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Last active March 15, 2018 21:41
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A guide on how to party with rabbits

Party Rabbit!

So you've got the party rabbit for the day, huh? It's time to party!


  • Requires you to have the ruby gem terminal-notifier installed
  • Requires you to have an environment variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN set in your .bash_profile
    • This is a crontab requirement as it does not have access to all of the environment variables that your normal shell session has.
    • If you are using fish and this is in your, you MUST copy it into your .bash_profile.
    • If you are using zsh and your environment variables are exported in a .zshrc file, that's fine, just change line 4 of the snippet below to be source $HOME/.zshrc.


Bash Script

Feel free to take these instructions less literally if you have a different place that you like to store your executable functions. The overall goal is to get an executable bash script that crontab will be able to pick up and run.

  1. Navigate to cd /usr/local/bin

  2. touch

  3. Open that file

  4. Paste in the following code and save the file:

    source $HOME/.bash_profile
    curl=`curl -H "Authorization: bearer $GITHUB_API_TOKEN" -X GET`
    needs_review_count=`echo $curl | grep -c "review requested"`
    if [ $needs_review_count != "0" ]; then
      if [ $needs_review_count = "1" ]; then
      terminal-notifier -message "You have $needs_review_count new $pr_text to review. Click to go to GitHub." -title "Time to party!" -open
  5. Make it executable with chmod u+x

Trigger functions

Add the following fish function that will trigger crontab to run the script above every hour.

  • If you want to test this at first by running it every minute, change the first 0 to a *.
  • If you put your executable script at a different path, make sure you reflect that here
  • The >/dev/null 2>&1 ensure that you won't get any terminal mail created when this runs
function party_on
  echo "0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1" | crontab

This function will turn it off again:

function party_off
  crontab -r

If you use zsh or bash, the only difference is how you define the function, such as:

function party_on() {
  echo "0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/" | crontab


If you're on duty with the Party Rabbit, run party_on at the beginning of the day. Every hour, on the hour, you will receive a Mac notification only if there are pull requests with the review requested label applied. When the notification pops you, you can click it to be taken to the pull requests page on GitHub. At the end of the day, run party_off to turn the notifications off!

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