Christmas; Firm; Liar Liar; Three Kings; Planet of the Apes; Stargate; North by Northwest; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; English Patient; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Die Hard 2; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Jackie Brown; Clear and Present Danger; Field of Dreams; Royal Tenenbaums; Predator; Rushmore; Election; Chinatown; Mummy; Casino Royale; Superman; Thelma & Louise; Notting Hill; Scream; Air Force One; Little Miss Sunshine; Donnie Brasco; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Christmas Story; Magnolia; Quiz Show; Annie Hall; Sense and Sensibility; 12 Angry Men; Witness; Exorcist; Little Mermaid; Young Frankenstein; Blair Witch Project; Bridget Jones's Diary; Glory; In the Line of Fire; Vertigo; Crash; Happy Gilmore; Grease; Romancing the Stone; Prestige; Scarface; Sleepy Hollow; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Thomas Crown Affair; Last of the Mohicans; Star Trek: First Contact; Pianist; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Last Samurai],[20168; 19110; 18990; 18924; 18874; 17767; 17259; 16678; 16214; 16099; 16038; 16015; 15940; 15935; 15809; 15751; 15028; 15027; 15004; 14470; 14398; 14259; 14203; 14166; 14147; 14048; 13831; 13446; 13436; 13416; 13402; 13210; 13119; 13069; 13003; 12925; 12809; 12775; 12609; 12579; 12437; 12422; 12297; 12246; 12246; 12215; 12160; 12081; 12067; 11700; 11624; 11605; 11446; 11276; 11202; 11166; 11158; 10959; 10871; 10835; 10765; 10712; 10705; 10654; 10649; 10647; 10589; 10584; 10531; 10461; 10420; 10330; 10312; 10295; 10204; 10123; 10095; 10074; 10042; 9980; 9939; 9921; 9859; 9841; 9814; 9787; 9785; 9732; 9732; 9725; 9698; 9688; 9641; 9556; 9518; 9357; 9352; 9335; 9330; 9291; 9288; 9193; 9175; 9113; 9103; 9077; 9068; 9068; 8984; 8967; 8944; 8942; 8832; 8795; 8757; 8747; 8692; 8652; 8617; 8607; 8605; 8593; 8562; 8538; 8401; 8368; 8358; 8300; 8292; 8290; 8285; 8269; 8240; 8228; 8183; 8147; 8083; 8051; 8003; 8003; 8001; 7974; 7917; 7911; 7852; 7818; 7800; 7785; 7750; 7731; 7712; 7706; 7661; 7547; 7540; 7514; 7498; 7456; 7358; 7351; 7258; 7238; 7237; 7204; 7186; 7170; 7064; 7048; 7044; 6986; 6979; 6966; 6945; 6944; 6930; 6929; 6855; 6810; 6808; 6806; 6799; 6781; 6758; 6733; 6724; 6676; 6675; 6659; 6585; 6557; 6537; 6537; 6524; 6524; 6494; 6476; 6468; 6461; 6454; 6448; 6408; 6404; 6382; 6346; 6339; 6336; 6313; 6297; 6283; 6272; 6270; 6261; 6233; 6218; 6209; 6151; 6144; 6142; 6141; 6096; 6041; 6038; 6037; 6030; 6028; 6021; 5975; 5963; 5960; 5927; 5915; 5907; 5903; 5873; 5873; 5836; 5833; 5814; 5789; 5757; 5754; 5726; 5716; 5714; 5710; 5684; 5669; 5651; 5621; 5604; 5602; 5598; 5589; 5577; 5572; 5531; 5521; 5506; 5506; 5503; 5496; 5476; 5460; 5459; 5458; 5456; 5446; 5401; 5393; 5393; 5392; 5389; 5374; 5367]
Goodfellas,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Godfather; Usual Suspects; Fargo; American Beauty; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Forrest Gump; Schindler's List; Reservoir Dogs; Godfather: Part II; Fight Club; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Sixth Sense; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; L.A. Confidential; Terminator; Fugitive; Jurassic Park; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Alien; Blade Runner; Good Will Hunting; Taxi Driver; Die Hard; Memento; Apocalypse Now; Full Metal Jacket; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Aliens; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Shining; Princess Bride; Apollo 13; Being John Malkovich; Clockwork Orange; American History X; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Rain Man; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Trainspotting; Casablanca; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Jaws; Stand by Me; Truman Show; Batman; Psycho; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Big Lebowski; Speed; Shrek; Dances with Wolves; There's Something About Mary; Amadeus; Wizard of Oz; Fifth Element; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Heat; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); As Good as It Gets; Platoon; Hunt for Red October; Clerks; Mission: Impossible; When Harry Met Sally...; True Lies; Titanic; Casino; Citizen Kane; Graduate; Edward Scissorhands; Lion King; Rock; Ocean's Eleven; Fish Called Wanda; Green Mile; Unforgiven; Breakfast Club; Untouchables; X-Men; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Chinatown; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Blues Brothers; Jerry Maguire; Rear Window; Dead Poets Society; Shakespeare in Love; Total Recall; Office Space; Snatch; Minority Report; Aladdin; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; This Is Spinal Tap; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Beautiful Mind; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Airplane!; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Bourne Identity; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Raising Arizona; Lethal Weapon; Traffic; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Big; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Almost Famous; Sting; Few Good Men; Donnie Darko; Beetlejuice; North by Northwest; Babe; Spider-Man; Toy Story 2; Finding Nemo; Get Shorty; Contact; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Monsters Inc.; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Catch Me If You Can; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; High Fidelity; Batman Begins; Rocky; Annie Hall; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Gattaca; Departed; Mask; Leaving Las Vegas; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Sling Blade; Boogie Nights; Raging Bull; Top Gun; Vertigo; American Pie; Scarface; Donnie Brasco; To Kill a Mockingbird; Game; Pretty Woman; Jackie Brown; Cast Away; Dark Knight; Abyss; Incredibles; Dead Man Walking; Grosse Pointe Blank; Mrs. Doubtfire; Requiem for a Dream; True Romance; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Young Frankenstein; Sin City; Face/Off; Deer Hunter; Bug's Life; 12 Angry Men; Back to the Future Part II; Beauty and the Beast; Full Monty; Brazil; Lost in Translation; Das Boot (The Boat); GoldenEye; Die Hard 2; Clueless; Philadelphia; In the Line of Fire; City of God (Cidade de Deus); It's a Wonderful Life; Exorcist; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Glory; Bridge on the River Kwai; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Rushmore; Cool Hand Luke; Clear and Present Danger; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Cape Fear; Ghost; Planet of the Apes; Three Kings; Chasing Amy; Election; Sleepless in Seattle; Quiz Show; Predator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Home Alone; Ed Wood; My Cousin Vinny; Natural Born Killers; Dogma; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Lawrence of Arabia; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Meet the Parents; Crying Game; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Maltese Falcon; Back to the Future Part III; Firm; Great Escape; Twister; Christmas Story; RoboCop; Magnolia; Manchurian Candidate; Stargate; Erin Brockovich; Swingers; Wayne's World; Superman; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Scream; Animal House; X2: X-Men United; Enemy of the State; Bowling for Columbine; Royal Tenenbaums; Crimson Tide; Field of Dreams; Witness; Bourne Supremacy; Spider-Man 2; Last of the Mohicans; No Country for Old Men; Chicken Run; Unbreakable; Talented Mr. Ripley; Star Trek: First Contact],[20486; 18986; 18695; 18027; 17289; 16628; 16276; 16189; 16038; 15868; 15766; 15452; 15405; 15043; 14794; 14636; 14477; 14220; 14177; 14106; 14098; 13909; 13809; 13752; 13283; 13044; 12996; 12987; 12847; 12778; 12737; 12634; 12595; 12450; 12215; 12157; 12132; 12099; 12098; 11866; 11793; 11391; 11361; 11186; 11100; 11043; 11023; 10971; 10963; 10879; 10814; 10808; 10653; 10419; 10383; 10381; 10294; 10252; 10155; 10033; 9984; 9965; 9962; 9960; 9707; 9601; 9571; 9509; 9458; 9347; 9318; 9202; 9189; 9181; 9074; 9052; 8978; 8933; 8893; 8783; 8758; 8751; 8701; 8674; 8651; 8632; 8599; 8522; 8436; 8416; 8395; 8388; 8367; 8365; 8363; 8360; 8359; 8354; 8292; 8291; 8272; 8249; 8232; 8226; 8183; 8177; 8150; 8123; 8114; 8104; 8085; 7919; 7880; 7843; 7842; 7814; 7797; 7765; 7747; 7743; 7741; 7668; 7635; 7612; 7569; 7544; 7527; 7496; 7487; 7482; 7467; 7423; 7422; 7418; 7364; 7356; 7353; 7326; 7243; 7238; 7222; 7211; 7174; 7146; 7121; 7078; 7071; 7066; 7061; 6977; 6955; 6952; 6944; 6937; 6900; 6870; 6869; 6863; 6857; 6846; 6838; 6808; 6805; 6785; 6757; 6756; 6728; 6704; 6680; 6662; 6662; 6648; 6642; 6579; 6540; 6540; 6472; 6467; 6466; 6445; 6436; 6433; 6411; 6410; 6407; 6354; 6353; 6262; 6262; 6258; 6192; 6191; 6186; 6175; 6157; 6141; 6135; 6127; 6111; 6099; 6051; 5987; 5983; 5982; 5981; 5973; 5966; 5965; 5950; 5925; 5912; 5882; 5829; 5823; 5817; 5799; 5794; 5781; 5763; 5754; 5751; 5730; 5707; 5706; 5673; 5653; 5627; 5617; 5592; 5592; 5571; 5547; 5528; 5489; 5484; 5475; 5474; 5458; 5449; 5414; 5367; 5347; 5339; 5331; 5315; 5315; 5307; 5282; 5273; 5231; 5214; 5199; 5198; 5197; 5192; 5162; 5156; 5155; 5153; 5147; 5139; 5136; 5132; 5129; 5099]
Graduate,[Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Fargo; Godfather; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Shawshank Redemption; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Schindler's List; American Beauty; Back to the Future; Forrest Gump; Casablanca; Usual Suspects; Groundhog Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Matrix; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Wizard of Oz; Princess Bride; Godfather: Part II; Apocalypse Now; Blade Runner; Amadeus; Toy Story; Goodfellas; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Fugitive; L.A. Confidential; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Alien; Sixth Sense; Jurassic Park; Terminator; Saving Private Ryan; Psycho; When Harry Met Sally...; Taxi Driver; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Citizen Kane; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Clockwork Orange; Good Will Hunting; Rear Window; Stand by Me; Reservoir Dogs; Rain Man; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Annie Hall; Being John Malkovich; Jaws; Die Hard; Apollo 13; Shining; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Shakespeare in Love; Chinatown; North by Northwest; Fish Called Wanda; Fight Club; Aliens; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Sting; Dead Poets Society; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); To Kill a Mockingbird; Dances with Wolves; Full Metal Jacket; Memento; Raising Arizona; Vertigo; Truman Show; Monty Python's Life of Brian; This Is Spinal Tap; Breakfast Club; Batman; Trainspotting; It's a Wonderful Life; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; As Good as It Gets; Blues Brothers; Edward Scissorhands; Speed; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Gladiator; Big; Jerry Maguire; Young Frankenstein; Gone with the Wind; Babe; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Titanic; Big Lebowski; Lion King; Airplane!; Platoon; Shrek; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); There's Something About Mary; Hunt for Red October; Aladdin; Bridge on the River Kwai; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Cool Hand Luke; Unforgiven; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Lawrence of Arabia; Maltese Falcon; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Clerks; Beetlejuice; Pretty Woman; Almost Famous; Mission: Impossible; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); True Lies; Full Monty; High Fidelity; Clueless; Sleepless in Seattle; Some Like It Hot; Untouchables; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; African Queen; Brazil; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Rocky; Fifth Element; 12 Angry Men; Crying Game; Witness; Beauty and the Beast; Beautiful Mind; Raging Bull; Dead Man Walking; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Deer Hunter; Leaving Las Vegas; Top Gun; Sling Blade; Manchurian Candidate; Lethal Weapon; Office Space; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Contact; Bonnie and Clyde; Total Recall; Get Shorty; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Traffic; Toy Story 2; Mrs. Doubtfire; American History X; English Patient; Sound of Music; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Ocean's Eleven; Election; Birds; Few Good Men; Mary Poppins; Rushmore; Rock; Das Boot (The Boat); Sense and Sensibility; Ghost; Boogie Nights; Quiz Show; Grosse Pointe Blank; Glory; Singin' in the Rain; Field of Dreams; Gattaca; Philadelphia; Green Mile; Gandhi; Bug's Life; Manhattan; X-Men; Minority Report; Great Escape; Monsters Inc.; Breakfast at Tiffany's; Planet of the Apes; Abyss; Finding Nemo; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Heat; Christmas Story; Spider-Man; Exorcist; Casino; Lost in Translation; Ed Wood; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Grease; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Fantasia; Romancing the Stone; Catch Me If You Can; Cape Fear; Back to the Future Part II; Nightmare Before Christmas; Superman; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Mask; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Bourne Identity; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; French Connection; Cast Away; Erin Brockovich; Piano; Chasing Amy; Heathers; Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); My Fair Lady; Pleasantville; Right Stuff; My Cousin Vinny; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Dave; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; In the Line of Fire; Thelma & Louise; Harold and Maude; Animal House; Midnight Cowboy; Chicken Run; Patton; Royal Tenenbaums; Donnie Darko; Home Alone; American Pie; Goldfinger; Clear and Present Danger; Incredibles; Good Morning Vietnam; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Firm; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; American President; Deliverance; Blazing Saddles; Wayne's World; Talented Mr. Ripley; West Side Story; Game; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Jackie Brown; Dangerous Liaisons; Snatch; Magnolia; Say Anything...; Blue Velvet; Birdcage; Killing Fields; GoldenEye; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Face/Off; Player; Last of the Mohicans; Star Trek: First Contact; Three Kings; Much Ado About Nothing; Best in Show; Die Hard 2; Splash; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Sabrina; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Twister; True Romance; Little Mermaid; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Dogma; Donnie Brasco; Sneakers; Streetcar Named Desire; King Kong; Being There; Ben-Hur; Swingers; Meet the Parents; Wag the Dog; Bowling for Columbine; Back to the Future Part III; American Graffiti; Driving Miss Daisy; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Dog Day Afternoon; RoboCop; Room with a View; Requiem for a Dream; Philadelphia Story; Sleeper; Sunset Blvd. (a.k.a. Sunset Boulevard); On the Waterfront; Galaxy Quest; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Third Man; Batman Begins; Eyes Wide Shut; La Femme Nikita; Tootsie; Trading Places; Roger & Me; Sex Lies and Videotape; Crimson Tide; Insider; Thomas Crown Affair; Wedding Singer; Jungle Book; Fried Green Tomatoes; Hudsucker Proxy; Adaptation; Hoop Dreams; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Stargate; Postman (Il Postino); Scream; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Notting Hill],[11280; 11171; 10928; 10856; 10806; 10798; 10672; 10473; 10088; 9931; 9868; 9850; 9789; 9476; 9470; 9337; 9171; 9140; 8812; 8704; 8642; 8608; 8592; 8491; 8487; 8443; 8442; 8436; 8428; 8345; 8292; 8264; 8249; 8235; 8211; 8181; 8169; 8143; 8098; 8051; 8048; 7950; 7832; 7826; 7673; 7661; 7489; 7486; 7484; 7459; 7443; 7431; 7409; 7388; 7320; 7285; 7248; 7164; 7152; 7076; 7059; 7058; 7048; 7036; 6961; 6915; 6848; 6842; 6825; 6768; 6703; 6653; 6629; 6559; 6512; 6494; 6404; 6376; 6369; 6348; 6333; 6276; 6263; 6247; 6210; 6171; 6163; 6152; 6135; 6098; 6091; 6008; 5999; 5954; 5939; 5918; 5914; 5893; 5857; 5814; 5781; 5764; 5741; 5693; 5619; 5594; 5589; 5581; 5547; 5533; 5512; 5511; 5452; 5441; 5434; 5418; 5417; 5413; 5403; 5395; 5371; 5320; 5253; 5235; 5232; 5220; 5193; 5178; 5166; 5166; 5139; 5134; 5128; 5094; 5087; 5085; 5076; 5072; 5030; 5018; 5011; 5007; 4982; 4979; 4971; 4957; 4945; 4934; 4931; 4921; 4916; 4910; 4878; 4868; 4865; 4863; 4851; 4841; 4840; 4818; 4805; 4783; 4772; 4745; 4741; 4735; 4729; 4718; 4701; 4694; 4688; 4687; 4676; 4657; 4657; 4650; 4647; 4643; 4589; 4574; 4566; 4544; 4524; 4520; 4519; 4501; 4501; 4500; 4495; 4490; 4483; 4483; 4480; 4478; 4454; 4441; 4419; 4410; 4390; 4376; 4365; 4352; 4345; 4343; 4340; 4328; 4324; 4313; 4292; 4283; 4267; 4264; 4256; 4255; 4252; 4251; 4241; 4225; 4221; 4210; 4155; 4148; 4146; 4128; 4127; 4125; 4110; 4088; 4074; 4073; 4063; 4050; 4044; 4042; 4042; 4026; 4023; 4001; 3980; 3959; 3941; 3932; 3930; 3925; 3889; 3888; 3863; 3843; 3839; 3833; 3833; 3830; 3823; 3811; 3779; 3765; 3758; 3757; 3755; 3754; 3751; 3748; 3743; 3741; 3735; 3707; 3706; 3687; 3673; 3672; 3670; 3658; 3657; 3655; 3640; 3630; 3628; 3623; 3621; 3613; 3609; 3599; 3598; 3577; 3568; 3548; 3537; 3522; 3516; 3514; 3508; 3498; 3484; 3482; 3479; 3470; 3465; 3465; 3447; 3441; 3434; 3432; 3429; 3427; 3424; 3423; 3410; 3406; 3380; 3376; 3371; 3365; 3352; 3316; 3315; 3314; 3312; 3311; 3310; 3308; 3286; 3280; 3279; 3276; 3268; 3267; 3263; 3260; 3259; 3258; 3247; 3243; 3243; 3236]
Green Mile,[Matrix; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; American Beauty; Saving Private Ryan; Fight Club; Braveheart; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Jurassic Park; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Schindler's List; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Shrek; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Good Will Hunting; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Memento; Godfather; Die Hard; Fugitive; Truman Show; Groundhog Day; Ocean's Eleven; Beautiful Mind; Apollo 13; Rain Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fargo; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); American History X; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Minority Report; Reservoir Dogs; X-Men; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Finding Nemo; Alien; Monsters Inc.; Titanic; Lion King; Bourne Identity; Fifth Element; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Spider-Man; Catch Me If You Can; Goodfellas; Cast Away; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Being John Malkovich; Speed; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Aliens; Shining; Princess Bride; L.A. Confidential; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; There's Something About Mary; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Dances with Wolves; Batman; Full Metal Jacket; Blade Runner; Mission: Impossible; As Good as It Gets; Godfather: Part II; Rock; Snatch; Toy Story 2; Edward Scissorhands; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Hunt for Red October; Dead Poets Society; Aladdin; Office Space; Incredibles; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Jaws; True Lies; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Jerry Maguire; Total Recall; Stand by Me; Big Lebowski; Clockwork Orange; Breakfast Club; American Pie; Trainspotting; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Donnie Darko; Apocalypse Now; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Big; Lethal Weapon; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Back to the Future Part II; Bug's Life; Game; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Pretty Woman; Few Good Men; Mrs. Doubtfire; Shakespeare in Love; Almost Famous; Wizard of Oz; Contact; Erin Brockovich; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Gattaca; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mask; Traffic; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Sin City; X2: X-Men United; Beetlejuice; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Meet the Parents; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Dark Knight; Top Gun; Untouchables; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Spider-Man 2; Back to the Future Part III; Taxi Driver; Psycho; Platoon; Bourne Supremacy; When Harry Met Sally...; Face/Off; Beauty and the Beast; Shrek 2; Dogma; Clerks; Heat; Matrix Reloaded; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Armageddon; Unbreakable; Airplane!; Predator; Departed; V for Vendetta; Blues Brothers; High Fidelity; Home Alone; Casablanca; Rocky; Big Fish; Ghost; Amadeus; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Mummy; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Requiem for a Dream; Enemy of the State; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Lost in Translation; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Chicken Run; Fish Called Wanda; Abyss; Sleepless in Seattle; Babe; Twister; GoldenEye; Die Hard 2; Sleepy Hollow; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Last Samurai; Ice Age; Casino; Philadelphia; Planet of the Apes; Liar Liar; Patriot; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Good Morning Vietnam; Stargate; Talented Mr. Ripley; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Casino Royale; Scarface; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Wayne's World; Unforgiven; Prestige; Pleasantville; Full Monty; Bowling for Columbine; Black Hawk Down; Nightmare Before Christmas; Exorcist; Jumanji; Others; 28 Days Later; Scream; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Mission: Impossible II; Three Kings; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Pianist; Con Air; Shaun of the Dead; Crash; Firm; Rear Window; Million Dollar Baby; Superman; Italian Job; My Cousin Vinny; Sling Blade; Road to Perdition; RoboCop; Thelma & Louise; Happy Gilmore; Graduate; Iron Man; Wedding Singer; Bourne Ultimatum; Devil's Advocate; Beverly Hills Cop; Citizen Kane; Little Miss Sunshine; Air Force One; Blair Witch Project; WALL·E; Boogie Nights; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Clear and Present Danger; Lethal Weapon 2; Starship Troopers; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Clueless; Notting Hill; Inception; Grosse Pointe Blank; Magnolia; Misery; Galaxy Quest; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Signs; Chocolat; Bridget Jones's Diary; Mystic River; The Butterfly Effect; Last of the Mohicans; To Kill a Mockingbird; Little Mermaid; I Robot; Royal Tenenbaums; It's a Wonderful Life; Christmas Story; Chasing Amy; Field of Dreams; Grease; Jackie Brown; Natural Born Killers; Training Day; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Matrix Revolutions; Moulin Rouge; Raising Arizona; Thomas Crown Affair; This Is Spinal Tap; 300; No Country for Old Men; Outbreak; Ring; Dead Man Walking; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Sting; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Crow; Collateral; In the Line of Fire; Star Trek: First Contact; Crimson Tide; Get Shorty; Donnie Brasco; Eyes Wide Shut; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Dark City; Animal House; Mask of Zorro; Ransom; King Kong; Blade],[15090; 14906; 14797; 14129; 13791; 13422; 13105; 12930; 12715; 12601; 12549; 12097; 11984; 11798; 11678; 11662; 11636; 11615; 11485; 11467; 11406; 11281; 11263; 11158; 11135; 11086; 10638; 10429; 10422; 10379; 10312; 10229; 10146; 9970; 9938; 9756; 9749; 9618; 9567; 9552; 9491; 9487; 9460; 9385; 9374; 9316; 9149; 9097; 9085; 9061; 9004; 8977; 8911; 8867; 8861; 8823; 8781; 8676; 8625; 8589; 8367; 8363; 8307; 8260; 8236; 8223; 8221; 8199; 8171; 8105; 8070; 8048; 8001; 7961; 7907; 7862; 7821; 7811; 7785; 7780; 7765; 7751; 7703; 7617; 7613; 7592; 7551; 7537; 7496; 7473; 7388; 7352; 7350; 7340; 7324; 7277; 7257; 7207; 7154; 7122; 7119; 7063; 7061; 6955; 6945; 6918; 6904; 6856; 6807; 6772; 6769; 6717; 6688; 6673; 6664; 6656; 6639; 6638; 6583; 6579; 6566; 6558; 6554; 6504; 6473; 6429; 6385; 6368; 6352; 6332; 6324; 6266; 6262; 6255; 6248; 6235; 6224; 6216; 6190; 6116; 6100; 6088; 6067; 6063; 6063; 6055; 6034; 6026; 6025; 6021; 5988; 5948; 5905; 5899; 5884; 5868; 5862; 5805; 5801; 5778; 5770; 5760; 5729; 5727; 5718; 5686; 5679; 5667; 5631; 5623; 5621; 5580; 5568; 5563; 5541; 5538; 5519; 5508; 5490; 5482; 5470; 5443; 5408; 5403; 5389; 5369; 5356; 5326; 5317; 5314; 5304; 5277; 5247; 5237; 5213; 5198; 5192; 5181; 5174; 5171; 5033; 5030; 5027; 5024; 4971; 4969; 4942; 4933; 4919; 4884; 4882; 4881; 4873; 4834; 4808; 4790; 4751; 4733; 4718; 4704; 4696; 4677; 4676; 4675; 4667; 4645; 4640; 4639; 4632; 4629; 4617; 4579; 4576; 4564; 4547; 4541; 4539; 4522; 4519; 4512; 4507; 4503; 4496; 4474; 4466; 4449; 4443; 4432; 4425; 4420; 4406; 4401; 4398; 4393; 4382; 4366; 4364; 4354; 4353; 4351; 4343; 4331; 4330; 4309; 4284; 4277; 4269; 4258; 4252; 4252; 4222; 4220; 4219; 4219; 4207; 4200; 4198; 4187; 4180; 4174; 4172; 4167; 4163; 4136; 4123; 4110; 4109; 4102; 4087; 4086; 4083; 4082; 4074; 4061; 4047; 4043; 4035; 4034; 4026; 4026; 4025; 4009; 4008; 3996; 3994; 3973; 3966; 3965; 3965; 3940]
Groundhog Day,[Forrest Gump; Back to the Future; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Toy Story; Jurassic Park; American Beauty; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Fargo; Braveheart; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Terminator; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fugitive; Schindler's List; Princess Bride; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Saving Private Ryan; Godfather; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Die Hard; Fight Club; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Alien; Apollo 13; Good Will Hunting; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Blade Runner; Gladiator; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Speed; Being John Malkovich; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; Shrek; Aliens; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); L.A. Confidential; Goodfellas; Batman; Memento; Rain Man; Aladdin; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lion King; When Harry Met Sally...; Fifth Element; True Lies; Wizard of Oz; There's Something About Mary; Stand by Me; Titanic; Dances with Wolves; Shakespeare in Love; Mission: Impossible; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; As Good as It Gets; Jaws; Godfather: Part II; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shining; Breakfast Club; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Clockwork Orange; X-Men; Edward Scissorhands; Fish Called Wanda; Jerry Maguire; Casablanca; Rock; Full Metal Jacket; Hunt for Red October; Apocalypse Now; Pretty Woman; Dead Poets Society; Big; Ocean's Eleven; Blues Brothers; Toy Story 2; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Mrs. Doubtfire; Clerks; Total Recall; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Office Space; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Big Lebowski; Babe; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Monsters Inc.; Airplane!; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amadeus; Minority Report; Trainspotting; Beetlejuice; Mask; Spider-Man; Finding Nemo; Taxi Driver; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Psycho; Sleepless in Seattle; Beautiful Mind; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Bug's Life; Green Mile; Beauty and the Beast; Contact; Clueless; Lethal Weapon; Bourne Identity; Back to the Future Part II; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Ghost; American History X; Graduate; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Top Gun; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Raising Arizona; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; This Is Spinal Tap; Cast Away; Almost Famous; American Pie; Incredibles; High Fidelity; Catch Me If You Can; Full Monty; Abyss; Rear Window; Home Alone; Back to the Future Part III; Get Shorty; Grosse Pointe Blank; Citizen Kane; Young Frankenstein; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Heat; GoldenEye; Nightmare Before Christmas; Sting; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Platoon; Few Good Men; Stargate; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Unforgiven; Untouchables; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Twister; Donnie Darko; Snatch; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Face/Off; Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Traffic; Pleasantville; Die Hard 2; Rocky; Wayne's World; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Dogma; Chicken Run; Lost in Translation; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; North by Northwest; Game; Clear and Present Danger; It's a Wonderful Life; Dave; Star Trek: First Contact; My Cousin Vinny; Annie Hall; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Planet of the Apes; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Chinatown; Meet the Parents; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; To Kill a Mockingbird; Rushmore; Liar Liar; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Erin Brockovich; X2: X-Men United; Predator; Casino; Superman; Leaving Las Vegas; Philadelphia; Mary Poppins; Election; Galaxy Quest; In the Line of Fire; Vertigo; Chasing Amy; Brazil; Boogie Nights; Christmas Story; Wedding Singer; Romancing the Stone; Spider-Man 2; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Firm; Sneakers; Mummy; Field of Dreams; Grease; Happy Gilmore; Sling Blade; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; American President; Jumanji; Sin City; Birdcage; Unbreakable; Gone with the Wind; Enemy of the State; RoboCop; Good Morning Vietnam; Dead Man Walking; Scream; Little Mermaid; Ed Wood; Glory; Sound of Music; Armageddon; Bourne Supremacy; Quiz Show; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Shrek 2; Outbreak; Exorcist; Royal Tenenbaums; Dark Knight; Three Kings; Animal House; Last of the Mohicans; Mars Attacks!; Matrix Reloaded; Maverick; Sleepy Hollow; Big Fish; Sense and Sensibility; Starship Troopers; Witness; Bridge on the River Kwai; Air Force One; Crying Game; Bowling for Columbine; True Romance; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Crimson Tide; Heathers; Blazing Saddles; 12 Angry Men; Cool Hand Luke; V for Vendetta; Thelma & Louise; Requiem for a Dream; Jackie Brown; Fantasia; Batman Returns; Das Boot (The Boat); English Patient; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Cape Fear; Notting Hill; Dark City; Natural Born Killers; Crow; While You Were Sleeping],[20721; 20321; 19951; 19634; 19630; 19578; 19401; 19399; 19326; 18467; 18400; 17907; 17645; 17413; 16962; 16779; 16610; 16299; 16298; 16265; 16193; 16168; 16097; 16084; 15866; 15797; 15434; 15280; 15160; 14857; 14845; 14792; 14741; 14405; 14278; 14048; 13945; 13708; 13583; 13448; 13263; 13233; 13159; 13107; 13089; 13087; 12989; 12897; 12889; 12778; 12620; 12582; 12498; 12485; 12469; 12440; 12432; 12390; 12211; 12032; 12004; 11840; 11819; 11787; 11735; 11734; 11681; 11674; 11545; 11472; 11424; 11401; 11396; 11287; 11260; 11194; 11162; 11150; 11131; 11027; 10994; 10956; 10955; 10906; 10866; 10797; 10782; 10751; 10737; 10731; 10687; 10658; 10656; 10608; 10596; 10564; 10519; 10519; 10518; 10510; 10501; 10498; 10484; 10396; 10340; 10322; 10305; 10303; 10230; 10191; 10148; 10064; 9980; 9973; 9970; 9963; 9949; 9938; 9865; 9774; 9765; 9756; 9717; 9706; 9600; 9530; 9517; 9418; 9411; 9389; 9352; 9337; 9333; 9311; 9267; 9175; 9144; 9008; 8976; 8936; 8914; 8878; 8842; 8804; 8774; 8733; 8617; 8612; 8586; 8551; 8533; 8516; 8500; 8473; 8435; 8409; 8375; 8360; 8342; 8327; 8323; 8320; 8213; 8190; 8188; 8186; 8165; 8153; 8135; 8095; 8077; 8065; 8039; 8007; 7968; 7941; 7864; 7828; 7827; 7790; 7766; 7760; 7752; 7735; 7731; 7725; 7721; 7719; 7715; 7713; 7660; 7604; 7578; 7564; 7548; 7501; 7410; 7363; 7310; 7257; 7253; 7226; 7218; 7196; 7184; 7184; 7088; 7071; 7063; 7058; 7030; 7023; 7014; 7005; 6998; 6992; 6991; 6988; 6961; 6951; 6935; 6925; 6900; 6890; 6882; 6844; 6840; 6838; 6789; 6779; 6735; 6721; 6718; 6710; 6703; 6696; 6664; 6600; 6595; 6579; 6566; 6557; 6552; 6532; 6521; 6501; 6465; 6456; 6439; 6424; 6423; 6395; 6384; 6347; 6324; 6319; 6318; 6309; 6308; 6304; 6282; 6262; 6251; 6243; 6242; 6240; 6216; 6209; 6185; 6173; 6165; 6145; 6124; 6123; 6117; 6116; 6099; 6092; 6089; 6060; 6035; 6020; 6009; 5997; 5988; 5972; 5966; 5946; 5941; 5939; 5938; 5934; 5930; 5918]
Happy Gilmore,[Toy Story; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Shawshank Redemption; Jurassic Park; Pulp Fiction; Mission: Impossible; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Silence of the Lambs; Rock; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Braveheart; Back to the Future; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Fugitive; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Twister; Fargo; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Groundhog Day; Usual Suspects; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Apollo 13; Lion King; Aladdin; Sixth Sense; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Fight Club; Batman; Speed; True Lies; American Beauty; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Mrs. Doubtfire; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; There's Something About Mary; Saving Private Ryan; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Jerry Maguire; Schindler's List; Terminator; Shrek; Godfather; Princess Bride; Gladiator; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Mask; Heat; Good Will Hunting; Office Space; X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Clerks; Truman Show; Nutty Professor; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Birdcage; Reservoir Dogs; Fifth Element; Pretty Woman; Home Alone; American Pie; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dances with Wolves; Ocean's Eleven; Liar Liar; Clueless; Broken Arrow; Top Gun; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Mr. Holland's Opus; Beauty and the Beast; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Spider-Man; Trainspotting; Big; Goodfellas; Breakfast Club; Alien; GoldenEye; Rain Man; Memento; Titanic; Monsters Inc.; As Good as It Gets; Ghost; Wizard of Oz; Stand by Me; Wedding Singer; Toy Story 2; Shining; Green Mile; Sleepless in Seattle; Aliens; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Finding Nemo; Jaws; Back to the Future Part II; Beetlejuice; Full Metal Jacket; Wayne's World; Dead Poets Society; Being John Malkovich; Meet the Parents; American History X; Blues Brothers; Minority Report; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Big Lebowski; Edward Scissorhands; Bourne Identity; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Eraser; Bug's Life; Babe; Ransom; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Jumanji; Blade Runner; Cast Away; Back to the Future Part III; Stargate; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Hunt for Red October; Beautiful Mind; Lethal Weapon; Airplane!; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Grumpier Old Men; Leaving Las Vegas; Scream; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Nightmare Before Christmas; Clear and Present Danger; Dogma; Star Trek: First Contact; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; When Harry Met Sally...; Dead Man Walking; Total Recall; Billy Madison; Casino; Catch Me If You Can; Get Shorty; Cable Guy; L.A. Confidential; Outbreak; Tommy Boy; Face/Off; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Maverick; Almost Famous; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Apocalypse Now; Clockwork Orange; Contact; Godfather: Part II; Incredibles; Snatch; Phenomenon; Die Hard 2; Firm; Armageddon; Batman Forever; Crow; Executive Decision; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Dave; X2: X-Men United; Dragonheart; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Time to Kill; Rumble in the Bronx (Hont faan kui); Few Good Men; Grosse Pointe Blank; Tombstone; Fish Called Wanda; Mummy; Batman Begins; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; My Cousin Vinny; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Pleasantville; Kingpin; Donnie Darko; High Fidelity; Philadelphia; Con Air; Spider-Man 2; Mars Attacks!; Enemy of the State; Shakespeare in Love; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Gattaca; Taxi Driver; Crimson Tide; Psycho; Sabrina; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Rocky; In the Line of Fire; Natural Born Killers; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Father of the Bride Part II; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Primal Fear; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Platoon; American President; Predator; Abyss; Air Force One; Grease; Game; Spaceballs; Chasing Amy; Shrek 2; So I Married an Axe Murderer; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Field of Dreams; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Demolition Man; Waterworld; Erin Brockovich; Bourne Supremacy; This Is Spinal Tap; Traffic; Matrix Reloaded; Mallrats; Unbreakable; While You Were Sleeping; Little Mermaid; Untouchables; Christmas Story; Raising Arizona; Tin Cup; Full Monty; Amadeus; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Desperado; Batman Returns; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Casablanca; Bad Boys; True Romance; Boogie Nights; League of Their Own; Starship Troopers; Sin City; Cliffhanger; Animal House; Star Trek: Generations],[9732; 9104; 9059; 9027; 8136; 8122; 8111; 8101; 8034; 7799; 7691; 7655; 7380; 7355; 7351; 7292; 7213; 7125; 7098; 6901; 6894; 6876; 6873; 6735; 6641; 6589; 6547; 6397; 6337; 6332; 6285; 6285; 6281; 6252; 6189; 6165; 6137; 6029; 5990; 5948; 5925; 5922; 5906; 5890; 5889; 5881; 5878; 5830; 5821; 5820; 5812; 5810; 5720; 5705; 5662; 5587; 5496; 5476; 5333; 5296; 5295; 5285; 5278; 5273; 5213; 5211; 5190; 5189; 5182; 5170; 5159; 5157; 5071; 5007; 5006; 4945; 4897; 4880; 4873; 4837; 4832; 4810; 4801; 4794; 4785; 4777; 4773; 4772; 4769; 4743; 4730; 4697; 4662; 4639; 4621; 4616; 4605; 4588; 4585; 4579; 4535; 4522; 4517; 4501; 4499; 4490; 4478; 4419; 4401; 4399; 4397; 4387; 4361; 4359; 4345; 4342; 4321; 4317; 4300; 4296; 4291; 4285; 4268; 4262; 4252; 4227; 4207; 4164; 4163; 4160; 4146; 4138; 4131; 4124; 4120; 4118; 4115; 4094; 4092; 4090; 4080; 4058; 4056; 4056; 4050; 4049; 4041; 4040; 4022; 3999; 3998; 3995; 3991; 3969; 3966; 3955; 3948; 3944; 3941; 3926; 3908; 3901; 3894; 3879; 3872; 3869; 3860; 3854; 3833; 3765; 3755; 3727; 3719; 3716; 3686; 3685; 3655; 3642; 3630; 3630; 3622; 3610; 3607; 3588; 3577; 3569; 3550; 3547; 3544; 3532; 3529; 3518; 3514; 3505; 3487; 3462; 3459; 3442; 3430; 3430; 3417; 3417; 3407; 3406; 3397; 3387; 3382; 3371; 3370; 3358; 3358; 3344; 3339; 3326; 3321; 3312; 3309; 3280; 3278; 3271; 3253; 3251; 3231; 3230; 3226; 3224; 3219; 3192; 3191; 3190; 3171; 3161; 3153; 3148; 3148; 3144; 3143; 3140; 3136; 3118; 3112; 3110; 3089; 3086; 3085; 3071; 3069; 3067; 3067; 3055; 3040; 3036; 2996; 2959; 2958; 2956; 2954; 2935; 2926; 2925; 2921; 2920; 2898]
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone),[Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Matrix; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; Toy Story; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Spider-Man; Monsters Inc.; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Silence of the Lambs; Gladiator; Pulp Fiction; Finding Nemo; Fight Club; American Beauty; Ocean's Eleven; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Lion King; Braveheart; Minority Report; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Memento; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Saving Private Ryan; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Beautiful Mind; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Terminator; Bourne Identity; Schindler's List; Princess Bride; Groundhog Day; Truman Show; Aladdin; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Incredibles; Good Will Hunting; Usual Suspects; Fifth Element; Titanic; Die Hard; Toy Story 2; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Godfather; Catch Me If You Can; Apollo 13; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fugitive; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; X2: X-Men United; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Alien; Cast Away; Rain Man; Green Mile; Batman; Spider-Man 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Batman Begins; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Fargo; Edward Scissorhands; Mission: Impossible; Shrek 2; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Beauty and the Beast; Bug's Life; Speed; Wizard of Oz; Being John Malkovich; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Blade Runner; There's Something About Mary; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Aliens; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Breakfast Club; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Matrix Reloaded; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Office Space; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Reservoir Dogs; Mrs. Doubtfire; Beetlejuice; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Back to the Future Part II; Big; Shining; Chicken Run; Dances with Wolves; Donnie Darko; True Lies; Pretty Woman; Ice Age; Almost Famous; American History X; American Pie; As Good as It Gets; Rock; Meet the Parents; Hunt for Red October; L.A. Confidential; Bourne Supremacy; Total Recall; Snatch; Mask; Erin Brockovich; Jaws; Godfather: Part II; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Gattaca; Back to the Future Part III; Dark Knight; When Harry Met Sally...; Contact; Jerry Maguire; Mummy; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Home Alone; Goodfellas; Big Lebowski; Dogma; Big Fish; Casablanca; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; V for Vendetta; Stand by Me; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lost in Translation; Top Gun; High Fidelity; Unbreakable; Nightmare Before Christmas; Sin City; Traffic; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Lethal Weapon; Bridget Jones's Diary; Babe; Moulin Rouge; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Airplane!; Planet of the Apes; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Little Mermaid; Amadeus; Blues Brothers; Apocalypse Now; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; GoldenEye; Sleepless in Seattle; Clerks; Casino Royale; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Jumanji; Fish Called Wanda; Sleepy Hollow; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Psycho; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Armageddon; Ghost; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Last Samurai; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Predator; Italian Job; Bowling for Columbine; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Chocolat; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Stargate; Royal Tenenbaums; Twister; Galaxy Quest; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Face/Off; Pleasantville; Few Good Men; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Signs; Iron Man; Wayne's World; Mary Poppins; Others; WALL·E; Shaun of the Dead; Clueless; Untouchables; Abyss; Full Monty; Liar Liar; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Matrix Revolutions; I Robot; Superman; Game; Mission: Impossible II; Grease; Rocky; Charlie's Angels; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Good Morning Vietnam; Sound of Music; Enemy of the State; Departed; 28 Days Later; School of Rock; Die Hard 2; Black Hawk Down; Little Miss Sunshine; Patriot; Requiem for a Dream; About a Boy; Taxi Driver; Wedding Singer; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Love Actually; Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe; Beverly Hills Cop; Notting Hill; Star Trek: First Contact; Prestige; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); It's a Wonderful Life; Rear Window; Ring; Bourne Ultimatum; Graduate; Ratatouille; Inception; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Bruce Almighty; Grosse Pointe Blank; Platoon; Citizen Kane; Mask of Zorro; Happy Gilmore; Starship Troopers; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Scream; RoboCop; Chicago; Men in Black II (a.k.a. MIIB) (a.k.a. MIB 2); King Kong; Talented Mr. Ripley; Juno; Philadelphia; Goonies; Exorcist; NeverEnding Story; Young Frankenstein; Legally Blonde; 300; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Spaceballs; This Is Spinal Tap; Thelma & Louise; Air Force One; Heat; My Cousin Vinny; Road to Perdition; To Kill a Mockingbird; Christmas Story; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Goldfinger; Batman Returns; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Antz; Blade; Con Air; Pianist; Fantasia; Romancing the Stone; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Up; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Chasing Amy; Blazing Saddles; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Jungle Book; Garden State; Best in Show; Million Dollar Baby; Avatar; Super Size Me; Crash; Clear and Present Danger; Raising Arizona; Blair Witch Project; Gremlins; Unforgiven; Three Kings; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); 10 Things I Hate About You; The Butterfly Effect; Field of Dreams; Bend It Like Beckham; Gone with the Wind; League of Their Own; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Thomas Crown Affair; Mulan; Alice in Wonderland; Mars Attacks!; Dark City; Lethal Weapon 2; Crow; Firm; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Crocodile Dundee; Animal House; Batman Forever; Sting; Training Day; Lady and the Tramp; North by Northwest; Boogie Nights; Finding Neverland; Scarface; Last of the Mohicans; Collateral; Fahrenheit 9/11; Rush Hour; Miss Congeniality; Devil's Advocate; Adaptation; Highlander],[11823; 11197; 10885; 10716; 10210; 9990; 9800; 9741; 9723; 9524; 9507; 9498; 9440; 9391; 9354; 9248; 9196; 9193; 9155; 8977; 8977; 8958; 8923; 8732; 8692; 8692; 8679; 8665; 8656; 8299; 8170; 8028; 7981; 7969; 7925; 7775; 7753; 7707; 7701; 7633; 7618; 7581; 7471; 7431; 7403; 7363; 7342; 7308; 7252; 7244; 7237; 7223; 7080; 7048; 7007; 6949; 6941; 6894; 6840; 6836; 6753; 6666; 6640; 6625; 6599; 6573; 6566; 6541; 6506; 6484; 6478; 6429; 6429; 6341; 6321; 6316; 6300; 6279; 6262; 6239; 6229; 6229; 6229; 6184; 6170; 6083; 6052; 6037; 5991; 5898; 5884; 5847; 5804; 5756; 5720; 5718; 5706; 5682; 5675; 5675; 5672; 5647; 5580; 5556; 5555; 5551; 5526; 5525; 5513; 5506; 5431; 5429; 5416; 5410; 5372; 5349; 5348; 5329; 5309; 5306; 5305; 5285; 5246; 5237; 5232; 5189; 5166; 5161; 5074; 5070; 5059; 5053; 5038; 5016; 4999; 4989; 4984; 4957; 4939; 4898; 4867; 4858; 4851; 4833; 4831; 4828; 4820; 4812; 4805; 4773; 4764; 4755; 4741; 4732; 4712; 4710; 4708; 4706; 4688; 4680; 4633; 4584; 4568; 4535; 4518; 4506; 4502; 4481; 4463; 4459; 4452; 4444; 4428; 4425; 4423; 4415; 4414; 4405; 4392; 4376; 4361; 4360; 4357; 4354; 4350; 4304; 4291; 4279; 4273; 4259; 4252; 4233; 4227; 4225; 4215; 4208; 4207; 4183; 4175; 4154; 4143; 4133; 4125; 4117; 4108; 4093; 4069; 4060; 4051; 4040; 4031; 4029; 4012; 4001; 3999; 3998; 3985; 3984; 3970; 3940; 3932; 3913; 3911; 3907; 3894; 3886; 3871; 3845; 3840; 3824; 3815; 3813; 3807; 3803; 3786; 3777; 3772; 3758; 3743; 3735; 3720; 3687; 3685; 3685; 3655; 3642; 3632; 3625; 3607; 3597; 3594; 3552; 3548; 3538; 3538; 3535; 3534; 3530; 3525; 3520; 3515; 3514; 3502; 3501; 3499; 3499; 3485; 3476; 3472; 3468; 3460; 3453; 3430; 3426; 3424; 3417; 3416; 3400; 3394; 3390; 3388; 3383; 3382; 3374; 3368; 3345; 3336; 3331; 3308; 3280; 3279; 3261; 3256; 3256; 3254; 3250; 3248; 3238; 3238; 3231; 3227; 3220; 3214; 3210; 3209; 3207; 3206; 3201; 3195; 3194; 3194; 3185; 3184; 3181; 3181; 3177; 3175; 3170; 3166; 3159; 3158; 3150; 3142; 3135; 3132; 3124; 3120; 3119; 3119; 3115; 3111; 3110; 3106; 3094; 3084; 3081; 3071; 3063; 3039; 3037; 3027; 3019; 3018; 3013; 3011; 2991; 2982; 2980; 2978; 2969; 2956; 2955; 2955]
Heat,[Pulp Fiction; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Silence of the Lambs; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Usual Suspects; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Braveheart; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Forrest Gump; Fargo; Jurassic Park; Toy Story; Rock; Mission: Impossible; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Schindler's List; Speed; Batman; Apollo 13; Godfather; Matrix; True Lies; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Die Hard; Dances with Wolves; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Terminator; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Saving Private Ryan; Back to the Future; Reservoir Dogs; Twister; American Beauty; Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Sixth Sense; Clear and Present Danger; Alien; Leaving Las Vegas; Fight Club; GoldenEye; Blade Runner; Get Shorty; L.A. Confidential; Casino; Aliens; Lion King; Groundhog Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Aladdin; Gladiator; In the Line of Fire; Broken Arrow; Dead Man Walking; Godfather: Part II; Trainspotting; Taxi Driver; Full Metal Jacket; Mask; Fifth Element; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Crimson Tide; Good Will Hunting; Firm; Stargate; Pretty Woman; Outbreak; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; True Romance; Jerry Maguire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Clerks; Hunt for Red October; Memento; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Mrs. Doubtfire; Apocalypse Now; Jaws; Birdcage; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Natural Born Killers; Ghost; Princess Bride; Shining; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Total Recall; Truman Show; Sleepless in Seattle; Rain Man; Clockwork Orange; American History X; Beauty and the Beast; Babe; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Being John Malkovich; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Philadelphia; Shrek; Crow; Big Lebowski; X-Men; Stand by Me; Eraser; Ocean's Eleven; Lethal Weapon; Cliffhanger; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); There's Something About Mary; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Quiz Show; Untouchables; Clueless; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Face/Off; Platoon; Star Trek: First Contact; Home Alone; Minority Report; Mr. Holland's Opus; Green Mile; Titanic; Batman Forever; Fish Called Wanda; Game; Die Hard 2; Desperado; As Good as It Gets; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Ransom; Blues Brothers; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Tombstone; Top Gun; Executive Decision; Bourne Identity; Snatch; Dead Poets Society; Abyss; Dave; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Waterworld; Maverick; Psycho; Unforgiven; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Happy Gilmore; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Primal Fear; Sense and Sensibility; Nightmare Before Christmas; Casablanca; Star Trek: Generations; Contact; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; When Harry Met Sally...; Gattaca; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Office Space; Beautiful Mind; Demolition Man; Spider-Man; Edward Scissorhands; Traffic; Donnie Brasco; Few Good Men; Rumble in the Bronx (Hont faan kui); Nutty Professor; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; American President; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Amadeus; Net; Wizard of Oz; Breakfast Club; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Client; Catch Me If You Can; Ed Wood; Rocky; Time to Kill; Jumanji; Predator; Shakespeare in Love; Enemy of the State; Monsters Inc.; Grosse Pointe Blank; Finding Nemo; American Pie; Big; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Toy Story 2; Carlito's Way; Sabrina; Cast Away; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Batman Begins; Jackie Brown; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Airplane!; Scream; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Almost Famous; Back to the Future Part II; Beetlejuice; While You Were Sleeping; Ronin; High Fidelity; Donnie Darko; Scarface; Chinatown; Rear Window; From Dusk Till Dawn],[15449; 14641; 14500; 13998; 13945; 13794; 13791; 13448; 13431; 13363; 13349; 13320; 12897; 12205; 12155; 12091; 11957; 11467; 11354; 11141; 11089; 10997; 10981; 10722; 10715; 10379; 10322; 10224; 10166; 9998; 9836; 9800; 9534; 9374; 9358; 9186; 9131; 8978; 8969; 8907; 8853; 8799; 8667; 8637; 8619; 8461; 8441; 8434; 8429; 8423; 8382; 8375; 8302; 8265; 8243; 8193; 8178; 8142; 8134; 8081; 7898; 7792; 7733; 7671; 7643; 7585; 7579; 7565; 7547; 7521; 7507; 7465; 7396; 7328; 7319; 7262; 7256; 7240; 7237; 7227; 7181; 7168; 7151; 7127; 7017; 6987; 6973; 6928; 6917; 6915; 6860; 6763; 6673; 6648; 6613; 6609; 6546; 6535; 6507; 6505; 6457; 6433; 6424; 6361; 6358; 6354; 6288; 6286; 6276; 6238; 6206; 6189; 6159; 6154; 6146; 6140; 6133; 6127; 6093; 6090; 6063; 6061; 6046; 6043; 6037; 5990; 5942; 5884; 5869; 5865; 5819; 5811; 5808; 5798; 5789; 5783; 5776; 5761; 5750; 5735; 5735; 5726; 5726; 5701; 5696; 5687; 5670; 5649; 5633; 5617; 5592; 5587; 5506; 5496; 5461; 5429; 5404; 5397; 5392; 5386; 5386; 5381; 5378; 5367; 5344; 5343; 5283; 5270; 5258; 5257; 5227; 5190; 5184; 5170; 5163; 5156; 5146; 5120; 5116; 5097; 5084; 5076; 5073; 5070; 5014; 5011; 5007; 4995; 4991; 4983; 4938; 4933; 4930; 4901; 4871; 4816; 4815; 4813; 4798; 4774; 4757; 4745; 4744; 4736; 4735; 4728; 4713; 4703; 4697; 4694; 4688; 4674; 4663; 4655; 4649; 4648; 4645; 4626; 4609; 4591; 4588; 4566; 4499; 4482]
High Fidelity,[American Beauty; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Fight Club; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Being John Malkovich; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Fargo; Memento; Groundhog Day; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Gladiator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Toy Story; Saving Private Ryan; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Godfather; Almost Famous; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Good Will Hunting; Schindler's List; Shrek; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Reservoir Dogs; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Braveheart; L.A. Confidential; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Princess Bride; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Truman Show; Terminator; Fugitive; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Big Lebowski; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Blade Runner; Alien; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Goodfellas; X-Men; Die Hard; Ocean's Eleven; Rain Man; Office Space; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Trainspotting; Edward Scissorhands; There's Something About Mary; Shakespeare in Love; Breakfast Club; Traffic; Clockwork Orange; Clerks; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Minority Report; Monsters Inc.; Fifth Element; Apollo 13; Shining; Stand by Me; As Good as It Gets; American History X; Beautiful Mind; Godfather: Part II; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Aliens; Batman; Spider-Man; Full Metal Jacket; Finding Nemo; Apocalypse Now; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Snatch; When Harry Met Sally...; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Lost in Translation; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Monty Python's Life of Brian; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Big; Bourne Identity; Dead Poets Society; Toy Story 2; Speed; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Taxi Driver; Casablanca; Donnie Darko; Fish Called Wanda; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Wizard of Oz; Beetlejuice; Green Mile; Catch Me If You Can; Royal Tenenbaums; Grosse Pointe Blank; Lion King; Jaws; Jerry Maguire; Airplane!; Cast Away; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Chicken Run; Titanic; Erin Brockovich; Dogma; Gattaca; Mission: Impossible; Total Recall; This Is Spinal Tap; Rushmore; Psycho; Hunt for Red October; Amadeus; Aladdin; Dances with Wolves; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Blues Brothers; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Boogie Nights; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; American Pie; Bug's Life; Graduate; Incredibles; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); True Lies; Full Monty; Election; Meet the Parents; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Wayne's World; Raising Arizona; Contact; Magnolia; Rock; Lethal Weapon; Bowling for Columbine; Best in Show; Pleasantville; Back to the Future Part II; Chasing Amy; Clueless; Citizen Kane; Requiem for a Dream; Untouchables; Pretty Woman; Rear Window; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Nightmare Before Christmas; Batman Begins; Babe; Unbreakable; Platoon; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Heat; Talented Mr. Ripley; Game; Adaptation; Few Good Men; X2: X-Men United; Three Kings; Big Fish; Annie Hall; Beauty and the Beast; Mrs. Doubtfire; Face/Off; Chinatown; Sleepless in Seattle; Unforgiven; Galaxy Quest; Sin City; Sleepy Hollow; Top Gun; Get Shorty; Planet of the Apes; Mask; Abyss; Bridget Jones's Diary; Good Morning Vietnam; Thelma & Louise; About a Boy; Rocky; North by Northwest; Spider-Man 2; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Back to the Future Part III; Jackie Brown; Casino; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Young Frankenstein; Predator; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Animal House; My Cousin Vinny; Brazil; Wedding Singer; Christmas Story; Vertigo; Sling Blade; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Chocolat; Exorcist; Garden State; Superman; Sting; Shaun of the Dead; Moulin Rouge; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Swingers; Bourne Supremacy; To Kill a Mockingbird; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); 28 Days Later; Ghost; Leaving Las Vegas; True Romance; Blazing Saddles; GoldenEye; Mummy; It's a Wonderful Life; Philadelphia; Matrix Reloaded; Enemy of the State; Wonder Boys; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Little Miss Sunshine; Say Anything...; Eyes Wide Shut; Dark City; Shrek 2; Ed Wood; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Scream; Donnie Brasco; Insider; Heathers; Die Hard 2; RoboCop; Home Alone; Notting Hill; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Mulholland Drive; Others; Dead Man Walking; Scarface; Blair Witch Project; Departed; School of Rock; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Beverly Hills Cop; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Stargate; Starship Troopers; Sideways; Natural Born Killers; Sneakers; V for Vendetta; Wag the Dog; Liar Liar; Romancing the Stone; Mystic River; Happy Gilmore; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Misery; Quiz Show; Dark Knight; Little Mermaid; Ghost World; Grease; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Crash; Crying Game; Thomas Crown Affair; Witness; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Field of Dreams; Mars Attacks!; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Pianist; Army of Darkness; Super Size Me; Road to Perdition; Goldfinger; Twister; Go; Mary Poppins; League of Their Own; Mission: Impossible II; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Spaceballs; Casino Royale; Firm; Crow; Clear and Present Danger; Black Hawk Down; Trading Places; Patriot; Birdcage; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; In the Line of Fire; Pi; Charlie's Angels; English Patient; Glory; Italian Job; Dave; 12 Angry Men; Billy Elliot; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Sound of Music; American Psycho; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Star Trek: First Contact; Armageddon; Virgin Suicides; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Maltese Falcon; Das Boot (The Boat); Last of the Mohicans; Manchurian Candidate; Batman Returns; Love Actually; Fahrenheit 9/11; Lawrence of Arabia; Cool Hand Luke; Gremlins; Signs; Training Day; Devil's Advocate; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Caddyshack; Lethal Weapon 2; Ice Age; King Kong; Cape Fear; Gone with the Wind; Fantasia; Con Air; Goonies; Bridge on the River Kwai; Out of Sight; Deer Hunter; Some Like It Hot; Million Dollar Baby; Splash; Raging Bull; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Sense and Sensibility; Air Force One; Birds; Insomnia; Juno; Fly; Ring; Collateral; Elizabeth; From Dusk Till Dawn; Hudsucker Proxy; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Sixteen Candles; Crocodile Dundee; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Chicago; Ronin; Tootsie],[11185; 10660; 10342; 9861; 9783; 9419; 9398; 9392; 9214; 9162; 9111; 9109; 9087; 9082; 9081; 8995; 8774; 8532; 8420; 8299; 8288; 8287; 8181; 8142; 8111; 8084; 8074; 8020; 8003; 8001; 7994; 7961; 7826; 7813; 7751; 7734; 7725; 7720; 7604; 7604; 7600; 7558; 7442; 7413; 7373; 7283; 7139; 7137; 7130; 7102; 7063; 7047; 6977; 6969; 6958; 6937; 6880; 6840; 6797; 6726; 6724; 6697; 6665; 6657; 6601; 6596; 6535; 6507; 6490; 6488; 6466; 6453; 6446; 6443; 6414; 6390; 6382; 6303; 6267; 6260; 6250; 6248; 6200; 6154; 6144; 6133; 6130; 6103; 6051; 6044; 6029; 5974; 5939; 5926; 5916; 5893; 5893; 5886; 5876; 5875; 5838; 5821; 5820; 5819; 5819; 5775; 5766; 5748; 5718; 5717; 5716; 5680; 5679; 5672; 5665; 5654; 5614; 5612; 5603; 5575; 5535; 5531; 5523; 5523; 5495; 5483; 5417; 5412; 5410; 5400; 5392; 5391; 5371; 5366; 5320; 5319; 5247; 5243; 5240; 5233; 5180; 5178; 5164; 5161; 5158; 5151; 5146; 5146; 5144; 5094; 5035; 5031; 5023; 5004; 4979; 4975; 4962; 4937; 4916; 4908; 4873; 4870; 4844; 4819; 4807; 4804; 4755; 4728; 4696; 4675; 4670; 4667; 4654; 4642; 4609; 4583; 4577; 4554; 4552; 4531; 4507; 4443; 4414; 4409; 4395; 4369; 4334; 4329; 4315; 4310; 4310; 4309; 4306; 4291; 4270; 4261; 4252; 4239; 4231; 4224; 4215; 4214; 4190; 4182; 4173; 4173; 4163; 4138; 4137; 4116; 4108; 4099; 4096; 4090; 4088; 4085; 4073; 4065; 4017; 4007; 3994; 3988; 3977; 3974; 3960; 3947; 3900; 3882; 3876; 3868; 3863; 3857; 3857; 3853; 3838; 3835; 3830; 3801; 3798; 3793; 3788; 3788; 3781; 3780; 3775; 3765; 3760; 3754; 3751; 3742; 3741; 3737; 3723; 3718; 3709; 3678; 3673; 3672; 3670; 3660; 3642; 3626; 3616; 3616; 3594; 3592; 3587; 3574; 3560; 3559; 3548; 3543; 3536; 3535; 3523; 3514; 3507; 3507; 3495; 3494; 3486; 3465; 3459; 3435; 3422; 3421; 3417; 3412; 3409; 3402; 3397; 3394; 3394; 3392; 3389; 3379; 3375; 3357; 3356; 3347; 3342; 3339; 3332; 3328; 3317; 3314; 3312; 3301; 3294; 3290; 3280; 3276; 3267; 3266; 3258; 3251; 3244; 3243; 3242; 3238; 3238; 3230; 3223; 3221; 3219; 3215; 3200; 3194; 3189; 3183; 3182; 3178; 3170; 3169; 3165; 3163; 3155; 3155; 3150; 3134; 3130; 3112; 3108; 3108; 3106; 3105; 3102; 3088; 3083; 3082; 3082; 3078; 3076; 3075; 3074; 3070; 3068; 3067; 3067; 3050; 3049; 3045; 3042; 3032; 3028; 3027; 3020; 3017; 3017; 3013; 3012; 3009; 3007; 3006; 2981; 2968; 2967; 2965; 2962; 2951; 2945; 2927; 2925; 2923; 2918; 2907]
Home Alone,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Silence of the Lambs; Mrs. Doubtfire; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fugitive; Pulp Fiction; Speed; Lion King; Apollo 13; Shawshank Redemption; Batman; Pretty Woman; Aladdin; Braveheart; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Ghost; Mask; Schindler's List; Sleepless in Seattle; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Beauty and the Beast; Toy Story; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Usual Suspects; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mission: Impossible; Firm; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Babe; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Clear and Present Danger; GoldenEye; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Stargate; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Batman Forever; Outbreak; Die Hard; Groundhog Day; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Clueless; Twister; Sixth Sense; Rock; Jumanji; While You Were Sleeping; Terminator; Fargo; Dave; Shrek; Crimson Tide; American Beauty; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Net; Saving Private Ryan; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Fight Club; Cliffhanger; Gladiator; Star Trek: Generations; Philadelphia; Titanic; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); In the Line of Fire; Get Shorty; Waterworld; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Maverick; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Princess Bride; Truman Show; Client; Good Will Hunting; Nightmare Before Christmas; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Alien; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Wizard of Oz; American President; Ocean's Eleven; Quiz Show; Fifth Element; Santa Clause; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; There's Something About Mary; Top Gun; Blade Runner; Rain Man; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Finding Nemo; X-Men; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Birdcage; Jaws; Jerry Maguire; Spider-Man; Monsters Inc.; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Heat; Demolition Man; Memento; Clerks; Aliens; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Reservoir Dogs; Natural Born Killers; Dead Poets Society; Addams Family Values; Shining; Back to the Future Part II; Toy Story 2; Goodfellas; Minority Report; American Pie; Green Mile; When Harry Met Sally...; Mr. Holland's Opus; Edward Scissorhands; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Beautiful Mind; As Good as It Gets; Stand by Me; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Big; Breakfast Club; Bourne Identity; Crow; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Broken Arrow; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Back to the Future Part III; Tombstone; Bug's Life; Cast Away; Beetlejuice; Fish Called Wanda; Taxi Driver; Liar Liar; Godfather: Part II; Catch Me If You Can; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Incredibles; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Legends of the Fall; Happy Gilmore; Being John Malkovich; Clockwork Orange; Office Space; Jungle Book; Casino; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Blues Brothers; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Die Hard 2; Total Recall; Hunt for Red October; Meet the Parents; Monty Python's Life of Brian; L.A. Confidential; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); American History X; Lethal Weapon; Casablanca; Piano; Shakespeare in Love; Batman Begins; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Apocalypse Now; Leaving Las Vegas; Three Musketeers; Armageddon; Contact; Psycho; Mary Poppins; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Mummy; Dead Man Walking; Amadeus; Big Lebowski; Face/Off; Disclosure; Sense and Sensibility; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Pinocchio; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Airplane!; Grease; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Hot Shots! Part Deux; French Kiss; Sound of Music; Ed Wood; Last Action Hero; Shrek 2; Beverly Hills Cop III; Nutty Professor; Spider-Man 2; True Romance; Miracle on 34th Street; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; X2: X-Men United; Abyss; Casper; Much Ado About Nothing; Tommy Boy; Little Mermaid; Snatch; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Erin Brockovich; Desperado],[17462; 16675; 15097; 14323; 14195; 14179; 13905; 13885; 13746; 13565; 13507; 13195; 13114; 12971; 12676; 12353; 12036; 11959; 11643; 11588; 11512; 11346; 11186; 11032; 10700; 10606; 10307; 10217; 10216; 10139; 9906; 9892; 9560; 9491; 9371; 9246; 9224; 9199; 9155; 9142; 9132; 9031; 8955; 8870; 8671; 8663; 8595; 8584; 8551; 8432; 8431; 8373; 8340; 8293; 8252; 8237; 8144; 8072; 7980; 7899; 7787; 7758; 7596; 7500; 7495; 7433; 7418; 7395; 7377; 7371; 7355; 7342; 7332; 7315; 7305; 7295; 7264; 7229; 7220; 7200; 7067; 7023; 6911; 6908; 6835; 6806; 6803; 6683; 6643; 6564; 6530; 6496; 6488; 6453; 6415; 6399; 6382; 6375; 6369; 6307; 6277; 6276; 6260; 6199; 6189; 6168; 6157; 6156; 6155; 6142; 6039; 6037; 6013; 6009; 5996; 5992; 5979; 5967; 5942; 5942; 5862; 5801; 5795; 5751; 5730; 5696; 5693; 5686; 5686; 5642; 5640; 5639; 5628; 5591; 5586; 5578; 5571; 5523; 5522; 5504; 5495; 5478; 5477; 5437; 5418; 5409; 5389; 5288; 5279; 5277; 5273; 5271; 5269; 5212; 5210; 5185; 5180; 5170; 5143; 5122; 5121; 5112; 5109; 5104; 5060; 5032; 5030; 5004; 4973; 4962; 4954; 4939; 4927; 4913; 4906; 4898; 4897; 4891; 4890; 4838; 4835; 4830; 4823; 4805; 4793; 4762; 4762; 4760; 4760; 4736; 4730; 4689; 4655; 4645; 4632; 4631; 4626; 4626; 4605; 4599; 4579; 4570; 4546; 4530; 4519; 4511; 4499; 4464; 4442; 4439; 4425; 4417; 4411; 4384; 4280; 4274; 4270; 4267; 4237; 4226; 4220; 4218; 4218; 4215; 4210; 4193; 4180]
Hunt for Red October,[Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Silence of the Lambs; Fugitive; Braveheart; Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Shawshank Redemption; Back to the Future; Pulp Fiction; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Die Hard; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Toy Story; Schindler's List; American Beauty; Godfather; Alien; Groundhog Day; Gladiator; Fargo; Apollo 13; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Aliens; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Princess Bride; Good Will Hunting; Speed; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; L.A. Confidential; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fifth Element; Blade Runner; Rock; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Total Recall; Fight Club; True Lies; Rain Man; Batman; Mission: Impossible; Dances with Wolves; Shrek; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Jaws; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Reservoir Dogs; Lethal Weapon; Goodfellas; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Godfather: Part II; Truman Show; X-Men; Full Metal Jacket; Titanic; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; As Good as It Gets; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Contact; There's Something About Mary; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Blues Brothers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Untouchables; Memento; Top Gun; Lion King; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Clear and Present Danger; Ocean's Eleven; When Harry Met Sally...; Being John Malkovich; Stand by Me; Wizard of Oz; Shakespeare in Love; Aladdin; Green Mile; Minority Report; Few Good Men; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Big; Abyss; Jerry Maguire; Dead Poets Society; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Breakfast Club; Bourne Identity; Shining; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Heat; Toy Story 2; Casablanca; Fish Called Wanda; Spider-Man; Die Hard 2; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Airplane!; GoldenEye; Amadeus; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Face/Off; Bug's Life; Rocky; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Monsters Inc.; Clockwork Orange; Beautiful Mind; Edward Scissorhands; Gattaca; Beetlejuice; In the Line of Fire; Pretty Woman; Star Trek: First Contact; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Back to the Future Part II; Stargate; Platoon; Finding Nemo; Big Lebowski; Enemy of the State; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Office Space; Psycho; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Air Force One; Taxi Driver; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Predator; Game; Superman; Mask; Babe; Cast Away; Planet of the Apes; Get Shorty; American History X; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Clerks; Back to the Future Part III; Unforgiven; Mrs. Doubtfire; Twister; Romancing the Stone; Trainspotting; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Beauty and the Beast; Catch Me If You Can; Crimson Tide; Sleepless in Seattle; American Pie; Full Monty; Ghost; Last of the Mohicans; Incredibles; Sting; Armageddon; Grosse Pointe Blank; RoboCop; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Sneakers; Traffic; Goldfinger; Patriot Games; Lethal Weapon 2; Mummy; Graduate; Firm; Snatch; Rear Window; Good Morning Vietnam; Raising Arizona; Das Boot (The Boat); Almost Famous; My Cousin Vinny; Glory; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Con Air; Starship Troopers; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); High Fidelity; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Chicken Run; X2: X-Men United; Citizen Kane; Outbreak; Erin Brockovich; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Casino; Batman Begins; Galaxy Quest; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Thomas Crown Affair; Young Frankenstein; Witness; North by Northwest; This Is Spinal Tap; Bourne Supremacy; Bridge on the River Kwai; Sling Blade; Highlander; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Maverick; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Clueless; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Philadelphia; Chinatown; Tomorrow Never Dies; Star Trek: Generations; Mask of Zorro; Dogma; Wayne's World; Beverly Hills Cop; Home Alone; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Spider-Man 2; Three Kings; Unbreakable; It's a Wonderful Life; Ronin; Field of Dreams; Thelma & Louise; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Meet the Parents; Crocodile Dundee; Crow; Great Escape; Dave; To Kill a Mockingbird; Pleasantville; Negotiator; Scream; Nightmare Before Christmas; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Matrix Reloaded; Patriot; Vertigo; Boogie Nights; Cape Fear; Exorcist; American President; Liar Liar; Christmas Story; Chasing Amy; Lawrence of Arabia; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Animal House; Leaving Las Vegas; Mission: Impossible II; Dead Man Walking; Jumanji; True Romance; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Gone with the Wind; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Dark City; English Patient; Donnie Darko; Devil's Advocate; Trading Places; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Little Mermaid; Lost in Translation; Shrek 2; Wedding Singer; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Blazing Saddles; Mars Attacks!; Blade; Ransom; King Kong; Black Hawk Down; Mary Poppins; Army of Darkness; Brazil; Conspiracy Theory; Sleepy Hollow; X-Files: Fight the Future; Jackie Brown; Batman Returns; Talented Mr. Ripley; Grease; Quiz Show; Natural Born Killers; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Tombstone; Donnie Brasco; Splash; Basic Instinct; Spaceballs; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Cool Hand Luke; Cocoon; Happy Gilmore; Sound of Music; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Crying Game; Sin City; Election; Wag the Dog; Ben-Hur; Rushmore; Manchurian Candidate; Desperado; African Queen; Last Samurai; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Maltese Falcon; Notting Hill; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Blair Witch Project; Fly; Scarface; Italian Job],[14637; 14316; 14145; 14078; 13779; 13712; 13710; 13678; 13459; 13180; 13107; 13009; 12949; 12854; 12695; 12479; 12359; 12265; 12189; 11970; 11548; 11321; 11305; 11024; 10986; 10962; 10906; 10797; 10795; 10613; 10444; 10338; 10241; 10231; 10123; 10088; 9967; 9950; 9900; 9811; 9746; 9732; 9685; 9644; 9580; 9416; 9413; 9367; 9311; 9276; 9199; 9196; 9007; 9005; 8916; 8881; 8872; 8857; 8758; 8660; 8648; 8625; 8504; 8334; 8284; 8267; 8226; 8204; 8166; 8162; 8106; 8063; 8062; 7955; 7953; 7922; 7922; 7905; 7891; 7856; 7838; 7826; 7793; 7711; 7697; 7674; 7642; 7553; 7537; 7526; 7491; 7483; 7471; 7460; 7437; 7437; 7373; 7361; 7301; 7268; 7233; 7227; 7208; 7197; 7158; 7132; 7126; 7101; 7077; 7056; 7026; 7023; 7011; 6961; 6952; 6932; 6932; 6901; 6843; 6826; 6785; 6764; 6753; 6738; 6732; 6696; 6688; 6683; 6681; 6670; 6667; 6610; 6602; 6564; 6510; 6461; 6454; 6442; 6331; 6307; 6305; 6291; 6264; 6259; 6250; 6243; 6242; 6241; 6221; 6216; 6209; 6184; 6168; 6079; 6078; 6062; 6051; 6042; 6003; 5988; 5981; 5944; 5914; 5911; 5907; 5892; 5808; 5803; 5786; 5777; 5775; 5754; 5725; 5696; 5691; 5687; 5654; 5645; 5643; 5594; 5582; 5548; 5546; 5535; 5533; 5529; 5502; 5489; 5470; 5470; 5441; 5432; 5402; 5400; 5399; 5380; 5376; 5370; 5366; 5344; 5339; 5326; 5323; 5317; 5305; 5252; 5244; 5240; 5222; 5192; 5168; 5158; 5156; 5138; 5091; 5082; 5082; 5080; 5073; 5044; 5018; 5015; 4976; 4976; 4969; 4961; 4956; 4943; 4939; 4926; 4919; 4904; 4895; 4893; 4876; 4858; 4840; 4839; 4816; 4798; 4798; 4774; 4755; 4731; 4717; 4701; 4682; 4672; 4667; 4664; 4663; 4651; 4594; 4573; 4570; 4540; 4534; 4532; 4523; 4522; 4505; 4503; 4502; 4473; 4473; 4464; 4449; 4438; 4438; 4412; 4405; 4404; 4402; 4397; 4393; 4391; 4386; 4384; 4380; 4372; 4372; 4371; 4370; 4369; 4362; 4359; 4358; 4351; 4336; 4333; 4330; 4306; 4300; 4300; 4286; 4283; 4249; 4245; 4227; 4227; 4215; 4214; 4209; 4192; 4188; 4170; 4159; 4127; 4124; 4120; 4112; 4101; 4094; 4076; 4059; 4057; 4053; 4052; 4044; 4038; 4032; 4031; 4020; 4017; 4014; 4011; 3996; 3988; 3980; 3977]
In the Line of Fire,[Fugitive; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Speed; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Apollo 13; Braveheart; True Lies; Batman; Dances with Wolves; Clear and Present Danger; Schindler's List; Usual Suspects; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Firm; Pretty Woman; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Crimson Tide; Aladdin; Lion King; Ghost; Mrs. Doubtfire; Sleepless in Seattle; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Fargo; GoldenEye; Mission: Impossible; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Outbreak; Get Shorty; Rock; Die Hard; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Stargate; Toy Story; Dave; Mask; Beauty and the Beast; Heat; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Philadelphia; Babe; Back to the Future; Terminator; Quiz Show; Cliffhanger; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Client; Home Alone; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Twister; Star Trek: Generations; Maverick; Batman Forever; Matrix; Godfather; American President; Groundhog Day; Clueless; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Saving Private Ryan; While You Were Sleeping; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Hunt for Red October; Net; Alien; Aliens; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Blade Runner; Tombstone; Sixth Sense; Demolition Man; Princess Bride; Goodfellas; Waterworld; Broken Arrow; Crow; Casino; L.A. Confidential; Natural Born Killers; Jaws; Leaving Las Vegas; American Beauty; True Romance; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Dead Man Walking; Reservoir Dogs; Clerks; Godfather: Part II; Taxi Driver; When Harry Met Sally...; Good Will Hunting; Birdcage; Stand by Me; Fish Called Wanda; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Top Gun; Piano; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Total Recall; Full Metal Jacket; Jerry Maguire; Jumanji; Nightmare Before Christmas; Die Hard 2; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Legends of the Fall; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Gladiator; Lethal Weapon; Fifth Element; Rain Man; Blues Brothers; Mr. Holland's Opus; Wizard of Oz; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Apocalypse Now; Ed Wood; Unforgiven; As Good as It Gets; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Dead Poets Society; Abyss; Disclosure; Sense and Sensibility; Rob Roy; Untouchables; Casablanca; Psycho; Platoon; Desperado; Much Ado About Nothing; Shining; Face/Off; Few Good Men; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Amadeus; There's Something About Mary; Fight Club; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Truman Show; Addams Family Values; Titanic; Star Trek: First Contact; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Trainspotting; Contact; Shakespeare in Love; Clockwork Orange; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Santa Clause; Big; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Being John Malkovich; Last Action Hero; Rocky; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Breakfast Club; Eraser; Three Musketeers; Enemy of the State; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Copycat; Shrek; Air Force One; Sting; X-Men; Glory; Remains of the Day; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); French Kiss; Sneakers; Ransom; Game; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Rear Window; Executive Decision; Graduate; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Green Mile; Last of the Mohicans; Hudsucker Proxy; Memento; Cape Fear; Grosse Pointe Blank; Airplane!; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Raising Arizona; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; In the Name of the Father; Jungle Book; Species; Sabrina; Bad Boys; Edward Scissorhands; Ocean's Eleven; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Nell; Romancing the Stone; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Superman; Gattaca; Toy Story 2; Field of Dreams; Beetlejuice; Big Lebowski; Bug's Life; Citizen Kane; Chinatown; Con Air; Minority Report; North by Northwest; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Hoop Dreams; Beverly Hills Cop III; Back to the Future Part II; First Knight; Carlito's Way; River Wild],[15802; 14320; 14282; 13840; 13798; 13204; 13033; 12550; 12456; 12435; 12114; 11925; 11647; 11591; 11405; 11295; 10775; 10201; 10069; 9762; 9744; 9567; 9516; 9516; 9501; 9435; 9378; 9272; 8982; 8976; 8935; 8929; 8908; 8888; 8752; 8558; 8471; 8442; 8426; 8415; 8397; 8329; 8257; 8193; 8163; 8159; 7854; 7770; 7671; 7664; 7624; 7587; 7509; 7321; 7305; 7305; 7294; 7269; 7184; 7131; 7115; 7060; 7035; 6997; 6992; 6976; 6946; 6899; 6789; 6783; 6753; 6723; 6677; 6569; 6545; 6432; 6344; 6276; 6271; 6208; 6111; 6108; 6094; 6082; 6080; 6059; 6043; 5995; 5955; 5939; 5871; 5805; 5799; 5777; 5773; 5742; 5702; 5576; 5546; 5506; 5505; 5493; 5480; 5468; 5463; 5425; 5413; 5410; 5404; 5403; 5385; 5361; 5333; 5332; 5321; 5279; 5253; 5234; 5126; 5090; 5086; 5083; 5066; 5040; 5022; 5006; 4979; 4970; 4964; 4963; 4955; 4913; 4891; 4863; 4830; 4808; 4797; 4779; 4762; 4749; 4740; 4717; 4715; 4695; 4655; 4646; 4625; 4617; 4595; 4573; 4569; 4543; 4541; 4480; 4469; 4447; 4376; 4367; 4364; 4348; 4342; 4327; 4291; 4279; 4279; 4251; 4250; 4240; 4238; 4236; 4236; 4195; 4181; 4177; 4165; 4140; 4122; 4105; 4097; 4096; 4080; 4078; 4069; 4066; 4058; 4056; 4055; 4042; 4037; 4034; 4024; 3998; 3996; 3993; 3988; 3980; 3970; 3953; 3920; 3893; 3855; 3846; 3840; 3837; 3807; 3806; 3797; 3788; 3781; 3769; 3750; 3739; 3733; 3723; 3723; 3711; 3707; 3705; 3682; 3681; 3676; 3670; 3661; 3658; 3629; 3612; 3606; 3604; 3598]
Incredibles,[Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shrek; Finding Nemo; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Toy Story; Monsters Inc.; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Back to the Future; Silence of the Lambs; Gladiator; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Memento; Jurassic Park; Ocean's Eleven; Batman Begins; Spider-Man; Usual Suspects; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Braveheart; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; X-Men; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Saving Private Ryan; Bourne Identity; Minority Report; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Schindler's List; Lion King; Godfather; Terminator; Beautiful Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Groundhog Day; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Truman Show; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Good Will Hunting; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Catch Me If You Can; Spider-Man 2; Die Hard; Apollo 13; Toy Story 2; Shrek 2; Aladdin; Fifth Element; Fugitive; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Alien; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; X2: X-Men United; Fargo; Dark Knight; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Sin City; Donnie Darko; Blade Runner; Rain Man; Reservoir Dogs; American History X; Titanic; Batman; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Being John Malkovich; Office Space; Green Mile; V for Vendetta; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Bourne Supremacy; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Snatch; Aliens; Mission: Impossible; Speed; Edward Scissorhands; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); There's Something About Mary; Casino Royale; Shining; Lost in Translation; Cast Away; Goodfellas; Bug's Life; WALL·E; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Beauty and the Beast; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Big Fish; Matrix Reloaded; True Lies; Godfather: Part II; Big Lebowski; Iron Man; Departed; L.A. Confidential; Shaun of the Dead; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Mrs. Doubtfire; Dead Poets Society; Clockwork Orange; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Full Metal Jacket; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Trainspotting; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Wizard of Oz; Dances with Wolves; Breakfast Club; Ice Age; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Little Miss Sunshine; Rock; Almost Famous; Back to the Future Part II; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Hunt for Red October; Apocalypse Now; Mask; As Good as It Gets; Gattaca; Chicken Run; Ratatouille; Beetlejuice; Big; Prestige; Jaws; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Pretty Woman; Casablanca; Bourne Ultimatum; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; American Pie; Total Recall; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Meet the Parents; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Back to the Future Part III; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Shakespeare in Love; Stand by Me; Traffic; Bowling for Columbine; Airplane!; Home Alone; Juno; High Fidelity; Clerks; Dogma; Last Samurai; Inception; Up; Contact; Nightmare Before Christmas; 28 Days Later; Blues Brothers; Requiem for a Dream; Jerry Maguire; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Amadeus; When Harry Met Sally...; I Robot; Psycho; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Top Gun; Taxi Driver; City of God (Cidade de Deus); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Unbreakable; Italian Job; Lethal Weapon; Garden State; Million Dollar Baby; GoldenEye; 300; Untouchables; Fish Called Wanda; Crash; Babe; Royal Tenenbaums; Mummy; Game; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Erin Brockovich; Matrix Revolutions; 40-Year-Old Virgin; School of Rock; Super Size Me; Rear Window; No Country for Old Men; Children of Men; Twister; Armageddon; Predator; Serenity; Stargate; Ghost; Avatar; Collateral; Pianist; Sleepless in Seattle; Jumanji; Liar Liar; Heat; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Hot Fuzz; Moulin Rouge; Hero (Ying xiong); Citizen Kane; Face/Off; Few Good Men; Planet of the Apes; Rocky; Little Mermaid; Love Actually; This Is Spinal Tap; Platoon; Star Trek; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Scarface; Hotel Rwanda; Slumdog Millionaire; Others; Wayne's World; Inglourious Basterds; Sleepy Hollow; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Bridget Jones's Diary; Mystic River; Black Hawk Down; King Kong; Pleasantville; Thank You for Smoking; Galaxy Quest; Abyss; Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Enemy of the State; Finding Neverland; Bruce Almighty; Clueless; Adaptation; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); The Butterfly Effect; Sideways; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; It's a Wonderful Life; Signs; Superman; About a Boy; Graduate; Happy Gilmore; Chocolat; Mission: Impossible II; Full Monty; Good Morning Vietnam; Die Hard 2; District 9; Young Frankenstein; 12 Angry Men; North by Northwest; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; To Kill a Mockingbird; Grease; Unforgiven; Wedding Crashers; Sting],[14254; 13741; 13376; 13271; 13162; 12898; 12618; 12548; 12227; 12123; 12121; 12011; 11818; 11782; 11756; 11702; 11595; 11316; 11181; 10959; 10873; 10780; 10750; 10743; 10268; 10199; 10035; 9963; 9859; 9821; 9774; 9739; 9734; 9717; 9701; 9684; 9653; 9629; 9620; 9594; 9338; 9031; 8951; 8905; 8886; 8835; 8804; 8799; 8795; 8752; 8733; 8703; 8652; 8601; 8557; 8431; 8394; 8381; 8328; 8239; 8174; 8173; 8082; 7994; 7963; 7955; 7916; 7894; 7830; 7806; 7666; 7561; 7558; 7551; 7550; 7513; 7443; 7420; 7387; 7366; 7352; 7352; 7306; 7254; 7244; 7223; 7173; 7138; 7086; 7048; 7035; 6788; 6763; 6733; 6660; 6644; 6597; 6594; 6578; 6540; 6530; 6487; 6483; 6459; 6437; 6380; 6370; 6361; 6311; 6307; 6304; 6291; 6270; 6234; 6211; 6189; 6189; 6187; 6164; 6125; 6110; 6086; 6068; 6037; 6033; 6007; 6002; 5980; 5939; 5932; 5923; 5907; 5861; 5839; 5822; 5808; 5760; 5713; 5699; 5685; 5657; 5632; 5615; 5600; 5592; 5591; 5578; 5575; 5552; 5550; 5494; 5489; 5469; 5433; 5430; 5428; 5411; 5398; 5395; 5386; 5331; 5323; 5302; 5289; 5257; 5246; 5210; 5164; 5164; 5162; 5154; 5145; 5124; 5107; 5101; 5096; 5035; 5023; 5015; 4970; 4961; 4958; 4951; 4946; 4945; 4927; 4919; 4891; 4888; 4887; 4852; 4850; 4838; 4831; 4825; 4792; 4749; 4747; 4706; 4696; 4693; 4674; 4647; 4647; 4647; 4625; 4599; 4569; 4545; 4536; 4535; 4529; 4520; 4509; 4479; 4478; 4459; 4455; 4440; 4434; 4383; 4368; 4368; 4354; 4351; 4327; 4320; 4300; 4272; 4268; 4251; 4227; 4223; 4198; 4191; 4186; 4181; 4171; 4161; 4158; 4153; 4150; 4141; 4136; 4111; 4100; 4098; 4095; 4094; 4046; 4043; 4040; 4037; 4025; 4019; 4018; 4016; 4010; 3996; 3971; 3969; 3948; 3930; 3927; 3927; 3908; 3905; 3901; 3900; 3897; 3884; 3878; 3863; 3863; 3844; 3843; 3833; 3829; 3823; 3812; 3793; 3790; 3785; 3774; 3771; 3758; 3739; 3734; 3730; 3699; 3691; 3690]
Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4),[Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Toy Story; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Mission: Impossible; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Braveheart; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Rock; Matrix; Speed; Apollo 13; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Twister; Back to the Future; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); True Lies; Batman; Schindler's List; Fargo; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Usual Suspects; Lion King; Aladdin; Terminator; Dances with Wolves; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Sixth Sense; Die Hard; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Mrs. Doubtfire; Stargate; Gladiator; Fifth Element; American Beauty; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Groundhog Day; Pretty Woman; Mask; Fight Club; Alien; GoldenEye; Beauty and the Beast; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Shrek; Heat; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Princess Bride; Aliens; Ghost; Clear and Present Danger; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Broken Arrow; Blade Runner; Star Trek: First Contact; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; X-Men; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Sleepless in Seattle; Titanic; Birdcage; Jerry Maguire; Home Alone; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Good Will Hunting; Mr. Holland's Opus; Outbreak; Babe; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Ocean's Eleven; Star Trek: Generations; Memento; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Spider-Man; Minority Report; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; Eraser; Total Recall; Firm; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Batman Forever; Top Gun; Hunt for Red October; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Jaws; Nutty Professor; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Jumanji; Rain Man; Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Contact; Goodfellas; Crimson Tide; Happy Gilmore; There's Something About Mary; Dead Man Walking; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Trainspotting; Get Shorty; Leaving Las Vegas; Bourne Identity; In the Line of Fire; Clueless; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Full Metal Jacket; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Wizard of Oz; Godfather: Part II; Armageddon; Green Mile; Face/Off; L.A. Confidential; Back to the Future Part II; Waterworld; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Beautiful Mind; Shining; Clerks; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Maverick; Toy Story 2; Clockwork Orange; Dead Poets Society; Back to the Future Part III; Die Hard 2; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Net; Abyss; Ransom; Being John Malkovich; Lethal Weapon; Blues Brothers; American Pie; Stand by Me; Philadelphia; Dave; Apocalypse Now; Dragonheart; Incredibles; Cliffhanger; American History X; When Harry Met Sally...; As Good as It Gets; Batman Begins; Executive Decision; Phenomenon; Sense and Sensibility; Cast Away; Nightmare Before Christmas; Bug's Life; Edward Scissorhands; Gattaca; Office Space; Sabrina; Demolition Man; Breakfast Club; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Fish Called Wanda; While You Were Sleeping; Big; Catch Me If You Can; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Crow],[24528; 23426; 23251; 22075; 22029; 20958; 20897; 20557; 20306; 20020; 19945; 19670; 19536; 18731; 18316; 17966; 17903; 17873; 17652; 17255; 16966; 16962; 16886; 16883; 16472; 16140; 15962; 15611; 15604; 15116; 15078; 14838; 14318; 14211; 14193; 14170; 14111; 13951; 13875; 13706; 13597; 13262; 13057; 13054; 13030; 12926; 12897; 12806; 12772; 12682; 12560; 12322; 12220; 12000; 11998; 11957; 11944; 11822; 11807; 11769; 11559; 11553; 11544; 11535; 11525; 11457; 11283; 11150; 11051; 11015; 10780; 10775; 10606; 10553; 10461; 10295; 10249; 10103; 10094; 10073; 10050; 9999; 9991; 9986; 9925; 9901; 9901; 9869; 9866; 9850; 9829; 9823; 9686; 9638; 9593; 9580; 9504; 9360; 9347; 9341; 9304; 9223; 9213; 9202; 9100; 9052; 9040; 9027; 9022; 9019; 9014; 8984; 8957; 8955; 8934; 8908; 8908; 8901; 8852; 8827; 8789; 8764; 8758; 8676; 8666; 8665; 8659; 8637; 8624; 8535; 8525; 8446; 8360; 8338; 8307; 8298; 8285; 8233; 8219; 8200; 8187; 8184; 8180; 8165; 8139; 8091; 8087; 8071; 8069; 8067; 8061; 8028; 8007; 7994; 7984; 7930; 7923; 7891; 7860; 7845; 7836; 7811; 7808; 7807; 7779; 7736; 7713; 7698; 7689; 7658; 7657; 7654; 7627; 7590; 7574; 7552; 7552; 7542; 7471]
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Matrix; Back to the Future; Forrest Gump; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Jurassic Park; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator; Braveheart; Die Hard; Toy Story; Fugitive; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Alien; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Usual Suspects; Godfather; Schindler's List; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Groundhog Day; Aliens; American Beauty; Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Batman; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fight Club; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Blade Runner; Fargo; Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Speed; Fifth Element; Mission: Impossible; Lion King; Good Will Hunting; True Lies; Reservoir Dogs; X-Men; Rock; Jaws; Aladdin; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Dances with Wolves; Memento; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Hunt for Red October; Rain Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Godfather: Part II; Full Metal Jacket; Truman Show; Wizard of Oz; Stand by Me; Goodfellas; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Ocean's Eleven; L.A. Confidential; Shining; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Spider-Man; Dead Poets Society; Blues Brothers; Total Recall; Minority Report; Titanic; Monsters Inc.; Lethal Weapon; Apocalypse Now; Clockwork Orange; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Top Gun; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Finding Nemo; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Bourne Identity; When Harry Met Sally...; Being John Malkovich; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Fish Called Wanda; Green Mile; Casablanca; There's Something About Mary; Toy Story 2; Breakfast Club; Back to the Future Part II; Abyss; Amadeus; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; GoldenEye; Beauty and the Beast; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Mrs. Doubtfire; Mask; Big; Beautiful Mind; Pretty Woman; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Beetlejuice; As Good as It Gets; Psycho; Edward Scissorhands; Untouchables; American History X; Incredibles; Batman Begins; Office Space; Jerry Maguire; Contact; Shakespeare in Love; Stargate; Trainspotting; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Airplane!; Bug's Life; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Big Lebowski; Catch Me If You Can; Back to the Future Part III; Clerks; Platoon; Die Hard 2; Taxi Driver; Heat; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Babe; X2: X-Men United; Twister; Star Trek: First Contact; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Gattaca; Clear and Present Danger; Rocky; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Snatch; Cast Away; Ghost; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Sleepless in Seattle; Predator; Home Alone; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Face/Off; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; American Pie; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Planet of the Apes; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Superman; Rear Window; Few Good Men; Spider-Man 2; Donnie Darko; Sting; Unforgiven; Nightmare Before Christmas; Graduate; Young Frankenstein; Mummy; Raising Arizona; Citizen Kane; This Is Spinal Tap; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Get Shorty; Almost Famous; Romancing the Stone; Game; Highlander; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Clueless; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); RoboCop; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Armageddon; Matrix Reloaded; Bourne Supremacy; It's a Wonderful Life; Dogma; In the Line of Fire; Dark Knight; Chicken Run; Sin City; High Fidelity; Traffic; Glory; Enemy of the State; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Jumanji; Shrek 2; Goldfinger; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; North by Northwest; Lethal Weapon 2; Full Monty; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Mary Poppins; Grosse Pointe Blank; Starship Troopers; Field of Dreams; Firm; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Sneakers; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Meet the Parents; Last of the Mohicans; To Kill a Mockingbird; Philadelphia; Unbreakable; Outbreak; Casino; Maverick; Galaxy Quest; Star Trek: Generations; Air Force One; Wayne's World; Erin Brockovich; Chinatown; Lost in Translation; Good Morning Vietnam; Batman Returns; V for Vendetta; Grease; Crow; Sound of Music; Bridge on the River Kwai; Brazil; Liar Liar; Vertigo; Casino Royale; Great Escape; Little Mermaid; Con Air; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Scream; Sleepy Hollow; Army of Darkness; Crimson Tide; Mars Attacks!; Beverly Hills Cop; Exorcist; Dave; Christmas Story; Gone with the Wind; Big Fish; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Pleasantville; My Cousin Vinny; Mask of Zorro; Departed; Batman Forever; Happy Gilmore; Crocodile Dundee; Fantasia; King Kong; Das Boot (The Boat); Lawrence of Arabia; Natural Born Killers; True Romance; Waterworld],[25622; 23533; 23393; 22431; 21074; 21068; 20123; 19702; 19511; 19377; 19339; 19015; 18955; 18644; 18367; 17607; 17453; 16845; 16711; 16455; 16431; 16382; 16370; 16348; 16248; 16125; 16006; 15961; 15866; 15632; 15596; 15540; 15386; 15305; 15295; 15216; 15215; 15133; 14894; 14757; 14552; 14348; 14318; 14188; 14059; 13572; 13432; 13396; 13290; 13210; 12969; 12747; 12731; 12722; 12669; 12529; 12490; 12477; 12423; 12419; 12359; 12285; 12237; 12224; 12125; 11933; 11811; 11796; 11793; 11711; 11645; 11580; 11537; 11521; 11436; 11319; 11285; 11264; 11263; 11251; 11134; 11120; 11002; 10997; 10991; 10975; 10959; 10937; 10822; 10822; 10735; 10730; 10699; 10686; 10437; 10435; 10422; 10351; 10332; 10255; 10141; 10078; 10055; 10033; 10011; 10000; 9964; 9963; 9942; 9908; 9906; 9879; 9861; 9829; 9779; 9756; 9744; 9738; 9729; 9716; 9629; 9534; 9512; 9504; 9429; 9416; 9401; 9391; 9342; 9273; 9202; 9191; 9124; 9105; 9089; 9074; 9062; 9026; 9020; 8969; 8950; 8946; 8841; 8776; 8756; 8738; 8729; 8723; 8705; 8691; 8669; 8660; 8633; 8588; 8548; 8532; 8448; 8431; 8341; 8331; 8319; 8304; 8299; 8251; 8173; 8129; 8080; 8038; 8010; 8001; 7956; 7937; 7869; 7832; 7826; 7807; 7790; 7741; 7726; 7725; 7713; 7657; 7649; 7608; 7590; 7511; 7486; 7481; 7442; 7433; 7395; 7393; 7382; 7354; 7341; 7341; 7332; 7321; 7316; 7299; 7296; 7283; 7279; 7214; 7203; 7178; 7129; 7104; 7099; 7086; 7085; 7081; 6980; 6974; 6972; 6968; 6949; 6902; 6884; 6884; 6849; 6847; 6820; 6815; 6801; 6799; 6791; 6778; 6774; 6767; 6740; 6731; 6713; 6706; 6702; 6697; 6692; 6669; 6666; 6629; 6613; 6606; 6594; 6576; 6564; 6545; 6544; 6530; 6528; 6509; 6495; 6478; 6435; 6406; 6406; 6395; 6393; 6361; 6333; 6317; 6308; 6296; 6266; 6241; 6219; 6199; 6171; 6170; 6157; 6143; 6142; 6137; 6132; 6120; 6101; 6042; 6040; 6040; 5987; 5961]
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Pulp Fiction; Terminator; Silence of the Lambs; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Braveheart; Die Hard; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Saving Private Ryan; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Toy Story; Gladiator; American Beauty; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fugitive; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fight Club; Alien; Batman; Shrek; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Usual Suspects; Godfather; Schindler's List; Fifth Element; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Aliens; X-Men; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Blade Runner; Truman Show; Fargo; Apollo 13; Good Will Hunting; Mission: Impossible; Speed; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Lion King; Rain Man; Total Recall; Memento; Ocean's Eleven; Spider-Man; Hunt for Red October; True Lies; Jaws; Lethal Weapon; Rock; Minority Report; Reservoir Dogs; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Back to the Future Part II; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Aladdin; Full Metal Jacket; Monsters Inc.; Titanic; Dances with Wolves; Finding Nemo; Shining; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; There's Something About Mary; Bourne Identity; Beetlejuice; Top Gun; L.A. Confidential; Wizard of Oz; Big; Green Mile; Godfather: Part II; Being John Malkovich; Edward Scissorhands; Breakfast Club; Blues Brothers; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Goodfellas; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Toy Story 2; Dead Poets Society; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Back to the Future Part III; Stand by Me; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Clockwork Orange; Beautiful Mind; As Good as It Gets; Apocalypse Now; Airplane!; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Office Space; Bug's Life; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Abyss; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Untouchables; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Big Lebowski; GoldenEye; Contact; Incredibles; Predator; American History X; Cast Away; Catch Me If You Can; When Harry Met Sally...; Mask; Rocky; Jerry Maguire; Mrs. Doubtfire; Fish Called Wanda; Shakespeare in Love; Batman Begins; X2: X-Men United; Pretty Woman; Superman; Face/Off; Gattaca; Die Hard 2; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; American Pie; Mummy; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Beauty and the Beast; Stargate; Psycho; Casablanca; Trainspotting; Planet of the Apes; Snatch; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clerks; Amadeus; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Romancing the Stone; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Spider-Man 2; Platoon; RoboCop; Armageddon; Taxi Driver; Few Good Men; Heat; Twister; Donnie Darko; Home Alone; Dogma; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Matrix Reloaded; Lethal Weapon 2; Almost Famous; Chicken Run; Ghost; Star Trek: First Contact; Babe; Enemy of the State; Game; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Clear and Present Danger; Meet the Parents; High Fidelity; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Starship Troopers; Bourne Supremacy; Sleepless in Seattle; Shrek 2; Traffic; Wayne's World; Goldfinger; Nightmare Before Christmas; Four Weddings and a Funeral; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Sin City; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Unbreakable; Air Force One; Good Morning Vietnam; Erin Brockovich; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Full Monty; Beverly Hills Cop; Jumanji; Lost in Translation; Con Air; Crocodile Dundee; Highlander; Liar Liar; Sleepy Hollow; Rear Window; This Is Spinal Tap; Grosse Pointe Blank; Galaxy Quest; Little Mermaid; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Citizen Kane; Dark Knight; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Raising Arizona; Unforgiven; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Graduate; Exorcist; Young Frankenstein; Goonies; Spaceballs; Batman Returns; Mask of Zorro; Scream; Clueless; Casino; Get Shorty; My Cousin Vinny; Big Fish; King Kong; Casino Royale; Grease; V for Vendetta; Pleasantville; Mars Attacks!; Gremlins; Crow; Last of the Mohicans; Mission: Impossible II; Ice Age; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Bowling for Columbine; Mary Poppins; Happy Gilmore; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Outbreak; Sting; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Blade; Wedding Singer; Last Samurai; Maverick; It's a Wonderful Life; In the Line of Fire; Patriot; North by Northwest; Three Kings; Tomorrow Never Dies; Firm; Christmas Story; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Italian Job; NeverEnding Story; Shaun of the Dead; Sneakers; Army of Darkness; Star Trek: Generations; Field of Dreams; Scarface; Thelma & Louise; 28 Days Later; Philadelphia; Blair Witch Project; Boogie Nights; Thomas Crown Affair; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Departed; Willow; Animal House; Natural Born Killers; Blazing Saddles; Chinatown; To Kill a Mockingbird; Black Hawk Down; Chasing Amy; Dark City; Requiem for a Dream; Royal Tenenbaums; Glory; Jackie Brown; Witness; Talented Mr. Ripley; Vertigo; Sound of Music; Devil's Advocate; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Brazil; Fly; Splash; Patriot Games; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Trading Places; Batman Forever; Gone with the Wind; Great Escape; Waterworld; Iron Man; Rush Hour; Crimson Tide; Matrix Revolutions; True Romance; Tron; Bridge on the River Kwai; Signs; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Fantasia; Desperado; From Dusk Till Dawn; Ronin; I Robot; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Notting Hill; X-Files: Fight the Future; Rushmore; Others; Cocoon; Mad Max; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Das Boot (The Boat); Jungle Book; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Moulin Rouge; Eyes Wide Shut; Bridget Jones's Diary; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Charlie's Angels; Ransom; Sling Blade; Dave; Karate Kid; Bourne Ultimatum; Prestige; Birds; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Misery; Demolition Man; Negotiator; League of Their Own; Birdcage; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Poltergeist; Lawrence of Arabia; Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure; Caddyshack; Leaving Las Vegas; School of Rock; Antz; Conspiracy Theory; Dr. No; WALL·E; Cape Fear; Ring; Donnie Brasco; Magnolia; Road to Perdition; Election; Lethal Weapon 3; Chocolat; Cliffhanger; Basic Instinct; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest],[16049; 15305; 14703; 14521; 14426; 14180; 13584; 13342; 13076; 12697; 12528; 12374; 12374; 12279; 12140; 11917; 11846; 11767; 11690; 11680; 11548; 11470; 11268; 11145; 10955; 10876; 10827; 10825; 10680; 10671; 10567; 10533; 10519; 10356; 10341; 10176; 10144; 10066; 10060; 10050; 10021; 9871; 9755; 9686; 9505; 9446; 9430; 9387; 9352; 9316; 9278; 9259; 9223; 9174; 9145; 9049; 9024; 9021; 9019; 9005; 8991; 8926; 8862; 8781; 8713; 8701; 8661; 8652; 8601; 8490; 8476; 8390; 8387; 8357; 8288; 8210; 8192; 8187; 8174; 8081; 8072; 8069; 8057; 8038; 8037; 8001; 7962; 7945; 7918; 7910; 7864; 7858; 7843; 7835; 7785; 7694; 7678; 7672; 7654; 7615; 7578; 7538; 7515; 7444; 7434; 7363; 7285; 7284; 7274; 7272; 7240; 7223; 7198; 7166; 7154; 7149; 7148; 7138; 7118; 7111; 7056; 7054; 6958; 6958; 6948; 6882; 6872; 6840; 6838; 6831; 6813; 6812; 6796; 6776; 6766; 6765; 6753; 6722; 6713; 6687; 6665; 6660; 6623; 6593; 6577; 6572; 6545; 6489; 6472; 6457; 6421; 6364; 6328; 6273; 6257; 6222; 6222; 6194; 6181; 6176; 6169; 6063; 6057; 6054; 6039; 6037; 5997; 5969; 5967; 5959; 5951; 5867; 5860; 5859; 5853; 5852; 5850; 5845; 5845; 5822; 5796; 5775; 5760; 5747; 5729; 5719; 5699; 5692; 5686; 5670; 5670; 5628; 5612; 5588; 5587; 5586; 5569; 5537; 5520; 5482; 5454; 5437; 5430; 5399; 5359; 5353; 5333; 5315; 5302; 5300; 5299; 5262; 5247; 5245; 5224; 5211; 5209; 5185; 5182; 5181; 5164; 5152; 5140; 5128; 5111; 5100; 5084; 5074; 5039; 5033; 5027; 5016; 5010; 5009; 5001; 4968; 4963; 4960; 4957; 4950; 4943; 4910; 4886; 4862; 4860; 4855; 4855; 4833; 4813; 4802; 4801; 4800; 4790; 4790; 4763; 4756; 4737; 4730; 4704; 4699; 4695; 4692; 4672; 4669; 4664; 4663; 4659; 4658; 4647; 4640; 4640; 4623; 4606; 4578; 4574; 4573; 4573; 4571; 4554; 4548; 4543; 4538; 4522; 4514; 4506; 4503; 4492; 4482; 4464; 4437; 4430; 4420; 4415; 4408; 4401; 4385; 4376; 4374; 4372; 4368; 4363; 4351; 4349; 4316; 4309; 4300; 4291; 4284; 4275; 4231; 4217; 4207; 4184; 4182; 4172; 4165; 4151; 4147; 4145; 4142; 4137; 4136; 4119; 4115; 4101; 4079; 4064; 4047; 4042; 4041; 4040; 4037; 4028; 4008; 4007; 4004; 4000; 3995; 3995; 3993; 3993; 3987; 3965; 3947; 3942; 3937; 3935; 3931; 3924; 3910; 3909; 3897; 3895; 3894; 3891; 3889; 3888; 3870; 3868; 3865; 3851; 3850; 3843; 3835; 3832; 3823; 3820; 3816; 3799; 3796; 3792; 3792; 3777; 3768; 3767; 3757; 3757; 3749; 3748]
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Batman; Jurassic Park; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Braveheart; Apollo 13; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Dances with Wolves; True Lies; Aladdin; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Speed; Lion King; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Usual Suspects; Schindler's List; Beauty and the Beast; Stargate; Clear and Present Danger; Outbreak; Mask; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Batman Forever; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pretty Woman; Firm; Toy Story; GoldenEye; Ghost; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Crimson Tide; Star Trek: Generations; Natural Born Killers; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Waterworld; Sleepless in Seattle; Babe; Matrix; Cliffhanger; Mission: Impossible; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Net; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; While You Were Sleeping; Back to the Future; Clueless; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Get Shorty; Sixth Sense; Quiz Show; Home Alone; Terminator; American Beauty; Fight Club; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Rock; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Alien; Nightmare Before Christmas; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Addams Family Values; Crow; Philadelphia; Groundhog Day; Twister; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Jumanji; Clerks; Dave; Blade Runner; Gladiator; Fifth Element; Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; In the Line of Fire; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Legends of the Fall; Heat; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Aliens; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Shrek; Reservoir Dogs; Shining; Tombstone; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Taxi Driver; Good Will Hunting; Client; Truman Show; Birdcage; X-Men; Trainspotting; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Memento; Demolition Man; Maverick; Titanic; True Romance; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Disclosure; Edward Scissorhands; Casino; American President; Leaving Las Vegas; Rain Man; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Jaws; Clockwork Orange; Ed Wood; Broken Arrow; Dead Poets Society; Piano; Goodfellas; Minority Report; Being John Malkovich; Ocean's Eleven; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Full Metal Jacket; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; There's Something About Mary; Dead Man Walking; Jerry Maguire; Santa Clause; Spider-Man; Wizard of Oz; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Stand by Me; L.A. Confidential; Green Mile; 2001: A Space Odyssey; American History X; Beetlejuice; Godfather: Part II; Monsters Inc.; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Desperado; Apocalypse Now; Total Recall; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Finding Nemo; Top Gun; Rob Roy; Psycho; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; As Good as It Gets; Fish Called Wanda; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Contact; Beautiful Mind; Sense and Sensibility; Breakfast Club; Gattaca; Species; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Back to the Future Part II; When Harry Met Sally...; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Hunt for Red October; Bourne Identity; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Nell; Big Lebowski; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Mr. Holland's Opus; Abyss; Shakespeare in Love; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Amadeus; Sleepy Hollow; Scream; Blues Brothers; Lethal Weapon; Snatch; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me],[18938; 18184; 17486; 16905; 16810; 16567; 16377; 16006; 15828; 15804; 15733; 15334; 15200; 14328; 13587; 13489; 13383; 13183; 13043; 12706; 12467; 12456; 11732; 11669; 11584; 11442; 11410; 11397; 11318; 11262; 11240; 11093; 10968; 10446; 10431; 10198; 9957; 9901; 9641; 9576; 9574; 9569; 9531; 9475; 9438; 9344; 9330; 9322; 9321; 9265; 9247; 9236; 9218; 9105; 9055; 8960; 8553; 8551; 8432; 8377; 8351; 8192; 8129; 8063; 7990; 7967; 7954; 7860; 7851; 7851; 7765; 7754; 7730; 7721; 7657; 7480; 7446; 7432; 7414; 7410; 7409; 7395; 7333; 7326; 7294; 7286; 7257; 7256; 7242; 7145; 7143; 7037; 7012; 6919; 6891; 6783; 6777; 6769; 6758; 6742; 6713; 6688; 6678; 6634; 6586; 6488; 6466; 6419; 6268; 6264; 6237; 6235; 6203; 6202; 6189; 6156; 6144; 6140; 6135; 6127; 6071; 6008; 5997; 5990; 5966; 5934; 5869; 5846; 5845; 5803; 5803; 5759; 5748; 5727; 5719; 5712; 5698; 5622; 5618; 5602; 5581; 5580; 5577; 5562; 5558; 5539; 5527; 5474; 5472; 5470; 5467; 5461; 5453; 5416; 5392; 5377; 5375; 5358; 5295; 5265; 5261; 5257; 5213; 5190; 5184; 5177; 5128; 5116; 5109; 5105; 5082; 5037; 5015; 4977; 4973; 4966; 4934; 4918; 4901; 4889; 4879; 4875; 4858; 4828; 4826; 4825; 4824]
Jaws,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Alien; Terminator; Pulp Fiction; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Jurassic Park; Matrix; Godfather; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Fugitive; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Aliens; Fargo; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Sixth Sense; Groundhog Day; Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; American Beauty; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Blade Runner; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Shining; Princess Bride; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Godfather: Part II; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Batman; Goodfellas; Psycho; Apollo 13; Gladiator; Wizard of Oz; Reservoir Dogs; Speed; Apocalypse Now; Full Metal Jacket; Fight Club; 2001: A Space Odyssey; L.A. Confidential; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Clockwork Orange; Stand by Me; Rain Man; Good Will Hunting; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Hunt for Red October; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dances with Wolves; Lion King; Blues Brothers; True Lies; Mission: Impossible; Fifth Element; Casablanca; Shrek; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Total Recall; Taxi Driver; Rock; When Harry Met Sally...; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Truman Show; Lethal Weapon; Being John Malkovich; Fish Called Wanda; Amadeus; Memento; Titanic; Aladdin; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Rocky; X-Men; Dead Poets Society; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Top Gun; Abyss; Platoon; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Breakfast Club; There's Something About Mary; Airplane!; Big; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Untouchables; Beetlejuice; Edward Scissorhands; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Graduate; As Good as It Gets; Jerry Maguire; Young Frankenstein; Toy Story 2; Green Mile; Rear Window; Ocean's Eleven; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Trainspotting; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Shakespeare in Love; Exorcist; Babe; Minority Report; Spider-Man; Planet of the Apes; Heat; Citizen Kane; Contact; Big Lebowski; Unforgiven; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Sting; Raising Arizona; Back to the Future Part II; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Mask; Pretty Woman; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Beauty and the Beast; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Mrs. Doubtfire; Clerks; Die Hard 2; Bug's Life; Monsters Inc.; This Is Spinal Tap; Superman; Chinatown; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Finding Nemo; American History X; Predator; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; GoldenEye; North by Northwest; Beautiful Mind; Bourne Identity; Office Space; Face/Off; Ghost; Cast Away; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Twister; Clear and Present Danger; Few Good Men; It's a Wonderful Life; Birds; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Home Alone; Get Shorty; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Vertigo; To Kill a Mockingbird; RoboCop; Gattaca; American Pie; Sleepless in Seattle; Back to the Future Part III; Stargate; In the Line of Fire; Almost Famous; Catch Me If You Can; Goldfinger; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Traffic; Mummy; Scream; Glory; Nightmare Before Christmas; Bridge on the River Kwai; Star Trek: First Contact; Annie Hall; Romancing the Stone; Casino; King Kong; High Fidelity; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Game; Clueless; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Full Monty; Incredibles; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Gone with the Wind; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Cape Fear; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Snatch; Das Boot (The Boat); Field of Dreams; Batman Begins; Deer Hunter; Grease; Mary Poppins; Great Escape; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Chicken Run; Grosse Pointe Blank; Brazil; Last of the Mohicans; Cool Hand Luke; Firm; Philadelphia; Lawrence of Arabia; Christmas Story; Erin Brockovich; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Donnie Darko; Sling Blade; Lethal Weapon 2; Wayne's World; Boogie Nights; Sleepy Hollow; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Meet the Parents; Enemy of the State; Witness; Leaving Las Vegas; Fly; Starship Troopers; Animal House; Air Force One; Highlander; Good Morning Vietnam; Sound of Music; Jumanji; My Cousin Vinny; Outbreak; Armageddon; Dogma; Army of Darkness; X2: X-Men United; Dead Man Walking; Fantasia; Maltese Falcon; Thelma & Louise; True Romance; Blair Witch Project; Unbreakable; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Batman Returns; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Gremlins; Spider-Man 2; Crimson Tide; Sneakers; Galaxy Quest; 12 Angry Men; Misery; Natural Born Killers; Liar Liar; Crow; African Queen; Poltergeist; Mars Attacks!; Blazing Saddles; Carrie; Lost in Translation; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Raging Bull; Three Kings; Beverly Hills Cop; Dave; Con Air; Pleasantville; Little Mermaid; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Ed Wood; Ben-Hur; Jackie Brown; Maverick; Manchurian Candidate; Quiz Show; Crocodile Dundee; Scarface; French Connection; Deliverance; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Chasing Amy; Sin City; Rushmore; Crying Game; Some Like It Hot; Happy Gilmore; Election; Bourne Supremacy; Thing; From Dusk Till Dawn; Donnie Brasco; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Basic Instinct; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Splash; Talented Mr. Ripley; Devil's Advocate; Star Trek: Generations; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Trading Places; Matrix Reloaded; English Patient; Heathers; Bonnie and Clyde; Blade; Birdcage; Gandhi; Dark City; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Jungle Book; Shrek 2; Wedding Singer; Nutty Professor; Right Stuff; Thomas Crown Affair; Patton; American President; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Bowling for Columbine; Mad Max; Goonies; Requiem for a Dream; Ransom; 28 Days Later; Escape from New York; Spaceballs; Patriot; Mask of Zorro; Tombstone; Royal Tenenbaums; Cocoon; American Werewolf in London; An; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Singin' in the Rain; Dark Knight; Magnolia; Shaun of the Dead; Big Fish; Cliffhanger; Batman Forever; Desperado; Eyes Wide Shut; Mission: Impossible II; Black Hawk Down; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban],[15458; 15345; 14859; 14592; 13941; 13719; 13696; 13663; 13590; 13404; 13387; 13186; 13018; 12992; 12970; 12669; 12526; 12180; 12157; 12116; 12029; 11911; 11877; 11839; 11560; 11554; 11545; 11515; 11422; 11331; 11082; 10975; 10781; 10699; 10595; 10587; 10531; 10389; 10275; 10120; 9984; 9960; 9889; 9880; 9843; 9821; 9711; 9674; 9625; 9555; 9543; 9531; 9360; 9314; 9253; 9211; 9153; 9068; 8926; 8916; 8808; 8785; 8681; 8665; 8642; 8589; 8585; 8534; 8503; 8478; 8425; 8414; 8403; 8374; 8369; 8356; 8321; 8277; 8223; 8202; 8148; 8124; 8108; 8078; 8027; 8016; 7944; 7853; 7847; 7845; 7797; 7775; 7762; 7733; 7713; 7671; 7632; 7600; 7561; 7552; 7533; 7504; 7469; 7388; 7365; 7356; 7312; 7298; 7277; 7269; 7168; 7113; 7112; 7104; 7089; 7074; 7044; 7040; 7035; 7021; 7017; 6980; 6975; 6975; 6945; 6945; 6938; 6935; 6933; 6901; 6897; 6856; 6834; 6822; 6818; 6816; 6791; 6758; 6723; 6720; 6704; 6691; 6690; 6652; 6630; 6615; 6610; 6506; 6421; 6409; 6407; 6404; 6391; 6378; 6373; 6359; 6358; 6348; 6333; 6214; 6205; 6177; 6170; 6160; 6157; 6143; 6135; 6111; 6109; 6105; 6087; 6086; 6025; 6022; 6001; 5995; 5982; 5921; 5899; 5880; 5859; 5839; 5806; 5791; 5784; 5762; 5762; 5756; 5748; 5742; 5702; 5672; 5643; 5628; 5623; 5623; 5607; 5591; 5549; 5545; 5510; 5496; 5487; 5485; 5485; 5468; 5466; 5426; 5423; 5416; 5379; 5371; 5348; 5345; 5344; 5342; 5331; 5296; 5269; 5268; 5264; 5249; 5244; 5229; 5229; 5228; 5212; 5191; 5188; 5171; 5166; 5161; 5152; 5143; 5131; 5115; 5100; 5099; 5096; 5078; 5069; 5067; 5063; 5053; 5047; 5042; 5035; 5030; 5019; 5011; 4983; 4979; 4969; 4967; 4964; 4954; 4950; 4944; 4936; 4928; 4927; 4922; 4916; 4914; 4908; 4902; 4899; 4893; 4893; 4887; 4878; 4876; 4864; 4832; 4826; 4803; 4786; 4771; 4766; 4751; 4750; 4746; 4734; 4730; 4721; 4717; 4709; 4677; 4664; 4664; 4652; 4641; 4636; 4598; 4594; 4590; 4572; 4567; 4565; 4561; 4505; 4503; 4479; 4478; 4477; 4466; 4461; 4446; 4403; 4380; 4376; 4374; 4358; 4356; 4354; 4350; 4346; 4341; 4333; 4330; 4319; 4315; 4313; 4311; 4295; 4294; 4290; 4287; 4275; 4231; 4224; 4222; 4210; 4209; 4208; 4202; 4196; 4190; 4190; 4168; 4166; 4165; 4162; 4147; 4145; 4134; 4132; 4124; 4113; 4087; 4085; 4085; 4035; 4032; 4031; 4025; 4015; 4014; 4013; 4004; 3992; 3981; 3976; 3975]
Jerry Maguire,[Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Toy Story; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Pulp Fiction; Fargo; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Fugitive; Matrix; Groundhog Day; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Schindler's List; Mission: Impossible; Good Will Hunting; American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Usual Suspects; Apollo 13; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Rock; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Speed; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Terminator; Die Hard; Titanic; Princess Bride; Gladiator; Dances with Wolves; Rain Man; Truman Show; Lion King; As Good as It Gets; Pretty Woman; Fight Club; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; When Harry Met Sally...; L.A. Confidential; True Lies; There's Something About Mary; Batman; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Goodfellas; Aladdin; Shrek; Twister; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Shakespeare in Love; Sleepless in Seattle; Alien; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Reservoir Dogs; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Dead Poets Society; Fifth Element; Wizard of Oz; Top Gun; Stand by Me; Mrs. Doubtfire; Hunt for Red October; Breakfast Club; Edward Scissorhands; Jaws; Memento; Trainspotting; Aliens; Ghost; Ocean's Eleven; Blade Runner; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Heat; Being John Malkovich; Big; Green Mile; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Godfather: Part II; Contact; Few Good Men; Clueless; Beauty and the Beast; Babe; X-Men; Leaving Las Vegas; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Beautiful Mind; Dead Man Walking; Minority Report; Shining; Birdcage; Lethal Weapon; Casablanca; Mask; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Fish Called Wanda; Spider-Man; Total Recall; Mr. Holland's Opus; Apocalypse Now; Ransom; Full Metal Jacket; Toy Story 2; Amadeus; Cast Away; American Pie; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Bug's Life; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Office Space; Clerks; Monsters Inc.; Philadelphia; Erin Brockovich; Bourne Identity; Almost Famous; Firm; Finding Nemo; Home Alone; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Sense and Sensibility; 2001: A Space Odyssey; American History X; English Patient; Blues Brothers; Beetlejuice; Face/Off; Taxi Driver; Graduate; Clockwork Orange; Star Trek: First Contact; Get Shorty; Catch Me If You Can; Psycho; Happy Gilmore; Big Lebowski; Back to the Future Part II; American President; Clear and Present Danger; Full Monty; Liar Liar; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Grosse Pointe Blank; Airplane!; Gattaca; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Platoon; Traffic; GoldenEye; High Fidelity; Dave; Scream; Meet the Parents; Game; Chasing Amy; Untouchables; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Rocky; Phenomenon; In the Line of Fire; Wedding Singer; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Casino; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Nutty Professor; Sabrina; Die Hard 2; My Cousin Vinny; Field of Dreams; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Abyss; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Unforgiven; Back to the Future Part III; Time to Kill; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Pleasantville; Crimson Tide; Grease; Raising Arizona; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Wayne's World; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Sling Blade; Quiz Show; Stargate; Enemy of the State; Boogie Nights; Broken Arrow; Notting Hill; Air Force One; While You Were Sleeping; Armageddon; Citizen Kane; Outbreak; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); It's a Wonderful Life; Incredibles; Dogma; Snatch; Rear Window; Primal Fear; Sting; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Good Morning Vietnam; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Last of the Mohicans; Romancing the Stone; Superman; Con Air; Sound of Music; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Chicken Run; To Kill a Mockingbird; Donnie Brasco; Nightmare Before Christmas; Gone with the Wind; Little Mermaid; This Is Spinal Tap; Jumanji; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Maverick; Mummy; Three Kings; Tin Cup; Sneakers; Talented Mr. Ripley; Batman Begins; Mary Poppins; Thelma & Louise; Unbreakable; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Planet of the Apes; Lost in Translation; Witness; X2: X-Men United; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Glory; Crying Game; Bridget Jones's Diary; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Spider-Man 2; Predator; Mars Attacks!; North by Northwest; Eraser; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Young Frankenstein; League of Their Own; Election; Bourne Supremacy; Thomas Crown Affair; My Best Friend's Wedding; Swingers; Cape Fear; Piano; Sleepy Hollow; Shrek 2; Donnie Darko; Lethal Weapon 2; Jackie Brown; People vs. Larry Flynt; Chinatown; Crow; Christmas Story; Patriot; Annie Hall; Mask of Zorro; Natural Born Killers; True Romance; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Devil's Advocate; Rushmore; Exorcist; Splash; Matrix Reloaded; Galaxy Quest; Basic Instinct; You've Got Mail; William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet; Beverly Hills Cop; Vertigo; Wag the Dog; RoboCop; Sleepers; Mission: Impossible II; Batman Returns; Tombstone],[13518; 13010; 12735; 12683; 12513; 12296; 12198; 11737; 11461; 11365; 11261; 11116; 11062; 11035; 11027; 10966; 10775; 10607; 10606; 10589; 10541; 10502; 10429; 10370; 10368; 10368; 10273; 10253; 10188; 10019; 9924; 9686; 9634; 9504; 9289; 9276; 9040; 8912; 8844; 8842; 8829; 8793; 8764; 8706; 8669; 8618; 8565; 8517; 8456; 8364; 8334; 8279; 8274; 8229; 8183; 8178; 8125; 8044; 8017; 8008; 7930; 7889; 7868; 7859; 7755; 7675; 7674; 7641; 7558; 7537; 7536; 7526; 7437; 7430; 7427; 7356; 7340; 7323; 7319; 7309; 7283; 7274; 7267; 7262; 7250; 7203; 7154; 7100; 7096; 7081; 7002; 6996; 6977; 6975; 6945; 6904; 6882; 6822; 6821; 6813; 6688; 6679; 6672; 6633; 6604; 6603; 6573; 6571; 6533; 6514; 6492; 6485; 6476; 6459; 6449; 6448; 6442; 6418; 6412; 6367; 6348; 6336; 6283; 6274; 6274; 6251; 6247; 6224; 6194; 6189; 6183; 6182; 6156; 6153; 6141; 6139; 6120; 6115; 6095; 6087; 6086; 6082; 6025; 5999; 5978; 5947; 5935; 5922; 5902; 5889; 5886; 5875; 5849; 5847; 5842; 5837; 5745; 5738; 5729; 5727; 5719; 5702; 5701; 5672; 5671; 5665; 5646; 5553; 5546; 5534; 5531; 5525; 5522; 5513; 5432; 5403; 5386; 5380; 5375; 5374; 5359; 5342; 5342; 5329; 5328; 5326; 5325; 5312; 5304; 5281; 5271; 5218; 5210; 5188; 5179; 5160; 5146; 5141; 5131; 5128; 5082; 5071; 5037; 5035; 5034; 5030; 5014; 5007; 5004; 4998; 4993; 4990; 4984; 4971; 4970; 4949; 4935; 4895; 4851; 4840; 4795; 4788; 4771; 4765; 4727; 4726; 4716; 4714; 4714; 4708; 4694; 4688; 4688; 4678; 4672; 4665; 4664; 4633; 4625; 4623; 4618; 4613; 4607; 4606; 4598; 4574; 4549; 4539; 4533; 4509; 4495; 4479; 4466; 4465; 4436; 4420; 4398; 4398; 4392; 4379; 4374; 4371; 4365; 4360; 4359; 4340; 4338; 4315; 4297; 4283; 4274; 4263; 4254; 4230; 4223; 4215; 4208; 4200; 4195; 4182; 4174; 4168; 4148; 4146; 4140; 4115; 4108; 4095; 4075; 4063; 4051; 4048; 4034; 4034; 4032; 4021; 4019; 4011; 4006; 3987; 3987; 3962; 3953; 3949; 3934]
Jumanji,[Jurassic Park; Forrest Gump; Lion King; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Aladdin; Silence of the Lambs; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Pulp Fiction; Braveheart; Shawshank Redemption; Batman; Speed; Toy Story; Mrs. Doubtfire; True Lies; Mask; Dances with Wolves; Beauty and the Beast; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Pretty Woman; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Stargate; Ghost; Usual Suspects; Back to the Future; Home Alone; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Mission: Impossible; GoldenEye; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Babe; Sleepless in Seattle; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twister; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Clear and Present Danger; Batman Forever; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Outbreak; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Firm; Terminator; Star Trek: Generations; Sixth Sense; Rock; Die Hard; Waterworld; Groundhog Day; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Shrek; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Net; While You Were Sleeping; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Clueless; Nightmare Before Christmas; Crimson Tide; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Fargo; Fifth Element; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Saving Private Ryan; Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Cliffhanger; Get Shorty; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fight Club; American Beauty; Santa Clause; Dave; Titanic; Alien; Truman Show; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; X-Men; Maverick; Godfather; Wizard of Oz; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Blade Runner; Philadelphia; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Monsters Inc.; American President; Demolition Man; Aliens; In the Line of Fire; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Good Will Hunting; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Birdcage; Spider-Man; Addams Family Values; Client; Finding Nemo; Broken Arrow; Ocean's Eleven; Toy Story 2; Top Gun; Jaws; Mr. Holland's Opus; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Rain Man; Bug's Life; Back to the Future Part II; Heat; Edward Scissorhands; Quiz Show; Crow; Dead Poets Society; Shining; Beetlejuice; Memento; Minority Report; There's Something About Mary; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Natural Born Killers; Green Mile; Reservoir Dogs; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Jungle Book; Back to the Future Part III; Clerks; Tombstone; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Total Recall; Jerry Maguire; Beautiful Mind; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Casper; Mummy; Contact; Big; Legends of the Fall; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Cast Away; Bourne Identity; Hunt for Red October; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Armageddon; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Stand by Me; Three Musketeers; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; Clockwork Orange; Incredibles; When Harry Met Sally...; American Pie; Blues Brothers; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Face/Off; Goodfellas; Full Metal Jacket; Being John Malkovich; Liar Liar; Catch Me If You Can; Taxi Driver; Casino; Happy Gilmore; Lethal Weapon; Die Hard 2; Fish Called Wanda; Abyss; Godfather: Part II; Star Trek: First Contact; Gattaca; Trainspotting; Sense and Sensibility; Mary Poppins; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Pinocchio; L.A. Confidential; Batman Begins; Office Space; Psycho; Pocahontas; Shakespeare in Love; Apocalypse Now; American History X; Dead Man Walking; Nutty Professor; Dragonheart; Ed Wood; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Congo; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Shrek 2; X2: X-Men United; Little Mermaid; Piano; Species; Big Lebowski; Casablanca; Spider-Man 2; Amadeus; Leaving Las Vegas; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Lost World: Jurassic Park; O Brother Where Art Thou?; French Kiss; Con Air; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Rob Roy; Desperado; Meet the Parents; Matrix Reloaded; Last Action Hero; Grease; Beverly Hills Cop III; Miracle on 34th Street; Disclosure; Ice Age; Nell; Chicken Run; First Knight; Airplane!; Sound of Music; Mars Attacks!; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Planet of the Apes; Batman Returns; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Air Force One; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Judge Dredd; Scream; Dogma; Donnie Darko; Snatch; True Romance; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; I.Q.],[13418; 13137; 11566; 11396; 11125; 11114; 10968; 10927; 10880; 10809; 10753; 10701; 10414; 10230; 10186; 10074; 9818; 9642; 9617; 9304; 9240; 8920; 8890; 8842; 8675; 8570; 8545; 8403; 8282; 8247; 8237; 8207; 8187; 8167; 8051; 8043; 7990; 7898; 7881; 7796; 7762; 7738; 7496; 7474; 7463; 7446; 7279; 7129; 7061; 6935; 6899; 6894; 6807; 6719; 6708; 6703; 6593; 6579; 6549; 6499; 6488; 6433; 6432; 6362; 6355; 6308; 6279; 6259; 6171; 6165; 6141; 6118; 6091; 6042; 6033; 6017; 6004; 5995; 5994; 5982; 5943; 5925; 5919; 5810; 5771; 5732; 5691; 5625; 5622; 5614; 5507; 5503; 5473; 5431; 5426; 5399; 5393; 5385; 5359; 5357; 5334; 5280; 5268; 5246; 5244; 5230; 5223; 5187; 5107; 5079; 5047; 5010; 4986; 4970; 4956; 4942; 4933; 4929; 4907; 4905; 4878; 4867; 4863; 4843; 4835; 4830; 4829; 4821; 4790; 4769; 4754; 4739; 4739; 4712; 4690; 4677; 4672; 4664; 4565; 4564; 4552; 4535; 4521; 4515; 4514; 4507; 4484; 4483; 4480; 4469; 4464; 4439; 4393; 4392; 4391; 4382; 4364; 4345; 4340; 4327; 4322; 4301; 4292; 4288; 4254; 4234; 4234; 4218; 4193; 4187; 4175; 4167; 4164; 4163; 4147; 4131; 4123; 4084; 4075; 4042; 4037; 4030; 4021; 4017; 4003; 3954; 3943; 3909; 3909; 3909; 3903; 3903; 3902; 3901; 3879; 3876; 3849; 3824; 3821; 3818; 3817; 3815; 3814; 3796; 3790; 3777; 3767; 3765; 3763; 3758; 3757; 3754; 3735; 3729; 3728; 3726; 3682; 3680; 3674; 3672; 3661; 3650; 3643; 3608; 3606; 3605; 3592; 3578; 3575; 3565; 3562; 3544; 3542; 3541; 3521; 3518; 3515; 3508; 3502; 3495; 3491; 3490; 3479; 3476; 3459; 3454; 3453; 3431]
Jurassic Park,[Forrest Gump; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Fugitive; Shawshank Redemption; Braveheart; Apollo 13; Batman; Speed; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; True Lies; Dances with Wolves; Schindler's List; Lion King; Matrix; Aladdin; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Toy Story; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Usual Suspects; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Back to the Future; Mrs. Doubtfire; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Beauty and the Beast; Pretty Woman; Mask; Terminator; Stargate; Clear and Present Danger; Mission: Impossible; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fargo; American Beauty; Ghost; GoldenEye; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Die Hard; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Firm; Sleepless in Seattle; Godfather; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Groundhog Day; Fight Club; Alien; Gladiator; Babe; Rock; Outbreak; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Trek: Generations; Batman Forever; Home Alone; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Blade Runner; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Aliens; Shrek; Fifth Element; Crimson Tide; Twister; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); X-Men; Get Shorty; Titanic; Good Will Hunting; Cliffhanger; Memento; In the Line of Fire; Waterworld; Net; Clueless; Reservoir Dogs; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Truman Show; While You Were Sleeping; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Total Recall; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Jumanji; Dave; Jaws; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Spider-Man; Ocean's Eleven; Hunt for Red October; Rain Man; Minority Report; Goodfellas; L.A. Confidential; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Heat; Philadelphia; Godfather: Part II; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Nightmare Before Christmas; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Monsters Inc.; Quiz Show; Wizard of Oz; Finding Nemo; Clerks; Shining; Full Metal Jacket; Being John Malkovich; Natural Born Killers; Clockwork Orange; There's Something About Mary; Toy Story 2; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Contact; Top Gun; Stand by Me; Maverick; Green Mile; Bourne Identity; Taxi Driver; Beautiful Mind; Apocalypse Now; Jerry Maguire; Dead Poets Society; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Edward Scissorhands; Abyss; Trainspotting; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; American History X; As Good as It Gets; When Harry Met Sally...; Back to the Future Part II; Client; American President; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Blues Brothers; Bug's Life; Casablanca; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Demolition Man; Lethal Weapon; Shakespeare in Love; Breakfast Club; Star Trek: First Contact; Crow; Incredibles; Fish Called Wanda; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Monty Python's Life of Brian],[39556; 35848; 34911; 34255; 33837; 32297; 31602; 30128; 29336; 28488; 27358; 27260; 27050; 26819; 26057; 25741; 25707; 25452; 25165; 25106; 24863; 24528; 24413; 23889; 23785; 23785; 22349; 22063; 21522; 21397; 21098; 20676; 20457; 20449; 20366; 20365; 20026; 19614; 19511; 19502; 19414; 19377; 19306; 19049; 19001; 18504; 18328; 18250; 18069; 18001; 17907; 17904; 17832; 17769; 17598; 17463; 17312; 16946; 16887; 16810; 16743; 16682; 16675; 16538; 16447; 16431; 16364; 16343; 16278; 16167; 15975; 15893; 15261; 15192; 14996; 14978; 14721; 14695; 14470; 14421; 14392; 14320; 14203; 14172; 14080; 14066; 13850; 13802; 13771; 13765; 13549; 13437; 13421; 13418; 13405; 13387; 13342; 13160; 13149; 13107; 13091; 13076; 12987; 12958; 12902; 12897; 12792; 12786; 12742; 12678; 12646; 12585; 12580; 12566; 12496; 12475; 12475; 12429; 12350; 12301; 12281; 12212; 11920; 11720; 11696; 11687; 11683; 11668; 11636; 11628; 11588; 11508; 11480; 11365; 11300; 11248; 11223; 11173; 11141; 11132; 11131; 11111; 11110; 11090; 11085; 11066; 11019; 11004; 11002; 10998; 10959; 10933; 10909; 10897; 10884; 10818; 10762; 10743; 10714; 10699; 10673]
Kill Bill: Vol. 1,[Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Memento; Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Gladiator; Shrek; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Usual Suspects; Back to the Future; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Jurassic Park; Reservoir Dogs; Ocean's Eleven; Braveheart; Saving Private Ryan; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Godfather; Finding Nemo; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Toy Story; Minority Report; Terminator; Bourne Identity; Sin City; Schindler's List; American History X; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Spider-Man; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); X-Men; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Batman Begins; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Monsters Inc.; Donnie Darko; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Incredibles; Fifth Element; Truman Show; Beautiful Mind; Snatch; Die Hard; Alien; Fargo; Good Will Hunting; Being John Malkovich; Catch Me If You Can; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Groundhog Day; Blade Runner; Shining; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Clockwork Orange; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Lion King; Big Lebowski; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Dark Knight; Goodfellas; Green Mile; Aliens; Apollo 13; V for Vendetta; Fugitive; Batman; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Lost in Translation; Rain Man; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Office Space; X2: X-Men United; Godfather: Part II; Titanic; Spider-Man 2; Edward Scissorhands; Mission: Impossible; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Departed; Princess Bride; Matrix Reloaded; There's Something About Mary; Requiem for a Dream; Apocalypse Now; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Speed; L.A. Confidential; Bourne Supremacy; Big Fish; Aladdin; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Cast Away; Shrek 2; Shaun of the Dead; Casino Royale; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; True Lies; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Rock; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Taxi Driver; 28 Days Later; Toy Story 2; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Bowling for Columbine; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Almost Famous; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Gattaca; Clerks; Traffic; Dead Poets Society; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dances with Wolves; Total Recall; American Pie; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Back to the Future Part II; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Dogma; Mask; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Jaws; Beetlejuice; Breakfast Club; Little Miss Sunshine; High Fidelity; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Prestige; As Good as It Gets; Scarface; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Iron Man; Mrs. Doubtfire; No Country for Old Men; Last Samurai; Hunt for Red October; Game; Psycho; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Heat; WALL·E; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Back to the Future Part III; Royal Tenenbaums; Inception; Meet the Parents; Stand by Me; Pretty Woman; 300; Casablanca; Unbreakable; Wizard of Oz; Bourne Ultimatum; Predator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Beauty and the Beast; Blues Brothers; Bug's Life; Contact; Inglourious Basterds; GoldenEye; Airplane!; Ice Age; Matrix Revolutions; Crash; Lethal Weapon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Untouchables; Home Alone; Jerry Maguire; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Million Dollar Baby; Big; Children of Men; Juno; Platoon; Pianist; Italian Job; Others; Shakespeare in Love; Face/Off; Fish Called Wanda; Casino; Garden State; Top Gun; Sleepy Hollow; Chicken Run; Jackie Brown; Collateral; Amadeus; Mystic River; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Mummy; Hero (Ying xiong); I Robot; Armageddon; Stargate; Super Size Me; Adaptation; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Ring; The Butterfly Effect; Black Hawk Down; Erin Brockovich; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Planet of the Apes; Rocky; Mulholland Drive; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Citizen Kane; Exorcist; Rear Window; School of Rock; Wayne's World; Natural Born Killers; When Harry Met Sally...; Hot Fuzz; Liar Liar; Starship Troopers; This Is Spinal Tap; Die Hard 2; Magnolia; Twister; Training Day; Dark City; Moulin Rouge; Ratatouille; Slumdog Millionaire; Thank You for Smoking; Abyss; Fahrenheit 9/11; Avatar; Boondock Saints; Boogie Nights; District 9; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Road to Perdition; RoboCop; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Four Weddings and a Funeral; Jumanji; Signs; Unforgiven; Enemy of the State; Ghost; Babe; Hotel Rwanda; Three Kings; Few Good Men; Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Blair Witch Project; Serenity; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; True Romance; Up; Eyes Wide Shut; Mission: Impossible II; King Kong; Scream; Graduate; Brazil; Happy Gilmore; Sideways; Pleasantville; Bridget Jones's Diary; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Mars Attacks!; Crow; Beverly Hills Cop; Talented Mr. Ripley; Chasing Amy; Love Actually; Equilibrium],[16030; 15815; 15276; 14981; 14385; 13929; 13719; 13703; 13508; 13329; 13163; 12704; 12548; 12415; 12266; 12213; 12149; 11999; 11634; 11598; 11579; 11429; 11375; 11302; 11248; 11090; 11054; 10937; 10886; 10833; 10833; 10802; 10730; 10709; 10560; 10248; 10178; 10135; 10118; 10115; 10095; 10025; 10020; 9997; 9963; 9928; 9894; 9833; 9809; 9723; 9717; 9695; 9683; 9574; 9500; 9419; 9407; 9394; 9335; 9075; 9063; 9037; 9008; 8844; 8703; 8696; 8689; 8547; 8514; 8506; 8450; 8448; 8360; 8351; 8291; 8260; 8248; 8226; 8193; 8181; 8168; 8156; 8143; 8062; 8011; 7993; 7960; 7953; 7809; 7786; 7727; 7696; 7678; 7638; 7618; 7561; 7501; 7474; 7454; 7426; 7389; 7330; 7307; 7164; 7132; 7125; 7036; 6988; 6958; 6922; 6897; 6828; 6814; 6781; 6730; 6709; 6703; 6647; 6635; 6604; 6581; 6573; 6573; 6543; 6534; 6495; 6474; 6466; 6406; 6377; 6371; 6347; 6346; 6342; 6280; 6258; 6255; 6245; 6235; 6218; 6182; 6174; 6168; 6160; 6130; 6114; 6070; 6044; 6038; 6010; 6008; 5989; 5972; 5924; 5886; 5881; 5864; 5791; 5754; 5753; 5735; 5711; 5692; 5649; 5642; 5618; 5608; 5587; 5554; 5548; 5520; 5489; 5476; 5475; 5470; 5470; 5460; 5457; 5449; 5402; 5384; 5368; 5368; 5336; 5332; 5323; 5316; 5305; 5305; 5272; 5270; 5212; 5212; 5210; 5205; 5176; 5172; 5170; 5139; 5108; 5069; 5067; 5055; 5038; 5024; 5013; 5008; 5002; 5002; 4983; 4976; 4951; 4947; 4944; 4920; 4879; 4869; 4858; 4806; 4800; 4772; 4754; 4752; 4749; 4742; 4734; 4726; 4714; 4689; 4688; 4660; 4637; 4570; 4565; 4555; 4553; 4548; 4517; 4508; 4506; 4500; 4468; 4463; 4460; 4457; 4450; 4445; 4401; 4385; 4384; 4374; 4368; 4334; 4332; 4325; 4321; 4318; 4308; 4304; 4297; 4275; 4272; 4268; 4268; 4254; 4250; 4245; 4244; 4236; 4201; 4174; 4160; 4156; 4150; 4150; 4144; 4132; 4105; 4095; 4095; 4083; 4078; 4050; 4050; 4049; 4040; 4013; 3999; 3964; 3962; 3959; 3949; 3947; 3945; 3936; 3928; 3916]
Kill Bill: Vol. 2,[Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Fight Club; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Forrest Gump; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; American Beauty; Memento; Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Gladiator; Shrek; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Usual Suspects; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Back to the Future; Reservoir Dogs; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Ocean's Eleven; Godfather; Saving Private Ryan; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Finding Nemo; Toy Story; Sin City; Minority Report; Batman Begins; Bourne Identity; American History X; Terminator; Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Incredibles; X-Men; Donnie Darko; Spider-Man; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Monsters Inc.; Fifth Element; Truman Show; Snatch; Beautiful Mind; Alien; Die Hard; Good Will Hunting; Fargo; Being John Malkovich; Catch Me If You Can; Groundhog Day; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Blade Runner; Shining; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Clockwork Orange; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Goodfellas; V for Vendetta; Big Lebowski; Lost in Translation; Lion King; Dark Knight; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Green Mile; Aliens; Fugitive; Batman; Apollo 13; Spider-Man 2; Rain Man; Godfather: Part II; O Brother Where Art Thou?; X2: X-Men United; Office Space; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Departed; Titanic; Mission: Impossible; Edward Scissorhands; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Apocalypse Now; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Requiem for a Dream; Princess Bride; There's Something About Mary; Matrix Reloaded; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Bourne Supremacy; Big Fish; L.A. Confidential; Speed; Shaun of the Dead; Shrek 2; Casino Royale; Aladdin; Cast Away; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Taxi Driver; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; True Lies; City of God (Cidade de Deus); 2001: A Space Odyssey; 28 Days Later; Rock; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Almost Famous; Bowling for Columbine; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Toy Story 2; Traffic; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Gattaca; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Clerks; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dances with Wolves; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Dead Poets Society; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Total Recall; American Pie; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Dogma; Little Miss Sunshine; Jaws; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Prestige; Mask; Back to the Future Part II; Beetlejuice; Scarface; Breakfast Club; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; As Good as It Gets; No Country for Old Men; High Fidelity; Iron Man; Last Samurai; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Mrs. Doubtfire; Psycho; Game; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Hunt for Red October; WALL·E; Heat; Royal Tenenbaums; 300; Bourne Ultimatum; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Inception; Stand by Me; Back to the Future Part III; Crash; Meet the Parents; Casablanca; Unbreakable; Pretty Woman; Predator; Million Dollar Baby; Wizard of Oz; Inglourious Basterds; Children of Men; Contact; Nightmare Before Christmas; GoldenEye; Blues Brothers; Beauty and the Beast; Ice Age; Matrix Revolutions; Collateral; Airplane!; Garden State; Bug's Life; Juno; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Untouchables; Lethal Weapon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Jerry Maguire; Platoon; Home Alone; Pianist; Big; Jackie Brown; Hero (Ying xiong); Mystic River; Others; Super Size Me; Casino; Italian Job; Face/Off; Fish Called Wanda; Shakespeare in Love; Amadeus; Top Gun; Sleepy Hollow; I Robot; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Chicken Run; The Butterfly Effect; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Adaptation; Black Hawk Down; Stargate; Ring; Mummy; Armageddon; 40-Year-Old Virgin; Erin Brockovich; Rocky; Mulholland Drive; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; Planet of the Apes; School of Rock; Hot Fuzz; Natural Born Killers; Exorcist; Fahrenheit 9/11; Magnolia; Thank You for Smoking; Liar Liar; This Is Spinal Tap; When Harry Met Sally...; Wayne's World; Starship Troopers; Ratatouille; Training Day; Twister; Dark City; Die Hard 2; Boogie Nights; Slumdog Millionaire; Moulin Rouge; Avatar; Boondock Saints; Hotel Rwanda; Unforgiven; District 9; Road to Perdition; RoboCop; Abyss; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Serenity; Sideways; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Signs; Babe; King Kong; Jumanji; Ghost; Enemy of the State; True Romance; Three Kings; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Few Good Men; Blair Witch Project; Eyes Wide Shut; Mission: Impossible II; Up; Brazil; Graduate; Old Boy; Scream; Pleasantville; Talented Mr. Ripley; Love Actually; Happy Gilmore; Chinatown; Equilibrium; Bridget Jones's Diary; 12 Angry Men; Chasing Amy; Mars Attacks!; Gangs of New York; Crow; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; Beverly Hills Cop; Good Morning Vietnam; Bruce Almighty; Full Monty; Sleepless in Seattle; Philadelphia; Blade; Lord of War; Star Trek; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Rushmore; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; From Dusk Till Dawn; Blood Diamond; Donnie Brasco; Superman],[14981; 13914; 13906; 13440; 12581; 12253; 12140; 11950; 11904; 11730; 11561; 11248; 11058; 10975; 10745; 10713; 10636; 10622; 10266; 10200; 10143; 10005; 9988; 9974; 9969; 9864; 9856; 9656; 9645; 9619; 9589; 9505; 9414; 9393; 9292; 9201; 9107; 9047; 9039; 9028; 8993; 8894; 8835; 8808; 8787; 8772; 8771; 8750; 8729; 8590; 8574; 8549; 8490; 8489; 8451; 8333; 8304; 8300; 8295; 8110; 8077; 7941; 7922; 7827; 7756; 7716; 7695; 7686; 7618; 7561; 7467; 7459; 7455; 7388; 7386; 7385; 7336; 7324; 7324; 7285; 7281; 7227; 7202; 7182; 7167; 7146; 7122; 7090; 7085; 6914; 6861; 6841; 6799; 6722; 6712; 6709; 6680; 6649; 6629; 6627; 6626; 6596; 6542; 6491; 6459; 6346; 6335; 6289; 6287; 6150; 6135; 6047; 6028; 6014; 5970; 5968; 5949; 5934; 5925; 5897; 5890; 5886; 5880; 5841; 5804; 5801; 5766; 5758; 5756; 5672; 5643; 5637; 5628; 5599; 5592; 5571; 5560; 5531; 5529; 5527; 5495; 5493; 5485; 5475; 5467; 5464; 5459; 5393; 5374; 5358; 5338; 5330; 5320; 5319; 5271; 5254; 5221; 5203; 5139; 5124; 5098; 5075; 5044; 5018; 5011; 5006; 5000; 4994; 4966; 4935; 4925; 4920; 4903; 4898; 4890; 4869; 4849; 4843; 4839; 4813; 4808; 4774; 4772; 4767; 4766; 4765; 4758; 4728; 4714; 4707; 4701; 4690; 4687; 4680; 4673; 4668; 4656; 4646; 4633; 4627; 4605; 4602; 4561; 4537; 4534; 4520; 4515; 4503; 4460; 4454; 4445; 4428; 4424; 4420; 4418; 4416; 4390; 4365; 4362; 4334; 4312; 4307; 4296; 4256; 4227; 4216; 4215; 4207; 4198; 4182; 4171; 4152; 4103; 4097; 4093; 4084; 4077; 4057; 4049; 4042; 4027; 4017; 3984; 3984; 3983; 3963; 3935; 3929; 3928; 3925; 3910; 3904; 3889; 3884; 3880; 3865; 3863; 3861; 3845; 3831; 3810; 3809; 3807; 3803; 3801; 3796; 3794; 3774; 3773; 3764; 3746; 3745; 3735; 3728; 3723; 3708; 3699; 3689; 3668; 3661; 3646; 3638; 3632; 3619; 3613; 3598; 3590; 3545; 3543; 3536; 3529; 3527; 3521; 3510; 3507; 3501; 3496; 3489; 3478; 3468; 3457; 3455; 3449; 3446; 3443; 3439; 3434; 3425; 3422; 3404; 3403; 3396; 3394; 3388; 3384; 3373; 3363]
L.A. Confidential,[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Usual Suspects; American Beauty; Fargo; Shawshank Redemption; Matrix; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Godfather; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; Schindler's List; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Back to the Future; Fugitive; Braveheart; Goodfellas; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator; Reservoir Dogs; Jurassic Park; Groundhog Day; Blade Runner; Good Will Hunting; Toy Story; Fight Club; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Alien; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Godfather: Part II; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Being John Malkovich; Die Hard; Memento; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Gladiator; Princess Bride; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Aliens; Shakespeare in Love; Rain Man; Taxi Driver; Apollo 13; Apocalypse Now; Casablanca; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Truman Show; Hunt for Red October; Full Metal Jacket; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Speed; As Good as It Gets; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Clockwork Orange; Titanic; Batman; Psycho; Big Lebowski; Shrek; Jaws; Shining; Fifth Element; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; There's Something About Mary; Stand by Me; Dances with Wolves; Wizard of Oz; Trainspotting; Amadeus; Total Recall; Chinatown; Mission: Impossible; When Harry Met Sally...; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; American History X; X-Men; True Lies; Rear Window; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fish Called Wanda; Edward Scissorhands; Rock; Untouchables; Breakfast Club; Heat; Citizen Kane; Jerry Maguire; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Graduate; Ocean's Eleven; Contact; Traffic; Minority Report; Clerks; Lion King; Toy Story 2; Gattaca; Big; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Green Mile; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Airplane!; Lethal Weapon; Almost Famous; North by Northwest; Aladdin; Babe; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Beautiful Mind; Blues Brothers; Unforgiven; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Full Monty; High Fidelity; Platoon; Dead Poets Society; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Office Space; Game; Few Good Men; Beetlejuice; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; This Is Spinal Tap; Spider-Man; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Bourne Identity; Raising Arizona; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Vertigo; Sting; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Bug's Life; Grosse Pointe Blank; Monsters Inc.; Snatch; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Sling Blade; Face/Off; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Get Shorty; Annie Hall; Finding Nemo; Boogie Nights; American Pie; Abyss; Election; Pretty Woman; Casino; Rocky; Catch Me If You Can; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Cast Away; Mask; Leaving Las Vegas; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Jackie Brown; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Clueless; Beauty and the Beast; Back to the Future Part II; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Rushmore; Donnie Darko; Maltese Falcon; Planet of the Apes; Top Gun; To Kill a Mockingbird; Das Boot (The Boat); Dead Man Walking; Young Frankenstein; Erin Brockovich; Chicken Run; Lost in Translation; Incredibles; Three Kings; Chasing Amy; GoldenEye; Brazil; Talented Mr. Ripley; Batman Begins; Clear and Present Danger; In the Line of Fire; Donnie Brasco; English Patient; Crying Game; Sleepless in Seattle; Manchurian Candidate; Mrs. Doubtfire; Bridge on the River Kwai; Ghost; Superman; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Witness; My Cousin Vinny; Die Hard 2; Predator; Dogma; Lawrence of Arabia; Dark City; Exorcist; Cape Fear; It's a Wonderful Life; Enemy of the State; Romancing the Stone; Pleasantville; Magnolia; True Romance; RoboCop; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Back to the Future Part III; Glory; Thelma & Louise; Philadelphia; Scream; 12 Angry Men; Stargate; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Galaxy Quest; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Insider; Nightmare Before Christmas; Raging Bull; Quiz Show; Cool Hand Luke; Thomas Crown Affair; Gone with the Wind; Requiem for a Dream; Unbreakable; Christmas Story; Deer Hunter; Wayne's World; Meet the Parents; Sneakers; Firm; Sin City; Last of the Mohicans; Star Trek: First Contact; Great Escape; Ed Wood; Starship Troopers; Air Force One; Mummy; Sleepy Hollow; Goldfinger; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Blair Witch Project; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Good Morning Vietnam; Royal Tenenbaums; X2: X-Men United; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Devil's Advocate; Swingers; Eyes Wide Shut; Twister; Bowling for Columbine; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; French Connection; Departed; Wag the Dog; Some Like It Hot; Sense and Sensibility],[18209; 18086; 17440; 17023; 16851; 16777; 16734; 15791; 15784; 15636; 15404; 15135; 14931; 14830; 14681; 14321; 14153; 14073; 13550; 13499; 13283; 13224; 13074; 13017; 12958; 12889; 12785; 12775; 12734; 12710; 12577; 12560; 12241; 12070; 12019; 12016; 11887; 11869; 11724; 11580; 11566; 11495; 11458; 11331; 11059; 11022; 10808; 10495; 10473; 10470; 10448; 10442; 10106; 10052; 10036; 9950; 9937; 9927; 9805; 9797; 9709; 9665; 9664; 9626; 9600; 9567; 9558; 9555; 9531; 9519; 9473; 9468; 9466; 9318; 9229; 9160; 9103; 9089; 9082; 9061; 8943; 8899; 8842; 8834; 8788; 8733; 8699; 8665; 8665; 8594; 8526; 8519; 8458; 8456; 8434; 8369; 8364; 8319; 8297; 8292; 8286; 8275; 8216; 8214; 8181; 8142; 8109; 8069; 8063; 8057; 8048; 8040; 7995; 7974; 7933; 7925; 7890; 7867; 7852; 7807; 7790; 7780; 7769; 7743; 7725; 7711; 7696; 7682; 7672; 7661; 7654; 7628; 7572; 7556; 7499; 7436; 7436; 7431; 7422; 7385; 7364; 7359; 7352; 7337; 7307; 7267; 7264; 7244; 7209; 7195; 7192; 7192; 7153; 7088; 7070; 6994; 6966; 6913; 6879; 6852; 6849; 6848; 6826; 6752; 6719; 6702; 6650; 6613; 6598; 6597; 6589; 6518; 6517; 6499; 6496; 6491; 6476; 6451; 6432; 6413; 6391; 6377; 6344; 6332; 6299; 6290; 6288; 6287; 6270; 6269; 6241; 6224; 6200; 6183; 6120; 6106; 6059; 6058; 6036; 6019; 6010; 5996; 5996; 5986; 5986; 5980; 5978; 5959; 5921; 5884; 5876; 5867; 5852; 5819; 5805; 5803; 5803; 5799; 5787; 5772; 5759; 5755; 5746; 5731; 5727; 5706; 5691; 5666; 5641; 5634; 5612; 5584; 5583; 5581; 5563; 5555; 5544; 5527; 5519; 5519; 5514; 5511; 5506; 5447; 5439; 5435; 5425; 5417; 5416; 5400; 5383; 5373; 5362; 5355; 5340; 5337; 5326; 5316; 5310; 5303; 5291; 5285; 5280; 5279; 5274; 5273; 5251; 5249; 5226; 5222; 5196; 5196; 5183; 5183; 5157; 5140; 5139]
Leaving Las Vegas,[Pulp Fiction; Fargo; Silence of the Lambs; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Usual Suspects; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Schindler's List; Fugitive; Toy Story; Dead Man Walking; Braveheart; Apollo 13; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Dances with Wolves; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Heat; Batman; Godfather; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Speed; Rock; True Lies; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Get Shorty; Twister; Trainspotting; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; American Beauty; Birdcage; Sense and Sensibility; Pretty Woman; Back to the Future; Taxi Driver; Groundhog Day; Babe; Jerry Maguire; Quiz Show; Goodfellas; Aladdin; Sleepless in Seattle; Lion King; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Matrix; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); L.A. Confidential; Firm; Reservoir Dogs; Philadelphia; Terminator; Mr. Holland's Opus; Ghost; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Saving Private Ryan; Good Will Hunting; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clueless; Blade Runner; Sixth Sense; Casino; Die Hard; Clerks; Clear and Present Danger; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Mrs. Doubtfire; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Alien; Mask; Beauty and the Beast; In the Line of Fire; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Piano; Broken Arrow; Crimson Tide; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Natural Born Killers; Godfather: Part II; Apocalypse Now; Princess Bride; When Harry Met Sally...; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); GoldenEye; Being John Malkovich; True Romance; Aliens; Fight Club; Stand by Me; Outbreak; Ed Wood; Rain Man; Dave; Fish Called Wanda; Truth About Cats & Dogs; American President; Casablanca; Clockwork Orange; As Good as It Gets; Shining; Truman Show; Full Metal Jacket; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Amadeus; English Patient; Shakespeare in Love; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Jaws; Titanic; Wizard of Oz; Dead Poets Society; While You Were Sleeping; Stargate; Edward Scissorhands; Sabrina; There's Something About Mary; Graduate; Psycho; Gladiator; Nightmare Before Christmas; Home Alone; Postman (Il Postino); Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Memento; Fifth Element; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Platoon; Big Lebowski; Mighty Aphrodite; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Breakfast Club; Batman Forever; Star Trek: First Contact; Hunt for Red October; Raising Arizona; Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate); Monty Python's Life of Brian; Blues Brothers; Primal Fear; Citizen Kane; Sling Blade; Nutty Professor; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Ransom; Unforgiven; Contact; Client; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Legends of the Fall; Crow; Crying Game; Time to Kill; Boogie Nights; Eraser; Star Trek: Generations; Total Recall; American History X; Cliffhanger; Shrek; Full Monty; Big; Phenomenon; Top Gun; Rear Window; Much Ado About Nothing; Happy Gilmore; Tombstone; Grosse Pointe Blank; Net; Chasing Amy; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Hoop Dreams; Maverick; Remains of the Day; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Few Good Men; This Is Spinal Tap; Chinatown; Untouchables; Beetlejuice; Traffic; Executive Decision; Waterworld; Lethal Weapon; Almost Famous; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Airplane!; Searching for Bobby Fischer; River Wild; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Annie Hall; High Fidelity; Gattaca; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Hudsucker Proxy; Rob Roy; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Green Mile],[12941; 12695; 12256; 11932; 11728; 10908; 10631; 10460; 10456; 10419; 10223; 9664; 9653; 9606; 9524; 9519; 9456; 9073; 8955; 8923; 8667; 8510; 8331; 8311; 8281; 8246; 7870; 7863; 7452; 7450; 7437; 7432; 7398; 7361; 7281; 7267; 7095; 7084; 7060; 7030; 6962; 6904; 6885; 6857; 6840; 6808; 6801; 6785; 6685; 6648; 6613; 6605; 6567; 6530; 6510; 6506; 6472; 6471; 6465; 6454; 6451; 6415; 6412; 6393; 6380; 6378; 6302; 6301; 6272; 6230; 6156; 6118; 6004; 6000; 5955; 5946; 5904; 5902; 5884; 5843; 5823; 5808; 5789; 5652; 5633; 5615; 5598; 5537; 5537; 5518; 5506; 5494; 5484; 5466; 5449; 5444; 5430; 5413; 5382; 5365; 5313; 5291; 5281; 5276; 5271; 5246; 5225; 5218; 5156; 5142; 5132; 5110; 5100; 5059; 5033; 5028; 5007; 4995; 4984; 4970; 4963; 4934; 4896; 4843; 4798; 4793; 4752; 4734; 4693; 4651; 4629; 4628; 4605; 4584; 4558; 4557; 4549; 4543; 4502; 4479; 4426; 4423; 4418; 4412; 4401; 4397; 4392; 4380; 4370; 4363; 4360; 4350; 4291; 4289; 4283; 4268; 4266; 4254; 4229; 4219; 4186; 4180; 4141; 4138; 4130; 4123; 4115; 4109; 4083; 4080; 4080; 4068; 4043; 4040; 4037; 4028; 4020; 4018; 4005; 4001; 3991; 3988; 3981; 3967; 3949; 3940; 3936; 3928; 3920; 3889; 3883; 3870; 3846; 3844; 3843; 3841; 3838; 3835; 3833; 3831; 3808; 3806; 3806; 3797]
Lethal Weapon,[Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Back to the Future; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Die Hard; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Terminator; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Forrest Gump; Silence of the Lambs; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Pulp Fiction; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Saving Private Ryan; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Alien; Toy Story; Groundhog Day; American Beauty; Godfather; Usual Suspects; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Aliens; Gladiator; Batman; Princess Bride; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Hunt for Red October; Schindler's List; Fargo; Speed; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Total Recall; True Lies; Rain Man; Blade Runner; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Good Will Hunting; Jaws; Fifth Element; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fight Club; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Rock; Apollo 13; L.A. Confidential; Lethal Weapon 2; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Mission: Impossible; Full Metal Jacket; Untouchables; Blues Brothers; Stand by Me; Breakfast Club; Godfather: Part II; X-Men; Shrek; Big; Goodfellas; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; There's Something About Mary; Dances with Wolves; Top Gun; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; When Harry Met Sally...; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Rocky; Back to the Future Part II; As Good as It Gets; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Titanic; Beetlejuice; Fish Called Wanda; Airplane!; Lion King; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Die Hard 2; Ocean's Eleven; Abyss; Shining; Aladdin; Green Mile; Wizard of Oz; Apocalypse Now; Jerry Maguire; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Being John Malkovich; Memento; Predator; Dead Poets Society; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Face/Off; Few Good Men; Spider-Man; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Minority Report; Romancing the Stone; Shakespeare in Love; Platoon; Bug's Life; Edward Scissorhands; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Toy Story 2; Contact; Superman; Heat; Clockwork Orange; Bourne Identity; RoboCop; Pretty Woman; Big Lebowski; Mask; GoldenEye; Back to the Future Part III; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Monsters Inc.; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Planet of the Apes; Casablanca; American Pie; Amadeus; Clear and Present Danger; Psycho; Enemy of the State; Office Space; Gattaca; American History X; Beverly Hills Cop; Stargate; Clerks; Taxi Driver; Cast Away; Finding Nemo; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Mummy; Beautiful Mind; Mrs. Doubtfire; Raising Arizona; Ghost; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Good Morning Vietnam; Get Shorty; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Game; Babe; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Trainspotting; Air Force One; Armageddon; Full Monty; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; My Cousin Vinny; Grosse Pointe Blank; Unforgiven; In the Line of Fire; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Twister; Beauty and the Beast; Sleepless in Seattle; Catch Me If You Can; Wayne's World; Goldfinger; Crocodile Dundee; Star Trek: First Contact; Snatch; Sting; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; This Is Spinal Tap; Con Air; Starship Troopers; Highlander; High Fidelity; Almost Famous; Dogma; X2: X-Men United; Graduate; Home Alone; Traffic; Erin Brockovich; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Incredibles; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Young Frankenstein; Witness; Batman Begins; Lethal Weapon 3; Last of the Mohicans; Sneakers; Chicken Run; Glory; Trading Places; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Galaxy Quest; Maverick; Meet the Parents; Casino; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Exorcist; Rear Window; Clueless; Scream; Liar Liar; Little Mermaid; Mask of Zorro; Thomas Crown Affair; Gremlins; Splash; Field of Dreams; Unbreakable; Crow; Firm; Citizen Kane; Pleasantville; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Patriot Games; Spider-Man 2; Christmas Story; Sleepy Hollow; Three Kings; Outbreak; Blade; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Bourne Supremacy; Thelma & Louise; Crimson Tide; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Grease; Animal House; Batman Returns; Boogie Nights; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Patriot; Wedding Singer; Ronin; Nightmare Before Christmas; Chinatown; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Matrix Reloaded; King Kong; Cocoon; North by Northwest; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Philadelphia; Mission: Impossible II; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Tomorrow Never Dies; Mars Attacks!; Spaceballs; Devil's Advocate; Mary Poppins; Dave; It's a Wonderful Life; True Romance; Negotiator; Chasing Amy; Jumanji; Fly; Jackie Brown; Stripes; Happy Gilmore; Blazing Saddles; Sling Blade; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Donnie Darko; Army of Darkness; Shrek 2; Das Boot (The Boat); Ransom; Bridge on the River Kwai; Goonies; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Rush Hour; Donnie Brasco; To Kill a Mockingbird; American President; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Natural Born Killers; Caddyshack; Desperado; Scarface; Sin City; Leaving Las Vegas; Mad Max; Lethal Weapon 4; Road Warrior (Mad Max 2); Cape Fear; Conspiracy Theory; Vertigo; Star Trek: Generations; From Dusk Till Dawn; Talented Mr. Ripley; Great Escape; Willow; Dark City; Gone with the Wind; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Notting Hill; Blair Witch Project; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Poltergeist; Basic Instinct; Black Hawk Down; X-Files: Fight the Future; Brazil; Risky Business; Lost in Translation; Demolition Man; Cliffhanger; Tombstone; Cool Hand Luke; League of Their Own; Tron; Italian Job; Ice Age; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Nutty Professor; Election; Misery; Last Samurai; Rushmore; Escape from New York; Dead Man Walking; Deer Hunter; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Sound of Music; Dr. No; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; French Connection; Wag the Dog; Karate Kid; Arachnophobia; Birdcage; Heathers; Rocky Horror Picture Show; NeverEnding Story; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Annie Hall; From Russia with Love; Jungle Book; Casino Royale; Ben-Hur; Sixteen Candles; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Godfather: Part III; Dirty Dozen; Lawrence of Arabia; Crying Game; English Patient; Payback; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Say Anything...; Broken Arrow; Lady and the Tramp; Backdraft; Birds; Batman Forever; Waterworld; Antz; Eyes Wide Shut; Deep Impact; Quiz Show; Fantasia; Thing; Bowling for Columbine; Dark Knight; Gods Must Be Crazy; Ed Wood; Maltese Falcon; African Queen; V for Vendetta; Driving Miss Daisy; 12 Angry Men; 28 Days Later; Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!; Deliverance; Charlie's Angels; Big Fish; Manchurian Candidate; Fatal Attraction; Departed; Signs; Swingers; Bridget Jones's Diary; Out of Sight; Road to Perdition; Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula); Royal Tenenbaums; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; Bull Durham; Dune; Bad Boys; First Blood (Rambo: First Blood)],[12323; 12196; 11907; 11861; 11845; 11673; 11583; 11473; 11366; 11002; 10956; 10938; 10909; 10867; 10643; 10585; 10571; 10467; 10304; 10286; 9932; 9583; 9571; 9530; 9526; 9439; 9275; 9257; 9252; 9114; 9026; 8916; 8862; 8857; 8802; 8673; 8618; 8582; 8553; 8451; 8438; 8402; 8321; 8292; 8285; 8277; 8271; 8186; 8174; 8091; 8059; 7997; 7974; 7934; 7912; 7843; 7768; 7734; 7705; 7634; 7567; 7564; 7562; 7556; 7553; 7544; 7494; 7451; 7375; 7292; 7285; 7251; 7236; 7211; 7190; 7174; 7125; 7090; 7044; 7041; 7039; 7024; 7019; 6938; 6881; 6865; 6841; 6800; 6794; 6735; 6717; 6711; 6691; 6633; 6618; 6608; 6604; 6582; 6571; 6562; 6558; 6549; 6517; 6493; 6491; 6467; 6426; 6402; 6352; 6343; 6341; 6327; 6293; 6281; 6277; 6268; 6215; 6159; 6143; 6132; 6113; 6111; 6093; 6057; 6049; 5986; 5985; 5963; 5934; 5929; 5909; 5906; 5885; 5867; 5801; 5797; 5778; 5755; 5688; 5676; 5671; 5659; 5631; 5625; 5620; 5591; 5555; 5544; 5543; 5541; 5503; 5478; 5464; 5454; 5453; 5442; 5436; 5427; 5424; 5405; 5372; 5339; 5314; 5272; 5267; 5249; 5235; 5234; 5231; 5220; 5218; 5198; 5196; 5174; 5155; 5147; 5132; 5113; 5107; 5104; 5064; 5059; 5050; 5007; 5003; 4979; 4958; 4928; 4921; 4910; 4891; 4876; 4869; 4868; 4860; 4831; 4826; 4824; 4800; 4783; 4768; 4747; 4744; 4725; 4713; 4693; 4688; 4686; 4673; 4662; 4661; 4656; 4646; 4641; 4626; 4614; 4609; 4579; 4564; 4564; 4559; 4553; 4551; 4551; 4531; 4528; 4525; 4518; 4512; 4505; 4490; 4463; 4455; 4444; 4439; 4433; 4425; 4424; 4404; 4401; 4383; 4378; 4372; 4344; 4344; 4343; 4320; 4313; 4306; 4298; 4293; 4292; 4281; 4278; 4273; 4257; 4252; 4249; 4239; 4237; 4230; 4224; 4223; 4222; 4178; 4176; 4164; 4162; 4160; 4159; 4147; 4147; 4138; 4122; 4118; 4115; 4101; 4091; 4081; 4061; 4060; 4043; 4033; 4030; 4029; 4021; 4009; 3985; 3984; 3977; 3974; 3960; 3958; 3948; 3940; 3937; 3930; 3920; 3917; 3912; 3904; 3898; 3895; 3895; 3881; 3865; 3863; 3855; 3851; 3844; 3841; 3837; 3832; 3818; 3818; 3799; 3772; 3772; 3759; 3723; 3722; 3722; 3711; 3710; 3710; 3709; 3683; 3679; 3670; 3665; 3665; 3660; 3653; 3647; 3625; 3619; 3615; 3615; 3602; 3596; 3579; 3574; 3573; 3571; 3568; 3567; 3557; 3553; 3544; 3540; 3538; 3535; 3529; 3525; 3511; 3509; 3491; 3475; 3472; 3467; 3466; 3463; 3462; 3454; 3436; 3435; 3434; 3432; 3431; 3427; 3422; 3422; 3410; 3402; 3402; 3399; 3388; 3381; 3377; 3364; 3351; 3339; 3333; 3332; 3331; 3330; 3325; 3310; 3301; 3300; 3295; 3293; 3288; 3276; 3268; 3262; 3255; 3252; 3250; 3229; 3221; 3221; 3217; 3213; 3205; 3203; 3201; 3198; 3183]
Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella),[American Beauty; Shawshank Redemption; Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Schindler's List; Sixth Sense; Usual Suspects; Saving Private Ryan; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Fargo; Godfather; Back to the Future; Good Will Hunting; Toy Story; Braveheart; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Memento; Groundhog Day; Jurassic Park; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Being John Malkovich; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Gladiator; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Shakespeare in Love; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Truman Show; Shrek; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; L.A. Confidential; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fugitive; Rain Man; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; As Good as It Gets; Reservoir Dogs; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Goodfellas; Terminator; Godfather: Part II; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Apollo 13; Titanic; Beautiful Mind; Casablanca; Blade Runner; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; American History X; There's Something About Mary; Alien; Die Hard; Edward Scissorhands; Amadeus; Dead Poets Society; Green Mile; Finding Nemo; Ocean's Eleven; When Harry Met Sally...; Lion King; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Wizard of Oz; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Trainspotting; Monsters Inc.; Dances with Wolves; Shining; Apocalypse Now; Clockwork Orange; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Big Lebowski; Stand by Me; Aladdin; Toy Story 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Minority Report; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Fifth Element; Taxi Driver; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Breakfast Club; Speed; Big; Almost Famous; X-Men; Aliens; Full Metal Jacket; Catch Me If You Can; Batman; Graduate; Hunt for Red October; Jerry Maguire; Babe; Psycho; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Bourne Identity; Fish Called Wanda; Spider-Man; Traffic; Full Monty; Gattaca; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Bug's Life; Jaws; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Mission: Impossible; Office Space; High Fidelity; Pretty Woman; Cast Away; Citizen Kane; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Contact; Rear Window; Clerks; Incredibles; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Beetlejuice; Snatch; Airplane!; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Beauty and the Beast; Total Recall; Erin Brockovich; True Lies; Lost in Translation; Mrs. Doubtfire; Donnie Darko; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Few Good Men; Chicken Run; Rock; American Pie; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Annie Hall; Untouchables; Blues Brothers; Back to the Future Part II; To Kill a Mockingbird; Sleepless in Seattle; Raising Arizona; North by Northwest; Lethal Weapon; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Pianist; Election; Platoon; Game; This Is Spinal Tap; Pleasantville; Clueless; Philadelphia; Sting; Requiem for a Dream; Mask; Batman Begins; It's a Wonderful Life; Rushmore; Dead Man Walking; Sling Blade; Chinatown; Ghost; Meet the Parents; Vertigo; Bowling for Columbine; Grosse Pointe Blank; Top Gun; Dark Knight; Rocky; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Big Fish; Chocolat; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Nightmare Before Christmas; Talented Mr. Ripley; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Magnolia; Dogma; English Patient; Royal Tenenbaums; Heat; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Notting Hill; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Planet of the Apes; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Boogie Nights; Face/Off; My Cousin Vinny; Back to the Future Part III; Unforgiven; Young Frankenstein; Shrek 2; Sense and Sensibility; Thelma & Louise; 12 Angry Men; Bridget Jones's Diary; Gone with the Wind; Good Morning Vietnam; Home Alone; Departed; Leaving Las Vegas; Chasing Amy; Eyes Wide Shut; Abyss; Christmas Story; Sin City; Mary Poppins; Little Mermaid; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Sound of Music; Superman; Get Shorty; Wayne's World; Little Miss Sunshine; Brazil; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo cinema Paradiso); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Spider-Man 2; Casino; X2: X-Men United; Three Kings; Moulin Rouge; Witness; Exorcist; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Unbreakable; Blair Witch Project; Bourne Supremacy; Insider; Crying Game; Jackie Brown; Das Boot (The Boat); V for Vendetta; Wedding Singer; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Quiz Show; Grease; Matrix Reloaded; Elizabeth],[11751; 11511; 11351; 11068; 11058; 10750; 10554; 10122; 9431; 9428; 9357; 9334; 9271; 9225; 9147; 9016; 8989; 8942; 8711; 8624; 8496; 8475; 8408; 8188; 8113; 7960; 7940; 7881; 7799; 7760; 7728; 7724; 7719; 7694; 7668; 7624; 7596; 7572; 7460; 7352; 7332; 7302; 7269; 7121; 7086; 7015; 7015; 6954; 6937; 6920; 6842; 6816; 6810; 6808; 6792; 6647; 6579; 6566; 6532; 6474; 6408; 6300; 6281; 6262; 6241; 6235; 6228; 6203; 6197; 6194; 6154; 6131; 6107; 6104; 6045; 6019; 5993; 5991; 5965; 5940; 5928; 5917; 5883; 5836; 5829; 5805; 5783; 5773; 5739; 5726; 5706; 5702; 5622; 5558; 5557; 5528; 5510; 5505; 5447; 5441; 5434; 5399; 5380; 5375; 5353; 5339; 5332; 5324; 5301; 5290; 5285; 5275; 5270; 5250; 5236; 5229; 5209; 5207; 5192; 5178; 5169; 5161; 5155; 5137; 5133; 5074; 5046; 4976; 4962; 4961; 4953; 4948; 4933; 4902; 4884; 4878; 4864; 4848; 4824; 4823; 4745; 4671; 4661; 4646; 4642; 4616; 4612; 4582; 4557; 4518; 4514; 4501; 4456; 4452; 4444; 4413; 4378; 4378; 4360; 4357; 4354; 4343; 4342; 4328; 4309; 4279; 4268; 4267; 4263; 4262; 4258; 4244; 4231; 4225; 4213; 4203; 4192; 4173; 4160; 4155; 4140; 4136; 4117; 4100; 4065; 4061; 4032; 4024; 4019; 4010; 4006; 4002; 3985; 3968; 3936; 3921; 3920; 3919; 3911; 3893; 3889; 3887; 3882; 3874; 3855; 3853; 3835; 3824; 3812; 3812; 3804; 3800; 3796; 3788; 3783; 3778; 3763; 3759; 3712; 3708; 3699; 3697; 3681; 3678; 3647; 3639; 3639; 3623; 3620; 3614; 3601; 3590; 3583; 3577; 3573; 3572; 3565; 3556; 3549; 3541; 3535; 3523; 3517; 3514; 3509; 3480; 3476; 3469; 3460; 3457; 3455; 3441; 3426; 3413; 3398; 3398; 3393]
Lion King,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Aladdin; Silence of the Lambs; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Fugitive; Beauty and the Beast; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Apollo 13; Braveheart; Batman; Toy Story; Dances with Wolves; Speed; Schindler's List; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Mrs. Doubtfire; True Lies; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Pretty Woman; Usual Suspects; Mask; Matrix; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Ghost; Babe; Sleepless in Seattle; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Firm; Mission: Impossible; Clear and Present Danger; Stargate; Sixth Sense; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; GoldenEye; Home Alone; Shrek; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Batman Forever; Four Weddings and a Funeral; American Beauty; Fargo; Outbreak; Terminator; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Groundhog Day; Saving Private Ryan; Fight Club; Die Hard; Gladiator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Princess Bride; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Star Trek: Generations; Crimson Tide; Clueless; Godfather; While You Were Sleeping; Rock; Twister; Jumanji; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Titanic; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Finding Nemo; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Monsters Inc.; Nightmare Before Christmas; Good Will Hunting; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Truman Show; Net; Dave; Alien; Waterworld; X-Men; Wizard of Oz; Cliffhanger; Philadelphia; Fifth Element; Get Shorty; Ocean's Eleven; Memento; Toy Story 2; Spider-Man; Blade Runner; Rain Man; Quiz Show; Aliens; In the Line of Fire; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Bug's Life; Reservoir Dogs; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Minority Report; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Beautiful Mind; Dead Poets Society; There's Something About Mary; Incredibles; American President; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Edward Scissorhands; Green Mile; Clerks; Jerry Maguire; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Shining; Client; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Bourne Identity; Natural Born Killers; Jaws; Maverick; Santa Clause; Top Gun; Birdcage; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Jungle Book; Goodfellas; Heat; When Harry Met Sally...; Being John Malkovich; Catch Me If You Can; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Addams Family Values; As Good as It Gets; Breakfast Club; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Godfather: Part II; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); L.A. Confidential; Stand by Me; Mr. Holland's Opus; Shakespeare in Love; Clockwork Orange; American History X; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Big; Cast Away; Trainspotting; Hunt for Red October; Taxi Driver; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Batman Begins; Back to the Future Part II; Casablanca; Full Metal Jacket; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Crow; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Tombstone; Demolition Man; Little Mermaid; Beetlejuice; Legends of the Fall; American Pie; Office Space; Sense and Sensibility; Shrek 2; Apocalypse Now; Contact; Blues Brothers; Mary Poppins; Fish Called Wanda; Total Recall; Amadeus; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Pinocchio; Psycho; Sound of Music; Back to the Future Part III; X2: X-Men United],[27781; 26057; 25171; 23573; 22960; 22699; 22529; 22261; 22022; 21840; 21234; 20537; 20483; 19605; 19527; 18836; 18522; 18513; 18442; 17067; 16865; 16633; 16406; 16097; 15886; 15792; 15775; 15734; 15604; 15527; 15383; 15290; 15253; 14778; 14357; 14158; 13997; 13962; 13943; 13930; 13867; 13852; 13746; 13738; 13648; 13383; 13313; 13290; 13098; 12855; 12823; 12601; 12569; 12472; 12453; 12440; 12438; 12433; 12308; 12208; 12192; 11907; 11847; 11828; 11811; 11792; 11753; 11747; 11628; 11569; 11566; 11561; 11453; 11324; 11147; 11134; 11047; 10974; 10959; 10896; 10867; 10762; 10754; 10706; 10546; 10490; 10450; 10449; 10364; 10315; 10240; 10225; 10217; 10180; 10160; 10159; 10105; 9930; 9706; 9682; 9536; 9516; 9499; 9450; 9427; 9252; 9189; 9174; 9115; 9104; 9035; 9031; 8954; 8914; 8882; 8861; 8809; 8764; 8756; 8731; 8728; 8713; 8709; 8708; 8681; 8659; 8590; 8564; 8490; 8450; 8430; 8395; 8382; 8349; 8345; 8289; 8256; 8254; 8242; 8223; 8207; 8179; 8170; 8142; 8138; 8113; 8087; 8012; 8007; 7983; 7905; 7904; 7899; 7891; 7879; 7878; 7836; 7832; 7826; 7825; 7807; 7798; 7780; 7754; 7720; 7687; 7647; 7642; 7640; 7568; 7568; 7524; 7517; 7484; 7479; 7476; 7471; 7463; 7450; 7436; 7386; 7334; 7287; 7230; 7166; 7162; 7152]
Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels,[Pulp Fiction; Matrix; Fight Club; American Beauty; Shawshank Redemption; Usual Suspects; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Reservoir Dogs; Sixth Sense; Snatch; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Memento; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Saving Private Ryan; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Gladiator; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Braveheart; Back to the Future; Godfather; Fargo; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; American History X; Jurassic Park; Terminator; Schindler's List; Toy Story; Being John Malkovich; Trainspotting; Groundhog Day; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shrek; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Big Lebowski; Die Hard; Good Will Hunting; Goodfellas; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; L.A. Confidential; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Alien; Blade Runner; Fifth Element; Ocean's Eleven; Full Metal Jacket; Truman Show; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clockwork Orange; Office Space; Aliens; Donnie Darko; X-Men; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Minority Report; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Bourne Identity; Shining; Godfather: Part II; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Apocalypse Now; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Princess Bride; Clerks; Green Mile; There's Something About Mary; Rain Man; Monsters Inc.; Beautiful Mind; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Finding Nemo; Batman; Apollo 13; Taxi Driver; Spider-Man; Catch Me If You Can; Edward Scissorhands; Sin City; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Speed; Batman Begins; High Fidelity; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Total Recall; Requiem for a Dream; Mission: Impossible; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Lion King; Heat; Gattaca; Rock; Almost Famous; Hunt for Red October; Incredibles; As Good as It Gets; Traffic; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Dogma; Breakfast Club; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Stand by Me; Game; Jaws; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; True Lies; Lost in Translation; American Pie; Titanic; Shakespeare in Love; Dead Poets Society; Toy Story 2; Aladdin; Blues Brothers; Beetlejuice; Fish Called Wanda; Untouchables; Departed; Psycho; Dances with Wolves; Lethal Weapon; Dark Knight; Platoon; Cast Away; Casino; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Airplane!; Scarface; X2: X-Men United; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Shaun of the Dead; Jackie Brown; Back to the Future Part II; Mask; Casablanca; Bug's Life; Grosse Pointe Blank; V for Vendetta; Big; Bowling for Columbine; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Bourne Supremacy; Predator; This Is Spinal Tap; Face/Off; Jerry Maguire; Contact; Royal Tenenbaums; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Full Monty; Wizard of Oz; Big Fish; 28 Days Later; Three Kings; Matrix Reloaded; Amadeus; Boogie Nights; True Romance; Wayne's World; Unbreakable; Nightmare Before Christmas; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Chicken Run; GoldenEye; Spider-Man 2; Unforgiven; Dark City; Magnolia; Rushmore; When Harry Met Sally...; Sleepy Hollow; Meet the Parents; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Few Good Men; Back to the Future Part III; Casino Royale; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Abyss; Donnie Brasco; Chasing Amy; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Rocky; Prestige; Top Gun; Planet of the Apes; Raising Arizona; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Mrs. Doubtfire; Rear Window; Citizen Kane; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Enemy of the State; Die Hard 2; Get Shorty; Pretty Woman; Natural Born Killers; Shrek 2; Brazil; Graduate; Babe; No Country for Old Men; RoboCop; Starship Troopers; Exorcist; Stargate; Mummy; Chinatown; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Ronin; Good Morning Vietnam; Talented Mr. Ripley; Pleasantville; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Black Hawk Down; Little Miss Sunshine; Crash; Erin Brockovich; Election; Boondock Saints; Adaptation; Army of Darkness; Beauty and the Beast; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Training Day; Devil's Advocate; Pi; Mulholland Drive; From Dusk Till Dawn; Garden State; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Bourne Ultimatum; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Iron Man; Blair Witch Project; Scream; Crow; Others; Clueless; Home Alone; Last Samurai; Pianist; Italian Job; Eyes Wide Shut; Galaxy Quest; Sting; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Swingers; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Sling Blade; Mystic River; Inception; Go; Liar Liar; Children of Men; Ice Age; North by Northwest; Happy Gilmore; Vertigo; Mars Attacks!; Goldfinger; Inglourious Basterds; WALL·E; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Wedding Singer; Blade; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Collateral; Beverly Hills Cop; Armageddon; Con Air; My Cousin Vinny; Road to Perdition; Superman; Young Frankenstein; Leaving Las Vegas; Million Dollar Baby; Desperado; Animal House; Blazing Saddles; Spaceballs; Super Size Me; Das Boot (The Boat); American Psycho; Deer Hunter; Ghost; Philadelphia; Blow; Ed Wood; Hot Fuzz; 300; Thelma & Louise; Last of the Mohicans; Hero (Ying xiong); 12 Angry Men; Lethal Weapon 2; Sleepless in Seattle; Best in Show; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Juno; Thomas Crown Affair; Thank You for Smoking; Clear and Present Danger; Sneakers; Twister; Insider; Moulin Rouge; Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime); Misery; Mission: Impossible II; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Ring; Annie Hall; Batman Returns; Bridget Jones's Diary; Matrix Revolutions; King Kong; About a Boy; Great Escape; School of Rock; In the Line of Fire; To Kill a Mockingbird; The Butterfly Effect; Wag the Dog; Jumanji; Gremlins; Highlander; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Alien³ (a.k.a. Alien 3); Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Raging Bull],[11693; 11570; 10825; 10446; 10380; 10334; 10121; 9626; 9612; 9517; 9364; 9123; 9116; 9075; 9064; 8939; 8814; 8697; 8687; 8549; 8532; 8532; 8514; 8499; 8437; 8360; 8352; 8177; 7973; 7940; 7892; 7852; 7843; 7828; 7774; 7760; 7712; 7692; 7607; 7590; 7524; 7514; 7496; 7481; 7389; 7385; 7373; 7372; 7287; 7230; 7199; 7165; 7125; 7093; 7010; 6953; 6939; 6887; 6767; 6754; 6696; 6681; 6626; 6602; 6601; 6597; 6593; 6582; 6550; 6536; 6411; 6400; 6396; 6354; 6309; 6266; 6265; 6247; 6089; 6087; 6027; 6017; 6002; 5994; 5948; 5925; 5901; 5839; 5772; 5765; 5748; 5689; 5668; 5665; 5612; 5608; 5587; 5572; 5571; 5561; 5505; 5472; 5464; 5461; 5413; 5405; 5393; 5339; 5331; 5322; 5299; 5291; 5262; 5222; 5209; 5193; 5171; 5152; 5147; 5129; 5095; 5073; 5054; 5022; 5018; 5007; 4952; 4949; 4937; 4918; 4909; 4873; 4870; 4866; 4860; 4846; 4821; 4780; 4746; 4735; 4730; 4724; 4716; 4710; 4675; 4661; 4634; 4611; 4588; 4579; 4579; 4572; 4565; 4547; 4530; 4513; 4506; 4498; 4494; 4484; 4475; 4465; 4417; 4396; 4380; 4376; 4376; 4365; 4364; 4334; 4305; 4299; 4290; 4279; 4272; 4272; 4247; 4204; 4203; 4186; 4183; 4179; 4149; 4145; 4141; 4136; 4129; 4125; 4117; 4105; 4091; 4085; 4077; 4067; 4065; 4052; 4049; 4046; 4036; 3978; 3967; 3956; 3946; 3928; 3910; 3908; 3905; 3898; 3896; 3887; 3884; 3872; 3871; 3867; 3851; 3830; 3782; 3780; 3762; 3737; 3736; 3728; 3710; 3708; 3691; 3675; 3675; 3664; 3656; 3654; 3645; 3644; 3627; 3621; 3603; 3601; 3591; 3569; 3543; 3539; 3491; 3487; 3485; 3482; 3482; 3477; 3476; 3471; 3470; 3468; 3468; 3464; 3462; 3460; 3453; 3448; 3444; 3431; 3427; 3410; 3410; 3410; 3403; 3397; 3391; 3385; 3382; 3376; 3370; 3369; 3362; 3346; 3330; 3326; 3318; 3317; 3314; 3307; 3293; 3293; 3290; 3280; 3273; 3271; 3270; 3270; 3264; 3257; 3252; 3241; 3238; 3238; 3228; 3224; 3220; 3213; 3210; 3194; 3192; 3181; 3166; 3166; 3166; 3165; 3141; 3138; 3133; 3130; 3128; 3123; 3111; 3110; 3104; 3104; 3096; 3090; 3071; 3070; 3061; 3058; 3051; 3048; 3043; 3040; 3038; 3038; 3031; 3027; 3014; 3001; 2995; 2964; 2957; 2953; 2951; 2936; 2932; 2929; 2924; 2922; 2921; 2910; 2894; 2892; 2881; 2875; 2875; 2862]
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,[Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shrek; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Gladiator; Memento; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Braveheart; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Schindler's List; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Godfather; X-Men; Ocean's Eleven; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Minority Report; Spider-Man; Terminator; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Bourne Identity; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Beautiful Mind; Princess Bride; Good Will Hunting; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Alien; Die Hard; Groundhog Day; Fifth Element; Incredibles; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Blade Runner; Reservoir Dogs; Truman Show; Fargo; Batman Begins; American History X; Lion King; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Fugitive; Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Being John Malkovich; Aliens; Dark Knight; Rain Man; Catch Me If You Can; Titanic; Green Mile; Donnie Darko; Batman; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Godfather: Part II; Snatch; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Aladdin; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Shining; Mission: Impossible; Goodfellas; Toy Story 2; X2: X-Men United; Clockwork Orange; Office Space; L.A. Confidential; Speed; Full Metal Jacket; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Edward Scissorhands; Spider-Man 2; Cast Away; There's Something About Mary; Sin City; Apocalypse Now; Trainspotting; Big Lebowski; Dances with Wolves; Monty Python's Life of Brian; True Lies; V for Vendetta; Matrix Reloaded; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dead Poets Society; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Rock; Hunt for Red October; Almost Famous; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shrek 2; Bourne Supremacy; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Gattaca; Wizard of Oz; Lost in Translation; Total Recall; Casablanca; Departed; Breakfast Club; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Jaws; Beauty and the Beast; Bug's Life; Back to the Future Part II; American Pie; As Good as It Gets; Traffic; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Beetlejuice; Shakespeare in Love; Mrs. Doubtfire; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Casino Royale; Mask; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Big Fish; Stand by Me; Taxi Driver; Requiem for a Dream; Pretty Woman; Chicken Run; Clerks; Big; Contact; High Fidelity; Back to the Future Part III; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Amadeus; Psycho; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Inception; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Blues Brothers; Dogma; Iron Man; WALL·E; Jerry Maguire; Airplane!; Ice Age; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Meet the Parents; Shaun of the Dead; Bowling for Columbine; Lethal Weapon; Top Gun; Prestige; Unbreakable; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; When Harry Met Sally...; Nightmare Before Christmas; Predator; City of God (Cidade de Deus); GoldenEye; Fish Called Wanda; Last Samurai; 28 Days Later; Untouchables; Erin Brockovich; Game; Home Alone; Mummy; Bourne Ultimatum; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Stargate; Planet of the Apes; Royal Tenenbaums; Armageddon; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Platoon; Heat; Little Miss Sunshine; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Rear Window; Face/Off; Babe; Citizen Kane; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Abyss; Pianist; Sleepy Hollow; Four Weddings and a Funeral],[27725; 26623; 25904; 21836; 21744; 21683; 21611; 21501; 21409; 20362; 20348; 20284; 20105; 19655; 19600; 19275; 18808; 18578; 18001; 17889; 17552; 17413; 17305; 17271; 17267; 16907; 16562; 16502; 16370; 16309; 15989; 15955; 15909; 15755; 15752; 15589; 15562; 15375; 15194; 14890; 14608; 14518; 14385; 14298; 14262; 14203; 14110; 14084; 14018; 13945; 13896; 13741; 13636; 13597; 13571; 13568; 13483; 13439; 13411; 13313; 13197; 13184; 13040; 12926; 12756; 12581; 12545; 12427; 12331; 12244; 12211; 12203; 12097; 12018; 11982; 11839; 11823; 11784; 11748; 11744; 11690; 11621; 11488; 11468; 11373; 11361; 11304; 11302; 11135; 11086; 11059; 10947; 10850; 10712; 10668; 10634; 10626; 10598; 10506; 10427; 10417; 10320; 10278; 10046; 10008; 9976; 9969; 9951; 9935; 9895; 9884; 9883; 9773; 9773; 9746; 9736; 9684; 9680; 9657; 9555; 9481; 9474; 9450; 9403; 9402; 9393; 9385; 9383; 9381; 9314; 9189; 9183; 9144; 9141; 9109; 9079; 9032; 8997; 8993; 8978; 8939; 8891; 8890; 8843; 8710; 8702; 8699; 8698; 8664; 8644; 8589; 8584; 8578; 8575; 8532; 8501; 8496; 8429; 8368; 8352; 8312; 8294; 8281; 8216; 8214; 8115; 8017; 8002; 7990; 7989; 7988; 7985; 7930; 7912; 7900; 7892; 7887; 7866; 7851; 7846; 7782; 7776; 7749; 7708; 7702; 7632; 7627; 7572; 7541; 7508; 7500; 7490; 7476; 7475; 7470; 7463; 7451; 7352; 7282; 7267; 7240; 7217; 7201; 7196; 7123; 7122; 7068; 7038; 7022; 7000; 6946; 6944]
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,[Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Matrix; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Pulp Fiction; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Shrek; Sixth Sense; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Gladiator; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Memento; Back to the Future; Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Finding Nemo; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ocean's Eleven; Godfather; Monsters Inc.; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Minority Report; Spider-Man; X-Men; Bourne Identity; Incredibles; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Batman Begins; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Terminator; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Beautiful Mind; Good Will Hunting; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; American History X; Dark Knight; Die Hard; Fifth Element; Princess Bride; Alien; Truman Show; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Lion King; Reservoir Dogs; Groundhog Day; Apollo 13; Blade Runner; Catch Me If You Can; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Fugitive; Fargo; Donnie Darko; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; X2: X-Men United; Green Mile; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Aliens; Spider-Man 2; Rain Man; Titanic; Snatch; Batman; Sin City; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Being John Malkovich; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Aladdin; Godfather: Part II; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Mission: Impossible; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); O Brother Where Art Thou?; Shining; V for Vendetta; Office Space; Goodfellas; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Bourne Supremacy; Toy Story 2; Shrek 2; Full Metal Jacket; Clockwork Orange; Matrix Reloaded; Speed; Edward Scissorhands; Departed; Trainspotting; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Lost in Translation; Big Lebowski; Cast Away; There's Something About Mary; Apocalypse Now; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; L.A. Confidential; Dances with Wolves; Casino Royale; Dead Poets Society; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Monty Python's Life of Brian; True Lies; Big Fish; Rock; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Inception; Hunt for Red October; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Iron Man; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Gattaca; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; WALL·E; Back to the Future Part II; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Mrs. Doubtfire; Almost Famous; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Shaun of the Dead; Casablanca; Jaws; Requiem for a Dream; Breakfast Club; Prestige; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Total Recall; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Mask; Wizard of Oz; American Pie; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Last Samurai; As Good as It Gets; Bug's Life; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Bourne Ultimatum; Beetlejuice; Traffic; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part III; Taxi Driver; 28 Days Later; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Ice Age; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Dogma; Bowling for Columbine; Stand by Me; Clerks; Contact; Shakespeare in Love; Little Miss Sunshine; High Fidelity; Big; Amadeus; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Blues Brothers; Psycho; Meet the Parents; Chicken Run; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Lethal Weapon; 300; Nightmare Before Christmas; Top Gun; GoldenEye; Jerry Maguire; Home Alone; Matrix Revolutions; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Predator; Airplane!; Game; Unbreakable; Untouchables; Pianist; Italian Job; Stargate; Mummy; Armageddon; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Fish Called Wanda; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); I Robot; No Country for Old Men; Heat; When Harry Met Sally...; Juno; Platoon; Scarface; Royal Tenenbaums; Erin Brockovich; Rear Window; Avatar; Million Dollar Baby; Planet of the Apes; Inglourious Basterds; Children of Men; Twister],[25904; 25346; 22892; 18989; 18982; 18659; 18507; 18310; 18227; 17259; 17232; 17056; 16909; 16689; 16597; 16377; 16218; 15958; 15448; 15307; 15261; 14893; 14876; 14633; 14556; 14511; 14406; 14263; 14059; 13968; 13861; 13812; 13722; 13703; 13637; 13504; 13428; 13286; 13271; 13257; 13043; 12908; 12776; 12626; 12612; 12315; 12246; 12214; 12140; 12080; 12037; 11896; 11862; 11779; 11745; 11718; 11630; 11561; 11497; 11401; 11298; 11243; 11160; 11150; 11109; 10970; 10850; 10676; 10654; 10638; 10615; 10447; 10405; 10358; 10328; 10280; 10208; 10137; 10060; 10058; 10011; 9991; 9878; 9781; 9771; 9741; 9721; 9665; 9645; 9602; 9601; 9436; 9326; 9323; 9319; 9234; 9186; 9170; 9132; 9105; 9042; 8937; 8810; 8766; 8761; 8753; 8745; 8683; 8668; 8665; 8662; 8566; 8555; 8543; 8541; 8462; 8376; 8297; 8237; 8172; 8100; 8065; 8062; 8033; 8017; 7945; 7850; 7819; 7795; 7787; 7784; 7739; 7728; 7725; 7721; 7712; 7638; 7635; 7600; 7599; 7599; 7588; 7580; 7558; 7533; 7517; 7513; 7484; 7477; 7467; 7466; 7431; 7362; 7316; 7287; 7258; 7236; 7231; 7191; 7141; 7136; 7121; 7119; 7088; 7040; 7038; 6991; 6981; 6933; 6918; 6844; 6797; 6796; 6793; 6777; 6773; 6770; 6746; 6664; 6619; 6618; 6609; 6606; 6605; 6574; 6571; 6564; 6561; 6546; 6516; 6482; 6439; 6432; 6391; 6374; 6353; 6328; 6315; 6297; 6251; 6194; 6181; 6177; 6162; 6133; 6107; 6091; 6066; 5995; 5975; 5972; 5937; 5914; 5909; 5867; 5862; 5858; 5845]
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,[Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Matrix; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shrek; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Silence of the Lambs; Sixth Sense; Gladiator; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Memento; Back to the Future; Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Toy Story; Saving Private Ryan; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Usual Suspects; Finding Nemo; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Schindler's List; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Minority Report; Ocean's Eleven; Monsters Inc.; X-Men; Spider-Man; Godfather; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Bourne Identity; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Incredibles; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Beautiful Mind; Good Will Hunting; Batman Begins; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Die Hard; Alien; Fifth Element; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Princess Bride; Truman Show; American History X; Groundhog Day; Lion King; Reservoir Dogs; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Blade Runner; Fugitive; Fargo; Apollo 13; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Catch Me If You Can; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Dark Knight; Green Mile; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Aliens; Donnie Darko; Rain Man; X2: X-Men United; Titanic; Being John Malkovich; Batman; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Snatch; Aladdin; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Godfather: Part II; Shining; Mission: Impossible; Spider-Man 2; Office Space; Toy Story 2; Goodfellas; Sin City; Clockwork Orange; Speed; Full Metal Jacket; Edward Scissorhands; Matrix Reloaded; There's Something About Mary; L.A. Confidential; Cast Away; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; V for Vendetta; Trainspotting; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Apocalypse Now; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Big Lebowski; Shrek 2; Dances with Wolves; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Bourne Supremacy; True Lies; Dead Poets Society; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Rock; Lost in Translation; Departed; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Hunt for Red October; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); 2001: A Space Odyssey; Almost Famous; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Gattaca; Casino Royale; Back to the Future Part II; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Big Fish; Beauty and the Beast; Breakfast Club; Total Recall; Jaws; Wizard of Oz; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Bug's Life; Mrs. Doubtfire; Casablanca; American Pie; As Good as It Gets; Traffic; Beetlejuice; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Mask; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Requiem for a Dream; Back to the Future Part III; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Pretty Woman; Iron Man; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Shakespeare in Love; Stand by Me; Taxi Driver; Inception; WALL·E; Contact; Big; Shaun of the Dead; Clerks; Ice Age; Bowling for Columbine; Dogma; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); High Fidelity; Chicken Run; Prestige; Psycho; Last Samurai; Amadeus; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Blues Brothers; 28 Days Later; Meet the Parents; City of God (Cidade de Deus); South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Top Gun; Jerry Maguire; Bourne Ultimatum; Lethal Weapon; Airplane!; Unbreakable; GoldenEye; Nightmare Before Christmas; Predator; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Home Alone; Untouchables; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Game; Armageddon; Mummy; When Harry Met Sally...; Stargate; Fish Called Wanda; Little Miss Sunshine; Erin Brockovich; Pianist; Heat; Matrix Revolutions; Platoon; Royal Tenenbaums; Planet of the Apes; Italian Job; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); 300; Face/Off; Scarface; Babe; Rear Window; Black Hawk Down; Others; Sleepy Hollow; Twister],[27725; 25346; 24050; 19792; 19754; 19728; 19703; 19491; 19346; 18573; 18454; 18403; 18320; 17842; 17815; 17418; 17232; 16933; 16821; 16498; 16447; 15999; 15805; 15762; 15595; 15321; 15317; 15215; 15093; 14974; 14873; 14871; 14782; 14685; 14667; 14617; 14449; 13974; 13950; 13929; 13660; 13579; 13376; 13273; 13200; 13119; 13091; 12989; 12903; 12787; 12754; 12750; 12701; 12551; 12471; 12469; 12453; 12339; 12253; 12178; 12095; 12081; 12069; 11944; 11858; 11790; 11514; 11406; 11363; 11328; 11317; 11205; 11170; 11147; 11118; 10995; 10955; 10940; 10781; 10718; 10716; 10690; 10619; 10554; 10544; 10489; 10467; 10352; 10311; 10294; 10199; 9977; 9948; 9938; 9783; 9782; 9739; 9709; 9642; 9619; 9610; 9581; 9551; 9484; 9471; 9466; 9453; 9373; 9360; 9352; 9242; 9230; 9178; 9017; 9008; 8960; 8890; 8881; 8807; 8793; 8763; 8734; 8650; 8603; 8574; 8543; 8522; 8483; 8448; 8442; 8439; 8371; 8369; 8355; 8352; 8350; 8298; 8254; 8224; 8180; 8136; 8134; 8125; 8115; 8106; 8017; 7983; 7982; 7910; 7904; 7882; 7843; 7806; 7765; 7700; 7700; 7696; 7691; 7690; 7681; 7675; 7656; 7648; 7624; 7604; 7580; 7557; 7520; 7505; 7496; 7467; 7458; 7384; 7350; 7291; 7287; 7286; 7276; 7267; 7263; 7211; 7205; 7167; 7149; 7117; 7102; 7081; 7023; 7011; 7006; 6987; 6951; 6905; 6904; 6898; 6898; 6819; 6722; 6721; 6673; 6634; 6628; 6622; 6600; 6594; 6587; 6581; 6420; 6412; 6407; 6369; 6351; 6335; 6310; 6278]
Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon),[Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Jurassic Park; Matrix; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Fugitive; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Schindler's List; Fight Club; Fargo; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; American Beauty; Batman; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Apollo 13; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Reservoir Dogs; Toy Story; Sixth Sense; True Lies; Godfather; Speed; Back to the Future; Terminator; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Die Hard; Dances with Wolves; Saving Private Ryan; Memento; Blade Runner; Alien; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Lion King; Gladiator; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Groundhog Day; Goodfellas; Aladdin; Aliens; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Fifth Element; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Heat; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Mission: Impossible; Good Will Hunting; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Trainspotting; Full Metal Jacket; L.A. Confidential; American History X; Shrek; Taxi Driver; Mask; Rock; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Godfather: Part II; Stargate; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; GoldenEye; Truman Show; Clockwork Orange; Shining; Being John Malkovich; Apocalypse Now; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Clear and Present Danger; Clerks; Princess Bride; Pretty Woman; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Mrs. Doubtfire; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Big Lebowski; X-Men; Ocean's Eleven; Snatch; Rain Man; Beauty and the Beast; Minority Report; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Natural Born Killers; Get Shorty; Firm; Outbreak; Green Mile; Ghost; True Romance; Crimson Tide; Bourne Identity; Casino; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Donnie Darko; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Babe; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Edward Scissorhands; Monsters Inc.; Beautiful Mind; Finding Nemo; In the Line of Fire; Total Recall; Hunt for Red October; Jaws; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Sleepless in Seattle; Nightmare Before Christmas; Titanic; There's Something About Mary; Spider-Man; Gattaca; Crow; Stand by Me; Clueless; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Dead Poets Society; Home Alone; Office Space; Batman Begins; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Fish Called Wanda; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Psycho; Sin City; Batman Forever; Catch Me If You Can; Casablanca; As Good as It Gets; Platoon; Twister; Philadelphia; Waterworld; Incredibles; Blues Brothers; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Cliffhanger; Game; Leaving Las Vegas; Amadeus; Jerry Maguire; Quiz Show; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Lethal Weapon; Star Trek: Generations; Breakfast Club; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Contact; Desperado; Requiem for a Dream; Untouchables; Dark Knight; Jumanji; Wizard of Oz; Beetlejuice; Toy Story 2; Abyss; Top Gun; Demolition Man; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Dave; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; When Harry Met Sally...; Shakespeare in Love; Face/Off; Tombstone; Traffic; Ed Wood; Lost in Translation; Unforgiven; Back to the Future Part II; High Fidelity; Departed; Net; Cast Away; American Pie; Almost Famous; Die Hard 2; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; V for Vendetta; Maverick; X2: X-Men United; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Predator; Dead Man Walking; Broken Arrow; Big; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Rear Window; Bug's Life; Dogma; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Airplane!; While You Were Sleeping; Client; Grosse Pointe Blank; Bourne Supremacy; Graduate; Few Good Men; Citizen Kane; This Is Spinal Tap; Back to the Future Part III; Scarface; Jackie Brown; Spider-Man 2; Brazil; Piano; Rocky; Matrix Reloaded; Birdcage; Dark City; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Unbreakable; American President; Chinatown; Shaun of the Dead; Big Fish; Planet of the Apes; From Dusk Till Dawn; Raising Arizona; 28 Days Later; Bowling for Columbine; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); RoboCop; Casino Royale; Legends of the Fall; Starship Troopers; Donnie Brasco; Enemy of the State; Sleepy Hollow; Prestige],[20071; 18404; 17917; 16975; 16941; 16820; 16332; 15661; 14996; 14988; 14950; 14615; 13999; 13981; 13322; 13127; 13119; 12955; 12872; 12820; 12727; 12427; 12336; 12252; 12233; 12044; 11993; 11934; 11882; 11712; 11488; 11480; 11397; 11339; 11257; 11098; 11011; 10881; 10822; 10762; 10729; 10669; 10619; 10396; 10381; 10326; 10130; 10034; 10013; 10011; 9998; 9991; 9903; 9841; 9742; 9732; 9718; 9665; 9597; 9502; 9485; 9413; 9337; 9265; 9180; 9173; 9163; 9135; 9107; 9078; 9024; 9016; 8980; 8972; 8925; 8916; 8815; 8805; 8696; 8574; 8545; 8531; 8520; 8431; 8431; 8429; 8419; 8322; 8284; 8270; 8253; 8146; 8089; 8056; 8025; 8008; 8007; 7939; 7907; 7906; 7896; 7845; 7843; 7791; 7716; 7714; 7689; 7633; 7632; 7607; 7572; 7569; 7525; 7513; 7509; 7502; 7483; 7469; 7449; 7445; 7426; 7420; 7398; 7396; 7360; 7295; 7286; 7279; 7274; 7272; 7245; 7200; 7188; 7132; 7016; 7001; 6982; 6911; 6866; 6864; 6857; 6832; 6829; 6788; 6786; 6784; 6781; 6733; 6713; 6699; 6697; 6658; 6648; 6619; 6573; 6570; 6566; 6558; 6527; 6525; 6508; 6502; 6501; 6445; 6436; 6376; 6344; 6279; 6251; 6243; 6242; 6235; 6235; 6231; 6209; 6204; 6202; 6197; 6188; 6165; 6151; 6134; 6122; 6052; 5987; 5985; 5974; 5963; 5930; 5914; 5903; 5857; 5856; 5837; 5786; 5785; 5784; 5773; 5760; 5720; 5701; 5689; 5653; 5647; 5592; 5574; 5567; 5559; 5515; 5437; 5430; 5418; 5403; 5385; 5380; 5370; 5363; 5316; 5301; 5295; 5266; 5250; 5246; 5244; 5197; 5169; 5156; 5142; 5131; 5125; 5119; 5118; 5112; 5085; 5075; 5065; 5060; 5059; 5044; 5034; 5008; 5008; 4982; 4979; 4978; 4969]
Mask,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Fugitive; Batman; Shawshank Redemption; Apollo 13; Speed; Braveheart; True Lies; Lion King; Aladdin; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Dances with Wolves; Mrs. Doubtfire; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Toy Story; Schindler's List; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Pretty Woman; Usual Suspects; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Beauty and the Beast; Ghost; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Stargate; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; GoldenEye; Firm; Batman Forever; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Back to the Future; Matrix; Clear and Present Danger; Sleepless in Seattle; Mission: Impossible; Home Alone; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Babe; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Outbreak; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Terminator; Star Trek: Generations; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Sixth Sense; Fargo; Groundhog Day; Die Hard; Clueless; Rock; Crimson Tide; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Get Shorty; Jumanji; Cliffhanger; Waterworld; Twister; While You Were Sleeping; Net; American Beauty; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Saving Private Ryan; Dave; Gladiator; Fight Club; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Godfather; Shrek; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Fifth Element; Alien; Nightmare Before Christmas; Blade Runner; Natural Born Killers; In the Line of Fire; Quiz Show; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Titanic; Truman Show; Addams Family Values; Aliens; Maverick; Philadelphia; X-Men; Demolition Man; Heat; Good Will Hunting; Reservoir Dogs; Client; Clerks; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Crow; There's Something About Mary; Santa Clause; Memento; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; American President; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Ocean's Eleven; Rain Man; Spider-Man; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Birdcage; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Broken Arrow; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Goodfellas; Jaws; Taxi Driver; Monsters Inc.; Tombstone; Wizard of Oz; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Total Recall; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Minority Report; Beetlejuice; L.A. Confidential; Finding Nemo; Being John Malkovich; Shining; Jerry Maguire; Top Gun; Toy Story 2; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Back to the Future Part II; Edward Scissorhands; Godfather: Part II; Clockwork Orange; American Pie; 2001: A Space Odyssey; As Good as It Gets; Full Metal Jacket; Trainspotting; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Green Mile; Fish Called Wanda; Blues Brothers; Dead Poets Society; Hunt for Red October; Big; Legends of the Fall; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Bug's Life; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; When Harry Met Sally...; Stand by Me; Casino; Back to the Future Part III; Bourne Identity; Beautiful Mind; Liar Liar; Lethal Weapon; Ed Wood; Leaving Las Vegas; Face/Off; True Romance; Apocalypse Now; Contact; Piano; Big Lebowski; Breakfast Club; American History X; Shakespeare in Love; Cast Away; Disclosure; Incredibles; Mr. Holland's Opus; Desperado; Catch Me If You Can; Three Musketeers; Office Space; Happy Gilmore; Die Hard 2; Dead Man Walking; Jungle Book; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Beverly Hills Cop III; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Casablanca; Psycho; Mummy; Abyss; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Airplane!; Gattaca; Armageddon; Batman Begins; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Amadeus],[21154; 20676; 18957; 18908; 18608; 18248; 17702; 17057; 16846; 16836; 16777; 16614; 16406; 16025; 15379; 15326; 15266; 14514; 14091; 13997; 13875; 13756; 13727; 13541; 13433; 12794; 12772; 12719; 12714; 12439; 12201; 12041; 11999; 11985; 11980; 11903; 11862; 11808; 11643; 11584; 11431; 11389; 11329; 11230; 11106; 11102; 10951; 10381; 10195; 10125; 10111; 10101; 10064; 10057; 9987; 9987; 9958; 9908; 9876; 9818; 9755; 9735; 9600; 9558; 9546; 9517; 9413; 9269; 9170; 9033; 8992; 8973; 8879; 8877; 8843; 8802; 8584; 8577; 8422; 8371; 8361; 8329; 8294; 8153; 8115; 8096; 8068; 7980; 7939; 7930; 7873; 7814; 7804; 7733; 7733; 7731; 7627; 7599; 7573; 7517; 7495; 7399; 7214; 7137; 7135; 7111; 7088; 7080; 7073; 7063; 7063; 7024; 7021; 7011; 6958; 6894; 6887; 6864; 6863; 6856; 6823; 6758; 6747; 6745; 6715; 6710; 6710; 6686; 6667; 6650; 6634; 6633; 6618; 6603; 6587; 6554; 6504; 6487; 6475; 6471; 6447; 6416; 6404; 6403; 6399; 6398; 6379; 6332; 6331; 6282; 6268; 6259; 6224; 6214; 6208; 6189; 6174; 6173; 6138; 6131; 6127; 6120; 6115; 6068; 6057; 6029; 6004; 5924; 5916; 5909; 5886; 5858; 5848; 5841; 5839; 5828; 5766; 5739; 5713; 5681; 5618; 5617; 5599; 5599; 5587; 5559; 5548; 5520; 5512; 5482; 5464; 5453; 5451; 5430; 5424; 5407; 5397; 5375; 5355; 5350; 5350; 5342; 5316; 5313]
Matrix,[Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shawshank Redemption; Silence of the Lambs; Forrest Gump; Fight Club; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); American Beauty; Sixth Sense; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Back to the Future; Jurassic Park; Saving Private Ryan; Braveheart; Usual Suspects; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Gladiator; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Terminator; Toy Story; Schindler's List; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Godfather; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Memento; Shrek; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Alien; Fugitive; Fargo; Die Hard; Blade Runner; Fifth Element; Groundhog Day; Princess Bride; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Good Will Hunting; X-Men; Reservoir Dogs; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Aliens; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Ocean's Eleven; Minority Report; Truman Show; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Apollo 13; Being John Malkovich; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; American History X; L.A. Confidential; Speed; Spider-Man; Finding Nemo; Goodfellas; Monsters Inc.; Godfather: Part II; Titanic; Lion King; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Batman; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Bourne Identity; Rain Man; Mission: Impossible; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Total Recall; Clockwork Orange; Beautiful Mind; Green Mile; Full Metal Jacket; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Aladdin; Hunt for Red October; Shining; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; True Lies; There's Something About Mary; Batman Begins; Rock; Incredibles; Dark Knight; Toy Story 2; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Office Space; Apocalypse Now; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dances with Wolves; Big Lebowski; Snatch; Donnie Darko; Edward Scissorhands; Gattaca; Shakespeare in Love; Trainspotting; Catch Me If You Can; Jaws; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Breakfast Club; Contact; As Good as It Gets; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Casablanca; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Wizard of Oz; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Taxi Driver; Bug's Life; American Pie; Stand by Me; Back to the Future Part II; Cast Away; Beetlejuice; Mask; Dead Poets Society; Clerks; Lethal Weapon; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; X2: X-Men United; Sin City; Big; Matrix Reloaded; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Psycho; Beauty and the Beast; Blues Brothers; Face/Off; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Pretty Woman; Back to the Future Part III; Airplane!; Mrs. Doubtfire; Almost Famous; V for Vendetta; Jerry Maguire; Amadeus; When Harry Met Sally...; Spider-Man 2; Abyss; Stargate; Predator; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Untouchables; Departed; Heat; GoldenEye; Planet of the Apes; Game; Traffic; Fish Called Wanda; Top Gun; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Lost in Translation; High Fidelity; Bourne Supremacy; Dogma; Mummy; Babe; Requiem for a Dream; Inception; Armageddon; Chicken Run; Shrek 2; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Platoon; Rocky; Few Good Men; Casino Royale; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Enemy of the State],[29854; 29769; 29405; 29009; 28506; 28423; 27739; 27331; 27315; 27092; 26812; 26632; 26623; 25776; 25741; 24825; 24774; 24277; 24050; 23324; 23138; 23017; 22939; 22930; 22892; 22511; 22166; 21774; 21379; 21367; 21074; 20685; 20525; 19993; 19886; 19742; 19510; 19494; 19399; 19238; 18943; 18924; 18790; 18521; 18473; 18420; 18316; 17694; 17317; 17283; 17256; 17105; 17033; 17003; 16966; 16802; 16734; 16342; 16266; 16258; 16189; 16165; 16164; 16149; 16097; 16030; 16001; 15822; 15790; 15742; 15667; 15508; 15493; 15427; 15415; 15367; 15335; 15090; 15055; 14988; 14851; 14637; 14626; 14597; 14521; 14493; 14403; 14380; 14271; 14254; 14194; 14120; 13906; 13884; 13806; 13783; 13759; 13689; 13623; 13559; 13551; 13511; 13471; 13462; 13246; 13186; 13081; 12982; 12706; 12696; 12683; 12626; 12612; 12529; 12510; 12497; 12310; 12264; 12221; 12206; 12149; 12080; 12035; 11980; 11980; 11943; 11910; 11861; 11798; 11789; 11773; 11761; 11755; 11629; 11570; 11526; 11394; 11393; 11371; 11351; 11197; 11193; 11190; 11185; 11179; 11171; 11105; 11035; 11007; 10991; 10967; 10901; 10854; 10838; 10821; 10766; 10743; 10722; 10653; 10647; 10637; 10563; 10548; 10476; 10414; 10343; 10342; 10305; 10296; 10280; 10258; 10183; 10080; 10072; 10069; 9928; 9758; 9753; 9706; 9671; 9650; 9649; 9639]
Maverick,[Forrest Gump; Jurassic Park; Fugitive; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Braveheart; Speed; Silence of the Lambs; True Lies; Batman; Apollo 13; Pulp Fiction; Shawshank Redemption; Dances with Wolves; Mrs. Doubtfire; Aladdin; Pretty Woman; Lion King; Schindler's List; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Ghost; Sleepless in Seattle; Clear and Present Danger; Mission: Impossible; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Mask; Usual Suspects; Toy Story; Stargate; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); GoldenEye; Firm; Beauty and the Beast; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Rock; In the Line of Fire; Outbreak; Back to the Future; Home Alone; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Dave; Die Hard; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Twister; Crimson Tide; Get Shorty; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Babe; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Batman Forever; Matrix; Star Trek: Generations; Groundhog Day; Terminator; Fargo; While You Were Sleeping; Philadelphia; Clueless; Client; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Cliffhanger; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Demolition Man; American President; Tombstone; Net; Jumanji; Princess Bride; Heat; Saving Private Ryan; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Waterworld; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Sixth Sense; Fifth Element; Crow; Top Gun; Alien; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Godfather; Quiz Show; Aliens; Nightmare Before Christmas; Blade Runner; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Hunt for Red October; Broken Arrow; American Beauty; Three Musketeers; Gladiator; Birdcage; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Legends of the Fall; Lethal Weapon; Mr. Holland's Opus; Good Will Hunting; Jaws; When Harry Met Sally...; Santa Clause; Fish Called Wanda; Jerry Maguire; Clerks; Blues Brothers; Wizard of Oz; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Die Hard 2; X-Men; Shrek; As Good as It Gets; Casino; Stand by Me; Fight Club; Total Recall; Natural Born Killers; Dead Poets Society; Rain Man; Addams Family Values; Goodfellas; There's Something About Mary; Hot Shots! Part Deux; Truman Show; Desperado; L.A. Confidential; Reservoir Dogs; Much Ado About Nothing; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Last Action Hero; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Contact; Face/Off; Titanic; Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Full Metal Jacket; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Star Trek: First Contact; Abyss; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Back to the Future Part II; Rob Roy; Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Big; Back to the Future Part III; Godfather: Part II; True Romance; Jungle Book; Leaving Las Vegas; French Kiss; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Happy Gilmore; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Ocean's Eleven; Shining; Bug's Life; Dead Man Walking; Breakfast Club; Apocalypse Now; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Ed Wood; Beetlejuice; Eraser; Piano; Toy Story 2; First Knight; Sense and Sensibility; Green Mile; I.Q.; Casablanca; Bad Boys; Sabrina; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Spider-Man; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Shakespeare in Love; So I Married an Axe Murderer; Memento; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amadeus; Few Good Men; Taxi Driver; Untouchables; Edward Scissorhands; Disclosure; Being John Malkovich; Air Force One; Unforgiven; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Clockwork Orange; Ransom; Pinocchio; Armageddon; Enemy of the State; Platoon; Con Air; Minority Report; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Lethal Weapon 2; Mummy; Psycho; Monsters Inc.; Sneakers; Beverly Hills Cop III; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Mary Poppins; City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold; Searching for Bobby Fischer; Trainspotting; Liar Liar; Batman Returns; Superman; American Pie; Airplane!; Miracle on 34th Street; Dragonheart; Rocky; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Last of the Mohicans; Gattaca; Hudsucker Proxy; Nell; Cast Away; Bourne Identity; Office Space; Tommy Boy; Finding Nemo; Mask of Zorro; Big Lebowski; Grosse Pointe Blank; Nutty Professor; Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls; Beautiful Mind; Executive Decision; Romancing the Stone; Predator; Species; Sting; Sound of Music; Field of Dreams; Copycat; My Cousin Vinny; Game; Highlander; Grease; Congo; O Brother Where Art Thou?; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Full Monty; Planet of the Apes; Scream; Starship Troopers; Raising Arizona; Young Frankenstein; Mars Attacks!; Phenomenon; Casper; Catch Me If You Can; River Wild; Wayne's World; Grumpier Old Men; Glory; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; RoboCop; American History X; Rumble in the Bronx (Hont faan kui); Dogma; Judge Dredd; Good Morning Vietnam; Galaxy Quest; Pleasantville; Little Women; Wedding Singer; Nine Months; Graduate; Crocodile Dundee],[11701; 11668; 11388; 10862; 10263; 10216; 10097; 10033; 9890; 9708; 9603; 9542; 9309; 8801; 8784; 8667; 8659; 8398; 8338; 8306; 8246; 8201; 8147; 8075; 7950; 7930; 7873; 7816; 7720; 7582; 7524; 7519; 7455; 7419; 7290; 7216; 7164; 7160; 7131; 7106; 7088; 7067; 7044; 7029; 6801; 6731; 6668; 6592; 6520; 6419; 6400; 6398; 6393; 6384; 6382; 6284; 6251; 6229; 6179; 6142; 6022; 5985; 5943; 5938; 5858; 5785; 5784; 5758; 5753; 5724; 5691; 5618; 5617; 5606; 5535; 5503; 5405; 5378; 5316; 5309; 5308; 5287; 5269; 5200; 5175; 5148; 5106; 5087; 5085; 5082; 5067; 5055; 5034; 5020; 4847; 4823; 4704; 4684; 4673; 4662; 4656; 4652; 4650; 4644; 4630; 4625; 4622; 4566; 4563; 4538; 4535; 4527; 4527; 4524; 4515; 4483; 4476; 4457; 4448; 4443; 4422; 4408; 4358; 4354; 4347; 4331; 4309; 4305; 4284; 4262; 4259; 4255; 4240; 4232; 4225; 4202; 4177; 4173; 4168; 4167; 4163; 4132; 4131; 4111; 4104; 4080; 4076; 4075; 4067; 4045; 4043; 4039; 4036; 4018; 3930; 3930; 3901; 3890; 3885; 3866; 3861; 3859; 3853; 3851; 3851; 3838; 3832; 3794; 3793; 3788; 3783; 3756; 3742; 3740; 3733; 3717; 3716; 3701; 3692; 3689; 3686; 3682; 3660; 3650; 3645; 3639; 3632; 3626; 3609; 3599; 3597; 3594; 3592; 3591; 3587; 3584; 3575; 3574; 3567; 3561; 3557; 3555; 3553; 3549; 3545; 3527; 3506; 3505; 3495; 3486; 3485; 3484; 3478; 3473; 3471; 3465; 3446; 3443; 3427; 3424; 3407; 3401; 3393; 3375; 3369; 3341; 3334; 3333; 3327; 3325; 3324; 3309; 3297; 3289; 3286; 3281; 3279; 3274; 3272; 3265; 3262; 3234; 3228; 3209; 3202; 3201; 3195; 3195; 3181; 3180; 3170; 3167; 3166; 3153; 3130; 3125; 3113; 3078; 3077; 3064; 3059; 3056; 3051; 3043; 3038; 3025; 3017; 3012; 3008; 3001; 2997; 2993; 2989; 2978; 2971; 2970; 2968; 2967; 2951; 2949; 2934]
Memento,[Matrix; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; American Beauty; Silence of the Lambs; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Usual Suspects; Forrest Gump; Sixth Sense; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Godfather; Schindler's List; Gladiator; Shrek; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Saving Private Ryan; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Jurassic Park; Reservoir Dogs; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Fargo; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Braveheart; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Toy Story; American History X; Being John Malkovich; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Minority Report; Ocean's Eleven; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Good Will Hunting; Terminator; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Groundhog Day; Beautiful Mind; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Blade Runner; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Alien; Truman Show; Donnie Darko; Finding Nemo; Monsters Inc.; Goodfellas; X-Men; Bourne Identity; Die Hard; L.A. Confidential; Snatch; Godfather: Part II; Fugitive; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Princess Bride; Spider-Man; Fifth Element; Clockwork Orange; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Kill Bill: Vol. 2; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Shining; Rain Man; Trainspotting; Full Metal Jacket; Apollo 13; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Batman Begins; Incredibles; Catch Me If You Can; Big Lebowski; Dark Knight; Aliens; Office Space; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Apocalypse Now; Green Mile; Lion King; Traffic; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Batman; Almost Famous; Requiem for a Dream; Titanic; There's Something About Mary; Sin City; Taxi Driver; Edward Scissorhands; Lost in Translation; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Departed; Speed; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Mission: Impossible; Cast Away; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; High Fidelity; Gattaca; Casablanca; Aladdin; Toy Story 2; Monty Python's Life of Brian; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Dead Poets Society; Dances with Wolves; Breakfast Club; V for Vendetta; As Good as It Gets; Clerks; Psycho; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); X2: X-Men United; True Lies; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Total Recall; Rock; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Stand by Me; Jaws; Shakespeare in Love; Bowling for Columbine; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Hunt for Red October; American Pie; Spider-Man 2; Big Fish; Wizard of Oz; Amadeus; Bourne Supremacy; Royal Tenenbaums; Matrix Reloaded; Game; Beetlejuice; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Rear Window; Prestige; Inception; Big; Contact; Back to the Future Part II; Dogma; Jerry Maguire; Unbreakable; Airplane!; Citizen Kane; Mrs. Doubtfire; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Casino Royale; 28 Days Later; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Heat; Shaun of the Dead; Bug's Life; Little Miss Sunshine; Pretty Woman; Mask; Meet the Parents; Chicken Run; Fish Called Wanda; When Harry Met Sally...; Shrek 2; Blues Brothers; Untouchables; Platoon; Erin Brockovich; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Beauty and the Beast; Pianist; No Country for Old Men; Scarface; WALL·E; Back to the Future Part III; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Lethal Weapon; This Is Spinal Tap; Graduate; Nightmare Before Christmas; Predator; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Magnolia; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Top Gun; Others; Adaptation; Iron Man; Chinatown; Mulholland Drive; Planet of the Apes; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Face/Off; Crash; Casino; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; North by Northwest; Unforgiven; GoldenEye; Few Good Men; Bourne Ultimatum; Boogie Nights; Mystic River; 12 Angry Men; Garden State; Home Alone; Vertigo; Children of Men; Juno; Talented Mr. Ripley; Abyss; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Million Dollar Baby; Brazil; Sleepy Hollow; Babe; Rushmore; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Rocky; Dark City; Moulin Rouge],[21774; 21110; 21038; 20389; 19737; 19162; 18808; 18483; 17806; 17446; 16933; 16511; 16506; 16307; 16303; 15958; 15862; 15373; 15334; 15232; 15202; 14717; 14659; 14429; 14392; 14367; 14320; 14317; 14281; 14201; 14197; 14128; 13908; 13713; 13342; 13268; 13207; 13177; 13075; 13003; 12773; 12704; 12582; 12529; 12423; 12414; 12397; 12387; 12297; 12217; 12200; 12109; 12104; 12099; 12032; 11907; 11807; 11724; 11648; 11627; 11581; 11570; 11548; 11521; 11437; 11354; 11257; 11248; 11186; 11142; 11019; 10965; 10932; 10889; 10875; 10820; 10750; 10626; 10605; 10603; 10567; 10525; 10433; 10407; 10312; 10160; 10155; 10147; 9999; 9980; 9921; 9920; 9909; 9667; 9662; 9611; 9582; 9579; 9501; 9437; 9426; 9418; 9331; 9227; 9075; 9024; 8995; 8981; 8905; 8896; 8881; 8810; 8788; 8646; 8635; 8544; 8511; 8487; 8459; 8429; 8408; 8378; 8348; 8295; 8285; 8182; 8175; 8148; 8124; 8062; 8053; 8035; 8028; 7956; 7925; 7922; 7906; 7896; 7840; 7818; 7809; 7733; 7728; 7716; 7680; 7633; 7632; 7607; 7566; 7541; 7526; 7525; 7475; 7393; 7340; 7334; 7309; 7280; 7263; 7251; 7245; 7238; 7235; 7217; 7181; 7170; 7170; 7161; 7152; 7137; 7126; 7114; 7112; 7110; 7109; 6972; 6917; 6916; 6886; 6882; 6863; 6846; 6813; 6676; 6642; 6634; 6616; 6582; 6571; 6559; 6535; 6531; 6519; 6517; 6488; 6487; 6476; 6451; 6446; 6412; 6397; 6382; 6337; 6314; 6301; 6267; 6265; 6240; 6231; 6220; 6152; 6152; 6133; 6132; 6101; 6091; 6034; 6026; 6018; 6009; 5994; 5993; 5992; 5979; 5978; 5963; 5957; 5937; 5937; 5937; 5928; 5893; 5886; 5874; 5871]
Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB),[Matrix; Jurassic Park; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Toy Story; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Braveheart; Terminator; Saving Private Ryan; American Beauty; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Fugitive; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fifth Element; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Gladiator; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Fight Club; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Shrek; Usual Suspects; Die Hard; Schindler's List; Alien; Godfather; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Princess Bride; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Speed; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Fargo; X-Men; Mission: Impossible; Apollo 13; Blade Runner; Lion King; Aliens; Titanic; True Lies; Batman; Good Will Hunting; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Aladdin; Total Recall; Rock; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Truman Show; Ocean's Eleven; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Memento; Spider-Man; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Hunt for Red October; There's Something About Mary; Minority Report; Rain Man; L.A. Confidential; Reservoir Dogs; Monsters Inc.; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Dances with Wolves; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Finding Nemo; Being John Malkovich; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Mask; Toy Story 2; Contact; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Jaws; 2001: A Space Odyssey; As Good as It Gets; Goodfellas; Back to the Future Part II; Wizard of Oz; Bug's Life; Shakespeare in Love; Mrs. Doubtfire; Bourne Identity; Pretty Woman; Edward Scissorhands; Lethal Weapon; Godfather: Part II; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Clockwork Orange; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Full Metal Jacket; Face/Off; Green Mile; Breakfast Club; Beautiful Mind; Shining; Stargate; Jerry Maguire; American Pie; Beetlejuice; Beauty and the Beast; Big; Back to the Future Part III; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Gattaca; Blues Brothers; GoldenEye; Office Space; Stand by Me; Incredibles; Big Lebowski; When Harry Met Sally...; Top Gun; Abyss; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Babe; Cast Away; Twister; Apocalypse Now; American History X; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Catch Me If You Can; Star Trek: First Contact; Dead Poets Society; Airplane!; Armageddon; Casablanca; Batman Begins; Fish Called Wanda; Clerks; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Mummy; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Trainspotting; Ghost; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Die Hard 2; X2: X-Men United; Home Alone; Sleepless in Seattle; Planet of the Apes; Predator; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Psycho; Untouchables; Snatch; Enemy of the State; Amadeus; Heat; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Superman; Spider-Man 2; Matrix Reloaded; Clear and Present Danger; Clueless; Starship Troopers; Taxi Driver; Chicken Run; Galaxy Quest; Dogma; Rocky; Full Monty; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; RoboCop; Few Good Men; Nightmare Before Christmas; Jumanji; Donnie Darko; Get Shorty; Game; Almost Famous; Liar Liar; Meet the Parents; Shrek 2; Air Force One; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; High Fidelity; Grosse Pointe Blank; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Con Air; Platoon; Erin Brockovich; Sin City; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Unbreakable; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Traffic; Mars Attacks!; Romancing the Stone; Wayne's World; Bourne Supremacy; Dark Knight; Pleasantville; Lost World: Jurassic Park; Little Mermaid; My Cousin Vinny; Raising Arizona; Scream; V for Vendetta; Star Trek: Generations; Sneakers; Lethal Weapon 2; Mask of Zorro; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Young Frankenstein; This Is Spinal Tap; Citizen Kane; Rear Window; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Lost in Translation; Graduate; Outbreak; Wedding Singer; Sleepy Hollow; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Unforgiven; Happy Gilmore; Good Morning Vietnam; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; In the Line of Fire; Casino Royale; Sting; Mission: Impossible II; Dark City; Ice Age; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Honey I Shrunk the Kids; Mary Poppins; Grease; Firm; Batman Returns; Last of the Mohicans; Maverick; Blade; Spaceballs; Army of Darkness; Tomorrow Never Dies; Philadelphia; Patriot; Brazil; Crow; Goldfinger; North by Northwest; Thomas Crown Affair; Casino; Chasing Amy; Departed; X-Files: Fight the Future; Crocodile Dundee; Three Kings],[23138; 21522; 21149; 20865; 20720; 20675; 20446; 20007; 19428; 19043; 18671; 18639; 18065; 17985; 17869; 17722; 17299; 16995; 16966; 16431; 16193; 15936; 15909; 15852; 15769; 15748; 15721; 15484; 15391; 15315; 15173; 15163; 15074; 14953; 14764; 14729; 14572; 14477; 14455; 14449; 14405; 14266; 14206; 13886; 13670; 13648; 13638; 13595; 13519; 13497; 13436; 13257; 13256; 13201; 13188; 13066; 12948; 12509; 12495; 12414; 12385; 12279; 12265; 12094; 12078; 12045; 12019; 11906; 11893; 11845; 11703; 11617; 11600; 11536; 11325; 11307; 11233; 11230; 11226; 11217; 11025; 10975; 10938; 10827; 10808; 10766; 10751; 10738; 10717; 10711; 10707; 10654; 10607; 10585; 10572; 10518; 10420; 10411; 10393; 10380; 10379; 10366; 10348; 10315; 10236; 10188; 10186; 10185; 10148; 10138; 10095; 10034; 10020; 9987; 9921; 9868; 9859; 9841; 9821; 9715; 9679; 9624; 9550; 9532; 9505; 9504; 9490; 9458; 9389; 9371; 9358; 9305; 9299; 9296; 9269; 9230; 9209; 9119; 9102; 9093; 9060; 8989; 8977; 8928; 8918; 8820; 8796; 8751; 8750; 8747; 8741; 8671; 8650; 8613; 8531; 8524; 8416; 8344; 8324; 8311; 8304; 8302; 8286; 8280; 8264; 8248; 8213; 8196; 8185; 8157; 8153; 8147; 8110; 8078; 7995; 7991; 7954; 7952; 7947; 7910; 7881; 7861; 7850; 7824; 7822; 7758; 7747; 7727; 7680; 7622; 7600; 7579; 7559; 7515; 7487; 7435; 7426; 7423; 7404; 7393; 7373; 7352; 7334; 7269; 7267; 7261; 7251; 7212; 7119; 7079; 7057; 7032; 7007; 7006; 6978; 6949; 6928; 6925; 6915; 6890; 6868; 6856; 6838; 6791; 6782; 6781; 6777; 6768; 6738; 6737; 6700; 6688; 6604; 6589; 6589; 6574; 6545; 6538; 6535; 6520; 6517; 6482; 6451; 6438; 6427; 6421; 6417; 6409; 6394; 6393; 6389; 6363; 6347; 6306; 6303; 6302; 6289; 6288; 6276; 6243; 6205; 6198; 6193; 6189; 6165; 6163; 6152]
Minority Report,[Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Forrest Gump; Pulp Fiction; Fight Club; Shawshank Redemption; Sixth Sense; Gladiator; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Shrek; American Beauty; Back to the Future; Memento; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Jurassic Park; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Ocean's Eleven; Braveheart; Spider-Man; Saving Private Ryan; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Usual Suspects; Toy Story; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); X-Men; Terminator; Bourne Identity; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Monsters Inc.; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Finding Nemo; Schindler's List; Beautiful Mind; Fifth Element; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Godfather; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Truman Show; Die Hard; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Good Will Hunting; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Groundhog Day; Fugitive; Alien; Catch Me If You Can; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Apollo 13; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Blade Runner; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Incredibles; Fargo; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Reservoir Dogs; Batman Begins; Being John Malkovich; Mission: Impossible; Rain Man; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Lion King; Green Mile; Aliens; American History X; Batman; X2: X-Men United; Titanic; Princess Bride; Speed; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Donnie Darko; O Brother Where Art Thou?; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Snatch; Cast Away; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; There's Something About Mary; Office Space; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Matrix Reloaded; Spider-Man 2; L.A. Confidential; Shining; True Lies; Aladdin; Gattaca; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Toy Story 2; Clockwork Orange; Total Recall; Goodfellas; Rock; Sin City; Full Metal Jacket; Bourne Supremacy; Edward Scissorhands; Godfather: Part II; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Dances with Wolves; Big Lebowski; Hunt for Red October; Traffic; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Trainspotting; Apocalypse Now; V for Vendetta; Back to the Future Part II; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Dark Knight; Lost in Translation; Dead Poets Society; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Almost Famous; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shrek 2; Contact; As Good as It Gets; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Jaws; American Pie; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Breakfast Club; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Unbreakable; Mrs. Doubtfire; Bug's Life; Jerry Maguire; Mask; Back to the Future Part III; Casino Royale; Big; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Departed; Game; Pretty Woman; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Shakespeare in Love; Beetlejuice; Meet the Parents; High Fidelity; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Lethal Weapon; Big Fish; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Top Gun; Wizard of Oz; Predator; Chicken Run; Dogma; Beauty and the Beast; Requiem for a Dream; Last Samurai; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Erin Brockovich; Taxi Driver; Clerks; Bowling for Columbine; Stand by Me; GoldenEye; 28 Days Later; Casablanca; Ice Age; Airplane!; Heat; Stargate; Planet of the Apes; Blues Brothers; Untouchables; Face/Off; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Psycho; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Abyss; Italian Job; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Black Hawk Down; Armageddon; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Iron Man; Mummy; When Harry Met Sally...; Amadeus; Few Good Men; Prestige; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Home Alone; Fish Called Wanda; Enemy of the State; Shaun of the Dead; Royal Tenenbaums; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; I Robot; Signs; Matrix Revolutions; Bourne Ultimatum; Mission: Impossible II; Others; Platoon; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Twister; Nightmare Before Christmas; Ghost; Rocky; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; WALL·E; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Die Hard 2; Collateral; Liar Liar; Sleepy Hollow; Babe; Scarface; Little Miss Sunshine; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Sleepless in Seattle; Inception; Road to Perdition; Dark City; Rear Window; RoboCop; Moulin Rouge; Superman; Starship Troopers; Pianist; Galaxy Quest; Citizen Kane; Ring; Wayne's World; Casino; Crash; Pleasantville; Children of Men; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Full Monty; Bridget Jones's Diary; Jumanji; 300; Good Morning Vietnam; The Butterfly Effect; Talented Mr. Ripley; Training Day; Million Dollar Baby; Patriot; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Adaptation; Unforgiven; Three Kings; Beverly Hills Cop; About a Boy; Mystic River; Grosse Pointe Blank; This Is Spinal Tap; No Country for Old Men; Star Trek: First Contact; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Exorcist; Magnolia; School of Rock; Philadelphia; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Chocolat; Boogie Nights; Charlie's Angels; Garden State; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Graduate; Clueless; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Con Air; Juno; Scream; Mulholland Drive; Brazil; Clear and Present Danger; Blair Witch Project; Firm; Eyes Wide Shut; Super Size Me; King Kong; Vanilla Sky; Happy Gilmore; Serenity; Goldfinger; Jackie Brown; Hero (Ying xiong); North by Northwest; Chasing Amy; My Cousin Vinny; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Thelma & Louise; Blade; Avatar; Lethal Weapon 2; Men in Black II (a.k.a. MIIB) (a.k.a. MIB 2); Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines; Chinatown; Air Force One],[17283; 15589; 14873; 14484; 14402; 14125; 14103; 13991; 13652; 13637; 13615; 13549; 13527; 13469; 13468; 13367; 13207; 13121; 13076; 13057; 12893; 12623; 12245; 12223; 12198; 12107; 12078; 12057; 11904; 11828; 11818; 11760; 11590; 11430; 11376; 11251; 11154; 11055; 10955; 10776; 10667; 10624; 10560; 10534; 10427; 10319; 10295; 10268; 10230; 10188; 10116; 10008; 9925; 9891; 9789; 9777; 9665; 9653; 9610; 9519; 9499; 9405; 9267; 9265; 9239; 9201; 9189; 9149; 9116; 9028; 8939; 8938; 8888; 8834; 8778; 8713; 8697; 8675; 8548; 8508; 8506; 8409; 8277; 8275; 8270; 8258; 8255; 8214; 8108; 8063; 8058; 8040; 7981; 7971; 7968; 7951; 7919; 7917; 7845; 7824; 7800; 7758; 7756; 7650; 7628; 7563; 7526; 7483; 7426; 7417; 7361; 7357; 7333; 7325; 7281; 7274; 7273; 7235; 7193; 7181; 7168; 7143; 7081; 7075; 7040; 7034; 6924; 6922; 6878; 6863; 6843; 6829; 6798; 6778; 6727; 6688; 6686; 6673; 6625; 6620; 6601; 6579; 6579; 6563; 6551; 6548; 6517; 6494; 6490; 6477; 6426; 6410; 6350; 6310; 6307; 6300; 6287; 6286; 6257; 6241; 6235; 6234; 6230; 6221; 6174; 6164; 6162; 6157; 6140; 6105; 6026; 6020; 5990; 5977; 5951; 5948; 5946; 5935; 5934; 5922; 5907; 5853; 5841; 5837; 5821; 5821; 5805; 5799; 5787; 5786; 5779; 5741; 5717; 5714; 5696; 5691; 5689; 5677; 5625; 5612; 5601; 5601; 5536; 5523; 5507; 5505; 5492; 5370; 5351; 5308; 5304; 5289; 5282; 5276; 5246; 5193; 5163; 5126; 5119; 5116; 5109; 5100; 5098; 5097; 5095; 5067; 5042; 5039; 5026; 5016; 5011; 4999; 4997; 4993; 4972; 4947; 4928; 4891; 4884; 4881; 4873; 4852; 4848; 4838; 4835; 4823; 4807; 4798; 4797; 4795; 4772; 4758; 4752; 4735; 4734; 4727; 4722; 4688; 4667; 4654; 4645; 4633; 4622; 4596; 4594; 4575; 4563; 4563; 4552; 4548; 4542; 4534; 4523; 4501; 4490; 4466; 4465; 4438; 4436; 4430; 4426; 4411; 4403; 4390; 4360; 4344; 4341; 4336; 4326; 4321; 4320; 4297; 4296; 4293; 4288; 4284; 4275; 4265; 4264; 4254; 4245; 4240; 4237; 4236; 4230; 4227]
Mission: Impossible,[Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Jurassic Park; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Forrest Gump; Toy Story; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Pulp Fiction; Silence of the Lambs; Fugitive; Rock; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Braveheart; Shawshank Redemption; Speed; Apollo 13; Twister; Batman; Matrix; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; True Lies; Fargo; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Usual Suspects; Back to the Future; Schindler's List; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Lion King; Dances with Wolves; Aladdin; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Die Hard; Terminator; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Godfather; Sixth Sense; Saving Private Ryan; GoldenEye; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Mrs. Doubtfire; Heat; American Beauty; Pretty Woman; Gladiator; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Mask; Groundhog Day; Clear and Present Danger; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fight Club; Fifth Element; Stargate; Beauty and the Beast; Alien; Broken Arrow; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Ghost; Jerry Maguire; Shrek; Princess Bride; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Sleepless in Seattle; Blade Runner; Aliens; Birdcage; X-Men; Titanic; Good Will Hunting; Home Alone; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Firm; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Star Trek: First Contact; Ocean's Eleven; Babe; Reservoir Dogs; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Outbreak; Truman Show; Eraser; Memento; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Mr. Holland's Opus; Minority Report; Hunt for Red October; Batman Forever; Top Gun; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; L.A. Confidential; Get Shorty; In the Line of Fire; Leaving Las Vegas; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Spider-Man; Rain Man; Trainspotting; Dead Man Walking; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Total Recall; Goodfellas; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Jaws; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Crimson Tide; Star Trek: Generations; Godfather: Part II; Bourne Identity; There's Something About Mary; Clueless; Full Metal Jacket; Nutty Professor; Monsters Inc.; Jumanji; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Maverick; Finding Nemo; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Happy Gilmore; Dead Poets Society; Die Hard 2; Being John Malkovich; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Waterworld; Wizard of Oz; Face/Off; Shining; Beautiful Mind; Clerks; Lethal Weapon; Ransom; Green Mile; Cliffhanger; Contact; Philadelphia; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Dave; As Good as It Gets; Clockwork Orange; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Stand by Me; Sense and Sensibility; When Harry Met Sally...; Blues Brothers; Toy Story 2; Apocalypse Now; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Back to the Future Part II; Fish Called Wanda; Edward Scissorhands; Dragonheart; Shakespeare in Love; Executive Decision; Nightmare Before Christmas; American Pie; Net; Catch Me If You Can; Sabrina; American History X; Taxi Driver; Crow; Truth About Cats & Dogs; Cast Away; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Abyss; Armageddon; Casablanca; Bug's Life; Incredibles; Batman Begins; Breakfast Club; Phenomenon; While You Were Sleeping; Back to the Future Part III; Natural Born Killers; Big Lebowski; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Gattaca; Big; Casino; Office Space; American President; Beetlejuice; Demolition Man; Psycho; Mummy; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Snatch; Quiz Show; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Time to Kill; Amadeus; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); X2: X-Men United; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Enemy of the State; Liar Liar; Con Air; Client; Game; Untouchables; Matrix Reloaded; Air Force One; Platoon],[20958; 20365; 20131; 19985; 19486; 18717; 18341; 18229; 18028; 17981; 17960; 17891; 17480; 17249; 16528; 15818; 15772; 15689; 15667; 15503; 15485; 15422; 15368; 15047; 14933; 14858; 14854; 14206; 13997; 13740; 13469; 13396; 13322; 13295; 13243; 13195; 12733; 12680; 12468; 12467; 12237; 12091; 12072; 11985; 11960; 11933; 11808; 11734; 11416; 11373; 11294; 11203; 11128; 11011; 10988; 10872; 10772; 10671; 10606; 10568; 10537; 10489; 10416; 10395; 10297; 10295; 10277; 10042; 10033; 9996; 9939; 9906; 9903; 9830; 9811; 9771; 9750; 9551; 9478; 9445; 9438; 9414; 9369; 9348; 9331; 9316; 9265; 9265; 9199; 9159; 9149; 9114; 8943; 8934; 8929; 8923; 8911; 8910; 8869; 8814; 8803; 8749; 8720; 8701; 8699; 8589; 8588; 8543; 8510; 8506; 8478; 8478; 8308; 8235; 8227; 8218; 8187; 8089; 8075; 8070; 8042; 8034; 7996; 7983; 7962; 7959; 7943; 7935; 7932; 7927; 7902; 7876; 7843; 7811; 7780; 7772; 7768; 7750; 7696; 7691; 7668; 7664; 7659; 7656; 7610; 7610; 7588; 7580; 7553; 7501; 7475; 7463; 7448; 7379; 7337; 7333; 7306; 7285; 7283; 7278; 7243; 7217; 7212; 7181; 7167; 7159; 7134; 7133; 7042; 7039; 7038; 7035; 7029; 7024; 7015; 7012; 6979; 6973; 6904; 6841; 6840; 6834; 6826; 6802; 6793; 6777; 6721; 6715; 6652; 6652; 6637; 6635; 6630; 6561; 6560; 6557; 6534; 6514; 6507; 6498; 6491; 6459; 6394; 6391; 6385; 6383; 6381; 6327]
Monsters Inc.,[Shrek; Matrix; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Forrest Gump; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Toy Story; Finding Nemo; Shawshank Redemption; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Sixth Sense; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Fight Club; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Silence of the Lambs; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; American Beauty; Gladiator; Jurassic Park; Ocean's Eleven; Incredibles; Memento; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Spider-Man; Braveheart; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Minority Report; X-Men; Saving Private Ryan; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Usual Suspects; Lion King; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Schindler's List; Toy Story 2; Beautiful Mind; Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Terminator; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Groundhog Day; Princess Bride; Bourne Identity; Truman Show; Good Will Hunting; Godfather; Aladdin; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Die Hard; Apollo 13; Fifth Element; Catch Me If You Can; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Fugitive; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Batman Begins; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Alien; Fargo; Titanic; Rain Man; Green Mile; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Shrek 2; Being John Malkovich; Bug's Life; Reservoir Dogs; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Batman; X2: X-Men United; Blade Runner; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Office Space; American History X; Cast Away; Mission: Impossible; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Spider-Man 2; There's Something About Mary; Edward Scissorhands; Speed; Aliens; Beauty and the Beast; Donnie Darko; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Snatch; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; Shining; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Chicken Run; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Ice Age; Breakfast Club; Wizard of Oz; Mrs. Doubtfire; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Dead Poets Society; Almost Famous; True Lies; Dark Knight; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; L.A. Confidential; Dances with Wolves; Clockwork Orange; Back to the Future Part II; As Good as It Gets; Big Lebowski; Matrix Reloaded; Godfather: Part II; Sin City; Goodfellas; Monty Python's Life of Brian; Big; Rock; Bourne Supremacy; Hunt for Red October; American Pie; Pretty Woman; Full Metal Jacket; Shakespeare in Love; V for Vendetta; Beetlejuice; Trainspotting; Lost in Translation; Gattaca; Mask; Big Fish; Meet the Parents; Jaws; Total Recall; Traffic; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); High Fidelity; Stand by Me; Back to the Future Part III; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Apocalypse Now; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Dogma; Contact; When Harry Met Sally...; Nightmare Before Christmas; Casablanca; WALL·E; Jerry Maguire; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Clerks; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Home Alone; Airplane!; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Casino Royale; Blues Brothers; Erin Brockovich; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Bowling for Columbine; Top Gun; Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; Lethal Weapon; Amadeus; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Shaun of the Dead; Unbreakable; Babe; Psycho; Iron Man; Departed; Fish Called Wanda; Mummy; Royal Tenenbaums; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Requiem for a Dream; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Little Miss Sunshine; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Game; Little Mermaid; GoldenEye; Armageddon; Untouchables; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Ratatouille; Taxi Driver; Sleepless in Seattle; Jumanji; Twister; Ghost; Last Samurai; Planet of the Apes; Italian Job; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Moulin Rouge; Bridget Jones's Diary; 28 Days Later; Predator; Face/Off; Stargate; Liar Liar; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Few Good Men; Wayne's World; Prestige; Pan's Labyrinth (Laberinto del fauno; El); Pleasantville; Sleepy Hollow; Others; My Big Fat Greek Wedding; Abyss; Galaxy Quest; Chocolat; Inception; Clueless; School of Rock; Juno; Bourne Ultimatum; Up; Enemy of the State; Rear Window; I Robot; Full Monty; Good Morning Vietnam; Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Mission: Impossible II; Platoon; Rocky; About a Boy; Black Hawk Down; Heat; Signs; Grease; Matrix Revolutions; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Citizen Kane; Charlie's Angels; This Is Spinal Tap; Wedding Singer; Mary Poppins; Pianist; City of God (Cidade de Deus); Happy Gilmore; Superman; Garden State; Die Hard 2; Grosse Pointe Blank; A.I. Artificial Intelligence; Love Actually; It's a Wonderful Life; 300; Million Dollar Baby; Young Frankenstein; Graduate; RoboCop; Crash; Ring; Patriot; Bruce Almighty; Super Size Me; Beverly Hills Cop; Sound of Music; Philadelphia; Starship Troopers; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo)],[16258; 16165; 15752; 14807; 14782; 14767; 14557; 13966; 13722; 13682; 13606; 13431; 13391; 13321; 13207; 13139; 13012; 12964; 12856; 12644; 12596; 12585; 12148; 12123; 12104; 11893; 11785; 11429; 11394; 11376; 11271; 11255; 11120; 11069; 11047; 10948; 10826; 10783; 10696; 10538; 10472; 10369; 10366; 10340; 10239; 10237; 10213; 10095; 10019; 9986; 9919; 9883; 9833; 9811; 9660; 9648; 9647; 9556; 9394; 9342; 9258; 9202; 9179; 9155; 9056; 9037; 9009; 8916; 8911; 8873; 8842; 8781; 8766; 8605; 8574; 8537; 8485; 8463; 8387; 8345; 8334; 8226; 8218; 8199; 8193; 8153; 8135; 8127; 8103; 8070; 7900; 7894; 7888; 7775; 7735; 7660; 7642; 7625; 7569; 7518; 7492; 7482; 7476; 7470; 7466; 7412; 7381; 7367; 7318; 7245; 7244; 7156; 7155; 7126; 7097; 7094; 7089; 7079; 7078; 7078; 7029; 6981; 6979; 6936; 6932; 6897; 6883; 6875; 6867; 6859; 6858; 6821; 6807; 6805; 6758; 6754; 6714; 6704; 6662; 6649; 6583; 6488; 6488; 6479; 6471; 6440; 6427; 6407; 6349; 6328; 6320; 6303; 6292; 6263; 6251; 6249; 6182; 6155; 6145; 6142; 6102; 6089; 6088; 6064; 6045; 6045; 6033; 6015; 5971; 5963; 5934; 5919; 5895; 5889; 5886; 5794; 5768; 5767; 5745; 5743; 5736; 5620; 5599; 5573; 5538; 5527; 5521; 5516; 5503; 5496; 5480; 5461; 5458; 5443; 5439; 5431; 5422; 5404; 5371; 5364; 5357; 5349; 5346; 5343; 5310; 5281; 5274; 5271; 5254; 5212; 5184; 5176; 5175; 5125; 5108; 5091; 5076; 5075; 5049; 5028; 5026; 5003; 4984; 4973; 4962; 4956; 4933; 4929; 4912; 4894; 4880; 4872; 4864; 4851; 4851; 4837; 4828; 4826; 4816; 4812; 4791; 4779; 4769; 4749; 4728; 4715; 4708; 4688; 4658; 4645; 4639; 4639; 4629; 4616; 4599; 4585; 4571; 4570; 4544; 4525; 4486; 4483; 4471; 4464; 4462; 4457; 4456; 4441; 4436; 4431; 4423; 4421; 4398]
Monty Python and the Holy Grail,[Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Silence of the Lambs; Shawshank Redemption; Forrest Gump; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Back to the Future; American Beauty; Toy Story; Usual Suspects; Princess Bride; Godfather; Jurassic Park; Fight Club; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Schindler's List; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Fargo; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Groundhog Day; Sixth Sense; Terminator; Braveheart; Blade Runner; Alien; Monty Python's Life of Brian; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Saving Private Ryan; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Die Hard; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Reservoir Dogs; Fugitive; Memento; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Shrek; Aliens; Gladiator; Clockwork Orange; Apollo 13; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Being John Malkovich; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Good Will Hunting; Batman; Shining; Lion King; Wizard of Oz; Fifth Element; Full Metal Jacket; L.A. Confidential; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Truman Show; Casablanca; Aladdin; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); Fish Called Wanda; Rain Man; Jaws; X-Men; Stand by Me; Blues Brothers; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amadeus; Monsters Inc.; Trainspotting; Speed; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Taxi Driver; Psycho; Dances with Wolves; Mission: Impossible; Finding Nemo; When Harry Met Sally...; Dead Poets Society; Ocean's Eleven; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Big Lebowski; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; American History X; Office Space; Breakfast Club; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Clerks; There's Something About Mary; True Lies; Airplane!; Edward Scissorhands; Minority Report; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; This Is Spinal Tap; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Spider-Man; Shakespeare in Love; Titanic; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Hunt for Red October; Toy Story 2; Rock; Beetlejuice; Young Frankenstein; Incredibles; Bourne Identity; Beautiful Mind; Citizen Kane; Total Recall; Rear Window; Big; Donnie Darko; Babe; Beauty and the Beast; Raising Arizona; As Good as It Gets; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Mrs. Doubtfire; Graduate; Green Mile; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Mask; Snatch; Sting; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Nightmare Before Christmas; Bug's Life; Batman Begins; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Pretty Woman; Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Lethal Weapon; Platoon; Contact; Back to the Future Part II; Catch Me If You Can; Top Gun; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Gattaca; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Almost Famous; High Fidelity; North by Northwest; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; Jerry Maguire; Brazil; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Abyss; Chinatown; GoldenEye; Untouchables; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Dark Knight; Annie Hall; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; To Kill a Mockingbird; Cast Away; Unforgiven; Sleepless in Seattle; Chicken Run; Dogma; American Pie; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); Clueless; Full Monty; Stargate; Vertigo; It's a Wonderful Life; Heat; Lost in Translation; X2: X-Men United; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Back to the Future Part III; Sin City; Planet of the Apes; Home Alone; Get Shorty; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Traffic; Star Trek: First Contact; Rocky; Grosse Pointe Blank; Ghost; Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Spider-Man 2; Mary Poppins; Wayne's World; Twister; Christmas Story; Predator; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Requiem for a Dream; Bridge on the River Kwai; V for Vendetta; Die Hard 2; 12 Angry Men; Shaun of the Dead; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Face/Off; Blazing Saddles; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Shrek 2; Superman; Few Good Men; Animal House; Big Fish; Clear and Present Danger; Galaxy Quest; Bowling for Columbine; Game; Exorcist; Matrix Reloaded; Das Boot (The Boat); Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Fantasia; Rushmore; Ed Wood; Mummy; Cool Hand Luke; Lawrence of Arabia; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Sound of Music; Meet the Parents; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Departed; Casino; Maltese Falcon; RoboCop; Pleasantville; Grease; Bourne Supremacy; Royal Tenenbaums; Great Escape; What's Eating Gilbert Grape; Glory],[21986; 21390; 21377; 21200; 20685; 20236; 19783; 19306; 19192; 19137; 17729; 17482; 17315; 17236; 17186; 16887; 16736; 16611; 16528; 16502; 16382; 16348; 16298; 16258; 16105; 15947; 15725; 15575; 15144; 15135; 15024; 14981; 14974; 14799; 14729; 14513; 14466; 14396; 14303; 14188; 14128; 13968; 13779; 13570; 13471; 13021; 12984; 12970; 12877; 12847; 12732; 12721; 12647; 12594; 12579; 12510; 12372; 12192; 12172; 12142; 12025; 12016; 12000; 11969; 11945; 11881; 11832; 11809; 11761; 11588; 11422; 11396; 11310; 11298; 11255; 10985; 10948; 10941; 10917; 10913; 10883; 10794; 10773; 10772; 10760; 10677; 10676; 10670; 10669; 10635; 10533; 10483; 10458; 10448; 10391; 10381; 10378; 10356; 10354; 10326; 10270; 10268; 10214; 10113; 10095; 10082; 10013; 9982; 9978; 9967; 9926; 9842; 9768; 9719; 9594; 9540; 9475; 9454; 9454; 9411; 9370; 9348; 9323; 9301; 9289; 9260; 9213; 9193; 9140; 9061; 9047; 8973; 8951; 8927; 8894; 8890; 8851; 8804; 8798; 8661; 8613; 8582; 8575; 8536; 8482; 8404; 8379; 8368; 8365; 8348; 8320; 8314; 8305; 8288; 8274; 8235; 8229; 8196; 8177; 8074; 8058; 7993; 7981; 7973; 7960; 7932; 7920; 7867; 7854; 7825; 7748; 7747; 7737; 7727; 7727; 7701; 7701; 7700; 7678; 7617; 7602; 7585; 7578; 7515; 7480; 7454; 7451; 7436; 7418; 7411; 7392; 7377; 7375; 7359; 7305; 7229; 7145; 7138; 7102; 7075; 7051; 6930; 6901; 6868; 6815; 6789; 6787; 6779; 6757; 6743; 6724; 6713; 6700; 6693; 6677; 6674; 6650; 6629; 6614; 6594; 6568; 6566; 6565; 6556; 6528; 6506; 6488; 6483; 6478; 6455; 6454; 6427; 6426; 6424; 6423; 6406; 6371; 6363; 6361; 6358; 6357; 6354; 6349; 6348; 6344; 6343; 6312; 6304; 6281; 6271]
Monty Python's Life of Brian,[Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Pulp Fiction; Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back; Silence of the Lambs; Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark); Matrix; Forrest Gump; Back to the Future; Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi; Shawshank Redemption; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; American Beauty; Usual Suspects; Toy Story; Fargo; Godfather; Blade Runner; Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys); Terminator; Jurassic Park; Schindler's List; Alien; Groundhog Day; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; Fight Club; Braveheart; Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring; Sixth Sense; Seven (a.k.a. Se7en); Reservoir Dogs; Die Hard; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Clockwork Orange; Princess Bride; Fish Called Wanda; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial; Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Men in Black (a.k.a. MIB); Ghostbusters (a.k.a. Ghost Busters); Aliens; Saving Private Ryan; Fugitive; 2001: A Space Odyssey; Apocalypse Now; Shining; Shrek; Being John Malkovich; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Memento; Batman; Full Metal Jacket; Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Gladiator; Truman Show; Apollo 13; Trainspotting; Blues Brothers; Fifth Element; Goodfellas; Godfather: Part II; Good Will Hunting; Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Amadeus; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long); L.A. Confidential; Lion King; Rain Man; Jaws; Big Lebowski; Dead Poets Society; Taxi Driver; Léon: The Professional (a.k.a. The Professional) (Léon); Stand by Me; Wizard of Oz; Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; Psycho; Casablanca; Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4); Aladdin; Edward Scissorhands; Dances with Wolves; This Is Spinal Tap; X-Men; Speed; Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; Clerks; Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl; Amelie ( Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain); Airplane!; Beetlejuice; O Brother Where Art Thou?; Mission: Impossible; When Harry Met Sally...; Who Framed Roger Rabbit?; There's Something About Mary; Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Kill Bill: Vol. 1; Monsters Inc.; True Lies; Ocean's Eleven; Finding Nemo; Minority Report; American History X; Citizen Kane; Breakfast Club; Young Frankenstein; Hunt for Red October; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Nightmare Before Christmas; Rock; Raising Arizona; Total Recall; Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Platoon; Office Space; Spider-Man; Shakespeare in Love; Graduate; Toy Story 2; Big; Brazil; Titanic; Donnie Darko; Mask; Beautiful Mind; Snatch; Rear Window; South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut; As Good as It Gets; Babe; Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Back to the Future Part II; Green Mile; Bourne Identity; Mrs. Doubtfire; Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels; Lethal Weapon; Gattaca; Run Lola Run (Lola rennt); Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers; Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; High Fidelity; Top Gun; Incredibles; Sting; Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Pretty Woman; Bug's Life; Full Monty; The Good the Bad and the Ugly (Il Buono il brutto il cattivo); Contact; Die Hard: With a Vengeance; Beauty and the Beast; Annie Hall; Abyss; Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Untouchables; Chinatown; North by Northwest; GoldenEye; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Lost in Translation; Catch Me If You Can; Heat; Dogma; Chicken Run; Almost Famous; Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles; Batman Begins; Unforgiven; Back to the Future Part III; Get Shorty; M*A*S*H (a.k.a. MASH); Ed Wood; Jerry Maguire; Planet of the Apes; Stargate; Life Is Beautiful (La Vita è bella); Vertigo; Ace Ventura: Pet Detective; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Sleepless in Seattle; Traffic; Clueless; Sin City; Grosse Pointe Blank; Bowling for Columbine; Rocky; Casino; American Pie; Star Trek: First Contact; It's a Wonderful Life; Cast Away; Wayne's World; Die Hard 2; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (a.k.a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone); To Kill a Mockingbird; Ghost; Home Alone; Mary Poppins; Mars Attacks!; X2: X-Men United; Das Boot (The Boat); What's Eating Gilbert Grape; RoboCop; Predator; Superman; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Bridge on the River Kwai; Exorcist; Face/Off; Good Morning Vietnam; Philadelphia; Blazing Saddles; Shaun of the Dead; Requiem for a Dream; Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave; Dumb & Dumber (Dumb and Dumber); Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi); Natural Born Killers; Goldfinger; Game; Royal Tenenbaums; Fantasia; Shrek 2; Boogie Nights; Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai); Rushmore; Jackie Brown; Lawrence of Arabia; Crow; True Romance; Sleepy Hollow; Spider-Man 2; Rocky Horror Picture Show; Big Fish; Grease; Leaving Las Vegas; Clear and Present Danger; Starship Troopers; Few Good Men; Army of Darkness; Pleasantville; Highlander; Twister; Galaxy Quest; Heathers; Mummy; Birds; Deer Hunter; Dark Knight; Animal House; Sound of Music; V for Vendetta; Dead Man Walking; Matrix Reloaded; Jumanji; Gone with the Wind; Dark City; Some Like It Hot; Maltese Falcon; Romancing the Stone; Chasing Amy; 12 Angry Men; In the Line of Fire; Cool Hand Luke; Quiz Show; Great Escape; Crying Game; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Unbreakable; Erin Brockovich; Spaceballs; Liar Liar; Dave; Scream; Birdcage; Bourne Supremacy; Meet the Parents; 28 Days Later; Three Kings; Christmas Story; Sneakers; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Election; Batman Returns; Firm; Blair Witch Project; Magnolia; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Scarface; Sling Blade; Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different; Star Trek: Generations; My Cousin Vinny; King Kong; Thelma & Louise; Much Ado About Nothing; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; Ice Age; Glory; Maverick; Happy Gilmore; Eyes Wide Shut; Manchurian Candidate; From D
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