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Created November 3, 2021 04:37
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library(sf) # spatial data
library(tidyverse) # wrangling/cleaning
library(colorspace) # for lightern()
library(showtext) # google fonts
library(osmdata) # to get shapes
library(polylabelr) # to get pole of inacessibility (point furthest from any edge, to give us an idea of the distance between water lines)
library(purrr) # to add a bunch of buffer lines automatically
font_add_google("Assistant", regular.wt = 300)
water_fill <- "#FAFDFF"
water_outline <- "#89A4B2"
# bounding box du québec pour nos recherches openstreet map
bb <- getbb("Quebec, Canada", format_out = "sf_polygon")
bb <- bb[1,] # garder le polygone de la province de québec
# download lac st jean polygon
lac_st_jean_results <- bb %>%
opq() %>%
add_osm_feature("name" , "Lac Saint-Jean") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
.$osm_multipolygons %>%
filter(osm_id == 58214)
# which crs?
#' get_utm_crs returns the crs for a UTM in the northern hemisphere. Example: Montreal is in UTM zone 18, thus crs 32618
#' @param longitude
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_utm_crs <- function(longitude){ 32600 + ceiling((longitude - -180)/ 6)} # pour calculer des buffers ronds en mètres comme dans le day 5 de
# la UTM zone (genre 19N pour québec à longitude -71 se trouve en comptant combien de zones de 6 degrés de longitude tu es à partir de -180 degrés... le CRS c'est 32600 + numéro de zone)
my_crs <- get_utm_crs(st_centroid(lac_st_jean_results) %>% st_coordinates() %>% .[1])
# answer: UTM 18N
# reproject to the best UTM (18N)
lac_st_jean.sf <- lac_st_jean_results %>%
st_transform(crs = my_crs)
# here is my add_water_line() function and add_water_lines() wrapper
add_water_line <- function(data, buffer, lighten=0.1){
geom_sf(data = data %>% st_buffer(buffer), fill = NA,
color = lighten(water_outline, lighten), lwd = 0.35
add_water_lines <- function(data, buffers = c(-300), lightens = c(0.1)){
z <- tibble(data = list(data), buffers, lightens)
purrr::pmap(list(data = z$data, buffer = z$buffers, lighten = z$lightens), add_water_line)
# ok let's plot with a bunch of water lines
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = lac_st_jean.sf,fill = water_fill)+
# the pole of inaccessiblity could be a good candidate to display the text labels.. but not this time.
# geom_sf(data = poi(lac_st_jean.sf)[[1]] %>% as_tibble() %>% st_as_sf(coords= c(lon = "x", lat = "y"),crs = my_crs)) +
geom_sf_text(data = st_centroid(lac_st_jean.sf), aes(label = "Lac Saint-Jean"), color = water_outline, family = "Assistant", size = 7) +
buffers = c(-300,
lightens = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9))+
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Manually add buffers like an animal")
## let's try to add the buffers automatically
# to do this, i figure out where the pole of inaccessibility is (point furthest away from the polygon)
# then we look at how far the point is from the polygon (here: 8000 meters)
# and add buffer at 1/30, 2/30, 3/30, 4/50 and 5/30 of that distance
add_default_water_lines <- function(data){
distance_between_pole_of_inacessibility_and_polygon <- polylabelr::poi(data)[[1]]$dist
z <- tibble(data = list(data),
buffers = distance_between_pole_of_inacessibility_and_polygon / 30 * seq(from=-1, to = -5),
lightens = c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
purrr::pmap(list(data = z$data, buffer = z$buffers, lighten = z$lightens), add_water_line)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = lac_st_jean.sf,fill = water_fill)+
geom_sf_text(data = st_centroid(lac_st_jean.sf), aes(label = "Lac Saint-Jean"), color = water_outline, family = "Assistant", size = 7) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Automatically pick buffer distance")
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