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Created January 23, 2014 15:20
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Save RinkeHoekstra/8580324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small script to evaluate whether the output of SampLD based on the triple-guessing approach makes any sense compared to firing queries against the samples. Prerequisites: * `pip install beautifulsoup4` * `pip install SPARQLWrapper`
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>3.0</nbformat>
# <codecell>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc = open('results.html','r').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc)
# <codecell>
import re
cols = 15
# The array of graph names that we intend to check
# Needs to be in the same order as the columns in results.html
graphs = ["http://swdf_resourceContext_indegree"]
# The graphs with the old names
#graphs = ["http://df_so-so_unweighted_directed_indegree_max-50-47.nt",
# "http://df_so-so_unweighted_directed_outdegree_max-50-49.nt",
# "http://df_so-so_unweighted_directed_pagerank_max-50-50.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litWithPred_unweighted_directed_indegree_max_max-50-50.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litWithPred_unweighted_directed_outdegree_max_max-50-48.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litWithPred_unweighted_directed_pagerank_max_max-50-50.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsNode_unweighted_directed_indegree_max_max-50-48.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsNode_unweighted_directed_outdegree_max_max-50-48.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsNode_unweighted_directed_pagerank_max_max-50-50.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsLit_unweighted_directed_indegree_max_max-50-47.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsLit_unweighted_directed_outdegree_max_max-50-48.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-litAsLit_unweighted_directed_pagerank_max_max-50-48.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-noLit_unweighted_directed_indegree_max_max-50-47.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-noLit_unweighted_directed_outdegree_max_max-50-46.nt",
# "http://df_s-o-noLit_unweighted_directed_pagerank_max_max-50-50.nt"]
regex = r"FROM .*\nFROM .*?\n"
endpoint = ""
# <codecell>
rows = soup.find_all('tr')
queries = []
for row in rows:
if len(row.find_all('td')) == 0 :
query_id = row.find_all('td')[0].text
# The cols array should contain all columns that we want to check
# These should correspond 1:1 to the graphs array defined above!!!
# The below is to get only a single column. For some odd reason the find_all function does not return a list of length one,
# but just a single element. Really annoying, but in any case, hence the extra brackets.
cols = [row.find_all('td')[11]]
# The below is to get all sample-columns, excluding the random sample and the other one whose name I keep forgetting
#cols = row.find_all('td')[7:10]
for col in cols :
index = cols.index(col)
recall = float(col.find('span').text)
query = col['title']
specific_query = re.sub(regex,'FROM <{}>\n'.format(graphs[index]),query)
queries.append({'id': query_id, 'sample': graphs[index], 'recall': recall, 'query': query, 'specific_query': specific_query})
# <codecell>
print "Found {} query/sample combinations".format(len(queries))
# <codecell>
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
import csv
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint)
w = csv.writer(open('evaluation.csv','w'),delimiter=';',quotechar='"',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
w.writerow(['id','reported recall','original results','sample results','expected recall','sample graph','query'])
for q in queries:
results = sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings']
specific_results = sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings']
row = [q['id'],q['recall'], len(results), len(specific_results), float(len(specific_results))/float(len(results)), q['sample'], q['specific_query']]
# Prints a row, but leaves out the query, as that makes things hard to understand.
print row[:-1]
# <codecell>
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