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Created February 2, 2013 23:03
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module tinybasic
open System
type Expression =
| Number of int
| Variable of string
| String of string
| Binary of Expression * string * Expression
| Unary of string * Expression
| VarList of string list
| ExprList of Expression list
| PrintSeparator of string
type Statement =
| Command of string
| Gosub of Expression
| Let of string * Expression
| Input of string list
| Goto of Expression
| If of Expression * Statement
| Print of Expression list
| Rem
type ParseResult =
| Line of int * Statement
| Immediate of Statement
| Parsed of Expression
| Unmatched
| TerminalSymbol of string
| Production of ParseResult list
| EmptyMatch
let syntaxError s = failwithf "Syntax Error %A" s
let parseString (s:string) _ =
Parsed <| (Expression.String (s.[1..s.Length - 2].Replace("\"\"","\"")))
let parseFactor s = function
| Parsed _ as x -> x
| Production [TerminalSymbol "("; _; x ; _; TerminalSymbol ")"] -> x
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseBinary s = function
| Production [x; EmptyMatch] -> x
| Production [Parsed x; Production y] ->
Parsed <| List.fold (fun l -> function | Production [_; TerminalSymbol op; _; Parsed r] -> Binary (l, op, r) | _ -> syntaxError s) x y
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseUnary s = function
| Production [EmptyMatch; _; x] -> x
| Production [TerminalSymbol op; _; Parsed x] -> Parsed <| Unary (op, x)
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseVarList s = function
| Production [Parsed (Variable x); EmptyMatch] -> Parsed <| VarList [x]
| Production [Parsed (Variable x); Production y] ->
Parsed (VarList (x :: (function | Production [_; TerminalSymbol ","; _; Parsed (Variable y)] -> y | _ -> syntaxError s) y))
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseExprList s = function
| Production [Parsed x; EmptyMatch; _; TerminalSymbol y] -> Parsed <| ExprList [x; PrintSeparator y]
| Production [Parsed x; EmptyMatch; _; EmptyMatch] -> Parsed <| ExprList [x]
| Production [Parsed x; Production y; _; z] ->
let right = List.collect (function | Production [_; TerminalSymbol s; _; Parsed y] -> [PrintSeparator s; y] | _ -> syntaxError s) y
let term = match z with | TerminalSymbol t -> [PrintSeparator t] | EmptyMatch -> [] | _ -> syntaxError z
Parsed (ExprList (x :: List.append right term))
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parsePredicate s = function
| Production [Parsed l; _; TerminalSymbol op; _; Parsed r] -> Parsed <| Binary (l, op, r)
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseStatement s = function
| Production [TerminalSymbol "PRINT"; _; Parsed (ExprList x)] -> Immediate <| Print x
| Production [TerminalSymbol "IF"; _; Parsed x; _; TerminalSymbol "THEN"; _; Immediate y] -> Immediate <| If (x, y)
| Production [TerminalSymbol "GOTO"; _; Parsed x] -> Immediate <| Goto x
| Production [TerminalSymbol "INPUT"; _; Parsed (VarList x)] -> Immediate <| Input x
| Production [TerminalSymbol "LET"; _; Parsed (Variable x); _; TerminalSymbol "="; _; Parsed y] -> Immediate <| Let (x, y)
| Production [TerminalSymbol "GOSUB"; _; Parsed x] -> Immediate <| Gosub x
| Production (TerminalSymbol "REM" :: _) -> Immediate <| Rem
| Immediate (Command _) as x -> x
| _ -> syntaxError s
let parseLine s = function
| Production [EmptyMatch; _; x; _; EmptyMatch] -> x
| Production [Parsed (Number x); _; Immediate y; _; EmptyMatch] -> Line (x, y)
| _ -> syntaxError s
line <- number? space statement space <epsilon> { parseLine }
statement <- print / if / goto / input / let / gosub / rem / command { parseStatement }
print <- printkey space expr-list
if <- ifkey space predicate space "THEN" space statement
goto <- gotokey space expression
input <- inputkey space var-list
let <- letkey space var space '=' space expression
gosub <- gosubkey space expression
rem <- remkey <anychar>*
command <- ({Lu} / {Ll})+ { (fun (s:string) _ -> Immediate <| Command (s.ToUpper())) }
printkey <- [Pp] [Rr] ([Ii] [Nn] [Tt])? { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "PRINT") }
ifkey <- [Ii] [Ff] { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "IF") }
gotokey <- [Gg] [Oo] [Tt] [Oo] { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "GOTO") }
inputkey <- [Ii] [Nn] ([Pp] [Uu] [Tt])? { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "INPUT") }
letkey <- ([Ll] [Ee] [Tt])? { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "LET") }
gosubkey <- [Gg] [Oo] [Ss] [Uu] [Bb] { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "GOSUB") }
remkey <- ([Rr] [Ee] [Mm]) / "'" { (fun _ _ -> TerminalSymbol "REM") }
expr-list <- (string / expression) (space [,;] space (string / expression))* space [,;]? { parseExprList }
var-list <- var (space ',' space var)* { parseVarList }
predicate <- expression space relop space expression { parsePredicate }
expression <- term (space [+-] space term)* { parseBinary }
term <- unary (space [*/] space unary)* { parseBinary }
unary <- [+-]? space factor { parseUnary }
factor <- var / number / ('(' space expression space ')') { parseFactor }
var <- {Lu} / {Ll} { (fun (s:string) _ -> Parsed <| (Variable (s.ToUpperInvariant()))) }
number <- {Nd}+ { (fun s _ -> Parsed <| Number (Int32.Parse(s))) }
relop <- "<>" / "<=" / '<' / "><" / ">=" / '>' / '='
string <- '\"' ((!'\"' <anychar>) / "\"\"")* '\"' { parseString }
space <- [ \t]* { (fun _ _ -> EmptyMatch) }
type Context (program:(int * Statement * string) list, variables:Map<string,Expression>, next:int, stack:int list) =
member this.Program = program
member this.Variables = variables
member this.Next = next
member this.Stack = stack
let comparison op =
let fn = match op with | ">" -> (>) | ">=" -> (>=) | "<>" | "><" -> (<>) | "<" -> (<) | "<=" -> (<=) | "=" -> (=) | x -> failwithf "Unexpected operator %A" x
(fun a b -> if fn a b then -1 else 0)
let rec evalAsNumber (context:Context) x =
match evalExpression context x with
| Number a -> a
| a -> failwithf "Expecting number not %A" a
and evalExpression (context:Context) = function
| Number _ as x -> x
| Variable x -> match Map.tryFind x context.Variables with | Some y -> y | None -> Number 0
| String _ as x -> x
| Binary (x, op, y) ->
let left = evalAsNumber context x
let right = evalAsNumber context y
let fn = match op with | "+" -> (+) | "-" -> (-) | "*" -> (*) | "/" -> (/) | a -> comparison a
Number <| fn left right
| Unary ("+", x) -> evalExpression context x
| Unary ("-", x) -> Number <| -evalAsNumber context x
| PrintSeparator _ as x -> x
| x -> failwith "Internal Error"
let listProgram (context:Context) = for (_,_,o) in context.Program do printfn "%s" o
let setVariable (context:Context) name value = Context(context.Program, Map.add name value context.Variables, context.Next, context.Stack)
let setLine (context:Context) line = Context(context.Program, context.Variables, line, context.Stack)
let setGosub (context:Context) line = Context(context.Program, context.Variables, line, (context.Next :: context.Stack))
let gosubReturn (context:Context) =
match context.Stack with
| [] -> failwith "RETURN without GOSUB"
| (head :: tail) -> Context(context.Program, context.Variables, head, tail)
let findLine (context:Context) = List.tryFind (fun (l, _, _) -> l >= context.Next) context.Program
let rec runProgram (context:Context) =
if context.Next < 0 then context
match findLine context with
| Some (n, s, _) -> evalImmediate (setLine context (n + 1)) s |> runProgram
| None -> setLine context -1
and evalImmediate context = function
| Command "CLEAR" -> Context([], Map.empty, 0, [])
| Command "LIST" ->
listProgram context
| Command "RUN" -> runProgram <| setLine context 0
| Command "END" -> Context(context.Program, context.Variables, -1, [])
| Command "RETURN" -> gosubReturn context
| Command x -> failwithf "Unknown command %A" x
| Goto x ->
let cp = setLine context <| evalAsNumber context x
if context.Next < 0 then runProgram cp else cp
| Gosub x ->
let cp = setGosub context <| evalAsNumber context x
if context.Next < 0 then runProgram cp else cp
| Let (x,y) -> setVariable context x <| evalExpression context y
| Print x ->
let rec doPrint = function
| [] -> printfn ""
| [PrintSeparator ";"] -> ()
| [PrintSeparator ","] -> printf "\t"
| (head :: tail) ->
match head with
| Number n -> printf "%d" n
| String s -> printf "%s" s
| PrintSeparator "," -> printf "\t"
| PrintSeparator ";" -> ()
| _ -> failwithf "Eval error %A" head
doPrint tail
doPrint <| (evalExpression context) x
| If (x, y) ->
match evalExpression context x with
| Number 0 -> context
| Number _ -> evalImmediate context y
| a -> failwithf "Eval error %A" a
| Input x ->
let rec doInput context = function
| [] -> context
| (head :: tail) ->
printf "?"
match Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine()) with
| (true, i) -> doInput (setVariable context head (Number i)) tail
| (false, _) -> failwith "Input error"
doInput context x
| Rem -> context
let addLine (context:Context) l s o =
let rec insertLine = function
| [] -> [(l,s,o)]
| ((currLine, _, _) as curr :: tail) ->
if currLine = l then ((l,s,o) :: tail)
else if currLine < l then (curr :: insertLine tail)
else ((l,s,o) :: curr :: tail)
Context(insertLine context.Program, context.Variables, context.Next, context.Stack)
let rec runBasic context =
printf "?"
let line = Console.ReadLine()
if line.StartsWith("!") then
match line.[1..].Split([|' '|], 2) with
| [|"load"; file|] ->
let lines = Seq.ofArray <| System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
let program = Seq.fold (fun c l -> match parse l with | (Line (x, y), _) -> ((x, y, l) :: c) | _ -> failwith "Error reading file") [] lines
runBasic <| Context(List.rev program, Map.empty, 0, [])
| [|"save"; file|] ->
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(file, (fun (_,_,l) -> l) context.Program)
runBasic context
| [|"quit"; file|] | [|"exit"; file|] -> ()
| _ -> printfn "Did not understand %A" line
runBasic context
match parse line with
| (Immediate x, _) ->
runBasic <| evalImmediate context x
| (Line (x, y), _) ->
runBasic <| addLine context x y line
| (Unmatched, _) ->
printfn "Syntax error"
runBasic context
| x -> printfn "%A" x
runBasic context
| ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message
runBasic context
printfn "Running Tiny Basic (F# edition)"
runBasic <| Context([], Map.empty, 0, [])
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